EBM Gordons Functional
EBM Gordons Functional
EBM Gordons Functional
College of Nursing
Iligan City
Admission Assessment: Date: _________ Time: ________
Vital Signs
When was the last time you had your blood pressure taken? Where?
Do they tell you what the reading is? YES NO What is the reading?
Do you know what important vital signs data are? YES NO
Heart Rate : Respirations: Height:
Have you been hospitalized in the past three months? YES NO Name of the Hospital:
1. Kindly describe any health concerns that you would like to improve?
4. Are you exposed to any communicable diseases within the past year? [ ] No [ ] Yes
Kindly specify: ____________
5. Kindly enumerate if you are taking any medications at home? (Include prescription, over the counter, herbal remedies, vitamins)
Name Dose/Frequency/Route Reason for taking Remarks (Prescribed or Self-Medication)
1. ____________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________
2. ____________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________
3. ____________ ________________________ __________________________________________________________
4. ____________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________
5. ____________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________
6. ____________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________
7. ____________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________
8. ____________ _________________________ __________________________________________________________
8. Do you have any allergies to medications, food, dust, and the like? How do you manage the reactions?
Sources ______________________________________ Management: ______________________________
Usual pattern of food, fluid intake, types of food, fluid intake, actual weight loss or gain, appetite, preferences. Inquire about
– nutrition, fluid intake, peripheral edema, infection, oral cavity health. Assessment is focused on the pattern of food and
fluid consumption relative to metabolic need. The adequacy of local nutrient supplies is evaluated. Actual or potential
problems related to fluid balance, tissue integrity, and host defenses may be identified as well as problems with the
gastrointestinal system.
Elimination Pattern
Bowel and bladder elimination patterns, changes, control problems, use of assistive devices, use of medications. Inquire
about – bowel elimination, incontinence. Data collection is focused on excretory patterns (bowel, bladder, skin). Excretory
problems such as incontinence, constipation, diarrhea, and urinary retention may be identified.
1. Do you have any problems with bowel/bladder elimination? [ ] No [ ] Yes, describe: ______________________
2. Assess the abdomen
[ ] Soft [ ] Firm
[ ] Nontender [ ] Tender: Location ____________________________
[ ] Nondistended [ ] Distended: Girth _____________________________
[ ] Ostomies/tubes: type _______________________________________
Care (circle): independent, needs assistance
Assess Bowel Sounds
[ ] Present [ ] Absent [ ] Other _______________________
Activity Intolerance
Self-Care Deficit (specify) ________________
Impaired Home Maintenance
Impaired Physical Mobility
High Risk for Disuse syndrome
High Risk for Injury
Risk for Falls
Impaired Physical Mobility
7. Cardiovascular Assessment
Heart Sounds________________
Neck Veins [ ] Flat [ ] Distended
Peripheral pulses (0 = absent, +1 = weak, +2 = normal, +3 = bounding
Dorsalis Pedis Posterior tibial Radial Other
Right _____________ ____________ ________ _______
Left _____________ ____________ ________ _______
Sleep Pattern
Sleep – Rest Pattern
Assessment is focused on the person's sleep, rest, and relaxation practices. Dysfunctional sleep patterns, fatigue, and
responses to sleep deprivation may be identified. Inquire about- Patterns of sleep, rest, perception of quality and quantity.
[ ] Not applicable
[ ] Deferred
1. Have you had difficulty sleeping prior to admission?
[ ] No [ ] Yes, describe:____________________________________
2. Difficulty falling asleep? [ ] No [ ] Yes
3. Early awakening? [ ] No [ ] Yes
4. Abnormal cycle of sleeping
daytime sleeping [ ] No [ ] Yes
awake at night [ ] No [ ] Yes
Impaired Parenting Confusion, Acute
Social Isolation Confusion, Chronic
Impaired Comfort Disturbed Thought Processes
Decisional Conflict Impaired Verbal
Altered thought Process Impaired Memory
Sensory-Perceptual Readiness for Enhanced
Disturbed (specify)_________ Pain Acute
5. Deferred [ ]
What is the highest grade in school you have completed? _______
Do you have problems with your memory? [ ] No [ ] Yes ________________
Hearing Aid [ ] No [ ] Right ear [ ] Left ear
Glasses/contacts [ ] No [ ] Yes
Do you have any problem with your ability to feel pain, temperature? [ ] No [ ] Yes
Have you ever had a seizure? [ ] No [ ] Yes How often? __________________
Describe your seizure _____________________________________________________
When was your last seizure?__________________________________________________
Do you have pain? [ ] No [ ] Yes
If yes, (type, duration, location) Describe: __________________________________________________
How do you get relief from your pain? _____________________________________________________
What do you need to learn to be able to care for yourself after discharge? ____________________________
Self-concept Disturbance
Body Image Disturbance
Self – Perception Pattern
Assessment is focused on the person's attitudes toward self, including identity, body image, and sense of self-
worth. The person's level of self-esteem and response to threats to his or her self-concept may be identified.
Attitudes about self, sense of worth, perception of abilities, emotional patterns, body image, identity. Inquire
about - Anxiety, fear, control, self concept. Behaviors indicate the following
1. Mood [ ] Calm [ ] Agitated [ ] Angry
[ ] Anxious [ ] Sad [ ] Other _______________
Sexual Dysfunction
Ineffective Sexuality Patterns
1. Do you have any questions/concerns about the effects your physical condition
or medications may have on your sexual activity?
[ ] No [ ] Yes ________________
2. Females [ ] post menopausal
date of last menstrual period?_____________________________
Impaired Adjustment
Ineffective Individual Coping
Suicide, Risk for
Post-Trauma Syndrome
Coping – Stress Pattern
Assessment is focused on the person's perception of stress and on his or her coping strategies Support systems are evaluated,
and symptoms of stress are noted. The effectiveness of a person's coping strategies in terms of stress tolerance may be
further evaluated. Ability to manage stress, knowledge of stress tolerance, sources of support, number of stressful life events
in last year. Inquire about – coping, stress, events