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© 1999, Gerald L.

Findley ROPE WORKS + T

Use ---- Diagonal lashing is used to bind poles to-
gether that cross each other but do not touch
when their ends are lashed in place in a struc-

Comments ---- The diagonal lashing gets its name

from the fact that the wrapping turns cross the
poles diagonally. 1.
The diagonal lashing can be used to bind poles hitch
that cross each other from 90o to 45o. If the
angle between the poles is less than 45o a shear
lashing should be used.
The diagonal lashing makes use of the timber 2. <-- tight
hitch to pull poles together that are not touch- --
ing each other. The timber hitch allows the
poles to be drawn together without changing
the relative positions of the poles. [NOTE]
If a square lashing were used to bind poles that
do not touch, the beginning clove hitch would start first
pull the cross pole toward the clove hitch caus- 3. make
ing unnecessary bowing of the cross pole and 3 to 4
could also produce a force that would act along
the length of the pole to which the clove hitch
is tied. These additional force, if strong enough,
can place unnecessary strain on other lashing
within the structure causing the structure to pull each keep
wrapping wrappings
twist and fail. parallel
Narration ---- (For diagonal lash knotboard. ) (1) 4.
Tie a timber hitch diagonally around both poles.
(2) Start the wrapping turns on the opposite
diagonal to the timber hitch, by pulling the rope
tight so that the poles contact each other. (3) start 2nd
Take 3 to 4 wrapping turns; keep the wrap- wrapping
ping turns parallel; pull each wrapping turn keep
tight. [NOTE] If the wrapping turns are allowed parallel
to cross, the increased friction between the
strands of the rope will make it difficult to
tighten the wrapping turns. (4) Start the sec-
ond set of wrapping turns by going past and 3 to 4
around the vertical pole. [NOTE] Going
© 1999, Gerald L. Findley ROPE WORKS + T

------------------------------ around the pole the rope allows the direction

6. start
frapping of the rope to be changed without crossing the
first set of wrapping diagonally. (5) Take 3 to
4 wrapping turns; be sure to keep the wrap-
ping turns parallel; pull each wrapping turn
tight. (6) Start the frapping turns by going past
first frapping turn
and around one of the poles. [NOTE] Going
around the pole with the rope allows the direc-
7. make pull each
tion of the rope to be changed without cross-
2 to 3 frapping
frappings tight ing the wrapping turns diagonally. (7) Take 2
to 3 frapping turns; keep the frapping turns par-
allel. Be sure to pull each turn tight. (8) End
the lashing with a clove hitch. Take the first
half hitch of the clove hitch by going past and
8. half then around one of the poles. Lock the half
hitch work hitch tight against the lashing by working it
tight tight. (9) Take a second half hitch around the
pole. (10) Work the second half hitch tight
against the first half hitch so that the clove hitch
is locked against the lashing.

[NOTE] See the directions for square lashing for

9. half
instructions on working the half hitches tight.
[NOTE] If very smooth rope is used, the lashing
can be made more secure by adding a third or
forth half hitch to the clove hitch.

clove hitch work
-----> tight

+ +

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