z16 SETUP sg248960
z16 SETUP sg248960
z16 SETUP sg248960
Ewerson Palacio
Nelson Oliveira
Ryotaroh Sawada
Hongshuo Liu
Franco Pinto
Martin Söllig
Octavian Lascu
Draft Document for Review May 2, 2023 9:11 am 8960edno.fm
IBM Redbooks
May 2023
8960edno.fm Draft Document for Review May 2, 2023 9:11 am
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page xv.
This edition applies to IBM z16 Machine types 3931 and 3932.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2022, 2023. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
Draft Document for Review May 2, 2023 9:11 am 8960edno.fm
8960edno.fm Draft Document for Review May 2, 2023 9:11 am
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Chapter 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 High-level goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Configuration tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Chapter 5. Build the production input/output definition file and setting up the central
processor complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.1 Building the new production IODF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.2 Writing the input/out configuration program to the old CPC by using HCD. . . . . . . . . . 97
5.3 Creating a reset profile on the Support Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.3.1 Background activities that occurred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.3.2 Building the reset profile and pointing it to the required IOCDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.3.3 Setting up and verifying the reset profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.4 Creating an image profile on the Support Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.4.1 Image Profile: General page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Contents vii
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Chapter 8. Preparing for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol overview 199
8.1 Preparing for Parallel Sysplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
8.2 Preparing for non-sysplex system time synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
8.3 Server Time Protocol overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
8.3.1 External Time Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
8.4 Configuring the HMC as an NTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
8.5 HMC V2.16.0 (Manage System Time task). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
8.5.1 Setting CTN member restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
8.5.2 HMC operations to add the CPC to the CTN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
8.5.3 Verifying the new CTN configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Chapter 11. Adding logical partitions and operating system configurations . . . . . . 275
11.1 Defining more I/O by using HCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
11.2 OSCONFIGs and logical partition definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
11.2.1 Defining an extra OSCONFIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
11.2.2 Defining extra operating system LPARs in a channel subsystem. . . . . . . . . . . 278
Contents ix
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This IBM® Redbooks® publication helps you install, configure, and maintain the IBM z16™
(machine types 3931 and 3932) systems. The IBM z16 systems offers new functions that
require a comprehensive understanding of the available configuration options. This book
presents configuration setup scenarios, and describes implementation examples in detail.
This publication is intended for systems engineers, hardware planners, and anyone who
needs to understand IBM zSystems® configuration and implementation. Readers should be
familiar with IBM zSystems technology and terminology. For more information about the
functions of the IBM z16 systems, see IBM z16 Technical Introduction, SG24-8950, IBM z16
(3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951 and IBM z16 A02 and IBM AGZ Technical Guide,
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at IBM
Redbooks, Poughkeepsie Center.
Ewerson Palacio is an IBM Redbooks Project Leader. He holds Bachelors's degree in Math
and Computer Science. Ewerson worked for IBM Brazil for over 40 years and retired in 2017
as an IBM Distinguished Engineer. Ewerson co-authored a large number of IBM zSystems
publications, created and presented at IBM Redbooks seminars around the globe.
Nelson Oliveira is a Product Services Consultant and Expert with IBM Brazil. He has 31
years of experience in the field of mainframe technology. His areas of expertise include IBM
z/OS®, Job Entry Subsystem 2 (JES2), IBM Parallel Sysplex®, High Availability, IBM
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (IBM GDPS®), and IBM zSystems platform.
Hongshuo Liu is an IT Specialist in IBM Japan. She has 6 years of experience in the IBM
zSystems field. Her areas of expertise include IBM zSystems hardware and z/OS. She is also
a member of team that supports IBM zSystem hardware and software migration of multiple
major banks.
Franco Pinto is a senior system engineer leading the z/OS operating system & unix team at
a major bank in Switzerland. He has almost 30 years of experience in the mainframe and IBM
z/OS fields. His areas of expertise include management sizing, planning, and supervising
deployment of IBM Z.
Octavian Lascu is an IBM Redbooks project leader with over 30 years of experience in
designing and implementing complex IT infrastructure projects.
Tom Ambrosio, Patty Driever, Bill Lamastro, Ken Siwicki, Anthony Sofia, Dave Surman
IBM Poughkeepsie
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Preface xiii
8960pref.fm Draft Document for Review May 12, 2023 4:01 pm
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Notices xvii
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Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter describes the high-level goal of this book. This book covers scenarios that were
devised based on best practices. The scenarios are described in subsequent chapters along
with the tools that are used to implement the configurations.
The IBM z16 generation is available in three configurations:
– IBM z16 A01:
• The IBM z16 A01 is built with a 19-inch format that scales 1 - 4 frames,
depending on the configuration. IBM z16 A01 ensures continuity and
upgradeability from IBM z15 T01 and IBM z14 M0x. It has five orderable
features: Max39, Max82, Max125, Max168, and Max200.
– IBM z16 A02:
• The IBM z16 A02 is built with a 19-inch format single IBM Standard frame. The
IBM z16 A02 ensures continuity and upgradeability from IBM z15 T02 and IBM
z14 ZR1. There are four orderable features: Max5, Max16, Max32, and Max68.
– IBM z16 AGZ:
• The IBM z16 AGZ indicates a rack mount configuration that allows the core
compute, I/O, and networking features to be installed into and powered by a
client-designated rack with power distribution units (PDUs), respectively. The
IBM z16 AGZ ensures continuity and upgradeability from IBM z15 T02 and IBM
z14 ZR1. The rack mount configuration options are under a combined AGZ
warranty umbrella and orderable as Max5, Max16, Max32, and Max68.
In the remainder of this document, IBM z16 refers to IBM z16 A01, IBM z16 A02 (single
frame), and IBM z16 AGZ (rack mount bundle configuration), unless otherwise
This book describes the planning considerations and configuration examples in detail from
both Hardware Management Appliance (HMA), Hardware Management Console (HMC),
Support Element (SE), and input/output definition file (IODF) perspectives.
1.2 Scope
Before you perform the planning and preparation tasks that are covered in this book, some
activities must be completed:
Customers Configuration Design: Together with your team, IBM provides design and
configuration information for the installation of the IBM z16 system that you plan to
IBM Order to Manufacturing: Your IBM representative orders the agreed upon
configuration. IBM makes available the download of the machine configuration as a
Configuration File Report (CFR). The CFR file can be obtained from the IBM Resource
Link website (authentication using your registered IBM ID is required) by using a
Configuration Control Number (CCN) that is provided by your IBM representative.
Physical installation: With support from IBM, the new order or the upgrade to an IBM z16
system is physically installed.
HMC installation: In case of a new order IBM z16 machine, HMCs as a separate physical
equipment is no longer recordable. HMC functionality is provided by ordering the optional
HMA (Hardware Management Appliance) feature instead. The HMA feature provides
redundant HMC functionality and is collocated with the Support Element in the IBM
zSystem CPC frame.
With support from IBM, the physical HMCs (if present) are upgraded to the latest version
and, if necessary, contents such as user profiles and API settings are migrated.
Note: The most recent HMCs (FC 0082, FC 0083, FC0062 and FC0063) are supported
by IBM z16.
Trusted Key Entry (TKE) installation: With support from IBM, the (optional) TKE
workstations are installed and, if necessary, contents such as user profiles and API
settings are migrated (in the situation where you replace the TKEs).
Figure 1-1 shows the steps that are required for each distinct scenario when preparing for the
installation of the IBM z16 system, which include:
Upgrading an existing IBM z14® or z15® system to an IBM z16 system
Installing a new IBM z16 system
Figure 1-1 Showing the topics that are covered in this book
The flowchart in Figure 1-1 is divided in two different main sets of task streams:
The upper stream (marked in light yellow) is based on actions that should be performed
before hardware arrival, and they are not covered in this book.
The lower stream (marked in light green) also accounts for the use of Dynamic Partition
Manager (DPM) as an option.
With DPM, system administrators have a quicker and easier way to deploy Linux on IBM Z,
z/VM®, kernel-based virtual machine (KVM), and Secure Service Container (SSC) LPARs.
DPM is a wizard-like configuration method that runs in the HMC.
Important: When DPM is enabled, the IBM z16 system cannot run z/OS, IBM z/VSEa®,
and z/TPF LPARs.
a. The IBM z16 A01 is intended to be the last IBM zSystems server to be supported by z/VSE 6.2
(5686-VS6). z/VSE has been withdrawn from marketing in September 5, 2022.
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
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The flowchart in Figure 1-2 shows the required tasks to install DPM and to define LPAR
operating characteristics using the HMC. The flowchart is divided in two task streams:
The stream on the left side of the flowchart is based on actions that must be performed by
IBM on the SE as preparation before the IBM z16 system is handed over to you.
The other stream (right side of the flowchart) describes the configuration flow for a
partition using the DPM application. With the input that is provided to DPM, a configuration
is activated that is used on the IBM z16 system to host an operating system.
The actions that are defined in the two streams must be performed in sequence.
Define Partition Characteristics Linux
Figure 1-2 Installation flowchart applicable to both an IBM z16 system upgrade and a new installation
using DPM.
DPM automatically discovers and displays the system resources that are available for use in
your Linux on IBM Z, z/VM, KVM, and SSC LPARs. When using DPM, the partition
configuration data is created, which contains a description of all I/O functions and features
that are used on the IBM z16 system, all compute and memory resources and all Crypto
Note: This book does not cover scenarios that use DPM. For more information about the
use of DPM, see IBM Dynamic Partition Manager (DPM) Guide, SB10-7182.
The flowchart that is presented in Figure 1-3 on page 5 describes additional tasks required to
complete the installation. The flowchart is divided in two different task streams:
One stream (left side of the flowchart) is based on actions that must be performed on the
HMC or the SE.
The other stream (right side of the flowchart) is based on definitions in the hardware
configuration management program.
The actions that are defined in the two streams can have dependencies between them.
Figure 1-3 Installation flowchart for an IBM z16 (applicable to a new system or an upgrade).
The HMC communicates with the SE (physically installed in the frame of the IBM z16 system
as an appliance), which provides communication with the IBM z16 hardware. On the
HMC/SE, you must set some parameters so that you can activate the number of LPARs that
run a supported operating system (OS). To create an IODF (see Figure 1-3), you must
perform a set of activities in an application (such as Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD),
which needs a running z/OS system. The IODF can be created on a different system than the
target system. There are many HMC/SE and IODF tasks that must be planned and prepared.
For more information, see I/O Configuration Using z/OS HCD and HCM, SG24-7804.
These flowcharts are intended to act as a checklist rather than a step-by-step procedure. The
steps in this book should provide enough information for you to replicate the approach in your
For more information about how to deploy an OS (z/OS in this case), see Mainframe from
Scratch: Hardware Configuration and z/OS Build, SG24-8329.
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
8960ch01.fm Draft Document for Review May 12, 2023 8:06 am
In addition to the tools and lists that are provided in this document, ensure that the planning
and configuration steps are aligned with other technical departments within your organization
such as storage and network administration, and with the capacity (workload) planning and
cryptographic/security teams.
The configuration tools, like HCD, CHPID Mapping Tool (CMT), and the HMC and SE are
covered in Chapter 2, “Planning considerations” on page 7.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Please note that the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ are identical for the scope of this
publication. The basic difference is that the IBM z16 A02 uses the traditional Factory Frame
as in the IBM z15 T02. The IBM z16 AGZ uses a new rack mount approach, enabling the core
compute, I/O, and network content to be installed in a Client supplied datacenter
infrastructure (rack and Power Distribution Units - PDUs). Both systems have the same
machine type (3932) and share the same features and functions.
This chapter also provides a short overview of tools that IBM provides to help with configuring
your IBM z16 system and information about where to obtain the tools and their intended use.
When recabling is complete, post-installation activities must be performed, and the software
environment can be brought back online on the new system (IBM z16 system). An outage
must be planned for this scenario, and a new serial number must be considered, so software
keys for the new system must be available.
Note: Physical HMCs are not orderable for a new build IBM z16. The HMC functionality for
a new IBM z16 can be provided by the Hardware Management Appliance (HMA - optional
feature - FC 0129).
In both scenarios, we assume that bringing up the existing features and functions has the
highest priority. Adding new features and functions that are acquired with the system upgrade
or installed in the new IBM z16 system have a lower priority. The elapsed time of the planned
outage can vary significantly, depending on the approach that is chosen in either scenario.
In both scenarios, some information must be obtained before starting the process of changing
to or installing the new IBM z16 system:
The new processor ID: The processor ID is used to assign a unique name to identify the
processor in the HCD. For more information, see the z/OS HCD Users Guide, SC34-2669.
The CFReport file: The CFReport file is downloadable from IBM Resource Link® by
entering a Configuration Control Number (CCN). The CCN is provided by your
IBM representative.
The system serial number: If a new IBM z16 system will be installed, a new serial number
is provided by your IBM representative.
Also, IBM does not provide fiber optic cables as features on the IBM z16 system. Therefore, a
complete analysis of the I/O connectors that are used on existing systems being upgraded to
an IBM z16 system must be made to ensure that the appropriate fiber optic cabling is
An equivalent study should be part of your preparation to install a new IBM z16 system so
that all cabling is delivered to the data center before the installation date.
All required cables for the IBM z16 should be identified and placed on order. Labeling all
cables is required for the installation. At a minimum, the labels should identify the physical
channel ID (PCHID) number.
If you already received the configuration and PCHID reports from IBM, define your coupling
links to fit your planned configuration to your new or upgraded central processor complex
Table 2-1 lists the machine types for the IBM zSystems platform. The examples in this book
use tools, such as the HCD and Channel Path ID (CHPID) Mapping Tool (CMT) that refer to
the machine type as opposed to names. For more information, see Chapter 4, “Preparing an
input/output configuration program to use the CHPID Mapping Tool” on page 57.
On the Resource Link website, you have access to various resources and tools that are
designed to help the installation process. A number of tools are available to simplify the
installation process of an IBM z16 system. Even if you worked with most of these tools before,
be sure to check for the latest versions that are relevant to the IBM z16.
The Education and Library tabs on the website provide information about the IBM zSystem
family and some online tutorials. Under the Tools tab, you can download the latest version of
the most frequently used tools and obtain system and configuration information.
Consider using HCD or HCM to generate the I/O configuration rather than writing your own
IOCP statements. HCD performs validation as you enter the data, thus minimizing the risk of
errors. This book provides examples for using HCD, with some examples that used HCM (see
“Hardware Configuration Manager” on page 10).
New hardware (an IBM z16 system) requires program temporary fixes (PTFs) to enable
definition support in HCD.
When defining devices in HCD, the hardware features can be selected according to the
physical setup of the devices that are attached to the IBM z16. Detailed forms and charts that
describe the environment facilitate the planning process.
HCM does not replace HCD. It is used with HCD and the associated IODF. However, HCM
can be used in a stand-alone mode after an IODF is built and the configuration files
(IODF##.HCM or IODF##.HCR) are created on your HCM workstation.
For more information about HCM, see z/OS and z/VM HMC User’s Guide.
Two files are needed to obtain an IODF file containing the correct PCHID numbers by using
A production IODF file without PCHID numbers. For more information about how to obtain
this file, see Chapter 4, “Preparing an input/output configuration program to use the
CHPID Mapping Tool” on page 57.
The CFReport file reflecting the physical configuration of the ordered IBM z16, which is
obtained from the Resource Link website. The CCN is generated by your IBM Client
Representative when building the order for your configuration.
1. Create IODF without PCHIDs.
No PCHIDs H/W Config File
2. Create Validated Work IODF.
Figure 2-1 CMT: I/O configuration definition flow for a new installation
Part of the actions that are described in Figure 2-1 might also be valid for an upgrade,
depending on the hardware configuration of the upgraded machine.
To download the CMT, log in to the Resource Link website with a registered Resource Link ID
and select “Tools”.
For more information, see the CHPID Mapping Tool Users Guide, GC28-6984. For more
information about how to use the CMT, see Chapter 4, “Preparing an input/output
configuration program to use the CHPID Mapping Tool” on page 57.
For more information about the changes and requirements for ICP IOCP, see Input/Output
Configuration Program User's Guide for ICP IOCP, SB10-7177.
One of the most important configuration parameters are Worldwide Port Names (WWPNs),
which uniquely identify physical or virtual Fibre Channel (FC) ports. They are typically used in
storage area network (SAN) switches to assign the corresponding ports to zones of a SAN.
They are used in storage subsystems to grant access from these ports to specific storage
devices that are identified by logical unit numbers (LUNs).
The capability of the WWPN Prediction Tool is extended to calculate and show WWPNs for
both virtual and physical ports before system installation.
The WWPN Prediction Tool, which applies to a CPC in PR/SM mode, is available for
download from IBM Resource Link and applies to all Fibre Connection (IBM FICON®)
channels that are defined as CHPID type FCP (for communication with SCSI devices) on an
IBM z16. You can access the tool on Resource Link by using your IBMid or going through the
IBM ResourceLink homepage and then selecting Tools and WWPN Tool.
WWPN Persistence
The FCP WWPNs are determined based on the I/O serial number of the CPC, the IOCDS
configuration details (for N_Port ID Virtualization, NPIV, WWPNs), and the PCHID values (for
physical WWPNs). When Feature Code 00992 (WWPN Persistence) is ordered as part of a
new or upgraded configuration for an IBM z16 system, the I/O serial number part of the
WWPN for the new IBM z16 system is the same serial number as for the source machine
1 ICP IOCP Version 6 Release 1 Level 2 (6.1.2) is required for the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Feature code 0099 is an information only feature code which is required to initiate an ordering option to maintain IO
serial numbers when a newly purchased system will replace an existing system within the customer’s data center.
This option eliminates the need to reconfigure zoning in SAN switches and LUN masking in storage controllers.
Use the CFSizer tool to plan the amount of storage that must be allocated for CF partitions
more accurately. You can access the tool at the CFSizer page.
SMCAT is integrated within the TCP/IP stack and gathers new statistics that are used to
project Shared Memory Communications (SMC) applicability and benefits for the current
system. For more information, see the Shared Memory Communications Applicability Tool3.
The zBNA Tool also provides the capability to project the benefits of using IBM Integrated
Accelerator for zEnterprise® Data Compression (zEDC) and the ability to estimate the benefit
of zHyperLink I/O activity.
The zBNA tool and its Users Guide can be downloaded from the IBM Z Batch Network
Analyzer (zBNA) Tool website.
3 This link points to z/OS R2V3 documentation site. The SMCAT is also available in z/OS V2R4 and V2R5.
Note: HMCs and HMAs provide the same functionality. For HMA details, refer to 2.4.5
The default profiles of each of these types are provided. The Activate task activates the CPC
or image. Initially, the Default profile is selected. You can specify an activation profile other
than the Default. This feature provides you with the capability to have multiple profiles, for
example, one for every IOCDS file that is managed by the CPC.
Reset profile
Every CPC in the processor cluster needs a reset profile to determine the mode in which the
CPC Licensed Internal Code (LIC) is loaded and how much physical memory is available.
Using the reset profile, you must provide the order in which the LPARs will be activated during
a Power on Reset (POR). The maximum number of reset profiles for each CPC is 26.
For more information about how to define a reset profile, see 5.3, “Creating a reset profile on
the Support Element” on page 104.
Image profile
Each logical partition (LPAR) has an image profile. The image profile determines the number
of CPs that the image uses and whether these CPs will be dedicated to the partition or
shared. It also allows to assign the amount of initial-, and reserved storage that be used by
each partition, and points to the IOCDS slot in the SE that has the I/O configuration to be
loaded in the HSA. Depending on the Support Element model and machine type, the
maximum number of image profiles that are allowed for each CPC can be in the range of 64
to 255.
Security: The security options for this LPAR, the BCPii permissions, the counter facility
security options, the sampling facility security options and the CPACF key management
Storage: The total amount and the initial amount of memory assigned to this LPAR as well
as the Virtual Flash Memory (VFM) allocation to this LPAR (if VFM is present)
Options: The I/O priority, defined capacity options and the CP management cluster name
Load: The load type and address parameters that are necessary to run an IPL for this
Crypto: The Crypto Express parameters (also see 2.4.2, “Cryptographic configuration” on
page 15)
Note: To help you gather the necessary input, a worksheet is provided with this book. For
more information about downloading the worksheet that is associated with this material,
see Appendix A, “Additional material” on page 391.
For more information about how to define an image profile, see 5.4, “Creating an image
profile on the Support Element” on page 109.
Load profile
A load profile is needed to define the channel address of the device from which the OS is
loaded. Depending on the SE model and machine type, the maximum number of load profiles
for each CPC is 64 - 255.
Group profile
A group profile defines the group capacity value that can be customized in determining the
allocation and management of processor resources that are assigned to the LPAR in a group.
This profile does not contain the names of the LPAR images that make up the group.
For more information about the cryptographic feature, see 10.1, “Crypto Express8S” on
page 232.
Both methods (Group Capacity and Absolute Capping) can be used concurrently and in
combination with LPAR capping.
Consider reevaluating the parameters in a scenario where the values must be migrated from
a previous generation of the IBM zSystem to an IBM z16 system.
Tip: Capacity management by using capping technologies is an ongoing process that must
be monitored and adjusted over time. Temporary or permanent capacity changes also
must be considered when using capping technologies.
A good overview of the capping technologies and 4-hour rolling average (4HRA) optimization
can be found in the Capping Technologies and 4HRA Optimization document.
Notea: IBM z15 is planned to be the last generation of IBM zSystems to support channel
type OSC on the OSA-Express 1000Base-T Adapter.
IBM z15™ is planned to be the last IBM zSystems to support the use of the Transport
Layer Security protocol versions 1.0 (TLS 1.0) and version 1.1 (TLS 1.1) for establishing
secure connections to the Support Element (SE), Hardware Management Console (HMC),
and Open Systems Adapter (OSA) Integrated Console Controller (channel path type
a. IBM's statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM's sole
discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should
not be relied on in making a purchasing decision.
In HCD, the OSA-Express feature must be defined to operate as an ICC. The configuration
requirements are as follows:
4 Check with your IBM Representative for the availability of support for OSA-Express7S GbE.
IBM zSystems I/O subsystem configuration: The same basic rules for adding an OSA-ICC
adapter apply as to any other new device.
OS configuration: To have a Nucleus Initialization Program Console available, make sure
that the correct device number is defined in the HCD OS “Work with consoles” dialog.
During an upgrade from an existing IBM zSystems platform to an IBM z16 system, the same
definitions can be used for the new machine as on the source configuration.
The OSA-Express feature also requires configuration tasks to be performed on the HMC by
using the OSA Advanced Facilities task. Collect information for the following parameters
before starting the configuration activities:
OSA-ICC server: Name, Host IP address, TCP port number, Gateway IP address, the
network type, and the MTU size
OSA-ICC session definitions: Channel subsystem (CSS), the Multiple Image Facility (MIF)
(LPAR) ID, Device number, LU-name, client IP address, IP Filter, the session type, defer
host disconnect (DHD), response mode (RSP9), and read timeout (RTO)
Note: Consider defining multiple sessions per LPAR to allow access for a number of users
For an upgrade of an existing IBM zSystem to an IBM z16 system, these definitions can be
exported from the source machine by using onboard HMC facilities and imported back again
after the upgrade is complete.
For more information about the definitions, see Chapter 7, “Defining console communication”
on page 185. For implementation details, see the OSA-Express Integrated Console Controller
Implementation Guide, SG24-6364.
On a new build IBM z16, two virtual HMC and two Support Element (SE) appliances will be
delivered, packaged in the Hardware Management Appliance (HMA) feature FC 01295. The
HMA was first introduced with the IBM z15. They run on both of the two integrated 1U
rack-mounted servers on the top of the IBM z16 A frame (see picture below).
Figure 2-2 on page 18 shows the physical location of the redundant 1U rack-mounted servers
supporting the HMA on a fully equipped IBM z16 machine with the iPDU option installed.
C B A Z Hardware Management Appliance (2x)
Figure 2-2 Location of the 1U HMA/SE servers in the A Frame of an IBM z16
Physical HMCs (Tower or Rack Mounted) can no longer be ordered with a new IBM z16
machine. You can use an upgraded IBM z16 (either upgraded from an IBM z14 or an IBM
z15) with previously ordered physical HMCs and no HMA. It is possible to order the HMA
feature (FC 0129) at a later point in time as an MES.
Note: Standalone HMC are still supported for IBM z16, only as Carry forward for MES.
However, IBM z16 HMC code is last level to support Standalone HMC.
Please refer to IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide SG24-8951 or IBM z16 (3932) Technical
Guide SG24-8952, Chapter 10.1 "HMC and SE introduction".
For further details including feature codes for the supported physical HMCs.
Figure 2-3 on page 19 Shows the evolution of the HMC/SE environment including the HMA
offering introduced with IBM z15.
optional HMA HMC SE
The HMC is used to set up, manage, monitor, and operate one or more CPCs. It manages
IBM zSystems hardware, its logical partitions (LPARs), and provides support applications. At
least one HMC is required to operate an IBM Z. An HMC can manage multiple IBM zSystems
CPCs. When tasks are performed at the HMC, the commands are routed to the Primary SE of
the IBM z16. The SE then issues those commands to the targeted CPC.
For further details including feature codes for the supported physical HMCs, please refer to
IBM z16 (3931)Technical Guide SG24-8951 or IBM z16 (3932) Technical Guide SG24-8952,
Chapter 10.1 "HMC and SE introduction".
HMC users
Passwords rules for all default users have changed. In 2018 the state of California passed the
so called "password law" that bans the use of default passwords in connected devices (see:
California SB-327 law). It requires that any default passwords shipped with connected devices
Changed on installation or
unique per device shipped.
These rules are implemented by IBM on all IBM z16 devices worldwide. Therefore, a first
logon to a default user will force a password logon change. The client will be responsible for
maintaining the passwords.
Note: Default users defined on the IBM z16 machines will be ACSADMIN & SERVICE only.
Former default users ADVANCED, OPERATOR, STORAGEADMIN and SYSPROG will no
longer be shipped.
Default user roles ADVANCED, OPERATOR, STORAGEADMIN and SYSPROG however will
continued to be shipped, and user IDs can be created from those.
Since the password for the SERVICE default user must be changed, every client needs to
establish a plan for the authorized access to the password for this user, because:
IBM SSRs (System Serviceability Reps) may be a different person for various visits.
IBM SSRs may show up at any time (including middle of night) ==> For planned
(maintenance actions) or unplanned (repair actions) activities involving an IBM Z.
The client should be ready to provide the user id and the password to the SSR upon arrival on
The client should maintain list of unique Service IDs and passwords.
The client also needs to establish a process for the hand over of user ids and passwords
to the SSR to avoid service delays.
As data is replicated from one Hardware Management Console to another, an internal level
indicator for the data being replicated is incremented each time the data is altered on the data
source. Each Hardware Management Console keeps track of the level indicator for each type
of data and will not accept data from a data source when the level indicator is not greater than
that on the receiving Hardware Management Console.
HMC data replication service setup is wizard guided process on the HMC. When logged on
as a ACSADMIN, click on the Task Index on the left side of the panel, then click on Configure
Data Replication. Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5 on page 21 show the entry level for setting up
the data replication task.
Figure 2-4 Entry panel for configuring HMC data replication task
Follow the panels and complete the setup of the data replication task.
Figure 2-5 Shows the panel where HMC role selection for replication can be done.
Generally, the SE settings are considered part of the physical installation of the IBM z16, so
they are not presented in this book. For a new IBM z16 system, a new range of TCP/IP
addresses must be provided by the customer to the IBM System Services Representative
(IBM SSR) who performs the physical installation. As an extra measure of security,
provisioning of a separate LAN segment for the management functions is preferred. During
an upgrade from an older IBM zSystems platform to an IBM z16, the current settings on the
SEs should be backed up for migration purposes.
In addition to the standard SE configuration, there might be other parameters that should be
backed up, such as the API settings. These parameters can be accessed through the
Customize API Settings task on the SE.
Any default user IDs which are part of a previous HMC level can be carried forward to new
HMC levels as part of a MES upgrade or via the selection of:
User profile data for the Save / Restore customizable console data or Configuration Data
Replication tasks
Figure 2-6 on page 22 shows a picture of the main selection panel on the SE.
In Figure 2-6 the option to save data to a FTP server has been selected. At the time this book
has been written, the USB Interfaces on the 1U SE servers where still available to the client.
However it is good practice to provide access to a FTP server for all the clients attached to the
PTP enables heterogeneous systems that include clocks of various inherent precision,
resolution, and stability to synchronize to a grandmaster clock. The protocol supports
synchronization in the sub-microsecond range with minimal network bandwidth and local
clock computing resources. The protocol enhances support for synchronization to better
than1 nanosecond.
STP connectivity for an IBM z16 system: Timing data is exchanged between IBM
zSystems using coupling links. The IBM z16 system can connect to an IBM z14 M0x, IBM
z14 ZR1, an IBM z15 T01, an IBM z15 T02 or another IBM z16 system with compatible
coupling links (N-2 generations coupling link). Make sure that you have the appropriate
coupling and timing connectivity in your IBM z16 system before assigning a role in the
Coordinated Timing Network (CTN) (Preferred Time Server (PTS), Backup Time Server
(BTS) and Arbiter).
Consider the following items when setting up an HMC for STP or PTP:
Physical connection to the time servers (PTP or NTP) is no longer established via the
HMC but directly to the CEC.
A CTN ID, which must be unique for all IBM zSystems that are part of the CTN.
To synchronize IBM zSystems to an External Time Source (ETS), Network Time Protocol
(NTP) or Precision Time Protocol (PTP) server information (and network connectivity that
uses the NTP, NTPS or PTP protocol with optional pulse per second (PPS)) must be
The time zone offset, Daylight Saving Time offset, and leap second offset.
For the IBM zSystems that are part of a CTN, roles must be planned (PTS, BTS, Current
Time Server (CTS), and Arbiter).
As part of the migration, changing the CTS role of the server to be migrated must be done
before migration to the new platform (IBM z16 system).
Note: Since IBM z15 support for STP stratum level 4a is provided. This feature helps
avoiding the additional complexity and expense of system reconfiguration. All systems that
might become exposed to this situation should have this change installed. Stratum level 4
should be used only during a migration, and for a short period.
a. Stratum 4 is a temporary status to allow more options to move and replace machines and reconfigure CTN.
Although STP stratum level 4 is supported, it should not be used for permanent configurations. Stratum 4 should be
used for transitional configurations, during CTN maintenance.
For more information, see Chapter 8, “Preparing for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time
Protocol overview” on page 199.
A spanned channel path is a channel that can be used by partitions in more than one LCSS.
You must use the same CHPID value across all LCSSs sharing a spanned channel. However,
LCSSs that do not share a spanned channel can use that CHPID for other channels.
For more information, see z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition Planning, GA32-0907.
Your planning should consider multiple LCSSs so that you can logically partition your physical
channel resources to accommodate large-scale enterprise workload connectivity and
high-bandwidth demands. The IBM z16 A01 supports six LCSSs and the IBM z16 A02 and
IBM z16 AGZ support three LCSSs. The IBM z16 A01 has four subchannel sets (SSs) in each
LCSS with up to 256 channels, for a total of 1536 channels. The IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16
AGZ have three SSs in each LCSS with up to 256 channels for a total of 768 channels.
Additionally, LCSSs provide for multiple SSs for expanding the number of I/O devices that are
managed in each CSS. With the IBM z16 A01, up to four SSs of approximately 64,000 device
addresses are available. The base addresses are defined to (SS0) subchannel set zero). IBM
reserves 256 subchannels on set 0 and the aliases addresses are defined to set 1, set 2, and
set 3.
With the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, up to three SSs of approximately 64,000 device
addresses are available. The base addresses are defined to set 0 (IBM reserves 256
subchannels on set 0) and the aliases addresses are defined to set 1 and set 2.
Not all device types are eligible for nonzero SSs. SS0 can be used for any type of device.
More SSs (for example, SS1) can be used only for certain classes of devices, such as parallel
access volume alias devices.
For more information, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951 and IBM z16 (3932)
Technical Guide, SG24-8952. Use multiple SSs to move devices of eligible device types to
more SSs, and then define more physical devices to SS0.
Profile data can be exported on the older IBM zSystems platform and imported on the IBM
z16 system. If the LPAR data is imported from an older IBM zSystems platform, consider the
LPAR sizing before the LPAR migration to the IBM z16 system. For more information, see the
Support Element Operations Guide (link requires an IBM Resource Link valid userid to
For more information about how to define LPARs in IODF, see Chapter 3, “Preparing for a
new IBM z16 system” on page 37.
With the introduction of VFM, there are no changes to the existing OS interface for handling
the storage-class memory (SCM). The OS handles VFM the same way as it does Flash
Express. The allocation of VFM storage is done during LPAR activation because the LPAR
hypervisor manages the partition memory.
Both the initial and maximum amounts of VFM are specified in the LPAR image profile. VFM
can be added to or deleted from OSs by using existing SCM commands after the LPAR is
activated. VFM allocation and definition for all partitions can be displayed on the Storage
Information window on the HMC and by using SCM commands in z/OS.
VFM allocation: The VFM values for Initial and Maximum allocations cannot be
dynamically changed. One or more partitions must be activated (or reactivated) for VFM
allocation changes to take effect.
As a best practice, assign the maximum amount that is installable for all LPARs that are
candidates for using VFM, and set Initial allocation to 0 (zero) for the LPARs that do not
require immediate activation of VFM. By doing so, you ensure that you can later use any
available VFM when required.
If the total amount of VFM that is allocated to all active partitions is equal to the LICC value
but the sum of active partition maximums is larger than the installed amount, the client might
be able to concurrently add VFM and increase allocations without reactivating partitions. This
feature is illustrated in the following sections.
Non-disruptive migration
Here is an example of a non-disruptive migration:
An IBM z16 has three VFM features that are installed (512 GB each), with a LICC value of
1.5 TB.
LPAR A has 1.0 TB assigned, with a maximum value of 1.5 TB.
LPAR B has 512 GB assigned, with a maximum value of 1.0 TB.
You must assign 1 TB to LPAR B, but this change is not possible within the constraints of
the installed VFM.
You purchase and install another 512 GB VFM feature and install it concurrently. Now, up
to 512 GB can be added concurrently to LPAR B without reactivating the LPAR.
Disruptive migration
Here is an example of a disruptive migration:
An IBM z16 has two VFM features that are installed (512 GB per feature), with a LICC
value of 1.0 TB.
LPAR A has 512 GB assigned, with a maximum value of 1.0 TB.
LPAR B has 256 GB assigned, with a maximum value of 1.0 TB.
You must change LPAR A so that it can have up to 1.5 TB. This change falls outside the
range of the maximum installed VFM.
You purchase and install two additional 512 GB VFM features concurrently (assuming that
the memory is ordered and available). Now, you must reactive LPAR A with the new
maximum VFM value of at least 1.5 TB and less than or equal to 2.0 TB.
For more information about how to configure VFM, see 10.2, “Virtual Flash Memory” on
page 263.
The FICON Express features support High Performance FICON for IBM Z (zHPF). zHPF is an
extension to the FICON architecture that provides performance improvement for single-track
and multi-track operations.
6 FiCON EXPRESS 16SA is not supported on the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
On a new IBM z16 system, only the FICON Express32S features can be ordered. The FICON
Express16SA and FICON Express16S+ can be carried forward when upgrading from an older
Note: With the FICON Express32S, the FICON Express16SA and FICON Express16S+
features, both ports must be configured either as channel type FC or FCP. A mixed
configuration is not allowed.
For more information about how to configure the FICON Express32S feature, see Chapter 12,
“Adding storage devices” on page 279.
zHyperLink Express is designed for distances up to 150 meters and support a link data rate of
8 GBps. A zHyperlink port is fully sharable between all partitions because 127 virtual
functions (VFs) / PCIe function IDs (PFIDs) per link are supported.
IBM zHyperLink dramatically reduces the latency of direct access storage device I/Os by
interconnecting the IBM z16 system directly to the I/O bay of a DS8880 or later storage
system. This feature improves the application response time without application changes.
zHyperLink is fast enough to run I/Os synchronously so that the CPU can wait for the data,
which results in the following advantages:
No undispatch of the running task
No CPU queuing delays to resume it
No host CPU cache disruption
Small I/O service time
The zHyperLink Express adapter takes one slot on IBM z16 PCIe+ I/O drawer, and each
adapter has a single PCHID with two ports. Up to 16 zHyperLink Express adapters can be
installed in one IBM z16 system, thus having up to 32 links.
FICON connectivity to each storage system is still required for these purposes:
For initialization of the zHyperLink connection
For I/Os that are not eligible for zHyperLink
For fallback when a zHyperLink request fails (for example, cache miss or busy condition)
For more information about the zHyperLink feature, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide,
SG24-8951, IBM z16 (3932) Technical Guide, SG24-8952, IBM zSystems Connectivity
Handbook, SG24-5444, and Getting Started with IBM zHyperLink for z/OS, REDP-5493.
For more information about defining zHyperLink Express, see 15.2.5, “Defining a zHyperLink
PCIe function” on page 383.
For more information about zHyperLink Express management, see “Managing zHyperLink
Express” on page 387.
The OSA-Express features are installed in an IBM z16 PCIe+ I/O drawer. The features are
available as different types and support several networking protocols. Depending on the types
of OSA-Express features that are installed in the IBM z16 system, the following attachment
characteristics are supported:
Copper-based Ethernet (1000 Mbps)
Fiber-based GbE Short Wave (SX), and Long Wave (LX)
Fiber-based 10-GbE Short Reach (SR) and Long Reach (LR)
Fiber-based 25-GbE Short Reach (SR) and Long REach (LR)
Based on the intended use, the operating modes must be defined with a channel type and
device address. For configuration details, see Chapter 6, “Configuring network features” on
page 133 and the OSA-Express Implementation Guide, SG24-5948.
Starting with Driver Level 22 (HMC V2.13.0), HMC is enhanced to take advantage of the
Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility (OSA/SF) function. For the OSA-Express7S,
OSA-Express6S, and OSA-Express5S features, OSA/SF on the HMC is required. The
OSA/SF is used primarily for these purposes:
Manage all OSA-Express ports.
Configure all OSA-Express non-queued direct input/output (QDIO) ports.
Configure local Media Access Control (MAC) addresses.
Display registered Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) addresses (in use and not in use).
OSA/SF is supported on an IBM zSystems platform for QDIO ports.
Display registered IPv4 or IPv6 Virtual MAC addresses and virtual local area network
(VLAN) IDs that are associated with all OSA-Express features that are configured as
QDIO Layer 2.
Provide status information about an OSA-Express port and its shared or exclusive use
For more information about the use of OSA/SF on the HMC, see 6.3, “Customizing
OSA-Express by using OSA Advanced Facilities” on page 136.
Note: OSA-Express6S 1000Base-T adapter (Feature Code 0426) is the last generation of
OSA-Express 1000Base-T adapters to support connections operating at 100 Mbps link
speed. OSA-Express7S 1.2 1000ase-T (Feature Code 0458) supports 1000 Mbps duplex
link speed only.
The RoCE Express features mentioned above are designed to help reduce CPU consumption
for applications that use the TCP/IP stack without requiring application changes. Using the
RoCE Express features also helps to reduce network latency by using the SMC-R protocol in
z/OS V2.1 or later. For more information, see RFC 7609. SMC-R is transparent to
applications and can be used for LPAR-to-LPAR communications on a single IBM zSystems
platform or for server-to-server communications across multiple IBM Z platforms.
SMC-R uses existing IBM zSystems and industry standard communications technology:
Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), which is based on queue pair (QP) technology
that also uses an InfiniBand transport service type that is called reliable connected QP
(RC-QP), which provides these features:
– Represents SMC Links in a logical point-to-point connection.
– Transports data over unique RDMA network interface cards (RNICs) that are logically
bound together to form Link Groups. Link Groups are used for high availability (HA)
and load balancing needs.
Ports in the IBM zSystems RoCE Express features (also referred to as RNICs) are used
as the physical transport layer for RDMA.
Single-root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) is a PCIe standard that defines extensions to PCIe
specifications. SR-IOV enables sharing of RoCE Express ports between IBM z16 LPARs.
SMC-R is an open protocol that was initially introduced in z/OS V2R1 on the IBM zEC12.
SMC-R is defined in an informational RFC entitled IBM’s Shared Memory Communications
over RDMA. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7609.
SMC-D is a variation of SMC-R. SMC-D is closely related to SMC-R but is based on the
Internal Shared Memory (ISM) capabilities introduced with the IBM z13™ hardware model.
For more information about the RoCE Express features and about SMC-R, see IBM z16
(3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951, IBM z16 (3932) Technical Guide, SG24-8952, and IBM
z/OS V2R2 Communications Server TCP/IP Implementation Volume 1, SG24-8360.
IBM provides the Shared Memory Communications Applicability Tool (SMCAT), which helps
determine the potential gains of using SMC-R in an environment (see 2.3.5, “Shared Memory
Communications Applicability Tool” on page 13).
For 10 GbE RoCE Express2 and newer features, the port number is configured with the
function ID (FID) number in HCD (or IOCDS), and the port number must be configured
(there is no default).
When defining a FID in the TCP/IP profile for 10 GbE RoCE Express2 or newer features,
the port number is no longer applicable.
When preparing to deploy the RoCE Express features, consider the following items:
The RoCE Express features are native PCIe features, so the following configuration items
must be provided:
– Type
– Virtual function ID (VFID)
– Port number
Determine which LPARs will be shared by one RoCE Express port.
Assign the VFs between the sharing LPARs as needed.
For configuration details, see 15.2.3, “Defining a RoCE PCIe function” on page 376.
For 10 GbE RoCE Express2 or later features management details, see “RoCE management”
on page 381.
SMC-D uses ISM virtual PCIe (vPCIe) adapters to provide direct memory access (DMA)
communications between LPARs inside the same IBM zSystem.
SMC-D is a protocol that allows TCP socket applications to transparently use ISM. ISM is a
virtual channel like Internal Queued Direct (IQD) for HiperSockets. A virtual adapter is created
in each z/OS LPAR and by using the SMC protocol, the memory is logically shared. The
virtual network is provided by firmware.
SMC-R requires a TCP/IP connection and preserves the entire network infrastructure.
SMC-D is also a “hybrid” solution. It uses a TCP connection to establish the SMC-D
connection. The TCP path can be either through an OSA-Express port or through a
HiperSockets connection. A TCP option (called SMCD) controls switching from TCP to “out of
band” SMC-D. The SMC-D information is exchanged within the TCP data stream. Socket
application data is exchanged through ISM (write operations). The TCP connection remains
established to control the SMC-D connection.
Shared Memory Communications-Direct Version 2 (SMC-Dv2) with ISMv2 lifts the single IP
subnet limitation for an IBM zSystem (CPC) extending the SMC-D solution and potential
savings to additional IBM zSystem workloads in the Enterprise.
For more information about SMC-D, see IBM zSystems Connectivity Handbook, SG24-5444
and IBM z/OS Communications Server 2.5 New Function Summary, GC27-3664-50 here
ISM interfaces are not defined in software. Instead, ISM interfaces are dynamically defined
and created, and automatically started and stopped. You do not need to operate (start or
stop) the ISM interfaces. Unlike RoCE, ISM FIDs (PFIDs) are not defined in software. Instead,
they are auto-discovered based on their PNet ID.
Before implementing SMC-R or SMC-D, check your environment for the following items:
Run SMCAT to evaluate applicability and potential value. For more information about
SMCAT, see IBM z/OS SMC Applicability Test (SMCAT) and 2.3.5, “Shared Memory
Communications Applicability Tool” on page 13.
Review and adjust the available real memory and fixed memory usage limits (z/OS and
CS) as needed. SMC requires fixed memory. You might need to review the limits and
provision more real memory for z/OS.
Review the IP topology, VLAN usage considerations, and IPSec.
Review changes to messages, monitoring information, and diagnostic tools. There are
numerous updates to these items:
– Messages (IBM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (IBM VTAM®) and TCP
– The netstat command (status, monitoring, and display information)
– CS diagnostic tools (VIT, Packet trace, CTRACE, and IPCS formatted memory dumps)
For more information about SMC-D and SMC-R planning and security considerations, see
IBM Documentation, and select the links for SMC-R and SMC-D.
For more information about how to define SMC-D, see 15.2.2, “Defining an ISM PCIe
function” on page 372.
For an overview about how to manage an SMC-D connection, see “ISM management” on
page 376.
The IBM z16 has four Resource Groups (RGs) which have firmware for:
10GbE and 25GbE RoCE Express3 (LR and SR)
10GbE and 25GbE RoCE Express2.1 (SR)
10GbE and 25GbE RoCE Express2 (SR)
zHyperLink Express 1.1
Coupling Express2 LR
For resilience, there are always four independent RGs on the system that share the IFP. For
HA purposes, always use at least two PCIe features that are in different RGs, as shown in
Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9 Relationship among PCIe+ I/O drawer slots, domains, and RGs in the IBM z16
HiperSockets provide the fastest TCP/IP communications between z/OS, z/VM, IBM z/VSE,
and Linux LPARs within an IBM z16 system because they act like internal VLANs by using
LIC and supporting device drivers in the OSs. HiperSockets establishes a network with higher
availability, security, simplicity, performance, and cost-effectiveness than can be achieved by
using an external IP network.
– External network hosts through the virtual switch OSA UPLINK port
zIIP-Assisted HiperSockets for large messages
In z/OS, HiperSockets is enhanced for zIIP exploitation. Specifically, the z/OS
Communications Server enables HiperSockets Multiple Write Facility processing for large
outbound messages that originate from z/OS to be run on a zIIP.
z/OS application workloads that are based on XML, HTTP, SOAP, Java, and traditional file
transfer can benefit from zIIP enablement by lowering general-purpose processor usage.
When the workload is eligible, the HiperSockets device driver layer processing (write
command) is redirected to a zIIP, which unblocks the sending application.
For more information about the technical details of each function, see IBM Z Connectivity
Handbook, SG24-5444.
The number of physical coupling links and logical coupling CHPIDs that is supported by each
IBM z16 can be found in IBM Z Connectivity Handbook, SG24-5444.
All coupling link types, except IC links, can be used to carry STP or PTP messages.
Note: The CE2-LR is a two-port card that occupies one PCIe+ I/O drawer slot. Therefore,
an IBM z16 that is configured as a Stand-Alone coupling facility (CF) must have at least
one PCIe+ I/O drawer for LR coupling.
Planning consideration
The relationship between one or more CF link connections between CPCs must be
configured in HCD to enable the exchange of CF link signals. HCD generates the CU and
device definitions automatically if the CPCs are known within the same IODF file and the
adapter ID (AID) or PCHIDs are not reserved by other definitions.
Coupling connectivity for IBM z16: IBM z16 supports coupling connectivity back to IBM
z14 M0x, IBM z14 ZR1, and IBM z15 T01 and IBM z15 T02. Coupling is supported only via
ICA SR, ICA SR 1.1, and CE LR links.
No N-3 connectivity from IBM z16 back to the IBM z13/z13s generation exists.
To manage an IBM z16 system in a CTN, HMC level 2.16.0 or newer must be used. The
IBM z16 SE no longer supports STP menus.
As described in this section, depending on the type of the CF link hardware, CF links operate
up to a set distance. Physical placement of the CPCs or CFs must be considered to avoid
exceeding the maximum distance that is supported by the CF link. For the CE2-LR links,
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology can be used to extend the
maximum length of the CF links.
For a list of qualified devices, log in to the IBM Resource Link website with a registered
Resource Link ID.
STP or PTP signals can be exchanged between two CPCs without any CF LPARs involved. If
physical coupling links are established between two CPCs, HCD enables the configuration of
STP links (timing-only links).
For more information, see z/OS HCD User’s Guide, SC34-2669, and Chapter 8, “Preparing
for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol overview” on page 199.
The IBM z16 processor chip has two integrated accelerators in its design: the compression
co-processor (CMPCS), which is present on every core, and the IBM Integrated Accelerator
for zEDC (one for each chip, which is integrated into the nest). The compression coprocessor
and IBM Integrated Accelerator for zEDC use an algorithm for data compression that enables
reduction in the size of data to save storage space or increase the data transfer throughput.
This on-chip compression capability delivers industry-leading throughput and replaces the
zEDC Express adapter on the IBM z14 system and earlier IBM zSystem platforms.
Here is a short summary about planning considerations for hardware data compression:
1. Planning the installation:
– Update the IFAPRDxx PARMLIB member in z/OS V2.2 or higher.
– Plan for IPLs before activating the software feature for the first time.
2. z/OS: Verifying the prerequisites:
Look up the IBM.Function.zEDC FIXCAT for proper PTFs.
3. z/OS: Enabling the Priced Software Feature.
Enabling the priced feature provides native compression support for use without using the
zlib Java library.
Because a wide variety of environments exists, the results that are achieved in your
environment might differ from the ones that are described here.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Throughout this chapter, we refer to these machines as IBM z16. Wherever features and
functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly mentioned.
Here are the hardware features that are new or available for order:
Feature Code 0434 - Coupling Express2 LR
Feature Code 0176 - Integrated Coupling Adapter (ICA) SR1.1
Feature Code 0440 - 10GbE RoCE Express3 SR
Feature Code 0441 - 10GbE RoCE Express3 LR
Feature Code 0452 - 25GbE RoCE Express3 SR
Feature Code 0453 - 25GbE RoCE Express3 LR
Feature Code 0451 - zHyperLink Express1.1
Feature Code 0909 - Crypto Express8S (1 port)
Feature Code 0908 - Crypto Express8S (2 port)
Feature Code 0454 - OSA-Express7S 1.2 GbE LX
Feature Code 0455 - OSA-Express7S 1.2 GbE SX
Feature Code 0456 - OSA-Express7S 1.2 10GbE LR
Feature Code 0457 - OSA-Express7S 1.2 10GbE SR
Feature Code 0458 - OSA-Express7S 1.2 1000Base-T
Feature Code 0459 - OSA-Express7S 1.2 25Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) SR
Feature Code 0460 - OSA-Express7S 1.2 25GbE LR
Feature Code 0461 - FICON Express32S Long Wave (LX)
Feature Code 0462 - FICON Express32S Short Wave (SX)
Feature Code 0644 - IBM Virtual Flash Memory (VFM)
Note: For the IBM z16 (machine type 3931) and later systems, the OSA-Express 1000
Base-T adapters for System Management (OSM) are no longer required to enable DPM
mode on the system.
Important note: OSA Express7S are not supported and cannot be migrated (carry
forward) in an upgrade to an IBM z16 A02 or to an IBM z16 AGZ.
Here are the CHPID types that are not migrated (no carry forward):
Here are the features that are not migrated (no carry forward):
Feature Code 0413 - OSA-Express5S GbE LX
Feature Code 0414 - OSA-Express5S GbE SX
Feature Code 0415 - OSA-Express5S 10GbE LR
Feature Code 0416 - OSA-Express5S 10GbE SR
Feature Code 0417 - OSA-Express5S 1000Base-T
Feature Code 0411 - RoCE Express 10 GbE SR
Feature Code 0418 - FICON Express16S LX
Feature Code 0419 - FICON Express16S SX
Feature Code 0409 - FICON Express8S LX
Feature Code 0410 - FICON Express8S SX
Feature Code 0890 - Crypto Express5S
Feature Code 0420 - zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC) Express
Feature Code 0429 - OSA-Express7S 25 GbE SR
Feature Code 0433 - Coupling Express LR
For more information about the supported I/O features, see IBM zSystems Connectivity
Handbook, SG24-5444.
Feature Codes 0436 and 0437, (FICON Express16SA LX and SX), are NOT supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM
z16 AGZ.
Note: The same steps below apply to an upgrade of an existing IBM z15 T02 to an IBM
z16 A02 or to an IBM z16 AGZ, M/T 3932.
This example uses a 8561 (IBM z15 T01) processor with a Processor ID of ARIES with six
channel subsystems (CSSs) (CSS ID=0 - CSS ID=5). This system is replaced by an 3931
(IBM z16 A01) with a Processor ID of PAVO and six CSSs. The CPC name ARIES and serial
number are not changed.
Table 3-1 summarizes the migration options and tool requirements. The process steps are
described in “HCD: Migrating the existing 8561 IODF” on page 41.
CHPID Mapping Tool (CMT) Optional, but good for verifying configurations.
3.3.2 Creating the work IODF from the current 8561 production IODF
HCD is the tool that is used to make a work IODF, but you start from the current production
IODF that contains the 8561 processor that you are upgrading (for example, SYS9.IODF80).
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
3. The Identify Target IODF panel opens. Do one of the following actions:
– To retain all the other processor definitions in the IODF, press Enter.
– Enter a different target IODF data set name. In this case, only the processor that you
are repeating is retained in the target IODF.
4. The Create Work I/O Definition File panel prompts you to enter the data set name of the
target IODF (for example, SYS9.IODF81.WORK).
5. The Repeat Processor panel opens (Figure 3-2). Enter the Processor ID of the new 3931
(in this example, PAVO), keep all the other fields unchanged, and press Enter.
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Note: IBM z16 machine types 3931 and 3932 do not support any InfiniBand coupling links,
so all CHPIDs of type CIB must be deleted in an IODF for machine type 3931 and 3932.
Also, if necessary, replaced with either CHPID types CS5 or CL5.
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Select one or more channel subsystems, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
4. In the Filter Channel Path List panel, select channel path type OSM, as shown in Figure 3-8
Figure 3-8 Filter Channel Path type: Type OSM for channel path type
5. The Channel Path List panel shows channel definitions only for channel path type OSM.
Delete these definitions as shown in Figure 3-9 on page 47, and press Enter.
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Figure 3-9 Channel path list: Delete all channel definitions for type OSM
6. Confirm that spanned channels will be deleted from all accessing CSSs by pressing Enter,
as shown in Figure 3-10.
Note: Because in this example we use HCD to write an IOCDS to this 8561 in
preparation for an upgrade, we must leave the Network name and CPC name set to
IBM390PS and ARIES. These settings must be updated in the IODF after the 8561 is
upgraded to an 3931.
3. You might receive messages about the MCS_1 firmware partition for Dynamic I/O
configuration for a Standalone CF, as shown in Figure 3-12. Firmware LPAR is defined
and activated by default on IBM z16. Press PF3 to continue.
4. The Update Channel Path Identifiers panel opens (Figure 3-13 on page 50). No changes
are made in this example.
5. The Update Channel Path Identifiers panel opens (Figure 3-13). No changes are made in
this example.
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
To define the I/O configuration for your system, go to Chapter 5, “Build the production
input/output definition file and setting up the central processor complex” on page 93.
This example defines a new 3931 (IBM z16 A01) processor with a Processor ID of PAVO2 and
with six CSSs (CSS ID=0 - CSS ID=5). The CPC name of PAVO2 and serial number of
02-71A08 are used for the 3931.
New (additional) 3931 processor New (additional) 3931 processor to connect to the
new switch ports and same CUs to which existing
processors connect
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
3. Specify the appropriate values. For example, specify the following settings, as shown in
Figure 3-19 on page 55:
Processor ID PAVO2
Processor type 3931
Processor model A01
Number of channel subsystems (Keep this blank for now.)
Serial number 071A083931
Network name IBM390PS
CPC name PAVO2
Local System Name (Keep this blank for now.)
4. Press Enter. The Create Work I/O Definition File panel opens and prompts you to enter
the data set name of the target IODF (for example, SYS9.IODF81.WORK).
5. Press Enter. You now have an 3931 processor that is named PAVO2 (Figure 3-20).
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
| Definition of processor PAVO2 has been extended to its maximum |
| configuration. |
The message at the bottom of the panel is generated because the HCD automatically
populated the processor with all allowed channel subsystems and reserved partitions. In
HCD, when you define as new or redefine a processor as an 3931, HCD no longer defines
or allow to define partitions 0xB to 0xF in CSS5. These partitions are reserved for IBM
internal use. HCD automatically defines the maximum configuration of 6 CSSs and 85
6. Enter s next to PAVO2, and press Enter. The Channel Subsystem List panel opens. Here
you can see six CSSs (CSS0 - CSS5) that are defined with the default MAXDEV values for
SS0 of 65280 set by HCD and 65535 set for SS1, SS2, and SS3 (Figure 3-21).
Select one or more channel subsystems, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Processor ID . . . : PAVO2
To define the I/O configuration for your system, go to Chapter 5, “Build the production
input/output definition file and setting up the central processor complex” on page 93.
For the BM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, 3932, HCD automatically defines the maximum configuration of three CSSs
and 40 LPARs.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
Figure 4-1 View I/O Definition File Information: Validated work IODF
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Figure 4-2 Activate or Process Configuration Data: Building IOCP for PAVO
2. HCD displays the list of available processors (see Figure 4-3). Select the PAVO processor
by entering a forward slash (/) next to it and pressing Enter.
Figure 4-3 Available Processors: Selecting a processor for the IOCP file
3. HCD displays a panel on which you enter information about the IOCP input data set to be
created (see Figure 4-4). Complete the following fields:
– Title1: IODF84
– IOCP input data set: 'SYS9.IODF84.IOCPIN.PAVO'
– Input to Stand-alone IOCP: Yes
– Job statement information: Complete this information for your installation.
Figure 4-4 Build IOCP Input Data Set: Data fields to be updated
4. Press Enter. HCD submits a batch job to create the data set.
5. Using an editor or browser tool of your choice, verify that the data set that you created
exists and contains IOCP statements (see Figure 4-5). In this example, we used Time
Sharing Option (TSO). This data set is used as input into the CMT.
ID MSG1='IODF84', *
MSG2='SYS9.IODF84.WORK - 2022-03-13 03:32', *
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Part of the TOK statement is now replaced with dots (see Example 4-1).
These dots ensure that this IOCP file cannot be written to a processor and used for a
Power on Reset (POR). This precaution is needed because this IOCP file was created
from a validated work IODF and not a production IODF. IOCP files that can be used for a
POR can be generated only from a production IODF.
Important: When an IOCP file is exported by using HCD from a validated work IODF, it
must be imported back into HCD after the channel IDs (CHIDs) are completed by using
the CMT. The IOCP file cannot be used directly by IOCP until the CHIDs are added.
6. Download this IOCP file from z/OS to the CMT workstation. Use a workstation file transfer
facility such as FTP or the one in the IBM Personal Communications Workstation
Program, or any equivalent 3270 emulation program. Be sure to use TEXT as the transfer
type. In this example, the file is named ARIESin.iocp.
For this process, the CMT must be downloaded. For more information about downloading and
installing the CMT, see 2.2.3, “CHPID Mapping Tool” on page 10. If CMT is already installed,
verify that the latest updates are installed.
The version of CMT that is used for the following captures is Version 6.22. Check for the latest
version by going to IBM Resource Link.
For more information, see the CHPID Mapping Tool User’s Guide, GC28-7024.
3. Next, specify the CFReport. The IOCP input file window opens. For this step, we input only
the CFReport file.
Attention: To import the CFReport file into the CMT, a Customer Number must be in the
CFReport file.
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4. Import the CFReport file into the CMT by specifying the name in the CFReport file field,
and then click Finish (see Figure 4-7).
If you click Finish but did not select an IOCP file, you receive the message that is shown in
Figure 4-8. Click OK.
A window shows the progress of reading the CFReport file (see Figure 4-9 on page 65).
The information from the CFReport file is shown in the Hardware pane (see Figure 4-10).
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2. Select the IOCP file on your workstation to import into the CMT, and click Finish (see
Figure 4-12).
3. In the Projects window, under the Input tab, expand the IOCP tab, right-click the IOCP file,
and select Read Selected IOCP (see Figure 4-13).
A dialog box opens and shows the progress information (see Figure 4-14).
Another window might open and show a selection regarding what type of upgrade you are
performing (Figure 4-15 on page 68):
– IOCP file represents current configuration
– IOCP file represents proposed configuration
In our example, we select IOCP file represents proposed configuration because we
added more I/O during the upgrade process from a 3906 processor to an 8561 processor.
Click OK.
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The CMT shows the information from the CFReport file and the IOCP file in the Hardware
Resolution pane. By default, the Hardware Resolution view (see Figure 4-16) includes three
tabbed panes:
Hardware Resolution
Adapter Type Summary
Hardware Resolution is the middle pane and the Adapter Type Summary is on the right.
The Adapter Type Summary pane shows a table with helpful information. It summarizes the
number of used and available channels for the hardware channel types (used, available, and
device count).
In the example, the CMT might show some of the following output:
Hardware Resolution: This window lists all CHPIDs that were found, and the Status
column shows the CHPID information to be investigated. In the example, investigate the
status. Table 4-1 lists status messages and possible resolutions.
No hardware found Adapter ID (AID) values or physical If you have any CHPIDs of IOCP type CIB
channel ID (PCHID) values are present or CS5, the CMT cannot automatically
that are not found in the hardware. This assign these CHPIDs. If the AID
situation might occur when you replace assignment in the IOCP file is not valid,
hardware for a miscellaneous equipment you can reset it during hardware
specification (MES) and the IOCP file resolution. You can then use manual
contains a CHID value for the old mapping to assign the CHPIDs to AIDs.
hardware (The IOCP file contains a CHID Do the following steps for CIB or CS5
value for the hardware being removed). CHPIDs:
1. Remove the AID values.
2. Do one of the following tasks:
- Inside the CMT, perform manual
mapping to associate these CHPIDs
with AIDs.
- Assign the AID values outside the
tool, for example, by using HCD.
3. Replace the IOCP file.
Select at least one adapter An adapter type is not assigned to the Assign an adapter type to the IOCP type.
type. current row.
Adapter_type is not The adapter type that is assigned to the See Figure 4-16 on page 68.
compatible with IOCP_type. CHPID is not compatible with the IOCP
type that is specified by the IOCP file.
The required hardware for The CMT found no hardware for the You need to change the IOCP file or obtain
type IOCP_type is not specified IOCP type. more hardware.
Example: Required hardware
for type Fibre Channel (FC) is
not available.
CHID_1 moved to a new You are replacing hardware for an MES, This status is an informational message;
CHID: CHID_2. and the IOCP file contains a CHID value no hardware resolution is required. The
Example: 520 moved to 1E2. for the old hardware, which is being message informs you of the new location
removed. This CHID value moved from an so you can change this value if you prefer
old machine to the CHID value for the new a different assignment.
hardware. CHID_1 is the first CHID value
(for example, 520) and CHID_2 is the
second CHID value (for example, 1E2).
Only available adapter type Channel tape suggests one specific CMT assigns new adapter.
adapter type
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Attention: If you run Reset CHPIDs assigned by IOCP, it resets any previously
mapped CHPID assignments and can result in recabling of the server.
However, if you select Reset CHPIDs assigned by Automatic Mapping, review the
intersects from availability processing carefully to ensure that preserving the prior
CHPID-to-CHID relationship does not cause unacceptable availability.
In the first column of every row, the Hardware Resolution pane contains either of the following
An X in a red circle: This symbol indicates an error.
An exclamation mark in a yellow circle: This symbol indicates a warning or attention
A green check mark: This symbol indicates that the tool successfully resolved the
specified Channel Type.
In this example, here are the reasons that we needed to resolve hardware resolution issues:
The CHID channel type changed.
The defined CHID is not compatible with the channel path at a particular location.
Enough ports exist in the hardware.
A type mismatch exists between a CHPID and its associated channel type.
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More information: For more information about these error messages, see the CHPID
Mapping Tool User’s Guide, GC28-7024.
You can resolve this problem by resetting the CHID. For example, if the IOCP type is OSD, but
the CHID is associated with a Fibre Connection (FICON) card. You cannot assign the OSD
type on the FICON card.
The CMT example displays the error message in the Status column (see Figure 4-19).
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The tool replaces the X in a red circle with an Attention icon (exclamation mark in a yellow
circle), changes the status message, and removes the CHID information (see Figure 4-21
on page 75).
2. The CMT now displays messages about any CHPID types that were imported from the
IODF into the CMT that do not have any associated hardware support in the CFReport file
(see Figure 4-22). Click OK. The same figure also shows the Adapter Type Summary
There are excessive numbers of OSC CHPID types in the example IODF to show how the
CMT handles this condition.
You can use the overdefine option to change the CHID value to an asterisk (*) in the IODF.
This way, you can retain the OSD CHPID definitions in the IODF so that you can install
OSD CHIDs in the processor later.
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Tip: Other CHPID types can also be overdefined by entering an asterisk (*) for the
CHID value. Overdefining is now supported for CIB and CS5 type CHPID definitions.
Alternatively, you can remove the OSD CHPID definitions from the IODF.
3. Return to the IODF and change the CHID values for the OSD CHPIDs (or any other
CHPIDs that have no supporting hardware in the CFReport) to an asterisk (*).
4. Revalidate the IODF by using HCD option 2.12.
5. Re-create the IOCP statements file and transfer it to your workstation.
6. Import the IOCP file by right-clicking the Projects window and selecting Import IOCP File.
Tip: If you look at the IOCP statements file now, although the OSD CHPIDs are omitted
from the file, but they are still defined in the IODF.
Now, when you click Reset “Channel-Type is not compatible with IOCP_type”, the CMT
prompts you to resolve some hardware errors.
In the example, select channel type FC. The status is Error: No Hardware found. Right-click
in the row and select Reset “No hardware found” Entries to remove the CHID values for
those rows.
The tool replaces the X with an Attention icon, changes the status message, and removes
the CHID information (see Figure 4-24).
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For example, CHID_1 is the first CHID value representing the old hardware (for example,
1B0) and CHID_2 is the new value representing the new hardware (for example, 533). In
essence, the feature is present in both the old and new hardware, but its location (CHID)
After you assign all Adapter Types, the Manual Mapping button becomes available.
Note: This section only applies when you upgrade from an IBM z14 (3906) to an IBM z16
In some situations, the Automatic Mapping option is not available. You cannot use automatic
mapping until all CIB or CS5 CHPIDs are resolved. You can use manual mapping to resolve
this task.
To resolve the CIB or CS5 CHPIDs, assign the available CHPIDs by completing the following
1. Click Manual Mapping (see Figure 4-27).
2. Ensure that the tool is set to display Manual Mapping by clicking Hardware → I/O (see
Figure 4-28).
3. Click every row that has type Integrated Coupling Adapter Short Reach (ICA SR) in the
Channel Type column. The tool displays all the available CHPIDs with IOCP type (see
Figure 4-29 on page 79).
Figure 4-29 Adapter Type of HCA3 and associated CHPIDs that are assigned
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4. Select one or more empty check boxes in the I/O Config pane to assign the CHPID. In the
Hardware pane, the CHPID number is inserted in the CHPID column. In the Assigned By
column, the value of Manual is inserted.
5. If you select more than one CHPID for an ICS SR adapter type, you see the Multiple -->
value (see Figure 4-30) inserted into the CHPID and Assigned By columns.
Figure 4-30 Adapter Type of HCA3 and associated multiple CHPID assigned
The Automatic Mapping button becomes available after you assign all the CHPIDs of IOCP
type CIB or CS5.
You must assign priorities if you want to make some CUs more important (in the CMT
processing order) than others, or have two (or more) CUs that you want the CMT to process
at the same time.
Tip: The following fourth choice is also available, but only for an upgrade or an MES:
4. The availability rules might differ from a previous zSystems family, so remove all CHID
assignments that are still in the IOCP.
5. Click OK.
6. After the CMT resets the CHPIDs, it displays the result of the process (see Figure 4-33 on
page 82). Click OK.
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Tip: Intersect messages inform you of a potential availability problem that is detected
by the CMT. However, they do not necessarily indicate an error. It is your responsibility
to evaluate whether the condition must be corrected.
8. Click Manual Mapping. In the CHPID Groups tab, observe any intersect warnings that
were found during automatic mapping and decide whether they are acceptable (see
Figure 4-35 on page 83). The example returned the “C” intersect. This warning indicates
that there are multiple definitions on the same I/O card.
You can now display the results of the channel mapping. You can also sort the report in
various ways. For example, you can see how the CMT ranked CUs.
Check and set values for items such as OSC CHPIDs and FICON CTC (FCTC) CHPIDs to
ensure that the CMT allocates these CHPIDs with high CHID availability by completing the
following steps:
1. Click CU Priorities. By default, this pane is in the center at the top.
2. In the CU Priorities pane, search in the CU Number column for the CUs that you want to
set a priority for.
3. Type a priority number for the CU in the Priority column for each row. The CMT makes
more related changes in the CHPID Groups panes.
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If there are extra CHPIDs for anticipated new CUs, consider grouping these CHPIDs with a
common priority. Having a common priority enables the availability mapping function to pick
CHIDs that can afford your new CU availability.
Click Preview Report or Save Report to display choices (a list of types of reports). The
choices are the same except that Save Report lists an extra selection (see Figure 4-38 on
page 85
The person who installs the I/O cables during system installation needs one of these reports.
The Port Report sorted by location, is preferable. The installer can use this report to help with
labeling the cables. The labels must include the CHID or cage/slot/port information before
system delivery.
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The CMT displays the CHPID Report in a Report tab within the CMT (see Figure 4-40).
In the example, when you click CHPID Report, an option window opens (see Figure 4-41).
Specify a file name and an external path (location) of where to save the file. If you want to
save the report in HTML, select HTML. The tool selects PDF by default. The window is
similar for all type of reports. Click Finish.
Chapter 4. Preparing an input/output configuration program to use the CHPID Mapping Tool 87
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At the end of this CHPID Report is a list of CHPIDs with modified CHID/AID assignments (see
Figure 4-43). This report is valuable for moving cables.
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2. Enter the Export Path and IOCP Name for the IOCP output file and click Finish (see
Figure 4-47).
Requirement: This file must be uploaded to the z/OS image on which you have the
work IODF that you used previously to create the IOCP input data set.
You might want to save your project before exiting the CMT application.
For your next steps, go to Chapter 5, “Build the production input/output definition file and
setting up the central processor complex” on page 93.
Chapter 4. Preparing an input/output configuration program to use the CHPID Mapping Tool 91
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Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
Hardware Configuration
2. The Activate or Process Configuration Data panel opens (see Figure 5-2). Select option 1.
Build production I/O definition file, and then press Enter.
Figure 5-2 Activate or Process Configuration Data: Build production I/O definition file
Chapter 5. Build the production input/output definition file and setting up the central processor complex 95
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3. HCD displays the Message List panel (see Figure 5-3). Verify that you have only severity
“W” (warning) messages and that they are normal for the configuration. Correct any other
messages that should not occur and try to build the production IODF again. Continue this
process until you have no messages that indicate problems.
Figure 5-4 Build Production I/O Definition File: Data fields to be updated
6. The Define Descriptor Fields panel opens (see Figure 5-5). Press Enter to accept the
descriptor fields that are selected by HCD, or enter different values and then press Enter.
HCD displays the following message, which indicates that the production IODF was
successfully created:
Production IODF SYS9.IODF81 created.
To implement the configuration on the 8561 processor in preparation for its upgrade to an
3931 processor, go to 5.2, “Writing the input/out configuration program to the old CPC by
using HCD” on page 97.
The IOCDS are available for Power on Reset (POR) after the processor is upgraded.
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To update the IOCDS by using HCD option 2.11, complete the following steps:
1. From the HCD main panel, select option 2. Activate or process configuration data
(see Figure 5-6). Ensure that the IODF is the production IODF that was created in 5.1,
“Building the new production IODF” on page 94, and then press Enter.
Hardware Configuration
2. The Activate or Process Configuration Data panel opens (see Figure 5-7). Select
option 11. Build and manage processor cluster IOCDSs, IPL attributes and dynamic
I/O changes, and then press Enter.
Figure 5-7 Activate or Process Configuration data: Build and manage processor cluster
IOCDSs, IPL attributes and dynamic I/O changes
This example assumes that you have connectivity to the 8561 processor that is being
upgraded over the Hardware Management Console (HMC) local area network (LAN) to
write an IOCDS.
If the CPC being upgraded is not accessible from the HMC LAN, create a IOCP file from
HCD, then use the stand-alone IOCP process to update the IOCDS.
You can create an IOCP file by using the same process that you used to create an IOCP
file for the channel path ID (CHPID) Mapping Tool (CMT).
Tip: The Support Element (SE) can read an IOCP file that is written to a USB flash
memory drive.
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3. The Processor Cluster List panel opens (see Figure 5-8). In the list, select the 8561
processor being upgraded by typing a forward slash (/) to update one of its IOCDSs, and
then press Enter.
--------------CPC-------------- IODF
/ SNA Address Type Model Processor ID
/ IBM390PS.ARIES 8561 T01 PAVO
# IBM390PS.PAVO 3931 A01
Figure 5-8 System z cluster List: Selecting a processor for IOCDS replace
4. The Actions on selected CPCs panel opens (see Figure 5-9). Select option 1. Work with
IOCDSs, and then press Enter.
5. The IOCDS List panel opens (see Figure 5-10). Select the IOCDS that you want to update
for the 8561 replacement by typing a forward slash (/) next to it, and then press Enter.
6. The Actions on selected IOCDSs panel opens (see Figure 5-11). Select option 1. Update
IOCDS, and then press Enter.
7. The Build IOCDSs panel opens (see Figure 5-12). Verify that all the information is correct.
Complete the Title1 field, set Write IOCDS in preparation of upgrade to Yes, and then
press Enter.
Tip: Specifying Yes in the Write IOCDS in preparation of upgrade field is required
only when you replace or upgrade the existing hardware and want to write the IOCDS
for an 3931 processor from the existing hardware. The Yes value enables the writing of
an IOCDS that contains information that the current hardware does not recognize.
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8. Because Yes was specified for the Write IOCDS in preparation of upgrade field, HCD
displays a confirmation panel (see Figure 5-13). Press Enter to continue.
9. The Job Statement Information panel opens (see Figure 5-14). Enter the job statements
as required by the installation, and press Enter. HCD submits the job to update the
Tip: Route the job to run on the image to which you are logged on. In that way, you
know that the image can “see” the new 3931 processor to update its IOCDS.
Figure 5-14 Job Statement Information: Option to override job statement cards
10.Verify the job output to ensure that the IOCDS was written without error and to the correct
IOCDS. You receive the following messages:
--------------CPC-------------- IODF
/ SNA Address Type Model Processor ID
_ IBM390PS.ARIES 8561 T01 PAVO
# IBM390PS.PAVO 3931 A01
Figure 5-15 Processor Cluster List: Selecting processor for IOCDS verify
12.Also, when you select IBM390PS.ARIES, notice that IOCDS A3 (to which you wrote the
upgrade IODF) has a status of Invalid (see Figure 5-16). This error occurs because you
specified Yes for the Write IOCDS in preparation for upgrade field, and the IOCDS
contains IOCP statements and code that are relevant only for an 3931 processor.
The status switches when this processor is upgraded to an 3931 processor. The 8561
IOCDS status changes to Alternate and the 3931 IOCDSs changes to Invalid.
Tip: Generally, rewrite the IOCDS that is written in preparation for the upgrade at your
earliest convenience. Subsequent MESs might cause an IOCDS that is written in
preparation for an upgrade to become invalid.
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The upgraded 3931 processor (in this example PAVO) was defined to the new HMC:
The 8561 processor, now upgraded to an 3931 processor, underwent a POR with the
Diagnostic (DEFAULT) IOCDS.
The 3931 processor had a new IOCP written to its IOCDS from the IODF (IODF81) by
using HCD Option 2.11.
The 3931 processor is now ready to be customized with specific customer definitions.
5.3.2 Building the reset profile and pointing it to the required IOCDS
Now that the IOCP file is written to an IOCDS, build a reset (POR) profile to point to that
IOCDS. This reset profile performs a POR for the new 3931 processor after it is upgraded and
handed over from the IBM System Services Representative (IBM SSR).
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9. Depending on the circumstances, you can answer Yes or No. You might want to review the
Partition Activation List now. For this example, click Yes.
10.The HMC retrieves any image profiles that match the logical partition (LPAR) names that
are defined in the IOCDS that was selected. You can create image profiles for those LPAR
names that it cannot retrieve.
In our example, we select Automatically create all new images using the choices
specified on this panel and Use the selected profile as a template when
automatically creating new image profiles: DEFAULT. Click OK (see Figure 5-19).
11.Note the list of LPARs that were retrieved and built based on the LPARs that were defined
in the selected IOCDS. Click Save (see Figure 5-20).
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2. After you make your determinations, click Save (see Figure 5-21).
Figure 5-21 Reset and Image profile list: Updating the partition list
3. If you have any Coupling Facility (CF) partitions that are defined, HMC prompts whether
you want to change the partition activation order because it is preferential but not essential
that CF LPARs are activated before z/OS LPARs. Click Yes or No (see Figure 5-22).
Figure 5-22 Reset and Image Profiles list: Coupling Facility LPAR verification
Click one of the image profiles to set up the partitions parameters. In our example, we select
Chapter 5. Build the production input/output definition file and setting up the central processor complex 109
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Chapter 5. Build the production input/output definition file and setting up the central processor complex 111
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Note: This section activities are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931). However, they can be
also used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ (3932).
When the 8561 processor is upgraded to an 3931 processor, your IBM SSR performs a POR
with a Diagnostic IOCDS.
After this process is complete and the IBM SSR is satisfied with the status of the processor,
they hand over the processor to you. You then run another POR by using the reset profile that
was created in 5.3.2, “Building the reset profile and pointing it to the required IOCDS” on
page 104.
The 3931 processor is now ready to be activated (POR) by using the production reset profile.
As mentioned previously, this process is optional but preferred depending on how many
partitions that you defined on the processor.
To use the Channel Problem Determination process, complete the following steps:
1. Log on by using SYSPROG authority to the HMC for the new 3931 processor.
2. Click Systems Management to expand the list.
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3. Under Systems Management, click the radio button next to the system to select it (in this
example, PAVO).
4. In the Tasks window, click Recovery to expand it, and select Single Object Operations
(see Figure 5-32).
12.Select the CHPID that you want to verify. We view CHPID 3.80 (CSS=3, CHPID=80).
13.There are two ways to show the options for this CHPID: Either click the >> symbol next to
the CHPID to expand its options, or click CHPID Operations to expand the options and
then click Channel Problem Determination (see Figure 5-34).
14.The HMC shows the Channel Problem Determination options. Select Analyze channel
information, and then click OK (see Figure 5-35).
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This window verifies that the CHPID is online and operating, and also what the CHPID
(cable) is connected to.
15.Continue to verify all other CF links that are defined and online.
Dynamic configuration capabilities for Stand Alone CFs were added to the IBM z14 system
(Driver level 36) and is available on the IBM z15 and IBM z16 system.
To prepare your environment to use this implementation, complete the following steps. A
short description of the new options on the processors cluster list is included at the end of this
1. Prerequisites:
The target and the source CPCs must be a IBM z14 (Driver level 36) or later system.
The following z/OS APARs1 for dynamic I/O configuration for SACF should be installed so
that their functions are available:
– OA54912.
– IO25603.
– OA53952.
– OA55404.
Ensure that the Stand Alone CF has the correct support level selected like one of the
levels that are shown in Figure 5-37 on page 121.
Refer to 9.6, “Dynamic I/O for Standalone CF” on page 227 for additional details.
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2. Provide the necessary authorization rights on your z/OS system that you use to initiate the
hardware only activation.
Profiles CBD.CPC.ACTIVATE.NetId.NAU in class FACILTY NetId and NAU, as defined on
the SE and shown in the Processor Cluster List panel:
– READ is required for viewing and downloading the active configuration.
– UPDATE is required for activating hardware changes only.
Note: For more information about this topic, see “Defining IBM RACF® profiles” in z/OS
HCD User's Guide, SC34-2669.
Figure 5-38 Allow dynamic changes to the channel subsystem input/output definition selected
4. After you perform the initial POR, update the reset profile by selecting Use Active IOCDS,
which is necessary for future activations and PORs in order for the POR to complete by
using the current IOCDS that was activated and written by using the HCD, as shown in
Figure 5-39 on page 123.
Note: The system is prepared for Dynamic I/O config for Stand Alone CF. IBM z16 A01,
IBM z16 A02, and IBM z16 AGZ systems support dynamic I/O config for Stand Alone
CF without MCS_1 partition.
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After selecting Activate hardware changes only (a) with no recovery required, the
activation parameters are presented, shown on Figure 5-41.
Note: The parameters are the same as for hardware and software (full) activation, but
without a target OS configuration and Eligible Device Table (EDT). It is a hardware-only
The result is presented the same way as before. After some time (the activation runs
synchronously and blocks the screen), you see the results as the normal HCD Message
List. It is written to the HCD message log and SYSLOG.
On the HCD panel (message list), you can see something similar to what is shown in
Figure 5-42 on page 125.
7. Similar to any other activation process, you should write a IOCDS to Stand Alone CF,
switch to the newly written IOCDS, and ensure that Use Active IOCDS is selected in the
RESET profile.
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8. Configure the newly added HW to Stand Alone CF and/or Activate New image message:
– On the CF side, you can check the status (by running the Display CHP command) and
configure channels online (by running the Configure xx online command) from the
Operating System Messages task for the respective CF LPAR, as shown in
Figure 5-43.
Here are the new options on the Processor Cluster List (HCD option 2.11) for Stand Alone CF
Use View current active configuration (c) to get information about the actual active
configuration for the selected processor, as shown in Figure 5-44.
Note: The IBM z16 does not support the (d) option, Download active configuration.
Use Activate hardware changes only (a) to activate a Dynamic I/O configuration for
Stand Alone CF, as shown in step 6 on page 123.
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The STP or Manage System Time option on the HMC under Configuration uses a GUI.
Note: SE version 2.15.0 (IBM z15 system) or later no longer supports the System
(Sysplex) Time task. The System (Sysplex) Time task was replaced by the Manage
System Time task on the HMC.
For more information about the new GUI and how to set up the STP Coordinated Timing
Network (CTN), see Chapter 8, “Preparing for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol
overview” on page 199.
5. Select the DEFAULTLOAD load profile and click Customize profile. See Figure 5-46
Chapter 5. Build the production input/output definition file and setting up the central processor complex 129
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6. Enter the required parameters that are specific to your installation to perform an IPL:
– Profile name: Type your preferred profile name over DEFAULTLOAD.
– Description: Enter your preferred description.
– Load type: Standard load.
– Load address: The device address of the IPL volume (911E).
– Load parameter: 944301M1:
• 9443: The device address of the IODF volume
• 01: The suffix of the LOADxx member in SYS#.IPLPARM on device 9443
• M: Automatic IPL
Figure 5-47 shows an example.
7. Click Save, and then click OK to continue to the Save window (see Figure 5-48).
If you prefer to use the HWNAME keyword to point to the Processor ID, update this parameter to
point to the new Processor ID (in this example, from PAVO). Sometimes the LPARNAME keyword
is also used in the LOADxx members, and it might need to be reviewed or updated, such as
Note: If you are going to share a LOADxx member with many partitions, then the HWNAME and
LPARNAME keywords are required.
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To build and verify LOADxx members in SYS#.IPLPARM, complete the following steps:
1. Log on by using Time Sharing Option (TSO) to a system that has access to the
SYS#.IPLPARM data set that is on the IODF volume that you use to perform the IPL.
2. Edit data set SYS#.IPLPARM and edit member LOADxx. Figure 5-49 shows the settings that
are used in our example:
– The HWNAME keyword is set to PAVO.
– The LPARNAME keyword is set to PAVO33.
– The IODF keyword is set to ** (where ** directs the IPL to look at what IODF / IOCP
underwent a POR into the CPCs HSA, and then look on the IODF volume for that
corresponding IODF). A specific IODF suffix number can be defined in the LOADxx
member if you must override the HSA match.
– The IODF keyword points to the High-Level Qualifier of the IODF data set (SYS9) and
the operating system configuration (OSCONFIG) that this system uses (ITSO). The
OSCONFIG is the other part of an IODF that the IPL uses to determine which devices
it can access, along with Nucleus Initialization Program Consoles and Esoterics.
– The remaining parameters are used for z/OS and not for the IODF.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as IBM z16. Wherever features
and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly mentioned.
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
These operations are described in detail in Chapter 13, “Adding network devices” on
page 299.
Depending on your network configuration and environment, you can perform OSA-Express
customization by using OSA Advanced Facilities. OSA Advanced Facilities are used for
customizing the following settings:
OSA Address Table (OAT) and Systems Network Architecture (SNA) timer
Physical port speed
Media Access Control (MAC) address
These settings are described in 6.3, “Customizing OSA-Express by using OSA Advanced
Facilities” on page 136.
Table 6-1 Summary of OSA-Express CHPID types that are supported in an IBM z16
CHPID type OSA-Express operation mode
OSE Non-Queued Direct Input/Output (QDIO) mode for SNA and TCP/IP networking
(1000Base-T only)
Statements of Directiona:
IBM z16 will be the last IBM zSystem to support the OSE CHPID type.
IBM z16 will be the last IBM zSystem to support OSA Express 1000BASE-T hardware
a. Statements by IBM regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or
withdrawal without notice at the sole discretion of IBM.
You can confirm the CHPID path status by running the command that is shown in Figure 6-1.
The node descriptor information that is returned includes the emulated control units (CUs)
1730.008 and 1732.001 that are used for the OSA-Express7S port. Also included is the 3931
machine type and serial number, as shown in Figure 6-2.
D M=DEV(1D60)
You can confirm the device number and the status by running the following command:
The device number and type of device that are defined are shown in Figure 6-3.
D U,,,1D60,1
D U,,,1D6F,1
The OSA Advanced Facilities window that is shown in Figure 6-5 opens.
Figure 6-5 OSA/SF on the HMC: OSA Advanced Facilities initial window
6.3.1 Configuring OAT and the SNA LLC2 timer for an OSE channel
When you define OSA-Express as an OSE channel (non-QDIO mode), you must customize
the OAT except for the following uses:
Use only the default OAT and do not use (require) port sharing.
OSA-Express Direct SNMP subagent.
For more information, see Open Systems Adapter-Express Customer's Guide and Reference,
You can edit OAT by using the Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility (OSA/SF). OSA/SF is
a tool for customizing OSA-Express. The OSA/SF tool is available on the HMC as a submenu
of OSA Advanced Facilities.
For other CHPID types, OSA/SF is not required. If you must change the port speed or the
MAC address, you can configure them from OSA Advanced Facilities. The OSA CHPID type
and OSA/SF requirements are listed in Table 6-2.
OSE Required
Note: CHPID types OSN, OSM and OSX are not supported by the IBM z16.
When you use a SNA network that uses an OSE channel and must change the SNA timer
(SNA LLC2 parameter), you must customize the parameters in OSA Advanced Facilities. For
more information, see Open Systems Adapter-Express Customer's Guide and Reference,
If you are upgrading from IBM z14 or IBM z15 systems to IBM z16 A01, or if you are
upgrading an IBM z15 T02 to an IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, and your configuration uses
the OSA-Express6S or OSA-Express7S 1000Base-T feature, your OSE configuration is
automatically migrated. After this process completes, check the configuration using OSA/SF
on the HMC.
Note: Before you customize OAT and the SNA timer by using OSA/AF on the HMC, see
Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility on the Hardware Management Console,
SC14-7580. You can download it from IBM Resource Link.
To customize the OAT and the SNA timer for an OSE channel, complete the following steps:
1. Start OSA Advanced Facilities.
2. The OSA Advanced Facilities window opens (Figure 6-6). Select the OSE channel PCHID
that you want to customize. In this example, we select PCHID 01CC. Then, select Card
specific advanced facilities from the Select Action menu, as shown in Figure 6-6.
3. The Advanced Facilities window opens (Figure 6-7). To edit OAT and the SNA timer
entries, select Panel configuration options and click OK.
4. The Panel Configuration Options window opens Figure 6-8 on page 140). You can define
these items:
Edit OAT entries By selecting this option, you can edit the OAT and SNA definition.
An OAT entry defines the data path between an OSA feature port
and a logical partition (LPAR) image.
Edit SNA timers By selecting this option, you can enter the SNA timer values.
5. Choose Edit OAT entries, and the Edit OSA Address Table (OAT) Entries window opens,
as shown in Figure 6-9.
Figure 6-9 OSA/SF on HMC: Edit OSA Address Table (OAT) Entries window
6. To edit, select the device in the left column, as shown in Figure 6-10. Click Select Action
and choose either Edit as TCP/IP entry or Edit as SNA entry for the selected device.
Figure 6-10 OSA/SF on the HMC: Select Action for Edit OSA Address Table (OAT) Entries window
7. Select Edit as SNA Entry, and the OSA Address Table (OAT) Entry window that is shown
in Figure 6-11 on page 141 opens. Select the appropriate SNA entry and click OK.
8. Select Edit as TCP/IP Entry, and the Edit OSA Address Table (OAT) Entry that is shown
in Figure 6-12 opens. Enter and select the appropriate TCP/IP parameters here, and then
click OK.
9. After editing the TCP/IP entry or SNA entry, the Edit OSA Address Table (OAT) Entries
window opens again. Confirm that your entries are displayed in this window. Figure 6-13
shows that the TCP/IP entry and SNA entry can be confirmed. Click Save to save the
Figure 6-13 OSA/SF on the HMC: Edit OSA Address Table (OAT) Entries window after editing
10.Select Edit SNA timers in the Panel Configuration Options window to change the SNA
timer setting. Figure 6-14 shows the window in which you can edit the values. You can set
the parameters for port 0 and 1 individually.
11.When you complete editing the OAT entries or the SNA timer, the Panel Configuration
Options window opens again. To activate the settings, you must validate them by selecting
Validate panel values. Then, click OK (see Figure 6-15).
12.If all of the parameters are entered correctly, a window like the one shown in Figure 6-16
If any of the parameters that were entered are wrong, a window with an ACT20425
message opens. To identify the error, select Display validate panel errors, and correct
the error. Then, validate the panel values again until the error is fixed.
13.To activate your OSA configuration, select Activate configuration from the Advanced
Facilities window, and click OK (Figure 6-17).
14.The confirmation window that is shown in Figure 6-18 opens. Click Yes to continue.
15.When the activation is successful, the window that is shown in Figure 6-19 opens. Click
OK to complete the process.
16.To make the changes effective, you must bring the CHPID OFFLINE from all the LPARs
that share the OSA CHPID, and then bring the CHIPID ONLINE.
17.If you select Manual configuration options (Figure 6-7 on page 139), the window that is
shown in Figure 6-20 opens. In this window, you can import and export the source file of
OAT through a USB device or FTP, create a configuration file on the editor on HMC, and
edit the source file. For more information, see Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility on
the Hardware Management Console, SC14-7580.
Port speed: You can set the port speed to only 100 Mbps with the OSA-Express6S
1000Base-T features. The OSA-Express7Sa 1000Base-T feature does not have this
You cannot set the port speed to 1000 Mbps with the OSA-Express6S 1000Base-T
features. If you want the port speed to run at 1000 Mbps, you must select Auto Negotiate.
The screen shots regarding setting the port speed were done for an OSA Express6S card
on an IBM z15 T01. The IBM z16 A01 available had only OSA Express7S cards.
a. OSA Express7S is not supported on the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
4. The Set Card Mode or Speed window opens (Figure 6-22). Select the correct port speed
from the Speed/Mode list. You can set the speed of port 0 and 1 individually. Click OK.
5. To make the changes effective, you must configure CHPID OFFLINE and ONLINE from
every LPAR where this CHPID is defined.
3. The Display or alter MAC address window opens (Figure 6-24). Set the MAC address that
you want and then click OK.
Figure 6-24 OSA/SF on the HMC: Display or alter MAC address values
4. To reflect the modification, you must configure CHPID OFFLINE and ONLINE from every
LPAR where this CHPID is defined.
For more information about how to configure SMC - Direct Memory Access over Internal
Shared Memory (SMC-D), see 15.2.2, “Defining an ISM PCIe function” on page 372.
A logical address is required when the FC channel path is attached to a shared FC channel
path to identify the LPAR to communicate with. When attached to an unshared FC channel
path, the logical address must be zero or not specified. For more information, see the CTC
Definitions page.
FCTC communication within a single processor complex can be accomplished with a single
FC channel path connecting to FC switch. Both sides of the CTC connection are represented
by the same single FC channel path. This configuration results in these advantages:
Reducing the number of channels that are required.
Simplified configuration design.
Simplified configuration definition.
In an FCTC configuration, FCTC CUs are defined at each end, but only one end provides the
FCTC CU function. During initialization of the logical connection between two ends of an
FCTC connection, the channel that provides the FCTC CU function is determined by using an
algorithm. This process results in balancing the number of FCTC CU functions that each end
of the logical connection is providing. The algorithm uses the channel with the lower FC
worldwide name (WWN) to provide the FCTC CU function.
FICON native channel CTC communication does not require a pair of channels because it
can communicate with any FICON native channel that has a corresponding FCTC CU that is
defined. This configuration means that FCTC communications can be provided by using only
a single FICON native channel per server.
For more information about how to implement FCTC, see the following publications:
FICON CTC Implementation, REDP-0158
FICON Planning and Implementation Guide, SG24-6497
I/O Configuration Using z/OS HCD and HCM, SG24-7804
D M=CHP(44,45,54,55)
IEE174I 04.47.28 DISPLAY M 150
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
04E2 + + + + . . . . . . . . . . . .
ATTACHED ND = 008960.F64.IBM.CA.1000010546MH
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
04E2 . . . . . . . . + + + + . . . .
ATTACHED ND = 008960.F64.IBM.CA.1000010546MD
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
02E2 + + + + . . . . . . . . . . . .
ATTACHED ND = 008960.F64.IBM.CA.1000010546MH
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
02E2 . . . . . . . . + + + + . . . .
ATTACHED ND = 008960.F64.IBM.CA.1000010546MD
************************ SYMBOL EXPLANATIONS ************************
Figure 6-25 DISPLAY FCTC on system SC75
Figure 6-26 Using the SE to verify channel FCTC by using the CPC view
– To get more details about the PCHID, click the PCHID to open the details window that
is shown in Figure 6-27.
– Another way to check the status is from the LPAR view. Select the LPAR and then the
CHPIDs option under that LPAR. You can look for the CHPID and check the status, as
shown in Figure 6-28.
Figure 6-30 View I/O Definition File Information: Validated work IODF
Figure 6-31 Activate or Process Configuration Data: Building IOCP for PAVO
2. HCD displays the list of available processors (see Figure 6-32). Select the PAVO processor
by entering a forward slash (/) next to it and pressing Enter.
Figure 6-32 Available Processors: Selecting a processor for the IOCP file
3. HCD displays a panel on which you enter information about the IOCP input data set to be
created (see Figure 6-33). Complete the following fields:
– Title1: IODF84
– IOCP input data set: 'SYS9.IODF84.IOCPIN.PAVO'
– Input to Stand-alone IOCP: Yes
– Job statement information: Complete this information for your installation.
Figure 6-33 Build IOCP Input Data Set: Data fields to be updated
4. Press Enter. HCD submits a batch job to create the data set.
5. Using an editor or browser tool of your choice, verify that the data set that you created
exists and contains IOCP statements (see Figure 6-34). In this example, we used Time
Sharing Option (TSO). This data set is used as input into the CMT.
ID MSG1='IODF84', *
MSG2='SYS9.IODF84.WORK - 2022-03-13 03:32', *
Part of the TOK statement is now replaced with dots (see Example 6-1).
These dots ensure that this IOCP file cannot be written to a processor and used for a
Power on Reset (POR). This precaution is needed because this IOCP file was created
from a validated work IODF and not a production IODF. IOCP files that can be used for a
POR can be generated only from a production IODF.
Important: When an IOCP file is exported by using HCD from a validated work IODF, it
must be imported back into HCD after the channel IDs (CHIDs) are completed by using
the CMT. The IOCP file cannot be used directly by IOCP until the CHIDs are added.
6. Download this IOCP file from z/OS to the CMT workstation. Use a workstation file transfer
facility such as FTP or the one in the IBM Personal Communications Workstation
Program, or any equivalent 3270 emulation program. Be sure to use TEXT as the transfer
type. In this example, the file is named ARIESin.iocp.
For this process, the CMT must be downloaded. For more information about downloading and
installing the CMT, see 2.2.3, “CHPID Mapping Tool” on page 10. If CMT is already installed,
verify that the latest updates are installed.
The version of CMT that is used for the following captures is Version 6.22. Check for the latest
version by going to IBM Resource Link.
For more information, see the CHPID Mapping Tool User’s Guide, GC28-7024.
3. Next, specify the CFReport. The IOCP input file window opens. For this step, we input only
the CFReport file.
Attention: To import the CFReport file into the CMT, a Customer Number must be in the
CFReport file.
4. Import the CFReport file into the CMT by specifying the name in the CFReport file field,
and then click Finish (see Figure 6-36).
If you click Finish but did not select an IOCP file, you receive the message that is shown in
Figure 6-37. Click OK.
A window shows the progress of reading the CFReport file (see Figure 6-38 on page 158).
The information from the CFReport file is shown in the Hardware pane (see Figure 6-39).
2. Select the IOCP file on your workstation to import into the CMT, and click Finish (see
Figure 6-41).
3. In the Projects window, under the Input tab, expand the IOCP tab, right-click the IOCP file,
and select Read Selected IOCP (see Figure 6-42).
A dialog box opens and shows the progress information (see Figure 6-43).
Another window might open and show a selection regarding what type of upgrade you are
performing (Figure 6-44 on page 161):
– IOCP file represents current configuration
– IOCP file represents proposed configuration
In our example, we select IOCP file represents proposed configuration because we
added more I/O during the upgrade process from a 3906 processor to an 8561 processor.
Click OK.
The CMT shows the information from the CFReport file and the IOCP file in the Hardware
Resolution pane. By default, the Hardware Resolution view (see Figure 6-45) includes three
tabbed panes:
Hardware Resolution
Adapter Type Summary
Hardware Resolution is the middle pane and the Adapter Type Summary is on the right.
The Adapter Type Summary pane shows a table with helpful information. It summarizes the
number of used and available channels for the hardware channel types (used, available, and
device count).
In the example, the CMT might show some of the following output:
Hardware Resolution: This window lists all CHPIDs that were found, and the Status
column shows the CHPID information to be investigated. In the example, investigate the
status. Table 6-3 lists status messages and possible resolutions.
No hardware found Adapter ID (AID) values or physical If you have any CHPIDs of IOCP type CIB
channel ID (PCHID) values are present or CS5, the CMT cannot automatically
that are not found in the hardware. This assign these CHPIDs. If the AID
situation might occur when you replace assignment in the IOCP file is not valid,
hardware for a miscellaneous equipment you can reset it during hardware
specification (MES) and the IOCP file resolution. You can then use manual
contains a CHID value for the old mapping to assign the CHPIDs to AIDs.
hardware (The IOCP file contains a CHID Do the following steps for CIB or CS5
value for the hardware being removed). CHPIDs:
1. Remove the AID values.
2. Do one of the following tasks:
- Inside the CMT, perform manual
mapping to associate these CHPIDs
with AIDs.
- Assign the AID values outside the
tool, for example, by using HCD.
3. Replace the IOCP file.
Select at least one adapter An adapter type is not assigned to the Assign an adapter type to the IOCP type.
type. current row.
Adapter_type is not The adapter type that is assigned to the See Figure 6-45 on page 161.
compatible with IOCP_type. CHPID is not compatible with the IOCP
type that is specified by the IOCP file.
The required hardware for The CMT found no hardware for the You need to change the IOCP file or obtain
type IOCP_type is not specified IOCP type. more hardware.
Example: Required hardware
for type Fibre Channel (FC) is
not available.
CHID_1 moved to a new You are replacing hardware for an MES, This status is an informational message;
CHID: CHID_2. and the IOCP file contains a CHID value no hardware resolution is required. The
Example: 520 moved to 1E2. for the old hardware, which is being message informs you of the new location
removed. This CHID value moved from an so you can change this value if you prefer
old machine to the CHID value for the new a different assignment.
hardware. CHID_1 is the first CHID value
(for example, 520) and CHID_2 is the
second CHID value (for example, 1E2).
Only available adapter type Channel tape suggests one specific CMT assigns new adapter.
adapter type
Attention: If you run Reset CHPIDs assigned by IOCP, it resets any previously
mapped CHPID assignments and can result in recabling of the server.
However, if you select Reset CHPIDs assigned by Automatic Mapping, review the
intersects from availability processing carefully to ensure that preserving the prior
CHPID-to-CHID relationship does not cause unacceptable availability.
In the first column of every row, the Hardware Resolution pane contains either of the following
An X in a red circle: This symbol indicates an error.
An exclamation mark in a yellow circle: This symbol indicates a warning or attention
A green check mark: This symbol indicates that the tool successfully resolved the
specified Channel Type.
In this example, here are the reasons that we needed to resolve hardware resolution issues:
The CHID channel type changed.
The defined CHID is not compatible with the channel path at a particular location.
Enough ports exist in the hardware.
A type mismatch exists between a CHPID and its associated channel type.
More information: For more information about these error messages, see the CHPID
Mapping Tool User’s Guide, GC28-7024.
You can resolve this problem by resetting the CHID. For example, if the IOCP type is OSD, but
the CHID is associated with a Fibre Connection (FICON) card. You cannot assign the OSD
type on the FICON card.
The CMT example displays the error message in the Status column (see Figure 6-48).
The tool replaces the X in a red circle with an Attention icon (exclamation mark in a yellow
circle), changes the status message, and removes the CHID information (see Figure 6-50
on page 168).
2. The CMT now displays messages about any CHPID types that were imported from the
IODF into the CMT that do not have any associated hardware support in the CFReport file
(see Figure 6-51). Click OK. The same figure also shows the Adapter Type Summary
There are excessive numbers of OSC CHPID types in the example IODF to show how the
CMT handles this condition.
You can use the overdefine option to change the CHID value to an asterisk (*) in the IODF.
This way, you can retain the OSD CHPID definitions in the IODF so that you can install
OSD CHIDs in the processor later.
Tip: Other CHPID types can also be overdefined by entering an asterisk (*) for the
CHID value. Overdefining is now supported for CIB and CS5 type CHPID definitions.
Alternatively, you can remove the OSD CHPID definitions from the IODF.
3. Return to the IODF and change the CHID values for the OSD CHPIDs (or any other
CHPIDs that have no supporting hardware in the CFReport) to an asterisk (*).
4. Revalidate the IODF by using HCD option 2.12.
5. Re-create the IOCP statements file and transfer it to your workstation.
6. Import the IOCP file by right-clicking the Projects window and selecting Import IOCP File.
Tip: If you look at the IOCP statements file now, although the OSD CHPIDs are omitted
from the file, but they are still defined in the IODF.
Now, when you click Reset “Channel-Type is not compatible with IOCP_type”, the CMT
prompts you to resolve some hardware errors.
In the example, select channel type FC. The status is Error: No Hardware found. Right-click
in the row and select Reset “No hardware found” Entries to remove the CHID values for
those rows.
The tool replaces the X with an Attention icon, changes the status message, and removes
the CHID information (see Figure 6-53).
For example, CHID_1 is the first CHID value representing the old hardware (for example,
1B0) and CHID_2 is the new value representing the new hardware (for example, 533). In
essence, the feature is present in both the old and new hardware, but its location (CHID)
After you assign all Adapter Types, the Manual Mapping button becomes available.
Note: This section only applies when you upgrade from an IBM z14 (3906) to an IBM z16
In some situations, the Automatic Mapping option is not available. You cannot use automatic
mapping until all CIB or CS5 CHPIDs are resolved. You can use manual mapping to resolve
this task.
To resolve the CIB or CS5 CHPIDs, assign the available CHPIDs by completing the following
1. Click Manual Mapping (see Figure 6-56).
2. Ensure that the tool is set to display Manual Mapping by clicking Hardware → I/O (see
Figure 6-57).
3. Click every row that has type Integrated Coupling Adapter Short Reach (ICA SR) in the
Channel Type column. The tool displays all the available CHPIDs with IOCP type (see
Figure 6-58 on page 172).
Figure 6-58 Adapter Type of HCA3 and associated CHPIDs that are assigned
4. Select one or more empty check boxes in the I/O Config pane to assign the CHPID. In the
Hardware pane, the CHPID number is inserted in the CHPID column. In the Assigned By
column, the value of Manual is inserted.
5. If you select more than one CHPID for an ICS SR adapter type, you see the Multiple -->
value (see Figure 6-59) inserted into the CHPID and Assigned By columns.
Figure 6-59 Adapter Type of HCA3 and associated multiple CHPID assigned
The Automatic Mapping button becomes available after you assign all the CHPIDs of IOCP
type CIB or CS5.
You must assign priorities if you want to make some CUs more important (in the CMT
processing order) than others, or have two (or more) CUs that you want the CMT to process
at the same time.
Tip: The following fourth choice is also available, but only for an upgrade or an MES:
4. The availability rules might differ from a previous zSystems family, so remove all CHID
assignments that are still in the IOCP.
5. Click OK.
6. After the CMT resets the CHPIDs, it displays the result of the process (see Figure 6-62 on
page 175). Click OK.
Tip: Intersect messages inform you of a potential availability problem that is detected
by the CMT. However, they do not necessarily indicate an error. It is your responsibility
to evaluate whether the condition must be corrected.
8. Click Manual Mapping. In the CHPID Groups tab, observe any intersect warnings that
were found during automatic mapping and decide whether they are acceptable (see
Figure 6-64 on page 176). The example returned the “C” intersect. This warning indicates
that there are multiple definitions on the same I/O card.
You can now display the results of the channel mapping. You can also sort the report in
various ways. For example, you can see how the CMT ranked CUs.
Check and set values for items such as OSC CHPIDs and FICON CTC (FCTC) CHPIDs to
ensure that the CMT allocates these CHPIDs with high CHID availability by completing the
following steps:
1. Click CU Priorities. By default, this pane is in the center at the top.
2. In the CU Priorities pane, search in the CU Number column for the CUs that you want to
set a priority for.
3. Type a priority number for the CU in the Priority column for each row. The CMT makes
more related changes in the CHPID Groups panes.
If there are extra CHPIDs for anticipated new CUs, consider grouping these CHPIDs with a
common priority. Having a common priority enables the availability mapping function to pick
CHIDs that can afford your new CU availability.
Click Preview Report or Save Report to display choices (a list of types of reports). The
choices are the same except that Save Report lists an extra selection (see Figure 6-67 on
page 178
The person who installs the I/O cables during system installation needs one of these reports.
The Port Report sorted by location, is preferable. The installer can use this report to help with
labeling the cables. The labels must include the CHID or cage/slot/port information before
system delivery.
The CMT displays the CHPID Report in a Report tab within the CMT (see Figure 6-69).
In the example, when you click CHPID Report, an option window opens (see Figure 6-70).
Specify a file name and an external path (location) of where to save the file. If you want to
save the report in HTML, select HTML. The tool selects PDF by default. The window is
similar for all type of reports. Click Finish.
At the end of this CHPID Report is a list of CHPIDs with modified CHID/AID assignments (see
Figure 6-72). This report is valuable for moving cables.
2. Enter the Export Path and IOCP Name for the IOCP output file and click Finish (see
Figure 6-76).
Requirement: This file must be uploaded to the z/OS image on which you have the
work IODF that you used previously to create the IOCP input data set.
You might want to save your project before exiting the CMT application.
For your next steps, go to Chapter 5, “Build the production input/output definition file and
setting up the central processor complex” on page 93.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as IBM z16. Wherever features
and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly mentioned.
examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ (3932).
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
Note: Channel type OSC is supported on the OSA-Express 1000Base-T type and OSA
Express GbE adapters only. The OSA-Express7S 1000Base-T Adapter supports
connections at 1000 Mbps only.
You must configure OSA-ICC when you upgrade to an IBM z16 A01 or IBM z16 A02 or IBM
z16 AGZ from an older IBM zSystems generation where OSA-ICC definitions exist or when
installing a new IBM z16 and non-SNA consoles are required. For an upgrade from a IBM z14
or IBM z15, the OSA-ICC configuration is automatically upgraded to an IBM z16.
4. The Panel Configuration Options window opens (Figure 7-3). Define the session and
server configurations in this window, and validate those values. In this example, we define
the server configuration first, and then define the session configuration. To edit the server
configuration, select Edit server configuration and click OK.
5. The Edit Server Configuration window opens. Enter the necessary values on this window.
Figure 7-4 shows our sample configuration. Click OK to save.
6. The command is completed (ACT20402) window opens. Click OK to return to the Panel
Configuration Options window.
7. Next, define the session configuration. Select Edit sessions configuration and click OK.
The window that is shown in Figure 7-5 opens.
8. The Edit Sessions Configuration window opens (Figure 7-6). To configure a session,
select a number from the Session Index column and click Change.
9. The Edit Session Configuration window opens. Define the session parameter here. Click
OK to save (Figure 7-7).
10.The Edit Sessions Configuration window opens again (Figure 7-8). Be sure that your input
values are displayed correctly. To save the session values, click Save.
13.If the configuration data is correct, the command completed (ACT20402) window opens.
If an error is encountered, a window like Figure 7-10 opens. You can confirm the error by
selecting Display validate panel errors, as shown in Figure 7-11 on page 191, in Panel
Configuration Options (Figure 7-9). Correct the error, and select again Validate panel
values to recheck.
Figure 7-12, the window shows the details of the error message.
14.When the validation is complete without any errors, you can activate the OSA-ICC
configuration. To activate the configuration, exit the Panel Configuration Options window
by clicking Cancel, and then select Activate configuration in the Advanced Facilities
window (Figure 7-13).
16.When the activation is complete, the message that is shown in Figure 7-15 is displayed
Figure 7-16 HMC - Click HMC Management to get to the network diagnostic information
Figure 7-17 HMC - Clicking Network Diagnostic Information to ping the FTP server
c. On the Ping tab of the Network Diagnostic Information window, enter the TCP/IP
Address of the FTP server and click Ping. You should see the ping statistics, which
indicates that this HMC has a connection to the FTP server, as shown in Figure 7-18.
Figure 7-18 HMC - Network Diagnostic Information: Using the ping function to verify the physical
connection between this HMC and the FTP server
2. Log on to the HMC, select the CPC that you want to operate, and open the OSA Advanced
3. Select the OSC CHPID to export the OSA-ICC configuration file, select Card Specific
Advanced Facilities, select Manual configuration options, then click OK (Figure 7-19).
4. The Manual Configuration Options window opens (Figure 7-20). Select Export source
file by FTP and click OK.
5. The window prompts you for the FTP server information and the location of the file to
export. For our example, we enter OSC0140.txt as in Figure 7-21. Click Export. The HMC
task writes the source file for the PCHID that was selected on to the FTP server and
displays a message when it completes (Figure 7-22 on page 195). Click OK.
Figure 7-21 HMC - Export file: Specify the FTP server, and file path and name
Example shows an extract from the source file we have transferred to the FTP server.
PORT= 1024
HOST_LL_ADDRESS/PREFIX= fe80::160d:4fff:fe88:8ecc/64
MTU= 1492
PORT= 1025
HOST_LL_ADDRESS/PREFIX= fe80::160d:4fff:fe88:8ecd/64
MTU= 1492
CSS= 00 IID= 01 DEVICE= 0880
GROUP= "pavo01op"
6. You are prompted to provide the FTP server and file location information (Figure 7-24).
Click Import.
7. The next window (Figure 7-25) indicates that the source file import is complete. Click OK
to continue.
8. After importing the source file, you must validate it and activate the configuration.
IEE174I 12.56.00 DISPLAY M 520
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0088 + + $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@ $@
************************ SYMBOL EXPLANATIONS ************************
Figure 7-26 OSC D M=CHP
Using this command, you can confirm the channel path to a device. The node descriptor
information that is returned includes the emulated control unit (CU) 2074. Also included is
the 3931 machine type and serial number Figure 7-27 on page 198).
D M=DEV(880)
IEE174I 12.59.12 DISPLAY M 525
SCP TOKEN NED = 002074. .IBM.02.393100071A08.B100
SCP DEVICE NED = 002074.002.IBM.02.393100071A08.B100
Figure 7-27 OSC D M=DEV(xxx)
Using this command, you can confirm the device number and the status. Check whether
the device number and type are defined correctly (Figure 7-28).
D U,,,880,1
IEE457I 13.01.02 UNIT STATUS 527
0880 3270 O 0
Figure 7-28 OSC D U,,,device
If you do not see the initial window, check your definition in the OSA-ICC or IBM Personal
Communications session setup.
Figure 7-29 OSA-ICC initial window
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as IBM z16. Wherever features
and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly mentioned.
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
Defining timing-only links is described in 9.4, “Defining an STP timing-only link by using ICA
SR” on page 222.
For more information about STP concepts and planning information, see Server Time
Protocol Planning Guide, SG24-7280 and IBM Z Server Time Protocol Guide, SG24-8480.
Beginning with IBM z15, STP stratum level 41 is supported. Timekeeping information is
transmitted over coupling links. Figure 8-1 on page 201 shows a diagram of a CTN.
1 Stratum 4 is a temporary status to allow more options to move and replace machines and reconfigure CTN.
Although STP stratum level 4 is supported, it should not be used for permanent configurations. Stratum 4 should be
used for transitional configurations, during CTN maintenance.
200 IBM z16 Configuration Setup
Draft Document for Review May 12, 2023 8:06 am 8960ch08.fm
CF Link
Note: IBM z16 supports STP timing mode only (can be part of an STP-only CTN). The IBM
z16 cannot be in the same sysplex or CTN with any IBM zSystems earlier than the IBM
IBM z16 introduces a new, enhanced method for accessing the External Time Source by
connecting the IBM z16 CPC directly to the client network providing access to the PTP or
NTP time reference, thus bypassing the support element and the internal network. PTP or
NTP traffic is provided to the CPC through Ethernet connectivity to a new adapter card that is
in turn connected directly to the IBM z16 oscillators. This new adapter card features hardware
timestamping capabilities, allowing IBM z16 to take full advantage of the accuracy of PTP. In
the IBM z16, a new container firmware partition provides time protocol support for both NTP
and PTP.
For clients requiring accuracy to UTC lower than 100 milliseconds, pulse per second (PPS)
connectivity is also available. To provide NTP-, or PTP data, the NTP-, or PTP servers are
directly connected to the CPC.
Chapter 8. Preparing for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol overview 201
8960ch08.fm Draft Document for Review May 12, 2023 8:06 am
Note: On an IBM z16 A new adapter that carries the Pulse Per Second (PPS) connector
and the Oscillator(s) is installed. The new adapter provides 2 I350 (Ethernet) ports
One port dedicated to the SE interface
One port dedicated specifically to time synchronization (PTP and/or NTP)
One Coaxial cable connector for PPS
Figure 8-2 shows a sample PTP ETS configuration for the STP.
Especially for the financial markets, very tight time accuracy is demanded by the authorities of
various countries. The US Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) announced that
computer clocks that are used to record events in national market system (NMS) securities
and over-the-counter (OTC) equity securities must be synchronized to within a 50-millisecond
drift tolerance of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) atomic clock.
Also, the European Union demands in their Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MIFID
II) regulation that the maximum divergence from Coordinated Universal Time is 100
Unfortunately, the accuracy of the interface with an NTP server to maintain CST accuracy that
is provided by STP is 100 milliseconds to the time that is provided by the NTP server. To meet
the clock synchronization requirements of FINRA and MIFID II, the NTP server must have a
pulse per second (PPS) output signal that can achieve time accuracy within
10 microseconds. If your configuration requires the NTP server with PPS capability, the NTP
server that is configured as the ETS must be attached directly to the SE network, and the
PPS cable must be attached directly to the PPS port on the CPCs that have the Preferred
Time Server (PTS) and Backup Time Server (BTS) roles.
For more information about this topic, see STP recommendations for the FINRA clock
synchronization requirements.
Please refer to IBM zSystems Server Time Protocol Guide, SG24-8480 for more information.
The ability to define an NTP server on the HMC addresses potential security concerns
because the HMC is normally attached directly to the SE LAN. The HMC has two LAN ports
that are physically isolated, one port for the connection to the HMC/SE LAN used by NTP
client code, and the second port for the LAN used by HMC to access an NTP time server to
set its time. So the NTP server on the HMC can access another NTP server via a separate
LAN connection to obtain its time reference. Figure 8-3 on page 204). The NTP server
function on the HMC does not provide a pulse Per second (PPS) output.
Note: For security reasons, we do recommend connecting the External Time Source ports
to a protected network (through a firewall) for accessing the external time servers (PTP or
NTP). This also applies for the ETS connectivity direct to the CPC.
Chapter 8. Preparing for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol overview 203
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Please refer to IBM zSystems Server Time Protocol Guide, SG24-8480 for more information.
Figure 8-5 displays the Manage System Time task initial window on the HMC if there is a PTP
server configured.
Figure 8-5 Manage System Time initial window with mixed NTP-, and PTP server
Note: When a PTP server is configured as ETS the Server name is displayed instead of
the IP address.
In the Manage System Time initial window, the CTN topology appears as a graph. You can
identify the stratum level and the role of the CPC. You can also identify the status of each CTN
component, such as CPC, CF LINK, and ETS, by clicking the respective objects.
Chapter 8. Preparing for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol overview 205
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Note: Before adding a CPC to an existing CTN, ensure that Allow any server to be a
member of the CTN is selected in the Coordinated Timing Network (CTN) member
restriction preferences.
2. The Specify Coordinated Timing Network (CTN) Members window opens. In this window,
select the CPC name that does not belong to any CTN (ARIES). Click NEXT to continue
(Figure 8-9).
Chapter 8. Preparing for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol overview 207
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3. The Confirm Changes window opens. In this case, ARIES is added as a Stratum 2
server. Click APPLY to continue (Figure 8-10).
4. You see the Local CTN ID change confirmation for ARIES (Figure 8-11). After you select
APPLY, the Complete message window opens. Click Close to complete the
operation.(Figure 8-11).
You can also check the status of STP by running the z/OS D ETR command (Example 8-1).
Please refer to SG24-8480 IBM zSystems Server Time Protocol Guide for additional
Chapter 8. Preparing for IBM Parallel Sysplex and Server Time Protocol overview 209
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For more information about the enhancements that were made in CF level 25, see IBM z16
(3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951 or IBM z16 (3932) Technical Guide, SG 24-8952.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
Internal Coupling (IC) links are supported and used for internal communication between
logical partitions (LPARs) on the same central processor complex (CPC) running coupling
facilities (CFs) and z/OS images. The connection is emulated in Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
and provides fast and secure memory-to-memory communications between LPARs within a
single system. No physical cabling is required. For IC, an ICP type channel path ID (CHPID)
is used.
Note: IBM z16 do not support InfiniBand coupling links; only ICA SR and CE2-LR external
coupling links are supported.
When installing coupling links, ensure that you ordered enough ports to support your
configuration with physical feature redundancy. Your Parallel Sysplex should be configured for
the highest possible availability.
For more information, see Coupling Facility Configuration Options, ZSW01971, which can be
found at the IBM downloads website.
Evaluate whether the configuration includes any channel features that are not supported on
the IBM z16. The configuration should be reviewed for any channel types that cannot be
carried forward or connected to the IBM z16.
Another important point is to ensure that all CPCs are connected to the IBM z16 by using
coupling links as follows: Only N, N-1, and N-2 IBM zSystems generations can coexist in the
same Parallel Sysplex or Coordinated Timing Network (CTN). For example, the IBM z16
provides coupling connectivity back to IBM z14 M0x, IBM z14 ZR1, IBM z15 T01, and IBM
z15 T02 systems only through ICA SR and CE2-LR features.
Note: Deactivate any coupling link on other connected systems before an upgrade, or you
might experience configuration errors.
If an IBM z16 plays a CTN role (Preferred Time Server (PTS), Backup Time Server (BTS), or
Arbiter), then the other CTN role-playing CPCs must have coupling connectivity to the IBM
z16 (N, N-1, and N-2).
If coupling links will be connected across sites by using Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (DWDM), you must verify whether the DWDM equipment that you plan to use
supports the respective coupling link technology and is qualified for the STP.
Note: Do not use DWDM equipment that is not qualified by IBM to transport STP
For more information about the supported coupling link features, see IBM zSystems
Connectivity Handbook SG24-5444.
CE-LR coexistence/migration is critical: IBM z16 CE2-LR links connect to existing CE-LR
links on IBM z14 and IBM z15 using the same LR cabling.
Compatibility patches delivered to IBM z14 and IBM z15 in 2020 (Protocol updates for
CE-LR hardware cannot be used on IBM z16, neither new-build, nor carry-forward.
In this example, we show how to define a coupling link between an IBM z16 and an IBM z15
by using CHPID type CL5 (see Figure 9-2).
CE2-LR 10 Gbps
10/100 km
CL5 - Coupling Express2 LR
10Gb Ethernet (1x); PCIe adapter
IBM z16 to IBM z14/z14 ZR1, IBM z15 T01/T02, z16 Connectivity ONLY
z16 z15
CE2-LR is defined in an input/output configuration data set (IOCDS) like PSIFB. Even though
this feature is a PCIe feature, a physical channel ID (PCHID) is used instead of an adapter ID
(AID) to identify the physical card.
Example 9-1 shows a sample extract of the input/out configuration program (IOCP) to define
the new CHPID Type CL5 on the IBM z15 that connects to an IBM z16.
Example 9-1 IOCP definitions for CHPID Type CL5 on an IBM z15
ID .. *
.. *
.. *
(ARIES2E,E),.. *
Example 9-2 shows a sample extract of the corresponding IOCP definition for a connecting
CHPID Type CL5 on an IBM z16.
Example 9-2 IOCP definitions for CHPID Type CL5 on an IBM z16 system
ID .. *
.. *
VO11,1),.. *
Note: When you connect CF sender and CF receiver channel paths, or CF peer channel
paths, the Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) proposes a CF control unit (CU), and
device numbers that must be defined for a CF sender channel (CF receiver channels do
not require CUs and devices to be defined).
For more information about how to define CHPID Type CL5 in HCD, see 14.2.4, “Defining CL5
CHPIDs” on page 356.
Checking the status by using the SE windows by completing the following steps:
a. From the Hardware Management Console (HMC), select the CPC (under Systems
Management) where the CHPID/PCHID that you want to verify is, and click Single
Object Operations (under Recovery task options).
b. On the SE, select the same CPC and click Channels, as shown in Figure 9-3.
c. Look for the PCHID that you are interested in checking the status of. The result looks
like what is shown in Figure 9-4.
d. For more information about the PCHID, click the PCHID to show its details, as shown in
Figure 9-5 on page 217.
You can also check the status from the LPAR view. Select the LPAR that you want to check
the CHPID status of, and select the channels option under that LPAR. Now, you can look for
the CHPID and check the status, as shown in Figure 9-6.
Note: The ICA-SR 1.1 carries forward from IBM z15 an IBM z14. What is unique for IBM
z16 is the protocol used for the ICA SR links, which reduces the link latency and service
There is a complete coexistence with legacy ICA-SR connections (CS5 channel type) and the
expected result is improved CPU-synchronous CF service times.
In this example, we show how to define a coupling link between an IBM z16 system and an
IBM z15 system by using CHPID type CS5 (see Figure 9-7).
up to 150 m
CS5 - Integrated Coupling Adapter (ICA SR 1.1)
PCIe gen3 x8 (8 GB/s)
IBM z14, IBM z15, IBM z16 to IBM z14/z15/z16 Connectivity ONLY
z16 z15
Figure 9-7 CF link CS5 connection from an IBM z16 to an IBM z15
MRB: Message Response Block - MCB: Message Command Block
DREQ: DMA request - DMA: Direct Memory Access
The ICA SR is defined in IOCDS like PSIFB by using an AID to identify the physical card.
Example 9-4 on page 219 shows a sample of the IOCP defining the CS5 CHPID.
Example 9-4 IOCP definitions for CHPID Type CS5 on a IBM z15 system
ID .. *
.. *
(ARIES2E,E),.. *
Example 9-5 shows a sample extract of the corresponding IOCP definition for a connecting
CHPID Type CS5 on an IBM z16.
Example 9-5 IOCP definitions for CHPID Type CS5 on an IBM z16
ID .. *
.. *
),(PAVO0D,D),(PAVO0E,E),(PAVO0F,F),(PAVO01,1),(PAVO.. *
O2E,E),.. *
For more information about how to define CHPID Type CS5 in the HCD, see 14.2.3, “Defining
a Coupling Facility link with CS5 CHPIDs” on page 353.
c. Look for the PCHID that you are interested in checking the status for. The result looks
similar to what is shown in Figure 9-9 on page 221.
d. For more information about the PCHID, click the PCHID to show a result like what is
shown in Figure 9-10
Another option is to check the status from the LPAR view. Select the LPAR that you are
interested in checking the CHPID status of, and select the Channels option under that LPAR.
Now, you can look for the CHPID and check the status, as shown in Figure 9-11 on page 222.
A coupling link connection between an IBM z16 and an IBM z15 by using CS5 CHPIDs is
used as an example of how to define an STP timing-only link (see Figure 9-12).
z16 z15
Figure 9-12 STP timing-only link connection from an IBM z16 to an IBM z15 (over CS5)
A timing-only link ICA SR is defined in the IOCDS like an ICA SR. The only difference is the
CU type, which is STP in this case. Example 9-7 shows a sample IOCP defining the CS5
CHPID for timing-only links on the IBM z15 side.
Example 9-7 IOCP defining STP timing-only link on an IBM z15 by using CS5
ID .. *
.. *
(ARIES2E,E),(ARIES2F,F),(ARIES21,1),.. *
Example 9-8 shows a sample IOCP defining the CS5 CHPID for timing-only links on the IBM
z16 side.
Example 9-8 IOCP defining STP timing-only link on an IBM z16 by using CS5
ID .. *
.. *
11,1),.. *
The sequence of steps to define the STP timing-only link connection between an IBM z16 and
an IBM z15 by using CS5 CHPIDs through HCD is the same as for defining the CF links to a
For more information about how to define CHPID Type CS5 in HCD, see 14.2.3, “Defining a
Coupling Facility link with CS5 CHPIDs” on page 353.
2. After accepting or overriding the CU and Device numbers for both processors, HCD
returns to the CF Channel Path Connectivity List panel (Figure 9-14 on page 225). You
can see that the STP timing-only links are now connected.
CF Channel Path Connectivity List Row 5 of
Command ===> ____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
The same process that you used for ICA SR links should be followed to check the status
(online and operating) of the CS5 CHPIDs that were defined to work as STP timing-only links.
Complete the steps that are described in 9.3.1, “ICA SR: Verifying the configuration” on
page 219 by using the respective CHPID/PCHID of the links for which you are interested in
checking the status.
As previously mentioned in the installation flow chart (Figure 1-3 on page 5), the following
aspects must be considered for the activity Setup CF LPAR:
IBM z16 servers support active participation in the same Parallel Sysplex, and connection
with, these servers:
– IBM z15 T01 (M/T 8561) and IBM z15 T02 (M/T 8562).
– IBM z14 (M/T 3906) and IBM z14 ZR1 (M/T 3907).
– This is both a direct CPC-CPC connectivity requirement, as well as anywhere in the
sysplex regardless of direct or indirect connectivity.
This means:
– Configurations with z/OS on one of these servers can add an IBM z16 server to their
Sysplex for either a z/OS or a Coupling Facility image.
– Configurations with a Coupling Facility on one of these servers can add an IBM z16 to
their Sysplex for either a z/OS or a Coupling Facility image.
– Use of Integrated Coupling Adapter (ICA SR) or Coupling Express2 LR (CE LR)
coupling links required.
Note: IBM z14 servers were the last generation servers to support HCA3-O and
HCA3-O LR (Infiniband coupling links). These HCA3-O and HCA3-O LR links are
NOT supported on IBM z14 ZR1, IBM z15 or IBM z16.
Memory considerations:
– Memory planning must consider the CFCC memory and structure size increases that
are associated with a new level of the CFCC.
– LPARS running the CFCC code may increase storage requirements when moving from
CF Level 24 (or earlier) to CF Level 25. In fact, structure size increases due CF Level
25 might be more noticeable than in prior CFLEVELs, specifically for structures that are
smaller (perhaps, 100MB or less).
– As a best practice, use the Coupling Facility Structure Sizer (CFSizer) Tool, which you
can find at:
• Or the batch SIZER utility:
– For re-sizing your CF structures as needed, make corresponding changes your CFRM
policy INITSIZE and/or SIZE values.
– Additionally, as in prior CF Levels, ensure that the CF LPAR has at least 512 MB
storage for the CFCC microcode.
For more information about the enhancements that were made in CF level 25, see IBM z16
(3931)Technical Guide, SG24-8951 or IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ Technical Guide
Dynamic configuration capabilities for Standalone coupling facilities (SACFs) was introduced
on IBM z14 GA2 system and it is enabled by default on IBM z15 and IBM z16.
Stand Alone CFs have no co-resident z/OS (with HCD) images that can make hardware
dynamic I/O configuration changes on behalf of the CF partitions. Therefore, these I/O
changes require disruptive Initial Microcode Loads (IMLs) of the Stand Alone CF CPC, which
causes sysplex availability and complexity issues.
With new support, an activation service (firmware function) will be started on the Stand Alone
CF CPC to perform this role, which provides simple dynamically activated I/O changes with
no IML requirement.
New firmware communication pathways from the “driving” HCD managing the IODF changes,
via the HMC/SE, to the Standalone CF CPC, and ultimately the Master Control Services
(MCS) activation service (firmware function):
– For passing the modified target configuration.
– For driving the Dynamic I/O activate and associated recovery/management functions.
For more information, see the IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide SG24-8951 or IBM z16 (3932)
Technical Guide, SG24-8952.
Note: For remote dynamic I/O activation to run on an IBM z14 system, Driver Level 36 or
later is required.
2. Define Partition B in the highest* channel subsystem (CSS) with the name MCS_1 for the
CF processor.
Note: The highest CSS is CSS ID 5 for the IBM z14 (M0x), IBM z15 T01 and IBM z16
A01, and CSS ID 2 for the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, IBM z15 T02 and IBM z14
ZR1 systems.
Using the HCD, you see the panel shown in Figure 9-16.
Using the HCM, you see the window that shown in Figure 9-17.
3. To do the activation, update the IOCDS with the updated configuration to the CF
processor, and then perform a POR.
After this “last” POR is done on the SACF CPC, then all subsequent dynamic I/O changes
can be done dynamically.
The dynamic activation is like the existing remote dynamic activation on a server that
supports z/OS LPARs, but for hardware only changes.
For more information about how to implement this new support, see 5.5.2, “Dynamic I/O
configuration for stand-alone CF” on page 121.
This is a base IBM Processor Resource/System Manager (PR/SM) solution; it does not
require the use of Dynamic Partition Manager (DPM) mode:
A firmware function is used, which is a firmware based appliance version of the HCD
The solution is fully managed by the IBM zSystem firmware.
The solution is included with the base firmware (no need to order a feature code).
For IBM z14 only, the activation of the firmware function requires Power-on Reset with an
IOCDS that includes and establishes the activation service on the standalone CF CPC before
this new capability can be used.
The firmware LPAR is activated by default on IBM z15 and IBM z16.
Once this “last” POR is done on the standalone CF CPC (IBM z14 only), then all subsequent
dynamic I/O changes can be done dynamically.
The firmware appliance LPAR on a supported system will be driven by an updated HCD
running in z/OS LPAR on a remote IBM zSystem (Driver Level 36 or newer), as shown on
Figure 9-18 on page 230.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z15 T01 (8561).
However, the examples also apply for the IBM z15 T02 (8562), the IBM z16 A01 (3931),
and the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ (3932).
The chapter includes the steps for defining and configuring the Crypto Express8S feature to a
logical partition (LPAR).
This section describes the Crypto Express8S features for the IBM z16 system.
Each cryptographic coprocessor of an IBM z16 A01 has 85 physical sets of registers, which
corresponds to the maximum number of LPARs running on an IBM z16 A01. The IBM z16
A02 and IBM z16 AGZ have 40 sets. Each of these sets belongs to a domain as follows:
A cryptographic domain index, in the range of 0 - 84, (0 - 39 on an IBM z16 A02 and IBM
z16 AGZ) is allocated to an LPAR by the definition of the partition in its image profile. The
same domain must also be allocated to the Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility
(ICSF) instance running in the LPAR that uses the Options data set.
Each ICSF instance accesses only the master keys that correspond to the domain number
that is specified in the LPAR image profile at the Support Element (SE) and in its Options
data set. Each ICSF instance sees a logical cryptographic coprocessor that consists of the
physical cryptographic engine and the unique set of registers (the domain) that is
allocated to this LPAR.
1 Regional Crypto Enablement (RCE) is also supported, but it is not covered here.
The installation of CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions (CPACF) Data Encryption Standard
(DES) / Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES) Enablement (Feature Code 3863) is one of
the prerequisites for using the special hardware cryptographic feature in an IBM z16. Feature
Code 3863 enables the following functions:
For data privacy and confidentially: DES, TDES, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for
128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit keys. Also with Feature Code 3863, the Modulo arithmetic unit
is enabled, which supports Elliptic Curve Cryptography for verification and signing by
using NIST P256, P384, and P521 curves; Brainpool Curves P256, P384 and P512; and
Edward curves Ed25519 and Ed448 with clear keys.
For data integrity: Secure Hash Algorithm-1 (SHA-1) 160-bit, and SHA-2 for 224-, 256-,
384-, and 512-bit support. SHA-3 for 224-, 256- 384-, and 512-bit support, and SHAKE for
128- and 256-bit support. SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA3 are enabled on all IBM z16 A01
systems, and they do not require the no-charge enablement Feature Code 3863.
For Key Generation: Pseudo-Random Number Generation (PRNG), Deterministic
Random Number Generation (DRNG), and True Random Number Generation (TRNG).
For message authentication code: Single-key message authentication code and
double-key message authentication code.
The IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ support up to 20 cards with 2 PCIe adapters (Crypto
Express7S 2 port carried forward or Crypto Express8S 2 port resulting in 40 PCIe adapters.
The initial order for Crypto Express8S is two features (two PCIe adapters for Feature Code
0909, and four PCIe adapters for Feature Code 0908). After the initial order, the minimum
order is one feature.
Each Crypto Express8S Feature Code 0909 contains one PCIe adapter, and each Crypto
Express8S Feature Code 0908 contains one PCIe adapter. The adapter can be in the
following configurations:
Common Cryptographic Architecture (CCA) Coprocessor (CEX8C)
Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #11 (EP11) Coprocessor (CEX8P)
Accelerator (CEX8A)
During the feature installation, the PCIe adapter is configured by default as the CCA
The Crypto Express8S feature does not use channel path IDs (CHPIDs) from the channel
subsystem (CSS) pool. However, the Crypto Express8S feature requires one slot in a PCIe
I/O drawer, and one physical channel ID (PCHID) for each PCIe cryptographic adapter.
Table 10-1 summarizes the cryptographic feature codes for IBM z162.
Feature Description
Note: You might need the TKE workstation including TKE Smart Card Reader while you
run CEX in CCA mode to meet certain security standards requirements.
For more information about the Crypto Express8S feature and the corresponding crypto
features, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide, SG24-8951, or IBM z16 (3932) Technical
Guide SG24-8952.
Note: New ICSF support is required to administer a Crypto Express8S coprocessor using
a TKE workstation, due to exploitation of quantum algorithms. Otherwise, existing
workloads will run on IBM z16 A01 without requiring ICSF support.
Exploitation of new function is supplied in ICSF PTFs on z/OS V2.2 - V2.4 (Web
deliverable HCR77D1, can be downloaded from the z/OS downloads website) or V2.5
(base, which is HCR77D2). When exploiting new quantum-safe Algorithms and sharing a
KDS in a sysplex, ensure all ICSF PTFs are installed on all systems.
All supported levels of ICSF automatically detect what HW cryptographic capabilities are
available where it is running, then enables functions accordingly. No toleration of new HW
is necessary, it is “just there”. If you want to exploit new capabilities, then ICSF support is
For the latest MCL bundle requirements, see the Driver Level 51 Exception Letter.
The IBM z16 always operates in LPAR mode. The concept of dedicated coprocessor does not
apply to the PCIe adapter. A PCIe adapter, whether configured as a coprocessor or
accelerator, is made available to LPARs as directed by the domain assignment and the
candidate list. This process occurs regardless of the shared or dedicated status that is given
to the central processors (CPs) in the partition.
The IBM z16 A01 enables up to 85 LPARs to be active concurrently. The IBM z16 A02 and
IBM z16 AGZ enable up to 40 LPARs to be active concurrently. Each PCIe adapter on a
Crypto Express8S feature supports 85 domains on an IBM z16 A01 and 40 domains on an
IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ, whether it is configured as a Crypto Express8S coprocessor
or a Crypto Express8S accelerator.
For availability reasons, the minimum configuration consists of two Crypto Express8S
features so that every potential LPAR can have access to two cryptographic adapters on two
different cards.
More Crypto Express8S features might be needed to satisfy application performance and
availability requirements:
For availability, spread the assignment of multiple PCIe adapters of the same type
(accelerator or coprocessor) to one LPAR across features in multiple I/O domains.
Using retained private keys on a PCIe adapter that is configured as a Crypto Express8S
coprocessor creates an application single point of failure. This point of failure exists
because RSA-retained private keys are not copied or backed up.
There is an intrusion latch within the PCIe adapter logic that is set when the feature is
removed from the system. If the feature is reinstalled and power is applied, the
coprocessor keys and secrets are zeroed and the intrusion latch is reset.
If a TKE workstation is available, disable the PCIe adapter before you remove the feature
from the system. When the feature is reinstalled, the coprocessor keys and secrets are not
zeroed. The intrusion latch is reset, and the coprocessor remains in the disabled state.
The PCIe adapter then can be enabled from the TKE and normal operations can resume.
Plan the definition of domain indexes and cryptographic coprocessor numbers in the
Candidate list for each LPAR to prepare the cryptographic configuration. You can also
define or change that cryptographic definition dynamically to an active LPAR with a
running system. For more information, see “Change LPAR Cryptographic Controls
function” on page 243.
Crypto Express8S features can be installed concurrently when all physical requirements
are fulfilled. Dynamically enabling a new PCIe adapter to a partition requires these
– At least one usage domain index must be defined to the LPAR.
– The cryptographic coprocessor numbers must be defined in the partition candidate list.
The same usage domain index can be defined more than once across multiple LPARs.
However, the cryptographic coprocessor number that is coupled with the usage domain
index that is specified must be unique across all active LPARs.
The same cryptographic coprocessor number and usage domain index combination can
be defined for more than one LPAR. This feature can be used, for example, to define a
configuration for backup situations. In this case, only one of the LPARs can be active at
any one time.
Newly installed Crypto Express8S features are assigned coprocessor numbers
sequentially during the Power on Reset (POR) that follows the installation.
However, when a Crypto Express8S feature is installed concurrently by using the
Nondisruptive Hardware Change task, the installation might select an out-of-sequence
coprocessor number from the unused range. In this case, communicate the cryptographic
coprocessor numbers that you want to use to the IBM installation team.
When the task is used to concurrently remove a PCI cryptographic feature, the
coprocessor number is automatically freed.
Table 10-2 is a simplified configuration map for an IBM z16 A01. For an IBM z16 A02 and IBM
z16 AGZ the last column should be for Domain Index 39. Each row identifies a PCIe adapter,
and each column identifies a domain index number. Each cell entry indicates the LPAR to be
assigned to the cryptographic coprocessor number that is coupled with the usage domain
Table 10-2 Planning for logical partitions, domains, and PCIe adapter numbers
PCIe adapter Domain Domain Domain .../... Domain
index 0 index 1 index 2 index 84
PCIe adapter 2
PCIe adapter 37
PCIe adapter 38
PCIe adapter 39
Important: Any combination of PCIe adapter and domain index should contain only
one active LPAR. The combination of cryptographic coprocessor number and usage
domain index must be unique across all active LPARs.
For more information about the Crypto Express8S feature for IBM Z, see IBM z16 (3931)
Technical Guide, SG24-8951 and IBM z16 (3932) Technical Guide, SG24-8952.
Note: The same steps below can be used for configuring Crypto Express8S for the IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
The IBM z16 operates only in LPAR mode. For each LPAR that requires access to a PCIe
adapter, which is configured as either an accelerator or a coprocessor, the required
information must be defined in the partition image profile. This technique ensures the correct
use of the cryptographic features when the associated partition is activated.
Concurrent changes to the Crypto Express8S features and controls when the partition is
already activated are provided by special functions on the SE.
3. Click the Instance Information tab, and verify that the CPACF DES/TDES Enablement
Feature Code 3863 is installed:
– If the window shows the message “CP Assist for Crypto Functions: Installed”, the
CPACF enablement Feature Code 3863 is enabled.
– If the window shows the message “CP Assist for Crypto Functions: Not installed”,
Feature Code 3863 is not installed. You can still customize the partition image profiles,
but the cryptographic functions do not operate.
This task is accomplished by using the Customize/Delete Activation Profile task, which is in
the Operational Customization Group, either from the HMC or from the SE. Modify the
cryptographic initial definition from the Crypto option in the image profile, as shown in
Figure 10-2. After this definition is modified, any change to the image profile requires you to
DEACTIVATE and ACTIVATE the LPAR for the change to take effect. Therefore, this kind of
cryptographic definition is disruptive to a running system.
Tip: Operational changes can be made by using the Change LPAR Cryptographic Controls
task from the SE, which reflects the cryptographic definitions in the image profile for the
partition. With this function, you can dynamically add and remove the cryptographic feature
without stopping a running operating system (OS). For more information about using this
function, see “Change LPAR Cryptographic Controls function” on page 243.
These tasks require you to work from the SE. To get to the appropriate SE task, log on to the
SE directly or click Single Object Operations from the HMC.
Cryptographic management
After you select the CPCs, click Cryptographic Management in the Configuration section.
Figure 10-4 on page 242 shows the Cryptographic Management window. Use this window to
obtain the installed cryptographic configuration (the association of the cryptographic number
and the card serial number).
View installed cryptographic features, including their statuses and assigned PCHIDs and
coprocessor numbers. Each PCIe adapter is assigned to a coprocessor number, in the
range 0 - 59, as part of the configuration process. The assignment is made when the
feature is installed.
View coprocessor numbers that are still assigned to removed cryptographic features.
Initiate the release of coprocessor numbers. Remove the relationship only when a Crypto
Express8S feature is permanently removed from the CPC.
The release option removes the relationship between a PCI cryptographic feature serial
number and the assigned coprocessor numbers. Removing the relationship frees the
coprocessor numbers, making them available to be assigned to a new feature serial
Important: The coprocessor numbers are assigned to the feature serial number, not to
the installed location. If a feature is removed from one location to be reinstalled in
another location, the coprocessor number assignment remains.
The window that opens shows the definition of Usage and Control domain indexes, and PCI
Cryptographic candidate and online lists. The information is provided only for active LPARs.
Tip: You can review the PCI Cryptographic candidate lists and usage domain indexes that
are assigned for all active LPAR from the Summary tab (see Figure 10-5 on page 243).
The usage domain index, in combination with the cryptographic number that is selected in
the candidate list, must be unique across all partitions that are defined to the CPC.
Therefore, this new tab is useful when you define or change the usage domain index for an
This window is for informational purposes only. You can see the definitions, but you cannot
change them by using this window. Modifying the cryptographic coprocessor on/off status
requires using the Configure On/Off task, which is described in “Configuring a Crypto
Express8S online or offline on a logical partition” on page 254.
Using the Change LPAR Cryptographic Controls function, which is included in the SE for the
IBM z16 A01, you can do these tasks:
Add a cryptographic coprocessor to an LPAR for the first time.
Select the Control and Usage for each domain and the cryptographic Candidate and Online
for each crypto (see Figure 10-6).
Remember: Changes to the Cryptographic Coprocessor Online List are ignored when
this option is selected.
Save the definitions to the image profile and activate the changes immediately to the
When you add or change the control or usage domain index and cryptographic coprocessor
number dynamically for a running system, a confirmation message appears. After processing,
a status window opens and indicates the result of a dynamic addition or change of a
cryptographic definition to an LPAR (see Figure 10-7).
Besides adding or changing cryptographic settings for an LPAR, you can remove the
Control and Usage domains or Cryptographic Candidate lists for an LPAR from the
Change LPAR Cryptographic Controls window (see Figure 10-6 on page 244).
After clearing the definitions for an LPAR, remove a definition dynamically by clicking
Change Running System. To save the new configuration to the image profile without
changing the running system, select Save to Profiles. With Save and Change, the
removal becomes concurrently active, and the removed cryptographic coprocessor also is
not used for the next image activation.
2. When you remove the only definition of the cryptographic lists, the zeroize window opens
(see Figure 10-9).
Consideration: Because you cannot see all cryptographic information, including the
usage domains for other LPARs, you might need to check the information in the View
LPAR Cryptographic Controls window before you continue. For more information
about zeroize, see “Reconfiguration of the PCIe adapter type” on page 247.
3. In the confirmation window (see Figure 10-10), click OK to dynamically change the
cryptographic settings. You also must enter your user password to confirm this change.
After processing, a status window indicates the result of the dynamic change of
cryptographic definition to an LPAR.
When a PCIe adapter is configured as a CCA coprocessor, it can still run accelerator
functions, albeit much more slowly than when configured as accelerator. When it is configured
as an accelerator, it cannot run coprocessor functions.
To reconfigure the PCIe adapter from coprocessor to accelerator, complete the following
1. Select the CPC that has cryptographic coprocessor adapters that you want to reconfigure,
and then click the Cryptographic Configuration task in the Configuration Group.
2. The reconfiguration is enabled only for PCIe adapters that are off. Therefore, be sure that
the PCIe Cryptographic adapter status for that cryptographic coprocessor channel is
unconfigured. If necessary, set the PCIe Cryptographic adapter to Off for all partitions that
have it in their candidate list. To set the PCIe Cryptographic adapter to Off, use the
procedure that is described in “Configuring a Crypto Express8S online or offline on a
logical partition” on page 254.
3. Select the number of the cryptographic coprocessor channel (see Figure 10-11) and click
Crypto Type Configuration.
4. Change the configuration for the cryptographic coprocessor adapter. The selected
cryptographic coprocessor channel is configured as a coprocessor (see Figure 10-12).
Select Accelerator.
By selecting Accelerator, you can zeroize the selected coprocessor by also selecting
Zeroize the Coprocessor on the Crypto Type Configuration window. However, clear the
Zeroize the Coprocessor check box and click Apply.
Note: UDX support is not available for a Crypto Express8S that is defined as an EP11
coprocessor and accelerator.
The Cryptographic Type is now a Crypto Express8S Accelerator. The adapter was not
zeroized during the type-changing procedure.
The procedure for changing the type of the cryptographic configuration from a coprocessor to
a accelerator is complete. To change the accelerator back to a coprocessor, the same
procedure can be used, but select Coprocessor instead of Accelerator, as shown in
Figure 10-12 on page 248.
4. Change the configuration for the cryptographic coprocessor adapter. Select EP11
Coprocessor (see Figure 10-17), which by default, automatically selects the Zeroize the
coprocessor option. Click Apply.
6. Check that your request completed successfully. Click OK to return to the Crypto Type
Configuration window.
7. Click Cancel on the Crypto Type Configuration window to return to the Cryptographic
Configuration window. You can confirm that the target cryptographic channel changed to
the EP11 Coprocessor type in the Cryptographic Configuration task window. The Crypto
Serial Number, Operating Mode, and TKE Commands should be “Not available” until the
cryptography is set to Online again, as described in “Configuring a Crypto Express8S
online or offline on a logical partition” on page 254.
After you complete this task and return to the Cryptographic Configuration window, the
information in Figure 10-19 appears.
8. Click View Details to display the detailed information, as shown in Figure 10-20.
This step completes changing the type of the cryptographic configuration from a CCA
Coprocessor to an EP11 coprocessor. To change the configuration back to a CCA
Coprocessor, the same procedure can be used, but select CCA Coprocessor instead of
EP11 Coprocessor.
You can also switch the configuration mode from Accelerator to EP11 Coprocessor and from
EP11 to Accelerator by using the same process, but selecting Accelerator or EP11
Coprocessor as required.
5. Select the cryptographic coprocessor and click Tasks → Crypto Service Operations →
Configure On/Off task (see Figure 10-22 on page 255). This task controls the online or
offline (standby) state of a cryptographic processor for LPARs that are defined in the
cryptographic processor’s candidate list.
Figure 10-22 Crypto Service Operations: LPAR Crypto Selection Configure Online
6. Select the cryptographic coprocessor channel number that you want, and then click
Select Action → Toggle to switch from Standby to Online (see Figure 10-23). If you want
multiple cryptographic channels concurrently, select Toggle All On.
7. After confirming that your requested cryptographic coprocessor channel is set to the
wanted state of Online, click OK (see Figure 10-24).
8. Confirm that your request completed (see Figure 10-25). Click OK.
9. You can now view the contents of the Cryptos window of the LPAR to confirm that the
cryptographic channels are now in the Operating status (see Figure 10-26).
Figure 10-27 Crypto Service Operations: LPAR Crypto Selection, Configure Offline
2. Select the cryptographic coprocessor channel number that you want, and click Select
Action → Toggle All Standby to switch from Online to Standby (see Figure 10-28).
3. After you confirm that the state for your requested cryptographic channel is Standby, click
OK (see Figure 10-29).
5. Confirm that your request completed (see Figure 10-31 on page 258). Click OK.
It is not the purpose of this section to show how to create, load, and manage keys in the
cryptographic adapters. For that information, see the ICSF literature. This section shows only
how to activate and deactivate a cryptographic coprocessor and display the hardware status.
Cryptographic coprocessors that are currently configured on the partition are listed in the
ICSF Coprocessor Management panel (see Figure 10-33).
------- -------- -------------------- --- --- --- --- ---
_ 8C00 93AADVP5 Active A I I I
_ 8A01 N/A Active
_ 8C02 93AADVP1 Active A I I I
_ 8A03 N/A Active
_ 8C04 93AADVLP Active A I I I
_ 8C05 93AADVL4 Active A I I I
_ 8C06 93AADVK7 Active A I I I
_ 8C07 93AADTG6 Active A I I I
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
When a coprocessor is configured offline to the LPAR from the SE (standby status), it is
shown as Offline in the ICSF Coprocessor Management panel (see Figure 10-34).
------- -------- -------------------- --- --- --- --- ---
_ 8C00 93AADVP5 Active A I I I
_ 8A01 N/A Active
_ 8C02 93AADVP1 Active A I I I
_ 8A03 N/A Offline
_ 8C04 93AADVLP Active A I I I
_ 8C05 93AADVL4 Active A I I I
_ 8C06 93AADVK7 Active A I I I
_ 8C07 93AADTG6 Active A I I I
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
2. In the list (see Figure 10-35), enter A or D to switch a coprocessor status to Active or
------- -------- -------------------- --- --- --- --- ---
_ 8C00 93AADVP5 Active A I I I
_ 8A01 N/A Active
_ 8C02 93AADVP1 Active A I I I
d 8A03 N/A Active
_ 8C04 93AADVLP Active A I I I
_ 8C05 93AADVL4 Active A I I I
_ 8C06 93AADVK7 Active A I I I
_ 8C07 93AADTG6 Active A I I I
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
When a coprocessor is deactivated through ICSF (see Figure 10-36), it cannot be used by
applications that run in that system image. The EP11 coprocessor configuration requires a
TKE workstation.
Generally, deactivate an active coprocessor from the ICSF Coprocessor Management panel
before it is configured off from the SE.
Note: If you do not deactivate the coprocessor first, some jobs might not be rerouted
------- -------- -------------------- --- --- --- --- ---
_ 8C00 93AADVP5 Active A I I I
_ 8A01 N/A Active
_ 8C02 93AADVP1 Active A I I I
_ 8A03 N/A Deactivated
_ 8C04 93AADVLP Active A I I I
_ 8C05 93AADVL4 Active A I I I
_ 8C06 93AADVK7 Active A I I I
_ 8C07 93AADTG6 Active A I I I
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
The Active/Deactivated status that is viewed from ICSF Coprocessor Management does not
change the Online/Standby status that is set from the IBM z16 SE.
Figure 10-37 shows ICSF Coprocessor Hardware Status panel fro adapters 8C00 and 8C02.
Help information from the ICSF Coprocessor Management panel (see Figure 10-38 and
Figure 10-39 on page 263) describes valid actions and status information for each type of
cryptographic coprocessor.
- Active: The feature is available for work.
- Offline: The feature is installed but not available to ICSF.
- Deactivated: The feature has been deactivated (see action
- Busy: The feature is temporarily busy.
- Hardware error: The feature has been stopped.
- Disabled by TKE: The feature has removed from service by a TKE
- Master key incorrect: At least one master key is incorrect.
- Being reconfigured: An error has been detected and being checked by the
configuration task
VFM is designed to help improve availability and handling of paging workload spikes when
running z/OS V2.1 or newer. With this support, z/OS is designed to help improve system
availability and responsiveness by using VFM across transitional workload events, such as
market openings and diagnostic data collection. z/OS is also designed to help improve
processor performance by supporting middleware exploitation of pageable large
(1 MB) pages.
Using VFM can help availability by reducing latency from paging delays that can occur at the
start of the workday or during other transitional periods. It is also designed to help eliminate
delays that can occur when collecting diagnostic data during failures. VFM can also be used
in Coupling Facility (CF) images to provide extended capacity and availability for workloads by
using IBM WebSphere® MQ Shared Queues structures.
VFM can help organizations meet their most demanding service level agreements and
compete more effectively. VFM is easy to configure provide rapid time to value.
For more information about the VFM feature, see IBM z16 (3931) Technical Guide,
SG24-8951 and IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ Technical Guide, SG8952.
Note: The screen shots in this section are taken on a IBM z15 T01, but all steps and
screens are basically the same for all IBM z16 models.
The assignment of VFM to LPARs is exclusively done with the definitions in the image
activation profiles.
Note: Unlike the Flash Express cards, the allocation of VFM to LPARs cannot be altered to
an activated LPAR. So, the Manage Flash Allocation selection on the HMC is not
supported for IBM z14, IBM z14 ZR1, IBM z15 T01, IBM z15 T02 and IBM z16 A01, A02
and AGZ systems.
z/OS enables more memory to be configured online, up to the maximum memory that is
defined in this window or up to the maximum VFM that is available and not used by other
Minimum amounts are allocated from the available pool, so they cannot be overallocated.
Maximum amounts can be overallocated up to the VFM LICCC value of the IBM z16 A01.
Maximum amounts must be greater than or equal to the initial amounts.
To allocate VFM to a partition, select the LPAR on the HMC and click Operational
Customization → Customize/Delete Activation Profiles. Then, select the image profile
and click Customize profile. The Initial and the Maximum values for the VFM are specified
on the Storage tab. This configuration is shown in Figure 10-40.
In this example, the initial value is set to 16 GB, and the maximum value is set to 32 GB. The
IBM z15 T01 system has two VFM features that are installed, which enables a maximum of
1024 GB allocated to the LPAR.
These definitions do not change the settings of a running LPAR. They are used only for the
activation of the LPAR. A newly activated LPAR starts with the specified amount of initial VFM.
If in the image activation profile of an LPAR an amount of initial VFM storage greater than the
available amount of deallocated VFM on the IBM z15 T01 is specified, the activation of this
LPAR fails with message ACTZ01EB, as illustrated in Figure 10-41 on page 266.
Note: For a CF LPAR, it is also possible to define an initial value and a higher maximum
value for VFM in the image profile. However, it does not make sense to set the maximum
value higher than the initial value because the Coupling Facility Control Code (CFCC) does
not support any command to set any reserved memory online.
Note: The screen shots in this section are taken on a IBM z15 T01, but all steps and
screens are basically the same for all IBM z16 models.
The memory allocation of an IBM z16 A01 system is shown on the SE in the Storage
Information window. To view it, click the server and select Operational Customization →
Storage Information. The Base System Storage Allocation window opens, as shown in
Figure 10-42.
The IBM z15 T01 in our examples (ARIES) has 1024 GB installed, of which 64 GB are
allocated to activated LPARs.
The Logical Partition Storage Allocation window shows the VFM allocation of the LPARs. For
every LPAR, the initial and the maximum amount of VFM is listed (which were specified in the
image activation profile), and the currently allocated amount, as shown in Figure 10-43.
In z/OS for Flash Express and VFM, the PAGESCM parameter is supported in IEASYSxx. The
syntax is shown in Example 10-1. This parameter determines whether and how much SCM is
made available to an LPAR at IPL time.
This parameter specifies the minimum amount of SCM that should be made available for use
as auxiliary storage. The system reserves this amount of SCM during IPL for subsequent use
as auxiliary storage. Extra SCM is allocated on an as-needed basis if use of this initial amount
of SCM is exceeded.
You can specify the following value ranges for the PAGESCM parameter to reserve
SCM for paging at IPL:
xxxxxxM Specifies the amount of SCM to reserve for paging at IPL in
megabytes. This value can be 1 - 6 decimal digits.
xxxxxxG Specifies the amount of SCM to reserve for paging at IPL in
gigabytes. This value can be 1 - 6 decimal digits.
The CONFIG SCM command is used to set SCM online or offline to an LPAR (Example 10-2).
The system reconfigures SCM both logically and physically. To bring SCM online, a number
must be specified. To take SCM offline, a range of starting and ending addresses of the SCM
blocks must be specified.
Attention: If you take SCM offline and do not specify one or more scm_ranges, the system
selects which SCM increments to take offline.
ONLINE or ON The system brings the specified amount of SCM online. ONLINE is the
default value if only CONFIG SCM is specified. The system rejects the
command if you specify these values:
– A value that is not a multiple of the SCM increment size.
– A value that exceeds the total amount of SCM that is defined to this
– A value that is not a valid amount of SCM (0, for example).
– SCM is not supported or not defined on the system.
OFFLINE or OFF The system takes the specified amount or specified ranges of SCM
Attention: Taking SCM offline can affect data reliability and performance. Consider these
implications before taking SCM offline:
Your system must have enough auxiliary storage, which can include SCM and must
include page data sets, to back critical system data. The CONFIG SCM OFFLINE command
fails if taking the specified number of SCMs offline results in leaving auxiliary storage
more than 50% full.
SCM is used for paging critical address spaces and common address spaces. An
insufficient amount of SCM causes those address spaces to demote the larger pages to
page-to-page data sets, which can lead to a loss of critical data during a DASD
IBM HyperSwap® scenario.
SCM is used for paging large pages. If there is an insufficient amount of SCM, 1 MB
large pages are demoted to 256 4-KB pages and page-to-page data sets, which can
negatively affect system performance.
The DISPLAY ASM and DISPLAY M commands are enhanced to display information and statuses
that are related to VFM:
DISPLAY ASM Lists the SCM status along with the paging data set status.
DISPLAY ASM,SCM Displays a summary of SCM usage.
DISPLAY M=SCM Displays SCM online or offline and increment information.
DISPLAY M=SCM(DETAIL) Displays detailed increment-level information.
Tip: You might notice a difference in usage numbers between the DISPLAY M=SCM and
DISPLAY ASM commands. The difference is because of how ASM perceives its use of the
cache of available SCM block IDs that ASM maintains. To ASM, some block IDs are not in
use because they were not assigned to page out requests. However, to the DISPLAY M=SCM
command processor, block IDs are in use because they were assigned to ASM for its use.
VFM storage can also be used by CF LPARs running CFCC Level 25 on IBM z16 A01, CFCC
Level 24 on IBM z15 T01 and T02, and CFCC Level 22 or 23 on IBM z14 and IBM z14 ZR1.
Systems without this support cannot connect to or rebuild a structure by using SCM storage.
In 10.2.3, “Configuring VFM” on page 264, we allocate an initial VFM of 16 GB to the LPAR
ARIES21, and a maximum VFM of 32 GB, as shown in Figure 10-40 on page 265. Now, from
ARIES21, which is running the z/OS image SC76, we run the IBM MVS™
DISPLAY IPLINFO,PAGESCM command. Example 10-3 shows the results.
Because PAGESCM parameter is not specified, the default value of ALL is used. If a VFM
allocation is defined for the LPAR and PAGESCM=ALL is specified (or kept at the default), then at
IPL time, the initial amount of VFM that is specified is used automatically by z/OS for paging.
Likewise, if a specific amount is specified, this amount is made available for paging.
From SC76, run the enhanced DISPLAY ASM and DISPLAY M commands to display the VFM
SCM-related information and status. The result for each command is shown in Example 10-4.
IEE207I 12.05.26 DISPLAY ASM 801
IN-USE 0% 4,194,304 20,247 0
IEE174I 12.06.04 DISPLAY M 803
IEE174I 12.06.53 DISPLAY M 805
From these commands, you see that 32 GB of VFM is defined, but only 16 GB are online, and
the other 16 GB are offline-available.
To vary an additional 16 GB VFM online to the example LPAR, run the CONFIG
SCM(xxG),ONLINE command, as shown in Example 10-5. The amount of VFM that is
configured online must be specified according to the supported increment size. From these
displays, the supported increment size is 16G.
Run the DISPLAY ASM and DISPLAY M commands again to display the status of the VFM and
see that the 16 GB additional value is now online and available (Example 10-6).
IEE207I 12.10.41 DISPLAY ASM 847
IN-USE 0% 8,388,608 20,247 0
IEE174I 12.08.47 DISPLAY M 843
IEE174I 12.11.46 DISPLAY M 849
When displaying the Storage Information windows on the SE again (compare to Figure 10-42
on page 266 and Figure 10-43 on page 267), this change in LPAR ARIES21 is reflected.
Figure 10-44 Results of CONFIG SCM(16G),ONLINE in LPAR ARIES21 - Base System Storage
In Figure 10-45, the amount of VFM allocated to LPAR ARIES21 went up to 32 GB.
Figure 10-45 Results of CONFIG SCM(16G),ONLINE in LPAR ARIES21 - Logical Partition Storage
You also can set VFM offline, even to an amount that is lower than the initial value that is
specified in the image activation profile. If for LPAR ARIES21 the amount of online VFM is
reduced to 0 GB by running CONFIG SCM(32G),OFFLINE, which results in the Storage
Information windows displayed in Figure 10-46 and Figure 10-47. In Figure 10-46, the amount
of allocated VFM went down to 48 GB.
Figure 10-46 Results after CONFIG SCM(32G),OFFLINE in LPAR ARIES21 - Base System Storage
In Figure 10-47, the amount of VFM allocated to LPAR ARIES21 went down to 0 GB, which is
lower than the initial 16 GB.
Figure 10-47 Results after CONFIG SCM(32G),OFFLINE in LPAR ARIES21 - Logical Partition Storage
Note: An LPAR uses only the amount of VFM activated for that LPAR. VFM that is set
offline by the OS is returned to be used by other LPARs.
The allocation of VFM to a CF LPAR is done in the same way as for z/OS LPARs, which is
described in 10.2.3, “Configuring VFM” on page 264. The amount of SCM that is allocated to
a CF LPAR can be displayed in the Operating System Messages window at the HMC.
For example, LPAR ARIES2F, which allocated 32 GB of initial VFM storage, has a message
that shows the amount of SCM available, as shown in Example 10-7.
The CF must know the algorithm of how the structure is used by the application. Currently,
this algorithm is defined only for IBM MQ shared queues. To use this function, assign flash
memory to your coupling facilities (CFs) and update your structure definitions in your CFRM
policy with the new parameters SCMMAXSIZE and SCMALGORITHM. For more information, see
z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex, SA23-1399.
IBM MQ for z/OS Version 7 or later enables the migration of IBM MQ shared queue objects to
flash memory when the structure utilization exceeds the defined threshold. The IBM MQ
objects are fetched back to real CF Storage when requested. This process provides an
overflow capability for IBM MQ shared queues to handle workload peaks.
IBM Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) provides measurement data and reporting
capabilities for VFM and Flash Express. The support enhances RMF Postprocessor and
Monitor III reports with various new CF SCM statistics.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: Not all of the following configuration items are necessarily required for your
installation. In addition, the examples that are presented are not exhaustive.
This chapter shows only the definition process. If you want a deeper understanding about
how to use HCD and Fibre Connection (FICON), see these resources:
I/O Configuration Using z/OS HCD and HCM, SG24-7804
FICON Planning and Implementation Guide, SG24-6497
Review the z/OS HCD Planning, GA32-0907-40. See IBM Documentation
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
The following I/O definitions use HCD to demonstrate the examples. The examples in this
section continue the work example SYS9.IODF81.WORK.
An OSCONFIG describes the z/OS view of devices attached to a partition with it's operational
behavior and parameters and features. An LPAR is a hardware definition of a runtime
environment for an operating systems and devices visible it. FICON switches describe a
storage fabric, the cabling and connection of your IBM zSystem and attached storage server.
4. To add an EDT ID, enter s next to the new OSCONFIG (see Figure 11-2).
5. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 11-3) to add an EDT.
6. Update EDT identifier to 00, and press Enter.
7. Enter s (work with esoterics) next to EDT 00, and press Enter (see Figure 11-4).
Chapter 11. Adding logical partitions and operating system configurations 277
8960ch11.fm Draft Document for Review May 12, 2023 9:24 am
8. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 11-5) to add an Esoteric.
9. Make the following updates, and press Enter:
– Update Esoteric name to ITSOESO1.
– Update VIO eligible to Yes (if you want to make this Esoteric VIO eligible). This
setting is normally used for an Esoteric called VIO.
– Update Token to 1.
10.After you add devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST in the following examples, you can
add those device definitions to an Esoteric or Console if applicable.
Note: Not all of the following configuration items are necessarily required for your
installation. In addition, the examples that are presented are not exhaustive.
This chapter shows only the definition process. If you want a deeper understanding about
how to use HCD and FICON, see these resources:
I/O Configuration Using z/OS HCD and HCM, SG24-7804
FICON Planning and Implementation Guide, SG24-6497
Review the z/OS HCD Planning, see IBM Documentation
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z116 AGZ
The following I/O definitions use HCD to demonstrate the examples. The examples continue
by using the work example SYS9.IODF81.WORK.
Select one or more switches, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
CU Dev
/ ID Type + Ad Serial-# + Description Num. Num.
_ 01 2032 01 10546MH 8960-F64 SAN64B-6 SW 01 0001 0001
_ 02 2032 02 10546MD 8960-F64 SAN64B-6 SW 03 0002 0002
_ 41 2032 41 __________ ITSO test SAN definition 0041 0041
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
| Switch control unit(s) 0041 and device(s) 0041 defined, but not yet |
| connected to both a processor and an operating system. |
To define a FICON CHPID, connect to a FICON switch and provide access to a partition.
Then, complete the following steps1:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. Press PF11 or, in the command line, enter add (see Figure 12-3 on page 283) to add a
5. Make the following updates, and press Enter:
– Update Channel path ID to 14.
– Update Channel ID to 114.
– Update Channel path type to FC.
– Update Operational mode to SHR.
in this book we previously recommended to leave the PCHID blank and assign it using the CMT. For completeness.
these steps show how to assign them using the HCD.
HCD now prompts you to select which partition the CHPID should have access to.
6. Type forward slash (/) next to the partition you want (see Figure 12-4 on page 284), and
press Enter.
Because we have only one partition that is defined in this CSS, we do not see the Define
Candidate List panel, even though we defined the CHPID as SHR.
HCD returns to the Channel Path List and shows the CHPID that was defined (see
Figure 12-5).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
12.2.2 Defining FICON CHPIDs for a direct connection to a 2107 control unit
Here are considerations for a new FICON CHPID:
Channel path type
Operational mode
The direct connect method is used in an environment where there is only one processor. The
FICON switch method, in 12.2.3, “Defining FICON CHPIDs for switch connections to a 2107
control unit” on page 288, is used where multiple processors must connect to the same CUs.
This situation might not always be the case.
Here are considerations for connecting a FICON CHPID to a direct access storage device CU
and its devices:
For performance and redundancy, determine how many I/O cards of that feature are
installed in the processor and to what PCIe ports on what CPC drawer do the I/O cards
connect to. (For a list of installed hardware, see the PCHID/CHID report.)
After a CHPID is defined, it can then be added to a predefined partition in that CSS.
The CHPID can then be connected to a CU.
Note: For FICON Express16S+ (Feature Code #0427 and Feature Code #0428),
FICON Express16SAa (Feature Code #0436 and Feature Code #0437) and FICON
Express32S (Feature Code #0461 and Feature Code #0462), defining both FC and
FCP CHPID types on the same I/O card is not supported. (There is no mix supported
by IBM z16 at all). HCD issues the following error message during a Validate or Build
Production for an IODF:
CBDA964I Chpid type mix detected on processor PAVO for channels: 1.6C, 0.6D
a. FICON Express16SA is NOT supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
To define a FICON CHPID that connects directly to a CU and provides access to a partition,
complete the following steps2:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. Press PF11 or, in the command line, enter add to add a CHPID.
5. Make the following updates (see Figure 12-6 on page 286), and press Enter:
– Update Channel path ID to 15.
– Update Channel ID to 115.
– Update Channel path type to FC.
– Update Operational mode to SHR.
– Update Description to the description that you want.
in this book we previously recommended to leave the PCHID blank and assign it using the CMT. For completeness.
these steps show how to assign them using the HCD.
6. Type forward slash (/) next to the partition that you want CHPID to have access to (see
Figure 12-7), and press Enter.
Because only one partition is defined in this CSS, we do not see the Define Candidate List
panel, even though we defined the CHPID as SHR.
HCD now returns to the Channel Path List panel showing the CHPID that was defined
(see Figure 12-8).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
12.2.3 Defining FICON CHPIDs for switch connections to a 2107 control unit
There are two ways to define FICON connections to a CU: One is through a FICON switch,
and the other is direct connected covered in section 12.2.2, “Defining FICON CHPIDs for a
direct connection to a 2107 control unit” on page 284.
The direct connect method is used in an environment where there is only one processor. The
FICON switch method is used where multiple processors must connect to the same CUs. This
situation might not always be the case.
For FICON switch connections, there is usually a minimum of two FICON switches that the
FICON CHPIDs connect through, primarily for failure or service redundancy of the FICON
Note: The device type of the CU depends on your storage server. An IBM DS8K uses a
CU type of 2107.
For this example, we connect to a predefined 2107 CU (A000), with a CUADD of 40 and
devices A000-A0EF (3390B) and A0F0-A0FF (3390A).
Note: For FICON Express16S+ (Feature Code #0427 and Feature Code #0428),
FICON Express16SAa (Feature Code #0436 and Feature Code #0437) and FICON
Express32S (Feature Code #0461 and Feature Code #0462), defining both FC and
FCP CHPID types on the same I/O card is not supported. (There is no mix supported
by IBM z16 at all). HCD issues the following error message during a Validate or Build
Production for an IODF:
CBDA964I Chpid type mix detected on processor PAVO for channels: 1.6C, 0.6D
a. FICON Express16SA is NOT supported on IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
To define FICON CHPIDs for a switch connection, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the CU list until you find the CU that you want to connect to, or in the
command line enter L A000. In our example, we use A000.
3. Enter c next to the CU definition, and press Enter.
4. Make the following updates for a FICON switch connection (see Figure 12-9), and press
a. Update Connected to switches to 41. Switch 41 is the switch ID that we defined in the
previous example.
b. Update Ports to 11. Port 11 is the FICON switch port that the CU connects to (also
known as the Destination Link Address (DLA) of the FICON CHPID).
HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel. This panel is where the connection is
now made between the FICON CHPID (14) and the CU FICON Switch Port (11) through
the FICON switch (41).
5. Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition that we want to have access
to the CU and also has access to the CHPID that we want to connect to the CU. In our
example, we use PAVO.3, and then press Enter.
6. Make the following updates to define the Processor / CU connection panel (see
Figure 12-10 on page 290), and press Enter:
a. Update Channel path IDs to 14. CHPID 14 is the CHPID that we defined in the
previous example.
b. Update Link address to 4111. Link address 4111 is FICON switch 41 and CU Port 11.
c. Update Unit address to 00. Unit Address (UA) of 00 is the starting UA number on the
d. Update Number of units to 256. Number of units of 256 equals A000-A0FF (that is,
00-FF or 256).
e. Update Logical address to 40. Logical address of 40 is the CUADD or the CU
ADDress that is defined in the DS8886 that defines the location of the devices in the
Select Processor / CU
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : A000 Type . . . . . . : 2107 |
| Processor ID . . . . . : PAVO Pavo |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 3 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . 14 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . 4111 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 256 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . 40 + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you can override the UA
numbers. For a 2107 direct access storage device CU definition, the starting UA is usually
00 and the ending UA is FF, giving you 256 direct access storage device definitions for the
7. In our example, we do not change the defaults that are proposed by HCD (see
Figure 12-11). Press Enter.
HCD returns to the Select Processor / CU panel, which shows the CHPID (14) to DLA (11)
through the FICON switch (41) connection definition (see Figure 12-12).
Figure 12-12 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection
By pressing F20 (Right), you can see the other parts of the definition summary.
For a FICON direct connection to this CU definition, you omit the Link address values.
To define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 12-13), update Channel path IDs to
15, and press Enter.
Select Processor / CU
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : A000 Type . . . . . . : 2107 |
| Processor ID . . . . . : PAVO Pavo |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 3 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . 14 15 __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . 4111 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 256 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . 40 + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
8. HCD again shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you can override the UA
numbers. Press Enter to continue.
HCD returns to the Select Processor / CU panel showing the CHPID (15) connection
definition (see Figure 12-14).
Figure 12-14 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection
Although a mixture of FICON switched and FICON direct connections are not recommended
to the same CU, this configuration is possible.
A typical scenario might be where you were moving from direct connected direct access
storage device to a FICON switch connected direct access storage device, but you cannot
take the direct access storage device offline to live systems.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups that are defined in Eligible Device
Tables (EDTs) within an OSCONFIG.
Esoterics device groups are used to request allocation of a device that was defined in an
Esoteric device group when using the UNIT = parameter in a JCL DD statement. However, this
allocation can be overridden or intercepted by using DFSMS.
Here are the considerations for adding devices to an OSCONFIG and Esoteric:
Adding a device to an OSCONFIG does not necessarily mean that the z/OS system has
access to that device.
Does the device need to be added to an Esoteric device group? Mostly, this item is
The example adds the predefined 2107 devices A000-A0EF (3390B) and A0F0-A0FF
To define 3390B devices to an OSCONFIG and EDT/Esoteric, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number that you want to add to
the OSCONFIG, or in the command line enter L A000. In our example, we use A000.
3. Enter c next to one or more device numbers, and press Enter.
HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel where you can modify the CU that the
devices are attached to (see Figure 12-15). Press Enter.
HCD displays the Device / Processor Definition panel where you can modify some of the
Device parameters relating to Subchannel Set (SS), UA, and the Explicit Device
Candidate List.
4. Enter c next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see
Figure 12-16), or press Enter to accept the defaults.
5. Next is the HCD panel, where you Define Devices to the Operating System Configuration.
Scroll through the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG that you
want to add to the devices to, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we
6. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the device parameters and features that are applicable to that particular
device type. In our example, we add 3390B and 3390A devices to ITSOTEST.
7. Make the following updates to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 12-17),
and press Enter:
– Update OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be Online during IPL time).
– Update DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
– Update LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
– Update WLMPAV to Yes (if you want the device to be managed by Workload Manager).
– Update READ-ONLY to No (use to set secondary devices to read only).
– Update SHARED to Yes (if the device is going to be shared between other systems).
– Update SHAREDUP to No (must be set to No if Shared is set to Yes).
The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel opens, where you can specify which
Esoteric (if any) that you want the devices to be added to.
8. In the Assign/Unassign the Device to Esoteric panel (see Figure 12-18) under Assigned,
enter Yes, and press Enter.
9. The final panel opens and shows that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG (see
Figure 12-19). Press Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
The same steps can now be performed for the remaining devices A0F0-A0FF (3390A) for this
Here is a list of these potential configuration items and a short description about how to do
each of them by using Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD).
Note: Not all of the following configuration items are necessarily required for your
installation. In addition, the examples that are presented are not exhaustive.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
The following I/O definitions use HCD to demonstrate the examples. The examples continue
with the work example SYS9.IODF81.WORK.
To define an OSC CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the channel subsystem (CSS) ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and
press Enter.
4. Press PF11 or, in the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-1) to add a CHPID.
5. Make the following updates, and press Enter:
a. Update Channel path ID to C6.
b. Update Channel ID to 11C.
c. Update Channel path type to OSC.
d. Update Operational mode to SHR.
e. Update Description to the description that you want.
6. HCD prompts you to select which partition the CHPID should have access to. Enter a
forward slash (/) next to the partition that you want (see Figure 13-2), and press Enter.
In this example, because we select all partitions to the Access List, we do not see the
Define Candidate List panel, even though we defined the CHPID as SHR.
HCD now returns to the Channel Path List, and you see the CHPID that was defined (see
Figure 13-3).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
You might want to connect the OSC CU definition to multiple CPCs even though the physical
OSC is still unique to any one CPC. Also, you might want to span the OSC over multiple
CSSs within a CPC.
Here are considerations for connecting an OSC CHPID to an OSC CU and its 3270-X
Determine how many OSCs are required to provide a primary and secondary/backup
network connection.
The example connects to a predefined OSC CU (1C60) and 3270-X devices 0700-070F.
To define OSC CHPID connections to an OSC CU, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the CU list until you find the CU that you want to connect to, or in the
command line enter L 1C60. In our example, we use 1C60.
3. Enter c next to the CU definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the CU definition that you want (see Figure 13-4), and press Enter.
HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel. This panel is where the connection is
now made between the OSC CHPID (C6) and the CU (1C60).
5. Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition that you want to have access
to the CU and also has access to the CHPID you want to connect to the CU. Then, press
Select Processor / CU
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : 1C60 Type . . . . . . : OSC |
| Processor ID . . . . . : PAVO Pavo |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 3 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . C6 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 254 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-5 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail - OSC
7. HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you can override the Unit
Address (UA) numbers. For most OSA definitions, the UA starts at 00.
8. Update UA New to 00 to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-6), and press
HCD now returns to the Select Processor / CU panel showing the CHPID (C6) connection
definition (see Figure 13-7).
Figure 13-7 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection - OSC
9. By pressing F20 (Right), you can see the other parts of the definition summary.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups, which are defined in Eligible Device
Tables (EDTs) within an OSCONFIG. OSA definitions usually do not use Esoterics.
5. HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel where you may modify some of
the device parameters relating to SS, UA, and the Explicit Device Candidate List
(Figure 13-9).
6. In the HCD panel, we define devices to the OSCONFIG. Scroll through the list of
OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG that you want to add to the devices
to, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
7. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the device parameters and features that are applicable to that device type.
In our example, we add 3270-X devices to ITSOTEST.
8. Make the following updates to define the Device Parameter (see Figure 13-10), and press
– Update OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be online during IPL time).
– Update DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be dynamically changeable).
– Update LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
– Update DOCHAR to Yes (if you want to use the US character set).
9. The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel opens. You can specify which Esoteric (if
any) that you want the devices to be added to. Press Enter (see Figure 13-11).
In this example, we add only the OSC/3270-X devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and
not to any Esoterics in this example.
Figure 13-11 I/O Devices: Define Device to Operating System Configuration - OSC
10.The final panel opens and shows that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG. Press
Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
The devices first must be defined to an OSCONFIG so that they can be added to a Nucleus
Initialization Program Console List within an OSCONFIG.
The Nucleus Initialization Program Console List also determines which console receives the
Nucleus Initialization Program/IPL messages first. If that console is unavailable, then the
Nucleus Initialization Program tries the next device in the list until all devices in the list are
If the Nucleus Initialization Program cannot write IPL messages to any 3270-X device in the
list, then the messages are written to the Hardware Management Console (HMC) Operating
System Messages panel.
Commands and displays can be entered into the Command field (see Figure 13-13).
Here are considerations for adding devices to a Nucleus Initialization Program Console List
within an OSCONFIG:
Adding a device to a Nucleus Initialization Program Console List within an OSCONFIG
does not necessarily mean that Nucleus Initialization Program may write IPL messages to
that device.
The devices that are defined in the Nucleus Initialization Program Console List also need
CU and CHPID access to the partition where z/OS is being started.
On the HMC under OSA Advanced Facilities, the OSC (Open Systems Adapter Integrated
Console Controller (ICC) (OSA-ICC) console Server and Session definitions must be
defined and activated.
A valid 3270-X session (that uses IBM PCOM or an equivalent 3270 emulator) also must
be connected to the OSA-ICC Session. This configuration enables a valid session to be
established to the OSA-ICC for Nucleus Initialization Program messages to be delivered to
that device.
In this example, we add the predefined OSC devices 0700-0701 (3270-X).
In our example, there are no devices that are defined in the Nucleus Initialization Program
Console List.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-15) to add a 3270-X device to the Nucleus
Initialization Program Console List.
5. Update Device number of console to 0700, and press Enter.
Because this device entry is the first one in the list, the order is 1 (see Figure 13-16 on
page 313).
6. Add device 0701 to the Nucleus Initialization Program Console List (see Figure 13-17).
To define an OSD CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-18 on page 315) to add a CHPID.
5. Make the following updates, and press Enter:
– Update Channel path ID to E1.
– Update Channel ID to 128.
– Update Channel path type to OSD.
– Update Operational mode to SHR.
– Update Description to the description that you want.
1 OSA Express7S features are not supported on the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ.
6. HCD now prompts you to specify Will greater than 160 TCP/IP stacks be required
for this channel? The default is No, which we use for our example (see Figure 13-19).
Press Enter.
Figure 13-19 Processors: Allow for more than 160 TCP/IP stacks - OSD
7. Next, HCD now prompts you to add or modify any physical network IDs. We do not use
any physical network ID definitions for the OSD definition in this example.
8. Leave the default option for Physical Network IDs as blank fields (see Figure 13-20), and
press Enter.
9. HCD prompts you to select which partition the CHPID should have access to. Enter a
forward slash (/) next to the partition that you want (see Figure 13-21), and press Enter.
Because we select all partitions to the access list, we do not see the Define Candidate List
panel, even though we defined the CHPID as SHR.
The HCD now returns to the Channel Path List panel and shows you the CHPID that was
defined (see Figure 13-22).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
You might want to connect the OSA CU definition to multiple CPCs even though the physical
OSA is still unique to any one CPC. Also, you might want to span the OSA over multiple CSSs
within a CPC.
Here are considerations for connecting an OSD CHPID to an OSA CU and its OSA/OSAD
Determine how many OSAs are required to provide a primary and secondary/backup
network connection.
The example connects to a predefined OSA CU (1E10), OSA devices 1E10 - 1E1E, and
OSAD device 1E1F.
To define OSD CHPID connections to an OSA CU, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the CU list until you find the CU that you want to connect to, or in the
command line enter L 1E10. In our example, we use 1E10.
3. Enter c next to the CU definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the CU definition that you want (see Figure 13-23), and press Enter.
HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel, where the connection is now made
between the OSD CHPID (E1) and the CU (1E10).
5. Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition that you want to access the
CU and also access the CHPID that you want to connect to the control unit. Press Enter.
Select Processor / CU
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : 1E10 Type . . . . . . : OSA |
| Processor ID . . . . . : PAVO Pavo |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 3 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . E1 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 255 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
Figure 13-24 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail - OSD
7. HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel where you may override the UA
numbers. For most OSA definitions, the UA starts at 00.
8. Make the following updates to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-25),
and press Enter:
– Update UA New to 00 for the OSA device type.
– Update UA New to FE for the OSAD device type.
HCD now returns to the Select Processor / CU panel, which shows the CHPID (E1)
connection definition (see Figure 13-26).
Figure 13-26 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection - OSD
Press F20 (Right) to see the other parts of the definition summary.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups, which are defined in EDTs within an
OSCONFIG. OSA definitions usually do not use Esoterics.
To define OSA and OSAD devices to an OSCONFIG, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number that you want to add to
the OSCONFIG, or in the command line enter L 1E10. In our example, we use 1E10.
Because OSA and OSAD are two different device types, they must be added separately to
3. Enter c next to one or more device numbers, and press Enter.
4. HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel, where you may modify the CU that the
devices are attached to (see Figure 13-27). Press Enter.
5. HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel, where you may modify some of
the Device parameters relating to SS, UA, and the Explicit Device Candidate List. Type c
next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see
Figure 13-28 on page 323), or press Enter to accept the defaults.
6. The HCD panel opens, where we define devices to the OSCONFIG. Scroll through the list
of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG that you want to add the devices
to, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
7. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the device parameters and features that are applicable to that device type.
In our example, we add OSA devices to ITSOTEST.
8. Make the following updates to define the device parameter (see Figure 13-29), and press
– Update OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be online during IPL time).
– Update DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
– Update LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
9. The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel opens, where you can specify which
Esoteric (if any) that you want the devices to be added to. We add only the OSA/OSAD
devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and not to any Esoterics in this example. Press Enter
(see Figure 13-30 on page 325).
Figure 13-30 I/O Devices: Define Device to Operating System Configuration - OSD
10.The final panel opens and shows that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG. Press
Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
11.Perform the same action of adding OSAD device 1E1F to OSCONFIG ITSOTEST. Press
Enter (see Figure 13-31).
Figure 13-31 I/O Devices: Define Device to Operating System Configuration continued - OSD
Statements of Directiona:
IBM z16 will be the last IBM zSystem to support the OSE CHPID type.
IBM z16 will be the last IBM zSystem to support OSA Express 1000Base-T
hardware adapters.
a. Statements by IBM regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or
withdrawal without notice at the sole discretion of IBM.
2 OSA Express7S features are not supported on the IBM z16 A02 and IBMz16 AGZ.
For performance and redundancy, determine how many I/O cards of that feature are
installed in the processor and to what PCIe ports on what CPC drawer does the I/O cards
connect to. (For a list of installed hardware, see the PCHID/CHID report.)
To define an OSE CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-32) to add a CHPID.
5. Make the following updates and press Enter:
– Update Channel path ID to C3.
– Update Channel ID to 1BC.
– Update Channel path type to OSE.
– Update Operational mode to SHR.
– Update Description to the description that you want.
6. HCD now prompts you to select which partition that the CHPID should have access to.
Enter a forward slash (/) next to the partition that you want (see Figure 13-33), and press
7. Because we have more that one partition that is defined in this CSS, HCD prompts us to
define any Candidate list access. In our example, we do not define any Candidate list
access (see Figure 13-34 on page 329). Press Enter.
The HCD returns to the Channel Path List panel and shows you the CHPID that was
defined (see Figure 13-35).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
You might want to connect the OSA CU definition to multiple CPCs even though the physical
OSA is still unique to any one CPC. Also, you might want to span the OSA over multiple CSSs
within a CPC.
Here are considerations for connecting an OSE CHPID to an OSA CU and its OSA/OSAD
Determine how many OSAs are required to provide a primary and secondary/backup
network connection.
This example connects to a predefined OSA CU (1C30), OSA devices 1C30 - 1C3E, and
OSAD device 1C3F.
To define OSE CHPID connections to an OSA CU, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the CU list until you find the CU that you want to connect to, or in the
command line enter L 1C30. In our example, we use 1C30.
3. Enter c next to the CU definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the CU definition that you want (see Figure 13-36), and press Enter.
5. HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel, which is where the connection is now
made between the OSE CHPID (C3) and the CU (1C30). Enter c next to the
Processor.CSS that contains the partition that you want to access the CU and also access
the CHPID that you want to connect to the CU. Press Enter.
Select Processor / CU
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : 1C30 Type . . . . . . : OSA |
| Processor ID . . . . . : PAVO Pavo |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 3 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . C3 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 255 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-37 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail - OSE
7. HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel, where you may override the UA
numbers. For OSA definitions, the UA usually starts at 00.
8. Make the following updates to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-38),
and press Enter:
– Update UA New to 00 for the OSA device type.
– Update UA New to FE for the OSAD device type.
HCD returns to the Select Processor / CU panel, which shows the CHPID (C3) connection
definition (see Figure 13-39).
Figure 13-39 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection - OSE
9. By pressing F20 (Right), you can see the other parts of the definition summary.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups, which are defined in EDTs within an
OSCONFIG. OSA definitions usually do not use Esoterics.
To define OSA and OSAD devices to an OSCONFIG, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number that you want to add to
the OSCONFIG, or in the command line enter L 1C30. In our example, we use 1C30.
Because OSA and OSAD are two different device types, they must be added separately to
3. Enter c next to the device numbers, and press Enter.
4. HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel where you may modify the CU that the
devices are attached to (see Figure 13-40). Press Enter.
5. HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel where you may modify some of
the device parameters relating to SS, UA, and the Explicit Device Candidate List. Type c
next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see
Figure 13-41), or press Enter to accept the defaults.
6. Next is the HCD panel, where we define devices to the OSCONFIG. Scroll through the list
of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG that you want to add the devices
to, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
7. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the Device Parameters and Features applicable to that particular device
type. In our example, we add OSA devices to ITSOTEST.
8. Make the following updates to define the Device Parameter (see Figure 13-42), and press
– Update OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be online during IPL time).
– Update DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
– Update LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
9. The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel opens, where you can specify which
Esoteric (if any) that you want the devices to be added to. We add only the OSA/OSAD
devices to the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and not to any Esoterics in this example. Press Enter
(see Figure 13-43).
Figure 13-43 I/O Devices: Define Device to Operating System Configuration - OSE
10.The final panel opens and show that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG. Press
Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
11.Now, perform the same action of adding an OSAD device 1C3F to OSCONFIG ITSOTEST.
Figure 13-44 I/O Devices: Define Device to Operating System Configuration continued - OSE
Like ICP CHPIDs, IQD CHPIDs are defined logically and internally to the processor and
require no installed hardware (PCHIDs). However, a maximum of up to 32 high-speed virtual
local area network (VLAN) attachments may be defined.
Each of the logical IQD VCHIDs can support only one CHPID, but the CHPIDs may be
spanned across multiple CSSs.
To define an IQD CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Type s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Type s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 13-45) to add a CHPID.
5. Make the following updates and press Enter:
– Update Channel path ID to F0.
– Update Channel ID to 7E0.
– Update Channel path type to IQD.
– Update Operational mode to SHR.
– Update Description to the description that you want.
HCD now prompts you to specify the IQD Channel Parameters, where you set the
maximum frame size in KB and what IQD function is used.
6. Leave the default option of 16 for the Maximum frame size, and select option 1. Basic
HiperSockets for the IQD function (see Figure 13-46). Press Enter.
HCD prompts you to select which partitions the CHPID should have access to.
7. Type forward slash (/) next to the needed partitions (see Figure 13-47), and press Enter.
HCD now displays the Define Candidate List panel. In our example, we do not select any
Candidate LPARs for this IQD CHPID. Press Enter.
The HCD returns to the Channel Path List and show you the CHPID that was defined (see
Figure 13-48).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Here are considerations for connecting an IQD CHPID to an IQD CU and its IQD devices:
Determine how many IQDs are required to provide the required HiperSocket bandwidth.
In this example, we connect to a predefined IQD CU (F000) and IQD devices 0FA0 - 0FBF.
To define IQD CHPID connections to an IQD CU, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the CU list until you find the CU that you want to connect to, or in the
command line enter L F000. In our example, we use F000.
3. Enter c next to the CU definition, and press Enter.
4. Make any changes to the CU definition that you want (see Figure 13-49), and press Enter.
5. HCD now shows the Select Processor / CU panel. This panel is where the connection is
made between the IQD CHPID (F0) and the CU (F100). Enter c next to the Processor.CSS
that contains the partition that you want to access the CU and the CHPID that you want to
connect to the CU. Press Enter.
6. Update Channel path ID F0 to define the Processor / CU connection (see Figure 13-50),
and press Enter.
Select Processor / CU
*---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------*
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : F000 Type . . . . . . : IQD |
| Processor ID . . . . . : PAVO Pavo |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 3 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . F0 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 256 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . __ + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| |
| |
Figure 13-50 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail - IQD
7. HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel, where you may override the UA
numbers. For IQD definitions, the UA starts at 00. Update UA New to 00 for the IQD device
type to define the Modify Device Parameters (see Figure 13-51), and press Enter.
HCD returns to the Select Processor / CU panel and shows the CHPID (F0) connection
definition (see Figure 13-52).
Figure 13-52 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection - IQD
8. By press F20 (Right), you can see the other parts of the definition summary.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups that are defined in EDTs within an
OSCONFIG. IQD definitions usually do not use Esoterics.
4. HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel, where you may modify the CU that the
devices are attached to (see Figure 13-53). Press Enter.
5. HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel, where you may modify some of
the device parameters relating to SS, UA, and the Explicit Device Candidate List. Enter c
next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see
Figure 13-54), or press Enter to accept the defaults.
6. The HCD panel where we define devices to the OSCONFIG is displayed. Scroll through
the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG that you want to add to the
devices to, or in the command line enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
7. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the device parameters and features that are applicable to that device type.
In our example, we add IQD devices to ITSOTEST.
8. Make the following updates to define the Device Parameter (see Figure 13-55), and press
– Update OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be online during IPL time).
– Update DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically).
– Update LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage).
9. The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel is displayed, where you can specify which
Esoteric (if any) that you want the devices to be added to. We add only the IQD devices to
the OSCONFIG ITSOTEST and not to any Esoterics in this example. Press Enter (see
Figure 13-56).
Figure 13-56 I/O Devices: Define Device to Operating System Configuration - IQD
10.The final panel opens and shows that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG. Press
Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
It provides a list of these potential configuration items and a short description about how to do
each of them by using a Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD).
Note: Not all of the following configuration items are necessarily required for your
installation. In addition, the examples that are presented are not exhaustive.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
The following I/O definitions use HCD to demonstrate the examples. The examples in this
chapter continue the work example that was created in the previous chapters (for example,
5. Make the following updates (see Figure 14-1), and press Enter:
– Update Partition Name to PAVO3E (a naming standard based on CSS=3, Partition =E).
– Review Partition usage and change it if required. We use CF in this example.
– Update Description to PAVO3E test CF partition.
CS5 CF CHPIDs are defined by using Feature Code 0172 or 0176 (Integrated Coupling
Adapter Short Reach (ICA SR and ICA-SR 1.1) two port (link) cards that are installed on the
central processor complex (CPC) drawer instead of in the PCIe+ I/O drawer.
The ICA SR card has two ports (Port 1 and Port 2) that provide two physical connections to
another ICA SR card on the same or different processor.
Each of the ports can have up to four CHPIDs defined to these ports.
For performance and redundancy, determine how many AID cards are installed in the
processor and to what Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) slot on what
CPC drawer (for a list of installed hardware, see the physical channel ID (PCHID) /
channel ID (CHID) report).
To define a CS5 CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. Press PF11 or, in the command line, enter add (see Figure 14-2) to add a CHPID.
5. Make the following updates and press Enter:
– Update Channel path ID to 80.
– Update Channel path type to CS5.
– Update Operational mode to SHR.
– Update Description to the description that you want.
6. HCD prompts you to specify the adapter and port of the HCA attributes. Make the
following updates (see Figure 14-3), and press Enter:
– Update Adapter of the HCA to 00.
– Update Port on the HCA to 1.
7. HCD prompts you to select which partitions the CHPID should have access to. Type
forward slash (/) next to the wanted partitions (see Figure 14-4), and press Enter.
8. Because more partitions than the selected two are defined, the Define Candidate List
panel opens. For this example, we do not add any partitions to the candidate list. Press
Enter. HCD returns to the Channel Path List and shows you the CHPID that was defined
(see Figure 14-5).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
9. Proceed to define an extra CS5 CHPID as 84 to the same LPARs as AID=17, Port=1 (see
Figure 14-6).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
6. On the next panel, HCD prompts you to specify the second CS5 CHPID that you want to
connect to. Scroll through the Channel Path List until you find the second CS5 CHPID you
want to connect to, or in the command line enter L 84. In our example, we use 84.
7. Enter p next to the CHPID definition (see Figure 14-8), and press Enter.
8. HCD prompts you to specify which CF channel path to connect to. Make the following
updates (see Figure 14-9), and press Enter:
– Update Destination processor ID to PAVO.
– Update Destination channel subsystem ID to 3.
– Update Destination channel path ID to 80.
9. HCD checks the available CU numbers and device addresses starting at FFFF and
working backwards to provide suggestions. These suggestions can be overridden or
accepted. We accept the suggestions for the second CS5 CHPID (see Figure 14-10), and
press Enter.
10.HCD provides suggested CU numbers and device addresses for the first CS5 CHPID (see
Figure 14-11). Observe that the CU number is the same and that eight devices were
allocated. Press Enter.
HCD provides a summary of the Source and Destination CF Connectivity List (see
Figure 14-12).
CL5 CF CHPIDs are defined by using Feature Code #0434 (Coupling Express2 LR) cards,
which are installed in the PCIe+ I/O drawer instead of on the CPC drawer.
The Coupling Express2 LR card has two ports (Port 1 and Port 2), which provide two physical
connections between another Coupling Express2 LR card on the same or different processor.
They can also connect to a CE LR (FC 0433) on an IBM z15 and IBM z14 machines.
To define a CL5 CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 14-13) to add a CHPID.
5. Make the following updates and press Enter:
– Update Channel path ID to 88.
– Update Channel ID to 1DC.
– Update Channel path type to CL5.
– Update Operational mode to SHR.
– Update Description to the description that you want.
6. HCD prompts you to specify the coupling PCHID/Port attributes. Update Coupling Port to
1 (see Figure 14-14), and press Enter.
7. HCD prompts you to select which partitions the CHPID should have access to. Enter
forward slash (/) next to the partitions that you want (see Figure 14-15), and press Enter.
8. Because more partitions than the selected two are defined, the Define Candidate List
panel opens. For this example, we do not add any partitions in the access list. Press Enter.
HCD returns to the Channel Path List and shows you the CHPID that was defined (see
Figure 14-16).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
9. Define an extra CL5 CHPID as 8C to the same LPARs as CHID=23C, Port=1 (see
Figure 14-17).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
5. Enter f next to the CHPID definition (see Figure 14-18), and press Enter.
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
6. HCD prompts you to specify the second CL5 CHPID that you want to connect to. Scroll
through the Channel Path List until you find the second CL5 CHPID that you want to
connect to, or in the command line enter L 8C. In our example, we use 8C.
7. Type p next to the CHPID definition (see Figure 14-19), and press Enter.
8. HCD prompts you to specify which CF channel path to connect to. Make the following
updates (see Figure 14-20), and press Enter:
– Update Destination processor ID to PAVO.
– Update Destination channel subsystem ID to 3.
– Update Destination channel path ID to 88.
9. HCD checks the available CU numbers and device addresses starting at FFFF and works
backwards to provide suggestions. These suggestions can be overridden or accepted. We
accept the suggestions for the second CL5 CHPID (see Figure 14-21), and press Enter.
10.HCD provides suggested CU numbers and device addresses for the first CL5 CHPID (see
Figure 14-22). Observe that the CU number is the same and that eight devices were
allocated. Press Enter.
HCD provides a summary of the Source and Destination CF Connectivity List (see
Figure 14-23).
ICP CF CHPIDs are defined logically and internally to the processor and require no installed
Note: The maximum number of ICP CHPIDs for an IBM z16 (A01, A02 and AGZ) is 64.
Each of the logical ICP links can support only one CHPID at each end of the link. However,
the CHPIDS can be spanned across multiple CSSs.
To define an ICP CHPID and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 14-24) to add a CHPID.
5. Make the following updates, and press Enter:
– Update Channel path ID to FC.
– Update Channel path type to ICP.
– Update Operational mode to SHR.
– Update Description to the description that you want.
6. HCD prompts you to select which partitions the CHPID should have access to. Enter a
forward slash (/) next to the partitions that you want (see Figure 14-25), and press Enter.
Because more partitions than the selected two are defined, the Define Candidate List
panel opens. For this example, we do not add any partitions in the access list. Press Enter.
HCD returns to the Channel Path List and shows you the CHPID that was defined (see
Figure 14-26).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
7. Define an extra ICP CHPID as FD to the same LPARs (see Figure 14-27).
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
6. HCD prompts you to specify the second ICP CHPID that you want to connect to. Scroll
through the Channel Path List until you find the second ICP CHPID that you want to
connect to, or in the Command Line, enter L FD. In our example, we use FD.
7. Type p next to the CHPID definition (see Figure 14-29), and press Enter.
8. HCD prompts you to specify which CF channel path to connect to. Make the following
updates (see Figure 14-30 on page 367), and press Enter:
– Update Destination processor ID to PAVO.
– Update Destination channel subsystem ID to 3.
– Update Destination channel path ID to FC.
9. HCD checks the available CU numbers and device addresses starting at FFFF and works
backwards to provide suggestions. These suggestions can be overridden or accepted. We
accept the suggestions for the second ICP CHPID (see Figure 14-31), and press Enter.
10.HCD provides suggested CU numbers and device addresses for the first ICP CHPID (see
Figure 14-32 on page 368). Observe that the CU number is the same and that seven
devices were allocated. Press Enter.
HCD provides a summary of the Source and Destination CF Connectivity List (see
Figure 14-33).
It includes a list of these potential configuration items and a short description about how to do
each of them by using Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD). It also includes an overview
of PCIe functions.
Note: Not all of the following configuration items are necessarily required for your
installation. In addition, the examples that are presented are not exhaustive.
Naming: The IBM z16 systems targeted by this publication consists of IBM z16 A01, IBM
z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ. Throughout this chapter, we may refer to these machines as
IBM z16. Wherever features and functions differ across these systems, they are explicitly
Note: The examples shown in this chapter are based on the IBM z16 A01 (3931).
However, these examples can also be used with the IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ
The following I/O definitions use HCD to demonstrate the examples. This section continues to
use the work example SYS9.IODF81.WORK.
Note: Starting with the IBM z15, the zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC) PCIe feature
is no longer available as a separate hardware feature, Compression functions are
implemented directly on the processor chip. Therefore, an HCD configuration is no longer
15.2.1 Overview
PCIe adapters that are attached to a system can provide the operating system (OS) with
various so-called PCIe functions to be used by entitled logical partitions (LPARs).
Note: The support of virtual functions (VFs), the allowed range of VFIDs, and support of
PNETIDs depends on the processor type and support level. For more information, see
Input/Output Configuration Program User’s Guide, SB10-7177. HCD offers prompts for
VFIDs and ensures that the validation rules are fulfilled.
HCD provides dialog boxes to define, change, delete, and view PCIe functions, and to control
which LPARs access which PCIe functions.
HCD supports the new I/O configuration statement FUNCTION for defining and configuring
PCIe functions.
The input/output (I/O) subsystem, which controls channel operations, requires specific data
about the hardware I/O configuration.
To define PCIe functions for the I/O subsystem, you must specify the following items:
PCIe adapter functions on the central processor complex (CPC) and their assignment to
A PCIe function is defined by a unique identifier, the function ID (FID). Each function specifies
a function type and a channel ID (CHID). Multiple functions may be specified to the same
CHID value if each of these functions defines a unique VF number when defining a PCIe
function. Example 15-1 shows definitions for a zHyperLink card for Port 1 and multiple VFIDs,
each assigned to a specific LPAR.
* FOR zHyperLink
Example 15-2 shows the list of applicable functions to the various function types.
Physical channel
Yes No Yes
Virtual function
Yes Yes Yes
a. The CHPID types between parenthesis are HCD function
names whereas the others are IOCP function names.
For more information about the maximum values for each machine type, see IBM Z
Input/Output Configuration Program User’s Guide, SB10-7177.
SMC-D uses a vPCIe adapter and is configured like a physical PCIe device. There are up to
32 ISM adapters, each with a unique Physical Network ID per CPC.
Virtual memory is managed by each z/OS (similar to SMC - Remote Direct Memory Access
over Converged Ethernet Express (SMC-R) logically shared memory) following the existing
IBM zSystem PCIe I/O translation architecture.
For more information about the management of SMC-D, see IBM z/OS V2R2
Communications Server TCP/IP Implementation Volume 1: Base Functions, Connectivity,
and Routing, SG24-8360.
ISM configuration
In this example, we define these items:
CHID=7F1 to FIDs 0040 (VF=1) and 0041 (VF=2) on CPC = PAVO
CHID=7F2 to FIDs 0050 (VF=1) and 0051 (VF=2) on CPC = PAVO
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
3. To add a PCIe function, enter add on the command line in the PCIe Function List panel
(Figure 15-2).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Figure 15-2 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor - ISM
Figure 15-3 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor - ISM
5. Update Physical network ID to PERFNET in the Add/Modify Physical Network IDs panel
(Figure 15-4), and press Enter.
6. Select the required Access LPAR for Function access list. In our example, we use LPAR
PAVO33(OS). Press Enter (Figure 15-5).
Figure 15-5 Define Access List: Selecting partition for Function access - ISM
7. Select any Candidate LPARs for Function access list. In our example, we do not select any
candidate LPARs. Press Enter.
HCD returns to the PCIe Function List panel where you can see that the function is now
defined (Figure 15-6).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
8. Now, define the other FIDs according to the example so far (Figure 15-7).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Figure 15-7 PCIe Function List: All Functions now created - ISM
ISM management
From an operational standpoint, SMC-D is like SMC-R. However, SMC-D uses DMA instead
of Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), and it uses a virtual PCI adapter that is called
ISM rather than an RDMA network interface card (RNIC). The ISM interfaces are associated
with IP interfaces (for example, HiperSockets or Open Systems Adapter-Express
(OSA-Express)), and are dynamically created, automatically started and stopped, and
SMC-D over ISM does not use queue pair (QP) technology like SMC-R. Therefore, links and
Link Groups based on QPs (or other hardware constructs) are not applicable to ISM. SMC-D
protocol has a design concept of a “logical point-to-point connection” that is called an SMC-D
Note: The SMC-D information in the netstat command output is related to ISM link
information (not Link Groups).
This section provides information about the configuration of the SMC-R on an IBM z16.
RoCE overview
The IBM zSystems RoCE Express features are native PCIe features, so the HCD and
input/out configuration program (IOCP) definition rule differ from a non-native PCIe card such
as OSA-Express. Here are the rules:
The PCIe function ID (PFID) must be defined in HCD or Hardware Configuration Manager
(HCM) to create IOCP input:
– FID is a three hexadecimal value (range 0000 - 47FF), which specifies the PCIe
– The PFID cannot be assigned to a channel subsystem (CSS), so any LPAR can be
defined to a function.
– The PFID has a PARTITION parameter that dedicates it to one LPAR or enables
reconfiguration among a group of LPARs. A function cannot be defined as shared.
– In z/OS system commands, a PFID is represented as PFID.
If the intended PCIe hardware supports multiple partitions, it has a decimal virtual function
(VF) number (VF=) in the range 1 - n, where n is the maximum number of partitions that
the PCIe feature supports.
Other parameters that are specific to the PCIe feature. For example, the IBM RoCE
Express2 requires a Physical Network Identifier (PNETID=)1, and supports a port identifier
For function mapping to hardware, assign a PCHID to identify the hardware feature in a
specific PCIe I/O drawer and the slot to be used for the defined function. The following
methods can be used:
– Manually, by using the configurator (eCONFIG) PCHID report.
– Using the channel path ID (CHPID) Mapping Tool (CMT) and the eConfig Configuration
Report File (CFR) input.
Note: Unlike CHPIDs, multiple functions can be mapped to the same PCHID. This
approach is conceptually like mapping multiple InfiniBand coupling CHPIDs to the same
adapter and port.
The example in the following section is for a 10 GbE RoCE Express3 SR Card. The same
principles also apply to the other supported RoCE Express cards on IBM z16 systems.
RoCE configuration
For more information about the PCHID and Resource Group (RG), see the PCHID report for
the processor (see Example 15-3).
Example 15-3 PCHID Report: RoCE information from the PCHID report
Machine: 3931-A01 SN1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Source Drwr Slot F/C PCHID/Ports or AID Comment
A15/LG12/J02 Z01B 10 0440 11C/D1D2 RG3
A15/LG12/J01 Z17B 17 0440 1B0/D1D2 RG2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Source Book Slot/Fanout Slot/Jack
RG3 Resource Group 3
RG2 Resource Group 2
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
3. To add a PCIe function, enter add on the command line in the PCIe Function List panel
(see Figure 15-9).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Figure 15-9 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor - RoCE-2
4. Make the following updates (see Figure 15-10 on page 379), and press Enter:
– Update Function ID to 3133.
– Update Type to ROCE-2.
– Update Channel ID to 11C.
– Update Port to 1.
– Update Virtual Function ID to 4.
– Update Description to the description that you want.
Figure 15-10 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor - RoCE-2
5. Update Physical network ID to PERFNET in the Add/Modify Physical Network IDs panel
(see Figure 15-11), and press Enter.
6. Select the required Access LPAR for Function access list. In our example, we use LPAR
PAVO33 (OS). Press Enter (see Figure 15-12).
Figure 15-12 Define Access List: Selecting the partition for function access - RoCE-2
7. Select the Any Candidate LPARs for Function access list. In our example, we do not select
any candidate LPARs. Press Enter.
HCD returns to the PCIe Function List panel where you can see the function defined (see
Figure 15-13).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
8. Define the other Function IDs according to the example so far (see Figure 15-14).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Figure 15-14 PCIe Function List: All Functions now created - RoCE-2
RoCE management
This section introduces the z/OS commands that a related to the IBM zSystems RoCE
Express PCIe features, and shows the responses on our test system.
Example 15-4 is an example of the DISPLAY PCIE command. You can confirm the FID and
VFID that you defined. The FID is represented as PFIDs.
Example 15-5 is an example of the DISPLAY PCIE,PFID=pfid command. After you define the
new PCIe function, enter this command and confirm that its status is ACTIVE.
Example 15-6 is example of the DISPLAY PCIE,DD command. You can confirm the details of
the device drives that are installed in the system.
For more information about how to manage a RoCE Express feature, see IBM z/OS V2R2
Communications Server TCP/IP Implementation Volume 1: Base Functions, Connectivity,
and Routing, SG24-8360.
The IBM z16 processor chip has two integrated accelerators in the design. IBM integrated
on-chip compression uses an algorithm for file compression that reduces the size of data to
save storage space or increase the data transfer rate. This on-chip compression capability
delivers industry-leading throughput and replaces the zEDC Express adapter on the z14 and
earlier systems. There are no more input/output configuration data set (IOCDS) definitions
that are needed to use the compression function.
However, all data interchange remains compatible. IBM z16 and zEDC capable CPCs
co-exist. Data that is compressed and written with zEDC is read and decompressed by IBM
z16 systems.
Note: All z/OS configuration prerequisites stay the same. BSAM / QSAM and SMF
Logstream compression still need software enablement as a chargeable feature.
IBM zHyperLink dramatically reduces latency by interconnecting the IBM z16 directly to the
I/O bay of the DS8880 storage system or later.
zHyperLink uses a PCIe feature that is called zHyperLink Express (Feature Code #0451 or
Feature Code #0431).
There are two ports per feature, and up to 127 VFIDs can be defined per port.
zHyperLink configuration
In this example, we define these items:
CHID=150 to FID = 2133, VFIDs = 3, Port = 1, on CPC = PAVO
CHID=150 to FID = 2233, VFIDs = 3, Port = 2, on CPC = PAVO
CHID=19C to FID = 2333, VFIDs = 3, Port = 1, on CPC = PAVO
CHID=19C to FID = 2433, VFIDs = 3, Port = 2, on CPC = PAVO
Select one or more processors, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
2. To add a PCIe function, enter add on the command line in the PCIe Function List panel
(Figure 15-16).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Figure 15-16 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor - zHyperLink
Figure 15-17 PCIe Function List: Adding PCIe functions to a processor - zHyperLink
4. Select the required Access LPAR for Function access list. In our example, we use LPAR
PAVO33 (OS). Press Enter (see Figure 15-18).
Figure 15-18 Define Access List: Selecting the partition for function access - zHyperLink
5. Select the Any Candidate LPARs for Function access list. In our example, we do not select
any candidate LPARs. Press Enter.
HCD returns to the PCIe Function List panel, where you can see the function now defined
(see Figure 15-19).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
6. Now, define the other Function IDs according to the example so far (see Figure 15-20).
Select one or more PCIe functions, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
Figure 15-20 PCIe Function List: All Functions now created - zHyperLink
The acceptable values for the Db2 zHyperLink Scope are the following ones:
ENABLE Db2 requests the zHyperLink protocol for all eligible I/O requests.
DISABLE Db2 does not use the zHyperLink for any I/O requests.
DATABASE Db2 requests the zHyperLink protocol for only database synchronous
read I/Os.
LOG Db2 requests the zHyperLink protocol for only log write I/Os.
Note: Db2 V12 with APAR PH05030 supports zHyperLink writes for active Db2 logs, and
APAR OA52876 provides read support for VSAM data sets.
To enable z/OS for zHyperLink, the ZHPF=YES and ZHYPERLINK OPER=ALL statements must be
added to the IECIOSxx parmlib member, as shown in Example 15-9.
This process can also be done dynamically by entering the SETIOS ZHYPERLINK,OPER=ALL
console command. The corresponding display command is DISPLAY IOS,ZHYPERLINK, as
shown in Example 15-10.
The DISPLAY PCIE command can be used to display the available PFIDs for zHyperLink, as
shown in Example 15-11.
Example 15-12 shows the DISPLAY PCIE=pfid command to display a specific zHyperLink
The results of running the DISPLAY M=CU(cun) command against a CU that is enabled for
zHyperLink are shown in Example 15-13.
IEE174I 21.59.10 DISPLAY M 039
CHP 40 42 41 43
ENTRY LINK ADDRESS 0124 0125 0224 0225
INTERFACE ID 0030 0230 0100 0300
CU ND = 002107.996.IBM.75.0000000LBN71.0030
CU NED = 002107.996.IBM.75.0000000LBN71.9000
TOKEN NED = 002107.900.IBM.75.0000000LBN71.9000
WWNN = 500507630AFFD049
PFID PCHID Port LinkId S/W St Port St
00002233 0150 02 0180 Alloc Oper
00002433 019C 02 0280 Alloc Oper
The results for the DISPLAY M=DEV(devno) command against a device that is enabled for
zHyperLink are shown in Example 15-14.
This display command is enhanced with the new parameter ZHYPERLINK to show whether the
device can use zHyperLink. The response is shown for a device that can use zHyperLink in
an z/OS environment that is enabled for read and write, as shown in Example 15-15.
The result for a device that cannot use zHyperLink is shown in Example 15-16.
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