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GS Cefr 4

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CEFR Mapping 4

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


Introduction  2
CEFR Scales and References  3
Unit 1  5
Unit 2  8
Unit 3  12
Unit 4  15
Unit 5  18
Unit 6  22
Unit 7  25
Unit 8  28
Unit 9  31
Unit 10  34

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Global Stage Level 4 Ma p p i n g

Global Stage How to use the Global Stage

Global Stage is a six-level language and literacy course CEFR maps
offering a child-centered approach for children to
The CEFR maps for Global Stage Level 4 are organized
build the skills they need to become self-directed,
unit by unit for both books, which allows you to
inquisitive learners. A unique, dual student book
browse the learning outcomes chronologically.
approach brings together a rigorously benchmarked
These are mapped to the relevant CEFR descriptor(s).
language program with a diverse and engaging literacy
The CEFR Reference column indicates which of
program, both of which span the Common European
the scales the descriptor is taken from—a table
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) from
summarizing the CEFR scales and their references is
levels Pre-A1 to B1+. Global Stage nurtures children to
provided on pp. 3–4.
become competent speakers and writers of English,
who learn cooperatively and can confidently engage Only relevant CEFR scales and descriptors have been
with subject areas across the curriculum. Children are included. For some Global Stage learning outcomes,
supported in becoming caring, responsible citizens in no suitable CEFR descriptor was. All descriptors
the 21st century and are empowered to succeed on included are at or within one band of the target level
the global stage. of the course.

Pre-A1 A1 A2 A2+ B1 B1+ B2

The CEFR Global Stage 1

The CEFR is an international standard which aims to Global Stage 2

provide a transparent, coherent and comprehensive Global Stage 3
means of describing language ability. It describes what
Global Stage 4
language learners can do in different skills across six
broad levels, from A1 to C2, with some of these levels Global Stage 5
being further broken down into sub-levels (e.g. A2 can Global Stage 6
be subdivided into A2 and A2+). It consists of a set of
scales containing descriptors indicating what a learner
can do in that context.
Originally published in 2001, the CEFR was extended
in 2017 and now includes an expanded list of
descriptors to describe language ability at different
levels. The CEFR mapping for Global Stage was carried
out using the 2017 extended set of descriptors, a copy
of which is available on the Council of Europe website.

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Global Stage Level 4 Ma p p i n g

Key for CEFR Reference Codes:

Communicative Language Activities: Spoken Reception, Understanding conversation between other speakers = SpRecep-UndrstConv
Communicative Language Strategies and Competences: Reception, Identifying cues and inferring (spoken and written) = Recep-IdentCues


Communicative Spoken Understanding conversation between other speakers SpRecep-UndrstConv
Language Activities Reception Listening as a member of a live audience SpRecep-LisLiveAud
Listening to audio media and recordings SpRecep-LisAudRec
Written Reading correspondence WrRecep-ReadCorresp
Reception Reading for orientation WrRecep-ReadOrient
Reading for information/argument WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
Reading instructions WrRecep-ReadInstr
Reading as a leisure activity WrRecep-ReadLeisure
Audio-visual Watching TV and films/movies AudVisRecep-Watch
Spoken Sustained monologue: Describing experience SpProd-MonoDescrExp
Production Sustained monologue: Putting a case (e.g. in debate) SpProd-MonoPutCase
Addressing audiences SpProd-AddrAud
Written Creative writing WrProd-CreaWrit
Production Written reports and essays WrProd-WritReportsEssays
Spoken Conversation SpInt-Conv
Interaction Informal discussion (with friends) SpInt-InformalDisc
Goal-oriented co-operation SpInt-GoalCo-op
Information exchange SpInt-InfoExch
Written Correspondence WrInt-Corresp

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Communicative Mediation Mediating a text

Language Activities Relaying specific information in writing Medi-RelaySpecInfoWrit
(cont.) Explaining data in writing (e.g. in graphs, diagrams, charts, etc.) Medi-ExplDataWrit
Expressing a personal response to creative texts (incl. literature) Medi-ExprPersResp
Analysis and criticism of creative texts (incl. literature) Medi-AnlysCritCreaTxt
Mediating concepts
Facilitating collaborative interaction with peers Medi-FacltCollabInt
Collaborating to construct meaning Medi-CollabConstrMean
Mediating communication
Facilitating pluricultural space Medi-FacltPluricSp
Communicative Reception Identifying cues and inferring (spoken and written) Recep-IdentCues
Language Strategies Pragmatic Thematic development Pragm-ThemDevt
and Competences Coherence and cohesion Pragm-Coh

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
10–11 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
a short audio recording about recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
different types of art. are delivered slowly and clearly.
12–13 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple very slowly and clearly.
conversation in an art class.
I can describe and identify A2+ • Can use simple descriptive language to make brief statements SpProd-MonoDescrExp
differences between two about and compare objects and possessions.
pictures using simple quantifiers.
14–15 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people describing different types recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
of art in simple language. are delivered slowly and clearly.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about why art is important ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
to me and how art helps us whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement,
understand each other. to invite, to thank, etc.
16–17 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple is conducted slowly and clearly.
conversation between people
about a photograph.
I can say simple sentences to A2+ • Can use simple descriptive language to make brief statements SpProd-MonoDescrExp
describe and compare different about and compare objects and possessions.

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18–19 I can watch and understand a A2+ • Can follow a TV commercial or a trailer for or scene from a AudVisRecep-Watch
short video of people giving film/movie, understanding what the actors are talking about,
opinions about paintings in provided that the images are a great help in understanding and
simple terms. the delivery is clear and relatively slow.
• Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
conducted slowly and clearly.
• Can recognize when speakers agree and disagree in a conversation SpRecep-UndrstConv
conducted slowly and clearly.
I can ask for and give opinions A2 • Can collaborate in simple, practical tasks, asking what others think, Medi-FacltCollabInt
in everyday situations in simple making suggestions, and understanding responses, provided he/she
language. can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time.
A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
simple language.
• Can agree and disagree with others. SpInt-InformalDisc
20 I can read and understand A2 • Can understand texts describing people, places, everyday life, and WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
simple cinquain poems. culture, etc., provided that they are written in simple language.
I can write a simple cinquain A2 • Can write short, simple, imaginary biographies and simple poems WrProd-CreaWrit
poem. about people.

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
8–9 I can ask and answer questions A2 • Can make simple remarks and pose occasional questions to indicate Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my that he/she is following.
thoughts about topics related A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
10–15 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated story (fantasy) strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
and make predictions about frequency everyday language.
the meaning of new words and • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
16 I can answer simple questions A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
about a story I have read. everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
17 I can understand the concepts A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
of and differentiate facts from everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
opinions in simple fiction and
18–21 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated instructional guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning
• Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions
utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it.
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
22 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can identify and briefly describe, in basic formulaic language, the key Medi-AnlysCritCreaTxt
about an instructional text themes and characters in short, simple narratives involving familiar
I have read and differentiate situations that are written in high frequency everyday language.
between the facts and opinions A2+ • Can pick out the main information in short newspaper reports or WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
in it. simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations, and titles play a
prominent role and support the meaning of the text.

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
22–23 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
a short audio recording about recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
experiments. are delivered slowly and clearly.
24–25 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conversation conducted slowly and clearly.
about an experiment.
I can make future predictions in A2+ • Can describe plans and arrangements, habits and routines, past SpProd-MonoDescrExp
simple language. activities, and personal experiences.
26–27 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people talking about time and recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
clocks in simple language. are delivered slowly and clearly.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about when and why time feels ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
slow for me and how measuring whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement, to
time helps people. invite, to thank, etc.
28–29 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted very SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple slowly and clearly.
conversation about future plans.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can ask and answer questions about plans and intentions. SpInt-InfoExch
questions about future

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30–31 I can watch and understand a A2+ • Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, AudVisRecep-Watch
short video of someone giving accidents, etc., where the visual supports the commentary.
a simple presentation about • Can follow the general outline of a demonstration or presentation SpRecep-LisLiveAud
time management. on a familiar or predictable topic, where the message is expressed
slowly and clearly in simple language and there is visual support
(e.g. slides, handouts).
I can prepare and give a simple A2+ • Can give a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent SpProd-AddrAud
presentation, giving advice for to his/her everyday life, briefly give reasons and explanations for
using time in the best way. opinions, plans, and actions.
B1 • Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans, and SpProd-MonoPutCase
32 I can read and understand A2+ • Can understand short written instructions illustrated step by step WrRecep-ReadInstr
step-by-step instructions for (e.g. for installing new technology).
a simple experiment.
I can write step-by-step A2+ • Can tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points. Pragm-ThemDevt
instructions for a simple B1 • Can describe in simple sentences (in Language B) the main facts Medi-ExplDataWrit
experiment based on shown in visuals on familiar topics (e.g. a weather map, a basic flow
illustrations. chart) (with text in Language A).

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
24–25 I can ask and answer questions A2 • Can make simple remarks and pose occasional questions to indicate Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my that he/she is following.
thoughts about topics related A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
26–31 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated story (fantasy) strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
and make predictions about frequency everyday language.
the meaning of new words and • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
32 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can identify and briefly describe, in basic formulaic language, the key Medi-AnlysCritCreaTxt
about a story I have read, themes and characters in short, simple narratives involving familiar
describe the main characters situations that are written in high frequency everyday language.
and their motives. A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
B1 • Can describe the personality of a character. Medi-ExprPersResp
33 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
short text about visualization everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
and apply the technique to make
predictions when reading.
34–37 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated informational guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.

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38 I can answer simple questions A2+ • Can pick out the main information in short newspaper reports or WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
about an informational text simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations, and titles play
I have read, locating specific a prominent role and support the meaning of the text.
information. • Can find specific information in practical, concrete, predictable WrRecep-ReadOrient
texts (e.g. travel guidebooks, recipes), provided they are written
in simple language.

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
36–37 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
a short audio recording about recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
emotions. are delivered slowly and clearly.
38–39 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conducted slowly and clearly.
conversation about a future trip.
I can describe possible future A2+ • Can describe plans and arrangements, habits and routines, past SpProd-MonoDescrExp
actions and their results in activities, and personal experiences.
simple language.
40–41 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people talking about friendships recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
in simple language. are delivered slowly and clearly.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about friendships I have and why ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
friends are important. whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement, to
invite, to thank, etc.
42–43 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted very SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple slowly and clearly.
conversation about keeping
a secret.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on SpInt-Conv
questions about possible future topics of interest.
actions and their results.

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44–45 I can watch and understand a A2+ • Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, AudVisRecep-Watch
short video of someone giving a accidents, etc., where the visual supports the commentary.
presentation about their friend. • Can follow the general outline of a demonstration or presentation SpRecep-LisLiveAud
on a familiar or predictable topic, where the message is expressed
slowly and clearly in simple language and there is visual support
(e.g. slides, handouts).
I can prepare and give a simple A2+ • Can give a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent SpProd-AddrAud
presentation about my friend. to his/her everyday life, briefly give reasons and explanations for SpProd-
opinions, plans, and actions.
• Can describe everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. people, MonoDescrExp
places, a job, or a study experience.
46 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand a simple personal letter, email, or post in which the WrRecep-ReadCorresp
simple personal email. person writing is talking about familiar subjects (such as friends or
family) or asking questions on these subjects.
I can write a simple personal A2+ • Can exchange information by text message, email, or in short WrInt-Corresp
email using basic conjunctions. letters, responding to questions the other person had (e.g. about a
new product or activity).
• Can use the most frequently occurring connectors to link simple Pragm-Coh
sentences in order to tell a story or describe something as a simple
list of points.

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
40–41 I can ask and answer questions A2 • Can make simple remarks and pose occasional questions to indicate Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my that he/she is following.
thoughts about topics related A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
42–45 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated informational guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
46 I can answer simple questions A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
about an informational text everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
I have read.
47 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
short text about the importance everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
of characters in a story.
48–53 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated story (fiction) strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
and make predictions about frequency everyday language.
the meaning of new words and • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
54 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can describe a character’s feelings and explain the reasons for them. Medi-ExprPersResp
about a story I have read,
describe the reasons for A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
the characters’ feelings and everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
actions, and comment on which B1 • Can explain in some detail which character he/she most identified Medi-ExprPersResp
character I relate to. with and why.

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
48–49 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
a short audio recording about recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
space. are delivered slowly and clearly.
50–51 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conducted slowly and clearly.
conversation about being
an astronaut.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on SpInt-Conv
questions about obligations. topics of interest.
52–53 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people talking about Mars and recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
experiments in simple language. are delivered slowly and clearly.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about planets and how learning ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
about space can help us. whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement, to
invite, to thank, etc.
54–55 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted very SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple slowly and clearly.
conversation between people
working together on a project.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges SpInt-InfoExch
questions to describe without undue effort.
possibilities and to give advice. B1 • Can offer advice on simple matters within his/her field of SpInt-InfoExch

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56–57 I can watch and understand a A2+ • Can follow a TV commercial or a trailer for or scene from a AudVisRecep-Watch
short video of people discussing film/movie, understanding what the actors are talking about,
a school project in simple provided that the images are a great help in understanding and
language. the delivery is clear and relatively slow.
• Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
conducted slowly and clearly.
I can make and respond to A2 • Can collaborate in simple, practical tasks, asking what others think, Medi-FacltCollabInt
offers and suggestions and making suggestions, and understanding responses, provided he/she
show enthusiasm in an everyday can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time.
discussion in simple language. A2+ • Can discuss what to do next, making and responding to suggestions, SpInt-GoalCo-op
asking for and giving directions.
58 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
simple magazine interview. everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
I can write a simple magazine A2+ • Can write about everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. WrProd-CreaWrit
interview. people, places, a job, or a study experience in linked sentences.
• Can tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points. Pragm-ThemDevt

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
56–57 I can ask and answer questions A2 • Can make simple remarks and pose occasional questions to indicate Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my that he/she is following.
thoughts about topics related A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
58–63 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated story (fiction) strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
and make predictions about frequency everyday language.
the meaning of new words and • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
64 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can identify and briefly describe, in basic formulaic language, the key Medi-AnlysCritCreaTxt
about a story I have read and themes and characters in short, simple narratives involving familiar
comment on the different situations that are written in high frequency everyday language.
characters’ motives. A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
65 I can scan a short text to find A2+ • Can find specific information in practical, concrete, predictable WrRecep-ReadOrient
specific details in it. texts (e.g. travel guidebooks, recipes), provided they are written
in simple language.
66–69 I can read and understand a A2 • Can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated biography that are written in simple words.
(nonfiction) and make A2+ • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
predictions about the meaning of utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
new words and expressions in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
70 I can answer simple questions A2+ • Can pick out the main information in short newspaper reports or WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
about a biography I have read. simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations, and titles play a
prominent role and support the meaning of the text.

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
62–63 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
a short audio recording about recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
Vikings. are delivered slowly and clearly.
64–65 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conversation conducted slowly and clearly.
about life in the past.
I can make simple sentences A2+ • Can describe plans and arrangements, habits and routines, past SpProd-MonoDescrExp
about past habits and routines. activities, and personal experiences.
66–67 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people talking about trade and recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
travel in simple language. are delivered slowly and clearly.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about trading and exploring. ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement, to
invite, to thank, etc.
68–69 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conversation conducted slowly and clearly.
about life in the past.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines. SpInt-InfoExch
questions about past habits
• Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities. SpInt-InfoExch
and routines.

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70–71 I can watch and understand A2+ • Can follow a TV commercial or a trailer for or scene from a AudVisRecep-Watch
a short video of people film/movie, understanding what the actors are talking about,
negotiating in an everyday provided that the images are a great help in understanding and
situation in simple language. the delivery is clear and relatively slow.
• Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
conducted slowly and clearly.
I can negotiate in an everyday A2 • Can collaborate in simple, practical tasks, asking what others think, Medi-FacltCollabInt
situation, making and responding making suggestions, and understanding responses, provided he/she
to suggestions, and expressing can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time.
agreement and disagreement in A2+ • Can make and respond to suggestions. SpInt-InformalDisc
simple language.
• Can agree and disagree with others. SpInt-InformalDisc
72 I can read and understand a A2 • Can understand texts describing people, places, everyday life, and WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
simple character profile. culture, etc., provided that they are written in simple language.
I can write a simple character A2+ • Can write about everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. WrProd-CreaWrit
profile. people, places, a job, or a study experience in linked sentences.
• Can give an example of something in a very simple text using “like” Pragm-ThemDevt
or “for example.”

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Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
72–73 I can ask and answer questions A2 • Can make simple remarks and pose occasional questions to indicate Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my that he/she is following.
thoughts about topics related A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
74–75 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated informational guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
76 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can identify and briefly describe, in basic formulaic language, the key Medi-AnlysCritCreaTxt
about an informational text I themes and characters in short, simple narratives involving familiar
have read, find specific details in situations that are written in high frequency everyday language.
it, and summarize its main idea. A2+ • Can find specific information in practical, concrete, predictable WrRecep-ReadOrient
texts (e.g. travel guidebooks, recipes), provided they are written in
simple language.
77 I can understand the concept of A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
and identify different points of everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
view from which a story is told.
78–85 I can read and understand A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
a simple illustrated folk tale strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
(fiction) and make predictions frequency everyday language.
about the meaning of new • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
words and expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.

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86 I can summarize the content A2 • Can identify and briefly describe, in basic formulaic language, the key Medi-AnlysCritCreaTxt
of an illustrated folk tale I have themes and characters in short, simple narratives involving familiar
read in a story map and answer situations that are written in high frequency everyday language.
simple questions about it. A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
• Can relay in writing (in Language B) specific information contained Medi-RelaySpecInfoWrit
in short simple informational texts (written in Language A),
provided the texts concern concrete, familiar subjects and are
written in simple everyday language.

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74–75 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
a short audio recording about recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
survival on a desert island. are delivered slowly and clearly.
76–77 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conversation conducted slowly and clearly.
about life experiences.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities. SpInt-InfoExch
questions about life experiences.
78–79 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people talking about camping. recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
are delivered slowly and clearly.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about teamwork. ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement, to
invite, to thank, etc.
80–81 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conducted slowly and clearly.
conversation about travel
I can say simple sentences to A2+ • Can describe plans and arrangements, habits and routines, past SpProd-MonoDescrExp
describe my and other people’s activities, and personal experiences.
life experiences.

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82–83 I can watch and understand a A2+ • Can follow a TV commercial or a trailer for or scene from a AudVisRecep-Watch
short video of people discussing film/movie, understanding what the actors are talking about,
what gift to buy someone in provided that the images are a great help in understanding and
simple language. the delivery is clear and relatively slow.
• Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that is SpRecep-UndrstConv
conducted slowly and clearly.
• Can recognize when speakers agree and disagree in a conversation SpRecep-UndrstConv
conducted slowly and clearly.
I can make and respond to A2 • Can collaborate in simple, practical tasks, asking what others think, Medi-FacltCollabInt
suggestions, give reasons, making suggestions, and understanding responses, provided he/she
and express agreement and can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time.
disagreement politely in A2+ • Can make and respond to suggestions. SpInt-InformalDisc
an everyday discussion in
simple language. B1 • Can express belief, opinion, agreement, and disagreement politely. SpInt-InformalDisc
84 I can read and understand a A2 • Can understand texts describing people, places, everyday life, and WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
simple holiday/vacation postcard. culture, etc., provided that they are written in simple language.
I can write a simple holiday/ A2+ • Can exchange information by text message, email, or in short WrInt-Corresp
vacation postcard. letters, responding to questions the other person had (e.g. about a
new product or activity).
• Can use the most frequently occurring connectors to link simple Pragm-Coh
sentences in order to tell a story or describe something as a simple
list of points.

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88–89 I can ask and answer questions A2+ • Can ensure that the person he/she is talking to understands what Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my he/she means by asking appropriate questions.
thoughts about topics related • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
90–95 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated instructional guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
96 I can find specific details in A2+ • Can find specific information in practical, concrete, predictable WrRecep-ReadOrient
a simple instructional text texts (e.g. travel guidebooks, recipes), provided they are written in
I have read. simple language.
97 I can understand the concept of A2+ • Can pick out the main information in short newspaper reports or WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
and identify sequence of events simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations, and titles play
in a text. a prominent role and support the meaning of the text.
98–101 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated story (fiction) strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
and make predictions about frequency everyday language.
the meaning of new words and • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
102 I can summarize the content of A2 • Can describe a character’s feelings and explain the reasons for them. Medi-ExprPersResp
a simple story I have read in a A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
graphic organizer and describe everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
a character’s feelings.
• Can relay in writing (in Language B) specific information contained in Medi-RelaySpecInfoWrit
short simple informational texts (written in Language A), provided the
texts concern concrete, familiar subjects and are written in simple
everyday language.

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88–89 I can listen to and understand a A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
short audio recording about the recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
water cycle. are delivered slowly and clearly.
90–91 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can understand the most important information contained in short SpRecep-LisAudRec
understand a short audio radio commercials concerning goods and services of interest (e.g.
recording about saving water. CDs, video games, travel, etc.).
I can say how I feel about A2+ • Can give short, basic descriptions of events and activities. SpProd-MonoDescrExp
everyday activities in simple
92–93 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people talking about water and recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
water inventions. are delivered slowly and clearly.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about saving and wasting water. ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement, to
invite, to thank, etc.
94–95 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted very SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple slowly and clearly.
conversation about living on
a houseboat.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on SpInt-Conv
questions about different topics of interest.
activities and experiences and • Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks. SpInt-Conv
how they make me feel.

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96–97 I can watch and understand A2+ • Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, AudVisRecep-Watch
a short video of someone accidents, etc., where the visual supports the commentary.
describing, comparing, and • Can follow the general outline of a demonstration or presentation SpRecep-LisLiveAud
contrasting two pictures. on a familiar or predictable topic, where the message is expressed
slowly and clearly in simple language and there is visual support
(e.g. slides, handouts).
I can prepare and give a simple A2+ • Can give a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent SpProd-AddrAud
presentation, describing, to his/her everyday life, briefly give reasons and explanations for
comparing and contrasting two opinions, plans, and actions.
pictures. • Can describe everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. people, SpProd-MonoDescrExp
places, a job, or a study experience.
• Can use simple descriptive language to make brief statements about SpProd-MonoDescrExp
and compare objects and possessions.
98 I can read and understand a A2 • Can understand texts describing people, places, everyday life, and WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
simple fact file. culture, etc., provided that they are written in simple language.
I can write a simple fact file. A2 • Can write simple texts on familiar subjects of interest, linking WrProd-
sentences with connectors like “and,” “because,” or “then.” WritReportsEssays
A2+ • Can tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points. Pragm-ThemDevt

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104–105 I can ask and answer questions A2 • Can make simple remarks and pose occasional questions to indicate Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my that he/she is following.
thoughts about topics related A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
106–109 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated informational guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
110 I can answer simple questions A2+ • Can pick out the main information in short newspaper reports or WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
about an informational text I simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations, and titles play a
have read and summarize the prominent role and support the meaning of the text.
main ideas of a section in a • Can relay in writing (in Language B) specific information contained Medi-RelaySpecInfoWrit
graphic organizer. in short simple informational texts (written in Language A),
provided the texts concern concrete, familiar subjects and are
written in simple everyday language.
111 I can understand the concept A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
of and make inferences about everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
a story using the text and B1 • Can make basic inferences or predictions about text content from Recep-IdentCues
accompanying pictures. headings, titles, or headlines.
112–117 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated story (fiction) strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
and make predictions about frequency everyday language.
the meaning of new words and • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
118 I can answer simple questions A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
about a story I have read. everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).

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100–101 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
a short audio recording about recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
physical characteristics and are delivered slowly and clearly.
102–103 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted very SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple slowly and clearly.
conversation about spotting a
film/movie star in the street.
I can say simple sentences to A2+ • Can describe everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. people, SpProd-MonoDescrExp
describe and compare people, places, a job, or a study experience.
things, and places.
104–105 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people talking about different recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
film/movie genres and features are delivered slowly and clearly.
in simple language.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about films/movies and how ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
they can connect people. whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement,
to invite, to thank, etc.
106–107 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted very SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple slowly and clearly.
conversation about acting.
I can describe how I feel and A2+ • Can express how he/she feels in simple terms, and express thanks. SpInt-Conv
why in simple language.

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108–109 I can watch and understand A2+ • Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, AudVisRecep-Watch
a short video of someone accidents, etc., where the visual supports the commentary.
describing their favorite • Can follow the general outline of a demonstration or presentation SpRecep-LisLiveAud
film/movie. on a familiar or predictable topic, where the message is expressed
slowly and clearly in simple language and there is visual support
(e.g. slides, handouts).
I can prepare and give a simple A2+ • Can give a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent SpProd-AddrAud
presentation, describing and to his/her everyday life, briefly give reasons and explanations for
recommending a film/movie opinions, plans, and actions.
I have seen. • Can describe everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. people, SpProd-MonoDescrExp
places, a job, or a study experience.
• Can explain what he/she likes or dislikes about something. SpProd-MonoDescrExp
110 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
film/movie script and identify everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
its main features.
I can write an ending to a A2 • Can write an introduction to a story or continue a story, provided WrProd-CreaWrit
film/movie script I have read. he/she can consult a dictionary and references (e.g. tables of verb
tenses in a course book).
A2+ • Can tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points. Pragm-ThemDevt

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120–121 I can ask and answer questions A2+ • Can ensure that the person he/she is talking to understands Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my what he/she means by asking appropriate questions.
thoughts about topics related • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
122–127 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated informational guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
128 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can express his/her reactions to a work, reporting his/her feelings Medi-ExprPersResp
about an informational text and ideas in simple language.
I have read and reflect on what A2+ • Can pick out the main information in short newspaper reports or WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
I have learned from it. simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations, and titles play
a prominent role and support the meaning of the text.
129 I can understand the concepts A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
of and identify cause and effect everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
in a story.
130–133 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated play (fiction) strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
and make predictions about frequency everyday language.
the meaning of new words and • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
134 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can describe a character’s feelings and explain the reasons for them. Medi-ExprPersResp
about a play I have read, describe
the main character’s feelings, and A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
the reasons for them. everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).

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114–115 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
a short audio recording about recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
household chores. are delivered slowly and clearly.
116–117 I can listen to, read, and A2+ • Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conversation is conducted slowly and clearly.
about a cleaning robot.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities. SpInt-InfoExch
questions about life experiences
related to household chores.
118–119 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people talking about places recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
in towns and cities in simple are delivered slowly and clearly.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about community spaces around ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
me and why my environment is whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement,
important. to invite, to thank, etc.
120–121 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted very SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple slowly and clearly.
conversation between people
discussing places they like.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can ask and answer questions about pastimes and past activities. SpInt-InfoExch
questions about different life

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122–123 I can watch and understand a A2+ • Can identify the main point of TV news items reporting events, AudVisRecep-Watch
short video of someone making accidents, etc., where the visual supports the commentary.
predictions about what cities • Can follow the general outline of a demonstration or presentation SpRecep-LisLiveAud
will be like in the future. on a familiar or predictable topic, where the message is expressed
slowly and clearly in simple language and there is visual support
(e.g. slides, handouts).
I can prepare and give a simple A2+ • Can give a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent SpProd-AddrAud
presentation, making predictions to his/her everyday life, briefly give reasons and explanations for
and expressing my opinions opinions, plans, and actions.
about city life in the future. B1 • Can express opinions on subjects relating to everyday life, using SpProd-MonoPutCase
simple expressions.
• Can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans, and SpProd-MonoPutCase
124 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
simple story containing dialogs. everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
I can write an ending to a simple A2 • Can write an introduction to a story or continue a story, provided WrProd-CreaWrit
story I have read. he/she can consult a dictionary and references (e.g. tables of verb
tenses in a course book).
A2+ • Can tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points. Pragm-ThemDevt

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136–137 I can ask and answer questions A2 • Can make simple remarks and pose occasional questions to indicate Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my that he/she is following.
thoughts about topics related A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
138–143 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated science fiction strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
story and make predictions frequency everyday language.
about the meaning of new • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
words and expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
144 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can describe a character’s feelings and explain the reasons for them. Medi-ExprPersResp
about a science fiction story
I have read, describe the A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
characters’ feelings, and the everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
reasons for them.
145 I can read and understand A2 • Can understand simple, brief instructions provided that they are WrRecep-ReadInstr
instructions to compare and illustrated and not written in continuous text.
contrast things.
146–149 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated informational guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
150 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can express his/her reactions to a work, reporting his/her feelings Medi-ExprPersResp
about an informational text I and ideas in simple language.
have read, make inferences from A2+ • Can pick out the main information in short newspaper reports or WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
it, and reflect on the content. simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations, and titles play a
prominent role and support the meaning of the text.

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126–127 I can listen to and understand a A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
short audio recording about the recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
five senses. are delivered slowly and clearly.
128–129 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conversation very slowly and clearly.
at an amusement park.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on SpInt-Conv
questions about everyday topics of interest.
personal matters.
130–131 I can listen to and understand A2 • Can understand and extract the essential information from short, SpRecep-LisAudRec
people describing experiences recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that
to do with the different senses are delivered slowly and clearly.
in simple language.
I can have a simple discussion A2 • Can contribute to an intercultural exchange, using simple words to Medi-FacltPluricSp
about my favorite sense and ask people to explain things and to get clarification of what they say,
how experiences change using whilst exploiting his/her limited repertoire to express agreement,
different senses. to invite, to thank, etc.
132–133 I can listen to, read, and A2 • Can follow in outline short, simple social exchanges, conducted SpRecep-UndrstConv
understand a simple conversation very slowly and clearly.
between people discussing what
to buy in a shop/store.
I can ask and answer simple A2+ • Can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on SpInt-Conv
questions about everyday topics of interest.
personal matters and life

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134–135 I can watch and understand a A2+ • Can follow a TV commercial or a trailer for or scene from a AudVisRecep-Watch
short video of people describing film/movie, understanding what the actors are talking about,
objects in simple language. provided that the images are a great help in understanding and
the delivery is clear and relatively slow.
• Can generally identify the topic of discussion around him/her that SpRecep-UndrstConv
is conducted slowly and clearly.
I can describe objects in simple A2 • Can collaborate in simple, practical tasks, asking what others think, Medi-FacltCollabInt
language, asking and responding making suggestions, and understanding responses, provided he/she
to questions. can ask for repetition or reformulation from time to time.
A2+ • Can deal with practical everyday demands: Finding out and passing SpInt-InfoExch
on straightforward factual information.
136 I can read and understand a A2 • Can understand texts describing people, places, everyday life, and WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
simple description of a place. culture, etc., provided that they are written in simple language.
I can write a simple description A2+ • Can write about everyday aspects of his/her environment, e.g. WrProd-CreaWrit
of my favorite place. people, places, a job, or a study experience in linked sentences.
• Can tell a story or describe something in a simple list of points. Pragm-ThemDevt

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Global Stage Level 4 Ma p p i n g

Pages Learning Outcome Level CEFR Descriptor CEFR Reference
152–153 I can ask and answer questions A2 • Can make simple remarks and pose occasional questions to indicate Medi-CollabConstrMean
about a picture and discuss my that he/she is following.
thoughts about topics related A2+ • Can exchange opinions and compare things and people using SpInt-InformalDisc
to it. simple language.
154–157 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand the main points made in short magazine reports or WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated informational guide entries that deal with concrete everyday topics (e.g. hobbies,
text (nonfiction) and make sports, leisure activities, animals).
predictions about the meaning • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
of new words and expressions utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
in it. probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
158 I can answer simple questions A2+ • Can pick out the main information in short newspaper reports or WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
about an informational text simple articles in which figures, names, illustrations, and titles play a
I have read and summarize its prominent role and support the meaning of the text.
content in a simple table. • Can relay in writing (in Language B) specific information contained Medi-RelaySpecInfoWrit
in short simple informational texts (written in Language A),
provided the texts concern concrete, familiar subjects and are
written in simple everyday language.
159 I can understand the concept A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
of and differentiate figurative everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).
language from literal language
in simple texts.
160–165 I can read and understand a A2+ • Can understand enough to read short, simple stories and comic WrRecep-ReadLeisure
simple illustrated poem (fiction) strips involving familiar, concrete situations written in high
and make predictions about frequency everyday language.
the meaning of new words and • Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and Recep-IdentCues
expressions in it. utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the
probable meaning of unknown words from the context.
166 I can answer simple questions A2 • Can express his/her reactions to a work, reporting his/her feelings Medi-ExprPersResp
about a poem I have read and and ideas in simple language.
reflect on the author’s possible A2+ • Can understand the main points of short texts dealing with WrRecep-ReadInfoArg
reasons for writing it. everyday topics (e.g. lifestyle, hobbies, sports, weather).

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