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Voluntary Performance
Specification for Windows,
Skylights and Glass Doors

ANSI Approved February 2003

Reprinted March 2003

American Architectural
Manufacturers Association

Window and Door

Manufacturers Association
Document History.....................................................................i

Errata .....................................................................................i

Introduction ...........................................................................1

1.0 Preface.............................................................................2


2.0 Application Scope ..............................................................5

3.0 Reference Standards ...........................................................5

4.0 General Requirements .........................................................9

5.0 Testing ...........................................................................22

6.0 Materials.........................................................................38

7.0 Components ....................................................................42

8.0 Fenestration Type and Test Size..........................................49

9.0 Gateway Performance Requirements ....................................73

Appendix ..............................................................................77

© 2003
Co-published by:

American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA)

1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 550
Schaumburg, Illinois 60173
TELEPHONE (847) 303-5664 FAX (847) 303-5774
EMAIL webmaster@aamanet.org WEBSITE www.aamanet.org

Window & Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA)

1400 East Touhy Avenue, Suite 470
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018
TELEPHONE (847) 299-5200 FAX (847) 299-1286
EMAIL admin@wdma.com WEBSITE www.wdma.com

• Originally Published May 2002 as NAFS-1

• Revised December 27, 2002 and Published as 101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02
• ANSI Approved February 2003
• Reprinted March 2003


The following errors were found in the specification where the text and graphics did not agree.

1) Section Text was added to reflect the content of the drawings.

2) Section 8.2.3 NOTE: Text changed from “Testing a B configuration will qualify windows produced in a
D configuration” to “Testing a D configuration will qualify windows produced in a B configuration”.

3) Section NOTE: Text changed from “Testing a B configuration will qualify windows produced in a
D configuration” to “Testing a D configuration will qualify windows produced in a B configuration”.

4) Section NOTE: Text changed from “Testing a B configuration will qualify windows produced in a
D configuration” to “Testing a D configuration will qualify windows produced in a B configuration”.

5) Section NOTE: Text changed from “Testing a B configuration will qualify windows produced in a
D configuration” to “Testing a D configuration will qualify windows produced in a B configuration”.

“Voluntary Specifications for Aluminum, Vinyl (PVC) and Wood Windows and Glass Doors”

AAMA/WDMA 1600/I.S.7
“Voluntary Specification for Skylights”

References from CSA A440 Windows

This voluntary specification was developed by representative members of AAMA and WDMA as advisory information and
published as a public service. AAMA and WDMA disclaim all liability for the use, application or adaptation of materials
published herein.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page i

tables to clarify the requirements of the standard. In
INTRODUCTION addition a new four page spreadsheet has been added in
Section 9 that completely outlines all testing requirements
This standard is the latest edition of a long line of and minimum performance levels included in the
performance standards for windows, glass doors and standard. New deflection limits have been added to the
skylights. Starting in the 1940’s, AAMA and WDMA Heavy Commercial Performance Class. Operating Force
began developing performance standards for fenestration requirements are now tested to the New ASTM E 2068
products culminating in the publication in 1997 of test method.
ANSI/AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S. 2 – 97, Voluntary
Specifications for Aluminum, Vinyl (PVC) and Wood While product ratings have remained in the familiar
Windows and Glass Doors. This ANSI approved, format accepted in 101/I.S. 2, the remainder of the
materials neutral, performance based standard has standard has become metric in format. The introduction
enjoyed wide acceptance in the United States since its of metric based requirements instead of metric
publication. Referenced in major building codes conversions of inch-pound (IP) requirements was done as
including the new IBC and IRC National Building Codes, a part of efforts to harmonize the standard not only with
this standard has become the measure of quality and Canadian standards but also international standards such
product compliance used by architects, specifiers and as ISO, JIS and CEN standards. It is also consistent with
consumers. The success in harmonizing all major United US Federal directives concerning metrification of
States performance standards in 101/I.S. 2 lead the construction products. Explanations of the significance of
members of AAMA and WDMA to begin efforts to air leakage and water penetration testing have been
harmonize US and Canadian standards thus producing a greatly expanded in Section 5. Section 7 includes an
standard incorporating performance based requirements expanded description of the types of mullions included in
applicable to all North America. The organizations the standard and the performance requirements of each
participating in the development of the North American type.
Fenestration Standard (NAFS) have not yet reached full
harmonization. See acknowledgements on page 4 for Those desiring to specify products to this standard are
recognition of the contributors to this standard. Even as encouraged to use the product designation system
harmonization efforts continue with Canadian presented and explained in Section 4 of the standard. The
representatives the members of AAMA and WDMA have designation system is designed to help the specifier to
elected to release this edition so that it can be considered fully define product requirements in a clear and
for inclusion in the next editions of the US National unambiguous manner. The system is also designed to
Building Codes. provide a means of comparing and evaluating products in
a materials neutral manner based on product performance
This standard includes many improvements and additions criteria which can be matched to project requirements. A
to the 101/I.S. 2 standard. The format of the standard has full explanation of the product designation and rating
been revised to make it easier to use and to make it easier system is presented in Section 4. To further aid the
to find specific requirements. All test methods have been specifier a “Short Form Specification” is provided in the
moved to Section 5, all materials standards to Section 6 Preface. Explanations of the five Performance Classes
and all component requirements to Section 7. Operator and their suggested use are also included in the Preface.
Type specific requirements are presented in Section 8 and
a summary of requirements found in the standard are Users of the standard are encouraged to contact either
found in Section 9. The addition of skylights, specialty AAMA or WDMA with comments or questions about
products, side lites and transoms to the standard brings the 101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02.
total number of operating types recognized in the standard
to 26. NAFS now contains 55 illustrating figures and 80

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 1

SECTION 8 presents the specific product performance
1.0 PREFACE requirements appropriate to each type of window, skylight
or glass door. These include requirements for test
This standard establishes levels of performance for specimens, hardware deflection under concentrated and
windows, skylights and glass doors, regardless of the torsional loads, deglazing, life cycle testing, operating
material used in the frame or sash members. It consists of force, blocked operation, and safety drop.
nine sections and one appendix.
SECTION 9 contains a summary of all performance
SECTION 1 contains this Preface, which covers the requirements included in this specification. These
general definitions and terminology applicable to all requirements are presented in tabular format for easy use
windows, skylights and glass doors. Section 1 also by the specifier and include references to the applicable
contains a listing of all acknowledgements. section of this specification organized by product operator
SECTION 2 presents the Scope of this standard.
Appendix A.1 contains a test method for fusion welded
SECTION 3 presents a listing of all other standards thermoplastic parts.
referenced in this standard.
The Preface, Notes, and Appendix are not part of this
SECTION 4 presents an explanation of the rating system standard. Although not part of the standard, a companion
used in this standard and guidelines on how this standard User’s Guide is being developed to assist those seeking
is to be used. Section contains optional guidance on the proper use of the standard. The
performance grades (design pressures) which make it following outline of the User’s Guide is provided to
possible for the specifier to require higher uniform load indicate the scope of the companion User’s Guide.
structural test pressures and higher water resistance test
pressures than those contained in Section 5. For each Section A contains information regarding field testing.
performance class except the highest performance class,
usually AW, a maximum optional performance grade Section B contains information regarding design wind
(design pressure) limit is defined. Use of products in the loads and climate zones.
optional performance grades (design pressures) is
desirable where severe weather conditions or wind Section C contains a procedure for conducting
loading are encountered. Section 4.2.3 contains a glossary comparative analyses on fixed windows.
of terms used in the standard.
Section D contains a table equating static pressure loads
SECTION 5 contains the specific requirements for and wind loads.
product performance. These requirements provide a
gateway or passport into one of the five performance Section E contains information regarding condensation.
classes. There are four mandatory primary performance
requirements. They are: 1) Structural adequacy to Section F contains information regarding thermal
withstand wind loads, 2) Resistance to water penetration, transmittance.
3) Resistance to air leakage, and 4) Forced entry
resistance. Levels of performance are set forth for each Section G contains information regarding window-
window, skylight or glass door, covered by this standard. cleaning anchors.
Also included as optional primary performance
requirements are acoustical performance, condensation Section H contains information regarding general
resistance, and thermal transmittance. subjects.
SECTION 6 presents the material requirements Section I contains information regarding rounding
applicable to all windows, skylights and glass doors. procedures for product testing.
These include requirements for glazing, sash, and frame
materials. Section J contains information regarding the installation
of fenestration products.
SECTION 7 presents the component requirements
applicable to all windows, skylights and glass doors. Section K contains information on extrusion design.
These include requirements for hardware, fasteners,
weather-stripping, insect screens, reinforcing members,
sealants, coatings and finishes, adhesives, muntin bars,
mullions, trickle ventilators, between-glass shades, setting
blocks, attachments, and preservatives.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 2

Primary units for compliance are metric. Those in Residential (R) – Commonly used in one and two
parentheses are for reference only. The imperial or IP family dwellings. In Canada, “Residential” is limited
units usually shown in parentheses are for reference only to a floor area of 600 m2 in buildings with no more
and are often inexact rounded values. The user shall test than three floors.
only to metric values or to exact conversions of the metric
values. See the User’s Guide for conversion factors and Light Commercial (LC) – Commonly used in low-
rounding procedures to be used during testing. rise multifamily dwellings, low-rise professional
offices (Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer), libraries, and low-
This standard is applicable for use in testing and rating rise motels.
windows, skylights and glass doors, and represents the
continuing development of an internationally accepted Commercial (C) – Commonly used in lighter use
performance standard for all windows, skylights and glass industrial buildings and factories, hotels, and retail
doors. This standard may also be used as a basis for third- sales buildings.
party certification of these products.
Heavy Commercial (HC) – Commonly used in
The structuring of the document format to promote clarity hospitals, schools, institutions, dormitories,
and ease of use is indicative of the document authors’ government or public buildings, and other buildings
continued commitment to improvement in performance of where heavy use of the fenestration products is
windows, skylights and glass doors. expected. They are also be used on mid-rise buildings
with increased loading requirements.
This standard defines requirements for five performance
classes of windows, skylights and glass doors. The Architectural (AW) – Commonly used in hospitals,
performance classes are designated: Residential (R), Light schools, institutions, and public buildings, or on high-
Commercial (LC), Commercial (C), Heavy Commercial rise buildings to meet increased loading
(HC), and Architectural (AW). This classification system requirements. Also commonly used in buildings
provides for several levels of performance. where possible misuse of the fenestration products is
It is important to note that although general suggestions
for use are given below, product selection shall always be Performance is based on design pressure, which is
based on the performance requirements of the particular designated by a number following the type and class
project and not solely these suggestions. The designation. For example, a Double-Hung Residential
performance class ratings shall be regarded as an window is designated H-R15 or H-RM720. The number,
indication of the level of performance, with the least in this case “15” or “720”, establishes the design pressure
stringent requirements established for the Residential of 15 psf or 720 Pa. If the rating is desired in metric units,
Performance Class and the most stringent for the the design pressure in pascals shall be preceded by an
Architectural Performance Class. “M”. The structural test pressure for all windows,
skylights and glass doors is 50% higher than the design
The purchaser or specifier shall select the appropriate pressure. The water resistance test pressure for all R, LC,
level of performance depending on: climatic conditions; C, and HC windows, skylights and glass doors is a
height of installation; type of building; window size; minimum of 15% of the design pressure. The water
durability; etc. In many cases the appropriate level of resistance test pressure for all AW windows, skylights
performance classification will not correspond with the and glass doors is a minimum of 20% of the design
general use of the building, or the use group occupancy pressure. However, in no case shall the water resistance
assigned to the building in accordance with the local test pressure ever be less than 140 Pa (2.86 psf). Water
building code. For example, many residential buildings test pressure shall be capped at 720 Pa (15psf).
are built in locations subject to severe weather that require
higher-performance fenestration products than those that AW products have the same design pressure and
meet only the Residential requirements. On the other structural test pressure minimum requirements as HC
hand, many hospitals, schools, institutions, etc. might products. A limit to deflection of L/175 under the uniform
successfully use products meeting Residential, Light load deflection test has also been established for all AW
Commercial and Commercial requirements. and HC products. Generally, improved water penetration
resistance and air leakage requirements have been
The following descriptions shall be used as a general specified for AW products compared to those specified
guide in helping to determine which class is likely best for HC products. Operable AW products are required to
suited for a particular application: also pass the life cycle testing in AAMA 910, “Voluntary
‘Life Cycle’ Specifications and Test Methods for
Architectural Grade Windows and Sliding Glass Doors”
in addition to the unglazed component structural tests as
required for HC products.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 3

Minimum design pressures, structural test pressures, and water resistance test pressures for the five performance classes are:

Product Minimum Design Minimum Structural Minimum Water Resistance

Performance Class Pressure, Pa (psf) Test Pressure, Pa (psf) Test Pressure, Pa (psf)
Residential 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86)
Light Commercial 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75)
Commercial 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50)
Heavy Commercial 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00)
Architectural 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00)


To simplify the writing of performance specifications for windows, skylights and glass doors, the authors have prepared a
“Short Form Specification” which is recommended for use whenever possible. It may be used for most common types and
classes of windows, skylights and glass doors by merely inserting the applicable specification designation(s).


All windows, skylights and glass doors shall conform to the (see Note below) voluntary specification(s) in
NAFS – 2000, be labeled with the “AAMA”, “CWDMA”, or “WDMA” label, have the sash arrangement(s) and be of the
size(s) shown on the drawings and be as manufactured by or or approved equal.

Note to the Specification Writer:

Insert type, class and design pressure of window, skylight or glass door desired by specification designation such as HS-R15
or HS-RM720 for horizontal sliding windows for residential-type buildings, AP-C30 or AP-CM1440 for projected windows
in commercial-type construction, TH-HC40 or TH-HCM1920 for top-hinged windows in heavy commercial-type buildings,
etc. For specification designations, see list in Table of Contents and detailed requirements in Section 8. Product designation
codes are explained in Section 4.

This standard was developed by a task force composed of representative members from AAMA, CSA, CWDMA, NFRC,
NRC/IRC, and WDMA as advisory information and published as a public service. AAMA, CSA, CWDMA, NFRC,
NRC/IRC, WDMA, and the individual task group members disclaim all liability for the use, application or adaptation of
materials published herein. While the intention of the developing organizations was to have a single performance standard
applicable in Canada and the United States that goal has not yet been achieved. This version of the standard has been
approved by the members of AAMA and WDMA as published. There is no intent expressed or written to imply approval by
any of the organizations representing Canada. This acknowledgement is a simple statement of the contributions on both sides
of the border. It is the responsibility of the users of the standard to judge its suitability for their particular purpose.

American Architectural Canadian Window and Door National Research Council Canada
Manufacturers Association (AAMA) Manufacturers Association (CWDMA) (NRC/IRC)
1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 550 27 Goulburn Avenue Montreal Road, Building M-24
Schaumburg, IL 60173 USA Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8C7 Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A OR6 Canada
Phone: (847) 303-5664 Phone: (613) 233-9804 Phone: (613) 993-2013
Fax: (847) 303-5774 Fax: (613) 233-1929 Fax: (613) 954-3733
E-Mail: webmaster@aamanet.org E-Mail: info@cwdma.ca Web Site: www.NRC.ca
Web Site: www.aamanet.org Web Site: www.cwdma.ca

Canadian Standards Association National Fenestration Rating Council Window and Door Manufacturers
(CSA) (NFRC) Association (WDMA)
178 Rexdale Boulevard 1300 Spring Street 1400 East Touhy Avenue, Suite 470
Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 1R3 Canada Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA Des Plaines, IL 60018 USA
Phone: (416) 747-4263 Phone: (301) 589-6372 Phone: (847) 299-5200
Fax: (416) 747-2474 Fax: (301) 588-0854 Fax: (847) 299-1286
E-Mail: certinfo@csa.ca E-Mail: nfrcusa@aol.com E-Mail: admin@wdma.com
Web Site: www.csa.ca Web Site: www.NFRC.org Web Site: www.WDMA.com

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 4

This standard was developed by consensus, which is tested rating applies to units of identical construction,
defined as: with width and height less than or equal to the tested size.

“substantial agreement reached by Perimeter sealant joints and fastening into different rough
concerned interests. Consensus includes opening materials are not part of this standard.
an attempt to remove all objections and
implies much more than the concept of a Various systems have been developed or are proposed for
simple majority, but not necessarily determining a product energy rating based on such factors
unanimity.” as U-Factor, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, Air Infiltration
and Visible Transmittance (Visible Light Transmission).
It is therefore consistent with this definition that any one These rating systems are beyond the scope of this
task force member need not be in full agreement with all standard.
sections of this standard.
Fenestration products which are not intended to be tested
The task force continues to be active, most notably for the to this standard include;
purpose of revising the standard as necessary to achieve
approval between Canadian and American interests and A. Interior Windows and Doors
for the purpose of periodic reviews of this standard, and B. Vehicular Access Doors (Garage doors)
to address requests for interpretation of this standard. All C. Sloped Glazing (other than Skylights or Roof
suggestions for improvement of this standard will be fully Windows)
considered by the task force. D. Entry Doors (other than Glass Doors)
E. Curtain Wall and Storefront
All inquiries regarding this standard, including requests F. Storm Windows and Doors
for interpretation, should be addressed to one of the two G. Commercial Entrance Systems
associations listed previously. All requests for H. Sunrooms
interpretation should:

(a) Fully define the issue, making reference to the

specific section, and, where appropriate, include an
illustrative sketch. The following standards and specifications are a part of
(b) Provide an explanation of circumstances this specification only where referenced:
surrounding any actual field conditions related to the
issue. AAMA (American Architectural Manufacturers
(c) Where possible, be phrased to permit a specific Association)
“yes” or “no” response.
AAMA 103.3-93, Certification Procedural Guide
NOTE: Where applicable throughout this standard, the
use of singular terms is not intended to exclude any plural AAMA 303-97, Voluntary Specification for Poly (Vinyl
meaning, and vice versa. Chloride) (PVC) Exterior Profile Extrusions

AAMA 304-98, Voluntary Specification for

2.0 APPLICATION SCOPE Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Exterior Profiles
Capped with ASA or ASA/PVC Blends
This fenestration standard applies to both operating and
fixed, prime and replacement windows, skylights and AAMA 305-98, Voluntary Specification for Fiberglass
glass doors, installed into exterior building envelopes. Reinforced Thermoset Profiles
This standard concerns itself with the determination of
design pressure and related performance ratings for AAMA 310-97, Voluntary Specifications for Reinforced
windows, skylights and glass doors. Thermoplastic Profiles

Performance requirements are used in this standard when AAMA 502-90, Voluntary Specification for Field Testing
possible. Prescriptive requirements are used when of Windows and Sliding Glass Doors
necessary. When units are tested to the gateway
requirements, or to the gateway and optional AAMA 505-98, Dry Shrinkage and Composite
requirements, a rating is determined and a test report is Performance Thermal Cycling Test Procedure
AAMA 609-93, Voluntary Guide Specification for
Certification procedures are not part of this standard. Cleaning and Maintenance of Architectural Anodized
This standard applies to testing and rating units. The Aluminum

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 5

AAMA 610.1-79, Voluntary Guide Specification for AAMA 902-98, Voluntary Specification for Sash
Cleaning and Maintenance of Painted Aluminum Balances
Extrusions and Curtain Wall Panels
AAMA 904-96, Voluntary Specifications for Friction
AAMA 611-98, Voluntary Specification for Anodized Hinges in Window Applications
Architectural Aluminum
AAMA 906-96, Voluntary Specification for Sliding Glass
AAMA 613-98, Voluntary Performance Requirements Door Roller Assemblies
and Test Procedures for Organic Coatings on Plastic
Profiles AAMA 907-96, Voluntary Specification for Corrosion
Resistant Coatings on Carbon Steel Components
AAMA 615-02, Voluntary Performance Requirements
and Test Procedures for High Performance Organic AAMA 908-98, Voluntary Specification for Friction
Coatings on Plastic Profiles Based Sash Balances

AAMA 620-96, Voluntary Specifications for High AAMA 910-93, Voluntary ‘Life Cycle’ Specifications
Performance Organic Coatings on Coil Coated and Test Methods for Architectural Grade Windows and
Architectural Aluminum Substrates Sliding Glass Doors

AAMA 621-96, Voluntary Specifications for High AAMA 1002.10-93, Voluntary Specification for
Performance Organic Coatings on Coil Coated Insulating Storm Products for Windows and Sliding Glass
Architectural Hot Dipped Galvanized (HDG) and Zinc- Doors
Aluminum Coated Steel Substrates
AAMA 1503-98, Voluntary Test Method for Thermal
AAMA 701-92 and AAMA 702-92, Combined Transmittance and Condensation Resistance of Windows,
Voluntary Specification for Pile Weatherstripping and Doors and Glazed Wall Sections
Voluntary Specification for Replacement Fenestration
Weatherseals AAMA 1504-97, Voluntary Standard for Thermal
Performance for Windows, Doors and Glazed Wall
AAMA 800-92, Voluntary Specifications and Test Sections
Methods for Sealants – containing the following
specifications and test methods: AAMA 1702.2-85, Swinging Exterior Passage Door
Voluntary Standard for Utilization in Manufactured
AAMA 802.3-92, Ductile Back Bedding Glazing Housing
Compounds (Type I and Type II)
AAMA 1801-97, Voluntary Specification of the
AAMA 803.3-92, Narrow-Joint Seam Sealer (Type I and Acoustical Rating of Residential, Commercial, Heavy
Type II) Commercial and Architectural Windows and Doors and
Glazed Wall Sections
AAMA 804.1-92, Ductile Back Bedding Mastic Type
Glazing Tapes AAMA 2603-98, Voluntary Specification, Performance
Requirements and Test Procedures for Pigmented
AAMA 805.2-92, Bonding-Type Back Bedding Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels
AAMA 2604-98, Voluntary Specification, Performance
AAMA 806.3-92, Bonding-Type Back Bedding Glazing Requirements and Test Procedures for High Performance
Tapes Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels

AAMA 807.1-92, Back Bedding Mastic Type Glazing AAMA 2605-98, Voluntary Specification, Performance
Tapes Requirements and Test Procedures for Superior
Performing Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions
AAMA 808.3-92, Exterior Perimeter Sealing Compound and Panels

AAMA 809.2-92, Non-Drying Sealant AAMA AFPA-91, Anodic Finishes/Painted Aluminum

AAMA 810.1-92, Expanded Cellular Glazing Tape AAMA CW-DG-1-96, Curtain Wall Design Guide
AAMA 901-96, Voluntary Specification for Rotary
Operators in Window Applications

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 6

AAMA CWG-1-89, Installation of Aluminum Curtain ASTM A 653-00, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet,
Walls Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated
(Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process
AAMA CW-10-97, Care and Handling of Architectural
Aluminum from Shop to Site ASTM B 456-95, Specification for Electrodeposited
Coatings of Copper Plus Nickel Plus Chromium and
AAMA CW-11-85, Design Windloads for Buildings and Nickel Plus Chromium
Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Testing
ASTM B 633-98, Specification for Electrodeposited
AAMA MCWM-1-89, Metal Curtain Wall Manual Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel

AAMA QAG-1-98, Quality Assurance Processing Guide ASTM B 766-98, Specification for Electrodeposited
for Poured and Debridged Polyurethane Thermal Barriers Coatings of Cadmium

AAMA SFM-1-87, Aluminum Store Front and Entrance ASTM C 509-00, Specification for Elastomeric Cellular
Manual Preformed Gasket and Sealing Material

AAMA TIR A1-75, Sound Control for Aluminum ASTM C 864-99, Specification for Dense Compression
Curtain Walls and Windows Elastomeric Seal Gaskets, Setting Blocks and Spacers

AAMA TIR A8-90, Structural Performance of Poured ASTM C 920-98e1, Specification for Elastomeric Joint
and Debridged Framing Systems Sealants

AAMA TIR A9-91, Metal Curtain Wall Fasteners ASTM C 1036-97, Specification for Flat Glass

ASM (American Society of Metals) ASTM C 1048-97b, Standard Specification for Heat-
Treated Flat Glass---Kind HS, Kind FT Coated and
“Aluminum Properties and Physical Metallurgy”, edited Uncoated Glass
by J.E. Hatch – Chapter 7 by W. W. Binger, E. H.
Hollinsworth and D. O. Spowls ASTM C 1172-96e1, Standard Specification for
Laminated Architectural Flat Glass
ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
ASTM D 618-00, Standard Practice for Conditioning
ANSI H35.2- 97, American National Standard Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials for Testing
Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum Mill Products
ASTM D 2240-00, Rubber Property – Durometer
ANSI Z97.1-93, American National Standard for Safety Hardness
Glazing Materials Used in Buildings – Safety
Performance Specifications and Methods of Test ASTM D 3656-97, Standard Specification for Insect
Screening and Louver Cloth Woven from Vinyl-Coated-
ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Glass Fiber Yarns

ASCE 7-98, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and ASTM D 4726-00, Standard Specification for Rigid Poly
Other Structures (Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Exterior-Profile Extrusions Used
for Assembled Windows and Doors
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
ASTM D 5572-99, Specification for Adhesive Used for
ANSI/ASME A39.1-87, Safety Requirements for Finger Joint in Nonstructural Lumber Products
Window Cleaning
ASTM D 5751-99, Standard Specification for Adhesives
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Used for Laminate Joints in Nonstructural Lumber
ASTM A 123-00, Specification for Zinc (Hot Dipped
Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products ASTM E 29-99, Standard Practice for Using Significant
Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with
ASTM A 641-98, Specification for Zinc-Coated Specifications
(Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 7

ASTM E 90-99, Standard Test Method for Laboratory CAN/CGSB-12.2-M91, Flat, Clear Sheet Glass
Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of
Building Partitions CAN/CGSB-12.3-M91, Flat, Clear Float Glass

ASTM E 283-99, Test Method for Determining the Rate CAN/CGSB-12.4-M91, Heat Absorbing Glass
of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain
Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences CAN/CGSB-12.8-M90, Insulating Glass Units
Across the Specimen
CAN/CGSB-12.9-M91, Spandrel Glass
ASTM E 330-97e1, Test Method for Structural
Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and CAN/CGSB-12.10-M76, Glass, Light and Heat
Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference Reflecting

ASTM E 331-00, Test Method for Water Penetration of CAN/CGSB-12.11-M90, Wired Safety Glass
Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform
Static Air Pressure Difference CAN/CGSB-12.12-M90, Plastic Safety Glazing

ASTM E 413-99, Classification for Rating Sound CAN/CGSB-12.20-M89, Structural Design of Glass for
Insulation Buildings

ASTM E 547-00, Test Method for Water Penetration of CAN/CGSB-82.5-M88, Insulated Steel Doors
Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Cyclic
Static Air Pressure Difference CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission)

ASTM E 774-00, Specification for Sealed Insulating 16 CFR 1201-86, Safety Standard for Architectural
Glass Units Glazing Materials

ASTM E 987-94e1, Standard Test Methods for CSA (Canadian Standards Association)
Deglazing Force of Fenestration Products
CAN/CSA A 440-M00, Windows
ASTM E 1300-00, Standard Practice for Determining the
Minimum Thickness and Type of Glass Required to ISWA (Insect Screen Weavers Association)
Resist a Specified Load
ANSI/ISWA 089-90, Recommended Standards and
ASTM E 1332-98, Standard Classification for Specifications for Insect Wire Screening (Wire Fabric)
Determination of Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class
NFRC (National Fenestration Rating Council)
ASTM E 1423-99, Practice for Determining the Steady
State Thermal Transmittance of Fenestration Systems NFRC 100-97, Procedure for Determining Fenestration
Product Thermal Properties
ASTM E 1425-99, Practice for Determining the
Acoustical Performance of Exterior Windows and Doors SMA (Screen Manufacturers Association)

ASTM E 2068-00, Standard Test Method to Determine ANSI/SMA 1004-97, Specifications for Aluminum
the Operating and Breakaway Forces of Slliding Tubular Frame Screens for Windows
Windows and Doors
ANSI/SMA 2006-97, Specifications for Aluminum
ASTM F 588-97, Test Methods for Resistance of Sliding Screen Doors
Window Assemblies to Forced Entry Excluding Glazing
ANSI/SMA 3001-97, Specifications for Aluminum
ASTM F 842-97, Test Methods for Measurement of Swinging Screen Doors
Forced Entry Resistance of Horizontal Sliding Door
Assemblies ANSI/SMA 7001-92, Warning Label Standard for
Window Insect Screens
CGSB (Canadian General Standards Board)

CAN/CGSB-12.1-M90, Tempered or Laminated Safety


101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 8

WDMA (Window and Door Manufacturers Association) specimens must achieve certain minimum performance
Formerly NWWDA levels for air leakage resistance, water penetration
resistance, uniform load, and forced entry resistance.
NWWDA, Care and Finishing of Wood Windows Also, all Gateway test specimens must achieve certain
minimum performance levels for auxiliary and material
WDMA I.S.4-99, Industry Standard for Water-Repellant tests specific to the product operator type.
Preservative Treatment for Millwork
4.2.2 Product Designations
WDMA I.S. 9-88, Wood primary Entrance Doors Window and door products included in this document are
designated by a four-part code which includes product
WDMA I.S. 10-99, Testing Cellulosic Composite type, performance class, performance grade (design
Materials for use in Fenestration Products pressure) and maximum size tested. The format for
product designation is:
WDMA T.M. 11-99, Pigmented Organic Coatings for
Wood and Cellulosic Composites HS – LC 25 1800 x 1400 (71 x 55)

WDMA T.M. 12-99, Primer Coatings for Wood and Where:

Cellulosic Composites HS = Product Type
LC = Performance Class
25 = Performance Grade (Design
1800 x 1400 (71 x 55) = Maximum Size Tested Width x
NOTE: This section contains general information Height
applicable to single and dual windows, skylights and
glass doors, and is to be used in conjunction with sections (1) The value shown in IP units approximates
7 and 8. corresponding metric requirement in pascals (Pa).

4.1 General Figure 4.1

This voluntary specification covers requirements for
single and dual windows, skylights and glass doors for NOTE: An asterisk (*) added to the size designation
new construction and replacement applications. For indicates the size tested was an additional test unit that
further information, refer to the User’s Guide. was smaller than the minimum gateway test size for the
original product type and performance class.
4.1.1 Markings/Identifications
When required by local code or project specification, Roof windows and skylights included in this document
windows, skylights and glass doors shall include a are designated by a five-part code, which includes product
permanent identification of the product manufacturer. type, performance class, performance grade positive
design pressure (long duration), negative design pressure
4.2 Terminology (short duration) and size tested.
As used in this specification, the following definitions
and designations apply: SKG R30 20 1200x1200 (47x47)
4.2.1 Gateway Performance Requirements Where:
Each product type has a defined “gateway” or “passport” SKG = Product Type
set of primary requirements before entry into the R = Performance Class
performance class is permitted. Gateway Performance 30 = Performance Grade Positive
Requirements are the minimum allowable performance Design Pressure (Long
levels that a Gateway test specimen must achieve in order Duration)
for a product to be rated with a particular classification 20 = Negative Design Pressure
(R, LC, C, HC or AW). The Gateway test specimen size (Short Duration)
must be equal to or larger than the specified Gateway 1200x1200 (47x47) = Maximum Size Tested Width x
size, in both height and width. Typically, the minimum Height
allowable performance levels, and the Gateway size Figure 4.2
change as the classification changes. All Gateway test

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 9 Product Type The designation for product Performance Grade (Design
Each product type and class requires minimum gateway Pressure) has been maintained in the approximate inch-
test sizes for entry into the performance class. Window, pound system because of widespread acceptance of this
skylight and glass door product types covered in this designation system by architects and specifiers. The
document are as follows: specification is in metric primary units to be consistent
with requirements for metric conversion in the United
AP = Awning, Hopper, Projected Windows States and the primary measurement systems of Canada
and Mexico. Units shown in ( ) are for reference ONLY
BW = Basement Windows
and shall not be used for testing purposes. Each
C = Casement Windows performance class shall have a minimum Performance
DA = Dual Action Windows Grade (Design Pressure) as follows:
DA-HGD = Dual Action Hinged Glass Doors
F = Fixed Windows Windows and Doors
GH = Greenhouse Windows
Performance Performance Design
H = Hung Windows (Single, Double, Triple)
Class Grade Pressure
HE = Hinged Rescue Windows
R = 15 = 720 Pa (15 psf)
HGD = Hinged Glass Doors
HP = Horizontally Pivoted Windows LC = 25 = 1200 Pa (25 psf)
HS = Horizontal Sliding Windows C = 30 = 1440 Pa (30 psf)
J = Jalousie Windows HC = 40 = 1920 Pa (40 psf)
JA = Jal-Awning Windows AW = 40 = 1920 Pa (40 psf)
RW = Roof Windows TABLE 4.3a
SGD = Sliding Glass Doors
SHW = Side Hinged Inswinging Windows Skylights
SLT = Side lite
Performance Performance Design
SP = Specialty Products
Class Grade Pressure
SKG = Skylights/Glass Glazed
R = 15/15 = 720 Pa (15 psf)
SKP = Skylights/Plastic Glazed
C = 30/30 = 1440 Pa (30 psf)
TA = Tropical Awning Windows
TR = Transom HC = 40/40 = 1920 Pa (40 psf)
TH = Top Hinged Windows TABLE 4.3b
VP = Vertically Pivoted Windows
VS = Vertical Sliding Windows In addition, products shall be permitted to be tested to
optional Performance Grades (Design Pressures) higher
TABLE 4.1 than the minimum grade. (See Section, Optional
Performance) Performance Class
Window, skylight, and glass door products covered by Products which have been tested as dual windows as
this specification shall be divided into five Performance specified in Section 4.4, shall have the code DW added to
Classes as follows: their product designation after the product type. An
example of product designation for a dual window would
R = Residential be: HS-DW-LC25 1800 x 1400.
LC = Light Commercial Maximum Size Tested
C = Commercial Maximum size tested is required on designations
HC = Heavy Commercial reporting or recording individual product performance.
AW = Architectural This part of the product designation code should be
omitted when specifying products to this standard. The
maximum test size shall be designated by width times (x)
height in millimeters, for example 705 x 1503. Performance Grade (Design Pressure)
Products are designated by the Performance Grade
Test size is a critical factor in determining compliance
(Design Pressure) for which they have been tested in
with this standard. Each product type has a defined
pascals (psf). The structural test pressure for all products
“gateway” or “passport” set of requirements. One of
is 1.5 times the design pressure.
these Gateway requirements is minimum gateway test
size. Products shall be tested at the minimum gateway

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 10

test size or a larger specimen size as a condition of Size Tested (MST)” is a mandatory part of the product
entering the class. After passing all of the performance rating but should never be included in a project
requirements for the product, class and grade, the product specification.
shall be designated with the appropriate class, i.e., LC for
Light Commercial. This designation shall only be applied There are two options for selection of a product specimen
to production sizes equal to or smaller than the size to be tested for Optional Performance Grade (design
tested. pressure) levels: 1) The original Gateway Performance
specimen is tested again to higher grade levels, or; 2)
NOTE: The user is advised not to confuse the terms Another test specimen of equal or smaller size is tested to
“Minimum Test Size” and “Maximum Size Tested”. In the higher grade. If the test specimen is smaller than the
order to claim that a product is entitled to be included in Gateway test size, an asterisk (*) shall be appended to the
a given Performance Class, it shall meet or exceed all of product designation, see section 4.2.2.
the minimum requirements for the Performance Class.
This set of minimum requirements are called the Gateway Persons wishing to prove compliance with both the
Requirements for the Performance Classs. “Minimum Gateway and the Optional Performance requirements on
Test Size” is one of the Gateway Requirements for entry the same test specimen, shall test a specimen equal to or
into the Performance Classes. After entering the greater than the minimum gateway test size for that
Performance Class, the manufacturer is permitted to test product type.
a second time at a reduced specimen size. The first test at
the “Minimum Test Size” provides apples to apples Any geometric shape that fits within the rectangular
comparisons of products rated in the same Performance Gateway or larger test sizes for a particular operator type in
Class. Since the second test is not required to be at the, providing the framing, sash, hardware, components
“Minimum Test Size”, it becomes necessary to report to and construction remain the same, is qualified by the
the user the actual specimen size during the second test. rectangular shape. The tested sash size cannot be exceeded
This reporting function is fulfilled by indicating the in a specialty product for any reason.
“Maximum Size Tested”. For this reason the “Maximum

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 11

Maximum Size Tested Qualified by the NOT qualified by the NOT qualified by the
> Minimum gateway Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested
test size

Maximum Size Tested Qualified by the NOT qualified by the NOT qualified by the
> Minimum gateway Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested
test size

Maximum Size Tested Qualified by the NOT qualified by the NOT qualified by the
> Minimum gateway Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested
test size

Fixed Window

Maximum Size Tested Qualified by the Qualified by the NOT qualified by the
> Minimum gateway Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested
test size

Outswing Inswing


Maximum Size Tested

Qualified by the NOT qualified by the NOT qualified by the
> Minimum gateway
Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested Maximum Size Tested
test size


101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 12 Optional Performance Grades (Design After complying with these requirements at the minimum
Pressures) gateway test size for that product, a product is permitted to
be tested in the same or a smaller test size for conformance
NOTE: This section contains additional requirements and to an Optional Performance Grade (design pressure) in
tests for products when required by the specifier. It multiple increments of 240 Pa (5 psf) as listed in Table 4.4.
incorporates both higher uniform load deflection and Optional Performance Grades (design pressures) shall not
structural test pressures and higher water penetration be allowed for design pressures greater than the Gateway
resistance test pressures than those contained in Section 9. design pressure for the Performance Class plus 2880 Pa (60
psf) except in the case of the highest Performance Class
As specified below, this section is to be used in conjunction indicated in section 8 for each Operator Type. For
with Section 8. All products tested under this section are example, Residential products shall not be rated at a design
required to conform to all of the particular requirements of pressure greater than 3600 Pa (75 psf). Light Commercial
Sections 7, 8 and 9 for the product designation under products shall be capped at 4080 Pa (85 psf), Commercial
consideration. Prior to being considered for an Optional products shall be capped at 4320 Pa (90 psf) and Heavy
Performance Grade (design pressure), a product must: Commercial products shall be capped at 4800 Pa (100 psf).
• comply with the general requirements of Sections 5, 6 AW product Optional Performance Grades (design
and 7; pressures) shall never be capped. See section 5.1 for
• comply with the Gateway Performance Requirements for testing sequence.
the minimum Performance Grade listed in Section 8;
• comply with all of the specific product performance
requirements listed in Section 8 for that product type;
• comply with all of the appropriate material and
component requirements listed in Section 6.

Optional Product Design Structural Test Water Pent. Resist. Test Pressure
Performance Performance Pressure Pressure R, LC, C and HC AW
Grade Class Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/sq ft2) Pa (lb/sq ft2) Pa (lb/sq ft2)
20 R 960 (20.00) 1440 (30.00) 150 (3.00) - -
25 R 1200 (25.00) 1800 (37.50) 180 (3.75) - -
30 R, LC 1440 (30.00) 2160 (45.00) 220 (4.50) - -
35 R, LC,C 1680 (35.00) 2520 (52.50) 260 (5.25) - -
40 R, LC, C 1920 (40.00) 2880 (60.00) 290 (6.00) - -
45 R, LC, C, HC, AW 2160 (45.00) 3240 (67.50) 330 (6.75) 440 (9.00)
50 R, LC, C, HC, AW 2400 (50.00) 3600 (75.00) 360 (7.50) 480 (10.00)
55 R, LC, C, HC, AW 2640 (55.00) 3960 (82.50) 400 (8.25) 530 (11.00)
60 R, LC, C, HC, AW 2880 (60.00) 4320 (90.00) 440 (9.00) 580 (12.00)
65 R, LC, C, HC, AW 3120 (65.00) 4680 (97.50) 470 (9.75) 630 (13.00)
70 R, LC, C, HC, AW 3360 (70.00) 5040 (105.00) 510 (10.50) 680 (14.00)
75 R, LC, C, HC, AW 3600 (75.00) 5400 (112.50) 540 (11.25) 720 (15.00)
80 LC, C, HC, AW 3840 (80.00) 5760 (120.00) 580 (12.00) 720 (15.00)
85 LC, C, HC, AW 4080 (85.00) 6120 (127.50) 620 (12.75) 720 (15.00)
90 C, HC, AW 4320 (90.00) 6480 (135.00) 650 (13.50) 720 (15.00)
95 HC, AW 4560 (95.00) 6840 (142.50) 690 (14.25) 720 (15.00)
100 HC, AW 4800 (100.00) 7200 (150.00) 720 (15.00) 720 (15.00)
105 AW 5040 (105.00) 7560 (157.50) 720 (15.00) 720 (15.00)

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 13 Optional Performance Grade (Design 4.2.3 Glossary
Pressure) - Skylights
For skylights, Optional Performance Grades (design ACCREDITED LABORATORY: A laboratory which
pressures) shall not be allowed for design pressures greater has been accredited by an accrediting agency as meeting all
than the Gateway design pressure for the Performance of the criteria necessary for testing windows, skylights, and
Class plus 5750 Pa (120 psf). For example, Residential glass doors such as independence, technical competence,
products shall not be rated at a design pressure greater than equipment calibration, technician training program and
6470 Pa (135 psf). Commercial products shall be capped at quality control procedures.
7190 Pa (150 psf), except that HC product Optional
Performance Grades (design pressures) shall never be ACTIVE PANEL: The panel of a multi-paneled door
capped. assembly which must be moved to provide access.

Skylights and roof windows can be rated at different ACOUSTICS: The science of sound and sound control.
positive and/or negative design pressures, at the
manufacturer’s discretion, for applicable project ADJUSTABLE: Accessible without major re-
requirements. For example, a product intended for coastal construction of the window, skylight, or glass door , i.e.,
application where a specified design pressure (negative up- adjustable hardware requirements.
lift) is required and a positive design pressure is minimum,
the residential product shall be rated as follows: AIR GAP (also AIR SPACE): Refers to the space
between lites (panes) of insulating glass.

SKG R20 50 1200 x 1200 AIR LEAKAGE: The flow of air which passes through
closed and locked fenestration products.
R20 = Performance Grade Positive Design Pressure ANODIZED ALUMINUM: Aluminum treated by
(Long Duration) electrolysis to develop a finished surface. The resulting
50 = Negative Design Pressure (Short Duration) finish shall be either clear or colored, and is an integral
part of the aluminum.
ASTRAGAL: A molding attached to one of a pair of door
Also, if the positive design pressure is the primary panels or side-hinged window sash in order to prevent
requirement for the project and the negative design pressure swing-through; also used with sliding doors to insure a
is not a factor, the residential product shall be rated as tighter fit where the panels meet.
AWNING WINDOW: (See Awning, Hopper, Projected
SKG R90 20 1200 x 1200 Window)


R90 = Performance Grade Positive Design Pressure A window consisting of one or more sash hinged at the top
(Long Duration) or bottom which project outward or inward from the plane
20 = Negative Design Pressure (Short Duration) of the frame. An awning (POB or THPO) rotates about its
top hinge and projects outward. A hopper window (PIT or
FIGURE 4.5 BHPI) rotates about its bottom hinge and projects inward.
Top Hinged Projecting In and Bottom Hinged Projecting
Out are also included in this category. They shall contain
one or more operable sash, fixed lites, or transoms in
various composites.

B.T.U.: Abbreviation for British Thermal Unit, commonly

shown as ‘BTU’: the heat required to increase the
temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.

BALANCE: A mechanical device used in hung windows

as a means of counter-balancing the weight of the sash
during opening and closing.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 14

BASEMENT WINDOW: Basement windows usually CHEMICALLY BONDED: When related to a welded
have a sash which projects inward. Any window operator corner, a process where the two polymer profiles or pieces
type may be tested as a basement window provided it is are heated and fused together with the aid of a chemical
intended only for use at or below grade for the purpose of reaction. The reaction and bonding is similar to the
ventilating a basement or cellar. Products shall be original extrusion process.
permitted to include a screen or a storm sash and usually
include provisions for emergency escape or rescue from CLOSING FORCE: (See Operating force)
the basement area.
BAY WINDOW: A combination window consisting of combination of two or more separate window or glass door
two or more individual windows joined side by side and units whose frames are mulled together utilizing a
which projects away from the wall on which it is installed. combination mullion or reinforcing mullion.
Center windows, if used are parallel to the wall on which
the bay window is installed. The two side windows are COMMERCIAL ENTRANCE SYSTEM: Products used
angled with respect to the outer window. Common angles for ingress and rescue in non-residential buildings.
are 30° and 45°, although other angles are sometimes Commercial entrance systems typically utilize panic
employed. hardware, automatic closers and relatively large amounts of
glass. Commercial entrance systems are typically subject
BITE: A term used in glazing referring to the dimension to high use and possibly abuse.
by which the inner or outer edge of the frame or glazing
stop overlaps the edge of the glazing. COMPOSITE UNIT: A window or glass door unit
consisting of two or more sash or panels within a single
BOW WINDOW (also COMPASS, RADIAL BAY frame utilizing an integral mullion. (Not to be confused
WINDOW): A rounded bay window that projects from a with products made from composite materials.)
wall in the shape of an arc.
CONCENTRATED LOAD: A force applied to a fixed
BREAKAWAY FORCE: The force required to initiate point on a window or door component.
a sash or panel in motion from a fully closed position.
CONDENSATION: The deposition of moisture (liquid
BRICK MOLDING: Standard trim piece to cover the gap water or frost) on the surface of an object caused by warm
between the window frame and masonry (or siding moist air coming into contact with a colder object.
CORROSION: The deterioration of a material by
CASEMENT WINDOW: A window consisting of one or chemical or electro-chemical reaction resulting from
more sash hinged to open from the side (adjacent to the exposure to weathering, moisture, chemicals or other
jambs), which project outward or inward from the plane of agents or media.
the window in the vertical plane. A conventional casement
window projects outward. They shall be permitted to CURTAIN WALL: An external nonbearing wall,
contain one or more operable sash, fixed lites, or transoms intended to separate the exterior and interior environments.
in various composites.
DEFLECTION: Displacement of a member under an
CELLULOSIC COMPOSITE: A composite whose applied load.
ingredients include cellulosic elements. These cellulosic
elements can appear in the form of, but are not limited to: DESIGN PRESSURE (DP): The windload pressure to
distinct fibers, fiber bundles, particles, wafers, flakes, which a product is tested and rated to withstand.
strands and veneers. These elements shall be permitted to
be bonded together with naturally occurring or synthetic DESIGN WIND LOAD: The windload pressure a product
polymers. Also, additives such as wax or preservatives are is required by the specifier to withstand in its end use
permitted to be added to enhance performance. application.

CERTIFICATION: A process that indicates a DIRECT GLAZED: Glazing glazed or installed directly
representative sample of a product line has been tested, that into a frame. The resulting fixed unit has no sash.
the product meets specified requirements, and that the
product is subject to ongoing inspections by an outside DIVIDER: Member which divides glazing into separate
certification agency. vision areas. It shall be structural or decorative. [other
common terms are; Muntins, True Divided Lites (TDL),
CHECK RAIL: (See Meeting Rail) Simulated Divided Lite (SDL), grills, grids, or bars in

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 15

DOOR: A Building component for opening or closing an FLOAT GLASS: Flat glass that has been formed on
opening in a wall that allows normal access or passage. molten metal, commonly tin. The surface in contact with
the tin is known as the tin surface or tin side. The top
DOOR ASSEMBLY: A complete assembly as installed, surface is known as the atmosphere side or air side.
comprising door frame and one or more panels, together
with its essential hardware. FORCED ENTRY RESISTANCE: The ability of a
window or glass door in the locked position to resist entry
DOOR FRAME: Part of the door assembly, anchored to under a specified load and conditions. (Also referred to as
the building, in which the door panel or panels move. FER.)

DOOR PANEL: (See Panel) FRAME: The enclosing structure of a window, skylight or
glass door which fits into the wall or roof opening and
DOUBLE GLAZING: In general, any use of two receives either glass, sash or vents.
thicknesses of glass, separated by a space, within an
opening, to improve insulation against heat transfer and/or FULLY TEMPERED GLASS: Flat or bent glass that has
sound transmission. been heat-treated to a high surface and/or edge compression
to meet the requirements of ASTM C 1048, kind FT or
DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW: A window consisting of CAN CGSB 12.1. Fully tempered glass, if broken, will
vertically operating windows in which the sash weight is fracture into many small pieces (dice) which are more or
offset by a counterbalancing mechanism mounted in the less cubical. Fully tempered glass is approximately four
window. Both sash in a double-hung window are operable. times stronger than annealed glass of the same thickness
when exposed to uniform static pressure loads. Outside of
DUAL ACTION WINDOW: A window consisting of a North America, sometimes called “toughened glass”.
sash that tilts from the top and swings inward from the side
for cleaning of the outside surface. Also referred to as Tilt- FUSION WELDED: (See Welded)
Turn windows.
GAP: The nominal clearance between two adjacent
DUAL ACTION HINGED GLASS DOOR: A door surfaces and/or edges.
consisting of one or more glazed panels contained within
an overall frame designed such that one of the glazed GARAGE DOOR: (See Vehicular Access Door)
panels is operable in a swing mode and can be tilted inward
from the top for ventilation. GARDEN WINDOW: (See Greenhouse Window)


configurations listed in Section 4 and offered by the The requirements for minimum gateway test size, air
manufacturer as a complete factory pre-assembled or leakage resistance, structural design load and overload
integral unit. Operation of the primary and secondary sash testing, water penetration testing, forced entry resistance
shall be completely independent of each other. Dual and auxiliary testing which are the conditions permitting a
windows are marketed and tested as integral units. product entry into a performance class. They are
specifically indicated for each product operator type in
ENTRY DOOR (other than GLASS DOOR): Any exterior section 8 of this standard.
doors other than glass doors that provide ingress or rescue.
GLASS: A hard brittle substance, usually transparent,
ESCAPE WINDOW: A window designed to facilitate made by fusing materials such as soda ash (NA2CO3),
emergency escape and rescue where a conventional limestone (CaCO3) and sand under high temperatures.
window design would be insufficient to comply with
applicable building codes or project requirements. Two GLASS DOOR: A door consisting of one or more glazed
such types are the basement window and the hinged rescue operable panels. Each panel in a glass door, whether
window. fixed or operable, shall have a vision area between 25%
and 95% as compared to the overall panel size of a
FENESTRATION: Openings in a building wall, such as gateway-size unit.
windows, skylights, and glass doors designed to permit the
passage of air, light, or people. GLAZING: (n) A generic term used to describe an infill
material such as glass. (v) The process of installing an
FIXED WINDOW: area window designed to be non- infill material into a prepared opening in windows,
operable and consist of a glazed frame or a non-operating skylights, or glass doors.
sash within a frame. This category does not include non-
operable skylights. GLAZING BEAD (also GLASS STOP): Removable trim
that holds glazing in place or covers the glazing edge.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 16

GLAZING CHANNEL: Groove in the sash, panel or termed a center slide (OXO). When two bi-parting sash are
frame intended to accommodate the glazing. located at the center of the unit with fixed lites at each end,
the unit is termed a bi-part center slide (OXXO). When
GREENHOUSE WINDOW (GARDEN WINDOW): A adjacent sash by-pass one another, the unit is termed a
window consisting of a three-dimensional, five-sided double slide (XX or XXO) or a double slide and vent
structure, with provisions made for supporting plants and (XXX).
flowers in the enclosed space outside the plane of the wall.
Operating sash are allowed but are not required. HUNG WINDOW: A window consisting of vertically
sliding windows which utilize counter-balancing devices to
HANDLE: A component which enables the movement of allow the sash to be opened to any variable position
a sash or panel or which activates a mechanism which between its fully open and fully closed limits. Common
locks or unlocks a sash or panel. types are single-hung, double-hung and triple-hung. (See
Vertical Sliding Windows)
HARDWARE: All the necessary equipment to retain,
operate and lock or unlock the sash or panel within the INSULATING GLASS UNIT: Two or more lites of glass
frame. spaced apart and hermetically sealed to form a single-
glazed unit with an air or gas filled space(s) between each
HEAD: The horizontal member forming the top of the lite. (Commonly called IG Units.)
HEAT-STRENGTHENED GLASS: Flat or bent glass An apparatus that is independent from but installed into a
that has been heat-treated to a specific surface and/or edge window, skylight, or glass door product for the purpose of
compression range to meet the requirements of ASTM C controlling the transfer of air through the window, glass
1048, kind HS. Heat-strengthened glass is approximately door or skylight product.
two times as strong as annealed glass of the same thickness
when exposed to uniform static pressure loads. Heat- INTERIOR DOOR: An installed door not exposed to the
strengthened glass is not considered safety glass and will exterior.
not completely dice as with fully tempered glass.
INTERIOR WINDOW: An installed window not
HEAT-TREATED: Term used for both fully tempered exposed to the exterior.
glass and heat-strengthened glass.
JAL-AWNING WINDOW: A window consisting of a
HINGED RESCUE WINDOW: A window consisting of multiplicity of top-hinged sash arranged in a vertical series
any primary window that is mounted into a stationary within a common frame, each operated by its own control
perimeter frame and is permanently hinged at one jamb to device which swings the bottom edges of the sash outward.
permit inswinging or outswinging at least 90°. (See Rescue (See also Jalousie Window, Tropical Windows, Tropical
Windows, Basement Windows) Awning Windows)

HINGED GLASS DOOR: A door consisting of one or JALOUSIE WINDOW: A window consisting of a series
more operable glazed panels within a common frame. The of overlapping horizontal frameless louvers which pivot
operable panels are side hinged and are either in-swinging simultaneously in a common frame and are actuated by one
or out-swinging but not both directions. (See Glass Doors, or more operating devices so that the bottom edge of each
Hinged Glass Doors, Sliding Glass Doors, Dual Action louver swings outward and the top edge swings inward
Hinged Glass Doors). during operation

HOPPER WINDOW: (See Awning, Hopper, Projected JAMB(S): The upright or vertical members forming the
Window) side of the frame.

HORIZONTAL PIVOTED WINDOW: (See Pivoted KNOCKED DOWN (KD): A KD product is, shipped in
Window) a disassembled condition and later assembled according
to the instructions of the manufacturer utilizing all of the
HORIZONTAL SLIDING WINDOW: A window components supplied or specified by the manufacturer
consisting of units which contain manually operated sash
which slide horizontally within a common frame. LAMINATED GLASS: Two or more lites of glass
Operating sash (X), and a fixed lite (O) comprising a unit permanently bonded together with one or more plastic
are termed single sliders (XO) or (OX). When two interlayers.
operating sash are separated by a fixed lite, the unit is
termed a picture slide, or end vent (XOX)). When two
fixed lites are separated by an operating sash, the unit is

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 17

LITE (LIGHT): Another term for a pane of glass used in a OUTDOOR-INDOOR TRANSMISSION CLASS
window, skylight, or glass door . Frequently spelled "Lite" (OITC): A single number rating calculated in accordance
in industry literature to avoid confusion with light as in with ASTM E 1332, using values of outdoor-indoor
"visible light". transmission loss. It provides an estimate of the sound
insulation performance of a façade or building elements.
MEETING RAIL: One of the two horizontal members of The frequency range used is typical of outdoor traffic
a sliding sash which come together when in the closed noises.
position. A check rail.
OVERALL DIMENSIONS: External height and width of
MEETING STILE: One of the two vertical members of a the product, expressed in millimeters or inches.
sliding sash which come together when in the closed
position. A check stile. PANEL: A part of a fenestration product, usually a door or
side lite, composed of a lite of glass and surrounded by a
MOISTURE CONTENT: Percentage of dry weight of frame. Panels can be fixed in place or movable. Similar to
which is composed of water, such as in wood. a sash.

MINIMUM GATEWAY TEST SIZE: The test specimen PATIO DOOR: (See Hinged Glass Door or Sliding Glass
size specified to enter a Performance Class at the lowest or Door) For the purposes of this standard only, Hinged Glass
minimum level. Doors and Sliding Glass Doors as defined in the standard
are considered to be patio doors.
MULLION: (See mullion types defined below and in
Section 7.8.) PERFORMANCE CLASS: There are five performance
classes; R – Residential, LC – Light Commercial, C –
INTEGRAL MULLION: A horizontal or vertical Commercial, HC – Heavy Commercial and AW –
member which is bounded at both ends by crossing Architectural.). This classification system provides for
frame members. several levels of performance so that the purchaser or
specifier is permitted to select the appropriate level of
COMBINATION MULLION: A horizontal or performance depending on climatic conditions, height of
vertical member formed by joining two or more installation, type of building, etc.
individual fenestration units together without a
mullion stiffener. PERFORMANCE GRADE (design Pressure): The
minimum level of design pressure, (air, water, wind) a
REINFORCING MULLION: A horizontal or product must be tested at to achieve a particular rating.
vertical member with an added continuous mullion
stiffener and joining two or more individual PERMANENT SET: The measure of deflection
fenestration units along the sides of the mullion remaining in a member after the application and release of
stiffener. a load.

MULLION STIFFENER: An additional reinforcing PIVOT: Axis or hardware about which a window rotates.
member used in a reinforcing mullion. Mullion
stiffeners shall be designed to carry all of the load or PIVOTED WINDOW: A window consisting of a sash
shall share the load with adjacent framing members. which pivots about an axis within the frame. The pivoting
action of the window allows for easy access to clean the
MUNTIN: (See DIVIDER) outside surfaces of the window. Two common types are
the 180 degree compression seal pivoting window and the
NON-HUNG WINDOW: A window consisting of 360 degree pivoting window.
vertically sliding windows which utilize mechanical
retainers or slide bolts to allow the sash to be opened to any PRESSURE: Differential force per unit area between the
one of the pre-selected positions between its fully open and interior and exterior surfaces of the test specimen.
fully closed limits. (See Vertical Sliding Windows)
PRIMARY WINDOW: That window in a dual window
OPERABLE WINDOW: Window which is intended to unit so designated by the manufacturer, capable of
be opened and closed. protecting the building's interior from climatic elements as
opposed to a secondary window used mainly for energy
OPERATING FORCE: The forces required to maintain a conservation.
sash (or panel) in motion in either the opening or closing
direction. RAIL (See also HEAD, TOP, BOTTOM and MEETING
RAIL): Horizontal member of a window sash or door

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 18

REINFORCEMENT: Material added to individual sash SIDE LITE (also MARGIN LIGHT): Non-operable
or frame members to increase strength and/or stiffness. windows that are used as companion windows installed on
one or both sides of glass doors. Side lites shall be
RESCUE WINDOW: A window providing rescue as permitted to consist of a glazed frame or a non-operable
defined in applicable building codes. (See also Escape sash within a frame. For purposes of compliance with this
Window) specification, side lites shall not exceed 700 mm (27 in) in
ROOF WINDOW: A roof window is a sloped application
of a fenestration product that provides for in-reach SINGLE-HUNG WINDOW: Window similar to the
operation or rotation of the sash to facilitate cleaning of the double-hung window, except the top sash is non-operable.
exterior surfaces from the interior of the building. This
application shall also be permitted to allow for rescue SINGLE GLAZED: Glazing that is just one layer of glass
situations. or other glazing material.

ROUGH OPENING: The opening in a wall or roof into SKYLIGHT: sloped or horizontal application of a
which a window, skylight, glass door, or rough buck is to fenestration product in an out-of-reach application, which
be installed. allows for natural daylighting. Skylights shall be either
fixed (non-operable) or venting (operating). Unlike roof
SAFETY GLASS: A strengthened or reinforced glass that windows, skylights need not provide provisions for
is less subject to breakage or splintering, such as glass for cleaning of exterior surfaces from the interior of the
doors, skylights and some windows. (See Tempered Glass building.
and Laminated Glass)
SLIDER: (See Horizontal Sliding Window)
SASH: The portion of a window or skylight which
includes the glass and framing sections which are directly SLIDING GLASS DOORS: A door consisting of
attached to the glass. Normally, the moving segment of a manually operated panels, one or more of which slide
window, although sash are sometimes fixed. horizontally within a common frame. Operating panel (X)
and a fixed lite (O) comprising a unit are termed single
SCREEN: A product used with a window or door, sliders (XO or OX). When two operating panels are
consisting of a four-sided frame surrounding a mesh of separated by a fixed lite, the unit is termed a picture slide or
wire or plastic material used to keep out insects. The end vent (XOX). When two fixed lites are separated by an
screen can be removable, or it can be rolled side to side or operating panel, the unit is termed a center slide (OXO).
up and down. For purposes of this standard, screens are not When two bi-parting panels are located at the center of the
for the purpose of providing security or to provide for the unit with fixed lites ate each end, the unit is termed a bi-
retention of objects or persons from the interior. part center slide (OXXO). When adjacent panels by-pass
one another, the unit is termed a double slide (XX or XXO)
SEALANT: A compound used to fill and seal a joint or or a double slide and vent (XXX). (See Glass Doors,
opening. Also the material used to seal the edges of Hinged Glass Doors, Dual Action Hinged Glass Doors)
insulating glass.
SLOPED GLAZING (other than SKYLIGHTS): A glass
SEALED DOUBLE GLASS: See Insulating Glass. and framing assembly that is sloped more than 15O from
the vertical and which forms essentially the entire roof of
SECONDARY WINDOW: That window in a dual the structure. Generally this is a single slope construction.
window unit so designated by the manufacturer, used on
the exterior of, or interior of, and in tandem with a primary SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS (STC): A single
window for the purpose of energy conservation or number rating calculated in accordance with ASTM E 413
acoustical enhancement. Secondary windows are not using sound transmission loss values. It provides an
intended to be used by themselves as primary windows. estimate of the sound insulation performance of an interior
partition in certain common sound insulation problems.
SERVICEABLE: Accessible without major The frequency range used is typical of indoor office noises.
re-construction of the window, skylight or glass door.
SPACER: The linear material that separates and maintains
SIDE-HINGED (INSWINGING) WINDOW: A window the space between the glass surfaces of insulating glass
consisting of sash hinged at the jambs and swing inward units or double glazing.
using exposed butt hinges or concealed butt hinges and in
some cases friction hinges. (See Hinged Windows, Top SPAN: The clear distance measured parallel to the length
Hinged Windows) of a mullion or divider between support points.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 19

SPANDREL: The opaque areas of a building envelope THERMAL EXPANSION/CONTRACTION: Change
which typically occur at locations of floor slabs, columns in dimension of a material as a result of temperature
and immediately below roof areas. change.

SPECIFICATION: Written document often TOP-HINGED WINDOW: A window consisting of sash

accompanying architectural drawings giving such details as hinged at the head and swing inward or outward using a
scope of work, materials to be used, installation method, continuous top hinge or individual hinges. A variation of
required performance, and quality of workmanship for the top hinged window is a drop-head except that the sash
work under contract. is hinged using two friction hinges mounted in the jambs
near the head.
STILE: Vertical member of a window sash or door panel.
TORSION: The twist induced in a product by the
STOREFRONT: A non-residential system of doors and application of a static load to an extreme free corner of that
windows mulled as a composite structure. Typically product and normal to its plane when an adjacent corner
designed for high use/abuse and strength. The storefront edge is secured.
system usually is installed between floor and ceiling.
TRANSOM: Transoms are non-operable windows that are
STORM DOOR: A supplemental door, installed on the used as companion windows installed above glass doors or
outside or inside of an exterior door, thereby saving energy. other windows. Transoms consist of a glazed frame or a
non-operable sash within a frame. For purposes of
STORM WINDOW: A supplemental fixed or movable compliance with this specification, transoms shall not
window, installed on the outside or inside of a window exceed 700 mm (27 in) in height.
frame thereby saving energy.
TRIBUTARY WIDTH: The width of wind bearing area
STRUCTURAL TEST PRESSURE (STP): The pressure contributing to the load on a mullion or divider.
differential applied to a window to determine structural
load capacity. Normally 150% of design pressure. TROPICAL WINDOWS: (See Jalousie Window, Jal-
Awning Windows, Tropical Awning Windows)
SUMMER MODE: For dual windows, summer mode is
when the primary window is closed and latched, the TROPICAL AWNING WINDOW: A window consisting
secondary window or outer primary window is opened and of one or more top hinged or pivoted sash operated by one
the insect screen (when offered or specified by the control device which swings the bottom edge of the sash
manufacturer) is in the functional position. outward. A single control or operating device operates all
sash, securely closing them at both jambs without the use
SUN ROOM: A multi sided structure comprised of a high of any additional manually controlled locking devices.
percentage of glazed area vs. framing area. Usually a non-
conditioned area attached to the exterior of an existing TURN-TILT WINDOW UNITS: (See Dual Action
building. Windows)

TEMPERED GLASS: (See Fully Tempered Glass) VEHICULAR ACCESS DOOR: A door that is used for
vehicular traffic at entrances of buildings such as garages,
TEST SPECIMEN: Complete, fully functioning window, loading docks, parking lots, factories, and industrial plants,
skylight, or glass door supplied by the applicant and fitted and that is not generally used for pedestrian traffic.
in the test apparatus, in accordance with the manufacturers
installation instructions, including manufacturers VERTICAL SLIDING WINDOWS: A window
instructions for clearance and shimming. consisting of at least one manually operated sash which
slides vertically within a common frame. All provisions of
THERMAL BARRIER: An element made of material testing apply whether there are one, two or three sash
with relatively low thermal conductivity, which is inserted which operate. This category has two sub categories which
between two members having high thermal conductivity, in are hung and non-hung windows.
order to reduce the heat transfer.
THERMAL BREAK: (See Thermal Barrier). Window)

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 20

WATER PENETRATION: Penetration of water beyond WINTER MODE: For dual windows, winter mode is
the vertical plane intersecting the innermost projection of when both the primary and secondary windows or both
the test specimen, not including interior trim and hardware, primary windows are closed, the primary window is locked
under the specified conditions of air pressure difference and the insect screen (when offered or specified by the
across the specimen. manufacturer) is in the stored position.

WEATHERSTRIP: A flexible component used to reduce 4.3 Optional Air Leakage

air leakage or water penetration, or both between the sash
or panels and/or sash or panels and frame. NOTE: Some code jurisdictions in the United States, the
National Building Code of Canada and Provincial Building
WEEPHOLE (WEEP): An opening that allows water to Codes in Canada modeled after the National Building
drain. Code require air leakage resistance performance beyond
the minimum performance levels represented in this
WELDED: When materials are fused by heat to become standard. Products shall be permitted to be optionally
one when cooled. tested to higher performance levels for purposes of code
compliance if required. Table 4.5 suggests optional
WIND LOAD RESISTANCE: The ability of a window, performance levels consistent with the requirements of the
skylight, or glass door to resist the structural effects of National Building Code of Canada.
differential pressure. Resistance is usually determined
relative to a design pressure derived from the building Performance can be measured in either liters per second per
codes. This standard requires the wind load resistance to square meter (l/s/m2) or cubic feet per minute per square
be measured at design pressure and also requires that the foot (cfm/ft2). Both infiltration and exfiltration may be
specimen be tested a second time at 150% of design recorded as indicated in the table. Two options are
pressure, which is defined as the structural test pressure. provided for measuring exfiltration for all product operator
types. An additional level is provided for measuring the
WINDOW: An opening constructed in a wall or roof and performance of exfiltration of fixed windows which have
functioning to admit light or air to an enclosure, usually the glazing directly glazed in the frame without the use of a
framed and spanned with glass mounted to permit opening sash surrounding the glazing.
and closing. (From the old Norse word "vindauga", which
is formed from "vinder", wind, and "auga", eye. Therefore,
a window is an "eye for the wind" or "wind-eye".)

Optional Performance Infiltration 2nd Level Exfiltration Entry Level Exfiltration 2nd Level Infiltration/Exfiltration
Fixed Level
Performance Difference
Class Pa (psf) l/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) l/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) l/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) l/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
R 75 (1.57) 0.5 (0.1) 1.5 (0.3) 0.5 (0.1) 0.2 N/A
LC 75 (1.57) 0.5 (0.1) 1.5 (0.3) 0.5 (0.1) 0.2 N/A
C 75 (1.57) 0.5 (0.1) 1.5 (0.3) 0.5 (0.1) 0.2 N/A
HC 300 (6.24) 0.5 (0.1) 1.5 (0.3) 0.5 (0.1) 0.2 N/A
AW 300 (6.24) 0.5 (0.1) 1.5 (0.3) 0.5 (0.1) 0.2 N/A

4.4 Dual Windows as a stand-alone unit. The secondary window may be

When the manufacturer chooses to test and market a tested separately under AAMA 1002.10. If the primary
product as a dual window, this section shall apply. and secondary units are tested independently for purposes
of certification, they shall be permitted to be labeled and
A dual window is a window composed of one of the marketed independently.
configurations listed in this section and offered by the
manufacturer as a complete factory pre-assembled or Dual window configurations include:
integral unit. Operation of the primary and secondary (1) Interior Primary/Exterior Secondary
sash shall be completely independent of each other. Dual (2) Exterior Primary/Interior Secondary
windows are marketed and tested as integral units. (3) Interior Primary/Exterior Primary

Only units which are tested as an integral product shall be See the Glossary for definitions of Primary Window,
rated as dual windows (DW). The primary window may Secondary Window, Summer Mode and Winter Mode.
be tested under the appropriate section of this document

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 21

Exterior secondary window sash shall not be operable or If two or more operator types are combined in a common
removable from the outside when closed. frame, each operator type shall be tested to the
requirements for that operator type.
Normally operated secondary window sash shall have
hardware devices designed to hold sash secure and level Where a manufacturer wishes to demonstrate compliance
in ventilating positions. with this specification for combination products
consisting of two or more products, each of which has
Exterior storm sash (DW only) shall comply with been shown to comply individually, it shall be necessary
ANSI/AAMA 1002.10. to demonstrate compliance with section 7.8 of this
On non-hung, vertically sliding products, normally
operated secondary window sash shall have hardware NOTE: The user should be aware that other performance
devices designed to hold sash secure and level in criteria (air leakage resistance, water penetration
ventilating positions. There shall be a latch position to resistance, etc.) may be affected at the interface of these
provide an open space at least 25 mm (1”) but no more products.
than 50 mm (2”) high between sash and sill. The upper
sash shall be held in place by means other than the screen When alterations are made to a test specimen during
insert. testing, those tests already performed which, in the
opinion of the testing agency, would be affected by such
alterations, shall be repeated. All alterations shall be
5.0 TESTING recorded in the test report.

5.1 Testing Sequence When testing to achieve conformance to the Gateway

For conformance to this specification, the testing Performance Requirements of this specification, the test
sequence shall be as follows: specimen size shall be both the largest width and the
Operating Force for operable test specimens largest height for which Gateway Performance is sought,
Air Leakage Resistance Test but in no case less than the minimum width or minimum
Water Penetration Resistance Test height indicated in the appropriate paragraphs of Section
Uniform Load Deflection Test 8.0.
Uniform Load Structural Test
When testing to achieve conformance to the Optional
At the discretion of the testing agency, the operating force Performance Requirements of this specification, the test
test shall be permitted to be conducted after the air specimen size shall be both the largest width and the
leakage resistance test. However, both the operating force largest height for which Optional Performance is sought,
test and the air leakage resistance test must be conducted but in no case more than the width or height of the
before the water penetration resistance test. It is specimen tested to achieve Gateway conformance.
permitted to test beyond the minimum performance
requirements for each type of performance test before Except as described in Section C of the User’s Guide,
beginning the next test in the sequence. For example air “Method for Extrapolating Uniform Load Structural Test
leakage resistance shall be permitted to be tested at 75 Pa Results to Fixed Windows of a Size Other Than That of
(1.57 psf) and then 300 Pa (6.24 psf) before beginning the the Test Specimen”, test results shall be valid only for
water penetration resistance test(s). products up to and including the width and height of the
specimen tested. Test results shall not be extrapolated for
All of the tests specified in 5.0 shall be conducted on the larger widths or larger heights.
same test specimen. All other tests are permitted to be
performed on separate specimens of identical size and Air, water, and structural tests are conducted considering
design. the normal mounting of the test specimen in its installed
position. The test procedures are designed to test the
Within the sequence given above, additional tests required performance of the test specimen only and are not
by code jurisdictions shall be permitted. necessarily used to test the performance of the
installation, particularly the perimeter sealant joint and the
5.2 Test Specimen Requirements anchoring of the assembly. The figures which follow
Each specimen to be tested shall be a completely indicate planes of testing for each of three typical
assembled and glazed window, skylight, or glass door installation methods; nailing fin, non-nailing fin of box
fitted in the test apparatus in accordance with the type, and brick mold. Installation details for these three
manufacturers installation instructions, unless otherwise installation types must reflect perimeter sealant and
stated in this standard. The glazing for each specimen anchors which are consistent with the point at which the
shall conform to all applicable requirements of Section plane of tested air and water penetration resistance
6.1. intersect the building structure.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 22

Non-Nail Fin Nail Fin Brickmould

Plane of Measured Air Leakage

Plane of Water Spray Application

Plane of Controlled Water Penetration

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 23

(1) Nail fin – Frame (2) Nail fin - Nail fin –
Linear Junction Frame Corner Junction

Factory Sealed
Factory Sealed Or
Nail fin
Field Sealed
Factory Sealed Factory Sealed
Or Or
Nail fin
Field Sealed Field Sealed



NOTE on Brickmould & Nail fin: For brevity this Before any other tests are conducted, operable sash or
note's text only lists nail fin but the note comments apply panels shall be adjusted so that they shall operate in either
equally to brickmould. Integral nail fin's junction (1) is direction with forces to initiate motion from the fully
intrinsically assumed to be air & water tight. Integral closed position and maintain motion not exceeding those
nail fin corner junction (2) and attached nail fin junctions indicated in the following table:
(1) & (2) shall be factory sealed or installation
instructions shall require a field seal. When field seal is For products with rotary-operators, measure the torques
required by installation instructions, then field installed (T) necessary to initiate and maintain motion, using a
products with air and water penetration through junction torque gage or other suitable device calibrated in units no
(1) or (2) are installation failures. larger than 0.5 N • m (5 in • lb). Then, convert the torque
values to force values (F) using the center-to-center length
5.3 Testing Requirements (Fenestration Assembly) (L) of the lever in the equation F = T / L.

5.3.1 Operating Force For R, LC, and C products only, the force required to
All operable sash or panels shall be fully opened and fully open or close any latches shall not exceed 100 N (22.5 lb)
closed a minimum of five times prior to testing to ensure when tested using a force gage applied to the end of the
that the sash or panels are operating freely. device in the direction of its normal operation.

No further adjustments that would affect the Operating Where a manufacturer offers or specifies either interior or
force shall be made for the balance of all testing. Using exterior removable multiple glazing panels (RMGP’s) in
the test methods contained in ASTM E 2068, the force the primary sash or panels, and it is desired to achieve
required to initiate motion of the operable sash or panels conformance to this specification both with and without
from both the fully closed and fully open positions shall the RMGP’s installed, all Operating Force testing shall be
be measured, as well as the force required to maintain conducted with all RMGP’s installed.
motion to the opposite limits of travel.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 24

Product Type Performance Point of Force Direction of Force Maximum Force to Maximum Force to
Class Application Initiate Motion Maintain Motion
N (lbs) N (lbs)
Vertically Sliding R Midpoint of Vertical, parallel to 200 (45) 135 (30)
Hung Windows operating handle(s) plane of glazing
or of meeting rails.
Vertically Sliding LC Midpoint of Vertical, parallel to 230 (50) 155 (35)
Hung Windows operating handle(s) plane of glazing
or of meeting rails.
Vertically Sliding C, HC & AW Midpoint of Vertical, parallel to 230 (50) 200 (45)
Hung Windows operating handle(s) plane of glazing
or of meeting rails.
Vertically Sliding non- R Midpoint of Vertical, upward, 110 (25) 90 (20)
Hung Windows operating handle(s) parallel to plane of
or of meeting rails. glazing
Vertically Sliding non- LC, C Midpoint of Vertical, upward, 230 (50) 155 (35)
Hung Windows operating handle(s) parallel to plane of
or of meeting rails. glazing
Horizontally Sliding R Midpoint of Horizontal, parallel 135 (30) 90 (20)
Windows operating handle(s) to plane of glazing
or of meeting stiles.
Horizontally Sliding LC, C, HC & Midpoint of Horizontal, parallel 180 (40) 115 (25)
Windows AW operating handle(s) to plane of glazing
or of meeting stiles.
Horizontally Sliding R, LC & C Midpoint of Horizontal, parallel 135 (30) 90 (20)
Doors operating handle(s) to plane of glazing
or of meeting stiles.
Horizontally Sliding HC & AW Midpoint of Horizontal, parallel 180 (40) 115 (25)
Doors operating handle(s) to plane of glazing
or of meeting stiles.
Casement and R, LC & C End of crank handle. Perpendicular to 70 (15) 30 (7)
Projecting Windows crank handle and
with Rotary Operators screw
Casement and HC & AW End of crank handle. Perpendicular to 90 (20) 45 (10)
Projecting Windows crank handle and
with Rotary Operators screw
Casement and R, LC & C End of lever. Perpendicular to 155 (35) 100 (22)
Projecting Windows lever in the plane
with Lever Type of its motion
Casement and HC & AW End of lever. Perpendicular to 230 (50) 135 (30)
Projecting Windows lever in the plane
with Lever Type of its motion
Other Casement and R, LC & C Midpoint of sash Perpendicular to 155 (35) 100 (22)
Projecting Windows opposite hinges or the plane of
operating handles. glazing
Other Casement and HC & AW Midpoint of sash Perpendicular to 230 (50) 135 (30)
Projecting Windows opposite hinges or the plane of
operating handles. glazing
Roof windows with R, C, HC End of crank handle. Perpendicular to 90 (20) 45 (10)
Rotary Operators crank handle and
Other Roof Windows R, C, HC Midpoint of sash Perpendicular to 230 (50) 135 (30)
opposite hinges or the plane of
operating handles. glazing

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 25

5.3.2 Air Leakage Resistance Test 547 (four cycles) and ASTM E 331. The
With the test specimen closed and locked, it shall be subjected to an air water resistance test pressure for all R,
leakage test in accordance with ASTM E 283. The test pressure and LC, C, and HC windows, skylights and
maximum allowable air leakage shall be as specified in the following table: glass doors is a minimum of 15% of the
design pressure. The water resistance test
Maximum Allowable pressure for all AW windows, skylights
Performance Class Test Pressure
Leakage and glass doors is a minimum of 20% of
R, LC, and C (except for 75 Pa (1.57 psf) [1.5 L/(s • m2)] (0.3 cfm/ft2) the design pressure. However, in no case
Jalousie windows) shall the water resistance test pressure
R (Jalousie windows only) 75 Pa (1.57 psf) [6.0 L/(s • m2)] (1.2 cfm/ft2) ever be less than 140 Pa (2.86 psf).
HC and AW 300 Pa (6.24 psf) [1.5 L/(s • m2)] (0.3 cfm/ft2) Water test pressure shall be capped at
720 Pa (15 psf).
For conformance to this standard, there
Dual windows shall be tested with the test specimen in the winter mode. shall be no leakage as defined in the
appropriate ASTM test method at the
Skylights and roof windows shall be tested for air leakage resistance in a specified test pressure given in pascals
sloped orientation in a manner simulating field installation including (Pa) or pounds per square foot (psf).
flashing. The specimen shall be installed at the lowest slope recommended
by the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Skylights and roof windows shall be
tested for water penetration resistance
For purposes of this specification, air leakage shall be reported on a according to ASTM E 331 in a sloped
pass/fail basis. When determining the pass or fail status of a test specimen orientation in a manner simulating field
according to the performance levels stipulated in the above table, the installation, including flashing. The
laboratory shall round off the measured air leakage to a single decimal place specimen shall be installed at the lowest
in accordance with the procedures outlined in ASTM E 29. The test report slope recommended by the
shall contain the statement: “The tested specimen meets (or exceeds) the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
performance levels specified in NAFS – 1 for air leakage resistance.” or
“The tested specimen fails to meet the performance levels specified in Where a manufacturer offers or specifies
NAFS – 1 for air leakage resistance.”, whichever is appropriate. Air an exterior insect screen, the water
leakage of composite units does not qualify stand-alone individual units. penetration resistance test shall be
performed both with and without the
For purposes of this specification, air leakage shall be expressed in units of insect screen in place. Where a
liters per second per square meter of frame area [L/(s•m2)] [cubic feet per manufacturer offers or specifies both a
minute per square foot of frame area (cfm/ft2)]. Frame area shall be full and a partial exterior insect screen,
determined as defined in section 6.3 of this specification. the water penetration resistance test shall
be performed first with one screen in
Where a manufacturer offers or specifies interior removable multiple place, and then repeated with the other
glazing panels (RMGP’s) in the primary sash or panels, and it is desired to screen in place. The sequence of these
achieve conformance to this specification both with and without the interior water resistance tests shall be at the
RMGP’s installed, all air leakage resistance testing shall be conducted both discretion of the testing agency. An
with and without all interior RMGP’s installed. When testing with the appropriate amount of time shall be
RMGP’s installed, any and all between-glazing venting features shall be permitted between subsequent water
fully open and functioning properly. When testing with the RMGP’s penetration resistance tests to allow for
removed, any between-glazing venting features shall be plugged if required adequate drainage.
by the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Where a manufacturer offers or specifies
Where a manufacturer offers or specifies exterior RMGP’s in the primary an interior insect screen, the water
sash or panels, and it is desired to achieve conformance to this specification penetration resistance test shall be
both with and without the exterior RMGP’s installed, all air leakage performed with the insect screen
resistance testing shall be conducted with all exterior RMGP’s removed. removed.

5.3.3 Water Penetration Resistance Test Dual windows shall be tested in both the
With the specimen closed and locked, R, LC, and C specimens shall be summer and winter modes.
subjected to a four-cycle water penetration resistance test in accordance
with ASTM E 547. Each cycle shall consist of five minutes with the
pressure applied and one minute with the pressure released, during which
the water spray is continuously applied. HC and AW specimens shall be
tested for water penetration resistance in accordance with both ASTM E

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 26

Where a manufacturer offers or specifies either interior or Dual windows shall be tested in both the summer and
exterior removable multiple glazing panels (RMGP’s) in winter modes.
the primary sash or panels, and it is desired to achieve
conformance to this specification both with and without Uniform Load Structural Test
the RMGP’s installed, all water penetration resistance Tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM E
testing shall be conducted both with and without all 330, Procedure A. Duration of test shall be 10 seconds.
RMGP’s installed. When testing with the RMGP’s
installed, any and all between-glazing venting features A minimum uniform structural test pressure load as
shall be fully open and functioning properly. When specified in Section 8 shall be applied to the test
testing with the RMGP’s removed, any between-glazing specimen, first to the exterior surface (positive) and then
venting features shall be plugged if required by the to the interior surface (negative). The sequence of
manufacturer’s recommendations. applying the loads shall be permitted to be reversed at the
option of the testing agency.
5.3.4 Uniform Load Tests
Insect screens shall be removed from the test specimen The test specimen shall be evaluated for permanent
for all uniform load testing. damage after each load.

Skylights and roof windows shall be tested for uniform Dual windows shall be tested in both the summer and
loads in either a vertical or sloped orientation at the winter modes. For dual windows, testing of two separate
manufacturer’s discretion. specimens, one in the winter mode and one in the summer
mode, is permitted.
Where a manufacturer offers or specifies either interior or
exterior removable multiple glazing panels (RMGP’s) in After each specified loading, there shall be no permanent
the primary sash or panels, and it is desired to achieve damage to fasteners, hardware parts, support arms or
conformance to this specification both with and without actuating mechanisms, disengagement, or any other
the RMGP’s installed, all uniform load testing shall be damage which causes the test specimen to be inoperable.
conducted both with and without all RMGP’s installed. There shall be no permanent deformation of any main
When testing with the RMGP’s installed, any and all frame, sash, panel or sash member in excess of 0.4% of its
between-glazing venting features shall be fully open and span for R, LC class products, 0.3% of its span for C and
functioning properly. When testing with the RMGP’s HC class products, or 0.2% of its span for AW class
removed, any between-glazing venting features shall be products. Permanent deformation shall be measured to the
plugged if required by the manufacturer’s nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 inch). In dual windows,
recommendations. permanent deformation requirements apply to the primary
window members only. Uniform Load Deflection Test
Tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM E If there is any glazing breakage during a specified
330, Procedure A. Load duration shall be in accordance loading, the test specimen shall be permitted to be re-
with the load duration formulas. Deflection shall be glazed and then re-tested.
measured at design pressure, and reported in millimeters
(inches). Except for AW test specimens, if there is any hardware
breakage during a specified loading, the hardware shall be
A minimum uniform design pressure load as specified in permitted to be replaced and the specimen then re-tested.
Section 8 shall be applied to the test specimen, first to the
exterior surface (positive) and then to the interior surface 5.3.5 Forced Entry Resistance (Fer) Test
(negative). The sequence of applying the loads shall be Insect screens shall be removed from the test specimen
permitted to be reversed at the option of the testing for all forced entry resistance testing.
Latching devices shall provide reasonable security against
The test specimen shall be evaluated for deflection during forced entry. All windows shall conform to ASTM F 588
each load, for permanent damage after each load and (Performance Grade 10, minimum). All sliding glass
normal operability. The maximum deflection shall be doors shall conform to ASTM F 842 (Performance Grade
recorded for all tested design pressure loads in the test 10, minimum). In dual windows, only the designated
report. primary window shall be tested.

For HC and AW specimens only, no member shall deflect In some cases, local codes require compliance to forced
more than 1/175 of its span. Deflection of R, LC and C entry resistance specifications other than those specified
specimen members shall be measured and recorded in the in paragraph 5.3.5. For purposes of compliance with this
test report, but shall not be limited by this specification. specification, the requirements of paragraph 5.3.5 shall be
mandatory, and additional testing in accordance with

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 27

other forced entry resistance specifications shall be structural profile related to glazing retention and/or
optional. structural division of glazing lites within a common sash
or frame.
FER testing of hinged rescue windows shall be conducted
in accordance with the requirements for testing casement Test specimens shall consist only of welded or bonded
windows. profiles of the base thermoplastic material.

NOTE: FER testing of glass swing doors is not When loaded to failure, the break shall not extend along
mandatory because there is no current ASTM test method the entire weld line.
for FER on glass swing doors.
NOTE: This test can be used as a quality control test to
NOTE: FER testing of skylights and roof windows is not assess the effectiveness of the corner welding or bonding
mandatory because the scope of the existing test methods process.
is directed towards resistance to the “casual burglar”
who is not expected to be carrying a ladder or other Deglazing Test
specialized tools while attempting an opportunistic This test shall apply only to operable windows, skylights
burglary. and glass doors whose mode of operation is either vertical
or horizontal sliding and to secondary sash in dual
Where a manufacturer offers or specifies either interior or windows.
exterior removable multiple glazing panels (RMGP’s) in
the primary sash or panels, and it is desired to achieve When tested in accordance with ASTM E 987, operable
conformance to this specification both with and without sash or panel members or secondary sash members, shall
the RMGP’s installed, all forced entry resistance testing not move from their original position, in relation to the
shall be conducted with all RMGP’s removed. glazing material, by more than 90% of the original
glazing bite.
5.3.6 Auxiliary (Durability) Tests
In addition to the tests indicated above, products seeking For vertically sliding products, the load for horizontal
compliance with this standard shall be tested for sash or panel members shall be 320 N (70 lb.) and the
performance as indicated below. There are differing tests load for all other sash or panel members shall be 230 N
for each product operating type largely dependent on the (50 lb.).
design, function and construction of the individual
products. These tests are designed to subject the product For horizontally sliding products, the load for vertical
assemblies, sash, frame and hardware components to sash or panel members shall be 320 N (70 lb.) and the
conditions typical of those that might be encountered load for all other sash or panel members shall be 230 N
during the handling, installation and operation of the (50 lb.).
product. In that sense they are designed to address
durability issues not covered in the assembly testing For secondary sash members in dual windows, the load
indicated above. shall be equal to the weight of the secondary sash and
glazing but not less than 70 N (15 lb). The test shall be
Where a manufacturer offers or specifies either interior or conducted on each member of each secondary sash in the
exterior removable multiple glazing panels (RMGP’s) in test specimen.
the primary sash or panels, and it is desired to achieve
conformance to this specification both with and without At the conclusion of the test, the test specimen shall not
the RMGP’s installed, all auxiliary testing, except for be damaged in any way that would inhibit normal
safety drop tests per Section, shall be conducted operation of the window, , dual window, skylight
with all RMGP’s removed. assembly, or glass door. Also, there shall be no glazing
breakage. Thermoplastic Corner Test
(Fusion-welded or chemically bonded thermoplastic Sash/Panel Tests
products only, excluding cellulosic composite materials). The tests in this section are designed to test the sash
and/or panel strength, stiffness and construction. They
When main frame, sash or panel members are welded or are also designed to test the strength of the sash and/or
bonded, all corners representing all different profile panel corner joinery. The testing consists of torsional
combinations shall be tested in accordance with the test loading, racking of the sash in plane and concentrated
method given in Appendix A.1 and meet the following loading of sash and/or panel components.

This test applies only when a thermoplastic material is

used as a primary structural sash or frame profile, or as a

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 28 Sash/Panel Torsion Tests
This test is performed on an unglazed sash. The sash is
supported on fulcrums at diagonally opposite corners with
a third corner diagonally opposite the loaded corner
secured in the same plane by a fulcrum support block and

A concentrated load (P), acting at the unrestrained corner

of the sash for a period of 10 seconds shall not cause a
deflection measured to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) at
the unrestrained corner greater than indicated in the
following table:

FIGURE 5.5 Sash/Panel Torsion Test

Sash Type Performance Class Load (P) Deflection Limit
N (lbs) mm (in)
Awning, Hopper, Projected HC & AW 70 (15) 
33.3 A 
(0.12 B)
Dual Action Hinged Glass Door HC 70 (15) 
57.8 A 
(0.21 B)
Vertical/Horizontal Pivoted C 70 (15) 
29.5 A 
(0.11 B)
Vertical/Horizontal Pivoted HC & AW 70 (15) 
18.1 A 
(0.07 B)
Top Hinged C 70 (15) 
59.3 A 
(0.22 B)
Top Hinged HC & AW 70 (15) 
57.8 A 
(0.21 B)
Dual Action HC & AW 70 (15) 
57.8 A 
(0.21 B)
Casement HC & AW 90 (20) 
51.2 A 
(0.19 B)
Where A is the area of the tested sash in (m2) and B is the area of the tested sash in (ft2).
This test shall be repeated for each different design of operable sash of the test specimen. Sash Vertical Deflection Test

With the glazed test specimen installed vertically per the
manufacturer’s recommendations, the operable sash shall
be opened 90° or to the limit of its travel, whichever is
less. If necessary, lateral movement of the sash shall be
permitted to be restrained by a single point guide placed
anywhere over the height of the sash, provided that such a
guide provides no resistance to vertical movement.

A downward vertical pre-load force of 70 N (15 lb.) shall

be applied for a period of 10 seconds no more than 50 mm
(2 in) inboard of the outer free edge by means of weights,
a hydraulic cylinder, or other suitable arrangement and
shall then be removed, at which time deflection-
measuring devices shall be zeroed. The downward
vertical force shall then be increased to the load indicated
FIGURE 5.6 Sash Vertical Deflection Test in the following table:

Load (P) Deflection Limit

Sash Type Performance Class
N (lbs) mm (in)
Casement R & LC 200 (45) 20 mm per meter of sash width (0.25 in per foot)
Casement C, HC & AW 270 (60) 20 mm per meter of sash width (0.25 in per foot)

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 29

The vertical deflection of the lower outer corner shall be measured at 60 At the conclusion of the test, the test
± 5 seconds after the full load has been applied and while it is still specimen shall fully close and operate
applied. properly and shall show no distortion or
failure. There shall be no glazing
The load shall then be removed and the test specimen examined for breakage.
distortion or failure. At the conclusion of the test, the test specimen
shall properly close and operate. Also, there shall be no glazing This test shall be repeated for each
breakage. different design of operable sash of the test
This test shall be repeated for each different design of operable sash in
the test specimen.

FIGURE 5.7 Sash Blocked Operation Test Sash Blocked Operation Test

The glazed operable sash shall be opened to a 45° position or to the limit
of its travel, whichever is less, and one side blocked in that position to
prevent movement in a closing direction. The blocking shall extend no
further outwards on the side sash member than the mounting point for
the holding device.

A pre-load force of 15 N (3 lb.) shall be applied for a period of 10

seconds to the midpoint of the sash member opposite the hinges, in a
closing direction and perpendicular to the plane of the glazing. The load
shall then be removed and the deflection-measuring devices shall be
zeroed. The force shall then be increased to (P). The deflection of the
outer corner of the operable light on the opposite side from the blocking,
in the direction of the applied force, shall be measured at 60 ± 5 seconds
after the full force has been applied and while it is still being applied.
The deflection measured to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.), shall not
exceed the values indicated in the table below.

Sash Type Performance Load (P) Deflection Limit

Class N (lbs) mm (in)
Awning, Hopper,
R & LC 70 (15) Reported Reported
Awning, Hopper,
C 140 (30) 
3.8 A 
(0.14 B)
Where A is the area of the tested sash in (m ) and B is the area of the tested
sash in (ft2).

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 30 Sash/Panel Concentrated Load
150 mm Test On Latch Rail
(6 in)
Support each unglazed sash or panel by
clamping the stiles, 150 mm (6 in) from the
latch, to the horizontal supports under the

A concentrated load (P) applied to the center

CLAMP of the span of the latch rail, parrallel to the
RAIL plane of the sash, first in one direction then in
the opposite direction, shall not cause a
deflection at the point of load application
FIGURE 5.8 – Sash/Panel Concentrated Load Test (Perpendicular Load) greater than shown in the table measured to
the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in). Each different
design of operable sash in the test specimen
shall be tested.

A concentrated load (P) applied to the center

of the span of the latch rail, perpendicular to
the plane of the sash, first in one direction
then in the opposite direction, shall not cause
a deflection at the point of load application
greater than shown in the table measured to
the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in). Each different
design of operable sash in the test specimen
shall be tested.

FIGURE 5.9 – Sash/Panel Concentrated Load Test (Parallel Load)

Performance Load Load (P) Deflection Limit

Sash Type
Class Direction N (lbs) mm (in)
Awning, Hopper, Projected HC & AW Horizontal 135 (30) 1.5 (0.06)
Awning, Hopper, Projected HC & AW Vertical 135 (30) 1.5 (0.06)
Dual Action Hinged Glass Door R, LC, C & HC Horizontal 135 (30) 1.5 (0.06)
Dual Action Hinged Glass Door R Vertical 135 (30) 1.5 (0.06)
Dual Action Hinged Glass Door LC & C Vertical 230 (50) 3.3 (0.13)
Dual Action Hinged Glass Door HC Vertical 400 (90) 6.3 (0.25)
Vertical/Horizontal Pivoted C Horizontal 230 (50) 1.5 (0.06)
Vertical/Horizontal Pivoted HC & AW Horizontal 270 (60) 1.5 (0.06)
Vertical/Horizontal Pivoted C Vertical 230 (50) 0.8 (0.03)
Vertical/Horizontal Pivoted HC & AW Vertical 270 (60) 0.8 (0.03)
Top Hinged C, HC & AW Horizontal 135 (30) 1.5 (0.06)
Top Hinged C Vertical 230 (50) 3.3 (0.13)
Top Hinged HC & AW Vertical 400 (90) 6.3 (0.25)
Dual Action R, LC, C & HC Horizontal 135 (30) 1.5 (0.06)
Dual Action R Vertical 135 (30) 1.5 (0.06)
Dual Action LC Vertical 180 (40) 2.3 (0.09)
Dual Action C Vertical 230 (50) 3.3 (0.13)
Dual Action HC Vertical 400 (90) 6.4 (0.25)

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 31 Frame Tests
The tests in this section are designed to test the strength
and stiffness of intermediate framing members. They are
also designed to test the strength of the frame corner
joinery. The testing consists of torsional loading, and
concentrated loading of frame components.

FIGURE 5.10 Vertical Concentrated Load Test

100 mm Vertical Concentrated Load Test
This test is performed on an unglazed sash and is
designed to determine the deflection of the sash in the
open position. The window shall be mounted in a test
rack and supported around its entire perimeter. The sash
shall be opened 90° with respect to the frame. FIGURE 5.11 Torsion Load Test on Intermediate
Frame Rails
Two concentrated loads (P) are applied at the midpoints
of the sash between the pivot and the innermost extremity Torsion Load Test on Intermediate Frame
of the sash stiles. The loads shall be applied in a Rails
downward direction, parallel to the plane of the sash for a Place an unglazed test specimen in a horizontal position.
period of 10 seconds. Deflection shall be measured to the
nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) at each corner and shall not Apply for a duration of 10 seconds a 4.5 N • m (40 in •
exceed the deflection indicated in the following table: lb) torque (T) [45 N (10 lb) on a 100 mm (4 in) lever arm
measured from the extremity of the rail], at the center of
the span of each intermediate horizontal rail, first in one
Load (P) Deflection
Sash Performance Limit direction, then in the opposite direction. The vertical
Type Class deflection at the point of load application shall be not
N (lbs) mm (in) greater than shown in the table measured to the nearest
Vertically C 230 (50) 1 (0.04) 0.25 mm (0.01 in).
Vertically HC & AW 270 (60) 1 (0.04) Performance Torsion Load Deflection
Pivoted Sash (T) Limit
Type Class
TABLE 5.7 N–m (in-lbs) mm (in)
Awning, HC & AW 4.5 (40) 1.5 (0.06)
The test shall be repeated for each different design of Hopper,
operable sash of the test specimen. Projected

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 32 Hardware Load Tests
The tests in this section are designed to test the
strength and stiffness of hardware devices used in
fenestration assemblies. They are also designed to
test the reaction of the hardware to loading not
normally encountered in the use of windows,
skylights and glass doors. The testing consists of
blocked operation and abnormal loading conditions
which might occur during the handling, installation
and operation of the assemblies.

FIGURE 5.12 Vertical Concentrated Load Test on Intermediate

Frame Rails Vertical Concentrated Load Test on Intermediate

Frame Rails
Clamp the jambs of the unglazed test specimen to a vertical support
150 mm (6 in.) from the test rails. FIGURE 5.13 Distributed Load Test

A concentrated load (P) applied for a duration of 10 seconds at the Distributed Load Test
(Operable casement windows with rotary-operating
center of the span of any intermediate rail parallel to the plane of the
hardware only)
window, first in one direction then in the opposite direction, shall
not cause a deflection at the point of load application greater than
The glazed test specimen shall be securely fastened
shown in the table measured to the nearest 0.25 mm (0.01 in).
in a vertical plane so that the sash, when opened to
its full extent, will be horizontal. The sash and
Performance Load (P) Deflection Limit
Sash Type hardware shall be strong enough to support a 10
Class N (lbs) mm (in)
second duration uniform load as indicated in the
Awning, Hopper, HC & AW 135 (30) 1.5 (0.06)
following table:
Sash Performance Load (P)
Type Class Pa (psf)
Casement R 240 (5.00)
Casement LC, C, HC &
300 (6.24)
The load specified includes the weight of the
glazed sash.
TABLE 5.10

At the conclusion of the test, the rotary-operator

shall properly and fully close the sash. There shall
be no failure of screws or track or hinge, or
permanent deformation of support arms.

Each different design of operable sash of the test

specimen shall be tested. The load shall be applied
first in one direction, and then in the opposite

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 33

Performance Load (P) Point of Load
Class N (lbs)
Dual Action Hinged
R 445 (100) Panel Corners
Glass Door
Dual Action Hinged
LC, C & HC 890 (200) Panel Corners
Glass Door
Dual Action Hinged
R 890 (200) Top Rail
Glass Door
Dual Action Hinged
LC, C & HC 1780 (400) Top Rail
Glass Door
Dual Action Window R 445 (100) Sash Corners
Dual Action Window LC, C & HC 890 (200) Sash Corners
Dual Action Window R 890 (200) Top Rail
Dual Action Window LC, C & HC 1780 (400) Top Rail
TABLE 5.11

FIGURE 5.14 Stabilizing Arm Load Test Stabilizing Arm Load Test

Mount the completely assembled glazed
window or door vertically. Open the operable
sash or panel inward from the top, to the full FIGURE 5.15 Balance Arm Load Test
ventilating position with the sash or panel
supported solely by the stabilizing arm at one Balance Arm Load Test
jamb. A concentrated load acting vertically If two or more sash are included in the test specimen, compare the
downward for a duration of 10 seconds as balance arm materials and cross sections, pivots, etc. If judged equal,
indicated in the table, shall be applied at each test the largest sash only. Otherwise, test all arms.
upper operable sash or panel corner
separately. After load removal, there shall be Support the unglazed test specimen at 45o or to a maximum design
no damage to the window or door frame, opening, which ever is less, to the vertical and clamp the frame at its
operable sash or, components, glass, full height. Open the sash with the balance arms in compression, and
stabilizing arm or hardware components, and block the sash in the level position at both friction shoes.
the product shall function normally.
Apply a concentrated load (P) vertically downward at one free corner
of the sash for 10 seconds. Then apply the concentrated load (P)
vertically downward at the other free corner of the sash for 10 seconds.
Remove all loads.

Performance Load (P) Point of Load

Sash Type
Class N (lbs) Application
Awning, Hopper, Opposite Sash
HC 270 (60)
Projected Corners
TABLE 5.12

After removal of the loads, the balance arms shall function normally
with no apparent damage.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 34

FIGURE 5.16 Hold Open Arm/Stay Bar Test Hold Open Arm/Stay Bar Test

With the glazed sash opened to its fullest extent, a horizontal
concentrated load (P) shall be applied for a duration of 10 seconds
at one lower corner of the sash in the closing direction. After
removal of the load, hold-open arms shall function normally.

Performance Load (P) Point of Load

Sash Type
Class N (lbs) Application
Top Hinged C & HC 445 (100) Sash Corner
TABLE 5.13 Hinge Test (Hinged Rescue Windows Only)

After the air, water and structural tests have been performed, the
hinged perimeter frame window assembly shall be subjected to 10
FIGURE 5.17 Unit Dead Load Test
cycles of unlatching, opening to the full 90-degree position, closing
and latching. At the conclusion of 10 cycles, there shall be no glass Unit Dead Load Test (Greenhouse
breakage or permanent damage to any fasteners, hardware parts,
Windows Only)
support arms or actuating mechanisms, and the hinged window
A uniform load of 40 kg/m2 (8 lbf/ft2) of shelf
assembly shall open, close and lock in its normal manner. The
area (including the bottom pan area) shall be
operation test must be conducted again with the heaviest glass
applied simultaneously to each shelf and to the
configuration (if not already done).
bottom pan of a glazed vertically mounted unit Safety Drop Test (Non-Hung Vertical Operating for a period of 5 minutes. The maximum
Products Only) vertical displacement of the specimen in
The test specimen shall be mounted in a test fixture. relation to its mounting shall not be greater than
L/175, “L” being defined as the width of the
The test specimen shall be examined to identify the two adjacent unit.
preset sash or panel retention positions with the maximum spacing.
The operable sash or panel shall be raised to the upper of these two Life Cycle Testing (AW Designated
positions, and then allowed to “free fall”. This procedure shall be Operable Products Only)
conducted a minimum of one time for each operable sash or panel. When tested in accordance with AAMA 910,
When dropped, the sash or panel shall automatically stop at the there shall be no damage to fasteners, hardware
lower of the two preset positions. There shall be no breakage or parts, sash balances, or any other damage which
permanent deformation of any part of the test specimen that would would cause the specimen to be inoperable.
impair its operation. There shall be no glazing breakage. Also, resistance to air leakage and water
penetration resistance test results shall not
Where a manufacturer offers or specifies either interior or exterior exceed the Gateway performance requirements
removable multiple glazing panels (RMGP’s) in the primary sash or specified in Sections 8 and 9 for the class and
panels, and it is desired to achieve conformance to this specification grade for which compliance is sought.
both with and without the RMGP’s installed, all safety drop tests
shall be conducted with all RMGP’s installed. Where a manufacturer offers or specifies either
interior or exterior removable multiple glazing
panels (RMGP’s) in the primary sash or panels,
and it is desired to achieve conformance to this
specification both with and without the
RMGP’s installed, all life cycle testing shall be
conducted with all RMGP’s installed.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 35

5.3.7 Condensation Resistance (Optional) For Procedure
Reference Only When thermal performance characteristics are to be
The Condensation Resistance Factor (CRF) and/or determined, products shall be evaluated under the
Temperature Factor (TF) are rating numbers obtained procedures in either AAMA 1503 or ASTM E 1423 or
under standard test conditions which allow for the CSA A440 or NFRC 100. U - Factors derived from
prediction, within reasonable accuracy, of the differing test methods can vary.
condensation performance of a window, glass door, or
skylight. The CRF rating number that is obtained by the U–FACTOR CLASS MAXIMUM “U FACTOR”*
procedure outlined in AAMA 1503 and the TF rating U110 (U20) 1.10 (0.20)
number that is obtained by the procedure outlined in U140 (U25) 1.40 (0.25)
CSA-A440-98 are not absolute values (i.e., the possibility U170 (U30) 1.70 (0.30)
exists that the rating numbers do not predict the precise U200 (U35) 2.00 (0.35)
condition under which, or the first location where U230 (U40) 2.30 (0.40)
condensation occurs). However, they do provide a U260 (U45) 2.60 (0.45)
comparative performance rating for similar products. U280 (U50) 2.80 (0.50)
U310 (U55) 3.10 (0.55) Procedure U340 (U60) 3.40 (0.60)
U370 (U65) 3.70 (0.65)
When tested in accordance with AAMA 1503 or CSA
U400 (U70) 4.00 (0.70)
A440, the Condensation Resistance Factor (CRF) or TF
TABLE 5.15
shall not be rated at less than the value in the table below
for the “Condensation Resistance Class” desired. * “U” = W / m2 • oK (BTU / h • ft2 • oF)

Condensation Minimum Tested

When U–Factor is determined by these methods, the
Resistance Class CRF or TF thermal transmittance (U) shall not exceed the factors in
C65 65 the table above for the U–Factor Class desired. U–Factor
C60 60 Class shall be determined by the guidelines given in
C55 55 AAMA 1504. U–Factor classes higher or lower than those
C50 50 indicated in the above table shall be permitted to be used,
C45 45 in increments of 30 (5).
C40 40
C35 35 NOTE: See the User’s Guide for detailed considerations
TABLE 5.14 concerning thermal transmittance.

NOTE: The above chart is not an attempt to establish a NOTE: Representatives of Canada and the United States
minimum rating but current test methods do not lend are developing a new thermal standard to replace the
themselves to ratings less than C35. Ratings shall be thermal standards referenced in this section. It is the
permitted to be increased above C65 in increments of 5 if intention of the developers of this performance standard
test results merit a higher rating. See the User’s Guide for that the new thermal performance standard when
detailed considerations concerning condensation approved by both the United States and Canada shall
resistance. replace all thermal standards referenced in this
5.3.8 Thermal Transmittance (Optional) For
Reference Only 5.3.9 Acoustical Performance (Optional)
The total resistance to heat flow across the frame and The ability of windows, skylights and glass doors to
glazing area of a window, skylight, or glass door is the attenuate sound transmissions is important in locations
sum of the inside surface to air resistance, the resistance where exterior noise is excessive or disruptive. Sound
of the frame and the glazing itself, and the outside surface attenuation shall be measured and rated either as STC
to air resistance. The reciprocal of the sum of these (Sound Transmission Class) for interior frequencies or
resistances is the conductance. Product air-to-air heat OITC (Outside-Inside Transmission Class) for exterior
conductance is also called heat transmittance. It is the heat sound sources. STC is traditionally used to evaluate
which is conducted through one square meter of product sound transmission through interior walls or barriers;
frame area in one second when the temperature difference whereas, OITC is more useful for dealing with external
across the product is 1°K (one square foot of product noise – e.g., road, aircraft and rail noises.
frame area in one hour when the temperature difference
across the product is 1°F). This is written as W / m2 • °K The AAMA and ASTM specifications listed below shall
be used to develop acoustical ratings for windows,
(BTU / h • ft2 • °F) and is referred to as the “U”–Value or
skylights and glass doors. AAMA TIR-Al is also a useful
the “U”–Factor.
reference on acoustical performance and requirements.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 36 Procedure
When acoustical performance characteristics are to be (g) Operating hardware and locking devices including part
determined, all windows, skylights and glass doors shall numbers, locations, fastening, and sealing details;
be tested in accordance with ASTM E 90, ASTM E 1425
or AAMA 1801. STC and OITC ratings shall be derived (h) Screen(s), component parts list, joinery type, fastening
from ASTM E 413 and ASTM E 1332 respectively. method of retention, etc.
Specimen test sizes shall be equal to the sizes tested for
the primary or Gateway performance requirements of this (i) Slope of test specimen installation for roof windows
standard. and skylights.

5.4 Laboratory Test Report (j) Test specimen installation including perimeter
The test report shall include test and report dates and a fastening and sealing details.
comprehensive generic description of the test specimen.
This description shall provide sufficient detail to allow for (k) The results of all tests listed in Table 9.0 for the
verification of the fabrication of the test specimen, product being tested.
including, but not limited to:
(a) Product type, model and mode of operation (e.g., (l) Other data required to be reported in the applicable
inswing, Project-In-Top (P.I.T.), Project-Out-Bottom reference test methods report sections.
(P.O.B.), outswing, etc.);
The test report shall include a statement that horizontal
(b) Sash or panel and frame component parts list, joinery and vertical cross–section drawings of the test specimen
type, fastening, sealing details as well as sash or panel were reviewed by the testing agency, and that those
and frame dimensions; drawings matched the tested specimen.

(c) Weatherstripping type, joinery, retaining method, The test report shall include a list of all component
referenced part number, and size; drawings reviewed.

The referenced cross–section and component drawings

(d) Glazing thickness and type (e.g., material, airspace shall be stamped and retained by the testing agency, but
thickness, spacer type and identification); need not be incorporated in the body of the report.
(e) Glazing method (e.g., wet / dry, laid-in or channel Testing agencies shall not be permitted to issue reports
glazing, glazing seals, setting block type and that claim full compliance to this specification unless full
locations); compliance is actually achieved.

(f) Drainage system indicating location and size of all

active and passive weep holes, sloped sills, glazing
rebate drainage etc;

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 37

the sash or frame of the fenestration assembly or in any
6.0 MATERIALS way enhance the structural performance of the assembly
during testing. Therefore, the glazing selected for
6.1 Glass And Glazing compliance testing shall be the thinnest and weakest
glazing in accordance with ASTM E 1300 or CGSB 12.20
6.1.1 Glazing Materials for the test specimen size and the maximum design load
Glass installed in windows, skylights and glass doors to be tested or any glazing that is weaker or thinner than
shall conform to the following standards: that required by these standards.

Flat Glass ASTM C 1036, CAN/CGSB- The following examples will help to illustrate how to
(Float or Sheet) 12.2, CAN/CGSB-12.3 select the appropriate glass for test specimens:
Heat Absorbing Glass CAN/CGSB-12.4
Spandrel Glass CAN/CGSB-12.9 Example 1:
Light & Heat Reflecting CAN/CGSB-12.10 Assume that a manufacturer has a casement window for
which he desires to achieve a Performance Grade (Design
Laminated Glass ASTM C 1172, CAN/CGSB-12.1
Heat Treated Glass ASTM C 1048, CAN/CGSB-12.1
Pressure) of “40”. The test specimen has an actual glass
Safety Glazing ANSI Z97.1, CPSC 16 CFR size of 790 mm wide x 1700 mm tall (31 in x 67 in). The
1201, CAN/CGSB-12.1 actual design pressure to consider for glass selection is
Wired Safety Glass CAN/CGSB-12.11 1920 Pa (40 psf). The test specimen is to be glazed with
Sealed IG Units ASTM E 774, CAN/CGSB-12.8 sealed insulating glass. Considering the glass size and the
Plastic Glazing CAN/CGSB-12.12 design pressure, ASTM E 1300 dictates the following
TABLE 6.1 Allowable Loads:

The uniform load resistance of glass furnished by the Nominal Glass Allowable
manufacturer shall meet or exceed the specified design Sheet Thickness, Glass Type Load,
pressure selected by the specifier. Load resistance of the mm (in) Pa (psf)
glass shall be determined by ASTM E 1300, or CGSB Annealed 1340 (28)
12.20 with factors for heat-treated, laminated and 2.5 (3/32) Heat-strengthened 2680 (56)
insulating glass load duration, etc., as applicable. Fully Tempered n/a
Annealed 1800 (38)
Sealed insulating glass units shall be glazed in a manner 3.0 (1/8) Heat-strengthened 3600 (75)
that precludes the accumulation of water in the glazing Fully Tempered 7190 (150)
cavity. If “dry” glazing is employed as the exterior seal, Annealed 2220 (46)
drainage of the glazing cavity to the exterior shall be 4.0 (5/32) Heat-strengthened 4450 (93)
provided. Fully Tempered 8900 (186)
The glazing system shall be designed to prevent contact
between any accumulated water and the seal of the
Using this information, the manufacturer would first
insulating glass unit.
select the thinnest glass that can provide an option that
has an allowable load of 1920 Pa (40 psf) or greater. In
Sealed insulating glass units shall conform to the
this case, that would be nominal 2.5 mm (3/32 in) glass.
requirements of ASTM E 774, Level C or CGSB 12.8 for
R, LC, C and HC rated products. Insulated glass units in
Second, the manufacturer would select the weakest type
AW rated products shall conform to ASTM E 774,
of nominal 2.5 mm (3/32 in) thick glass that has an
Level A.
allowable load equal to or greater than 1920 Pa (40 psf).
In this case, that would be heat-strengthened.
NOTE: On commercial projects, the architect or buyer
will often specify the glass. On residential projects, glass
Therefore, the manufacturer would select, for this
selection, to meet the design pressure for the project, is
specimen, nominal 2.5 mm (3/32 in) thick heat-
often deferred to the manufacturer. In either case, the
strengthened glass. Any glass that is thicker, or that is of a
selector is encouraged to specify glass in conformance
stronger type, would not be permitted. However, any
with the standards listed in this section as applicable.
glass that is thinner, or that is of a weaker type, is
permitted. Therefore, the manufacturer could alternately
6.1.2 Glass Selection choose to use nominal 2.5 mm (3/32 in) annealed glass
Glass selection is dependent on whether selection is being
for the test specimen.
made for testing purposes or to meet required structural
loads. If the glass selection is being made for the purpose
of testing a fenestration assembly, it is the intent of this
specification that the glazing shall not strengthen or brace

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 38

Example 2: used on a particular project. This glazing selection does
Consider the same casement example as above, but now not match the thickness or type used for testing, but it
assume that the manufacturer desires to achieve a meets the project requirements according to the
Performance Grade (Design Pressure) of “60”. The actual referenced standards, the product shall be considered to
design pressure to consider for glass selection is 2880 Pa be in compliance with this specification.
(60 psf). Using the information in the Table 6.2, the
manufacturer would first select the thinnest glass that can Glass shall be selected in accordance with the provisions
provide an option that has an Allowable Load of 2880 Pa of ASTM E 1300 or CGSB 12.20 with the exception that
(60 psf) or greater. In this case, that would be nominal 3.0 frame or sash deflections, where not specified in this
mm (1/8 in) glass. document, are not limited to the glass edge dimension
divided by 175. However, deflection shall be measured
Second, the manufacturer would select the weakest type and recorded in accordance with the uniform load test
of nominal 3.0 mm (1/8 in) thick glass that has an measurements of section 5.3.4.
allowable load equal to or greater than 2880 Pa (60 psf).
In this case, that would be heat-strengthened. NOTE: Some building codes and specifications require
deflection limits for glass supporting members or
Therefore, the manufacturer would select, for this assembly framing which exceed those of this standard.
specimen, nominal 3.0 mm (1/8 in) thick heat- For this reason, it is required that deflection
strengthened glass. Any glass that is thicker, or that is of a measurements be taken so that compliance can be
stronger type, would not be permitted. However, any determined when required. Edge support of glazing
glass that is thinner, or that is of a weaker type, is materials is a factor in selecting the proper glazing
permitted. Therefore, the manufacturer could alternately material to meet wind load requirements. Proof of code
choose any one of the following three glass options for compliance can be determined by using the standards
the test specimen: referenced above or alternately by test or calculation.
Nominal 3.0 mm (1/8 in) annealed.
Nominal 2.5 mm (3/32 in) heat-strengthened. 6.1.3 Removable Multiple Glazing Panels (RMGP’S)
Nominal 2.5 mm (3/32 in) annealed. RMGP’s shall contain glazing that fully conforms to the
same requirements as the primary glazing as noted in
Unless otherwise stipulated in this specification, Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2.
windows, skylights and glass doors submitted for testing
under sections 5 and 8 shall contain glazing intended for RMGP’s shall be permitted to be installed on either the
use in the product. interior side or the exterior side of the primary glazing.

Products tested with a specific glass type shall qualify 6.2 Framing/Cladding
products of a smaller size manufactured with a different
glass type provided the glass conforms to ASTM E 1300 6.2.1 Wood
or CGSB 12.20, as referenced above. Wood parts, where used, shall be wood or wood
composites that have been kiln-dried to a moisture content
Products tested with plastic materials shall not qualify no greater than twelve percent (12%) by oven-dry weight
glass glazing materials, nor shall products tested with at the time of fabrication. Aesthetic defects and
glass materials qualify plastic glazing materials. discoloration are permitted provided the surface is
suitable for an opaque finish. The mechanical properties
Since sealed insulating glass units typically provide of wood framing members shall be suitable for the
significantly more strength and stiffness to sash and frame structural performance test requirements of this standard.
members when compared to single glazing, products
tested with sealed insulating glass units shall not qualify Any adhesives used in the manufacture of finger-jointed
single glazed products. parts shall comply with the wet use adhesive requirements
of ASTM D 5572. Any adhesives used in the manufacture
Products tested with single glazing shall qualify that of edge bonded parts shall comply with the wet use
product when glazed with insulating glass units provided adhesive requirements of ASTM D 5751.
the only change to the product is the glass retaining
members or stops and provided the product is not subject All wood or wood composite profile components such as
to the safety drop test in section sash, frame, or other structural profiles related to glazing
retention and/or structural division of glazing lites within
In recognition that the product produced and sold is a common sash or frame, shall comply with
permitted to be of equal or smaller size than the size WDMA I.S. 4.
tested, the selection of glazing not intended for testing
shall be in accordance with the above referenced
standards for the structural loads and product size to be

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 39

6.2.2 Vinyl Aluminum extrusions shall have a minimum
ultimate tensile strength of 150 MPa (22,000 psi) and a Rigid PVC profile components where used as a minimum yield strength of 110 MPa (16,000 psi).
sash, frame, or other structural profiles related to glazing
retention and/or structural division of glazing lites within As an example, commercial alloy 6063 is one of
a common sash or frame, shall comply with AAMA 303. several alloys that will meet the above requirements. PVC and CPVC components used as cladding, or If a manufacturer offers both thermal barrier and
as other non-structural members, shall comply with the non-thermal barrier construction using the same
requirements of ASTM D 4726 and AAMA 303 for color extrusions, testing of the thermal barrier construction
hold and weatherability only. qualifies the non-thermal barrier construction, but testing
the non-thermal barrier construction will not qualify the
NOTE: On exposure to direct sunlight, dark colors tend thermal barrier construction.
to develop higher surface temperatures than white colors.
Special design considerations may be required for dark Thermal barrier extrusions shall be tested for
colors. structural properties using the AAMA 505 test method
and the test methods included in TIR A8 as applicable. PVC compounds shall be tested by an independent Poured and de-bridged thermal barriers shall be produced
testing agency for weatherability in accordance with in accordance with AAMA TIR A8 and AAMA QAG-1.
ASTM D 4726 and AAMA 303. Upon completion of the
weathering tests, the color of the test specimens shall Sheet aluminum shall have a minimum yield
remain within the color hold guidelines of ASTM D 4726 strength of 100 MPa (14,500 psi). Tolerances for
and AAMA 303. aluminum sheet shall be per ANSI H35.2. Organic coatings for PVC profiles shall comply 6.2.4 Fiberglass
with AAMA 613 or AAMA 615. Fiberglass profiles shall comply with AAMA 305.
NOTE: Performance standards covering laminates for
PVC compounds are currently under development. When All exposed fiberglass surfaces which are factory
complete, they will be considered for inclusion in this coated shall have a protective coating that complies with
standard. the requirements of AAMA 613 or AAMA 615. Cellular PVC Fiberglass profiles which are not factory coated,
but are intended to be coated by the end user of the
NOTE: Performance standards covering cellular PVC product assembly are permitted. In this case the
compounds are currently under development. When manufacturer shall provide the end user with written
complete, they will be considered for inclusion in this recommendations for adequately coating these profiles.
standard Fiberglass profiles which are not intended to be
6.2.3 Aluminum coated are permitted. Such profiles shall be shown to
possess weathering resistance by exposing the test Aluminum shall be of proper alloy for window, specimens to the weathering protocol of ASTM D 4726,
skylight, or glass door construction, free from defects Section A.1.1.
impairing strength and/or durability.
6.2.5 Steel Aluminum, where used as exterior cladding, shall
comply with the applicable requirements of this section. Steel Sheet Aluminum alloys shall be those in which the Exterior exposed sheet steel shall;
alloying elements do not exceed the following maximum (I) be stainless steel; or
limits, by weight: (II) be hot-rolled oil pickled steel; or
(III) have a hot-dipped zinc coating at least equal to the
Silicone 7.0% Copper 0.4% coating designated as Z275 in ASTM Standard A
653M; or
Magnesium Zinc 1.0%
(iv) comply with AAMA 907; or
Manganese Total 6.0% Others, Total 0.5% (v) comply with AAMA 621; or
Chromium (vi) cold rolled steel shall be electro-galvanized to
Iron 1.0% Balance - Aluminum conform to ASTM B 633.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 40 Sheet steel shall have sufficient ductility to 6.2.9 Other Framing/Cladding Materials
permit any necessary forming operations. Materials other than those listed elsewhere in Section 6
shall be permitted to be used where it can be Steel Sash And Frames demonstrated that the physical characteristics and the
Steel, where used as a sash, frame, or other structural durability of such materials in the application are equal to
member, shall be of proper alloy for window, skylight, or or better than those specified in Section 6. When copper,
glass door construction, free from defects impairing zinc, bronze, brass or stainless steel are used in cladding
strength and/or durability. applications, appropriate consideration shall be made to
eliminate electrolytic (galvanic) reactions.
All exposed steel surfaces shall have a protective coating
that complies with the requirements of AAMA 2604 or NOTE: The book “Aluminum Properties and Physical
AAMA 2605. Metallurgy” is a good reference source for further
6.2.6 Cellulosic Composite Materials
Cellulosic composite materials shall comply with WDMA 6.3 Size, Size Terminology And Tolerances
I.S. 10. The product dimension is the dimension for that portion
of the frame that inserts into the rough opening or over
6.2.7 Fiber Reinforced PVC the rough opening for curb mounted or self flashed
skylights. The actual overall dimensions are subject to Fiber reinforced PVC compounds and profiles the following tolerances:
shall comply with AAMA 310. All exposed fiber reinforced PVC surfaces which

are factory coated shall have a protective coating that
complies with the requirements of AAMA 613 or AAMA
615. Fiber reinforced PVC profiles which are not

factory coated, but are intended to be coated by the end
user of the product assembly are permitted. In this case
the manufacturer shall provide the end user with written
recommendations for adequately coating these profiles. Fiber reinforced PVC profiles which are not

intended to be coated are permitted. Such profiles shall
be shown to possess weathering resistance by exposing
the test specimens to the weathering protocol of ASTM D
4726, Section A.1.1.
NOTE: Where two dimensions are used together to
6.2.8 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (Abs) express size e.g., 1200 mm x 1800 mm (48 in x 72 in), the
first dimension represents width and the second ABS compounds and profiles shall comply with
dimension represents height.
AAMA 304. All exposed ABS surfaces which are factory

coated shall have a protective coating that complies with
the requirements of AAMA 613 or AAMA 615. ABS profiles which are not factory coated, but are
intended to be coated by the end user of the product
assembly are permitted. In this case the manufacturer
shall provide the end user with written recommendations
for adequately coating these profiles. ABS profiles which are not intended to be coated

are permitted. Such profiles shall be shown to possess
weathering resistance by exposing the test specimens to
the weathering protocol of ASTM D 4726, Section A.1.1.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 41

closed die walls. The weight of profiles in these materials
shall not exceed + 10% of the design weight.

Manufacturing tolerances for cross sectional dimensions

of wood rails, stiles, heads, jambs and sills shall not
exceed + 0.5 mm (0.020 in) for dimensions up to 100 mm
(4 in) nor + 1.0 mm (0.040 in) for dimension greater than
or equal to 100 mm (4 in).

NOTE: The corrosion resistance requirements of this
section for hardware, fasteners and reinforcing mullions
FIGURE 6.2 are minimum requirements. Additional protective
coatings, fastener materials, and non-conductive isolation
shall be used where required to prevent corrosion.

7.1 Hardware
Hardware shall be of aluminum, stainless steel, or a
corrosion-resistant base material compatible with the
material to which the hardware is being applied. Steel,
other than stainless steel, if used, shall comply with
AAMA 907.

All hardware shall be serviceable in the field.

(See Glossary)

Operable sash or panels shall be equipped with positive

latching device(s) or operating hardware equipped with a
latching action. Latching devices are not restricted to locks
and include other devices designed to keep the operable
Product tolerances are critical to compliance with the
sash or panel in position.
performance requirements of this standard. Tolerances
for components used in window, skylight, and glass door
Operable sash or panels shall be tested with a latching
standards are contained within the reference standards for
device of sufficient strength to perform the function for
those components. Product, assembly and framing
which it is used. The term latching device as used in this
tolerances shall not exceed the values given below:
standard, defines the mechanism furnished for latching
and unlatching the product and does not mean that a key-
The overall size tolerance at room temperature for
operated cylinder must be supplied.
singular rectangular products shall not exceed + 1.5 mm
(1/16 in) for all dimensions 1830 mm (72 in) and under
Except for horizontal sliding products and hinged glass
and + 3 mm (1/8 in) for all dimensions in between 1830
doors, and unless otherwise specified, operable products
mm (72 in) and 3660 mm (144 in). The overall size
shall be equipped with operators, counterbalances, spring
tolerance for all dimensions greater than 3660 mm (144
detents, or holding devices, which are permitted to be a
in) shall be + 4.5 mm (3/16 in). This tolerance does not
part of the latching device, and which are capable of
apply to diagonal measurements. The overall size
holding the operable sash or panels in the fully open
tolerance for non-rectangular products shall not exceed +
position and at intermediate positions spaced a maximum
6 mm (1/4 in).
of 100 mm (4 in) apart.
Tolerances of the wall thickness and other cross sectional
Reduction of the number of latching devices on units
dimensions of aluminum shall comply with Section 10 of
smaller than the tested specimen is permitted if
ANSI H35.2.
substantiated by acceptable engineering calculations.
Tolerances of PVC, ABS, Fiberglass and Fiber
7.1.1 Hung Window Hardware
Reinforced PVC shall comply with AAMA 303, 304, 305
Primary window sash shall be equipped with
and 310 respectively. The maximum allowable deviation
counterbalancing mechanisms meeting AAMA 902 or
from the nominal wall thickness shall be + 10% or 0.3
AAMA 908.
mm (0.010 in) whichever is greater for open die walls and
+ 15% or 0.4 mm (0.015 in) whichever is greater for

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 42

Counter balancing mechanisms of appropriate size and If used, friction hinges, shall comply with AAMA 904.
capacity to hold the sash stationary at any open position Use of hinges shall be limited to sash sizes not exceeding
shall be used for the weights of sash to be counterbalanced. hardware manufacturer's weight restrictions.
Balances shall be serviceable in the field (See Glossary). Top-Hinged Window Hardware
7.1.2 Casement And Awning Window Hardware Hinges, if integrally extruded, shall be continuous. If not
The sash position shall be individually controlled within the integrally extruded, they shall be applied either as
frame. continuous or individual hinges. Individual hinges shall
be applied at the outermost corners of the sash with an
If used, rotary operators shall comply with AAMA 901. If additional center hinge provided where windows are over
used, friction hinges shall comply with AAMA 904. 1200 mm (47 in) wide for C designated windows and
1500 mm (59 in) wide for HC and AW designated
7.1.3 Hopper Window Hardware windows.
The sash position shall be individually controlled within the
frame. Sash shall have at least two hold-open arms attached to
the frame and sash or removable stay bar securely
If used, friction hinges shall comply with AAMA 904. attached when the sash is opened. When the sash is in the
open position, hold-open arms or stay bar shall provide
7.1.4 Projected Window Hardware positive positioning of the sash.
If used, rotary operators shall comply with AAMA 901.
7.1.7 Tropical Window Hardware
Each sash shall be provided hardware capable of Hardware shall be provided to control and securely close
supporting it in any open position or shall have friction the sash. Rotary type operators shall meet AAMA 901.
hinges which comply with AAMA 904. Jalousie Hardware
7.1.5 Glass Door Hardware Pivot clips balanced within reasonable limits, shall be
provided to house ends of louvers. They shall be designed Dual Action Hinged Glass Door Hardware to securely hold louvers under all normal operating
Each operable panel shall be equipped with one handle to conditions. Clips shall be so constructed and applied to
provide either the "swing" or "tilt" operation. The "swing" jambs that they are free-pivoting and galling or abrasive
or "tilt" positions shall be individually selected and action detrimental to proper operation of window will not
rendered operable starting only from the closed panel occur between them and pivot faces of jambs.
position. A secondary latching device to prevent accidental
"swing" operation shall be provided for each operable Jalousie Louvers
panel. The specifications in Section 8.12.1 shall also apply to
windows with louvers of materials other than glass Sliding Glass Door Rollers And Roller including, but not limited to, aluminum, wood and plastic.
Assemblies Each louver type or combination of louver types shall be
Movable panels shall be fitted with rollers and roller qualified by a complete and separate conformance test.
assemblies conforming to AAMA 906. Rollers and roller
assemblies shall be designed to provide easy movement 7.1.8 Dual-Action Window Hardware
and to adequately support the panel without deforming or Sash shall have one or more stabilizing arms attached to the
developing flat spots. See Section 5.3.1 for operating frame when the sash is opened from the top. When the sash
force requirements. Corrosion resistance of hardware is in the tilt-open position, stabilizing arms shall provide
components shall comply with AAMA 907, where positive positioning of the sash.
Each sash shall be equipped with hardware to provide both
Rollers and latching devices shall be adjustable to assure "tilt" and "swing" operation. The "swing" or "tilt" position
proper fit and operation in the field. shall be individually selected and rendered operable
starting only from the closed sash position. A secondary
7.1.6 Hinged Window Hardware latching device to prevent accidental "swing" operation is
allowed for each sash. Side-Hinged Window Hardware
Sash shall have at least one limit device, keyed or 7.2 Fasteners
unkeyed, which prohibits the sash from freely swinging Fasteners shall be compatible with associated materials.
inward. Metal fasteners shall be constructed of the same material as
the metal components they fasten, or of a metal that will
Hinges shall be applied near corners of the sash. not set up an electrolytic (galvanic) action that would
damage or cause deterioration of the fastener or the

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 43

components. Unless made from non-magnetic stainless Fastening devices used on highly acidic woods such as, but
steel, steel fasteners other than nails, staples or corrugated not limited to, Redwood, Western Red Cedar, or Yellow
fasteners shall conform to one of the requirements in Table Cypress shall be either galvanized or nonferrous.
7.1. (Further information on the capability of fasteners is
found in AAMA TIR A9, Section 4.) Screws, nuts, washers, bolts, rivets and other fastening
devices used in the product shall be of sufficient strength
NOTE: The Aluminum Association is considering revising and quality to perform their designated function.
their fastener standard to provide more information on
fastener types and materials permitted to be used with Surfaces of nails, staples and corrugated fasteners, that are
aluminum. Contact the Aluminum Association for further exposed after the product is installed, shall be non-rusting
information. or protected by a rust-resistant coating.

Material or Finish Exposure R LC C HC AW

Steel-Cadmium Plated per Not visible after Type II or Type II or Type II or Type II or Type II or
ASTM B 766, Class 8, Type II installation Type III Type III Type III Type III Type III
or Type III Visible after installation Type II or Type II or Type II Type II Type II
Type III Type III Only Only Only
Steel-Zinc Coated per ASTM Not visible after Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
B 633 or ASTM A 123 or installation
ASTM A 641 Visible after installation Permitted Permitted Not Not Not
permitted permitted permitted
Steel-Nickel/Chrome Plated Not visible after Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
per ASTM B 456, Type SC installation
Visible after installation Permitted Permitted Not Not Not
permitted permitted permitted
Magnetic Stainless Steel, Visible only if installed Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
Minimum of 16% Chrome and open
Visible if installed and Permitted Permitted Not Not Not
closed permitted permitted permitted

7.3 Weatherstrip Insect screens are intended to provide reasonable insect

Primary weatherstripping shall be mechanically secured in control and are not for the purpose of providing security or
position and shall be replaceable. to provide for the retention of objects or persons from the
interior. Warning labels, when used, shall conform to SMA
Pile weatherstrip shall conform to AAMA 701. 7001.

Weatherseals, including those co-extruded onto a frame or Insect screening shall be of compatible material.
sash member, shall conform to AAMA 702. Aluminum screening shall conform to ANSI/ISWA 089.
Plastic screening shall conform to ASTM D 3656.
Weatherstrip of closed cell elastomer shall conform to
ASTM C 509. Insect screens shall be secured and removable without the
use of special tools.
Weatherstrip of dense elastomer shall conform to ASTM C
864. 7.5 Reinforcing
This section applies to all reinforcing members including
If a weatherseal, either dual durometer or a thin flexible fin meeting mullion reinforcing.
of rigid vinyl, forms an integral part of a frame or sash
member, provision shall be made for the installation of a Reinforcing members, if used, shall be made from
functional replacement weatherstrip tested to show aluminum, fiberglass, non-magnetic stainless steel or other
equivalence to AAMA 701 or 702. corrosion-resistant base material compatible with
aluminum, treated wood or PVC. Reinforcement used with
7.4 Insect Screens highly acidic woods such as, but not limited to, Redwood,
Insect screens shall be provided when specified and be of Western Red Cedar, or Yellow Cypress shall be either
manufacturer's standard approved design, and conform to galvanized or nonferrous. Wood, if used as a reinforcing
the performance requirements of ANSI/SMA 1004, member, shall comply with WDMA I.S.4. Steel, other than
ANSI/SMA 2006 or ANSI/SMA 3001. non-magnetic stainless steel, if used, shall conform to one
of the requirements in Table 7.1 and Table 7.2:

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 44

Material or Finish Exposure R LC C HC AW
Steel-Zinc Chromate per Not visible after Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
AAMA 907 installation
Visible after Permitted Permitted Not Not Not
installation permitted permitted permitted
Steel- rust resistant coating per All Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
AAMA 907

7.6 Sealants 7.7 Coatings/Finishes

The architect or sealant manufacturer should be consulted Finishes for framing listed in the table below, when
to assist in the proper selection of materials and their furnished, shall conform to all requirements of the standard
application. Sealants shall comply with AAMA 800. referenced.

Sealing compounds shall be compatible with sealants used

in the manufacture of insulating glass units and all other
materials with which the compounds come in contact.

If sealant is used to seal mechanically fixed joints, it shall

conform to AAMA 803.3, 809.2 or ASTM C 920, Type
S, Grade S, Class 25.


Pigmented Organic Coating on PVC, ABS or FRP AAMA 613 or AAMA 615*
Pigmented Organic Coating on Aluminum Coil AAMA 620 or AAMA 621*
Pigmented Organic Coating on Aluminum Extrusions or Sheet AAMA 2603, 2604 or 2605*
Pigmented Organic Coating on Steel Coil AAMA 621
Pigmented Organic Coating Spray Applied to Steel AAMA 2604 or AAMA 2605*
Anodic Coating AAMA 611*
Pigmented Organic Coatings on Wood and Cellulosic Composites WDMA T.M. 12
Primer Coatings for Wood and Cellulosic Composites WDMA T.M. 11
NOTE: For information on further references to mechanical, *(AW Products Only) Pigmented organic coatings shall comply with
chemical and electrochemical and organic finishes for aluminum, AAMA 615 or AAMA 2605, anodic finishes shall be Architectural
see the User’s Guide. Class I.

7.8 Mullions
Integral mullions, combination mullions or reinforcing
mullions, shall be capable of withstanding the design loads
outlined in Sections 8 and 9. Mullions shall be designed to
transfer the design loads applied by the adjacent
fenestration units to the rough opening substrate.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 45


1B 1B
1C 1C



INTEGRAL MULLION: A horizontal or vertical member which is bounded at both ends by crossing frame members. An
elevation and two possible typical cross sections are shown.



2B 2B
2C 2C



COMBINATION MULLION: A horizontal or vertical member formed by joining two or more individual fenestration units
together without a mullion stiffener. An elevation and two possible typical cross sections are shown.



3B 3B
3C 3C

S E C T IO N 3 B - R E IN F O R C IN G M U L L IO N S E C T I O N 3 C - R E IN F O R C IN G M U L L IO N
C A S E M E N T & F IX E D


REINFORCING MULLION: A horizontal or vertical member with an added continuous mullion stiffener and two or more
individual fenestration units along the sides of the mullion stiffener. Mullion stiffeners may be designed to carry all of the
load or may share the load with adjacent framing members. An elevation and two possible typical cross sections are shown.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 46

MULLION STIFFENER: An additional reinforcing Uniform load structural test shall be conducted in
member used as a part of a reinforcing mullion. Mullion accordance with Section 5. Mullions shall be capable of
stiffeners shall be designed to carry all of the load or share resisting a load 150% of the design pressure loads applied
the load with adjacent framing members. by the window and door assemblies to be supported
without exceeding the appropriate material stress levels.
See section 7.5 for additional information on reinforcing. The 150% design pressure load shall be sustained for 10
seconds, and the permanent deformation shall not exceed
7.8.1 Composite Units 0.4% of the mullion span for R and LC products, 0.3% of
Composite Units utilize Integral Mullions within a single the mullion span for C and HC products and 0.2% of the
frame. Composite Units shall be tested as a complete unit mullion span for AW products after the 150% design
according to the provisions of the appropriate section(s) of pressure load is removed.
this standard. Further division of Composite Units for
testing as sub-units is not permitted. Integral Mullions Used With HC And AW
Products Only
7.8.2 Combination Assemblies Integral Mullions used with HC and AW products (only)
Combination Assemblies utilize Combination Mullions shall not exceed a deflection of 1/175 of the span of the
and/or Reinforcing Mullions between separate window or mullion when the unit is loaded at design pressure.
glass door units. Combination Assemblies shall be Deflection limits for Integral Mullions apply only to HC
qualified either by; (1) testing as Combination Assemblies, and AW classes.
or by; (2) testing as individual units with mullion
performance either tested separately or calculated. Combination Mullions And Reinforcing
Mullions Used With All Classes Tested As A Combination Assembly If tested as Combination Mullions and Reinforcing Mullions used
a Combination Assembly, the individual units making up with all performance classes shall be capable of resisting
the Combination Assembly also qualify as individual units the design pressure loads applied by the adjacent product
with unit width & height < individual test unit size. Also, assemblies to be supported. Combination Mullions and
the mullion is qualified for spans & tributary widths < the Reinforcing Mullions of untested Combination
tested Combination Assembly. Assemblies shall not exceed a deflection of 1/175 of the
span of the mullion when the Combination Assembly is Tested As Individual Units With Separate loaded at design pressure. Deflection limits for
Mullion Qualification Combination Mullions and Reinforcing Mullions shall
If individual unit tests are used to qualify Combination apply to the mullion only.
Assemblies, the mullion design must be verified by testing
in accordance with the appropriate section(s) of this NOTE: AAMA 450 may be referenced for further
standard or calculations utilizing accepted engineering information concerning mullions used in multi-lite
methods. combinations.

7.8.3 Field Mulling Without Manufacturers 7.8.5 Operational Interference

Involvement Operation of windows or glass doors shall not be
Windows and glass doors combined into assemblies impaired by the vertical deflection of horizontal mullions.
consisting of two or more individual units in the field The vertical deflection of horizontal mullions shall be
without the manufacturer’s involvement, testing, or determined for the most severe type of loading
evidence of compliance are not covered in this standard. (magnitude and location) applied to the member. This will
Manufacturer’s involvement includes published installation require that units/assemblies be evaluated with the
procedures and manufactured parts, such as mullion heaviest glazing configuration available. The deflection
stiffeners, brackets and fasteners. shall be determined either by test or by calculation,
knowing the stiffness value of the member and the
7.8.4 Windload Deflection magnitude of the total load which shall be determined
Mullions shall be designed to withstand the full design load from the mass of the sash or panels supported by the
specified, regardless of the fenestration product member.
Performance Class.
7.8.6 Vertical Deflection
Uniform load deflection test shall be conducted in The vertical deflection of horizontal mullions shall not
accordance with Section 5. Deflection of all mullions at exceed 3 mm (1/8 in.) or half the clearance between the
design load tested shall be recorded. Evidence of framing and operating portion - whichever is less. Also,
compliance for all performance classes shall be permitted there shall be no permanent deformation of any part of the
to be by mathematical calculation using accepted test specimen that would inhibit operation of any adjacent
engineering methods. products.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 47

7.8.7 Mullion Rating glass area and not less than 100 mm (4 in) for units 1220
Testing Composite Units or Mulled Combination mm (48 in) wide or wider.
Assemblies per this standard qualifies mullions in similar
units or assemblies with equal or smaller spans, and equal 7.12 Anchors
or smaller tributary widths, and horizontal mullions with Anchoring devices supplied by the manufacturer shall be of
equal or smaller supported mass. When mathematical aluminum, stainless steel, or other corrosion-resistant base
calculations referenced in this section are substituted for material compatible with aluminum, treated wood or PVC.
physical testing, the acceptance or approval of such Steel, other than stainless steel, if used, shall be plated with
calculations is the responsibility of approval and one of the following materials:
enforcement agencies.
Material Specification
7.9 Integral Ventilating Systems/Devices ASTM B 766, Class 8, Type II or Type
Primary window, glass door or skylight products Cadmium Plated
incorporating a ventilating system(s)/device(s) installed in Zinc Plated ASTM B 633
the unit shall be tested with the ventilating
system(s)/device(s) installed. The combination shall TABLE 7.4
comply with all performance requirements of this standard
for the window, skylight, or glass door type being tested. NOTE: Refer to AAMA CWG-1, "Installation of Aluminum
Curtain Walls," and AAMA TIR-A9, "Metal Curtain Wall
The specimen shall be tested twice for water penetration Fasteners." for more information.
and twice for air leakage, once with the venting portion of
the ventilating system(s)/device(s) in the closed position 7.13 Dividers (Muntins)
and again with the venting portion closed and taped or
sealed. Air and water performance values for both test 7.13.1 True divided lite (TDL) dividers (muntins) separate
modes shall be included in the test report. the glazing into individual smaller glazing lites. TDL
muntins carry a structural load. Tests of TDL units qualify
7.10 Blinds In A Dual Glazed Products similar units of equal or smaller sizes. Tests of units with
Primary window, skylight, or glass door products TDL dividers do not qualify single lite units without TDL
incorporating a blind(s) installed in the unit shall be tested dividers nor do tests of single lite units without TDL
with the blind(s) not installed. The combination shall dividers qualify units with TDL dividers.
comply with all performance requirements of this standard
for the window, glass door or skylight type being tested. 7.13.2 Decorative simulated divided lite units (SDL),
usually attached to the glazing by adhesive, removable
If a venetian blind is included in an enclosed non- grids and grills-between-the-glass units are non-structural
hermetically sealed air space, the air space shall be vented. components that do not divide the glazing into individual
smaller glazing lites. Tests of single lite units without
7.11 Setting Blocks dividers shall be used to qualify units with simulated
Elastomeric setting blocks, if used, shall have a Shore A divided lites (SDL) and grills-between-the-glass units.
hardness of 80 to 90 durometer when tested in accordance
with ASTM D 2240. PVC setting blocks, if used, shall
have a Shore A hardness of 80 durometer or a Shore D
hardness of 85 durometer. Setting blocks shall be
compatible with the insulating glass unit edge sealant.
Metal, wood (excluding integral wooden setting blocks),
and/or other porous materials shall be excluded from use.

Setting blocks shall uniformly support all lights of glass

and shall not obstruct venting and draining of the glazing

When setting blocks are installed on sloped sills, they shall

be tapered or set on tapered shims in order to provide
support for all lights of the insulating glass unit.

Setting blocks should preferably be centered at quarter

points of the width of the glazing unit. To avoid excessive
deflection of the supporting member, setting blocks shall
be permitted to be installed in other locations. Setting
block length shall be 25 mm per square meter (0.1 in/ft2) of

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 48

All windows, skylights and glass doors and their
components shall meet all the applicable requirements of
Sections 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 and this Section for one of the
following product types. Each specimen submitted for
Gateway testing shall be a completely assembled and
glazed (unglazed where required) window, skylight, or
glass door of standard construction in the largest size for
which acceptance is sought under this standard, but in no
case less than the minimum size shown for the
appropriate product designation. The sizes provided are
shown width first and height second. The units are in
millimeters and those in parentheses are in inches.

NOTE: The symbology used in this standard for a hinged

or pivoted sash or panel is a dashed line in the shape of a
“V”. The ends of the “V” indicate the locking edge of the
sash or panel and the point of the “V” indicates the edge
of the sash or panel where the hinges or pivots are FIGURE 8.1
8.1 Fixed Windows Designation, Class And Size
PRIMARY UNITS FOR COMPLIANCE ARE Fixed windows are non-operable and are permitted to
METRIC. Those in parentheses are for reference only. consist of a glazed frame or a non-operable sash within a
Imperial or inch-pound units have been rounded upward frame. This category does not include non-operable
in this standard to the nearest inch. If the user wishes to skylights.
achieve greater accuracy in using these units than that
shown he should perform and exact conversion from Minimum gateway
metric to imperial units. Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
Testing qualifies only the product orientation tested. For
example: F-R15 Residential 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48)
• An inswing casement cannot be qualified by testing F-LC25 Light
Commercial 1400 x 1400 (56 x 56)
an outswing casement.
• A three panel slider tested with the center sash/panel F-C30 Commercial 1500 x 1500 (60 x 60)
to the exterior does not qualify a similar unit with the F-HC40 Heavy
sash/panel to the interior. 1500 x 1800 (60 x 71)
• A fixed unit tested in one orientation does not qualify F-AW40 Architectural 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
a reversed unit. TABLE 8.1
• A unit tested with glass set from the exterior does not
qualify a unit with glass set from the interior.

Where dual windows are tested for compliance with this

standard, the test size will be the same as those provided
in each performance class for the type of product being
tested. The product designation shall incorporate the
letters DW as outlined in section 4.0.

All hardware shall comply with the requirements outlined

in Section 7.1.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 49

The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for fixed windows.
Design Deflection Structural Water Test Air Leakage Test Auxillary
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance Tests
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
F-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
F-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
F-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
F-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
F-AW40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
NOTE: Fixed windows by definition do not contain operating sash, therefore, the AW class is not required to undergo life
cycle testing.

8.2 Vertically Sliding Windows

Vertically sliding windows are units which contain at
least one manually operated sash which slides vertically
within a common frame. All provisions of testing apply
whether there are one, two or three sash which operate.
This category has two sub categories which are hung and
non-hung windows.

8.2.1 Hung Windows Designation Class And Size

Hung windows utilize counter-balancing devices to allow
the sash to be opened to any variable position between its
fully open and fully closed limits. Common types are
single hung, double hung and triple hung.

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
H-R15 Residential 1100 x 1500 (44 x 60)
H-LC25 Light
1100 x 1900 (44 x 75)
H-C30 Commercial 1400 x 2300 (56 x 91)
FIGURE 8.2 H-HC40 Heavy
1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
H-AW40 Architectural 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)

The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for hung windows.
Air Leakage Test Operating Force
Design Deflection Structural Water Test Auxillary
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance Initiate Maintain Tests
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
H-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 200 (45) 140 (30),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
H-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 230 (50) 155 (35),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
H-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 230 (50) 200 (45),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
H-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 230 (50) 200 (45),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 230 (50) 200 (45),,

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 50

8.2.2 Vertically Sliding Non-Hung Windows Product Performance Minimum gateway
Non-hung windows utilize mechanical retainers or slide Designation Class test size
bolts to allow the sash to be opened to any one of the pre- mm (in)
selected positions between its fully open and fully closed VS-R15 Residential 1100 x 1500 (44 x 60)
limits. VS-LC25 Light Commercial 1100 x 1900 (44 x 75)
VS-C30 Commercial 1400 x 2300 (56 x 91)

The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for non-hung vertically sliding windows.
Structural Water Air Leakage Test Operating Force
Design Deflection Test Test
Pressure at Design Initiate Maintain Auxillary Tests
Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
VS-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 110 (25) 70 (15),,
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 230 (50) 155 (35),,
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
VS-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 270 (60) 200 (45),,

8.2.3 Composite Chart

H Center Line H B HC is the height of the
center sash in a triple
HL H/2 hung window.


Center Line

HL H/2



NOTE: The diagrams shown above are typical but not all inclusive. They are intended primarily for windows with
composite units with integral mullions. Other configurations shall be permitted to be evaluated provided they follow the size
guidelines listed below. Testing a D configuration will qualify windows produced in a B configuration.

Type W H WL, WC, WR

B, C or D w/o Type A Test > Minimum Test Width > Minimum Test Height >W
Largest fixed lite width for which
Largest width for which compliance Largest height for which compliance of
B, C or D with Type A Test compliance of the composite unit is
of the composite unit is desired the composite unit is desired

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 51

The test unit shall contain sash or frame of the largest
dimension (width and height) for which compliance is
desired. Sash or frame larger (width and/or height) than
those tested do not comply.

For composite units, each unique intermediate framing

member shall be tested in the longest dimension for which
compliance is desired. Intermediate framing members
which are longer or which are not tested do not comply.

For both hung and non-hung vertically sliding windows

the base test unit must always have HU, HC and HL >
H/2 where H equals the gateway frame height. The test
rating obtained covers units in which HU < HUtest and HL
< HLtest and WC > WL and WR.

8.3 Horizontally Sliding Windows Designation FIGURE 8.4

Class And Size
Horizontally sliding windows contain manually operated Minimum gateway
sash which slide horizontally within a common frame. Product Performance
test size
Operating sash (X) and a fixed lite (O) comprising a unit Designation Class
mm (in)
are termed single sliders (XO or OX). When two
HS-R15 Residential 1600 x 1100 (63 x 44)
operating sash are separated by a fixed lite, the unit is
termed a picture slide or end vent (XOX). When two HS-LC25 Light 1800 x 1400 (71 x 56)
fixed lites are separated by an operating sash, the unit is
termed a center slide (OXO). When two bi-parting sash HS-C30 Commercial 1800 x 1500 (71 x 60)
are located at the center of the unit with fixed lites at each HS-HC40 Heavy 2500 x 2000 (99 x 79)
end, the unit is termed a bi-part center slide (OXXO). Commercial
When adjacent sash by-pass one another, the unit is HS-AW40 Architectural 2500 x 2000 (99 x 79)
termed as a double slide (XX or XXO) or a double slide TABLE 8.8
end vent (XXX).

The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for horizontally sliding windows.
Structural Air Leakage Test Operating Force
Design Deflection Test Water Test Auxillary
Pressure at Design Pressure Pressure Allowance Initiate Maintain Tests
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
HS-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 140 (30) 90 (20),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
HS-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 155 (35) 115 (25),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
HS-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 155 (35) 115 (25),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
HS-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 155 (35) 115 (25),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
HS-AW40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 155 (35) 115 (25),,

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 52

8.3.1 Composite Chart


W/2 W/2 W/2 W/2 W/2 W/2

WL, WC and WR are the widths of the left, center and right sash




NOTE: The diagrams shown above are typical but not all inclusive. They are intended primarily for windows with common
mainframes and integral mullions. Other configurations shall be permitted to be evaluated provided they follow the size
guidelines listed below. Testing a D configuration will qualify windows produced in an A or B configuration.

Type W H WC WR and WL
C, D or E w/o > Minimum Test > Minimum Test Height >W > W/2
Type A or B Test Width
C, D or E with Largest width for Largest height for which Largest fixed lite width for Largest sash width for
Type A or B Test which compliance of compliance of the which compliance of the which compliance of the
the composite unit is composite unit is desired composite unit is desired composite unit is desired
TABLE 8.10

The test unit shall contain sash or frame of the largest For horizontally sliding windows the base test unit must
dimension (width and height) for which compliance is always have WR, WC and WL > W/2 where W equals the
desired. Sash or frame larger (width and/or height) than gateway frame width. The test rating obtained covers
those tested do not comply. units in which WR < WRtest and WL < WLtest and WC >
WL and WR.
For composite units, each unique intermediate framing
member shall be tested in the longest dimension for which
compliance is desired. Intermediate framing members
which are longer or which are not tested do not comply.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 53

8.4 Awning, Hopper, Projected Windows Designation,
Class And Size
Projected windows have one or more sash hinged at the
top or bottom which project outward or inward from the
plane of the frame. An awning (POB or THPO) rotates
about its top hinge and projects outward. A hopper
window (PIT or BHPI) rotates about its bottom hinge and
projects inward. Top Hinged Projecting In and Bottom
Hinged Projecting Out are also included in this category.
They contain one or more operable sash, fixed lites, or
transoms in various combinations.

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
FIGURE 8.6 mm (in)
AP-R15 Residential 1200 x 400 (48 x 16)
AP-LC25 Light Commercial 1200 x 800 (48 x 32)
AP-C30 Commercial 1200 x 800 (48 x 32)
AP-HC40 1500 x 800 (60 x 32)
AP-AW40 Architectural 1500 x 900 (60 x 36)
TABLE 8.11

The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for awning, hopper, projected windows.
Structural Water Air Leakage Test Operating Force
Design Deflection Test Test
Pressure at Design Initiate Maintain Auxillary Tests
Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
AP-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 70 (15) 30 (7),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
AP-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 70 (15) 30 (7),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
AP-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 70 (15) 30 (7),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,,,,
AP-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 90 (20) 45 (10),,
5.3.1, 5.3.5,,,
AP-AW40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 90 (20) 45 (10),,,
TABLE 8.12

*The values shown here are for rotary type operators. For lever type or other operator styles please refer to the table provided
in section 5.3.1.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 54

8.4.1 Composite Chart









NOTE: The diagrams shown above are typical but not all inclusive. They are intended primarily for windows with
composite units with integral mullions. Other configurations shall be permitted to be evaluated provided they follow the size
guidelines listed below. Testing a D configuration will qualify windows produced in a B configuration. Testing a C
configuration qualifies windows in an A, B or D configuration.


C, D or E w/o Type A or B Test > Minimum Test Width > Minimum Test Height >H
C, D or E with Type A or B Test Largest width for which Largest height for which Largest fixed lite width for
compliance of the composite compliance of the composite which compliance of the
unit is desired unit is desired composite unit is desired
TABLE 8.13

The test unit shall contain sash or frame of the largest For composite units, each unique intermediate framing
dimension (width and height) for which compliance is member shall be tested in the longest dimension for which
desired. Sash or frame larger (width and/or height) than compliance is desired. Intermediate framing members
those tested do not comply. which are longer or which are not tested do not comply.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 55

8.5 Casement Windows Designation Class And Size
Casement windows have one or more sash hinged at the
side (adjacent to the jambs) which project outward or
inward from the plane of the window in the vertical plane.
A conventional casement window rotates about its side
hinge and projects outward. Casement windows contain
one or more operable sash, fixed lites, or transoms in
various combinations.

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
C-R15 Residential 600 x 1500 (24 x 60)
C-LC25 800 x 1500 (32 x 60)
C-C30 Commercial 800 x 1500 (32 x 60)
C-HC40 900 x 1500 (36 x 60)
C-AW40 Architectural 900 x 1500 (36 x 60)
TABLE 8.14


The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for casement windows.
Structural Water Air Leakage Test Operating Force
Design Deflection Test Test
Initiate Maintain Auxillary Tests
Pressure at Design Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
C-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 70 (15) 30 (7),,
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
C-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 70 (15) 30 (7),,
5.3.1, 5.3.5,
C-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 70 (15) 30 (7),,
5.3.1, 5.3.5,,,
C-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 90 (20) 45 (10),
5.3.1, 5.3.5,,,
C-AW40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 90 (20) 45 (10),,
TABLE 8.15

*The values shown here are for rotary type operators. For lever type or other operator styles please refer to the table provided
in section 5.3.1.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 56

8.5.1 Composite Chart




NOTE: The diagrams shown above are typical but not all inclusive. They are intended primarily for windows with
composite unit with integral mullions. Other configurations shall be permitted to be evaluated provided they follow the size
guidelines listed below. Testing a D configuration will qualify windows produced in a A or B configuration.

Type W H WL, WC, WR

B, C or D w/o Type A > Minimum Test Width > Minimum Test Height >W
B, C or D with Type A Largest width for which compliance Largest height for which Largest fixed lite width for which
Test of the composite unit is desired compliance of the composite compliance of the composite unit is
unit is desired desired
TABLE 8.16

The test unit shall contain sash or frame of the largest 8.6 Glass Doors
dimension (width and height) for which compliance is A glass door is comprised of one or more glazed operable
desired. Sash or frame larger (width and/or height) than panels, each panel in a glass door, whether fixed or
those tested do not comply. operable shall have a vision area between 25% and 95%
as compared to the overall panel size of a gateway size
For composite units, each unique intermediate framing unit. They are also different from those doors which are
member shall be tested in the longest dimension for which used as primary entry doors. For the design of such
compliance is desired. Intermediate framing members systems, the specifier is urged to consult AAMA 1702.2
which are longer or which are not tested do not comply. and/or WDMA I.S.9 in the U.S. and CGSB 82.5 in

NOTE: The dual action hinged and hinged glass door

requirements of this specification are different from those
required for store fronts and commercial entrance
systems. For the design of such systems, the specifier is
urged to consult the AAMA “Aluminum Store Front and
Entrance Manual”.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 57

8.6.1 Sliding Glass Doors Designation, Type And Size
Sliding glass doors contain manually operated panels
which slide horizontally within a common frame.
Operating panel (X) and a fixed lite (O) comprising a unit
are termed single slide (XO or OX). When two operating
panels are separated by a fixed lite, the unit is termed a
picture slide or end vent (XOX). When two fixed lites are
separated by an operating panel, the unit is termed a
center slide (OXO). When two bi-parting panels are
located at the center of the unit with fixed lites at each
end, the unit is termed a bi-part center slide (OXXO).
When adjacent panels by-pass one another, the unit is
termed as a double slide (XX, OXX or XXO) or a double
slide end vent (XXX).

Minimum Frame
Product Performance
Test Size
Designation Class
mm (in)
SGD-R15 Residential 1800 x 2000 (71 x 79)
FIGURE 8.10 SGD-LC25 Light 2200 x 2100 (87 x 83)
SGD-C30 Commercial 2400 x 2100 (95 x 83)
SGD-HC40 Heavy 3100 x 2400 (123 x 95)
SGD-AW40 Architectural 3100 x 2400 (123 x 95)
TABLE 8.17

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for sliding glass doors.
Structural Water Air Leakage Test Operating Force
Design Deflection Test Test
Pressure at Design Initiate Maintain Auxillary Tests
Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
SGD- 5.3.1, 5.3.5,,
720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 140 (30) 90 (20)
SGD- 5.3.1, 5.3.5,,
1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 140 (30) 90 (20)
SGD- 5.3.1, 5.3.5,,
1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 140 (30) 90 (20)
SGD- 5.3.1, 5.3.5,,
1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 180 (40) 115 (25)
SGD- 5.3.1, 5.3.5,,
1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 180 (40) 115 (25)
TABLE 8.18

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 58 Composite Chart


W/2 W/2 W/2 W/2 W/2 W/2

WL, WC and WR are the widths of the left, center and right panels.




NOTE: The diagrams shown above are typical but not all inclusive. They are intended primarily for horizontally sliding
glass door with composite unit with integral mullions. Other configurations shall be permitted to be evaluated provided they
follow the size guidelines listed below. Testing a D configuration will qualify doors produced in a B configuration.

Type W H WC WR and WL
C, D or E w/o > Minimum Test > Minimum Test Height > WR and WL > W/2
Type A or B Test Width
C, D or E with Largest panel Largest panel height for Largest fixed lite width for Largest panel width for which
Type A or B Test height for which which compliance of the which compliance of the compliance of the composite
compliance of the composite unit is desired composite unit is desired unit is desired
composite unit is
TABLE 8.19

The test unit shall contain panels or frame of the largest For horizontally sliding glass doors the base test unit must
dimension (width and height) for which compliance is always have WR, WC and WL > W/2 where W equals the
desired. Panels or frame larger (width and/or height) than gateway size frame width. The test rating obtained covers
those tested do not comply. units in which WR < WRtest and WL < WLtest and WC >
WL and WR.
For composite units, each unique intermediate framing
member shall be tested in the longest dimension for which
compliance is desired. Intermediate framing members
which are longer or which are not tested do not comply.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 59

8.6.2 Hinged Glass Doors
Hinged glass doors contain one or more operable glazed
panels within a common frame. The operable panels
are side hinged and are either in-swinging or out-
swinging, but not both directions.

Minimum Frame
Product Performance
Test Size
Designation Class
mm (in)
HGD-R15 Residential 900 x 2000 (36 x 79)
HGD-LC25 Light 900 x 2100 (36 x 83)
HGD-C30 Commercial 1000 x 2100 (40 x 83)
HGD-HC40 Heavy 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
FIGURE 8.12 TABLE 8.20

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for hinged glass doors.
Design Deflection Structural Water Test Air Leakage Test
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) Auxillary Tests
HGD-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3)
HGD-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3)
HGD-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3)
HGD-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3)
TABLE 8.21 Composite Chart




NOTE: The diagrams shown above are typical but not all inclusive They are intended primarily for hinged glass doors
with composite unit with integral mullions. Other configurations shall be permitted to be evaluated provided they follow the
size guidelines listed below. Testing a D configuration will qualify doors produced in a B configuration.

Type W H WL, WC, WR

B, C or D w/o Type A Test > Minimum Test Width > Minimum Test Height >W
B, C or D with Type A Test Largest panel width for which Largest panel height for which Largest fixed lite width for
compliance of the composite compliance of the composite which compliance of the
unit is desired unit is desired composite unit is desired
TABLE 8.22

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 60

The test unit shall contain panels or 8.6.3 Dual Action Hinged Glass Doors
frame of the largest dimension (width Dual action hinged glass doors consist of one or more glazed panels contained
and height) for which compliance is within an overall frame designed so that one of the glazed panels is operable in
desired. Panels or frame larger (width a swing mode and can be tilted inward from the top for ventilation.
and/or height) than those tested do not
comply. Product Performance Minimum Frame
Designation Class Test Size
For composite units, each unique
mm (in)
intermediate framing member shall be
DA-HGD-R15 Residential 900 x 2000 (36 x 79)
tested in the longest dimension for
which compliance is desired. DA-HGD-LC25 Light Commercial 900 x 2100 (36 x 83)
Intermediate framing members which DA-HGD-C30 Commercial 1000 x 2100 (40 x 83)
are longer or which are not tested do DA-HGD-HC40 Heavy Commercial 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
not comply. TABLE 8.23

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for dual action hinged glass doors.
Design Deflection Structural Water Test Air Leakage Test
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance Auxillary Tests
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2),,,
DA-HGD R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3),,,
DA-HGD LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3),,,
DA-HGD C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3),,,
DA-HGD HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3)
TABLE 8.24 Composite Chart




NOTE: The diagrams shown above are typical but not all inclusive. They are intended primarily for dual action hinged
glass doors composite units with integral mullions. Other configurations shall be permitted to be evaluated provided they
follow the size guidelines listed below. Testing a D configuration will qualify doors produced in a B configuration.

Type W H WL, WC, WR

B, C or D w/o Type A Test > Minimum Test Width > Minimum Test Height >W
B, C or D with Type A Test Largest panel width for which Largest panel height for which Largest fixed lite width for
compliance of the composite compliance of the composite which compliance of the
unit is desired unit is desired composite unit is desired
TABLE 8.25

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 61

The test unit shall contain panels or frame of the largest 8.7.1 180-Degree Compression Seal Window
dimension (width and height) for which compliance is A 180-degree compression seal pivot rotates about an axis
desired. Panels or frame larger (width and/or height) than of the sash and frame to permit cleaning of the outside
those tested do not comply. surfaces. After cleaning the window is pivoted back to its
closed position where the sash seals against the frame
For composite units, each unique intermediate framing using a compression type seal.
member shall be tested in the longest dimension for which
compliance is desired. Intermediate framing members 8.7.2 360-Degree Pivoted Window
which are longer or which are not tested do not comply. A 360-degree pivot rotates about the midspan of the sash
and frame. When pivoted 180 degrees, it can be held for
the purpose of cleaning the outside surfaces, it also
provides a weather seal in this position. Upon completion
of the cleaning operation, the sash can be pivoted another
180 degrees to its normal closed position.

8.7.3 Pivoted Windows Designation, Type And Size

Minimum gateway
Product Designation test size
mm (in)
VP-R15 HP-R15 Residential 1100 x 1500 (44 x 60)
VP-LC25 HP-LC25 1200 x 1500 (48 x 60)
VP-C30 HP-C30 Commercial 1200 x 2200 (48 x 87)
VP-HC40 HP-HC40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
FIGURE 8.15 Commercial
HP-AW40 Architectural 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
8.7 Vertically Or Horizontally Pivoted Windows
TABLE 8.26
Pivoted windows are comprised of a sash which pivots
about an axis within the frame. These windows can be
pivoted horizontally or vertically. The pivoting action of NOTE: Manufacturers desiring to produce windows
the window allows for easy access to clean the outside which include a project-in sash under the cleaning sash
surfaces of the window. Two common types are the 180- shall furnish a test window to include their largest
degree compression seal pivoting window and the 360- standard size project-in sash, increasing the height of the
degree pivoting window. test window as necessary to avoid reducing the height of
the pivoted sash.

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for pivoted windows.
Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Structural Water Test
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Auxillary Tests
Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
VP/HP-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
VP/HP-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
VP/HP-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,,,
VP/HP-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,,,
VP/HP-AW40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3)
TABLE 8.27

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 62

8.8 Hinged Windows 8.8.1 Side-Hinged Windows Designation, Class And
Hinged windows are comprised of a sash which swings Size
inward or outward primarily for cleaning and not Side-hinged windows are hinged at the jamb and swing
ventilation. They are also used for limited access or inward using exposed butt hinges or concealed butt hinges
emergency rescue. and in some cases friction hinges.

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
SHW-AW40 Architectural 1200 x 1800 (48 x 71)
TABLE 8.28


The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for side hinged windows.
Design Deflection Structural Water Test Air Leakage Test
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Auxillary Tests
Pressure Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
Pa (lb/ft2)
SHW-AW40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,,
TABLE 8.29

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 63

8.8.2 Top-Hinged Windows Designation Class And

Top-hinged windows are hinged at the head and swing

inward or outward using a continuous top hinge or
individual hinges. A variation of the top hinged window
is a drop-head except that the sash is hinged using two
friction hinges mounted in the jambs near the head.

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
TH-C30 Commercial 1200 x 1500 (48 x 60)
TH-HC40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
TH-AW40 Architectural 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
TABLE 8.30


The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for top hinged windows.
Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Structural Water Test
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Auxillary Tests
Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
TH-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3)
TH-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3)
TH-AW40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3)
TABLE 8.31

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 64

8.9 Hinged Rescue Window
The hinged rescue window is comprised of any primary
window that is mounted into a stationary perimeter frame
and is permanently hinged at one jamb to permit in-
swinging or out-swinging at least 90 degrees.

NOTE: This window designation describes a specific

type of window operation used primarily in emergency
escape devices for residential applications. The
designation permits these operator types to be tested for
air leakage, water penetration resistance, structural load
and other performance requirements. Units tested to this
designation have not been examined for their dimensional
or operational parameters other than as specifically
described below. They are used as an emergency escape
device, providing they meet local code requirements
regarding such devices.

Product Performance Minimum gateway

Designation Class test size
HE-R15 Residential Size requirement for
FIGURE 8.18 primary window type
being tested
TABLE 8.32

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for hinged rescue windows.
Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Structural Water Test Operating Force Auxillary
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance Initiate Maintain Tests
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
HE-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) per type per type
Others per
TABLE 8.33

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 65

8.10 Basement Window
The purpose of this section is to provide a rating category
that is consistent with code requirements for basements or
cellars including ventilation and emergency rescue
provisions. It is inappropriate to test a window to this
section of the standard if it is intended to be installed
above grade or in locations other than a basement or
cellar. Windows which are designed for use above grade
shall be tested according to the section of this standard
appropriate for their operator type even if they are
occasionally used in basements or cellars for ventilation

FIGURE 8.19 The escape or emergency rescue provisions of basement

windows are usually accomplished by removal of the sash
Basement windows usually have a sash which projects from the frame through normal operation. The test
inward. Any window operator type shall be permitted to specimen submitted must include all parts of the basement
be tested as a basement window provided it is intended window including the secondary perimeter frame used to
only for use at or below grade for the purpose of facilitate escape or emergency rescue if applicable.
ventilating a basement or cellar. Products often include a
screen or a storm sash and provisions for emergency
Minimum gateway
escape or rescue from the basement area. Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
BW-R15 Residential 800 x 400 (32 x 16)
BW-LC25 800 x 400 (32 x 16)
TABLE 8.34

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for basement windows.
Structural Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Water Test Operating Force
Test Auxillary Tests
Pressure at Design Pressure Pressure Allowance Initiate Maintain
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
BW-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) per type per type
Others per Type
BW- 5.3.5,,
1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) per type per type
LC25 Others per Type
TABLE 8.35

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 66

8.11 Greenhouse/Garden Windows
Greenhouse/garden windows are units which consist of a
three-dimensional, five-sided structure, with provisions made
for supporting plants and flowers in the enclosed space outside
the plane of the wall. Operating sash are allowed but are not

8.11.1 Designation, Type And Size

Product Performance Minimum gateway test size

Designation Class Width Height Depth
GH-R15 Residential 900 (36) 900 (36) 150 (6)
TABLE 8.36
NOTE: The above minimum dimensions are excluding
mounting flange(s).

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for greenhouse/garden windows.
Structural Water Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Operating Force
Test Test Auxillary Tests
Pressure at Design Pressure Allowance Initiate Maintain
Pressure Pressure
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) N (lb) N (lb)
GH-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) per type per type
Others per Type
TABLE 8.37

Hardware used on operating sash shall be the hardware appropriate to the sash type and shall comply with the hardware
requirements in the hardware specification section of this document pertaining to the sash type. (For example, if the
greenhouse window is tested with projected operating sash, the hardware on that sash shall meet the requirements set forth in
Section 7.)

8.12 Tropical Windows 8.12.1 Jalousie Windows Designation, Class And Size
These specifications shall also apply to windows with Jalousie windows consist of a series of overlapping,
louvers of materials other than glass including, but not horizontal frameless louvers which pivot simultaneously
limited to, aluminum, wood and plastic. Each louver type in a common frame and are actuated by one or more
or combination of louver types shall be qualified by a operating devices so that the bottom edge of each louver
complete and separate conformance test. swings outward and the top edge swings inward during

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
J-R15 Residential 900 x 1200 (36 x 48)
TABLE 8.38


101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 67

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for jalousie windows.
Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Structural Water Test
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Auxillary Tests
Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
J-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 6.0 (1.2) 5.3.5,
TABLE 8.39

8.12.2 Jal-Awning Windows Designation, Class And Size

Jal-Awning windows consist of a multiplicity of top-hinged sash arranged in a vertical series within a common frame and
each operated by its own control device which swings the bottom edges of the sash outward.

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm in
JA-R15 Residential 1400 x 1600 (56 x 63)
TABLE 8.40

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for jal-awning windows.
Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Structural Water Test
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Auxillary Tests
Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
JA-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
TABLE 8.41

8.12.3 Tropical Awning Windows Designation,

Class And Size
Tropical awning windows consist of one or more top-
hinged or pivoted sash operated by one control device
which swings the bottom edge of the sash outward. A
single control or operating device operates all sash,
securely closing them at both jambs without the use of
any additional manually controlled latching devices.

Product Performance Minimum gateway

Designation Class test size
Single Vent mm (in)
TA-R15 Residential 1200 x 600 (48 x 24)
TA-LC25 Light 1400 x 700 (56 x 28)
TA-C30 Commercial 1400 x 700 (56 x 28)
Multiple Vent
TA-R15 Residential 1200 x 1600 (48 x 63)
FIGURE 8.22 TA-LC25 Light 1400 x 2500 (56 x 99)
TA-C30 Commercial 1400 x 2500 (56 x 99)
TABLE 8.42

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 68

The following table shows class Gateway entry-level requirements for tropical awning windows.
Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Structural Water Test
Pressure at Design Test Pressure Pressure Auxillary Tests
Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
TA-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.1, 5.3.5,
TA-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.1, 5.3.5,
TA-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.1, 5.3.5,
TABLE 8.43

8.13 Dual Action Windows

Dual action windows consist of a sash that tilts from the top for
ventilation and swings inward from the side for cleaning of the
outside surface. Dual action windows are sometimes referred to as
Tilt-Turn windows.

Product Performance Minimum gateway test size

Designation Class mm (in)
DA-R15 Residential 1100 x 1500 (44 x 60)
DA-LC25 Light 1200 x 1500 (48 x 60)
DA-C30 Commercial 1200 x 1800 (48 x 71)
DA-HC40 Heavy 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
DA-AW40 Architectural 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99)
TABLE 8.44

The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for dual action windows.
Structural Water Air Leakage Test
Design Deflection Test Test
Pressure at Design Auxillary Tests
Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
DA-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,,,
DA-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,,,
DA-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,,,
DA-HC40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3)
DA-AW40 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 390 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,,,
TABLE 8.45

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 69

8.14 Skylights And Roof Windows

8.14.1 Skylights
A skylight is a sloped or horizontal application of a fenestration product
in an out-of-reach application, which allows for natural daylighting.
Skylights shall be either fixed (non-operable) or venting (operating).
Unlike roof windows, skylights need not provide provisions for cleaning
of exterior surfaces from the interior of the building.

8.14.2 Roof Windows

A roof window is a sloped application of a fenestration product that
provides for in-reach operation or rotation of the sash to facilitate
cleaning of the exterior surfaces from the interior of the building. This
application can also allow for rescue situations.

Minimum gateway
Product Designation test size
mm (in)
SK?-R15(3) RW-R15 Residential 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48)
SK?-C30(3) RW-C30 Commercial 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48)
FIGURE 8.24 Heavy
SK?-HC40(3) RW-HC40 1200 x 2500 (48 x 99)
TABLE 8.46

Negative Positive
Water Air Leakage Test Auxillary Tests
Design Deflection Structural Structural
Pressure at Design Test Test
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pressure (1) Pressure (2) Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) SK?(3) RW
Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
SK?-R15/RW- 5.3.1,
720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 1440 (30) 140 (2.92) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3)
SK?-C30/RW- 5.3.1,
1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 2880 (60) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3)
HC40/RW- 1920 (40) L/175 2880 (60.0) 3840 (80) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3)
TABLE 8.47

1) Negative structural loads are short duration loads of 10 seconds.

2) Positive structural loads are long duration loads of 60 seconds.
3) Product designations for skylights are shown for convenience as SK? but shall be either SKG for skylights glazed with glass
or SKP for skylights glazed with plastic.

The reference standard for Skylights and Roof Windows is AAMA/WDMA 1600/I.S. 7. The required performance
characteristics for air, water and structural performance are summarized in this section. AAMA/WDMA 1600/I.S. 7 should be
checked for a complete performance requirements description.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 70

8.15 Side Lite Designation, Class And Size
Side lites are non-operable windows that are used as
companion windows installed on one or both sides of
glass doors. Side lites consist of a glazed frame or a non-
operable sash within a frame. For purposes of compliance
with this specification, side lites shall not exceed 700 mm
(27 in) in width.

NOTE: The requirements for side lites in this section are

different than those required for Storefront and
Commercial Entrance Systems.

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
SLT-R15 Residential 400 x 2000 (16 x 79)
SLT-LC25 Light 400 x 2100 (16 x 83)
SLT-C30 Commercial 500 x 2100 (20 x 83)
TABLE 8.48

The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for side lites.
Design Deflection at Structural Test Water Test Air Leakage Test
Pressure Design Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance Auxillary Tests
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
SLT-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
SLT-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
SL-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
TABLE 8.49

NOTE: The requirements for transoms in this section are

different than those required for Storefront and
Commercial Entrance Systems.

Minimum gateway
Product Performance
test size
Designation Class
mm (in)
TR-R15 Residential 1800 x 300 (71 x 12)
8.16 Transom Designation, Class And Size Light
TR-LC25 1800 x 400 (71 x 16)
Transoms are non-operable windows that are used as
companion windows installed above glass doors or other TR-C30 Commercial 2000 x 500 (79 x 20)
windows. Transoms consist of a glazed frame or a non- TABLE 8.50
operable sash within a frame. For purposes of compliance
with this specification, transoms shall not exceed 700 mm
(27 in) in height.

The following table shows class Gateway entry level requirements for transoms.
Design Deflection Structural Test Water Test Air Leakage Test Auxillary Tests
Pressure at Design Pressure Pressure Pressure Allowance
Pa (lb/ft2) Pressure Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2)
TR-R15 720 (15) Reported 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
TR-LC25 1200 (25) Reported 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
TR-C30 1440 (30) Reported 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 5.3.5,
TABLE 8.51

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 71

8.17 Specialty Products
Specialty products are defined as primary window and For composite units, each unique intermediate framing
door products with common frames not specified in member shall be tested in the longest dimension for which
Sections Examples of specialty products are non- compliance is desired. Intermediate framing members
standard geometric shapes such as, but not limited to, which are longer or which are not tested do not comply.
circle tops, door ellipsoids and other non-rectangular
shapes. Each specimen submitted for tests shall be a Any geometric shape that fits within the rectangular
completely assembled and glazed product of standard gateway or larger test sizes for a particular operator type in
construction in the largest size for which acceptance is, providing the framing, sash, hardware, components
sought under this standard. All material, component and and construction remain the same, is qualified by the
hardware requirements of this standard shall be met. rectangular shape. The tested sash size cannot be exceeded
in a specialty product for any reason. (See diagrams in
The test unit shall contain sash or frame of the largest section for further information.)
dimension (width and height) for which compliance is
desired. Sash or frame larger (width and/or height) than Specialty products designation shall be SP to indicate the
those tested do not comply. product rating.

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 72

Minimum Minimum Minimum
Product Minimum Reference
Product Type Design Structural Water Air Leakage Resistance
Designation Test Size (5) Section
Pressure Pressure Pressure
mm x mm (in x in) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) Pg Section
Fixed F-R15 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 52 8.1

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02
F-LC25 1400 x 1400 (56 x 56) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 52 8.1
F-C30 1500 x 1500(60 x 60) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 52 8.1
F-HC40 1500 x 1800 (60 x 71) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 52 8.1
F-AW40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 52 8.1
Hung –Vertical Slider H-R15 1100 x 1500 (44 x 60) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 53 8.2.1
H-LC25 1100 x 1900 (44 x 75) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 53 8.2.1
H-C30 1400 x 2300 (56 x 91) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 53 8.2.1
H-HC40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 53 8.2.1
H-AW40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 53 8.2.1
Non-hung-Vertical Slider VS-R15 1100 x 1500 (44 x 60) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 54 8.2.2
VS-LC25 1100 x 1900 (44 x 75) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 54 8.2.2
VS-C30 1400 x 2300 (56 x 91) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 54 8.2.2
Horizontal Slider HS-R15 1600 x 1100 (63 x 44) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 55 8.3
HS-LC25 1800 x 1400 (71 x 56) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 55 8.3
HS-C30 1800 x 1500 (71 x 60) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 55 8.3
HS-HC40 2500 x 2000 (99 x 79) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 55 8.3
HS-AW40 2500 x 2000 (99 x 79) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 55 8.3
Awning, Hopper and Projected AP-R15 1200 x 400 (48 x 16) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 57 8.4
AP-LC25 1200 x 800 (48 x 32) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 57 8.4
AP-C30 1200 x 800 (48 x 32) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 57 8.4
AP-HC40 1500 x 800 (60 x 32) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 57 8.4
AP-AW40 1500 x 900 (60 x 36) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 57 8.4
Casement C-R15 600 x 1500 (24 x 60) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 59 8.5
C-LC25 800 x 1500 (32 x 60) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 59 8.5
C-C30 800 x 1500 (32 x 60) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 59 8.5
C-HC40 900 x 1500 (36 x 60) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 59 8.5
C-AW40 900 x 1500 (36 x 60) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 59 8.5
Sliding Glass Doors SGD-R15 1800 x 2000 (71 x 79) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 61 8.6.1
SGD-LC25 2200 x 2000 (87 x 83) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 61 8.6.1
SGD-C30 2400 x 2100 (95 x 83) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 61 8.6.1
SGD-HC40 3100 x 2400 (123 x 95) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 61 8.6.1
SGD-AW40 3100 x 2400 (123 x 95) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 61 8.6.1
Hinged Glass Doors HGD-R15 900 x 2000 (36 x 79) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 63 8.6.2
HGD-LC25 900 x 2000 (36 x 83) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 63 8.6.2
HGD-C30 1000 x 2100 (40 x 83) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 63 8.6.2
HGD-HC40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 63 8.6.2
Dual Action Hinged Glass Doors DA-HGD-R15 900 x 2000 (36 x 79) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 64 8.6.3
DA-HGD-LC25 900 x 2000 (36 x 83) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 64 8.6.3
DA-HGD-C30 1000 x 2100 (40 x 83) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 64 8.6.3
DA-HGD-HC40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 64 8.6.3

Page 73
Thermo- Unit
Forced Safety Life
plastic Sash/Panel Dead
Operating Entry Deglazing Frame Tests Hardware Load Tests Drop Cycle
Corner Tests Load
Force Resistance Test Testing
Tests Test
5.3.1 5.3.5
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• •

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Page 74
Minimum Minimum Minimum
Product Type Product Minimum Reference
Design Structural Water Air Leakage Resistance
Designation Test Size (5) Section
Pressure Pressure Pressure
mm x mm (in x in) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) Pa (lb/ft2) L/s/m2 (cfm/ft2) Pg Section
Side Lites SLT-R15 400 x 2000 (16 x 79) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 74 8.15
SLT-LC25 400 x 2100 (16 x 83) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 74 8.15
SLT-C30 500 x 2100 (20 x 83 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 74 8.15

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02
Transoms TR-R15 1800 x 300 (71 x 12) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 74 8.16
TR-LC25 1800 x 400 (71 x 16) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 74 8.16
TR-C30 2000 x 500 (79 x 20) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 74 8.16
Vertically and Horizontally Pivoted HP or VP-R15 1100 x 1500 (44 x 60) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 65 8.7
HP or VP-LC25 1200 x 1500 (48 x 60) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 65 8.7
HP or VP-C30 1200 x 2200 (48 x 87) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 65 8.7
HP or VP-HC40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 65 8.7
HP or VP-AW40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 65 8.7
Side Hinged SH-AW40 1200 x 1800 (48 x 71) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 66 8.8.1
Top Hinged TH-C30 1200 x 1500 (48 x 60) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 67 8.8.2
TH-HC40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 67 8.8.2
TH-AW40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 67 8.8.2
Hinged Rescue HE-R15 Varies 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 68 8.9
Basement BW-R15 800 x 400 (32 x 16) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 69 8.10
BW-LC25 800 x 400 (32 x 16) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 69 8.10
Greenhouse/Garden GH-R15 900 x 900 x 150 (36 x 36 x 6) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 70 8.11
Jalousie J-R15 900 x 1200 (36 x 48) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 6.0 (1.2) 70 8.12.1
Jal-awning JA-R15 1400 x 1600 (56 x 63) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 71 8.12.2
Tropical Awning TA-R15 1200 x 600 (48 x 24) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 71 8.12.3
(Single Vent) TA-LC25 1400 x 700 (56 x 28) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 71 8.12.3
TA-C30 1400 x 700 (56 x 28) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 71 8.12.3
Tropical Awning TA-R15 1200 x 1600 (48 x 63) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 71 8.12.3
(Multiple Vent) TA-LC25 1400 x 2500 (56 x 99) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 71 8.12.3
TA-C30 1400 x 2500 (56 x 99) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 71 8.12.3
Dual Action DA-R15 1100 x 1500 (44 x 60) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 140 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 72 8.13
DA-LC25 1200 x 1500 (48 x 60) 1200 (25) 1800 (37.5) 180 (3.75) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 72 8.13
DA-C30 1200 x 1800 (48 x 71) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 220 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 72 8.13
DA-HC40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 72 8.13
DA-AW40 1500 x 2500 (60 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 390 (8.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 72 8.13
Skylights SKG-R15 (30) 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48) 720 (15) 1080/1080 137 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.1
(Glazed with Glass) SKG-C30 (60) 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48) 1440 (30) 2150/2150 215 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.1
See Note 4 SKG-HC40 (80) 1200 x 2500 (48 x 99) 1920 (40) 2870/2870 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.1
Skylights SKP-R15 (30) 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48) 720 (15) 2160/1080 137 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.1
(Glazed with Plastic) SKP-C30 (60) 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48) 1440 (30) 4310/2880 215 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.1
See Note 4 SKP-HC40 (80) 1200 x 2500 (48 x 99) 1920 (40) 5750/3840 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.1
Roof Windows RW-R15 (30) 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48) 720 (15) 1080 (22.5) 137 (2.86) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.2
RW-C30 (60) 1200 x 1200 (48 x 48) 1440 (30) 2160 (45.0) 215 (4.50) 75 (1.57) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.2
RW-HC40 (80) 1200 x 2500 (48 x 99) 1920 (40) 2880 (60.0) 290 (6.00) 300 (6.24) 1.5 (.3) 73 8.14.2
Speciality Products As required by product operator type. 75 8.17

Page 75
Thermo- Unit
Forced Safety Life
Operating plastic Sash/Panel Dead
Entry Deglazing Frame Tests Hardware Load Tests Drop Cycle
Force Corner Tests Load
Resistance Test Testing
Tests Test
5.3.1 5.3.5
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• •

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02
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Page 76
NOTES FOR TABLE 9.1: 1. Test Procedure
1) Products shall be rated for air leakage on a pass/fail basis.
2) Values in the table are for reference only. Exact 1.1 The corner samples shall be of sufficient size to be
performance requirements are found in the appropriate accommodated in the test fixture and shall be conditioned
parts of sections 5.0 and 8.0.
per Procedure A of ASTM D 618, “Standard Practice for
3) Values given above are the Gateway Entry Requirements
for the Performance Class and Performance Grade (design Conditioning Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials
pressure) indicated. Optional Performance Grade (design for Testing”, prior to testing.
Pressure) requirements are given in section 1.2 The corner sample is to be mounted in the test fixture
4) Skylight minimum structural loads are presented as positive as indicated.
(long duration) loads/negative (short duration) loads.
5) To determine corresponding IP units, see section 8.0. 2. Gradually apply load “L” in the direction indicated
until breakage of the corner occurs.
This test applies only when a thermoplastic material is
APPENDIX A.1 – Thermoplastic Corner Test Method used as a primary structural sash or frame profile, or as a
structural profile related to glazing retention and/or
THERMOPLASTIC CORNER WELD TEST structural division of glazing lites within a common sash
PROCEDURE, (Fusion-welded, or chemically bonded or frame.
thermoplastic products only)
NOTE: This test can be used as a quality control test to
assess the effectiveness of the corner welding or bonding
process. Refer to section for further information.


Corner Test

100 mm (4 in)

360 mm (14 in)

101/I.S. 2/NAFS-02 Page 77

1827 Walden Office Square, Suite 550 1400 E. Touhy Ave. Suite 470
Schaumburg, IL 60173 Des Plaines, IL 60018
PHONE (847) 303-5664 FAX (847) 303-5774 PHONE (847) 299-5200 FAX (847) 299-1286
EMAIL webmaster@aamanet.org EMAIL admin@wdma.com
WEBSITE www.aamanet.org WEBSITE www.wdma.com

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