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Sales of Good Act 1930Contract of Sale - A contract Rules as to delivery:-The following rules apply

of sale of goods is a contract whereby the seller transfers, regarding delivery of goods: (a) Delivery should have the
or agrees to transfer, the property in goods to the buyer effect of putting the buyer in possession. (b)The seller
for a priceSec-4(3). There may be a contract of sale must deliver the goods according to the contract. (c)The
between one part-owner and another. A contract of sale seller is to deliver the goods when the buyer applies for
Implied Warranties [Section 14(b), 14(c), and
may be absolute or conditional. delivery; it is the duty of the buyer to claim delivery.
16(3)]Warranty as to Quiet Possession [Section 14(b)]
(d)Where the goods at the time of the sale are in the
there is an implied warranty that the buyer shall have
Essential elements ofContract of sale (1) At least two possession of a third person, there will be delivery only
and enjoy quiet possession of the goods. The reach of
parties : To make a contract of sale there must be at when that person acknowledges to the buyer that he
this warranty gives buyer a right to claim damages from
least two parties. These parties must be distinct, that is, holds the goods on his. behalf. . (e)The seller should
the seller. (b) Warranty of Freedom from Encumbrances
a buyer and a seller. These parties should be also tender delivery so that the buyer ca~ take the goods. It
[Section 14(c)] there is an implied warranty that the
competent to make a contact. In this context the word is no duty of the seller to send or carry the goods to the
goods are free from any charge or encumbrance in favour
‘buyer’ means any person who buys or agrees to buy the buyer unless the contract so provides. But the goods
of any third person if the buyer is not aware of such
goods and the word ‘seller”’ means any person who sells must be in a deliverable state at the time of delivery or
charge or encumbrance. The breach of this warranty
or agrees to sell the goods. (2) Goods : the subject-matter tender of delivery. If by the contract the seller is bound
gives buyer a right to claim damages from the seller. (c)
of the contract of sale of goods must be some goods the to send the goods to the buyer, but no time is fixed, the
Warranty as to Quality or Fitness for Particular Purpose
purpose of this contract is to transfer the property in seller is bound to send them within a reas9nable time
which may be annexed by the Usage of Trade [Section
these goods from the seller to the buyer. And the goods 16(3)
forming the subject-matter of contract should be Suits for Breach of Contract:-Were the property in the
movable. The regulation of transfer of immovable goods has passed to the buyer, the seller may sue him
Explain the doctrine of Caveat Emptor.What is
property does not come within the purview of sale of
exceptions to the doctrine of Caveat for the price. Where the price is payable on a certain day
Goods act (3) Price-the consideration : In a contract of
Emptor?Doctrine of Caveat Emptor :- The term caveat
sale the consideration is price. The price must be money regardless of delivery, the seller may sue for the price, if
emptor is a Latin word which means "let the buyer
when the goods are sold in exchange for goods; this is
beware". This principle states that it is for the buyer to it is not paid on that day, although the property in the
not sale but only a barter. But price or consideration
satisfy himself that the goods which he is purchasing are
may by partly in money and partly in goods. (4) General goods has not passed.Where the buyer wrongfully
of the quality which he requires. If he buys goods for a
property : In a contract of sale the object is to transfer neglects or refuses to accept the goods and pay for them,
particular purpose, he must satisfy himself that they are
general property, from the seller to the buyer, in the
fit for that purpose. Section 6 provides that "subject to the seller may sue the buyer for damages for non-
goods. General property in the goods in different from
the provisions of this Act and of any other law for the
special property in the goods. If a person has the acceptance.Where the seller wrongfully neglects or
time being in force, there is no implied warranty or
ownership of the goods, it means, he has the general
condition as to the quality or fitness for any particular refuses to deliver the goods to the buyer, the buyer may
property in the goods. If the owners of the goods pledge
purpose of goods supplied under a contract of sale". In
these goods with a money-lender, the moneylender has sue for damages for non-delivery.Where there is a
simple words, it is not the seller's duty to give to the
special property in the goods. (5) In a contract of sale all breach of warranty or where the buyer elects or is
buyer the goods which are fit for a suitable purpose of
the essential elements of a valid contract must be
the buyer. If he makes a wrong selection, he cannot compelled to treat the breach of condition as a breach of
present, namely, agreement, intention to create legal
blame the seller if the goods turn out to be defective or
relationship, capacity to make contract, free consert, warranty, the buyer cannot reject the goods. He can set
do not serve his purpose. The principle was applied in
lawful consideration, lawful object, etc.
the case of Ward v. Hobbs. (1878) 4 A.C. 13, where breach of warranty in extinction or dimunition of the
certain pigs were sold by auction and no warranty was price payable by him and if loss suffered by him is more
Distinction between Sale and Agreement to Sell:-The given by seller in respect of any fault or error of
following points will bring out the distinction between description. The buyer paid the price for healthy pigs. than the price he may sue for the damages.If the buyer
sale and an agreement to sell: a) In a sale, the property But they were ill and all but one died of typhoid fever. has paid the price and the goods are not delivered, the
in the goods sold passes to the buyer at the time of They also infected some of the buyer's own pigs. It was
contract so that he becomes the owner of the goods. In buyer can sue the seller for the recovery of the amount
held that there was no implied condition or warranty
an agreement to sell, the ownership does not pass to the that the pigs were of good health. It was the buyer's duty paid. In appropriate cases the buyer can also get an
buyer at the time of the contract, but it passes only when to satisfy him regarding the health of the pigs. The
it becomes sale on the expiry of certain time or the order from the Court that the specific goods ought to be
expression ‘Caveat Emptor’ means ‘let the buyer beware’.
fulfillment of some conditions subject to which the The doctrine of caveat emptor has been given in the first delivered.
property in the goods is to be transferred. b) An Para of Section 16 which reads as under: “Subject to the
agreement to sell is an executory contract; a sale is an provisions of this Act and any other la for the time being
executed contract. c) An agreement to sell is a contract in force, there is no implied warranty or condition as to
pure and simple, but a sale is contract plus conveyance. What is Goodwill?The first issue towards
the quality or fitness for particular purpose of good
d) If there is an agreement to sell and the goods are approaching this section is the definition of
supplied under a contract of sale”. In other words, it is
destroyed by accident, the loss falls on the seller. In a goodwill. 'The goodwill which has been the subject of sale
not part of the seller’s duty to point out defects of the
sale, the loss falls on the buyer, even though the goods is nothing more than the probability that the old customer
goods which he offers for sale, rather it is the duty of the
are with the seller. e) If there is an agreement to sell and will resort to the old place.' The definition cited above is
buyer to satisfy himself about the quality as well as the
the seller commits a breach, the buyer has only a of course the very simplistic and rather lay men meaning
suitability of the goods.
personal remedy against the seller, namely, a claim for of what goodwill results in. It has `edxbeen more
damages. But if there has been a sale, and the seller elaborately defined in Trego v.
Exceptions to the Doctrine of Caveat Emptor (a) In
commits a breach by refusing to_ deliver the goods; the
Case of Misrepresentation by the Seller Where the seller
buyer has not only a personal remedy against him but
makes a misrepresentation and the buyer relies on that
also the other remedies which an owner has in respect
representation. (b) In Case of Concealment of Latent What is Partnership Deed and what are its main
of goods themselves such as a suit for conversion or
Defect Where the seller knowingly conceals a defect contents?Meaning of Partnership DeedA partnership
detinue, etc
which would not be discovered on a reasonable comes into existence by agreement between the persons
examination. (c) In Case of Sale by Description [Section who want to share the profit of the business. Such an
Conditions and Warranties It is usual for both seller 15] where the goods are sold by description and the agreement may be implied by the conduct of the partners
and buyer to make representations to each other at the goods supplied by the seller do not correspond to the or may be express (Oral or written). In order to avoid
time of entering into a contract of sale. Some of these description. (d)In Case of Sale by Sample [Section 17] future dispute, it is advisable to have a written
representations are mere opinions which do not form a where the goods are sold by sample and the goods agreement. The document containing the agreement
part of contract of sale. Whereas some of them may supplied by the seller do not correspond with the between partners is called ‘Partnership deed’. The
become a part of contract of sale. Representations which sample. (e) In Case of Sale by Sample as well as document containing the agreement between the
become a part of contract of sale are termed as Description [Section 15] where the goods are sold by partners is called ‘Partnership Deed’. The deed must be
stipulations which may rank as condition and warranty sample as well as description and the goods supplied do properly stamped and signed by all the partners except
e.g. a mere commendation of his goods by the seller not correspond with sample as well as description
doesn’t become a stipulation and gives no right of action a minor who has be admitted in the benefits of
of the buyer against the seller as such representations partnership.
Performance of the Contract of Sale:-It is the duty of
are mere opinion on the part of the seller. But where the
the seller and buyer that the contract is performed. The
seller assumes to assert a fact of which the buyer is
duty of the sellers is to deliver the goods and that of the
ignorant, it will amount to a stipulation forming an
buyer to accept the goods and pay for them in Contents of a Partnership Deed
essential part of the contract of sale.Stipulation
accordance with the contract of sale. Unless otherwise
[Section 12(1)] A stipulation in a contract of sale of
agreed, payment of the price and the delivery of the
goods may be a condition or warranty [Section 12(1)]. The partnership deed must contain the following
goods and concurrent conditions, i.e., they both take
Condition [Section 12(2)] A condition is a stipulation particular:The name of the firm.The names and
place at the same time as in a cash sale over a shop
(a) Which is essential to the main purpose of the addresses of the partners.The nature of the
contract, and (b) The breach of which gives the aggrieved business.The term or duration of partnershipThe
party a right to terminate the contractA warranty is a amount of capital to be contributed by each partner.The
stipulation (a) Which is collateral to the main purpose of Delivery (Sections 33-39):-Delivery is the voluntary drawings that can be made by each partner.The interest
the contract, and (b) The breach of which gives the transfer of possession from one person to another. to be allowed on capital and charged on drawings.Rights
aggrieved party a right to claim damages but not right to Delivery may be actual, constructive or symbolic. Actual of partners.Duties of partners.
reject goods and to terminate the contract. or physical delivery takes place where the goods are
handed over by the seller to the buyer or his agent
Dissolution of Partnership Firm
authorised to take possession of the goods. Constructive
When condition to be treated as warranty [Section
delivery takes place when the person in possession of the When the relation between all the partners of the firm
13] In the following three cases, a breach of a condition
goods acknowledges that he holds the goods on behalf of comes to an end, this is called dissolution of the firm.
is treated as a breach of a warranty: (a) Where the buyer
and at the disposal of the buyer. For example, where the Section 39 of the Indian Partnership Act, provides that
waives a condition: once the buyer waives a condition,
seller, after having sold the goods,may hold them as “the dissolution of the partnership between all the
he cannot insist on its fulfillment e.g. accepting defective
bailee for the buyer, there is constructive delivery. partners of a firm is called the dissolution of a firm.” It
goods or beyond the stipulated time amounts to waiving
Symbolic delivery is made by indicating or giving a implies the complete breakdown of the relation of
a condition. (b)Where the buyer elects to treat breach of
symbol. Here the goods themselves are not delivered. but
the condition as a breach of warranty; e.g. where he partnership between all the partners. Dissolution of a
the "means of obtaining possession" of goods is
claims damages instead of repudiating the contract. (c) Partnership firm may be affected in the following ways:
delivered, e.g, by delivering the key of the warehouse
Where the contract is not severable and the buyer has a) Dissolution without the intervention of the Court b)
where the goods are stored, bill of lading which will
accepted the goods or part thereof, the breach of any Dissolution by Court.
entitle the holder to receive the goods on the arrival of
condition by the seller can only be treated as a breach of
the ship.
warranty. It cannot be treated as a ground for rejecting
the goods unless otherwise specified in the contract.
Thus, where the buyer after purchasing the goods finds
that some condition is not fulfilled, he cannot reject the
goods. He has to retain the goods entitling him to claim
Q.1 Define a contract of Indemnity. What are the Discharge of surety from liability:-When the liability of Consideration is not necessary in case of Contract
essential elements of a contract of Indemnity?What surety, which he had undertaken under a contract of of Bailment :
are the rights of Indemnity holder?Ans. Contract of guarantee, is extinguished or comes to an end, he is said In case of bailment for mutual benefit of the bailor and
Indemnity:-In the old English law, Indemnity was to be discharged from liability. The modes of discharge bailee, consideration is there for both the parties e.g., A
defined as a promise to save a person harmless from the of a surety, as recognized by the Indian Contract Act, are gives his watch for repair to B for Rs. 10. For A,
consequences of an act. Such a promise can be express as under consideration is repair of his watch and for B,
or implied from the circumstances of the case. This view consideration is Rs. 10. However, in case of bailment
was illustrated in the case of Adamson vs Jarvis 1872. Q:-5 State the rights of a surety against the principal either for the benefit of the bailor or bailee alone,
In this case, the plaintiff, an auctioneer, sold certain debtor, creditor and co-sureties. A. Against principal consideration in the form of something in return is not
goods upon the instructions of a person. It turned out debtor there. In such cases the detriment suffered by the bailor
that the goods did not belong to the person and the true in parting with the possession of goods is considered as
owner held the auctioneer liable for the goods. The
(a)Right of subrogation:- After paying the guaranteed a sufficient consideration to support the promise on the
auctioneer, in turn, sued the defendant for indemnity for
debt, the surety steps into the shoes of the creditor and part of the bailee to return the goods.▪ Purpose: - A
the loss suffered by him by acting on his instructions. It
acquires all the rights which the latter had against the pledge is made for a specific purpose, while bailment can
was held that since the auctioneer acted on the
principal debtor (i.e., he gets subrogated to allthe rights be made for any purpose.▪ Property: - In bailment, the
instructions of the defendant, he was entitled to assume
and remedies available to the creditor) (Sec. 140). If the bailee gets only the possession of goods bailed. The
that if, what he did was wrongful, he would be
creditor has the right to stop goods in transit or has a ownership remains with the bailor. In the case of pledge,
indemnified by the defendant.Section 124 - A contract
lien, the surety, on payment of all he is liable for, will be the pledgee acquires a special property in the goods
by which one party promises to save the other from loss
entitled to exercise these rights. pledged whereby he gets possession coupled with the
caused to him by the conduct of the promisor himself or
by the conduct of any other person is a "contract of power of sale, on default.▪ Right of sale :- Bailee can
Indemnity". Illustration - A contracts to indemnify B Right of indemnity :- The surety is entitled to be exercise a lien on the goods bailed. He has no right of
against the consequences of any proceedings which C indemnified by the principal debtor for all payments sale. But in case of a pledge, the pledge can sell the goods
may take against B in respect of a certain sum of Rs 200. rightfully made by him (Sec. 145).2.Right against the after due notice to pawned.
Creditor:-Right to securities Sec(141)Right to claim set
This is a contract of indemnity
offRights against the creditorRight to securities
Sec(141) :-The surety can, after paying the guaranteed
Essentials of a contract of indemnityA valid contract debt, compel the creditor to Assign to him all the The main types of bailment are given
of indemnity should fulfill the following securities taken by the creditor either before or at the below:Gratuitous Bailment: Where the bailee does not
conditions:Anticipated loss : A contract of indemnity is a time of the contract of guarantee, whether the surety charge nay thing for the bailent it is called gratuitous
security for an anticipated loss.Requirements of valid was aware of them or not.(b)Claim to any set off :-The
bailment.Bailment for Reward: When the bailor
contrac t : Contract of indemnity being a species of surety on being called upon to pay can claim any set-off
to which the principal debtor is entitled from the charges anything for his services it is called bailment for
contract must have all essentials of a valid contract like
creditor. rewards.Bailment for Use: When the bailor delivers an
free consent, competence of the parties, consideration,
article to the bailee for use by the later in any general or
etc.To save other party : There must be a promise to save
specific way, this is called a bailment for use.X delivers
the other party from some loss.Covers only the actual Q.6 Define Bailment. Discuss the essential elements
his watch to Y for the latter to use it for one month. Here
loss : It covers only the actual loss may be due to the of a contract of bailment. what are the types of bailment is bailment for used. 4) Bailment of safe
promisor himself or any other person and it covers only
bailment? custody: If valuable goods or even coins or notes in box
the loss caused by an event mentioned in the contract.
The event mentioned in the contract must happen. are deposited for protection, it is called bailment for safe
Ans – Bailment:-The team “Bailment” is derived from a
French word “Ballior” which means “to give or to
Define Contract of Guarantee deliver”. It has becomes as a technical term for the Law
of Bailment in the Common Law, where it means any
Ans. Contract of Guarantee :- Section 126 of the kind of handing over of certain property, particularly 7 - Who is a bailee? State the duties and rights of a
Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines a contract of good, for a certain period. It involves a change of bailee.Ans – Bailee :-A person with whom some article is
guarantee as contract of guarantee is a contract to possession it means the delivery of the goods which are left,usually pursuant to a contract (called a "contract of
perform the promise or discharge the liability, of a third to be returned or delivered according to the order of the bailment"), who is responsible for the safe return of the
person in case of his default. The Section further giver.Definitions: - Section 148 defines “Bailment”, article to the owner when the contract is fulfilled. In
provides that the person who gives the guarantee is “Bailor” and “Bailee”,Sec.148 :- Bailment”, “Bailor” and other words the person to whom the goods are delivered
called the “surety”, the person in respect of whose “Bailee” defined’, - A “bailment” is the delivery of goods is called the bailee.
default the guarantee is given is called “principal by one person to another for some purpose, upon a
debtor”, and the person to whom the guarantee is given contract that they shall, when the purpose is
Duties/Responsibilities of a Bailee :-Duty to take
is called the “creditor”. For example, A takes a loan from accomplished, be returned or otherwise disposed of
reasonable care :-Duty not to make unauthorized use
a bank. A promise to the bank to repay the loan. B also according to the directions of the person delivering (Section 154)Duty not to mix (Section 155-157)Duty to
makes promises to the bank saying that if A does not them. The person delivering the goods is called the return (Section 160)Duty to return increase (Section
repay the loan “then I will pay.” In this case, A is the “Bailor”, the person to whom they are delivered is 163)Duty not to set up jus tertii (Section 166)
principal debtor, who undertakes to repay the loan; B is called the “Bailee”. Example :-Ram gives his Motor Car
the surety, whose liability is secondary because he on hire to Ramesh for one day Ramesh prepares the
Rights of a BaileeRight to necessary expenses (Section
promises to perform the same duty in case there is ring. He collects some charges from Ram. Ram is the
158)Right to compensation (Section 164)Right of Lien
default on the part of A. The bank in whose favour the bailor. Ramesh is Bailee. It is a contract of bailment.
(Section 170-171) :4. Right to Sue (Section 180-181)
promise has been made is the creditor. Essential features of a Contract of Bailment Delivery
of the goods by the bailor, Delivery should be upon
Contract, Such delivery should have a specific purpose Duty to take reasonable care :- In English law the
Revocation or termination of a continuing IV. Such delivery is temporary duties of a gratuitous and non-gratuitous bailee are
guarantee- A continuing guarantee may be revoked:By different. However, in Indian law, Section 151 treats all
notice . A continuing guarantee may at any time be kinds of bailees the same with respect to the duty. It says
Delivery of possession: - The first and most important that in all cases of bailment, the bailee is bound to take
revoked by the surety as to the future transactions, by
essential characteristic feature of the bailment is the
the notice to the creditor. ( Sec. 130)By the death of as much care of the goods bailed to him as a man of
delivery of possession of the property from one person
surety . The death of the surety generally operates as a to another. The delivery of the goods is temporary and ordinary prudence would, under similar circumstances
revocation of a continuing guarantee, so far as regards for some specific purpose only. After the purpose is take, of his own goods of the same bulk, quality, and
future transactions ( Sec. 131 )By variance in terms of over, the goods must be returned to the bailor. value as the goods bailed. The bailee must treat the
the contract . Any variance, made without surety’s Blackstone explains “A bailment is a delivery of goods goods as his own in terms of care. However, this does
consent, in the terms of the contract , between the in trust upon a contract, express or implied that the not mean that if the bailor is generally careless about his
principal debtor and the creditor, discharges the surety trust shall be faithfully executed on the part of the own goods, he can be careless about the bailed goods as
as to the transactions subsequent to the variance. (Sec. bailee.” well. He must take care of the goods as any person of
133 ) Example. A becomes surety to B for the amounts ordinary prudence would of his things.
he lends to C up to Rs.10,000 at 20 percent per annum. Delivery should be upon contract :- There must be a
Afterwards, when B had already lent Rs.6,000 to C they contract between the bailor and the bailee. The bailor
mutually agree that the rate of interest for the delivers his goods to the bailee for temporary
subsequent loans should be reduced to 10 percent only. possession for a specific purpose. After fulfilling such
specific purpose, the bailee returns the goods to bailor. Right of Lien (Section 170-171) :- In general, Lien
A is discharged from the liability for the subsequent means the right to keep the possession of the property
Therefore, it requires an express or implied contract.
loans.By novation . A continuing guarantee can be also Delivery should have a specific purpose :- The objecof of a person until that person clear the debts. In case of
determined by the novation which means substitution of the bailment is ‘temporary custody of the property’ in bailment, the bailee has the right to keep the
the new contract for the old one. the bailee’s hands. The bailor hands over his goods to possession of the property of the bailor until the bailor
pays lawful charges to the bailee. Thus, right of Lien is
the bailee for a specific purpose and intention
probably the most important of rights of a bailee
because it gives the bailee the power to get paid for his
Q:-4 Explain the nature and extent of surety liability. services.
State the circumstances in which surety is
discharged from his liability. Ans-Liability of Q: - 8 Define pledge. Discuss the essential elements
Surety:-According to Section 128, “The liability of the of a pledge.
surety is coextensive with that of the principal debtor,
unless it is otherwise provided by the contract.” The Ans – Section 172 :'The bailment of goods assecurity
provision that the surety’s liability is coextensive with for payment of a debt or performance of a promise is
that of the principal debtor means that his liability is called 'pledge'. The bailor in this case is called the
exactly the same as that of the principal debtor. It means 'pawnor'. The bailee is called the 'pawnee' (Sec. 172)
Essential Features of Valid Pledge :-The legal
that on a default having been made by the principal
definition of pledge, discussed in the last article, reveals
debtor, the creditor can recover from the surety all what the essential features of pledge which are as under
he could have recovered from the principal debtor.For Delivery of possession :- It is an essential and
instance, the principal debtor makes a default in the important element of a valid pledge that the Possession
payment of a debt of Rs. 10,000/-. The creditor may of the goods must be delivered by the pawnor to the
recover from the surety the sum of Rs. 10,000/- plus Pawnee. It may be noted that only the possession of the
interest becoming due thereon as well as the amount goods passes from one person to the other and not the
spent by him in recovering that amount. This may be ownership. The ownership remains with the pawnor. If
further explained by the following example. A the possession is not delivered then there cannot be a
guaranteed to B the payment of a bill of exchange by C, valid pledge.
the acceptor. The bill is dishonored by C, the acceptor, The delivery of possession to the Pawnee may be of two
is liable not only for the amount of the bill but also for kinds (a) actual delivery, (b) constructive delivery.
any interest and charges which may have become due Actual delivery means the delivery of physical
on it. If the principal debtor’s liability is reduced, e.g., possession. And constructive delivery means when
after the creditor has recovered a part of the sum due there is no change of physical possession. The delivery
from him out of his property, the liability of the surety is of keys of a go down where the goods are stored is the
also reduced accordingly. Case Law Narayan Singh v. s constructive delivery. Similarly, the delivery of
Chattarsingh, Nature and extent :- documents of titles which enables the Pawnee to obtain
the possession is the constructive delivery of goods.
Contract of Agency

The law of agency governs situations where one person

(agent) is appointed to act as the

representative of another (principal) in the context of

contractual negotiations. Generally, this system will be
adopted for a number of reasons, for example it may not
be practical for one person to personally enter into all
the contracts he/she would wish. Moreover, where a
company enters into contractual negotiations, it is
important that someone be appointed as an agent to act
on behalf of that entity. Section 182 of the Indian
Contract Act defines an agent as person employed to do
any act for another or to represent another in dealings
with third persons. The person for whom such act is
done, or who is so represented is called the “principal”.

Essentials of a Contract of Agency :-

There should be an agreement between the principal and

the agent: It is an essential element of a valid agency.
According to this element, the agency must be created
by an agreement between the principal and the agent.
Thus, there must be an agreement by which a person is
appointed as an agent by the other. The agreement may
be express (i.e., by words of mouth or of the case.

The agent must act in the representative capacity: It is

the most important essential element of a valid agency.
The agent must act in the representative capacity, i.e.,
he must represent his relationship of his principal with
the third persons. Thus the true nature of the
relationship should be seen if the agent acts in
representative capacity and had the power to bind his
principal with the third persons, the relationship is that
of ‘agency’.

1. Kinds of Agents : - The term agent applies to anyone

who by authority performs an act for another, and
includes a great many classes of persons to whom
distinctive names are given. There may be various types
of agents whose powers and duties are settled by usage
and custom of trade recognized by the courts of law. The
important one are classified as under:

1 Express or Implied Agents :- An express agent is one

who is appointed verbally or by writing. An implied agent
is one whose appointment is to be inferred from the
conduct of the parties.

2 General, Special or Universal Agents :- A general

agent is one who is employed to transact generally all the
business of the principal in regard to which he is
employed. A special agent has only authority to do some
particular act or represent his principal in some
particular transaction. A universal agent is one who is
authorized to transact all the business of his principal of
every kind and to do all the acts which the principal can
lawfully do and can delegate.

3 Agent or Sub-agent :- An agent derives his authority

directly from the principal. A sub-agent derives his
authority from the agent who has been appointed to do
the act. One broad classification of agents is mercantile
or commercial agents and non-mercantile or non-
commercial agents.

4 Mercantile Agents :- The following are some of the

important mercantile agents.Factor :- A factor is a
mercantile agent to whom possession of goods is given
for sale

5 Commission Agent :- A commission agent is a

mercantile agent who in consideration of a certain
commission engages to purchase or sell goods for his
principal. He buys and sells goods in the market on the
best terms and in his own name. His only interest in
the transaction is his commission. All profits and losses
accrue to the principal. A commission agent may or
may not be in actual possession of the goods. His
position is very similar to that of the broker.

General Agent and Particular Agent :- A general agent

is one who represents the principal in all matters
concerning a particular business. A particular agent is
one who is appointed for a specific purposee.g. to sell a
particular article. Factors and commission agents are
usually general agents. When general agents are
appointed it is usual to execute a general power of
attorney by which the agent is given authority to do
certain things. A particular agent may be appointed by
executing a special power of attorney by which the
agent is authorized to do a specific thing. A power of
attorney must be written and stamped. A man dealing
with a particular agent is bound to find out the limits
of the authority of the act and act accordingly.

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