OpenDocument V1.0ed2 cs1
OpenDocument V1.0ed2 cs1
OpenDocument V1.0ed2 cs1
Document identifier:
This Version:
Previous Version:
Patrick Durusau, Individual
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This is the specification of the Open Document Format for Office Applications
(OpenDocument) format, an open, XML-based file format for office applications, based on XML [OOo].
This document was last revised or approved by the OASIS Open Document Format for
Office Applications (OpenDocument) Technical Committee on the above date. The level
of approval is also listed above. Check the current location noted above for possible later
revisions of this document. This document is updated periodically on no particular
Technical Committee members should send comments on this specification to the
Technical Committee's email list. Others should send comments to the Technical
Committee by using the "Send A Comment" button on the Technical Committee's web
page at
For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to
implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to
the Intellectual Property Rights section of the Technical Committee web page
The non-normative errata page for this specification is located at www.oasis-
1.2 Notation
Within this specification, the key words "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not" and "may" are
to be interpreted as described in Annex H of [ISO/IEC Directives] if they appear in bold letters.
1.3 Namespaces
Table 1 lists the namespaces that are defined by the OpenDocument format and their default
prefixes. For more information about XML namespaces, please refer to the Namespaces in XML
specification [xml-names].
Table 2: XML Namespaces defined by the OpenDocument schema that include elements and
attributes that are compatible to elements and attributes of other standards.
Root Element meta app. script font style auto mast body
data sett. decls style style
The <office:document> root contains a complete document:
59 <define name="office-document">
60 <element name="office:document">
61 <ref name="office-document-attrs"/>
62 <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
63 <ref name="office-meta"/>
64 <ref name="office-settings"/>
65 <ref name="office-scripts"/>
66 <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
67 <ref name="office-styles"/>
68 <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
69 <ref name="office-master-styles"/>
The <office:document-content> root contains only the document content, along with the
automatic styles needed for the document content:
73 <define name="office-document-content">
74 <element name="office:document-content">
75 <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
76 <ref name="office-scripts"/>
77 <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
78 <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
79 <ref name="office-body"/>
80 </element>
81 </define>
The <office:document-styles> root contains all named styles of a document, along with the
automatic styles needed for the named styles:
82 <define name="office-document-styles">
83 <element name="office:document-styles">
84 <ref name="office-document-common-attrs"/>
85 <ref name="office-font-face-decls"/>
86 <ref name="office-styles"/>
87 <ref name="office-automatic-styles"/>
88 <ref name="office-master-styles"/>
89 </element>
90 </define>
All root elements take an office:version attribute, which indicates which version of this
specification it complies with. The version number is in the format revision.version. If the file
has a version known to an XML processor, it may validate the document. Otherwise, it is optional
to validate the document, but the document must be well formed.
103 <define name="office-document-common-attrs" combine="interleave">
104 <optional>
105 <attribute name="office:version">
The <office:document> element takes an office:mimetype attribute, which indicates the
type of document (text, spreadsheet etc.). This attribute is especially important for flat XML files,
where this is the only way the type of document can be detected (in a package, the MIME type is
also present in a separate file, see section 17.4). Its values are the MIME types that are used for
the packaged variant of office documents (see section 1.7).
110 <define name="office-document-attrs" combine="interleave">
111 <attribute name="office:mimetype">
112 <ref name="string"/>
113 </attribute>
114 </define>
The main document content contains any sequence of text content elements, which includes
paragraphs (and headings), text sections (and indices), tables, and graphical shapes. As an
alternative, a text document may contain of a single page sequence.
It is not required that a text document contains a paragraph. A text document may consist of a
sequence frames only.
153 <define name="office-text-content-main">
154 <choice>
155 <zeroOrMore>
156 <ref name="text-content"/>
157 </zeroOrMore>
158 <group>
159 <ref name="text-page-sequence"/>
160 <zeroOrMore>
161 <choice>
162 <ref name="draw-a"/>
163 <ref name="shape"/>
164 </choice>
165 </zeroOrMore>
166 </group>
167 </choice>
168 </define>
There are no text documents specific epilogue elements, but the epilogue may contain elements
that implement enhanced table features. See also section 2.3.4.
190 <define name="office-text-content-epilogue">
191 <ref name="table-functions"/>
192 </define>
There are no drawing documents specific epilogue elements, but the epilogue may contain
elements that implement enhanced table features. See also section 2.3.4.
221 <define name="office-drawing-content-epilogue">
222 <ref name="table-functions"/>
223 </define>
The epilogue of presentation documents may contain presentation settings. Additionally, it may
contain elements that implement enhanced table features. See also section 2.3.4.
246 <define name="office-presentation-content-epilogue">
247 <ref name="presentation-settings"/>
248 <ref name="table-functions"/>
249 </define>
There are no chart documents specific epilogue elements, but the epilogue may contain elements
that implement enhanced table features. See also section 2.3.4.
The settings for office applications may be divided into several categories each represented by a
<config:config-item-set> element. For instance the following two categories may exist:
Config Name
The config:name attribute identifies the name of the setting container. For top level
<config:config-item-set> elements, that are elements that are direct children of the
<office:settings> element, the name should be preceded by a namespace prefix that
identifies the application the settings belong to.
372 <define name="config-config-item-set-attlist" combine="interleave">
373 <attribute name="config:name">
374 <ref name="string"/>
375 </attribute>
376 </define>
<config:config-item-set xmlns:ooo="";
<config:config-item config:name="ViewAreaTop"
Config Type
The config:type attribute identifies the data type of setting.
388 <define name="config-config-item-attlist" combine="interleave">
389 <attribute name="config:type">
390 <choice>
391 <value>boolean</value>
392 <value>short</value>
393 <value>int</value>
394 <value>long</value>
395 <value>double</value>
396 <value>string</value>
397 <value>datetime</value>
398 <value>base64Binary</value>
399 </choice>
400 </attribute>
401 </define>
Config Name
The config:name attribute identifies the name of the setting sequence.
410 <define name="config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist" combine="interleave">
411 <attribute name="config:name">
412 <ref name="string"/>
413 </attribute>
414 </define>
Config Name
The config:name attribute identifies the name of the setting sequence.
421 <define name="config-config-item-map-entry-attlist" combine="interleave">
422 <optional>
423 <attribute name="config:name">
424 <ref name="string"/>
425 </attribute>
426 </optional>
427 </define>
Config Name
The config:name attribute identifies the name of the setting sequence.
436 <define name="config-config-item-map-named-attlist" combine="interleave">
437 <attribute name="config:name">
438 <ref name="string"/>
439 </attribute>
440 </define>
2.5 Scripts
A document may contain several scripts in different scripting languages. Each script is
represented by a <office:script> element. All these script elements are contained in a single
<office:scripts> element.
Scripts do not imply a scripting language or an object model. A script can operate on the
Document Object Model (DOM) of a document in OpenDocument format or on an application
specific API.
Scripts cannot modify a document while the document is loading. However, some events are
called immediately after the document is loaded.
In addition to <office:script> elements, the <office:scripts> element may also contain
an <office:event-listeners> element which contains the events assigned to the document
itself. Examples for these are events called when the document is opened or closed. See section
12.4 for more information on the <office:event-listeners> element.
441 <define name="office-scripts">
442 <optional>
443 <element name="office:scripts">
444 <zeroOrMore>
445 <ref name="office-script"/>
446 </zeroOrMore>
447 <optional>
448 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
449 </optional>
450 </element>
451 </optional>
452 </define>
2.5.1 Script
The <office:script> element contains script language specific content. In most situations,
the element contains the source code of the script, but it may also contain a compiled version of
the script or a link to some external script code.
453 <define name="office-script">
454 <element name="office:script">
455 <ref name="office-script-attlist"/>
456 <mixed>
457 <ref name="anyElements"/>
458 </mixed>
459 </element>
460 </define>
2.7 Styles
The OpenDocument format supports the following types of styles:
• Common styles
Most office applications support styles within their user interface. Within this specification, the
XML representations of such styles are referred to as styles. When a differentiation from the
other types of styles is required, they are referred to as common styles. The term common
indicates that this is the type of style that an office application user considers to be a style.
• Automatic styles
An automatic style contains formatting properties that, in the user interface view of a
document, are assigned to an object such as a paragraph. The term automatic indicates that
the style is generated automatically. In other words, formatting properties that are immediately
assigned to a specific object are represented by an automatic style. This way, a separation of
content and layout is achieved.
• Master styles
A master style is a common style that contains formatting information and additional content
that is displayed with the document content when the style is applied. An example of a master
style are master pages. Master pages can be used in graphical applications. In this case, the
additional content is any drawing shapes that are displayed as the background of the draw
page. Master pages can also be used in text documents. In this case, the additional content is
the headers and footers. Please note that the content that is contained within master styles is
additional content that influences the representation of a document but does not change the
content of a document.
As far as the office application user is concerned, all types of styles are part of the document.
They represent the output device-independent layout and formatting information that the author of
a document has used to create or edit the document. The assumption is that the author of the
document wants this formatting and layout information to be preserved when the document is
3.1.1 Generator
The <meta:generator> element contains a string that identifies the application or tool that was
used to create or last modify the XML document. This string should match the definition for user-
agents in the HTTP protocol a specified in section 14.43 of [RFC2616]. The generator string
should allow product versions to differ between all released versions of a user agent, for instance
by including build ids or patch level information.
Conforming applications may use the generator string to work around bugs that exist or existed in
certain applications, but shall not deliberately implement a different behavior depending on a
certain generator string.
If the application that created the document could not provide an identifier string, the application
does not export this element. If another application modifies the document and it cannot provide a
unique identifier, it shall not export the original identifier belonging to the application that created
the document.
587 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
588 <element name="meta:generator">
589 <ref name="string"/>
590 </element>
591 </define>
3.1.2 Title
The <dc:title> element specifies the title of the document.
592 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
593 <element name="dc:title">
594 <ref name="string"/>
595 </element>
596 </define>
3.1.3 Description
The <dc:description> element contains a brief description of the document.
597 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
598 <element name="dc:description">
599 <ref name="string"/>
600 </element>
601 </define>
3.1.5 Keywords
The <meta:keyword> element contains a keyword pertaining to the document. The metadata
can contain any number of <meta:keyword> elements, each element specifying one keyword.
607 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
608 <element name="meta:keyword">
609 <ref name="string"/>
610 </element>
611 </define>
3.1.7 Creator
The <dc:creator> element specifies the name of the person who last modified the document.
The name of this element was chosen for compatibility with the Dublin Core, but this definition of
"creator" used here differs from Dublin Core, which defines creator as "An entity primarily
responsible for making the content of the resource." In OpenDocument terminology, the last
person to modify the document is primarily responsible for making the content of the document.
617 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
618 <ref name="dc-creator"/>
619 </define>
620 <define name="dc-creator">
621 <element name="dc:creator">
622 <ref name="string"/>
623 </element>
624 </define>
3.1.8 Printed By
The <meta:printed-by> element specifies the name of the last person who printed the
625 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
626 <element name="meta:printed-by">
627 <ref name="string"/>
628 </element>
Template Title
The xlink:title attribute specifies the name of the document template.
• Reload URL
• Reload delay
Reload Delay
The meta:delay attribute specifies the reload delay.
To conform with the duration data type of [xmlschema-2], the format of the value of this attribute
is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. See §3.2.6 of [xmlschema-2] for more detailed information on this duration
675 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
676 <element name="meta:auto-reload">
677 <optional>
678 <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
679 <value>simple</value>
680 </attribute>
681 </optional>
682 <optional>
683 <attribute name="xlink:show" a:defaultValue="replace">
684 <value>replace</value>
685 </attribute>
686 </optional>
687 <optional>
688 <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onLoad">
689 <value>onLoad</value>
690 </attribute>
691 </optional>
692 <optional>
693 <attribute name="xlink:href">
694 <ref name="anyURI"/>
695 </attribute>
696 </optional>
697 <optional>
698 <attribute name="meta:delay">
699 <ref name="duration"/>
700 </attribute>
701 </optional>
702 </element>
703 </define>
• Target frame
Target Frame
The meta:target-frame-name attribute specifies the name of the default target frame in
which to display a document referenced by a hyperlink.
This attribute can have one of the following values:
3.1.15 Language
The <dc:language> element specifies the default language of the document.
The manner in which the language is represented is similar to the language tag described in
[RFC3066]. It consists of a two or three letter Language Code taken from the ISO 639 standard
optionally followed by a hyphen (-) and a two-letter Country Code taken from the ISO 3166
721 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
722 <element name="dc:language">
723 <ref name="language"/>
724 </element>
725 </define>
The duration is represented in the duration data type of [xmlschema-2], that is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS.
See §3.2.6 of [xmlschema-2] for more detailed information on this duration format.
731 <define name="office-meta-data" combine="choice">
732 <element name="meta:editing-duration">
733 <ref name="duration"/>
734 </element>
735 </define>
Text meta:page-count
Spreadsheet meta:page-count
Graphic meta:page-count
• An optional meta:value-type attribute, which identifies the type of the metadata element.
The allowed meta types are float, date, time, boolean and string (see also section
• The value of the element, which is the metadata in the format described in section 6.7.1 as
value of the office:value attributes for the various data types.
4.1.1 Headings
Headings define the chapter structure for a document. A chapter or subchapter begins with a
heading and extends to the next heading at the same or higher level.
855 <define name="text-h">
856 <element name="text:h">
857 <ref name="heading-attrs"/>
858 <ref name="paragraph-attrs"/>
859 <optional>
860 <ref name="text-number"/>
861 </optional>
862 <zeroOrMore>
863 <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
864 </zeroOrMore>
865 </element>
866 </define>
Heading Level
The text:outline-level attribute associated with the heading element determines the level
of the heading, starting with 1. Headings without a level attribute are assumed to be at level 1.
867 <define name="heading-attrs" combine="interleave">
868 <attribute name="text:outline-level">
869 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
870 </attribute>
871 </define>
Heading Numbering
Header numbering can be changed by additional attributes, similar to those on list items (see
section 4.3.2, below). The numbering of headers can be restarted by setting the text:restart-
numbering attribute to true.
872 <define name="heading-attrs" combine="interleave">
873 <optional>
874 <attribute name="text:restart-numbering" a:defaultValue="false">
875 <ref name="boolean"/>
876 </attribute>
877 </optional>
878 </define>
4.1.2 Paragraphs
Paragraphs are the basic unit of text.
898 <define name="text-p">
899 <element name="text:p">
900 <ref name="paragraph-attrs"/>
901 <zeroOrMore>
902 <ref name="paragraph-content"/>
903 </zeroOrMore>
904 </element>
905 </define>
Conforming applications should support the text:class-names attribute and also should
preserve it while editing.
906 <define name="paragraph-attrs">
907 <optional>
908 <attribute name="text:style-name">
909 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
910 </attribute>
911 </optional>
912 <optional>
913 <attribute name="text:class-names">
914 <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
915 </attribute>
916 </optional>
917 <optional>
918 <attribute name="text:cond-style-name">
919 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
920 </attribute>
921 </optional>
922 </define>
A paragraph may have an ID. This ID can be used to reference the paragraph from other
923 <define name="paragraph-attrs" combine="interleave">
924 <optional>
925 <ref name="text-id"/>
926 </optional>
927 </define>
4.2.1 Page
The <text:page> element specifies a single page within a page sequence.
935 <define name="text-page">
936 <element name="text:page">
937 <ref name="text-page-attlist"/>
938 <empty/>
939 </element>
940 </define>
4.3 Lists
The OpenDocument format supports list structures, similar to those found in [HTML4]. A list is a
paragraph-level element, which contains an optional list header, followed by a sequence of list
items. The list header and each list item contains a sequence of paragraph or list elements. Lists
can be nested.
Lists may be numbered. The numbering may be restarted with a specific numbering at each list
item. Lists may also continue numbering from other lists, allowing the user to merge several lists
into a single, discontinuous list. Note that whether the list numbering is displayed depends on a
suitable list style being used.
In addition to this structural information, lists can have list styles associated with them, which
contain the relevant layout information, such as
• the type of list item label, such as bullet or number,
• list item label width and distance,
• bullet character or image (if any),
• number format for the bullet numbering (if any),
• paragraph indent for list items.
Continue Numbering
By default, the first list item in a list starts with the number specified in the list style. The continue
numbering attribute can be used to continue the numbering from the preceding list.
This attribute can be used with the <text:list> element and can have a value of true or
If the value of the attribute is true and the numbering style of the preceding list is the same as
the current list, the number of the first list item in the current list is the number of the last item in
the preceding list incremented by one.
964 <define name="text-list-attr" combine="interleave">
965 <optional>
966 <attribute name="text:continue-numbering">
967 <ref name="boolean"/>
968 </attribute>
969 </optional>
970 </define>
The first line in a list item is preceded by a bullet or number, depending on the list style assigned
to the list. If a list item starts another list immediately and does not contain any text, no bullet or
number is displayed.
The only attribute that may be associated with the <text:list-item> element is:
• Start value
Start Value
The numbering of the current list can be restarted at a certain number. The text:start-value
attribute is used to specify the number with which to restart the list.
This attribute can only be applied to items in a list with a numbering list style. It restarts the
numbering of the list at the current item.
989 <define name="text-list-item-attr" combine="interleave">
990 <optional>
991 <attribute name="text:start-value">
992 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
993 </attribute>
994 </optional>
995 </define>
Formatted Number
If a list item has a numbering applied, the text of the formatted number can be included in a
<text:number> element. This text can be used by applications that do not support numbering,
but it will be ignored by applications that support numbering. See also section 4.1.1.
Example: Lists and sublists
<text:list text:style-name="List 1">
<text:p>This is the first list item</text:p>
<text:p>This is a continuation of the first list item.</text:p>
<text:p>This is the second list item.
It contains a sub list.</text:p>
<text:list-item><text:p>This is a sub list item.</text:p>
<text:list-item><text:p>This is a sub list item.</text:p>
<text:list-item><text:p>This is a sub list item.</text:p>
<text:p>This is the third list item</text:p>
A numbered paragraph can be assigned a list level. A numbered paragraph is equivalent to a list
nested to the given level, containing one list item with one paragraph. If no level is given, the
numbered paragraph is interpreted as being on level 1.
1013 <define name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr" combine="interleave">
1014 <optional>
1015 <attribute name="text:level" a:defaultValue="1">
1016 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
1017 </attribute>
1018 </optional>
1019 </define>
As a numbered paragraph combines the functionality of a (possibly nested) list with a single list
item, it can also use the attributes of those elements.
1020 <define name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr" combine="interleave">
1021 <ref name="text-list-attr"/>
1022 </define>
1023 <define name="text-numbered-paragraph-attr" combine="interleave">
1024 <ref name="text-list-item-attr"/>
1025 </define>
Linking information for external content is contained in the section element's first child. A section
that links to external content contains the full representation of the data source, so that processors
need to understand the linking information only if they wish to update the contents of the section.
1026 <define name="text-section">
1027 <element name="text:section">
1028 <ref name="text-section-attr"/>
1029 <choice>
1030 <ref name="text-section-source"/>
1031 <ref name="text-section-source-dde"/>
1032 <empty/>
1033 </choice>
1034 <zeroOrMore>
1035 <ref name="text-content"/>
1036 </zeroOrMore>
1037 </element>
1038 </define>
Note: List items may not contain sections. Thus, lists may only be wholly contained within section
elements. If it is desired to achieve the effect of overlapping lists and sections, or of sections
contained within lists, the lists must be split into several lists, each of which would then be wholly
contained within a section. When splitting the list, suitable attributes for continuous numbering
should be set such that display and behavior are the same as with the original list not interrupted
by sections.
The remaining attributes in this section are specific to the <text:section> element.
Section Style
The text:style-name attribute refers to a section style.
1042 <define name="sectionAttr" combine="interleave">
1043 <optional>
1044 <attribute name="text:style-name">
1045 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
1046 </attribute>
1047 </optional>
1048 </define>
Section Name
Every section must have a name that uniquely identifies the section. The text:name attribute
contains the name of the section.
1049 <define name="sectionAttr" combine="interleave">
1050 <attribute name="text:name">
1051 <ref name="string"/>
1052 </attribute>
1053 </define>
Protected Sections
A section can be protected, which means that a user can not edit the section. The
text:protected attribute indicates whether or not a section is protected. The user interface
must enforce the protection attribute if it is enabled.
1054 <define name="sectionAttr" combine="interleave">
1055 <optional>
1056 <attribute name="text:protected">
1057 <ref name="boolean"/>
1058 </attribute>
1059 </optional>
1060 </define>
A user can use the user interface to reset the protection flag, unless the section is further
protected by a password. In this case, the user must know the password in order to reset the
protection flag. The text:protection-key attribute specifies the password that protects the
section. To avoid saving the password directly into the XML file, only a hash value of the
password is stored.
1061 <define name="sectionAttr" combine="interleave">
1062 <optional>
1063 <attribute name="text:protection-key">
1064 <ref name="string"/>
1065 </attribute>
1066 </optional>
1067 </define>
• condition, the section is hidden under the condition specified in the text:condition
The text:condition attribute specifies the condition under which the section is hidden. The
condition is encoded as a string. If the value of text:display is condition, the
text:condition attribute must be present.
1068 <define name="text-section-attr" combine="interleave">
1069 <choice>
1070 <attribute name="text:display">
1071 <choice>
1072 <value>true</value>
1073 <value>none</value>
1074 </choice>
1075 </attribute>
1076 <group>
1077 <attribute name="text:display">
1078 <value>condition</value>
1079 </attribute>
1080 <attribute name="text:condition">
1081 <ref name="string"/>
1082 </attribute>
1083 </group>
1084 <empty/>
1085 </choice>
1086 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:section-source> attribute are:
Filter Name
The text:filter-name attribute specifies which filter type was used to import the link target.
The value of this attribute is implementation dependent.
1116 <define name="text-section-source-attr" combine="interleave">
1117 <optional>
1118 <attribute name="text:filter-name">
1119 <ref name="string"/>
1120 </attribute>
1121 </optional>
1122 </define>
Track Changes
This attribute determines whether or not user agents should track and record changes for this
1136 <define name="text-tracked-changes-attr" combine="interleave">
1137 <optional>
1138 <attribute name="text:track-changes" a:defaultValue="true">
1139 <ref name="boolean"/>
1140 </attribute>
1141 </optional>
1142 </define>
4.6.3 Insertion
The <text:insertion> element contains the information that is required to identify any
insertion of content. This content can be a piece of text within a paragraph, a whole paragraph, or
a whole table. The inserted content is part of the text document itself and is marked by a change
start and a change end element.
1154 <define name="text-changed-region-content" combine="choice">
1155 <element name="text:insertion">
1156 <ref name="office-change-info"/>
1157 </element>
1158 </define>
This is the original text<text:change-start text:change-id="c001"/>,
but this has been added<text:change-end text:change-id="c001"/>.
4.6.4 Deletion
A <text:deletion> element contains content that was deleted while change tracking was
enabled. The position where the text was deleted is marked by the change position element.
If part of a paragraph was deleted, the text that was deleted is contained in this element as a
paragraph element. If the deleted text is reinserted into the document, the paragraph is joined with
the paragraph where the deletion took place.
1159 <define name="text-changed-region-content" combine="choice">
1160 <element name="text:deletion">
1161 <ref name="office-change-info"/>
1162 <zeroOrMore>
1163 <ref name="text-content"/>
1164 </zeroOrMore>
1165 </element>
1166 </define>
This is the original text<text:change text:region-id="c002"/>.
This example shows:
• Deleted text = , but this has been deleted
This text is contained in the <text:p> element within the <text:deletion> element.
• Original text before deletion took place = This is the original text, but this
has been deleted.
Note that the deleted text, like all text in the OpenDocument format, is contained in a paragraph
element. To reconstruct the original text, this paragraph is merged with its surrounding. In other
words, a deletion consisting of only a single word would be represented as a paragraph containing
the word.
To reconstruct the text before the deletion took place, do:
• If the change mark is inside a paragraph, insert the text content of the <text:deletion> element
as if the beginning <text:p> and final </text:p> tags were missing.
• If the change mark is inside a header, proceed as above, except adapt the inserted tags to
math their new counterparts.
• Otherwise, simply copy the text content of the <text:deletion> element in place of the change
Example: Given the following change:
<text:changed-region text:id="example">
The first (and most common) case occurs if a change mark is inside a regular paragraph:
<text:p>abc<text:change text:id="example/>def</text:p>
To reconstruct the original text, the two <text:p> elements are copied to replace the change mark,
except the beginning and ending tags are missing:
If the change mark occurred inside a header, the same procedure is followed, except the copied
tags are adapted to make sure we still have well-formed XML.
Note: A format change element does not contain the actual changes that took place.
• <text:h>
• <text:span>
• <text:a>
• <text:ref-point-start>
• <text:ref-point-end>
• <text:bookmark>
• <text:bookmark-start>
• <text:bookmark-end>
Space Character
In general, consecutive white-space characters in a paragraph are collapsed. For this reason,
there is a special XML element used to represent the [UNICODE] character SPACE (0x0020).
This element uses an optional attribute called text:c to specify the number of SPACE
characters that the element represents. A missing text:c attribute is interpreted as meaning a
single SPACE character.
This element is required to represent the second and all following SPACE characters in a
sequence of SPACE characters. It is not an error if the character preceding the element is not a
white-space character, but it is good practice to use this element for the second and all following
SPACE characters in a sequence. This way, an application recognizes a single space character
without recognizing this element.
1226 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1227 <element name="text:s">
1228 <optional>
1229 <attribute name="text:c">
1230 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
1231 </attribute>
1232 </optional>
1233 </element>
1234 </define>
Tab Character
The <text:tab> element represents the [UNICODE] tab character HORIZONTAL
TABULATION (0x0009) in a heading or paragraph. A <text:tab> element reserves space from
the current position up to the next tab-stop, as defined in the paragraph's style information.
1235 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1236 <element name="text:tab">
1237 <ref name="text-tab-attr"/>
1238 </element>
1239 </define>
To determine which tab-stop a tab character will advance to requires layout information. To make
it easier for non-layout oriented processors to determine this information, applications may
generate a text:tab-ref attribute as a hint that associates a tab character with a tab-stop in the
current paragraph style. It contains the number of the tab-stop that the tab character refers to. The
position 0 has a special meaning and signifies the start margin of the paragraph.
1240 <define name="text-tab-attr">
Note: The text:tab-ref attribute is only a hint to help non-layout oriented processors to determine
the tab/tab-stop association. Layout oriented processors should determine the tab positions solely
based on the style information.
Line Breaks
The <text:line-break> element represents a line break in a heading or paragraph.
1247 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1248 <element name="text:line-break">
1249 <empty/>
1250 </element>
1251 </define>
5.1.4 Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks in text documents are represented by a <text:a> element.
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:a> element are:
• Name
• Link location
• Target frame
• Text styles
A hyperlink can have a name, but it is not essential. The office:name attribute specifies the
name of the hyperlink if one exists. This name can serve as a target for some other hyperlinks.
1280 <define name="text-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
1281 <optional>
1282 <attribute name="office:name">
1283 <ref name="string"/>
1284 </attribute>
1285 </optional>
1286 </define>
Target Frame
The office:target-frame-name attribute specifies the target frame of the link. This attribute
can have one of the following values:
• _self – The referenced document replaces the content of the current frame.
• _parent – The referenced document is displayed in the parent frame of the current frame.
• _top – The referenced document is displayed in the uppermost frame, that is the frame that
contains the current frame as a child or descendent but is not contained within another frame.
• A frame name – The referenced document is displayed in the named frame. If the named
frame does not exist, a new frame with that name is created.
To conform with the XLink Specification, an additional xlink:show attribute is attached to the
<text:a> element. If the value of the attribute is _blank, the xlink:show attribute value is
new. If the value of the attribute is any of the other value options, the value of the xlink:show
attribute is replace. See [XLink].
1302 <define name="text-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
1303 <optional>
1304 <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
1305 <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
1306 </attribute>
1307 </optional>
1308 <optional>
1309 <attribute name="xlink:show">
1310 <choice>
1311 <value>new</value>
1312 <value>replace</value>
1313 </choice>
1314 </attribute>
1315 </optional>
1316 </define>
• If the link location of the hyperlink was already visited, the text style specified by the
text:visited-style-name attribute is applied to the text of the hyperlink
1317 <define name="text-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
1318 <optional>
1319 <attribute name="text:style-name">
1320 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
1321 </attribute>
1322 </optional>
1323 <optional>
1324 <attribute name="text:visited-style-name">
1325 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
1326 </attribute>
1327 </optional>
1328 </define>
Bookmarks can either mark a text position or a text range. A text range can start at any text
position and end at another text position. In particular, a bookmark can start in the middle of one
paragraph and end in the middle of another paragraph. The XML element used to represent a
bookmark varies depending on the type of bookmark, as follows:
• <text:bookmark> – to mark one text position
Example: Bookmarks
<text:bookmark text:name="Mark 1"/>There is a text mark in front of this
<text:bookmark-start text:name="Mark 2"/>In front of this paragraph there
the start of a bookmark.
This bookmark ends
<text:bookmark-end text:name="Mark 2"/>
amid this sentence.
5.2.2 References
The representation of references is modeled on the XML representation of bookmarks. There are
two types of reference marks, as follows:
• A point reference
A point reference marks a particular position in text and is represented by a single
<text:reference-mark> element.
• A range reference
A range reference marks a range of characters in text and is represented by two elements;
<text:reference-mark-start> to mark the start of the range and <text:reference-
mark-end> to mark the end of the range.
Every reference is identified by its name, which must be unique. In a range reference, the start
and end elements must use the same reference name.
Point References
The <text:reference-mark> element represents a point reference.
1348 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1349 <element name="text:reference-mark">
1350 <attribute name="text:name">
1351 <ref name="string"/>
1352 </attribute>
1353 </element>
1354 </define>
Range References
The <text:reference-mark-start> and <text:reference-mark-end> elements
represent a range reference.
1355 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1356 <choice>
1357 <element name="text:reference-mark-start">
1358 <attribute name="text:name">
1359 <ref name="string"/>
1360 </attribute>
1361 </element>
1362 <element name="text:reference-mark-end">
In the OpenDocument schema, three elements are used to represent references instead of one
element because references represented as a single XML element:
• Cannot support overlapping references
• Do not interact well with other elements
Take the following example:
Example: Overlapping range references
<text:reference-mark-start text:name="first"/>This is an
<text:reference-mark-start text:name="second"/>example of a sentence
<text:reference-mark-end text:name="first"/>with overlapping
<text:reference-mark-end text:name="second"/>
The example paragraph shows two references that cover the following text:
5.3 Notes
Notes consist of a <text:note> element which occurs in the text stream at the position to which
the note is anchored. How notes are numbered and rendered is determined by <text:notes-
configuration> element, which occurs inside the <office:styles> section.
Note Class
Each note belongs to a class which determines how the note is expected to be rendered.
Currently, two note classes are supported: Footnotes and endnotes.
1392 <define name="text-note-class">
1393 <attribute name="text:note-class">
1394 <choice>
1395 <value>footnote</value>
1396 <value>endnote</value>
1397 </choice>
1398 </attribute>
1399 </define>
Footnote Reference ID
The footnote reference ID is used by references to footnotes to identify the footnote that is
Note Label
Note citation elements can be labeled or numbered. If they are numbered, the number is chosen
and formatted automatically according to the notes configuration element. If they are labeled, the
user must supply a label for every note he/she inserts into the document. This label is stored in
the text:label attribute of the <text:note-citation> element.
Footnote example
This paragraph contains a footnote
<text:note text:note-class="footnote" text:id="ftn001">
This footnote has a generated sequence number
This paragraph contains a footnote
<text:note text:note-class="footnote" text:id="ftn002">
<text:note-citation text:label="*">*</text:note-citation>
This footnote has a fixed citation
, too
5.4 Ruby
A ruby is additional text that is displayed above or below some base text. The purpose of ruby is
to annotate the base text or provide information about its pronunciation.
There are two elements that can be contained in the <text:ruby> element:
• Ruby base
• Ruby text
The <text:ruby-base> element contains the text that is to be annotated. It contains any
paragraph element content, like text spans. The element's text:style-name attribute
references a ruby style that specifies further formatting attributes of the ruby. See section 14.8.4
for details.
The <text:ruby-text > element contains the annotation text. It may contain only plain text.
The element's text:style-name attribute references a text style that specifies further
formatting attributes used for the text.
1400 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1401 <element name="text:ruby">
1402 <optional>
1403 <attribute name="text:style-name">
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:date> element are:
• Date value
• Date adjustment
• Fixed (see section 6.7.2)
• Formatting style (see section 6.7.7). The formatting style must be a date data style, see
section 14.7 for more information.
1438 <define name="text-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
Date Value
The text:date-value attribute specifies a particular date value. For example, if the date field is
marked fixed, this attribute can be used to specify the date on which the field was marked as
fixed. This attribute can also be used to specify a future date. Some applications support date and
time in addition to date-only values.
The date value should conform with the date formats described in §3.2.7 and §3.2.9 of
[xmlschema-2]. If no value is specified, the current date is assumed, even if the field is marked
1444 <define name="text-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
1445 <optional>
1446 <attribute name="text:date-value">
1447 <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
1448 </attribute>
1449 </optional>
1450 </define>
Date Adjustment
The value of a date field can be adjusted by a certain time period, which is specified using the
text:date-adjust attribute. If the time period is negative, it gets subtracted from the value of
the date field, yielding a date before the current date.
The value of this attribute must conform to the time period format described in §3.2.6 of
[xmlschema-2]. The value can be preceded by an optional minus sign to indicate a negative time
1451 <define name="text-date-attlist" combine="interleave">
1452 <optional>
1453 <attribute name="text:date-adjust">
1454 <ref name="duration"/>
1455 </attribute>
1456 </optional>
1457 </define>
This element contains the presentation of the time field value, depending on the data style
specified. The default time is the current time. The value of this element can be preserved using
the text:fixed attribute described in section 6.7.2.
1458 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1459 <element name="text:time">
1460 <ref name="text-time-attlist"/>
1461 <text/>
1462 </element>
1463 </define>
• Time value
• Time adjustment
• Fixed (see section 6.7.2)
• Formatting style (see section 6.7.7). The formatting style must be a time data style, see
section 14.7 for more information.
1464 <define name="text-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
1465 <interleave>
1466 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1467 <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
1468 </interleave>
1469 </define>
Time Value
The text:time-value attribute records the time at which the document was last edited.
Time Adjustment
The value of a time field can be adjusted by a certain time period, which is specified using the
text:time-adjust attribute.
The value of this attribute must conform to the time period format described in §3.2.6 of
[xmlschema-2]. The value can be preceded by an optional minus sign to indicate a negative time
duration. Positive values adjust the time to a time in the future, while negative values adjust the
time to a time in the past. The duration is truncated to full minutes.
1477 <define name="text-time-attlist" combine="interleave">
1478 <optional>
1479 <attribute name="text:time-adjust">
1480 <ref name="duration"/>
1481 </attribute>
1482 </optional>
1483 </define>
• Page adjustment
• Display previous or following page numbers
• Fixed (see section 6.7.2)
• Formatting style (see section 6.7.8)
Page numbers can be formatted according to the number format described in section 2.9. If a
number style is not specified, the page numbers are formatted according to the number style
defined in the current page style.
1484 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1485 <element name="text:page-number">
1486 <ref name="text-page-number-attlist"/>
1487 <text/>
1488 </element>
1489 </define>
1490 <define name="text-page-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
1491 <interleave>
1492 <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
1493 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1494 </interleave>
1495 </define>
Page Adjustment
The value of a page number field can be adjusted by a specified number, allowing the display of
page numbers of following or preceding pages. The adjustment amount is specified using the
text:page-adjust attribute. When this attribute is used, the application:
Note: To display the current page number on all pages except the first or last
page, use a combination of the text:select page and text:page adjust
Example: Displaying the current page number on all pages except the first page
<text:page-number text:select-page="previous"
First Name
This element represents the first name of the sender.
1535 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1536 <element name="text:sender-firstname">
1537 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1538 <text/>
1539 </element>
1540 </define>
Last Name
This element represents the last name of the sender.
1541 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1542 <element name="text:sender-lastname">
1543 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1544 <text/>
1545 </element>
1546 </define>
This element represents the initials of the sender.
1547 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1548 <element name="text:sender-initials">
1549 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1550 <text/>
1551 </element>
1552 </define>
This element represents the title of the sender.
This element represents the position of the sender.
1559 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1560 <element name="text:sender-position">
1561 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1562 <text/>
1563 </element>
1564 </define>
Email Address
This element represents the email address of the sender.
1565 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1566 <element name="text:sender-email">
1567 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1568 <text/>
1569 </element>
1570 </define>
Fax Number
This element represents the facsimile number of the sender.
1577 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1578 <element name="text:sender-fax">
1579 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1580 <text/>
1581 </element>
1582 </define>
Company Name
This element represents the name of the company that employs the sender.
1583 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1584 <element name="text:sender-company">
1585 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1586 <text/>
This element represents the street name of the address of the sender.
1595 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1596 <element name="text:sender-street">
1597 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1598 <text/>
1599 </element>
1600 </define>
This element represents the city name of the address of the sender.
1601 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1602 <element name="text:sender-city">
1603 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1604 <text/>
1605 </element>
1606 </define>
Postal Code
This element represents the postal code of the address of the sender.
1607 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1608 <element name="text:sender-postal-code">
1609 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1610 <text/>
1611 </element>
1612 </define>
This element represents the country of the address of the sender.
1613 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1614 <element name="text:sender-country">
1615 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1616 <text/>
1617 </element>
1618 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:chapter> element are:
• Display
• Outline level
The text:display attribute specifies the information that the chapter field should display.
1643 <define name="text-chapter-attlist" combine="interleave">
1644 <attribute name="text:display">
1645 <choice>
1646 <value>name</value>
1647 <value>number</value>
1648 <value>number-and-name</value>
1649 <value>plain-number-and-name</value>
1650 <value>plain-number</value>
1651 </choice>
1652 </attribute>
1653 </define>
Example: If the current chapter number is 2.4, the chapter title is Working with Tables, the prefix
is [, and suffix is ], the possible display options and results are as follows:
number [2.4]
plain-number 2.4
Outline Level
This attribute is used to specify the outline level to use. The chapter field displays the chapter
number or title up to the specified outline level.
1654 <define name="text-chapter-attlist" combine="interleave">
1655 <attribute name="text:outline-level">
1656 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
1657 </attribute>
1658 </define>
• Display
• Fixed
The text:display attribute specifies how much of the file name to display. The following
display options are allowed:
• The full file name including the path and the extension
• The file path only
• The file name only
• The file name and the extension
The filename might be an IRI, either because an IRI has been used to retrieve the file, or the
application internally uses IRIs and therefore converts even system specific paths into an IRI. If
this is the case, and if the path, the name or the extension cannot be evaluated from the IRI, then
the IRI should be displayed unmodified.
1665 <define name="text-file-name-attlist" combine="interleave">
1666 <optional>
1667 <attribute name="text:display">
1668 <choice>
1669 <value>full</value>
1670 <value>path</value>
1671 <value>name</value>
1672 <value>name-and-extension</value>
1673 </choice>
1674 </attribute>
1675 </optional>
1676 </define>
• Display
1680 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1681 <element name="text:template-name">
1682 <ref name="text-template-name-attlist"/>
1683 <text/>
1684 </element>
This attribute specifies which information about the document template to display. The following
display options are allowed:
• The full file name including the path and the extension
• The file path only
• The file name only
• The file name and the extension
• The title
• The area of the document template
The latter two values can be used for template dialogs. The values are a superset of the display
values available for the <text:file-name> element.
1686 <define name="text-template-name-attlist">
1687 <optional>
1688 <attribute name="text:display">
1689 <choice>
1690 <value>full</value>
1691 <value>path</value>
1692 <value>name</value>
1693 <value>name-and-extension</value>
1694 <value>area</value>
1695 <value>title</value>
1696 </choice>
1697 </attribute>
1698 </optional>
1699 </define>
• text:name
The name of the variable must be unique. The name cannot already be used for any other
type of variable. See section 6.7.3 for information on using this attribute.
• office:value-type
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:variable-set> element are:
• text:name
This attribute contains the formula to compute the value of the variable field. If the formula
equals the content of the field element, this attribute can be omitted. See section 6.7.6 for
information on using this attribute.
• office:value-type and the appropriate value attribute
This attribute can be used to specify whether or not to display the value of the
<text:variable-set> element. If the text:display attribute is set to value, the value
of the variable is displayed. If the attribute is set to none, the value is not displayed. See
section 6.7.5 for information on using this attribute.
• style:data-style-name
This attribute specifies the data style to use to format a numeric, Boolean, or date/time
variable. If a data style is not specified, a standard data style is used. See section 6.7.7 for
information on using this attribute.
1711 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1712 <element name="text:variable-set">
1713 <interleave>
1714 <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
1715 <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
1716 <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
1717 <ref name="common-field-display-value-none-attlist"/>
1718 <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
1719 </interleave>
1720 <text/>
1721 </element>
1722 </define>
• text:name
This attribute can be used to specify whether to display the formula for a simple variable or
the computed value of the variable. See section 6.7.5 for information on using this attribute.
• style:data-style-name
This attribute specifies the data style to use to format a numeric, Boolean, or date/time
variable. If a data style is not specified, a standard data style is used. See section 6.7.7 for
information on using this attribute.
1723 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1724 <element name="text:variable-get">
1725 <interleave>
1726 <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
1727 <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
1728 <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
1729 </interleave>
1730 <text/>
1731 </element>
1732 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:variable-input> element are:
• text:name
This attribute specifies the name of the variable to display. It must match the name of a
variable that was already declared. See section 6.7.3 for information on using this attribute.
• text:description
This optional attribute contains a brief message that is presented to users when they are
prompted for input. The message should give users enough information about the variable or
the use of the value within the document to enable them to choose an appropriate value. See
section 6.7.4 for information on using this attribute.
• office:value-type and the appropriate value attribute
This attribute can be used to specify whether to display or hide the value of the variable
through the variable input field. See section 6.7.5 for information on using this attribute.
• style:data-style-name
This attribute specifies the data style to use to format a numeric, Boolean, or date/time
variable. If a data style is not specified, a standard data style is used. See section 6.7.7 for
information on using this attribute.
• text:name
This attribute specifies the name of the variable to be declared. The name must be unique. It
cannot already be used for any other type of variable including simple and sequence
variables. See section 6.7.3 for information on using this attribute.
• text:formula
This attribute contains the formula to compute the value of the user variable field. If the
formula is the same as the content of the field element, this attribute can be omitted. See
section 6.7.6 for information on using this attribute.
• office:value-type and the appropriate value attribute
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:user-field-get> element are:
• text:name
This attribute specifies the name of the variable to display. The name must match the name
of a preceding <text:user-field-del> element. See section 6.7.3 for information on
using this attribute.
• text:display
This attribute specifies the data style to use to format a numeric, Boolean, or date/time
variable. If a data style is not specified, a standard data style is used. See section 6.7.7 for
information on using this attribute.
1754 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1755 <element name="text:user-field-get">
1756 <interleave>
1757 <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
1758 <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist"/>
1759 <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
1760 </interleave>
1761 <text/>
1762 </element>
1763 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:user-field-input> element are:
• text:name
This attribute specifies the name of the variable to set. It must match the name of a variable
that has already been declared. See section 6.7.3 for information on using this attribute.
• text:description
This optional attribute contains a brief message that is presented to users when they are
prompted for input. The message should give users enough information about the variable or
the use of the value within the document, to enable them to choose an appropriate value. See
section 6.7.4 for information on using this attribute.
• style:data-style-name
This attribute specifies the data style to use to format a numeric, Boolean, or date/time
variable. If a data style is not specified, a standard data style is used. See section 6.7.7 for
information on using this attribute.
• text:name
This attribute specifies the name of the variable to be declared. The name must be unique. It
cannot already be used for any other type of variable including simple and user variables. See
section 6.7.3 for information on using this attribute.
• text:display-outline-level
Outline Level
Sequences can be numbered by chapter. To use this feature, use the text:display-
outline-level attribute to specify an outline level that determines which chapters to reference
for the chapter-specific numbering. All chapters that are at or below the specified outline level
reset the value of the sequence to zero, the default value. Also, the chapter number of the last
chapter at or below the specified outline level is prefixed to the sequence number. Choosing an
outline level of zero results in a straight sequence of all sequence elements for that sequence
1782 <define name="text-sequence-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
1783 <attribute name="text:display-outline-level">
1784 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
Separation Character
If sequences are numbered by chapter, this attribute is used to choose a character to separate
the chapter number from the sequence number.
If the value of the text:display-outline-level attribute is a non-zero value, a separation
character may be specified. The default separation character is ".".Otherwise, if the value of
text:display-outline-level is zero, this attribute must be omitted.
1787 <define name="text-sequence-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
1788 <optional>
1789 <attribute name="text:separation-character">
1790 <ref name="character"/>
1791 </attribute>
1792 </optional>
1793 </define>
Attribute Value
text:display-outline-level 3
text:separation-character #
Sequence fields are most commonly used for simple counting sequences. However, the ability to
provide arbitrary expressions supports more complex sequences. To form a sequence of even
numbers, all sequence elements for that particular variable need to contain a formula
incrementing the value by two, for example, variable+2. A sequence with a starting value of 1
and all subsequent elements using the formula variable*2 yields all powers of two. Since
different sequence elements for the same sequence variable may contain different formulas,
complex sequences may be constructed.
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:sequence> element are:
• text:name
This attribute specifies the name of the variable that the field is to display. It must match the
name of a sequence variable that was already declared. See section 6.7.3 for information on
using this attribute.
• text:formula
These attributes specify the numbering style to use. If a numbering style is not specified, the
numbering style is inherited from the page style. See section 6.7.8 for information on these
• text:ref-name
See the section 6.3.9:Reference Name for more information about this attribute.
1794 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1795 <element name="text:sequence">
1796 <interleave>
1797 <ref name="common-field-name-attlist"/>
1798 <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
1799 <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
1800 <ref name="text-sequence-ref-name"/>
1801 </interleave>
1802 <text/>
1803 </element>
1804 </define>
Reference Name
Sequence fields can be the target of references, as implemented using reference fields. See
section 6.6.5 for more information about reference fields. To enable a reference field to identify a
particular sequence field, the sequence field must contain an additional attribute containing a
name. No two sequence fields can have the same reference name.
If the sequence field is not the target of a reference, this attribute can be omitted.
1805 <define name="text-sequence-ref-name">
1806 <optional>
1807 <attribute name="text:ref-name">
1808 <ref name="string"/>
1809 </attribute>
1810 </optional>
1811 </define>
• text:formula
This attribute contains the actual expression used to compute the value of the expression
field. See section 6.7.6 for information on using this attribute.
• office:value-type and the appropriate value attribute
This attribute specifies the data style to use to format a numeric, Boolean, or date/time
variable. If a data style is not specified, a standard data style is used. See section 6.7.7 for
information on using this attribute.
1812 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1813 <element name="text:expression">
1814 <interleave>
1815 <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
1816 <optional>
1817 <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
1818 </optional>
1819 <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
1820 <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
1821 </interleave>
1822 <text/>
1823 </element>
1824 </define>
• text:description
This attribute contains a brief message that is presented to users when they are prompted for
input. The message should give users enough information about the purpose of the field and
how it is used within the document, to enable them to choose an appropriate value. See
section 6.7.4 for information on using this attribute.
1825 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1826 <element name="text:text-input">
1827 <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
1828 <text/>
1829 </element>
1830 </define>
6.4.8 Printed By
This element represents name of the last person who printed the document.
1936 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
1937 <element name="text:printed-by">
1938 <ref name="common-field-fixed-attlist"/>
1939 <text/>
1940 </element>
1941 </define>
Database Name
The text:database-name attribute specifies the source database by its name.
2033 <define name="common-field-database-name" combine="choice">
2034 <optional>
2035 <attribute name="text:database-name">
2036 <ref name="string"/>
2037 </attribute>
2038 </optional>
2039 </define>
Connection Resource
The <form:connection-resource> element specifies the source database by an [XLink]. Its
xlink:href attribute either references a file containing a database, or it contains information on
how to make a connection to a database, for instance a [JDBC] URL. See also section 11.1.20.
2040 <define name="common-field-database-name" combine="choice">
2041 <ref name="form-connection-resource"/>
2042 </define>
Database Type
The text:table-type attribute determines whether the database table refers to an SQL table,
an OpenDocument query, or the result of a SQL command.
2048 <define name="common-field-database-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
2049 <optional>
2050 <attribute name="text:table-type">
2051 <choice>
2052 <value>table</value>
2053 <value>query</value>
2054 <value>command</value>
2055 </choice>
These attributes specify the database and database table that this field uses.
• text:database-column-name
If the column specifies a numeric, Boolean, date, or time value, the data is formatted
according to the appropriate data style. If no data style is specified, the data style assigned to
this column in is used. See section 6.7.7 for more information about using this attribute.
2059 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2060 <element name="text:database-display">
2061 <ref name="text-database-display-attlist"/>
2062 <text/>
2063 </element>
2064 </define>
2065 <define name="text-database-display-attlist" combine="interleave">
2066 <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
2067 </define>
2068 <define name="text-database-display-attlist" combine="interleave">
2069 <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
2070 </define>
Column Name
The text:column-name attribute specifies the column from which to display the data. The value
of this attribute must be a column contained in the specified database.
2071 <define name="text-database-display-attlist" combine="interleave">
2072 <attribute name="text:column-name">
2073 <ref name="string"/>
2074 </attribute>
2075 </define>
The text:condition attribute specifies the condition expression. The expression is evaluated
and if the result interpreted as a Boolean value is true, the next row is used as the new current
row. Database field values can be used in the expression by enclosing in square brackets the
database name, the table name, and the column name, separated by dots.
If the text:condition attribute is not present, it is assumes that the formula true, meaning
that the next row is selected unconditionally.
2084 <define name="text-database-next-attlist" combine="interleave">
2085 <optional>
2086 <attribute name="text:condition">
2087 <ref name="formula"/>
2088 </attribute>
2089 </optional>
2090 </define>
text:formula='ooo-w:[address book file.address.FIRSTNAME] == "Julie"'
This example specifies a condition that is true if the current row from an address book database
table is the address for a person named Julie. If the condition shown in this example is used in a
<text:database-next> element, the following happens:
• The <text:database-display> elements display the data from the first row of the current
• If the FIRSTNAME column of the current row reads Julie, the current row is changed.
Otherwise, nothing happens.
• If the first row is Julie, the following <text:database-display> elements display data
from the second row. Otherwise, they display data from the first row.
See section 6.7.6 for more information on the formula syntax of a text:condition attribute,
which is the same as that of the text:formula attribute.
These attributes determine the database and the database table that this field uses.
• text:condition
This attribute specifies the condition expression. See section 6.5.3 for a full explanation of
how to use this attribute.
• text:row-number
See the following section 6.5.4:Selecting the Row Number about this attribute.
2091 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2092 <element name="text:database-row-select">
2093 <ref name="text-database-row-select-attlist"/>
2094 </element>
2095 </define>
2096 <define name="text-database-row-select-attlist" combine="interleave">
2097 <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
2098 </define>
2099 <define name="text-database-row-select-attlist" combine="interleave">
2100 <optional>
2101 <attribute name="text:condition">
2102 <ref name="formula"/>
2103 </attribute>
2104 </optional>
2105 </define>
These attributes determine the database and the database table that this field uses.
• style:num-format and style:num-letter-sync
These attributes determine how the number should be formatted. See section 6.7.8 for more
information on how to use these attributes.
• text:value
These attributes determine the database and the database table that this field uses.
2127 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2128 <element name="text:database-name">
2129 <ref name="common-field-database-table"/>
2130 <text/>
2131 </element>
2132 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:get-page-variable> element are:
• style:num-format and style:num-letter-sync
These attributes determine how the number should be formatted. See section 6.7.8 for more
information on how to use these attributes.
2159 <define name="text-get-page-variable-attlist" combine="interleave">
2160 <ref name="common-field-num-format-attlist"/>
2161 </define>
6.6.2 Placeholders
The OpenDocument format uses placeholder fields to indicate locations in a document where the
user must fill in some information. For example in a letter template, a section of the document can
be reserved for the address of the recipient. A placeholder field displays text informing the user
about the purpose of the placeholder and sometimes includes a description. Placeholder fields
can represent different text elements, such as text or tables.
This element contains some brief text which is displayed with the placeholder.
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:placeholder> element are:
• Placeholder type
• Placeholder description
Placeholder Type
There are five different types of placeholder, representing the five possible types of content: text,
tables, text boxes, images, or objects. The text:placeholder-type attribute represents the
content type. This attribute is mandatory and it indicates which type of text content the placeholder
represents. The value of the attribute can be text, text-box, image, table, or object.
2168 <define name="text-placeholder-attlist" combine="interleave">
2169 <attribute name="text:placeholder-type">
2170 <choice>
2171 <value>text</value>
2172 <value>table</value>
2173 <value>text-box</value>
2174 <value>image</value>
2175 <value>object</value>
2176 </choice>
2177 </attribute>
2178 </define>
Placeholder Description
In addition to the brief text stored in the element content, may be associated a
text:description attribute with the placeholder element. This attribute is optional. The
purpose of the attribute is to contain a more elaborate description of the purpose of the
placeholder than the description stored in the element content. See section 6.7.4 for information
on using the text:description attribute.
2179 <define name="text-placeholder-attlist" combine="interleave">
2180 <ref name="common-field-description-attlist"/>
2181 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:conditional-text> element are:
• Condition
Note: The value of this attribute is overwritten with a new value as soon as the
application evaluates the expression. This attribute has no function other than to
ease transformation or initially display the document.
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:hidden-text> element are:
• Condition
• Text
• Is hidden
The text:condition attribute contains a Boolean expression. If the expression evaluates to
true, the text is hidden.
2216 <define name="text-hidden-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
2217 <attribute name="text:condition">
2218 <ref name="formula"/>
2219 </attribute>
2220 </define>
The text:string-value attribute specifies the text to display if the condition is false.
2221 <define name="text-hidden-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
2222 <attribute name="text:string-value">
2223 <ref name="string"/>
2224 </attribute>
2225 </define>
Is Hidden
The text:is-hidden attribute specifies whether or not the field is currently visible. The purpose
of this attribute is similar to that of the text:current-value attribute in the text:condition
field. Recording the result allows transformations to correctly represent the document without
having to parse the condition expression or evaluate the condition when loading the document.
2226 <define name="text-hidden-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
2227 <optional>
2228 <attribute name="text:is-hidden">
2229 <ref name="boolean"/>
2230 </attribute>
2231 </optional>
2232 </define>
Note: The value of this attribute is overwritten with a new value as soon as the
application evaluates the expression. This attribute has no function other than to
ease transformation or initially display the document.
The attributes that may be associated with the reference field elements are:
• Reference name
• Reference format
Note Class
For <text:note-ref> elements, the text:note-class attribute determines whether the field
references a foot- or an endnote.
2272 <define name="text-note-ref-content" combine="interleave">
2273 <ref name="text-note-class"/>
2274 </define>
Reference Format
The text:reference-format attribute determines what information about the reference is
displayed. If the reference format is not specified, the page format is used as the default.
All types of reference fields support the following values for this attribute formats:
• page, which displays the number of the page on which the referenced item appears.
• chapter, which displays the number of the chapter in which the referenced item appears.
• direction, which displays whether the referenced item is above or below the reference
• text, which displays the text of the referenced item.
page 134
chapter 3.7.27
direction above
category-and-value Table 1
value 1
• The source code is stored in an external file. Use the xlink:href attribute to specify the
location of the source file.
The element should have either a xlink:href attribute or content, but not both.
2302 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2303 <element name="text:script">
2304 <interleave>
2305 <choice>
2306 <group>
2307 <attribute name="xlink:href">
2308 <ref name="anyURI"/>
Script URL
The xlink:href attribute specifies the location of the file that contains the script source code.
The script field should have either an URL attribute or content, but not both.
Script Language
The script:language attribute specifies the language in which the script source code is
written, for example, JavaScript.
• Macro name
2326 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2327 <element name="text:execute-macro">
2328 <optional>
2329 <attribute name="text:name">
2330 <ref name="string"/>
2331 </attribute>
2332 </optional>
2333 <optional>
2334 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
2335 </optional>
2336 <text/>
2337 </element>
2338 </define>
Macro Name
The text:name attribute specifies the macro to invoke when the field is activated.
Hidden paragraph fields are often used together with form letters. For example, if a condition
depends on a database field, a hidden paragraph field can be used to selectively include
paragraphs in the form letter depending on the database content. Multiple paragraph fields can be
contained one paragraph. The paragraph is displayed if the condition associated with at least one
hidden paragraph field is false. Alternatively, the conditions associated with several hidden
paragraph fields can be combined into a single condition for a single field using logical operations
on the conditions.
Note: Unlike most fields, this field does not display text, but it affects the entire
paragraph in which it is contained.
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:hidden-paragraph> element are:
• Condition
• Is hidden
2339 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2340 <element name="text:hidden-paragraph">
2341 <ref name="text-hidden-paragraph-attlist"/>
2342 <text/>
2343 </element>
2344 </define>
The text:condition attribute contains a Boolean expression. If the condition is true, the
paragraph is hidden. If the condition is false, the paragraph is displayed.
2345 <define name="text-hidden-paragraph-attlist" combine="interleave">
2346 <attribute name="text:condition">
2347 <ref name="formula"/>
2348 </attribute>
2349 </define>
Is Hidden
The text:is-hidden attribute records whether the paragraph is currently visible or not. It has
the same purpose as the corresponding attribute of the hidden text field, namely to allow correct
display of the paragraph without having to evaluate the condition first. The value of this attribute is
overwritten with a new value as soon as the application evaluates the expression.
Note: This attribute has no function other than to ease transformation or initially
display the document.
2350 <define name="text-hidden-paragraph-attlist" combine="interleave">
2351 <optional>
2352 <attribute name="text:is-hidden">
2353 <ref name="boolean"/>
2354 </attribute>
2355 </optional>
2356 </define>
The only attribute that may be associated with the <text:dde-connection> element is:
This attribute contains the actual expression used to compute the value of the table formula
field. See section 6.7.6 for information on using this attribute.
• text:display
This attribute specifies the data style to use to format a numeric, Boolean, or date/time
variable. If a data style is not specified, a standard data style is used. See section 6.7.7 for
information on using this attribute.
2377 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2378 <element name="text:table-formula">
2379 <interleave>
2380 <ref name="common-field-formula-attlist"/>
2381 <ref name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist"/>
2382 <ref name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist"/>
2383 </interleave>
2384 <text/>
2385 </element>
2386 </define>
Depending on the value type, the value itself is written to different value attributes. The supported
value types, their respective value attributes, and how the values are encoded are described in
the following table:
6.7.2 Fixed
The text:fixed attribute specifies whether or not the value of a field element is fixed. If the
value of a field is fixed, the value of the field element to which this attribute is attached is
preserved in all future edits of the document. If the value of the field is not fixed, the value of the
field may be replaced by a new value when the document is edited.
This attribute can be used with:
• Date fields
• Time fields
• Page number fields
• All sender fields
• All author fields
2459 <define name="common-field-fixed-attlist">
2460 <optional>
2461 <attribute name="text:fixed">
2462 <ref name="boolean"/>
2463 </attribute>
2464 </optional>
2465 </define>
• <text:variable-set>
• <text:variable-get>
• <text:variable-input>
• <text:user-field-del>
• <text:user-field-get>
• <text:user-field-input>
• <text:sequence-del>
• <text:sequence>
When this attribute is being used to specify the name of a variable to display, a variable of the
appropriate type with the same name must already have been declared.
2466 <define name="common-field-name-attlist">
2467 <attribute name="text:name">
2468 <ref name="variableName"/>
2469 </attribute>
2470 </define>
6.7.4 Description
The text:description attribute contains a brief message that is displayed when users are
prompted for input. This attribute can be used with any of the following elements:
• <text:placeholder>
• <text:variable-input>
• <text:user-field-input>
• <text:text-input>
2471 <define name="common-field-description-attlist">
2472 <optional>
2473 <attribute name="text:description">
2474 <text/>
2475 </attribute>
2476 </optional>
2477 </define>
6.7.5 Display
The text:display attribute supports up to three values as follows:
• value
This value displays the value of the field. Some fields do not support this value. In these
cases, the text:display attribute only takes the values value or none, and value or
formula, respectively.
• formula
This value allows the display of the formula rather than the value of the field. Some fields do
not support this value. In these cases, the text:display attribute only takes the values
value or none, and value or formula, respectively.
• <text:variable-get>
• <text:variable-input>
• <text:user-field-get>
• <text:expression>
2478 <define name="common-field-display-value-none-attlist">
2479 <optional>
2480 <attribute name="text:display">
2481 <choice>
2482 <value>value</value>
2483 <value>none</value>
2484 </choice>
2485 </attribute>
2486 </optional>
2487 </define>
2488 <define name="common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist">
2489 <optional>
2490 <attribute name="text:display">
2491 <choice>
2492 <value>value</value>
2493 <value>formula</value>
2494 <value>none</value>
2495 </choice>
2496 </attribute>
2497 </optional>
2498 </define>
2499 <define name="common-field-display-value-formula-attlist">
2500 <optional>
2501 <attribute name="text:display">
2502 <choice>
2503 <value>value</value>
2504 <value>formula</value>
2505 </choice>
2506 </attribute>
2507 </optional>
2508 </define>
6.7.6 Formula
The text:formula attribute contains the formula or expression used to compute the value of
the field. This attribute can be used with any of the following elements:
• <text:variable-set>
• <text:user-field-del>
• <text:sequence>
• <text:expression>
• <text:time>
• <text:page-number>
• <text:variable-set>
• <text:variable-get>
• <text:variable-input>
• <text:user-field-get>
• <text:user-field-input>
• <text:expression>
2516 <define name="common-field-data-style-name-attlist">
2517 <optional>
2518 <attribute name="style:data-style-name">
2519 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
2520 </attribute>
2521 </optional>
2522 </define>
Alphabetic number styles need an additional attribute to determine how to display numbers that
cannot be represented by a single letter. The OpenDocument format supports:
• Synchronized letter numbering, where letters are used multiple times, for example aa, bb, cc,
and so on.
• Non-synchronized letter numbering, for example aa, ab, ac, and so on.
See section 12.2 for more information.
2523 <define name="common-field-num-format-attlist">
2524 <optional>
2525 <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
2526 </optional>
2527 </define>
• A text:outline-level attribute to specify the outline level of the resulting table of content
index entry.
2533 <define name="text-toc-mark-start-attrs">
2534 <ref name="text-id"/>
2535 <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
The <text:toc-mark-end> element marks the end of a table of contents index entry. There
must be a start element with the same text:id value to match the end element located in the
same paragraph, with the start element appearing first.
2549 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2550 <element name="text:toc-mark-end">
2551 <ref name="text-id"/>
2552 </element>
2553 </define>
Table of content index marks also have a variant that does not enclose the text to be indexed.
This is represented using the <text:toc-mark> element which contains a text:string-
value attribute for the text of the index entry. In this situation, a text:id attribute is not
necessary because there are no start and end elements to match.
2554 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2555 <element name="text:toc-mark">
2556 <attribute name="text:string-value">
2557 <ref name="string"/>
2558 </attribute>
2559 <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
2560 </element>
2561 </define>
The <text:user-index-mark-end> element marks the end of the user-defined index entry.
There must be a start element with the same text:id value to match the end element located in
the same paragraph, with the start element appearing first.
2569 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2570 <element name="text:user-index-mark-end">
2571 <ref name="text-id"/>
2572 <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
User index marks also have a variant that does not enclose the text to be indexed. This is
represented by the <text:user-index-mark> element which contains a text:string-
value attribute for the text of the index entry. In this situation, the text:id attribute is not
necessary because there are no start and end elements to match.
2575 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2576 <element name="text:user-index-mark">
2577 <attribute name="text:string-value">
2578 <ref name="string"/>
2579 </attribute>
2580 <ref name="text-outline-level"/>
2581 <ref name="text-index-name"/>
2582 </element>
2583 </define>
• Additional keys
• Main entry
The <text:alpha-index-mark-end> element marks the end of an alphabetical index entry.
There must be a start element with the same text:id value to match the end element located in the
same paragraph, with the start element appearing first.
2595 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
Alphabetical index marks also have a variant that does not enclose the text to be indexed. This is
represented using the <text:alpha-index-mark> element which contains a text:string-
value attribute for the text of the index entry. In this situation, a text:id attribute is not
necessary because there are no start and end elements to match.
2600 <define name="paragraph-content" combine="choice">
2601 <element name="text:alphabetical-index-mark">
2602 <attribute name="text:string-value">
2603 <ref name="string"/>
2604 </attribute>
2605 <ref name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs"/>
2606 </element>
2607 </define>
Additional Keys
The text:key1 and text:key2 attributes specify additional keys for the alphabetical index
mark. If only one key is used, it must be contained in the text:key1 attribute.
2608 <define name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs" combine="interleave">
2609 <optional>
2610 <attribute name="text:key1">
2611 <ref name="string"/>
2612 </attribute>
2613 </optional>
2614 <optional>
2615 <attribute name="text:key2">
2616 <ref name="string"/>
2617 </attribute>
2618 </optional>
2619 </define>
Phonetic Keys
For ideographic languages, there sometimes is no obvious or common sorting of the language's
characters. One common scheme to facilitate an alphabetical index in such languages is to sort
according to a phonetic description of the search time. To achieve this in the OpenDocument file
format, there are additional attributes for the string value and the two keys for phonetic
descriptions. The original value and key attributes are for display, but if phonetic variants are
present, they should be used for sorting the index.
2620 <define name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs" combine="interleave">
2621 <optional>
2622 <attribute name="text:string-value-phonetic">
2623 <ref name="string"/>
2624 </attribute>
2625 </optional>
2626 <optional>
2627 <attribute name="text:key1-phonetic">
2628 <ref name="string"/>
2629 </attribute>
2630 </optional>
2631 <optional>
2632 <attribute name="text:key2-phonetic">
2633 <ref name="string"/>
Main Entry
If there are several index marks for the same entry, one of these entries may be declared as the
main entry using the text:main-entry attribute.
2637 <define name="text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs" combine="interleave">
2638 <optional>
2639 <attribute name="text:main-entry" a:defaultValue="false">
2640 <ref name="boolean"/>
2641 </attribute>
2642 </optional>
2643 </define>
1 Introduction.....................................................................................................7
1.1 Namespaces................................................................................................7
1.2 Relax-NG Schema Prefix.............................................................................8
An index source for this index would contain flags indicating that chapter headers at least up to
level 2 are to be included. The contained index templates would define that an entry consists of
the chapter number, a space, the chapter name, a tab (with a '.' leader) and the page number.
The various index templates are described together with their index elements. The index
templates elements in use are described in section 7.12.
The different index source elements are described together with their corresponding index
Use Outline
The text:use-outline-level attribute determines whether headings are used to generate
index entries. If the value is true, the table of contents includes entries generated from headings.
The text:outline-level attribute specifies up to which level headings are being included.
See section 7.1 for more information on index marks.
2767 <define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
2768 <optional>
2769 <attribute name="text:use-outline-level" a:defaultValue="true">
2770 <ref name="boolean"/>
2771 </attribute>
2772 </optional>
2773 </define>
Index Scope
The text:index-scope attribute determines whether the table-of-content is generated for the
whole document, or only for the current chapter.
2788 <define name="text-table-of-content-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
2789 <optional>
2790 <attribute name="text:index-scope">
2791 <choice>
2792 <value>document</value>
2793 <value>chapter</value>
2794 </choice>
2795 </attribute>
2796 </optional>
2797 </define>
A table of content entry template supports the following kinds of text elements:
• Chapter and Page Number
• Reference Text
• Text Span
● Paragraph style
Paragraph Style
The text:style-name attribute specifies the paragraph style to use for this template.
2831 <define name="text-table-of-content-entry-template-attlist"
2832 combine="interleave">
2833 <attribute name="text:style-name">
2834 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
2835 </attribute>
2836 </define>
• text:style-name
This attribute specifies the section style to use for the index of illustrations.
2837 <define name="text-illustration-index">
2838 <element name="text:illustration-index">
2839 <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
2840 <ref name="text-illustration-index-source"/>
This attribute specifies whether the position of tab stops are interpreted relative to the left
margin or the left indent.
2855 <define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
2856 <ref name="text-index-scope-attr"/>
2857 </define>
2858 <define name="text-index-scope-attr">
2859 <optional>
2860 <attribute name="text:index-scope" a:defaultValue="document">
2861 <choice>
2862 <value>document</value>
2863 <value>chapter</value>
2864 </choice>
2865 </attribute>
2866 </optional>
2867 </define>
2868 <define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
2869 <ref name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr"/>
2870 </define>
2871 <define name="text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr">
2872 <optional>
2873 <attribute name="text:relative-tab-stop-position"
2874 a:defaultValue="true">
2875 <ref name="boolean"/>
2876 </attribute>
Use Caption
Each object contained in a text document has a name. In addition, images also have a caption.
The image caption or the image name can be gathered for the index of illustrations.
2879 <define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
2880 <optional>
2881 <attribute name="text:use-caption" a:defaultValue="true">
2882 <ref name="boolean"/>
2883 </attribute>
2884 </optional>
2885 </define>
If this attribute is omitted, the default sequence for the object type is used, for example the
sequence “Illustration” is used for illustrations.
2886 <define name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
2887 <optional>
2888 <attribute name="text:caption-sequence-name">
2889 <ref name="string"/>
2890 </attribute>
2891 </optional>
2892 </define>
• Paragraph style
Paragraph Style
This attribute identifies the paragraph style to use for this template.
2920 <define name="text-illustration-index-entry-template-attrs">
2921 <attribute name="text:style-name">
2922 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
2923 </attribute>
2924 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with this element are the same as those that can be
associated with the <text:illustration-index-source> element. See section 7.4.1 for
detailed information about these attributes.
2932 <define name="text-table-index-source">
2933 <element name="text:table-index-source">
2934 <ref name="text-illustration-index-source-attrs"/>
2935 <optional>
2936 <ref name="text-index-title-template"/>
2937 </optional>
2938 <optional>
2939 <ref name="text-table-index-entry-template"/>
2940 </optional>
2941 </element>
2942 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:object-index-source> element are:
Use Attributes
The text:use-*-objects attributes specify which types of objects to include in the index of
objects. There is an attribute for each type of object as follows:
• text:use-spreadsheet-objects
• text:use-draw-objects
• text:use-chart-objects
• text:use-math-objects
The attributes that may be associated with this element are the same as those that can be
associated with the <text:illustration-index-entry-template> element. See section
7.4.2 for detailed information about these attributes.
Use Attributes
The text:use-* attributes specify which entries to include in the user-defined index. The
following attributes exist:
• text:use-index-marks
• text:use-graphics
• text:use-tables
• text:use-floating-frames
• text:use-objects
3040 <define name="text-user-index-source-attr" combine="interleave">
3041 <optional>
3042 <attribute name="text:use-index-marks" a:defaultValue="false">
3043 <ref name="boolean"/>
3044 </attribute>
3045 </optional>
3046 <optional>
3047 <attribute name="text:use-graphics" a:defaultValue="false">
3048 <ref name="boolean"/>
3049 </attribute>
3050 </optional>
3051 <optional>
3052 <attribute name="text:use-tables" a:defaultValue="false">
3053 <ref name="boolean"/>
3054 </attribute>
If the value is true, the entries are gathered at the outline level of the source element to which
they refer.
If the value is false, all index entries gathered are at the top outline level. For example, if an
image appears in section 1.2.3, the entry for the image is located at outline level 3.
3068 <define name="text-user-index-source-attr" combine="interleave">
3069 <optional>
3070 <attribute name="text:copy-outline-levels"
3071 a:defaultValue="false">
3072 <ref name="boolean"/>
3073 </attribute>
3074 </optional>
3075 </define>
Paragraph Style
The text:style-name attribute specifies the paragraph style to use for the template.
3095 <define name="text-user-index-entry-template-attrs" combine="interleave">
3096 <attribute name="text:style-name">
3097 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
3098 </attribute>
3099 </define>
Ignore Case
The text:ignore-case attribute determines whether or not the capitalization of words is
ignored. If the value is true, the capitalization is ignored and entries that are identical except for
character case are listed as the same entries. If the value is false, the capitalization of words is
not ignored.
3122 <define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
3123 <optional>
3124 <attribute name="text:ignore-case" a:defaultValue="false">
3125 <ref name="boolean"/>
3126 </attribute>
3127 </optional>
3128 </define>
Alphabetical Separators
The text:alphabetical-separators attribute determines whether or not entries beginning
with the same letter are grouped and separated from the entries beginning with the next letter,
and so on.
If the value is true, all entries beginning with the same letter are grouped together. The index
contains headings for each section, for example, A for all entries starting with the letter A, B for all
entries starting with the letter B, and so on.
3136 <define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
3137 <optional>
3138 <attribute name="text:alphabetical-separators" a:defaultValue="false">
3139 <ref name="boolean"/>
3140 </attribute>
3141 </optional>
3142 </define>
Combining Entries
There are several options for dealing with the common situation where there are multiple index
entries for the same word or phrase, as follows:
• Multiple entries for the same word can be combined into a single entry using the
text:combine-entries attribute.
– As the start number with a pp label, or the appropriate label for the chosen language,
using the text:combine-entries-with-pp attribute
3143 <define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
3144 <optional>
3145 <attribute name="text:combine-entries" a:defaultValue="true">
3146 <ref name="boolean"/>
3147 </attribute>
3148 </optional>
3149 <optional>
3150 <attribute name="text:combine-entries-with-dash"
3151 a:defaultValue="false">
3152 <ref name="boolean"/>
3153 </attribute>
3154 </optional>
3155 <optional>
3156 <attribute name="text:combine-entries-with-pp" a:defaultValue="true">
3157 <ref name="boolean"/>
3158 </attribute>
3159 </optional>
3160 </define>
Capitalize Entries
The text:capitalize-entries attribute determines whether or not the entries in the index
are to be capitalized.
3168 <define name="text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs" combine="interleave">
3169 <optional>
3170 <attribute name="text:capitalize-entries" a:defaultValue="false">
3171 <ref name="boolean"/>
3172 </attribute>
3173 </optional>
3174 </define>
Paragraph Style
The text:style-name attribute specifies the paragraph style to use for the template.
3240 <define name="text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs"
3241 combine="interleave">
3242 <attribute name="text:style-name">
3243 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
3244 </attribute>
3245 </define>
7.9 Bibliography
A bibliography index gathers its entries from bibliography index marks. The
<text:bibliography> element represents a bibliography.
3246 <define name="text-bibliography">
3247 <element name="text:bibliography">
3248 <ref name="sectionAttr"/>
3249 <ref name="text-bibliography-source"/>
3250 <ref name="text-index-body"/>
3251 </element>
3252 </define>
Bibliography Type
This attribute specifies to which type of bibliographical entry the template applies. This attribute
must be unique among all <text:bibliography-type> elements within the same parent
3275 <define name="text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs" combine="interleave">
3276 <attribute name="text:bibliography-type">
3277 <ref name="text-bibliography-types"/>
3278 </attribute>
3279 </define>
Paragraph Style
The text:style-name attribute specifies the paragraph style to use for this template.
3280 <define name="text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs" combine="interleave">
3281 <attribute name="text:style-name">
3282 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
3283 </attribute>
3284 </define>
Note: This element can only display the chapter number. To display the chapter
name, the <text:index-entry-text> elements must be used.
• text:bibliography-data-field attribute
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:index-entry-tab-stop> element are:
• style:type
• style:position
Leader Char
The style:leader-char attribute specifies the leader character.
3422 <define name="text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs" combine="interleave">
3423 <optional>
3424 <attribute name="style:leader-char">
3425 <ref name="character"/>
3426 </attribute>
3427 </optional>
3428 </define>
If the value of this attribute is left, the style:position attribute must also be used.
Otherwise, this attribute must be omitted. The style:position attribute specifies the position
of the tab. Depending on the value of the text:relative-tab-stop-position attribute in
the <text:index-entry-config> element, the position of the tab is interpreted as being
relative to the left margin or the left indent.
3429 <define name="text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs" combine="interleave">
3430 <choice>
3431 <attribute name="style:type">
3432 <value>right</value>
3433 </attribute>
3434 <group>
3435 <attribute name="style:type">
3436 <value>left</value>
3437 </attribute>
3438 <attribute name="style:position">
3439 <ref name="length"/>
3440 </attribute>
3441 </group>
3442 </choice>
3443 </define>
text:style-name="Contents 1">
<text:index-entry-chapter text:display="number"/>
<text:index-entry-span>) </text:index-entry-span>
<text:index-entry-tab-stop style:type="right"/>
<text:index-entry-page-number text:style-name="bold"/>
text:style-name="Contents 2">
<text:index-entry-chapter text:display="number"/>
<text:index-entry-span>] </text:index-entry-span>
<text:index-entry-tab-stop style:type="right"/>
[... header ...]
<text:p text:style-name="[...]">1) Chapter
<text:tab-stop/><text:span stylename="bold"> 1 </text:span>
The content models for tables is rather complex. The details are explained in the section 8.2. For
the moment, it can be assumed that table element's content are columns and row elements.
Table Name
The table:name attribute specifies the name of a table.
3559 <define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
3560 <optional>
3561 <attribute name="table:name">
3562 <ref name="string"/>
3563 </attribute>
3564 </optional>
3565 </define>
Table Style
The table:style-name attribute references a table style, i.e., an <style:style> element of
type “table”. The table style describes the formatting properties of the table, such as width and
background color. The table style can be either an automatic or common style.
3566 <define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
3567 <optional>
3568 <attribute name="table:style-name">
3569 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
3570 </attribute>
3571 </optional>
3572 </define>
The table:protected attribute specifies whether or not a table is protected from editing. If the
table is protected, the table:protection-key attribute can specify a password to prevent a
user from resetting the protection flag to enable editing. If a table is protected, all of the table
elements and the cell elements with a style:cell-protect attribute set to true are
The table:print attribute specifies if a table is printed. It takes a Boolean value. If its value is
true, the table is printed, if its value is false, the table is not printed. The default value is true.
The table:print attribute will be overwritten by the table:display attribute described in
section 15.8.14. That is, if the table is not displayed, it also will not be printed.
If the table is printed, the table range that actually is printed can be specified by table:print-
ranges attribute (see section 8.1.1:Print Ranges). If this attribute is not existing, the used area of
the table will be printed.
3585 <define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
3586 <optional>
3587 <attribute name="table:print" a:defaultValue="true">
3588 <ref name="boolean"/>
3589 </attribute>
3590 </optional>
3591 </define>
Print Ranges
The table:print-ranges attribute specifies the print ranges of the table, i.e., the cells that
should be printed. It contains a list of cell addresses or cell range addresses as described in
section 8.3.1.
3592 <define name="table-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
3593 <optional>
3594 <attribute name="table:print-ranges">
3595 <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
3596 </attribute>
3597 </optional>
3598 </define>
Row Style
A table row style stores the formatting properties of a table row, such as height and background
color. A row style is defined by a <style:style> element with a family attribute value of
table-row. The table row style can be either an automatic or a common style. It is referenced by
the table row's table:style-name attribute.
3617 <define name="table-table-row-attlist" combine="interleave">
3618 <optional>
3619 <attribute name="table:style-name">
3620 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
3621 </attribute>
3622 </optional>
3623 </define>
The table:visibility attribute specifies whether the row is visible, filtered, or collapsed.
Filtered and collapsed rows are not visible. Filtered rows are invisible, because a filter is applied to
the table that does not select the table row. Collapsed rows have been made invisible by invisible
in the UI directly.
When a cell covers another cell because of a column or row span value greater than one, a
<table:covered-table-cell> element must appear in the table to represent the covered
3682 <define name="table-table-cell-attlist-extra" combine="interleave">
3683 <optional>
3684 <attribute name="table:number-columns-spanned" a:defaultValue="1">
3685 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
3686 </attribute>
3687 </optional>
3688 <optional>
3689 <attribute name="table:number-rows-spanned" a:defaultValue="1">
3690 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
3691 </attribute>
3692 </optional>
3693 </define>
Cell Style
A table cell style stores the formatting properties of a cell, such as the following:
• Background color
• Number format
• Vertical alignment
• Borders
The table cell style can be either an automatic or a common style. The style is specified with a
table:style-name attribute. If a cell does not have a cell style assigned, the application checks
if a the current row has a default cell style assigned. If the current row does not have a default cell
assigned style as well, the application checks if the current column has a default cell style
3694 <define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
3695 <optional>
3696 <attribute name="table:style-name">
3697 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
3698 </attribute>
3699 </optional>
3700 </define>
See section 8.5.3 for more information on cell content validation and the <table:cell-
content-validation> element.
Formulas allow calculations to be performed within table cells. Every formula should begin with a
namespace prefix specifying the syntax and semantics used within the formula. Typically, the
formula itself begins with an equal (=) sign and can include the following components:
• Numbers.
• Text.
• Named ranges.
• Operators.
• Logical operators.
• Function calls.
• Addresses of cells that contain numbers. The addresses can be relative or absolute, see
section 8.3.1. Addresses in formulas start with a “[“ and end with a “]”. See sections 8.3.1 and
8.3.1 for information about how to address a cell or cell range.
The following is an example of a simple formula:
This formula calculates the sum of the values of all cells in the range “.A1:.A5”. The function is
“sum”. The parameters are marked by a “(“ at the start and a “)” at the end. If a function contains
more than one parameter, the parameters are separated by a “;”.
The result of this formula is the same. The components used in the formula depend on the
application being used.
The table:formula attribute contains a formula for a table cell.
3708 <define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
3709 <optional>
3710 <attribute name="table:formula">
3711 <ref name="string"/>
3712 </attribute>
3713 </optional>
3714 </define>
In addition to this, the calculated value of the formula is available as well. One of the following
attributes represents the current value of the cell:
• office:value
• office:time-value
• office:boolean-value
• office:string-value
When an application is performing spreadsheet calculations, a connected range of cells that
contains values is called a matrix. If the cell range contains m rows and n columns, the matrix is
called an m x n matrix. The smallest possible matrix is a 1 x 2 or 2 x 1 matrix with two adjacent
cells. To use a matrix in a formula, include the cell range address of the matrix in the formula. In a
matrix formula, only special matrix operations are possible.
The number of rows and columns that a matrix spans are represented by the table:number-
matrix-rows-spanned and table:number-matrix-columns-spanned attributes, which
are attached to the cell elements.
3715 <define name="table-table-cell-attlist-extra" combine="interleave">
3716 <optional>
3717 <attribute name="table:number-matrix-columns-spanned">
3718 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
3719 </attribute>
3720 </optional>
3721 <optional>
3722 <attribute name="table:number-matrix-rows-spanned">
3723 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
3724 </attribute>
3725 </optional>
3726 </define>
Value Type
The table:value-type attribute specifies the type of value that can appear in a cell. It may
contain one of the following values:
• float, percentage or currency (numeric types)
• date
• time
• boolean
• string
3727 <define name="table-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
3728 <optional>
3729 <ref name="common-value-and-type-attlist"/>
3730 </optional>
3731 </define>
• currency
This attribute is not related to the table:protected attribute for table elements (see section
8.1.1) and the table:cell-protect attribute for table cell styles (see section 15.11.14).
Column Style
A table column style stores the formatting properties of a table column, such as width and
background color. It is specified by a <style:style> element with a family attribute value of
table-column and can be either an automatic or a common style. The style of a column is
specified using a table:style-name attribute.
3752 <define name="table-table-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
3753 <optional>
3754 <attribute name="table:style-name">
3755 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
3756 </attribute>
3757 </optional>
3758 </define>
The table:visibility attribute specifies whether the column is visible, filtered, or collapsed.
See section 8.1.2 for more details.
3759 <define name="table-table-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
3760 <optional>
3761 <attribute name="table:visibility" a:defaultValue="visible">
3762 <ref name="table-visibility-value"/>
3763 </attribute>
3764 </optional>
3765 </define>
The table:display attribute specifies whether or not the group is visible.
3794 <define name="table-table-column-group-attlist" combine="interleave">
3795 <optional>
3796 <attribute name="table:display" a:defaultValue="true">
3797 <ref name="boolean"/>
3798 </attribute>
3799 </optional>
3800 </define>
The table:display attribute specifies whether or not the group is visible.
3822 <define name="table-table-row-group-attlist" combine="interleave">
3823 <optional>
3824 <attribute name="table:display" a:defaultValue="true">
3825 <ref name="boolean"/>
3826 </attribute>
3827 </optional>
3828 </define>
8.2.6 Subtables
If a table cell only contains a single table but no paragraphs or other content, this table can be
specified as subtable. It then occupies the whole cell and no other content can appear in this cell.
The borders of a subtable merge with the borders of the cell that it resides in. A subtable does not
contain any formatting properties. A subtable is essentially a container for some additional table
rows that integrate seamlessly with the parent table.
A1 B1 C1
A2 B2.1.1 B2.2.1
Sample 1
Using cells that span several rows, the table is specified as follows:
<style:style style:name="Table 1" style:family="table">
<style:table-properties style:width="12cm"
<style:style style:name="Col1" style:family="table-column">
<style:table-column-properties style:column-width="2cm"/>
<style:style style:name="Col2" style:family="table-column">
<style:table-column-properties style:column-width="4cm"/>
<style:style style:name="Col3" style:family="table-column">
<style:table-column-properties style:column-width="6cm"/>
<style:style style:name="Row1" style:family="table-row">
<style:table-row-properties fo:background-color="grey"/>
<style:style style:name="Cell1" style:family="table-cell">
<style:table-cell-properties fo:background-color="grey"/>
<table:table table:name="Table 1" table:style-name="Table 1">
<table:table-column table:style-name="Col1"/>
<table:table-column table:style-name="Col2"/>
<table:table-column table:style-name="Col3"/>
<table:table-row table:style-name="Row1">
<text:p text:style="Table Caption">
<text:p text:style="Table Caption">
• Mode
• Table name
• Filter name
• Filter options
• Refresh delay
The table:mode attribute specifies what data should be copied from the source table to the
destination table. If the attribute's value is “copy-all” formulas and styles are copied. If the
attribute's value is “copy-results-only”, only formula results and non calculated cell content will be
3858 <define name="table-table-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
3859 <optional>
3860 <attribute name="table:mode" a:defaultValue="copy-all">
3861 <choice>
3862 <value>copy-all</value>
3863 <value>copy-results-only</value>
3864 </choice>
3865 </attribute>
3866 </optional>
3867 </define>
Table Name
The table:table-name attribute specifies the name of the table in the original document. If the
table name is not specified, the first table in the document is used.
3868 <define name="table-table-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
3869 <optional>
3870 <attribute name="table:table-name">
3871 <ref name="string"/>
3872 </attribute>
3873 </optional>
3874 </define>
The original table is specified by a an XLink, where the xlink:href attribute specifies the URL
of the document containing the original table.
3875 <define name="table-linked-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
3876 <optional>
3877 <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
3878 <value>simple</value>
3879 </attribute>
3880 </optional>
3881 <optional>
3882 <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
3883 <value>onRequest</value>
3884 </attribute>
3885 </optional>
3886 <attribute name="xlink:href">
3887 <ref name="anyURI"/>
3888 </attribute>
3889 </define>
Filter Options
The table:filter-options attribute specifies optional settings about the file type. The value
of this attribute is application-specific.
3897 <define name="table-linked-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
3898 <optional>
3899 <attribute name="table:filter-options">
3900 <ref name="string"/>
3901 </attribute>
3902 </optional>
3903 </define>
Refresh Delay
The table:refresh-delay attribute specifies the time delay between refresh actions for the
linked table.
3904 <define name="table-linked-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
3905 <optional>
3906 <attribute name="table:refresh-delay">
3907 <ref name="duration"/>
3908 </attribute>
3909 </optional>
3910 </define>
Scenario Ranges
The table:scenario-ranges attribute specifies the table range that is displayed as a
scenario. The value of this attribute is a list of cell range addresses.
3917 <define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
3918 <attribute name="table:scenario-ranges">
3919 <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
3920 </attribute>
3921 </define>
Is Active
The table:is-active attribute specifies whether or not the scenario that belongs to the
scenario table is active.
3922 <define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
3923 <attribute name="table:is-active">
3924 <ref name="boolean"/>
3925 </attribute>
3926 </define>
Display Border
The table:display-border attribute specifies whether or not to display a border around the
scenario that belongs to the scenario table.
3927 <define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
3928 <optional>
3929 <attribute name="table:display-border" a:defaultValue="true">
3930 <ref name="boolean"/>
3931 </attribute>
3932 </optional>
3933 </define>
Border Color
The table:border-color attribute specifies the color of the border that is displayed around
the scenario that belongs to the scenario table.
3934 <define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
Copy Back
The table:copy-back attribute specifies whether or not data is copied back into the scenario
table if another scenario is activated.
3941 <define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
3942 <optional>
3943 <attribute name="table:copy-back" a:defaultValue="true">
3944 <ref name="boolean"/>
3945 </attribute>
3946 </optional>
3947 </define>
Copy Styles
The table:copy-styles attribute specifies whether or not styles are copied from the scenario
table to the destination table together with the data.
3948 <define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
3949 <optional>
3950 <attribute name="table:copy-styles" a:defaultValue="true">
3951 <ref name="boolean"/>
3952 </attribute>
3953 </optional>
3954 </define>
Copy Formulas
The table:copy-formulas attribute specifies whether or not formulas are copied from the
scenario table to the destination table. The value of this attribute can be true or false. If the
value is true, the formulas are copied. If the value is false, only the values resulting from the
formulas are copied.
3955 <define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
3956 <optional>
3957 <attribute name="table:copy-formulas" a:defaultValue="true">
3958 <ref name="boolean"/>
3959 </attribute>
3960 </optional>
3961 </define>
The table:comment attribute contains a comment about the scenario.
3962 <define name="table-scenario-attlist" combine="interleave">
3963 <optional>
3964 <attribute name="table:comment">
3965 <ref name="string"/>
3966 </attribute>
3967 </optional>
3968 </define>
8.3.4 Shapes
The <table:shapes> element contains all graphic shapes with an anchor on the table this
element is a child of. It is a container element and does not have any associated attributes.
3976 <define name="table-shapes">
3977 <element name="table:shapes">
3978 <oneOrMore>
3979 <ref name="shape"/>
3980 </oneOrMore>
3981 </element>
3982 </define>
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the source database range or named range.
Last Size
The table:last-column-spanned and table:last-row-spanned attributes specify the
last known size of the range. If the size of the range is changed since the last operation, the
values of these attributes are incorrect.
3995 <define name="table-table-cell-range-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
3996 <attribute name="table:last-column-spanned">
3997 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
3998 </attribute>
3999 <attribute name="table:last-row-spanned">
4000 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
4001 </attribute>
4002 </define>
8.4.3 Detective
The <table:detective> element has two purposes. One the one hand, it contains information
about relations that exist between table cells because of formulas and that should be highlighted
in the UI. On the other hand, the element contains information about cells that are highlighted
currently in the UI either because of the relations mentioned above or because of error conditions.
4003 <define name="table-detective">
4004 <element name="table:detective">
4005 <zeroOrMore>
4006 <ref name="table-highlighted-range"/>
4007 </zeroOrMore>
4008 <zeroOrMore>
4009 <ref name="table-operation"/>
4010 </zeroOrMore>
4011 </element>
4012 </define>
• Detective Operation
• Highlighted range
• Name
• Index
4013 <define name="table-operation">
4014 <element name="table:operation">
4015 <ref name="table-operation-attlist"/>
4016 <empty/>
4017 </element>
4018 </define>
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the detective operation. Possible names are
trace-dependents , remove-dependents, trace-precedents, remove-precedents
and trace-errors. trace-dependents and remove-dependents displays or hides cells
that use the value of the current cell in their formula. Trace-precedents and remove-
precedents displays or hides cells whose value is used in the formula of the current cell.
Trace-errors displays cells that cause an error while calculating the result of the current cell's
4019 <define name="table-operation-attlist" combine="interleave">
4020 <attribute name="table:name">
4021 <choice>
4022 <value>trace-dependents</value>
4023 <value>remove-dependents</value>
4024 <value>trace-precedents</value>
4025 <value>remove-precedents</value>
4026 <value>trace-errors</value>
4027 </choice>
4028 </attribute>
4029 </define>
The table:index attribute specifies the the order in which detective operations are applied.
4030 <define name="table-operation-attlist" combine="interleave">
4031 <attribute name="table:index">
4032 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
4033 </attribute>
4034 </define>
● Direction
● Contains Error
● Marked Invalid
4035 <define name="table-highlighted-range">
4036 <element name="table:highlighted-range">
4037 <choice>
4038 <group>
4039 <ref name="table-highlighted-range-attlist"/>
4040 </group>
4041 <group>
4042 <ref name="table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid"/>
4043 </group>
4044 </choice>
4045 <empty/>
4046 </element>
4047 </define>
The table:direction attribute specifies the direction of the relation between this cell and the
highlighted range. The direction for instance might be visualized by an arrow.
4055 <define name="table-highlighted-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
4056 <attribute name="table:direction">
4057 <choice>
4058 <value>from-another-table</value>
4059 <value>to-another-table</value>
4060 <value>from-same-table</value>
4061 </choice>
4062 </attribute>
4063 </define>
Marked Invalid
The table:marked-invalid attribute specifies whether or not the current cell is marked
invalid. This attribute cannot be used together with any other attributes.
4071 <define name="table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid" combine="interleave">
4072 <attribute name="table:marked-invalid">
4073 <ref name="boolean"/>
4074 </attribute>
4075 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <table:calculation-settings> element are:
• Case sensitive
• Precision as shown
• Search criteria must apply to whole cell
• Automatic find labels
• Use regular expression
• Null year
• Null date
• Iteration
Case Sensitive
The table:case-sensitive attribute specifies whether or not to distinguish between upper
and lower case when comparison operators are applied to cell content.
4099 <define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
4100 <optional>
4101 <attribute name="table:case-sensitive" a:defaultValue="true">
4102 <ref name="boolean"/>
4103 </attribute>
4104 </optional>
4105 </define>
Precision as Shown
The table:precision-as-shown attribute specifies whether to perform a calculation using the
rounded values displayed in the spreadsheet or using all of the digits in a number. If the value of
this attribute is true, calculation are performed using the rounded values displayed in the
spreadsheet. If the value of this attribute is false, calculations are performed using all of the
digits in the number, but the result is still displayed as a rounded number.
4106 <define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
4107 <optional>
4108 <attribute name="table:precision-as-shown" a:defaultValue="false">
4109 <ref name="boolean"/>
4110 </attribute>
4111 </optional>
4112 </define>
Null Year
The table:null-year attribute specifies the start year for year values that contain only two
digits. All two digit year values are interpreted as a year that equals or follows the start year.
4136 <define name="table-calculation-setting-attlist" combine="interleave">
4137 <optional>
4138 <attribute name="table:null-year" a:defaultValue="1930">
4139 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
4140 </attribute>
4141 </optional>
4142 </define>
Null Date
The <table:null-date> element specifies the null date. The null date is the date that results
in the value “0” if a date value is converted into a numeric value. The null date is specified in the
element's table:date-value attribute. Commonly used values are 12/30/1899,
01/01/1900, and 01/01/1904
4143 <define name="table-null-date">
4144 <element name="table:null-date">
4145 <optional>
4146 <attribute name="table:value-type" a:defaultValue="date">
The <table:iteration> element enables formulas with iterative (or cyclic) references to be
calculated after a specific number of iterations. Formulas with iterative references are repeated
until the problem is solved. If this iterative calculations are not enabled, a formula with an iterative
reference in a table causes an error message.
Iterative calculations are enabled and disabled with the table:status attribute. If iterative
calculations are enabled, the table:steps attribute specifies the maximum number of iterations
allowed. The table:maximum-difference attribute specifies the maximum difference allowed
between two calculation results. The iteration is stopped if the result is less than the value of this
4159 <define name="table-iteration">
4160 <element name="table:iteration">
4161 <optional>
4162 <attribute name="table:status" a:defaultValue="disable">
4163 <choice>
4164 <value>enable</value>
4165 <value>disable</value>
4166 </choice>
4167 </attribute>
4168 </optional>
4169 <optional>
4170 <attribute name="table:steps" a:defaultValue="100">
4171 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
4172 </attribute>
4173 </optional>
4174 <optional>
4175 <attribute name="table:maximum-difference"
4176 a:defaultValue="0.001">
4177 <ref name="double"/>
4178 </attribute>
4179 </optional>
4180 <empty/>
4181 </element>
4182 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <table:content-validation> element are:
● Name
● Condition
● Display list
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the content validation. It is used to reference the
validation rule from the cell the rule should applied to. The name is created automatically by the
4210 <define name="table-validation-attlist" combine="interleave">
4211 <attribute name="table:name">
4212 <ref name="string"/>
4213 </attribute>
4214 </define>
The table:condition attribute specifies the condition that must evaluate to “true” for all cells
the validation rule is applied to. The value of this attribute should be a namespace prefix, followed
by a Boolean expression.
A typical syntax of the expression may be similar to the XPath syntax. The following are valid
• Condition ::= ExtendedTrueCondition | TrueFunction 'and'
• A Formula is a formula without an equals (=) sign at the beginning. See section 8.1.3 for
more information.
• A String comprises one or more characters surrounded by quotation marks.
• A NumberValue is a whole or decimal number. It must not contain comma separators for
numbers of 1000 or greater.
4215 <define name="table-validation-attlist" combine="interleave">
4216 <optional>
4217 <attribute name="table:condition">
4218 <ref name="string"/>
4219 </attribute>
4220 </optional>
4221 </define>
Display List
The table:display-list attribute specifies whether a list of values that occurs within a
condition is displayed in the UI wile entering a cell value. The value of this attribute can be none,
unsorted or sort-ascending.
• unsorted: the list values are displayed in the order they occur in the condition.
Help Message
The <table:help-message> element specifies a message to display if a user selects the cell.
The element has an optional table:title attribute that specifies a title of the help message. It
further has an optional table:display attribute that can be used to suppress the display of the
4247 <define name="table-help-message">
4248 <element name="table:help-message">
4249 <optional>
4250 <attribute name="table:title">
4251 <ref name="string"/>
4252 </attribute>
4253 </optional>
4254 <optional>
4255 <attribute name="table:display" a:defaultValue="false">
4256 <ref name="boolean"/>
4257 </attribute>
4258 </optional>
4259 <zeroOrMore>
4260 <ref name="text-p"/>
4261 </zeroOrMore>
4262 </element>
4263 </define>
Error Message
The <table:error-message> element specifies a message to display if a user tries to enter
invalid content into a cell i.e., content where the validation rule's condition evaluates to “false”. The
element has an optional table:title attribute that specifies a title of the help message. It
Error Macro
As an alternative to displaying a message, a macro might be called if a cell contains invalid
content. The macro in this case is specified by an <office:event-listeners> element as
specified in section 12.4. The event name must be one that specifies an event that is called on
invalid user input.
In addition to the <office:event-listeners> element, the <table:error-macro>
element specifies whether the macro should be executed or not.
4290 <define name="table-error-macro">
4291 <element name="table:error-macro">
4292 <optional>
4293 <attribute name="table:execute" a:defaultValue="true">
4294 <ref name="boolean"/>
4295 </attribute>
4296 </optional>
4297 </element>
4298 </define>
The table:orientation attribute specifies the orientation of the label range. This attribute can
have a value of column or row.
4323 <define name="table-label-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
4324 <attribute name="table:orientation">
4325 <choice>
4326 <value>column</value>
4327 <value>row</value>
4328 </choice>
Named Range
The named range element <table:named-range> specifies a cell range that has a name
assigned. For information on defining a cell range, see section 8.3.1.
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the range, and the table:cell-range-
address attribute its address. The address can be either absolute or relative. If the cell range
address is relative, the table:base-cell-address attribute must exist additionally. It specifies
the base cell address for the cell range. This address must be absolute. Therefore a table name
in the address is required, but the dollar signs that indicate an absolute address can be omitted.
An additional table:range-usable-as attribute specifies whether the name of the range can
be used within the specification of a print range, a filter, a repeating row, or a repeat column. The
value of this attribute can be either:
• none, or
• a space-separated list that consists of any of the values print-range, filter, repeat-
row or repeat-column.
4342 <define name="table-named-range">
4343 <element name="table:named-range">
4344 <ref name="table-named-range-attlist"/>
4345 <empty/>
4346 </element>
4347 </define>
4349 <define name="table-named-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
4350 <attribute name="table:name">
4351 <ref name="string"/>
4352 </attribute>
4353 <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
4354 <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
4355 </attribute>
Named Expression
The named expression element <table:named-expression> contains an expression with a
name, for example, a part of a formula.
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the expression, and the table:expression
attribute the expression itself. The expressions do not support the equal (=) sign as the first
character. If the expression contains a named range or another named expression, the named
range or named expression must be specified first, before the containing expression. If the
expression contains a relative cell range address, the table:base-cell-address attribute
must exist additionally. It specifies the base cell address for the cell range. This address must be
absolute. Therefore a table name in the address is required, but the dollar signs that indicate an
absolute address can be omitted.
4379 <define name="table-named-expression">
4380 <element name="table:named-expression">
4381 <ref name="table-named-expression-attlist"/>
4382 <empty/>
4383 </element>
4384 </define>
4386 <define name="table-named-expression-attlist" combine="interleave">
4387 <attribute name="table:name">
4388 <ref name="string"/>
4389 </attribute>
4390 <attribute name="table:expression">
4391 <ref name="string"/>
4392 </attribute>
4393 <optional>
4394 <attribute name="table:base-cell-address">
4395 <ref name="cellAddress"/>
4396 </attribute>
4397 </optional>
4398 </define>
Example: Named expressions element with a named range and a named expression
Is Selection
The table:is-selection attribute specifies whether the database range includes a complete
database, or a selection of records from a database only.
4434 <define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
4435 <optional>
4436 <attribute name="table:is-selection" a:defaultValue="false">
4437 <ref name="boolean"/>
4438 </attribute>
4439 </optional>
4440 </define>
The table:orientation attribute specifies the orientation of the database range. The values
of this attribute are row and column. The orientation is for instance used when sorting database
ranges (see 8.6.5). If the orientation is row, the sorting takes places for rows, otherwise for
4462 <define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
4463 <optional>
4464 <attribute name="table:orientation" a:defaultValue="row">
4465 <choice>
4466 <value>column</value>
4467 <value>row</value>
4468 </choice>
4469 </attribute>
4470 </optional>
4471 </define>
Contains Header
The table:contains-header attribute specifies whether or not the the content of the
database range's first row or column should be used to specify labels. If the attribute's value is
true, the content of the first cell within a row or column can be used to reference the whole row
or column within many spreadsheet operations, for instance from within data pilots.
4472 <define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
4473 <optional>
4474 <attribute name="table:contains-header" a:defaultValue="true">
4475 <ref name="boolean"/>
4476 </attribute>
4477 </optional>
4478 </define>
Refresh Delay
The table:refresh-delay attribute specifies a time delay between automatic refresh actions.
4492 <define name="table-database-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
4493 <optional>
4494 <attribute name="table:refresh-delay">
4495 <ref name="boolean"/>
4496 </attribute>
4497 </optional>
4498 </define>
Database Name
A table:database-name attribute specifies the name of the SQL database where the data is
imported from.
4505 <define name="table-database-source-sql-attlist" combine="interleave">
4506 <attribute name="table:database-name">
4507 <ref name="string"/>
4508 </attribute>
4509 </define>
SQL Statement
An table:sql-statement attribute specifies the SQL statement to use when importing data
from an SQL database.
4510 <define name="table-database-source-sql-attlist" combine="interleave">
4511 <attribute name="table:sql-statement">
4512 <ref name="string"/>
4513 </attribute>
4514 </define>
Database Name
The table:database-name name attribute specifies the name of the database where the data
is imported from.
4528 <define name="table-database-source-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
4529 <attribute name="table:database-name">
4530 <ref name="string"/>
4531 </attribute>
4532 </define>
Table Name
A table:database-table-name attribute specifies the database table that data is imported
4533 <define name="table-database-source-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
4534 <attribute name="table:database-table-name">
4535 <ref name="string"/>
4536 </attribute>
4537 </define>
Database Name
A table:database-name attribute specifies the name of the database that data is imported
Query Name
A table:query-name attribute specifies the query to perform on the database whose data is
being imported.
4549 <define name="table-database-source-query-attlist" combine="interleave">
4550 <attribute name="table:query-name">
4551 <ref name="string"/>
4552 </attribute>
4553 </define>
8.6.5 Sort
The sort element <table:sort> describes the sort keys that should be applied to a database
4554 <define name="table-sort">
4555 <element name="table:sort">
4556 <ref name="table-sort-attlist"/>
4557 <oneOrMore>
4558 <ref name="table-sort-by"/>
4559 </oneOrMore>
4560 </element>
4561 </define>
The table:language attribute specifies the natural language in which the comparison will
4583 <define name="table-sort-attlist" combine="interleave">
4584 <optional>
4585 <attribute name="table:language">
4586 <ref name="languageCode"/>
4587 </attribute>
4588 </optional>
4589 </define>
The table:country attribute specifies the country specific rules to be used in string
comparisons for a particular natural language.
The table:algorithm attribute specifies the algorithm used to compare sort keys. The
attribute's value is a an application but also language and country specific sort algorithm name like
“phonetic (alphanumeric first)”. To avoid name clashed between different applications, the name
should start with a namespace prefix
4597 <define name="table-sort-attlist" combine="interleave">
4598 <optional>
4599 <attribute name="table:algorithm">
4600 <ref name="string"/>
4601 </attribute>
4602 </optional>
4603 </define>
Field Number
The table:field-number number attribute specifies the row or column number to sort by. It is
the number of a row or column within the database range.
4610 <define name="table-sort-by-attlist" combine="interleave">
4611 <attribute name="table:field-number">
4612 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
4613 </attribute>
4614 </define>
Data Type
The table:data-type attribute specifies the data type of the field to be sorted. Its value can be
text, number, automatic or the name of user defined sort order. If the attribute value is
automatic, the application must determine what type of data is in the field. User defined sort
orders are for instance lists of names of months. Specifying user defined sort orders is application
4615 <define name="table-sort-by-attlist" combine="interleave">
4616 <optional>
4617 <attribute name="table:data-type" a:defaultValue="automatic">
4618 <choice>
4619 <value>text</value>
4620 <value>number</value>
4621 <value>automatic</value>
4622 <ref name="string"/>
4623 </choice>
4624 </attribute>
4625 </optional>
4626 </define>
The table:order attribute specifies whether to sort the data in ascending or descending order.
4627 <define name="table-sort-by-attlist" combine="interleave">
4628 <optional>
4629 <attribute name="table:order" a:defaultValue="ascending">
4630 <choice>
4631 <value>ascending</value>
4632 <value>descending</value>
4633 </choice>
4634 </attribute>
4635 </optional>
4636 </define>
Case Sensitive
The table:case-sensitive attribute specifies whether or not the case of characters is
important when comparing entries, for example, when sorting groups.
4655 <define name="table-subtotal-rules-attlist" combine="interleave">
4656 <optional>
4657 <attribute name="table:case-sensitive" a:defaultValue="false">
4658 <ref name="boolean"/>
4659 </attribute>
4660 </optional>
4661 </define>
Data Type
The table:data-type attribute specifies the data type of the column or row group to sort. See
section 8.6.6 for details.
4676 <define name="table-sort-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
4677 <optional>
4678 <attribute name="table:data-type" a:defaultValue="automatic">
4679 <choice>
4680 <value>text</value>
4681 <value>number</value>
4682 <value>automatic</value>
4683 <ref name="string"/>
4684 </choice>
4685 </attribute>
4686 </optional>
4687 </define>
The table:order attribute specifies whether to sort the group data in ascending or descending
order. See section 8.6.6 for details.
4688 <define name="table-sort-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
4689 <optional>
4690 <attribute name="table:order" a:defaultValue="ascending">
4691 <choice>
4692 <value>ascending</value>
4693 <value>descending</value>
4694 </choice>
4695 </attribute>
4696 </optional>
4697 </define>
Field Number
The table:field-number attribute specifies the row or column a subtotal should be calculated
for. It is the number of a row or column within the database range.
4717 <define name="table-subtotal-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
4718 <attribute name="table:field-number">
4719 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
4720 </attribute>
4721 </define>
The table:function attribute specifies what kind of subtotals to calculate. The following are
possible values for this attribute: auto, average, count, countnums, max, min, product,
stdev, stdevp, sum, var and varp.
4722 <define name="table-subtotal-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
4723 <attribute name="table:function">
4724 <choice>
4725 <value>auto</value>
4726 <value>average</value>
4727 <value>count</value>
4728 <value>countnums</value>
4729 <value>max</value>
4730 <value>min</value>
4731 <value>product</value>
4732 <value>stdev</value>
4733 <value>stdevp</value>
8.7 Filters
Filters specify that only rows that match certain conditions should be visible
Condition Source
The table:condition-source attribute specifies whether the condition is contained in the
filter or encoded in a table range. If the value is self the condition is specified by the <table:filter>
element's child elements. If the value is cell-range the condition is encoded into the cell range
specified by the table:condition-source-range-address attribute.
4758 <define name="table-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
4759 <optional>
4760 <attribute name="table:condition-source" a:defaultValue="self">
4761 <choice>
4762 <value>self</value>
4763 <value>cell-range</value>
4764 </choice>
4765 </attribute>
4766 </optional>
4767 </define>
1 1 3 4 A B
2 1 5 6 =1 =5
3 2 8 9 >=2
Row 2 is displayed because the cell in column A has the value 1 and the cell in column B the
value 5, so all conditions of the 2nd row of the condition range evaluate to true. Row 3 is displayed
because the cell in column A is larger or equal than 2, and therefor the only condition in the the 3rd
row of the condition range evaluates to true.
4768 <define name="table-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
4769 <optional>
4770 <attribute name="table:condition-source-range-address">
4771 <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
4772 </attribute>
4773 </optional>
4774 </define>
8.7.3 Filter Or
The <table:filter-or> element specifies that the logical operator OR is applied to the
conditions specified by the element's child elements.
4792 <define name="table-filter-or">
4793 <element name="table:filter-or">
4794 <oneOrMore>
4795 <choice>
4796 <ref name="table-filter-and"/>
4797 <ref name="table-filter-condition"/>
4798 </choice>
4799 </oneOrMore>
4800 </element>
4801 </define>
The table:value attribute specifies a value for the filter condition.
4813 <define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
4814 <attribute name="table:value">
4815 <ref name="string"/>
4816 </attribute>
4817 </define>
The operator attribute table:operator specifies what operator to use in the filter condition.
This means that each cell contained in the columns specified by the field number (i.e., the
table:field-number attribute) is compared with the value (i.e., the table:value attribute)
using the given operator. The result of this comparison is the result of the filter sub-conditions
specified by the <table:filter-condition> element.
The operators may or may not make use of regular expressions. The operators that use regular
expressions are the following:
• match (matches)
In both case, the table:value attribute contains the regular expression that the table cells have
to match or must not match.
The relational operators that do not use regular expressions are:
• = (Equal to)
• != (Not equal to)
• < (Less than)
• > (Greater than)
• <= (Less than or equal to)
• >= (Greater than or equal to)
In addition, operators “empty”, “!empty”, “bottom values”, “top values”, “bottom percent”, and “top
percent” can be used. To filter for example the lowest and highest percentage values, the latter
two operators can be used.
4818 <define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
4819 <attribute name="table:operator">
4820 <ref name="string"/>
4821 </attribute>
Case Sensitive
The table:case-sensitive case sensitive attribute determines whether a filter condition is
case sensitive.
4823 <define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
4824 <optional>
4825 <attribute name="table:case-sensitive" a:defaultValue="false">
4826 <ref name="string"/>
4827 </attribute>
4828 </optional>
4829 </define>
Data Type
The table:data-type attribute specifies whether comparison shall take place as text or as
numeric values.
4830 <define name="table-filter-condition-attlist" combine="interleave">
4831 <optional>
4832 <attribute name="table:data-type" a:defaultValue="text">
4833 <choice>
4834 <value>text</value>
4835 <value>number</value>
4836 </choice>
4837 </attribute>
4838 </optional>
4839 </define>
Example:Representation of a filter
<filter-condition table:field-number=1 table:operator="="
<filter-condition table:field-number=2 table:operator="="
<filter-condition table:field-number=1 table:operator="="
<filter-condition table:field-number=2 table:operator="="
Country City Data Main Unit Monitor Printer Total
France Paris Sum - Amount 1 2 6 9
Sum - Price 12 14 29 55
Germany Hamburg Sum - Amount 1 4 5
Sum - Price 12 25 37
Total sum - Amount 2 6 6 14
Total sum - Price 24 39 29 92
The columns that are used for grouping (here “County”, “City” and “Article”) are called category
columns. The columns for which a formula is calculated based on the value combinations of the
category columns (here “Amount” and “Price”) are called data columns. The individual values that
exists within a category column are called members.
In general, the behavior of a data pilot is specified by fields, where each field has a name and a so
called orientation. The category columns are specified by fields with the orientation “row” or
“column” and the data columns are specified by fields that have the orientation “data”. In the
above example, “Article” is a field with the orientation column, while “Country” and “City” are fields
with the orientation row. “Amount” and “Price” are fields with “data” orientation.
Data Country City Main Unit Monitor Printer Total
Sum - Amount France Paris 1 2 6 9
Germany Hamburg 1 4 5
Sum - Price France Paris 12 14 29 55
Germany Hamburg 12 25 37
Total sum - Amount 2 6 6 14
Total sum - Price 24 39 29 92
The attributes associated with the data pilot table element are:
• Data pilot table name
• Application data
• Grand total
• Ignore empty rows
• Identify categories
• Target range address
• Show Filter Button
• Drill Down On Double Click
4847 <define name="table-data-pilot-table">
4848 <element name="table:data-pilot-table">
4849 <ref name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist"/>
4850 <optional>
4851 <choice>
4852 <ref name="table-database-source-sql"/>
4853 <ref name="table-database-source-table"/>
4854 <ref name="table-database-source-query"/>
4855 <ref name="table-source-service"/>
4856 <ref name="table-source-cell-range"/>
4857 </choice>
4858 </optional>
4859 <oneOrMore>
4860 <ref name="table-data-pilot-field"/>
4861 </oneOrMore>
4862 </element>
4863 </define>
Application Data
The table:application-data attribute specifies extra information about the data pilot table,
which can be used by the application, for instance within macros. This data does not influence the
behavior of the data pilot.
4869 <define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
4870 <optional>
4871 <attribute name="table:application-data">
4872 <ref name="string"/>
4873 </attribute>
4874 </optional>
4875 </define>
Grand Total
The table:grand-total attribute specifies whether a grand total column, row, or both should
be displayed in addition to values calculated for each combination of values in the category
columns. In the above example, grand totals are enabled. They are displayed in the row and
column labeled “Total”.
4876 <define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
4877 <optional>
4878 <attribute name="table:grand-total" a:defaultValue="both">
4879 <choice>
4880 <value>none</value>
4881 <value>row</value>
4882 <value>column</value>
4883 <value>both</value>
4884 </choice>
Identify Categories
The table:identify-categories attribute specifies whether rows that do not contain a value
in one of the category columns should use the value of the nearest ancestor row that has a value,
or whether such rows should be moved into a group (or category) of its own. If the attribute's value
is false, empty values form a category of its own.
4895 <define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
4896 <optional>
4897 <attribute name="table:identify-categories" a:defaultValue="false">
4898 <ref name="boolean"/>
4899 </attribute>
4900 </optional>
4901 </define>
Within a data pilot table, some cells might be displayed as buttons to allow interactive operations
on the table like changing the order of columns. The table:buttons attribute specifies all cells
which should be displayed this way. Its value is a list of cell-addresses. A differentiation between
absolute and relative addresses is not possible, that is, the addresses are interpreted as absolute
addresses even if they contain dollar signs. All addresses must contain a table name.
In the examples above, button cells are displayed with a gray background.
4907 <define name="table-data-pilot-table-attlist" combine="interleave">
4908 <optional>
4909 <attribute name="table:buttons">
4910 <ref name="cellRangeAddressList"/>
The only attribute that may be associated with the source cell range element is:
• Cell range address
Service Name
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the service. The value of this attribute is
implementation specific.
4948 <define name="table-source-service-attlist" combine="interleave">
4949 <attribute name="table:name">
4950 <ref name="string"/>
4951 </attribute>
4952 </define>
Source Name
The table:source-name attribute specifies a source name that is passed to the service
implementation. Its value is application and service specific.
4953 <define name="table-source-service-attlist" combine="interleave">
4954 <attribute name="table:source-name">
4955 <ref name="string"/>
4956 </attribute>
4957 </define>
Source Password
The table:password attribute specifies the password required to access the source. It is
passed to the service implementation. Its value is application and service specific.
4970 <define name="table-source-service-attlist" combine="interleave">
4971 <optional>
4972 <attribute name="table:password">
4973 <ref name="string"/>
4974 </attribute>
4975 </optional>
4976 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the data pilot field element are:
• Source field name
• Orientation
The table:orientation attribute specifies the orientation of the source field. If the value is
data, then the field specifies a data column. If the value is row or column, then the field
specifies a category column. The value hidden is used for fields that have a corresponding
column in the data pilot's source, but are not visible within the data pilot table. The value page
indicates that an automatic filter (i.e., one that allows to choose one of the values that are
contained in the column) should be generated for the corresponding column. In this case, an
additional field with row, column or data orientation has to exist for the column.
If the attribute value is page, the table:selected-page attribute can be used to specify which
value is selected for the filter.
4996 <define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
4997 <choice>
4998 <attribute name="table:orientation">
4999 <choice>
5000 <value>row</value>
5001 <value>column</value>
5002 <value>data</value>
5003 <value>hidden</value>
5004 </choice>
5005 </attribute>
5006 <group>
5007 <attribute name="table:orientation">
5008 <value>page</value>
5009 </attribute>
5010 <attribute name="table:selected-page">
5011 <ref name="string"/>
5012 </attribute>
5013 </group>
5014 </choice>
5015 </define>
The table:function attribute specifies the function which is applied to the cell values of data
columns. It is only evaluated if the value of the table:orientation attribute is data.
Possible values for this attribute are: auto, average, count, countnums, max, min, product,
stdev, stdevp, sum, var and varp. For category columns the attribute's value auto can be
used that specifies that no function is applied at all.
5023 <define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
5024 <optional>
5025 <attribute name="table:function">
5026 <choice>
5027 <value>auto</value>
5028 <value>average</value>
5029 <value>count</value>
5030 <value>countnums</value>
5031 <value>max</value>
5032 <value>min</value>
5033 <value>product</value>
5034 <value>stdev</value>
5035 <value>stdevp</value>
5036 <value>sum</value>
5037 <value>var</value>
5038 <value>varp</value>
5039 <ref name="string"/>
5040 </choice>
5041 </attribute>
5042 </optional>
5043 </define>
Used Hierarchy
If the data pilot source is provided by an external component or service, the data contained within
category columns may not only grouped by its value, but it may be further divided into sub-groups
or hierarchies. A date value for instance might be grouped by
• “year”, “month” and “day of month”, or
• “year”, “week” and “day of week”
If an external components supports hierarchies, it has to assign unique numbers to it. These
numbers can be used in the table:used-hierarchy attribute to select the hierarchy that
should be applied to the source field. The value means that no hierarchy should be applied at all.
5044 <define name="table-data-pilot-field-attlist" combine="interleave">
5045 <optional>
5046 <attribute name="table:used-hierarchy" a:defaultValue="-1">
5047 <ref name="integer"/>
5048 </attribute>
5049 </optional>
5050 </define>
The attribute that may be associated associate with the data pilot level element is:
• Show empty
Show Empty
The table:show-empty attribute specifies whether or not fields that don't have any members
should be displayed. If this attribute is not present, the application might or might not display such
5071 <define name="table-data-pilot-level-attlist" combine="interleave">
5072 <optional>
5073 <attribute name="table:show-empty">
5074 <ref name="boolean"/>
5075 </attribute>
5076 </optional>
5077 </define>
The attribute that may be associated associate with the data pilot subtotal element is:
• Function
The table:function attribute specifies the function used for the subtotal. Possible functions
are auto, average, count, countnums, max, min, product, stdev, stdevp, sum, var and
5091 <define name="table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist" combine="interleave">
5092 <attribute name="table:function">
5093 <choice>
5094 <value>auto</value>
5095 <value>average</value>
5096 <value>count</value>
5097 <value>countnums</value>
5098 <value>max</value>
5099 <value>min</value>
5100 <value>product</value>
5101 <value>stdev</value>
5102 <value>stdevp</value>
5103 <value>sum</value>
5104 <value>var</value>
5105 <value>varp</value>
5106 <ref name="string"/>
5107 </choice>
5108 </attribute>
5109 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the data pilot member element are:
• Member name
• Display
• Show details
Member Name
The table:name attribute specifies the value for which display information is specified.
5123 <define name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist" combine="interleave">
5124 <attribute name="table:name">
5125 <ref name="string"/>
5126 </attribute>
5127 </define>
The table:display attribute specifies whether or not a data pilot member is visible at all. If this
attribute is not present, the application might or might not display the member.
5128 <define name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist" combine="interleave">
5129 <optional>
5130 <attribute name="table:display">
5131 <ref name="boolean"/>
5132 </attribute>
5133 </optional>
5134 </define>
Show Details
The table:show-details attribute specifies whether additional fields are displayed for a
member. This attribute changes the behavior of a data pilot only if there are several fields with the
orientation row or column. If this is the case, and if the attribute's value is false for a field with
row or column orientation that is not the last field with this orientation, then no members are
displayed for all following fields with the same orientation. Instead of this, the data displayed for
these fields will be summarized.
5135 <define name="table-data-pilot-member-attlist" combine="interleave">
5136 <optional>
5137 <attribute name="table:show-details">
5138 <ref name="boolean"/>
5139 </attribute>
5140 </optional>
5141 </define>
The table:enabled attribute specifies whether the <table:data-pilot-display-info>
element is evaluated or not.
5148 <define name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
5149 <attribute name="table:enabled">
5150 <ref name="boolean"/>
5151 </attribute>
5152 </define>
Data Field
The table:data-field attribute specifies the data field whose values are taken into account.
5153 <define name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
5154 <attribute name="table:data-field">
5155 <ref name="string"/>
5156 </attribute>
5157 </define>
Member Count
The table:member-count attribute specifies how many values from the top or from the bottom
of data field's column are shown.
5158 <define name="table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
5159 <attribute name="table:member-count">
5160 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
5161 </attribute>
5162 </define>
Sort Mode
The table:sort-mode attribute describes how to sort the members of a single data pilot field. If
the mode is data, then the members of the current category field a sorted according to their
values in the data field specified by the table:data-field attribute. If the mode is manual, the
user can sort the members in the field manually. If the mode is name, the members in the field are
sorted by their name.
5177 <define name="table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
5178 <choice>
5179 <group>
5180 <attribute name="table:sort-mode">
5181 <value>data</value>
5182 </attribute>
5183 <attribute name="table:data-field">
5184 <ref name="string"/>
5185 </attribute>
5186 </group>
5187 <attribute name="table:sort-mode">
5188 <choice>
5189 <value>none</value>
5190 <value>manual</value>
5191 <value>name</value>
5192 </choice>
5193 </attribute>
5194 </choice>
5195 </define>
Sort Order
The table:sort-order attribute specifies whether to sort the members ascending or
5196 <define name="table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
5197 <attribute name="table:order">
5198 <choice>
5199 <value>ascending</value>
5200 <value>descending</value>
5201 </choice>
5202 </attribute>
5203 </define>
Layout Mode
The table:layout-mode attribute describes how to layout the field. It may have the following
• tabular-layout: Tabular layout mode is the layout, where each member's name is on the
same row as the first member from the following field. Subtotals are always shown below a
member's data in this mode.
• outline-subtotals-top: In outline layout mode, the members from the following field
start in the row below a member's name, like in traditional database reports. Subtotals are
shown at the top (in the same row as the member's name). When the subtotals take up more
than one row (manually selected, or because there are several data fields), they are always
shown below the member's data, regardless of the setting.
• outline-subtotals-bottom: Like outline-subtotals-top, except that subtotals are
shown at the bottom (below the member's data, as in tabular layout mode).
5210 <define name="table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist" combine="interleave">
5211 <attribute name="table:layout-mode">
5212 <choice>
5213 <value>tabular-layout</value>
5214 <value>outline-subtotals-top</value>
5215 <value>outline-subtotals-bottom</value>
5216 </choice>
5217 </attribute>
5218 </define>
Reference Type
The table:type attribute specifies the how the referenced category field influences the
displayed values of the data field. It may have one of the following values:
• none: This value means that the results in the data fields are displayed unmodified.
• member-difference: From each result, the value calculated for the category field member
specified by the table:member-type and table:member-name attributes is subtracted.
• member-percentage: Each result is divided by the value calculated for the category field
member specified by the table:member-type and table:member-name attributes.
Division by zero results in an error. Empty results are shown as “0”. If the table:member-
type attribute has the value previous, “1” is displayed as first value. If the
table:member-type attribute has the value next, “1” is displayed as last value.
• member-percentage-difference: From each result, the value calculated for the category
field member specified by the table:member-type and table:member-name attributes is
• running-total: Each result is added to the sum of the results for preceding members in
the referenced category field, in the reference field's sort order, and the total sum is shown.
• row-percentage: Each result is divided by the total result for its row in the data pilot table. If
there are several data fields, the total for the result's data field is used. If there are subtotals
with manually selected summary functions, the total is calculated with the data field's
summary function. Division by zero results in an error.
• column-percentage: Same as row-percentage, but the total for the result's column is
• total-percentage: Same as row-percentage, but the grand total for the result's data
field is used.
• index: The row and column totals and the grand total are calculated as described above, and
then are used to calculate the following expression: (original result * grand total ) / ( row total *
column total ).Division by zero results in an error.
5252 <define name="table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist" combine="interleave">
5253 <attribute name="table:type">
5254 <choice>
5255 <value>none</value>
5256 <value>member-difference</value>
5257 <value>member-percentage</value>
5258 <value>member-percentage-difference</value>
5259 <value>running-total</value>
5260 <value>row-percentage</value>
5261 <value>column-percentage</value>
5262 <value>total-percentage</value>
5263 <value>index</value>
5264 </choice>
5265 </attribute>
5266 </define>
If numeric or date values are grouped, the table:date-start and table:start attributes
specify the start value for the grouping. All values that are lower than the start value are contained
in a single group, while values that are equal to or higher than the start value are grouped as
specified by the table:grouped-by and table:step attributes.
If the attribute's value is auto, the lowest value of the field is taken as start value.
5280 <define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
5281 <choice>
5282 <attribute name="table:date-start">
5283 <choice>
5284 <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
5285 <value>auto</value>
5286 </choice>
5287 </attribute>
5288 <attribute name="table:start">
5289 <choice>
5290 <ref name="double"/>
5291 <value>auto</value>
5292 </choice>
5293 </attribute>
5294 </choice>
5295 </define>
If numeric or date values are grouped, the table:date-end and table:end attributes specify
the end value for the grouping. All values that are higher than the end value are contained in a
single group, while values that are equal to or lower than the end value are grouped as specified
by the table:grouped-by and table:step attributes.
If the attribute's value is auto, the highest value of the field is taken as end value.
5296 <define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
5297 <choice>
5298 <attribute name="table:date-end">
5299 <choice>
5300 <ref name="dateOrDateTime"/>
5301 <value>auto</value>
5302 </choice>
5303 </attribute>
5304 <attribute name="table:end">
5305 <choice>
5306 <ref name="double"/>
5307 <value>auto</value>
5308 </choice>
5309 </attribute>
The table:step attribute specifies the grouping of numeric values, by specifying the distance
between the groups. For example, if the table:start attribute for the grouping has the value 5, and
the table:step attribute has the value 2, all values that are equal to or higher than 5, but also lower
than 7 are in one group. All values that are equal to or higher than 7, but also lower than 9 are in
next group, and so on, until the end value is reached.
5312 <define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
5313 <attribute name="table:step">
5314 <ref name="double"/>
5315 </attribute>
5316 </define>
Grouped By
The table:grouped-by attribute specifies the grouping of the date values. Date values can be
grouped by seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, quarters or years. It date values are for
instance grouped by minutes, all dates or times that are within the same minute are within one
group. That, is if the dates 2004-08-27T12:34:46, 2004-08-27T12:34:56 and 2004-08-
27T12:35:46 are given, the first two would be within one group, while the last date would be a
group of its own.
5317 <define name="table-data-pilot-groups-attlist" combine="interleave">
5318 <attribute name="table:grouped-by">
5319 <choice>
5320 <value>seconds</value>
5321 <value>minutes</value>
5322 <value>hours</value>
5323 <value>days</value>
5324 <value>months</value>
5325 <value>quarters</value>
5326 <value>years</value>
5327 </choice>
5328 </attribute>
5329 </define>
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the group.
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the member.
5348 <define name="table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist" combine="interleave">
5349 <attribute name="table:name">
5350 <ref name="string"/>
5351 </attribute>
5352 </define>
8.9 Consolidation
A consolidation combines data from several independent table ranges. A new table range is
calculated by applying a mathematical function to all cells in the source table ranges that have the
same relative address within these ranges. A consolidation is defined by the
<table:consolidation> element.
5353 <define name="table-consolidation">
5354 <element name="table:consolidation">
5355 <ref name="table-consolidation-attlist"/>
5356 <empty/>
5357 </element>
5358 </define>
The table:function attribute contains the function which is used to consolidate the data.
Possible functions are auto, average, count, countnums, max, min, product, stdev,
stdevp, sum, var and varp.
Use Label
The table:use-label attribute specifies whether or not labels should be used by the
consolidation for rows, columns or both. Possible values are none, column, row and both. If
labels are used for rows or columns, the mathematical functions is applied to cells with equally
labeled rows or columns rather than to cells with the same relative cell address.
5388 <define name="table-consolidation-attlist" combine="interleave">
5389 <optional>
5390 <attribute name="table:use-labels" a:defaultValue="none">
5391 <choice>
5392 <value>none</value>
5393 <value>row</value>
5394 <value>column</value>
5395 <value>both</value>
5396 </choice>
5397 </attribute>
5398 </optional>
5399 </define>
Track Changes
The table:track-changes attribute specifies whether or not the change tracking is enabled.
8.11.2 Insertion
The <table:insertion> element contains the information that is required to identify any
insertion of content. This content can be one or more rows, one or more columns, or a table.
5434 <define name="table-insertion">
5435 <element name="table:insertion">
5436 <ref name="table-insertion-attlist"/>
5437 <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
5438 <ref name="office-change-info"/>
5439 <optional>
5440 <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
5441 </optional>
5442 <optional>
5443 <ref name="table-deletions"/>
5444 </optional>
5445 </element>
5446 </define>
The table:type attribute specifies the type of the insertion. It can be row, column or table.
5447 <define name="table-insertion-attlist" combine="interleave">
5448 <attribute name="table:type">
5449 <choice>
5450 <value>row</value>
5451 <value>column</value>
5452 <value>table</value>
5453 </choice>
5454 </attribute>
5455 </define>
The table:position attribute specifies the position where the insertion was made in the table.
Depending on the insertion type, It is either the number of a row, a column or a table.
The table:count attribute specifies the count of inserted rows, columns or tables.
5461 <define name="table-insertion-attlist" combine="interleave">
5462 <optional>
5463 <attribute name="table:count" a:defaultValue="1">
5464 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
5465 </attribute>
5466 </optional>
5467 </define>
The table:table attribute specifies the number of the table where the insertion took place. This
attribute only exists for column and row insertions.
5468 <define name="table-insertion-attlist" combine="interleave">
5469 <optional>
5470 <attribute name="table:table">
5471 <ref name="integer"/>
5472 </attribute>
5473 </optional>
5474 </define>
8.11.3 Dependencies
The <table:dependencies> element contains the information on which other tracked changes
a tracked change depends. Every element of the tracked-changes can contain a
<table:dependencies> element.
5475 <define name="table-dependencies">
5476 <element name="table:dependencies">
5477 <oneOrMore>
5478 <ref name="table-dependency"/>
5479 </oneOrMore>
5480 </element>
5481 </define>
8.11.5 Deletions
The <table:deletions> element contains all deletions which are performed while tracking a
single change to a table.
5490 <define name="table-deletions">
5491 <element name="table:deletions">
5492 <oneOrMore>
5493 <choice>
5494 <ref name="table-cell-content-deletion"/>
5495 <ref name="table-change-deletion"/>
5496 </choice>
5497 </oneOrMore>
5498 </element>
5499 </define>
8.11.8 Deletion
A <table:deletion> element contains content that was deleted while change tracking was
enabled. The content of a cell that was deleted is either contained in the
<table:dependencies>, or in the <table:deletions> element.
5525 <define name="table-deletion">
5526 <element name="table:deletion">
5527 <ref name="table-deletion-attlist"/>
5528 <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
5529 <ref name="office-change-info"/>
5530 <optional>
5531 <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
5532 </optional>
5533 <optional>
5534 <ref name="table-deletions"/>
5535 </optional>
5536 <optional>
5537 <ref name="table-cut-offs"/>
5538 </optional>
5539 </element>
5540 </define>
The table:type attribute specifies the type of the deletion. It can be row, column or table.
5541 <define name="table-deletion-attlist" combine="interleave">
5542 <attribute name="table:type">
5543 <choice>
5544 <value>row</value>
5545 <value>column</value>
5546 <value>table</value>
5547 </choice>
The table:position attribute specifies the position where the deletion was made in the table.
Depending on the deletion type, It is either the number of a row, a column or a table.
5550 <define name="table-deletion-attlist" combine="interleave">
5551 <attribute name="table:position">
5552 <ref name="integer"/>
5553 </attribute>
5554 </define>
The table:table attribute specifies the number of the table where the deletion took place. This
attribute only exists for column and row deletions.
5555 <define name="table-deletion-attlist" combine="interleave">
5556 <optional>
5557 <attribute name="table:table">
5558 <ref name="integer"/>
5559 </attribute>
5560 </optional>
5561 </define>
The table:id attribute contains the id of the insertion where parts of now get deleted.
5590 <define name="table-insertion-cut-off-attlist" combine="interleave">
5591 <attribute name="table:id">
5592 <ref name="string"/>
5593 </attribute>
5594 </define>
The table:position attribute specifies the number of the row or column within the insertion
that gets deleted.
5595 <define name="table-insertion-cut-off-attlist" combine="interleave">
5596 <attribute name="table:position">
5597 <ref name="integer"/>
5598 </attribute>
5599 </define>
8.11.12 Movement
A <table:movement> element contains the information that is required to identify any
movement of content. This content can be a cell content or a cell range content.
5621 <define name="table-movement">
5622 <element name="table:movement">
5623 <ref name="common-table-change-attlist"/>
5624 <ref name="table-source-range-address"/>
5625 <ref name="table-target-range-address"/>
5626 <ref name="office-change-info"/>
5627 <optional>
5628 <ref name="table-dependencies"/>
5629 </optional>
5630 <optional>
5631 <ref name="table-deletions"/>
5632 </optional>
5633 </element>
5634 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with these elements are either
• Column, Row, and Table, or
• Start column, End column, Start row, End row, Start table, and End table
Matrix Covered
If the cell is a matrix cell and not the base of the matrix the, table:matrix-covered attribute is
necessary and its value has to be true to indicate that the cell is contained in a matrix.
5706 <define name="table-change-track-table-cell-attlist" combine="interleave">
5707 <optional>
5708 <attribute name="table:matrix-covered" a:defaultValue="false">
5709 <ref name="boolean"/>
5710 </attribute>
5711 </optional>
5712 </define>
8.11.17 Previous
The table:previous element contains the previous cell content which is overwritten by the
current change. If a text:id attribute is present, it specifies the id of a previously tracked change
for the cell that gets changed again by the current change.
5753 <define name="table-previous">
5754 <element name="table:previous">
5755 <optional>
5756 <attribute name="table:id">
5757 <ref name="string"/>
5758 </attribute>
5759 </optional>
5760 <ref name="table-change-track-table-cell"/>
5761 </element>
5762 </define>
The table:id attribute specifies the id of the tracked change.
5763 <define name="common-table-change-attlist" combine="interleave">
5764 <attribute name="table:id">
5765 <ref name="string"/>
5766 </attribute>
5767 </define>
Acceptance state
The table:acceptance-state attribute specifies whether the tracked change has been
accepted or rejected already, or whether an acceptance or rejection is still pending.
5768 <define name="common-table-change-attlist" combine="interleave">
5769 <optional>
5770 <attribute name="table:acceptance-state" a:defaultValue="pending">
5771 <choice>
5772 <value>accepted</value>
5773 <value>rejected</value>
5774 <value>pending</value>
5775 </choice>
5776 </attribute>
5777 </optional>
5778 </define>
Rejecting Change Id
If the table:rejecting-change-id attribute is present, then the current change has been
made to the table to implement the rejection of another previously tracked change. The attribute's
value is the id of this previously tracked change that has been rejected.
5779 <define name="common-table-change-attlist" combine="interleave">
5780 <optional>
5781 <attribute name="table:rejecting-change-id">
5782 <ref name="string"/>
5783 </attribute>
5784 </optional>
5785 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:handout-master> element are:
Page Style
The attribute draw:style-name assigns an additional formatting attributes to a handout master
page by assigning a drawing page style. This attribute is optional. The fixed family for page styles
is drawing-page.
5807 <define name="style-handout-master-attlist" combine="interleave">
5808 <optional>
5809 <attribute name="draw:style-name">
5810 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
5811 </attribute>
5812 </optional>
5813 </define>
Header Declaration
The presentation:use-header-name attribute specifies the name of the header field
declaration (see section 9.11.2) that is used for all header fields (see section 9.10.1) that are
displayed on the handout master page. See also section 9.1.4.
Footer Declaration
The presentation:use-footer-name attribute specifies the name of the footer field
declaration (see section 9.11.3) that is used for all footer fields (see section 9.10.2) that are
displayed on the handout master page. See also section 9.1.4.
Each element <draw:layer> is defined and referenced by its name that is contained in the
draw:name attribute . Each drawing object inside a drawing or presentation document can be
assigned to a layer. Layers virtually group the object. Each object that is assigned to a layer
inherits the settings of the layer.
5827 <define name="draw-layer-attlist" combine="interleave">
5828 <attribute name="draw:name">
5829 <ref name="string"/>
5830 </attribute>
5831 </define>
The draw:protected attribute specifies whether the drawing objects contain in the layer are
protected from being modified.
5832 <define name="draw-layer-attlist" combine="interleave">
5833 <optional>
5834 <attribute name="draw:protected" a:defaultValue="false">
5835 <ref name="boolean"/>
5836 </attribute>
5837 </optional>
5838 </define>
The draw:display attribute specifies whether the drawing objects contain in the layer are visible
on the screen and/or printed.
5839 <define name="draw-layer-attlist" combine="interleave">
5840 <optional>
5841 <attribute name="draw:display" a:defaultValue="always">
5842 <choice>
5843 <value>always</value>
5844 <value>screen</value>
5845 <value>printer</value>
5846 <value>none</value>
5847 </choice>
5848 </attribute>
5849 </optional>
5850 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:page> element are:
• Page name
• Page style
• Master page
• Presentation page layout
• Header declaration
• Footer declaration
• Date and time declaration
• ID
The elements that my be included in the <draw:page> element are:
• Forms
• Shapes
• Animations
• Presentation notes
Page Style
The attribute draw:style-name assigns an additional formatting attributes to a drawing page
by assigning a drawing page style. This attribute is optional. The fixed family for page styles is
For pages inside a presentation document, attributes from Presentation Page Attributes can also
be used.
5879 <define name="draw-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
5880 <optional>
5881 <attribute name="draw:style-name">
5882 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
5883 </attribute>
5884 </optional>
5885 </define>
Master Page
Each drawing page must have one master page assigned to it. The master page:
• Defines properties such as the size and borders of the drawing page
Header Declaration
The presentation:use-header-name attribute specifies the name of the header field
declaration (see section 9.11.2) that is used for all header fields (see section 9.10.1) that are
displayed on the page.
5898 <define name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist" combine="interleave">
5899 <optional>
5900 <attribute name="presentation:use-header-name">
5901 <ref name="string"/>
5902 </attribute>
5903 </optional>
5904 </define>
Footer Declaration
The presentation:use-footer-name attribute specifies the name of the footer field
declaration (see section 9.11.3) that is used for all footer fields (see section 9.10.2) that are
displayed on the page.
5905 <define name="common-presentation-header-footer-attlist" combine="interleave">
5906 <optional>
5907 <attribute name="presentation:use-footer-name">
5908 <ref name="string"/>
5909 </attribute>
5910 </optional>
5911 </define>
The draw:id attribute assigns a unique ID to a drawing page.
5919 <define name="draw-page-attlist">
5920 <optional>
5921 <attribute name="draw:id">
5922 <ref name="ID"/>
5923 </attribute>
5924 </optional>
5925 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:rect> element are:
• Position, Size, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15.
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16.
• Round corners
Round Corners
The attribute draw:corner-radius specifies the radius of the circle used to round off the
corners of the rectangle.
5962 <define name="draw-rect-attlist" combine="interleave">
5963 <optional>
5964 <attribute name="draw:corner-radius">
5965 <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
5966 </attribute>
5967 </optional>
5968 </define>
9.2.2 Line
The <draw:line> element represents a line.
5969 <define name="draw-line">
5970 <element name="draw:line">
5971 <ref name="draw-line-attlist"/>
5972 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
5973 <optional>
5974 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
5975 </optional>
5976 <zeroOrMore>
5977 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
5978 </zeroOrMore>
5979 <ref name="draw-text"/>
5980 </element>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:line> element are:
Start Point
The start point attributes svg:x1 and svg:y1 specify the start coordinates of the line.
5982 <define name="draw-line-attlist" combine="interleave">
5983 <attribute name="svg:x1">
5984 <ref name="coordinate"/>
5985 </attribute>
5986 <attribute name="svg:y1">
5987 <ref name="coordinate"/>
5988 </attribute>
5989 </define>
End Point
The end point attributes svg:x2 and svg:y2 specify the end coordinates of the line.
5990 <define name="draw-line-attlist" combine="interleave">
5991 <attribute name="svg:x2">
5992 <ref name="coordinate"/>
5993 </attribute>
5994 <attribute name="svg:y2">
5995 <ref name="coordinate"/>
5996 </attribute>
5997 </define>
9.2.3 Polyline
The <draw:polyline> element represents a polyline drawing shape.
Some implementations may ignore the size attribute, and instead determine the size of a shape
exclusively from the shape data (i.e., polygon vertices).
5998 <define name="draw-polyline">
5999 <element name="draw:polyline">
6000 <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
6001 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
6002 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
6003 <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
6004 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
6005 <optional>
6006 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
6007 </optional>
6008 <zeroOrMore>
6009 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6010 </zeroOrMore>
6011 <ref name="draw-text"/>
6012 </element>
6013 </define>
• Position, Size, View box, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Points
The svg:points attribute stores a sequence of points, which are connected by straight lines.
Each point consists of two coordinates. The coordinates are separated by a comma and the
points are separated by white spaces.
6014 <define name="common-draw-points-attlist">
6015 <attribute name="draw:points">
6016 <ref name="points"/>
6017 </attribute>
6018 </define>
9.2.4 Polygon
The <draw:polygon> element represents a polygon. A polygon is a closed set of straight lines.
Some implementations may ignore the size attribute, and instead determine the size of a shape
exclusively from the shape data (i.e., polygon vertices).
6019 <define name="draw-polygon">
6020 <element name="draw:polygon">
6021 <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
6022 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
6023 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
6024 <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
6025 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
6026 <optional>
6027 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
6028 </optional>
6029 <zeroOrMore>
6030 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6031 </zeroOrMore>
6032 <ref name="draw-text"/>
6033 </element>
6034 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:polygon> element are:
• Position, Size, View box, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Points – see section 9.2.3
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:polygon> element are:
• Position, Size, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Concave
• Corners
• Sharpness
The draw:concave attribute specifies whether the polygon is convex or concave. For a convex
polygon, the polygon corners are located on a single ellipse which has its center in the center of
the polygon. In a concave polygon, two such ellipses are required, and corners that are located
next to each other are located on different ellipses. An example for a convex polygon is a
hexagon. An example for a concave polygon is a star. For concave polygons, an additional
draw:sharpness attribute is required.
6050 <define name="draw-regular-polygon-attlist" combine="interleave">
6051 <choice>
6052 <attribute name="draw:concave">
6053 <value>false</value>
6054 </attribute>
6055 <group>
6056 <attribute name="draw:concave">
6057 <value>true</value>
6058 </attribute>
6059 <ref name="draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist"/>
6060 </group>
6061 </choice>
6062 </define>
The draw:corners attribute specifies the number of polygon corners.
6063 <define name="draw-regular-polygon-attlist" combine="interleave">
6064 <attribute name="draw:corners">
6065 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
6066 </attribute>
6067 </define>
9.2.6 Path
The <draw:path> element represents a path. A path is a shape with a user-defined outline. The
shape is built using multiple drawing actions such as:
• moveto – set a new current point
Compound paths are paths with subpaths, each subpath consisting of a single moveto followed by
one or more line or curve operations. Compound paths can be used for effects such as holes in
Some implementations may ignore the size attribute, and instead determine the size of a shape
exclusively from the shape data (i.e., polygon vertices).
6073 <define name="draw-path">
6074 <element name="draw:path">
6075 <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
6076 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
6077 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
6078 <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
6079 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
6080 <optional>
6081 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
6082 </optional>
6083 <zeroOrMore>
6084 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6085 </zeroOrMore>
6086 <ref name="draw-text"/>
6087 </element>
6088 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:path> element are:
• Position, Size, View box, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Path data
9.2.7 Circle
The <draw:circle> element represents a circular drawing shape.
6094 <define name="draw-circle">
6095 <element name="draw:circle">
6096 <ref name="draw-circle-attlist"/>
6097 <ref name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist"/>
6098 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
6099 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
6100 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
6101 <optional>
6102 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
6103 </optional>
6104 <zeroOrMore>
6105 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6106 </zeroOrMore>
6107 <ref name="draw-text"/>
6108 </element>
6109 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:circle> element are:
• Position, Size, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Center point
• Radius
• Kind
• Start angle
• End angle
Center Point
The center point attributes svg:cx and svg:cy specify the coordinates of the center point of the
circle. If these optional attributes are not set, the position and size attributes are used to create
6110 <define name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist" combine="interleave">
6111 <optional>
6112 <attribute name="svg:cx">
6113 <ref name="coordinate"/>
The svg:r attribute specifies the radius of the circle. If this optional attribute are not set, the
position and size attributes are used to create circle.
6120 <define name="draw-circle-attlist" combine="interleave">
6121 <optional>
6122 <attribute name="svg:r">
6123 <ref name="length"/>
6124 </attribute>
6125 </optional>
6126 </define>
The draw:kind attribute specifies the appearance of the circle.
Start Angle
For circles where the draw:kind attribute value is section, cut or arc, the svg:start-
angle attribute specifies the start angle of the section, cut, or arc.
6139 <define name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist" combine="interleave">
6140 <optional>
6141 <attribute name="draw:start-angle">
6142 <ref name="double"/>
6143 </attribute>
6144 </optional>
6145 </define>
9.2.8 Ellipse
The <draw:ellipse> element represents an ellipse.
6153 <define name="draw-ellipse">
6154 <element name="draw:ellipse">
6155 <ref name="common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist"/>
6156 <ref name="draw-ellipse-attlist"/>
6157 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
6158 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
6159 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
6160 <optional>
6161 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
6162 </optional>
6163 <zeroOrMore>
6164 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6165 </zeroOrMore>
6166 <ref name="draw-text"/>
6167 </element>
6168 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:ellipse> element are:
• Position, Size, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Center point, Kind, Start angle, End angle – see section 9.2.7
• Radius
The svg:rx and svg:rx attribute specify the horizontal and vertical radius of the ellipse. If these
optional attributes are not set, the position and size attributes are used to create the ellipse.
6169 <define name="draw-ellipse-attlist" combine="interleave">
6170 <optional>
6171 <attribute name="svg:rx">
6172 <ref name="length"/>
6173 </attribute>
6174 <attribute name="svg:ry">
6175 <ref name="length"/>
6176 </attribute>
6177 </optional>
6178 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:connector> element are:
The draw:type attribute specifies how the connection between two points is rendered. The value
of this attribute can be standard, lines, line, or curve.
• standard: a standard connector escapes the two connecting objects with straight lines and
connects them with a straight perpendicular line.
• lines: a lines connector escapes the two connecting objects with straight lines and connects
them with a straight (not necessarily perpendicular) line.
• line: a line connector draws one straight line between the two escape points of the
connected objects.
• curve: a curve connector draws a single curved line between the two escape points of the
connected objects.
6192 <define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
6193 <optional>
6194 <attribute name="draw:type" a:defaultValue="standard">
6195 <choice>
Start Position
The start position attributes svg:x1 and svg:y1 specify the start position of a connector.
If the start position is connected to a shape, these attributes are optional because the start
position defaults to the corresponding glue point on the target shape.
6204 <define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
6205 <optional>
6206 <attribute name="svg:x1">
6207 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6208 </attribute>
6209 <attribute name="svg:y1">
6210 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6211 </attribute>
6212 </optional>
6213 </define>
Start Shape
The draw:start-shape attribute identifies the drawing shape to which the start of this
connector is connected by its name.
If a shape is connected to the start of a connector, the start position defaults to the corresponding
glue point on the target shape.
6214 <define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
6215 <optional>
6216 <attribute name="draw:start-shape">
6217 <ref name="IDREF"/>
6218 </attribute>
6219 </optional>
6220 </define>
If the end position is connected to a shape, these attributes are optional because the end position
defaults to the corresponding glue point on the target shape.
6228 <define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
6229 <optional>
6230 <attribute name="svg:x2">
6231 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6232 </attribute>
6233 <attribute name="svg:y2">
6234 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6235 </attribute>
6236 </optional>
6237 </define>
End Shape
The draw:end-shape attribute identifies the drawing shape to which the end of the connector is
connected by its name.
If a shape is connected to the end of a connector, the end position defaults to the corresponding
glue point on the target shape.
6238 <define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
6239 <optional>
6240 <attribute name="draw:end-shape">
6241 <ref name="IDREF"/>
6242 </attribute>
6243 </optional>
6244 </define>
Line Skew
The draw:line-skew attribute controls the generation of the lines that connect the start and end
points. Depending on the type of connector, this can vary from one to three distances that move
the connector lines relative to their normal position.
6252 <define name="draw-connector-attlist" combine="interleave">
6253 <optional>
6254 <attribute name="draw:line-skew">
9.2.10 Caption
The <draw:caption> element represents a rectangular drawing shape with an additional set of
lines. It can be used as a description for a fixed point inside a drawing.
6267 <define name="draw-caption">
6268 <element name="draw:caption">
6269 <ref name="draw-caption-attlist"/>
6270 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
6271 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
6272 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
6273 <optional>
6274 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
6275 </optional>
6276 <zeroOrMore>
6277 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6278 </zeroOrMore>
6279 <ref name="draw-text"/>
6280 </element>
6281 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:caption> element are:
• Position, Size, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Caption point
• Round corners
Caption Point
The caption point attributes draw:caption-point-x and draw:caption-point-y specify
the position of the point that is captioned. A set of lines are rendered from the caption area.
6282 <define name="draw-caption-attlist" combine="interleave">
6283 <optional>
6284 <attribute name="draw:caption-point-x">
6285 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6286 </attribute>
6287 <attribute name="draw:caption-point-y">
6288 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6289 </attribute>
6290 </optional>
6291 </define>
9.2.11 Measure
The <draw:measure> element represents a shape that is used to measure distances in
6299 <define name="draw-measure">
6300 <element name="draw:measure">
6301 <ref name="draw-measure-attlist"/>
6302 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
6303 <optional>
6304 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
6305 </optional>
6306 <zeroOrMore>
6307 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6308 </zeroOrMore>
6309 <ref name="draw-text"/>
6310 </element>
6311 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:measure> element are:
Start Position
The attributes svg:x1 and svg:y1 specify the start point of the measured distance.
6312 <define name="draw-measure-attlist" combine="interleave">
6313 <attribute name="svg:x1">
6314 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6315 </attribute>
6316 <attribute name="svg:y1">
6317 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6318 </attribute>
6319 </define>
9.2.12 Control
The <draw:control> element represents a shape that is linked to a control inside an
<office:forms> element (see section 11.1).
6328 <define name="draw-control">
6329 <element name="draw:control">
6330 <ref name="draw-control-attlist"/>
6331 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
6332 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
6333 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist"/>
6334 <zeroOrMore>
6335 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6336 </zeroOrMore>
6337 </element>
6338 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:control> element are:
• Position, Size, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15.
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Control
The attributes draw:control attribute specifies the control within a form (see section 11.5.2)
that is linked to the control shape.
6339 <define name="draw-control-attlist" combine="interleave">
6340 <attribute name="draw:control">
6341 <ref name="IDREF"/>
6342 </attribute>
6343 </define>
• Position, Size, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15.
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
• Presentation class – see section 9.6.1
• Page number
Page Number
The draw:page-number attribute specifies the number of the page that is displayed as a
thumbnail. For thumbnails on notes pages, the value of this attribute is fixed to the drawing page
of the notes page. For thumbnails on handout master pages, the value of this attribute is the order
in which the pages are previewed on the handout. For example, on a handout page with 4
thumbnails, the thumbnail with the lowest page number displays the first page when printing the
first handout page and the fifth page when printing the second handout page and so on.
6354 <define name="draw-page-thumbnail-attlist">
6355 <optional>
6356 <attribute name="draw:page-number">
6357 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
6358 </attribute>
6359 </optional>
6360 </define>
9.2.14 Grouping
The <draw:g> element represents a group of drawing shapes.
6361 <define name="draw-g">
6362 <element name="draw:g">
6363 <ref name="draw-g-attlist"/>
6364 <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
6365 <ref name="common-draw-name-attlist"/>
6366 <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
6367 <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
6368 <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
6369 <optional>
6370 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
6371 </optional>
6372 <zeroOrMore>
6373 <ref name="draw-glue-point"/>
6374 </zeroOrMore>
6375 <zeroOrMore>
6376 <ref name="shape"/>
6377 </zeroOrMore>
6378 </element>
6379 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:g> element are:
The attribute draw:name assigns a name to the drawing shape.
6387 <define name="common-draw-name-attlist" combine="interleave">
6388 <optional>
6389 <attribute name="draw:name">
6390 <ref name="string"/>
6391 </attribute>
6392 </optional>
6393 </define>
The position attributes svg:x and svg:y specify the x and y coordinates of the start position of
the drawing shape.
6394 <define name="common-draw-position-attlist">
6395 <optional>
6396 <attribute name="svg:x">
6397 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6398 </attribute>
6399 </optional>
6400 <optional>
6401 <attribute name="svg:y">
6402 <ref name="coordinate"/>
6403 </attribute>
6404 </optional>
6405 </define>
The attributes svg:width and svg:height specify the width and height of the drawing shape.
6406 <define name="common-draw-size-attlist">
6407 <optional>
6408 <attribute name="svg:width">
6409 <ref name="length"/>
6410 </attribute>
6411 </optional>
6412 <optional>
6413 <attribute name="svg:height">
The draw:transform attribute specifies a list of transformations that can be applied to a
drawing shape.
The value of this attribute is a list of transform definitions, which are applied to the drawing shape
in the order in which they are listed. The transform definitions in the list must be separated by a
white space and/or a comma. The types of transform definitions available include:
• matrix(<a> <b> <c> <d> <e> <f>), which specifies a transformation in the form of a
transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f) is the equivalent of applying the
transformation matrix [a b c d e f].
• scale(<sx> [<sy>]), which specifies a scale operation by sx and sy. If <sy> is not
provided, it is assumed to be equal to <sx>.
View Box
The svg:viewBox attribute establishes a user coordinate system inside the physical coordinate
system of the shape specified by the position and size attributes. This user coordinate system is
used by the svg:points attribute and the <draw:path> element.
The syntax for using this attribute is the same as the [SVG] syntax. The value of the attribute are
four numbers separated by white spaces, which define the left, top, right, and bottom dimensions
of the user coordinate system.
Some implementations may ignore the view box attribute. The implied coordinate system then has
its origin at the left, top corner of the shape, without any scaling relative to the shape.
6425 <define name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist">
6426 <attribute name="svg:viewBox">
6427 <list>
6428 <ref name="integer"/>
6429 <ref name="integer"/>
6430 <ref name="integer"/>
6431 <ref name="integer"/>
6432 </list>
6433 </attribute>
The draw:style-name and presentation:style-name attributes specify a style for the
drawing shape. If draw:style-name is used, the shape is a regular graphic shape. If
presentation:style-name is used, the shape is a presentation shape as described in section
The value of both attributes is the name of a <style:style> element. If the draw:style-
name attribute is used, the style must have a family value of graphic. If the
presentation:style-name is used, the style must have a family value of presentation.
The formatting properties of the specified style and its optional parent styles are used to format
the shape. See also section 14.13.1.
The draw:class-names and presentation:class-names attributes take a whitespace
separated list of either graphic or presentation style names. The referenced styles are applied in
the order they are contained in the list. If both, draw:style-name and draw:class-names, or
both presentation:style-name and presentation:class-names are present, the style
referenced by the style-name attribute is treated as the first style in the list in the class-names
attribute. Conforming application should support the class-names attribute and also should
preserve it while editing.
6435 <define name="common-draw-style-name-attlist">
6436 <choice>
6437 <group>
6438 <optional>
6439 <attribute name="draw:style-name">
6440 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
6441 </attribute>
6442 </optional>
6443 <optional>
6444 <attribute name="draw:class-names">
6445 <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
6446 </attribute>
6447 </optional>
6448 </group>
6449 <group>
6450 <optional>
6451 <attribute name="presentation:style-name">
6452 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
6453 </attribute>
6454 </optional>
6455 <optional>
6456 <attribute name="presentation:class-names">
6457 <ref name="styleNameRefs"/>
6458 </attribute>
6459 </optional>
6460 </group>
6461 </choice>
6462 </define>
Text Style
The draw:text-style-name attribute specifies a style for the drawing shape that is used to
format the text that can be added to this shape.
The value of this attribute is the name of a <style:style> element with a family value of
The attribute draw:layer can assign each shape to a layer. The value of this attribute must be
the name of a layer inside the layer-set of the document.
6470 <define name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist">
6471 <optional>
6472 <attribute name="draw:layer">
6473 <data type="string"/>
6474 </attribute>
6475 </optional>
6476 </define>
The draw:id attribute assigns an unique ID to a drawing shape that can be used to reference the
6477 <define name="common-draw-id-attlist">
6478 <optional>
6479 <attribute name="draw:id">
6480 <ref name="ID"/>
6481 </attribute>
6482 </optional>
6483 </define>
Drawing shapes are rendered in a specific order. In general, the shapes are rendered in the order
in which they appear in the XML document. To change the order, use the svg:z-index attribute.
Table Background
If a drawing shape is included in a spreadsheet document, then the table:table-background
attribute specifies whether or not the shape is in the table background. If the attribute is not
existing, the shape is included in the foreground of the table.
6508 <define name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
6509 <optional>
6510 <attribute name="table:table-background">
6511 <ref name="boolean"/>
6512 </attribute>
6513 </optional>
6514 </define>
Text Anchor
Within text documents, the anchor type attribute text:anchor-type specifies how a frame is
bound to the text document. The anchor position is the point at which a frame is bound to a text
document. The anchor position depends on the anchor type as explained in the following table.
page The page that has the Either The physical page
same physical page number is the
number as the value of the • At the start of the number assigned to
text:anchor-page- document body, the page if all pages
number attribute that is outside any paragraph in the document are
attached to the drawing or frame, provided a counted starting
shape element. If no text:anchor- with page 1.
text:anchor-page- page-number
number attribute is given, attribute is given.
the anchor position is the Or
page at which the
character behind the • Inside any paragraph
drawing object element element that is not
appears. contained in a header,
footer, footnote, or
text box, if a
attribute is not given.
The following defined attributes are common for all shapes that supports styles and text.
6556 <define name="common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist">
6557 <ref name="common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist"/>
6558 <ref name="common-draw-text-style-name-attlist"/>
6559 </define>
The draw:id attribute contains the id of the glue point. The id a number and is used inside the
draw:start-glue-point and draw:end-glue-point attributes of a <draw:connector>
element. The Ids 0 to 3 are reserved for the 4 standard glue points that most drawing objects
have. The glue points are numbered clockwise, starting at the top left corner of the shape.
6566 <define name="draw-glue-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
6567 <attribute name="draw:id">
6568 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
6569 </attribute>
6570 </define>
The svg:x and svg:y attributes specifies the position of the glue point. The coordinates are
either percentage values relative to the drawing objects center or, if the draw:align attribute is also
specified, absolute distance values relative to the edge specified with the draw:align attribute.
6571 <define name="draw-glue-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
6572 <attribute name="svg:x">
6573 <choice>
6574 <ref name="distance"/>
6575 <ref name="percent"/>
6576 </choice>
6577 </attribute>
6578 <attribute name="svg:y">
6579 <choice>
6580 <ref name="distance"/>
6581 <ref name="percent"/>
6582 </choice>
6583 </attribute>
6584 </define>
The attribute draw:align specifies the alignment behavior of the glue point if the drawing object
is resized and the shape edge to which the glue point's position relates. A missing vertical or
horizontal position in the attribute's value means that the glue point is horizontally or vertically
6585 <define name="draw-glue-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
6586 <attribute name="draw:align">
6587 <choice>
6588 <value>top-left</value>
6589 <value>top</value>
6590 <value>top-right</value>
Escape Direction
The attribute draw:escape-direction specifies the direction in which the connection line
escapes from the drawing object if a connector connects to the glue point. The value horizontal
means the the connection line may escape to the left or to the right, the value vertical means
that the connection line may escape up or down. The value auto means that the connection line
may escape in all four directions.
6599 <define name="draw-glue-points-attlist" combine="interleave">
6600 <attribute name="draw:escape-direction">
6601 <choice>
6602 <value>auto</value>
6603 <value>left</value>
6604 <value>right</value>
6605 <value>up</value>
6606 <value>down</value>
6607 <value>horizontal</value>
6608 <value>vertical</value>
6609 </choice>
6610 </attribute>
6611 </define>
9.3 Frames
A frame is a rectangular container where that contains enhanced content like text boxes, images
or objects. Frames are very similar to regular drawing shapes, but support some features that are
not available for regular drawing shapes, like contours, image maps and hyperlinks. In particular,
a frame allows to have multiple renditions of an object. That is, a frame may for instance contain
an object as well as an image. In this case, the application may choose the content that it
supports best. If the application supports the object type contained in the frame, it probably will
render the object. If it does not support the object, it will render the image.
In general, an application must not render more than one of the content elements contained in a
frame. The order of content elements dictates the document author's preference for rendering,
with the first child being the most preferred. This means that applications should render the first
child element that it supports. A frame must contain at least one content element. The inclusion of
multiple content elements is optional. Application may preserve the content elements they don't
render, but don't have to.
Within text documents, frames are also used to position content outside the default text flow of a
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:frame> element are:
• Position, Size (relative sizes, see below), Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see
section 9.2.15.
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16
Relative Sizes
For frames, the width and height of the drawing object may be specified as a relative value using
the style:rel-width and style:rel-height attributes. The relative value either is a
percentage value, the special value scale, or the special value scale-min.
The interpretation of relative values depends on the anchor of the drawing object. If the anchor for
the drawing object is in a table cell, the percentage value relates to the surrounding table box. If
the anchor for the drawing object is in a text box, the percentage value relates to the surrounding
text box. In other cases, the percentage values relate to the width of the page or window.
The value scale for the width means that the width should be calculated depending on the
height, so that the ratio of with and height of the original image or object size is preserved.
The value scale for the height means that the height should be calculated depending on the
width, so that the ratio of with and height of the original image or object size is preserved.
The value scale-min equals the value scale, except that the calculated width or height is a
minimum height rather than an absolute one.
To support application that don't support relative with and heights, applications that save the
attributes style:rel-width or style:rel-height should also provide the real width and
heights in the svg:width and svg:height/fo:min-height attributes.
6650 <define name="common-draw-rel-size-attlist">
6651 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
6652 <optional>
6653 <attribute name="style:rel-width">
6654 <choice>
6655 <ref name="percent"/>
6656 <value>scale</value>
6657 <value>scale-min</value>
6658 </choice>
6659 </attribute>
6660 </optional>
6661 <optional>
6662 <attribute name="style:rel-height">
6663 <choice>
6664 <ref name="percent"/>
6665 <value>scale</value>
6666 <value>scale-min</value>
6667 </choice>
6668 </attribute>
6669 </optional>
6670 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:text-box> element are:
• Chain
• Round Corners
• Minimum Height and Width
• Maximum Height and Width
Text boxes don't support contours as described in section 9.3.8 and alternative texts as described
in section 9.3.9.
Text boxes can be chained, in other words, if the content of a text box exceeds its capacity, the
content flows into the next text box in the chain. To chain text boxes, the attribute draw:chain-
next-name is used, The value of this attribute is the name of the next text box in the chain.
Chained text boxes usually are supported by text documents only.
6686 <define name="draw-text-box-attlist" combine="interleave">
6687 <optional>
6688 <attribute name="draw:chain-next-name">
6689 <ref name="string"/>
6690 </attribute>
6691 </optional>
6692 </define>
9.3.2 Image
The <draw:image> element represents an image. An image can be either:
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:image> element are:
• Image data
• Filter name
Like most other drawing shapes, image drawing shapes may have text content. It is displayed in
addition to the image data.
Image Data
The image data can be stored in one of the following ways:
• The image data is contained in an external file. Use the xlink:href and associated
attributes described below to link to the external file.
• The image data is contained in the <draw:image> element. The <draw:image> then
element contains an <office:binary-data> element that contains the image data in
BASE64 encoding (as defined in [RFC2045]). In this situation the xlink:href attribute is not
Filter Name
If required, the draw:filter-name attribute can represent the filter name of the image. This
attribute contains the internal filter name that the office application software used to load the
6780 <define name="draw-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
6781 <optional>
6782 <attribute name="draw:filter-name">
6783 <ref name="string"/>
6784 </attribute>
6785 </optional>
6786 </define>
9.3.3 Objects
A document in OpenDocument format can contain two types of objects, as follows:
• Objects that have an OpenDocument representation. These objects are:
– Formulas (represented as [MathML])
– Charts
– Spreadsheets
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:object> and <draw:object-ole>
elements are:
• Object data
• Table Change Notifications
• Class Id
Objects do not support transformations as described in section 9.2.15.
Object Data
The object data can be called in one of the following ways:
• The xlink:href attribute links to the object representation, as follows:
– For objects that have an XML representation, the link references the sub package of the
object. The object is contained within this sub page exactly as it would as it is a document
of its own.
– For objects that do not have an XML representation, the link references a sub stream of
the package that contains the binary representation of the object.
Application that support objects should support linking to objects that are contained within the
same package. They may also support linking to object located outside the package.
• The object data is contained in the <draw:object> or <draw:object-ole> element, as
It is recommended to include an image representation of the object into the frame in addition to
the object itself.
Class Id
The draw:class-id optionally contains the OLE class id of the object (see also [OLE]).
6814 <define name="draw-object-ole-attlist" combine="interleave">
6815 <optional>
6816 <attribute name="draw:class-id"/>
6817 </optional>
6818 </define>
9.3.4 Applet
An applet is a small Java-based program that is embedded in a document. The <draw:applet>
element is based on the <applet> tag in [HTML4]. This element must contain either the
draw:code or draw:object attribute.
6819 <define name="draw-applet">
6820 <element name="draw:applet">
6821 <ref name="draw-applet-attlist"/>
6822 <optional>
6823 <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
6824 </optional>
6825 <zeroOrMore>
6826 <ref name="draw-param"/>
6827 </zeroOrMore>
6828 </element>
6829 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:applet> element are:
• Codebase
The codebase specifies the base IRI for the applet. If this attribute is not specified, then it defaults
the same base IRI as for the current document. The codebase is represented be the [XLink]
attributes xlink:href, xlink:type, xlink:show, and xlink:actuate. The xlink:href
attribute is described in section 9.3.2.
The draw:code attribute specifies one of the following:
• The name of the class file that contains the compiled applet subclass.
• The path to the class, including the class file itself.
Either this attribute or the draw:object attribute is required. The value of this attribute is
interpreted in relation to the codebase for the applet.
6830 <define name="draw-applet-attlist" combine="interleave">
6831 <optional>
6832 <attribute name="draw:code"/>
6833 </optional>
6834 </define>
The draw:object attribute specifies a resource that contains a serialized representation of the
state of the applet. The serialized data contains the class name of the applet but not the
implementation. The value of this attribute is interpreted in relation to the codebase for the applet.
6835 <define name="draw-applet-attlist" combine="interleave">
6836 <optional>
6837 <attribute name="draw:object"/>
6838 </optional>
6839 </define>
The draw:archive attribute specifies a comma-separated list of URLs for archives that contain
classes and other resources that are preloaded.
6840 <define name="draw-applet-attlist" combine="interleave">
6841 <optional>
6842 <attribute name="draw:archive"/>
6843 </optional>
The draw:mayscript attribute specifies whether or not the applet can be scripted.
6845 <define name="draw-applet-attlist" combine="interleave">
6846 <optional>
6847 <attribute name="draw:may-script" a:defaultValue="false">
6848 <ref name="boolean"/>
6849 </attribute>
6850 </optional>
6851 </define>
9.3.5 Plugins
A plugin is a binary object that is plugged into a document to represent a media-type that usually
is not handled natively by office application software. Plugins are represented by the
<draw:plugin> element
6852 <define name="draw-plugin">
6853 <element name="draw:plugin">
6854 <ref name="draw-plugin-attlist"/>
6855 <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
6856 <zeroOrMore>
6857 <ref name="draw-param"/>
6858 </zeroOrMore>
6859 </element>
6860 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:plugin> element are:
• Mime type
• Source
The only element that may be contained in the <draw:plugin> element is:
Mime type
The draw:mimetype attribute specifies the MIME type to which this plugin should be registered.
6861 <define name="draw-plugin-attlist" combine="interleave">
6862 <optional>
6863 <attribute name="draw:mime-type"/>
6864 </optional>
6865 </define>
The [XLink] attributes xlink:href, xlink:type, xlink:show, and xlink:actuate specify
the source of the plugin. The xlink:href attribute is described in section 9.3.2.
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:param> element are:
● Name
● Value
The draw:name attribute specifies the name of a runtime parameter.
6872 <define name="draw-param-attlist" combine="interleave">
6873 <optional>
6874 <attribute name="draw:name"/>
6875 </optional>
6876 </define>
The draw:value attribute specifies the value of the runtime parameter specified by the name.
6877 <define name="draw-param-attlist" combine="interleave">
6878 <optional>
6879 <attribute name="draw:value"/>
6880 </optional>
6881 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:floating-frame> element are:
• Source
• Frame Name
Floating frames do not support transformations as described in section 9.2.15.
Frame Name
The draw:frame-name specifies the name of the frame. This name can be used as target from
within hyperlinks.
6888 <define name="draw-floating-frame-attlist" combine="interleave">
6889 <optional>
6890 <attribute name="draw:frame-name">
6891 <ref name="string"/>
6892 </attribute>
6893 </optional>
6894 </define>
9.3.8 Contour
The <draw:contour-polygon> and <draw:contour-path> elements may be contained in
the following elements:
• <draw:image>
• <draw:object>
• <draw:object-ole>
• <draw:applet>
• <draw:plugin>
• <draw:floating-frame>
The elements are similar to the <draw:polygon> (see section 9.2.4) and <draw:path> (see
section 9.2.6) elements, except that they specify a contour rather than a drawing shape. The
attributes they support are the ones for the size, the viewbox, the points (contour polygon only)
and the path (contour path only).
Recreate on Edit
The draw:recreate-on-edit attribute specifies if the contour of the image or object should be
recreated automatically when the image or object is edited.
6914 <define name="common-contour-attlist" combine="interleave">
6915 <attribute name="draw:recreate-on-edit">
6916 <ref name="boolean"/>
6917 </attribute>
6918 </define>
• <draw:object>
• <draw:object-ole>
• <draw:applet>
• <draw:floating-frame>
• <draw:plugin>
• <draw:object-ole>
6919 <define name="svg-desc">
6920 <element name="svg:desc">
6921 <text/>
6922 </element>
6923 </define>
9.3.10 Hyperlinks
Frames may behave like hyperlinks. Such hyperlinks are represented by the <draw:a> element,
where. the element's content is the frame that should be the source of the link.
This element is an [XLink] and has some attributes with fixed values and describe the semantics
of the link.
6924 <define name="draw-a">
6925 <element name="draw:a">
6926 <ref name="draw-a-attlist"/>
6927 <ref name="draw-frame"/>
6928 </element>
6929 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:a> element are:
• Link location
• Link target frame
• Name
Link Location
The xlink:href attribute specifies the target location of the link.
6930 <define name="draw-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
6931 <attribute name="xlink:href">
6932 <ref name="anyURI"/>
6933 </attribute>
6934 <optional>
6935 <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
6936 <value>simple</value>
6937 </attribute>
6938 </optional>
6939 <optional>
6940 <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
6941 <choice>
6942 <value>onRequest</value>
6943 </choice>
6944 </attribute>
6945 </optional>
6946 </define>
• _parent : The referenced document is displayed in the parent frame of the current frame.
• _top : The referenced document is displayed in the topmost frame, that is the frame that
contains the current frame as a child or descendent but is not contained within another frame.
• A frame name : The referenced document is displayed in the named frame. If the named
frame does not exist, a new frame with that name is created.
To conform with the [XLink] specification, an additional xlink:show attribute is attached to the
<draw:a> element. If the value of the this attribute is _blank, the xlink:show attribute value is
new. If the value of the this attribute is any of the other value options, the value of the
xlink:show attribute is replace.
6947 <define name="draw-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
6948 <optional>
6949 <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
6950 <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
6951 </attribute>
6952 </optional>
6953 <optional>
6954 <attribute name="xlink:show">
6955 <choice>
6956 <value>new</value>
6957 <value>replace</value>
6958 </choice>
6959 </attribute>
6960 </optional>
A hyperlink can have a name, but it is not essential. The office:name attribute specifies the
name of the link. The name can serve as a target for other hyperlinks. The name does not have to
be unique.
This attribute is specified for compatibility with [HTML4] only, where an <a> element may serve
as a link source and target simultaneously. We strongly recommend that this attribute not be used
for any purpose other than to represent links that originally came from a HTML document.
6962 <define name="draw-a-attlist" combine="interleave">
6963 <optional>
6964 <attribute name="office:name">
6965 <ref name="string"/>
6966 </attribute>
6967 </optional>
6968 </define>
The attributes described in the Common Image Map Attributes and Elements section are optional.
7010 <define name="draw-area-circle">
7011 <element name="draw:area-circle">
7012 <ref name="common-draw-area-attlist"/>
7013 <attribute name="svg:cx">
For more information about how to represent polygons, see section 9.2.4.
The attributes above are required. The attributes described in the Common Image Map Attributes
and Elements section are optional.
7030 <define name="draw-area-polygon">
7031 <element name="draw:area-polygon">
7032 <ref name="common-draw-area-attlist"/>
7033 <attribute name="svg:x">
7034 <ref name="coordinate"/>
7035 </attribute>
7036 <attribute name="svg:y">
7037 <ref name="coordinate"/>
7038 </attribute>
7039 <attribute name="svg:width">
7040 <ref name="length"/>
7041 </attribute>
7042 <attribute name="svg:height">
7043 <ref name="length"/>
7044 </attribute>
7045 <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
7046 <ref name="common-draw-points-attlist"/>
7047 <optional>
7048 <ref name="svg-desc"/>
7049 </optional>
7050 <optional>
• Events associated with the area. Use the <office:event-listeners> child element as
described in section 12.4.
Other attributes of the image maps are taken from the HTML image map representation.
Each image map element identifies a hyperlink and uses the [XLink] href, type, and show
attributes, and the office:target-frame-name attribute to describe the link.
7055 <define name="common-draw-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
7056 <optional>
7057 <attribute name="xlink:href">
7058 <ref name="anyURI"/>
7059 </attribute>
7060 </optional>
7061 <optional>
7062 <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
7063 <choice>
7064 <value>simple</value>
7065 </choice>
7066 </attribute>
7067 </optional>
7068 <optional>
7069 <attribute name="office:target-frame-name">
7070 <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
7071 </attribute>
7072 </optional>
7073 <optional>
7074 <attribute name="xlink:show">
7075 <choice>
7076 <value>new</value>
7077 <value>replace</value>
7078 </choice>
7079 </attribute>
7080 </optional>
7081 </define>
The draw:nohref attribute declares that the image map element and the associated area is
inactive. The IRI that is contained in the image map element is not used.
7089 <define name="common-draw-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
7090 <optional>
7091 <attribute name="draw:nohref">
7092 <choice>
7093 <value>nohref</value>
7094 </choice>
7095 </attribute>
7096 </optional>
7097 </define>
9.4 3D Shapes
9.4.1 Scene
The <dr3d:scene> element is the only element that can contain three-dimensional shapes. A
scene is like a group, but it also defines the projection, lighting, and other render details for the
shapes inside the scene.
7098 <define name="dr3d-scene">
7099 <element name="dr3d:scene">
7100 <ref name="dr3d-scene-attlist"/>
7101 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
7102 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
7103 <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
7104 <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
7105 <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
7106 <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
7107 <ref name="common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist"/>
7108 <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
7109 <zeroOrMore>
7110 <ref name="dr3d-light"/>
7111 </zeroOrMore>
7112 <zeroOrMore>
7113 <ref name="shapes3d"/>
7114 </zeroOrMore>
7115 </element>
7116 </define>
7118 <define name="shapes3d">
7119 <choice>
7120 <ref name="dr3d-scene"/>
7121 <ref name="dr3d-extrude"/>
7122 <ref name="dr3d-sphere"/>
7123 <ref name="dr3d-rotate"/>
7124 <ref name="dr3d-cube"/>
7125 </choice>
7126 </define>
Camera Vectors
The camera vectors define a viewing volume. The dr3d:vrp attribute specifies the origin, the
dr3d:vpn attribute points towards the projected objects, and the dr3d:vup attribute defines the
up vector.
7127 <define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
7128 <optional>
7129 <attribute name="dr3d:vrp">
7130 <ref name="vector3D"/>
7131 </attribute>
7132 </optional>
7133 <optional>
7134 <attribute name="dr3d:vpn">
7135 <ref name="vector3D"/>
7136 </attribute>
7137 </optional>
7138 <optional>
7139 <attribute name="dr3d:vup">
7140 <ref name="vector3D"/>
7141 </attribute>
7142 </optional>
7143 </define>
The dr3d:projection attribute specifies the projection. The projection can be perspective or
parallel. In perspective mode, objects become smaller in the distance.
7144 <define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
7145 <optional>
7146 <attribute name="dr3d:projection">
7147 <choice>
7148 <value>parallel</value>
7149 <value>perspective</value>
7150 </choice>
7151 </attribute>
7152 </optional>
7153 </define>
Focal Length
The dr3d:focal-length attribute specifies the length of the focus for the virtual camera of this
7161 <define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
7162 <optional>
7163 <attribute name="dr3d:focal-length">
7164 <ref name="length"/>
7165 </attribute>
7166 </optional>
7167 </define>
Shadow Slant
The dr3d:shadow-slant attribute defines the angle from the three-dimensional scene to a
virtual paper on which the shadow is cast.
7168 <define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
7169 <optional>
7170 <attribute name="dr3d:shadow-slant">
7171 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
7172 </attribute>
7173 </optional>
7174 </define>
Shade Mode
The shade mode defines how the lighting is calculated for rendered surfaces
• flat: lighting is calculated by one surface normal.
• phong: lighting is calculated by interpolating the surface normals over the surface.
• gouraud: lighting is calculated by interpolating the color calculated with the surface normals
at each edge.
• draft: surfaces are not lit and drawn as wireframe only.
7175 <define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
7176 <optional>
7177 <attribute name="dr3d:shade-mode">
7178 <choice>
7179 <value>flat</value>
7180 <value>phong</value>
7181 <value>gouraud</value>
7182 <value>draft</value>
7183 </choice>
Ambient Color
The dr3d:ambient-color attribute specifies the color for ambient light. Ambient light is that
light that seems to come from all directions.
7187 <define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
7188 <optional>
7189 <attribute name="dr3d:ambient-color">
7190 <ref name="color"/>
7191 </attribute>
7192 </optional>
7193 </define>
Lighting Mode
The attribute dr3d:lighting-mode enables or disables the use of lighting in the three-
dimensional scene.
7194 <define name="dr3d-scene-attlist" combine="interleave">
7195 <optional>
7196 <attribute name="dr3d:lighting-mode">
7197 <ref name="boolean"/>
7198 </attribute>
7199 </optional>
7200 </define>
3D Transformation
The value of the dr3d:transform attribute is a list of transform definitions, which are applied in
the order provided. The individual transform definitions are separated by whitespace. The
available types of transform definitions include:
• matrix (<a> <b> <c> <d> <e> <f> <g> <h> <i> <j> <k> <l>), which specifies a
transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of six values. matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l)
is equivalent to applying the transformation matrix [a b c d e f g h i j k l].
• translate (<tx> <ty> <tz>), which specifies a translation by tx, ty and tz.
• scale (<sx> <sy> <sz>), which specifies a scale operation by sx, sy and sz.
This element must be the first element contained in a <dr3d:scene> element. There may be
several lights, but applications may only support a limited number per scene. A typical limitation
are 8 lights per scene.
7206 <define name="dr3d-light">
7207 <element name="dr3d:light">
7208 <ref name="dr3d-light-attlist"/>
7209 <empty/>
7210 </element>
7211 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <dr3d:light> element are:
• Diffuse color
• Direction
• Enabled
• Specular
Diffuse Color
The dr3d:diffuse-color attribute specifies the base color that the light is emitting.
7212 <define name="dr3d-light-attlist" combine="interleave">
7213 <optional>
7214 <attribute name="dr3d:diffuse-color">
7215 <ref name="color"/>
7216 </attribute>
7217 </optional>
7218 </define>
The dr3d:direction attribute specifies the direction in which the light is emitted.
7219 <define name="dr3d-light-attlist" combine="interleave">
7220 <attribute name="dr3d:direction">
7221 <ref name="vector3D"/>
7222 </attribute>
7223 </define>
The dr3d:enabled attribute specifies whether or not the light is enabled. If a light is not enabled,
it does not emit any light.
7224 <define name="dr3d-light-attlist" combine="interleave">
7225 <optional>
7226 <attribute name="dr3d:enabled">
7227 <ref name="boolean"/>
7228 </attribute>
7229 </optional>
7230 </define>
9.4.3 Cube
The <dr3d:cube> element represents a three-dimensional cube shape.
7238 <define name="dr3d-cube">
7239 <element name="dr3d:cube">
7240 <ref name="dr3d-cube-attlist"/>
7241 <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
7242 <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
7243 <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
7244 <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
7245 <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
7246 <empty/>
7247 </element>
7248 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <dr3d:cube> element are:
9.4.4 Sphere
The <dr3d:sphere> element represents a three-dimensional sphere shape.
7261 <define name="dr3d-sphere">
7262 <element name="dr3d:sphere">
7263 <ref name="dr3d-sphere-attlist"/>
The attributes that may be associated with the <dr3d:sphere> element are:
The dr3d:center attribute defines the center of the sphere in a three-dimensional space.
7272 <define name="dr3d-sphere-attlist" combine="interleave">
7273 <optional>
7274 <attribute name="dr3d:center">
7275 <ref name="vector3D"/>
7276 </attribute>
7277 </optional>
7278 </define>
The dr3d:size attribute defines the size of the sphere in a three-dimensional space.
7279 <define name="dr3d-sphere-attlist" combine="interleave">
7280 <optional>
7281 <attribute name="dr3d:size">
7282 <ref name="vector3D"/>
7283 </attribute>
7284 </optional>
7285 </define>
9.4.5 Extrude
The <dr3d:extrude> element represents a three-dimensional extrude based on a polygon.
7286 <define name="dr3d-extrude">
7287 <element name="dr3d:extrude">
7288 <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
7289 <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
7290 <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
7291 <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
7292 <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
7293 <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
7294 <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
7295 <empty/>
7296 </element>
7297 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <dr3d:extrude> element are:
9.4.6 Rotate
The <dr3d:rotate> element represents a three-dimensional rotation shape based on a
7298 <define name="dr3d-rotate">
7299 <element name="dr3d:rotate">
7300 <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
7301 <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
7302 <ref name="common-draw-z-index-attlist"/>
7303 <ref name="common-draw-id-attlist"/>
7304 <ref name="common-draw-layer-name-attlist"/>
7305 <ref name="common-draw-style-name-attlist"/>
7306 <ref name="common-dr3d-transform-attlist"/>
7307 <empty/>
7308 </element>
7309 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <dr3d:rotate> element are:
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:custom shape> element are:
• Position, Size, Style, Layer, Z-Index, ID, and Transformation – see section 9.2.15.
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position – see section 9.2.16.
• Draw engine
• Draw data
If the draw:engine attribute is omitted, the office application's default enhanced custom shape
rendering engine will be used. This engine gets its geometry data from the <draw:enhanced-
geometry> element only.
7328 <define name="draw-custom-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
7329 <optional>
7330 <attribute name="draw:engine">
7331 <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
7332 </attribute>
7333 </optional>
7334 </define>
Draw Data
The draw:data attribute contains rendering engine specific data that describes the geometry of
the custom shape. This attribute is only evaluated if a non default rendering engine is specified by
the draw:engine attribute.
7335 <define name="draw-custom-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
7336 <optional>
7337 <attribute name="draw:data">
7338 <ref name="string"/>
7339 </attribute>
7340 </optional>
7341 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:enhanced-geometry> element are
• Type
• View Box
• Mirror
• Text Rotate Angle
The draw:type attribute contains the name of a shape type. This name can be used to offer
specialized user interfaces for certain classes of shapes, like for arrows, smileys, etc.
The shape type is rendering engine dependent and does not influence the geometry of the shape.
If the value of the draw:type attribute is non-primitive, then no shape type is available.
7353 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7354 <optional>
7355 <attribute name="draw:type" a:defaultValue="non-primitive">
7356 <ref name="custom-shape-type"/>
7357 </attribute>
7358 </optional>
7359 </define>
7361 <define name="custom-shape-type">
7362 <choice>
7363 <value>non-primitive</value>
7364 <ref name="string"/>
7365 </choice>
7366 </define>
View Box
The svg:viewBox attribute establishes a user coordinate system inside the physical coordinate
system of the shape specified by the position and size attributes. This user coordinate system is
used by the <draw:enhanced-path> element.
The syntax for using this attribute is the same as the [SVG] syntax. The value of the attribute are
four numbers separated by white spaces, which define the left, top, right, and bottom dimensions
of the user coordinate system.
7367 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7368 <optional>
7369 <attribute name="svg:viewBox">
7370 <list>
7371 <ref name="integer"/>
7372 <ref name="integer"/>
7373 <ref name="integer"/>
7374 <ref name="integer"/>
7375 </list>
7376 </attribute>
7377 </optional>
7378 </define>
Extrusion Allowed
The draw:extrusion-allowed attribute specifies whether the shape is capable to be rendered
as extrusion object.
7398 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7399 <optional>
7400 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-allowed" a:defaultValue="false">
7401 <ref name="boolean"/>
7402 </attribute>
7403 </optional>
7404 </define>
The draw:extrusion attribute determines if an extrusion is displayed.
7420 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7421 <optional>
7422 <attribute name="draw:extrusion" a:defaultValue="false">
7423 <ref name="boolean"/>
7424 </attribute>
7425 </optional>
7426 </define>
Extrusion Brightness
The draw:extrusion-brightness attribute specifies the brightness of a scene.
7427 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7428 <optional>
7429 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-brightness" a:defaultValue="33%">
7430 <ref name="percent"/>
7431 </attribute>
7432 </optional>
7433 </define>
Extrusion Depth
The draw:extrusion-depth attribute specifies the depth of the extrusion. It takes two space
separated values. The first value specifies the depth of the extrusion, the second value specifies
the fraction of the extrusion that lies before the shape. It must be in the range [0,1]. A value of 0 is
7434 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7435 <optional>
7436 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-depth" a:defaultValue="36pt 0">
7437 <list>
7438 <ref name="length"/>
7439 <ref name="double"/>
7440 </list>
7441 </attribute>
7442 </optional>
7443 </define>
Extrusion Metal
The draw:extrusion-metal attribute specifies if the surface of the extrusion object looks like
7514 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7515 <optional>
7516 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-metal" a:defaultValue="false">
7517 <ref name="boolean"/>
7518 </attribute>
7519 </optional>
7520 </define>
• phong: lighting is calculated by interpolating the surface normals over the surface.
• gouraud: lighting is calculated by interpolating the color calculated with the surface normals
at each edge.
• draft: surfaces are not lit and drawn as wireframe only.
7521 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7522 <optional>
7523 <attribute name="dr3d:shade-mode" a:defaultValue="flat">
7524 <choice>
7525 <value>flat</value>
7526 <value>phong</value>
7527 <value>gouraud</value>
7528 <value>draft</value>
7529 </choice>
7530 </attribute>
7531 </optional>
7532 </define>
The order of the rotation is: z-axis, y-axis and then x-axis.
7533 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7534 <optional>
7535 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-rotation-angle" a:defaultValue="0 0">
7536 <list>
7537 <ref name="double"/>
7538 <ref name="double"/>
7539 </list>
Extrusion Shininess
The draw:extrusion-shininess attribute specifies the shininess of a mirror.
7550 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7551 <optional>
7552 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-shininess" a:defaultValue="50%">
7553 <ref name="percent"/>
7554 </attribute>
7555 </optional>
7556 </define>
Extrusion Skew
The draw:extrusion-skew attribute specifies the skew amount and skew angle of an
extrusion. Skew settings are only applied if the attribute dr3d:projection has the value
The first parameter represents the skew amount in percent, the second parameter specifies the
skew angle.
7557 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7558 <optional>
7559 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-skew" a:defaultValue="50 45">
7560 <list>
7561 <ref name="double"/>
7562 <ref name="double"/>
7563 </list>
7564 </attribute>
7565 </optional>
7566 </define>
Extrusion Specularity
The draw:extrusion-specularity attribute specifies the specularity of an extrusion object.
7567 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7568 <optional>
7569 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-specularity" a:defaultValue="0%">
7570 <ref name="percent"/>
7571 </attribute>
7572 </optional>
Extrusion Viewpoint
The draw:extrusion-viewpoint attribute specifies the viewpoint of the observer as an 3D
point. The attribute's value syntax is similar to vector3D, solely a unit is following each parameter.
An example for a 3D point is: “(1cm 1cm 0m)”.
7584 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7585 <optional>
7586 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-viewpoint"
7587 a:defaultValue="3.5cm -3.5cm 25cm">
7588 <ref name="point3D"/>
7589 </attribute>
7590 </optional>
7591 </define>
7593 <define name="point3D">
7594 <data type="string"/>
7595 </define>
Extrusion Origin
The draw:extrusion-origin attributes specifies the origin within the bounding box of the
shape in terms of the shape size fractions.
The first parameter represents the horizontal origin, a value of -0.5 represents the left side of the
shape, a value of 0 represents the center of the shape, a value of 0.5 represents the right side of
the shape.
The second parameter represents the vertical origin, a value of -0.5 represents the top side of the
shape, a value of 0 represents the center of the shape, a value of 0.5 represents the bottom side
of the shape.
7596 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7597 <optional>
7598 <attribute name="draw:extrusion-origin" a:defaultValue="0.5 -0.5">
7599 <list>
7600 <ref name="double"/>
7601 <ref name="double"/>
7602 </list>
7603 </attribute>
7604 </optional>
7605 </define>
Enhanced Path
The draw:enhanced-path attribute specifies a path similar to the svg:d attribute of the
<svg:path> element. Instructions such as moveto, lineto, arcto and other instructions
together with its parameter are describing the geometry of a shape which can be filled and or
stroked. Relative commands are not supported.
The syntax of draw:enhanced-path attribute is as follows:
• A prefix notation is being used, that means that each command is followed by its parameter.
• Superfluous white space and separators such as commas can be eliminated. (e.g., “M 10 10
L 20 20 L 30 20” can also be written: “M10 10L20 20L30 20”
• If the command is repeated multiple times, only the first command is required. (e.g., “M 10 10
L 20 20 L 30 20” can also be expressed as followed “M 10 10 L 20 20 30 20”
• Floats can be used, therefore the only allowable decimal point is a dot (“.”)
The above mentioned rules are the same as specified for the <svg:path> element.
• If “$” is preceding a integer value, the value is a indexing a draw:modifiers attribute. The
corresponding modifier value is used as parameter value then.
Following notation is used in the table below:
• (): grouping of parameters
• +: 1 or more of the given parameter(s) is required
Example for a custom-shape that uses the draw:enhanced-path to describe a pie-chart whose top
right quarter segment is taken out:
svg:width="10cm" svg:height="10cm" svg:x="0cm" svg:y="0cm">
<draw:enhanced-geometry svg:viewBox="0 0 10 10"
draw:enhanced-path="V 0 0 10 10 10 5 5 0 L 5 5 Z N">
A arcto (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y) + (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is defining the bounding
box of a ellipse. A line is then drawn from the
current point to the start angle of the arc that is
specified by the radial vector of point (x3, y3)
and then counter clockwise to the end-angle
that is specified by point (x4, y4).
V clockwis (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x y)+ The same as the “A” command, except that a
earc implied moveto to the starting point is done
and the arc is drawn clockwise.
Path Stretchpoint
The draw:path-stretchpoint-x and draw:path-stretchpoint-y attributes specifies
the stretchpoint of a shape.
7620 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7621 <optional>
7622 <attribute name="draw:path-stretchpoint-x" a:defaultValue="0">
7623 <ref name="double"/>
7624 </attribute>
7625 </optional>
7626 <optional>
7627 <attribute name="draw:path-stretchpoint-y" a:defaultValue="0">
7628 <ref name="double"/>
7629 </attribute>
7630 </optional>
7631 </define>
Text Areas
The draw:text-areas attribute specifies a list of text areas. The text area is used to position
and align the text. If no text area is omitted, the area of the shape itself is used. If a second text
area is available it is used for vertical text.
An area consists of four parameters:
The first parameter specifies the left side of the text area.
The second parameter specifies the top side of the text area.
The third parameter specifies the right side of the text area.
The fourth parameter specifies the bottom side of the text area.
A parameter can also have one of the following enhancements:
• If “$” is preceding a integer value, the value is a indexing a draw:modifiers attribute. The
corresponding modifier value is used as parameter value then.
A example of the draw:text-areas attribute that defines two text areas, including modifier and
equation usage, would be: draw:text-areas=”0 0 100 100 ?Formula1 $1 200 200”
7632 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7633 <optional>
7634 <attribute name="draw:text-areas">
7635 <ref name="string"/>
7636 </attribute>
7637 </optional>
7638 </define>
Glue Points
The draw:glue-points attribute specifies a list of object defined glue points. In contradiction to
the user defined glue points which are defined by the <draw:glue-point> sub-element, the
object defined glue point can make use of equations and modifiers.
The first parameter specifies the horizontal position of the glue point.
The second parameter specifies the vertical position of the glue point.
Each parameter can be a float, or it can also have one of the following enhancements:
• A “?” is used to mark the beginning of a formula name. The result of the element's
draw:formula attribute is used as parameter value in this case.
• If “$” is preceding a integer value, the value is a indexing a draw:modifiers attribute. The
corresponding modifier value is used as parameter value then.
A example of the draw:glue-points attribute that defines two glue points, including modifier and
equation usage, would be: draw:glue-points=”0 ?Formula1 100 $1”
7639 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7640 <optional>
7641 <attribute name="draw:glue-points">
7642 <ref name="string"/>
7643 </attribute>
7644 </optional>
7645 </define>
• rectangle: the middle of each side of the shape bound rectangle specifies a object specific
glue point
7646 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7647 <optional>
Text Path
The draw:text-path attribute specifies if text is displayed on a text path.
7662 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7663 <optional>
7664 <attribute name="draw:text-path" a:defaultValue="false">
7665 <ref name="boolean"/>
7666 </attribute>
7667 </optional>
7668 </define>
• path: The text scaling is determined by the length of the path from the draw:enhanced-
path attribute.
The draw:modifiers attribute contains list of modifier values. The modifier can be a float value.
In the majority of cases, the draw:modifiers attribute is being used by the draw:handle-
position attribute to store the handle position.
7698 <define name="draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist" combine="interleave">
7699 <optional>
7700 <attribute name="draw:modifiers">
7701 <ref name="string"/>
7702 </attribute>
7703 </optional>
7704 </define>
The <draw:equation> element can be referenced by handles, text areas, glue points and
enhanced paths to calculate values which are dependent to modifier values. Due to the fact that
modifier values may changed by interaction it is a convenient way to integrate dynamic values into
the shape geometry.
7705 <define name="draw-equation">
The draw:name attribute specifies the name of the equation. The name is not allowed to include
7711 <define name="draw-equation-attlist" combine="interleave">
7712 <optional>
7713 <attribute name="draw:name">
7714 <ref name="string"/>
7715 </attribute>
7716 </optional>
7717 </define>
The draw:formula attribute specifies an equation that should be used to evaluate a value. A
formula can make use of other formulas or modifier values by function and or modifier reference.
number_digit = '0'|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7'|'8'|'9'
identifier = 'pi'|'left'|'top'|'right'|'bottom'|'xstretch'|'ystretch'|
unary_function = 'abs'|'sqrt'|'sin'|'cos'|'tan'|'atan'|'atan2'
binary_function = 'min'|'max'
ternary_function = 'if'
basic_expression =
number |
identifier |
function_reference |
unary_function '(' additive_expression ')' |
binary_function '(' additive_expression ',' additive_expression ')' |
ternary_function '(' additive_expression ',' additive_expression ',
' additive_expression ')' | '(' additive_expression ')'
multiplicative_expression =
basic_expression |
multiplicative_expression '*' basic_expression |
multiplicative_expression '/' basic_expression
additive_expression =
multiplicative_expression |
additive_expression '+' multiplicative_expression |
additive_expression '-' multiplicative_expression
A example for the draw:formula attribute would be: draw:formula=”width+10-$0” If the value
of the first modifier value is “100” and the width of the svg:viewbox is “10000”, then the result of
the above formula would be 10000 + 10 – 100 = 9910
7718 <define name="draw-equation-attlist" combine="interleave">
7719 <optional>
7720 <attribute name="draw:formula">
7721 <ref name="string"/>
7722 </attribute>
7723 </optional>
7724 </define>
The <draw:handle> element specifies a single interaction handle.
7725 <define name="draw-handle">
7726 <element name="draw:handle">
7727 <ref name="draw-handle-attlist"/>
7728 <empty/>
7729 </element>
7730 </define>
Handle Switched
The draw:handle-switched attribute specifies if the handle directions are swapped if the
shape height is higher than the shape width.
7745 <define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
7746 <optional>
7747 <attribute name="draw:handle-switched" a:defaultValue="false">
7748 <ref name="boolean"/>
7749 </attribute>
7750 </optional>
7751 </define>
Handle Position
The draw:handle-position attribute specifies the position of the handle and consists of
two parameters.
Each parameter can be a float or it can have one of the following enhancements:
• A “?” is used to mark the beginning of a formula name. The result of the element's
draw:formula attribute is used as parameter value in this case.
• If “$” is preceding a integer value, the value is a indexing a draw:modifiers attribute. The
corresponding modifier value is used as parameter value then.
• Instead of a number a parameter can also be one of the following constants:
Constan Description
Handle Polar
The draw:handle-polar attribute specifies that the handle is a polar handle. The syntax for
this attribute is the same as for the attribute draw:handle-position. The first parameter
specifies the horizontal center position, the vertical center position is specified by the second
parameter. If this attribute is set, the attributes draw:handle-range-x and draw:handle-
range-y are ignored, instead the attributes draw:handle-radius-range-minimum and
draw:handle-radius-range-maximum can be used.
7785 <define name="draw-handle-attlist" combine="interleave">
7786 <optional>
7787 <attribute name="draw:handle-polar">
7788 <ref name="string"/>
7789 </attribute>
7790 </optional>
7791 </define>
Presentation shapes can have styles from the style family presentation assigned to them. A
presentation shape can be distinguished from a drawing shape by checking whether it has a
presentation:style-name attribute. A drawing shape uses a draw:style-name attribute
with a style from the graphic family, while a presentation shape uses a
presentation:style-name attribute with a style from the presentation family. This name
links to a <style:style> element with the family presentation. The formatting properties in
this style and its optional parent styles are used to format this shape. See also section 9.2.15.
The presentation:class attribute classifies presentation shapes by their usage within a draw
page (for instance as title or outline). The following classes exist:
• title: Titles are standard text shapes.
• handout: Presentation handouts are placeholder for the drawing page in a handout page.
The next four classes can be used only for drawing shapes that are contained in master pages.
Depending on the settings of the page (see section 15.36), they are displayed automatically on
drawing pages that use the master page.
• header: The drawing shape is used as a header. Header shapes are standard text shapes.
• footer: The drawing shape is used as a footer. Footer shapes are standard text shapes.
• date-time: The drawing shape is used as a date and/or time shape. Date and Time shapes
are standard text shapes.
• page-number: The drawing shape is used as a page number shape. Page Number shapes
are standard text shapes.
7806 <define name="presentation-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
7807 <optional>
7808 <attribute name="presentation:class">
7809 <ref name="presentation-classes"/>
7810 </attribute>
7811 </optional>
7812 </define>
7813 <define name="presentation-classes">
7814 <choice>
7815 <value>title</value>
7816 <value>outline</value>
7817 <value>subtitle</value>
7818 <value>text</value>
7819 <value>graphic</value>
7820 <value>object</value>
7821 <value>chart</value>
7822 <value>table</value>
7823 <value>orgchart</value>
7824 <value>page</value>
7825 <value>notes</value>
7826 <value>handout</value>
7827 <value>header</value>
7828 <value>footer</value>
7829 <value>date-time</value>
7830 <value>page-number</value>
7831 </choice>
7832 </define>
The presentation:user-transformed attribute specifies whether the size and position of
the shape is set by the user or is set by the corresponding presentation shape on the master
7840 <define name="presentation-shape-attlist" combine="interleave">
7841 <optional>
7842 <attribute name="presentation:user-transformed">
7843 <ref name="boolean"/>
7844 </attribute>
7845 </optional>
7846 </define>
The attribute that may be associate with the <presentation:sound> element is:
• Play full
Play Full
If the value of the attribute presentation:play-full is true, the next effect starts after the
sound is played. If the value of this attribute is false, the next effect starts when the current
effect is finished.
7898 <define name="presentation-sound-attlist" combine="interleave">
7899 <optional>
7900 <attribute name="presentation:play-full">
7901 <ref name="boolean"/>
7902 </attribute>
7903 </optional>
7904 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <presentation:show-shape> element are:
• Shape
• Effect
• Direction
• Speed
• Delay
• Start Scale
• Path
The attribute draw:shape-id specifies the shape of this effect using a shape ID.
7913 <define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
7914 <attribute name="draw:shape-id">
7915 <ref name="IDREF"/>
7916 </attribute>
7917 </define>
The attribute presentation:effect specifies the type of effect.
• fade: the shape fades from its visible or hidden state to a hidden or visible state.
• stripes: the shape is faded in or out by drawing or removing horizontal or vertical stripes
that change their size.
• open: the shape is drawn or removed line by line, either horizontally or vertically, starting at
the center of the shape.
• close: the shape is drawn or removed line by line, either horizontally or vertically, starting at
the edge of the shape.
• lines: the shape is faded in our out by drawing or removing line by line, either horizontally or
vertically, in a random fashion.
• laser: this effect is only available for text shapes; the characters of the text are moved one
by one from the top edge of the screen to their final position.
• appear: the shape is faded in by just switching its state from invisible to visible.
• hide: the shape is faded out by just switching its state from visible to invisible.
• move-short: like the move effect, but the moving shape is clipped to its final bounding
rectangle during fade.
• checkerboard: the shape is faded in or out by drawing or removing checkerboard like
blocks that increase in size over time.
• rotate: the shape rotates horizontally or vertically for a short amount of time during this
• stretch: the shape is faded in or out by changing its size during this effect.
7918 <define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
7919 <optional>
7920 <attribute name="presentation:effect" a:defaultValue="none">
7921 <ref name="presentationEffects"/>
7922 </attribute>
7923 </optional>
7924 </define>
7925 <define name="presentationEffects">
7926 <choice>
7927 <value>none</value>
7928 <value>fade</value>
7929 <value>move</value>
7930 <value>stripes</value>
7931 <value>open</value>
7932 <value>close</value>
7933 <value>dissolve</value>
7934 <value>wavyline</value>
7935 <value>random</value>
7936 <value>lines</value>
7937 <value>laser</value>
7938 <value>appear</value>
7939 <value>hide</value>
7940 <value>move-short</value>
7941 <value>checkerboard</value>
7942 <value>rotate</value>
7943 <value>stretch</value>
7944 </choice>
7945 </define>
The attribute presentation:speed specifies the speed of the effect.
7985 <define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
7986 <optional>
7987 <attribute name="presentation:speed" a:defaultValue="medium">
7988 <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
7989 </attribute>
7990 </optional>
7991 </define>
7992 <define name="presentationSpeeds">
7993 <choice>
7994 <value>slow</value>
7995 <value>medium</value>
7996 <value>fast</value>
The attribute presentation:delay specifies the delay before a presentation effect starts after
the previous one has been finished.
7999 <define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
8000 <optional>
8001 <attribute name="presentation:delay">
8002 <ref name="duration"/>
8003 </attribute>
8004 </optional>
8005 </define>
Start Scale
Some effects scale a shape during execution of the effect. The attribute presentation:start-
scale specifies the start size of the shape as a percentage of its original size.
8006 <define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
8007 <optional>
8008 <attribute name="presentation:start-scale" a:defaultValue="100%">
8009 <ref name="percent"/>
8010 </attribute>
8011 </optional>
8012 </define>
The attribute presentation:path-id applies to move effects. The attribute specifies the
shape-id of a polygon shape. The effect moves along the lines of the specified polygon. The
referenced polygon is not visible during the presentation.
8013 <define name="common-presentation-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
8014 <optional>
8015 <attribute name="presentation:path-id"/>
8016 </optional>
8017 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <presentation:show-text> element are:
• Shape, Effect, Direction, Speed, Start Scale, Path – see section 9.7.2
The attributes that may be associated with the <presentation:hide-shape> element are:
• Shape, Effect, Direction, Speed, Start Scale, Path – see section 9.7.2
The attributes that may be associated with the <presentation:hide-text> element are:
• Shape, Effect, Direction, Speed, Start Scale, Path – see section 9.7.2
9.7.6 Dim
The element <presentation:dim> fills a shape in a single color.
8042 <define name="presentation-dim">
8043 <element name="presentation:dim">
8044 <ref name="presentation-dim-attlist"/>
8045 <optional>
8046 <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
8047 </optional>
8048 </element>
8049 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <presentation:dim> element are:
9.7.7 Play
The element <presentation:play> starts the animation of a shape that supports animation.
8060 <define name="presentation-play">
8061 <element name="presentation:play">
8062 <ref name="presentation-play-attlist"/>
8063 <empty/>
8064 </element>
8065 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <presentation:play> element are:
Slide Animation
Each <draw:page> element may optionally have an <anim:par> element that defines the
animation of that page during a running slideshow. This <anim:par> element should contain one
<anim:seq> element which is the main sequence for shape effects and zero or more
<anim:seq> elements that define interactive sequences for shapes that contain animation
interactions. The animation elements are executed after the slide has executed its initial transition.
Main Sequence
The main sequence is a <anim:seq> element which contains the effects that should start after
the slide has executed its initial transition. Since this is a sequential container, its child nodes are
executed one after each other. If a child node's smil:begin attribute has the value
indefinite, then the execution is stalled until the user advances the slideshow by a mouse or
key interaction.
The first level of child nodes in the main sequence should be <anim:par> elements that group
animation elements that are started with the same user interaction. The second level of child
nodes should be <anim:par> elements that group animations elements that start at the same
time. The third level of child nodes should be <anim:par> elements that group the animation
elements for a single effect.
The following example shows a main sequence with the effects A, B, C and D. Effect A is started
on user interaction, effect B is started simultaneously with A. Effect C is started 4 seconds after
the effects A and B. Effect D is started on the next user interaction:
<amin:par> <!-- timing root-->
<anim:seq> <!-- main sequence-->
<anim:par smil:begin="indefinite">
<!-- first user interaction -->
<anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="4s">
<!-- first group of effects to execute -->
<anim:par> <!-- effect a -->
<!-- nodes for effect a-->
<anim:par> <!-- effect b -->
<!-- nodes for effect b-->
Interactive Sequence
An interactive sequence is a <anim:seq> element that should have the same structure as a
main sequence. The only difference is that the <anim:par> element in the first level has a
smil:begin attribute with a value like [shape-id].click, where [shape-id] identifies a
drawing shapes by its draw:id attribute. These animation elements are triggered when the user
interacts with the element defined by [shape-id].
Iteration Type
For presentation documents, the anim:iterate-type attribute of the <anim:iterate>
element (see section 13.4.4) can have the following values:
• by-paragraph: the target shape is iterated by paragraphs.
• by-word: the target shape or paragraph is iterated by words.
• by-letter: the target shape or paragraph is iterated by letters.
Target Attribute
For presentation documents, the smil:attributeName attribute specified in section 13.3.1 can
have the following values:
• x: animates the elements x position, values are given in screen space where 0 is the left edge
and 1 is the right edge.
• y: animates the elements y position, values are given in screen space where 0 is the top and
1 is the bottom.
• width: animates the elements width, values are given in screen space where 0 is no width
and 1 is the same width as the screen.
• height: animates the elements height, values are given in screen space where 0 is no height
and 1 is the same height as the screen.
• color: animates the elements color, this animates both fill,line and char color. Values can be
• rotate: animates the elements rotation, this animates both the shapes and text animation.
• skewX: animates the elements horizontal skew.
• fillColor: animates the elements fill color.
For presentation documents, the anim:formula attribute specified in section 13.3.2 may contain
the following additional identifiers:
• e,: this is the Euler constant.
• x: this is the animated elements left edge in screen space where 0 is the left edge of the
screen and 1 is the right edge.
• y: this is the animated elements top edge in screen space, where 0 is the top edge of the
screen and 1 is the bottom edge.
• width: this is the animated elements width in screen space, where 0 is no width and 1 is the
screens width.
• height: this is the animated elements height in screen space, where 0 is no height and 1 is
the screens height.
For presentation documents, The anim:command attribute of the <anim:command> element (see
section 13.6.1) can have the following values:
• custom: the command is user defined.
• verb: the command targets an OLE2 shape. The parameter verb is the verb number that will
be executed at the OLE2 shape.
• play: the command targets a media shape and starts its playback. The optional parameter
media-time defines the playback start time in seconds. If this parameter is not set, playback
starts at the last position.
• toggle-pause: the command targets a media shape and toggles its playback state from play
to paused or from paused to play.
• stop: the command targets a media shape and stops its playback.
• stop-audio: the command has no target and stops all running audio playback.
Node Type
The presentation:node-type attribute specifies a node type for an animation element. This
attribute does not alter the element's behavior but helps the application to quickly identify an
elements purpose inside an animation element hierarchy. The value of this attribute can be:
Preset Id
The presentation:preset-id attribute specifies the name of the preset that was used to
create this animation element.
8098 <define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
8099 <optional>
8100 <attribute name="presentation:preset-id">
8101 <ref name="string"/>
8102 </attribute>
8103 </optional>
8104 </define>
Master Element
The presentation:master-element attribute specifies the id of an animation element. Office
application user interfaces may only display animation elements that don't have a
presentation:master-element attribute, and may consider the ones that have a
presentation:master-element to be a part of the animation element that is referenced.
8127 <define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
8128 <optional>
8129 <attribute name="presentation:master-element">
8130 <ref name="IDREF"/>
8131 </attribute>
8132 </optional>
8133 </define>
Group Id
The presentation:group-id attribute specifies a group id. This id can be used to group
animation elements within the user interface, where a group consists of all animation elements
that have the same group id. This can be used for instance to group the animation elements that
animate the paragraphs of a single shape.
8134 <define name="common-anim-attlist" combine="interleave">
8135 <optional>
8136 <attribute name="presentation:group-id">
8137 <ref name="string"/>
Event Name
The script:event-name attribute specifies the name of the event. See section 12.4.1 for
8149 <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
8150 <attribute name="script:event-name">
8151 <ref name="string"/>
8152 </attribute>
8153 </define>
Event Action
The kind of action that is executed when the event is triggered can be selected with the
presentation:action attribute. The following actions are available:
• first-page: the presentation jumps to the first page of the current document.
• last-page: the presentation jumps to the last page of the current document.
• hide: the object that contains this event is hidden if the event is triggered.
• execute: another application is lunched when this event is triggered. The application can be
set with an xlink.
• show: the target of an URL is opened when this event is triggered. The URL can be set with
an xlink.
• verb: if the object that contains this event supports the execution of [OLE] verbs, the verb
with the id set in the presentation:verb attribute is executed.
• sound: an audio effect is started when the effect is triggered. The audio effect is described by
a <presentation:sound> child element.
8154 <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
8155 <attribute name="presentation:action">
8156 <choice>
8157 <value>none</value>
8158 <value>previous-page</value>
8159 <value>next-page</value>
8160 <value>first-page</value>
8161 <value>last-page</value>
8162 <value>hide</value>
8163 <value>stop</value>
8164 <value>execute</value>
8165 <value>show</value>
8166 <value>verb</value>
8167 <value>fade-out</value>
8168 <value>sound</value>
8169 </choice>
8170 </attribute>
8171 </define>
Event Effect
See presentation:effect attribute in section 9.7.2.
8172 <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
8173 <optional>
8174 <attribute name="presentation:effect" a:defaultValue="none">
8175 <ref name="presentationEffects"/>
8176 </attribute>
8177 </optional>
8178 </define>
Effect Direction
See presentation:direction attribute in section 9.7.2.
8179 <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
8180 <optional>
8181 <attribute name="presentation:direction" a:defaultValue="none">
8182 <ref name="presentationEffectDirections"/>
8183 </attribute>
8184 </optional>
8185 </define>
Effect Speed
See presentation:speed attribute in section 9.7.2.
8186 <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
8187 <optional>
8188 <attribute name="presentation:speed" a:defaultValue="medium">
8189 <ref name="presentationSpeeds"/>
8190 </attribute>
8191 </optional>
Start Scale
See presentation:start-scale attribute in section 9.7.2.
8193 <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
8194 <optional>
8195 <attribute name="presentation:start-scale" a:defaultValue="100%">
8196 <ref name="percent"/>
8197 </attribute>
8198 </optional>
8199 </define>
Depending on the action selected by the presentation:action attribute, this xlink:href
attribute either selects a document bookmark or an application.
8200 <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
8201 <optional>
8202 <attribute name="xlink:href">
8203 <ref name="anyURI"/>
8204 </attribute>
8205 </optional>
8206 <optional>
8207 <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
8208 <choice>
8209 <value>simple</value>
8210 </choice>
8211 </attribute>
8212 </optional>
8213 <optional>
8214 <attribute name="xlink:show" a:defaultValue="embed">
8215 <choice>
8216 <value>embed</value>
8217 </choice>
8218 </attribute>
8219 </optional>
8220 <optional>
8221 <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
8222 <choice>
8223 <value>onRequest</value>
8224 </choice>
8225 </attribute>
8226 </optional>
8227 </define>
The [OLE] verb defined by the presentation:verb attribute is executed for event listeners of
type verb at the object that contains this event.
8228 <define name="presentation-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
8229 <optional>
8230 <attribute name="presentation:verb">
8231 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
8232 </attribute>
8233 </optional>
8234 </define>
The presentation:name attribute specifies the name of the header declaration.
8261 <define name="presentation-header-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
8262 <attribute name="presentation:name">
8263 <ref name="string"/>
8264 </attribute>
8265 </define>
The presentation:name attribute specifies the name of the footer declaration.
8272 <define name="presentation-footer-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
8273 <attribute name="presentation:name">
8274 <ref name="string"/>
8275 </attribute>
8276 </define>
The presentation:name attribute specifies the name of the date-time declaration.
8283 <define name="presentation-date-time-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
8284 <attribute name="presentation:name">
8285 <ref name="string"/>
8286 </attribute>
8287 </define>
The presentation:source attribute specifies whether the current date/time or the fixed
content of the the field declaration is displayed.
8288 <define name="presentation-date-time-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
8289 <attribute name="presentation:source">
8290 <choice>
8291 <value>fixed</value>
8292 <value>current-date</value>
8293 </choice>
8294 </attribute>
8295 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <presentation:settings> element are:
• Start page
• Show
• Full screen
• Endless
• Pause
• Show logo
• Force manual
• Mouse visible
• Mouse as pen
• Start with navigator
• Animation
• Transition on click
• Stay on top
Start page
The attribute presentation:start-page specifies the name of the page on which the
presentation starts. If this attribute is set, it overrides the presentation:show attribute.
8313 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8314 <optional>
8315 <attribute name="presentation:start-page">
8316 <ref name="string"/>
8317 </attribute>
8318 </optional>
8319 </define>
The attribute presentation:show specifies the name of a show definition (see section 9.11.6)
that is used for the presentation. If the presentation:start-page attribute is set, it overrides
the value of this attribute.
8320 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8321 <optional>
8322 <attribute name="presentation:show">
8323 <ref name="string"/>
8324 </attribute>
8325 </optional>
8326 </define>
The attribute presentation:endless switches indefinite repetition of a presentation on and
8334 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8335 <optional>
8336 <attribute name="presentation:endless" a:defaultValue="false">
8337 <ref name="boolean"/>
8338 </attribute>
8339 </optional>
8340 </define>
If a presentation is repeated indefinitely, the attribute presentation:pause specifies a time
duration for displaying a pause screen before the presentation is played again. If this attribute is
not set or has a value of 0, a pause screen is not displayed in endless mode. The value of this
attribute must conform to the time period format described in §3.2.6 of [xmlschema-2].
8341 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8342 <optional>
8343 <attribute name="presentation:pause">
8344 <ref name="duration"/>
8345 </attribute>
8346 </optional>
8347 </define>
Show Logo
The attribute presentation:show-logo specifies whether or not a presentation application
shows its logo on the pause screen.
8348 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8349 <optional>
8350 <attribute name="presentation:show-logo" a:defaultValue="false">
8351 <ref name="boolean"/>
8352 </attribute>
8353 </optional>
8354 </define>
Force Manual
If set, the attribute presentation:force-manual overrides all
presentation:transition-type properties that are specified within a presentation page
(see section 15.36.1) and sets it to manual.
Mouse Visible
The attribute presentation:mouse-visible specifies whether or not the mouse pointer is
visible during a presentation.
8362 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8363 <optional>
8364 <attribute name="presentation:mouse-visible" a:defaultValue="true">
8365 <ref name="boolean"/>
8366 </attribute>
8367 </optional>
8368 </define>
Mouse As Pen
The attribute presentation:mouse-as-pen specifies if the mouse pointer is displayed as a
pen or a pointer. If the mouse is displayed as a pen the user can draw sketches on the pages
during a presentation.
8369 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8370 <optional>
8371 <attribute name="presentation:mouse-as-pen" a:defaultValue="false">
8372 <ref name="boolean"/>
8373 </attribute>
8374 </optional>
8375 </define>
The attribute presentation:animations enables or disables the playback of bitmap
animations during a presentation.
8384 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8385 <optional>
8386 <attribute name="presentation:animations" a:defaultValue="enabled">
8387 <choice>
8388 <value>enabled</value>
Transition On Click
The attribute presentation:transition-on-click enables or disables a manual transition
by a mouse click on the slide during a presentation.
8394 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8395 <optional>
8396 <attribute name="presentation:transition-on-click"
8397 a:defaultValue="enabled">
8398 <choice>
8399 <value>enabled</value>
8400 <value>disabled</value>
8401 </choice>
8402 </attribute>
8403 </optional>
8404 </define>
Stay On Top
If the attribute presentation:stay-on-top is set to true, the presentation window is
displayed on top of other windows during a presentation.
8405 <define name="presentation-settings-attlist" combine="interleave">
8406 <optional>
8407 <attribute name="presentation:stay-on-top" a:defaultValue="false">
8408 <ref name="boolean"/>
8409 </attribute>
8410 </optional>
8411 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <presentation:show> element are:
• Name
• Pages
The attribute presentation:pages contains a comma separated list of page names. The
pages are displayed in the order in which they are listed during a presentation that uses this show.
Pages can be included more than once.
8423 <define name="presentation-show-attlist" combine="interleave">
8424 <attribute name="presentation:pages"/>
8425 </define>
10.2 Chart
The <chart:chart> element represents an entire chart, including titles, a legend, and the
graphical object that visualizes the underlying data called the plot area. The data underlying the
chart is represented by a table element. This element may also exist for embedded charts that get
the data from the container document. In this case the chart can be rendered without getting the
data from the container document.
8426 <define name="chart-chart">
The chart:class attribute specifies the chart type. The chart type is represented by a
namespaced token, meaning an identifier prefixed by an XML namespace prefix, just like any
attribute or element name in this specification. This specification defines a number of chart types
in the chart namespace (URN: urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0). Additional
chart types may be supported by using a different namespace.
The chart type may be specified more precisely with formatting properties that may be attached to
chart styles. For example, a 3D bar chart with horizontal bars is specified by setting the class
attribute to chart:bar and by adding the properties for three dimensional and horizontal
arrangement in the corresponding style.
8447 <define name="chart-chart-attlist" combine="interleave">
8448 <attribute name="chart:class">
8449 <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
8450 </attribute>
8451 </define>
Example: The following table shows examples for the pre-defined chart types. Those
charts that use one or two data series use two data series with the values 1;2;3;4 and
1;4;9;16 and the labels a;b;c;d. Those chart types that use more than two data series
(stock and bubble) use the data series 1;2;3;4 and multiples thereof. The radar chart uses
two data series with five data points.
The svg:width and svg:height (see section 9.2.15) attributes define the extent of the entire
chart. If they are omitted, the size of the chart is determined by the size of the window in which the
chart is displayed.
8452 <define name="chart-chart-attlist" combine="interleave">
8453 <ref name="common-draw-size-attlist"/>
8454 </define>
Style Name
The chart:style-name attribute references a chart style. See section 14.16 for details.
Within the style applied to the <chart:chart> element, fill properties (described in section
15.14) and the stroke properties (described in section 15.13) as well as the scale text property
described in section 15.29.1 can be used.
10.3.1 Title
The <chart:title> element represents a main title object in a chart document. This element
can contain fixed text or it can contain a <table:cell-address> element pointing to the text
that should be displayed as the title. This element can also be a sub-element of chart:axis,
see section 10.8. In this case the title is displayed beside the axis object.
8476 <define name="chart-title">
8477 <element name="chart:title">
8478 <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
8479 <optional>
8480 <ref name="text-p"/>
8481 </optional>
8482 </element>
8483 </define>
Table Range
A chart title may be bound to a table cell, causing the current content of the given cell to be
displayed in the chart title.
8484 <define name="chart-title-attlist" combine="interleave">
8485 <optional>
8486 <attribute name="table:cell-range">
8487 <ref name="cellAddress"/>
8488 </attribute>
8489 </optional>
8490 </define>
Style Name
The chart:style-name attribute specifies a chart style for the <chart:title> element.
Within the referenced style, fill and stroke properties may be used. They are applied to the
surrounding title box. See sections 15.14 and 15.13 for more information. In addition to this, text
properties may be used. They are applied to the title text itself. See section 15.4.
8494 <define name="chart-title-attlist" combine="interleave">
8495 <optional>
10.3.2 Subtitle
The <chart:subtitle> element represents a subtitle which can be used for additional title
information in a chart.
The structure of the <chart:subtitle> element is the same as that of the <chart:title>
element. The attributes that may be associated with the <chart:subtitle> element are the
same as those that may be associated with the <chart:title> element. See section 10.3.1 for
more information.
8501 <define name="chart-subtitle">
8502 <element name="chart:subtitle">
8503 <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
8504 <optional>
8505 <ref name="text-p"/>
8506 </optional>
8507 </element>
8508 </define>
10.3.3 Footer
The <chart:footer> element represents a footer below the chart's plot area.
The structure of the subtitle element is the same as that of the <chart:title> title element.
See section 10.3.1 for more information.
8509 <define name="chart-footer">
8510 <element name="chart:footer">
8511 <ref name="chart-title-attlist"/>
8512 <optional>
8513 <ref name="text-p"/>
8514 </optional>
8515 </element>
8516 </define>
10.4 Legend
The <chart:legend> element determines whether or not a legend is displayed in the chart. The
legend's position may be specified either as a relative or as an absolute position. The size of the
legend is calculated automatically and therefore cannot be set as attribute.
8517 <define name="chart-legend">
8518 <element name="chart:legend">
8519 <ref name="chart-legend-attlist"/>
8520 <empty/>
8521 </element>
8522 </define>
Legend Placement
The legend can be placed automatically, next to the plot area, or in one of the corners. This
placement is determined by the chart:legend-position attribute, which may have the values
The legend position can also be given in absolute coordinates, as with any drawing object. If both
a drawing position and legend placement options are available, the legend placement takes
precedence and the position should reflect the automatic placement.
8555 <define name="chart-legend-attlist" combine="interleave">
8556 <ref name="common-draw-position-attlist"/>
8557 </define>
Legend Styling
Additional styling information for the chart legend can be referenced through the chart:style-
name attribute. The style may specify fill and stroke properties. They are applied to the legend
object. See sections 15.14 and 15.13 for more information. In addition to this, the style may
specify text properties. They are applied to the text inside the legend object. See section 15.4.
8578 <define name="chart-legend-attlist" combine="interleave">
8579 <optional>
8580 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
8581 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
8582 </attribute>
8583 </optional>
8584 </define>
If the first row or column, or both contains labels, this is stated by the chart:data-source-
has-labels attribute.
8632 <define name="chart-plot-area-attlist" combine="interleave">
8633 <optional>
8634 <attribute name="chart:data-source-has-labels" a:defaultValue="none">
8635 <choice>
8636 <value>none</value>
8637 <value>row</value>
8638 <value>column</value>
8639 <value>both</value>
8640 </choice>
8641 </attribute>
8642 </optional>
8643 </define>
10.6 Wall
The <chart:wall> element can be contained in the <chart:plot-area> element. It specifies
a chart's wall. For two-dimensional charts, the wall spans the entire plot area. For three-
dimensional charts, the wall usually consists of two perpendicular rectangles.
8648 <define name="chart-wall">
8649 <element name="chart:wall">
8650 <ref name="chart-wall-attlist"/>
8651 <empty/>
8652 </element>
8653 </define>
The svg:width attributes specifies the width of the wall for three-dimensional charts.
8654 <define name="chart-wall-attlist" combine="interleave">
8655 <optional>
8656 <attribute name="svg:width">
The <chart:wall> element may have a chart:style-name attribute to specify further styling
information. They style may contain fill and stroke properties. See sections 15.14 and 15.13 for
more information.
8661 <define name="chart-wall-attlist" combine="interleave">
8662 <optional>
8663 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
8664 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
8665 </attribute>
8666 </optional>
8667 </define>
10.7 Floor
The <chart:floor> element can be contained in the <chart:plot-area> element. For
three-dimensional charts, the <chart:floor> element is present in addition to the
<chart:wall> element.
8668 <define name="chart-floor">
8669 <element name="chart:floor">
8670 <ref name="chart-floor-attlist"/>
8671 <empty/>
8672 </element>
8673 </define>
The size of the floor is determined in respect of the size of the plot area, which is always a two-
dimensional rectangle that serves as a bounding rectangle of the three-dimensional scene. The
svg:width attribute can be used to set the width of the floor.
8674 <define name="chart-floor-attlist" combine="interleave">
8675 <optional>
8676 <attribute name="svg:width">
8677 <ref name="length"/>
8678 </attribute>
8679 </optional>
8680 </define>
The <chart:floor> element may have a chart:style-name attribute to specify further
styling information. Fill and stroke properties can be applied to a floor. See sections 15.14 and
15.13 for more information.
8681 <define name="chart-floor-attlist" combine="interleave">
8682 <optional>
8683 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
8684 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
8685 </attribute>
8686 </optional>
10.8 Axis
The <chart:axis> element mainly contains style information, in particular scaling information.
Chart data is usually structured as follows:
● Several data series each consisting of a name, for example, the name of a company.
● One value in each series belongs to a category, for example, the year.
8688 <define name="chart-axis">
8689 <element name="chart:axis">
8690 <ref name="chart-axis-attlist"/>
8691 <optional>
8692 <ref name="chart-title"/>
8693 </optional>
8694 <optional>
8695 <ref name="chart-categories"/>
8696 </optional>
8697 <zeroOrMore>
8698 <ref name="chart-grid"/>
8699 </zeroOrMore>
8700 </element>
8701 </define>
The chart:dimension attribute specifies along which physical axis on the chart the values of
the current axis are displayed.
A chart may contain more than one axis with the same dimension. For example, it may have two
axes with dimension y. Data series may be attached to either axis. This way, data may be
grouped for different scaling. To attach a specific axis to a data series, the axis has to be
referenced by the <chart:series> element's chart:axis-name attribute. If an axis is not
references by a data series, it becomes a copy of an existing axis with the same dimension.
The position of an axis in a chart is determined by the rendering application and depends on the
chart type. In a chart with horizontal bars, the rendering application usually paints the axis with
dimension x on the bottom of the plot area. If there are two axes with dimension y, a rendering
application might paint the second axis at the top of the plot area.
8702 <define name="chart-axis-attlist" combine="interleave">
8703 <attribute name="chart:dimension">
8704 <choice>
8705 <value>x</value>
8706 <value>y</value>
8707 <value>z</value>
8708 </choice>
8709 </attribute>
8710 </define>
The chart:name attribute can be used to assign a name to this axis, so it can be referenced
from e.g., a data series.
A chart:style-name attribute can be associated with an axis. Stroke properties can be applied
to axes; see section 15.13. These properties affect all lines of the axis object. Text properties can
also be applied to axes; see section 15.4. These properties affect the appearance of all text
objects. The axis properties described in section 15.31 can also be used.
The chart style that is referenced by the chart:style-name attribute may specify a data style
that is used to format the axis' labels. See section 14.1 for details.
8718 <define name="chart-axis-attlist" combine="interleave">
8719 <optional>
8720 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
8721 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
8722 </attribute>
8723 </optional>
8724 </define>
10.8.1 Grid
The <chart:grid> element can be contained in a <chart:axis> element. It adds a grids to
the axis.
8725 <define name="chart-grid">
8726 <element name="chart:grid">
8727 <ref name="chart-grid-attlist"/>
8728 </element>
8729 </define>
Style Name
The <chart:grid> element may have a chart:style-name attribute to specify further styling
information. Stroke properties can be applied to grids, which affect the lines of the grid. See
section 15.13 for information on these stroke properties.
8740 <define name="chart-grid-attlist" combine="interleave">
8741 <optional>
8742 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
8743 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
8744 </attribute>
8745 </optional>
8746 </define>
10.9 Series
The <chart:series> element represents a data series in a chart. If the chart requires more
input data like scatter and bubble charts, <chart:domain> sub-elements must be defined that
mainly contain the cell-range-address of the corresponding data.
8747 <define name="chart-series">
8748 <element name="chart:series">
8749 <ref name="chart-series-attlist"/>
8750 <zeroOrMore>
8751 <ref name="chart-domain"/>
8752 </zeroOrMore>
8753 <optional>
8754 <ref name="chart-mean-value"/>
8755 </optional>
8756 <optional>
8757 <ref name="chart-regression-curve"/>
8758 </optional>
8759 <optional>
8760 <ref name="chart-error-indicator"/>
8761 </optional>
8762 <zeroOrMore>
8763 <ref name="chart-data-point"/>
8764 </zeroOrMore>
8765 </element>
8766 </define>
The chart:class attribute can be used to assign a chart type to be used for rendering the data
of this <chart:series> element. A chart:class attribute for a <chart:series> element
overrides the chart:class attribute for the entire chart. This allows the creation of charts with
multiple sub-charts, e.g., a bar chart with one or more data series rendered as lines. For more
information on the available chart classes, see section 10.2.
8781 <define name="chart-series-attlist" combine="interleave">
8782 <optional>
8783 <attribute name="chart:class">
8784 <ref name="namespacedToken"/>
8785 </attribute>
8786 </optional>
8787 </define>
Attached Axis
The chart:attached-axis attribute can be used to assign the data series to a
<chart:axis> element.
8788 <define name="chart-series-attlist" combine="interleave">
8789 <optional>
8790 <attribute name="chart:attached-axis">
8791 <ref name="string"/>
8792 </attribute>
8793 </optional>
8794 </define>
Style Name
Styling attributes for the data series can be assigned through the chart:style-name attribute.
Fill and stroke properties may be applied for <chart:series> element, see sections 15.14 and
15.13 for information. Text properties can also be applied to the descriptive text underneath the
series, see section 15.4 for information.
8795 <define name="chart-series-attlist" combine="interleave">
10.9.1 Domain
For scatter and bubble charts, one ore more <chart:domain> elements must be specified for
the <chart:series> elements.
10.10 Categories
The element <chart:categories> element represents the range of cell addresses that
contains the captions for the categories contained in each series.
The element may contain a table:cell-range-address that denotes the region from which
the category labels are taken from. If this attribute or the <chart:categories> element is
omitted the application will evaluate the chart:data-source-has-labels attribute.
8811 <define name="chart-categories">
8812 <element name="chart:categories">
8813 <optional>
8814 <attribute name="table:cell-range-address">
8815 <ref name="cellRangeAddress"/>
8816 </attribute>
8817 </optional>
8818 </element>
8819 </define>
The chart:repeated attribute serves as a simplification if more than one consecutive data-
points have the same properties. For example, the following XML-fragments have an identical
<chart:series chart:style-name="ch9">
<chart:series chart:style-name="ch9">
<chart:data-point chart:repeated="4"/>
The chart:style-name attribute referenced a chart style. Fill and stroke properties can be
applied to each data point object, see sections 15.14 and 15.13. Text properties can also be
applied to the descriptive text located underneath the data points, see section 15.4.
8833 <define name="chart-data-point-attlist" combine="interleave">
8834 <optional>
8835 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
8836 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
8837 </attribute>
8838 </optional>
8839 </define>
Style Name
The chart:style-name attribute references a chart style that contains the formatting properties
for the error indicator.
8860 <define name="chart-error-indicator-attlist" combine="interleave">
8861 <optional>
8862 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
8863 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
8864 </attribute>
8865 </optional>
8866 </define>
Style Name
The chart:style-name attribute referenced a chart style that contains the formatting properties
for the error indicator. The chart style especially may contain the regression type property
specified in section 15.35.1.
8873 <define name="chart-regression-curve-attlist" combine="interleave">
8874 <optional>
8875 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
Style Name
The chart:style-name attribute referenced a chart style that contains the formatting properties
for stock markers.
8895 <define name="common-stock-marker-attlist">
8896 <optional>
8897 <attribute name="chart:style-name">
8898 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
8899 </attribute>
8900 </optional>
8901 </define>
For ease of use when using (filling out) forms, applications may focus controls initially so that the
user can immediately type into the first form control. To achieve this behavior, the
form:automatic-focus flag may be set to true.
8915 <define name="office-forms-attlist" combine="interleave">
8916 <optional>
8917 <attribute name="form:automatic-focus" a:defaultValue="false">
8918 <ref name="boolean"/>
Application which support both creation and usage (filling out) of forms, the form:apply-
design-mode flag determines whether the application is supposed to present the forms in this
document in editable or fill-out state.
8922 <define name="office-forms-attlist" combine="interleave">
8923 <optional>
8924 <attribute name="form:apply-design-mode" a:defaultValue="true">
8925 <ref name="boolean"/>
8926 </attribute>
8927 </optional>
8928 </define>
11.1 Form
The <form:form> element represents a user interface form and defines the contents and
properties of the form.
This element is contained in either an <office:forms> or a <form:form> element. It contains
the controls and sub forms of the form, a <form:properties> element which defines the
properties of the form, and an <office:events-listeners> element that contains the events
for the form.
8929 <define name="form-form">
8930 <element name="form:form">
8931 <ref name="common-form-control-attlist"/>
8932 <ref name="form-form-attlist"/>
8933 <optional>
8934 <ref name="form-properties"/>
8935 </optional>
8936 <optional>
8937 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
8938 </optional>
8939 <zeroOrMore>
8940 <choice>
8941 <ref name="controls"/>
8942 <ref name="form-form"/>
8943 </choice>
8944 </zeroOrMore>
8945 <optional>
8946 <ref name="form-connection-resource"/>
8947 </optional>
8948 </element>
8949 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:form> are as follows:
11.1.1 Action
The xlink:href attribute represents the IRI of the processing agent for the form.
8950 <define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
8951 <optional>
8952 <attribute name="xlink:href">
8953 <ref name="anyURI"/>
8954 </attribute>
8955 <optional>
8956 <attribute name="xlink:type" a:defaultValue="simple">
8957 <value>simple</value>
8958 </attribute>
8959 </optional>
8960 <optional>
8961 <attribute name="xlink:actuate" a:defaultValue="onRequest">
8962 <value>onRequest</value>
8963 </attribute>
8964 </optional>
8965 </optional>
8966 </define>
• _top: The form is displayed in the topmost frame, that is the frame that contains the current
frame as a child or descendent but is not contained within another frame.
• A frame name: The form is displayed in the named frame. If the named frame does not exist,
a new frame with that name is created.
8967 <define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
8968 <optional>
8969 <attribute name="office:target-frame" a:defaultValue="_blank">
8970 <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
8971 </attribute>
8972 </optional>
8973 </define>
11.1.3 Method
The form:method attribute specifies the HTTP method to use to submit the data in the form to
the server. The value of this attribute can be get or post. The default value is get. These values
are not case sensitive.
8974 <define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
8975 <optional>
8976 <attribute name="form:method" a:defaultValue="get">
8977 <choice>
8978 <value>get</value>
8979 <value>post</value>
8980 <ref name="string"/>
8981 </choice>
8982 </attribute>
8983 </optional>
8984 </define>
• query: The command contains the name of query. The form retrieves and executes the
• command : The command contains an SQL statement. The form executes the SQL
9021 <define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
9022 <optional>
9023 <attribute name="form:command-type" a:defaultValue="command">
9024 <choice>
11.1.10 Command
The form:command attribute specifies the command to execute on the data source.
The value is interpreted differently, depending to the value of the Command Type attribute of the
form. It can be the name of a database table, the name of a query object or an SQL statement.
9032 <define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
9033 <optional>
9034 <attribute name="form:command"/>
9035 </optional>
9036 </define>
11.1.15 Filter
The form:filter attribute specifies a filter for the command to base the form on. No matter
whether the form is based on a query, a table, or a command, the filter is always conjunctively
added to any possible existing filter. The filter usually forms a SQL “WHERE” clause, without the
“WHERE” keyword.
The form:apply-filter attribute specifies whether or not the filter is actually applies to the
9068 <define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
9069 <optional>
9070 <attribute name="form:filter">
9071 <ref name="string"/>
9072 </attribute>
9073 </optional>
9074 </define>
• parent: A navigation bar is provided and the navigation is performed on the parent form of
the current form.
9082 <define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
9083 <optional>
9084 <attribute name="form:navigation-mode">
9085 <ref name="navigation"/>
9086 </attribute>
9087 </optional>
9088 </define>
9090 <define name="navigation">
9091 <choice>
9092 <value>none</value>
9093 <value>current</value>
9094 <value>parent</value>
9095 </choice>
9096 </define>
11.1.18 Order
The form:order attribute specifies a sort criteria for the command. No matter whether the form
is based on a query, a table, or a command, the sorting is always conjunctively added to any
possible existing sorting. The attribute value usually forms an SQL “ORDER BY” clause, without
the “ORDER BY” keyword.
9097 <define name="form-form-attlist" combine="interleave">
9098 <optional>
9099 <attribute name="form:order">
9100 <ref name="string"/>
9101 </attribute>
9102 </optional>
9103 </define>
11.3 Controls
Controls are used to interact with forms. Each control in a form is identified by a name, though the
names must not necessarily be unique.
Controls are connected to a the surrounding document (and its text flow, if applicable) by binding
them to a shape that acts as a placeholder for the control. See section 9.2.12 for details.
In addition to the attributes defined in this file format, controls may have application-specific
additional attributes. These attributes are stored in the <form:properties> element in each
control. Control events are specified in the <office:event-listeners> element.
When a user submits a form for processing, the names of some controls are paired with the
current values of the controls and the pairs are submitted with the form. These controls are called
successful controls. See section 17.13.2 of [HTML4]for more information.
The file format provides elements for the following standard controls:
• Text
• Text area
• Password
• File
• Formatted text
• Number
• Date
• Time
• Fixed text
• Combo box
• List box
• Button
• Image
• Check box
• Radio button
• Frame
• Image frame
11.3.1 Text
The <form:text> element defines a control for displaying and inputting text.
9131 <define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
9132 <element name="form:text">
9133 <ref name="form-text-attlist"/>
9134 <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
9135 </element>
9136 </define>
9137 <define name="controls" combine="choice">
9138 <ref name="column-controls"/>
9139 </define>
9140 <define name="form-text-attlist">
9141 <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
9142 <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
9143 <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
9144 <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
9145 <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
9146 <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
9147 <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
9148 <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
9149 <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
9150 <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
9151 <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
9152 </define>
9153 <define name="form-control-attlist">
9154 <ref name="common-form-control-attlist"/>
9155 <ref name="common-control-id-attlist"/>
9156 <ref name="xforms-bind-attlist"/>
9157 </define>
9158 <define name="common-form-control-content">
9159 <optional>
9160 <ref name="form-properties"/>
9161 </optional>
9162 <optional>
9163 <ref name="office-event-listeners"/>
9164 </optional>
9165 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:text> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Current Value, Disabled, Maximum Length, Printable, Read only, Tab Index, Tab
Stop, Title and Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Convert Empty and Data Field. See section 11.5.22 for information about these attributes.
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:textarea> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Current Value, Disabled, Maximum Length, Printable, Read only, Tab Index, Tab
Stop, Title and Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Convert Empty and Data Field. See section 11.5.22 for information about these attributes.
11.3.3 Password
The <form:password> element defines a control that hides the text that a user inputs using an
echo character, for example, an asterisk. This type of control is usually used for inputting sensitive
information such as a password.
9188 <define name="controls" combine="choice">
9189 <element name="form:password">
9190 <ref name="form-password-attlist"/>
9191 <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
9192 </element>
9193 </define>
9194 <define name="form-password-attlist" combine="interleave">
9195 <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
9196 <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
9197 <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
9198 <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
9199 <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
9200 <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
9201 <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
9202 <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
9203 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:password> element are:
Echo Char
The form:echo-char attribute specifies the character that the form uses to mask the text which
a user inputs in a password control.
9204 <define name="form-password-attlist" combine="interleave">
9205 <optional>
9206 <attribute name="form:echo-char" a:defaultValue="*">
9207 <ref name="character"/>
9208 </attribute>
9209 </optional>
9210 </define>
11.3.4 File
The <form:file> element defines a control for selecting a file.
9211 <define name="controls" combine="choice">
9212 <element name="form:file">
9213 <ref name="form-file-attlist"/>
9214 <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
9215 </element>
9216 </define>
9217 <define name="form-file-attlist" combine="interleave">
9218 <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
9219 <ref name="common-current-value-attlist"/>
9220 <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
9221 <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
9222 <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
9223 <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
9224 <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
9225 <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
9226 <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
9227 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:file> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Current Value, Disabled, Printable, Read only, Tab Index, Tab Stop, Title and
Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:formatted-text> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Current Value, Disabled, Maximum Length, Printable, Read only, Tab Index, Tab
Stop, Title and Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Convert Empty and Data Field. See section 11.5.22 for information about these attributes.
• Maximum Value
• Minimum Value
• Validation
Maximum Value
The form:max-value attribute specifies the maximum value that a user can enter.
9247 <define name="form-formatted-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
9248 <optional>
9249 <attribute name="form:max-value">
9250 <ref name="string"/>
9251 </attribute>
9252 </optional>
9253 </define>
Minimum Value
The form:min-value attribute specifies the minimum value that a user can enter.
9254 <define name="form-formatted-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
9255 <optional>
9256 <attribute name="form:min-value">
9257 <ref name="string"/>
9258 </attribute>
9259 </optional>
9260 </define>
The form:validation attribute specifies whether or not the text that the user enters is
validated during input.
9261 <define name="form-formatted-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
9262 <optional>
9263 <attribute name="form:validation" a:defaultValue="false">
11.3.6 Number
The <form:number> element describes a control which allows the user to enter a floating point
number. The attributes that may be associated on this control are similar to those of the
<form:formatted-text>, except that the data type is fixed to numeric data.
9268 <define name="column-controls" combine="choice">
9269 <element name="form:number">
9270 <ref name="form-number-attlist"/>
9271 <ref name="common-numeric-control-attlist"/>
9272 <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
9273 </element>
9274 </define>
9275 <define name="common-numeric-control-attlist">
9276 <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
9277 <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
9278 <ref name="common-maxlength-attlist"/>
9279 <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
9280 <ref name="common-readonly-attlist"/>
9281 <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
9282 <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
9283 <ref name="common-convert-empty-attlist"/>
9284 <ref name="common-data-field-attlist"/>
9285 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:number> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Disabled, Maximum Length, Printable, Read only, Tab Index, Tab Stop, Title and
Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Convert Empty and Data Field. See section 11.5.22 for information about these attributes.
• Value and Current Value
• Minimum and Maximum Value
The attributes for value and current value are the same as those for other fields, except that they
can contain only floating point data.
9286 <define name="form-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
9287 <optional>
9288 <attribute name="form:value">
9289 <ref name="double"/>
9290 </attribute>
9291 </optional>
9292 </define>
9293 <define name="form-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
9294 <optional>
9295 <attribute name="form:current-value">
9296 <ref name="double"/>
9297 </attribute>
9298 </optional>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:date> and <form:time> elements are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Disabled, Maximum Length, Printable, Read only, Tab Index, Tab Stop, Title and
Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Convert Empty and Data Field. See section 11.5.22 for information about these attributes.
• Value and Current Value
• Minimum and Maximum Value
The attributes for value and current value are the same as those for <form:number>, except
that they can contain only date or time data, respectively.
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:fixed-text> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Disabled, For, Label, Printable, and Title. See section 11.5 for information about
these attributes.
• Multi-Line
The form:multi-line attribute specifies whether or not the label is displayed on multiple lines.
9398 <define name="form-fixed-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
9399 <optional>
9400 <attribute name="form:multi-line" a:defaultValue="false">
9401 <ref name="boolean"/>
9402 </attribute>
9403 </optional>
9404 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:combobox> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Current Value, Disabled, Dropdown, Max Length, Printable, Read only, Size, Tab
Index, Tab Stop, Title, and Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Convert Empty, Data Field, List Source, and List Source Type. See section 11.5.22 for
information about these attributes.
• Automatic Completion
Automatic Completion
The form:auto-complete attribute specifies whether, when the user enters text in the
combobox that matches one of the list items in the combobox, the application automatically
completes the text for the user.
9431 <define name="form-combobox-attlist" combine="interleave">
9432 <optional>
9433 <attribute name="form:auto-complete">
9434 <ref name="boolean"/>
9435 </attribute>
9436 </optional>
9437 </define>
The <form:item> element defines a list item for a combobox control.
9438 <define name="form-item">
9439 <element name="form:item">
9440 <ref name="form-item-attlist"/>
9441 <text/>
9442 </element>
9443 </define>
9444 <define name="form-item-attlist" combine="interleave">
9445 <ref name="label"/>
9446 </define>
The attribute that may be associated associate with the <form:item> element is:
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:listbox> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Disabled, Dropdown, Printable, Read only, Size, Tab Index, Tab Stop, and Title.
See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Bound Column, Data Field, List Source, and List Source Type. See section 11.5.22 for
information about these attributes.
• Multiple
• XForms source
The form:multiple attribute determines whether or not a user can select multiple items from a
list box.
9469 <define name="form-listbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
9470 <optional>
9471 <attribute name="form:multiple" a:defaultValue="false">
9472 <ref name="boolean"/>
9473 </attribute>
9474 </optional>
9475 </define>
XForms source
The form:xforms-list-source allows to dynamically create the list of choices by binding the
list content to XForms (see section 11.2, as well as [XForms]). The attribute references an
<xforms:bind> element, and creates a list entry for each node in the node-set defined by that
The <form:option> element defines the list items for a list box control. An item can be
preselected and can contain a related value.
9483 <define name="form-option">
9484 <element name="form:option">
9485 <ref name="form-option-attlist"/>
9486 <text/>
9487 </element>
9488 </define>
9489 <define name="form-option-attlist" combine="interleave">
9490 <ref name="current-selected"/>
9491 <ref name="selected"/>
9492 <ref name="label"/>
9493 <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
9494 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:option> element are:
• Current Selected, Selected, Label, and Value. See section 11.5 for information about these
11.3.11 Button
The <form:button> element defines a button. When pressed, a button usually triggers an
9495 <define name="controls" combine="choice">
9496 <element name="form:button">
9497 <ref name="form-button-attlist"/>
9498 <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
9499 </element>
9500 </define>
9501 <define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
9502 <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
9503 <ref name="button-type"/>
9504 <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
9505 <ref name="label"/>
9506 <ref name="image-data"/>
9507 <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
9508 <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
9509 <ref name="target-frame"/>
9510 <ref name="target-location"/>
9511 <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
9512 <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
9513 <ref name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"/>
9514 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:button> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
Default Button
The form:default-button attribute determines whether or not the button is the default button
on the form. If a user clicks the default button or presses Return while an input control is focused,
the application takes the same action.
If a form contains more than one default button, the behavior of the application is undefined.
9515 <define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
9516 <optional>
9517 <attribute name="form:default-button" a:defaultValue="false">
9518 <ref name="boolean"/>
9519 </attribute>
9520 </optional>
9521 </define>
The form:toggle attribute specifies whether a form button control, when it is operated (via
mouse or keyboard), should be toggled between a "pressed" and a "not pressed" state. If this
attribute is set to false, the button controls behaves like a push button.
9522 <define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
9523 <optional>
9524 <attribute name="form:toggle" a:default-value="false">
9525 <ref name="boolean"/>
9526 </attribute>
9527 </optional>
9528 </define>
Focus on click
The form:focus-on-click attribute specifies whether a form button control should grab the
focus when it is clicked with the mouse.
9529 <define name="form-button-attlist" combine="interleave">
9530 <optional>
9531 <attribute name="form:focus-on-click">
9532 <ref name="boolean"/>
9533 </attribute>
9534 </optional>
9535 </define>
11.3.12 Image
The <form:image> element defines a graphical button control. This element corresponds to the
input element of type image in HTML 4.01. Note: HTML 4.01 only allows the button type to be
“submit” for an image button. In office application file format, an image button can be of any type.
9543 <define name="controls" combine="choice">
9544 <element name="form:image">
9545 <ref name="form-image-attlist"/>
9546 <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
9547 </element>
9548 </define>
9549 <define name="form-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
9550 <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
9551 <ref name="button-type"/>
9552 <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
9553 <ref name="image-data"/>
9554 <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
9555 <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
9556 <ref name="target-frame"/>
9557 <ref name="target-location"/>
9558 <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
9559 <ref name="common-value-attlist"/>
9560 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:image> element are:
● Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
● Button Type, Control ID, Disabled, Image Data, Printable, Tab Index, Tab Stop, Target Frame,
Target Location, Title, and Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:checkbox> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Disabled, Label, Printable, Tab Index, Tab Stop, Title, Value, Visual Effect and
Relative Image Position. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Data Field. See section 11.5.22 for information about this attribute.
• Current State
• Is Tristate
• State
Current State
The form:current-state attribute specifies the current state of the check box control.
• checked: The check box is checked. The value of the control is submitted with the form.
• unknown: This value is only available when the control is in tristate mode (See the "Is Tristate"
attribute) . This value may, for instance, be used in connection with a database field binding to
indicate that the value is NULL.
9579 <define name="states">
9580 <choice>
9581 <value>unchecked</value>
9582 <value>checked</value>
9583 <value>unknown</value>
9584 </choice>
9585 </define>
9586 <define name="form-checkbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
9587 <optional>
9588 <attribute name="form:current-state">
9589 <ref name="states"/>
9590 </attribute>
9591 </optional>
9592 </define>
Is Tristate
The form:is-tristate attribute specifies that the check box can have three states instead of
the common two states.
The form:state attribute specifies the default state of the check box control. This state is used
to initialize the control.
9600 <define name="form-checkbox-attlist" combine="interleave">
9601 <optional>
9602 <attribute name="form:state" a:defaultValue="unchecked">
9603 <ref name="states"/>
9604 </attribute>
9605 </optional>
9606 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:radio> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Current Selected, Disabled, Label, Printable, Selected, Tab Index, Tab Stop, Title,
Value, Visual Effect and Relative Image Position. See section 11.5 for information about these
• Data Field. See section 11.5.22 for information about this attribute.
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:frame> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Disabled, For, Label, Printable, and Title. See section 11.5 for information about
these attributes.
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:image-frame> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Disabled, Image Data, Printable, Read only, and Title. See section 11.5 for
information about these attributes.
• Data Field. See section 11.5.22 for information about this attribute.
11.3.17 Hidden
The <form:hidden> element defines a control that does not have a visual representation. This
element is usually used as a container for information.
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:hidden> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Value. See section 11.5 for information about this attribute.
11.3.18 Grid
The <form:grid> element defines a control that displays table data. This control is data-aware
and is bound to a form which retrieves data from a data source. The actual data to display in a
grid control is determined by the parent form, which is data-aware and thus based on a certain
row set. The rows in the grid contain these data rows.
Each column in the grid is specified by a <form:column> element. Each column is bound to a
field in the form's row set.
9666 <define name="controls" combine="choice">
9667 <element name="form:grid">
9668 <ref name="form-grid-attlist"/>
9669 <ref name="common-form-control-content"/>
9670 <zeroOrMore>
9671 <ref name="form-column"/>
9672 </zeroOrMore>
9673 </element>
9674 </define>
9675 <define name="form-grid-attlist" combine="interleave">
9676 <ref name="form-control-attlist"/>
9677 <ref name="common-disabled-attlist"/>
9678 <ref name="common-printable-attlist"/>
9679 <ref name="common-tab-attlist"/>
9680 <ref name="common-title-attlist"/>
9681 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:grid> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Disabled, Printable, Tab Index, Tab Stop, and Title. See section 11.5 for
information about these attributes.
The <form:column> element defines a column in a grid control. The column contains a control
that displays the grid data for the column.
9682 <define name="form-column">
9683 <element name="form:column">
9684 <ref name="form-column-attlist"/>
9685 <oneOrMore>
9686 <ref name="column-controls"/>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:column> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Label. See section 11.5 for information about this attribute.
• Column Style
Column Style
The form:text-style-name attribute specifies paragraph style that is applied to all controls
with the column. See also section 9.2.12. Unlike other paragraph styles, this style may reference a
data style.
9695 <define name="text-style-name">
9696 <optional>
9697 <attribute name="form:text-style-name">
9698 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
9699 </attribute>
9700 </optional>
9701 </define>
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
• Control ID, Current Value, Disabled, Printable, Read only, Tab Index, Tab Stop, Title and
Value. See section 11.5 for information about these attributes.
• Maximum Value
Maximum Value
The form:max-value attribute specifies the maximum value that a user can enter.
9716 <define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
9717 <optional>
9718 <attribute name="form:max-value">
9719 <ref name="string"/>
9720 </attribute>
9721 </optional>
9722 </define>
Minimum Value
The form:min-value attribute specifies the minimum value that a user can enter.
9723 <define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
9724 <optional>
9725 <attribute name="form:min-value">
9726 <ref name="string"/>
9727 </attribute>
9728 </optional>
9729 </define>
Step Size
The form:step-size attribute specifies the increment to be used for a control representing a
9730 <define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
9731 <optional>
9732 <attribute name="form:step-size" a:defaultName="1">
9733 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
9734 </attribute>
9735 </optional>
9736 </define>
The form:orientation attribute specifies the orientation of the control, which could be either
horizontal or vertical.
9751 <define name="form-value-range-attlist" combine="interleave">
9752 <optional>
9753 <attribute name="form:orientation">
9754 <choice>
9755 <value>horizontal</value>
9756 <value>vertical</value>
9757 </choice>
9758 </attribute>
9759 </optional>
9760 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <form:generic-control> element are:
• Name and Service Name. See section 11.4 for information about these attributes.
11.4.1 Name
The form:name attribute specifies the name of the form or control element. This may be used to
give a form or control element an identity, which is important for scripting and for submitting the
content of controls.
9770 <define name="common-form-control-attlist" combine="interleave">
• <form:image>
• reset: Pressing the button resets every control in the form to its default value.
• push: Pressing the button does not perform any action by default. The use then can add
scripts to the button. and the script is run when the button is pressed.
11.5.2 Control ID
All controls except Hidden Controls have a visual representation in the host document. Thus, they
need an absolute or relative position, describing the location in the document. The position is
represented by a shape that contains a reference to the control element within the form element.
The form:id attribute is used to uniquely identify a control element. Every control that is not
hidden must have such an attribute associated with it, which in turn can be used to reference the
This attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <form:text>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:password>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:fixed-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
• <form:button>
• <form:image>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:frame>
• <form:image-frame>
• <form:grid>
9806 <define name="common-control-id-attlist">
9807 <attribute name="form:id">
• <form:radio>
9811 <define name="current-selected">
9812 <optional>
9813 <attribute name="form:current-selected" a:defaultValue="false">
9814 <ref name="boolean"/>
9815 </attribute>
9816 </optional>
9817 </define>
The default value is used during special events, such as resetting the form, which transfers the
default value of every control to its current value. If a control does not have a default value, the
result of resetting the form is undefined.
Besides storing the current value together with the control, it is also possible to bind controls to
other value providers, which act as value sink and source, such as database fields (in data-aware
forms) or e.g., cells in a spreadsheet document the controls live in. In this case, the current value
is not stored with the control itself, but in the external instance, which may or may not store it
together with the document. See section 11.5.22 for more details on database properties.
Default Value
The form:value attribute specifies the default value of an input control. This attribute is
supported for the following elements:
• <form:text>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:password>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:option>
• <form:button>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:hidden>
9818 <define name="common-value-attlist">
9819 <optional>
9820 <attribute name="form:value">
9821 <ref name="string"/>
9822 </attribute>
9823 </optional>
9824 </define>
Current Value
The form:current-value attribute specifies the current status of an input control. It overrides
the value of a form:value attribute, if one is present.
• <form:textarea>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:combobox>
9825 <define name="common-current-value-attlist">
9826 <optional>
9827 <attribute name="form:current-value">
9828 <ref name="string"/>
9829 </attribute>
9830 </optional>
9831 </define>
11.5.5 Disabled
The form:disabled attribute specifies whether or not a control can accept user input. This
attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <form:text>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:password>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:fixed-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
• <form:image>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:frame>
• <form:image-frame>
• <form:grid>
Controls that are disabled are not included in the tabbing navigation sequence and can not be
9832 <define name="common-disabled-attlist">
9833 <optional>
9834 <attribute name="form:disabled" a:defaultValue="false">
9835 <ref name="boolean"/>
9836 </attribute>
9837 </optional>
9838 </define>
11.5.6 Dropdown
The form:dropdown attribute specifies whether the list in a combo box or list box is always
visible or is only visible when the user clicks the drop-down button. This attribute is supported for
the following elements:
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
If the value is true, the list is always visible. If the value is false, the list is only visible when the
user clicks the drop-down button.
9839 <define name="dropdown">
9840 <optional>
9841 <attribute name="form:dropdown" a:defaultValue="false">
9842 <ref name="boolean"/>
9843 </attribute>
9844 </optional>
9845 </define>
11.5.7 For
The form:for attribute specifies the IDs of the controls with which control element is labeling.
This attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <form:fixed-text>
• <form:frame>
• <form:image>
• <form:image-frame>
9853 <define name="image-data">
9854 <optional>
9855 <attribute name="form:image-data">
9856 <ref name="anyURI"/>
9857 </attribute>
9858 </optional>
9859 </define>
11.5.9 Label
The form:label attribute contains a label for a control such as a radio button or check box. This
attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <form:fixed-text>
• <form:item>
• <form:option>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:frame>
• <form:column>
9860 <define name="label">
9861 <optional>
9862 <attribute name="form:label">
9863 <ref name="string"/>
9864 </attribute>
9865 </optional>
9866 </define>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:password>
• <form:combobox>
The default value of this attribute is unlimited, which allows a user to enter an unlimited number of
9867 <define name="common-maxlength-attlist">
9868 <optional>
9869 <attribute name="form:max-length">
9870 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
9871 </attribute>
9872 </optional>
9873 </define>
11.5.11 Printable
The form:printable attribute specifies whether or not a control is printed when a user prints
the document in which the control is contained. This attribute is supported for the following
• <form:text>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:password>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:fixed-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
• <form:button>
• <form:image>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:frame>
• <form:image-frame>
• <form:grid>
9874 <define name="common-printable-attlist">
9875 <optional>
9876 <attribute name="form:printable" a:defaultValue="true">
9877 <ref name="boolean"/>
9878 </attribute>
9879 </optional>
9880 </define>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
• <form:image-frame>
11.5.13 Selected
The form:selected attribute specifies the default state of a radio button or option. When the
control is initialized, it is in the default state specified by this attribute. This attribute is supported
for the following elements:
• <form:option>
• <form:radio>
In a group of radio buttons that share the same name, only one radio button can have this
attribute set to true.
9888 <define name="selected">
9889 <optional>
9890 <attribute name="form:selected" a:defaultValue="false">
9891 <ref name="boolean"/>
9892 </attribute>
9893 </optional>
9894 </define>
11.5.14 Size
The form:size attribute specifies the number of rows that are visible at a time in a combo box
list or a list box list. This attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
9895 <define name="size">
9896 <optional>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:password>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
• <form:button>
• <form:image>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:grid>
The rules for tabbing are similar to the tabbing rules used in HTML 4.0.
Controls that can be given focus are navigated in the order described in the following rules:
1. The controls that have a positive value for the form:tab-index attribute are navigated first.
2. The navigation starts at the control with lowest form:tab-index value and ends at the
control with the highest value. Values do not have to be sequential and they do not have to
begin with a particular value.
3. Controls that have the same values for the form:tab-index attribute are navigated according
their position in the form.
4. Controls that do not contain the form:tab-index attribute or contain the attribute with a
value of 0 are navigated next. These controls are navigated according to their position in the
5. Controls that have the form:disabled attribute set to true are not included in the
navigation, independent on their form:tab-index value.
9902 <define name="common-tab-attlist" combine="interleave">
9903 <optional>
9904 <attribute name="form:tab-index" a:defaultValue="0">
9905 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:password>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
• <form:button>
• <form:image>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:grid>
If the value is false, the control is not included in the tabbing navigation.
9909 <define name="common-tab-attlist" combine="interleave">
9910 <optional>
9911 <attribute name="form:tab-stop" a:defaultValue="true">
9912 <ref name="boolean"/>
9913 </attribute>
9914 </optional>
9915 </define>
• <form:image>
9916 <define name="target-frame">
9917 <optional>
9918 <attribute name="office:target-frame" a:defaultValue="_blank">
9919 <ref name="targetFrameName"/>
9920 </attribute>
9921 </optional>
9922 </define>
• <form:image>
This attribute is only evaluated if the value of the form:button-type attribute is location.
9923 <define name="target-location">
9924 <optional>
9925 <attribute name="xlink:href">
9926 <ref name="anyURI"/>
9927 </attribute>
9928 </optional>
9929 </define>
11.5.19 Title
The form:title attribute contains additional information about a control. The value of the
attribute can be used as a tool tip. This attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <form:text>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:password>
• <form:file>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:fixed-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
• <form:button>
• <form:image>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:image>
• <form:image-frame>
• <form:grid>
9930 <define name="common-title-attlist">
9931 <optional>
9932 <attribute name="form:title"/>
9933 </optional>
9934 </define>
• <form:radio>
9935 <define name="common-form-visual-effect-attlist" combine="interleave">
9936 <optional>
9937 <attribute name="form:visual-effect">
9938 <choice>
9939 <value>flat</value>
9940 <value>3d</value>
9941 </choice>
9942 </attribute>
9943 </optional>
9944 </define>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
9945 <define name="common-form-relative-image-position-attlist"
9946 combine="interleave">
9947 <choice>
9948 <optional>
9949 <attribute name="form:image-position" a:defaultValue="center">
9950 <value>center</value>
9951 </attribute>
9952 </optional>
9953 <group>
9954 <attribute name="form:image-position">
9955 <choice>
9956 <value>start</value>
9957 <value>end</value>
9958 <value>top</value>
9959 <value>bottom</value>
9960 </choice>
9961 </attribute>
9962 <optional>
Bound Column
The form:bound-column attribute specifies the column values of the list source result set that
are used to fill the data field values. This attribute is supported for the <form:listbox> element.
9974 <define name="bound-column">
9975 <optional>
9976 <attribute name="form:bound-column">
9977 <ref name="string"/>
9978 </attribute>
9979 </optional>
9980 </define>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:combobox>
If the value of the attribute is true, an empty string in the control is regarded as the dedicated
NULL value. If the value of the attribute is false, an empty string in the control is regarded as an
empty string.
9981 <define name="common-convert-empty-attlist">
9982 <optional>
9983 <attribute name="form:convert-empty-to-null" a:defaultValue="false">
9984 <ref name="boolean"/>
9985 </attribute>
9986 </optional>
9987 </define>
• <form:textarea>
• <form:formatted-text>
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
• <form:checkbox>
• <form:radio>
• <form:image-frame>
9988 <define name="common-data-field-attlist">
9989 <optional>
9990 <attribute name="form:data-field">
9991 <ref name="string"/>
9992 </attribute>
9993 </optional>
9994 </define>
List Source
The form:list-source attribute specifies the source used to populate the list in a list box or
combo box. The first column of the list source result set populates the list. This attribute is
supported for the following elements:
• <form:combobox>
• <form:listbox>
9995 <define name="list-source">
9996 <optional>
9997 <attribute name="form:list-source">
9998 <ref name="string"/>
9999 </attribute>
10000 </optional>
10001 </define>
• <form:listbox>
• sql-pass-through: The list is populated by executing any type of statement that is passed
directly to a database driver, without being interpreted by the application.
• value-list: The list is populated with values specified by the user using the form:value
attribute in the <form:option> element. This setting is only applicable to list boxes.
• table-fields: The list is populated using the field names in a database table.
10002 <define name="list-source-type">
10003 <optional>
10004 <attribute name="form:list-source-type">
10005 <choice>
10006 <value>table</value>
10007 <value>query</value>
10008 <value>sql</value>
10009 <value>sql-pass-through</value>
10010 <value>value-list</value>
10011 <value>table-fields</value>
10012 </choice>
10013 </attribute>
10014 </optional>
10015 </define>
11.6 Events
HTML defines a list of standard events for controls. These events are represented by attributes,
which are associated with the control elements. In the office application XML file format, these
events and any additional events defined by the application component are stored as elements in
an <office:event-listeners> element.
For a single event element, the script:event-name attribute specifies the type of event and
other attributes specify the language and the event handler.
form:textchange All controls that Occurs when a user changes the text in a
allow text input. control.
form:itemstatechange Check box or Occurs when the state of a check box or radio
radio button. button changes.
form:mousedrag All controls. Occurs when a user presses and holds one of
the mouse buttons and moves the mouse
pointer onto a control.
form:approvereset same objects as Occurs before the on-reset event takes place.
for form:on-reset Allows the user to veto the reset event.
form:approveupdate All controls that Occurs before the on-update event takes
can be bound to a place. Allows the user to veto the update.
database field,
that is controls
that contain the
form:update All controls that Occurs when the content of a control that is
can be bound to a bound to a database field is committed.
database field,
that is controls
that contain the
form:load Forms. Occurs when the form establishes a
connection to the data source.
11.7.2 Property
The <form:property> element describes a single property, and contains its name, type and
10023 <define name="form-property" combine="choice">
10024 <element name="form:property">
10025 <ref name="form-property-name"/>
10026 <ref name="form-property-value-and-type-attlist"/>
10027 </element>
10028 </define>
Property Name
The form:property-name attribute specifies the name of a property element.
10029 <define name="form-property-name" combine="interleave">
10030 <attribute name="form:property-name">
10031 <ref name="string"/>
10032 </attribute>
10033 </define>
In addition to these value types, form properties can also be empty. This is represented by the
special value type void. Such properties have no value attribute.
List Value
The list value element contains value attributes for the value type given in the containing
<form:list-property> element.
10048 <define name="form-property-type-and-value-list">
10049 <choice>
10050 <group>
10051 <attribute name="office:value-type">
10052 <value>float</value>
10053 </attribute>
10054 <zeroOrMore>
10055 <element name="form:list-value">
10056 <attribute name="office:value">
10057 <ref name="double"/>
10058 </attribute>
10059 </element>
10060 </zeroOrMore>
10061 </group>
10062 <group>
10063 <attribute name="office:value-type">
10064 <value>percentage</value>
10065 </attribute>
10066 <zeroOrMore>
10067 <element name="form:list-value">
10068 <attribute name="office:value">
10069 <ref name="double"/>
10070 </attribute>
10071 </element>
10072 </zeroOrMore>
10073 </group>
10074 <group>
10075 <attribute name="office:value-type">
10076 <value>currency</value>
The following contains a string property “Name” with value “Name 1”, and a string list
property “Items” containing the strings “Item 1”, “Item 2”, “Item 3”.
<form:property form:property-name="Name"
office:string-value="Name 1">
<form:list-property form:property-name="Items"
office:value-type="string" >
<form:list-value office:string-value="Item 1"/>
<form:list-value office:string-value="Item 2"/>
<form:list-value office:string-value="Item 3"/>
• Display
• Position, size, style, layer, z-index, id, and transformation (see section 9.2.15)
• Text anchor, table background, draw end position (see section 9.2.16)
• Caption point, round corners (see section 9.2.10)
The office:display attribute specifies whether or not the annotation is visible.
10168 <define name="office-annotation-attlist" combine="interleave">
10169 <optional>
10170 <attribute name="office:display">
10171 <ref name="boolean"/>
10172 </attribute>
10173 </optional>
10174 </define>
12.1.1 Creator
The optional <dc:creator> element described in section 3.1.7 specifies the author of the
• Numeric: 1, 2, 3, ...
• Alphabetic: a, b, c, ... or A, B, C, ...
• Roman: i, ii, iii, iv, ... or I, II, III, IV,...
The value of this attribute can be "1", "a", "A", "i", or "I". For some elements, the attribute value
also can be empty. In this case, no number is displayed.
10192 <define name="common-num-format-attlist" combine="interleave">
10193 <choice>
10194 <attribute name="style:num-format">
10195 <choice>
10196 <value>1</value>
10197 <value>i</value>
10198 <value>I</value>
10199 <ref name="string"/>
10200 <empty/>
10201 </choice>
10202 </attribute>
10203 <group>
10204 <attribute name="style:num-format">
10205 <choice>
10206 <value>a</value>
10207 <value>A</value>
10208 </choice>
10209 </attribute>
10210 <ref name="style-num-letter-sync-attlist"/>
10211 </group>
10212 <empty/>
10213 </choice>
10214 </define>
The <dc:creator> element as described in section 3.1.7 specifies the name of the author who
changed the document.
An additional comment may be included as <text:p> elements.
• Depending on the type of action that the event triggers, the following elements are used:
– The <script:event-listener> element represents events that are bound to a macro
or script.
The attributes that may be associated with the <script:event-listener> element are:
• Event name
• Script language
• Macro Name and Location
Event Name
The script:event-name attribute specifies the name of the event. Since the available events,
their names and their meanings are application and script language dependent, the name should
be preceded by a namespace prefix, so that the corresponding namespace together with the
event name can be used to identify the semantic of the event. For events that are specified in the
DOM event model, it is recommended to use the event names described in §1.4.2 of
[DOMEvents]. The corresponding namespace is "" .
10247 <define name="script-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
10248 <attribute name="script:event-name">
10249 <ref name="string"/>
10250 </attribute>
10251 </define>
Script Language
The script:language attribute specifies the scripting language in which the macro or script
which is associated with the event is written. See also section 2.5.1.
10252 <define name="script-event-listener-attlist" combine="interleave">
10253 <attribute name="script:language">
10254 <ref name="string"/>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:dde-connection-decl> element are:
• Connection name
• DDE target application
• DDE target topic
• DDE target item
• Automatic update flag
Connection Name
The office:name attribute specifies the name by which the connection will be referred.
10307 <define name="text-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
10308 <attribute name="office:name">
10309 <ref name="string"/>
10310 </attribute>
10311 </define>
Target Topic
The office:dde-topic attribute specifies the name of the topic to use for the DDE connection.
10317 <define name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
10318 <attribute name="office:dde-topic">
10319 <ref name="string"/>
10320 </attribute>
10321 </define>
Example: The software interprets the DDE topic as the name of the
Target Item
The office:dde-item attribute specifies which information the target application should
10322 <define name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
10323 <attribute name="office:dde-item">
10324 <ref name="string"/>
10325 </attribute>
10326 </define>
Example: If the target application for the DDE connection is the
Writer software, the item represents the name of a bookmark.
delivers the current text content to the requesting application.
Automatic Update
Office applications by default automatically update DDE links. If a manual update of the link is
preferred, the text:automatic-update attribute my be used to specify that the DDE
connection links should only be updated at the request of the user.
If the value of this attribute is true, then the application is expected to automatically update the
DDE links. If this value of this attribute is false, the DDE links are updated on user request only.
10327 <define name="common-dde-connection-decl-attlist" combine="interleave">
10328 <optional>
10329 <attribute name="office:automatic-update" a:defaultValue="true">
10330 <ref name="boolean"/>
10331 </attribute>
10332 </optional>
Connection Name
The office:name attribute specifies the name by which the connection can be referred.
10346 <define name="office-dde-source-attlist" combine="interleave">
10347 <optional>
10348 <attribute name="office:name">
10349 <ref name="string"/>
10350 </attribute>
10351 </optional>
10352 </define>
Conversion Mode
The office:conversion-mode attribute specifies the method by which the DDE server
converts its data into numbers. There are three possible values:
• into-default-style-data-style: Numbers are converted into the data style which is
set on the default style.
• into-english-number: numbers are converted into the English default format.
13.1.1 Animate
The <anim:animate> element behaves like the [SMIL20] <smil:animate> element. See
§3.5.1 of [SMIL20] for details.
10365 <define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
10366 <element name="anim:animate">
10367 <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
10368 <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
10369 <ref name="common-anim-values-attlist"/>
10370 <ref name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist"/>
10371 <ref name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist"/>
10372 <ref name="common-repeat-timing-attlist"/>
10373 <ref name="common-fill-timing-attlist"/>
10374 <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
10375 </element>
10376 </define>
13.1.2 Set
The <anim:set> element behaves like the [SMIL20] <smil:set> element. See §3.5.2 of
[SMIL20] for details.
10377 <define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
10378 <element name="anim:set">
10379 <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
10380 <ref name="common-anim-named-target-attlist"/>
10381 <ref name="common-anim-set-values-attlist"/>
10382 <ref name="common-fill-timing-attlist"/>
10383 <ref name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist"/>
10384 </element>
10385 </define>
The [SVG] svg:origin attribute can be used to specify an origin. See §19.2.12 of [SVG] for
10404 <define name="anim-animate-motion-attlist" combine="interleave">
10405 <optional>
10406 <attribute name="svg:origin">
10407 <ref name="string"/>
10408 </attribute>
10409 </optional>
10410 </define>
Calc Mode
The [SMIL20] smil:calcMode attribute is used to specify the interpolation mode of the
animation. See §19.2.12 of [SVG] for details.
10411 <define name="anim-animate-motion-attlist" combine="interleave">
10412 <optional>
10413 <attribute name="smil:calcMode" a:defaultValue="paced">
10414 <choice>
10415 <value>discrete</value>
10416 <value>linear</value>
10417 <value>paced</value>
10418 <value>spline</value>
10419 </choice>
10420 </attribute>
10421 </optional>
10422 </define>
Color Interpolation
The anim:color-interpolation attribute specifies the color space that is used for color
10435 <define name="anim-animate-color-attlist" combine="interleave">
10436 <optional>
10437 <attribute name="anim:color-interpolation" a:defaultValue="rgb">
10438 <choice>
10439 <value>rgb</value>
10440 <value>hsl</value>
10441 </choice>
10442 </attribute>
10443 </optional>
10444 </define>
Transition Type
The [SMIL20] smil:type attribute is used to specify the transition type or family. See §12.8 of
[SMIL20] for a list of supported types.
10487 <define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
10488 <attribute name="smil:type">
10489 <ref name="string"/>
10490 </attribute>
10491 </define>
Transition Subtype
The [SMIL20] smil:subtype attribute can be used to specify the transition subtype. See §12.8
of [SMIL20] for a list of supported subtypes.
10492 <define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
10493 <optional>
10494 <attribute name="smil:subtype">
10495 <ref name="string"/>
10496 </attribute>
10497 </optional>
10498 </define>
Fade Color
The [SMIL20] smil:fadeColor attribute can be used to specify the transition fade color for
transitions that makes use of a start or end color. See §12.5.1 of [SMIL20] for details.
10509 <define name="anim-transition-filter-attlist" combine="interleave">
10510 <optional>
10511 <attribute name="smil:fadeColor">
10512 <choice>
10513 <value>forward</value>
10514 <value>reverse</value>
10515 </choice>
10516 </attribute>
10517 </optional>
10518 </define>
Element Id
The anim:id attribute defines an ID that is used to identify the element inside a document.
Target Element
The [SMIL20] smil:targetElement attribute is used to specify the target element to be
animated. See §3.4.1 of [SMIL20] for details. See section 9.8.2 for details about the usage of this
attribute in presentation documents.
10536 <define name="common-anim-target-attlist" combine="interleave">
10537 <optional>
10538 <attribute name="smil:targetElement">
10539 <ref name="IDREF"/>
10540 </attribute>
10541 </optional>
10542 </define>
Target Attribute
The [SMIL20] smil:attributeName attribute is used to specify a target attribute by name. See
§3.4.1 of [SMIL20] for details. See section 9.8.2 for details about the usage of this attribute in
presentation documents.
10543 <define name="common-anim-named-target-attlist" combine="interleave">
10544 <attribute name="smil:attributeName">
10545 <ref name="string"/>
10546 </attribute>
10547 </define>
Value List
The [SMIL20] smil:values attribute specifies the values used to animate the target element.
See $3.4.2 of [SMIL20] for details.
Calc Mode
The [SMIL20] smil:calcMode attribute is used to specify the interpolation mode of the
animation function. See $3.4.2 of [SMIL20] for details.
10562 <define name="common-anim-spline-mode-attlist" combine="interleave">
10563 <optional>
10564 <attribute name="smil:calcMode" a:defaultValue="discrete">
10565 <choice>
10566 <value>discrete</value>
10567 <value>linear</value>
10568 <value>paced</value>
10569 <value>spline</value>
10570 </choice>
10571 </attribute>
10572 </optional>
10573 </define>
Key Times
The [SMIL20] smil:keyTimes attribute specifies the pacing of the animation. See $3.7.1 of
[SMIL20] for details.
10574 <define name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist" combine="interleave">
10575 <optional>
10576 <attribute name="smil:keyTimes">
10577 <ref name="string"/>
10578 </attribute>
10579 </optional>
10580 </define>
Key Splines
The [SMIL20] smil:keySplines attribute specifies a cubic Bézier function that controls interval
pacing. See $3.7.1 of [SMIL20] for details.
10581 <define name="common-spline-anim-value-attlist" combine="interleave">
10582 <optional>
10583 <attribute name="smil:keySplines">
10584 <ref name="string"/>
10585 </attribute>
10586 </optional>
10587 </define>
The [SMIL20] smil:accumulate attribute specifies the accumulation of the animation function.
See $3.4.3 of [SMIL20] for details.
10588 <define name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist" combine="interleave">
10589 <optional>
The [SMIL20] smil:additive attribute specifies if the additive of the animation function. See
$3.4.3 of [SMIL20] for details.
10598 <define name="common-anim-add-accum-attlist" combine="interleave">
10599 <optional>
10600 <attribute name="smil:additive">
10601 <choice>
10602 <value>replace</value>
10603 <value>sum</value>
10604 </choice>
10605 </attribute>
10606 </optional>
10607 </define>
The anim:formula attribute specifies a formula that is used as the animation function. The
identifier '$' will be replaced by a value between 0 and 1 (inclusive) that represents the
proportional offset into the animation element's duration. For specific document types, additional
identifiers may exist. The following is the minimum supported grammar:
identifier = '$' | 'pi'
function = 'abs'|'sqrt'|'sin'|'cos'|'tan'|'atan'|'acos'|'asin'|'exp'|'log'
binary_function = 'min'|'max'
basic_expression =
number |
identifier |
function '(' additive_expression ')' |
'(' additive_expression ',' additive_expression ')' |
'(' additive_expression ')'
unary_expression =
'-' basic_expression |
multiplicative_expression =
( ( '*' unary_expression )* |
( '/' unary_expression )* )
additive_expression =
( ( '+' multiplicative_expression )* |
( '-' multiplicative_expression )* )
See section 9.8.2 for details about additional identifiers for presentation documents.
Element Start
The [SMIL20] smil:begin attribute can be used to specify the begin time of an element. See
§10.3.1 of [SMIL20] for details.
10636 <define name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
10637 <optional>
10638 <attribute name="smil:begin">
10639 <ref name="string"/>
10640 </attribute>
10641 </optional>
10642 </define>
Element Duration
The [SMIL20] smil:dur attribute can be used to specify the duration of an element. See §10.3.1
of [SMIL20] for details.
10650 <define name="common-dur-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
10651 <optional>
10652 <attribute name="smil:dur">
10653 <ref name="string"/>
10654 </attribute>
10655 </optional>
10656 </define>
Repeating Elements
The [SMIL20] smil:repeatCount and smil:repeatDur attributes specifies the behavior of
repeated animations. See §10.3.1 of [SMIL20] for details.
10669 <define name="common-repeat-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
10670 <optional>
10671 <attribute name="smil:repeatDur">
10672 <ref name="string"/>
10673 </attribute>
10674 <attribute name="smil:repeatCount">
10675 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
10676 </attribute>
10677 </optional>
10678 </define>
Fill Default
The [SMIL20] smil:fillDefault attribute specifies the default behavior for the smil:fill
attribute. See §10.3.1 of [SMIL20] for details.
10693 <define name="common-fill-default-attlist" combine="interleave">
10694 <optional>
10695 <attribute name="smil:fillDefault">
10696 <choice>
10697 <value>remove</value>
10698 <value>freeze</value>
10699 <value>hold</value>
10700 <value>transition</value>
10701 <value>auto</value>
10702 <value>inherit</value>
10703 </choice>
10704 </attribute>
10705 </optional>
10706 </define>
The [SMIL20] smil:restart attribute can be used to specify the restart behavior of an element.
See §10.3.1 of [SMIL20] for details.
10707 <define name="common-restart-timing-attlist" combine="interleave">
10708 <optional>
10709 <attribute name="smil:restart" a:defaultValue="default">
10710 <choice>
10711 <value>never</value>
10712 <value>always</value>
10713 <value>whenNotActive</value>
10714 <value>default</value>
10715 </choice>
10716 </attribute>
10717 </optional>
10718 </define>
The [SMIL20] smil:accelerate attribute can be used to specify a simple acceleration of
element time. See §11.1.2 of [SMIL20] for details.
10731 <define name="common-time-manip-attlist" combine="interleave">
10732 <optional>
10733 <attribute name="smil:accelerate" a:defaultValue="0.0">
10734 <ref name="double"/>
10735 </attribute>
10736 </optional>
10737 </define>
The [SMIL20] smil:decelerate attribute can be used to specify a simple deceleration of
element time. See §11.1.2 of [SMIL20] for details.
10738 <define name="common-time-manip-attlist" combine="interleave">
10739 <optional>
10740 <attribute name="smil:decelerate" a:defaultValue="0.0">
10741 <ref name="double"/>
10742 </attribute>
10743 </optional>
10744 </define>
Auto Reverse
The [SMIL20] smil:autoreverse attribute can be used to specify an automatic playback in
reverse. See §11.1.2 of [SMIL20] for details.
10745 <define name="common-time-manip-attlist" combine="interleave">
10746 <optional>
10747 <attribute name="smil:autoReverse" a:defaultValue="false">
10748 <ref name="boolean"/>
10749 </attribute>
10750 </optional>
10751 </define>
13.5.1 Audio
The <anim:audio> element is based on the [SMIL20] <smil:audio> element. It allows the
playback of audio streams during an animation. See §7.3.1 of [SMIL20] for details.
10816 <define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
10817 <element name="anim:audio">
10818 <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
10819 <ref name="anim-audio-attlist"/>
The xlink:href attribute specifies the IRI of the audio stream.
10823 <define name="anim-audio-attlist" combine="interleave">
10824 <optional>
10825 <attribute name="xlink:href">
10826 <ref name="anyURI"/>
10827 </attribute>
10828 </optional>
10829 </define>
Audio Level
The anim:audio-level attribute specifies the volume during playback. Its value is a number in
the range 0 (inaudible) to 1 (the system volume).
10830 <define name="anim-audio-attlist" combine="interleave">
10831 <optional>
10832 <attribute name="anim:audio-level">
10833 <ref name="double"/>
10834 </attribute>
10835 </optional>
10836 </define>
13.6.1 Command
The <anim:command> element is used to send generic commands to the application during an
animation. The available command types and its parameters depend on the document type and
the type of the target element. See section 9.8.2 for details about the element's usage in
presentation documents.
10837 <define name="animation-element" combine="choice">
10838 <element name="anim:command">
10839 <ref name="common-anim-attlist"/>
10840 <ref name="anim-command-attlist"/>
10841 <ref name="common-begin-end-timing-attlist"/>
10842 <ref name="common-anim-target-attlist"/>
10843 <zeroOrMore>
10844 <element name="anim:param">
10845 <attribute name="anim:name"/>
10846 <attribute name="anim:value"/>
10847 </element>
10848 </zeroOrMore>
10849 </element>
10850 </define>
The anim:command attribute specifies the command that will be executed at the application
when this animation element is started.
The individual style families that make use of these element are described separately. Within this
section, the common attributes of the style element are described.
10856 <define name="style-style">
10857 <element name="style:style">
10858 <ref name="style-style-attlist"/>
10859 <ref name="style-style-content"/>
10860 <zeroOrMore>
10861 <ref name="style-map"/>
10862 </zeroOrMore>
10863 </element>
10864 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:style> element are:
• Style name
• Display name
Style Name
The style:name attribute identifies the name of the style. This attribute, combined with the
style:family attribute, uniquely identifies a style. The <office:styles>,
<office:automatic-styles> and <office:master-styles> elements each must not
contain two styles with the same family and the same name.
For automatic styles, a name is generated during document export. If the document is exported
several times, it cannot be assumed that the same name is generated each time.
In an XML document, the name of each style is a unique name that may be independent of the
language selected for an office applications user interface. Usually these names are the ones used
for the English version of the user interface.
10865 <define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
10866 <attribute name="style:name">
10867 <ref name="styleName"/>
10868 </attribute>
10869 </define>
Display Name
The style:display-name attribute specifies the name of the style as it should appear in the
user interface. In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary characters. If
this attribute is not present, the display name equals the style name.
10870 <define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
10871 <optional>
10872 <attribute name="style:display-name">
10873 <ref name="string"/>
10874 </attribute>
10875 </optional>
10876 </define>
Style Family
The style:family attribute identifies the family of the style, for example, paragraph, text, or
frame. It might have one of the following values: paragraph, text, section, table, table-
column, table-row, table-cell, table-page, chart, default, drawing-page,
graphic, presentation, control and ruby.
Next Style
The style:next-style-name attribute specifies the style to used for the next paragraph if a
paragraph break is inserted in the user interface. By default, the current style is used as the next
10884 <define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
10885 <optional>
10886 <attribute name="style:next-style-name">
10887 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
10888 </attribute>
10889 </optional>
10890 </define>
List Style
A paragraph style and styles of other families that may contain paragraph properties (for instance
graphic styles) can have an associated list style. This applies to automatic and common styles.
The list style specified by the style:list-style-name attribute is only applied to headings
and to paragraphs that are contained in a list, where the list does not specify a list style itself, and
the list has no list style specification for any of its parents.
The style:list-style-name attribute's value can be empty. In this case, an association with
a list style that is inherited from a parent style will be removed.
10891 <define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
10892 <optional>
10893 <attribute name="style:list-style-name">
10894 <choice>
10895 <ref name="styleName"/>
10896 <empty/>
10897 </choice>
10898 </attribute>
10899 </optional>
10900 </define>
Automatically Update
The style:auto-update attribute determines whether or not styles are automatically updated
when the formatting properties of an object that has the style assigned to it are changed. For
example, there might be a paragraph style that contains a formatting property specifying that
paragraph text is centered, and this paragraph style is applied to a paragraph. If the user manually
changes the formatting of that paragraph text to be right-aligned and the value of the
style:auto-update attribute is true, then the paragraph style is automatically updated to
reflect the new paragraph formatting and every paragraph that uses the paragraph style is also
modified to right-align the paragraph text. This attribute can have a value of true or false.
10908 <define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
10909 <optional>
10910 <attribute name="style:auto-update" a:defaultValue="false">
10911 <ref name="boolean"/>
10912 </attribute>
10913 </optional>
10914 </define>
A style may belong to an arbitrary class of styles. The class is an arbitrary string. The class has no
meaning within the file format itself, but it can for instance be evaluated by user interfaces to show
a list of styles where the styles are grouped by its name.
10922 <define name="style-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
10923 <optional>
10924 <attribute name="style:class">
10925 <ref name="string"/>
10926 </attribute>
10927 </optional>
10928 </define>
Formatting Properties
If a style has formatting attributes assigned, the style element contains one ore more formatting
property container elements. See section 15 for detailed information about these element.
Sample Style
Example: OpenDocument representation of the “Text body” paragraph style
<style:style style:name="Text body" style:family="paragraph"
<style:paragraph-properties fo:margin-top="0cm"
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:map> element are:
• Condition
• Applied style
• Base cell address
The value of this attribute is a Boolean expression. The syntax of the expression is similar to the
XPath syntax. If an application detects a condition that it does not recognize, it must ignore the
entire <style:map> element.
• section()
• cell-content-is-between(value, value)
• cell-content-is-not-between(value, value)
• cell-content() operator value, where operator is one of; '<', '>', '<=', '>=',
'=' or '!=', and value is a numberValue, a string or a formula.
• A formula is a formula (see 8.1.3) without the equals (=) sign at the beginning.
• For Boolean styles the condition value must be true and false.
The conditions that apply for different types of styles may differ.
10942 <define name="style-map-attlist" combine="interleave">
10943 <attribute name="style:condition">
10944 <ref name="string"/>
10945 </attribute>
10946 </define>
Applied Style
The style:apply-style-name attribute specifies the style to apply when the condition
specified by the style:condition attribute is true. If the referenced style is undefined or is an
automatic style, an error occurs.
10947 <define name="style-map-attlist" combine="interleave">
10948 <attribute name="style:apply-style-name">
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:page-layout> element are:
• Name
• Page usage
The style:name attribute specifies the name of the page layout.
10978 <define name="style-page-layout-attlist" combine="interleave">
10979 <attribute name="style:name">
10980 <ref name="styleName"/>
10981 </attribute>
10982 </define>
Page Usage
The style:page-usage attribute specifies the type of pages that the page master should
10983 <define name="style-page-layout-attlist" combine="interleave">
10984 <optional>
10985 <attribute name="style:page-usage" a:defaultValue="all">
10986 <choice>
10987 <value>all</value>
10988 <value>left</value>
10989 <value>right</value>
10990 <value>mirrored</value>
10991 </choice>
10992 </attribute>
10993 </optional>
10994 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:master-page> element are:
• Page name
• Display name
• Page layout
Page Name
The style:name attribute specifies the name of a master page. Each master page is referenced
using the page name. This attribute is required and the name specified must be unique.
11038 <define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
11039 <attribute name="style:name">
11040 <ref name="styleName"/>
11041 </attribute>
11042 </define>
Display Name
The style:display-name attribute specifies the name of the master as it should appear in the
user interface. In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary characters. If
this attribute is not present, the display name equals the style name.
11043 <define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
11044 <optional>
11045 <attribute name="style:display-name">
11046 <ref name="string"/>
11047 </attribute>
11048 </optional>
11049 </define>
Page Layout
The style:page-layout-name attribute specifies a page layout which contains the sizes,
border and orientation of the master page. See section 14.3 for details on page layouts.
11050 <define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
11051 <attribute name="style:page-layout-name">
11052 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
11053 </attribute>
11054 </define>
Page Style
In graphic applications, additional drawing page attributes my be assigned to a drawing page
using the draw:style-name attribute. This attribute is optional. The fixed family for page styles
is drawing-page. This is used to define an optional background filling.
11055 <define name="style-master-page-attlist" combine="interleave">
11056 <optional>
The style:display attribute specifies whether the header or footer is displayed or not.
11129 <define name="common-style-header-footer-attlist" combine="interleave">
11130 <optional>
11131 <attribute name="style:display" a:defaultValue="true">
11132 <ref name="boolean"/>
11133 </attribute>
11134 </optional>
The region elements <style:region-left>, <style:region-center> and
<style:region-right> specify three regions of a header or footer that are displayed left
aligned, centered or right aligned. Each of these regions can contain a sequence of paragraphs.
11136 <define name="style-region-left">
11137 <element name="style:region-left">
11138 <ref name="region-content"/>
11139 </element>
11140 </define>
11141 <define name="style-region-center">
11142 <element name="style:region-center">
11143 <ref name="region-content"/>
11144 </element>
11145 </define>
11146 <define name="style-region-right">
11147 <element name="style:region-right">
11148 <ref name="region-content"/>
11149 </element>
11150 </define>
11152 <define name="region-content">
11153 <zeroOrMore>
11154 <ref name="text-p"/>
11155 </zeroOrMore>
11156 </define>
Page Layout
The style:page-layout-name attribute specifies a page layout which contains the sizes,
border and orientation of the notes page. See section 14.3 for details on page layouts.
11166 <define name="presentation-notes-attlist" combine="interleave">
Page Style
The attribute draw:style-name assigns an additional formatting attributes to a notes page by
assigning a drawing page style. This attribute is optional. The fixed family for page styles is
11173 <define name="presentation-notes-attlist" combine="interleave">
11174 <optional>
11175 <attribute name="draw:style-name">
11176 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
11177 </attribute>
11178 </optional>
11179 </define>
Header Declaration
The presentation:use-header-name attribute specifies the name of the header field
declaration (see section 9.11.2) that is used for all header fields (see section 9.10.1) that are
displayed on the notes page. See also section 9.1.4.
Footer Declaration
The presentation:use-footer-name attribute specifies the name of the footer field
declaration (see section 9.11.3) that is used for all footer fields (see section 9.10.2) that are
displayed on the notes page. See also section 9.1.4.
Style Name
The table:name attribute specifies the name of the table template.
11208 <define name="table-table-template-attlist" combine="interleave">
11209 <attribute name="text:name">
11210 <ref name="string"/>
11211 </attribute>
11212 </define>
Corner Styles
The attributes table:first-row-start-column, table:first-row-end-column,
table:last-row-start-column and table:last-row-end-column specify whether the
cells in the four corners of the table should get the style from the row they are in or from the
column. The possible values of these attributes are row and column.
11213 <define name="table-table-template-attlist" combine="interleave">
11214 <attribute name="text:first-row-start-column">
11215 <ref name="rowOrCol"/>
11216 </attribute>
11217 </define>
14.6.2 Name
The style:name attribute specifies the unique name of the font declaration. This name can be
used inside styles (i.e., as an attribute of the <style:text-properties> element) as value of
the style:font-name attribute to immediately select a font face declaration
11551 <define name="style-font-face-attlist" combine="interleave">
11552 <attribute name="style:name">
11553 <ref name="string"/>
11554 </attribute>
11555 </define>
14.6.3 Adornments
The style:font-adornments attributes specifies adornments, like bold or italic that can be
used to locate a font in addition to the family name.
11556 <define name="style-font-face-attlist" combine="interleave">
11557 <optional>
11558 <attribute name="style:font-adornments">
11559 <ref name="string"/>
11560 </attribute>
11561 </optional>
11562 </define>
• <number:scientific-number>
• <number:fraction>
These elements describe the display format of the number. The elements can be preceded or
followed by <number:text> elements, which contain any additional text to be displayed before
or after the number.
In addition, this element can contain a <style:text-properties> element and a
<style:map> element.
11585 <define name="number-number-style">
11586 <element name="number:number-style">
11587 <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
11588 <optional>
See section 14.7.9 for information about the attributes that may be associated with the number
style elements.
The following elements may be contained in the <number:number-style> element:
• Number
• Scientific number
• Fraction
The <number:number> element specifies the display properties for a decimal number.
Decimal Replacement
Some applications may supports replacement text only that consists of the same number of “-”
characters as decimal places.
11623 <define name="number-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
11624 <optional>
11625 <attribute name="number:decimal-replacement"/>
11626 </optional>
11627 </define>
Display Factor
The number:display-factor attribute specifies a factor by which each number is scaled
(divided) before displaying. A factor of 1000, for example, causes numbers to be displayed in
Some applications may only support display factors of 1000 to the power of a non-negative integer
number, that is 1, 1000, 1000000, 1000000000, etc.
11628 <define name="number-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
11629 <optional>
11630 <attribute name="number:display-factor" a:defaultValue="1">
11631 <ref name="double"/>
11632 </attribute>
11633 </optional>
11634 </define>
Embedded Text
The <number:embedded-text> element specifies text that is displayed at one specific position
within a number. This element is different to a grouping separator, which appears several times
within a number.
This element is contained in the <number:number> element. The <number:number> element
can contain multiple occurrences of the <number:embedded-text> element to describe text at
different positions in the number.
11635 <define name="number-embedded-text">
11636 <element name="number:embedded-text">
11637 <ref name="number-embedded-text-attlist"/>
11638 <text/>
11639 </element>
11640 </define>
The number:position attribute specifies the position where the text appears.
Position Attribute
The position is counted from right to left, from before the decimal point if one exists, or else from
the end of the number. For example, position number 1 indicates that the text is inserted before
the last digit. Position number 2 indicates that the text is inserted before the second last digit, and
so on.
11641 <define name="number-embedded-text-attlist" combine="interleave">
11642 <attribute name="number:position">
11643 <ref name="integer"/>
11644 </attribute>
11645 </define>
The number:min-exponent-digits attribute may be used with this element. See section
14.7.11 for information on additional attributes that may be associated with the
<number:scientific-number> element.
11646 <define name="number-scientific-number">
11647 <element name="number:scientific-number">
11648 <ref name="number-scientific-number-attlist"/>
11649 <ref name="common-decimal-places-attlist"/>
11650 <ref name="common-number-attlist"/>
11651 <empty/>
11652 </element>
11653 </define>
The <number:fraction> element specifies the display properties for a number style that
should be displayed as a fraction.
This element is contained in the <number:number-style> element.
Denominator Value
The number:denominator-value attribute specifies an integer value that is used as
denominator of a fraction. If this attribute is not present, the application may choose an arbitrary
denominator value.
11682 <define name="number-fraction-attlist" combine="interleave">
11683 <optional>
11684 <attribute name="number:denominator-value">
11685 <ref name="integer"/>
11686 </attribute>
11687 </optional>
11688 </define>
This element can contain one <number:number> element and one <number:currency-
symbol> element. It can also contain <number:text> elements , which display additional text,
but it cannot contain two of these elements consecutively.
In addition, this element can contain a <style:text-properties> element and a
<style:map> element.
11689 <define name="number-currency-style">
11690 <element name="number:currency-style">
11691 <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
11692 <ref name="common-auto-reorder-attlist"/>
11693 <optional>
11694 <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
11695 </optional>
11696 <optional>
11697 <ref name="number-text"/>
11698 </optional>
11699 <optional>
11700 <choice>
11701 <group>
11702 <ref name="number-and-text"/>
11703 <optional>
11704 <ref name="currency-symbol-and-text"/>
11705 </optional>
11706 </group>
11707 <group>
11708 <ref name="currency-symbol-and-text"/>
See section 14.7.9 for information about the attributes that may be associated with the number
style elements.
The following elements may be contained in the <number:currency-style> element:
Currency Symbol
The <number:currency-symbol> element determines whether or not a currency symbol is
displayed in a currency style.
The content of this element is the text that is displayed as the currency symbol. If the element is
empty or contains white space characters only, the default currency symbol for the currency style
or the language and country of the currency style is displayed.
This element is contained in the <number:currency-style> element.
11733 <define name="number-currency-symbol">
11734 <element name="number:currency-symbol">
11735 <ref name="number-currency-symbol-attlist"/>
11736 <text/>
11737 </element>
11738 </define>
The number:language and number:country attributes may be used to specify the language
and country of the currency symbol. See section 14.7.11 for information on the other attributes
that may be associated with the currency style elements.
Currency Language and Country Attributes
If the currency symbol contained in a currency style belongs to a different language or country
than the currency style itself, then the number:language and number:country attributes may
be used to specify the language and country of the currency symbol.
This element can contain one <number:number> element, which describes the display format
for the percentage. The element can be preceded or followed by <number:text> elements,
which contain any additional text to display before or after the percentage. Some applications
require that at least one <number:text> element exist and that its text must contain a “%”
In addition, the <number:percentage-style> element can contain a <style:text-
properties> element and a <style:map> element.
11751 <define name="number-percentage-style">
11752 <element name="number:percentage-style">
11753 <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
11754 <optional>
11755 <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
11756 </optional>
11757 <optional>
11758 <ref name="number-text"/>
11759 </optional>
11760 <optional>
11761 <ref name="number-and-text"/>
11762 </optional>
11763 <zeroOrMore>
11764 <ref name="style-map"/>
11765 </zeroOrMore>
11766 </element>
11767 </define>
See section 14.7.9 for information on the attributes that may be associated with the percentage
style element.
This element can contain one instance of each of the following elements: <number:day>,
<number:month>, <number:year>, <number:era>, <number:day-of-week>,
<number:week-of-year>, <number:quarter>, <number:hours>, <number:minutes>,
<number:seconds>, and <number:am-pm>.
See section 14.7.9 for information on the attributes that may be associated with the date style
The <number:date-style> element can contain the following elements:
• <number:month> – month
• <number:year> – year
• <number:era> – era
• <number:quarter> – quarter
The number:style attribute may be used with this element. See section 14.7.11 for information
on the other attributes that may be associated with the element.
Format Attribute
The number:style attribute specifies whether the day of month element is displayed in short or
long format. The value of this attribute can be short or long. The meaning of these values
depends on the value of the number:format-source attribute that is attached to the date style.
• short means that the day of the month is displayed using one or two digits
• long means that the day of the month is displayed using two digits
11815 <define name="number-day-attlist" combine="interleave">
11816 <optional>
11817 <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
11818 <choice>
11819 <value>short</value>
11820 <value>long</value>
11821 </choice>
11822 </attribute>
11823 </optional>
11824 </define>
The <number:month> element specifies the month in a date.
The number:textual and number:style attributes may be used with this element. See
section 14.7.11 for information on the other attributes that may be associated with the element.
Textual Representation Attribute
The number:textual attribute determines whether the name or number of a month is displayed
in the month element of a date. If the value of this attribute value is true, the name of the month
is displayed. If the attribute value is false, the number of the month is displayed.
Format Attribute
The number:style attribute specifies whether the month element is displayed in short or long
format. The value of this attribute can be short or long. The meaning of these values depends
on the value of the number:format-source attribute that is attached to the date style.
• short means that the abbreviated name of the month is displayed or the month is displayed
using one or two digits
• long means that the full name of the month is displayed or the month is displayed using two
11846 <define name="number-month-attlist" combine="interleave">
11847 <optional>
11848 <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
11849 <choice>
11850 <value>short</value>
11851 <value>long</value>
11852 </choice>
11853 </attribute>
11854 </optional>
11855 </define>
The <number:year> element specifies the year in the date.
The <number:era> element specifies the era in which the year is counted.
The number:style attribute may be used with this element. See section 14.7.11 for information
on the other attributes that may be associated with the element.
Format Attribute
The number:style attribute specifies whether the era element is displayed in short or long
format. The value of this attribute can be short or long. The meaning of these values depends
on the value of the number:format-source attribute that is attached to the date style.
Day Of Week
The <number:day-of-week> element specifies the day of the week in a date.
The number:style attribute may be used with this element. See section 14.7.11 for information
on the other attributes that may be associated with the element.
Format Attribute
The number:style attribute specifies whether the day of week element is displayed in short or
long format.
The value of this attribute can be short or long. The meaning of these values depends on the
value of the number:format-source attribute that is attached to the date style.
For days of the week, the value of the number:format-source attribute is fixed:
Week Of Year
The <number:week-of-year> element specifies the week of the year in the date.
See section 14.7.11 for information on the the attributes that may be associated with the element.
The number:style attribute may be used with this element. See section 14.7.11 for information
on the other attributes that may be associated with the element.
Format Attribute
The number:style attribute specifies whether the quarter element is displayed in short or long
The value of this attribute can be short or long. The meaning of these values depends on the
value of the number:format-source attribute that is attached to the date style.
• short means that the abbreviated name of the quarter is displayed, for example, Q1
• long means that the full name of the quarter is displayed, for example, Quarter 1
11920 <define name="number-quarter-attlist" combine="interleave">
11921 <optional>
11922 <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
11923 <choice>
11924 <value>short</value>
11925 <value>long</value>
11926 </choice>
11927 </attribute>
11928 </optional>
11929 </define>
This element can contain one instance of any of the following elements: <number:hours>,
<number:minutes>, <number:seconds> and <number:am-pm>.
See section 14.7.9 for information on the attributes that may be associated with the time style
The following elements can be contained in the <number:time-style> element:
• <number:hours> – hours
• <number:minutes> – minutes
• <number:seconds> – seconds
• <number:am-pm> – am/pm
The <number:hours> element specifies if hours are displayed as part of a date or time.
11970 <define name="number-hours">
11971 <element name="number:hours">
11972 <ref name="number-hours-attlist"/>
11973 <empty/>
Format Attribute
The number:style attribute specifies whether the hours element is displayed in short or long
The value of this attribute can be short or long. The meaning of these values depends on the
value of the number:format-source attribute that is attached to the time style.
• short means that the hours are displayed using at least one digit
• long means that the hours are displayed using at least two digits
11976 <define name="number-hours-attlist" combine="interleave">
11977 <optional>
11978 <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
11979 <choice>
11980 <value>short</value>
11981 <value>long</value>
11982 </choice>
11983 </attribute>
11984 </optional>
11985 </define>
The <number:minutes> element specifies if minutes are displayed as part of a date or time.
11986 <define name="number-minutes">
11987 <element name="number:minutes">
11988 <ref name="number-minutes-attlist"/>
11989 <empty/>
11990 </element>
11991 </define>
Format Attribute
The number:style attribute specifies whether the minutes element is displayed in short or long
The value of this attribute can be short or long. The meaning of these values depends on the
value of the number:format-source attribute that is attached to the time style.
• short means that the minutes are displayed using at least one digit
• long means that the minutes are displayed using at least two digits
11992 <define name="number-minutes-attlist" combine="interleave">
11993 <optional>
11994 <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
11995 <choice>
11996 <value>short</value>
11997 <value>long</value>
11998 </choice>
11999 </attribute>
12000 </optional>
The <number:seconds> element specifies if seconds are displayed as part of a date or time.
12002 <define name="number-seconds">
12003 <element name="number:seconds">
12004 <ref name="number-seconds-attlist"/>
12005 <empty/>
12006 </element>
12007 </define>
Format Attribute
The number:style attribute specifies whether the seconds element is displayed in short or long
The value of this attribute can be short or long. The meaning of these values depends on the
value of the number:format-source attribute that is attached to the time style.
• short means that the seconds are displayed using at least one digit
• long means that the seconds are displayed using at least two digits
12008 <define name="number-seconds-attlist" combine="interleave">
12009 <optional>
12010 <attribute name="number:style" a:defaultValue="short">
12011 <choice>
12012 <value>short</value>
12013 <value>long</value>
12014 </choice>
12015 </attribute>
12016 </optional>
12017 </define>
The <number:am-pm> element specifies if AM/PM is included as part of the date or time.
If a <number:am-pm> element is contained in a date or time style, hours are displayed using
values from 1 to 12 only.
12025 <define name="number-am-pm">
12026 <element name="number:am-pm">
This element can contain one <number:boolean> element, which can be preceded or followed
by <number:text> elements. In addition, it can contain a <style:text-properties>
element and a <style:map> element.
12030 <define name="number-boolean-style">
12031 <element name="number:boolean-style">
12032 <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
12033 <optional>
12034 <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
12035 </optional>
12036 <optional>
12037 <ref name="number-text"/>
12038 </optional>
12039 <optional>
12040 <ref name="number-boolean"/>
12041 <optional>
12042 <ref name="number-text"/>
12043 </optional>
12044 </optional>
12045 <zeroOrMore>
12046 <ref name="style-map"/>
12047 </zeroOrMore>
12048 </element>
12049 </define>
The <number:boolean> element contains the Boolean value of a Boolean style.
12050 <define name="number-boolean">
12051 <element name="number:boolean">
12052 <empty/>
12053 </element>
12054 </define>
This element can contain any number of <number:text-content> elements. It can also
contain <number:text> elements , which display additional text, but it cannot contain two of
these elements consecutively. In addition, it can contain a <style:text-properties>
element and a <style:map> element. The <number:text-content> elements represent the
variable text content to display, while the <number:text> elements contain any additional fixed
text to display.
12055 <define name="number-text-style">
12056 <element name="number:text-style">
12057 <ref name="common-data-style-attlist"/>
12058 <optional>
12059 <ref name="style-text-properties"/>
See section 14.7.9 for information on the attributes that may be associated with the text style
Fixed Text
The <number:text> element contains any fixed text for a data style.
Text Content
The <number:text-content> element contains the variable text content of a text style.
12080 <define name="number-text-content">
12081 <element name="number:text-content">
12082 <empty/>
12083 </element>
12084 </define>
Formatting Properties
The <style:text-properties> element specifies the text formatting properties to apply to
any text displayed in the data style. See section 15.4 for information on the formatting properties
The purpose of specifying text formatting properties within data styles is mainly to highlight certain
values (for instance negative ones) by using style mappings. For this reason, data styles usually
support only very few text formatting properties, for instance a text color. There may be also
Style Mappings
The <style:map> element specifies an alternative data style to map to if a certain condition
exists. See section 14.1.1 for information on the <style:map> element.
The following rules exist for using style maps element with data style elements:
• The style referenced by the style:apply-style attribute must be of the same type as the
style containing the map.
• The condition must be in the format value() op n, where op is a relational operator and n is a
number. For Boolean styles the condition value must be true and false.
The style:name attribute specifies the name of the data style. It can be used with all data style
12085 <define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12086 <attribute name="style:name">
12087 <ref name="styleName"/>
12088 </attribute>
12089 </define>
Display Name
The style:display-name attribute specifies the name of the style as it should appear in the
user interface. In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary characters. If
this attribute is not present, the display name equals the style name.
The style:display-name attribute can be used with all data style elements.
12090 <define name="style-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12091 <optional>
12092 <attribute name="style:display-name">
The number:language attribute specifies the language of the style. The value of the attribute is
a language code in conformance with [RFC3066]. The language code is used to retrieve
information about any display properties that are language-dependent. The language attribute can
be used with all data style elements.
If a language code is not specified, either the system settings or the setting for the system's
language are used, depending on the property whose value should be retrieved.
12097 <define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12098 <optional>
12099 <attribute name="number:language">
12100 <ref name="languageCode"/>
12101 </attribute>
12102 </optional>
12103 </define>
The number:country attribute specifies the country of the style. The value of the attribute is a
country code in conformance with [RFC3066]. The country code is used to retrieve information
about any display properties that are country-dependent. The language attribute can be used with
all data style elements.
If a country is not specified, either the system settings or the setting for the system's country are
used, depending on the property whose value should be retrieved.
12104 <define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12105 <optional>
12106 <attribute name="number:country">
12107 <ref name="countryCode"/>
12108 </attribute>
12109 </optional>
12110 </define>
The number:title attribute specifies the title of the data style. It can be used with all data style
12111 <define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12112 <optional>
12113 <attribute name="number:title"/>
12114 </optional>
12115 </define>
Sometimes when a document is opened, not all of the styles contained in the document are
actually referenced. The application may retain or discard this unused styles. This may be
controlled by the style:volatile attribute, that is supported by all data style elements.
Automatic Order
The number:automatic-order attribute can be used to automatically order data to match the
default order for the language and country of the data style. This attribute is used with the
following elements:
• <number:currency-style>, where number and the currency symbols are reordered
Format Source
The number:format-source attribute specifies the source of the short and long display
formats. It is used with the following elements:
• <number:date-style>
• <number:time-style>
If the value is fixed, the meaning of the values number:style attribute's values short and
long is as described in this specification.
If the value of the number:format-source attribute is language, the meaning of short and
long depends on the language and country of the date style, or, if neither of these are specified,
applications should use the system settings for short and long date and time formats.
12130 <define name="common-format-source-attlist">
12131 <optional>
12132 <attribute name="number:format-source" a:defaultValue="fixed">
12133 <choice>
12134 <value>fixed</value>
12135 <value>language</value>
12136 </choice>
12137 </attribute>
12138 </optional>
12139 </define>
Transliteration Format
The number:transliteration-format attribute specifies which number characters to use.
The value of the attribute is the digit "1" expressed as a native number.
If no format is specified the default ASCII representation of Arabic digits is used, other
transliteration attributes present in this case are ignored.
12140 <define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12141 <optional>
12142 <attribute name="number:transliteration-format" a:defaultValue="1">
12143 <ref name="string"/>
12144 </attribute>
12145 </optional>
12146 </define>
Transliteration Language
The number:transliteration-language attribute specifies which language the native
number system belongs to. The value of the attribute is a language code in conformance with
If no language/country (locale) combination is specified the locale of the data style is used.
12147 <define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12148 <optional>
12149 <attribute name="number:transliteration-language">
12150 <ref name="countryCode"/>
12151 </attribute>
12152 </optional>
12153 </define>
Transliteration Country
The number:transliteration-country attribute specifies which country the native number
system belongs to. The value of the attribute is a country code in conformance with [RFC3066].
If no language/country (locale) combination is specified the locale of the data style is used.
12154 <define name="common-data-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12155 <optional>
12156 <attribute name="number:transliteration-country">
12157 <ref name="countryCode"/>
12158 </attribute>
12159 </optional>
12160 </define>
Decimal Places
The number:decimal-places attribute specifies the number of decimal places to display. This
attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <number:number>
• <number:scientific-number>
• <number:scientific-number>
• <number:fraction>
Grouping Separator
The number:grouping attribute specifies whether or not the integer digits of a number should
be grouped using a separator character. This attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <number:number>
• <number:scientific-number>
• <number:fraction>
The grouping character that is used and the number of digits that are grouped together depends
on the language and country of the style.
12186 <define name="common-number-attlist" combine="interleave">
12187 <optional>
12188 <attribute name="number:grouping" a:defaultValue="false">
12189 <ref name="boolean"/>
12190 </attribute>
12191 </optional>
12192 </define>
Calendar System
The number:calendar attribute specifies the calendar system used to extract parts of a date.
This attribute is supported for the following elements:
• <number:day>
• <number:month>
• <number:year>
• <number:era>
• <number:day-of-week>
• <number:week-of-year>
The attribute may have the values gregorian, gengou, ROC, hanja_yoil, hanja, hijri,
jewish, buddhist or an arbitrary string value. If this attribute is not specified, the default
calendar system is used.
12193 <define name="common-calendar-attlist" combine="interleave">
12194 <optional>
12195 <attribute name="number:calendar">
12196 <choice>
12197 <value>gregorian</value>
12198 <value>gengou</value>
12199 <value>ROC</value>
12200 <value>hanja_yoil</value>
12201 <value>hanja</value>
12202 <value>hijri</value>
12203 <value>jewish</value>
12204 <value>buddhist</value>
12205 <ref name="string"/>
12206 </choice>
12207 </attribute>
12208 </optional>
12209 </define>
• Separator
Number Format
See section 12.2 for detailed information on number format attributes. The attributes described in
section 12.2 can also be associated with the <text:linenumbering-configuration>
12268 <define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
12269 <optional>
12270 <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
12271 </optional>
12272 </define>
Text Style
The text:style-name attribute specifies the text style for all line numbers. The value of this
attribute is the name of the text style that is applied to all line numbers.
12273 <define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
12274 <optional>
12275 <attribute name="text:style-name">
12276 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
12277 </attribute>
12278 </optional>
12279 </define>
The text:position attribute determines whether the line numbers are printed on the left , right,
inner, or outer margins.
12287 <define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
12288 <optional>
12289 <attribute name="text:number-position" a:defaultValue="left">
12290 <choice>
12291 <value>left</value>
12292 <value>rigth</value>
12293 <value>inner</value>
12294 <value>outer</value>
12295 </choice>
12296 </attribute>
12297 </optional>
12298 </define>
The text:offset attribute determines the distance between the line number and the margin.
12299 <define name="text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
12300 <optional>
12301 <attribute name="text:offset">
12302 <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
12303 </attribute>
12304 </optional>
12305 </define>
The <text:linenumbering-separator> element contains the text that is displayed as a
separator. A separator is text that is displayed instead of a line number for lines where no number
is displayed.
This element is contained in the line numbering configuration element. If the element is not
present, no separator is displayed.
The element's text:increment attribute causes the separator to appear on lines that are a
multiple of the given increment. For example, if the increment is 2, only lines 2, 4, 6, and so on get
a separator, provided that no number is displayed already.
12327 <define name="text-linenumbering-separator">
12328 <element name="text:linenumbering-separator">
12329 <optional>
12330 <attribute name="text:increment">
12331 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
12332 </attribute>
12333 </optional>
12334 <text/>
12335 </element>
12336 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:notes-configuration> element are:
• Note class
• Citation text style
• Citation body text style
• Default footnote paragraph style
• Master page
• Start value
• Number format
• Numbering scheme
• Footnote position
The following element may be included in the <text:footnotes-configuration> element:
Note class
The note class attribute determines which note elements this notes configuration applies to.
12342 <define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
12343 <ref name="text-note-class"/>
12344 </define>
Master Page
To display the footnotes at the end of the document, the pages that contain the footnotes must be
instances of the master page specified by the text:master-page-name attribute.
12366 <define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
12367 <optional>
12368 <attribute name="text:master-page-name">
12369 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
12370 </attribute>
12371 </optional>
12372 </define>
Start Value
The start:value attribute specifies the value at which the footnote numbering starts.
12373 <define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
12374 <optional>
12375 <attribute name="text:start-value">
12376 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
12377 </attribute>
12378 </optional>
12379 </define>
Number Format
See section 12.2 for information on the number format for footnotes.
12380 <define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
12381 <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
12382 <optional>
12383 <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
12384 </optional>
12385 </define>
Note: [XSLT] does not have the capability to start with new footnote numbers on
every page.
12386 <define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
12387 <optional>
12388 <attribute name="text:start-numbering-at">
12389 <choice>
12390 <value>document</value>
12391 <value>chapter</value>
12392 <value>page</value>
12393 </choice>
12394 </attribute>
12395 </optional>
12396 </define>
Footnotes Position
The text:footnotes-position attribute specifies one of the following positions for footnotes:
• text: At the page where the footnote citation is located, immediately below the page's
• page: The bottom of the page where the footnote citation is located.
Note: [XSL] does not have the capability to display footnotes at the end of the document.
However, an [XSLT] stylesheet may generate some other flow objects to display such footnotes.
12397 <define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
12398 <optional>
12399 <attribute name="text:footnotes-position">
12400 <choice>
12401 <value>text</value>
12402 <value>page</value>
12403 <value>section</value>
12404 <value>document</value>
12405 </choice>
12406 </attribute>
12407 </optional>
12408 </define>
Footnote Continuation
The footnote continuation elements specify:
• Text displayed at the end of a footnote that is continued on the next page
• Text displayed before the continued text
12409 <define name="text-notes-configuration-content" combine="interleave">
12410 <optional>
12411 <element name="text:note-continuation-notice-forward">
12412 <text/>
Numbered Entries
The text:numbered-entry attribute specifies whether a number is displayed for bibliography
entries instead of their short name.
The text:sort-by-position attribute specifies whether bibliography entries are displayed in
the order of their positions in the document, or by an arbitrary selection of entry fields, e.g., author
name or publication date. In the later case, the collating order for entries is determined by the
triplet language/country/sort-algorithm as specified in the attributes fo:language, fo:country
and text:sort-algorithm. See also section 7.8.
12450 <define name="text-bibliography-configuration-attlist" combine="interleave">
12451 <optional>
12452 <attribute name="text:sort-by-position" a:defaultValue="true">
12453 <ref name="boolean"/>
12454 </attribute>
12455 </optional>
12456 <optional>
12457 <attribute name="fo:language">
12458 <ref name="languageCode"/>
12459 </attribute>
12460 </optional>
12461 <optional>
12462 <attribute name="fo:country">
12463 <ref name="countryCode"/>
12464 </attribute>
12465 </optional>
12466 <optional>
12467 <attribute name="text:sort-algorithm">
12468 <ref name="string"/>
12469 </attribute>
12470 </optional>
12471 </define>
Sort Keys
The <text:sort-key> element specifies a single sort key if bibliography entries are not
displayed in document order. It has an attribute text:key, that contains the type of index entry
data that should be used for sorting (see also section 7.1.4) and an attribute text:sort-
ascending that specifies whether sorting takes pace in ascending or descending order.
12472 <define name="text-sort-key">
12473 <element name="text:sort-key">
12474 <ref name="text-sort-key-attlist"/>
12475 <empty/>
12476 </element>
12477 </define>
12479 <define name="text-sort-key-attlist" combine="interleave">
12480 <attribute name="text:key">
12481 <choice>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:list-style> element are:
• Name
• Display name
• Consecutive numbering
The style:name attribute specifies the name of the list style.
12530 <define name="text-list-style-attr" combine="interleave">
12531 <attribute name="style:name">
12532 <ref name="styleName"/>
12533 </attribute>
12534 </define>
Display Name
The style:display-name attribute specifies the name of the list style as it should appear in the
user interface. In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary characters. If
this attribute is not present, the display name equals the style name.
12535 <define name="text-list-style-attr" combine="interleave">
12536 <optional>
12537 <attribute name="style:display-name">
12538 <ref name="string"/>
12539 </attribute>
12540 </optional>
12541 </define>
Consecutive Numbering
The text:consecutive-numbering attribute specifies whether or not the list style uses
consecutive numbering for all list levels or whether each list level restarts the numbering.
12542 <define name="text-list-style-attr" combine="interleave">
12543 <optional>
12544 <attribute name="text:consecutive-numbering" a:defaultValue="false">
12545 <ref name="boolean"/>
12546 </attribute>
12547 </optional>
12548 </define>
The text:level attribute specifies the level of the number list style.
12549 <define name="text-list-level-style-attr">
12550 <attribute name="text:level">
Text Style
The text:style-name attribute specifies the name of the character style to use to format the
number of the list.
12566 <define name="text-list-level-style-number-attr" combine="interleave">
12567 <optional>
12568 <attribute name="text:style-name">
12569 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
12570 </attribute>
12571 </optional>
12572 </define>
Number Format
See section 12.2 for detailed information on number format attributes. The attributes described in
section 12.2 can also be associated with the <text:list-level-style-number> element.
The style:num-format attribute can be empty. In this case, no number is displayed.
12573 <define name="text-list-level-style-number-attr" combine="interleave">
12574 <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
12575 <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
12576 </define>
Example: Given a third-level chapter number 1.2.3. Values of text:display-number from 1 to three
would achieve the following results:
text:display-number display
1 1
2 1.2
3 1.2.3
Start Value
The text:start-value attribute specifies the first number of a list item of the current level.
12584 <define name="text-list-level-style-number-attr" combine="interleave">
12585 <optional>
12586 <attribute name="text:start-value" a:defaultValue="1">
12587 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
12588 </attribute>
12589 </optional>
12590 </define>
Text Style
The text:style-name attribute specifies the name of the character style to use to format the
list bullet.
12603 <define name="text-list-level-style-bullet-attr" combine="interleave">
12604 <optional>
12605 <attribute name="text:style-name">
12606 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
12607 </attribute>
12608 </optional>
12609 </define>
Bullet Character
The bullet character attribute specifies the [UNICODE] character to use as the bullet in a bullet
level style.
Typical bullet characters are:
• U+2022
● U+25CF
➔ U+2794
➢ U+27A2
✗ U+2717
✔ U+2714
The following elements and attributes may be associated with the <text:list-level-style-
image> element are:
Image Location
The image data can be stored in one of the following ways (see also section 9.3.2):
• The image data is located in an external file. Use the xlink:href attribute described below
to specify the location of the file.
• The image data is contained in the <text:list-level-style-image> element. The
<text:list-level-style-image> element must contain an <office:binary-data>
element that contains the image data in BASE64 encoding. In this situation, the xlink:href
attribute is not required.
12634 <define name="text-list-level-style-image-attr" combine="interleave">
12635 <choice>
12636 <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
12637 <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
12638 </choice>
12639 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <text:outline-level-style> element are:
• Level
• Text style
• Number format
• Display levels
• Start value
Additional formatting properties may be contained in the <style:list-level-properties>
and <style:text-properties> element. See sections 15.12 and 15.4 for details.
The text:level attribute specifies the level of the outline style.
12658 <define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12659 <attribute name="text:level">
12660 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
12661 </attribute>
12662 </define>
Text Style
The text:style-name attribute specifies the name of the character style to use to format the
number of the heading.
12663 <define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12664 <optional>
12665 <attribute name="text:style-name">
12666 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
12667 </attribute>
12668 </optional>
12669 </define>
Number Format
See section 14.10.2 for information on the number format attributes.
12670 <define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12671 <ref name="common-num-format-attlist"/>
12672 <ref name="common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist"/>
12673 </define>
Display Levels
The text:display-levels attribute specifies the number of levels whose numbers are
displayed at the current level. See also section 14.10.2.
12674 <define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12675 <optional>
12676 <attribute name="text:display-levels" a:defaultValue="1">
Start Value
The text:start-value attribute specifies the first number of a heading of the current level.
12681 <define name="text-outline-level-style-attlist" combine="interleave">
12682 <optional>
12683 <attribute name="text:start-value" a:defaultValue="1">
12684 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
12685 </attribute>
12686 </optional>
12687 </define>
14.14.1 Gradient
The element <draw:gradient> defines a gradient for filling a drawing object. Gradients are not
available as automatic styles.
12799 <define name="draw-gradient">
12800 <element name="draw:gradient">
12801 <ref name="common-draw-gradient-attlist"/>
12802 <ref name="draw-gradient-attlist"/>
12803 <empty/>
12804 </element>
12805 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the gradient element are:
• Name
• Display name
• Gradient style
• Gradient center
• Colors
The attribute draw:name uniquely identifies a gradient inside an <office:styles> element.
12806 <define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
12807 <optional>
12808 <attribute name="draw:name">
12809 <ref name="styleName"/>
12810 </attribute>
12811 </optional>
12812 </define>
Display Name
The draw:display-name attribute specifies the name of the gradient as it should appear in the
user interface. In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary characters. If
this attribute is not present, the display name equals the style name.
12813 <define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
12814 <optional>
12815 <attribute name="draw:display-name">
12816 <ref name="string"/>
12817 </attribute>
12818 </optional>
12819 </define>
Gradient Style
The attribute draw:style specifies the style of the gradient. The gradient styles that an office
application should support are linear, axial, radial, ellipsoid, square, and
12820 <define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
12821 <attribute name="draw:style">
12822 <ref name="gradient-style"/>
12823 </attribute>
12824 </define>
12825 <define name="gradient-style">
12826 <choice>
12827 <value>linear</value>
12828 <value>axial</value>
12829 <value>radial</value>
12830 <value>ellipsoid</value>
12831 <value>square</value>
12832 <value>rectangular</value>
12833 </choice>
12834 </define>
Gradient Center
If the gradient style is radial, ellipsoid, square, or rectangular, the gradient center
attributes draw:cx and draw:cy specifies the center of the geometry that is used for the
gradient. The values of these attributes are always percentage values.
The gradient interpolates between a start color and an end color, which are specified using the
attributes draw:start-color and draw:end-color.
12847 <define name="draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
12848 <optional>
12849 <attribute name="draw:start-color">
12850 <ref name="color"/>
12851 </attribute>
12852 </optional>
12853 <optional>
12854 <attribute name="draw:end-color">
12855 <ref name="color"/>
12856 </attribute>
12857 </optional>
12858 </define>
The attributes draw:start-intensity and draw:end-intensity specify the intensity of the
gradient's start and end color as percentage values. These attributes are optional. If the attributes
are not specified, the colors are used as they are, that is at 100% intensity.
12859 <define name="draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
12860 <optional>
12861 <attribute name="draw:start-intensity">
12862 <ref name="percent"/>
12863 </attribute>
12864 </optional>
12865 <optional>
12866 <attribute name="draw:end-intensity">
12867 <ref name="percent"/>
12868 </attribute>
12869 </optional>
12870 </define>
The draw:angle attribute specifies an angle that rotates the axis at which the gradient values
are interpolated. This attribute is ignored for radial style gradients.
12871 <define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
12872 <optional>
12873 <attribute name="draw:angle">
12874 <ref name="integer"/>
12875 </attribute>
Depending on the style of the gradient, the draw:border attribute specifies a percentage value
which is used to scale a border which is filled by the start or end color only.
For example, a border of 10% means that the first 10% of the gradient is colored completely in the
start color and the remaining 90% are an interpolation between start and end color.
12878 <define name="common-draw-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
12879 <optional>
12880 <attribute name="draw:border">
12881 <ref name="percent"/>
12882 </attribute>
12883 </optional>
12884 </define>
• For <linearGradient>, only the attributes gradientTransform, x1, y1, x2, y2 and
spreadMethod will be evaluated.
• For <radialGradient>, only the attributes gradientTransform, cx, cy, r, fx, fy and
spreadMethod will be evaluated.
• For <stop>, only the attributes offset, stop-color and stop-opacity will be
12885 <define name="svg-linearGradient">
12886 <element name="svg:linearGradient">
12887 <ref name="common-svg-gradient-attlist"/>
12888 <optional>
12889 <attribute name="svg:x1" a:defaultValue="0%">
12890 <choice>
12891 <ref name="coordinate"/>
12892 <ref name="percent"/>
12893 </choice>
12894 </attribute>
12895 </optional>
12896 <optional>
12897 <attribute name="svg:y1" a:defaultValue="0%">
12898 <choice>
12899 <ref name="coordinate"/>
12900 <ref name="percent"/>
12901 </choice>
12902 </attribute>
The attribute draw:name uniquely identifies a gradient inside an <office:styles> element.
Like <draw:gradient> elements, SVG gradients are referenced by this name using the
draw:fill-gradient-name attribute within a graphic style. SVG gradients cannot be referenced by a
draw:opacity-name attribute. The result of referencing a SVG gradient with draw:fill-
gradient-name attribute and an opacity gradient with a draw:opacity-name attribute at the same
time is unspecified.
Display Name
The draw:display-name attribute specifies the name of the gradient as it should appear in the
user interface. In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary characters. If
this attribute is not present, the display name equals the style name.
13022 <define name="common-svg-gradient-attlist" combine="interleave">
13023 <optional>
13024 <attribute name="draw:display-name">
13025 <ref name="string"/>
13026 </attribute>
13027 </optional>
13028 </define>
14.14.3 Hatch
The <draw:hatch> element defines a hatch for filling graphic objects. A hatch is a simple
pattern of straight lines that is repeated in the fill area. Hatches are not available as automatic
13029 <define name="draw-hatch">
13030 <element name="draw:hatch">
13031 <ref name="draw-hatch-attlist"/>
13032 <empty/>
13033 </element>
13034 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the hatch element are:
• Name
• Display name
• Style
• Color
• Distance
• Angle
• Background
The draw:name attribute uniquely identifies a hatch inside an <office:styles> element.
13035 <define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
13036 <attribute name="draw:name">
13037 <ref name="styleName"/>
13038 </attribute>
13039 </define>
The draw:style attribute specifies the style of the hatch.
The hatch can have one of three styles: single, double, or triple.
13047 <define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
13048 <attribute name="draw:style">
13049 <choice>
13050 <value>single</value>
13051 <value>double</value>
13052 <value>triple</value>
13053 </choice>
13054 </attribute>
13055 </define>
The draw:color attribute specifies the color of the hatch lines.
13056 <define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
13057 <optional>
13058 <attribute name="draw:color">
13059 <ref name="color"/>
13060 </attribute>
13061 </optional>
13062 </define>
The draw:distance attribute specifies the distance between two hatch lines.
13063 <define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
13064 <optional>
13065 <attribute name="draw:distance">
13066 <ref name="length"/>
13067 </attribute>
13068 </optional>
13069 </define>
The draw:rotation attribute specified the rotation angle of the hatch lines.
13070 <define name="draw-hatch-attlist" combine="interleave">
The attributes that may be associated with the fill image element are:
• Name
• Display name
• Size
The draw:name attribute uniquely identifies a fill image inside an <office:styles> element.
13107 <define name="draw-fill-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
13108 <attribute name="draw:name">
13109 <ref name="styleName"/>
13110 </attribute>
13111 </define>
The optional attributes svg:width and svg:height specify the size of the linked image. These
values are optional and are overridden by the physical size of the linked image resource. They
can be used to get the size of an image before it is loaded.
13119 <define name="draw-fill-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
13120 <optional>
13121 <attribute name="svg:width">
13122 <ref name="length"/>
13123 </attribute>
13124 </optional>
13125 <optional>
13126 <attribute name="svg:height">
13127 <ref name="length"/>
13128 </attribute>
13129 </optional>
13130 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:opacity> element are:
• Name, Display name, Style, Opacity center, Angle, Border – see section 14.14.1.
• Opacity
The opacity interpolates between a start and an end value.
The values of the attributes draw:start and draw:end are percentages where 0% is fully
transparent and 100% is fully opaque.
14.14.6 Marker
The element <draw:marker> represents a marker, which is used to draw polygons at the start
and end points of strokes. Markers are not available as automatic styles.
13150 <define name="draw-marker">
13151 <element name="draw:marker">
13152 <ref name="draw-marker-attlist"/>
13153 <ref name="common-draw-viewbox-attlist"/>
13154 <ref name="common-draw-path-data-attlist"/>
13155 <empty/>
13156 </element>
13157 </define>
See sections 9.2.4 and 9.2.15 for information on the path data and viewbox attributes that may be
associated with the <draw:marker> element.
The draw:name attribute uniquely identifies a fill image inside an <office:styles> element.
13158 <define name="draw-marker-attlist" combine="interleave">
13159 <attribute name="draw:name">
13160 <ref name="styleName"/>
13161 </attribute>
13162 </define>
Display Name
The draw:display-name attribute specifies the name of the marker as it should appear in the
user interface. In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary characters. If
this attribute is not present, the display name equals the style name.
13163 <define name="draw-marker-attlist" combine="interleave">
13164 <optional>
13165 <attribute name="draw:display-name">
13166 <ref name="string"/>
13167 </attribute>
13168 </optional>
13169 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <draw:stroke-dash> element are:
• Name
• Display name
• Style
• Dots
• Distance
The attribute draw:name uniquely identifies a dash inside an <office:styles> element.
13176 <define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
13177 <attribute name="draw:name">
13178 <ref name="styleName"/>
13179 </attribute>
13180 </define>
Display Name
The draw:display-name attribute specifies the name of the dash as it should appear in the
user interface. In contrast to the style name itself, this name may contain arbitrary characters. If
this attribute is not present, the display name equals the style name.
13181 <define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
13182 <optional>
13183 <attribute name="draw:display-name">
13184 <ref name="string"/>
13185 </attribute>
13186 </optional>
13187 </define>
The attribute draw:style specifies whether the points of a dash are round or rectangular.
13188 <define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
13189 <optional>
13190 <attribute name="draw:style">
13191 <choice>
13192 <value>rect</value>
13193 <value>round</value>
13194 </choice>
13195 </attribute>
13196 </optional>
13197 </define>
The draw:distance attribute specifies the distance between the dots of a dash.
13220 <define name="draw-stroke-dash-attlist" combine="interleave">
13221 <optional>
13222 <attribute name="draw:distance">
13223 <ref name="length"/>
13224 </attribute>
13225 </optional>
13226 </define>
Conforming applications in general should preserve both, pre-defined and custom formatting
attributes and elements when editing the document.
13293 <define name="style-properties-content">
13294 <ref name="anyAttListOrElements"/>
13295 </define>
• Page size
• Page number format
• Paper tray
• Print orientation
• Margins
• Border
• Border line width
• Padding
• Shadow
• Background
The fo:page-width attribute must correspond to the orientation of the page. For example, if a
page is printed in portrait, the fo:page-width attribute specifies the width of the shorter page
side. If the page is printed in landscape, the fo:page-width attribute specifies the width of the
longer page side.
13310 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13311 <optional>
13312 <attribute name="fo:page-width">
13313 <ref name="length"/>
13314 </attribute>
13315 </optional>
13316 <optional>
13317 <attribute name="fo:page-height">
13318 <ref name="length"/>
13319 </attribute>
13320 </optional>
13321 </define>
15.2.5 Margins
The margins attributes fo:margin, fo:margin-top, fo:margin-bottom, fo:margin-left
and fo:margin-right specify the size of the page margins. See sections 15.5.17, 15.5.20 and
15.5.21 for detailed information on these attributes. Percentage values are not supported.
13348 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13349 <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
13350 <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
13351 <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
13352 </define>
15.2.8 Padding
The padding attributes fo:padding, fo:padding-top, fo:padding-bottom, fo:padding-
left and fo:padding-right specify the padding properties of the page. See section 15.5.27
for detailed information on these attributes.
13359 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13360 <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
13361 </define>
15.2.9 Shadow
The shadow attribute style:shadow specifies the shadow of the page. See section 15.5.28 for
detailed information on this attribute.
13362 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13363 <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
13364 </define>
15.2.10 Background
The background attribute fo:background-color and the background element
<style:background-image> specify the background properties of the page. See sections
15.5.23 and 15.5.24 for detailed information on this attribute and element.
13365 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13366 <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
13367 </define>
13368 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
13369 <ref name="style-background-image"/>
13370 </define>
15.2.12 Register-truth
The style:register-truth-ref-style-name attribute references a paragraph style. The
line distance specified of the paragraph style is used as the reference line distance for all
paragraphs that have the register-truth feature enabled.
13374 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13375 <optional>
13376 <attribute name="style:register-truth-ref-style-name">
13377 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
13378 </attribute>
13379 </optional>
13380 </define>
15.2.13 Print
The style:print attribute specifies which components in a spreadsheet document to print.
The value of this attribute is a list of the following values separated by blanks:
• headers
• grid
• annotations
• charts
• drawings
• formulas
• zero-values
13381 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13382 <optional>
13383 <attribute name="style:print">
13384 <list>
13385 <zeroOrMore>
13386 <choice>
13387 <value>headers</value>
13388 <value>grid</value>
13389 <value>annotations</value>
13390 <value>objects</value>
13391 <value>charts</value>
13392 <value>drawings</value>
13393 <value>formulas</value>
13394 <value>zero-values</value>
15.2.16 Scale
The style:scale-to and style:scale-to-pages attributes specify how the application
should scale spreadsheet documents for printing.
The style:scale-to attribute specifies that the document is scaled to a percentage value,
where 100% equals no scaling. When using this attribute, all pages are enlarged or reduced in
size while printing.
• style:rel-width – specifies the length of the line as a percentage of the body text area.
• style:adjustment – specifies how the line is aligned on the page, that is left, right, or
• style:distance-before-sep – specifies the space between the body text area and the
footnote line.
• style:distance-after-sep – specifies the space between the footnote line and the
footnote text.
• style:line-style – specifies the style of the line.
13455 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
13456 <ref name="style-footnote-sep"/>
13457 </define>
13459 <define name="style-footnote-sep">
13460 <optional>
13461 <element name="style:footnote-sep">
13462 <ref name="style-footnote-sep-attlist"/>
13463 <empty/>
13464 </element>
13465 </optional>
13466 </define>
13467 <define name="style-footnote-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
13468 <optional>
13469 <attribute name="style:width">
13470 <ref name="length"/>
13471 </attribute>
13472 </optional>
13473 <optional>
13474 <attribute name="style:rel-width">
13475 <ref name="percent"/>
13476 </attribute>
13477 </optional>
13478 <optional>
13479 <attribute name="style:color">
13480 <ref name="color"/>
13481 </attribute>
• lines: Enables a line layout, this is, the page is divided in a fixed number of lines. The exact
number of lines depends on the other grid layout properties described below. There is no
space between the layout grid lines. The layout grid itself is centered on the page.
• both: Like lines, except that the lines are divided into square cells. The number of cells per
line depends on the line height, where the line height is the sum of the base height and the
ruby height as specified below. Within a layout cell, nor more than one Asian [UNICODE]
character is displayed. Asian characters that do not fit into a single cell are displayed centered
into as many cells as required. Non Asian text is centered within as many cells as required.
13508 <define name="style-page-layout-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13509 <optional>
13510 <attribute name="style:layout-grid-mode">
13511 <choice>
13512 <value>none</value>
13513 <value>line</value>
13514 <value>both</value>
13515 </choice>
13516 </attribute>
13517 </optional>
13518 </define>
15.3.2 Margins
The margins attributes fo:margin, fo:margin-top, fo:margin-bottom, fo:margin-
left and fo:margin-right specify the size of the header and footer margins. See sections
15.5.17, 15.5.20 and 15.5.21 for detailed information on these attributes. Percentage values are
not supported. Bottom margins are only supported for headers, top margins only for footers.
13594 <define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13595 <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
13596 <ref name="common-vertical-margin-attlist"/>
13597 <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
13598 </define>
15.3.3 Border
The border attributes fo:border, fo:border-top, fo:border-bottom, fo:border-left
and fo:border-right specify the border properties of the headers and footers. See section
15.5.25 for detailed information on these attributes.
13599 <define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13600 <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
13601 </define>
15.3.5 Padding
The padding attributes fo:padding, fo:padding-top, fo:padding-bottom, fo:padding-
left and fo:padding-right specify the padding properties of the headers and footers. See
section 15.5.27 for detailed information on these attributes.
13605 <define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13606 <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
13607 </define>
15.3.6 Background
The background attribute fo:background-color and the background element
<style:background-image> specify the background properties of the header or footer. See
sections 15.5.23 and 15.5.24 for detailed information on this attribute and element.
13608 <define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13609 <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
13610 </define>
13611 <define name="style-header-footer-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
13612 <ref name="style-background-image"/>
13613 </define>
15.3.7 Shadow
The shadow attribute style:shadow specifies the shadow of the headers and footers. See
section 15.5.28 for detailed information on this attribute.
13614 <define name="style-header-footer-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13615 <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
13616 </define>
15.4.3 Color
Use the fo:color property to specify the foreground color of text. See §7.17.1 of [XSL] for
13668 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13669 <optional>
13670 <attribute name="fo:color">
13671 <ref name="color"/>
13672 </attribute>
13673 </optional>
13674 </define>
The style:font-name-asian attribute is evaluated for [UNICODE] characters that are CJK
The style:font-name-complex attribute is evaluated for [UNICODE] characters that are
complex text layout (CTL) characters.
The style:font-name attribute is evaluated for any other [UNICODE] character.
13750 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13751 <optional>
13752 <attribute name="style:font-name">
13753 <ref name="string"/>
13754 </attribute>
13755 </optional>
13756 <optional>
13757 <attribute name="style:font-name-asian">
13758 <ref name="string"/>
13759 </attribute>
13760 </optional>
13761 <optional>
13762 <attribute name="style:font-name-complex">
13763 <ref name="string"/>
13764 </attribute>
13765 </optional>
13766 </define>
These attributes may be used instead of the font name attributes to specify the properties of a font
individually. However, it is advisable to use the style:font-name attributes instead. See
section 15.4.13 for information about when Asian and complex variants of the attribute are
evaluated. See also §7.8.2 of [XSL].
13767 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
The value of these attributes can be x-symbol or the character encoding in the notation
described in the §4.3.3 of [XML1.0]. If the value is x-symbol, all characters that are displayed
using this font must be contained in the [UNICODE] character range 0xf000 to 0xf0ff.
These properties are ignored if there is no corresponding fo:font-family property attached to
the same properties element.
Although it is recommended to use the font name attributes (see section 15.4.13), these
properties may be used instead of them to specify the properties of a font.
See section 15.4.13 for information about when the Asian and complex variants of the attribute
are evaluated.
13853 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13854 <optional>
13855 <attribute name="style:font-charset">
13856 <ref name="textEncoding"/>
13857 </attribute>
13858 </optional>
13859 </define>
13861 <define name="textEncoding">
13862 <data type="string">
13863 <param name="pattern">[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*</param>
13864 </data>
13865 </define>
See section 15.4.13 for information about when the Asian and complex variants of the attribute
are evaluated.
13866 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13867 <optional>
13868 <attribute name="fo:font-size">
13869 <choice>
These properties specify a relative font size change as a length such as +1pt, -3pt. It cannot be
used within automatic styles. The size changes relates to the font size setting that applies to the
parent style of the style.
See section 15.4.13 for information about when the Asian and complex variants of the attribute
are evaluated.
13892 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13893 <optional>
13894 <attribute name="style:font-size-rel">
13895 <ref name="length"/>
13896 </attribute>
13897 </optional>
13898 <optional>
13899 <attribute name="style:font-size-rel-asian">
13900 <ref name="length"/>
13901 </attribute>
13902 </optional>
13903 <optional>
13904 <attribute name="style:font-size-rel-complex">
13905 <ref name="length"/>
13906 </attribute>
13907 </optional>
13908 </define>
15.4.23 Language
Use the fo:language, fo:language-asian and fo:language-complex properties to
specify the language of the text. See §7.9.2 of [XSL] for details.
Some applications ignore these properties if they are not specified together with the
corresponding fo:country property.
See section 15.4.13 for information about when the Asian and complex variants of the attribute
are evaluated.
fo:language, fo:language-asian and fo:language-complex
13931 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13932 <optional>
13933 <attribute name="fo:language">
13934 <ref name="languageCode"/>
13935 </attribute>
15.4.24 Country
Use the fo:country, style:country-asian and style:country-complex properties to
specify the country of the text. See §7.9.1 of [XSL] for details.
Some application ignore these properties if they are not specified together with the corresponding
fo:language property.
See section 15.4.13 for information about when the Asian and complex variants of the attribute
are evaluated.
13948 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
13949 <optional>
13950 <attribute name="fo:country">
13951 <ref name="countryCode"/>
13952 </attribute>
13953 </optional>
13954 <optional>
13955 <attribute name="style:country-asian">
13956 <ref name="countryCode"/>
13957 </attribute>
13958 </optional>
13959 <optional>
13960 <attribute name="style:country-complex">
13961 <ref name="countryCode"/>
13962 </attribute>
13963 </optional>
13964 </define>
The relative values lighter or bolder are not supported and only a few distinct numerical
values are supported. Unsupported numerical values are rounded off to the next supported value.
See section 15.4.13 for information about when the Asian and complex variants of the attribute
are evaluated.
14083 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14084 <optional>
14085 <attribute name="fo:font-weight">
14086 <ref name="fontWeight"/>
14087 </attribute>
14088 </optional>
14089 <optional>
14090 <attribute name="style:font-weight-asian">
14091 <ref name="fontWeight"/>
14092 </attribute>
If the value is lines, all characters with this attribute value that immediately follow each other are
displayed within two lines of approximately the same length. There can be a line break between
any two characters to meet this constraint.
If the value of the attribute is letters, up to 5 characters are combined within two lines. Any
additional character is displayed as normal text.
14154 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14155 <optional>
14156 <attribute name="style:text-combine">
14157 <choice>
14158 <value>none</value>
14159 <value>letters</value>
14160 <value>lines</value>
14161 </choice>
14162 </attribute>
14163 </optional>
14164 </define>
The second value represents the position of the emphasis and it can be above or below. If the
first value is none, this value can be omitted.
14177 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14178 <optional>
14179 <attribute name="style:text-emphasize">
14180 <choice>
14181 <value>none</value>
14182 <list>
14183 <choice>
14184 <value>none</value>
14185 <value>accent</value>
14186 <value>dot</value>
14187 <value>circle</value>
14188 <value>disc</value>
14189 </choice>
14190 <choice>
14191 <value>above</value>
14192 <value>below</value>
14193 </choice>
14194 </list>
14195 </choice>
14196 </attribute>
14197 </optional>
14198 </define>
15.4.44 Hyphenation
Use the fo:hyphenate property to enable or disable automatic hyphenation. See §7.9.4 of [XSL]
for details.
Some application might not support setting the properties fo:hyphenate, fo:hyphenation-
keep, fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count, fo:hyphenation-push-char-count and
fo:hyphenation-ladder-count independent of each other within a style. A reasonable
default for fo:hyphenate in this case is false.
14223 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14224 <optional>
14225 <attribute name="fo:hyphenate">
14226 <ref name="boolean"/>
14227 </attribute>
14228 </optional>
14229 </define>
• condition – a condition determines whether the text will be displayed or hidden. In this case,
a text:condition attribute must be present specifying the condition.
14244 <define name="style-text-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14245 <choice>
14246 <attribute name="text:display">
14247 <value>true</value>
14248 </attribute>
14249 <attribute name="text:display">
14250 <value>none</value>
14251 </attribute>
14252 <group>
14253 <attribute name="text:display">
The value of this property can be start, end, left, right, center, or justify. See §7.15.9
of [XSL] for details. The values inside and outside are not supported.
15.5.9 Widows
Use the fo:widows property to specify the minimum number of lines allowed at the top of a page
to avoid paragraph widows. See §7.19.7 of [XSL] for details.
14355 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14356 <optional>
14357 <attribute name="fo:widows">
14358 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
14359 </attribute>
14360 </optional>
14361 </define>
15.5.10 Orphans
Use the fo:orphans property to specify the minimum number of lines required at the bottom of a
page to avoid paragraph orphans. See See §7.19.6 of [XSL] for details.
14362 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14363 <optional>
14364 <attribute name="fo:orphans">
14365 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
14366 </attribute>
14367 </optional>
14368 </define>
Every tab stop position is represented by a single <style:tab-stop> element that is contained
in the <style:tab-stops> element.
14369 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
14370 <ref name="style-tab-stops"/>
14371 </define>
14373 <define name="style-tab-stops">
14374 <optional>
14375 <element name="style:tab-stops">
14376 <zeroOrMore>
14377 <ref name="style-tab-stop"/>
14378 </zeroOrMore>
14379 </element>
14380 </optional>
14381 </define>
14383 <define name="style-tab-stop">
14384 <element name="style:tab-stop">
14385 <ref name="style-tab-stop-attlist"/>
14386 <empty/>
14387 </element>
14388 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:tab-stop> elements are:
Tab Position
The style:position attribute specifies the position of a tab stop.
This attribute is associated with the <style:tab-stop> element and its value is a length.
14389 <define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
14390 <attribute name="style:position">
14391 <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
14392 </attribute>
14393 </define>
Tab Type
The style:type attribute specifies the type of tab stop.
This attribute is associated with the <style:tab-stop> element and its value can be left,
center, right or char.
14394 <define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
14395 <choice>
14396 <optional>
14397 <attribute name="style:type" a:defaultValue="left">
14398 <choice>
14399 <value>left</value>
14400 <value>center</value>
14401 <value>right</value>
14402 </choice>
14403 </attribute>
14404 </optional>
14405 <group>
14406 <attribute name="style:type">
14407 <value>char</value>
14408 </attribute>
14409 <ref name="style-tab-stop-char-attlist"/>
14410 </group>
14411 </choice>
14412 </define>
Delimiter Character
The style:char attribute specifies the delimiter character for tab stops of type char.
Leader Type
Use the style:leader-type attribute to specify whether a leader line should be drawn, and if
so, whether a single or double line will be used. See also section 15.4.28.
14418 <define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
14419 <optional>
14420 <attribute name="style:leader-type">
14421 <ref name="lineType"/>
14422 </attribute>
14423 </optional>
14424 </define>
Leader Style
Use the style:leader-style property to specify if and how a leader line is drawn. The line
styles that can be used are described in section 15.4.29.
14425 <define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
14426 <optional>
14427 <attribute name="style:leader-style">
14428 <ref name="lineStyle"/>
14429 </attribute>
14430 </optional>
14431 </define>
Leader Width
Use the style:leader-width property to specifies the width of a leader line. See section
15.4.30 for the values of this attribute.
14432 <define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
14433 <optional>
14434 <attribute name="style:leader-width">
14435 <ref name="lineWidth"/>
14436 </attribute>
14437 </optional>
14438 </define>
Leader Color
Use the style:leader-color property to specify the color that is for the leader line. The value
of this property is either font-color or a color. If the value is font-color, the current text
color is used for the leader line.
14439 <define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
14440 <optional>
Leader Text
The style:leader-text attribute specifies the leader text to use for tab stops. If the attribute
value is not empty, the attribute value string is used as leader instead of the line that has been
specified, provided that the application supports textual leaders. If the application does not
support textual, the attribute is ignored, this means, style:leader-style will be evaluated
only. If the application supports textual consisting of a single characters only, and the leader text
has more than one character, the first character of the leader text should be used only. If the
applications supports textual leaders with with certain characters only (like "." or "_"), the
application should use one of these characters if the leader-text specifies characters that are not
supported. In other words: textual leaders have a higher priority than line leaders, even if the
leader text that is specified has to be adapted to be usable by the application.
This attribute is associated with the <style:tab-stop> element and its value must be a single
[UNICODE] character.
14449 <define name="style-tab-stop-attlist" combine="interleave">
14450 <optional>
14451 <attribute name="style:leader-text" a:defaultValue=" ">
14452 <ref name="string"/>
14453 </attribute>
14454 </optional>
14455 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:drop-cap> element are:
• Length
• Lines
• Distance
• Text style
The style:length attribute specifies the number of characters that are dropped.
The value of this attribute can be a number or word, which indicates that the first word should be
14502 <define name="style-drop-cap-attlist" combine="interleave">
14503 <optional>
14504 <attribute name="style:length" a:defaultValue="1">
14505 <choice>
14506 <value>word</value>
14507 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
14508 </choice>
14509 </attribute>
14510 </optional>
14511 </define>
The style:lines attribute specifies the number of lines that the dropped characters should
encircle. If the value of this attribute is 1 or 0, drop caps is disabled.
14512 <define name="style-drop-cap-attlist" combine="interleave">
14513 <optional>
14514 <attribute name="style:lines" a:defaultValue="1">
14515 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
14516 </attribute>
14517 </optional>
14518 </define>
The style:distance attribute specifies the distance between the last dropped character and
the first of the remaining characters of each line. The value of this attribute is a length.
14519 <define name="style-drop-cap-attlist" combine="interleave">
14520 <optional>
14521 <attribute name="style:distance" a:defaultValue="0cm">
14522 <ref name="length"/>
14523 </attribute>
14524 </optional>
14525 </define>
15.5.21 Margins
Use the fo:margin property to specify the top, bottom, left and right margins for paragraphs
simultaneously. See §7.29.4 of [XSL] and sections 15.5.17 and 15.5.20 for details.
14601 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14602 <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
14603 </define>
14605 <define name="common-margin-attlist">
14606 <optional>
14607 <attribute name="fo:margin">
14608 <choice>
14609 <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
14610 <ref name="percent"/>
14611 </choice>
14612 </attribute>
14613 </optional>
14614 </define>
These two properties are mutually exclusive. If they are used simultaneously, the result is
14615 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14616 <ref name="common-break-attlist"/>
14617 </define>
14619 <define name="common-break-attlist">
14620 <optional>
14621 <attribute name="fo:break-before">
14622 <choice>
14623 <value>auto</value>
14624 <value>column</value>
14625 <value>page</value>
14626 </choice>
14627 </attribute>
14628 </optional>
14629 <optional>
14630 <attribute name="fo:break-after">
The background image can be stored in one of the following ways (see also section 9.3.2):
• The image data is stored in an external file. Use the [XLink] attributes to specify the location of
the image.
• The image data is contained in an <office:binary-data> sub-element in BASE64
If the <style:background-image> element is empty and if there is no color specified by an
fo:background-color element in the same properties element, the background color is set to
14653 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
14654 <ref name="style-background-image"/>
14655 </define>
14657 <define name="style-background-image">
14658 <optional>
14659 <element name="style:background-image">
14660 <ref name="style-background-image-attlist"/>
14661 <choice>
14662 <ref name="common-draw-data-attlist"/>
14663 <ref name="office-binary-data"/>
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:background-image> element are:
• Repetition
• Position
• Filter
• Opacity
The style:repeat attribute specifies whether a background image is repeated or stretched in a
This attribute is attached to the <style:background-image> element and its value can be
no-repeat, repeat, or stretch.
14669 <define name="style-background-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
14670 <optional>
14671 <attribute name="style:repeat" a:defaultValue="repeat">
14672 <choice>
14673 <value>no-repeat</value>
14674 <value>repeat</value>
14675 <value>stretch</value>
14676 </choice>
14677 </attribute>
14678 </optional>
14679 </define>
The style:position attribute specifies where to position a background image in a paragraph.
This attribute is attached to the <style:background-image> element and its value can be a
space separated combination of top, center or bottom for the vertical position and left,
center or right for the horizontal position. The vertical and horizontal positions can be
specified in any order. If one position is specified, the other position defaults to center.
14680 <define name="style-background-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
14681 <optional>
14682 <attribute name="style:position" a:defaultValue="center">
14683 <choice>
14684 <value>left</value>
14685 <value>center</value>
14686 <value>right</value>
14687 <value>top</value>
14688 <value>bottom</value>
14689 <list>
14690 <ref name="horiBackPos"/>
14691 <ref name="vertBackPos"/>
14692 </list>
14693 <list>
14694 <ref name="vertBackPos"/>
14695 <ref name="horiBackPos"/>
The style:filter-name attribute specifies the application specific filter name that is used to
load the image into the document.
This attribute is attached to the <style:background-image> element.
14716 <define name="style-background-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
14717 <optional>
14718 <attribute name="style:filter-name">
14719 <ref name="string"/>
14720 </attribute>
14721 </optional>
14722 </define>
The draw:opacity attribute specifies the opacity of the background image. The value is a
percentage, where 0% is fully transparent and 100% is fully opaque.
14723 <define name="style-background-image-attlist" combine="interleave">
14724 <optional>
14725 <attribute name="draw:opacity">
14726 <ref name="percent"/>
14727 </attribute>
14728 </optional>
14729 </define>
15.5.25 Border
Use the border properties fo:border, fo:border-top, fo:border-bottom, fo:border-
left and fo:border-right to specify the border properties for paragraphs. See §7.29.3 -
§7.29.7 of [XSL] for details.
The fo:border property applies to all four sides of a paragraph while the other properties apply
to one side only.
There may be also restriction regarding the border styles and widths that are supported. In
addition to this, some applications may add a default padding for sides that have a border.
14730 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14731 <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
14732 </define>
14734 <define name="common-border-attlist">
14735 <optional>
14736 <attribute name="fo:border">
14737 <ref name="string"/>
14738 </attribute>
14739 </optional>
14740 <optional>
14741 <attribute name="fo:border-top">
14742 <ref name="string"/>
14743 </attribute>
14744 </optional>
14745 <optional>
14746 <attribute name="fo:border-bottom">
14747 <ref name="string"/>
14748 </attribute>
14749 </optional>
14750 <optional>
14751 <attribute name="fo:border-left">
14752 <ref name="string"/>
14753 </attribute>
14754 </optional>
14755 <optional>
14756 <attribute name="fo:border-right">
14757 <ref name="string"/>
14758 </attribute>
14759 </optional>
14760 </define>
15.5.27 Padding
Use the padding properties fo:padding, fo:padding-top, fo:padding-bottom,
fo:padding-left and fo:padding-right to specify the spacing around a paragraph. See
§7.29.15 and §7.7.35- §7.7.38 of [XSL] for details.
For some application, the value of these properties can be a non-zero value only if there is a
border at the same side and the border is specified within the same properties element. If a
properties element contains a padding specification for one but not all four sides, some
applications may also assign a zero or a default padding to these sides depending on whether or
not there is a border at that side. There might be also other restriction regarding the combination
of borders and paddings.
14800 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14801 <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
14802 </define>
14804 <define name="common-padding-attlist">
14805 <optional>
14806 <attribute name="fo:padding">
14807 <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
15.5.28 Shadow
Use the style:shadow property to specify a shadow effect for the paragraph.
The valid values for this attribute are the same as the values for the fo:text-shadow property.
See section 15.4.27 for information.
Some applications may only supports a limited number of shadow effects, for instance only one
effect where the the horizontal and vertical positions have the same value.
14831 <define name="style-paragraph-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
14832 <ref name="common-shadow-attlist"/>
14833 </define>
14835 <define name="common-shadow-attlist">
14836 <optional>
14837 <attribute name="style:shadow">
14838 <ref name="shadowType"/>
14839 </attribute>
14840 </optional>
14841 </define>
• auto — Automatically, which sets the vertical alignment to suit the text rotation. Text that is
rotated 0 or 90 degrees is aligned to the baseline, while text that is rotated 270 degrees is
aligned to the center of the line.
The following graphic illustrates the effect of the vertical alignment property when it is set to
baseline, top, bottom, and center respectively.
15.7.2 Margins
The margins attributes fo:margin-left and fo:margin-right specify the size of the section
margins. See sections 15.5.17 for detailed information on these attributes. Percentage values are
not supported.
15025 <define name="style-section-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15026 <ref name="common-horizontal-margin-attlist"/>
15027 </define>
15.7.3 Columns
The <style:columns> element contains <style:column> elements that specify each
column individually (see section 15.7.4). If these elements are not present, all columns are
assigned the same width.
The <style:columns> can contain a <style:column-sep> element that describes the
separator line between columns. See section 15.7.5 for information on this element.
15028 <define name="style-section-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
15029 <ref name="style-columns"/>
15030 </define>
15032 <define name="style-columns">
15033 <optional>
15034 <element name="style:columns">
15035 <ref name="style-columns-attlist"/>
15036 <optional>
15037 <ref name="style-column-sep"/>
15038 </optional>
15039 <zeroOrMore>
15040 <ref name="style-column"/>
15041 </zeroOrMore>
15042 </element>
15043 </optional>
15044 </define>
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:columns> element are:
• Column count
• Column gap
Column Count
The fo:columns-count attribute specifies the number of columns in a section.
15045 <define name="style-columns-attlist" combine="interleave">
15046 <attribute name="fo:column-count">
15047 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
15048 </attribute>
15049 </define>
Column Gap
If the <style:columns> element does not contain individual <style:column> elements, then
the gap between columns may be specified by the fo:column-gap attribute. If there are
individual column elements, this attribute is ignored.
15050 <define name="style-columns-attlist" combine="interleave">
15051 <optional>
15052 <attribute name="fo:column-gap">
15053 <ref name="length"/>
15054 </attribute>
15055 </optional>
15056 </define>
Note: This attribute has the same name as an [XSL] property but it is attached to
a different element.
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:column> element are:
• Column width
• Column left, right, upper, and lower space
Column Width
Use the style:rel-width attribute to specify the width of a column. The column widths are
specified as number values instead of lengths. To get the absolute column width, the space that is
available for a columned area is distributed among the columns proportional to these numbers.
The column width is not specified in a percentage length, but rather in terms of relative weights,
that is, a number followed by a '*' character. The total space available for the entire table is
distributed among its columns according to its relative widths. For example, if three columns are
assigned the relative widths 1, 2 and 3, then the first column will take up 1/6 of the available width,
the second will take up 1/3, and the last column will take up 1/2 of the available space. To achieve
these figures, all given relative widths must be summed up (six in the example), and then each
column will get as much space as the proportion of its own relative width to the sum of all relative
widths indicates (3/6 = 1/2 for the last column in the example).
15062 <define name="style-column-attlist" combine="interleave">
15063 <attribute name="style:rel-width">
The attributes that may be associated with the <style:column-sep> element are:
• Line style
• Line width
Line Style
Use the style:style attribute to specify the line style of the column separator line.
15100 <define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
15101 <optional>
15102 <attribute name="style:style" a:defaultValue="solid">
15103 <choice>
15104 <value>none</value>
15105 <value>solid</value>
15106 <value>dotted</value>
15107 <value>dashed</value>
15108 <value>dot-dashed</value>
15109 </choice>
15110 </attribute>
15111 </optional>
15112 </define>
Line Width
Use the style:width attribute to specify the width of the column separator line.
15113 <define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
15114 <attribute name="style:width">
15115 <ref name="length"/>
15116 </attribute>
15117 </define>
Line Height
Use the style:height to specify the height of the column separator line. The value of this
attribute is a percentage that relates to the height of the columned area.
15118 <define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
15119 <optional>
15120 <attribute name="style:height" a:defaultValue="100%">
15121 <ref name="percent"/>
15122 </attribute>
15123 </optional>
15124 </define>
Line Color
Use the style:color attribute to specify the color of the column separator line.
15136 <define name="style-column-sep-attlist" combine="interleave">
15137 <optional>
15138 <attribute name="style:color" a:defaultValue="#000000">
15139 <ref name="color"/>
15140 </attribute>
15141 </optional>
15142 </define>
15.7.6 Protect
Sections marked with the style:protect attribute should not be changed. The user interface
should prevent the user from manually making any changes. The style:protect attribute
should be set by default for linked sections or indexes. Removing the protection makes these
sections accessible to the user, but updating the links or the index will not preserve the changes.
15143 <define name="style-section-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15144 <optional>
15145 <attribute name="style:protect" a:defaultValue="false">
15146 <ref name="boolean"/>
15147 </attribute>
15148 </optional>
15149 </define>
The width of a table may be also specified relative to the width of the area that the table is in. In
this case, the width is specified as a percentage using the style:rel-width attribute. User
agents that support specifying the relative width of a table can specify widths in this way, but it is
not essential.
The reasons why every table must have a fixed width and relative widths are only an option are as
• Specifying the width of a table by a percentage is useful for current web browsers and other
applications where the percentage is relative to the width of a window. But it may cause
problems if the percentage relates to a fixed paper width.
• Relative widths can also cause problems for applications such as spreadsheet applications,
where there is no requirement for a table to fit on a page.
However, if an application supports relative widths, it is relatively easy to program the application
to calculate a fixed table width, based on a percentage.
15179 <define name="style-table-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15180 <optional>
15181 <attribute name="style:width">
15182 <ref name="positiveLength"/>
15183 </attribute>
15184 </optional>
15.8.14 Display
The table:display attribute specifies whether or not a table is displayed.
The width of a column may be also specified relative to the other column widths. Applications that
support specifying the relative width of a column may specify widths in this way, but it is not
A relative width is specified by the style:rel-column-width property that takes a number
value, followed by a '*' character. If rc is the relative with of the column, rs the sum of all relative
columns widths, and ws the absolute width that is available for these columns, then the absolute
with wc of the column is wc=rcws/rs.
15275 <define name="style-table-column-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15276 <optional>
15277 <attribute name="style:column-width">
15278 <ref name="positiveLength"/>
15279 </attribute>
15280 </optional>
15281 <optional>
15282 <attribute name="style:rel-column-width">
15283 <ref name="relativeLength"/>
15284 </attribute>
15285 </optional>
15286 </define>
15.11.3 Direction
The style:direction property specifies the direction of characters in a cell. The most
common direction is left to right (ltr). The other direction is top to bottom (ttb), where the
characters in the cell are stacked but not rotated.
15385 <define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15386 <ref name="common-style-direction-attlist"/>
15387 </define>
15389 <define name="common-style-direction-attlist">
15390 <optional>
15391 <attribute name="style:direction">
15392 <choice>
15393 <value>ltr</value>
15394 <value>ttb</value>
15395 </choice>
15396 </attribute>
15397 </optional>
15398 </define>
15.11.10 Padding
The padding attributes fo:padding, fo:padding-top, fo:padding-bottom, fo:padding-
left and fo:padding-right specify the padding properties of the table cell. See section
15.5.27 for detailed information on these attributes.
15446 <define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15447 <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
15448 </define>
Bottom of the cell. Rotated and may overlap with Positioned parallel to the text, whereby
other cells if the text is longer the upper or lower edge is drawn at the
Top of the cell. than the length of the cell. original position of the cell.
Center of the cell.
This attribute is only evaluated if the current table is protected (see section 8.1.1). The value of
the attribute can be "none", "hidden-and-protected", or a space-separated list containing the
values "protected" or "formula-hidden".
15482 <define name="style-table-cell-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15483 <optional>
15484 <attribute name="style:cell-protect">
15485 <choice>
15486 <value>none</value>
15487 <value>hidden-and-protected</value>
15488 <list>
15489 <oneOrMore>
15490 <choice>
15491 <value>protected</value>
15492 <value>formula-hidden</value>
15493 </choice>
15494 </oneOrMore>
15495 </list>
15496 </choice>
15497 </attribute>
15498 </optional>
15499 </define>
Label Alignment
The fo:text-align attribute specifies the horizontal alignment of a label (number) within the
width specified by the text:min-label-width attribute. See also section 15.5.5,
15546 <define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15547 <ref name="common-text-align"/>
15548 </define>
Start Indent
The text:space-before attribute specifies the space to include before the number for all
paragraphs at this level. If a paragraph has a left margin that is greater than 0, the actual position
of the list label box is the left margin width plus the start indent value.
This attribute can be associated with an item set element that is contained in a <text:list-
level-style-*> element.
The value of the attribute is an absolute value. This means that when the position of a label is
calculated the start indent value of the current level is only considered. The start indent values for
lower levels do not affect the label position.
15549 <define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15550 <optional>
15551 <attribute name="text:space-before">
15552 <ref name="nonNegativeLength"/>
15553 </attribute>
15554 </optional>
15555 </define>
This attribute can be associated with an item set element that is contained in a <text:list-
level-style-*> element.
The label can be aligned horizontally with the width using an fo:text-align property. See the
Label Alignment attribute below for more information.
15556 <define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15557 <optional>
Font Name
The style:font-name attribute species the name of a font that is used to display a bullet
character. See also section 15.4.13.
15570 <define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15571 <optional>
15572 <attribute name="style:font-name">
15573 <ref name="string"/>
15574 </attribute>
15575 </optional>
15576 </define>
Image Size
The size of the image is specified by the following attributes:
15577 <define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15578 <optional>
15579 <attribute name="fo:width">
15580 <ref name="positiveLength"/>
15581 </attribute>
15582 </optional>
15583 <optional>
15584 <attribute name="fo:height">
15585 <ref name="positiveLength"/>
15586 </attribute>
15587 </optional>
15588 </define>
Vertical Alignment
The vertical alignment of the image is specified by the style:vertical-pos and style:vertical-
rel properties. See sections 15.27.11 and 15.27.12 for details.
15589 <define name="style-list-level-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15590 <ref name="common-vertical-rel-attlist"/>
15.13.2 Dash
The attribute draw:stroke-dash specifies the dash style that is used for the stroke. See
section 14.14.7 for dash styles.
15604 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15.13.4 Width
The attribute svg:stroke-width specifies the width of the stroke on the current object.
15618 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15619 <optional>
15620 <attribute name="svg:stroke-width">
15621 <ref name="length"/>
15622 </attribute>
15623 </optional>
15624 </define>
15.13.5 Color
The attribute svg:stroke-color specifies the color of the stroke on the current object.
15625 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15626 <optional>
15627 <attribute name="svg:stroke-color">
15628 <ref name="color"/>
15629 </attribute>
15630 </optional>
15631 </define>
15.13.12 Opacity
The attribute svg:stroke-opacity specifies the opacity of a stroke. The value of this attribute
can be a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) or a percentage.
15674 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15675 <optional>
15676 <attribute name="svg:stroke-opacity">
15677 <choice>
15678 <data type="double">
15679 <param name="minInclusive">0</param>
15680 <param name="maxInclusive">1</param>
15681 </data>
15682 <ref name="percent"/>
15683 </choice>
15684 </attribute>
15685 </optional>
15686 </define>
• solid: the drawing object is filled with color specified by the draw:fill-color attribute.
• bitmap: the drawing object is filled with the bitmap specified by the draw:fill-image-
name attribute.
• gradient: the drawing object is filled with the gradient specified by the draw:fill-
gradient-name attribute.
• hatch: the drawing object is filled with the hatch specified by the draw:fill-hatch-name
15701 <define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15702 <optional>
15703 <attribute name="draw:fill">
15704 <choice>
15705 <value>none</value>
15706 <value>solid</value>
15707 <value>bitmap</value>
15708 <value>gradient</value>
15709 <value>hatch</value>
15710 </choice>
15711 </attribute>
15712 </optional>
15713 </define>
15.14.2 Color
The attribute draw:fill-color specifies the color of the fill for a graphic object. It is used only
if the draw:fill attribute has the value solid.
15714 <define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15715 <optional>
15716 <attribute name="draw:fill-color">
15717 <ref name="color"/>
15718 </attribute>
15719 </optional>
15720 </define>
15.14.4 Gradient
The attribute draw:fill-gradient-name specifies a gradient style that is used for filling
graphic objects. It is used only if the draw:fill attribute has the value gradient. See section
14.14.1 and 14.14.2 for gradients.
15728 <define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15729 <optional>
15730 <attribute name="draw:fill-gradient-name">
15731 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
15732 </attribute>
15733 </optional>
15734 </define>
15.14.6 Hatch
The attribute draw:fill-hatch-name specifies a hatch style that is used for filling. It is used
only if the draw:fill attribute has the value hatch. See section 14.14.3 for hatches.
15742 <define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15743 <optional>
15744 <attribute name="draw:fill-hatch-name">
15745 <ref name="styleNameRef"/>
15746 </attribute>
15747 </optional>
15748 </define>
The draw:opacity attribute disables any transparency effect or sets a linear opacity for the fill
area of a graphic object.
15824 <define name="style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15825 <optional>
15826 <attribute name="draw:opacity">
15827 <ref name="percent"/>
15828 </attribute>
15829 </optional>
15830 </define>
15.15.1 Animation
The attribute text:animation specifies the type of animation that is used for the text.
• alternate, scrolls the text from one side to another and back.
• slide, scrolls the text from one side to the original text position and stops there.
15855 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
15856 <optional>
15857 <attribute name="text:animation">
15858 <choice>
15859 <value>none</value>
15860 <value>scroll</value>
15861 <value>alternate</value>
15862 <value>slide</value>
15.18.2 Offset
The attributes draw:shadow-offset-x and draw:shadow-offset-y are used to render a
shadow. A copy of the shape is rendered in the single shadow color (specified by draw:shadow-
color) behind the shape. The offset attributes specify the offset between the top left edge of the
shape and the top left edge of the border
16057 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16058 <optional>
16059 <attribute name="draw:shadow-offset-x">
16060 <ref name="length"/>
16061 </attribute>
16062 </optional>
16063 <optional>
16064 <attribute name="draw:shadow-offset-y">
16065 <ref name="length"/>
16066 </attribute>
16067 </optional>
16068 </define>
15.18.3 Color
The attribute draw:shadow-color specifies the color in which the shadow is rendered.
16069 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16070 <optional>
16071 <attribute name="draw:shadow-color">
16072 <ref name="color"/>
16073 </attribute>
16074 </optional>
16075 </define>
15.18.4 Opacity
The attribute draw:shadow-opacity specifies the opacity in which the shadow is rendered.
The value of this attribute is a percentage value.
16076 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16077 <optional>
16078 <attribute name="draw:shadow-opacity">
16079 <ref name="percent"/>
16080 </attribute>
16081 </optional>
16082 </define>
15.20.6 Placing
The attribute draw:placing specifies whether the measure line is rendered below or above the
edge defined by the two reference points. The value of this attribute can be below or above.
16142 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16143 <optional>
16144 <attribute name="draw:placing">
16145 <choice>
16146 <value>below</value>
16147 <value>above</value>
16148 </choice>
16149 </attribute>
16150 </optional>
16151 </define>
15.20.7 Parallel
The draw:parallel attributes specifies whether the measure text is displayed parallel to the
measure line or perpendicular.
16152 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16153 <optional>
16154 <attribute name="draw:parallel">
16155 <ref name="boolean"/>
16156 </attribute>
16157 </optional>
16158 </define>
15.20.9 Unit
The attribute draw:unit specifies the unit used in the textual presentation of a measure shape.
16181 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16182 <optional>
16183 <attribute name="draw:unit">
16184 <choice>
16185 <value>automatic</value>
16186 <value>mm</value>
16187 <value>cm</value>
16188 <value>m</value>
16189 <value>km</value>
16190 <value>pt</value>
16191 <value>pc</value>
16192 <value>inch</value>
16193 <value>ft</value>
16194 <value>mi</value>
16195 </choice>
16196 </attribute>
16197 </optional>
16198 </define>
15.21.1 Type
The attribute draw:caption-type specifies the geometry of the line of a caption.
15.21.3 Angle
The attribute draw:caption-angle specifies the escape angle of the line of a caption. It is
evaluated only if draw:caption-angle-type has the value fixed.
15.21.4 Gap
The attribute draw:caption-gap specifies the distance between the text area of the caption
and the start of the line.
16241 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16242 <optional>
16243 <attribute name="draw:caption-gap">
16244 <ref name="distance"/>
16245 </attribute>
16246 </optional>
16247 </define>
15.21.6 Escape
The attribute draw:caption-escape specifies the escape point of the caption line measured
from the top left corner of the text area. The value can be an absolute length or a percentage.
16259 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16260 <optional>
16261 <attribute name="draw:caption-escape">
16262 <choice>
16263 <ref name="length"/>
16264 <ref name="percent"/>
16265 </choice>
16266 </attribute>
16267 </optional>
16268 </define>
The value of this attribute can be correct or attractive. If the value is correct, the
mathematically correct method is used. If the value is attractive, a method which preserves
the visual appearance of the text is used.
16304 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16305 <optional>
16306 <attribute name="dr3d:edge-rounding-mode">
16307 <choice>
16308 <value>correct</value>
16309 <value>attractive</value>
16310 </choice>
16311 </attribute>
16312 </optional>
16313 </define>
15.22.6 Depth
The dr3d:depth attribute specifies the extrusion depth for extrude objects.
16321 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16322 <optional>
16323 <attribute name="dr3d:depth">
16324 <ref name="length"/>
For example, with a end angle of 270°, the lathe object will be opened by 90°.
16338 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16339 <optional>
16340 <attribute name="dr3d:end-angle">
16341 <ref name="nonNegativeInteger"/>
16342 </attribute>
16343 </optional>
16344 </define>
15.23.1 Mode
The attribute dr3d:lighting-mode determines the lighting algorithm used to render the
corresponding 3D object.
The value of this attribute can be standard or double-sided. If the value is double-sided,
the reverse sides of the objects are also lighted.
16359 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16360 <optional>
16361 <attribute name="dr3d:lighting-mode">
16362 <choice>
16363 <value>standard</value>
16364 <value>double-sided</value>
16365 </choice>
16366 </attribute>
16367 </optional>
16368 </define>
• object: does not produce standard normals, but leaves the object-specific ones untouched.
• object: This value specifies that the standard object projection method is used
• parallel: This value specifies a flat parallel projection in the specified degree of freedom (X
or Y).
• sphere: This value forces projection to wrapping in X and/or Y direction
16390 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16391 <optional>
16392 <attribute name="dr3d:texture-generation-mode-x">
16393 <choice>
16394 <value>object</value>
16395 <value>parallel</value>
16396 <value>sphere</value>
16397 </choice>
16398 </attribute>
16399 </optional>
16400 <optional>
16401 <attribute name="dr3d:texture-generation-mode-y">
16402 <choice>
16403 <value>object</value>
16404 <value>parallel</value>
16405 <value>sphere</value>
16406 </choice>
16407 </attribute>
16408 </optional>
16409 </define>
15.24.2 Kind
The attribute dr3d:texture-kind is used to select whether the texture changes the
luminance, intensity, or color of the shape.
16410 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16411 <optional>
16412 <attribute name="dr3d:texture-kind">
16413 <choice>
16414 <value>luminance</value>
15.24.3 Filter
The attribute dr3d:texture-filter is used to enable or disable texture filtering.
16421 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16422 <optional>
16423 <attribute name="dr3d:texture-filter">
16424 <choice>
16425 <value>enabled</value>
16426 <value>disabled</value>
16427 </choice>
16428 </attribute>
16429 </optional>
16430 </define>
15.24.4 Mode
The attribute dr3d:normals-direction is used to specify how the texture is modulated.
16431 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16432 <optional>
16433 <attribute name="dr3d:texture-mode">
16434 <choice>
16435 <value>replace</value>
16436 <value>modulate</value>
16437 <value>blend</value>
16438 </choice>
16439 </attribute>
16440 </optional>
16441 </define>
15.25.1 Colors
The attributes dr3d:ambient-color, dr3d:emissive-color, dr3d:specular-color
and dr3d:diffuse-color specify the four colors that define a material.
16442 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16443 <optional>
16444 <attribute name="dr3d:ambient-color">
16445 <ref name="color"/>
16446 </attribute>
16447 </optional>
16448 <optional>
16449 <attribute name="dr3d:emissive-color">
16450 <ref name="color"/>
16451 </attribute>
15.25.2 Shininess
The attribute dr3d:shininess specifies the shine of the used material.
16464 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16465 <optional>
16466 <attribute name="dr3d:shininess">
16467 <ref name="percent"/>
16468 </attribute>
16469 </optional>
16470 </define>
15.26.1 Shadow
The attribute dr3d:shadow enables or disables a three-dimensional shadow for a three-
dimensional object.
16471 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16472 <optional>
16473 <attribute name="dr3d:shadow">
16474 <choice>
16475 <value>visible</value>
16476 <value>hidden</value>
16477 </choice>
16478 </attribute>
16479 </optional>
16480 </define>
15.27.6 Margins
The fo:margin property specifies the the margin for all four edges of a frame. See section
15.5.21 for a full explanation of this property.
16526 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16527 <ref name="common-margin-attlist"/>
16528 </define>
15.27.8 Protect
The style:protect property specifies whether the content, size, or position of a frame is
protected. The value of this property can be either none or a space separated list that consists of
any of the values content, position, or size.
16536 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16537 <optional>
16538 <attribute name="style:protect">
16539 <choice>
The following tables display the possible values of the attributes style:horizontal-pos and
style:horizontal-rel. The possible values of these alignment attributes are listed in the first
column on the left, and an alignment attribute value/anchor type value match is indicated by an X.
any X X X X
page X X X
page-content X X X
page-start-margin X X X
page-end-margin X X X
frame X
frame-content X
frame-start-margin X
frame-end-margin X
paragraph X X
paragraph-content X X
paragraph-start- X X
paragraph-end- X X
char X
The value of this property can be one of the following: page, page-content, page-start-
margin, page-end-margin, frame, frame-content, frame-start-margin, frame-end-
margin, paragraph, paragraph-content, paragraph-start-margin, paragraph-end-
margin, or char.
Some values can be used with only certain frame anchor types.
The value start-margin determines the left margin, except when the horizontal position is
from-inside, inside or outside and the anchor for the frame is on a page with an even
page number, in which case it determines the right margin. The value end-margin determines
the opposite margin to the start-margin values.
16574 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16575 <optional>
The following tables display the possible values of the attributes style:vertical-pos and
style:vertical-rel. The possible values of these alignment attributes are listed in the first
column on the left, and an alignment attribute value/anchor type value match is indicated by an X.
any X X X X X
page X
page-content X
frame X
frame-content X
paragraph X X
paragraph-content X X
char X X
line X
baseline X
text X
The value of this property can be one of the following: page, page-content, frame, frame-
content, paragraph, paragraph-content, line, baseline, text or char.
Some values can be used with only certain frame anchor types.
16617 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16618 <ref name="common-vertical-rel-attlist"/>
16619 </define>
16621 <define name="common-vertical-rel-attlist">
16622 <optional>
16623 <attribute name="style:vertical-rel">
16624 <choice>
16625 <value>page</value>
16626 <value>page-content</value>
16627 <value>frame</value>
15.27.14 Border
The border attributes fo:border, fo:border-top, fo:border-bottom, fo:border-left
and fo:border-right specify the border properties of the frame. See section 15.5.25 for
detailed information on these attributes.
16642 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16643 <ref name="common-border-attlist"/>
16644 </define>
15.27.16 Padding
The padding attributes fo:padding, fo:padding-top, fo:padding-bottom, fo:padding-
left and fo:padding-right specify the padding properties of the frame. See section 15.5.27
for detailed information on these attributes.
16648 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16649 <ref name="common-padding-attlist"/>
16650 </define>
15.27.18 Background
The background attribute fo:background-color and the background element
<style:background-image> specify the background properties of the frame. See sections
15.5.23 and 15.5.24 for detailed information on this attribute and element.
16654 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16655 <ref name="common-background-color-attlist"/>
16656 </define>
16657 <define name="style-graphic-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
16658 <ref name="style-background-image"/>
16659 </define>
15.27.19 Columns
The <style:columns> element specifies if a text box contains columns. See section 15.7.3 for
detailed information on this element.
16660 <define name="style-graphic-properties-elements" combine="interleave">
16661 <ref name="style-columns"/>
16662 </define>
15.27.20 Editable
Within text documents, a text box can be editable even if the document in which it is contained is
a read-only document. The style:editable property specifies if a text box can be edited.
16663 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16664 <optional>
16665 <attribute name="style:editable">
16666 <ref name="boolean"/>
16667 </attribute>
16668 </optional>
16669 </define>
15.27.21 Wrapping
Within text documents, the style:wrap property specifies how text around a frame or graphic
object is treated. For example, text can run around the left side of the frame, around the right side
of the frame, or through the frame. The possible values are:
• none: no text wraps around the drawing shape.
• left: Text may wrap around the left side of the drawing shape.
• right: Text may wrap around the left side of the drawing shape.
• dynamic: Text may wrap around both sides of the drawing shape, provided that there is
sufficient space left.
• biggest: Text may wraps around the object border where the difference to the left or right
page or column border is largest.
• run-through: Text runs through the drawing object.
16670 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16671 <optional>
16672 <attribute name="style:wrap">
16673 <choice>
16674 <value>none</value>
16675 <value>left</value>
16676 <value>right</value>
16677 <value>parallel</value>
16678 <value>dynamic</value>
16679 <value>run-through</value>
16680 <value>biggest</value>
16681 </choice>
16682 </attribute>
16683 </optional>
16684 </define>
This property is only recognized by frames or styles that have a style:wrap property attached
with a value of left, right, parallel, or dynamic.
If the value is no-limit, there is no limit on the number of paragraphs that are allowed to wrap
around a frame.
16692 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16693 <optional>
16694 <attribute name="style:number-wrapped-paragraphs">
16695 <choice>
16696 <value>no-limit</value>
16697 <ref name="positiveInteger"/>
16698 </choice>
The value of the attribute can be outside or full. If the value of the attribute is outside, the
text wraps around the general area to the left and right of the shape. If the value of the attribute is
full, the text wraps around the shape and fills any possible spaces and indentations in the
16709 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16710 <optional>
16711 <attribute name="style:wrap-contour-mode">
16712 <choice>
16713 <value>full</value>
16714 <value>outside</value>
16715 </choice>
16716 </attribute>
16717 </optional>
16718 </define>
The value of this attribute can be foreground or background. If the value is foreground, the
frame content is displayed in front of the text. If the value is background, the frame content is
displayed behind the text.
16719 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16720 <optional>
16721 <attribute name="style:run-through">
16722 <choice>
16723 <value>foreground</value>
16724 <value>background</value>
16725 </choice>
15.27.29 Mirroring
The style:mirror property specifies whether or not an image is mirrored before it is displayed.
The mirroring can be vertical or horizontal. Horizontal mirroring can be restricted to images that
are only located on either odd or even pages.
The value of this attribute can be none, vertical, horizontal, horizontal-on-odd, or
horizontal-on-even. The value vertical and the various horizontal values can be specified
together, separating them by a white space.
15.27.30 Clipping
The fo:clip property specifies whether to display:
The situation in which this attribute makes a difference is when the anchor,
position and wrapping mode of a frame are such that they influence each other.
For example, consider a paragraph of text with two images positioned somewhat
above the anchor. Without wrapping, the images overly the text and can simply be
placed at the given offset from the anchor.
If wrap-around is enabled, the text hidden behind the images now needs to flow
around the images, making the first paragraph use more space than previously.
This moves the anchor position further down. If one does the placement only once
and concurrently for all objects, this is the final result. This corresponds to the
object once-concurrently.
If one proceeds as above, but does the process one image at a time, one arrives
at the positions given to the right. This corresponds to the option once-
If one places the images iteratively, until a position is found which corresponds to
the given offset from the anchor, one can often achieve a placement that fully
satisfy all the given layout properties (at a certain price in implementation cost).
This corresponds to the option iterative.
15.28.3 Margins
The draw:margin-horizontal and draw:margin-vertical attributes specify the
horizontal and vertical margins between the border and the content of the floating frame. If these
attributes are not specified, the default margins are used. These attributes can be assigned to
automatic styles only. The value of these attributes must be a length in pixels.
16807 <define name="style-graphic-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16808 <optional>
16809 <attribute name="draw:frame-margin-horizontal">
16810 <ref name="nonNegativePixelLength"/>
16811 </attribute>
16812 </optional>
16813 <optional>
16814 <attribute name="draw:frame-margin-vertical">
16815 <ref name="nonNegativePixelLength"/>
16816 </attribute>
16817 </optional>
16818 </define>
16820 <define name="nonNegativePixelLength">
16821 <data type="string">
16822 <param name="pattern">([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(px)</param>
16823 </data>
16824 </define>
With bar charts, the properties chart:gap-width and chart:overlap can be used to specify
the relative size and distance of bars. The chart:gap-width attribute contains the relative
width of the gap between bars for neighboring categories. The chart:overlap attributes
determines how much bars within the same category overlap. Both are integral percentages.
16964 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
16965 <optional>
16966 <attribute name="chart:gap-width">
16967 <ref name="integer"/>
16968 </attribute>
16969 </optional>
16970 <optional>
16971 <attribute name="chart:overlap">
16972 <ref name="integer"/>
16973 </attribute>
16974 </optional>
16975 </define>
15.30.9 Lines
The chart:lines property determines whether connecting lines between data points are
shown. The line interpolation is determined by the chart:splines property.
17012 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
17013 <optional>
17014 <attribute name="chart:lines" a:defaultValue="false">
17015 <ref name="boolean"/>
17016 </attribute>
17017 </optional>
17018 </define>
15.31.2 Visibility
To determine whether or not an axis object is visible, use the chart:axis-visible style
property. This way, a chart with scaling information can be provided without displaying the axis
17050 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
17051 <optional>
17052 <attribute name="chart:visible">
17053 <ref name="boolean"/>
17054 </attribute>
17055 </optional>
17056 </define>
15.31.3 Scaling
If a scaling attribute is omitted, the axis is set to adaptation mode. This means that the value is not
set to a fixed value but may be changed by the render application if data changes. However, the
chart:axis-logarithmic attribute is set to false.
15.31.5 Labels
The following set of properties describes how axis labels are being represented.
chart:display-label determines whether labels will be displayed at all. If chart:text-
overlap is set true, labels may overlap. text:line-break determines whether label lines may
be broken into multiple lines.
The chart:label-arrangement property allows labels to be arranged either side-by-side
(i.e., all labels start on one line), or staggered (i.e., labels are distributed to two lines, with every
other label starting on the same line). In case of staggered labels, one can choose between even
or odd staggering, i.e., one can choose whether even or odd labels are aligned on the line that
would be used for side-by-side arrangement.
17113 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
17114 <optional>
17115 <attribute name="chart:display-label">
17116 <ref name="boolean"/>
17117 </attribute>
17118 </optional>
17119 <optional>
17120 <attribute name="chart:text-overlap">
17121 <ref name="boolean"/>
17122 </attribute>
17123 </optional>
17124 <optional>
17125 <attribute name="text:line-break">
17126 <ref name="boolean"/>
17127 </attribute>
17128 </optional>
17129 <optional>
17130 <attribute name="chart:label-arrangement"
17131 a:defaultValue="side-by-side">
17132 <choice>
17133 <value>side-by-side</value>
17134 <value>stagger-even</value>
17135 <value>stagger-odd</value>
17136 </choice>
17137 </attribute>
17138 </optional>
17139 </define>
The chart:data-label-number attribute represents the value of the data label.
17146 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
17147 <optional>
17148 <attribute name="chart:data-label-number">
17149 <choice>
17150 <value>none</value>
17151 <value>value</value>
17152 <value>percentage</value>
17153 </choice>
17154 </attribute>
17155 </optional>
17156 </define>
Legend Symbol
The chart:data-label-symbol attribute determines whether or not to display the legend
symbol. The value of this attribute can be true or false.
17164 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
17165 <optional>
17166 <attribute name="chart:data-label-symbol">
17167 <ref name="boolean"/>
17168 </attribute>
17169 </optional>
17170 </define>
Error Percentage
The chart:error-percentage attribute determines the percentage that is used to display
error indicators for each data point of a series.
17192 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
17193 <optional>
17194 <attribute name="chart:error-percentage">
17195 <ref name="double"/>
17196 </attribute>
17197 </optional>
17198 </define>
Error Margin
The chart:error-margin attribute determines the percentage that is used to display error
indicators for the biggest value in a series.
17199 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
17200 <optional>
17201 <attribute name="chart:error-margin">
17202 <ref name="double"/>
17203 </attribute>
17204 </optional>
17205 </define>
Error Indicators
The chart:error-lower-indicator and chart:error-upper-indicator attributes
determine in which direction indicators should be drawn.
17218 <define name="style-chart-properties-attlist" combine="interleave">
17219 <optional>
17220 <attribute name="chart:error-upper-indicator">
17221 <ref name="boolean"/>
17222 </attribute>
17223 </optional>
17224 <optional>
17225 <attribute name="chart:error-lower-indicator">
17226 <ref name="boolean"/>
17227 </attribute>
17228 </optional>
17229 </define>
• manual: slide transition and shape effects must be started separately by the user.
• semi-automatic: slide transition starts automatically, shape effects must be started by the
17253 <define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
17254 combine="interleave">
17255 <optional>
17256 <attribute name="presentation:transition-type">
17257 <choice>
17258 <value>manual</value>
17259 <value>automatic</value>
17260 <value>semi-automatic</value>
17261 </choice>
17262 </attribute>
17263 </optional>
17264 </define>
• fade-*: the pages fades from a visible or hidden state to a hidden or visible state in the
specified direction.
• move-*: the page moves in the specified direction to its final position.
• *-stripes: the page is uncovered by drawing horizontal or vertical stripes that change their
size during this effect.
• clockwise: the page is uncovered by the hand of a watch, moving clockwise.
• *-lines: the page is uncovered by drawing it line by line, either horizontally or vertically in a
random fashion.
• dissolve: the page is faded in by drawing small blocks in a random fashion.
• *-checkerboard: the page is uncovered by drawing checkerboard like blocks that increase
in size horizontally or vertically.
• interlocking-horizontal-*: the new page appears in 4 horizontal stripes (i.e., the
height is divided in 4, a bit like in the horizontal-stripes effect) but those stripes come from left,
right, left, and right, and cross each other in the middle of the screen.
• interlocking-vertical-*: similar effect with vertical stripes crossing each other.
• fly-away: the page first reduces itself to a smaller size (while remaining centered in the
screen), and then "flies away" (turns around a bit and moves to the bottom-right corner of the
screen). The next slide appears under it meanwhile.
• open: Combination of open-horizontal and open-vertical, i.e., a sort of plus sign opening.
• close: Combination of close-horizontal and close-vertical, i.e., a sort of plus sign closing.
• melt: Small vertical stripes move down at random speed, which gives the effect of the current
page "melting down".
17265 <define name="style-drawing-page-properties-attlist"
17266 combine="interleave">
17267 <optional>
17268 <attribute name="presentation:transition-style">
17269 <choice>
17270 <value>none</value>
17271 <value>fade-from-left</value>
17272 <value>fade-from-top</value>
17273 <value>fade-from-right</value>
17274 <value>fade-from-bottom</value>
17275 <value>fade-from-upperleft</value>
17276 <value>fade-from-upperright</value>
17277 <value>fade-from-lowerleft</value>
17278 <value>fade-from-lowerright</value>
17279 <value>move-from-left</value>
17280 <value>move-from-top</value>
17281 <value>move-from-right</value>
17282 <value>move-from-bottom</value>
17283 <value>move-from-upperleft</value>
17284 <value>move-from-upperright</value>
17285 <value>move-from-lowerleft</value>
17286 <value>move-from-lowerright</value>
17287 <value>uncover-to-left</value>
17288 <value>uncover-to-top</value>
15.36.10 Sound
Sound effects can be added to your presentation pages using the element
presentation:sound. It must be included in the <style:presentation-properties>
17401 <define name="style-drawing-page-properties-elements"
17402 combine="interleave">
17403 <optional>
17404 <ref name="presentation-sound"/>
17405 </optional>
17406 </define>
– dateOrDateTime
A dateOrDateTime value is essentially an [xmlschema-2] date and time value with an
optional time component. In other words, it may contain either a date, or a date and time
– timeOrDateTime
A timeOrDateTime value is essentially an [xmlschema-2] date and time value with an
optional date component. In other words, it may contain either a time, or a date and time
– language
A language is a the same as a W3C schema language data type, except that the values a
described by [RFC3066] rather than [RFC1766].
– countryCode
A countryCode is a country code in conformance with [RFC3066], as specified in [XSL].
– languageCode
A languageCode is a language code in conformance with [RFC3066], as specified in
– character
A character value is a string with only one character.
– length
A (positive or negative) physical length, consisting of magnitude and unit, in conformance
with §5.9.11 of [XSL]. Valid lengths would be “2.54cm” or “1inch”. A number without unit is
not a valid length, e.g., “3.2”. The support of pixel values is optional.
– nonNegativeLength
Like length, except that the value must be zero or positive.
17.1 Introduction
As XML has no native support for binary objects such as images, [OLE] objects, or other media
types, and because uncompressed XML files can get very large, OpenDocument uses a package
file to store the XML content of a document together with its associated binary data, and to
optionally compress the XML content. This package is a standard Zip file, whose structure is
discussed below.
Information about the files contained in the package is stored in an XML file called the manifest
file. The manifest file is always stored at the pathname META-INF/manifest.xml. The main pieces
of information stored in the manifest are as follows:
• A list of all of the files in the package.
• The media type of each file in the package.
• If a file stored in the package is encrypted, the information required to decrypt the file is stored
in the manifest.
17.3 Encryption
The encryption process takes place in the
following multiple stages:
1. A 20-byte SHA1 digest of the user entered
password is created and passed to the
package component.
2. The package component initializes a
random number generator with the current
3. The random number generator is used to generate a random 8-byte initialization vector and
16-byte salt for each file.
4. This salt is used together with the 20-byte SHA1 digest of the password to derive a unique
128-bit key for each file. The algorithm used to derive the key is PBKDF2 using HMAC-SHA-1
(see [RFC2898]) with an iteration count of 1024.
5. The derived key is used together with the initialization vector to encrypt the file using the
Blowfish algorithm in cipher-feedback (CFB) mode.
Each file that is encrypted is compressed before being encrypted. To allow the contents of the
package file to be verified, it is necessary that encrypted files are flagged as 'STORED' rather
than 'DEFLATED'. As entries which are 'STORED' must have their size equal to the compressed
size, it is necessary to store the uncompressed size in the manifest. The compressed size is
stored in both the local file header and central directory record of the Zip file.
• Full path
• Size
• Media type
Full Path
The manifest:full-path attribute describes the location of the file within the package.
40 <define name="file-entry-attlist" combine="interleave">
41 <attribute name="manifest:full-path">
42 <data type="string"/>
43 </attribute>
44 </define>
The manifest:size attribute is only present if the file is stored in an encrypted format. The
reason why this attribute is required is explained in section 17.3. This attribute is only used for
encrypted files.
45 <define name="file-entry-attlist" combine="interleave">
46 <optional>
47 <attribute name="manifest:size">
48 <data type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
49 </attribute>
50 </optional>
51 </define>
Media Type
The manifest:media-type attribute specifies the mime type of the specified file. For a full list
of mime types see As an
example, all XML streams have the media type "text/xml".
52 <define name="file-entry-attlist" combine="interleave">
53 <attribute name="manifest:media-type">
54 <data type="string"/>
55 </attribute>
56 </define>
• Algorithm
• Key Derivation
Checksum Type
The manifest:checksum-type attribute specifies the name of digest algorithm that can be
used to check password correctness. Currently, the only supported digest algorithm is SHA1.
64 <define name="encryption-data-attlist" combine="interleave">
65 <attribute name="manifest:checksum-type">
66 <data type="string"/>
67 </attribute>
68 </define>
The manifest:checksum attribute specifies the digest in BASE64 encoding (as defined in
[RFC2045]) that can be used to detect password correctness as specified within
manifest:checksum-type attribute.
69 <define name="encryption-data-attlist" combine="interleave">
70 <attribute name="manifest:checksum">
71 <data type="base64Binary"/>
72 </attribute>
73 </define>
17.7.5 Algorithm
The <manifest:algorithm> element contains information about the algorithm used to encrypt
the data.
74 <define name="algorithm">
75 <element name="manifest:algorithm">
76 <ref name="algorithm-attlist"/>
77 <empty/>
78 </element>
79 </define>
• Algorithm name
• Initialization vector
Initialization Vector
The manifest:initialisation-vector attribute specifies the 8 bytes used as an
initialization vector to the stream cipher. The initialization vector is an 8 byte binary sequence, and
so is encoded in BASE64 (as defined in [RFC2045]) when written to the manifest file.
85 <define name="algorithm-attlist" combine="interleave">
86 <attribute name="manifest:initialisation-vector">
87 <data type="base64Binary"/>
88 </attribute>
89 </define>
Iteration Count
The manifest:iteration-count attribute specifies the number of iterations used by the key
derivation algorithm to derive the key.
106 <define name="key-derivation-attlist" combine="interleave">
107 <attribute name="manifest:iteration-count">
108 <data type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
109 </attribute>
110 </define>
Sample Manifest
<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="image/jpeg"
<manifest:algorithm manifest:algorithm-name="Blowfish CFB"
<manifest:key-derivation manifest:key-derivation-name="PBKDF2"
manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="content.xml"
<manifest:algorithm manifest:algorithm-name="Blowfish CFB"
<manifest:key-derivation manifest:key-derivation-name="PBKDF2"
<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml"
manifest:full-path="styles.xml" manifest:size="5159">
<manifest:algorithm manifest:algorithm-name="Blowfish CFB"
<manifest:key-derivation manifest:key-derivation-name="PBKDF2"
2.5 Scripts X X X X X X
2.7 Styles X X X X X X
3 Metadata Elements X X X X X X
4.1 Headings X
5.3 Notes X
5.4 Ruby X
7 Text Indices X
8.7 Filters X
8.9 Consolidation X
9.4 3D Shapes X X X X
10 Chart Content X
11 Form Content X X X X
13 SMIL Animations X
• The references to the W3C CSS3 Text Module were clarified. In appendix B, the URL
“” was added to the bibliographic entry for
• In appendix B, the bibliographic entry for [RNG] now references to the ISO Relax-NG
specification document rather than the OASIS Relax-NG specification document.
• In appendix B, the bibliographic entry for ZIP was updated.
• The contributor list was moved from the title page into an appendix.
All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them in the
OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The full Policy
may be found at the OASIS website.
This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and
derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its
implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or in
part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this
section are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
document itself may not be modified in any way, including by removing the copyright
notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the purpose of developing any
document or deliverable produced by an OASIS Technical Committee (in which case
the rules applicable to copyrights, as set forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be
followed) or as required to translate it into languages other than English.
The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by
OASIS or its successors or assigns.
This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis
OASIS requests that any OASIS Party or any other party that believes it has patent
claims that would necessarily be infringed by implementations of this OASIS
Committee Specification or OASIS Standard, to notify OASIS TC Administrator and
provide an indication of its willingness to grant patent licenses to such patent claims
in a manner consistent with the IPR Mode of the OASIS Technical Committee that
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OASIS takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or
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