A. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3
H. CONSORTIUMS ...................................................................................................................... 7
The Corporate Debtor is engaged in the business of construction and development of commercial
and housing projects. At present, the Company has a residential project named as “Kalindi Kunj”
situated at Roorkee Road, opposite Punjab National Bank, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, having Khasra
No. 757, 758, 759, 760, 761 part, 767 part, 763, 764, 905 part, 921 part, 1063 part of Village
Roshanpur Dorli, Meerut, with the below mentioned area statement:
S.No. Particulars FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017
1 from 46,70,000 - - - -
11,271 159 10,879 3,70,249 9,864
46,81,271 159 10,879 3,70,249 9,864
2 Expenses 41,93,065.89 2,30,220.86 1,09,550.34 3,72,670.65 486,240.89
Profit/(loss) - -
3 4,88,205.11 -98,671.34 -2,421.65
before tax 2,32,111.86 4,76,376.89
4 - - - - -
Expense /
5 4,12,045.11 - - - -
after tax
An application under Section 7 of the Code read with Rule 4 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Board of India (Application to Adjudicating Authority) Rules, 2016 for initiating Corporate
Insolvency Resolution Process (“CIRP”) against Raghupati Construction Private Limited was filed
by M/s. Avargreen Organic Foods Private Limited before the Hon’ble National Company Law
Tribunal, Allahabad Bench (“Adjudicating Authority”).
The Adjudicating Authority vide its order dated October 19, 2024, in CP(IB) No. 39/ALD/ 2023
commenced CIRP of the Corporate Debtor appointing Mr. Kunwarpreet Singh, having registration
no. IBBI/IPA-002/IP-N01150/2021-2022/13788, as Interim Resolution Professional (IRP) of the
Corporate Debtor. Further, the Committee of Creditors in its 1st COC Meeting held on November
20,2023 confirmed the appointment of Mr. Kunwarpreet Singh as the Resolution Professional
with requisite majority.
Address registered with IBBI 77, Ground Floor, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, Post
Office, Sant Nagar, New Delhi 110065
AFA Validity Up to July 17, 2024
Pursuant to Section 25(2)(h) of the Code, read with Regulation 36A of the Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations,
2016 (“CIRP Regulations”), the RP hereby invites Expression of Interest (“EOI”) from interested
and eligible prospective resolution applicants (“PRAs”) for the purpose of submission of
Resolution Plan in respect of the Company. The following are the important timelines in this
To be eligible to submit EOI, the PRAs must satisfy the following eligibility criteria, as approved
by the COC in accordance with Section 25 (2)(h) of the Code:
• Minimum Net Worth of at least INR 7.5 Crore (Rupees Seven Crores and fifty lakhs only)
as on March 31, 2024; and
• Prior experience of at least 3 years in Real Estate Sector or in acquiring and reviving Real
Estate assets.
Please note that a PRA will not be eligible to submit the EOI if such PRA or any person acting
jointly or in concert with such PRA is disqualified under Section 29A of the Code (as amended
from time to time, including extant law/ regulations prevailing at the time of evaluation of
eligibility criteria or amendments thereafter).
In case of a Consortium, each member of the Consortium should be eligible under Section 29A of
the Code. The disqualifications under Section 29A of the Code are set out in Annexure ‘A’, for
the reference of the PRAs.
The last date for submission of EOI is May 25, 2024. (“Last Date”).
Provided that the Resolution Professional may extend the Last Date, with approval of the COC (at
its sole discretion) and such extension shall not be considered as modification of Form-G.
The EOI should be unconditional and should be submitted in the format attached as Annexure
‘B’ and should be accompanied by the following documents / information:
7. A notarized declaration from the PRA to demonstrate that the
promoter/promoter group or any other group company are part of the
same group, in case the interested party is using such entities for meeting
the eligibility criteria.
Format attached as Annexure ‘D’
8. Undertaking by the PRA
Format attached as Annexure ‘E’
9. Confidentiality Undertaking by the PRA
Format attached as Annexure ‘F’
10. A list of connected persons of the PRAs (including each member of the
Consortium), as defined under Section 29A of the Code
Format attached as Annexure ‘G’
11. Certificate of Corporate Structure
Format attached as Annexure ‘H’
12. In case of a Consortium, the relevant documents will need to be provided
by each member of the Consortium
13. Any additional document/information, as may be requested by RP or CoC
(*) Use the checkbox in this column to check the submission of respective supporting document
before finally submitting the EOI to the RP.
Where the EOI is being submitted by a consortium of investors/ bidders (“Consortium”), the EOI,
along with all undertakings submitted pursuant to this EOI shall be signed by each member of the
Consortium. Please further note that:
1. Person cannot be part of more than one consortium submitting the EOI for the Company.
Further a Person shall submit only one EOI, either individually as a PRA or as a constituent
of a Consortium.
2. The Consortium shall submit the copy of consortium agreement/MOU, if any, entered
between the Consortium members, setting out the respective obligations of the
Consortium members.
3. Each member of the Consortium shall nominate and authorize a Lead Partner to represent
and act on behalf of the members of the Consortium. Such Lead Partner shall be the single
point of contact on behalf of the Consortium with the Resolution Professional and the CoC,
their representative and advisors in connection with all matters pertaining to the
4. The members of the Consortium shall be jointly and severally liable in respect of obligations
under the EOI/ undertakings given to the Resolution Professional.
5. If any one member of the Consortium is disqualified under Section 29A of the Code, then
the entire Consortium, i.e., all the members of such Consortium shall stand disqualified.
6. The EOI must detail the members of the Consortium, the Lead Member and the proposed
percentage holding of each member.
7. No change of Lead Member or any member whose financials have been considered
towards the eligibility criteria may be permitted post submission of EOI (except with
approval of the COC).
1. COC has the right to cancel or modify or withdraw the process of invitation of EOI or
Resolution Plans without assigning any reason and without any liability. This is not an offer
document and is issued with no commitment.
2. COC has the right to amend or revise the eligibility criteria, this IEOI or issue further
supplements to the IEOI or require additional documents from the PRAs without assigning
any reason and without any liability.
3. It may be noted that the eligibility criteria for Prospective Resolution Applicant have been
evolved in accordance with the provisions of the Code and CIRP Regulations. EOIs of only
those interested parties who meet the eligibility and other criteria specified herein shall be
considered. Resolution Professional / COC reserve their right to reject, without being bound
to do so, the EOI of any PRA and not include them in the provisional or final list of eligible
PRAs in case:
a. The PRA does not meet the eligibility criteria set out herein;
b. If the EOI submitted by the PRA is incomplete or the PRA does not submit the
documents as required under this IEOI or does not submit such further documents or
information as requested by the Resolution Professional for conducting due diligence
on the PRA;
c. If any information/record provided is false, incorrect, inaccurate or misleading;
d. If in the opinion of the COC, the PRA is undesirable or not credible or if the PRA fails to
provide information, if requested, to establish its credibility, eligibility, or ability to
implement a resolution plan.
4. No oral conversations or agreements with the Resolution Professional or any official, agent
or employee of the Resolution Professional, or any member of the COC, or any official,
agent or employee of the Company shall affect or modify any terms of this EOI.
5. Neither the PRA nor any of representatives of the PRA shall have any claims whatsoever
against the Resolution Professional or its advisors or any member of the COC or any of their
directors, officials, agents, or employees arising out of or relating to this IEOI.
6. By submitting its EOI, each PRA shall be deemed to acknowledge that it has carefully read
the entire IEOI and has fully informed itself as to all existing conditions and limitations.
Ignorance of law/s will not be treated as any excuse.
7. The PRA acknowledges that the investment in the Company shall be made by the PRA on
an “as in, where is” basis and the RP or the COC will not be providing any representations
or warranties for the Company.
8. All the EOIs received will be reviewed by RP in consultation with its advisors and COC and
a provisional list of eligible PRAs shall be shared in accordance with the Code and CIRP
9. For any clarifications on the process of submission of EOI, please contact on
Kunwarpreet Singh
Resolution Professional of
Raghupati Construction Private Limited,
IBBI Registration No.: IBBI/IPA-002/IP-N01150/2021-2022/13788
AFA Valid Till: July 17, 2024
Address: 77, Ground Floor, Sant Nagar, East of
Kailash, Post Office, Sant Nagar,
New Delhi - 110065
Email: singhkunwar2012@gmail.com | cirp.raghupati@gmail.com