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Abstract— 3D point cloud segmentation is the process of In computer vision, segmenting 2D images is a classic
classifying point clouds into multiple homogeneous regions, the problem and has been studied for several decades. It attracts
points in the same region will have the same properties. The a significant amount of work [10] [40] [27]. One of the most
segmentation is challenging because of high redundancy, uneven
sampling density, and lack explicit structure of point cloud popular approach is graph clustering (e.g. Graph Cuts [4]
data. This problem has many applications in robotics such as including Normalised Cuts [36] and Min Cuts [14]). The idea
intelligent vehicles, autonomous mapping and navigation. Many of these methods have been used widely to segmenting 3D
authors have introduced different approaches and algorithms. point cloud data [9] [12] [44]. However, Anand [2] showed
In this survey, we examine methods that have been proposed that when a 2D image is formed from the corresponding 3D
to segment 3D point clouds. The advantages, disadvantages,
and design mechanisms of these methods are analyzed and world, we will lost a lot of valuable information about the
discussed. Finally, we outline the promising future research 3D shape and geometric layout of objects.
directions. The work of Anguelov [9] suggested a 3D point cloud
segmentation algorithm should have three important proper-
I. INTRODUCTION ties. First, the algorithm should be able to take advantage
Fully three dimensional scanners are now widely available. of several qualitatively different kinds of features, such as
In particular, with scanners such as Light Detection and trees will have distinguished features from cars. When the
Ranging (LIDAR) and Microsoft Kinect, 3D point clouds number of features grows, segmentation algorithm should be
can be easily acquired for different purposes. The explosion able to learn how to trade them off automatically. Second,
of point cloud data need a library to process them. Point segmentation algorithm should be able to infer the label of
Cloud Library (PCL) [11] was introduced in 2011. This points which lie in sparsely sampled regions based on the
library contains state of the art algorithms for 3D perception. information of their neighbors. Third, the segmentation algo-
With the development of hardware and PCL, processing point rithm should adapt to the particular 3D scanner used, because
clouds gains more and more attraction in robotics, as well different laser scanners produce qualitatively different point
as other fields. cloud data, and they may have different properties even with
The segmentation of point clouds into foreground and the same scene.
background is a fundamental step in processing 3D point In the next section, we outline the main challenges of
clouds. Given the set of point clouds, the objective of the the field as these motivate the various approaches. Then,
segmentation process is to cluster points with similar char- we briefly describe the common available 3D point cloud
acteristics into homogeneous regions. These isolated regions datasets. We classify and discuss in detail segmentation
should be meaningful. The segmentation process could be methods in section 3. While many works have been proposed,
helpful for analyzing the scene in various aspects such as we do not intend to give complete coverage of all works in
locating and recognizing objects, classification, and feature the area. In section 4, we discuss limitations of the state of
extraction. the art and outline future directions.
In computer graphics, intensive researches have been done
to decompose 3D model into functionally meaningful re- II. CHALLENGES AND DATASETS
gions. The general way is build a graph from the input mesh,
and cluster the graph to produce a segmentation by using A. Challenges
information such as normal direction, smoothness, or concav-
We can precisely determine the shape, size and other
ity along boundaries. Shamir [7] survey variety of methods
properties of the objects in 3D data. However, segmenting
have been proposed for this problem: convex decomposition,
objects in 3D point clouds is not a trivial task. The point
watershed analysis, hierarchical clustering, region growing,
cloud data are usually noisy, sparse, and unorganized. The
and spectral clustering. Many of these approaches have been
sampling density of points is also typically uneven due to
used widely to segment point cloud data, especially in region
varying linear and angular rates of the scanner. In addition,
based methods [26] [32] [21] [19] [43].
the surface shape can be arbitrary with sharp features and
1 Anh Nguyen is Graduate Research Fellow at Computer Science De- there is no statistical distribution pattern in the data [31].
partment, Information Technology Faculty, University of Science, Vietnam Moreover, due to the limitations of the 3D sensors, the
nqanh@fit.hcmus.edu.vn foreground is often highly entangled with the background.
2 Dr. Bac Le is Associate Professor and dean of Computer Science De-
partment, Information Technology Faculty, University of Science, Vietnam These problems present a difficult challenge when designing
lhbac@fit.hcmus.edu.vn a segmentation algorithm.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 1. Example scenes of (a) Cornell RGBD dataset, (b) VMR-Oakland dataset, (c) KITTI dataset, and (d) Robotic 3D Scan Repository
points based on their normal vector and its its distance to C. Attributes based methods
the growing plane. Attributes based methods are robust approaches based
Pu [43] adopted the planar surface growing algorithm [24] on clustering attributes of point cloud data. These methods
for segmenting terrestrial laser data. Many important proper- include two separate steps. The first step is attribute computa-
ties of point cloud data were retrieved from the segments to tion, in the second step, point clouds will be clustered based
recognize potential building features. Ning [15] proposed a on the computed attributes. The clustering methods offer
method includes two stages as rough and detail segmentation. flexibility in accommodating spatial relation and attributes
Rough segmentation is used to extract main objects in the to incorporate different cues into the segmentation process.
scene based on the consensus of normal vector in the same A limitation of these approaches is they are highly dependent
plane. Detailed segmentation is used as a refined process to on the quality of derived attributes. The attributes of point
extract finer information for object components. The work cloud data should be computed precisely to produce the best
of Dorninger [16] reduced the time complexity by using separation among different classes.
a sequential implementation of the clustering algorithm. Biosca [28] introduced a new strategy for segmentation of
This method segments the original points by hierarchical a terrestrial laser point clouds by using unsupervised clus-
clustering and coarse contour information. tering approach and fuzzy algorithms. This method adapts
parameters of fuzzy algorithms to use in combination with a
Seeded-region approaches are highly dependent on se- cluster merging method. The result of this method are shown
lected seed points. Inaccurate choosing seed points will to be promising but it relies on choosing correct parameters
affect the segmentation process and can cause under or over and is time consuming.
segmentation. Choosing seed points as well as controlling the Filin [34] proposed a methodology for clustering laser data
growing process is time consuming. The segmented results surfaces. This approach uses surface texture measures and
could be sensitive to the chosen compatibility thresholds. does not require limiting the data volume that is processed
Another difficulty is to decide whether to add points in a or defining windows to identify surface texture in the data. It
given region, since the decision is done locally which is can cope with the varying point density and operates on the
susceptible to noise. laser points directly without rasterization. An improvement
of this approach can be found in [23]. This work proposed
Unseeded-region methods, on the contrary, base on the
a segmentation method based cluster analysis in a feature
top-down approach. First, all points are grouped into one
space. In this method, the normal vectors are derived using
region. Then the subdivision process starts to divide it
a neighborhood system called slope adaptive. Neighborhood
into smaller regions. As long as a chosen figure of merit
among the measured points is defined using attributes of
for fitting is higher than a threshold, region subdivision
point cloud data, e.g., distance, point density, and horizontal
is continued. Chen [8] used this method in guiding the
or vertical point distribution. Then, the slopes of the normal
process of clustering planar regions to reconstruct complete
vector in each directions and height difference between
geometry of architectural buildings. This work introduces a
the point and its neighbourhood are used as the clustering
segmentation method based on confidence rate of the local
attributes. This method can eliminate the influence of outliers
area to be planar. A limitation of this method is it may
or noise.
have over segmentation and it does not perform well when
Vosselman [25] used 3D version of the well known Hough
segment other objects such as trees.
transform for segmentation of planar surfaces in a laser point
The main difficulty of unseeded-region methods are to cloud data. In this method, each point is redefined as a
decide where and how to subdivide. Another limitation of plane in the 3D attribute space. Thought experiments, authors
these methods is they require a large amount of a prior showed that this method successfully extracts planar faces
knowledge (e.g., object models, number of regions, etc.) from the irregularly distributed point clouds, but it sometimes
which are usually unknown in complex scenes. leads to over segmentation results.
Attributes based methods are the robust approach for E. Graph based methods
grouping points into homogeneous regions. Their results are
Graph based methods consider the point clouds in terms
flexible and accurate. However, these methods rely on the
of a graph. A simple model is each vertex corresponds to a
definition of neighbourhood between points and the point
point in the data and the edges connect to certain pairs of
density of point cloud data. Another limitation of these meth-
neighboring points. Graph based methods are accurate and
ods is time consuming when dealing with multidimensional
gain popularity for robotic applications due to its efficiency.
attributes for a massive amount of input points.
A well-known of this approach is FH algorithm [46]. This
D. Model based methods algorithm is simple, efficient, and operates like Kruskal’s
Model based methods use geometric primitive shapes (e.g. algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree in a graph.
sphere, cone, plane, and cylinder) for grouping points. The Golovinskiy [38] used k-nearest neighbours (KNN) to
points which have the same mathematical representation are build a 3D graph on the point cloud. This method introduces
grouped as one segment. Fischer [5] introduced a well known a penalty function to encourage smooth segmentation where
algorithm called RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus). the foreground is weakly connected to the background, and
RANSAC is a robust model and is used to detect mathe- minimize it with min-cut. This method can be run fully
matical features like straight lines, circles, etc. This method automatically, or interactively with a user interface but it
is now the state of the art for model fitting. In 3D point requires prior knowledge on the location of the objects to be
cloud segmentation, many subsequent works have inherited segmented.
this initial algorithm. In [18], Strom et al. extended graph based method to seg-
Schnabel et al. [30] proposed an algorithm that used ment colored 3D laser point clouds. By using co-registered
RANSAC for segmenting both mesh and point cloud data. sensors, this work proposed a segment union criterion based
This method can automatically detect basic shapes in un- on color and surface normals. It can successfully segment
organized point clouds, it includes speed optimization step colored point clouds of both indoor and outdoor scenes.
while still maintains the accuracy of the result. This method The experiment showed that it can run in real time, and is
is robust with outliers in point cloud data or even with high considerably more robust than segmenting either laser data
degree of noise. A drawback of this method is it has to scales alone or color image alone. The limitations of this method is
well to the size of the input point clouds and the size of the it requires a complex sensors system and the segmentation
shapes within the data. results are sensitive with color information.
To expand the restriction of primitive shapes, Gelfand et Many works on graph based methods are cast into a
al. presented in [42] a method to detect slippable shapes. probabilistic inference model such as Conditional Random
Slippable shapes are defined as rotationally and translation- Fields (CRF) [41]. Rusu et al. [12] proposed an approach
ally symmetrical shapes and include: sphere, helix, plane, for labeling points with different geometric surface primitives
cylinder, linear extrusions, and surfaces of revolution. This using CRF. Like Nurunnabi [1], this method based on surface
idea can be used to segment point cloud data contain com- segmentation, it extracted feature descriptor called Fast Point
plex shape structure by merging initial slippable surfaces. Feature Histograms (FPFH) [6] to encode the local surface
However, its accuracy relies on the selection of the size of geometry around a point. By defining classes of 3D geo-
the initial patches, which is hard to determine. metric surfaces, and making use of contextual information
Tarsha-Kurdi [17] compared RANSAC and 3D Hough using CRF, this method is successfully segment and label
transform for automatically detect roof planes from point 3D points based on their surfaces even with noisy data.
cloud laser data. Despite the limitation encountered in both Schoenberg et al. [44] presented and algorithm to segment
methods, RANSAC is more efficient in both segmented 3D points in dense range data generated from the fusion of
results and running time. It can process a large amount of a single optical camera and a laser scanner. This method
input data in negligible time. In the other hand, 3D Hough uses Markov Random Field [3] to estimate a 3D point cor-
transform is slower and more sensitive to the segmentation responding to each image pixel. Textured dense point clouds
parameters values. are generated from interpolating sparse laser range finder
The work by Li et al. [33] presented an algorithm for data constrained by an aligned optical image. The weights
globally consolidating the results obtained by the RANSAC on graph are computed as a combination of Euclidean dis-
method. In this approach, RANSAC is used for local fitting tances, pixel intensity differences and angles between surface
of primitives. The global coupling corrects the primitives ob- normals estimated at each point. This method successfully
tained in the local RANSAC stage, and brings them to precise segment point clouds in a complex urban environment with
global alignment. This technique could be used to refine the near real time performance.
parameters of the fitted primitives when segmenting point To compare with other methods, graph based methods can
clouds. segment complex scenes in point cloud data include noise or
Model based methods have purely mathematical principle. uneven density with better results. However, these methods
They are fast and robust with outliers. The main limitation of are usually can not run in real time. Some of them may need
these methods is their inaccuracy when dealing with different offline training step or require special co-registered sensors
point cloud sources. and camera system.
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