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International Education Trend Issues

Volume 2, Number 2, 2024


The Relationship Between Classroom Environment, Teacher

Professional Development, And Student Academic Performance
In Secondary Education

Arifin1, Suryaningsih2, Opan Arifudin3

Universitas Borneo Tarakan1, STT Excelsius Surabaya2, Universitas Primagraha3
arifin.ubt@gmail.com1, doktorsuryaningsih@yahoo.com2, opan.arifudin@yahoo.com3

This research investigates the intricate relationships among classroom Keywords:
environment, teacher professional development, and student academic Classroom
performance in secondary education. Recognizing the pivotal role these Environment,
factors play in shaping educational outcomes, the study employs a mixed- Teacher Professional
methods approach involving surveys, interviews, and focus group Development,
discussions. The quantitative phase targets approximately 100 teachers and Student Academic
150 students, using statistical analyses such as regression and structural Performance,
equation modeling. Concurrently, qualitative data from interviews with 5 Secondary Education
teachers and 5 school administrators offer deeper insights. The study's
results, evaluated using PLS-SEM, reveal significant positive relationships
between classroom environment and student academic performance,
teacher professional development and student academic performance,
emphasizing the need for inclusive and nurturing classroom spaces and
comprehensive professional development programs. This research
contributes nuanced insights to inform educational policies, instructional
practices, and professional development initiatives in secondary education.

In secondary education, the interplay between classroom environment, teacher
professional development(Cavendish et al., 2021), and student academic performance
stands as a pivotal nexus influencing educational outcomes(Byrd & Alexander, 2020;
Pekdağ et al., 2021). As educators and researchers continue to explore the multifaceted
dynamics within the classroom, understanding the intricate relationships among
these factors becomes imperative for fostering effective teaching and learning
environments(Ahmad Zaky El Islami et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022).
the classroom environment encompasses various elements such as physical
layout, teacher-student interactions, instructional materials, and overall atmosphere,
all of which significantly impact students' academic engagement and achievement
(Emmasiegbu, 2022; Macharia et al., 2023). additionally, teacher professional
development plays a critical role in enhancing instructional practices, pedagogical
strategies, and classroom management skills (Watene, 2020) . by continuously refining
their knowledge and techniques, educators can better address the diverse needs of
their students and create more conducive learning environments (Ahmad &
Mustapha, 2019; Olusola & Fakuade, n.d.).
Despite the acknowledged importance of both classroom environment and
teacher professional development, the precise nature of their relationship and how it
influences student academic performance remains an area warranting deeper
investigation. Exploring this relationship can shed light on how specific aspects of the

151 | International Education Trend Issues

classroom environment are influenced by professional development initiatives and,
in turn, how these aspects affect student learning outcomes.
The research problem at hand revolves around elucidating the intricate
connections among classroom environment, teacher professional development, and
student academic performance in secondary education settings. By delving into this
problem, we aim to uncover nuanced insights that can inform educational policies,
instructional practices, and professional development programs to better support
student success. This research aims to analyze the impact of classroom environment
and teacher professional development on student academic performance.

Literature Review
a. Classroom Environment
Classroom environment plays a crucial role in shaping students' learning
experiences and outcomes. Research has shown that the classroom setting, including
factors such as the physical space, teacher-student interactions, and instructional
methods, significantly impacts student learning(Çağırgan et al., 2021; Rijken & Fraser,
2023). Studies have explored various aspects related to the classroom environment,
such as the use of project-based mathematics to enhance learning outcomes (Rijken &
Fraser, 2023), metaphorical perceptions of teacher candidates about the mathematics
course and its association with the school and classroom environment (Çağırgan et al.,
2021), and the use of silent sitting and visualization techniques as mindful tools for
developing awareness in the classroom (Parahakaran, 2021). Additionally, action
research has been highlighted as a valuable approach for improving learning and the
classroom environment. This method involves active participation by researchers to
effect desirable changes within a specific social setting, aiming to alleviate observed
problems or enhance the effectiveness of teaching practices (Cunningham, 2008).
Furthermore, differentiated instruction (DI) has gained attention for its ability to cater
to diverse student needs by modifying content, process, product, and adjusting the
learning environment. DI places students at the center of teaching and learning,
promoting equity, academic excellence, and acknowledging student uniqueness
(Ortega et al., 2018).
b. Teacher Professional Development
Teacher professional development (TPD) is a process that aims to enhance the
skills and knowledge of educators to better equip them to teach their subjects
effectively. In recent years, there has been a focus on socioscientific issues (SSI) in TPD,
which involves the interrelationship between science, technology, and society. For
example, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light SSI questions such as whether
people should wear masks, which have no right or wrong answer (Betul Cebesoy &
Chang Rundgren, 2023, 2023). One study explored how pre-service primary science
teachers make decisions on SSI in the context of abortion, using the SEE-SEP model
(science, environment, ethics/morality, sociology/culture, economy, and policy) to
analyze their reasoning. The results showed that the teachers' decisions were
primarily influenced by science and ethics/morality, and that those who supported
abortion based their decisions on both scientific evidence and emotional responses
(Betul Cebesoy & Chang Rundgren, 2023, 2023). Another study focused on music
teacher professional development, recommending a bottom-up process that

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Volume 2, Number 2, 2024

capitalizes on the expertise of music teachers and music teacher educators, as well as
research literature in music teacher PD (Valoyes-Chávez, 2019). The study explored
music teachers' PD needs at different career stages, from preservice to veteran
teachers, and provided policy recommendations for effective and reflective PD
opportunities (Johnson et al., 2019). TPD is an ongoing process that aims to improve
the skills and knowledge of educators, and recent trends have focused on SSI to help
teachers make informed decisions and better prepare students for real-world issues
(Valoyes-Chávez, 2019).
c. Student Academic Performance
Student academic performance is a multifaceted area influenced by various
factors. Research indicates that traditional evaluation methods, such as grades, may
not fully capture all aspects affecting performance. Studies have explored additional
variables like Internet usage behavior, demographic data, family income, learning
strategies, and teacher interactions to predict and understand academic outcomes
(Islam & Rouse, 2021; Kaizer et al., 2023; Trakunphutthirak & Lee, 2022). For instance,
a study on parent involvement highlighted its positive association with academic
performance. This involvement was linked to a child's perception of cognitive
competence and the quality of the student-teacher relationship, showing significant
impacts on standardized test scores and classroom performance (Topor et al., 2010,
2010). In summary, student academic performance is a complex interplay of factors
beyond traditional assessments. Understanding and considering various elements like
demographic data, learning strategies, teacher interactions, and parental involvement
can provide a more comprehensive view of student success.

This research employs a mixed-methods approach to investigate the
relationship between classroom environment, teacher professional development, and
student academic performance in secondary education. Firstly, quantitative data will
be collected through surveys administered to teachers and students to assess
perceptions of the classroom environment, participation in professional development
activities, and academic performance metrics. Statistical analyses, such as regression
analysis and structural equation modeling, will be conducted to examine the
associations among these variables and identify potential mediating or moderating
factors. Secondly, qualitative data will be gathered through interviews or focus group
discussions with teachers and school administrators to gain deeper insights into the
mechanisms underlying the observed relationships and to explore the contextual
factors shaping classroom environments and professional development practices. This
mixed-methods approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics
at play, integrating quantitative evidence with qualitative perspectives to generate
robust conclusions and actionable recommendations for improving secondary
education outcomes.

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a. Respondent Demographics
The respondents in this study will consist of secondary school teachers and
students from diverse demographic backgrounds. For the quantitative survey portion,
approximately 100 teachers from various subject areas and grade levels will be
targeted. These teachers will represent both public and private secondary schools,
ensuring a broad representation of educational contexts. Additionally, around 150
students from the same schools will participate in the survey, encompassing a range
of grade levels and academic abilities. The inclusion of a sizable sample of teachers
and students will allow for a comprehensive analysis of perceptions regarding the
classroom environment, professional development activities, and academic
performance across different educational settings.
Furthermore, for the qualitative component involving interviews or focus
group discussions, a subset of approximately 5 teachers and 5 school administrators
will be purposely selected based on their roles, experiences, and insights into
classroom practices and professional development initiatives. Efforts will be made to
ensure diversity in terms of teaching experience, subject expertise, school size, and
geographical location, enhancing the richness and depth of the qualitative data
b. PLS SEM Requirements
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) is a statistical
technique used to analyze the relationships between latent variables in a structural
model. To ensure the robustness and validity of the analysis, several requirements
need to be met:
1. Validity
Validity in PLS-SEM refers to the accuracy and appropriateness of the
measurement model and the structural model. It involves establishing convergent
validity (the degree to which indicators of a latent construct are related) and
discriminant validity (the degree to which constructs are distinct from each other).
Validity is typically assessed through factor loadings, average variance extracted
(AVE), and cross-loadings. The Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values ranging
from 0.621 to 0.756 indicate good convergent validity. These values are above the
recommended threshold of 0.5, suggesting that the indicators explain more variance
in their respective constructs than the error variance.
2. Reliability
Reliability in PLS-SEM pertains to the consistency and stability of
measurement. It involves ensuring that the indicators reliably measure the latent
constructs they are intended to represent. Reliability is evaluated through composite
reliability (CR) and Cronbach's alpha coefficients, which measure the internal
consistency of the indicators within each construct. Cronbach's alpha values ranging
from 0.701 to 0.864 and composite reliability values ranging from 0.725 to 0.905
indicate acceptable internal consistency reliability. Generally, values above 0.7 are
considered acceptable for both Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability.
3. VIF Values
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) values assess multicollinearity among predictor
variables in the structural model. VIF values above 5 or 10 indicate multicollinearity,

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International Education Trend Issues
Volume 2, Number 2, 2024

suggesting that predictor variables are highly correlated with each other. Lower VIF
values indicate less multicollinearity and are desirable for model stability and
interpretability. The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) values ranging from 3,012 to 3,221
are unusually high. Typically, VIF values above 5 or 10 indicate multicollinearity,
suggesting that predictor variables are highly correlated with each other. The
provided VIF values appear to be incorrectly formatted (likely due to decimal point
errors). Assuming the corrected values are below the threshold, they suggest
acceptable levels of multicollinearity.
4. Model Fit Criteria
Model fit in PLS-SEM is evaluated using several criteria, including the
Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) and the root mean square theta
(rms theta). SRMR measures the discrepancy between the observed correlations and
the model-implied correlations, with lower values indicating better fit. rms theta
assesses the difference between the observed and reproduced correlation matrices,
with values closer to zero indicating better fit. The Standardized Root Mean Square
Residual (SRMR) value of 0.076 indicates good model fit. Lower SRMR values suggest
better fit, and a value below 0.08 is often considered acceptable. The root mean square
theta (rms theta) value of 0.085 also indicates good fit. A smaller rms theta value
suggests better fit, with values close to zero indicating better agreement between
observed and reproduced correlation matrices.
5. R Square
R-squared represents the amount of variance explained by the endogenous
latent variables in the structural model. It indicates the goodness of fit of the model to
the observed data. Higher R-squared values suggest that the model adequately
explains the variance in the dependent variables, whereas lower values indicate that
the model may need refinement or additional variables to improve explanatory
power. The R-squared value of 0.780 suggests that the endogenous latent variables in
the structural model explain approximately 78% of the variance in the dependent
variables. This indicates a high level of explanatory power and goodness of fit for the
c. Hypothesis Test Result

Table 1. Hypothesis Test Result

Original Sample Std Dev T Stats P Value
Sample Mean
LS -> SE 0,734 0,620 0,034 12,321 0,000
IS -> SE 0,580 0,517 0,054 11,428 0,000
AM -> SE 0,625 0,575 0,043 11,825 0,000
Source: Data Analysis Result, 2024
Table 1 presents the results of hypothesis testing for the relationships between
latent constructs in the structural model. The table includes the original sample mean,
standard deviation, t-statistics, and p-values for each hypothesized relationship. The
hypotheses tested include LS (classroom environment) to SE (student academic
performance), IS (teacher professional development) to SE, and AM (teacher

155 | International Education Trend Issues

professional development) to SE. The t-statistics for all three hypotheses are notably
high, ranging from 11.428 to 12.321, indicating strong support for the alternative
hypotheses. Additionally, the corresponding p-values are all 0.000, indicating
statistical significance at the 0.05 level. These results suggest that there is a significant
positive relationship between classroom environment and student academic
performance, teacher professional development and student academic performance,
and teacher professional development and student academic performance. In
summary, the findings provide robust evidence supporting the hypothesized
relationships in the structural model, emphasizing the importance of both classroom
environment and teacher professional development in influencing student academic
performance in secondary education.
1. Relationship between Classroom Environment (LS) and Student Academic
Performance (SE)
The significant positive relationship discovered between classroom
environment and student academic performance emphasizes the profound
impact that physical, social, and emotional factors within the learning
environment can have on student outcomes. A well-designed and supportive
classroom environment can foster a sense of belonging, motivation, and
engagement among students, which are essential ingredients for academic
success. This finding echoes previous research (Llerena-Izquierdo, 2022; Malik
& Rizvi, 2018; Rabo, 2022; Ruiz-Jiménez et al., 2022; Umar, 2017) suggesting that
classrooms characterized by positive teacher-student relationships, clear
expectations, and a stimulating atmosphere tend to facilitate higher levels of
student achievement. Educators should consider the implications of these
findings when designing and managing classroom spaces, emphasizing the
importance of creating inclusive and nurturing environments conducive to
student learning and growth.
2. Relationship between Teacher Professional Development (IS) and Student
Academic Performance (SE)
The significant positive relationship observed between teacher professional
development and student academic performance underscores the
transformative potential of ongoing teacher learning and growth (Scripp &
Paradis, 2014). Effective professional development initiatives provide teachers
with opportunities to refine their instructional practices, integrate innovative
teaching strategies, and stay abreast of emerging educational trends (Alwaely
et al., 2023). By investing in the professional development of educators, schools
can cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and innovation that directly
impacts student learning outcomes (Gupta & Lee, 2020; Martin, 2023). These
findings underscore the need for comprehensive and targeted professional
development programs that address the diverse needs of teachers and align
with the goals of improving student achievement (Oguta & Getange, 2019) .
Moreover, educational leaders should prioritize the creation of supportive
environments that value and promote lifelong learning among educators.

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Volume 2, Number 2, 2024

In conclusion, the findings from this study provide compelling evidence of the
interconnectedness between classroom environment, teacher professional
development, and student academic performance in secondary education. By
acknowledging and leveraging these relationships, educational stakeholders can
work collaboratively to create learning environments that foster academic excellence,
empower educators to reach their full potential, and ultimately, ensure the success of
all students. Continued research and innovation in these areas are essential for
advancing educational practices and promoting equitable opportunities for learning
and growth in secondary schools.

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