Fashion Questionnaire Sample
Fashion Questionnaire Sample
Fashion Questionnaire Sample
1. Before buying a garment, do you judge if it will suit on you or not? 1. Do you buy clothes considering your body shape? 1. Have you ever bought clothes out of impulse and later regretted? 1. Your favorite designer? 1. Who is your fashion icon? 1. Are you affected by fashion trends by celebrities/ models? 1. What is the fashion style you like the most? 1. What is the fashion style you dislike the most? 1. Do you also buy accessories, shoes and make up matching up to your clothes? 1. How much do you spend on buying clothes monthly or annually? 1. Which are the places you buy most of the clothes from? 1. 2. 3. 4. Super markets and shopping malls Designer boutiques Fashion shows and exhibitions Branded retail outlets
1. Do your friends complement your fashion style? 1. Do you shop for clothes during festivals and occasions or all year round or both? 1. What according to you should always be there in every mans wardrobe? 1. What according to you should always be there in every womans wardrobe? 1. Ideal look of a man according to you: 1. Ideal look of a woman according to you:
Date of filling form: ___________________ 1. According to you, what is fashion? ___________________________________ 1. What is your favourite fabric?
1. What is your favourite colour and why? ________________________________ 1. How often do you change you purchase clothes?
According to trend Once in a year Whenever I feel bored from my clothing style Whenever required Others, ______________________________ Yes No
1. Write about your favourite brand and also mention one reason that why do you like this particular brand more? _____________________________________________ 1. According to you, which of the following is an important part of fashion statement?
Accessories Shoes Jeans T- Shirts Formals Handbags/ wallets Watches All of the above Others, specify: ______________ Fabrics Design Brand
Designer Comfortable fittings Appeal of the design Latest trend Others, please mention: ______________ Yes. A lot Somewhat Not much Excellent Very good Good Average
1. What do you like to investigate before investing your money in apparels? 1. Do you like the attire collection of our brand? 1. How would you like to rate us?