23 Q Jump 2
23 Q Jump 2
23 Q Jump 2
<미니모의고사 7회>
2. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
① At times, coaches are so focused on helping athletes improve that they take good
performance improvements.
③ Have you ever failed to point out the positives because you were so focused on
⑤ Coaches who fail to provide reinforcement when it is warranted assume that athletes know
⑥ In reality, when you fail to acknowledge strong effort and performance, this communicates
a negative message to athletes, leaving them to question whether their effort and
① 코치가 선수의 훈련 내용을 꼼꼼하게 기록하는 것이 필수적이다.
① Advertisers have hit on one particularly effective way of seeming to argue against their
own interests.
② They mention a minor weakness or drawback of their product in the ads ① promoting it.
③ That way, they create a perception of honesty ② from which they can be more persuasive
their case before the opposing lawyer ③ does, thereby establishing a perception of honesty in
⑦ When jurors heard an attorney bring up a weakness in his own case first, jurors assigned
him more honesty and were more favorable to his overall case in their final verdicts
* verdict (배심원단의) 평결
③ During rehearsal, Maestro Toscanini — who never looked at a score during rehearsal,
although he kept one on the stage — stopped Mr. Schelling and stated that he believed the
④ Mr. Schelling replied, “You are right. I did omit the G flat because I never wrote a G
⑤ That surprised Maestro Toscanini, so he invited Mr. Schelling to look at the score with him.
⑥ After looking at the score, it was Mr. Schelling who was surprised, and he said, “Mr.
⑦ In all the times I have played this piece I always omitted the G flat.
⑧ Since the day I wrote it, I had completely forgotten it was there.”
① The best example I can share with you of ______________________ is to think of the
② This person is responsible for receiving guests who may have encountered any number of
③ The clerk doesn’t know any of this, and he or she certainly doesn’t have any control
over them, yet the guest could still choose to treat the clerk with less than courteous
④ The guest isn’t necessarily doing it intentionally; it’s merely the culmination of a
difficult day.
⑤ Same thing goes for the response you may get to your phone call or email.
⑥ The prospect may simply be responding to you in a manner that reflects other things
⑧ You’re better than that, and you probably have not had the same type of day they’ve had.
① Over half the human population of the planet now lives in cities, and the proportion is
②-① Building in cities is becoming more and more important, and urban form and urban
③-② Some architects have decided to respond to what they perceive to be the potentially
formless and anonymous nature of the city by creating buildings that are obviously strange
④-③ One of the simplest ways of making a building look unusual is to break the normal
⑤-④ The architect’s goal is to create an environment, both indoors and outdoors, which
⑥-⑤ Such buildings make difficult demands on structural engineers, who have to make
paradoxical forms work while concealing how the trick is pulled off.
① Several studies have investigated the cognition and perception of vocal lyrics in songs.
② Serafine and her colleagues studied the effect of lyrics on participants’ memory for
③ Results showed that melody recognition was near chance unless the melody’s original
words (i.e., words that were presented with the music during encoding) were present,
suggesting that music and speech were combined into a single coherent object when encoded
④ More recently, Weiss and his colleagues examined the effect of timbre (including voice) on
⑤ Results showed that melodies with the voice were better recognized than all other
instrumental melodies.
⑥ The authors suggest that the biological significance of the human voice provides a greater
Several studies suggest that the ___(A)___ of the human voice is associated with improved
___(B)___ of music.
(A) (B)
① absence …… quality
② flexibility …… interpretation
③ flexibility …… recognition
④ flexibility …… recognition
⑤ flexibility …… quality
<미니모의고사 10회>
2. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
① One of the most important things that young adults need to understand is that any time
you are trying to live a normal and decent life, you will always find people that will hate
③ They give up on what they believe is right and go with the crowd, and later pay the
④ What you have to understand is the people who hate you are jealous because of the fact
that they cannot have such good behaviors, so they choose to hate you.
⑤ When you have something good, don’t give it up for foolish people who never stand for
anything good.
⑥ It’s better for them to call you names for your good behaviors than for you to
⑦ They can call you old�fashioned; whatever they want, it’s their business.
① Loneliness and lack of self-esteem are among the most obvious conditions which can be
② You are never alone with a dog or cat: walking the dog brings you into contact with other
③ Local cat owners often get to know one another too, as it is ② common for cats to
wander into their neighbours’ gardens (and houses!) and for neighbours to exchange
④ Having the responsibility for a pet can ③ increase your sense of your own value and
⑤ Caring for an animal reminds you that however low you might feel, you are ④ capable.
⑥ When you’re tempted to stay in bed and pull the covers over your head, you have to
⑦ That everyday routine with a creature who needs you can be extremely ⑤ annoying.
① The first person who followed a morality based on reason was Socrates.
② Socrates said that ‘No man is voluntarily wicked’, that one is wicked through ignorance
of the good, that furthermore, the good is neither pleasure nor power and that one cannot
③ He used to say that the good is to keep one’s soul free from all impurity, from all
attacks of passion.
④ Evil is always a weakness, and virtue is always strength, even if things appear to be quite
⑤ A tyrant is, although he does not know it, weaker than the person who, fully aware of
⑥ Socrates, if we can believe Plato’s dialogues, used to set forth his ideas in myths.
⑦ The highest principle is clearly: ‘Know yourself’, since evil is defined as self-ignorance.
* torture 고문하다
① believes in reason
② is reborn spiritually
① In 1840, the famous German chemist Baron Justus von Liebig, also perhaps the best
② In the book, he argued that plants do not feed directly on humus, as was then generally
believed, but exist on simple, inorganic chemicals taken directly from the air and soil.
③ By analyzing the chemical composition of plants he was able to make a list of these
substances, and he showed that plant growth ceases if the availability of just one essential
nutrient falls below a certain minimum, regardless of the abundance of all other nutrients.
④ In other words, it is the availability of the scarcest nutrient, not the most abundant, that
** boron 붕소
① Anger occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, and once initiated, it is difficult or impossible to stop.
② Many of my clients believe that their anger is so sudden and unexpected that there is
③ I’ve often heard the description “0 to 60” to describe how quickly one’s anger is activated.
④ According to this belief, anger is aroused too quickly for you to be able to stop it.
⑤ The only solution is to leave the situation or for others to back off.
⑥ This faulty assumption defies the way your mind and body operate.
⑦ In most cases, there are many events that occur in the minutes and hours and sometimes
days prior to an anger episode that can greatly affect how you react.
⑧ Beginning to recognize these early precursors of anger sets the stage for derailing it
* precursor 전조
interest in the subject matter; some, because a professor advised them to take it; and some,
③ In spite of this diversity of intention, the enterprise goes on, for all of the participants
④ There are common assumptions regarding the time and place of the meetings, the
appropriate dress for these occasions, and the division of labor in which the professor has
primary responsibility.
⑤ It is generally understood that professors are likely to be upset if people are consistently
late, argue too fiercely with them, or appear disrespectful; hence, most students make some
effort to arrive on time and to suppress their tendencies toward aggression or falling asleep.
* mishap 작은 사고
Daily classroom tasks are, despite students’___(A)___ interests and characteristics, carried out
with relative smoothness since they are performed with ___(B)___ efforts under the common
⑤ natural …… concerted
<미니모의고사 11회>
2. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① When photography came along in the nineteenth century, painting was put in crisis.
② The photograph, it seemed, did the work of imitating nature better than the painter ever could.
④ There were Impressionist painters who used a photograph in place of the model or
⑤ But by and large, the photograph was a challenge to painting and was one cause of
painting’s moving away from direct representation and reproduction to the abstract painting
⑥ Since photographs did such a good job of representing things as they existed in the world,
painters were freed to look inward and represent things as they were in their imagination,
rendering emotion in the color, volume, line, and spatial configurations native to the
painter’s art.
* render 표현하다
① Those who argue against keeping animals as companions argue that the practice is
motivated by a selfish human need to dominate and control members of other species.
instances (A) where / which people treat their animals in a patronizing or controlling manner,
substitute animal affection for human affection, or use an animal as a surrogate child.
③ That many animals are abused and/or neglected by their “owners” is a documented fact.
④ The view that keeping animals as companions may violate the right of animals (B) are / is
further supported by the fact that the laws in most societies regard animals as property.
⑤ The manner in which animals are kept and treated is considered to be largely within the
discretion of the “owner,” and there are few legal limits (C) placed / placing on how
** surrogate 대리의
② where …… is …… placed
③ where …… is …… placing
④ which …… is …… placed
① Keep in mind that while coaching our children to future success, we can’t forget about
the _________________.
② Understanding how what you are doing today benefits you today and not just somewhere
③ Sometimes seeing the big picture isn’t enough; in fact, the big picture can sometimes be
④ For example, when writing the manuscript for this book, I spent many a morning
⑤ The big picture overwhelmed me! The ability to break a goal down into manageable pieces
is important to motivation.
⑥ When I saw that if I only did some work every day, I would eventually reach my goal of
⑦ I began to enjoy the journey of writing when I saw how writing every day benefitted me
① cost
② past
③ results
④ present
⑤ possibilities
① Although listeners to a concert may experience a degree of arousal in common, the way
in which the music is presented makes possible a greater range of individual reactions than
② Some research indicates that there is some measure of agreement between listeners about
the emotional significance of particular musical works; but this agreement only applies to the
③ Even on the most public occasions, I cannot be entirely sure that my neighbour is feeling
⑤ At the end of an orchestral concert of music which has no external reference it is more
* arousal 흥분, 자극
** coronation 대관식
③ For the busy reader, short sentences are easier to write and read.
④-① Long sentences take more time and have a greater tendency to bury or delay main
⑤-② Readers are more likely to “trash” e-mail that never gets to the point or is
⑥-③ The problem with e-mail correspondence is that you never know how long a reply will
take to arrive.
⑦-④ Clarity, precision, and appropriate tone are essential to ensuring that your e-mail is
⑧-⑤ Before sending any e-mail message, whether internal or external, always take the time
① In European cultures, the trend in food habits had always been towards sophistication in
② In contrast to the European cultures, developments in early American food habits have
been more towards simplification of meal preparation methods rather than sophistication and
③ The European food habits of the 18th and 19th centuries were driven by the sophistication
④ In contrast, American food habits of the 18th and 19th centuries were driven by simplicity
⑥ In early Europe, the political systems were feudalistic and ruled by the royal families.
⑦ Here spending money on luxury goods to publicly display economic power was a norm and
⑧ The democratic political system of America did not encourage indulgence in excessive food
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the food habits in Europe called for ___(A)___ and those in
(A) (B)
① convenience …… political ② refinement …… political
③ convenience …… economic ④ refinement …… geographical
⑤ refinement …… geographical
① No one could deny, once they’ve given it any thought at all, that women are responsible
② The proof is in the numbers: Women account for roughly 80 percent of all consumer buying.
③ The Center for Women’s Business Research indicates that businesswomen (working
women and female entrepreneurs) are the primary decision makers in households, making 95
④ To be more specific and drive home that point: Women are responsible for 70 percent of
all travel decisions, 57 percent of all consumer electronics purchases, and they buy 50
⑤ Finally, women write an estimated eight out of ten personal checks in the United States,
⑥ Women in most households today not only control the spending of their own paychecks,
* entrepreneur 기업가
② If a billboard advertisement catches your attention, it may invade your mental workspace
③ The same thing may happen if an unrelated thought suddenly comes to mind. Information
⑤ The more you are able to focus on task-relevant information and (C) ignore / accept
⑥ Irrelevant thoughts that enter your mental workspace and divide your focus may lead to
① Successful learning is possible only if experiences and knowledge are synthesized with new
② It means that in the teaching-learning process the student group community is primary, for
③ Students’ activity is one of the most significant requirements toward the training.
⑤ To develop the ability of group cooperation in group work — starting with the experiences
together, to set up alternatives, and to give reasons for the decisions reached.
⑥ In this case the teacher has to help or assist only, and should not give solutions.
⑧ We have to make the student responsible for his own development in the teaching
① prejudice-free
② process-oriented
③ student-centered
④ respect-arousing
⑤ knowledge-based
② It’s the attitude of a player whose nerves aren’t as strong as he’d like them to be.
④ It’s quite common for a player to think to himself, “I don’t want to boot this ground
⑦ The phrase “boot this ground ball” does bring forth an image.
⑧ The expression of a negative goal will therefore ___________________ — and the error or
⑨ The body tends to do what it hears most clearly; the mind tells the body what it sees
most clearly.
⑩ So, thinking about what you don’t want to happen greatly increases the chance that it
will happen.
① Think of a large bucket of water with a tiny hole in the bottom. Water drips out, a tiny
② You know that the surface of the water in the bucket is going down, even though you
③ You know that because each of those tiny drops is taking away a tiny bit of water, a
negligible amount on its own, but over time many drops will add up to something noticeable.
④ Now picture an eight-year-old boy. Measure his height one day to the next and you
won’t notice a difference, but you know that over time he gets taller.
⑤ Thinking of the water and the boy at the same time is comparing two parts of common
⑥ They share the idea of tiny, unnoticeable changes adding up to something significant over time.
* negligible 무시할 만한
① Other people are by far the most interesting things in the world of the baby.
③ Indeed, there is a specialized brain system for face processing, which seems to function in
④ Experiments with neonates and young infants show that faces are always preferred over
⑤ The eyes are especially interesting. Newborn infants prefer to look at faces with eyes
⑦ Babies also react negatively to a ‘still face’ — an experimental situation in which the
mother deliberately suspends interaction with the baby and just looks blank.
⑧ Presented with a ‘still face’, babies become fussy and upset and look away.
⑨ The ‘still face’ — maternal unresponsiveness — also causes elevated levels of the stress
* neonate (생후 1개월 내의) 신생아 ** avert (눈을) 돌리다 *** fussy 야단법석하는
According to research, babies are ___(A)___ by people’s faces from birth, especially with a
(A) (B)
⑤ attracted …… responsiveness
① The human compulsion towards the community and communal life is revealed in institutions
whose forms we do not need to understand fully; for example in religion, where group
② Just as the conditions of our lives are determined in the first place by the facts of the
universe, further conditions arise through the social and communal life of human beings and
⑤ In the history of human civilization no way of life has emerged of which the foundations
were not laid communally; human beings developed not singly but in communities.
⑥ This is very easily explained. The whole animal kingdom demonstrates the fundamental law
that species whose members are individually incapable of facing the battle for self�
① Fear is directly linked with desire. The stronger we desire something, the more (A) intense
② Urged by various instincts, we strongly want, desire, and need both material and
immaterial things.
③ These range from life itself and the presence of loved ones to (B) want / wanting fame,
④ Each of these provides us with a different sort of pleasure and satisfaction, and life
becomes richer and highly desirable, and the thought of losing these objects (C) strikes /to strike
⑤ Depending on which we cherish the most, we fear losing that the most intensely.
⑥ Death, in particular, puts an end to these attachments and their related joys, and thus,
* prestige 명망
② Earlier methods were less _____________ but more colorful. The word “monkey” did not
③ Prior to then, the word “ape” was the only common term for primates other than
human beings.
④ The difference between apes and human beings was never clear either.
⑥ In History of Four�Footed Beasts and Serpents, and Insects, published in 1647, Edward
Topsell included the satyr and the sphinx among apes — the term included any creature that
⑦ This sort of definition, and not a conventional biological one, must be used when looking
back over the old stories of apes and monkeys through the centuries.
① stable
② precise
③ practical
④ humanistic
⑤ educational
① When rabbits were imported to Australia in the middle of the nineteenth century, the
result was more than a few cute little bunnies added to the continent — Australia+rabbits.
② Rather, the result was a whole new Australia, one in which entire species of plants were
wiped out and in which erosion, caused by rabbits destroying vast areas of grassland,
③ Just as adding a drop of poison to a glass of water changes the molecular structure of
that entire glass, the addition of rabbits to the continent changed the entire ecology of the
⑤ It _____________________________.
⑥ North America after the introduction of the telegraph was not simply the old North
⑧ Today, we know that America plus the Internet is giving us a whole new nation, one that
① The traditional Chinese manner of producing tea was anything but industrial and had
③ The tea then traveled to the coast, carried by boat along rivers where possible, and by
④ Finally, the tea was purchased by merchants who blended it, packed it, and sold it to
⑤ All the middlemen along the route took their cut; together with the cost of transport, tolls,
and taxes, that brought the price paid for each pound of tea to nearly twice the original
⑥ An enterprise that produced its own tea in India, however, could pocket the difference.
⑦ Furthermore, applying the new industrial methods, running plantations as though they were
“tea factories,” and automating as much of the processing as possible could be expected to
① Existing travel information systems, such as electronic signage on motorways, are designed
to consider travellers as crowds, lacking any form of personalised information format and
③ These two characteristics hinder the development of trust and credibility of the particular
④ Indeed, a travel information system that more often than not delivers information unrelated
signage messages decreases over time, showing a potential distrust of the displayed messages.
Current travel information systems ___(A)___ drivers’ trust when the traffic information they
⑤ lose …… unlimited
① Think about all of the steps in washing dishes and the order of the steps.
③ First, you have to scrape the food off the plates, then you have to wash them with soap
and water.
④ Next, the dishes have to be rinsed. After that, dishes are dried.
⑥ These kinds of activities where children have to think about what comes first and then
⑦ Figuring out the order of the actions helps their minds grow.
⑨ Both you and your toddler may get a little wet and need a sponge mop to clean a puddle
⑩ Think of how proud he feels that he is helping you do something important in your family.
① Good writers are not passive; they don’t simply record ① immediate responses.
② They look closely, ask questions, analyze, make connections, and think.
③ Learning to see with a writer’s eye ② benefits not just those who write for a living but
all professionals.
④ In any career you choose, success depends on keen observation and in-depth analysis.
⑦ A passerby might assume a ④ busy store must be successful, but a retail analyst would
observe what merchandise people are purchasing and how they are paying for it.
⑧ If all the shoppers are buying discount items and paying with credit cards, the store could
① One particular kind of consistency that’s important in science is the definition and use of
③ For example, “The ball spent a lot of time in the air,” “We’ve been angry, and it’s
④ In each case it seems clear what the speaker probably meant, and none of those meanings
⑥ In almost all situations, that’s a very good thing: The context provides lots of information,
and communication is much more efficient when it makes use of that information.
⑦ So if you’re sitting at a baseball game, and you hear someone say “the ball spent a lot
of time in the air,” it would be very strange for you to need clarification of which ball or
⑧ If you’re in a lab looking at a tarnished bead of copper, you wouldn’t need clarification
* tarnished 변색된
① useful
② logical
③ flexible
④ constant
⑤ admirable
① Our modern equivalent to the use of music in coordinating agricultural labour is the
② Opinion is divided as to its effects. Judging from its use in agriculture, one might expect
that music would improve the performance of the routine operations which are common in
factory work.
③ Repetitive movements are less tedious when synchronized with musical rhythms.
⑥ Whilst music probably enhances the performance of routine tasks, especially those in
which repetitive physical actions prevail, it tends to interfere with the performance of
⑦ For example, there is evidence suggesting that music increases the number of errors in
① Convenience does not always refer to the store that is closest to home.
② In fact, the most convenient grocery store might not be the one closest to your house but
③-① The most convenient dry cleaner could be the one beside your kids’ school, and the
most convenient restaurant might be the one next door to the movie theater.
④-② One-stop shopping can also be a convenient way to buy, even if you have to drive
⑤-③ For example, for many people Walmart is not the closest discount clothing store,
⑥-④ Walmart is successful because it sells products that consumers want at low prices,
satisfying customers’ wants and needs but Walmart’s lower prices draw customers away
⑦-⑤ But a single trip to Walmart allows a busy family to visit all of those “stores” at
① Some of the most stable and healthy ecosystems can be found in the local forest.
② The main reason they are so healthy is because they include a diverse selection of native
plants that work together and provide benefits to one another along with wildlife.
③ In a sustainable garden, even though it’s not necessarily all native, our goal is to
diversify the ecosystem by incorporating a wide variety of plant types and species, because
jeopardy, because its plantings are not diverse enough to handle the pressure from the pests.
⑥ In a more diverse planting, such as a mixed border or evergreen screen composed of five
or six unrelated species, if a pest problem arises, it is unlikely to wipe out the entire
Increasing the ___(A)___ of plantings in a sustainable garden can ___(B)___ the risk of the
(A) (B)
① diversity …… elevate
② diversity …… elevate
③ number …… predict
④ density …… elevate
⑤ density …… elevate