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Internet of Things Example of Application/Iot

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Example of application/IoT
Examples of IoT Devices
Home Security
The key driver behind smart and secure homes is IoT. A variety of sensors, lights, alarms and
cameras (all of which can be controlled from a smartphone) are connected via IoT to provide
24x7 security.
Activity Trackers
Smart home security cameras provide alerts and peace of mind. Activity trackers are sensor
devices that can monitor and transmit key health indicators in real-time. You can track and
manage your blood pressure, appetite, physical movement and oxygen levels.
Industrial Security and Safety
IoT-enabled detection systems, sensors and cameras can be placed in restricted areas to detect
trespassers. They can also identify pressure buildups and small leaks of hazardous chemicals
and fix them before they become serious problems.
Augmented Reality Glasses
Augmented Reality (AR) glasses are wearable computer-enabled glasses that help you get
extra information such as 3D animations and videos to the user's real-world scenes. The
information is presented within the lenses of the glasses and can help users access Internet
Motion Detection
Motion sensors can detect vibrations in buildings, bridges, dams and other large-scale
structures. These devices can identify anomalies and disturbances in the structures that could
lead to catastrophic failures. They can also be used in areas susceptible to floods, landslides,
and earthquakes.

Top 5 Most Popular IoT Devices in 2023

1. Google Home Voice Controller
Google Home voice controller is one of the most popular IoT devices out there today. It
provides voice-enabled services like alarms, lights, thermostats, volume control and lots
2. Amazon Echo Plus Voice Controller
Amazon Echo Plus voice controller is another popular and reliable IoT device on the market.
It provides voice-enabled services like answering phone calls, setting timers and alarms,
checking the weather, and lots more.
3. August Doorbell Cam

August Doorbell Cam is an IoT device that allows you to answer your door from any remote
location. It constantly captures motion changes and suspicious activity in your doorstep.
4. August Smart Lock
August Smart Lock is a proven and reliable security IoT device that helps users to manage
their doors from any remote location. It helps keep thieves away and provides an extra layer
of security for your home.
5. Foobot
Foobot is an IoT device that can accurately measure indoor pollution. It helps to improve the
air quality in houses, cafes, workplaces, and other indoor public spaces.

IoT definition and framework

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs)
and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-
to-computer interaction.
A thing in the internet of things can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal
with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when
tire pressure is low or any other natural or man-made object that can be assigned an Internet
Protocol (IP) address and is able to transfer data over a network.
Increasingly, organizations in a variety of industries are using IoT to operate more efficiently,
better understand customers to deliver enhanced customer service, improve decision-making
and increase the value of the business.

How does IoT work?

An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded systems, such as
processors, sensors and communication hardware, to collect, send and act on data they
acquire from their environments. IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting
to an IoT gateway or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed
or analyzed locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related devices and
act on the information they get from one another. The devices do most of the work without
human intervention, although people can interact with the devices -- for instance, to set them
up, give them instructions or access the data.
The connectivity, networking and communication protocols used with these web-enabled
devices largely depend on the specific IoT applications deployed.
IoT can also make use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to aid in making
data collecting processes easier and more dynamic.

IoT standards and frameworks

There are several emerging IoT standards, including the following:
IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) is an open standard
defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The 6LoWPAN standard enables any
low-power radio to communicate to the internet, including 804.15.4, Bluetooth Low Energy
(BLE) and Z-Wave (for home automation).
ZigBee is a low-power, low-data rate wireless network used mainly in industrial settings.
ZigBee is based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4
standard. The ZigBee Alliance created Dotdot, the universal language for IoT that enables
smart objects to work securely on any network and understand each other.
LiteOS is a Unix-like operating system (OS) for wireless sensor networks. LiteOS supports
smartphones, wearables, intelligent manufacturing applications, smart homes and the internet
of vehicles (IoV). The OS also serves as a smart device development platform.
OneM2M is a machine-to-machine service layer that can be embedded in software and
hardware to connect devices. The global standardization body, OneM2M, was created to
develop reusable standards to enable IoT applications across different verticals to
Data Distribution Service (DDS) was developed by the Object Management Group (OMG)
and is an IoT standard for real-time, scalable and high-performance M2M communication.
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open source published standard for
asynchronous messaging by wire. AMQP enables encrypted and interoperable messaging
between organizations and applications. The protocol is used in client-server messaging and
in IoT device management.
Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a protocol designed by the IETF that specifies
how low-power, compute-constrained devices can operate in the internet of things.

Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) is a protocol for WANs designed to support
huge networks, such as smart cities, with millions of low-power devices.
IoT frameworks include the following:
Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT is a cloud computing platform for IoT released by
Amazon. This framework is designed to enable smart devices to easily connect and securely
interact with the AWS cloud and other connected devices.
Arm Mbed IoT is a platform to develop apps for IoT based on Arm microcontrollers. The
goal of the Arm Mbed IoT platform is to provide a scalable, connected and secure
environment for IoT devices by integrating Mbed tools and services.
Microsoft's Azure IoT Suite is a platform that consists of a set of services that enables users
to interact with and receive data from their IoT devices, as well as perform various operations
over data, such as multidimensional analysis, transformation and aggregation, and visualize
those operations in a way that's suitable for business.
Google's Brillo/Weave is a platform for the rapid implementation of IoT applications. The
platform consists of two main backbones: Brillo, an Android-based OS for the development
of embedded low-power devices, and Weave, an IoT-oriented communication protocol that
serves as the communication language between the device and the cloud.
Calvin is an open source IoT platform released by Ericsson designed for building and
managing distributed applications that enable devices to talk to each other. Calvin includes a
development framework for application developers, as well as a runtime environment for
handling the running application.

IoT architecture
The Internet of Things refers to the widespread interconnection of various devices, such as
wearables, watches, tablets, remote controls, sensors, home appliances, and more, with
people who utilize them. Specifically, the solution gathers data from a large number of
devices, which is then sent to data centers and servers for further analysis which drives
automation and actions. However, between your command and the achievement of your
tasks, there remains an extensive and largely invisible architectural framework that relies on
multiple elements and interactions.
IoT architecture refers to the tangle of components such as sensors, actuators, cloud services,
Protocols, and layers that make up IoT networking systems. In general, it is divided into
layers that allow administrators to evaluate, monitor, and maintain the integrity of the system.
The architecture of IoT is a four-step process through which data flows from devices
connected to sensors, through a network, and then through the cloud for processing, analysis,
and storage. With further development, the Internet of Things is poised to grow even further,
providing users with new and improved experiences.

Different Layers of IoT Architecture

In recent years, IoT technology has grown in popularity and it has a large variety of
applications. IoT applications operate according to how they have been designed or
developed based on the different application areas. However, there is no standard defined
architecture of work that is strictly adhered to across the board. The complexity and number

of architectural layers vary according to the specific business task at hand. Four-layer
architecture is the standard and most widely accepted format.

Perception/Sensing Layer
The first layer of any IoT system involves “things” or endpoint devices that serve as a conduit
between the physical and the digital worlds. Perception refers to the physical layer, which
includes sensors and actuators that are capable of collecting, accepting, and processing data
over the network. Sensors and actuators can be connected either wirelessly or via wired
connections. The architecture does not limit the scope of its components nor their location.
Network Layer
Network layers provide an overview of how data is moved throughout the application. This
layer contains Data Acquiring Systems (DAS) and Internet/Network gateways. A DAS
performs data aggregation and conversion functions (collecting and aggregating data from
sensors, then converting analog data to digital data, etc.). It is necessary to transmit and
process the data collected by the sensor devices. That’s what the network layer does. It allows
these devices to connect and communicate with other servers, smart devices, and network
devices. As well, it handles all data transmissions for the devices.
Processing Layer
The processing layer is the brain of the IoT ecosystem. Typically, data is analyzed, pre-
processed, and stored here before being sent to the data center, where it is accessed by
software applications that both monitor and manage the data as well as prepare further
actions. This is where Edge IT or edge analytics enters the picture.
Application Layer
User interaction takes place at the application layer, which delivers application-specific
services to the user. An example might be a smart home application where users can turn on a
coffee maker by tapping a button in an app or a dashboard that shows the status of the devices
in a system. There are many ways in which the Internet of Things can be deployed such as
smart cities, smart homes, and smart health.

Stages of IoT Solutions Architecture

Having discussed the IoT layers, how can businesses benefit from them and how can they
maximize the value of IoT? The Internet of Things (IoT) may refer to connected devices and
protocols, but in reality, the data from these devices is siloed, fragmented, and isolated. As
such, these fragmented insights alone do not provide enough information to justify an IoT
strategy that involves a significant investment of resources. To capitalize on IoT, enterprises
must allow devices to interact freely, and they must maximize device and system synergies.
You need to ensure your infrastructure supports the IoT architecture. The following are
various stages of IoT architecture implementation in enterprises:

Connected Objects/Devices
As a first step towards IoT architecture, the physical layer must be established within the
environment. There would be no Internet of Things without “smart” or connected objects.
Typically, these are wireless sensors or actuators in the perception layer.
Sensors collect and analyze data from the environment in order to make it usable for further
analysis. Actuators are involved in measuring the change recorded by the sensors. It is
possible to connect sensors or actuators in a wired or wireless manner in order to perform
sensing and actuation. Local Area Networks (LANs) and Personal Area Networks (PANs)
can be used for connecting sensors and actuators.
Internet Gateway
When step one is done properly, the next step that needs to be done is to set up an internet
gateway. As the sensors and actuators collect data in analog form, we must have a means of
converting the analog data into digital data in order to process it. We use the internet gateway
to accomplish this task. In the internet gateway stage, raw data will be received from the
devices and pre-processed before being sent to the cloud.
Data Acquisition Systems can be used to convert analog data into digital forms. It connects to
the sensors and actuators and gathers all data, converting it to digital form so that it may be
routed over the network by the internet gateway. It is responsible for data aggregation and
conversion. We can also add additional features, such as analytics and security, to increase
performance and efficiency.
Edge IT Systems
The third stage of an IoT architecture involves pre-processing and enhanced data analytics. In
light of the significant amount of data collected by IoT systems and the consequent
bandwidth requirements, edge IT systems play a crucial role in reducing the pressure on the
core IT infrastructure. Edge IT systems employ machine learning and visualization
techniques to generate insights from collected data. Machine learning algorithms provide

insights into the data while visualization techniques present the data in an easy-to-understand
Directly sending data to the server or the data center will cripple the speed of the system, as
well as the bandwidth of the LAN or routers. Analog data is generated at an enormous speed
and will require a great deal of space. Therefore, it is always recommended to convert the
data into digital form. Most of the time, the data collected by sensors and actuators are not
valuable to the organization, so only the important data is processed and transmitted to data
centers and servers.
Data Centers and Cloud Storage
After the data has been properly preprocessed and analyzed, and all loopholes have been
removed, the data is sent to the data centers and servers for final analysis and reporting. Data
Centers and Cloud services fall under the Management Services category and usually process
data through analytics, device management, and security controls. Furthermore, the cloud
also enables the transfer of data to end-user applications like Healthcare, Retail,
Environment, Emergency, Energy, etc.
Upon analysis, the data can be sent to cloud-based servers or data centers for final processing.
Using the cloud platform can lower hardware costs, but securing data is also a concern. When
it comes to physical servers or data centers, they are safer, but they also cost more.

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