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Today we are talking about man’s spirit…. I’m speaking about a strong spirit. It is important for you
to know what I’m going to speak about because your disadvantage is always in the things you don’t
know. your advantage will always be in the things that you know, anyone that does not know is already
disadvantaged but anyone that knows is already at an advantage

anyone that is in the know is at an advantage and anyone that is not in the know is already at a

so it is the will of God for you To be in the Know of the mysteries the secrets and the things that God
has made available for his . The Bible says it like this you shall know the truth and the truth shall
make you free…notice shall not set you free but shall make you free. To be free and to be free are
two different things. to be made free is somebody coming to release you but when you know the
truth the truth shall make you free you will be freedom itself. there is a big difference between to be
made free and to become freedom ………….. you shall know the truth and the truth is the Lord Jesus
“ am the way the truth” and the this is what our blessed Jesus said so you shall know the truth and
the truth shall make you Free.

not set you free but make you so you'll be made into freedom . what does that mean? even if a
demon wants to get you the demon cannot get you because it cannot buy freedom. if sickness wants
to get you sickness cannot get you because you have become freedom. This is why when you become
free you can make others free because you have become freedom . this is why the Lord Jesus said
this go into all the world heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead , why was he saying this? he
did not say pray he said Go heal the sick not pray for them … you heal them you cleanse them you
raise the dead. it is because you have become the embodiment of resurrection you have become the
embodiment of light you have become the embodiment of life you have become the embodiment of
purity, because Christ is in you have become a carrier of those things you have become a conduit of
those things because we are the body of Christ.

So it is necessary for you to know this truth not in pretense not an assumption but knowing the truth
as the Lord would want us to know it is very important

There are people born with a bruised spirit and there are people who are born with a spirit that is
not bruised but the right way to say it is a weak spirit and a strong spirit because when you are bruised
you are weak when you’re hurt you’re weak. No matter how great a lion can be if the lion is wounded
it has become weak. your spiritual capacity does not only depend on your soul’s capacity on your
physical body’s capacity but it also depends on your spiritual capacity. before the Holy Spirit steps in
or even when the Holy Spirit steps in your capacity must be increased not because of his presence but
you must know how to increase your spiritual capacity in his presence. I promise you after we read
what we’re going to read you will know if you have a weak or strong Spirit

The management of your spirit is not up to God it’s up to you. The care of your spirit. Is not up to God
it is up to you. the is responsibility of God is to give you a new spirit But the maintenance of your
inner man is completely on you, it’s not on God. Just like your soul can be affected your spirit can also
be affected. Your heart may not be right but your spirit also has the ability not to be right that doesn’t
mean your spirit has sinned even though your spirit also has the capacity to mess up
Because if you’re not able to bare this wholly It will affect you and you will not know why you’re being
affected yet you pray. many of you are praying but you’re playing with a wounded spirit. Many of you
are praying and the reason why the anointing cannot be revealed in power the Holy Spirit cannot
show up in power is because many of you are operating with a broken spirit.

1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 .May your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved
blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ… so there is a preservation of your spirit your soul
and your body until the coming of God. anything that has the capacity to be preserved has the capacity
to be spoiled. anything that that can be preserved has the capacity to be spoiled you know language
has meaning right and if you lose the meaning of something you lose you lose the power of it. many
of you your soul your body may be preserved example, you’re going to the gym you’re working out.
(body preservation)….. your soul maybe getting some level of preservation because you’re reading
the word of God you are in church you pray….. but your inner man maybe wounded and not

Let me show you what I’m saying to be true before we go deep into this. Psalm 61 verse 10 So your
spirit can be corrupted David is praying before God he’s saying create in me a clean heart, give me a
good soul, my soul is bad but also renew a right spirit within me. So if something can be renewed it
means that it can become old it can become wounded.

how do you know that your spirit needs to be renewed? If you can live in sin and be comfortable
your spirit has been defiled if you see sin and it doesn't agitate you it doesn’t shake you it doesn’t
make you uncomfortable your spirit is corrupted, your spirit needs renewing. if you can curse insult
say whatever that is unclean without even your conscious alarming you are just fine with it and you
don’t care you just choose where to say it and where not to say your spirit needs renewing. because
if your spirit is right your spirit bears witness with the spirit of God that your children of God if your
spirit cannot tell you you are child of God you can talk like this your spirit is corrupted.

When your spirit has been preserved if your spirit has been renewed, you don’t even try to get away
from sin you just don’t like seeing anymore because at pure spirit cannot mix with Sin….. you OK let
me let me show you that this is possible Satan is a spirit he was a pure holy Angel in heaven and he
had the capacity to corrupt himself what makes you think that you also being a spirit a soul in the
body you don’t have the ability to corrupt your spirit

Why would David not just pray for a clean heart Lord I have seen cleanse my heart give me a new

David went further he said renew our right spirit it means your spirit can want the wrong thing
because once something is corrupted it no longer desires clean things This is why In Thessalonians it
is saying May God preserve you holy cleanse you purify you and preserve your wholly. wholly like in
full in your completeness your spirit your soul and your body blameless because your spirit can also
be Corrupted
how can you be a christian in church praying in tongues saying God is good…. but you’re jealous of
you’re your neighbor you’re planning evil with your neighbor you want to see yourself succeed and
not your neighbors and you don’t have anything in you that says this is wrong your spirit is wrong with
in you. If you can backbite and do not care the consequences you don’t even care…… you see your
spirit man Makes you away of God… when David killed his friend and took his wife he acted like God
can see him but he hit the fact from men he put him in front of the line so that he can die the man
went to the war his friend and died and then he took his wife in the back it was just like oh casualty
of war but God could see everything people could not see it he hid it from men but God can see.

so if you can sin if you don’t have the consciousness that God is watching me your spirit has been
corrupted because your spirit should make you aware of God.

If you can have secrets sin if you can have secret that secret this God is watching you but your inability
to know that God is watching you shows that your spirit is corrupted. think about this Satan is in
heaven and he’s thinking evil concerning God Satan is in heaven Satan is in heaven in heaven a holy
place thinking evil against God thinking that God doesn’t know his thoughts you see the moment
your spirit is affected you are disconnected from the realities of God.

Not realities of the spirit but realities of God you think about it when somebody joins the occult or
demonic covenants they don’t think about eternal damnation they can’t even think that they will end
up in the fire even though this is a fact it is not a reality to them. it is not because they are deceived it
is because they are spirit has been corrupted it has no capacity to perceive God anymore May God
renew a right spirit within you and within me

This is why some ministers will take advantage of the flock This is why brothers and sisters can take
advantage of each other and sleep comfortably without anything saying hey I cheated ah I stole from
somebody I took from somebody. without that consciousness….. do you know why? there is
something wrong with your/their Spirit.

With Your soul the Bible already saying the heart is deceitful above all things it is obvious for your
soul to have defects But who corrects your soul it is your spirit. How do you know that your spirit is
defined? When the voice of your conscience is dead

some of you have done so much wrong…. stop stop now that's not right that's not right that's not
right that’s not right in the end that voice starts getting faint. before you know that voice no longer
speaks it has been wounded if you can grieve the Holy Spirit you can greet the spirit within you can
do the things your spirit doesn't want to the point your speed is affected. For me there are Certain
things that I do not allow around me, there are certain this if you do you cannot be around me because
it quenches my spirit. This is why most of the time through prophets are often alone they’re often
loners. Prophets don’t have friends prophets don’t hang out true prophets stemming their family and
their family includes spiritual children but specific. Because anyone that doesn’t have a fear of God is
a danger to be around you because they can be affected not me I will be affected there will be affected

How do you know your spirit is corrupted? Or bruised. Proverbs 18 verse 14. the spirit of a man will
sustain his infirmity but a wounded spirit who can bear…..The spirit of man can sustain his infirmities
do you know why you break when things don’t go your way is because you have a broken spirit and
you can't bear anything you have no ability to persevere when things got difficult you quit you stop
trusting God you have a broken Spirit.

The thing that I observed in believers is that we have this band aid idea the Holy Spirit will do this
God will do this God will do that let me tell you something when Satan tempted the Lord Jesus in the
wilderness he tested his spirit he tested his soul and he tested his flesh. when he tested him with
bread he was testing his flesh, When he told him him to bow down and you give him all the riches of
the earth richest satisfy your soul…. He said to Jesus you don’t need to go and die on the cross just
bow before me and I will give you all these kingdoms that were given to me. he tested his soul because
every man's heart is to avoid hardship we want to work hard but comfortably we don't want to work
hard and not have anything we don't work hard without any guarantees it affects you he tested his
soul. But Jesus said You shall only bow to God, he didn’t want any shortcut because inside of his soul
there was no quit inside. Then he went further and tested his spirit how much do you trust in the
word of God that says his angels will protect you will keep you and it took him to a high tempo and
told him to jump he tested his spirit. when things are hard you tend not to believe your child of God….
that’s why Satan told Jesus if you are the son of God turn this stone into bread because ‘when you’re
suffering Or you are hungry the first question is am I really your child God….. remember what David
said I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children beg for bread here is Jesus hungry
looking at Stone contemplating if it was just bread…. The devil comes and says you are not really his
son if you are his son then what David said should come to pass for you. I have never seen the
righteous forsaken and their children beg for bread And God just said you are his beloved son.

It is dangerous when you have quit inside of you when you quit when things get difficult is because
you have a broken spirit. I’ve been through ever notice when people are in the hospital those who
have the will to live they don’t die yeah the moment some somebody just said I am tired it won’t take
long they will die.

you see when you have a strong spirit you unkillable

Do you know why God told Moses go on the mountain and die is because God could not take Moses
his spirit Moses had to decide to die his spirit was too strong.

So God is negotiating with him telling him listen my friend I don’t want you to go into the promised
land I can take your spirit but because of your status just go and give it up do you know that Jesus was
not killed the Bible says Jesus gave up his ghost he gave it up he said father in your hands I commit
my spirit he took his spirit and put it in his father’s hand and then died.

Your spirit should be able to carry your infirmities when things are difficult even though your soul Is
weak your body may be weak but inside of you there will be a strength that says trust in the Lord
tomorrow will be better than today the struggle of today will not compare to tomorrow’s glories then
you’re strengthened again because there’s strength of man comes from his spirit. This is why you can
come to church you are encouraged by when you go out your week is because your spirit wasn’t
touched the word of God only went to your soul it never went to your spirit.

And people with broken spirits have no ability to engage with God for example, in church people be
singing worshiping they’ll be sitting watching people will be lifting their hands crying to God they will
be just watching. They will log on to Instagram the go on Facebook though go on tick tock they’ll be
on YouTube. While the teaching is going on there will be reading their own things but they came to
church in order to receive to receive in their spirit to receive in their soul and to receive in their body
but they don’t receive any and they will leave the church in their mind they are they were in church
but when I storm hits they will crash.

remember the lepers that came to Jesus our precious Lord they came to him they came to the Lord
Jesus because they were sick but the others had no intention of following Jesus they just wanted to
be healed they did not want to give their life to the Lord Jesus, they did not want to commit to the
Lord Jesus they did not want heaven they just wanted to be well so they came to Jesus and Jesus said
go you have been made clean but they did not see the miracle on their Body they started walking for
days it was a week to travel to where Jesus was if I can remember correctly. When they went back it
was about a week if I’m not wrong when they got to their destination they realized that they had been
healed one of them said no I need to go back and say thank you. The others were like you go man we
got what we wanted the one that went back Jesus looked he fell on his knees and said Lord thank you
he looked at him and said where are the rest and the Bible says and the Lord made him whole.

do you know what it means to be whole ?to be made whole it means in your spirit In your soul and
in your body if your spirit is not made whole you’re not whole if your soul and and body are good but
your spirit is not good you’re not whole. if your body is good but your spirit is broken your soul is
broken you’re not made whole. This is why the scripture says it like this Jesus came so that you may
have life and life in abundance the life of God always flows from the Holy Spirit into your spirit out of
your spirit into your soul from your soul to your body.

you are not called by God to only have scripture or the ways of God in the mind God wanted this law
to be written within your heart And also in your spirit you see when something is inside of your spirit
it is unnatural reaction you just do it when something is only in your soul and not in your spirit you
struggle to do it because your entire being is not aligned to carry out the will of God.
do you know why you struggle to pray it's Because your soul and your spirit are not together so your
spirit is pulling you let's go and have some time of prayer but your soul is at now let’s just watch this
Netflix show and then after that we will pray immediately you realize that the spirit and the soul they
are fighting the soul doesn't want to be subject to the spirit but the spirit wants you to pray if you
continue that you will realize that your ability to pray you don't even think about more the soul doesn’t
want to be subject to the spirit but the spirit wants you to pray if you continue that you will realize
that your ability to pray diminishes you don’t even think about pray anymore.

And the day calamity comes you want to pray you find that you can’t even pray you start looking for
ways the prophet to pray for me where is so and so to pray for me where so and so to anoint me But
no ! the problem is you have broken your spirit

you see the word of God it's like a double edged sword dividing between soul and what spirit . so you
being in the word of God you should know the distinction between your soul and your spirit because
the word of God is supposed to impact your entire being. many have made Walking with God about
how much money you have in the bank how good you look but the Bible says do not fight for only
adorning your outside man Work on adorning your inner man first. if your inner man is well dressed
your entire being will be well dressed. You see sometimes people are confused they look at me like
oh look at how prophet looks look at how he dresses he is like this is like that but I can cast out
demons they can’t I can prophecy and hear God and they can’t.

by the grace of God I can heal the sick they can’t but they are supposed to be the right one but they
can't why??? my spirit stronger then theirs.

So because God has helped my spirit to be strong the manifestation of the Holy Spirit is also strong,
you are a reflection of your inner man I’ll say it one more time you are a reflection of your inner man
everything about you outside is revealing how you are your inner man’s condition.

For example one will say I’ve been born again 50 years filled with the Holy Spirit but what has been
the outcome what is the outcome??? When the Bible says and these signs shall follow them! If there
is no signal if there is no signal over changed in a man your outside life can change.

Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. remember the
strength of money is from his spirit that’s what helps you to bear that’s why the Bible says and the
spirit helps our infirmities now do you understand that scripture better? And the spirit helps our
informant is through prayer with words that cannot be uttered so now the Bible is telling you the spirit
of man will sustain the infirmities of a man but a broken spirit who can bear it?

Proverbs 18 verse 14. The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity but a wounded spirit who can
bear…..The spirit of man can sustain his infirmities
You see when I’m when people take their own lives because they lost their job and they can’t bear to
the point they will take their life it is sad it is very sad.

It's because they cannot bear it that is what happens when your spirit is broken you cannot bear life
anymore. Because to be a life is to be in pain do you know that to be alive is to be in pain the evidence
of life is pain when you are born the first thing the doctor does is smacks you to make sure you cry
the first breath of baby takes it’s painful that’s why babies cry because it’s their first time their lungs
actually expand because the whole time you are not really technically using them you are underwater
now you have to use all these lungs open pain.

growing pains when a baby is teething pain.

Let me explain this you can be very strong but if your strength is not renewed if you don't rest you
can only sustain power for a long time. for example I do mix martial art, my ability to sustain strength
is based on the work that I do in conditioning it is my conditioning that ensures that I can sustain my
Strength. So the more I work on my cardio I’m increasing my capacity to sustain Power. Don’t matter
if I hit so hard but if my conditioning will only allow me to throw one punch and then I am weak the
devil will destroy me this is why in all sports the main Thing is conditioning Because your body needs
the conditioning the condition to maintain the power it takes go faster/longer.

The Bible says those who wait upon the Lord he shall renew their strength so there is a place whereby
your strength will be renewed based on your capacity. To renew strength and to be strengthened at
two different things. To renew the strength is to be refreshed in order for you to be able to exhibit
the strength that you carry, to be strengthened is that most strength is added to you so with your
spirit you need both your strength to be renewed and for you also to be strengthened.

When our Lord Jesus was in the wilderness. Matthew 4 vs 10. the word minister there is they came
and strengthened him remember when Jesus was about to go to the cross and he was praying and
sweating Blood Luke 22vs 42 there appeared an angel strengthening him….. the reason why the Lord
Jesus prayed and said Lord if it is your will let this cup of suffering pass but let it not be my will let it
be you will the Bible says this says and the angels of God king and strengthened him he needed
another level of strength to be able to bear the journey of the cross. bodily we know Jesus could not
carry the cross for a long time a man called Simon came and helped him carry the cross African man
because it was too heavy for him…..So you realize physically Jesus was weak but inside Jesus he
embraced the cross he was ready for the cross because the strength that he received was not physical
it was spiritual. so the spiritual strength allowed him to bear the nailing the weeping the Insulting.

some of you somebody says look at you loser me I’m not a loser you get agitated easily. Your spirit
is broken because you have no capacity to calm yourself down.
the Bible says it like this in Luke chapter 4 verse 1 Jesus left the wilderness in the power of the spirit
because he was Strengthened. When he fasted he was weak that’s why the devil could come to him
the moment the devil left he was strengthened…. his capacity increased that he did great signs and
wonders that the whole nation knew about it.

So your spirit to be renewed it is to renew its strength and to be strengthened…its two different things,
notice Jesus never prayed for a renewed spirit he only needed his spirit to be strengthened so before
your spirit can be strengthened it must be renewed when it is renewed because of the level you
maintain.. now if God sends his angels or the spirit of God comes you can be strengthened beyond
where you are.

When started my ministry when God sent me to minister sometimes it would take me 4 hours just to
cast out one person demon. My strength was increased now demons can’t even last two Minutes
with me. this is the key you cannot be strengthened without your spirit being renewed first.

remember Samson prayed and God strengthen him his hair grew back but his capacity was not good
enough for where he was God needed to re-strengthen him…. Samson was strengthened again and
when he was strengthened his strength came back but now he had enough strength to pull down our
whole Coliseum.

To renew your script and to be strengthened in this P two different things

Proverbs chapter 17 verse 27 He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of
understanding is of an excellent spirit.

So your ability to understand is also based on your spirit I’ve ever met people that I’ve been church
for so long read the word of God they can’t understand they can’t understand anything about life
they can’t understand they keep doing the same thing…

.it means one’s spirit is broken just know The spirit is wounded the capacity to understand is not
there….. You read the word of God misunderstand

2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 so fear is a sign you are broken. Fear of the dark few of the future few
of this fear of that it means something is wrong with your spirit, that’s why it’s saying God has not
given us the spirit of fear notice the “s” on spirit of fear is a small letter s meaning it is talking about
your spirit.

it says ….But Of power and of love and of a sound mind …. Notice your sound mind, love is an effect
of your spirit if you have no love your spirit is broken. that’s why I said if you can back bite and do
things against people and you don’t fear anything you don’t feel anything …. you’re broken.
Psalms 46 verse 10 be still and know that I am God….. have you ever met people that are not still….one
minute budda next This next minute crystals next minute that at the same time Jesus …..it means
something is wrong with you something is wrong with your spirit you have no stillness. you see demons
are not still they’re always moving Around someone with a demon has no peace they lack stillness. They
can’t just be calm. To be still is that you can be calm before God you can Be calm before storms …THIS

Philippians chapter 4 verse 13 now you will know at this West means. I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me so if your spirit is broken how can we strengthen you. So people quote this as to be
bold but that’s not what this scripture is talking about…. Jesus strengthens the inner man if the inner man
can be strengthened (after renewal) some of you need a renewing then a strengthening.

some of you think that you can just say “ yeah I can do all things through Christ… “ but you have to ask
yourself what is the condition of my spirit?

Now how to build up the inner man.

Psalm 51 verse 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit are broken and contrite heart O God thou
will not despise.

What what did this mean this doesn’t mean that if situations beat you up you have a broken spirit that
God will accept no. you see David was a man that worked with God but he forgot to be humble before
God. God opposes the proud during this time he was repenting because of the sin that he had committed
so he knew that by humbling myself before God, God cannot reject him you see many of you need to learn
this when you go before God and you say Lord I have failed I did this and That and you see it all..this is
what it means… you have broken yourself before him. You have allowed him to put you to back together
you have said Lord I’m not hiding anything you see anything everything anyway

the Bible says this about Jesus says he took upon himself the form of a servant he was made of no
reputation Jesus was the most humble human being walking. When you break yourself you break yourself
by humility when you saw Jesus you always said my father my father my father he never spoke about
himself yet him and the father are one he always made it about his father.?

Break yourself before God don’t allow situations or life to break you ….. Because life situation breaking
you doesn’t mean you’re broken that means you’re bruised. Jesus chose to be broken on the cross of his
own accord so that the father can receive him as a sacrifice as a living sacrifice you being beaten by
demons doesn’t mean you are sacrifice or are broken before God.

One key step on how to build your inner man learn to maintain the presence of God. This is something
that people are not taught and I don’t know why but maybe some people don’t have this dimension but

whenever you are in the presence of God and you feel the presence of God be alert and aware to maintain
that presence because it is in that time that your spirit man is being renewed. those who remain those
who wait …the word wait there is means who remain .. the word wait there is old English meaning to
When you pray for example and you feel the surge of the presence of God …maintenance that prayer or
tongues of speak as long as you can so that presence doesn’t department from you. Because it is within
that presence or your ability to maintain that presence….That causes the inner man your spirit to be
strengthened. The problem is you guys will fill the presence you will stop the moment you stop you are
disconnected when it is in the time that power is being transferred. So when you’re connected you don’t
let go.

that is why Jesus told the disciples Terry in Jerusalem until the promise of the father has come when the
promise came they were holding on they came together in one accord and did not stop until heaven was
open and the father sent the Holy Spirit there were changed forever their inner man was changed. Bible
says Peter became bold, they could speak with No Fear because their inner man was strengthened

Remember that the disciples were men in hiding afraid to be killed. But when the holy spirit came they
feared nothing.

So Pray until the presence come when the presence comes maintain it ,it is like lifting weights When it
begins to burn you don’t stop that’s when you push harder.. add that is when prayer matters not just
when you speak.

the presence of God and the spirit of God are two different Experiences. Jesus said I will never leave you
or forsake you he did not say the Holy Spirit you will not There is no scripture like that. that is why David
said Do not take your spirit from me the Bible says do not offend the Holy Spirit because you can offend
the Holy Spirit don’t confuse the two.

the person of the Lord Jesus is the person of salvation he said I will never leave you nor forsake you. there
are lot of Christians that are born but the manifestation of the spirit upon is not there and I know men
have got God that were so mighty in the works of God and because of certain things they did those
manifestations are no longer with them. Is it not true have you not seen? it people who are healing the
sick , Casting out devils all of a sudden they cannot do it anymore. Jesus hasn’t left them they’re going to
make heaven but there is a disconnect with the holy spirit… those are two different subjects….. Jesus said
I will never leave you nor forsake you he did not Say my spirit. think why is Jesus warning you don’t
offend The Holy Spirit don’t sin against the holy spirit if you sin against him you were in danger of
damnation. Think anybody is going to Hell do they have the holy spirit???

You know we have to use our mind and think let’s not just assume what God is saying and what is not
saying the Lord Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us even in our Errors he will lift us up. the holy spirit
will be with you will be with you but if you keep doing wrong you will pull back.

you see many times people confuse the manifestation of a gift and the presence of the Holy Spirit… two
different things…. and the presence of God himself is different. if you read through scripture when Moses
experienced the glory of god which is the cloud of God the presence of god it was different from the spirit
of God. When Jesus was praying in the the cloud of glory came down it doesn’t set the spirit of God came
down he said the cloud of glory came down and we know the cloud is the presence of God it is the
presence of God that is tangible …..these are different experiences they are Not the same thing
completely different I’m a spiritual man this is my dimension I know what I’m telling you.

this is not what you’re thinking. Example there’s a lot of people in churches today the Holy Spirit is there
but no people are being healed no demons are being cast out why? Jesus said if I cast out demons I cast
them out by the spirit of God. so the churches are singing Hallelujah oh I feel the presence but no demon
is being cast out it means their realm of maintaining the Holy Spirit is not what you think……..the Bible
Says it like this.. now the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. If the Holy
Spirit is present demons cannot be in that place impossible this is not me the the Bible says it. it is not
the same experience. Try read through again.

Example 2 This is why some people who speak in tongues and etc when they meet somebody with a
powerful manifestation of God they get confused they start thinking maybe they’re doing witchcraft
maybe they’re doing this no no no no no you are just seeing a dimension you have never seen. And it’s
OK God has given us different dimensions so that we can learn from others so that we can …. no man is
an island there are things I don’t know that I’ve learned Other prophets I’ve learned from other men of

So we need each others to unlock new dimensions and experience… want a different dimension find
someone in that dimension to teach you. You do not know everything.

OK I’ll give you an example there is the ability to deliver people that is solely based on your relationship
with the Holy Spirit and there are people who have been gifted in deliverance two different dimensions
. So one person will just stand and say every evil spirit in the mighty name of Jesus come out hundreds or
thousands will be healed etc …. depending on the room of people that are in there people will manifest
that you didn’t even know that have devils…..but there are other person that will lay hands on people
touch people and then a demon will manifest is because the dimensions. One just said one had two lay
hands….all are Good. Its that the power of God is in realms and dimensions, we don’t know it all.

Anybody who says they know it all is a lie. the presence of God and the spirit of God two different
experiences . when we talk about the presence of God we are talking about the father the son and the
Holy Spirit coming together that is why it’s called the presence of god remember god is 1 but . we talk
about the presence of the holy spirit even though within the holy spirit the father and the son are there
the highlight is the whole holy spirit.

And Operations of the Holy Spirit is different from the operation of the Lord Jesus even though Jesus is
God and in him dwells the fullness of the godhead, when you experience the Lord Jesus it is different than
experiencing the Holy Spirit ..,….when you experience the father it is different than experiencing the son
and the Holy Spirit ……when you experience them all together now you experiencing God in his fullness
that is what we call the presence of God.

This is why God was so shocked that Aaron could speak against Moses with their sister Miriam . God came
down and said listen “if there be a prophet among you I’ll speak to them in visions and dreams” God is
putting a distinction between Moses is a prophet and Miriam and Aaron who have received the prophetic.
God then said “ I will reveal myself I will make myself known to them in visions and in dreams but not
so with my servant Moses he is faithful in all my house” it means your faithfulness determines your

“ he is faithful in all my house with him I will speak face to face mouth to mouth even the appearance of
God shall he see are you not afraid of talking about my servant Moses” Moses was in a dimension of
prophets that was not the regular one.
These are different experiences some of these things we will learn when we meet Moses in heaven Moses
how did you do it Elijah how did you do it you? notice Ezekiel saying the spirit of the Lord took me the
hand of the Lord took me another one is saying and the Lord spoke to me all different experiences but
Same God. same God same God different manifestations This is why as children of God humility is the
master key. Humility. so try to maintain that presence .



you see this is the problem of Christians there is no separating the two Jesus came to fulfill it do you know
what it means to fulfill it. to fulfill it means that both of them now they have come to their end. why do
you repent of sin? Weren’t people repenting in the Old Testament why are you still repenting in the New
Testament if the Old Testament is gone?

What if you steal you say oh Lord forgive me I stole it wasn’t right why are you repenting If the Old
Testament is gone? it is the application of the same thing is different because of grace that is the point of
the New Testament… is that Jesus paid the price that the same things that will take so much to do in the
Old Testament grace are simplified it so that we can fulfill it the law is still there but if you receive Christ
you’re dead to the law so now if you sin you can repent and you avoid the penalty of using bulls and goats
but repentance is still there but now you’re only using the blood of Jesus not goats and bulls nothing
changes the application is still a sacrifice!

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