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The Application of Reinforcement Learning in Video Games

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The Application of Reinforcement Learning in Video


Xuyouyang Fan

Maynooth International Engineering College, Fuzhou University, No.2, Wulongjiang North

Ave., Fuzhou, China

Abstract. With the continuous development of reinforcement learning, artificial

intelligence has reached a level of sophistication where it can effectively handle
complex situations, making it a valuable component in video game development
and gameplay experiences. Recent applications have demonstrated the potential
of reinforcement learning in controlling game agents to achieve victory, as well
as its role in facilitating game development processes for human developers. This
paper presents a comprehensive review of the methods employed in video games
to support in-game artificial intelligence and game development. A comparison
is made between traditional methods and the emerging paradigm of reinforce-
ment-learning-based techniques. By exploring the advantages of applying rein-
forcement learning, this study highlights the potential benefits it brings to the
video game industry. Furthermore, real-world cases are examined to showcase
successful applications of reinforcement learning in video games. It concludes
that the future and advancement of reinforcement learning in video games hold
great promise.

Keywords: Reinforcement Learning, Video Games Playing, Video Game De-


1 Introduction

The reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as an important method of artificial in-
telligence. The agent in RL learns experience by interacting with the environment. This
branch of machine learning has developed a lot of applications across various domains,
with the video game playing being a field that interests many scholars. Video games
provide simulated world where players can interact with the environment and other
players, and this world can be seen an environment for agent of RL. Traditionally,
game-playing agents were programmed with fixed rules or heuristics, limiting them to
some specific situations or games. However, with the development of RL algorithms
and computational power, agents can now autonomously acquire skills and improve
their performance through trial and error.
The application of RL in video game playing has opened up exciting possibilities for
developing highly intelligent and adaptive game-playing agents. These agents can

© The Author(s) 2023

P. Kar et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Image, Algorithms and Artificial
Intelligence (ICIAAI 2023), Advances in Computer Science Research 108,
The Application of Reinforcement Learning in Video Games 203

learn optimal strategies, navigate through complex dungeons, and even compete
against human players. Moreover, they can continually adapt and evolve their game-
play based on feedback and rewards, leading to enhanced player experiences and
challenging game-play scenarios. Moreover, RL in video games might laid the
groundwork for creating realistic non-player characters (NPCs) that can exhibit
human-like behaviours and adapt to the variable situation in games. These intelligent
NPCs can provide players with engaging and immersive gameplay experiences,
making the gaming environment more dynamic and challenging.
Since RL has demonstrated its adaptability to the gaming environment, has there
been a number of applications? Driven by curiosity about this question, the author
undertook a certain degree of exploration. This paper aims to explore the application
of RL in video game, focusing on the advancements, challenges, and potential future
directions in the field. We will discuss various RL algorithms used in video game
playing, highlight notable achievements, and examine the impact of these
developments on the game industry.

2 The Basic of RL

RL provides a paradigm of self-regulated learning based on the principles of Markov

Decision Process (MDP). In RL, the agent interacts with the environment and
receives feedback in the form of rewards or penalties based on its actions [1]. Typical
RL algorithms commonly involve three main types: Value-based Methods, Policy-
based Methods, and Actor-Critic Methods.
Value-based methods: This type of methods like value iteration and Q-learning
requires a function called value function to evaluate the “value” of each policy and
chose the policy that rewards the max value, a little similar to the heuristic search
except the value function will learn from the environment. The performance of this
type of methods very depends on the value function (Fig.1).

Fig. 1. The value-based methods (Photo/Picture credit: Original)

Policy-based methods: Algorithms such as Policy Gradient and the REINFORCE

algorithm fall under this category (Fig.2). These algorithms do not evaluate the value
of each policy, instead, the evaluate the potential of the policies. It is possible that the
agent chose a node that has the smallest value. It provides the agent possibility to find
another way that might leads to a higher value.
204 X. Fan

Fig. 2. The policy-based methods (Photo/Picture credit: Original)

Actor-Critic methods: In Actor-Critic algorithms, the Actor learns strategy while

the Critic evaluates it. Examples include Deterministic Policy Gradient and Soft
Actor-Critic (SAC). These methods train both actor and critic, optimizing policy and
assessing effectiveness using value functions. These approaches balances learning
rate and search precision in finding the optimal strategy [2].

3 The Traditional Approaches to Build AI and RL


3.1 The Traditional Artificial Intelligence Implementations in Games

Traditional, the artificial intelligence in video games is implemented manually

through coding fixed rules (like if A happens then do B else do C). The rules are
programmed by the human who writes the rules based on the experience or
knowledge of the game world. There are some implementations of the said process.
Like the state machine or the behaviour tree.
The state machine just another implementation of the if-else statements. It can
closely control the behaviour of the agent, if the conditions are set very specific, the
behaviour of the agent can handle the complex situation and act like a smart player.
But with the increase of the number of states, the complexity of the state machine
grows, and the difficulty of the maintenance becomes a significant cost [3].

3.2 The RL Based Artificial Intelligence in Games

RL, a type of machine learning that has rapidly gained popularity in the game
industry, unlike traditional machine AI implementations, RL allows the agents to
learn and adapt to variant in-game situations through trail-and-error and feedback
based on rewards and penalties. Such a process can be only be used in the time of the
game development, that means that the AI does not need to be specific designed, the
developers can use the RL to train an AI (model) to control the agents, the model
might find some technics that even not be awarded by the developers themselves.
The Application of Reinforcement Learning in Video Games 205

If it is possible to continuously train the AI and distribute the updated model to the
released game, the developers can gain the data from the actual AI interaction with
the player to make the AI more powerful [4]. It means that the AI can adapt the actual
game-play of players to provides players customised experience: adjust the difficulty
to make the player comfortable, or learn the player’s playing pattern and find the way
to against the pattern to make the game more challenge.
RL-based intelligence can be applied to a wide range of gaming genres, including
strategy games, action games, and sports games. For example, RL can be used to train
NPCs to play as opponents that adapt and learn from the player’s strategies in real-
time. It can also be used to control the behaviour of teammates in multiplayer games,
making them more cooperative and strategic.

4 The Applications of RL in Video Game Field

The video game, which build a simulated world that accepts user inputs and outputs
the corresponding result to the users, naturally provides an environment for the
interaction of agents in the RL. And there are many actual applications of the RL in
the video game playing. The RL shows its power on playing video games that has a
goal to achieve, like the real-time strategy (RTS), platform jumping, chess games and
other fields.

4.1 The Application in Go

The most famous application is the AlphaGo, who defeated the top human players.
The AlphaGo using the CNN to extract the features from the game status and use the
extracted features to assist the decision (Fig.3). It using two deep neural networks, the
policy network and the value network, to make a decision. The success of the
AlphaGo shows that the ability of the RL to evolve self by playing games with itself,
to finally achieve the level that no one has ever reached [5].
Years after, David Silver et al. extended the method in AlphaGo Zero to a single
AlphaZero algorithm, which can achieve outstanding performance in many
challenging chess games. AlphaZero uses deep neural network, general RL algorithm
and general tree search algorithm to replace the manual knowledge and domain-
specific enhancement used in traditional game programs. Based on the only game
rules, AlphaZero overwhelmingly defeated world champion programs in the fields of
Go, Chess, and Shogi [6].
206 X. Fan

Fig. 3. AlphaGo uses two neural network to make decision [5].

On the other hand, the developer of AlphaGo, DeepMind, provides a teaching tool
that demonstrate the evaluation result of AlphaGo to help people examine their moves
of playing Go and find a new way of playing Go [7]. This tool is helpful for training
Go players with a certain level of proficiency by showing how AlphaGo “thinks” of a
certain step (Fig.4). It can help players discover the flaws and problems in their
policies, and also assist them in finding new strategies to improve their Go skills.

Fig. 4. The teaching tool demonstrates how the AlphaGo “Thinks” [7]

4.2 The Applications in the RTS Games

A multi-agent RL algorithm was constructed by Oriol Vinyals et al. utilizing data
from both human players and computer players. The agent AlphaStar was trained
The Application of Reinforcement Learning in Video Games 207

using a combination of supervised learning and RL. However, in the context of RL,
certain challenges were encountered. On the one hand, due to the complexity of the
maps and the scarcity of rewards, exploration became difficult for the agents. On the
other hand, the game had a large time span, and the action space of the units was
complex, making off-policy learning a formidable task. Nonetheless, AlphaStar was
still rated as a Grand Master in all three StarCraft II race trials, surpassing 99.8% of
human players at the same level [8].

4.3 The Applications in the Platform Jumping Games

The platform jumping game is a type of games that holds simple rules. Players need
to control the game characters jumping over platforms to avoid obstacles, traps and
A type of intelligent agent called the Deep Q Network (DQN) has been developed
by Volodymyr Mnih et al. The DQN combines RL with deep neural networks, a class
of artificial neural networks, which addressed the instability issue in RL when using
nonlinear function approximators. In this case, the deep neural network replaces the
role of Q function.
Additionally, the DQN achieved significant success in six games (Boxing,
Breakout, Crazy Climber, Demon Attack, Krull, and Robotank) run on the Atari
consoles. It outperformed professional players in these games, showcasing the
effectiveness of the DQN approach [9].

4.4 The Application in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA)


MOBA games are known for their high complexity, posing significant challenges in
AI action prediction and decision-making. Tencent's team focused on training a 1v1
AI model for Honor of Kings, a popular MOBA game, and achieved impressive
results in real player confrontations.
The experimental team at Tencent developed an AI model by dividing their deep
learning architecture into four sub-modules: the Artistic Intelligence Server, Dispatch
Module, Memory Pool, and RL Learner. To model MOBA action decisions, they
designed an actor-critic neural network. The network was optimized using a multi-
label proximal policy optimization (PPO) objective and incorporated techniques such
as decoupling methods for action dependencies, attention mechanisms for target
selection, action masks for efficient exploration, LSTM for learning skill
combinations, and an enhanced version of PPO called dual-clip PPO for improved
training convergence [10].
During the training process, Tencent quantitatively evaluated the results by
measuring the beating speed against a weaker model and imposed an APM (actions
per minute) limit of 133ms for the AI. The AI model achieved an impressive win rate
of 0.998 in 2100 games against top amateur players and only lost one set against
professional players. When benchmarked against the ELO rating system, the AI's
208 X. Fan

decision-making and gameplay abilities in MOBA games reached the level of

professional players [11].

4.5 The Application in Game Balancing

Not only directly participate in the game to compete with human players in the
competitive games, the RL can be also applied to the game system itself the learn
from the human players’ playing and adjust the difficulty of the game itself to
provides the player a smoother and comfortable game experience while not losing the
A simple game, called RoguelikeRL, developed by Matt Gray to demonstrate such
a concept, is a game that has a built-in RL model to monitor the performance of the
player (Fig.5). If the agent find it set too many obstacles that might defeat player, it
will put more items to help player overcome the difficulties. And if it finds that the
player conquers the dungeon too easy, the agent stops setting helpful items and set
difficulties. The developer also set a global model to initialise the model. At the most
beginning, the global model set up the stages and starts to learn from the player.
Through the playing of player, the model eventually be trained to fit the personal style
of the player to provides a customised, challenging and smooth experience of playing
for the player [4].
This demonstration shows the potential of the RL in the dynamic game balancing,
the RL-based balancing system can provide each player with a unique and delighting
game experience.

Fig. 5. The RoguelikeRL, a rough prototype of roguelike game [4]

5 The Future of RL in the Game Field

In the future, video games will increasingly incorporate features such as multiplayer
confrontations, team building, and challenging levels with numerous small monsters
and bosses. These specific scenarios create a demand for well-designed game AI that
can quickly generate a large number of high-quality intelligent agents.
Currently, AI in games can achieve or even surpass the gaming level of amateur
human players across various game types. Moving forward, the focus for game
companies will be on creating diverse gaming styles for AI to offer unique
The Application of Reinforcement Learning in Video Games 209

experiences to players in games. For instance, when AI serves as the rivals, the
training model should aim to enrich the AI's styles of decision-making. Some AIs
may exhibit aggressive behaviour towards the player, while others may adopt a
cautious style of hiding and ambushing. As a teammate, AI can play the role of a
supporter, serving the player character (PC), providing support and cooperation with
the PC to allow the player to confidently charge into battle; It can also act like a
defender, appearing braver, leading the way, taking damage and requiring the support
from the PC, making the player feel needed. In the role of scene Non-Player’s
Characters (NPCs), AI should respond differently to the player's actions, creating a
more lifelike interaction rather than relying on fixed actions.
It is predicted that as RL continues to advance in the gaming industry, AI with
personalised and distinctive characteristics will become a key selling point for new
games, attracting players. The gaming field serves as an excellent testing ground for
AI, and the demands of players will drive further development and breakthroughs in
AI technology. Based on the deficiencies observed in training models, the future
development of AI in gaming is expected to focus on the following directions:
Autonomous Learning and Innovation: The aim is to reduce the reliance on
preestablished rules and algorithms by enhancing AI's ability to innovate and learn
autonomously. This would enable AI to adapt and respond dynamically to new
gaming scenarios, leading to more unpredictable and engaging gameplay experiences.
Optimisation of Training Methods: Efforts will be made to improve and
optimize training methods to minimize the computational resources and time required
for training AI models. This would allow for more efficient and scalable training
processes, making it easier to develop high-quality intelligent agents within
reasonable timeframes.
Enhance Generalisation Ability: The goal is to enhance the generalization ability
of AI, enabling it to handle complex scenarios and adapt to various game types. This
would involve training AI models that can effectively transfer learned knowledge and
skills from one game to another, leading to more versatile and adaptable AI agents.
Multi-Agent Learning and Collaboration: Emphasis will be placed on
improving swarm intelligence through multi-agent learning and collaboration. This
involves training AI agents to work together, communicate, and coordinate their
actions, leading to more sophisticated and realistic behaviours in multiplayer gaming

6 Conclusion

This essay explores the fundamental concepts of RL and its various applications in the
video game industry. The focus is on its utilization in RTS games, platformer games,
MOBA games, chess Games and the interplay between game intelligence and RL.
Traditional intelligence implementation in games, the integration of RL-based
intelligence, and specific use cases of RL in games are also discussed. Lastly, the
future of RL in the gaming industry is examined.
210 X. Fan

To summarize, RL exhibits great potential and is making notable advancements in

the gaming field. However, there are certain limitations in the current application of
AI in games. Existing AI models face challenges in handling complex situations and
long-term planning, particularly in RTS games. Training RL models often
necessitates substantial computational resources and time, which can impede their
widespread adoption in real-world game development. Additionally, some AI models
rely heavily on predefined rules and algorithms, limiting their creativity and
adaptability in unfamiliar environment.


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