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Shale Reservoir 9

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Received: 10 January 2021

| Revised: 10 June 2021

| Accepted: 17 June 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ese3.938


Experimental investigation on the application of carbon dioxide

adsorption for a shale reservoir

Hongyan Zhang1 | Majid Khayatnezhad2 | Afshin Davarpanah3

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering &
Environmental College, Weifang University,
Weifang, China New advancements in unconventional oil reservoirs to enhance cumulative oil pro-
Department of Environmental Sciences duction are essential for petroleum industries to develop new oilfields. Carbon diox-
and Engineering, Ardabil Branch, Islamic
ide injection (CO2) is considered one of the most functional enhanced oil recovery
Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
3 (EOR) methods, especially in shale reservoirs, regarding their low permeability of
Department of Petroleum Engineering,
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad pores and cracks. This paper aims to experimentally investigate the crucial factors
University, Tehran, Iran such as shale particle size, pressure, and temperature on the CO2 adsorption that can
be used as a useful guideline for developing unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Hongyan Zhang, Chemistry and Chemical Thereby, pressure increase would be an essential parameter to increase CO2 stor-
Engineering & Environmental College, age capacity; however, temperature increase has a reverse pattern and has caused to
Weifang University, Weifang 261061,
Shandong, China decrease the CO2 storage capacity. The essence of the oil recovery factor from shale
Email: zhanghy@wfu.edu.cn reservoirs is another crucial factor that depends on the pressure, temperature, and
Afshin Davarpanah, Department of soaking time factors. CO2 injection would be a proper (EOR) method to increase the
Petroleum Engineering, Science and oil recovery factor for higher pressures and temperatures. Therefore, the applicability
Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,
of CO2 injection in shale reservoirs could provide efficient results rather than other
Tehran, Iran.
Email: afshindpe@gmail.com EOR techniques.

CO2 adsorption, CO2 injection, pressure impact, shale particle size

1 | IN T RO D U C T ION underground formations.49-­67 Due to the complexity of oil

production from unconventional reservoirs, selecting opti-
The enormous demand for crude oil and its extractions from mum oil recovery methods would be of interest as produc-
various industrial plants is vitally essential to increase the tion from conventional reservoirs would be finished in the
oil production from hydrocarbon oilfields or develop new following decades.68-­80 Therefore, these reservoirs would be
wells to supply the requested demand.1-­18 In this regard, it necessary for petroleum industries to be used as fundamental
should be noted that novel methods and techniques that can crude oil production.80-­90
have a minimal environmental impact19-­31 and virtually elim- Carbon dioxide (CO2) injection is a well-­known EOR
inate the unnecessary expenses have always been noticed by method regarding its feasible application rather than other
petroleum industries.32-­48 Many companies and industries conventional methods.91-­95 Its application in shale reservoirs
have proposed novel methods to capture carbon dioxide and is of importance in recent decades. In this method, carbon
store it. It is called carbon capture and underground storage dioxide has interacted with the formation fluid (oil phase). It
(CCUS). This captured carbon can be injected and stored in is adsorbed on the shale rock, which can be used as a useful

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat​ive Commo​ns Attri​bution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Energy Science & Engineering published by Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Energy Sci Eng. 2021;9:2165–2176.  wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ese3 | 2165


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2166 ZHANG et al.

way to store CO2 in underground formation.96-­99 To nur- –­ Shale particle sizes: to consider shale particle sizes during
ture the importance of CO2 adsorption on the oil recovery carbon dioxide injection processes, it is necessary to in-
enhancement and CO2 storage capacity, crucial parameters vestigate different particle sizes experimentally. It is given
such as pressure, temperature, soaking time, and stimulation to us how different particle sizes influence carbon dioxide
procedure should be considered.100-­102 The methods of CO2 adsorption or if the particles can be a proper representative
injection contained huff-­n-­puff (cyclic CO2 injection) or reg- of the shale core samples. To do this, shale core samples
ular CO2 injection. Using CO2 reduces the oil viscosity that pulverized into micro-­sized of 50, 200, 400, and 800 µm.
can cause the mobilization of more oil volume. Another cru- –­ Carbon dioxide: to provide high purity for CO2, a high-­
cial factor that plays an essential role in the performances pressurized cylinder was administered. It can provide CO2
of CO2 is shale mineralogy (due to their high adsorption ca- with the purity of 99.9% that used in the experiments.
pacity), shale total organic content (TOC), and interactions –­ Crude oil: crude oil composition for this experiment is
of different formation and injected fluids.103,104 According to statistically depicted in Table 2. Oil viscosity and density
Zhao et al (2015), during the carbon dioxide displacement are 315 mPa s and 1.015 g/cm3, respectively.
in low permeable reservoirs, pressure increase has caused
to increase the oil mobilization through porous media. This
concept was investigated for different pressures in this paper,
and it is concluded that due to the more mobilization of the 2.2 | Experimental methods
oil phase in higher pressures, the oil recovery factor has been
increased. To measure carbon dioxide adsorption and carbon dioxide
Although there are few research proposal and field ap- injectivity performances on the oil recovery, two different
plication has been made to improve the oil recovery factor systems were prepared, as in Figure 1.
from shale reservoirs, in this paper, it is aimed to experi- The carbon dioxide adsorption and injection process are
mentally investigate the influential factors such as pressure, explicitly explained in Tables 3 and 4 in more detail.
shale particle size, and reservoir temperature on the CO2
adsorption and how it affects the CO2 storage capacity in
underground formations. As pressure and temperature have 3 | RESULTS
a potential impact on the CO2 adsorption, they can cause the
mobilization of the oil phase and improve the oil recovery 3.1 | CO2 adsorption
factor. Moreover, the effect of soaking time and stimulation
phenomenon would be a proper guideline for the petroleum 3.1.1 | Shale particle size
industries, which is studied and discussed in more detail in
this paper. Shale core samples with various sizes of 50, 200, 400, and
800 µm. It is given to us how different particle sizes influence
carbon dioxide adsorption or if the particles can be a proper
2 | M AT E R IA L S A N D ME T HODS representative for shale core samples. The process was per-
formed under reservoir conditions of 60°C and 1500 psi. Core
2.1 | Materials type#1 was used for this experiment. According to the results
of our experiments, it is evident that CO2 adsorption for shale
–­ Core samples: as each experimental test needs a new particle sizes of 50, 200, 400, and 800 µm is 87.4, 87, 86.7,
shale core sample, about 35 samples were provided from and 86.5 SCF/ton, respectively. It is indicated that pulver-
one of the southwest Iranian oilfields. The reservoir ized shale samples in micro-­sized grains would not change
characteristics of samples are statistically depicted in the CO2 adsorption significantly. Therefore, to save the re-
Table 1. quired time for CO2 measurement in oilfield applications, it

T A B L E 1 Reservoir characteristics for

No. of Diameter and Permeability,
studied core samples
Core Type No. samples length, cm Porosity, % mD
Core Type#1 10 2.54 * 25 23.12 3.25
Core Type#2 10 2.54 * 25 24.15 3.22
Core Type#3 5 2.54 * 25 23.68 3.21
Core Type#4 5 2.54 * 25 23.94 3.26
Core Type#5 5 2.54 * 25 24.35 3.24

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ZHANG et al.     2167

TABLE 2 Crude oil composition recovery factor due to the lower density and can be mobilized
Composition Mole% more feasible. Another reason for this issue is related to the
pressure that has caused more CO2 adsorption by increasing
C1 79.4
pressure. Although pressure is a crucial factor in increasing
C2 8.51
CO2 adsorption and oil recovery, density would play an im-
C3 4.6 portant role. For the liquid and gas phase, as gas has a lower
C4 3.54 density than the liquid phase, its mobilization through pores
C5 1.2 and cracks was difficult due to the lower pressure. Therefore,
C6 0.35 the oil recovery factor was lower than the liquid phase.
C7+ 0 On the other hand, when the CO2 is in the liquid phase
CO2 0 with higher pressure, the oil recovery factor has been approx-
H2S 0
imately reached a plateau due to the remaining some liquid
volumes in the small pores, and this is why it has increased
N2 2.4
slightly. The highest oil recovery factor is about 40%, 31%,
and 24% for the supercritical, liquid, and gas phases (see
is recommended to use smaller-­sized pulverized shale grains Figure 2). To ensure the efficiency of the measurements in
to obtain the results. the experiments,21-­31 a sensitivity analysis was performed for
the gas phase. This experiment was done three times to ob-
serve the oil recovery variations.
3.1.2 | Temperature and pressure impact

To consider the considerable influence of reservoir tempera- 3.2.2 | Pressure and temperature
ture and injected pressure on the CO2 adsorption, it is noted
that 50 µm of shale particle size was selected for 6 hours to As explained in Section 3.1, the CO2 adsorption has in-
perform the experiments. Core type#1 was used for this ex- creased by the increase in pressure. Therefore, the CO2 stor-
periment. Temperatures of 20, 60, and 100°C under 1500 Psi age capacity has been increased, helping to mobilize more
were implemented in the system to measure CO2 adsorp- oil volume through porous media. This section wants to ex-
tion. CO2 adsorption is measured 90, 84, and 80 SCF/ton, perimentally investigate various pressures and their impact
respectively, indicating that temperature increase has a de- on the oil recovery factor. Core type#4 was used for this ex-
creasing pattern in CO2 adsorption. Therefore, the capacity periment. The experiments were done under 60°C, 6 hours of
of CO2 storage has been decreased in hydrocarbon reservoirs soaking time for pressures of 500, 1500, 2500, and 3000 psi
that can be studied in more detail before any oilfield applica- to observe the total number of cycles needed for each pres-
tion processes as it has affected the oil recovery. The pres- sure and measure the oil recovery factor. Due to the higher
sure parameter is another crucial factor in the CO2 adsorption adsorption and storage capacity of CO2 in higher pressures
measurement performed under the reservoir temperature of (higher CO2 diffusion through the porous medium), it needs
60°C for various 750, 1500, and 3000 psi pressures. Core more CO2 cycles by the pressure increase. Recovery factor is
type#1 was used for this experiment. It is observed that by 62 (12 CO2 cycles), 52 (10 CO2 cycles), 44 (8 CO2 cycles),
the increase in pressure, CO2 adsorption has been increased. and 28 (6 CO2 cycles) % for 3000, 2500, 1500, and 500 psi in
It is about 93, 87, and 82 SCF/ton for 3000, 1500, 750 psi, the maximum point (see Figure 3). To ensure the efficiency
respectively, indicating a higher capacity of CO2 storage for of the measurements in the experiments, a sensitivity analysis
higher pressures. was performed for 2500 psi. This experiment was done three
times to observe the oil recovery variations.
Temperature is another crucial factor in determining CO2
3.2 | Oil recovery adsorption and oil recovery factor; in this part, we experimen-
tally investigate the effect of various temperatures. Therefore,
3.2.1 | Phase behavior the experiments were performed under 1500 psi, 6 hours of
soaking time, by utilizing core type#5 for 20, 60, 100, and
To perform the profound impact of gas-­phase behavior on 120°C. As explained in section 3.1, temperature increase has
the recovery factor, supercritical gas phase, liquid phase, caused a decrease in CO2 adsorption; however, it is a reverse
and gas phase with the pressures of 1500 psi, 750 psi, and pattern with oil recovery. The temperature increase increases
500 psi were considered in this experiment. The experiment it. The reason for this phenomenon is related to the pore size
was done under 60°C and 6 hours of soaking time and core expansion and viscosity reduction in higher temperatures.
type#3. The supercritical gas phase has provided a higher oil Moreover, as carbon dioxide has been changed its phase to
20500505, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ese3.938 by EBMG ACCESS - GHANA, Wiley Online Library on [02/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
ZHANG et al.

(A) Carbon dioxide adsorption system and (B) carbon dioxide injection system

20500505, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ese3.938 by EBMG ACCESS - GHANA, Wiley Online Library on [02/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
ZHANG et al.     2169

TABLE 3 Carbon dioxide adsorption

Step Procedure
1 Shale core samples pulverized into micro-­sized of 50, 200, 400, and 800 µm.
A mortar and pestle device do it. The reason for this process is to reduce
carbon dioxide adsorption
2 A reference cell and sample cell were used to measure carbon dioxide
adsorption. To provide pressurized CO2 and reference pressure, a reference
cell is put in the system. In the sample cell, screening meshes were placed to
prevent the suction of particles
3 Both cells were vacuumed for 12 h
4 The reference cell was provided the required pressure by the CO2 injection,
and then, it is transferred to the sample cell for commencing the adsorption
process (during the pressure equilibrium in both cells)
5 Finally, adsorption capacity was being measured.

supercritical and liquid phase in higher temperatures, it can 4 hours of soaking time, respectively (see Figure 5). To en-
vaporize retrograde hydrocarbon due to the more content of sure the efficiency of the measurements in the experiments,
CO2. Thereby, oil density has been reduced, and it can mo- a sensitivity analysis was performed for 8 hours soaking
bilize more feasible through porous media (see Figure 4). In time.97-­107 This experiment was done three times to observe
initial CO2 cycles, the gas might be in the liquid phase, and the oil recovery variations.
the reason for the oil recovery factor increase at low tem-
peratures corresponds to the more mobilization of the liquid
phase, and then it decreased slightly. Maximum oil recovery 3.2.4 | Stimulation phenomenon
factor is 62 (12 CO2 cycles), 47 (10 CO2 cycles), 37 (8 CO2
cycles), and 27 (6 CO2 cycles) for 120, 100, 60, and 20°C. Due to the fracture's conductivity impact on more oil mobi-
To ensure the efficiency of the measurements in the exper- lization through the shale core samples, it should be noted
iments, a sensitivity analysis was performed for 60°C. This that making new fractures in the core could provide a higher
experiment was done three times to observe the oil recovery recovery factor in the less CO2 cycles. The stimulation phe-
variations. As temperature increase would be a good point nomenon is known as hydraulic fracturing, which can be
for oil recovery increase, there is an inverse pattern in CO2 done by injecting a fracturing fluid to create new fractures
storage capacity. Thereby, the reservoir should be studied in or reopening the blocked fractures.105,106 It can provide bet-
more detail that might not be a good choice for CO2 storage. ter conductivity between rock and production point in the
shale core samples. The experiments were done under 60°C,
and 1500 Psi and core type#2 were used for this experiment.
3.2.3 | Soaking time Therefore, it can be concluded that if the cores have more
fractures or are stimulated before CO2 injection, it has pro-
To select the optimum soaking time (appropriate interaction vided better results by performing fewer CO2 cycles (see
time between CO2-­oil), different soaking times were consid- Figure 6). To ensure the efficiency of the measurements in
ered in the system to observe the oil recovery factor (RF) the experiments, a sensitivity analysis was performed for un-
for each soaking time. All the experiments were done under stimulated cores. This experiment was done three times to
60°C, and 1500 Psi and core type#2 were used for this ex- observe the oil recovery variations.
periment. Soaking time of 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours were per-
formed in the system for 12 CO2 cycles. It is observed that
an increase in soaking time has caused to increase in the oil 4 | DISCUSSION
recovery factor. It corresponds to the more interaction time
between oil and CO2 that can cause the mobilization of more CO2 adsorption is considered one of the critical issues in CO2
oil volumes through the porous medium. Another finding of storage capacity. It is affected by pressure and temperature.
this observation is the soaking time of 12 and 24 hours that The pressure increase can provide higher CO2 adsorption
there is no significant alteration in recovery factor. It can be as CO2 has changed to a supercritical phase, and its density
used as a guideline for petroleum industries to eliminate the would become lower. Therefore, it can reduce the oil viscos-
extra expenses of soaking time as the performances can be ity, and the oil recovery factor has been increased. According
done in 12 hours and provide relevant results. The highest to the findings of Davarpanah A. and Mirshekari B. (2019),
recovery factor is 58%, 58%, 43%, and 30% for 24, 12, 8, and the solubility of CO2 in crude oil can help to increase oil

20500505, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ese3.938 by EBMG ACCESS - GHANA, Wiley Online Library on [02/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
2170 ZHANG et al.

TABLE 4 Carbon dioxide injection

Step Procedure
1 Saturate the shale core samples with crude oil in a high temperature-­high
pressure oven to use the appropriate pore volume injection. This process has
been done for seven months to measure the pore volume correctly
2 Shale cores were vacuumed for 12 h in the presence of a water bath
3 The syringe pump was used to transfer the pressurized CO2 into the system.
To soak the system with the desired temperature and pressure, CO2 should
be present in the system. Soaking time can be measured at this stage
4 Oil recovery was measured by weighting the core samples
5 New cycles were continued to measure oil recovery until the incremental oil
recovery was 1%

40 F I G U R E 2 Oil Recovery factor

measurement vs CO2 cycles for different
35 gas-­phase behavior



RF, %



0 2 4 6 8 10
CO2 Cycle

Supercritical (1500 Psi) Gas (500 Psi) Liquid (750 Psi)




RF, %




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 F I G U R E 3 Oil Recovery factor
CO2 Cycles measurement vs CO2 cycles for different
500 psi 1500 psi 2500 psi 3000 psi pressures

20500505, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ese3.938 by EBMG ACCESS - GHANA, Wiley Online Library on [02/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
ZHANG et al.     2171

F I G U R E 4 Oil Recovery factor

measurement vs CO2 cycles for different





0 2 4 6 8 10 12

F I G U R E 5 Oil Recovery factor 60

measurement vs CO2 cycles during various
soaking times 50


RF, %



0 2 4 6 8 10 12
CO2 Cycles
4 hours 8 hour 12 hour 24 hour

F I G U R E 6 Oil Recovery factor 50

measurement vs CO2 cycles for stimulated 45
and unstimulated core samples 40
25 RF, %
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
CO2 Cycles

Smulated cores Unsmulated cores

mobilization and oil recovery factors due to the oil viscosity would be a good choice for CO2 storage and performing the
reduction. This paper observed that pressure increase would CO2 injection as more oil volumes can be produced.
be crucial for the CO2 storage capacity and oil recovery fac- In contrast, temperature increase has provided a reverse
tor.107 Thereby, it is concluded that high-­pressurized wells pattern for oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity. By the

20500505, 2021, 11, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ese3.938 by EBMG ACCESS - GHANA, Wiley Online Library on [02/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
2172 ZHANG et al.

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