PCIP 2017 - 2019.final
PCIP 2017 - 2019.final
PCIP 2017 - 2019.final
Bukidnon Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Development Council Executive Committee Resolution Number 02-2016: Approving The
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) 2017-2019 of the Province Bukidnon
Introduction 1
The Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 1
Plan Objectives 2
1 Development Background and Key Development Challenges 3
1.1 Geographic Profile 5
- Provincial location (map)
- Land area
- Agricultural land area disaggregated by commodity
1.2 Socio Economic and Demographic Profile 8
- Population/HH disaggregated by farming and non-farming
- Agricultural labor force
- Poverty Threshold and Poverty Incidence
- Unemployment
- Labor productivity
1.3 Agriculture and Agribusiness Profile
2 Development Vision and Framework 10
2.1 Over-all Vision Statement, Development, Goals 10
- Vision
- Mission
- Development Framework
- Pillars of Governance
2.2 Agriculture sector vision and goals 16
- Vision
- Goal
- Objectives
- Strategies
- Priority Programs and Projects
3 Priority Commodity Chains Development 17
3.1 Commodity Value Chain 1: Oil Palm 17
3.1.1 Commodity Profile 17
3.1.2 Commodity Strategic Development Strategic Directions 21
and Investment Plan
3.1.4 Expanded Vulnerability Sustainability Assessment (EVSA): Oil 22
3.1.5 Key Gaps and Potential Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain 24
3.2 Commodity Value Chain 2: Cassava 40
3.2.1 Commodity Profile 40
3.2.2 Commodity Strategic Development Strategic Directions 43
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
List of Figures
List of Maps
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
List of Tables
List of Annexes
Annex Title/Description
A Memorandum of Agreement
B Executive Order
C Photo Documentation
D EVSA result by Commodity
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
A&D Alienable and Disposable MAO Municipal Agriculture Office
AFTA Asean Free Trade Agreement MEO Municipal Engineers Office
BAS Bureau of Agricultural Statistics MLGU Municipal Local Government Unit
Bureau of Soils and Water
BSWM Management MT Metric Tons
Cooperative Development
CDA Authority NGO Non-Government Organization
Community Environment Natural Northern Mindanao Integrated
CENRO Resources Office NOMIARC Agriculture Research Center
National Statistical Coordination
CMU Central Mindanao University NSCB Board
CPO Crude Palm Oil PAgrO Provincial Agriculture Office
DA Department of Agriculture PA Provincial Agriculture Office
Department of Agriculture -
DA-ATI Agricultural Training Institute PCA Philippine Coconut Authority
Department of Agriculture - Philippine Council for Agriculture,
DA- Regional Program Coordinating Forestry and Natural Resources
RPCO Office PCARRD Research and Development.
Department of Environment and Provincial Commodity Investment
DENR Natural Resources PCIP Plan
Department of Science and
DOST Technology PCPT Provincial Core Planning Team
Department of Public Works and
DPWH Highways PLGU Provincial Local Government Unit
Department of Trade and Provincial Planning and
DTI Industry PPDO Development Office
Provincial Planning and
FA Farmers Association PPDO Development Office
Food and Agriculture Provincial Project Monitoring and
FAO Organization PPMIT Inspection Team
Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Provincial Project Management and
FAOSTAT Nations PPMIU Implementing Unit
Philippine Rural Development
FMR Farm-to-Market Road PRDP Project
I-BUILD Intensified Building-Up of Infra
and Logistics for Development SCU State Colleges and Universities
I-PLAN Investment for AFMP Planning at Social and Environmental
the Local and National Level SESF Safeguards Frameworks
I-REAP Investment for Rural Enterprise
and Agricultural and Fisheries
Productivity SME Small and Medium Enterprise
Small and Micro Financing
LGU Local Government Unit SMFI Institutions
LMB Land Management Bureau VCA Value Chain Analysis
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
The implementation of the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) covering all the
provincial and city/municipal local government units in the country has been a most welcomed
development especially in the countryside. The project’s objectives which include, among others, to
increase by at least 5 percent the annual real farm incomes of PRDP household beneficiaries is
envisaged to essentially contribute in alleviating the poverty situation. This is especially so in the rural
areas where the farmers are and where most of the poorer sector of the society are located.
The PRDP is a six-year program (2014-2019) designed to establish an inclusive and market-
oriented agri-fishery sector through strategic investments in priority commodity value chains. The
project’s scheme of implementation which is to partner with LGUs and the private sector in providing
key infrastructure, facilities, technology, and information that will raise incomes, productivity, and the
competitiveness in the countryside will certainly empower LGUs to address key development issues that
confront them. The financing mix of related interventions are to be funded is foreseen to substantially
augment the LGUs’ in delivering the necessary infrastructure, facilities and information to all
The Provincial Government of Bukidnon including the LGUs under its jurisdiction consisting of
the two component cities (Malaybalay and Valencia) and the 20 municipalities have signified full support
to the project. For purposes of a meaningful and effective implementation of the PRDP in Bukidnon, the
province, in conjunction with all the cities and municipalities, supported by technical assistance from the
Department of Agriculture – Region 10 crafted the Provincial Commodity Investment Plan.
The Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) basically lays down the priority interventions
proposed to be put in place within the value chain of important agricultural commodities of Bukidnon.
These commodities, which are as essential as the staple crops for purposes of levelling up activities in
the agriculture sector of the province include banana (cardava); cassava; abaca; rubber; cacao, oil palm
and coffee. It is important to note that the preparation of the PCIP is largely informed by the results of
the Value Chain Analyses (VCA) of each of the above commodities as well as from broad-based
consultations made by the Provincial Core Planning Team with the various stakeholders of the plan and
of the PRDP as a whole.
The VCA informs the PCIP relative to the key gaps/constraint in the value chain development of
the above-mentioned commodities. Further, it suggests interventions that are necessary to be made
available within the value chain to address key gaps and constraints. These, together with inputs
elicited from various stakeholders ranging from LGUs of the province to the private sector make up the
essential components of the PCIP.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Bukidnon’s updated PCIP covering the planning period 2017-2019 shall become the basis for
identifying interventions/sub-projects under the PRDP’s I-BUILD and I-REAP components. Therefore, it is
imperative that interventions which are to be co-financed by the LGUs and the DA through the PRDP are
identified in the PCIP.
While the crafting of the PCIP is supported by the PRDP, it isn’t only inteneded for DA-PRDP’s
sole purpose. The PCIP can be a living document that outlines the agri-fishery priority and direction of
the province, the same document can serve as basis in determining the investment needs of the
province for its agricultural and fisheries sector in general.
2. Plan Objectives
(i) Identify and prioritize interventions for possible co-financing between implementing
Local Government Units and the Department of Agriculture through the PRDP
(iv) Directly support the objectives of the PDPFP particular on the province’s development
thrust by developing and maintaining/sustaining selected interventions relative to the
value chain development of each identified commodity
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chapter I
Development Background/Context
Bukidnon is a landlocked province of about 1.3 Million people (NSO, 2010) within the heart of
Mindanao. It has an area of 10,498.59 square kilometres (LMB, DENR, 27 May 2008) where about 64
percent (669,526.25 has.) is classified as forestland and 40 percent (380,332.75 has.) as A and D.
The province’s keen interest to become a participating LGU of the PRDP is anchored on its desire
to address pressing development issues and/or key development challenges that seem to hinder its
track towards a sustainable progress. Among the myriad of key development challenges, the most
pressing issues that currently confront the province and which somewhat hinders its overall
development are the following:
The 2012 first semester per capita poverty threshold and poverty incidence among families
listed Bukidnon as the poorest amongst all provinces in region 10. The province registered a 43.3
percent poverty incidence among families during the period which is by far the highest compared to all
the other provinces in the region. It is even almost doubly higher that the national’s average poverty
incidence of 22.3 percent during the same period. What is even more alarming to this is the trend on
poverty incidence where report of the NSCB indicated that this has almost consistently been on the rise.
The subsistence incidence also fares no better than the poverty incidence. Even for the assumed role of
the province as the food basket of the region, about 16 percent are still not able to hurdle the per capita
food requirement during the 2009 report of the NSCB.
The way the population is increasing in the province has somewhat put a strain on the provincial
economy. The latest average annual growth rate (2.05) showed that the province’s population is
growing at a rate which is faster than the national’s growth of 2.03. Bukidnon’s growth is the third
fastest in the region. The increasing number of population certainly would demand more services from
the government. This has also led to the reduction of production areas to cater to the demand for more
areas to accommodate the expansion of urban areas for settlements purposes. Furthermore, this has
contributed to pollution as the rising population contributes even more pollutants in terms of solid and
other wastes to the environment.
Progress and development can only be truly achieved where there is stable peace and order
situation. Pockets of disturbances instigated by insurgent groups and the rising criminality situation in
some parts of the province seem to have significantly hampered further investments to come into the
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
that about 36 percent of the province’s population are still fetching water from Level I sources. Demand
for power and electrification especially for the energization of sitios are still prevalent as household
connections reported by the power distributors in Bukidnon are mainly in the barangay Poblacions and
its immediate outskirts. Irrigation development is still way off its programmed target. In 2012, status of
national irrigation systems stood only at 63.33 percent while the communal irrigation system only
attained 36.67 percent of its programmed area of 12,958 hectares.
Although the province’s external linkages via national roads to other provinces have been
continuously improved through national funding and majority of the provincial roads are maintained to
be an all year-round all-weather road, the farm-to-market or barangay roads are yet to get in a better
state. The limited financial capacity of barangay governments to apply routine maintenance to their
barangay roads has led to the deterioration of most these sections in the province. Farmers often
complain of this situation as cost of transport to bring-in inputs to the farm and bringing of produce to
markets becomes costly because of the road condition. Furthermore, basic services (e.g. health and
education) are difficult to access given the state of their barangay roads.
Bukidnon’s economy heavily relies on agriculture. The province’s role in regard to the overall
development of the region is to cater for agri-business ventures (NEDA, 2013). In addition, the province
also maintains its niche as the food basket of Region 10. It is thus important that the agriculture sector
of the province be accorded with the necessary support as the sector particularly plays a vital role in the
overall development of the province. To do this, the following issues and concerns need to be
i) Lack of access to quality planting materials of high yielding varieties, which leads to low
productivity, poor quality harvest, and high plant mortality. Seeds from big companies are
ii) Low technological capacity to respond to climate change and market opportunities/lack of
access to providers/services to improve agronomic practices, reduce incidence of pests and
diseases and postharvest losses.
iii) Poor land/resource management and utilization. Some parts of the land where the poor
farm is already degraded or with on-going degradation due to unstable farming practices.
High cost of production caused by heavy reliance on high cost of external inputs or
suboptimal use of inputs resulting to poor yields.
iv) Weak compliance to food safety and quality standards which constrain productivity, access
to markets, and results to high cost of transactions.
v) Lack of production programming and complementation across production areas resulting to
gluts and extreme drop in prices.
vi) Poor postharvest facilities and technology resulting to high quantitative and qualitative
vii) Lack of access to land.
viii) Deteriorated condition of farm-to-market roads
ix) Inadequate supply of water for both domestic and irrigation purposes especially in the rural
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Geographic Profile
Provincial Location
Bukidnon is a landlocked plateau and lies in the southern part of the Philippines. It is located in the
north central part of the island of Mindanao particularly within Northern Mindanao (Region 10). It is
bounded in the north by Misamis Oriental and Cagayan de Oro City; on the east by Agusan del Sur and
Davao del Norte; on the south by North Cotabato; and on the west by Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur and
part of Misamis Oriental (see Map 1). It lies between the parallels 7o 25' and 8o 38' north latitude, and
meridians 124o 31' and 125o 16’' east longitude.
Land Area
Table 1: Land Area by Province, Region 10, 2007
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
The province has a total of 270,572 persons registered as farmers, farm laborers and/or
fishermen. The male dominated the female in a ratio of 3:1. For both registered male and
female, only about 29.37 percent are considered as farmers. The biggest chunk in this
distribution are those belonging to farm laborers with about 41.26%. Thought the province is
landlocked, it is imperative that fishermen have least distribution for less than one percent of
both male and female registrants.
Table 3. Agriculture Labor Force, Bukidnon
Number of Persons who are registered as farmers, farm Number Percent
laborers and/or fishermen
Male 205,617 76.00
Female 64,955 24.00
Total 270,572 100.00
Farmers only 79,472 29.37
Farm laborers only 111,634 41.26
Fishermen only 394 0.15
Farmer, farm laborer and fishermen at the same time 3,603 1.33
Farmers and farm laborers at the same time 72,083 26.64
Both as farmers and fishermen 1,897 0.70
Both as farm labourer and fishermen 1,489 0.55
Total 270,572 100.00
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Philippines unemployment rate stood at 6.1 percent in April of 2016, down from 6.4 percent a
year earlier but up from 5.8 percent reported in January 2016. The figure excludes Lette Region.
Unemployment Rate in Philippines averaged 8.72 percent from 1994 until 2016, reaching an all
time high of 13.90 percent in the first quarter of 2000 and a record low of 5.70 percent in the
fourth quarter of 2015. Unemployment Rate in Philippines is reported by the National Statistics
Office of Philippines.
Labor Productivity
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Agriculture, forestry and 67,666 70,251 69,618 78,618 73,925 (2.9) 3.8 (0.9) 12.9 (5.5)
Industry 344,879 364,507 362,636 370,361 372,964 4.7 5.7 (0.5) 2.1 1.1
Services 102,764 102,839 111,210 112,241 122,855 7.1 0.1 8.1 0.9 9.1
Source: BAS
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
A province of healthy, self-reliant people enjoying quality of life in an atmosphere
of justice, peace and harmony with an ecologically balance environment and
optimally developed agri-based economy
The promotion of the general welfare of the people of Bukidnon is the primary mission of the
Province. Towards this end, the Provincial Government in partnership with key stakeholders shall endeavor
to achieve local autonomy, deliver basic services, increase agricultural productivity and investment,
regenerate its natural resources and democratize access to resources and development.
Being predominantly dependent on agriculture, the province will pursue the development of its
agri-based economy. Having been endowed with vast natural resources and viable agricultural products,
the province will sustainably secure its niche as the food basket of Region X and a major local and
international exporter of agricultural products.
The province’s agricultural development will adhere to the use of sustainable approaches and
acceptable effective modern technologies to improve its agricultural productivity. This will pave the way of
making the province a major producer of processed and semi-processed agricultural products. To achieve
this, the province will encourage investments on environment-friendly manufacturing and agri-based
industries. This will not only open opportunities for employment in the province but will also ensure a
competitive market for small farmers of their produce.
Infrastructure and utilities which are essential support for economic development will also be given
priority. Internal circulation, especially the provincial roads which provide for a network of connection
between cities and municipalities in the province as well as the province’s external linkage to important
market areas via major highways will be given special attention. It is to be noted that Bukidnon has been
considered as the trans-shipment route of goods and services of major cities in Mindanao particularly
between Davao, Cotabato, General Santos and Cagayan de Oro City.
Bukidnon’s watershed – considered to be one of the most important water sources in Mindanao
will sustainably be managed and conserved to ensure sustainable support to its agricultural economy. This
will also open up prospects on eco-tourism development and other tourism related ventures.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Overall, the province will focus its development process on people-centered development where
people shall be the focal point for equitable distribution of gains and benefits from the growth of the
province. This calls for total participation and firm commitment on all development processes that the
province will undertake.
To ensure the realization of the province’s aspirations, the administration of the current leadership
of Honorable Governor Jose Ma. R. Zubiri, Jr. will give priority consideration to the important major action
points which will serve as the pillars of provincial governance for the next six years. These specifically
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
therefore that about 44 in every 100 persons in Bukidnon are unable to fully afford to buy the basic food
and non-food requirements which is otherwise known as the Minimum Basic Needs. In view of this, the
current administration will exert all efforts and means to alleviate poverty in the province especially in the
rural areas where these are more prevalent. Apart from the current efforts of the provincial government
through the livelihood program, this administration will also be exploring tie-ups with private entities. One
example is the San Miguel Corporation’s chicken contract growing scheme where beneficiaries are indigent
families. This is basically to give them opportunities to have alternative source of income.
Infrastructure program
Infrastructure support is an essential part to encourage productivity in spurring economic activity.
The province considered this as an indispensable input in improving the overall provincial economy. First
and foremost in the agenda on this aspect is to keep the entire provincial road network in an all-weather,
all-year-round passable condition. For this purpose, the provincial administration will regularly earmark an
amount from the provincial budget for the routine and periodic maintenance of the entire provincial road
network to ensure that access to better health and educational services are afforded to the vast majority of
Bukidnon’s population. This will also ease movement of people and agriculture products among others to
better market areas. Water supply (both for domestic and agriculture use) will also be among the priorities
of the provincial government. Further, this administration will put pressure to the province’s power
distributors to expand household connections for electricity.
General Administration
Mindful of the needs of the province’s constituency, the province will pursue strategies to increase
locally sourced income in order to meet the growing needs of Bukidnon’s population. The provincial
government’s financial resources will be utilized with prudence in meeting its daily operational
requirements. This administration will ensure that transparency in all government transactions are met at
all times following rules and laws prescribed in the management of government funds.
A greater part of the province is generally described as an extensive plateau which is
characterized by a slightly rugged topography and is best expressed by its rolling hills and flatlands and is
mainly drained by deeply-incised Cagayan, Pulangi and Tagoloan rivers and ravines. The province is
generally mountainous with highest peaks of Mt. Kitangalad, Mt. Kalatungan and Mt. Tankulan. The
whole eastern and southwestern borders adjoining Agusan, Davao and Cotabato provinces are lofty and
densely forested mountains.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
With an extensive plateau, rolling hills and flatlands coupled with abundant water from rivers
and lakes, the province have been tagged as the “Food Basket of Mindanao”.
Bukidnon is a highland province. Almost three quarters (3/4) of the province’s area is lying in
elevation of more than 500 meters above sea level. This is in contrast to the coastal provinces of the
region where most of the land areas are lying within elevation range of from below 100 masl up to 500
masl. The low lying areas which have elevation below 100 masl is not even barely 1 percent of the
province’s total area. These are mostly located near the borders of Misamis Oriental particularly near
Cagayan de Oro City and in some parts forming valleys between mountains located within the midst of
the province particularly in Valencia City, municipality of Maramag and extending towards the
municipalities of Damulog and Kadingilan – both bordering the North Cotabato province.
The highest elevation of Bukidnon is located within the central part. This is primarily
attributable to the mountains of Mt. Kitanglad and Mt. Kalatungan. Higher elevations are also found in
the northern and north-eastern part of the province particularly in the municipalities of Malitbog and
Impasugong where the Kalabugao Mountain Range is situated. Areas of land with elevations of up to
300 masl are mostly located within the borders of municipalities bounding the province of Misamis
Oriental. These are the municipalities of Baungon, Libona and Manolo Fortich. Other areas with similar
elevations as with the said municipalities are found in Valencia city and the municipalities of Maramag,
Quezon, Don Carlos and the municipalities adjoining the boundary of North Cotabato (Kadingilan,
Damulog and Kitaotao).
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Bukidnon’s existing land use is predominated by production land within A and D and in
Forestland areas. Together, these areas constitute about 63 percent of the province’s territory.
Production lands are generally used for agriculture purposes. Mossy/Primary forest - most of which are
largely found within the Mt. Kitanglad and Kalatungan Ranges accounts for about 17 percent of the
total. Rivers and lakes on the other hand constitute nearly 1 percent of the province’s area while built-
up areas where settlements are primarily located constitute about 0.41 percent. Irrigated rice land
which is categorized as a protected area for agriculture covers some 21,716 hectares (about 2 percent),
by far the largest in irrigated area in Northern Mindanao.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Map 3 above shows that the province is not spared with some major hazards - floodings,
landslides, and erosions. Majority of the agricultural areas of the provinces lies within these hazards.
The agricultural production crops within the low land areas are prone to flooding; those within the
sloping areas are prone to erosion and landslides.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Bukidnon as a food self-sufficient province and a center for agri-based industries with
an optimally developed agriculture economy and ecologically balanced environment.
1. Encourage cities and municipalities in the province to establish an area which will be utilized as
economic zones
2. Intensify agricultural production by way of providing up-to-date technologies to farmers and/or
3. Encourage cities/municipalities to pass a resolution on a moratorium for the expansion of large-
scale commercial agricultural plantations
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
The country’s oil palm tree plantation is largely located in Mindanao. This is mainly because the
island is geographically located in the palm oil belt which has the appropriate climatic and soil conditions
for the production of palm oil as opposed to the islands of Luzon and Visayas (DA, VCA on Oil Palm
report, 2013). BAS (2013) data indicated that Mindanao accounted for a little over three quarters (77
percent) of all oil palm tree plantations in the Philippines. In the Mindanao regions, it is notable that
Nothern Mindanao (region 10) recorded the highest average year-on-year increase at 46 percent during
the period 2011 and 2012 (DA, VCA report 2013).
Now known as part of the Philippine Statistics Office
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
ABERDI – a private company operating in Bukidnon has established a crude oil palm mill in the
municipality of Impasugong. The plant which has a capacity of 10 tons per hour and averages about 100
tons of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) per day obtains raw materials (ffb) from farmers within the Bukidnon area.
On lean months however, the company had to resort buying raw materials for the plant from as far as
North Cotabato just to maintain its feasible operations. This only indicates the gap between demand
and supply of ffb of oil palm in the province. Further, the company has also established a 50 tonne-
capacity palm oil physical refinery which is due to be operational within 2014. The refinery is expected
to produce about 1,000 metric tons of palm olein per month
In 2010 area planted to oil palm is minimal in Northern Mindanao comprising only about 3.5
percent as compared to Philippine’s total of about 45,044 hectares. The province contributed almost all
of the regions aggregate total of oil palm plantation with about 82 percent. In six years time an
increasing trend in area planted to oil palm was observed. The region’s area have been doubled with
7.2 percent. While the sloppiness increase in the province’s area have only contributed about 35
percent of the region’s area during the year which was 47 percent lower as compared to 2010 level.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Though increasing trend of area planted to oil palm was noticeable in the country, its volume of
production decreases. An increase was observed every three years, but within those increases a decline
in production were observed. Unlike the trend of the country, northern Mindanao and Bukidnon have
observed an increasing trend of 62 percent and 34 percent for six years, respectively.
No. of Farmers
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Investment Plan
The full implementation of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) in 2015 is foreseen to
effect a large change in the agricultural landscape of the province. Sugarcane farmers which will be
greatly affected by the reduction of tariff on sugar from the current 38% to only 5% has already signified
to shift from sugarcane planting to oil palm tree plantation. The reduction of tariff on sugar will
expectedly effect a reduction of the prices on imported sugar. This will consequently impact on the
sugarcane farmers as market (current buyers) of the locally grown sugar will have by then, other
cheaper options of sources for sugar which may become available as these starts coming in from other
countries. For this reason, a number of sugarcane farmers have now begun converting their sugarcane
plantations into oil palm tree plantations.
Although still considered as a new prospect in the country in general and an emerging potential
crop in the province, oil palm is envisaged to play an important role in the development of the
agriculture sector of the province. Largely premised on the full implementation of the AFTA in 2015 and
the promising experience of North Cotabato (a neighbour province of Bukidnon) in oil palm tree
plantation, Bukidnon’s farmers has began shifting to this crop in lieu of sugarcane. This is foreseen to
drastically change once sugarcane industry will indeed be adversely affected by the expected influx of
sugar into the country.
It should however be amongst the policy action agenda of the province that oil palm production
must not be at the expense of biodiversity and ecosystems that may lead to destruction of forests,
biodiversity loss, habitat degradation, climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, animal cruelty,
indigenous rights abuses, worker’s rights violations, child labor and community issues on the practices
and technology employed to produce the oil.
Palm oil can be a catalyst for development if social and environmental impacts are considered
such as adopting sustainable practices like, not encroaching on the natural habitat of endangered
species. It can also enhance biodiversity when planted on degraded lands. Sustainable production is an
imperative for large buyers of palm oil such as Unilever and Cargill that will only be sourcing from
certified sustainable suppliers by 2015. It is however imperative that prime agricultural lands should not
be planted to oil palms so as not to threaten food security in the province.
The growth of Bukidnon oil palm industry in both domestic and export markets and the
realization of its potential to contribute significantly to the improvement of living conditions of
communities especially in marginal/fragile ecosystem hinges on putting in place a system that will
sufficiently meet the requirements of price, quality, and reliability of supply. For this reason, strategic
development directions for the commodity will necessarily be geared towards:
Adoption of sustainable production practices and land use and the achievement of sustainable
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Efficient farming and production technologies including sourcing of planting materials and
inputs to ensure that cost of production will meet market expectations, allow the industry to be
competitive in world markets, and improve industry profitability;
Addressing the infrastructure and resource deficiencies that are impeding the efficiency of
The result of the EVSA for oil palm shows that the municipality of Kadingilan ranks number 1
followed by Impasugong as rank number 2. Completing the top 5 are the municipalities of Don Carlos,
Maramag and Dangcagan. Result of the EVSA for the oil palm commodity is presented in the EVSA Map
for Oil Palm and its corresponding matrix below.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Input 1. High cost of Implementation of Plant 5,000 ha. planted Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PLGU, MLGU, 17,230 21,538 17,230 PLGU, R: Farmers will not
Supply planting materials Now Pay Later Program benefitting 1,000 Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, Aberdi, MLGU, use the loaned
to stimulate first time farmers. Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & Palmera, Bali Aberdi, money to
purchase Manolo Libona, Kalilangan Oil Palmera, Bali plantation
Fortich, Malaybalay Oil RM: secure tri-
city, partite agreement
with farmers
2. Lack of supply of Work with MFIs/banks in 4 accredited Kadingilan Impasug-ong, Kalilangan PLGU, MFI, 1,250 2,500 1,250 PLGU, MFI,
good quality the development of nurseries set up Don Carlos, Rural Banks Rural Banks
affordable planting financial product for with 100T
materials of high interested investors in seedlings
yielding variety nursery operations propagated
3. Lack of accredited Set-up of accredited 3 accredited Kalilangan Impasugong Don Carlos PRDP, PLGU, 3,000 3,000 3,000 PRDP, PLGU, R: unavailability of
nurseries nurseries in key oil palm nurseries set up MLGU, MLGU, preferred variety
production clusters with 100T FA/Coop, FA/Coop, of oil palm seeds
either as micro seedlings Palmera Palmera RM: secure tri-
franchisees of oil mills or propagated partite agreement
independent enterprises yearly with oil palm seed
Upgrading and scaling- 2 existing Kadingilan Dangcagan Kadingilan PRDP, PLGU, 3,335 3,330 3,335 PRDP, PLGU, R: MFIs high
up of existing accredited nurseries upscale MLGU MLGU interest rates
nurseries and accredited RM: farmers to
organized in coops
and association to
secure lower
interest rates
4. Limited knowledge Development of 75 nursery Impasug-ong, Manolo Talakag, PRDP, PLGU, 192.3 192.3 115.4 PRDP, PLGU, R: non adoption of
on nursery operations technical capacity of operators trained Don Carlos, Fortich, Cabanglasan & Palmera, Palmera, technology of
and management nursery operators to on nursery Damulog, Kibawe, Kalilangan FA/Coop FA/Coop trained nursery
provide coaching and management Malaybalay Kadingilan, operators
mentoring to clients city, Valencia Pangantucan, RM: constant
City, Libona, monitoring of
nursery operations
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
5. Limited access to Strong linkages with 1,000 farmers Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PLGU, MLGU, 76.92 96.16 76.92 PLGU, R: soil analysis is
soil analysis services as MLGUs agricultural facilitated by Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, CMU, DA MLGU, CMU, not a farmers
basis for fertilizer extension workers for AEWs to access Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & DA priority
application technical assistance soil analysis Manolo Libona, Kalilangan RM: soil analysis
Fortich, Malaybalay as part of
city, requirements for
6. High cost of Implementation of Plant 5,000 ha. planted Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PLGU, MLGU, 21,538 17,231 PLGU, R: Farmers will not
fertilizers and other Now Pay Later schemes benefitting 2,000 Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, Aberdi, 17,231 MLGU, use the loaned
farm inputs targeting smallholders farmers Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & Palmera Aberdi, money to
Manolo Libona, Kalilangan Palmera plantation
Fortich Malaybalay RM: secure tri-
city partite agreement
with farmers
Foster linkages with 1,000 farmers Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PLGU, MFIs, 31 38 31 PLGU, MFIs,
financial services accessed loan Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, Rural Banks, Rural Banks,
providers agreements with Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & FA/Coop FA/Coop
MFI Manolo Libona, Kalilangan
Fortich Malaybalay
7. Limited availability Development of local Establishment of Valencia Maramag Kadingilan, PRDP, PLGU, 100 100 200 PRDP, PLGU, R: low
and commercial production and 4 organic Malaybalay MLGU, MLGU, appreciation of
distribution of organic commercialization of fertilizer City Organic Organic farmers on organic
fertilizer and inputs organic fertilizer production Agriculture Agriculture fertilizers
specific for oil palm including facilitating facility with 100 Advocates Advocates RM: advocacy on
access to extension bags/mo capacity sustainable
services on proper farming practices
fertilizer management
and application
Technical and financial organic fertilizer Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 192 154 PRDP, PLGU,
assistance to existing producers Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, MLGU, 154 MLGU,
and potential organic technical and Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & Organic Organic
fertilizer producers financially Manolo Libona, Kalilangan Agriculture Agriculture
assisted Fortich Malaybalay Advocates Advocates
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Develop capacity of 20 organic Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 31 38 31 PRDP, PLGU,
organic fertilizer fertilizer Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, MLGU, MLGU,
producers to provide producers Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & Organic Organic
technical advice to capacitated Manolo Libona, Kalilangan Agriculture Agriculture
clients Fortich Malaybalay Advocates Advocates
Production 1. Limited knowledge Capacity development 25 pool of Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 77 62 PRDP, PLGU, R: weak work
of farmers on oil palm for small farmers on Oil experts (1 per Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, MLGU, PCA 62 MLGU, PCA commitment of
production and Palm production and mun/city) trained Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & the trained
management management (IEC, to capacitate the Manolo Libona, Kalilangan personnel
Trainings) 1,000 farmers Fortich Malaybalay RM: motivation
City and monitoring of
2. Lack of Capability development 2 AEWs per Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PLGU, MLGU, 77 62 PLGU,
knowledge/expertise of AEWs as pool of municipality/city Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, PRDP 62 MLGU, PRDP
of agricultural experts Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan &
extension workers Manolo Libona, Kalilangan
(AEWs) on oil palm Fortich Malaybalay
production City
3. No financial return Promote other farm Monthly Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU PRDP, PLGU
for the 1st 4 years techniques and forum/meetings Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag,
strategies such as inter conducted Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan &
cropping and diversified benefitting 1,000 Manolo Libona, Kalilangan
farming system farmers Fortich Malaybalay
4. Low adoption of Development of local 25 Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 31 38 31 PRDP, PLGU, R: Stakeholders
good agricultural capacity to provide personnel/expert Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, DTI, Organic DTI, Organic willingness to
practices/ sustainable services that will enable s ( 1 for each Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & Agriculture Agriculture participate
farming practices due farmers to adopt municipality/city Manolo Libona, Kalilangan Advocates Advocates RM: Give
to limited outreach of sustainable production and 3 from the Fortich Malaybalay incentive or
existing services practices province) City require
attendance of
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
5. Lack of Set-up of community- 13 personnel (1 Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, PRDP, PLGU,
understanding and based providers on for each city & Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, Organic Organic
appreciation of sustainable farming municipality) Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & Agriculture Agriculture
benefits of sustainable practices Manolo Libona, Kalilangan Advocates Advocates
farming practices Fortich Malaybalay
Build capacity of 3 training for the Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PRDP 31 38 31 PRDP R: Availability of
government extension 25 personnel Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, local and foreign
officers to provide Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & training programs
training and mentoring Manolo Libona, Kalilangan RM: Source out
on sustainable farming Fortich Malaybalay other related
City training and
express intention
in advance if RP is
available to
eliminate conflict
of schedule
Conduct of competitions Annual Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PLGU, MLGU 31 38 31 PLGU, MLGU R: Stakeholders
to stimulate adoption competition with Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag, willingness to
and facilitate incentive given to Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan & participate
documentation of the winners Manolo Libona, Kalilangan RM: attractive
emerging good practices Fortich Malaybalay incentive for
City participants
Documentation and No. of IEC Impasug-ong, Kibawe, Valencia City, PLGU 31 38 31 PLGU
dissemination of materials Don Carlos, Kadingilan, Talakag,
emerging good practices Damulog, Pangantucan, Cabanglasan &
Manolo Libona, Kalilangan
Fortich Malaybalay
Processing 1. High perishability of Promote the 4 oil palm milling Don Carlos Impasugong, Kalilangan Aberdi, Aberdi,
oil palm fruit brunch Establishment of oil plant established Valencia Palmera Palmera
that needs to be palm milling plant on
delivered to mills strategic locations
within 24 hours
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
2. Poor Condition of Construction and R: Availability of
Farm-to-Market road upgrading of farm to counterpart funds
market roads from concerned
1. Concreting/ 5.04 km. Impasug-ong DA(PRDP), RM: Provincial
improvement of 5.04 55,410 PLGU and LGU to financially
kms. Kibenton-Intavas MLGU support the
FMR (Phase 3) municipal LGU by
allocating funding
for needed
2. 8 km. Don Carlos DA(PRDP), 80,000 DA(PRDP), R: Poor quality;
Upgrading/Concreting of PLGU and PLGU and delays during
8 kms. San Antonio west MLGU MLGU construction
to Bizmartz FMR
3. Upgrading of 1 km. Dalirig, DA(PRDP), 15,000 DA(PRDP), RM: Transparency
Sabangan-Abyawan Manolo PLGU and PLGU and and strict
Phase I (Concreting of Fortich MLGU MLGU monitoring and
Steep Gradient and Line evaluation of
Canal)- Dalirig awarded builders
and their road and
infra construction
Dissemination of
4. Rehabilitation/ 3.00Km. Manolo Fortich DA(PRDP), 30,000 DA(PRDP), geographic areas
Construction of Sitio PLGU and PLGU and and beneficiaries
Siklapan-Malambago MLGU MLGU to secure common
Farm to Market Road- understanding at
Maluko all levels and
areas. Promote
synergies and
among builders.
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
5. Rehabilitation/ 3.95 Km Kibawe DA(PRDP), 39,500 DA(PRDP), To ensure
Concreting of 3.95 kms. PLGU and PLGU and efficiency,
FMR of P-7 Old Kibawe MLGU MLGU coherence and
to P-7 Romagooc optimum
utilization of
funds.utilization of
6. Rehabilitation/ 1.52 Km. Kibawe DA(PRDP), 15,200 DA(PRDP),
Concreting of 1.52 kms. PLGU and PLGU and
of P-7 Palma to P-4B MLGU MLGU
Talahiron Farm to
market road
7. Rehabilitation/ 2.3 Km. Kibawe DA(PRDP), 23,000 DA(PRDP),
Concreting of 2.3 kms. PLGU and PLGU and
FMR of Sitio Kimongcao, MLGU MLGU
Natulongan to Tumaras
8. Rehabilitation/ 2.79 km. Kibawe DA(PRDP), 27,900 DA(PRDP),
Concreting 0f 2.79 kms. PLGU and PLGU and
FMR of Centro New MLGU MLGU
Kidapawan to Sitio
9. Rehabilitation/ 4.086 kms. Kibawe DA(PRDP), 55,092 DA(PRDP),
Concreting of 4.086 km PLGU and PLGU and
Balintawak-Marapange MLGU MLGU
Farm to Market Road
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
12. Upgrading/ .200 km. Kadingilan DA(PRDP), 2,000 DA(PRDP),
Concreting of .200 km PLGU and PLGU and
Pinamangguan Road MLGU MLGU
Section FMR
15. Rehab. Of 4.00 Km. 4.00 km. Kadingilan DA(PRDP), 32,000 DA(PRDP),
Mabuhay to PLGU and PLGU and
Cabadiangan Road MLGU MLGU
Section FMR
16. Rehab of 6.0 kms 6.00 km. Kadingilan DA(PRDP), 48,000 DA(PRDP),
Maisa-Bacbacon FMR PLGU and PLGU and
17. Rehab of 14.75 kms. 14.75 km. Kadingilan DA(PRDP), 114,000 DA(PRDP),
San Andres to PLGU and PLGU and
Bagongbayan FMR MLGU MLGU
18. Upgrading/ .300 km. Kadingilan DA(PRDP), 3,000 DA(PRDP),
concreting of 0.300 km. PLGU and PLGU and
Cabadinangan road Jct. MLGU MLGU
Kibalagon and
Matampay FMR
19. Upgrading/ 3.20 kms. Kadingilan DA(PRDP), 36,055 DA(PRDP),
Concreting of 3.0 km. PLGU and PLGU and
Balaoro Proper to Sitio MLGU MLGU
Sta. Cruz-Sitio Rapagas
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
20. Concreting of 14.986 kms. Kadingilan DA(PRDP), 179,832 DA(PRDP),
Poblacion-Cabadiangan- PLGU and PLGU and
Matampay Road MLGU MLGU
25. Concrete Road of Jct. 15.00 kms. Talakag DA(PRDP), 22,500 DA(PRDP),
Nat’l Hway Sitio San PLGU and PLGU and
Fermin-Salucot- MLGU MLGU
Colawingon – Indulang
26. Concrete Road of 15.00 kms. Talakag DA(PRDP), 22,500 DA(PRDP),
San Antonio-Lingi-on- PLGU and PLGU and
27. Concreting of Purok 1.10 kms. Cabanglasan DA(PRDP), 12,100 DA(PRDP),
1 – Purok 16, Iba FMR PLGU and PLGU and
28. Concreting of Proper 1.30 kms. Cabanglasan DA(PRDP), 14,300 DA(PRDP),
Imbatug-Sitio Patag FMR PLGU and PLGU and
29. Construction of 11 11.00 kms. Libona DA(PRDP), 130,000 DA(PRDP),
km Poblacion-Bugsok- PLGU and PLGU and
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
30. Concreting Of 13.86 kms. Damulog DA(PRDP), 149,011 DA(PRDP),
Pocopoco to Tangkulan PLGU and PLGU and
31. Concreting of 2.40 kms. Damulog DA(PRDP), 15,144 DA(PRDP),
Kinapat to Aludas FMR PLGU and PLGU and
32. Concreting of 1.72 kms. Damulog DA(PRDP), 12,000 DA(PRDP),
Naruganan to San Isidro PLGU and PLGU and
FMR with Box Culvert MLGU MLGU
33. 2.00 kms. Malaybalay DA(PRDP), 20,000 DA(PRDP),
Upgrading/Concreting of City PLGU and PLGU and
Farm to Market Road at MLGU MLGU
Miglamin Sitio
Matangpatang to Sitio
34. 1.00 km. Malaybalay DA(PRDP), 10,000 DA(PRDP),
Upgrading/concreting of City PLGU and PLGU and
farm to market road MLGU MLGU
(FMR) P4 Lower & P4
Upper, Linabo
35. Concreting of 1.00 kms. Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 12,000 DA(PRDP),
Circumferential Road- PLGU and PLGU and
Sagal-ang to MLGU MLGU
Lampanusan Proper
36. Construction of 35 L.m. Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 12,250 DA(PRDP),
Single-Lane Bridge to PLGU and PLGU and
replace Kinura Spillway MLGU MLGU
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
39. Construction of 1.0 km. Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 12,000 DA(PRDP),
Janiuay to Kimagting PLGU and PLGU and
40. Construction 1.0 km. Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 12,000 DA(PRDP),
Malinao to Imbariz FMR PLGU and PLGU and
Bridge 41. Construction of 25 L.m. Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 8,750 DA(PRDP),
Romagooc Bridge along PLGU and PLGU and
Pamotolon – Canituan MLGU MLGU
42. Rehabilitation of Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 2,000 DA(PRDP),
Bailey Bridge in PLGU and PLGU and
Kimagting MLGU MLGU
43. Upgrading of 25 LM Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 8,750 DA(PRDP),
Saladero Bridge to one PLGU and PLGU and
lane Bridge MLGU MLGU
44. Construction of One 50 lm. Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 17,500 DA(PRDP),
Lane Bridge Kinura- PLGU and PLGU and
Kibaning MLGU MLGU
PWS 45. Construction of 8,230 HH Kalilangan DA(PRDP), 2,000 DA(PRDP),
Potable Water System PLGU and PLGU and
(Level II)- Forchacu III MLGU MLGU
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Marketing Limited number of Conduct investment No. of PLGU, DA 50
lead firms currently forum for Oil Palm investment
operating in Bukidnon Industry players forum/ mission
Lack of buying stations Promote for the No. of buying
for fresh fruit bunch establishment of buying stations
stations/consolidation /consolidated
centers centers with 50
tons capacity
Inter-firm Lack of organized oil Organization of oil palm 1 Prov’l LGU, CDA, 100 LGU, CDA, R: Lack of trust
palm growers farmers (federation) Federation farmers farmers and cooperation
between and
among farmers
Weak capacity among Support the promotion 1 per Municipal/ LGU, CDA, 100 LGU, CDA, RM: Encourage
farmers to organize and operationalization City Cooperative farmers farmers farmers by
themselves into of oil palm organization organized informing them
structured groups and cooperative the importance of
oil palm
Logistics Lack of providers on Conduct Oil Palm Forum 5 forums with DA, PLGU, 100 DA, PLGU, R: Low
sustainable farming on effective farming 100 pax FA/coop FA/coop uptake/adoption
practices. system among farmers
High cost of Provision of 4 hauler trucks DA, PLGU, 100 DA, PLGU, RM: Encourage oil
transportation from transportation facilities FA/coop FA/coop mills to give
farm to palm oil mills for cluster farmers preference to
suppliers adopting
farming practices
including price
incentives for
early adopters
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Lack of transportation Procurement of Targeted DA, PLGU, 100 DA, PLGU, R: Slow
dedicated for technical dedicated vehicle trainings FA/coop FA/coop mobilization of
personnel for fast, completed. concern agency’s
easy and effective support to project
dissemination of implementation
services by the P/MAO due to lack of
logistic support in
Training equipment Procurement of Efficient and fast DA, PLGU, 100 DA, PLGU, RM:Resource
for the technical equipment delivery of FA/coop FA/coop mobilization and
personnel (e.g. laptop, training and infusion of
lcd projector,etc.) other technical financial support
services. to travels and
training costs for
immediate and
effective delivery
of project services
Limited Financing - Consider a willing No. of PLGUs., GFIs PLGUs., GFIs
Institution (banks) credit from oil palm org./individuals
willing to finance the millers assisted to access
Oil Palm Production/ - Coordination/ loans with
long gestating crops collaboration activities Government
with GFIs and rural Financial
banks to consider Institutions (GFIs)
granting of working
- Loans to marketing and
consolidation activities
of oil palm grower-
association and coops
Insufficient funds of Incorporate the Equity provided. PLGUs (LFCs) PLGUs (LFCs)
LGU proposed project in the
Provincial Investment
and Development Plan
(PDIP) and rank as
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Research Lack knowledge on Organize a technical and Technical and R: farmers not
and Pest management of research group in the research group in confirming to the
Developm oil palm with region for pest the region financing scheme
ent emphasis on Local management organized and interest rate
condition the financial
institution/ millers
is offering
Lack of R&D Conduct of R&D on oil Results of R&D RM: Develop
engagement on oil palm on oil palm alternative
palm commodity to available. schemes to
include: mobilize resources
- utilization of waste for oil palm
products production and
- others marketing
Extension Inadequate technical Hiring of technical Massive provision Risk: Result of
manpower personnel to conduct of technical, R&D not utilized.
extension services extension RM: Policy
services. Issuance on the
adoption of R&D
Efficient and
extension service
Capacitated oil
palm farmers.
Inadequate/No Expansion of laboratory Improved
Laboratory laboratory facility for facility. laboratory
the following: facility.
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Oil Palm Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Value Key Gap/Constraint in Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/ Target Areas to be covered Proposed lead Estimated Project Cost Proposed Remarks Rank
Chain VC Development in Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other ( Php ‘000) sources of
Segment the Province players funds
and 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
2) soil analysis for the Most appropriate
most suited oil palm oil palm variety
variety in Bukidnon for Bukidnon
grown and
Policy Conflict on land use Development of oil palm suitable for oil R: Not a priority of
and environmental zones in consultation palm production the LCE.
issues with communities and RM: Outsource
its strict implementation funds from DA-
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Global production of cassava is dominated by countries from Africa which produces about 57
percent of the world production (DA, Cassava VCA, 2014). Nigeria tops all African countries
contributing around 12 percent of cassava production coming from these parts of the globe. Asia
contributes about 37 percent of world production with Thailand and Indonesia dominating as top
producers amongst Asian countries.
In the Philippines,
particularly in the Mindanao Figure 4
Island, cassava is traded in
the form of fresh tubers,
chips and granules,
delicacies, starch, or grates.
It has also been noted that
cassava has been classified as
a supplemental food
especially in the Muslim
households. A little over
three fourths (77%) of
Philippine production of
cassava is from Mindanao.
The Autonomous Region of
Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) is the overall top producer contributing about 44 percent of the
Mindanao production followed by Region 10 (Northern Mindanao) which provinces altogether
contributed 25 percent of the overall cassava production of the Island. Figure 1 illustrates the
Mindanao production of cassava by region.
In the Northern Mindanao Region, Bukidnon tops all other provinces in terms of production
contributing about 66 percent (nearly 400,000 metric tons) of the 601,288 metric tons produced in
the region in 2013. Endowed with vast agricultural lands, Bukidnon has devoted about 16,150
hectares of land to cassava production – the largest (64%) of the total land area planted to cassava
in region 10 (BAS, 2013). While the national average yield per hectare of production stood only at
10.88 MT/ha, Bukidnon’s averaged yield was reported at 24.59 MT/ha in the same year – currently
the highest in all the provinces in Region 10.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Cassava production in the province has significantly increased by 65% for the period 2009 to
2013 and area planted by 45% which could be due to the entry of investors in cassava processing for
industrial uses like chips and granules, starch, flour and ethanol. Initially, only PhilAgro in Baungon
processes cassava but in the last 5 years, more investors on cassava processing plants were
established in Manolo Fortich and Sumilao. Before the entry of processing plants in Bukidnon,
cassava was only planted for home consumption as a substitute to rice or corn. The industry has
improved with all municipalities/cities planting this crop due to market demand. However, transport
costs are expensive due to poor farm to market roads and the availability of transportation upon
harvest to catch up with the perishability of tubers. Once it is harvested, cassava tubers begin to
deteriorate and cannot be stored for more than a few days. They are bulky with about 70% moisture
content which makes transportation of the tubers to urban markets difficult and expensive. Thus,
there is a need for rapid processing of the tubers (before spoilage sets in) into various products with
increased shelf life.
Commodity Situation
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
An important part of cassava’s value chain in Bukidnon is the processing plants which serve not
only as stages for value adding but as market centers as well because these establishments also buy
produce which are directly delivered to them by the producers/farmers. Up-scaling therefore of the
commodity in terms of value adding before the product finally reaches its consumers are done in the
province through these plants. However, the road network that interlinks these parts of the value
chain (farm-processing/marketing-consumers) is still found to be wanting in quality. It is therefore
imperative that investments should include upgrading of the farm to market roads necessary to
bring the commodity from the farms to the processing plants and finally to the consumers.
Bukidnon have already secured its niche as the top producing province of cassava in 2013. It
devoted the largest area for cassava production in region 10. While production may have
substantially increased in recent years, demands are still outpacing production as more investors
engaged in buying banana chips and granules came into the province. Investments have also been
into processing raw cassava product into starch and flour. Straregic development directions for this
particular commodity will include:
The expanded vulnerability sustainability assessment (EVSA) for Cassava in Bukidnon include
soil suitability, area planted, production volume of the commodity, number of farmers, poverty
incidence and population as the parameters in determining the ranking of areas where the
commodity is most suitable to be propagated and value chain developed.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
The result of the EVSA for cassava shows that the municipality of Manolo Fortich ranks
number with a composite index of 0.61843. This is followed by the municipality of Baungon having a
composite index of 0.54647. Completing the rest in the top 5 rank are the municipalities of
Pangantucan with a composite index of 0.51285, Malitbog (0.50747) and Don Carlos (0.50675). It
can be noted though that while the municipality of Maramag may be not in the top 5 but its
composite index for Cassava is still almost at par with the 5 th rank as its result was at 0.50416. Ranks
7 and 9 (Valencia and Kadingilan, respectively) only have a comparatively slight difference in
composite index compated to Valencia at 0.49758 and 0.49750, respectively. Result of the EVSA for
the cassava commodity is presented in the EVSA Map for Cassava and its corresponding matrix (see
Table 2).
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Input Lack of access to and Development of local
Supply availability of steady capacity for
supply of planting production of
materials other than foundation seeds and
the KU 50, Lakan 1, its multiplication and
and Rayong 72 the commercial
within the proximity distribution of planting
of cassava farms materials
Lack of know-how to Set-up and/or Established 172 172 172 DA-PRDP & 527 527 527 DA-PRDP & R: Less takers of
set-up an effective upgrading of seed pieces PLGU-PAgO, PLGU-PAgO, propagation
system for rapid multiplication propagation MLGUs- MLGUs- farms in the
multiplication and farms/nurseries to farms for high MAO, CLGU- MAO, community
distribution of new diversify into the yielding CAO CLGU-CAO
varieties with high propagation of varieties in
yield potential, high improved high yielding Clustered areas
harvest index, and varieties, comply with with a total of
high root starch accreditation 516
content requirements, and propagation
establishment of farms in all
effective system for LGUs
rapid multiplication
Support in the 516 farmer- 172 172 172 DA-PRDP, 103 103 103 DA-PRDP, R: Not included
development of operators DA-ATI, DA-ATI, in LGU priority
business models capacitated/trai NOMIARC, NOMIARC, project & Lack of
appropriate to ned for rapid MLGUs, MLGUs, technical
purchasing abilities of multiplication of PLGU PLGU Expertise.
farmer clients and its high yielding RM: To be
operationalization varieties and included in the
high root starch MDC approved
content projects &
Conduct training
on cassava
production and
23 Agricultural 23 C/MLGUs, 14 C/MLGUs, R: Non-
Technologists DA-PRDP, DA-PRDP, attendance of
/AEWs/Agri II
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Capacitated on R: Less
New Package of commitment of
Technology some Ats
(POT) for RM: Issuance of
cassava Special Order by
the Local Chief
Executive (LCE)
516 Seed pieces 172 172 172 C/MLGUs, R: Stringent
growers DA-PRDP, Requirements for
accredited PLGU, BPI- accreditation
Low uptake/ Implementation of Plant now Pay 4 4 1 DA-PRDP & 27,500 27,500 27,500 DA-PRDP & R: Non-payment
adoption of nursery voucher program or later Scheme PLGU, PLGU, by individual
produced planting Plant Now – Pay Later provided in 5 C/MLGU, C/MLGU, farmer in the
materials scheme and other clusters @ 25 SMFI SMFI cluster
similar tool or has/cluster in RM: Select good
mechanism to 22 C/MLGUs/yr. payors/member
stimulate first time @ 30,000/ha. in the cluster
purchase and lower
risk of dislike
Set up demonstration 1 Demo 7 7 8 C/MLGU 210 210 240 C/MLGU R: Negative
farms to showcase Farm/LGU attitude of
benefits of using established farmers/wait and
planting materials see attitude;
from nurseries Non-provision of
cassava demo
area and
compliment in
the existing LGU
RM: C/MLGUs to
support demo
Development of Nursery 172 172 172 DA-PRDP 103 103 103 R: Identified
capacity of nursery operators/multi participants may
operators/multiplicati plication farms not be interested
on farms to deliver capacitated to to attend and
technical advice to deliver technical send proxies in
farmer clients advice to farmer their behalf
clients (516
plier farms)
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Mechanization of Implementation 6 Farm tractors 3 Farm tractors 3 Farm tractors Cassava 15,000 7,500 7,500 Cassava R: Coops
Production areas on a of production for 2 districts for 1 district for 1 district Clusters Clusters Capacity to pay
counter parting Loan/ Coops, PLGU, Coops, R: Maintenance
arrangement with assistance to C/MLGU, DA- PLGU, of the machinery
LGUs Coops in the PRDP, DA-10 C/MLGU, RM: Assign a
purchase of DA-PRDP, particular
Farm Tractor DA-10 member of the
with complete coop for the
accessories maintenance
4. Prevalence of Prevent the spread of Train farmers in All LGUs P/C/MLGUs, Incorporate R: Negative
Witch Broom diseases thru proper the prevention DA-RFO d in the attitude of
Disease & Spicter dis infection and and control of sustainable farmers
Mites burning of affected diseases farming RM: Emphasize
plants principles the benefits of
training of cooperation
DA’s assistance in the
bulk purchase of
Post Lack of access to Establishment of GMP Established All LGUs Barobo, Cassava 60,000 3,300 R: Cooperative
harvest/ postharvest facilities compliant common GMP compliant Lilingayon, Cluster Management
Processin service facilities for Mobile common Valencia City Coops, DA- RM:
g chipping, drying, service facilities ATI, DA- Cooperation in
granulation, and for: 1 uprooter, PRDP, PLGU, simple processes
warehousing Peeler/chipper, C/MLGUs allowing farmers
drying around to convert the
cluster of farms highly perishable
in remote areas cassava roots
/coop@ 3 into dry, easily
coops/LGU stored, and
freely traded
commodity. It
will extend shelf
1 Grater with All LGUs DA-PRDP, 2,280
presser/ LGU @ P/C/MLGUs
Construction of All barangays of DA-PRDP, 5,000
Solar Pangantucan P/C/MLGUs
in Pangantucan
Training on Valencia City DA-PRDP, 1,000
Kropek making P/C/MLGUs
Hands on Talakag, Libona Kalilangan Kalilangan DA-PRDP, 630 2,133 2,133
Training on P/C/MLGUs
Value adding
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Weak supply chain Technical and financial Market trends, All LGUs C/M/PLGU, R: Not up to
planning and support in the harvest AT/ date data on
cooperation development and schedule and Technicians, prices posted
piloting of information farm DA-ATI, DA- R: Financial
system on market maintenance PRDP constraints on
demand forecast and system the part of ATs to
corresponding cassava rigorously conduct
supply requirements disseminated in monitoring
which will help target areas RM: C/MLGUs
farmers determine to provide
appropriate farm logistic &
maintenance system financial support
and harvest schedules for travelling
expenses of ATs
in the conduct of
market trends
and harvest
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Limited interaction
among players
constrains the ability
of farmers and other
VC players to expand
and deepen their
Support Poor Access to credit Considered Availing Micro Financing All LGUs DA-PRDP 36,000 R: Delayed
services: Credit from Cassava Institutions repayments
Financing Traders (Micro-Credit linked to Coops/ RM: Extensive
Scheme Can Be 1,200 eligible Monitoring &
Established) farmers in 22 Evaluation
Smallholders rely on Provision of capital - Cassava Libona, DA-PRDP 5,000
advances or credit assistance to production Valencia City Financing
from traders- marginalized cassava Project for Institutions:
processors- farmers funding LBP, BCB,
assemblers to RBs,
finance inputs and C/MLGUs,
labor costs. MPDO,
- Provision of Kinawe, Libona DA-PRDP 2,000
production Gango, Libona MPDO,
inputs Pongol, Libona MAO, P.O.
- Capital San Jose, Libona
assistance to Barobo &
marginalized Guinoyuran,
Cassava farmers Valencia City
Capital assistance
provided to All
Support Clustering of cassava - the need to cluster 1 Cluster/LGU Province wide DA-PRDP & R: Member’s
Services : farmers at infant Cassava farmers @ 20-25 PLGUC/MLG non-compliance
R&D stage through Agro- has./cluster Us,FA/ COOP to clustering
Enterprise (AE) policies
- Planting of HYVs of R: Depleting Soil
Cassava Fertility
- Organic fertilizer RM: Leadership
utilization skills and
approach in
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Support Inadequate technical Extension services will Continuing All LGUs DA-ATI, 36 R: Lack of
Services : personnel to provide be crucial in building education to 5 NGOs, Other commitment and
Extensio improved technology on those practices by AEWs and Stakeholders dedication on
n to farmers ensuring access to stakeholders , the part of
relevant external per extension
knowledge and linking City/municipalit workers who
it to the wealth of y per year. were trained.
knowledge held by RM: Monitoring
smallholders. & Evaluation of
personnel and
Conduct DA-PRDP, 100
Farmer’s Forum MLGU
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
section FMR)
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
106. Upgrading 2.70 kms. Kibatang & San DA-PRDP- 27,000 DA-PRDP-
/concreting of Bgy. Antonio East MLGU MLGU
Kibatang-Bgy. San
Antonio East
(Provincial Road)
107. Upgrading/ 13.0 kms. Old Nongnongan, DA-PRDP- 130,000 DA-PRDP-
Concreting of Jct. Pualas, Buyot, San MLGU MLGU
National Highway Roque
(Concepcion) to San
Roque (Provincial
108. Upgrading of 10.0 kms. Pualas, Kasigkot, DA-PRDP- 100,000 DA-PRDP-
Bgy. Pualas-Bgy. Embayao, San MLGU MLGU
Kasigkot-Bgy. Roque
Embayao-Bgy. San
Roque (Provincial
109. Source 21 kms. Muleta, Kasigkot DA-PRDP- 90,000 DA-PRDP-
Development and to Poblacion Sur MLGU MLGU
Expansion of
Distribution Lines of
water system
12.Kibawe 120. 4.086 kms. Balintawak & DA-PRDP- 55,092 DA-PRDP-
Rehab/Concreting of Marapange MLGU MLGU
Balintawak to
Marapange FMR
121. 3.95 kms. Old Kibawe & DA-PRDP- 39,500 DA-PRDP-
Rehab/Concreting of Romagooc MLGU MLGU
P-7 Old Kibawe to P-7
Romagook FMR
122. Rehab/ 1.52 kms. Palma & Talahiron DA-PRDP- 15,200 DA-PRDP-
Concreting of P-7 MLGU MLGU
Palma to P 4B
Talahiron FMR
123. Rehab/ 2.3 kms. Natulongan & DA-PRDP- 23,000 DA-PRDP-
Concreting of Sitio Tumaras MLGU MLGU
natulongan to Bgy.
124. Rehab/ 2.79 kms. New Kidapawan DA-PRDP- 27,900 DA-PRDP-
Concreting of Centro, MLGU MLGU
New Kidapawan to
Sitio Ragobrob
13.Malaybalay City 125. Upgrading/ 1.5 kms. Maligaya, Violeta DA-PRDP- 15,000 DA-PRDP-
concreting of P5, CLGU CLGU
Maligaya & P5 Violeta
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
17.Sumilao 139.Concreting of 6.02 kms. Puntian & Vista DA-PRDP- 71,558 DA-PRDP-
6.020 kms.Puntian- Villa, Sumilao MLGU MLGU
Tambolaug FMR
140.Concreting of 3.632 kms. San Vicente, DA-PRDP- 33,000 DA-PRDP-
3.632 kms. San Sumilao MLGU MLGU
Vicente –Hanasan
18. San Fernando 141. Rehab/concreting 0.42 kms. Kalagangan,Cabuli DA-PRDP- 5,000 DA-PRDP-
of Kalagangan- ng,Durian, MLGU MLGU
Cabuling-Durian- Matupe
Matupe FMR
142. Construction of Mini Dam with Cayaga, San Jose DA-PRDP- 18,000 DA-PRDP-
Irrigation Project 2.5 km. line & Kalagangan MLGU MLGU
19. Talakag 143. Concreting of Jct. 15 kms. Bgys. Tagbak, DA-PRDP- 225,000 DA-PRDP-
Nat’l. Highway Sitio Salucot, MLGU MLGU
San Fermin-Salucot- Colawingon,
Colawingon-Indulang Indulang
145. Concreting of 19 kms. Bgys Dagumbaan, DA-PRDP- 285,000 DA-PRDP-
Dagumbaan-Cosina- Cosina, Sitio MLGU MLGU
Batang FMR Batang
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
farmers Manolo
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Cassava Value Chain Development
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
The Philippines is the only producer of cardava banana (VCA Report, 2013). The
country contributes a significant volume of cooking banana to world production as the
variety peculiar only in the Philippines (Cardava or Saba) accounts for about 6 percent of
the world’s overall production of cooking banana. This commodity thrives best in
Mindanao being that 60 percent of the country’s production came from the island. Davao
Region contributes 32 percent of the overall country’s production.
As with other provinces in the region and in Mindanao in general, banana cardava
in Bukidnon is sold in either of the following forms or end-product:
(3)fresh banana for retail markets in Manila, Cebu, Dipolog and other urban
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Thus although the cardava variety of banana may not be considered as one of the
major crops in the province, its value chain plays an important role in terms of providing
farmers in the rural areas and vendors in the urban areas some income that essentially
helps in meeting their daily needs. It is to be noted though that farmers’ access towards
better planting materials has been determined as one of the key gaps that need to be
addressed in upscaling the commodity. Further, road network especially the farm-to-
market roads in areas of production of banana cardava needed improvement. These two
factors therefore have to be considered in putting up investment to develop the value
chain of this commodity.
The result of the EVSA for cassava shows that the highest composite index after
considering all the parameters mentioned is the city of Valencia with a composite index of
0.62833. This is followed by the municipality of Quezon showing a result of 0.57643 as its
composite index. The City of Malaybalay which ranked number 3 have a composite index
of 0.53372. the municipalities of Malitbog and Don Carlos complete the top 5 with a
composite indeces of 0.51444 and 0.49723 respectively. Result of the EVSA for the banana
(cardava) commodity is presented in the EVSA Map for Banana and its corresponding
matrix below.
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Input 1. Limited Supply of 1) Strengthen local - Upgrading of 2 CMU DA-PRDP, 5,000 R: Non –
Supply good quality disease capacity to existing tissue CMU, Availability of
free planting commercially produce laboratory MalaybalayC mother plant
materials/Lack of high yielding and LGU RM: Tie-up with
Tissue culture establishment and/or Panabo Tissue
- Tap accredited Malaybalay City
Laboratories upgrading of existing Culture Facility
supplier of good
tissue culture in Davao City on
laboratories disease the availability
resistant planting of disease
materials. resistant
2) Establishment Strengthened/ North Bukidnon South Bukidnon DA-PRDP, 1000 (500@) 1000 R: Adoption of
of Community Based upgraded2 and Maramag (500@) farmers to
Nurseries existing banana LGU, PLGU, upgrade
cardaba plant Manolo LGU nurseries in the
nurseries to community
produce good RM: Substantial
quality and information
disease free campaign to
planting farmers/grower
Materials s on the benefit
of having
nurseries in the
3) Information Massive Malitbog, Quezon, Kibawe, Lantapan, DA- PRDP, 1400 (200/lgu) 1400 1400 R: Approval of
Dissemination to Information Maramag, Cabanglasan, Dangcagan, DA-ATI, (200/lgu) (200/lgu) CEO on AT to
invest good quality campaign and Baungon, Kadingilan, Valencia, PLGU barangays
planting materials; Capacitate Damulog , Malaybalay, Impasugong, San C/MLGUs, RM: include in
banana cardaba Libona, Kitaotao, Fernando, the MOU/MOA
growers/farmers Damulog the activities to
,nurseries on the be conducted by
cost benefit Ats upon
ratio in using implementation
good quality of the project.
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
2.4 Amount of
credit/ funding
granted to
2.5 Alternative
developed to
resources for
Production and
2.6 Individuals/
SMEs/ farmer
/growers availed
2. Low 5) Develop and Capacitate and Malitbog, DA- PRDP, R: Existing
willingness provide technical educate Farmers Maramag, DA-ATI, nurseries cannot
among farmers advice to nursery on the cost Cabangalsan, PLGU meet the
to invest in good operators benefit ratio and Malaybalay, C/MLGUs, minimum
quality planting Conduct Massive Kibawe, MFIs/SMEs/ requirements
materials information Impasugong, San Cooperative RM: Orientation
campaign, Fernando, s of nursery
orientation/train Quezon, operators re:
ing; Dangcagan, minimum
Damulog , requirements
Kitaotao, for
Baungon, accreditation
6) Support the EIC distribution Kalilangan,
establishment and/or in local dialect Kadingilan,
upgrading of seed Lantapan,
banks Talakag &
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
7) Documentation
and dissemination of
emerging good
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
5. Lack of 1) Conduct farm Farmers Field District 1, District DA- PRDP, R: Farmers’
understanding based training to School for 2, District 3, DA-ATI, willingness to
among farmers on Banana Farmers. Banana District 4 PLGU practice the
cost benefits of Farmers/ C/MLGUs, acquired
proper and efficient Growers MFIs/SMEs/ knowledge
use of fertilizer/ Cooperative RM: Strengthen
Only very few s AEWs activities
farmers apply 2) Set up demo Established
fertilizer farms to showcase demo farm at
benefits and venue for strategic
learning location
6. Low level of 3) Set up Community- Strengthen Malitbog, DA- PRDP, 100 R: Willingness of
purchasing power based organic organic fertilizer Maramag, DA-ATI, farmers to
among smallholders fertilizer plant and/or producer Cabangalsan, PLGU adopt the
upgrading and scaling organization in Malaybalay, C/MLGUs, technology
up of existing fertilizer Bukidnon Kibawe, MFIs/SMEs/ RM:
enterprises including Impasugong, San Cooperative Establishment of
assistance to get the Fernando, s demo farms and
necessary Quezon, strengthen
certification/ Dangcagan, AEWs activities
accreditation Damulog ,
‘4) Development of Tie-up with local Kitaotao, DA- PRDP, 100 R: Scarcity of
distribution input suppliers Baungon, DA-ATI, substrate
network/retail in the locality Kalilangan, PLGU RM: Utilize
network to ensure Kadingilan, C/MLGUs, waste on fruits
proximity of supply to Lantapan, MFIs/SMEs/ and vegetables
farmers Talakag & Cooperative and provide
Valencia s compost fungus
substrate supply
for vermin
‘5) Develop capacity Organic input Malitbog, DA- PRDP, 100 R: Willingness of
of organic inputs providers Maramag, DA-ATI, suppliers to
provider sand retailers technically Cabangalsan, PLGU participate in
to deliver technical equipped C/MLGUs, the program
advice to farmer Impasugong, San MFIs/SMEs/ RM: Invite farm
clients and basic soil Fernando, Quezon, Cooperative input suppliers
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Processing 1. Improve capacity Encourage Malitbog, Kibawe, Baungon, PRDP,PLGU, 500 500 500
Lackofaccesstoskill (training/seminar/wor growers/process Maramag, Impasugong, San Kalilangan, C/MLGUs ,
s and resources to kshop) of enterprises ors for Cabangalsan, Fernando, Kadingilan, DA G/M/
comply with GMP, to comply with HACCP/GAP/GM Malaybalay, Quezon, Lantapan, Financial
HACCP, and GMP/HACCP and P/ISO & OASC Dangcagan, Talakag & Institutions
sustainable sustainable certification Damulog , Valencia
production production practices. Kitaotao,
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
‘(2) Strengthen
Banana Industry
organization in
all C/MLGUs in
Bukidnon and
create core
group of experts
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
on of cold
storage chain ;
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Establish buying
stations per
(3) Set up pool of Farmers Field Malaybalay
mentors to provide School for
training on good Banana
postharvest practices Farmers/
and to foster an Growers
entrepreneurial mind
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
R&D Pest and Disease ‘(1) Continuing CMUMalaybalay SCUs/ DA 200 R: Availability of
Prevention research and CLGU, C/MLGU Research/ counterpart
development on Pest OTOPS DTI/ funds from
and disease DOST/PCAR concerned
prevention; RD/ agencies/LGUs
SMARRDEC/ R: Government
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
C/MLGU/Pri no sufficient
vate fund for R & D
Private sector is
willing to fund
Extensio Limited outreach of Provide/hire banana Malitbog, SCUs/ DA 500 R: Availability of
n existing extension specialist extension Maramag, Research/ Appropriate
services worker Cabangalsan, DTI/ Technologies
Improve farmer’s Malaybalay, DOST/PCAR RM: Agricultural
access to skills and Kibawe, RD/ extension works
resources that would Impasugong, San SMARRDEC/ are regularly
enable them to adopt Fernando, C/MLGU/Pri undertaken by
good agronomic Quezon, vate concerned LGUs
practices parallel to Dangcagan, Sector/SMEs
ensuring that there Damulog ,
are sufficient market- Kitaotao,
based incentives to Baungon,
facilitate chain wide Kalilangan,
upgrading Kadingilan,
Talakag &
‘(1) Formation of
farmer training groups
or learning clusters
organized around
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
based on standards
and improvement of
supply chain
Policy 1.0 Linkage with Financial Services of All associations/
Limited access Institutions (Gov’t. & financial cooperatives
to financial private institutions institutions
services extended to
Adoption and Provincial All LGUs, DA,
implementation of Ordfinance No. Farmers
Provincial Ordinance 2013-o82 Association/Coop
No. 2013-082 R (11th effectively and erative and other
SP) granting Incentives efficiently financing
to investors and New implemented institutions
Investment in the
province of Bukidnon
Farm to Poor Farm to Market Upgrading of farm to R- Peace and
Market Roads results to high market roads in Order Situation
Roads transportation costs municipalities and
and limited access to cities where cardaba
products and banana as their major
support markets commodity produce
1) MALITBOG 1) Upgrading of San 4.0 kms San Luis, Tubod, LGU 25,237.65 Political
Luis-Tubod-Omagling Omagling Malitbog/PR Intervention
FMR DP when there is
change in local
2) Concreting of Jct. 1.7 kms Tomigbong, 19,785.79 RM Information
Tomigbong-Larapan Larapan , Education and
FMR Phase I Communication
( IEC) and Free
Prior and
Consent (FPIC)
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Key Gaps and Proposed Interventions: Banana(Cardava) Value Chain Development
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Road Section
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Purok 5 (Insibay),
Purok 7,
Purok 8,
2) Rehab/ Concreting 6 kms. Alanib 60,000
of Mamasao-Kaatuan
3) Rehab/Concreting 7 kms. Songco 70,000
of Mapawa FMR
4) Construction of 100 has. Victory, 15,000
Communal Irrigation Kibangay,
Project Cawayan
16) TALAKAG 1) Concreting of Jct. 15 kms. Bgys Tagbak, LGU 225,000
Nat’l. Hi-way Sitio San Salucot, Talakag/PRD
Fermin-Salucot- Colawingon, P
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Colawingon-Indulang Indulang
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
4) Tugaya 82,500
ent of Migtukwan
Tugaya Proper FMR
5) Rehab/Concreting 8 kms. Lilingayon 8,000
of 8 kms. Lilingayon-
6) Construction of lm Guinoyuran & 12,000
Pelargon to Magsal Lourdes
Bridge, Single lane
17) Pangantucan Rehab/Improvement Barandias 2,000.00
of Barandias Water
Rehab/Improvement Madaya 2,000.00
of Madaya Water
18) Sumilao Concreting of Jct. 13.885 kms Sumilao 166,260
Sayre H’way (Kisolon)-
Sumilao-Puntian Road
Other Infra Projects 1. Construction of Manolo Fortich 2,500
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy.
Kalugmanan, Manolo
2. Construction of Manolo Fortich 2,500
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in BLISS –
Lingion Credit
Cooperative of Brgy.
Lingion , Manolo
3. Construction of Manolo Fortich 2,500
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy. Minsuro
, Manolo Fortich
4. Construction of Manolo Fortich 2,500
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy.
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Lunocan, , Manolo
Chain Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Segment Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/Sub Lead Player
in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
& Potential Intervention Outcome MFO and other
in the province Funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
City, Bukidnon
The Davao region contributes the biggest volume of the country’s overall cacao production.
Almost 80 percent of cacao produced in the country came from this region. Northern Mindanao is the
second highest producer of Cacao in the Philippines but this only represents about 4 percent of the total
BAS data (2013) showed that Bukidnon ranks amongst the top 10 in terms of production and
area planted to cacao. However, it can be noted that production as well as the area devoted to cacao
production in the province has been steadily declining for the last five years. Factors such as inadequate
knowledge of Bukidnon’s cacao farmers in the care and maintenance as well as of not knowing better
market opportunities for the crop may have contributed in the decline of the cacao industry in the
province. Also, although farmers in Bukidnon have a slightly better average yield per hectare than the
country’s average yield, at 0.58 MT (vs. the Philippine’s average yield of 0.52 MT), it still pale in
comparison to either the Zamboanga City or Davao del Sur farmers’ average yield which stood at about
1.57 MT and 1.27 MT, respectively.
Commodity Map
Investment Plan
Cacao could play an important role in the province’s agricultural development. Interventions
though should be put in place to revive the declining cacao industry in the province. The steadily
growing worldwide demand for the product will open up market opportunities for the cacao farmers of
the province. Major industry players in the country are vigorously pursuing expansion especially in the
Northern Mindanao area such as Misamis Oriental. A major player of the industry which have recently
partnered with the province of Misamis Oriental has targeted massive planting of cacao trees in pilot
sites that will bring the province into one of the leading producers of cocoa beans. Opportunity such as
this is also being explored by the province of Bukidnon to revive the cacao industry. Endowed with vast
agriculture lands, the Bukidnon’s cacao industry could well take off given with the right and timely
The main focus of the province’s cacao industry strategic development directions will be largely
geared towards improving production being that Bukidnon’s farmers still lag in terms of output per unit
of land area planted to cacao. Production practically pales in comparison with Zamboanga and Davao
outputs. In sum, strategic development directions of the cacao industry in the province will include the
Increase supply of cocoa beans through improved productivity and expansion of areas
planted in the province
Consistent production of high quality fermented beans
Less price volatility and increase of share of farmers to value accrued in the chain
Piloting of traceability/sustainability production practices/eco-friendly and socially
responsible business practices and processes
Lower costs of transactions through economies of scale, volume, and increased efficiency
Upgrading of tablea products and development of related products that Bukidnon can
sustain as a marketing proposal in the domestic market with a view of laying the
groundwork for export sales
The expanded vulnerability sustainability assessment (EVSA) for Cacao in Bukidnon include soil
suitability, area planted, production volume of the commodity, number of farmers, poverty incidence
and population as the parameters in determining the ranking of areas where the commodity is most
suitable to be propagated and its value chain developed. The result of the EVSA for Cacao shows the top
five areas are in the south of the province. These are the municipalities of Quezon (0.61550), Don Carlos
(0.59197), Pangantucan (0.56691), Kalilangan (0.55487) and Kadingilan (0.52925). Although already at
rank number 6, but the municipality Kitaotao also registered a composite index of 0.50052. The
threshold of an acceptable composite index is accordingly at 0.5000. Result of the EVSA for the cacao
(cardava) commodity is presented in the EVSA Map for Cacao and its corresponding matrix below.
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Input 1. Lack of supply of Development and/or
Supply grafted seedlings of strengthening of local
high yielding varieties capacity to
due to: commercially produce
and distribute good
quality grafted planting
materials of high
yielding materials.
1.1 Lack of budwood Upgrading and scaling Strengthened/ PRDP, 333 PRDP, R: Availability of
garden producing up of existing certified upgraded Kennemer 333 333 Kennemer good quality and
good quality scions budwood gardens and existing cacao Inc., BCB, Inc., BCB, resistant seed
nurseries plant nurseries PLGU, PLGU, stocks to pest
to produce good C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, and diseases
quality scions DA-ATI, SCU DA-ATI, SCU RM: Tie-up with
BPI Davao City on
the availability of
seed stocks
Provided good Malaybalay City Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 2,667 PRDP, R: Availability of
quality budded/ (Binahon Farms Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 2,667 2,667 PLGU, scions
grafted and Xynara Kibawe Talakag Farmer C/MLGUs, RM: Tie-up with
seedlings of BR- Therese), Coops, DA- Farmer BPI Davao City on
25 and UF-18 Kadingilan, ATI, other Coops, DA- the availability of
varieties Kalilangan stakeholders ATI, other scions
1.2 Limited skills (on Support R and D for Adopted the Malaybalay City Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Nursery
cacao technology), cacao production new technology (Binahon Farms Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, operators/cacao
and capacity of on cacao . and Xynara Kibawe Talakag Kennemer Kennemer growers’
existing nurseries and Therese), Inc., DA-ATI Inc., DA-ATI willingness to
budwood gardens( to Kadingilan, practice acquired
produce good quality Kalilangan knowledge
cacao seedlings ) RM: Strengthen
AEWs activities
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Develop capacity of - Capacitated
nursery nursery
operators/cacao operators/
growers to provide cacao growers.
technical advice to - Improved
farmer clients cacao nurseries.
1.3 Lack of nurseries Establishment of - Established Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, DA- 1,067 PRDP, DA- R: Existing
to supply good accredited cacao pest and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, ATI, PLGU 1,067 1,067 ATI, PLGU nurseries cannot
quality cacao nurseries disease-free Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, meet the
seedlings cacao nurseries. SCUs SCUs minimum
- Good quality requirements:
budded/grafted supply and
seedlings of BR- demand
25 and UF-18 RM: Orientation
varieties of nursery
available. operators re:
supply and
Construction of Cacao Cacao Nursery Kadingilan PRDP, PLGU, 700
Nursery constructed MLGU, DA,
2. Limited number of Conduct - Accredited Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Existing
accredited nurseries orientation/training for cacao nurseries. Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, Kennemer Kennemer nurseries cannot
resulting to accreditation - Quality of Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Inc., DA-ATI, Inc., DA-ATI, meet the
inconsistent quality planting PLGU, PLGU, minimum
of planting materials materials C/MLGUs C/MLGUs requirements
available available. RM: Orientation
of nursery
operators re:
requirements for
3. Limited utilization
of grafted seedlings
due to:
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
3.1 Inadequate Conduct information Cacao growers Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, DA- 150 150 150 PRDP, DA- R: Land
knowledge among drive are capacitated, Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, DPI, DPI, ownership (of
farmers on the and Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, Kisolon seed
benefits of investing adopted/utilized (Binahon Farms PLGU PLGU farm) not clearly
in improved seeds good quality and Xynara defined
budded/grafted Therese), RM: Request
cacao seedlings settlement
through CENRO
Manolo Fortich
and DENR
3.2 lack of capacity Provision of quality Produced Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, DA- 150 150 150 PRDP, DA- R: Existing
among smallholders planting materials asexually Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, ATI, ATI, nurseries cannot
to pay upfront for and/or Conduct propagated Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, meet the
seeds training on asexual planting PLGU PLGU minimum
propagation materials requirements
RM: Tie-up with
existing nurseries
for the supply of
cacao seedlings
Provision of “plant Starting capital Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, DA- 100,000/cacao 100,000/ca 100,000/ca PRDP, DA-
now, pay later” for inputs Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, ATI, operator cao cao ATI,
scheme available Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs, operator operator C/MLGUs,
3.3 Grafted planting Procurement of BR-25 Available Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, 2,667 PRDP, R: Availability of
materials not being and UF-18 varieties budded/grafted Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, 2,667 2,667 C/MLGU, scions
readily available seedlings of BR- Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Kennemer Kennemer RM: Tie-up with
within proximity of 25 and UF-18 Inc., DA-ATI Inc., DA-ATI BPI Davao City on
farms and at the varieties and other and other the availability of
times when the stakeholders stakeholder scions
3.3.1 farmers need Establishment of pest Available Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City,
them. and disease-free cacao grafted cacao Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong,
3.3.2 Variety suitable nurseries planting Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag
to upland materials to
supply for 9
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
4. High cost of Reduce cost of
chemical inputs both fertilizer use through
to farmers and local production and
environment increased usage of
certified good quality
organic fertilizer
specific for cacao as
well as adoption of
proper fertilizer
application and
management such as:
Establishment of vermi Increased Valencia City, Impasugong, Kalilangan PRDP, DA, 600 300 300 R: Farmers’
composting facilities volume of Kibawe C/MLGUs, willingness to
for 4 target areas organic fertilizer PLGU, BSWM practice the
supply at acquired
affordable knowledge
prices and RM: Strengthen
adopted organic AEWs activities
Set-up/establish demo Established Valencia City, Impasugong, Kalilangan PRDP, PLGU, 300 150 150 PRDP, R: Willingness of
farms to showcase Cacao Demo Kibawe C/MLGUs, PLGU, farmers to adopt
benefits and venue for Farms. C/MLGUs, the technology
learning at strategic RM: Establish
location, and improve and improve
the existing demo demo farms;
farms strengthen AEWs
Cacao Kalilangan (Mr.
Operators/Caca Cagampang Farm)
o growers are
updated on
technology .
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Development of Tied-up with Binahon Farms- PRDP, PLGU, 100 PRDP, R: Scarcity of
distribution local input Malaybalay City, C/MLGUs, PLGU, substrate
network/retail suppliers in the Xynara Therese FPA C/MLGUs, RM: Utilize waste
network to ensure locality Malaybalay City, FPA on fruits and
proximity of supply to Kenemer Inc. vegetables and
farmers provide compost
fungus activator;
substrate supply
for vermi
Develop capacity of Conducted Valencia City, Impasugong Kalilangan PRDP, PLGU, 225 113 113 PRDP, R: Willingness of
organic inputs trainings to Kibawe C/MLGUs, PLGU, suppliers to
providers and retailers vermi suppliers DA-ATI, FPA, C/MLGUs, participate in the
to deliver technical SCUs DA-ATI, FPA, program
advice to farmer Organic input SCUs RM: Invite farm
clients and basic soil providers input suppliers to
test analysis or via technically support
partnership with equipped government
providers of soil programs
Support providers in Conducted Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU,
the development of training to LGUs Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs,
payment scheme and vermi Malaybalay City Kibawe, Talakag AEWs, DA- AEWs, DA-
aligned to cash flow of suppliers MAC, MAC,
farmers Financial Financial
Institutions, Institutions,
other other
stakeholders stakeholder
Support to MFIs/banks - Assisted the Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Failure to
in the development of cacao growers Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, implement the
appropriate financial in the Malaybalay City Kibawe, Talakag AEWs AEWs farm plan and
product (e.g., value preparation of budget due to
chain financing) for farm plan and inflation
input procurement budget RM: Strengthen
- Assisted the coordination
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
cacao growers with financing
in the institutions, LGUs
preparation of and input-
MOA indicating providers
the payment
Linking existing and - Farmers/cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, DA, 150 150 150 PRDP, DA,
prospective cacao operators have Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, Financial Financial
farmers to potential access to Malaybalay City Kibawe, Talakag Institutions Institutions
leaders/financial financial
institutions through alternatives
Dissemination of - Conducted Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 120 PLGU, R: Willingness of
success stories and forum Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, farmers to adopt
emerging good - Cacao Malaybalay City Kibawe, Talakag AEWs, DA AEWs, DA the technology
practices operators/ RM: Conduct IEC
farmers and regular field
adopted the visit by the AEWs
Establishment of vermi Established Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, See item No. 4 of PRDP, R: Scarcity of
composting facility vermi Kibawe , C/MLGUs, Input Supply PLGU, substrate
and utilization of class composting Impasugong, DA-ATI, FPA, C/MLGUs, RM: Utilize waste
A chicken dung facilities and Kalilangan SCUs DA-ATI, FPA, on fruits and
produced SCUs vegetables &
sufficient supply provide compost
of vermicast and fungus activator
other organic
Conduct technology Cacao growers Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Target number
forum adopted the Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, of participants
technology Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI, DA DA-ATI, DA not meet
RM: Massive
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
5. Limited Establishment of vermi Available Valencia City, Impasugong Kalilangan PRDP, DA, See Segment A, PRDP, DA, R: Sustainability
availability and composting facilities organic Kibawe C/MLGUs, Item No. 4 C/MLGUs, of the facility
commercial for 4 target areas fertilizers PLGU, BSWM PLGU, RM: AEWs to
distribution of BSWM regularly monitor
organic fertilizer and
inputs specific for
Increased C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs,
volume of PLGU, PLGU,
organic fertilizer
supply at
6. Low use of Conduct information Farmers Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Improper
fertilizer among drive on the recognized the Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, collection of
smallholders due to importance of soil importance of Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, Cacao DA, Cacao samples
lack of understanding analysis and assist soil analysis and farmers farmers RM: AEWs must
among farmers on farmers on the actual gain knowledge assist in the
cost benefits of collection of soil on the actual collection of soil
proper and efficient samples; collection of soil samples
use of fertilizer, risk samples
aversion, and limited
purchasing capacity
Conduct soil analysis Applied the Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Absence of
recommeded Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, soil laboratory
fertilizer Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Malaybalay C/MLGUs RM: Tie-up with
Soil Lab, Malaybalay City
CMU Soil Lab Agriculture’s
Office and CMU
for the use of
their soil lab.
Conduct training Capacitated PRDP, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Failure to
cacao BSWM, BSWM, practice acquired
growers/farmer PLGU, PLGU, knowledge
s on proper C/MLGUs C/MLGUs RM: AEW to
fertilizer AEWs, DA- AEWs, DA- closely monitor
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
management ATI ATI and assist
and application farmers
7. Inadequate access Tie-up with the City Farmers have Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 267 267 267 PRDP, R: First come,
of farmers to soil Agriculture and CMU access to Soils Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, first served basis
analysis services) for the use of their Laboratory Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Malaybalay C/MLGUs, RM: Prepare
Soils Laboratory to Soil Lab, Malaybalay MOA
include Regional Soil CMU Soil Lab Soil Lab,
Test Laboratory of DA CMU Soil
RFO 10 Lab
8. Inadequate Conduct training Capacitated Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Failure to
technology/ cacao Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, DA-ATI, PLGU, practice acquired
knowledge on proper growers/farmer Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, knowledge
fertilizer s on proper Malaybalay Malaybalay RM: AEW to
management & fertilizer Soil Lab, Soil Lab, closely
application management CMU Soil Lab CMU Soil monitorand
and application Lab assist the farmers
Productio 1. Lack of skilled farm Conduct training Increased Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Failure to
n workers/caretakers capacitated Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, practice acquired
farm Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI C/MLGUs, knowledge
workers/caretak DA-ATI RM: AEW to
ers i closely monitor
and assist
2. Lack of capacity to Conduct an Minimum Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Non-
comply with Orientation for requirements Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, compliance of
accreditation farmers on the for accreditation Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI C/MLGUs, the requirements
requirements minimum requirement complied DA-ATI RM: AEW to
for accreditation follow-up the
farmers in the
compliance of
the requirement
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
3. Limited know-how Conduct training Farmers Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 R: Failure to
and skills on technically Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs practice acquired
Sustainable equipped on Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag knowledge
Production Practices sustainable RM: AEW to
production closely monitor
practices and assist
Cacao farm Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, DA-ATI
Intercropped Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong,
with other crops Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
7. Poor and Provide hauler/cargo Procured four Valencia City, Impasugong Kalilangan PRDP 4,500 PRDP R: Procurement
inefficient transport vehicles for the 3 (4) hauler/cargo Kibawe 3,000 1,400 of vehicle not a
services municipalities and 1 vehicles to cater priority
city to cater 9 9 mun / cities RM: Appropriate
municipalities /cities funds
Post 1. Absence of post Establishment of post - Constructed/ Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 1,417 PRDP, R: Inadequate
Harvest harvest facilities for harvest facility to installed Post Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 1,417 1,417 PLGU, knowledge on
cacao include (heavy-duty Harvest Facility Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, Financial C/MLGUs, post-harvest
cutter, fermentation - Cacao seeds Institutions DA, facility operation
box, drying are properly Financial RM: Capacity
trays/boxes) dried and stored Institutions development
- Produced high
quality seed
2. Lack of Provision of hands-on- - Cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Failure to
technology on the training Growers/worker Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, practice acquired
proper storage of s are Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI C/MLGUs, knowledge
cacao capacitated DA-ATI
- Cacao seeds
are properly
dried and
stored, and
high quality
seed beans
Processin 1. Lack of access to Establishment of GMP Produced high Kadingilan Kalilangan Libona PRDP 1,200 6,000 PRDP, R: Lack of
g facilities to compliant common quality Malaybalay Kibawe PLGU 3,600 PLGU, Maintenance
consistently produce service facilities for fermented dry City Valencia City C/MLGU C/MLGUs fund for the
high quality fermentation, drying, beans. Impasugong Talakag DA facility
fermented dry beans packing, storage, and Damulog Financing RM: Provide
institutions budget for the
Provision of transport Procured three Valencia City DA, Financing 1,500 DA, R: Non-priority
services. (4) hauler/cargo Kibawe institutions Financing RM: Include in
vehicles to cater Impasugong institutions the priority list of
9 mun./ cities Kalilangan projects and
Kadingilan provide funds
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
2. Limited know-how Development of a core - Core group Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: No experts on
and skills on Good group of local experts capacitated and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, manufacturing
Manufacturing to provide hands-on organized Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, DTI and C/MLGUs, standards
Practices (GMP) and training, mentoring - Adopted the other DA, DTI and RM: Request
Sustainable and benchmarking to GMP for cacao stakeholders other experts to
Production Practices users of postharvest stakeholder conduct hands-
facilities as embedded s on training for
service of CSF local cacao
Upgrading of cacao Cacao growers Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 267 PRDP, R: Sufficient
bean production and are updated Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 267 267 PLGU, maintenance for
development of with the new Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, DTI C/MLGUs, cacao to attain
related products that technology to DA, DTI high yield
Mindanao can sustain produced RM: Regular visit
as a marketing adequate supply of the AEWs in
proposal in the of good quality cacao
domestic market with cacao beans .
a view of laying the
groundwork for export
3. Limited product - Process and product - Acquired new Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Compliance of
lines upgrading support; processing Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, the GMP
- Development of new technology Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, BAPs, C/MLGUs, requirements
processed cacao through forum; Cacao DA, BAPs, RM: Request
products; - Quality Investors Cacao BAPS for
- Brand development processed cacao Investors orientation
and market products
development developed;
campaign - Promoted new
processed cacao
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
4. Non-GMP Establishment of GMP Practiced GMP Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 2,833 PRDP, R: Compliance of
compliant compliant common for the Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 2,833 2,833 PLGU, GMP
manufacturing service facilities/toll production of Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, BAPs C/MLGUs, requirements
facilities and processing facilities for quality DA, BAPs RM: Request
processes production of processed cacao BAPS for
processed orientation
Procurement of Kadingilan Kalilangan Damulog 2,460
Machineries and Impasug-ong Valencia City Libona 2,460 2,460
Equipment for tablea Malaybalay Talakag Kibawe
Marketin 1. Current cacao Utilize contract Organized cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Wilingness of
g bean production is growing agreements growers/farmer Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, the farmers to be
very low. by integrators or s; Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Cacao Cacao a coop member
through cooperatives Cacao growers growers/ growers/ RM: Conduct a
to facilitate access toavailed of the farmers, CDA farmers, Coop Orientation
resources needed to starting capital CDA
start cacao growing for cacao
Cacao bean
Conduct extension Conducted farm Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 595 PLGU, R: logistics
service to educate and visits , and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, support for AEWs
encourage farmers on encouraged Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Cacao Cacao and insufficient
viability and high farmers to growers/ growers/ funds for the
returns of cacao venture on farmers farmers procurement of
production cacao seedlings for the
production. intercropping
RM: Appropriate
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
2. Banana and Promotion of Conduct Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU,
coconut farmers not intercropping of cacao training/seminar Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs,
aware of (coconut and banana on Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI, DA-ATI,
opportunities and farms) in identified Intercropping Cacao Cacao
viability of cacao – expansion areas growers/ growers/
coconut and cacao – parallel to securing farmers farmers
banana intercropping markets for additional
Cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 567 PRDP, R: Mismatch of
plantation Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, DA 567 567 PLGU, crops
intercropped Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs, RM: Conduct
with other crops DA orientation on
-Dissemination of - Information Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Adoption of
information on cacao dissemination Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, DA C/MLGUs, the technology
farming opportunities conducted; Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA RM: Regular visit
including success - Cacao of AEWs
stories in a variety of growers/farmer
ways—print materials, s are
in-person events, encouraged to
videos, and main- venture on
stream media—to cacao farming
ensure that as many
farmers as possible can
hear and understand
the messages
3. Low market price - Implementation of a Negotiated Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, DTI, PLGU, 167 DTI, PLGU, R: Market prices
targeted input voucher market prices Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 167 167 C/MLGUs, not updated
program or similar Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Cacao Cacao RM: Regular
mechanism to investors investors monitoring on
encourage the current
establishment and/or market prices
rehab. of cacao farms;
-Price stabilization
-Promotion of forward Tied-up with Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, DTI, PLGU, 167 R: Failure to
contract agreements cacao investors Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 167 167 comply with the
to ensure markets on market Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Cacao agreement
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
prices and facilitate prices and investors RM:
access to financial financial Briefing/Orientati
resources. Work with resources on prior to enter
MFIs/banks in into contract
development of value
chain financing.
-Facilitate shift from Tied-up with Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, DTI, PLGU, 167 DTI, PLGU, R: Non-credible
arm’s length cacao investors Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 167 167 C/MLGUs, investors
transactions to Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, Cacao DA, Cacao RM: Conduct
directed relationships investors investors research on the
reliable investors
-Development of Cacao beans Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 167 PLGU, R: trust and
database of from small farm Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 167 167 C/MLGUs, confidence
cooperatives delivered in bulk Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag CDA, Cacao CDA, Cacao among farmers
interested to go into farmers farmers RM:
contract growing Orientation/briefi
agreement ng on the
corresponding areas importance of
cooperatives in
the marketing of
-Support the Issues and Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 283 PLGU, R: Willingness of
development of social concerns Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 283 283 C/MLGUs, farmers to
infrastructure discussed; Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Cacao Cacao participate
(festivals, dialogues, Interventions Farmers Farmers RM: Orientation
Kapihan sa barangay, identified. of farmers
etc.) that would give
farmers and
integrators the
opportunities to meet
and interact with each
-Dominance of spot
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
- No access to -Promotion of long Assured market Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 167 PLGU, R: Willingness of
marketing term contractual of cacao Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 167 167 C/MLGUs, farmers to
commitment under an produce Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Cacao Cacao engage in
ethical and Farmers Farmers contract
responsible trading agreement
relationship RM: Investors to
provide price
incentives to
-Behaviour change Coops Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Coops
interventions and capacitated and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, sustainability
capacity building management Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag CDA, Cacao C/MLGUs, RM: Strengthen
(coops) on supply aspect improved Growers/ CDA, Cacao cooperatives
chain management and marketing Farmers Growers/
and chain governance of products Farmers
-Cost contribution to Constructed Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, Refer to item 14 R: Project not a
road new FMR ,and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs under “ Enabling priority
upgrading/constructio upgraded/concr Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Environment” RM: Appropriate
n and/or rehabilitation eted existing funds
other road
-Harmonization of Tied up with Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 167 PLGU, R: Relationship
interpretation of reliable Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 167 167 C/MLGUs, between coops
standards and investors Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, DTI, DA, DTI, and investors
corresponding price Investors Investors RM: Compliance
differentials including with the
development of agreement
chainwide quality
assurance and
traceability system
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
-Technical assistance in Engaged in Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Relationship
the harmonization of contract Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, between coops
interpretation of growing Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, DTI, DA, DTI, and investors
standards and the Investors Investors RM: Compliance
development of pricing with the
structure based on agreement
standards and
-Strengthen capacity of Price monitoring Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R:
existing formal and updated/strengt Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, data/information
informal information hened Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, DTI, DA, DTI, not updated
systems to disseminate Farmers Farmers RM: Conduct
accurate price and Coops, Coops, regular
market information Media Media monitoring on
prices and other
information for
-Development of Bulked delivery Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Willingness of
capacity of farmers to of quality cacao Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, farmers
incrementally beans through Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, DTI, DA, DTI, RM: Enhance
associate, collaborate, coops Farmers Farmers capacity of
and coordinate to farmers through
achieve economies of trainings/seminar
scale in their s
transactions and to
become attractive
partners to large
-Organizational - Conducted Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Willingness of
development support training Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, farmers
to farmers - Farmers are Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, Farmers DA, Farmers RM: AEWs to
complemented with capacitated/dev assist &
behaviour change eloped their encourage the
interventions and skills on cacao farmers
entrepreneurial skills growing
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
-Support to groups to Organized and Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Less coop
start low risk collective capacitated new Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, membership
activities that provide coops Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, Farmers DA, Farmers RM: Conduct
quick wins and tangible orientation/briefi
benefits (self and ng on the
group) importance of
-Support to promotion - Information Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Willingness of
and operationalization on block Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, the farm owners,
of block farming farming Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, Farmers DA, Farmers and insufficient
including mapping of disseminated funds for
cacao zones - Cacao zones mapping
mapping RM: Appropriate
established funds
4. Poor farm to Upgrading of roads and Concreted/ Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, DA, See dtails on PRDP, DA, R: Financial
market roads bridges & construction rehabilitated of Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, PLGU, item 14 under “ PLGU, support
of new roads roads & Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs Enabling C/MLGUs RM: Include in
constructed Environment” the priority
new roads and projects
other road
- Roads are
passable to
cacao areas
5. Poor and Procurement of Provided one (4) Valencia City, Impasugong Kalilangan PRDP, DA, See Segment B. PRDP, DA, R: Financial
inefficient transport hauler/cargo vehicles units hauler/ Kibawe PLGU, Item no. 8 PLGU, support
services cargo vehicles C/MLGUs C/MLGUs RM: Include in
to cater all the the priority
cacao projects
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
6. Individual and -Development of Bulked delivery Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: trust and
small scale deliveries database of of cacao beans Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, C/MLGU, confidence
result to high cost of cooperatives through coops Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag CDA, Cacao CDA, Cacao among farmers
transaction and, interested to go into Farmers Farmers RM:
consequently, erode contract growing Orientation/briefi
profit margins of agreement ng on the
farmers. corresponding areas importance of
cooperatives in
the marketing of
7. Weak capacity -Behaviour change Coops Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Cooperation
among farmers to interventions and established Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, PLGU, among farmers
organize themselves capacity building Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag CDA, Cacao C/MLGU, RM: Strengthen
into structured Farmers CDA, Cacao cooperatives and
groups Farmers conduct regular
7. Lack of trust and -Behaviour change Strengthened Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Cooperation
cooperation between interventions and relationship Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, PLGU, among farmers
and among farmers capacity building among coop Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag CDA, Cacao C/MLGU, RM: Strengthen
members Farmers CDA, Cacao cooperatives and
Farmers conduct regular
8. Lack of Conduct training Farmers are Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Willingness to
entrepreneurial skills capacitated on Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, PLGU, apply the
entrepreneurial Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag CDA, Cacao C/MLGU, knowledge and
skills Farmers CDA, Cacao skills
Farmers RM: Conduct
mentoring and
9. Lack of experiences Behaviour change Developed Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Lack of
in formal interventions and farmers Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, cooperation
organizational setting capacity building organizational Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Cacao C/MLGUs, among farmers
relationship farmers Cacao RM: Attendance
farmers of farmers to
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Interfirm 1. Lack of supply of Tie-up with BPI Davao Available Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, -See item No. 1 -See item -See item PRDP, R: Availability of
Relations grafted seedlings of City on the availability budded/grafted Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, of Input Supply No. 1 of No. 1 of PLGU, good quality and
hips and high yielding varieties of scions seedlings of BR- Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-BPI, Input Input C/MLGUs, resistant seed
Supply 25 and UF-18 Kennemer Supply Supply DA-BPI, stocks to pest
Chain varieties Inc., BAPC, Kennemer and diseases
Governan BCB, SCUs Inc., BAPC, RM: Tie-up with
ce BCB, SCUs BPI Davao City on
the availability of
seed stocks
Upgrading to produce Produced good Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP,
good quality scions and quality cacao Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU,
scaling up of existing planting Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-BPI, C/MLGUs,
certified budwood materials Kennemer DA-BPI,
gardens and nurseries Inc., BAPC, Kennemer
Development of Tied-up with Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Scarcity of
distribution network/ local input Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, substrate
retail network to suppliers in the Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag FPA C/MLGUs, RM: Utilize waste
ensure proximity of locality FPA on fruits and
supply to farmers vegetables and
provide compost
fungus activator;
substrate supply
for vermi
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Develop capacity of Organic input Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Willingness of
organic inputs providers Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, suppliers to
providers and retailers technically Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag FPA, DA-ATI, C/MLGUs, participate in the
to deliver technical equipped SCUs FPA, DA-ATI, program
advice to farmer SCUs RM: Invite farm
clients and basic soil input suppliers to
test analysis or via support
partnership with government
providers of soil programs
Support to MFIs/banks Assisted cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Failure to
in the development of growers in the Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, implement the
appropriate financial preparation of Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag AEWS AEWS farm plan and
product (e.g., value farm plan and budget due to
chain financing) for budget inflation
input procurement RM: Strengthen
with financing
institutions, LGUs
and input-
2. Limited access to Linking existing and Farmers have Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, DA, 150 150 150 PRDP, DA, R: Financial
financial alternatives prospective cacao access to Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, PLGU, PLGU, arrangements
that would allow the farmers to potential financial Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, disadvantageous
purchase of farm leaders/financial alternatives Financial Financial to small farmers
inputs institutions through Institutions Institutions RM: Provision of
symposium/forum technical
assistance on
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
3. Limited know-how - Development of Core group are Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: No experts on
and skills on Good a core group of local organized and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, manufacturing
Manufacturing experts to provide capacitated Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI, DTI, C/MLGUs, standards
Practices (GMP) and hands-on training and other DA-ATI, DTI, RM: Request
Sustainable mentoring to users of stakeholders other experts to
Production Practices postharvest facilities stakeholder conduct hands-
as embedded service s on training for
of CSF local cacao
4. Lack of technology - Upgrading of Supply of good Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Tablea/cocoa
on the processing of processed cacao quality tablea Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, makers not well
good quality products and products Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, DTI C/MLGUs, capacitated
processed cacao development of sustained and DA, DTI RM: Conduct
related products that tied-up with enhancement
Mindanao can sustain exporters training on
as a marketing tablea/cocoa
proposal in the processing
domestic market with - Request BAPS
a view of laying the for orientation
groundwork for export
5. Lack of information -Dissemination of Information Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU (PAgO), 150 150 150 PLGU R: Low
on the benefits of information on cacao dissemination Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU- (PAgO), participation of
cacao production farming opportunities conducted Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag MAO, Cacao C/MLGU- farmers
including success growers/ MAO, Cacao RM: Conduct IEC
stories in a variety of farmers growers/ and regular field
ways—print materials, farmers visit
in-person events,
videos, and main-
stream media—to
ensure that as many
farmers as possible can
hear and understand
the messages
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
6. Lack of market- -Promotion of long Assured market Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Compliance
based /price term contractual of produce Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, with the
incentives for farmers commitment under an Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag Cacao Cacao agreement
to produce quality ethical and Farmers, Farmers, RM: Investors to
beans responsible trading investors investors provide price
relationship incentives to
7. Unhealthy - Tied up with Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 R: Relationship
competition among Harmonization of reliable Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, between coops
and between traders interpretation of investors Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, investors and investors
stifles upgrading and standards and RM: Compliance
provides corresponding price with the
disincentives to differentials agreement
consistent production including
of good quality development of
beans. chainwide quality
assurance and
traceability system
Support 1. Lack of support for Provision of financial Training, Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 450 450 450 PRDP, R: Non-priority
Services: the training, and technical support workshop, Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, DA, PLGU, RM: Include in
Logistics workshop, benchmarking, Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI C/MLGU, the priority list of
benchmarking, agri agri forum and DA, DA-ATI projects and
forum and information provide funds
information drive drive conducted
2. Project not well Provide sufficient Cacao projects Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 733 PRDP, R: Cacao is not a
monitored due to funds for the travelling are well Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU 733 733 PLGU, priority
insufficient funds for allowances and per monitored Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGU commodity
the travelling diems of technical staff RM: Conduct
allowances and per research on
diems of the cacao demand
technical staff and present to
the LCE/LFC for
the fund
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
3. Insufficient/lack Provision of four(4) Production cost Valencia City, Impasugong Kalilangan PRDP, PLGU, See Segment B See See PRDP, R: Non-priority
transport facility units cargo vehicles to and production Kibawe C/MLGU, DA item no. 8 Segment B Segment B PLGU, RM: Include in
cater cacao areas (9 losses/spoilage item no. 9 item no. 10 C/MLGU, the priority list of
mun/cities) reduced DA projects and
provide funds
Support 1. Limited access to Linking existing and Farmers have Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, banks/ 300 300 300 PRDP, R: Financial
Services: financial alternatives prospective cacao access to Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, others banks/ arrangements
Financing that would allow the farmers to potential financial Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag others disadvantageous
purchase of farm leaders/financial alternatives to small farmers
inputs institutions through RM: Provision of
symposium/forum technical
assistance on
Support 1. No updated data Conduct research on Determined Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Availability of
Services: on cacao demand cacao demand number of Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, DTI C/MLGU, updated data &
Research hectarage/area Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DTI availability of
and for cacao logistic support
Develop growing to RM: Prepare
ment supply the memo for the
demand technical staff to
conduct research
and provide
budget for ther
Support 1. Limited outreach - Assign AEWs and Cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, DA, C/MLGU, 167 DA, R: Insufficient
Services: of existing extension provide appropriate growers/farmer Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, PLGU 167 167 C/MLGU, funds for the
Extension services and funds for the travelling s are updated Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag PLGU travelling
providers expenses /allowances on the cacao allowances of
technology AEWs;
willingness of
RM: Appropriate
funds; Regular
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
2. Low adoption of Conduct trainings GAP adopted by Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, DA , DA-ATI, 150 150 150 DA , DA-ATI,
good agricultural farmers Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, C/MLGU,
practices and Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag PLGU PLGU
production practices
Establishment and/or Farmer leaders Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 300 300 300 PRDP, R: Honorarium
scaling-up of Farmer capacitated on Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, of cacao doctors
Field Schools or Cacao FFS and became Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, DA-ATI C/MLGUs, RM: include in
doctos/masters Cacao Doctors DA, DA-ATI the budgeting
including assistance in
the development of
commercially viable
services to ensure
financial sustainability
of FFS/Cacao Doctor
Capacity building Farmer leaders Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Willingness to
support to capacitated and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, DA, C/MLGU, support
intermediaries delivered Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI DA, DA-ATI RM: Conduct
esp.coops and extension regular meeting
progressive farmer services to empower
leaders to deliver basic farmer leaders
training and extension
services to farmers
Participatory Farmers Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Willingness of
development (with oriented and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGU, DA, C/MLGU farmers to adopt
farmers, multinational/ capacitated Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI sustainable
agents, traders) of farming practices
modules on RM: Motivate
sustainable cacao farmers
farming practices to
ensure buy-in and
ownership of
stakeholders and
conformance to
market requirements
including technical
assistance in the
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
development of
training approaches
that allow quick wins
to motivate and
sustain adoption
Conduct of Conducted Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R:
competitions to Search for Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, DA PLGU, Incentives/cash
motivate adoption, Outstanding Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag C/MLGUs, award for
stimulate innovation, Cacao Growers DA outstanding
and facilitate cacao grower
identification of RM: PLGU to
emerging good provide funds for
practices as basis for the award
regular updating of
n of emerging good
agricultural practices
Support 1. Absence of soils Tie up with the City MOA for the Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 133 PLGU, R: Compliance
Services: laboratory Agriculture Office and usage of soils Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 133 133 C/MLGUs, with the
Laborator CMU Soils Laboratory laboratory Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, CMU DA, CMU agreement on
y Soils Lab, Soils Lab, the usage of soils
Malaybalay Malaybalay lab.
Soils Lab Soils Lab RM: Prepare
Enabling 1. Weak vision for Strengthen multi- Conducted Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 300 300 300 PLGU, R: Financial
Environm agriculture agricultural board forum and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs support
ent: worshop Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag RM: Include in
Policy the priority list of
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
2. Non- coordination - Strengthen Executive and Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Government
of executive and coordination between legislative Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs Officials support
legislative policies executive and policies Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag RM: Include
legislative regarding implemented programs/project
local agricultural and regularly s for cacao in
programs monitored the priority list
- Ensure check and
3. No existing policies - Facilitate formulation Policies on the Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Government
on Cacao production of policies/ordinances expansion of Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs Officials support
and expansion on cacao production production Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag RM: Give priority
and expansion areas for cacao for the
implemented formulation
Implementation of Organic Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Government
existing Organic Agriculture Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs Officials support
Agriculture ordinance Ordinance Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag RM: Give priority
adopted and for the
implemented formulation
Implementation of Ordinance on Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Government
existing food security food security Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs Officials& line
ordinance implemented Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag agencies’
RM: Give priority
for the
formulation of
Creation of an office Projects PLGU, 1,333 PLGU, R: Approval, and
that will manage LGU properly C/MLGUs 1,333 1,333 C/MLGUs financial support
special projects supervised and RM: Make a
monitored proposal
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Coordination with DTI Cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Availability of
and funding institution production Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs financial support
like HOLCIM Phil., improved Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag RM: Tie-upf or
Aboitiz and CRS on the financing,
capability building and the conduct
of training
Marketing of products Assisted farmers Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R:
undertaken by the in the marketing Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs RM: Tie-up with
MEEDO Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag MEEDO
4. Land tenure status - Farmer beneficiaries Cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: No
should be owning at production area Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs/ C/MLGUs/ landholding
least 0.25 ha. and with secured Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DENR/DAR/ DENR/DAR/ RM: Require
a potential area for ROD ROD Land Titles
- The
should have its own
proper documents as
proof of ownership
(Land Title, Tax
Declaration, Certificate
of Stewardship)
5. Sub-contracting of Accreditation of Cacao Accredited Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, 150 150 150 PRDP, R: Incapacity to
non-accredited Nurseries Cacao Nurseries Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, PLGU, supply quality
nurseries to supply established Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA-ATI C/MLGUs, cacao seedlings
high yielding cacao DA-ATI in bulk
planting materials RM: Make policy
subcontracting to
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
6. Farmers lack Provide financial Cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PRDP, PLGU, Minimum of Minimum Minimum PRDP, R: Some farmers
capital to establish assistance to cacao Growers/farmer Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, 50,000.00/farmer of of PLGU, are not bankable
and sustain cacao growers/ farmers s availed of the Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag DA, Financial 50,000.00/ 50,000.00/f C/MLGUs, RM: Recommend
farming through loan financial Institutions farmer armer DA, allowable credit
assistance Financial
through loan Institutions
7. Insufficient budget - Reorganizing project Discussed cacao Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: LCE Approval
to counterpart big team with regular project proposal Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs RM: Submit a
ticket projects/Lack meeting with available Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag and other and other proposal to the
of local financial - Strengthen linkages funding support stakeholders stakeholder LCE
funding with other funding s
8. Limited financial Introduce incentive- Project scheme Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: LCE Approval
allocation for equity based policy discussed Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs C/MLGUs RM: Submit a
Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag proposal to the
9. IP’s not fully -IPs representation to IPs organized Kadingilan, Damulog, Valencia City, PLGU, 150 150 150 PLGU, R: Insufficient
organized and local councils and Kalilangan, Libona, Impasugong, C/MLGUs, C/MLGUs, logistic support
registered /IP -Presence of strengthened Malaybalay City Kibawe Talakag NCIP, DILG NCIP, DILG RM: include CSOs
customs and accredited CSO thru SB in planning ,
traditions implementation,
and monitoring
10. Poor Farm to Upgrading of access, Concreted/reha PRDP and See details below R: Financial
Market Roads (FMR) from cacao farms to bilitated/constr LGU support
and/or Bridges the market ucted FMR RM: Include in
and/or bridge the priority list of
Damulog Rehab and Concreting 13.86 km Pocopoco, PRDP and 155,594 PRDP and
of Pocopoco to Tangkulan, MLGU MLGU
Tangkulan FMR (13.86 Anggaan,
km) by 2017 Kitingting,
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Construction of one lane bridge Maican, Damulog PRDP and 44,000 PRDP and
Concrete Bridge constructed MLGU MLGU
(Maican-Balaoro) One
Lane by 2017
Impasugong Concreting/Improveme 5.04 kms Kibenton, La PRDP and 55,411 PRDP and
nt of Kibenton-Intavas Fortuna, MLGU MLGU
FMR (5.04 km) Phase 3 Impasugong
Concreting/Improveme 5.0 kms Sayawan and PRDP and 55,000 PRDP and
nt of Pinaanan- Poblacion, MLGU MLGU
Sayawan FMR (5 km) Impasugong
Concreting/Improveme 4.0 km Guihean, PRDP and PRDP and
nt of Ilignan to Impasugong MLGU 50,000 MLGU
Guihean FMR (4 km)
Concreting of 10.0 km Dumalaguing PRDP and PRDP and
Pinaanan-Dumalaguing , MLGU 120,000 MLGU
FMR (10 km) Imapasugong
Concreting of 13.5 km Bontongon, PRDP and PRDP and
Inkalumad-Bontongon Impasugong MLGU 135,000 MLGU
FMR (13.5 km)
Kadingilan Concreting of (3.2 kms) 3.2 kms Sitio PRDP and PRDP and
Jct. Sitio Batangan- Batangan MLGU 36,055 MLGU
Barangay Balaoro and Sitio
Proper-Sitio Rapagas Rapagas,
Upgrading/Concreting 0.50 km Mabuhay, PRDP and PRDP and
of Mabuhay-Balaoro Kadingilan MLGU 5,000 MLGU
Boundary FMR (0.50
Upgrading/Concreting 0.20 km Matampay , PRDP and PRDP and
Matampay Rd. Section Kadingilan MLGU 2,000 MLGU
(0.20 km)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Upgrading/Concreting 0.30 km Cabadiangan, PRDP and PRDP and
of Cabadiangan Rd. Jct. Kadingilan MLGU 3,000 MLGU
Kibalagon and
Matampay FMR (0.300
Upgrading/Concreting 0.20 km Pinamanggua PRDP and PRDP and
of Pinamangguan Rd. n, Kadingilan MLGU 2,000 MLGU
Section FMR (0.200
Upgrading/Concreting 0.30 km Bagongbayan PRDP and PRDP and
of Bagongbayan- , Kadingilan MLGU 3,000 MLGU
Boundary FMR (0.300
Upgrading/Concreting 0.250 km Balaoro, PRDP and PRDP and
of Balaoro-San Roque Kadingilan MLGU 2,500 MLGU
FMR (0.250 km)
Upgrading/Concreting 4.0 km Cabadiangan, PRDP and PRDP and
of Talaguba- Kadingilan MLGU 32,000 MLGU
Bahukanon FMR (4 km)
Upgrading/Concreting 4.0 km Mabuhay and PRDP and PRDP and
of Mabuhay- Cabadiangan, MLGU 32,000 MLGU
Cabadiangan Rd Kadingilan
Section, FMR (4 km)
Rehabilitation and 14.75 km San Andres, PRDP and PRDP and
Concreting of San Mabuhay, MLGU 114,000 MLGU
Andres-Bagongbayan Balaoro,
FMR (14.75km) Pinamangguhan,
Bagongbayan of
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Kalilangan Concreting of 1.0 km Lampanusan, PRDP and 12000 PRDP and
Circumferential Road - Kalilangan MLGU MLGU
Sagal-ang to
Lampanusan Proper
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km Malinao, PRDP and 12000 PRDP and
Pasayanon to Forchacu Kalilangan MLGU MLGU
II (1 km.)
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km Ninoy Aquino, PRDP and 12,000.00 PRDP and
Panamsamon to Ninoy Kalilangan MLGU MLGU
Aquino Proper (1 km)
Construction of Single- 35 m Kinura, Kalilangan PRDP and 20,000.00 PRDP and
Lane Bridge to replace MLGU MLGU
Kinura Spillway (35 m)
by CY 2015
Concreting of 1.0 km Lampanusan, PRDP and 20000 PRDP and
Circumferential Road - Kalilangan MLGU MLGU
Sagal-ang to
Lampanusan Proper
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km Malinao, PRDP and 20,000.00 PRDP and
Pasayanon to Forchacu Kalilangan MLGU MLGU
II (1 km)
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km Ninoy PRDP and PRDP and
Panamsamon to Ninoy Aquino, MLGU 12,000 MLGU
Aquino Proper (1 km) Kalilangan
Construction of Single- 35 m Kinura, PRDP and PRDP and
Lane Bridge to replace Kalilangan MLGU 12,250 MLGU
Kinura Spillway (35 m)
Concreting of FMR - P- 1.0 km Macaopao, PRDP and PRDP and
4, Macaopao (1 km) Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km Public, PRDP and PRDP and
Sagal-ang to Public Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
Proper (1 km)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km SVF, PRDP and PRDP and
Forchacu II to Malinao Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
( 1 km)
Construction of 25 m Pamotolon, PRDP and PRDP and
Romagooc Bridge Kalilangan MLGU 8,750 MLGU
along Pamotolon-
Canituan (25 m)
Rehabilitation of Bailey 1 unit Ninoy PRDP and PRDP and
Bridge in Kimagting (1 Aquino, MLGU 200,000 MLGU
unit) Kalilangan
Construction of 1.0 km Ninoy Aquino, PRDP and PRDP and
Janiuay to Kimagting Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
FMR (1km)
Construction of 1.0 km Malinao, PRDP and PRDP and
Malinao-Imbariz FMR Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
(1km) by 2016
Upgrading of Saladero 25 m Pamotolon/West PRDP and PRDP and
Bridge to One Lane Poblacion, MLGU 8,750 MLGU
Bridge (25 m) Kalilangan
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km Bangbang, PRDP and PRDP and
Lower Bangbang (1 Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km Barorawon, PRDP and PRDP and
Kibaning to Barorawon Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
Proper (1 km)
Construction of One 50 m Kibaning, PRDP and PRDP and
Lane Bridge Kinura- Kalilangan MLGU 17,500 MLGU
Kibaning (50m)
Concreting of Canituan 1.0 km Canituan, PRDP and PRDP and
Junction to Canituan Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
Proper FMR (1 km)
Concreting of FMR - 1.0 km Kibaning, PRDP and PRDP and
Kibaning Proper (1 km) Kalilangan MLGU 12,000 MLGU
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Constructing of Single- 8.0 m Bangbang, PRDP and PRDP and
Lane Bridge to replace Kalilangan MLGU 10,000 MLGU
Bangbang Spillway (8
Kibawe Rehab/Concreting of 4.086 kms. Balintawak, PRDP and 55,092 PRDP and
(4.086 kms) Marapange, MLGU MLGU
Balintawak-Marapange Kibawe
Rehab/Concreting of 6.111 kms. Labuagon and PRDP and 61,110 PRDP and
(6.111 kms) Labuagon- Marapange, MLGU MLGU
Marapange FMR Kibawe
Rehab/Concreting of P- 3.95 km Old Kibawe PRDP and PRDP and
7 Old Kibawe to P-7 and MLGU 39,500 MLGU
Romagooc FMR Romagooc,
(3.95km) by CY 2016 Kibawe
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Malaybalay Upgrading/Concreting 2.0 km Jct. Highway to PRDP and 20,000 PRDP and
of Jct. Highway to Sitio Sitio Dulian, CLGU CLGU
Dulian, Kulaman FMR Kulaman,
(2 km) Malaybalay City
Upgrading/Concreting 4.0 km Jct. Highway to PRDP and 40,000 PRDP and
of Jct. Highway to Sitio Sitio Kimadlum, CLGU CLGU
Kimadlum, Kulaman Kulaman,
FMR (4 km) Malaybalay City
Upgrading/Concreting 2.0 km Jct. Highway to PRDP and 20,000 PRDP and
of Jct. Highway to Upper Nahulogan, CLGU CLGU
Upper Nahulogan, Kulaman,
Kulaman FMR (2 km) Malaybalay City
Upgrading/Concreting 2.0 km Bgy Proper PRDP and PRDP and
of Barangay Proper to to Pulangui, CLGU 20,000 CLGU
Pulangui, Kulaman Kulaman,
FMR (2km) Malaybalay
Concreting of Bgy. 2.0 km Bgy Proper PRDP and PRDP and
Proper to Sitio to Sitio CLGU 20,000 CLGU
Sibukaw, Kulaman FMR Sibukaw,
(2 km) Kulaman,
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Upgrading/Concreting 2.0 km Jct H’way-Sitio PRDP and PRDP and
of Jct H’way-Sitio Sinagkudan, CLGU 20,000 CLGU
Sinagkudan, Kulaman Kulaman,
FMR (2 km) Malaybalay City
Upgrading/Concreting 7.0 km Jct. H’way-Sitio PRDP and PRDP and
of Jct. H’way-Sitio Kalagascasan, CLGU 70,000 CLGU
Kalagascasan, Kulaman Kulaman,
FMR (7 km) Malaybalay City
Upgrading/Concreting 1.5 km Jct. H’way- Lower PRDP and PRDP and
of Jct. H’way- Lower Niyawon, CLGU 15,000 CLGU
Niyawon, Kulaman Kulaman,
FMR (1.5 km) Malaybalay City
Upgrading/Concreting 2.0 km Jct. H’way- Upper PRDP and PRDP and
of Jct. H’way- Upper Nakaansag, CLGU 20,000 CLGU
Nakaansag, Kulaman Kulaman,
FMR (2 km) Malaybalay City
Upgrading/Concreting 6.0 km Jct. H’way-Upper PRDP and PRDP and
of Jct. H’way-Upper Maninggaan, CLGU 60,000 CLGU
Maninggaan, Kulaman Kulaman,
FMR (6 km) Malaybalay City
Upgrading/Concreting 1.5 km Brgy. Proper-Sitio PRDP and PRDP and
of Brgy. Proper-Sitio Upper Titip, CLGU 15,000 CLGU
Upper Titip, Kulaman Kulaman,
FMR (1.5km) Malaybalay City
Talakag Concreting of Jct. Nat'l. 15 km Bgys Tagbak, PRDP and 225, 000.00 PRDP and
Hi-way Sitio San Salucot, MLGU MLGU
Fermin-Salucot- Colawingon,
Colawingon-Indulang Indulang, Talakag
FMR (15 km)
Concreting of (19 km) 19 kms Bgys.Dagumb PRDP and PRDP and
Dagumbaan-Cosina- aan, Cosina, MLGU 285,000 MLGU
Batang FMR Sitio Batang,
Concreting of San 15 km San Antonio, PRDP and PRDP and
Antonio-Lingion- Lingion, Liguron, MLGU 225,000 MLGU
Liguron FMR (15 km) Talakag
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
Valencia City Concreting/rehabilitati 5.0 kms Guinoyuran, PRDP and 5,000 PRDP and
on of (5 kms) Valencia City CLGU CLGU
FMR by 2015
11. Insufficient Water Construction of Level Level III Potable Kalabugao, PRDP and 5,000 PRDP and
Supply - Impasugong III Potable Water Water System Impasugong MLGU MLGU
System constructed
Kalilangan Construction of Level II Potable Bangbang, PRDP and 10,000 PRDP and
Potable Water System Water System Kalilangan MLGU MLGU
(Level II) Bangbang constructed
Construction of Level II Potable Malinao, PRDP and PRDP and
Potable Water System Water System Kalilangan MLGU 2,000 MLGU
(Level II) Forchacu II constructed
Construction of Level II Potable Malinao and San PRDP and PRDP and
Potable Water System Water System Vicente Ferrer, MLGU 2,000 MLGU
(Level II) Forchacu III constructed Kalilangan
Construction of Small 30 ha. San Martin, Kadingilan, Libona, Talakag PRDP and 300 PRDP and
Farm Reservoir (30ha.) Malaybalay City, Kalilangan, and Valencia City C/MLGU 300 300 C/MLGU
Damulog, Kibawe
Other Infra Projects 1. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy.
Kalugmanan, Manolo
2. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in BLISS – Lingion
Credit Cooperative of
Brgy. Lingion , Manolo
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
3. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy. Minsuro
, Manolo Fortich
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
11. Construction of Lantapan 3,000
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy
Poblacion, Lantapan,
12. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy
Bagontaas, Valencia
City, Bukidnon
13. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy Tongan-
tongan, Valencia City,
14. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy
Batangan, Valencia
City, Bukidnon
15. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy Pinatilan,
Valencia City,
16. Construction of Cabanglasan 2,189
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy Iba,
Cabanglasan Bukidnon
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Target Areas to be covered Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome SubMFO and other
& in the province Funds
2017 2018 2019 players 2017 2018 2019
18. Construction of Cabanglasan 2,189
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy
Cabanglasan Bukidnon
In 2013, nearly all (99.97 percent) cup lump production of natural rubber in the Philippines is
produced in Mindanao. In the same year, the Zamboanga Peninusla and Soccksargen dominated all
producing areas having had a combined production accounting for 83 percent of the total volume. North
Cotabato and Zamboanga Sibugay are the biggest producers amongst natural rubber producing provinces.
These provinces accounts for 38.70 percent and 32.78 percent, respectively of the total cup lump
production in Mindanao. While Bukidnon produce only represents about 3 percent of the total production,
the province is still considered a major player of the commodity being that it is the 6 th leading natural
rubber producer in the country in 2013 (BAS, 2013).
Commodity Map
Meeting world market standards which can be embodied in the 3 Cs (cleanliness, consistency
and cost-effectiveness)
Promotion of value addition at all levels of the chain Product and market diversification
The expanded vulnerability sustainability assessment (EVSA) for Cacao in Bukidnon include soil
suitability, area planted, production volume of the commodity, number of farmers, poverty incidence and
population as the parameters in determining the ranking of areas where the commodity is most suitable to
be propagated and its value chain developed.
The result of the EVSA for rubber seems to show that several areas in Bukidnon hurdled the 0.50
composite index. The top municipalities registered a compositie index of more than 0.60. Kadingilan for
instance which is ranked number 1 have a composite index of 0.67692, Talakag which is at number has a
composite index of 0.62102. Completing the top 5 are the municipalities of Dangcagan (0.61257), Don
Carlos (0.60852) and Malaybalay City at 0.59121. the other areas which have a composite index of between
0.50 and 0.60 are the municipalities of Damulog, Kitaotao, Kibawe and Valencia City. Result of the EVSA for
the rubber commodity is presented in the EVSA Map for rubber and its corresponding matrix below.
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Input • Limited Development of local
Supply number of accredited capacity to
nurseries and bud commercially produce
wood gardens and distribute certified
• Lack of supply budded planting
of genuine clonal materials of high
materials of high yielding rubber clones
yielding varieties
• Low uptake
and use of high
yielding rubber
Support to certified Establishment of Damulog, Don Talakag, Kibawe, DA/PRDP/ 2,500 DA/PRDP/ R: Willingness of
nursery operators to new accredited Carlos, Quezon, Kalilangan, PLGU/MLGU/ 2,500 1,875 PLGU/MLG LGUs to support
scale up operations rubber nurseries Malaybalay City, Pangantucan, Impasugong Cooperatives U for the
in strategic Lantapan Kadingilan / Farmers establishment of
location within Association rubber nurseries
the Province RM: PLGU to
that will produce lobby to MLGUs
5M budded for support
seedlings within
5 years for
10,000 hectares
plantation in the
Accreditation of Provincewide DA/PRDP/ 160 DA/PRDP/ R: Nursery
nurseries or PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG operators cannot
nursery Cooperatives U/ meet minimum
operators to / Farmers Cooperative requirements for
scale up Association/ s/ Farmers accreditation
operations and Nursery Association/ RM: PLGU/MLGU
certification of Operators Nursery to assist nursery
produced Operators operators in the
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
planting accreditation
materials process
RM: Provide
support to beef-
up plant stock
inventory in
order to meet
the accreditation
Establishment of Valencia City LGU/PRDP 800 LGU/PRDP
one seedling [Concepcion
Nursery for 2830 Guinoyoran
hectares Lourdes Mt. Nebo
Lilangayon Banlag
Laligan Lumbayao
Set-up Nursery Kalilangan LGU/PRDP 3,000
with 100T
propagated per
month capacity
Establishment of Establishment of 5 gardens 5 gardens 6 gardens DA/PRDP/ 500 500 600 DA/PRDP/ R: availability of
certified budwood 16 400 sq. m. PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG source for
gardens and/or certified Cooperatives U/ budwood parent
strengthening of budwood / Farmers Cooperative materials
existing gardens gardens @ Association/ s/ Farmers approved by
P100T per Nursery Association/ National Seed
garden Operators Nursery Industry Council
Operators (NSIC)
provide technical
assistance in
sourcing out
budwood parent
approved by NSIC
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Establishment of Valencia City LGU/PRDP 200
garden for 2830
Development of Conduct 2-day 7 nurseries @5 7 nurseries 7 nurseries @5 PRDP/DA/BPI 80 80 80 PRDP/DA/B R: nursery
capacity of operators trainings on new pax per nursery @5 pax per pax per nursery / PI/ operators not
to provide technical and appropriate nursery SUCs/PLGU/ SUCs/PLGU/ interested to
advice to clients technologies for MLGU/ MLGU/ participate
rubber to 16 Nursery Nursery RM:
existing and 5 Operators Operators PLGU/MLGU to
new nursery encouraged
operators and operators to
staff attend and
convince them to
the importance
of new
Conduct 2-day 7 nurseries @5 7 nurseries 7 nurseries @5 PRDP/DA/BPI 107 PRDP/DA/B R: whether or not
retooling course pax per nursery @5 pax per pax per nursery / 107 107 PI/ the 21 nurseries
for renewal of nursery SUCs/PLGU/ SUCs/PLGU/ continue to exist
accreditation of MLGU/ MLGU/ after 3 years
nurseries after 3 Nursery Nursery RM: Conduct
years for 21 Operators Operators regular
nursery monitoring and
operators and inventory to
staff motivate
Establishment of one Established one 1 model 1 model 2 model DA/PRDP/ 150 150 300 DA/PRDP/ R: LGUs
model communal farm model communal farm communal communal farms PLGU/ MLGU PLGU/ willingness to
using high yielding communal farm (1st district- farm (2nd (3rd & 4th districts- MLGU provide area for
clones which will also for rubber using establishment district- establishment one model
serve as venue for high yielding cost plus establishmen cost plus communal farm
training of farmers clones which operational cost t cost plus operational cost RM: PLGU to
also serve as for 3 years) operational for 3 years) seek
venue for cost for 3 commitment to
trainings years) provide one
model communal
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
farm for rubber
Provision of Valencia City LGU/PRDP 2,000 LGU/PRDP
planting [Concepcion,
materials to Guinoyoran,
1,200 farmers Lourdes, Mt.
covering an area Nebo, Lilangayon,
of 2830 hectares Banlag, Lalilgan,
• High cost of Promotion of cost-
chemical inputs both effective fertilizer
to farmers and management and
environment application and the
• Limited complementary use of
availability and organic fertilizer
distribution of
organic fertilizer and
inputs specific for
• Low use of Upgrading and scaling Establishment of Damulog, Don Lantapan, Kibawe, Kalilangan DA/PRDP/ 540 540 360 DA/PRDP/ R: Difficulty in
fertilizer among up of existing fertilizer 60 bags per Carlos, Talakag, PLGU/MLGU PLGU/MLG hauling materials
smallholders due to enterprises including month capacity Malaybalay Kadingilan U for substrates
lack of understanding assistance to get the vermin cast RM:
among farmers on necessary certification/ composting PLGU/MLGU to
cost benefits of accreditation facilities secure contract
proper and efficient with industries
use of fertilizer, risk who have
aversion, and limited agricultural
purchasing capacity waste which
could utilized as
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
• Lack of Provision of Valencia City LGU/PRDP 2,000 LGU/PRDP
technical know-how organic [Concepcion,
on proper fertilizer Fertilizers to Guinoyoran,
management and 1,200 farmers Lourdes, Mt.
application covering an area Nebo, Lilangayon,
• Lack of access of 2830 hectares Banlag, Lalilgan,
to soil analysis Lumbayao]
Organic Kalilangan LGU/PRDP 1800 LGU/PRDP
storing facility
with 100
Set-up of demo farms Purchase of 60 2 demo farms 1 demo farm 1 demo farm DA/PRDP/ 24 12 12 DA/PRDP/ R: slow response
to showcase benefits bags organic PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG of rubber plants
and venue for learning fertilizer for Vermi U/ Vermi to organic
demo farm Operators/ Operators/ fertilizer
Farmers Farmers RM: IEC to
Association/ Association/ farmers on the
Cooperatives Cooperative usage of organic
s fertilizer
RM: Nutrient
analysis of vermi
Development of Set-up linkages Province wide DA/PRDP/ 29 DA/PRDP/ R: the locally
distribution network/ with existing PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG produced organic
retail network to farmer groups or Nursery U/ Nursery fertilizers have
ensure proximity of cooperatives to Operators Operators low nutrient
supply to farmers patronize content
organic fertilizer RM:
produced PLGU/MLGU and
SCUs to conduct
analysis on the
nutrient content
of organic
fertilizer produce
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Develop capacity of Capacitate 20 Province Wide DA/PRDP/ 69 DA/PRDP/ R: Pirating of
organic inputs pool of doctors PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG personnel
providers and retailers on rubbers as Rubber U/ Rubber trained
to deliver technical well as input Farmers Farmers RM: Personnel to
advice to farmer clientsproviders to enter into
and basic soil test provide contract
analysis or via technical advice agreement with
partnership with to farmer clients stipulation of 3
providers of soil on the use of year service
analysis organic obligation
fertilizers, basic
soil test analysis
Support providers in Capacitation of Province wide DA/PRDP/ 1,200 R: Rubber
the development of 50% of all PLGU/MLGU/ farmers are not
payment scheme rubber farmers Rubber willing to attend
aligned to cash flow of relative to Farmers/ the scheduled
farmers financial MFIs/Banks training
management RM: motivate
farmers through
proper advocacy
Support to MFIs/banks Assist farmers in Province wide DA/PRDP/ 200 R: stringent
in the development of the preparation PLGU/MLGU/ financial
appropriate financial of financial Farmers documentation
product (e.g., value documents Associations/ requirement by
chain financing) for required by Cooperatives the MFIs/bank
input procurement MFIs/banks for RM: PLGU to
input facilitate
procurement partnership with
MFIs/banks and
rubber farmers
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Dissemination of Prepare flyers, 3,000 pieces flyers 500 booklets DA/PRDP/ 90 75 DA/PRDP/ R: recipients are
success stories and hand outs and success stories PLGU/MLGU PLGU/MLG not interested in
emerging good other reading U the materials
practices materials on RM: prepare the
success stories most captivating
and good flyers and
practices of reading materials
rubber farmers
Advocay on the Provincewide Local DA/PRDP/ 42 520 DA/PRDP/ R: target rubber
rubber radio Television PLGU/MLGU PLGU/MLG farmers have no
production in plugging U medium to listen
Radio and TV and view radio
- 30 second and TV
radio plugging broadcasts
on radio station RM: PLGU/MLGU
with wide through the
coverage rubber doctors
(P3,500/mo) continuously
- 30 second TV advocate new
plugging on local innovation of
television rubber to each
network farmers during
(P10,000/wk) opportune time.
Producti Poor agronomic/ Improvement of flow
on agro-forestry of extension services
practices due to lack and adoption of good
of access to agricultural
extension services practices/sustainable
and/or low adoption farming practices
of good agronomic
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Development of Organization of Provincewide DA/PRDP/ 1,300 DA/PRDP/ R: local rubber
community-based community- PLGU/MLGU PLGU/MLG farmers have no
providers on based rubber U time to attend
sustainable farming planters the
practices/good association organizational
agronomic practices for (5,074 rubber meetings
rubber-based farming farmers) RM: PLGU/MLGU
systems scheduled the
meetings on
moments where
majority of
farmers can
Advocacy on Provincewide DA/PRDP/ 200 DA/PRDP/
best rubber PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG
farming Rubber U/ Rubber
practices by the Doctors Doctors
rubber doctors
Development of service Conduct Province wide DA/PRDP/ 56 DA/PRDP/ R: Community-
delivery and financial training of PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG based rubber
sustainability schemes. trainors of 20 Rubber U/ Rubber planters
pax (farmer Doctors Doctors organization may
level) on rubber not send
production, participant for
financial the training
management RM: PLGU to
and new require
innovations on confirmation of
rubber attendance
(Items 1, 2 & 4)
for 2 days
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Improved rubber Conduct Talakag [San LGU/PRDP 600 LGU/PRDP
production technology trainings on Antonio, Lingion,
and management production Liguron,
technology for Dagumbaan,
product chain of Lantud, Sitio
commodities Patpat, Basak, San
and hands on Isidro, Sto Nino]
value adding
commodities to
Training on Valencia City LGU/PRDP 200 LGU/PRDP
rubber [Concepcion,
production Lourdes, Mt.
management to Nebo, Lilingayon,
1,200 farmers Banlag, Laligan,
covering an area Lumbayao]
of 2830
Poor tapping Improvement of
practices due to lack tapping quality and
of access to productivity
improved technology
and facilities
Establishment of Organization/ Province wide DA/PRDP/ 6,000 R: Willingness
training program for accreditation PLGU/MLGU and dedication of
tappers embedded in and training of tappers to adopt
tool/facilities rental for 2.537 rubber GAP
land preparation, tappers to RM: Negotiate
tapping, and farm ensure quality win-win tapper–
rehabilitation rubber owner sharing
production scheme
Establishment of
accreditation system
for tappers and
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Post Dirty cup lump Improved quality of Advocate the Province wide DA/PRDP To be put up by DA/PRDP
Harvest reduced price cup lump use of concrete farmers (1x1
cup lump pond meters cup lump
during pond per
organizational hectare)
Assist farmers in
putting up the
cup lump pond
Processin High level of losses E. Improvement of
g and wastes due to supply chain
poor quality of governance and quality
latex/cup-lumps and assurance system
adulteration of latex
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Lack of Behavior change Conduct values Province wide DA/PRDP/ 1,200 DA/PRDP/ R: Conflict
understanding/ interventions and seminars/trainin PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG between cultural
appreciation of capacity building in gs to capacitate U/ farming practices
benefits of chain governance 2,537 rubber and new
sustainable farmers technology in
production farming
system/Good RM: PLGU/MLGU
Manufacturing to continuously
Practices/ISO 9000 advocate the
certification importance and
acceptance of
new technology
in farming.
Campaign directed to Facilitate in the Province wide DA/PRDP/
processing firms to campaign PLGU/MLGU/
only accept directed to DTI/ Traders
unadulterated processing firms and
latex/cup lumps and traders to processing
only accept firms
cup lumps
Support players in the Conduct Province wide DA/PRDP/
adoption of the information PLGU/MLGU
Continuous education
Productivity and campaign in the
Quality Improvement adoption of
program and GMP in continuous
their respective productivity and
operations quality
improvement of
rubber farmers
through tri-
Rubber Processing Establishment of Quezon Kibawe Valencia City DA/PRDP/ 20,000 DA/PRDP/
Plant Rubber PLGU/MLGU 20,000 20,000 PLGU/MLG
Processing Plant U
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Acquisition of Damulog DA/PRDP/ 2,000 DA/PRDP/
rubber crumbs PLGU/MLGU PLGU/MLG
cooking oven, U
rubber sheet
machine and
cooked rubber
crumbs boiling
Expansion of Damulog DA/PRDP/ 1,000.00 DA/PRDP/
building for PLGU/MLGU PLGU/MLG
rubber U
Marketin Dominance of spot Promotion of ethical
g transactions makes and responsible trading
farmers more relationship and
vulnerable to price development of
fluctuation. traceability system
Volatility of prices Technical assistance in Continuous Province wide DA/PRDP/
makes farmers wary the development of advocacy/IEC to PLGU/MLGU/
to invest in proper business models on organized Rubber
farm maintenance ethical and responsible community- Doctors/
and upgrading trading, longer term based rubber DTI/DOST/
contractual farmers other
commitments, and the organization to stakeholdrs
traceability system quality cup
including its piloting. lumps as source
of raw materials
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Support the Conduct rubber Province wide DA/PRDP/ 250 DA/PRDP/ R: Minimal
development of social farmers (1,000 pax) PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG commitment of
infrastructure congress Rubber U/ Rubber rubber farmers
(festivals, dialogues, Doctors/ Doctors/ to adopt new
Kapihan sa barangay, DTI/DOST/ DTI/DOST/ innovations in
etc.) that would give other other rubber farming
players the stakeholdrs stakeholdrs RM: PLGU/MLGU
opportunities to to conduct
interact and discuss regular
issues in a non- motivation
adversarial manner.
Conduct rubber Province wide DA/PRDP/ 125 DA/PRDP/ R: required
harvest festival (500 pax) PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG participants
Rubber U/ Rubber cannot come on
Doctors/ Doctors/ time and
DTI/DOST/ DTI/DOST/ required number
other other not meet
stakeholdrs stakeholdrs RM: PLGU/
confirmation of
Conduct search Province wide (2 DA/PRDP/ 437 DA/PRDP/
for outstanding rubber farmers PLGU/MLGU/ PLGU/MLG
rubber farmer per mun) Rubber U/ Rubber
through clonal Doctors/ Doctors/
other other
stakeholdrs stakeholdrs
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
• Poor farm to Upgrading of farm to R: MLGUs/PLGUs
market roads market roads for easy do not have
• MLGUs/PLGUs conveyance of sufficient
do not have agricultural financial capacity
sufficient financial commodities and to improve farm
capacity to improve services as well as to market roads
farm to market roads reduced transportation RM: Setting up of
cost minimum cost
sharing to enable
LGUs to finance
1. Pangantucan Concreting of 6 Malipayon, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
kms. Pangantucan 48,000
FMR serving
2. Baungon Upgrading of Lingating, LGU/PRDP 35,000 LGU/PRDP
10.8 kms. Baungon
Lingating Road
Section with line
canal concreting
serving 11,170
Concreting of Imbatug and LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Imbatug- Salimbalan, 140,000
Salimbalan Road Baungon
Section Serving
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
3. Kitaotao Construction of Sinuda, Kitaotao LGU/PRDP 90,000 LGU/PRDP
8 kms. FMR
from Sinuda
Poblacion to
Sitio Pinanubuan
with single lane
RCDG bridge,
two barrel box
culver and 4
lanes RCPC
serving 8,057
Construction of White Kulaman LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
6 kms FMR from 60,000
Sitio Pinanubuan
to White
Kulaman with 6
lanes RCPC
serving 2,685
Concreting of San Isidro, LGU/PRDP 55,992 LGU/PRDP
4.666 kms FMR San Antonio
ar Jct. San Isidro East,
- San Antonio Kibatang,
East road Manlamonay
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Concreting of Puntian, LGU/PRDP 163,920 LGU/PRDP
13.660 kms FMR Kitubi,
at Jct. Puntian - Balucbocan,
Kitubo- Metebagao,
Balocbocan- Magsaysay,
Metebagao Rd etc
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
5. Kalilangan Concreting of Bangbang, LGU/PRDP 12,000 LGU/PRDP
FMR - Lower Kalilangan
Bangbang (1
km.) serving
Concreting of Barorawon, LGU/PRDP 12,000 LGU/PRDP
FMR - Kibaning Kalilangan
to Barorawon
Proper (1 km.)
serving 1046
Concreting of Lampanusan, LGU/PRDP 12,000 LGU/PRDP
Circumferential Kalilangan
Road – Sagal-
ang to
Proper (1 km)
serving 3,387
Concreting of Macaopao, LGU/PRDP 12,000 LGU/PRDP
FMR - P-4, Kalilangan
Macaopao (1
km.) serving
Concreting of Malinao, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
FMR - Kalilangan 12,000
Pasayanon to
Forchacu II (1
km.) serving
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Construction of Pamotolon, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Romagooc Kalilangan 8,750
Bridge along
Canituan (25 m.)
serving 1520
Rehabilitation of Ninoy LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Bailey Bridge in Aquino, 2,000
Kimagting Kalilangan
serving 3658
Concreting of Canituan, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
FMR-Canituan Kalilangan 12,000
Junction to
Canituan Proper
(1 km) serving
Concreting of Kibaning, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
FMR – Kibaning Kalilangan 12,000
Proper (1 km)
serving 937
Construction of Bangbang, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
single-lane Kalilangan 2,800
bridge to
Spillway (8 m)
serving 1637
Construction of Kibaning, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
one lane Bridge Kalilangan 17,500
(50 m) serving
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
7. Don Carlos Upgrading/Conc San Antonio West LGU/PRDP 80,000 LGU/PRDP
reting of 8 kms. and Bismartz, Don
San Antonio Carlos
West to
Bismartz FMR
serving 3288
Upgrading/Conc Kiara, Kawilihan, LGU/PRDP 80,000 LGU/PRDP
reting of 8 kms. Mauswagon, Don
Kiara to Carlos
Kawilihan to
FMR serving
3340 bnficiars
Upgrading/Conc Bocboc, New LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 3 kms. Visayas, San 30,000
Brgy. Bocboc to Francisco
Brgy. New
Visayas to Brgy.
San Francisco
FMR serving
Upgrading/Conc Manlamonay LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 3.3 , San Antonio 33,000
Kms. Brgy. East, Don
Manlamonay- Carlos
Brgy San
Antonio East
(Provincial Road)
serving 3,029
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Upgrading/Conc Minsalagan, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 6.4 Kibatang, 64,000
kms. Brgy Manlamonay
(provincial road)
serving 5,312
Upgrading/Conc Kibatang, San LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 2.7 kms Antonio East, Don 27,000
Brgy. Kibatang- Carlos
San Antonio East
(provincial road)
serving 3,554
Upgrading/Conc San Roque, Don LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 13 kms. Carlos 130,000
Jct. National
(Concepcion) -
San Roque
(provincial road)
serving 6,596
Upgrading/Conc Pualas, Kasigkot, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 10 kms. San Roque, 100,000
Jct. Pualas-San Embayao, Don
Roque Carlos
(provincial road)
serving 6,417
8. Malaybalay Upgrading/Conc P5 Maligaya; P 5 LGU/PRDP 15,000 LGU/PRDP
City reting of 1.5 kms Violeta,
P5 Maligaya & Malaybalay City
P5 Violeta FMR
serving 500
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Upgrading/Conc Jct. Highway to LGU/PRDP 40,000 LGU/PRDP
reting of 4 kms. Sitio Kimadlum,
Jct. Highway to Kulaman,
Sitio Kimadlum, Malaybalay City
Kulaman FMR
(40 ben)
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Upgrading/Conc P6, San LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 2 kms. Martin to P7, 20,000
P6, San Martin Managok,
to P7, Managok Malaybalay
(500 ben) City
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Upgrading/Conc Jct. Highway to LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 7 kms. Sitio Kalagascasan, 70,000
Jct. Highway to Kulaman,
Sitio Malaybalay City
Kulaman FMR
(50 ben)
Upgrading/Conc Jct. Highway to LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 1.5 Lower Niyawon, 15,000
kms. Jct. Kulaman,
Highway to Malaybalay City
Lower Niyawon,
Kulaman FMR
(20 ben)
Upgrading/Conc Jct. Highway to LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 2 kms. Upper Nakaansag, 20,000
Jct. Highway to Kulaman,
Upper Malaybalay City
Kulaman FMR
(20 ben)
Upgrading/Conc Jct. Highway to LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 6 KMS. Upper 60,000
jct. Highway to Maninggaan,
Upper Kulaman,
Maninggaan, Malaybalay City
Kulaman FMR
(60 ben)
Upgrading/Conc Bgy Proper to Sitio LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 1.5 Upper Titip, 15,000
kms.Barangay Kulaman,
Proper to Sitio Malaybalay City
(20 ben)
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Upgrading/Conc National Highway LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
reting of 1 km. P1 to Liguangan 10,000
National H’way Spring P3 to P2
P1 to Liguangan Cabangahan,
Spring P3- P2 Malaybalay City
Cabangahan (30
9. Kadingilan Rehab/Concretin Balaoro, LGU/PRDP 36,055 LGU/PRDP
g of 3.2 kms.Jct. Kadingilan
Sitio Batangan-
Balaoro Proper
to Sitio Rapagas
FMR Serving
Upgrading/Conc Mabuhay, LGU/PRDP 5,000 LGU/PRDP
reting of 0.500 Kadingilan
km. Mabuhay to
Boundary FMR
serving 944
Upgrading/Conc Matampay, LGU/PRDP 2,000 LGU/PRDP
reting of 0.200 Kadingilan
km. Matampay
Road Section
serving 1484
Upgrading/Conc Cabadiangan, LGU/PRDP 3,000 LGU/PRDP
reting of 0.300 Kadingilan
road Jct.
Kibalagon and
Matampay FMR
serving 3000
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
boundary FMR
serving 1668
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Rehabilitation San Andres, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
and concreting Mabuhay, 114,000
of 14.75 kms. Balaoro,
San Andres to Pinamangguan &
Bagongbayan Bagongbayan,
FMR serving Kadingilan
Concreting of Jct. 14.986 Kms. Pob. 179,832 LGU/PRDP
Poblacion- Kadingialn,
Cabadiangan- Pay-as,
Matampay road Bagor, San
Concreting of Jct. 10.786 kms. San Andres 129,432 LGU/PRDP
(Pob. - Cabadiangan) - Kibagsil,
San Andres - Kibagsil - Baroy
Baroy - National H'way
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Concreting of Jct. 9.513 kms. Capinonan, 114,156 LGU/PRDP
Capinonan- Mauswagon,
Mauswagon-Freedom Freedom
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
road, 12.837
Concreting of Marapange, LGU/PRDP 155,724 LGU/PRDP
12.977 kms at Migcawayan,
Jct. Sayre H'way Tumaras, Kibawe
(Kibawe) -
Tumaras Road
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Concreting/impr Dumalaguing LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
ovement of 10.0 , Impasugong 120,000
kms. Pinaanan-
FMR serving 920
Construction/im Kalabugao, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
provement of Impasugong 3,000
Bagaay 3 Barrel
4X3 Box Culvert
serving 680
Concreting of Bontongon, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
13.5 kms. Impasugong 135,000
Bontongon FMR
serving 750
13. Quezon Concreting of 3 Poblacion, Quezon LGU/PRDP 30,000 LGU/PRDP
kms FMR from
Luan-Luan to
Brgy Minsalirac
serving 2562
Concreting of Jct. 2.589 kms. Cebole, San LGU/PRDP
Cebole - San Miguel Miguel,
Road Minsamonga 31,068
Concreting of Kiburiao 6.741 kms. Kiburiao, LGU/PRDP
- Minsamongan - Purok Minsamonga
4 Road n, San
Miquel, C
Handumanan 80,892
, San Lorenzo
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Concreting of San Jose 6.653 kms. San Jose, San LGU/PRDP
- San Isidro Road Jose
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Concreting of Kiburiao 5.327 kms. Kiburiao, C 63,924 LGU/PRDP
- C Handumanan Road Handumanan, San
Lorenzo, Tandong,
Concreting of 1.865 kms. Palacapao, Lipa 22,380 LGU/PRDP
Palacapao - Lipa Road
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Concreting of Mc. Arthur and 46,284 LGU/PRDP
3.857 kms. FMR Kianggat
at Jct. Lourdes - Dangcagan
Kiangat - Pulangi
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Concreting of 3 Bgy lantud, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
kms Lantud- Sitio Patpat, 45,000
Patpat FMR Basak,
serving 250 Talakag
Concreting of 3 Bgy. San Isidro, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
kms Provincial Sto. Niño, Talakag 45,000
Sto. Niño FMR
Concreting of
7.00 kms.
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
17. Valencia City Concreting of Sitio Buco,, Banlag LGU/PRDP 70,500 LGU/PRDP
4.7 kms Buco, & Sinait, Valencia
Banlag, Dagat-Ki City
Davao FMR
serving 1500
Concreting/impr Mt. Nebo, LGU/PRDP 63,000 LGU/PRDP
ovement of 3.50 Valencia City
Nebo Proper
FMR serving 750
Concreting/impr Tugaya, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
ovement of Valencia City 82,500
Tugaya Proper
FMR serving 700
Rehab/Concretin Guinoyuran, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
g of 5 kms. Valencia City 5,000
Magsal FMR
serving 1600
Rehab of 3 kms. Lourdes, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Lourdes Proper- Valencia City 3,000
Sitio Pelarcon
FMR serving
Rehab of 4 kms. Mt. Nebo, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Mt. Nebo-Sitio Valencia City 4,000
Migtulod FMR
serving 1500
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Construction of Guinoyuran & LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Pelargon to Lourdes, Valencia 12,000
Magsal Bridge, City
Single lane
serving 5800
Construction of Guinoyuran, Mt. LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Sitio Magsal- Nebo, Valencia 12,000
Migtulod (Mt. City
Nebo) Bridge,
Single Lane
Bridge serving
Concreting of Jct. Sayre 2.425 kms Sugod, 29,100 LGU/PRDP
H'way (Bagontaas) - Kahaponan
Sugod Road
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
18. Lantapan Concreting of Alanib - 4.828 kms. Alanib, Kaatuan 57,936 LGU/PRDP
Kaatuan Road,
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Rehablitation/Im Langcataon, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
provement of Pangantucan 2,000
Water System
serving 166
Rehablitation/Im Malipayon, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
provement of Pangantucan 2,000
Water System
serving 187
Rehabilitation/i Gandingan, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
mprovement of Pangantucan 2,000
Water System
serving 155
Construction of Bangbang, LGU/PRDP 10,000 LGU/PRDP
Potable Water Kalilangan
System ( Level II)
Proper serving
Construction of Malinao, LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Potable Water Kalilangan 2,000
System ( Level II)
Forchacu II
serving 8230
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Construction of Malinao & San LGU/PRDP LGU/PRDP
Potable Water Vicente Ferrer, 2,000
System ( Level II) Kalilangan
Forchacu III
serving 8230
Construction of Kalabugao, LGU/PRDP 5,000 LGU/PRDP
Level III Potable Impasugong
Water System
2. Construction of Construction of Victory, Kibangay, LGU/PRDP 15,000 LGU/PRDP
Irrigation facilities to 100 hectares Cawayan,
enhance crop Communal Lantapan
production Irrigation Project
serving 2254
Other Infra Project 1. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy.
Kalugmanan, Manolo
2. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in BLISS – Lingion
Credit Cooperative of
Brgy. Lingion , Manolo
3. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy. Minsuro ,
Manolo Fortich
4. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy. Lunocan,
, Manolo Fortich
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
5. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy. Lunocan,
, Manolo Fortich
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
12. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy
Bagontaas, Valencia
City, Bukidnon
13. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy Tongan-
tongan, Valencia City,
14. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy Batangan,
Valencia City, Bukidnon
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Intern- Weak capacity Development of R: Local rubber
Firm among farmers to capacity of farmers to farmers have no
Relations organize themselves incrementally time to attend
hip into structured associate, collaborate, the
groups and coordinate to organizational
achieve economies of meetings and
scale in their trainings outside
transactions and to their towns
become attractive RM: PLGU/MLGU
partners to large scheduled the
buyers organizational
meetings and
trainings within
their barangays
so majority of
farmers can
Lack of trust and Organizational Organization of Province wide DA/PRDP/ 1,300 R: Rubber
cooperation between development support barangay level PLGU/MLGU/ doctors and
and among farmers; to farmers rubber farmers Financing P/MAO
Lack of complemented with association to Institutions representatives
entrepreneurial behaviour change collaborate and cannot visit the
skills; interventions and coordinate their 464 barangays in
Lack of experiences entrepreneurial skills transactions to a year
in formal development large buyers and RM: Schedule a
organizational setting conduct of regular meetings
entrepreneurial with the highest
skills training official of the
rubber farmers
association in the
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Support to groups to Strengthen the Province wide DA/PRDP/ 500 RM: Request
start low risk collective rubber farmers P/MLGU participants to
activities that provide barangay level re-echo to group
quick wins and tangible association members what
benefits (self and through regular transpired in the
group) meetings with meeting
the rubber
doctors and
Support to promotion Conduct crop Province Wide DA/PRDP/ 2,000 R: updated
and operationalization zonification P/MLGU satellite images
of blockfarming mapping to are too
including mapping of include rubber expensive
rubber and other RM: Tie-up with
important crops NLAs and other
in the province organization
similar activities
or those agencies
engage in
updating the land
cover of the
3.2 Preparetion Province wide DA/PRDP/ 1,500
of soil fertility P/MLGU
map in support
to crop
zonification and
Support Facilitate easy and fast Provision of Province wide DA/PRDP/ 500 R: Slow
Services dissemination and maintenance P/MLGU mobilization of
effective delivery of and other concern agency’s
services by the P/MAO operating support to
expenses for the project
travel and other implementation
training costs due to lack of
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
necessary for logistic support
the project in travelling
implementation RM: infusion of
financial support
to travels and
training costs for
immediate and
effective delivery
of project
Facilitate loan packages Prepare study Province wide P/MLGU R: Financing
for qualified rubber for loan Institutions are
farmers with local packages for not interested to
financing institutions to qualified rubber support the loan
improve productivity farmers packages
study and
introduced a win-
win loan
between the
farmer and the
local financing
Continuous research Provide financial CMU/BPI CMU/BPI R: available
on rubber cloning with support to the rubber clones are
different varieties local academe not suitable in
suitable in the province and the Bureau the province
of Plant Industry RM: CMU and
for rubber BPI to conduct
cloning research on
suitable rubber
clone for the
Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000)
Chain Key Gap/ Constraint Proposed
Brief Description of Target Result or MFO/ Lead Player
Segment in VC Development sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub MFO and other
& in the province 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Funds
Enabling Laws, ordinances, Implementation of Adoption and Province wide PLGU/MLGU R: varying desire
Environm issuances and agricultural laws, implementation of farmers to
ent policies for ordinances, issuances of agricultural plant crops they
agriculture are not and policies laws, want
implemented or ordinances, RM:
adopted in the issuances and PLGU/MLGU to
locality policies by the encourage
locality farmers to follow
the suitable and
productive crops
in their locality
Cities and Province wide MLGU
municipalities to
prepare crop
ordinances for
their locality
LGUs to set-up Province wide MLGU
policy that all
land planted to
staple food
should not be
used for other
Although the Philippines currently dominates production of abaca, this is threathened nowadays
by countries who have recently been aggressively developing their own abaca industry. Indonesia for
instance has extended government support to its abaca farmers in order to massively grow the
commodity. Abaca production in Kenya and Equatorial Guniea is also said to be increasing (VCA, Report
2013). The yield which Philippine abaca growers are averaging is another issue of concern. The highest
average yield so far is recorded in Catanduanes province which stood in 2013 at 0.82 MT per hectare. In
contrast, farmers in Ecuador can do as much as 1.5 MT per hectare and with accordingly good
agronomic practices and using high yielding varieties, their average yield could even reach as high as 2
MT per hectare.
Bukidnon is the only major producer of abaca in Northern Mindanao (Region 10). Timely
interventions have to be undertaken for the fiber industry in Bukidnon if it is to sustain its niche in the
region as the main contributor of abaca to the Philippine production. Bukidnon’s average yield for
instance is comparatively lower than other major abaca producing provinces such as Catanduanes and
Surigao del Sur. It is therefore important that areas of abaca plantation that need rehabilitation and
expansion be provided with access to high yielding varieties and disease and pest resistant varieties.
The Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA) and the LGU of Bukidnon have to
consider this intervention as part of the investments that have to be pursued for the development of
the production sector of the industry. Farm-to-market roads (FMR) that are in better shape are also an
important component of the enabling environment for the industry. It facilitates easier and cheaper
movement of inputs as well as provides access to better market areas.
The investment plan for the fiber industry (abaca commodity) should therefore at least consider
the above-mentioned interventions. Apart from being endowed with vast agricultural land that can be
devoted to the fiber industry and climate and soil conditions favourable to abaca production, these
interventions are only some that will certainly enable the fiber industry of Bukidnon to sustain its niche
as the major producer of abaca products in the region.
The Philippine fiber Industry: A situationer, BAR Research and Development Digest, (7)4, Oct.-Dec.2005
The result of the EVSA for Abaca showed that the municipality of Impasugong tops all other
areas of the province in terms of the composite index. It registered a composite index of 0.57302. The
city of Malaybalay on the other hand which is ranked number 2 registered a composite index of
0.53780. Rounding the top 5 are the municipality of Malitbog with a composite index of 0.47579 and
the city of Valencia and municipality of Don Carlos which registered a composite indeces of 0.47361 and
0.47070, respectively.
Result of the EVSA for the abaca commodity is presented in the EVSA Map for Abaca and its
corresponding matrix below.
Production Number of Poverty Composite
Municipality Planted Population
(m.t.) farmers Incidence Index Rank
RM: bulk
purchase of
spare parts for
maintenance &
source out funds
from DA-PRDP,
with equity funds
from FA/coop.
Strengthen capacity of Reproduction of Cabanglasan, Lantapan, Maramag, A-PRDP & 1.2 1.2 1.2 A-PRDP & R: Pricing scheme
existing formal and 240 IEC Impasugong, Malaybalay, Pangantucan, PLGU, MLGU, PLGU, and products
informal information materials Abaca Kibawe Malitbog Valencia FA/COOP, DTI, MLGU, standards
systems to product FIDA, Abaca FA/COOP, between
disseminate accurate standard on Coordinator/ DTI, FIDA, Government
price information. fiber, pulp, Buyer Abaca entity and abaca
cordage, yarns consolidators
and fabrics, and may not be the
fiber craft. same.
RM: Government
entities and
must find a ways
to harmonize the
abaca pricing and
Rice & high value Construction of - Construction Lantapan DA-PRDP & 15,000 DA-PRDP & R: MLGUs/PLGUs
crop lands unable to Communal Irrigation of 100 hectares [Barangays MLGU MLGU do not have
maximize its Project Communal Victory, Kibangay sufficient
production potential Irrigation and Cawayan] financial capacity
due to the effects of Project to initiate
inclement weather irrigation
brought about by development to
climate safeguard
changes.MLGUs/ farmers
CLGUs/ PLGUs do cultivating staple
not have sufficient and high value
funds to mitigate its crops against the
effects. effect of climate
should allocate
funds for the
Insufficient and Construction of 15 kms. of MLGU of MLGU & DA- 20,000 R:
inaccessibility of Potable Water Supply Transmission Lantapan covering PRDP MLGUs/PLGUs
potable water to the Project and Lateral the areas of : do not have
locality and MLGUs/ Pipelines Purok 2(Crossing), sufficient
CLGUs/ PLGUs do Alanib; Purok 4 financial capacity
not have sufficient (San Vicente), to implement
capacity to Kaatuan; Proper dependable
implement Kaatuan; Purok 4 water supply
dependable water (Gahub), system
supply system. Baclayon; Purok 3 RM: MLGU
(Batangason), should allocate
Baclayon; Purok 5 counterpart
(Insibay), 7 & 8 of funds for the
Poblacion. project
Rehabilitation/I New Eden, MLGU & DA- 1,000 MLGU &
mprovement of Pangantucan PRDP DA-PRDP
New Eden
Water System
The identified increasing demand in the market of coffee products would be a great pull for the
coffee farmers. Enterprise will take hold of these opportunities especially that Nestle Philippines,
the major coffee beans buyer in the country, has an annual coffee requirement of 51,200 MT.
However, around 30-35% of its coffee is being sourced out locally while the rest is imported.
However, they envision that by 2020, at least 70% of their coffee requirements will be from local
farmers and only 30% will be imported. It will give additional income to farmers and generate
employment in areas near the sites.
Bukidnon has been identified as the 4th top coffee producing province in the country and has the
2 largest coffee area in Mindanao with around 4,213 coffee farmers. With coffee gaining
popularity among Filipinos, the province coffee industry is also booming. Coffee vending machines
proliferated also in areas such as terminals, schools and public places. Coffee shops which are
popular in urban areas is also on the rise.
Commodity Map
Investment Plan
The value chain of coffee in Bukidnon plays an important role in relation to the overall
agricultural development of the province. Records from BAS (2013) showed that Bukidnon has secured
its niche in the region as the top producer of coffee amongst the 5 provinces of Northern Mindanao.
This indicates how important the commodity is to the Bukidnon’s farmers. The commodity has
essentially given steady income for farmers of the crop which substantially contributed to the province’s
efforts in curbing poverty incidence. It is to be noted though that farmers’ access towards better
planting materials has been determined as one of the key gaps that need to be addressed in upscaling
the commodity. Further, road network especially the farm-to-market roads in areas of production of
coffee needed improvement. These two factors therefore have to be considered in putting up
investment to develop the value chain of this commodity. It is to be noted that coffee is amongst the top
ten leading crops/major crops of Bukidnon.
Increase supply of coffee beans through improved productivity and expansion of areas
planted in the province
The result of the EVSA for Coffee showed that the municipality of Maramag tops all other areas of
the province in terms of the composite index. It registered a composite index of 0.6202. The
municipality of Cabanglasan on the other hand which is ranked number 2 registered a composite index
of 0.54698. Rounding the top 5 are the municipality of Don Carlos with a composite index of 0.49601
and the city of Valencia and municipality of Lantapan which registered a composite indeces of 0.49076
and 0.4869, respectively.
Result of the EVSA for the coffee commodity is presented in the EVSA Map and its corresponding
matrix below.
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Input Limited utilization of
Supply good quality planting
1. Limited access of PLGU to subsidies Produced high Maramag, Pangantucan Talakag DA, PLGU 1,000 1,000 1,000 DA, PLGU
high yielding farmers in the yielding and Manolo Fortich, Impasug-ong Sumilao
planting materials purchase of the good disease free Malaybalay Lantapan Baungon
within the proximity quality seedlings coffee seedlings Valencia
of coffee production
Establishmnet of high Established Maramag 1,000 DA, PLGU
yielding/quality coffee coffee nursey
seedlings nursery
- Provision of Farm Maramag 251.5 DA, PLGU
Tools in support to Malaybalay 251.5
nusery operation Pangantucan 251.5
2. Farmers lack Conduct training on Coffee growers Maramag, Pangantucan Talakag DA, DTI,PLGU 1,000 1,000 1,000 DA,DTI,PLG
access to financing capacity building on adapting organic Manolo Fortich, Impasug-ong Sumilao U
facilities to purchase organic farming farming Malaybalay Lantapan Baungon
fertilizer (organic Valencia
and/or synthetic).
Conduct stakeholders Farmers are Maramag, Pangantucan Talakag DA, 1,000 1,000 1,000 DA,
meeting to improve aware of Manolo Fortich, Impasug-ong Sumilao P/M/CLGU, P/M/CLGU,
linkages/access to financing Malaybalay Lantapan Baungon DTI, DTI,
financing institutions programs of Valencia
LBP, rural banks,
Most farmers do not Conduct capacity Farmers Maramag, Maramag, Maramag, DA, 1,000 1,000 1,000 DA,
use fertilizers and building on practicing GAP Pangantucan, Pangantucan, Pangantucan, P/M/CLGU, P/M/CLGU,
hesitate to leave sustainable farming Manolo Fortich, Manolo Manolo Fortich, DTI, DTI,
traditional farming and good agricultural Impasug-ong, Fortich, Impasug-ong,
practices. practices. Malaybalay, Impasug-ong, Malaybalay,
Talakag, Lantapan, Malaybalay, Talakag, Lantapan,
Sumilao, Baungon, Talakag, Sumilao, Baungon,
Valencia Valencia
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Establishment/ Adaption of Maramag, Maramag, Maramag, DA, 1,000 1,000 1,000 DA,
Exposure to updated coffee Pangantucan, Pangantucan, Pangantucan, P/M/CLGU, P/M/CLGU,
demonstration farms. production Manolo Fortich, Manolo Manolo Fortich, DTI, DTI,
technology Impasug-ong, Fortich, Impasug-ong,
Malaybalay, Impasug-ong, Malaybalay,
Talakag, Lantapan, Malaybalay, Talakag, Lantapan,
Sumilao, Baungon, Talakag, Sumilao, Baungon,
Valencia Lantapan, Valencia
Develop programs for Supply of Maramag, Maramag, Maramag, DA, 1,000 1,000 1,000 DA,
sustainable supply of fertilizer ideal Pangantucan, Pangantucan, Pangantucan, P/M/CLGU, P/M/CLGU,
fertilizers ideal for for coffee Manolo Fortich, Manolo Manolo Fortich, DOST DOST
coffee farming farming Impasug-ong, Fortich, Impasug-ong,
sustained Malaybalay, Impasug-ong, Malaybalay,
Talakag, Lantapan, Malaybalay, Talakag, Lantapan,
Sumilao, Baungon, Talakag, Sumilao, Baungon,
Valencia Lantapan, Valencia
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Provision of free Free fertilizers Maramag, Maramag, Maramag, PLGU,DA 10,000 10,000 10,000 PLGU,DA
fertilizers ti identified provided to Pangantucan, Pangantucan, Pangantucan,
resource poor resource poor Manolo Fortich, Manolo Manolo Fortich,
smallholders, farmers Impasug-ong, Fortich, Impasug-ong,
specifically on target Malaybalay, Impasug-ong, Malaybalay,
areas for coffee Talakag, Lantapan, Malaybalay, Talakag, Lantapan,
plantation expansion Sumilao, Baungon, Talakag, Sumilao, Baungon,
Valencia Lantapan, Valencia
Limited supply of Capacity building on Available supply Maramag, Maramag, Maramag, DA, 1,000 1,000 1,000 DA,
organic fertilizer organic fertilizer of organic Pangantucan, Pangantucan, Pangantucan, P/M/CLGU, P/M/CLGU,
appropriate for production fertilizers Manolo Fortich, Manolo Manolo Fortich, DTI, DTI,
coffee farming Impasug-ong, Fortich, Impasug-ong,
Malaybalay, Impasug-ong, Malaybalay,
Talakag, Lantapan, Malaybalay, Talakag, Lantapan,
Sumilao, Baungon, Talakag, Sumilao, Baungon,
Valencia Lantapan, Valencia
DA-HVCDP provide Increase in the Maramag, Manolo Pangantucan, Talakag, Sumilao,
business development production of Fortich, Impasug-ong, Baungon, Valencia
assistance on the organic fertilizer Malaybalay Lantapan
viability of producing and increase in
organic fertilizer as income for
additional source of cooperative/ass
income for ociation of
cooperative/associatio farmers
n of farmers
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Production Decline in coffee Encourage farmers to Farmers are well Maramag,
production due to plant coffee by informed and Pangantucan,
shift by farmers from conducting willing to Manolo Fortich,
coffee to high value information drive venturing into Impasug-ong,
commodities regarding the viability
coffee farming; Malaybalay,
of coffee thus, increasing Talakag, Lantapan,
coffee Sumilao, Baungon,
plantation Valencia
No climate change Establishment of Coffee Maramag, Manolo Pangantucan, Talakag, Sumilao,
mitigation measure contour farming in production Fortich, Impasug-ong, Baungon, Valencia
implemented. landslide areas and for areas climate Malaybalay Lantapan
reduction of soil proof
Poor farm to market Construction of FMR Decreased in Maramag, Manolo Pangantucan, Talakag, Sumilao,
roads result to transportation Fortich, Impasug-ong, Baungon, Valencia
limited and cost Malaybalay Lantapan
inefficient transport
Concreting of Imbatug- 11.00 kms Baungon 140,000
Salimbalan-San Vicente
Concreting of Calag 2.00 kms Baungon 24,000
Concreting of San 9.00 kms. Baungon 108,000
Miguel-Danatag FMR
Concreting of Junction 3.00 kms Baungon 36,000
San Miguel-Danatag
Concreting of 8.00 kms Baungon 96,000
Buenavista - Mabuhay
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Concreting of Pualas 3.00 kms Baungon 36,000
Concreting of 8.00 kms Baungon 96,000
Balintad FMR
Concreting of Patpat- 4.00 kms Baungon 48,000
Lower Salimbalan FMR
Concreting of Maasin- 3.00 kms Baungon 36,000
Upper Nicdao FMR
Concreting of Junction 4.00 kms Baungon 48,000
Lioran ES-P7 Liboran
Concreting of Junction 4.0 kms. Pigtauranan, 38,000
Madaya Nat’l. H-way Pangantucan
to Pigtauranan Road
Concreting of Junction 6.0 kms. Malipayon , 48,000
Bangahan Provincial Pangantucan
Road to Daranguyon
Concreting of 4.48 kms. Mendis and 35,840
Pigtauranan to Mendis Pigtauranan,
Road Pangantucan
Concreting of Junction 6.0 kms Kimanait, 48,000
Kimanait Provincial Pangantucan
Road to Balangcao-
Malapingan Road
Concreting of Junction 3.0 kms. Payad, 24,000
Payad Provincial Road Pangantucan
to Anlowagan
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Concreting of Junction 10.5 kms. Mendis, 83,840
Poblaion National Pangantucan
Highway to Mendis
Barangay Proper
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Jct. San Roque - Sitio 2.572 kms San Roque, 30,864
Jarque Road Mauswagon
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Embayao –
Brgy San
Roque, Don
Concreting of Brgy. 2.70 kms Brgy. 27,000
Kibatang – Brgy. San Kibatang –
Antonio East Farm to Brgy. San
Market Road Antonio East,
Don Carlos
Upgrading/Concreting 3.3 kms. Brgy. Manlamonay 33,000
of Brgy. Manlamonay – – Brgy. San
Brgy. San Antonio East Antonio East, Don
Upgrading/Concreting 6.4 kms Brgy. Minsalagan- 64,000
of Brgy. Minsalagan- Brgy. Kibatang-
Brgy. Kibatang-Brgy. Brgy.
Manlamonay Manlamonay, Don
Concreting of Kiburiao- 4 kms. Kiburiao and 48,000
San Miguel- Minsamongan,
Minsamongan Road, Quezon
Quezon, Bukidnon
Concreting of 3 kms. Minsalirac – 36,000
Minsalirac – San Isidro San Isidro
Road, Quezon, Road,
Bukidnon Quezon,
Concreting of Junction 2.5 kms. Cebole-San Miguel 30,000
National Highway- Road, Quezon,
Cebole-San Miguel Bukidnon
Road, Quezon,
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Concreting of Centro 2.5 kms. Merangeran-New 30,000
Merangeran-New Bohol Road,
Bohol Road, Quezon, Quezon, Bukidnon
Concreting of Pulangi- 1.40 kms Cananga-an, 15,400
Lower Limao-Upper Cabanglasan
Limao FMR,
Concreting of Purok 1 – 1.10 kms Iba, Cabanglasan 12,100
Purok 16, Iba FMR,
Concreting of San 2.40 kms Mandahican,Caba 26,400
Roque, Mandahican- nglasan
Proper Mandahican
Concreting of Crossing 1.40 kms Anlugan,Cab 15,400
Anlugan-Bayanihan anglasan
Village FMR
Concreting of Proper 1.30 kms Imbatug, 14,300
Imbatug-Sitio Patag Cabanglasan
Concreting of Paradise- 4.00 kms Paradise, 40,000
Luan Luan FMR Cabanglasan
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Concreting of Proper 9.0 kms Freedom, 108,000
Freedom-Mauswagon- Mausagon &
Bangkal, Capinonan Capinonan
FMR, Cabanglasan
Concreting of Sitio 5.00 kms Poblacion, 60,000
Tingcaan-Busa-Proper Cabanglasan
Rehabilitation and 6.00 kms Guihean-Sayawan, 22,000
Improvement of Impasug-ong
FMR, Impasug-ong
Concreting of Lower 6.00 kms Bagong Silang, 72,000
Bagong Silang to Upper Maramag,
Bagong Silang Bukidnon
(Lapasak) to Catal
Road, Maramag,
Concreting of Kisanday 2.00 kms Kisanday, 24,000
to Lower Migapanang Maramag,
road, Maramag, Bukidnon
Concreting of Jct. Sayre 3.00 kms Camp 1, 36,000
Highway to Miuban Maramag,
Road, Maramag, Bukidnon
Concreting of Jct. Sayre 2.00 kms Camp 1, 24,000
Highway to Kiuntod Maramag,
road, Maramag, Bukidnon
Concreting of Jct. 3.531 kms Kiharong, 42,372
Kiharong - Panalsalan Panalsalan,
Road Maramag, Kisanday,
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Concreting/Improveme 7.00 kms Tugaya, Valencia 82,500
nt of 7 kms. City
Migtukwan Tugaya
Proper FMR, Valencia
City, Bukidnon
Construction of Bridge 15 L.m. Bangcud , 9,300
to Purok 2 to Purok 7 Malaybalay City
(Tigbi) of Barangay
Bangcud, Malaybalay
Construction of FAarm 8.0 kms San Jose, 104,932
to Market Road to Malaybalay City
Junction San Jose
Diversion Road to
Barangay Mapayag
Construction of Farm 9.0 kms Imbayao, 118,048
to Market Roads to Malaybalay City
Lower Barangay
Imbayao (Junction
Diversion road) to
Poblacion, Barangay
Construction of farm to 10.10 km. Capitan Angel, 131,416
market roads to Malaybalay City
Junction Kalasungay
9Sayre Highway) to
Barangay Capitan
Angel, Malaybalay City
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Construction of Farm 5.0 kms Dalwangan, 65,708
to Market roads to Malaybalay City
Junction Dalawangan
(Sayre Highway) to
Sitio Damitan,
Barangay Dalwangan,
Malaybalay City
Concreting/Improveme 5.25 kms Handuman-Mt. 63,000
nt of 5.25 kms. Nebo, Valencia
Handuman-Mt. Nebo City
Proper Road
Concreting/Improveme Tugaya, Valencia 82,500
nt of 7 kms. City
Migtukwan Tugaya
Proper FMR
Other Infra Projects 1. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy.
Kalugmanan, Manolo
2. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in BLISS – Lingion
Credit Cooperative of
Brgy. Lingion , Manolo
3. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy. Minsuro
, Manolo Fortich
4. Construction of Manolo 2,500
Warehouse with Solar Fortich
Dryer in Brgy. Lunocan,
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
, Manolo Fortich
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy
Bagontaas, Valencia
City, Bukidnon
13. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy Tongan-
tongan, Valencia City,
14. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy
Batangan, Valencia
City, Bukidnon
15. Construction of Valencia City 41,780
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy Pinatilan,
Valencia City, Bukidnon
16. Construction of Cabanglasan 2,189
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy Iba,
Cabanglasan Bukidnon
17. Construction of Cabanglasan 2,189
Warehouse with Solar
Dryer in Brgy
Cabanglasan Bukidnon
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Limited knowledge Conduct training on Farmers Maramag, Maramag, Maramag, 1,000 1,000 1,000
and skills on Good GAP Coffee Production technically Pangantucan, Pangantucan, Pangantucan,
Agricultural Practices equipped on Manolo Fortich, Manolo Manolo Fortich,
and Sustainable GAP Coffee Impasug-ong, Fortich, Impasug-ong,
Production Practices Production Malaybalay, Impasug-ong, Malaybalay,
Talakag, Lantapan, Malaybalay, Talakag, Lantapan,
Sumilao, Baungon, Talakag, Sumilao, Baungon,
Valencia Lantapan, Valencia
Limited access to The Department of Post harvest Maramag, Pangantucan Talakag
adequate Trade and Industry facilities Manolo Fortich, Impasug-ong Sumilao
postharvest facilities grants share service constructed/pro Malaybalay Lantapan Baungon
facilities that can be vided Valencia
used by farmers to
produce green coffee
Nestle Philippines
subsidizes costs of
constructing a modular
all-weather dryers to
coffee farmers.
Availability GMP
services in the Region
PLGU willing to share
in construction cost
and maintenance
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Provision of Farm Farm Province Wide Province Province Wide
Mechanization Support Mechanization Wide
to PG and Associations support
Marketin Unable to meet Clustering of coffee Organized Maramag,
g supply volume farmers in the coffee farmers, Pangantucan,
requirement of barangays Consolidated Manolo Fortich,
buyers for Arabica supply of coffee Impasug-ong,
coffee farmers/ beans to access Malaybalay,
assemblers. better market Talakag, Lantapan,
price Sumilao, Baungon,
Too many Establishment of Lessen Maramag,
“middlemen” in buying stations in the transportation Pangantucan,
between far flung barangays cost of farmers, Manolo Fortich,
farmers/assemblers Improved access Impasug-ong,
of robusta GCB and to market Malaybalay,
buyers which results Talakag, Lantapan,
to low buying price. Sumilao, Baungon,
Poor farm-to-market - Construction of FMR Concreted/ Maramag, Manolo Pangantucan, Talakag, Sumilao,
roads resulting to -Provision of hauling rehabilitated/ Fortich, Impasug-ong, Baungon, Valencia
limited trucks constructed Malaybalay Lantapan
transportation FMR
services and
increased cost.
Transfor Limited access to Provision of PHF Produced high
mation adequate quality of coffee
postharvest facilities beans resulting
to high price
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Promote local Immediate and Maramag, Pangantucan Talakag
Integrated Coffee Base Alternative Manolo Fortich Impasug-ong Sumilao
Enterprice that will market provided Malaybalay Lantapan Baungon
provide immediate for coffee Valencia
and alternative market producers
for coffee producers
Provide technical Technical Maramag, Pangantucan Talakag
support/assistance to support/assistan Manolo Fortich Impasug-ong Sumilao
Proponent Group(PG) ce provided to Malaybalay Lantapan Baungon
to avail of projects & PG Valencia
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
Logistics Limited access to Conduct SOA on coffee All LGUs All LGUs All LGUs 200 200 200 DA, PLGU,
effective capacity production PRDP
building program
aimed at increasing
the awareness and
adoption of
Sustainable Farming
and/or Good
Agricultural Practices
Distribution of IEC All LGUs All LGUs All LGUs 100 100 100 DA, PLGU,
materials PRDP
Clustering of coffee All LGUs 50 P/M/CLGU
farmers per barangay
No climate change Establishment of
mitigation measure contour farming in
implemented. sloping areas
Unpredictable Conduct IEC on Climate All LGUs 50
weather condition Change Adaptation &
affects farm Mitigation
Poor farm to market
roads result to
limited and
inefficient transport
Policy Absence of Establish a centralized all LGUs 1000 PLGU, DA,
Information information database PRDP
Management System system for the coffee
of the entire coffee industry in Mindanao
industry in Mindanao to facilitate easy access
resulted to farmers’ of industry information
limited to all players in the
knowledge/understa value chain.
Chain Key Gap/Constraint Target Areas to be covered Proposed Estimated Project Cost (‘000) Proposed
Brief Description of Target Results/ MFO/
Segment in VC Development in lead and sources of Remarks Rank
Potential Intervention Outcome Sub-MFO
and the Province other funds
Services 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
nding on price and
demand and supply
at a given time.
Chapter IV
Implementation/Implementation Supervision
The implementation of the Philippine Rural Development Project at the provincial level
shall be spearheaded by the provincial government through the Provincial Project Management
and Implementing Unit (PPMIU) headed by the Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator.
The PPMIU shall be managing the overall program implementation of the PRDP in the province.
Support units such as the Investment in AFMP Planning at the Local and National Levels (I-PLAN),
Intensified Building-Up of Infrastructure and Logistics for Development (I-BUILD) and the
Investments in Rural Enterprises and Agriculture and Fisheries Productivity (I-REAP) units shall
assist in the implementation particularly on sub-components which responsibilities are vested on
these units.
Executive Order No. 20 series of 2013 issued by the provincial governor of Bukidnon on 22
October 2013 shall be the main basis for the organization and management in the implementation
of the PRDP in the province. The PPMIU shall be the organization responsible for the overall
coordination efforts and see that the implementation and management of the PRDP in the
province is in accordance to the project’s goals and objectives. Responsibility on activities on the
sub-components of the project will correspondingly fall on the units under the PPMIU. These are
the I-PLAN, I-BUILD, I-REAP and the Monitoring and Evaluation Units.
Presented in Figure 6 is the overall organizational structure as per EO No. 20 s. 2013 for the
implementation and management of the PRDP in the province.
Figure 7: Organizational Structure for the Implementation of the PRDP in the province of
Provincial Project
Management and
Implementing Unit (PPMIU)
Monitoring and Evaluation of the PRDP in Bukidnon shall be spearheaded by the province’s
Provincial Project Monitoring and Inspection Team headed by its Team Leader assisted by key staffs
from the Provincial Planning and Development Office particularly staffs from the Special Project
Division. The physical monitoring of projects especially on the physical and financial aspects of its
implementation shall be done by the PPMIT and PPDO who shall make sure that regular reporting
is done to inform the Provincial Governor and the DA-Region 10 and PRDP RPCO of the status of
project implementation.
The province of Bukidnon will adhere to the general policy espoused by the PRDP in regard
to the selection and implementation of sub-projects which is “to ensure that the people and the
environment are not adversely affected by the sub-projects implemented under the PRDP”. For
this reason the province together with all its participating LGUs to the PRDP will be observing the
policy frameworks that govern the application of social and environmental safeguards. The
province, through the PPMIU and the cities and municipalities through their respective C/MPMIUs
will be guided by the following PRDP Social and Environmental Safeguards Frameworks (SESF):
Appendix I Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
under the I-BUILD component should not be such, that it displace, damage or render inaccessible
or inoperable, sites or structures of cultural or historical significance. These are but some of the
policies that will be observed in the selection and implementation of sub-projects to be proposed
for funding under the PRDP. Overall, the province and city/municipal LGUs shall see to it that
national and local laws/provisions/issuances as well as that of the donor country concerning the
selection and implementation of sub-projects will be observed and strictly followed.
The implementation of the PRDP in the province shall also comply with the Indigenous
People Policy Framework. The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (RA 8371) and the World Bank’s
policy on indigenous peoples will serve as the overaching laws/principles that shall be adhered in
the implementation of sub-projects under the PRDP in Bukidnon. This is to ensure that the
interests, needs and concerns of the Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICC) and Indigenous
Peoples (IPs) are taken in consideration in the selection, design and implementation of specific sub-
projects near or within their communities and/or territories.
The selection and implementation of PRDP sub-projects in the province will also be guided
by the land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement framework. This is to ensure that all
involuntary losses, (be it lands, structures, crops or other properties of Project-Affected-Persons
(PAPs) are properly and justly compensated. Those who are displaced (whether physically or
economically) are resettled and/or provided with assistance to improve, or at least maintain their
pre-project living standards and income earning capacity.
Chapter V
Provincial Development Council (PDC) Resolutions endorsing the PCIP and the PLGU
commitment for budget counterparting
Appendix I Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Memorandum of Agreement A- 1
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix I
B- 2 Executive Order
Appendix I Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Memorandum of Agreement A- 3
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix I
B- 4 Executive Order
Appendix I Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Memorandum of Agreement A- 5
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix I
B- 6 Executive Order
Appendix I Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Memorandum of Agreement A- 7
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix I
B- 8 Executive Order
Appendix I Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Memorandum of Agreement A- 9
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix I
B - 10 Executive Order
Appendix I Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Memorandum of Agreement A - 11
Appendix II Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Executive Order B -1
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix II
B- 2 Executive Order
Appendix II Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Executive Order B -3
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix II
B- 4 Executive Order
Appendix II Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Executive Order B -5
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix II
B- 6 Executive Order
Appendix III Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Photo Documentation C -1
Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019 Appendix III
C- 2 Photo Documentation
Appendix IV Provincial Commodity Investment Plan 2017-2019
Commodity : Abaca
IMPASUG-ONG 447 447 1482 46 43587 0.4244 22 0.57302 1
MALAYBALAY CITY 205 1252 378 35 153085 0.4764 20 0.5378 2
MALITBOG 136 129 404 61 22880 0.503 15 0.47579 3
VALENCIA CITY 60 29 57 36 181556 0.631 5 0.47361 4
DON CARLOS 0 0 0 42 64334 0.6994 2 0.4707 5
DANGCAGAN 0 0 0 40 22448 0.7249 1 0.46699 6
KITAOTAO 4 0 8 55 49488 0.6211 7 0.46087 7
SAN FERNANDO 80 147 168 52 50207 0.5532 12 0.45928 8
KADINGILAN 0 0 0 51 31756 0.6408 3 0.45456 9
QUEZON 13 5 85 52 94584 0.5687 11 0.44732 10
MANOLO FORTICH 149 298 201 34 91026 0.5198 13 0.43927 11
DAMULOG 0 0 0 52 25538 0.6056 8 0.4377 12
KIBAWE 0 0 0 47 35767 0.6245 6 0.43767 13
PANGANTUCAN 4 4 14 53 48775 0.5725 10 0.43218 14
KALILANGAN 0 0 0 51 39847 0.5902 9 0.43148 15
MARAMAG 0 0 0 34 90901 0.6325 4 0.42489 16
TALAKAG 34 68 56 50 67123 0.4946 17 0.40556 17
CABANGLASAN 110 52 45 45 32427 0.4793 19 0.39104 18
LANTAPAN 39 64 60 41 55934 0.4995 16 0.38386 19
BAUNGON 2 1 92 49 32868 0.4678 21 0.37018 20
SUMILAO 16 8 49 40 25668 0.4931 18 0.35951 21
LIBONA 6 3 30 36 39393 0.513 14 0.35947 22
Commodity : Banana(cardava)
VALENCIA CITY 1579 23655 626 36 181556 0.631 5 0.62833 1
QUEZON 317 6606 6539 52 94584 0.5687 11 0.57643 2
MALAYBALAY CITY 827 36537 975 35 153085 0.4764 20 0.53372 3
MALITBOG 904 9502 1529 61 22880 0.503 15 0.51444 4
DON CARLOS 83 994 1213 42 64334 0.6994 2 0.49723 5
DANGCAGAN 60 1200 139 40 22448 0.7249 1 0.4762 6
KADINGILAN 39 210 479 51 31756 0.6408 3 0.46494 7
MARAMAG 186 2787 888 34 90901 0.6325 4 0.45788 8
DAMULOG 126 1890 204 52 25538 0.6056 8 0.45397 9
KIBAWE 12 142 240 47 35767 0.6245 6 0.44249 10
KALILANGAN 19 225 498 51 39847 0.5902 9 0.44092 11
PANGANTUCAN 25 296 393 53 48775 0.5725 10 0.43841 12
KITAOTAO 56 1680 164 41 49488 0.6211 7 0.43566 13
SAN FERNANDO 35 85 95 52 50207 0.5532 12 0.4222 14
MANOLO FORTICH 250 2869 606 34 91026 0.5198 13 0.40153 15
TALAKAG 20 601 47 50 67123 0.4946 17 0.39238 16
BAUNGON 165 2063 257 49 32868 0.4678 21 0.38347 17
LANTAPAN 36 828 102 41 55934 0.4995 16 0.37208 18
CABANGLASAN 55 825 200 45 32427 0.4793 19 0.36804 19
LIBONA 66 990 222 36 39393 0.513 14 0.36616 20
SUMILAO 13 188 45 40 25668 0.4931 18 0.35401 21
IMPASUG-ONG 0 0 0 46 43587 0.4244 22 0.33732 22
Commodity : Cacao
Quezon 29.00 29.00 200 52 94,584 0.5455 13 0.61550 1
Don Carlos 36.00 4.00 369 42 64,334 0.4929 19 0.59197 2
Pangantucan 15.00 2.00 1040 53 48,775 0.6106 7 0.56691 3
Kalilangan 20.00 20.00 150 51 39,847 0.4976 18 0.55487 4
Kadingilan 25.00 2.00 185 51 31,756 0.6908 2 0.52925 5
Kitaotao 10.00 5.00 40 55 49,488 0.6672 3 0.50052 6
Valencia City 10.00 1.00 80 36 181,556 0.6365 5 0.48516 7
Dangcagan 2.00 1.00 40 40 22,448 0.618 6 0.47829 8
Maramag 18.00 3.00 70 34 90,901 0.637 4 0.47797 9
Manolo Fortich 50.00 1.00 41 34 91,026 0.6975 1 0.47597 10
Kibawe 5.00 3.00 79 47 35,767 0.5976 10 0.46562 11
Damulog 6.00 1.00 53 52 25,538 0.6046 8 0.45825 12
San Fernando 8.00 4.00 17 52 50,207 0.5522 11 0.44973 13
Malaybalay City 14.00 4.00 86 35 153,085 0.6004 9 0.41649 14
Libona 7.00 2.00 358 36 39,393 0.5333 15 0.41119 15
Malitbog 0 0 7 61 22,880 0.5213 16 0.40847 16
Talakag 2.00 2.00 71 50 67,123 0.4633 21 0.40647 17
Lantapan 15.00 2.00 1 41 55,934 0.4026 22 0.40297 18
Cabanglasan 7.00 4.00 70 45 32,427 0.5471 12 0.39376 19
Baungon 8.00 3.00 21 49 32,868 0.5379 14 0.39181 20
Sumilao 8.00 2.00 17 40 25,668 0.5207 17 0.37652 21
Impasugong 0 0 0 46 43,587 0.4704 20 0.33732 22
Commodity : Cassava
DATA (mt.)
MANOLO FORTICH 3600 1556 107075 34 91026 0.5455 13 0.68143 1
BAUNGON 3000 484 60000 49 32868 0.4929 19 0.54647 2
PANGANTUCAN 557 655 6662 53 48775 0.6106 7 0.51285 3
MALITBOG 948 804 26089 61 22880 0.4976 18 0.50747 4
DON CARLOS 381 297 11438 42 64334 0.6908 2 0.50675 5
MARAMAG 597 645 4160 34 90901 0.6672 3 0.50416 6
VALENCIA CITY 298 283 15355 36 181556 0.6365 5 0.49758 7
KADINGILAN 500 484 10000 51 31756 0.618 6 0.4975 8
KALILANGAN 177 180 5310 51 39847 0.637 4 0.47633 9
DANGCAGAN 115 80 1610 40 22448 0.6975 1 0.46312 10
KITAOTAO 50 100 1540 55 49488 0.5976 10 0.45694 11
DAMULOG 72 112 2512 52 25538 0.6046 8 0.44875 12
QUEZON 151 134 5289 52 94584 0.5522 11 0.44776 13
KIBAWE 97 107 1635 47 35767 0.6004 9 0.43672 14
TALAKAG 150 154 5250 50 67123 0.5333 15 0.42706 15
SAN FERNANDO 195 215 1146 52 50207 0.5213 16 0.42266 16
MALAYBALAY CITY 316 677 5929 35 153085 0.4633 21 0.41771 17
IMPASUG-ONG 216 1160 5409 46 43587 0.4026 22 0.41202 18
LANTAPAN 58 63 870 41 55934 0.5471 12 0.39624 19
LIBONA 187 292 3300 36 39393 0.5379 14 0.39536 20
SUMILAO 390 77 3302 40 25668 0.5207 17 0.38464 21
CABANGLASAN 62 63 1248 45 32427 0.4704 20 0.36173 22
Commodity : Coffee
DATA (mt.)
MARAMAG 1356.06 1627.27 679 37.3 0.6857 1 0.82141 1
MANOLO FORTICH 1291.36 1549.63 646 34 0.5716 13 0.74027 2
MALAYBALAY CITY 1299.61 1559.53 650 31.6 0.4915 20 0.70111 3
IMPASUG-ONG 1031.43 1237.72 516 58.5 0.45 22 0.61199 4
LANTAPAN 742.63 891.16 372 49 0.5885 11 0.57824 5
PANGANTUCAN 618.86 742.63 310 51.7 0.6433 5 0.56663 6
QUEZON 668.37 802.04 335 49.2 0.5694 14 0.54422 7
KALILANGAN 309.43 371.32 155 53 0.6763 2 0.48143 8
LIBONA 371.32 445.58 186 37.2 0.5613 15 0.43235 9
VALENCIA CITY 200 240 100 34.8 0.6356 6 0.4108 10
DON CARLOS 100 120 50 37.6 0.6733 3 0.39861 11
KADINGILAN 118.85 142.6 71 56 0.6139 7 0.39096 12
MALITBOG 185.6 222.72 93 65.3 0.5363 18 0.37975 13
DAMULOG 70.14 84.17 36 64 0.6086 9 0.3767 14
KITAOTAO 57.76 69.31 29 64.1 0.6088 8 0.37266 15
DANGCAGAN 12.38 14.86 7 39.7 0.6672 4 0.36823 16
TALAKAG 100 120 50 62.4 0.572 12 0.36695 17
KIBAWE 70.14 84.17 36 49 0.5983 10 0.36007 18
CABANGLASAN 231.04 277.25 116 59.3 0.4638 21 0.35403 19
SAN FERNANDO 86.64 103.97 44 63.2 0.5444 16 0.34943 20
BAUNGON 100 120 50 46.2 0.5142 19 0.32565 21
SUMILAO 12.38 14.86 7 45.1 0.5433 17 0.31041 22
Commodity : Rubber
KADINGILAN 818 2455 750 51 31756 0.6408 4 0.67692 1
TALAKAG 2062 2969 97 50 67123 0.5333 16 0.62102 2
DANGCAGAN 700 2099 307 40 22448 0.7249 1 0.61257 3
DON CARLOS 883 1282 338 42 64334 0.7129 2 0.60852 4
MALAYBALAY CITY 1290 1981 690 35 153085 0.4834 20 0.59121 5
DAMULOG 707 1342 432 52 25538 0.6082 10 0.57609 6
KITAOTAO 400 1200 317 55 49488 0.6216 8 0.56177 7
KIBAWE 499 1032 437 47 35767 0.6255 7 0.5554 8
VALENCIA CITY 653 612 103 36 181556 0.6286 6 0.51883 9
MARAMAG 431 556 110 34 90901 0.6707 3 0.49829 10
PANGANTUCAN 185 757 100 53 48775 0.6105 9 0.49681 11
KALILANGAN 213 543 69 51 39847 0.6371 5 0.49275 12
QUEZON 128 204 61 52 94584 0.5735 11 0.46188 13
SAN FERNANDO 236 37 143 52 50207 0.5532 12 0.45007 14
BAUNGON 359 754 175 49 32868 0.4929 19 0.44213 15
MALITBOG 5 9 3 61 22880 0.5195 18 0.41699 16
LANTAPAN 185 193 17 41 55934 0.547 14 0.40746 17
IMPASUG-ONG 337 73 208 46 43587 0.4376 22 0.39045 18
MANOLO FORTICH 46 5 12 34 91026 0.5503 13 0.38783 19
LIBONA 32 0 30 36 39393 0.5379 15 0.37387 20
CABANGLASAN 74 148 40 45 32427 0.4793 21 0.37315 21
SUMILAO 9 0 3 40 25668 0.522 17 0.36727 22