SS 553-2016 - Amd 2
SS 553-2016 - Amd 2
SS 553-2016 - Amd 2
May 2021
Add “Annex D Practical measures for existing building services operations amid pandemic” after
Annex C.
Annex D
D.1 Scope
This annex provides guidance on measures to be put in place in the air-conditioning and mechanical
ventilation (ACMV) systems in buildings to limit the risk of virus spread to occupants in pandemic
situation (see Note 1). These measures should not replace the importance of the primary measures such
as individual hygiene, disinfection practices, regular cleaning of high-touch points, mask wearing,
isolation, and social distancing that have already been implemented.
NOTE 1 – Due to the short span since emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, these measures are based on
current research knowledge that will continue to evolve and may be revised from time to time when more
research findings and data are available.
The measures in this Annex will only be effective if the key measures against pandemic (e.g. COVID-
19), such as Safe Distancing Measures (SDM) for building occupants, wearing of masks and regular
cleaning and disinfection of high-touch points such as door handles, handrails, and lift buttons have
already been implemented. Occupants and guests should be screened, monitored and controlled to
help avoid transmission of the disease.
Singapore Standard SS 553 : 2016
Amendment No. 2
D.2.2 Consider the airflow pathway (air distribution) and occupancy layout
As there have been reports on the association of airflows and spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus [1, 2,
3], it is recommended that occupancy layout for social distancing take into consideration the airflow
patterns and pathways (e.g. staggered layout instead of linear placement of live workstations).
It is also recommended that workstations be rearranged so that employees do not face each other, or
establish partitions if facing each other cannot be avoided. If fans are used, ensure that air does not
get blown from one person directly to another [4, 5, 6].
Mitigation of infectious aerosol dissemination in the event of a pandemic should be the primary
consideration and includes the following provisions:
− Increased ventilation;
− Increased air filtration, and disinfection.
These are the key principles to dilute and reduce the concentration, and thereby occupant exposure,
of any airborne virus in indoor environments.
D.4.1.1 The outdoor air supply should minimally meet the level specified in Table 1. Additional
outdoor air supply should be practiced (e.g. maximum setting) to enhance dilution indoors if it is
beneficial in reducing health risks.
D.4.1.2 Outdoor air supply should be set to the maximum setting to enhance dilution indoors. Outdoor
air dampers should be opened to as high a percentage as possible with fans running in the high-
speed mode as indoor conditions permit. Demand control systems, such as those with CO2 sensors,
should be deactivated.
D.4.1.3 Longer operational period of the air-conditioning system, before and after occupancy, should
be considered to remove traces of contaminants.
D.4.2.1 An air purging system should be operated to introduce outdoor air into the space and
discharging indoor air outside of the building. It is recommended for building owners and facilities
management to operate the purging at least once a day prior to occupancy. Operation times should
be at least two hours before the first occupant arrives.
D.4.2.2 In spaces without purging systems, operation hours of ACMV systems should be extended by
two hours before and after occupancy.
Singapore Standard SS 553 : 2016
Amendment No. 2
Cross contamination issues need to be considered in the continued operation of such units. The
energy recovery units may need to be switched off, leaks identified and sealed to prevent exhaust /
recirculated air from getting entrained (bypass) into the supply air. This will reduce the risk of carry-
over leakage from the exhaust air.
D.5.1.1 High-efficiency filters with rating of at least MERV 14 should be installed and operated in Air
Handling Units (AHUs) that treat recirculation air. The filters should be properly installed and well-
sealed according to manufacturer’s recommendation to prevent filter bypass. The filters should be
regularly inspected to ensure no leakage and that it is not fully loaded. Adequate precaution should be
taken when changing the filters (done while the system is off, wearing personal protection equipment
and gloves) and disposing of them in sealed bags.
D.5.2 Disinfection
D.5.2.1 Air cleaning devices such as Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) may be used, subject to
space constraints, to enhance the cleaning effect, and supplement the air filters. The devices may be
considered for use in occupied spaces or AHUs / ducts and should be sized, installed and maintained
appropriately for its intended effectiveness. Users need to be aware of and follow relevant safety
NOTE – Users may refer to the relevant government agencies’ advisories [7] on the safe usage of UVGI.
D.5.2.2 Other air cleaning technologies (e.g. bipolar ionisers or photocatalytic oxidisers) may be
considered. However, it is important to note that they may operate on different mechanisms, with
each having different considerations for effectiveness and safety. Caution should be exercised and
the required conditions for effective air cleaning and safety should be considered.
D.5.3.1 Portable air cleaners or purifiers with high efficiency filters may be used for localised air-
cleaning, if the ACMV system is unable to be fitted with high efficiency filters, and if increasing
ventilation is not feasible. This is an additional solution for consideration at a localised level. These
devices should comply with D.5.1 for air cleaners (enhanced with HEPA filters) and D.5.2 for air
cleaners incorporating disinfection.
D.6.1.1 Due to the toilet exhaust fans being run at full capacity for longer operating hours, it is
important to check on the water seal for sanitary fittings to ensure that the water seals are maintained.
The toilet lid should be closed to minimise the risks associated with under-pressure (lower pressure
than outdoor).
D.6.1.2 In common areas with a risk of crowd gathering, such as the entrance lobby, sufficient
ventilation openings and air extraction / exhaust should be in place.
Singapore Standard SS 553 : 2016
Amendment No. 2
1. Jianyun Lu, Jieni Gu, Kuibiao Li, Conghui Xu, Wenzhe Su, Zhisheng Lai, Deqian Zhou, Chao Yu,
Bin Xu, and Zhicong Yang. “COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with Air Conditioning in Restaurant,
Guangzhou, China, 2020.” Emerging Infectious Diseases, July 2020,
2. John A. Lednicky, Michael Lauzardo, Z. Hugh Fan, Antarpreet Jutla, Trevor B. Tilly, Mayank
Gangwar, Moiz Usmani, Sripriya Nannu Shankar, Karim Mohamed, Arantza Eiguren-Fernandez,
Caroline J. Stephenson, Md. Mahbubul Alam, Maha A. Elbadry, Julia C. Loeb, Kuttinchantran
Subramaniam, Thomas B. Waltzek, Kartikeya Cherabuddi, J. Glenn Morris Jr., and Chang-Yu
Wu. “Viable SARS-CoV-2 in the air of a hospital room with COVID-19 patients.” International
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 15 September 2020,
3. Song Tang, Yixin Mao, Rachael M. Jones, Qiyue Tan, John S. Ji, Na Li, Jin Shen, Yuebin Lv,
Lijun Pan, Pei Ding, Xiaochen Wang, Youbin Wang, C. Raina MacIntyre, and Xiaoming Shi.
“Aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2? Evidence, prevention and control.” Environment
International, November 2020,
5. “COVID-19 Employer Information for Office Buildings.” CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-
19), 11 September 2020,
6. “REHVA COVID-19 Guidance.” REHVA Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning Associations, August 2020,