A Study On Employee Satisfaction at Kurl
A Study On Employee Satisfaction at Kurl
A Study On Employee Satisfaction at Kurl
Degree of Master of Business Administration in Pondicherry University Submitted by Ms.POOJA.C Enrolment No: 0209390489 MBA - HRM
This is to certify that the Project Work titled A STUDY ON SATISFACTION at KURL-ON LTD is a bonafide work of Ms POOJA.C Enrollment No: 0209390489 carried out in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of MBA-HRM of Pondicherry University under my guidance. This project work is original and not submitted earlier for the award of any degree / diploma or associate ship of any other University / Institution.
Signature of the Guide Name and Official Address of the Guide Guides Academic Qualifications Designation and Experience:
I, Ms. POOJA.C hereby declare that the Project Work titled A study on Employee satisfaction at Kurl-on Ltd is the original work done by me and submitted to the Pondicherry University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of Master of Business Administration in Human Resource Management is a record of original work done by me under the supervision of Mr. Praveen. Enrollment No: 0209390489 Date:
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INTRODUCTION HRM is that it is the process of managing people in organizations in a structured and thorough manner. This covers the fields of staffing (hiring people), retention of people, pay and perks setting and management, performance management, change management and taking care of exits from the company to round off the activities. This is the traditional definition of HRM which leads some experts to define it as a modern version of the Personnel Management function that was used earlier.
Human resource management is a branch management that helps managers to recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. Obviously, hrm is concerned with the people in an organization. Without people organization cannot exist. Recourses like men, money, material and machine are collected and united into a team towards the attainment of a common objective and HRM forms the major component of an organization.
Employees are the backbone of the company as they contribute maximum to the organization. Research shows that satisfied, motivated employees facilitate higher customer satisfaction and, in turn,positively influence organizational performance. Organization s that invests in measuring employee opinions and attitudes, by
incorporating employee satisfaction surveys into their existing hr processes, can develop such a workfore.
The steady growth and prospects of any company are to a great extent subject to the people working there. The survival and sustenance of the company in the market calls for adequate attention to different aspects concerning the employees. This entails proper understanding of the factors that not only ensures recruitment of skilful people but also their retention. In order to achieve this objective companies undertake surveys.
INDUSTRY PROFILE The coir fibre industry is particularly important in some areas of the developing world. Coir is a coarse fibre extracted from the fibrous outer shell of a coconut. STRUCTURE: Coir fibres are found between the husk and the outer shell of a coconut. The individual fibre cells are narrow & hollow, with thick walls made of cellulose. These are two varieties of coir. Brown coir is harvested from ripened coconuts. It is typically used in mats. Brushes & sacking. White coir fibres are harvested from the coconuts before they are ripe. They are generally spun to make yarn that is used in mats or rope. The coir fibre is relatively water proof and is one of the few natural fibre resistant to damage by salt water. PROCESSING: Coconuts are the seed of the palm trees. These palms flower on a monthly basis and the fruit takes 1 year to ripen. A typical palm tree has fruit in every stage of maturity. A mature tree can produce 50-100 coconuts per year. Coconuts can be harvested from the ground once they can be harvested while still on the tree.
USES: Brown coir is used in floor mats and doormats, brushes, mattresses, floor tiles & sacking. A small amount is also made into twine pads of curled brown coir fibre, made by needle-felting are shaped and cut to fill mattresses & for use in erosion control on river banks and will sides. A major proportion of brown coir pads are sprayed with rubber latex which bends the fibres together (rubberized coir) to be used as upholstery padding for the automobile industry in Europe. The material is also used for insulation & packaging.
The major use of white coir is in rope manufacturers. Mats of woven coir fibre are made from the finer graders of bristle and white fibre using hand or mechanical looms white coir also used to make fishing nets due to its strong resilience to salt water.
In horticulture coir is recommended as substitute for sphagnum mass because it is free of bacteria and fungal spores & is sustain ably produced without the environmental damage caused by peat minting.
Coconut coir from Mexico has been found to contain large numbers of colonies of the beneficial fungus. Aspergilluss terreus which acts as a biological control against plant pathogenic fungus.
MAJOR PRODUCERS Total world coir fibre production is 250000 tones. The coir fibre industry is particularly important in some areas of the developing world India, mainly the coastal region of Kerala state, produces 60% of the total world supply of white coir fibre. Srilanka, produces 36% of the total world brown fibre output. Over 50% of the coir fibre produced annually throughout the world is consumed in the countries of origin, namely India. Together India of Srilanka produce 90% of the 250000 metric tons of coir produced every year.
Kurlon Limited, a manipal group company came into existence in 1962. The company was then called Karnataka Consumer Products Ltd and from 8.12.1995 the company was renamed as Kurlon Limited. Kurlon is the part of the 2000 Crore Manipal Group of companies founded by the Pais of Manipal which is major financial and industrial group in India. The group has its activities spread over financial services, manufacturing, education, electronic commerce, software services, share broking, etc., The group is headed by Mr.T.Ramesh U-Pai who is the chairman of the group Mr.Pai is on the boards of several well known industries commercial and educational enterprises. Kurlon actually was conceived when Mr.Pai was in Germany in 1959, he found that car seat cushions were manufactured of
rubberized coir. The manufacturer was importing curled coir from Srilanka. In India, the coir industry has developed very well, mostly in Kerala where they produce Retted Fibre . Green husks of coconut are immersed in the salty back waters for 10-12 months and the retted husk is supplied to various homes to make mats and matting
rolls after producing the yarn from this fibre. This has created employment to many women in the state. Today Kurlon has created a direct employment over thousand people & indirect employment to lakhs of coir workers across the sub-continent. Kurlons success is built on a solid infrastructure and its powerful marketing strength. Kurlon limited is the brand leader in the industry and has acquired major market share in the brand mattresses segment. The company has 44 sales offices, which are profit centres, strategically located al over the country. Taking advantage of market potential kurlon strongly believes in giving the customers the quality products of a wide range at competitive prices, which will result in customer satisfaction.
ZONAL OFFICES OF KURLON LIMITED Bangalore Chennai Mumbai Kolkata Kanpur New-Delhi
PRODUCTION FOR KURLON LIMITED Bangalore Bhubaneswar Venture Marketing is the distributors of Kurlon Mattress in Chennai from 2000. Chennai is the zonal office for Tamilnadu and Kerala. It was established in the year 19752. There are 154 dealers in Chennai. Chennai office controls the area of Pondicherry, Karaikal, Chengalpat, Vellore, Krishnagiri, Hosur Etc.,
Associates companies includes Manipal control data electronic commerce Ltd Manipal Holdings Manipal Motors Manipal Medical College Sealy Kurlon Ltd Syndicate Bank Industrial Credit Development Syndicate Maharashtra Apex corporation Ltd.
A Satisfied employee alone can produce better results, so a survey must be conducted by the management to determine the level of satisfaction among employees, which give an indication of employees and their opinion about the incentives and allowance, welfare and safety measures, work environment etc.
The steady growth and prospects of any company are to a great extent subject to the people working there. The survival and sustenance of the company in the market calls for adequate attention to different aspects concerning the employees. This entails proper understanding of the factors that not only ensures recruitment of skilful people but also their retention. In order to achieve this objective employee motivation and last not the least employee climate condition pevaling in the market.
Hence it is essential to study the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction among the employees. Therefore an attempt has been made to study the level of satisfaction at kurl-on.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Primary objective: To study the level of satisfaction of employees at Kurl-on. Secondary objective: 1. To analyze whether the employees are satisfied with the financial benefits bonded by the company. 2. To know the satisfaction level of employees with non-monetary benefits. 3. To study the level of satisfaction with work environment. 4. To determine the opinion of employees towards the various welfare and safety measures
SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study is an attempt to find the satisfaction level of employees at kurl-on limited. It aims at studying the level of satisfaction of the workers in relation to their work environment, financial incentives, training, safety and welfare measures. It also tries to identify the problems of the workers and aims at suggesting measures for improving employee satisfaction.
This study is limited only to the employees of kurl-on limited. Due to time constraint in- depth study was not possible. Employees were hesitant in providing their opinion for few questions. Some of the employees were less informative about their preference. Temporary workers, contractors and trainees were excluded from the study.
REVIEW LITERATURE: Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures purport that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and positive employee morale in the workplace. Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement.
The backbone of employee satisfaction is respect for workers and the job they perform. In every interaction with management, employees should be treated with courtesy and interest. An easy avenue for employees to discuss problems with upper management should be maintained and carefully monitored. Even if management cannot meet all the demands of employees, showing workers that they are being heard and putting honest dedication into compromising will often help to improve morale.
Importance: Employee satisfaction is supremely important in an organization because it is what productivity depends on. If employees are satisfied they would produce superior quality performance in optimal time and lead to growing profits. Satisfied employees are also more likely to be creative and innovative and come up with break thought that allows a company to grow and change positively with time and changing market conditions.
Importance of employee satisfaction for organization Enhance employee retention. Increase productivity. Increase customer satisfaction Reduce turnover, recruiting, and training costs. Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. More energetic employees. Improve teamwork. Higher quality products and/or services due to more competent, energized employees.
2. Importance of employee satisfaction for employee Employ will believe that the organization will be satisfying in the long run They will care about the quality of their work. They will create and deliver superior value to the customer. They are more committed to the organization. Their works are more productive. Factors influencing employee satisfaction: 1. The work itself: the content of the work itself is a major source of satisfaction. Some of the most important ingredients of satisfying job include interesting and challenging work, that is not boring and a job that provides status.
2. Pay: wages and salaries are recognized to be a significant, but complex factor in employee satisfaction. Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management views their contribution to the organization. Fringe benefits are also important. However research indicates if employees are allowed some flexibility in choosing the type of benefits they prefer within a total package, called a flexible benefits plan, there is a significant increase in both benefit satisfaction and overall job satisfaction.
3. Promotions: promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job satisfaction. this is because promotions take a number of different forms and have a variety of accompanying rewards .for example , individuals who are promoted on the basis of seniority often experience job satisfaction but not as much as those who are promoted on the basis of performance.
4. Supervision: Supervision is another moderately important source of job satisfaction .there is two dimensions of supervisory style that affect job satisfaction. One is employee centeredness, which is measured by the degree to which a supervisor takes a personal interest in the employees welfare. it commonly is manifested in ways such as checking to see how well the subordinate is doing, providing advise and assistance to the individual and
communicating with the workers on personal as well as an official level. The other dimension is participation or influence. In most cases, this approach leads to higher job satisfaction. For example comprehensive Meta- analysis concluded that participation thus has a positive effect on job satisfaction.
5. Work group: The nature of the work group will have an effect on employee satisfaction. The work group serves as a source of support, comfort, advice and assistance to the individual worker. A good work group makes the job more enjoyable. However, this factor is essential to job satisfaction.
6. Working conditions: working conditions are another factor that has a modest effect on employee satisfaction. .if the working conditions are good, personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs. If the working conditions are poor, personnel will find it difficult to get things done.
McClelland's Need Theory 1. Need for Achievement 2. Need for Affiliation 3. Need for Control
Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham) 1. Job Rotation 2. Job Enlargement 3. Job Enrichment 4. Self-Directed Work Teams ADVANTAGE OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION Employee satisfaction is supremely important in an organization because it is what productivity depends on. If employees are satisfied they would produce superior quality performance in optimal time and lead to growing profits. Satisfied employees are also more likely to be creative and innovative and come up with breakthroughs that allows a company to grow and change positively with time and changing market conditions.
DRIVERS OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION Employee satisfaction looks at drivers like pay equity and job security, employee engagement lo o k s into professional
development, personal accomplishment, work/life balance and ability to influence companys direction. A satisfied employee may be seen as being satisfied with pay, benefits, supervisor, working conditions, etc. Going beyond mere satisfaction, an employee may be seen as Committed. A
Committed employee is someone who is not considering leaving the organization. Engaged employees go even further and become advocates for their organization. The three main areas in which employee engagement is most commonly measured include cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The list of drivers is extensive and multiple approaches exist. Drivers are further influenced by culture, so what applies in one part of the world may not hold true for another. The 8 drivers are: Intention to stay in a job Inter-unit coordination Skill variety Customer service Less role conflict Appropriate training Autonomy Personal power CONSEQUENCES OF DISSATISFACTION: 1. Lack of satisfaction leads to increased rate of turnover. 2. Poor job performance. 3. Increase in complaints and grievances.
4. Increased conflicts in the work place. 5. More scope for strikes and lockouts. 6. Disturbs the stability.
Employee satisfaction plays a significant role in the organization. Therefore managers should take concrete step to improve the level of employee satisfaction. These steps may be in the form of:
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research means a search for knowledge. It is defined as the objective and formal process of system obtaining, analyzing and interpreting data for actionable decision making.
1. RESEARCH DESIGN: A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a matter that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. It is the conceptual structure within which it is conducted. It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. The research design used to analyze the data in the study was DESCRIPTIVE DATA DESIGN .Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or a group .in this study, the information provided by the respondents has been analyzed to study the study the level of employee satisfaction at kurlon.
2. DATA COLLECTION: Data collection is more of an art than science. The accuracy of collected data is of great significance for drawing correct and valid conclusions from the investigations. Primary data primary data are those which are called a fresh and for the first time and therefore, it is first hand information. For the
purpose of the study data has been collected from the respondents through a structured questionnaire. Secondary data - secondary data means data which are already available i.e. they refer to data which has already been collected for the first time from companies record, websites and books.
3. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: Research study adopted in the study is questionnaire which was helpful in deriving the response of the respondents. A questionnaire consists of a number of questions
printed or typed in a definite order or on a form or a set of forms. Quite often questionnaire is considered as the heart of a survey operation. Hence it should be carefully structured.
4. SAMPLING PLAN: SAMPLE UNIVERSE: The sample universe of the study was the employees of kurl on limited. Sample frame: the group of units which forms the basis of sampling process is known as sampling units. A list containing all sampling units is known as sampling frame. The sample frame of the study was the employees of kurl on limited.
SAMPLE METHOD: in the sample method convenient sampling method was adopted. This sampling method involves purposive or deliberate selection of particular units of the universe for constituting a sample, which represent universe. In other word the researcher select the easiest population members. From which to obtain information. The researcher uses his or her judgment to select population members who are good prospects for accurate information.
SAMPLE UNIT: The elementary unit or the group or cluster of sample frame may form the basis of sampling process, in which case they are called as sampling units. Each employee selected for the survey and to whom the questionnaire was distributed forms the sample unit.
SAMPLE SIZE: Size of the sample refers to the number of sampling units selected from the universe for investigation. The sample size of 100 workers has been taken.
a n a ly s is
Data collected by the issue of questionnaire has been analyzed using following statistical tools. The statistical tools used for the analysis of data are:
SIMPLE PERCENTAGE METHOD: This method shoes the entire population in terms of percentage. It reveals the number of belonging in a particular category or the number of people preferring a particular thing etcin terms of percentage. The formula used to compute percentage analysis is:
Percentage of the respondents = No of respondents*100 Total respondents Here percentage method is used to find the employees level of satisfaction.
1.1 Table showing age group of the respondents Age group Below 20 years 20 to 40 years Above 40 years Total No of respondent 14 76 10 100 Percentage 14 76 10 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that out of 50 respondents 14% of respondents belong to the group of below 20 years, 76% of respondents belong to age group of 20to40years and remaining 10% of respondents are 40year and above. Inference: Majority of respondents belong to age group of 20-40 years.
Above 40 years 10% Below 20 years 14%
20 to 40 years 76%
PERCENTAGE 76 24 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 76% of the respondents are male employees and 24% of respondents are female workers at kurlon. INFERENCE: Majority of the respondents are male workers at kurlon .4.3 Table showing the respondents classification on the basis of educational qualification
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 MALE FEMALE
4.3Table showing the respondents classification on the basis of educational qualification . Qualification S s lc Higher secondary Graduate Total
No.of.respondents 6 20 74 100
Percentage 6 20 74 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 6% of the respondents are sslc, 20% of respondents are higher secondary and 74% of respondents are graduate. Inference: Majority of respondents are graduate.
Sslc Higher secondary Graduate
6% 20%
4.4 Table showing marital status of the employees. Marital status Married Unmarried Total No.of.respondent 30 70 100 Percentage 30 70 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are married and 70% of respondents are unmarried. Inference: Majority of respondents are unmarried.
4.5 Table showing the experience of the respondents years of experience Less than 5 years 5years to 10years 10 years and above Total No of respondents 64 26 10 100 Percentage 64 26 10 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 64% of the respondents have an experience of less than 5 years, 26% of the respondents have an experience of 5years-10years and 10%of respondents have an experience of 10 years and more. Inference: Majority of respondents have an experience of less than 5 years.
10 years and above
5years to 10years
4.6 Table showing the income of the respondents Income Below 8000rs 8000rs-15000rs 15000rs and above total No of respondents 24 60 16 100 Percentage 24 60 16 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of the respondents receive an income of Rs 8000, 60% of the respondents receive an income between Rs 8000 to 15000 and 16%of respondents receive an income of rs15000 and more. Inference: Majority of respondents receive an income between rs8000 to rs15000
4.7 Table showing whether the employees are satisfied with the timing of the shift in the company. Option Yes No total No.of.respondent 72 28 100 Percentage 72 28 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 72% of the respondents are satisfied and 28% of respondents are not satisfied with the timing of the shift in the company. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with the timing of the shift in the company.
4.8 Table showing the opinion of the respondents regarding supervision in kurlon o p tio n Normal Strict Very strict Total No.of.respondent 24 70 6 100 Percentage 24 70 6 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of the respondents feels the supervision at kurlon is normal, 70% of respondents feel the supervision pattern is strict and 6% of respondent feels the supervision at kurlon is very strict. Inference: Majority of respondents feel that the supervision at kurlon is strict.
No.of.respondents 70 8 32 100
Percentage 70 8 32 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 70%of respondents prefer incentives in the form of commission, 8%of respondents prefer allowance and 22%of respondents prefer bonus. Inference: Majority of respondents prefer commission in kurl-on.
allowance, 8
commission 0
commission, 70 20
4.10 Table showing whether the respondents are satisfied with the pay package
No.of.respondents 46 54 100
Percentage 46 54 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 46% of respondents are satisfied with their pay package whereas 54%of respondents are not satisfied with their pay package. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with their pay package.
46% 54%
No of respondents 76 16 8 100
Percentage 76 16 8 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 76%of respondents feel that their job is challenging, 16%of respondents feel that their job is monotonous and 8%of respondents feel that the job is stressful. Inference: Majority of respondents feel that their job is challenging.
4.12 Table showing the satisfaction level of respondents regarding the work environment.
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of respondents are highly satisfied with the work environment 60%of respondents are satisfied 16% of respondents are dissatisfied and none of the respondents are highly dissatisfied with the work environment. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with their pay package.
4.13Table showing whether company is concerned with the long term welfare of the company.
No.of.respondents 45 21 34 100
Percentage 45 21 34 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 45% of respondents agree that kurl on is concerned with there long term welfare, while 21% disagree and 34% neither agree nor disagree. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents agree that kurl on is concerned for there long term welfare.
4.14Table showing whether the respondents are satisfied with the training provided for there current job.
No.of.respondents 42 28 30 100
Percentage 42 28 30 100
INTERPRETATION: It is interpreted that 42% respondents agree that they are satisfied with there current job training, while 28% dont and rest neither agree nor disagree. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents are satisfied with the current job training.
No.of.respondents 66 22 12 100
Percentage 66 22 12 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 66% of respondents feel that performance of top management is important, while 22% dont feel so and the rest 12% neither feel it important nor unimportant. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents feel that the performance of the top management is important.
4.16Table showing importance of fair treatment to all employees Options Important Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant Total No.of.respondents 66 22 12 100 Percentage 66 22 12 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 66% of respondents feel that fair treatment to all employees is important, while 22% dont feel so and the rest 12% neither feel it important nor unimportant. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents feel that fair treatment to employee is of most important.
4.17Table showing opinion (rate) on dealing with employees problems fairly. Options Excellent Good Fair Po o r Total No.of.respondents 15 43 20 22 100 Percentage 15 43 20 22 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 43% of respondents rate company good in dealing with employees problem fairly, while 22% rate poor and 15% rate excellent. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents rate kurl on good on dealing employees problems freely.
4.18 Table showing opinion (rate) on kurl-on business prospects in next 5 years. Options Excellent Good Po o r Total No.of.respondents 17 63 20 100 Percentage 17 63 20 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 63% of respondents feels good on kurl-on business prospects in next 5 years, while 17% feels excellent and the rest 20% feels it poor.
Excellent, 17
Poor, 20
4.19Table showing whether the respondents are satisfied with the companys grievance redressal.
No.of.respondents 92 8 100
Percentage 92 8 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 92% of respondents are satisfied with the companys grievance redressal procedure whereas 8%of respondents are not satisfied with it. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with the companys grievance redressal procedure.
Yes 0
4.20 Table showing the opinions of the respondents regarding employer-employee relationship.
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of respondents are highly satisfied with the work environment, 60%of respondents are satisfied, 16% of respondents are dissatisfied and none of the respondents are highly dissatisfied. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with the employer-employee relationship.
4.21 Table showing whether the respondents are allowed to participate in decision making in their level of operation.
No.of.respondents 40 60 100
Percentage 40 60 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 40% of respondent are allowed to participate in decision making in their level of operation whereas 60%of respondents are not allowed to take any such decision. Inference: Only few of respondents are allowed to participate in decision making in their level of operation.
Axis Title
Option No. of respondents Encouraging and 74 cooperative Discouraging and 16 non-supportive Non-interactive 10 Total 100
Percentage 74 16 10 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 74% of respondents feel that peers are encouraging and cooperative, 16%of respondents feel they are discouraging and non-supportive whereas 5% of respondents feel they are non-interactive. Inference:
Majority of the respondents feel that peer-group members in kurlon are encouraging and co-operative.
4.23 Table showing the overall satisfaction of respondents regarding their job
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of respondents are highly satisfied, 76%of respondents are satisfied, and none of the respondents are dissatisfied with their job.
FINDINGS: 1. Majority of the respondents possess work experience of less than 5 years 2. Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the timings of the shifts of the company. 3. Study reveals that majority of respondents belong to the age group of 20-40 years. 4. It is observed that supervision at kurl-on is strict
5. Majority of respondent prefer commission in the form of incentives in kurl-on. 6. Only few respondents are satisfied with their pay package and are not allowed to take part in decision making. 7. Study reveals that majority of respondents feel that their job is challenging. 8. Study reveals that majority of respondents are satisfied with the work environment. 9. Study reveals that majority of the respondents feels that company thinks for long term welfare of the employees, 10. Majority of respondents believes that the performance of top management is important. 11. It is observed that many respondents feels that treating employees fairly and equally is of prime importance. 12. Majority of respondents feels that the kurl-on will have good business prospects in next 5 years. 13. The most advantageous findings so that the company is doing good is dealing with employees problems. 14. It is observed that there were mix opinion on satisfaction regarding job training for current job. 15.It is observed that majority of respondents are satisfied with the companys grievance redressal. 16. Majority of respondents are satisfied with their employers.
17. Study reveals that majority of respondents feel that their peergroup relationship is encouraging and co-operative. 18. Majority of respondents are satisfied with their jobs on an overall basis. 19. There is significant relationship between type of job and gender.
SUGGESTIONS: 1. The company can still improve its organizations climate. 2. The company can improve the supervision pattern as majority of respondents feel that supervision is strict.
3. The company can provide better pay package to the respondents. 4. The company can allow the respondents to participate in decision making. 5. The management can provide with food allowance, loan facility, marriage gifts and May Day gifts to the employees as many employees preferred these.
In todays competitive world of business, it is very difficult to introduce the product, place it, position it and sell it, but all mentioned depends upon the ability of the company to bring out a good product, place it in the market and sell it. Employees play a very important role in selling the product. Any organization development is based on the employees efficiency and attitude towards the organizational goals. Thus, satisfaction of employees will help an organization to attain its goals and the company must take steps to determine the level of satisfaction of its employees. The research design adopted for this study was descriptive method. Questionnaire was the main instrument used in the research. The statistical tools used for the study was percentage analysis and chisquared test. The analysis reveals that employees are satisfied with the organization on an overall basis. However, it is necessary for the company to look into facts like involvement of employees in decision making, improving supervision and pay package. Thus, the study would be useful for the organization in framing its HR policies in future.
BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Gupta .C.B., HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (2003), 6th edition, sultan chand & sons. Kothari.C.R, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (2005), 2nd edition, new age international. Robbins.p.stephen, ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (2005), 11TH edition, prentice hall of India ltd. MOTIVATION by Robert.C.Beck.
3. Gender: Male female 4. Qualifications: SSLC higher secondary graduate 5. Marital status: Married unmarried
7. Income [monthly]: a) Below Rs 8000 Rs 8000 to Rs 15000 Rs 15000 & above 8. Are you satisfied with the time of the shift? Yes No 9. How according to you is the supervision of the company? Normal Strict Very strict 10. What incentives you would prefer if offered by company? Commission Allowance Bo n u s 11. Are you satisfied with the pay package provided by company? Yes No 12. Whats your opinion regarding the job you perfomed?
13. Whats your opinion on work environment provided by company? Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied 14. Kurl-on is concerned for long term welfare of employees? Agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree 15. You are satisfied with the training provided for current job? Agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree 16. What is the importance of the performance of top management? Important Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant 17. Essential of the fair treatment to all employees? Important Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant
18. How do you rate company on dealing with employees problem fairly Excellent Good Fair Po o r 19. How do you rate kurl-on the business prospects in next 5 years? Excellent Good Po o r 20. Are you satisfied with the company greviances redressal procedure? Yes No 21. How is the employer-employee relationship in the kurl-on? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied 22. Does employee participation in decision making process is followed? Yes No 23. How is the peer-group relationship in the kirl-on?
A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION AT KURL-ON LIMITED PROJECT REPORT A Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration in Pondicherry University Submitted by Ms.POOJA.C Enrolment No: 0209390489 MBA - HRM
This is to certify that the Project Work titled A STUDY ON SATISFACTION at KURL-ON LTD is a bonafide work of Ms POOJA.C Enrollment No: 0209390489 carried out in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of MBA-HRM of Pondicherry University under my guidance. This project work is original and not submitted earlier for the award of any degree / diploma or associate ship of any other University / Institution.
Signature of the Guide Name and Official Address of the Guide Guides Academic Qualifications Designation and Experience:
I, Ms. POOJA.C hereby declare that the Project Work titled A study on Employee satisfaction at Kurl-on Ltd is the original work done by me and submitted to the Pondicherry University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of Master of Business Administration in Human Resource Management is a record of original work done by me under the supervision of Mr. Praveen. Enrollment No: 0209390489 Date:
2 3 4 5
INTRODUCTION HRM is that it is the process of managing people in organizations in a structured and thorough manner. This covers the fields of staffing (hiring people), retention of people, pay and perks setting and management, performance management, change management and taking care of exits from the company to round off the activities. This is the traditional definition of HRM which leads some experts to define it as a modern version of the Personnel Management function that was used earlier.
Human resource management is a branch management that helps managers to recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. Obviously, hrm is concerned with the people in an organization. Without people organization cannot exist. Recourses like men, money, material and machine are collected and united into a team towards the attainment of a common objective and HRM forms the major component of an organization.
Employees are the backbone of the company as they contribute maximum to the organization. Research shows that satisfied, motivated employees facilitate higher customer satisfaction and, in turn,positively influence organizational performance. Organization s that invests in measuring employee opinions and attitudes, by
incorporating employee satisfaction surveys into their existing hr processes, can develop such a workfore.
The steady growth and prospects of any company are to a great extent subject to the people working there. The survival and sustenance of the company in the market calls for adequate attention to different aspects concerning the employees. This entails proper understanding of the factors that not only ensures recruitment of skilful people but also their retention. In order to achieve this objective companies undertake surveys.
INDUSTRY PROFILE The coir fibre industry is particularly important in some areas of the developing world. Coir is a coarse fibre extracted from the fibrous outer shell of a coconut. STRUCTURE: Coir fibres are found between the husk and the outer shell of a coconut. The individual fibre cells are narrow & hollow, with thick walls made of cellulose. These are two varieties of coir. Brown coir is harvested from ripened coconuts. It is typically used in mats. Brushes & sacking. White coir fibres are harvested from the coconuts before they are ripe. They are generally spun to make yarn that is used in mats or rope. The coir fibre is relatively water proof and is one of the few natural fibre resistant to damage by salt water. PROCESSING: Coconuts are the seed of the palm trees. These palms flower on a monthly basis and the fruit takes 1 year to ripen. A typical palm tree has fruit in every stage of maturity. A mature tree can produce 50-100 coconuts per year. Coconuts can be harvested from the ground once they can be harvested while still on the tree.
USES: Brown coir is used in floor mats and doormats, brushes, mattresses, floor tiles & sacking. A small amount is also made into twine pads of curled brown coir fibre, made by needle-felting are shaped and cut to fill mattresses & for use in erosion control on river banks and will sides. A major proportion of brown coir pads are sprayed with rubber latex which bends the fibres together (rubberized coir) to be used as upholstery padding for the automobile industry in Europe. The material is also used for insulation & packaging.
The major use of white coir is in rope manufacturers. Mats of woven coir fibre are made from the finer graders of bristle and white fibre using hand or mechanical looms white coir also used to make fishing nets due to its strong resilience to salt water.
In horticulture coir is recommended as substitute for sphagnum mass because it is free of bacteria and fungal spores & is sustain ably produced without the environmental damage caused by peat minting.
Coconut coir from Mexico has been found to contain large numbers of colonies of the beneficial fungus. Aspergilluss terreus which acts as a biological control against plant pathogenic fungus.
MAJOR PRODUCERS Total world coir fibre production is 250000 tones. The coir fibre industry is particularly important in some areas of the developing world India, mainly the coastal region of Kerala state, produces 60% of the total world supply of white coir fibre. Srilanka, produces 36% of the total world brown fibre output. Over 50% of the coir fibre produced annually throughout the world is consumed in the countries of origin, namely India. Together India of Srilanka produce 90% of the 250000 metric tons of coir produced every year.
Kurlon Limited, a manipal group company came into existence in 1962. The company was then called Karnataka Consumer Products Ltd and from 8.12.1995 the company was renamed as Kurlon Limited. Kurlon is the part of the 2000 Crore Manipal Group of companies founded by the Pais of Manipal which is major financial and industrial group in India. The group has its activities spread over financial services, manufacturing, education, electronic commerce, software services, share broking, etc., The group is headed by Mr.T.Ramesh U-Pai who is the chairman of the group Mr.Pai is on the boards of several well known industries commercial and educational enterprises. Kurlon actually was conceived when Mr.Pai was in Germany in 1959, he found that car seat cushions were manufactured of
rubberized coir. The manufacturer was importing curled coir from Srilanka. In India, the coir industry has developed very well, mostly in Kerala where they produce Retted Fibre . Green husks of coconut are immersed in the salty back waters for 10-12 months and the retted husk is supplied to various homes to make mats and matting
rolls after producing the yarn from this fibre. This has created employment to many women in the state. Today Kurlon has created a direct employment over thousand people & indirect employment to lakhs of coir workers across the sub-continent. Kurlons success is built on a solid infrastructure and its powerful marketing strength. Kurlon limited is the brand leader in the industry and has acquired major market share in the brand mattresses segment. The company has 44 sales offices, which are profit centres, strategically located al over the country. Taking advantage of market potential kurlon strongly believes in giving the customers the quality products of a wide range at competitive prices, which will result in customer satisfaction.
ZONAL OFFICES OF KURLON LIMITED Bangalore Chennai Mumbai Kolkata Kanpur New-Delhi
PRODUCTION FOR KURLON LIMITED Bangalore Bhubaneswar Venture Marketing is the distributors of Kurlon Mattress in Chennai from 2000. Chennai is the zonal office for Tamilnadu and Kerala. It was established in the year 19752. There are 154 dealers in Chennai. Chennai office controls the area of Pondicherry, Karaikal, Chengalpat, Vellore, Krishnagiri, Hosur Etc.,
Associates companies includes Manipal control data electronic commerce Ltd Manipal Holdings Manipal Motors Manipal Medical College Sealy Kurlon Ltd Syndicate Bank Industrial Credit Development Syndicate Maharashtra Apex corporation Ltd.
A Satisfied employee alone can produce better results, so a survey must be conducted by the management to determine the level of satisfaction among employees, which give an indication of employees and their opinion about the incentives and allowance, welfare and safety measures, work environment etc.
The steady growth and prospects of any company are to a great extent subject to the people working there. The survival and sustenance of the company in the market calls for adequate attention to different aspects concerning the employees. This entails proper understanding of the factors that not only ensures recruitment of skilful people but also their retention. In order to achieve this objective employee motivation and last not the least employee climate condition pevaling in the market.
Hence it is essential to study the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction among the employees. Therefore an attempt has been made to study the level of satisfaction at kurl-on.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Primary objective: To study the level of satisfaction of employees at Kurl-on. Secondary objective: 5. To analyze whether the employees are satisfied with the financial benefits bonded by the company. 6. To know the satisfaction level of employees with non-monetary benefits. 7. To study the level of satisfaction with work environment. 8. To determine the opinion of employees towards the various welfare and safety measures
SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study is an attempt to find the satisfaction level of employees at kurl-on limited. It aims at studying the level of satisfaction of the workers in relation to their work environment, financial incentives, training, safety and welfare measures. It also tries to identify the problems of the workers and aims at suggesting measures for improving employee satisfaction.
This study is limited only to the employees of kurl-on limited. Due to time constraint in- depth study was not possible. Employees were hesitant in providing their opinion for few questions. Some of the employees were less informative about their preference. Temporary workers, contractors and trainees were excluded from the study.
REVIEW LITERATURE: Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures purport that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and positive employee morale in the workplace. Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement.
The backbone of employee satisfaction is respect for workers and the job they perform. In every interaction with management, employees should be treated with courtesy and interest. An easy avenue for employees to discuss problems with upper management should be maintained and carefully monitored. Even if management cannot meet all the demands of employees, showing workers that they are being heard and putting honest dedication into compromising will often help to improve morale.
Importance: Employee satisfaction is supremely important in an organization because it is what productivity depends on. If employees are satisfied they would produce superior quality performance in optimal time and lead to growing profits. Satisfied employees are also more likely to be creative and innovative and come up with break thought that allows a company to grow and change positively with time and changing market conditions.
Importance of employee satisfaction for organization Enhance employee retention. Increase productivity. Increase customer satisfaction Reduce turnover, recruiting, and training costs. Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. More energetic employees. Improve teamwork. Higher quality products and/or services due to more competent, energized employees.
2. Importance of employee satisfaction for employee Employ will believe that the organization will be satisfying in the long run They will care about the quality of their work. They will create and deliver superior value to the customer. They are more committed to the organization. Their works are more productive. Factors influencing employee satisfaction: 1. The work itself: the content of the work itself is a major source of satisfaction. Some of the most important ingredients of satisfying job include interesting and challenging work, that is not boring and a job that provides status.
2. Pay: wages and salaries are recognized to be a significant, but complex factor in employee satisfaction. Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management views their contribution to the organization. Fringe benefits are also important. However research indicates if employees are allowed some flexibility in choosing the type of benefits they prefer within a total package, called a flexible benefits plan, there is a significant increase in both benefit satisfaction and overall job satisfaction.
3. Promotions: promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job satisfaction. this is because promotions take a number of different forms and have a variety of accompanying rewards .for example , individuals who are promoted on the basis of seniority often experience job satisfaction but not as much as those who are promoted on the basis of performance.
4. Supervision: Supervision is another moderately important source of job satisfaction .there is two dimensions of supervisory style that affect job satisfaction. One is employee centeredness, which is measured by the degree to which a supervisor takes a personal interest in the employees welfare. it commonly is manifested in ways such as checking to see how well the subordinate is doing, providing advise and assistance to the individual and
communicating with the workers on personal as well as an official level. The other dimension is participation or influence. In most cases, this approach leads to higher job satisfaction. For example comprehensive Meta- analysis concluded that participation thus has a positive effect on job satisfaction.
5. Work group: The nature of the work group will have an effect on employee satisfaction. The work group serves as a source of support, comfort, advice and assistance to the individual worker. A good work group makes the job more enjoyable. However, this factor is essential to job satisfaction.
6. Working conditions: working conditions are another factor that has a modest effect on employee satisfaction. .if the working conditions are good, personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs. If the working conditions are poor, personnel will find it difficult to get things done.
McClelland's Need Theory 4. Need for Achievement 5. Need for Affiliation 6. Need for Control
Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham) 5. Job Rotation 6. Job Enlargement 7. Job Enrichment 8. Self-Directed Work Teams ADVANTAGE OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION Employee satisfaction is supremely important in an organization because it is what productivity depends on. If employees are satisfied they would produce superior quality performance in optimal time and lead to growing profits. Satisfied employees are also more likely to be creative and innovative and come up with breakthroughs that allows a company to grow and change positively with time and changing market conditions.
DRIVERS OF EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION Employee satisfaction looks at drivers like pay equity and job security, employee engagement lo o k s into professional
development, personal accomplishment, work/life balance and ability to influence companys direction. A satisfied employee may be seen as being satisfied with pay, benefits, supervisor, working conditions, etc. Going beyond mere satisfaction, an employee may be seen as Committed. A
Committed employee is someone who is not considering leaving the organization. Engaged employees go even further and become advocates for their organization. The three main areas in which employee engagement is most commonly measured include cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The list of drivers is extensive and multiple approaches exist. Drivers are further influenced by culture, so what applies in one part of the world may not hold true for another. The 8 drivers are: Intention to stay in a job Inter-unit coordination Skill variety Customer service Less role conflict Appropriate training Autonomy Personal power CONSEQUENCES OF DISSATISFACTION: 7. Lack of satisfaction leads to increased rate of turnover. 8. Poor job performance. 9. Increase in complaints and grievances.
Increased conflicts in the work place. More scope for strikes and lockouts. Disturbs the stability.
Employee satisfaction plays a significant role in the organization. Therefore managers should take concrete step to improve the level of employee satisfaction. These steps may be in the form of:
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research means a search for knowledge. It is defined as the objective and formal process of system obtaining, analyzing and interpreting data for actionable decision making.
1. RESEARCH DESIGN: A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a matter that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. It is the conceptual structure within which it is conducted. It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. The research design used to analyze the data in the study was DESCRIPTIVE DATA DESIGN .Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or a group .in this study, the information provided by the respondents has been analyzed to study the study the level of employee satisfaction at kurlon.
2. DATA COLLECTION: Data collection is more of an art than science. The accuracy of collected data is of great significance for drawing correct and valid conclusions from the investigations. Primary data primary data are those which are called a fresh and for the first time and therefore, it is first hand information. For the
purpose of the study data has been collected from the respondents through a structured questionnaire. Secondary data - secondary data means data which are already available i.e. they refer to data which has already been collected for the first time from companies record, websites and books.
3. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: Research study adopted in the study is questionnaire which was helpful in deriving the response of the respondents. A questionnaire consists of a number of questions
printed or typed in a definite order or on a form or a set of forms. Quite often questionnaire is considered as the heart of a survey operation. Hence it should be carefully structured.
4. SAMPLING PLAN: SAMPLE UNIVERSE: The sample universe of the study was the employees of kurl on limited. Sample frame: the group of units which forms the basis of sampling process is known as sampling units. A list containing all sampling units is known as sampling frame. The sample frame of the study was the employees of kurl on limited.
SAMPLE METHOD: in the sample method convenient sampling method was adopted. This sampling method involves purposive or deliberate selection of particular units of the universe for constituting a sample, which represent universe. In other word the researcher select the easiest population members. From which to obtain information. The researcher uses his or her judgment to select population members who are good prospects for accurate information.
SAMPLE UNIT: The elementary unit or the group or cluster of sample frame may form the basis of sampling process, in which case they are called as sampling units. Each employee selected for the survey and to whom the questionnaire was distributed forms the sample unit.
SAMPLE SIZE: Size of the sample refers to the number of sampling units selected from the universe for investigation. The sample size of 100 workers has been taken.
a n a ly s is
Data collected by the issue of questionnaire has been analyzed using following statistical tools. The statistical tools used for the analysis of data are:
SIMPLE PERCENTAGE METHOD: This method shoes the entire population in terms of percentage. It reveals the number of belonging in a particular category or the number of people preferring a particular thing etcin terms of percentage. The formula used to compute percentage analysis is:
Percentage of the respondents = No of respondents*100 Total respondents Here percentage method is used to find the employees level of satisfaction.
1.2 Table showing age group of the respondents Age group Below 20 years 20 to 40 years Above 40 years Total No of respondent 14 76 10 100 Percentage 14 76 10 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that out of 50 respondents 14% of respondents belong to the group of below 20 years, 76% of respondents belong to age group of 20to40years and remaining 10% of respondents are 40year and above. Inference: Majority of respondents belong to age group of 20-40 years.
Above 40 years 10% Below 20 years 14%
20 to 40 years 76%
PERCENTAGE 76 24 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 76% of the respondents are male employees and 24% of respondents are female workers at kurlon. INFERENCE: Majority of the respondents are male workers at kurlon .4.3 Table showing the respondents classification on the basis of educational qualification
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 MALE FEMALE
4.3Table showing the respondents classification on the basis of educational qualification . Qualification S s lc Higher secondary Graduate Total
No.of.respondents 6 20 74 100
Percentage 6 20 74 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 6% of the respondents are sslc, 20% of respondents are higher secondary and 74% of respondents are graduate. Inference: Majority of respondents are graduate.
Sslc Higher secondary Graduate
6% 20%
4.4 Table showing marital status of the employees. Marital status Married Unmarried Total No.of.respondent 30 70 100 Percentage 30 70 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 30% of the respondents are married and 70% of respondents are unmarried. Inference: Majority of respondents are unmarried.
4.5 Table showing the experience of the respondents years of experience Less than 5 years 5years to 10years 10 years and above Total No of respondents 64 26 10 100 Percentage 64 26 10 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 64% of the respondents have an experience of less than 5 years, 26% of the respondents have an experience of 5years-10years and 10%of respondents have an experience of 10 years and more. Inference: Majority of respondents have an experience of less than 5 years.
10 years and above
5years to 10years
4.6 Table showing the income of the respondents Income Below 8000rs 8000rs-15000rs 15000rs and above total No of respondents 24 60 16 100 Percentage 24 60 16 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of the respondents receive an income of Rs 8000, 60% of the respondents receive an income between Rs 8000 to 15000 and 16%of respondents receive an income of rs15000 and more. Inference: Majority of respondents receive an income between rs8000 to rs15000
4.7 Table showing whether the employees are satisfied with the timing of the shift in the company. Option Yes No total No.of.respondent 72 28 100 Percentage 72 28 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 72% of the respondents are satisfied and 28% of respondents are not satisfied with the timing of the shift in the company. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with the timing of the shift in the company.
4.8 Table showing the opinion of the respondents regarding supervision in kurlon o p tio n Normal Strict Very strict Total No.of.respondent 24 70 6 100 Percentage 24 70 6 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of the respondents feels the supervision at kurlon is normal, 70% of respondents feel the supervision pattern is strict and 6% of respondent feels the supervision at kurlon is very strict. Inference: Majority of respondents feel that the supervision at kurlon is strict.
No.of.respondents 70 8 32 100
Percentage 70 8 32 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 70%of respondents prefer incentives in the form of commission, 8%of respondents prefer allowance and 22%of respondents prefer bonus. Inference: Majority of respondents prefer commission in kurl-on.
allowance, 8
commission 0
commission, 70 20
4.10 Table showing whether the respondents are satisfied with the pay package
No.of.respondents 46 54 100
Percentage 46 54 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 46% of respondents are satisfied with their pay package whereas 54%of respondents are not satisfied with their pay package. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with their pay package.
46% 54%
No of respondents 76 16 8 100
Percentage 76 16 8 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 76%of respondents feel that their job is challenging, 16%of respondents feel that their job is monotonous and 8%of respondents feel that the job is stressful. Inference: Majority of respondents feel that their job is challenging.
4.12 Table showing the satisfaction level of respondents regarding the work environment.
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of respondents are highly satisfied with the work environment 60%of respondents are satisfied 16% of respondents are dissatisfied and none of the respondents are highly dissatisfied with the work environment. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with their pay package.
4.13Table showing whether company is concerned with the long term welfare of the company.
No.of.respondents 45 21 34 100
Percentage 45 21 34 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 45% of respondents agree that kurl on is concerned with there long term welfare, while 21% disagree and 34% neither agree nor disagree. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents agree that kurl on is concerned for there long term welfare.
4.14Table showing whether the respondents are satisfied with the training provided for there current job.
No.of.respondents 42 28 30 100
Percentage 42 28 30 100
INTERPRETATION: It is interpreted that 42% respondents agree that they are satisfied with there current job training, while 28% dont and rest neither agree nor disagree. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents are satisfied with the current job training.
No.of.respondents 66 22 12 100
Percentage 66 22 12 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 66% of respondents feel that performance of top management is important, while 22% dont feel so and the rest 12% neither feel it important nor unimportant. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents feel that the performance of the top management is important.
4.16Table showing importance of fair treatment to all employees Options Important Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant Total No.of.respondents 66 22 12 100 Percentage 66 22 12 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 66% of respondents feel that fair treatment to all employees is important, while 22% dont feel so and the rest 12% neither feel it important nor unimportant. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents feel that fair treatment to employee is of most important.
4.17Table showing opinion (rate) on dealing with employees problems fairly. Options Excellent Good Fair Po o r Total No.of.respondents 15 43 20 22 100 Percentage 15 43 20 22 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 43% of respondents rate company good in dealing with employees problem fairly, while 22% rate poor and 15% rate excellent. INFERENCE: Majority of respondents rate kurl on good on dealing employees problems freely.
4.18 Table showing opinion (rate) on kurl-on business prospects in next 5 years. Options Excellent Good Po o r Total No.of.respondents 17 63 20 100 Percentage 17 63 20 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 63% of respondents feels good on kurl-on business prospects in next 5 years, while 17% feels excellent and the rest 20% feels it poor.
Excellent, 17
Poor, 20
4.19Table showing whether the respondents are satisfied with the companys grievance redressal.
No.of.respondents 92 8 100
Percentage 92 8 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 92% of respondents are satisfied with the companys grievance redressal procedure whereas 8%of respondents are not satisfied with it. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with the companys grievance redressal procedure.
Yes 0
4.20 Table showing the opinions of the respondents regarding employer-employee relationship.
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of respondents highly satisfied with the work environment, 60%of respondents satisfied, 16% of respondents are dissatisfied and none of respondents are highly dissatisfied.
4.21 Table showing whether the respondents are allowed to participate in decision making in their level of operation.
No.of.respondents 40 60 100
Percentage 40 60 100
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 40% of respondent are allowed to participate in decision making in their level of operation whereas 60%of respondents are not allowed to take any such decision. Inference: Only few of respondents are allowed to participate in decision making in their level of operation.
Axis Title
Percentage 74 16 10 100
Interpretation: From the above table it is interpreted that 74% of respondents feel that peers are encouraging and cooperative, 16%of respondents feel they are discouraging and non-supportive whereas 5% of respondents feel they are non-interactive. Inference: Majority of the respondents feel that peer-group members in kurl-on are encouraging and co-operative.
4.23 Table showing the overall satisfaction of respondents regarding their job
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is interpreted that 24% of respondents are highly satisfied, 76%of respondents are satisfied, and none of the respondents are dissatisfied with their job. Inference: Majority of respondents are satisfied with their job.
FINDINGS: 1. Majority of the respondents possess work experience of less than 5 years 2. Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the timings of the shifts of the company. 3. Study reveals that majority of respondents belong to the age group of 20-40 years. 4. It is observed that supervision at kurl-on is strict 5. Majority of respondent prefer commission in the form of incentives in kurl-on. 6. Only few respondents are satisfied with their pay package and are not allowed to take part in decision making. 7. Study reveals that majority of respondents feel that their job is challenging. 8. Study reveals that majority of respondents are satisfied with the work environment. 9. Study reveals that majority of the respondents feels that company thinks for long term welfare of the employees, 10. Majority of respondents believes that the performance of top management is important. 11. It is observed that many respondents feels that treating employees fairly and equally is of prime importance. 12. Majority of respondents feels that the kurl-on will have good business prospects in next 5 years.
13. The most advantageous findings so that the company is doing good is dealing with employees problems. 14. It is observed that there were mix opinion on satisfaction regarding job training for current job. 15.It is observed that majority of respondents are satisfied with the companys grievance redressal. 16. Majority of respondents are satisfied with their employers. 17. Study reveals that majority of respondents feel that their peergroup relationship is encouraging and co-operative. 18. Majority of respondents are satisfied with their jobs on an overall basis. 19. There is significant relationship between type of job and gender.
SUGGESTIONS: 1. The company can still improve its organizations climate. 2. The company can improve the supervision pattern as majority of respondents feel that supervision is strict. 3. The company can provide better pay package to the respondents. 4. The company can allow the respondents to participate in decision making. 5. The management can provide with food allowance, loan facility, marriage gifts and May Day gifts to the employees as many employees preferred these.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: In todays competitive world of business, it is very difficult to introduce the product, place it, position it and sell it, but all mentioned depends upon the ability of the company to bring out a good product, place it in the market and sell it. Employees play a very important role in selling the product. Any organization development is based on the employees efficiency and attitude towards the organizational goals. Thus, satisfaction of employees will help an organization to attain its goals and the company must take steps to determine the level of satisfaction of its employees. The research design adopted for this study was descriptive method. Questionnaire was the main instrument used in the research. The statistical tools used for the study was percentage analysis and chisquared test. The analysis reveals that employees are satisfied with the organization on an overall basis. However, it is necessary for the company to look into facts like involvement of employees in decision making, improving supervision and pay package. Thus, the study would be useful for the organization in framing its HR policies in future.
BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Gupta .C.B., HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (2003), 6th edition, sultan chand & sons. Kothari.C.R, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (2005), 2nd edition, new age international. Robbins.p.stephen, ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (2005), 11TH edition, prentice hall of India ltd. MOTIVATION by Robert.C.Beck.
3. Gender: Male female 4. Qualifications: SSLC higher secondary graduate 5. Marital status: Married unmarried 6. years of experience: Less than 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 years and above
7. Income [monthly]: a) Below Rs 8000 Rs 8000 to Rs 15000 R s 1 5 0 0 0 & ab o v e 8. Are you satisfied with the time of the shift? Yes No 9. How according to you is the supervision of the company? Normal Strict Very strict 10. What incentives you would prefer if offered by company? Commission Allowance Bo n u s 11. Are you satisfied with the pay package provided by company? Yes No 12. Whats your opinion regarding the job you perfomed? Challenging Monotonus Stressful 13. Whats your opinion on work environment provided by company? Highly satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
14. Kurl-on is concerned for long term welfare of employees? Agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree 15. You are satisfied with the training provided for current job? Agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree 16. What is the importance of the performance of top management? Important Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant 17. Essential of the fair treatment to all employees? Important Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant 18. How do you rate company on dealing with employees problem fairly Excellent Good Fair Po o r 19. How do you rate kurl-on the business prospects in next 5 years? Excellent Good Po o r
20. Are you satisfied with the company greviances redressal procedure? Yes No 21. How is the employer-employee relationship in the kurl-on? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied 22. Does employee participation in decision making process is followed? Yes No 23. How is the peer-group relationship in the kirl-on? Encouraging and cooperative Discouraging and non-supportive Non-interactive 24. Are you overall satisfied with the job? Yes No