CS1-5 MChanIT GOv Aud
CS1-5 MChanIT GOv Aud
CS1-5 MChanIT GOv Aud
Chief Executive
C&C Advisory Services Limited
CS1 - 5
• The materials of this conference are intended to provide general information and
guidance on the subject concerned. Examples and other materials in this
conference are only for illustrative purposes and should not be relied upon for
technical answer. The Institute of Internal Auditors (The IIA), the speaker(s) and
the firm(s) that the speaker(s) is representing take no responsibility for any errors
or omissions in, or for the loss incurred by individuals or companies due to the use
of, the materials of this conference.
From Wikipedia
What is IT Governance?
ITGI definition:
From Wikipedia
Corporate Governance
“Corporate governance involves a set of relationships between a company’s
management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate
governance also provides the structure through which the objectives of the
company are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring
performance are determined. Good corporate governance should provide
proper incentives for the board and management to pursue objectives that
are in the interests of the company and its shareholders and should facilitate
effective monitoring.”
Governance is about deciding the "who, what, when, why, and how" of
• The decisions required by the organization (the "what")
• The roles (the "who") in the organization that are accountable for which
• Policies that guide how the decisions should be made (the "why")
• The measures that enable informed decision-making (the "how")
• At what point in the governance process is the decision appropriately
made? (the "when")
Purpose of IT Governance
• Establish and clarify accountability and decision rights (clearly
define roles and authority).
• Manage risks, change and contingency proactively.
• Improve IT organizational performance, compliance, maturity
and staff development.
• Improve customer service and overall responsiveness
Purpose of IT Governance
• Align IT investments and priorities more closely with the business.
• Manage, evaluate, prioritize, fund, measure and monitor requests for IT
services and the resulting work and deliverables, in a more consistent and
repeatable manner that optimizes returns to the business.
• Manage the responsible utilization of resources and assets.
• Ensure that IT delivers on its plans, budgets and commitments.
The Requirements
IT Governance – the 5 Focus Areas
IT Governance – the 5 Focus Areas
IT Governance – the 5 Focus Areas
IT Governance – the 5 Focus Areas
IT Governance – the 5 Focus Areas
IT Governance – Driving Forces
Compliance Alignment
Security Execution
IPPF Standards
• Attribute Standards
- 1200 - Proficiency and Due Professional Care
• Performance Standards
- 2010 - Planning
- 2030 - Resource Management
- 2110 - Governance
- 2220 - Engagement Scope
Approach and Methodology
CobiT 4.1 (ITGI)
• Four Domains
- Planning and Organization
- Acquisition and Implementation
- Delivery and Support
- Monitoring and Evaluation
IS Auditing Standard (ISACA)
• S10 - IT Governance
IS Auditing Guideline (ISACA)
• G18 – IT Governance
Proposed Audit Activities
Based on IS Auditing Standard IT Governance S10
1. Review and assess whether the IS function aligns with the organization’s
mission, vision, values, objectives and strategies.
2. Review whether the IS function has a clear statement about the
performance expected by the business (effectiveness and efficiency) and
assess its achievement.
3. Review and assess the effectiveness of IS resource and performance
management processes.
4. Review and assess compliance with legal, environmental and information
quality, and fiduciary and security requirements.
5. Review and assess the control environment of the organization.
6. Review and assess the risks that may adversely effect the IS environment
Choosing a framework
• CobiT
• ISO/IEC 27001:2005
• ISO/IEC 38500:2008
• AS 8015-2005
Choosing a framework
COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations ) Guidelines on many
- human resource - risk
- external resources - information technology
- operations - legal affairs
- procurement - marketing and sales
- inbound/outbound logistics - financial functions
- reporting
Feel free to contact me with questions:
Michael K. H. Chan,