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Health Benefits of Probiotics

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Review Article http://www.alliedacademies.org/journal-bacteriology-infectious-diseases/

Health benefits of probiotics.

Endeshaw Abatenh*, Birhanu Gizaw, Zerihun Tsegay, Genene Tefera, Endegena Aynalem
Department of Microbiology, Ethiopia Biodiversity Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Probiotics are live cells refer to beneficial microorganisms that could have nutritional advantages
because of having different beneficiary characteristics. They also provide health when regulated
in sufficient sums. Probiotic strains exhibit powerful activity in human health improvement.
The main probiotic groups are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Pediococcus, Lactococcus, Bacillus
and yeasts strains which are used frequently. Probiotics recently have become a subject of great
interest in the field of microbiology, especially their role in normal physiology and its impact on
human health during infection. The utilization of probiotics has prompted promising outcomes
in countless well-designed clinical studies. For example, as a therapeutic option for the treatment,
forestall and control of various disorders and illnesses like, gastrointestinal diseases, allergy,
urogenital infections, Helicobacter pylori infection, inflammatory bowel syndrome and diarrhea
and colon cancer. Currently, it has become one of the fruit full and attractive research area as it
can prevent and treat communicable and non-communicable human diseases. Different clinical
study outcome supports this idea. The results of such extensively studied and explored could
demonstrate the improvement of health and quality of life. Their prospective potential application
is in functional foods for better health and nutrition of the society. This review presents all the
information on probiotics use in human clinical traits and their functional application in health
areas all information are presented. This article outlines the currently available data on the
potential advantages of probiotics for health.

Keywords: Probiotics, Diseases, Mechanism, Safety, Gastro intestinal track, Lactic acid bacteria

Accepted February 26, 2018

Introduction useful in reducing the risk of specific diseases, mitigating both

objective and subjective symptoms. Probiotic microorganisms
Probiotics refer to harmless live normal flora /microorganisms
are usually available as culture concentrates in dried or deep-
that provide a health benefit on the host, when administered
freeze form to be added to a food matrix. Probiotics are studied
in adequate amounts and it also leads to have nutritional
advantages. Regular utilization of food containing probiotic profoundly their function in enhancing all over immune system
microorganisms is recommended to build a positive balance of [5,6]. The normal flora in GIT contribute significant role in the
the population of useful or beneficial microbes in the intestinal maintenance of health. These are structure and histological
flora. Probiotic microorganisms such as Bifidobacterium and function, metabolic functions and protective functions which is
Lactobacillus strains are belongs here, it is found in GIT and with the aid of microbes, enteric toxin reduction and cleansing
food supplements, it is highly mind boggling and diverse, its takes place inside the body.
composition and number differs. The gut microbiota plays a Probiotics are usually introduced to food, condiments
critical part in upkeep of human health [1-3]. and beverages as a component of fermentation process at
Definitive objectives of microbiological interventions through appropriate stage. Due to their long time survival and multi-
probiotics might be to balance out or improve/ reestablish purpose capacity. There are different rout of administered
microbial community structure, composition and function in a mechanisms based on age class interval. It can be taken orally
body. In addition to these bring down pathogen invasion and in the form of capsule or probiotic food. In order to crate and
colonization/development. Probiotic microorganisms have been supply health effect, probiotic cells are constantly viable in the
reported to enhance GIT all over transit, produce vitamins and food carries and adapt extreme harsh environment of GIT. In
contribute vitamin availability to the human host. Probiotics another hand, it must be stable during Gastro intestinal transit
have wider applications in food, feed, dairy and fermentation and fulfill at least cell count become 106 CFU g-1. Despite the
industry, as non-pharmacological approaches for health fact that dairy-based items are proposed to be the principle
management [4]. Probiotic products can have specific target bearers for the conveyance of probiotics, other nondairy based
function in the human alimentary tract. Especially in reducing the items [7]. The term probiotics includes countless bacteria and
risk and healing of human disease already known. Consumption other different microorganisms, for example, yeast, and every
of probiotic cells through food products is actually the most probiotic strain acts particularly. In this manner, when a specific
popular approach. The consumption of probiotics may also be medical advantage has been built up for one strain, this does
17 J Bacteriol Infec Dis 2018 Volume 2 Issue 1
Citation: Abatenh E, Gizaw B, Tsegay Z, et al. Health benefits of probiotics. J Bacteriol Infec Dis. 2018;2(1):8-27

not imply that all probiotics can present this medical advantage. Characteristics of a good probiotics
Each strain must be tried for a specific impact independently.
In different research studies, probiotics have unique potential
The aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding about properties. To be considered for use and selection as probiotic
probiotics, push for more trials about the mentioned aspects of its safety, technological, and functional characteristics must be
use and summarizes the up-to-date studies on probiotic effects sought. Moreover, the following criteria need to be fulfilled:
on human health.
1. Probiotics should be able to create a beneficial effect on host
The relation of Probiotics to our health could be summarized in animal by increasing resistance to diseases.
the following main points and facts:
2. Probiotics must be from human origin.
1. Probiotics are helpful formed of friendly microorganisms.
3. Probiotics needed to have excessive cell viability.
2. Probiotics can fighters at any circumstance with harmful
4. Probiotics should be non-pathogenic and non-toxic.
microorganisms and maintain/ colonize human digestive
system. 5. It should be able enough to interact or send signals to immune
modulator activity.
3. Probiotics helps in breaking of food into much smaller
complex by fermenting it and promoting our health by many 6. It must have ability to influence local metabolic activity.
different mechanisms.
7. It ought to be fit for surviving and processing in the gut
4. Probiotic quantity and quality is minimized/declined due to condition like resistance to low pH and organic acids.
many reasons such as: incorrect diet, alcohol, age and so on.
8. Probiotics must be stable, safe, effective and equipped for
This is why they should be taken through our regular diet.
staying viable for periods under storage and field conditions.
5. Probiotics in some cases like after antibiotic treatments, 9. It must have power of restore and replace the intestinal micro
where they are highly sensitive to be affected severely, so in flora.
order to overcome the challenge they must be taken in proper
quantity through orally or with food. 10. It should have anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic activity,
cholesterol lowering effects, can maintain mucosal integrity and
6. Probiotics are actively encouraging health condition as it: can enhance bowel motility [13].
A. Pulverize the symptom of the pathogens or the hurtful 11. It should be able to speed up, facilitate and colonize/maintain
microorganisms. the digestive tract.
B. Nourishes the body with valuable byproducts. 12. They must have the ability to resist gastric juices and
the exposure to bile acid which seems to be crucial for oral
C. Assists our digestive system by decrease its job.
D. Limit the impact of the primary assault of harmful
13. Adhesion to mucosal and epithelial surfaces, an important
compounds, rather than our cells, by their biofilm, which secures
property for successful immune modulation, competitive
our digestive system.
exclusion of pathogens, as well as prevention of pathogen
E. Lessen the measure of food required by our bodies because of adhesion and colonization.
the right absorption and digestion of any amount of food.
14. Antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria.
F. In some cases probiotics could complement the deficiency
15. Bile salt hydrolase activity [15-17].
in our hereditary material by helping us to borrow the products
of their genes (such as in case of the lactose fermentation 16. Antibiotic resistance may help them to survive in the
deficiency). Here we should feature that, Probiotics or anything presence of administered drugs and other antimicrobial
in our lives ought not to surpass a specific farthest point and compounds [4,15,16,18].
ought to be utilized shrewdly to give the best expected outcomes
17. Fast multiplication, with either permanent or temporary
colonization of the gastrointestinal tract.
What are probiotics?
18. Stabilization of the intestinal micro flora and non-
According to the currently adopted definition, by WHO/Food pathogenicity.
and Agriculture Organization (2010) probiotics are an oral
19. Survival on passing through gastrointestinal tract at low pH
supplement or a food product that contains a sufficient number
of viable microorganisms to alter the micro flora of the host and and in contact with bile [15,16,19,20].
has the potential for beneficial health effects on host, which The minimum requirements needed for probiotic status
when it is administered in adequate amounts [9,10]. include:
Species used 1. Assessment of strain identity (genus, species and strain level).
Numerous microbial species have been used as probiotics. They 2. In vitro tests to screen potential probiotics: such as resistance
can be yeast, bacteria or molds. But most commonly, bacterial to gastric acidity, bile acid, and digestive enzymes as well as
species are predominant (Table 1) [2,11-16]. antimicrobial activity against potentially pathogenic bacteria.
J Bacteriol Infec Dis 2018 Volume 2 Issue 1 18

Table 1. Species used as probiotics.

List of probiotic species Group of Microbes Reference
Lactobacillus sacidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus
lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei, L. rhamnosus, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, L. brevis, Lactic acid producing bacteria
L. johnsonii, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus kefir
Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Esherichia coli Nissle, Streptococcus thermophiles,
Non lactic acid producing bacteria
Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium lactis,
Bifidobacterium species
Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis, B. animalis subsp animalis, B. animalis subsp lactis, B. bifidum [2,11-16 ]
Sacchromyces boulardii Nonpathogenic yeast
Coccobacillus, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Leuconostoc, Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis,
Pediococcus, Propionibacterium, Enterococcus, Enterococcus durans, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus, Bacillus
coagulans, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida pintolopesii, Aspergillus niger, A. oryzae, Non spore forming
Bacillus lichenformis, B. cereus var. toyoi, B. clausii, B. coagulans, B. laterosporus, B. pumilus, B. racemilacticus,
Streptococcu sthermophiles

3. Safety assessment: requirements for proof that a probiotic modulation of response towards food antigens [25,26].
strain is safe and without contamination in its delivery form.
The probiotics have a three step action mechanism
4. In vivo studies for substantiation of the health effects in the
(i) It stimulates and modulates immune response.
target host.
(ii) It normalize intestinal microflora by ensures colonization
Mechanism of action
resistance and controls irritable bowel syndrome and other
Probiotics have various mechanisms of action currently, three inflammatory bowel diseases.
major ways of action of probiotics have been revealed. The first
(iii)The final mechanism is also have the metabolic effects
one is a competition for nutrients and for ecological niche at
like-bile salt deconjugation and secretion, lactose hydrolysis,
this time the indigenous anaerobic flora limits the concentration
of potentially pathogenic flora in the digestive tract. Probiotics reduction in toxigenic and mutagenic reactions in gut, Supply
can have a direct effect on other microorganisms through of nutrients to colon epithelium [27].
inhibition of pathogen adhesion this kind of major defense Origin of Probiotics
mechanism is used to maintain internal health condition.
Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria have been shown to inhibit The major origin of probiotics are fermented non-digestible
a broad range of pathogens by performing colonization of carbohydrate compounds, food supplements, dairy based
pathogenic bacteria and finally by doing antagonistic activity compounds, non-dairy fermented food and non-intestinal
against gastrointestinal pathogens. This principle in many cases sources. Probiotic microorganisms can isolated, screened,
is crucial for the prevention and treatment of infections and identified and characterized from numerous natural substrates.
restoration of the microbial equilibrium in the gut. The second The sources of the power full strain in recent years, wide and
mechanism is involved in the production of anti-microorganism up to now still growing. This idea also supported by team of
substances, bacteriocins, toxins, organic acids, short chain fatty researcher listed below. In addition to this, peoples are explored
acid production, lowering of gut pH. These substances are live cell containing food because it is enhance nutritive quality,
responsible for inhibit the growth of other harmful microbes
bioavailability of the micro nutrients and possess anti oxidative
such as foodborne pathogens and spoilage organisms in GIT
property. Anti-oxidative property helps to fight oxidative
environment then lead to the death of the pathogen by creating
antagonistic condition, and such action may result in the stress, strengthens host anti oxidative defense mechanism and
inactivation of toxins. Probiotic mode of effects are carried delays aging. Bioavailability of the micro nutrients, possess
out based on microbial products which is determine a specific anti oxidative property also. Anti-oxidative property helps to
probiotic action and its effective application for the prevention fight oxidative stress, strengthens host anti oxidative defense
or treatment of a certain disease by destruction of target cell. The mechanism and delays aging. Therefore, many probiotic foods
third mechanism is the stimulation/modulation of specific and can effective in full fill the interest of the people at all age
nonspecific immune response by T-cell activation, to cytokine [15,18,28-34].
production/throughout immunomodulation by inducing
phagocytosis and IgA secretion, modifying T-cell responses, Health Benefits of Probiotics
enhancing Th1 responses, and attenuating Th2 responses. This Dairy strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have a long history
mode of action is most likely important in the prevention and of utilization. LAB, including diverse types of Lactobacillus
therapy of infectious diseases [17,21-24]. Probiotic bacteria and Enterococcus species, that has been consumed daily since
can exert an immunomodulatory effect. These bacteria have humans started to use fermented milk as food. Probiotic impacts
the ability to interact with epithelial and dendritic cells (DCs)
are strain particular the impacts depicted for one strain can't be
and with monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes. In various
specifically applied to others and every individual Probiotic
strategies they are interact and modulate the immune system
in a good manner [2]. The immunological advantages of bacterial strain has its own health benefits. The major beneficial
probiotics can be because of activation of local macrophages effects are correlated against various disease conditions.
and modulation of IgA production locally and systemically, to Probiotics have a colossal criticalness and application in
changes in pro/anti-inflammatory cytokine profiles, or to the controlling different kinds of microbial infections.
19 J Bacteriol Infec Dis 2018 Volume 2 Issue 1
Citation: Abatenh E, Gizaw B, Tsegay Z, et al. Health benefits of probiotics. J Bacteriol Infec Dis. 2018;2(1):8-27

Table 2. Role of probiotics in health improvement, infection control and disease treatment.
Types of diseases or
Probiotic Strains Probiotic outcomes/results References
Oxalobacter formigenes Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium species, (Lactobacillus
(i)Modify or utilize several types of urinary stone. (ii) Act as a key tool to
plantarum PBS067, Lactobacillus acidophilus Kidney/Urinary stones [35-37]
manipulate, metabolize and degrade a toxic compound.
LA-14, Bifidobacterium breve PBS077,
Bifidobacterium longum PBS078)
Lactobacillus GG, L. rhamnosus Lactis, (i) Atopic eczema reduction is observed, and skin condition also improved. (ii)
Lactobacillus fermentum, Bifidobacterium Atopic dermatitis symptoms are removed from infants who found in moderate-
Atopic Diseases [38,39]
bifidum, Bifidobacterium lactis, L. acidophilus, to severe condition. It is mainly depends on the selection of specific probiotic
L. casei, L. salivarius and Lactococcus lactis strains, time of administration (on set time), duration of exposure, and dosage.
L. casei, L. rhamnosus, S. thermophilus,B.
breve, L. acidophilus, B.infantis, L.
Colic Very effective in reducing colic in breastfed infants and children. [40-42]
delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus, L. reuteri DSM
Destruction the adverse effects of H. pylori through the release of bacteriocins,
Helicobacter pylori
Lactobacillus, Bifidobacerium and L. johnsonii production of organic acids, and competitive colonization in epithelial or mucosal [7,43-45]
cells. At that time can hinder its growth, adhesion and bacterial load.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, L. rhamnosus
GG, B. animalis subsp. lactis alone or (i)Competitive blockage of receptor site signals regulating secretory and
in combination with S treptococcus. Acute and antibiotic- motility defenses. (ii) Enhancement of the immune response, and production of
thermophilus,and L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus associated diarrhea substances that directly inactivate the viral particles. (iii)Inhibit the growth by
(not GG), and L. acidophilus, Saccharomyces preventing adhesion and invasion of pathogens.
boulardii. Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus
Candida infection Used as a therapeutic option to combat fungal pathogen. [48,49]
reuteri,Propionibacterium freudenreichii
Bifidobacterium species, Bifidobacterium
lactis, Bifidobacterium longum,
Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium (i)Altering microflora and restoring disturbed community in side GIT, (ii)
infantis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus Constipation Participating and solving undesired gastro intestinal problems. (iii)Improving/ [50-52]
rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophiles, managing whole gut transit time, stool frequency and consistency.
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus
L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. casei, (i) Reduction of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. (ii) Effective in alleviating
Irritable bowel syndrom [53-55]
B.lactis, S cerevisiae and managing symptoms of this unpleasant condition.
L. GG, L. casei Shirota, L. acidophilus, B.
(i)Colonizing epithelial cells and keep away from adherence of pathogens. (ii)
bifidum, L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum and Acute viral upper
Create adhesion, binding sites, nutrients and space competition lastly able to [56-59]
L. paracase, Streptococcus salivarius, respiratory infections
avoid risk of upper respiratory track completely.
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis
(i) Modulation of brain activity and Provide mental health.(ii) Maintaining the
functionality of the central nervous system through metabolic, neuroendocrine
B. animalis subsp. Lactis, L. lactis subsp. Modulation of gut –brain
and immune pathways.(iii) Contribute to the early development of normal social [60,61]
lactis axis
and cognitive behaviors. (iv) Useful strains having positive direct effect on
central nervous system and also solve disorders.
(i) Comprise modification of the metabolic activities of intestinal micro flora and
alteration of physicochemical conditions in the colon as well as binding site. (ii)
Biodegradation of potential carcinogens. (iii) Production of anti-tumorigenic or
Lactic acid bacteria Colon Cancer mutagenic compounds due to ability to decrease the activity of enzyme called β [62,63]
(iv) Increasing the host immune response, by alteration in pro-cancerous
enzymatic activity of colonic microorganisms.
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, (i) Decrease the risk of type two diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance. (ii)
Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055, L. Diabetes and Obesity By improving and maintaining the metabolic equilibrium of the host then actual [64-67]
rhamnosus CGMCC1.3724 weight loss is observed significantly.

Probiotics are applicable in human health improvement, significant role in reduction of risk for developing allergic disease
infection control, diseases treatment and management (Table 2) [19,69]. Already known strategies to solve allergic disorder by
[7,35-67]. prevention of antigen translocation into blood stream, improve
Probiotics and Allergy mucosal barrier function and prevent excessive immunologic
responses to increased amount of antigen stimulation of the gut.
Allergies are misguided reactions of the immune system in
response to (what should be harmless) particles. Probiotics treat Probiotics and Blood Pressure
allergies by healing your damaged digestive system, which It has also been demonstrated that probiotics and their products
decreases inflammation, stabilizes your immune system, and can improve Blood pressure through mechanisms including
strengthens your gut lining. An allergy is a hypersensitivity improving total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein
reaction initiated by immunological mechanisms. Probiotics cholesterol levels [70,71]. Reducing blood glucose level and
modify the structure of antigens, reduce their immunogenicity, insulin resistance, regulating the renin–angiotensin system
intestinal permeability and the generation of pro-inflammatory and significant reduction takes place in blood or serum
cytokines that are eminent in patients with a diversity of allergic cholesterol when cholesterol is elevated. Interestingly, probiotic
disorders [68]. Lactobacillus GG and L. rhamnosus GG is supplementation might positively help in reducing Blood
alleviating the symptoms of food allergies at the same time have pressure in the hypertensive conditions. Lactobacillus helveticus,
J Bacteriol Infec Dis 2018 Volume 2 Issue 1 20

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, in serious and harmful liver dysfunctions such as cirrhosis,
Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, and
rhamnosus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium hepatic encephalopathy. Probiotic is used as a novel treatment
breve, Bifidobacterium longum Streptococcus thermophiles, strategy against liver disease in a mechanism of regulation,
Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus, Lactobacillus kefiri restoration and alteration of gut micro flora and immune function
are the common one used for anti-hypertension [72,73]. [78,79]. Probiotics are useful in the treatment of chronic liver
diseases as they block entry of microorganisms to blood flow
Probiotics and Inflammatory Bowel Disease and ultimately to liver by increasing the strength of intestinal
Incorporation of probiotic bacteria has an ability to become barrier [80].
stable the immunological barrier in the gut mucosa by declining
the generation of local pro-inflammatory cytokines. Probiotics
Probiotics and Cholesterol Assimilation
is used for treatment of the inflammatory bowel disease, such Probiotic strains, particularly lactic acid microscopic organisms
as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and Pouchitis. Potential (bacteria) have a noteworthy part to play in the cholesterol by
mechanisms include suppression of growth or epithelial bringing down the mechanism. The cholesterol levels can be cut
binding and invasion by pathogenic bacteria, production of down direct or indirect by using probiotics. Direct mechanism
antimicrobial substances, improved epithelial barrier function, involves inhibition of denovo synthesis or decrease in the
and immunoregulation. The effects of probiotic are probably intestinal absorption of dietary cholesterol. The decrease in
both strain-dependent and dose dependent [74]. dietary cholesterol retention can be diminished by three ways
-assimilation, binding or by degradation. Probiotic strains
Probiotics and Urogenital infections (Bacterial absorb the cholesterol for their own particular digestion.
vaginitis) Probiotic strains can attach to the cholesterol particle, and they
Bacterial vaginosis is an abnormal vaginal condition that are capable for debasing cholesterol to its catabolic products.
is characterized by vaginal discharges and results from an The cholesterol level can be decreased in an indirect way by
overgrowth of atypical bacteria in the vagina. A urinary tract deconjugating the cholesterol to bile acids, in this way lessening
infection is an infection involving the kidneys, ureters, bladder, the aggregate body pool. Reduction of total cholesterol to be
or urethra. These are the structures that urine passes through done in B. animalis subsp. lactis MB 202/DSMZ 23733, B.
before being eliminated from the body. Urogenital infection bifidum, B. breve [81]. Hypercholesterolemia (elevated blood
is occurs due to change in vaginal environmental in which cholesterol level) is considered a major risk factor for the
lactobacilli decrease in concentrations or absent. Lactobacillus development of coronary heart disease. Therefore, lowering the
spp, are the prominent microbial factors that governs the serum cholesterol level is important to prevent the disease. The
cholesterol removing ability of LAB isolates was assessed in
presence, growth, colonization and persistence of non-
vitro and in vivo mechanisms. Lactobacillus pentosus LP05, L.
endogenous microorganisms in vagina. As the Lactobacillus
brevis LB32, L. reuteri and L. plantarum are powerful [82-84].
spp. count decreases, the protection provided by them against
uropathogens also decreases. It is also proposed that lactobacilli Probiotics and Dental Caries
produce biofilms, which cover the urogenital cells. Lactobacilli
Dental caries is a multifactorial disease of bacterial origin that
use in bacterial vaginosis is supported by positive results
is described by corrosive demineralization of the tooth enamel.
obtained in clinical trials. Probiotic capsules for example
It seems following changes in the homeostasis of the oral
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus
environment prompting multiplication of the bacterial biofilm,
gasseri, Lactobacillus vaginalis, Lactobacillus acidophilus,
composed notably of streptococci from the mutans group. To
Lactobacillus reuteri and Streptococcus thermophilus are
have a helpful impact in restricting or averting dental caries,
effectiveness for recurrent bacterial vaginosis prevention [75-
a probiotic must have the ability to stick to dental surfaces
77]. The principal mechanisms by which lactobacilli exert their
protective functions in urogenital health care are: and coordinate into the bacterial groups making up the dental
biofilm. It must also compete with and antagonize the cariogenic
1. Stimulation of the immune system. bacteria and thus prevent their proliferation. Finally, metabolism
2. Competition with other microorganisms for nutrients and for of food-grade sugars by the probiotic should result in low
adherence to the vaginal epithelium, urinary and vaginal tract acid production. The advantage of incorporating probiotics
cells. into dairy products lies in their capacity to neutralize acidic
conditions. For instance, it has just been accounted for that
3. Reduction of the vaginal pH by the production of organic cheese prevents demineralization of the enamel and advances
acids, especially lactic acid. its remineralisation [48,85].
4. Production of antimicrobial substances and competitive
Probiotics and Orthodontic Treatment
exclusion Inhibitor production, such as bacteriocins, and
hydrogen peroxide. White spot lesions are caused by streptococcus mutans and they
are the basic scars found amid and after orthodontic treatment.
Probiotics and Liver Diseases The wellbeing advancing microbes can address the lopsidedness
Micro flora resident in intestinal lumen plays a significant role in the oral biofilm by intensely hindering the pathogens
in hepatocytes function. Alterations to the type and amount and moving the oral mileau to a higher pH thereby, turning
of microorganisms that live in the intestinal tract can result around the demineralization. Fixed orthodontic appliances are
21 J Bacteriol Infec Dis 2018 Volume 2 Issue 1
Citation: Abatenh E, Gizaw B, Tsegay Z, et al. Health benefits of probiotics. J Bacteriol Infec Dis. 2018;2(1):8-27

considered to endanger dental wellbeing because of gathering cavity was more prominent among healthy participants than
of microorganisms that may cause enamel demineralization, among patients with chronic periodontitis. Different studies
clinically visible as white spot lesions. Besides, the intricate have detailed the limit of lactobacilli to repress the development
plan of orthodontic bands and brackets may make a biological of periodonto pathogens, including P. gingivalis, Prevotella
environment that encourages the foundation and development intermedia and A. actinomycetemcomitans. Together, these
of cariogenic mutans streptococci strains. White spot lesion perceptions recommend that lactobacilli living in the oral cavity
formation can be viewed as imbalance between mineral loss and could play a role in the oral ecological balance [95]. L. brevis, L.
mineral gain and the latest orderly audits have examined methods casei, L. salivarius, reuteri strains, Bacillus subtilis, L. reuteri
to prevent this side effect of orthodontic treatment. Studies are and L. brevis the involvement cared out in anti-inflammatory
required to clear up if utilization of probiotics can be powerful activity decreasing the number of pathogens in periodontal
as an alternative method for the prevention of demineralization tissues [96].
and white spots [86]. Lactobacilli brevis, Bifidobacterium
animalis subsp. Lactis BB-12 and Bifidobacterium lactis derived Immunologic Enhancement/ Immunity
probiotic through a lozenge tablet could reduce the levels of S. Stimulation
mutans in plaque around orthodontic brackets [87,88]. Probiotics have biological effect in Immunological functionality.
Probiotics and Oral Health The immunological benefits of probiotics can be due to activation
of local macrophages and modulation of IgA production locally
A standout amongst the most imperative advantages of probiotics and systemically, to changes in pro/anti-inflammatory cytokine
in the oral cavity is lessening of inflammation. Probiotics can profiles, or to the modulation of response towards food antigens
help to destroy the harmful microbes in the oral cavity by [26]. The intrinsic properties of lactobacilli to modulate
fighting against them and helps in maintaining healthy gums the immune system make them appealing for wellbeing
and teeth. Since probiotics is an all-natural treatment it should applications. The Proposed systems engaged with reinforcing
not have any side effects [89,90]. Both lactobacillus acidophilus of nonspecific and antigen-specific defense against infection
and bifidobacterium lactis have well known antifungal property and tumors, adjuvant impact in antigen-particular immune
[91]. responses, Regulating/affecting Th1/Th2 cells, production of
anti-inflammatory cytokines, improving phagocytic action of
Probiotics and Voice Prosthesis
granulocytes, cytokine discharge in lymphocytes, and increases
Probiotics emphatically diminish the occurrence of pathogenic immunoglobulin-emitting cells in blood in order to scale up
bacteria in voice prosthetic biofilms. Effectively disposes of antibody production. This is ordinary reactions of probiotics,
biofilm development on indwelling voice prostheses, possibly which are all demonstrative of changes in the immune system.
related to the presence of Streptococcus thermophiles and An inflammatory immune response delivered cytokine-actuated
Lactobacillus bulgaricus [13]. monocytes and macrophages, causing the arrival of cytotoxic
particles fit for lysing tumor cells and pathogens in the body.
Probiotics and Halitosis
Halitosis or Bad Breath is the condition when the breath has Probiotics and HIV
unpleasant odor. It has many causes, for example, utilization of Probiotics appear to support maintenance of a strong gut
specific foods, metabolic disorders, respiratory tract infections epithelia layer, improve gut barrier function and stimulation
and related with an irregularity of the commensal microflora of innate immunity which act as the first layer of defense
of the oral cavity. Essentially, it is started from the activity against translocation of viral particles and bacterial pathogens.
of anaerobic bacteria that corrupt salivary and food proteins When immune system is well developed, able to prevent HIV
to create amino acids, which are thusly changed into volatile replication and slow down the progression of AIDS in host.
sulphur compounds, including hydrogen sulfide and methane Daily consumption of probiotics over a prolonged period of time
thiol. Streptococcus salivarius act as a commensal probiotic can improve CD4 count in people living with HIV. A screening
of the oral cavity this strain screened and recognized typically of saliva taken from several volunteers demonstrated that some
from people groups without halitosis [92,93]. S. salivarius is Lactobacillus strains created proteins that are fit for binding a
known to create bacteriocins, which could add to lessening the specific type of sugar, called mannose, found on HIV envelope.
quantity of microscopic organisms that produce volatile sulphur The binding of the sugar empowers the microscopic organisms
compounds. The utilization of gum or capsules containing (bacteria) to adhere to the mucosal coating of the mouth and
S. salivarius K12 (BLIS Technologies Ltd., Dunedin, New gastric tract and colonize them. One of the strain indicated
Zealand) diminished levels of volatile sulphur compounds copious mannose-binding protein particles into its surroundings
among patients diagnosed to have halitosis [93]. Take a probiotic which binded to the sugar coating henceforth neutralizing HIV.
supplement regularly. There is good evidence it helps to regulate It is also observed that the trapped immune cell by lactobacilli
the growth of harmful bacteria. S. salivariu, L. salivarius, L. leads to formation of clumps leading immobilization of any
reuteri, L.casei and W. Cibaria was supplied for management immune cells harboring HIV and preventing them to infect
option [94]. other cells [27].
Probiotics and Periodontal Diseases Safety aspects and harmful side effects of probiotics
Studies have demonstrated that the pervasiveness of lactobacilli, Probiotics may be responsible for four types of side effects
especially Lactobacillus gasseri and L. fermentum, in the oral in susceptible individuals: systemic infections, deleterious

J Bacteriol Infec Dis 2018 Volume 2 Issue 1 22


metabolic activities, excessive immune stimulation, and gene the danger of various physiological and anatomical issues
transfer. When the dose of intake is very high extends to causes [97,99].
of infections in humans not only in all age groups but also in
Future Perspectives of Probiotics
immunocompromised individuals. Three approaches can be
used to assess the safety of a probiotic strain: studies on the Now a day, technological innovations contribute a mechanism
intrinsic properties of the strain, studies on the pharmacokinetics to solve the problem of probiotic stability and viability. Pure
of the strain (survival, action in the digestive tract, dose– and active viability of cells is very necessary in food processing
reaction connections, fecal and mucosal recuperation) and and gastro intestinal transit to reach the intended site of action
studies hunting down for interaction between the strain and the in sufficient numbers. Most of the time probiotics are loss
host [97]. Symptoms of side effects are accepted to come about their function and useful property/viability. Due to passage
because of bacteria-host interactions in which the probiotic through the low pH environment of the stomach and high bile
supplement might be contrary with the present living space of salt conditions in the intestine. The only way of to overcome
the user’s microbiota, eventually setting off a response. Cases the challenge is introducing to sublethal stress, applying
of normal reactions from probiotics include: abnormal bowel encapsulation and using in food matrix/ carriers. Encapsulation is
movements, bloating, flatulence, gurgling, and stomach aches. It a mechanical or physicochemical process that traps a potentially
is happened in rare case. May be producing an active infection, sensitive material and provides a protective barrier between
although this risk is quite low but, allow to stimulate the it and the external conditions. The new microencapsulation
situation in immunosuppressed patients. Administration during technologies/methods have been developed to protect the
pregnancy and early infancy is considered safe. Available data bacteria from damage caused by external environment through
indicate that not those much harmful effects have been observed a protective outer coating. Microencapsulation of probiotics
in controlled clinical studies with lactobacilli and bifidobacteria enables storage of viable bacteria at room temperature and may
[98]. So I would recommend scientists to conduct research in allow incorporation of probiotics into a wide range of food
the area about its negative impact in human all over status products. The spray-drying, emulsion and extrusion techniques
profoundly. are well known encapsulation methods for the production of
microcapsules containing probiotics [100]. The future attitude
The capacities of probiotics to survive and be metabolically
regarding to improve overall characteristics of the strain and to
active in the GIT and to associate with the gastrointestinal
get power full desired trait is apply genetic engineering on the
mucosa and gastrointestinal microflora have prompted four
zones of worry about safety:
1. Potential for bacteria to translocate/transmigrate, crossing
the gastrointestinal tract boundary and bringing about intrusive The consumption of probiotics helps to lead a healthy life.
infection. Translocation by intestinal bacteria is encouraged Currently, this is globally a well-accepted concept and guarantee
by various elements including intestinal mucosal damage, for the next generation. Probiotics are widely used in order
immunodeficiency, gut prematurity and abnormal bacterial flora to solve and simplify particular diseases. In the future highly
and adherence of the bacteria to the mucosal surface. emphasize further in vitro and in vivo experiments should be
designed and conducted to identify true probiotics and to select
2. The likelihood for some probiotic life forms is to harbor
the most suitable ones for the prevention/ treatment of diseases.
protection from anti-infection agents (antibiotics), prompting a
Lastly recommend further practical studies need confirmation
potential for antibiotic resistance that is to be exchanged from
about its effect in human health with in high quality research
probiotic bacteria to other possibly pathogenic bacteria. With
and well-designed clinical trials.
the goal that such organisms may harbor genes that may add
to opportunistic infections on the grounds that the antibiotic Acknowledgements
resistance gene can be exchanged by conjugation, transduction I would like to thank Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute, Microbial
or transformation way. Directorate Team for unreserved guidance, encouragement and
3. Metabolic activity and immunologic effects of probiotics support.
leading to possible deleterious metabolic effects and excessive
Conflicts of Interest
immune stimulation.
The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
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Correspondence to
Endeshaw Abatenh
Department of Microbiology
Ethiopia Biodiversity Institute
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251912803908
E-mail: Endeshewab@gmail.com

27 J Bacteriol Infec Dis 2018 Volume 2 Issue 1

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