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2024 Unclaimed Property: Reporting Instructions

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Reporting Instructions

Reporting Instructions
iv Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions
Table of Contents
At a Glance................................................................. 1 Mutual Fund Shares, Distributions and Checks...... 27
Securities or Securities-Related Cash........................ 28
What is Unclaimed Property?..................................... 3 Property Type Codes and Abandonment Periods......33
Types of Unclaimed Property...................................... 3 Relationship Codes....................................................35
What is a Holder?....................................................... 4 Ownership Codes.......................................................37
What Are My Responsibilities as a Holder?............... 4 Property Type Description Codes..............................37
What You Need to File Your Report.......................... 4 Security Delivery Codes............................................ 40
Reporting Format........................................................ 4 Deduction Codes....................................................... 40
Combined Reporting................................................... 5 Country Codes.......................................................... 40
Summary of Property - Types and
CHAPTER 2 – FILING YOUR REPORT Dormancy Periods.................................................43
Determining Dormancy.............................................. 7 Abandoned or Unclaimed Property
Notifying Property Owners........................................ 7 Held by Local Governments................................. 44
Other Methods of Verifying Whereabouts FIPS County Codes - To be used
of Owners............................................................... 8 for reporting Capital Credits only............................. 46
Preparing Your Report................................................ 8 County Codes - To be used
Submitting Your Report and Payment........................ 9 for reporting Mineral Proceeds only.......................... 48
Archiving Data...........................................................10 Helpful Links.............................................................50
2024 Deadlines...........................................................50
Crime Victims Restitution Reporting .......................11
Annual Report...........................................................11
Electric Cooperatives.................................................13
Telephone Cooperatives.............................................13
Escrow Funds Reported by Title Companies............14
Escrow Funds.............................................................14
Earnest Money...........................................................14
Financial Institutions................................................ 15
Insurance-Related Property ...................................... 23
Life Insurance........................................................... 24
Local Government.................................................... 26
Mineral Proceeds....................................................... 26

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions v

vi Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions
At a Glance

At a Glance
Legislative Reminders Holder Training
Training for reporting unclaimed property will begin in
IOLTA (Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts) February 2024. The industry-specific webinars will focus
Accounts on unclaimed property reporting requirements for general
• Attorneys who handle client money must deposit business entities, local government agencies, insurance
these funds in an interest bearing IOLTA account. companies, financial institutions, oil and gas companies
and cooperatives.
• Funds in an IOLTA account can become
abandoned and must be reported as unclaimed The topics covered include:
property if an attorney cannot locate a client.
• An unclaimed property overview
• Effective September 1, 2023, financial institutions
• A review of state requirements for reporting
must report abandoned IOLTA accounts using
unclaimed property
Property Type Code TR08.
• The type of report your company should file
• For additional information on reporting IOLTA
• Your responsibilities as a holder
accounts, see page 17.
• How to use our Manual Online Reporting
(MOR) system
If you would like to receive webinar information or
reporting updates, please email up.holder@cpa.texas.gov
to be added to our mailing list. To be notified about
the webinars and other important unclaimed property
reporting information, visit the following link to register:

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 1

2 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions
Introduction to Holder Reporting CHAPTER 1


Introduction to Holder Reporting

What is Unclaimed Property?
Unclaimed property can be any financial asset that
has been abandoned by the owner for periods ranging
from one to 15 years. The abandonment period is the
number of years that the property is held before being
sent to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
(Comptroller’s office). The property type determines
the length of the abandonment period.

Title 6 of the Texas Property Code governs the state

of Texas Unclaimed Property Program. Chapters 72
through 77 apply to the reporting, delivery and claims
processes for abandoned property. Chapter 76 applies
only to unclaimed property held and reported by Texas
counties, municipalities, independent school districts and Common Types of Unclaimed Property
junior colleges. Chapter 77 applies only to unclaimed
crime victims restitution payments held and reported by ABANDONMENT
county probation departments.
Payroll 1

Types of Unclaimed Property Utility deposits 1

Demutualization proceeds 1
Unclaimed property is classified into different
property types with different abandonment periods. Uncashed dividend or cashier’s checks 3

All properties listed on your report must be assigned Stocks, bonds, mutual fund accounts 3
the correct property type codes. Your choice of codes Stored value cards (wages) 1
is important because it determines what type of
Stored value cards (gift cards) 3
information is required of claimants.
Bank accounts and matured certificates
of deposit
Property Type Codes and Property Descriptions
Insurance proceeds 3
When you are ready to prepare your report, select the
property type code from Chapter 4: Reference Tables, Mineral interests or royalty payments 3
Property Type Codes and Abandonment Periods section Court deposits, trust funds, escrow accounts 3
that best describes the original property of the owner. Money orders 3
Use the miscellaneous outstanding check code (MS16)
Safekeeping property/other tangible property 3
only as a last resort when the nature of the uncashed
check is truly unknown. Refer to the table entitled Safe deposit box contents 5
Property Description Field Requirements for the specific Traveler’s checks 15
information required in the description field for each
property type.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 3

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Holder Reporting

What is a Holder? What You Need to File Your Report

A holder is any business in possession of property Report Overview
belonging to an individual or business.
There are five basic steps to follow when reporting any
Holders may include: type of property:

• Mortgage and title companies 1. Determining dormancy

• Insurance companies 2. Notifying property owners
• Oil and gas companies 3. Preparing your report
• Securities brokers 4. Submitting report and payment
• Utility providers 5. Archiving data
• Local government entities
• Institutions of higher education
Reporting Format
Your report must be in the electronic reporting format
What Are My Responsibilities as a Holder? developed by NAUPA. The report can be created by
using any commercially available reporting software
Businesses (holders) who, on March 1, hold property that generates the file in the NAUPA format.
that is presumed abandoned are required to file a report
of that property on or before the following July 1. The For reports with a few properties (30 or less), the
Comptroller’s office requires the report to be in the Manual Online Reporting (MOR) system is available
electronic format developed by the National Association at ClaimItTexas.gov. Under the “Reporting Property”
of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA). tab, select “Creating a Remittance Report/Negative
Report.” A link to the Manual Reporting guide can be
Holders that have previously filed unclaimed property found on the “I Need To Create A Report” portion of
reports are required to file annually. the “Creating A Remittance/Negative Report” page.
Holders that have determined that they are not For reports with more than 30 properties, various
holding abandoned property are required to file vendors offer unclaimed property reporting software
a negative report. at no cost or for a fee.
Source: Texas Administrative Code, Title 34,
A negative report is a zero report showing that a Section 13-21
business did not have property to report for that year.

The due date for unclaimed property reporting is July

1 of each year. We recommend a list of customers with
whom no contact has been reestablished be relayed to
the person responsible for preparing your institution’s
report by June 1 (or whenever an internal deadline is
set). All the information that you can provide for each
customer will assist in verifying ownership when a
claim is generated.
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 74.101

4 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Introduction to Holder Reporting CHAPTER 1

Combined Reporting Important Due Dates

Section 74.105 of Property Code Title 6 requires
combined reporting for holders with a parent and Deadlines
affiliate companies.
A parent company is defined as a company owning
All Companies
more than 50 percent directly or indirectly of one of March 1 — annual cutoff date for required
the following: abandonment periods
• the total voting power of all classes of stock of Not later than the 60th day before the due date
the corporation; — due diligence deadline
• the capital or profits in the partnership; the
total membership interest of the limited liability July 1 — deadline for filing report and payment
company; and
• the beneficial interest in the association, trust, Life Insurance Companies
or other entity. Effective May 18, 2021, Life Insurance
companies that hold unclaimed life insurance
Holders have three options to comply with the
property are required to report that property
combined reporting requirement:
annually by July 1.
1. Submit multiple entity reports on one file and, on
the Holder Information page, check “yes” on the Unclaimed property should not be
field asking if this is a combined file containing reported until it has reached the end of the
multiple reports for related entities under the same abandonment period.
parent company. Enter the parent company FEIN The report and payment may be remitted
in the correct field. any time after the annual cutoff date.
2. Submit a separate file for each report. Enter the parent Payment must be post-marked by due date
company FEIN on the Holder Information page. for filing report and payment. To ensure
3. Contact your software vendor for other options. timely submission, electronic payments
should be initiated on the business day
When submitting a file on ClaimItTexas.gov, holders
prior to the due date.
are required to identify if a combined file containing
multiple reports for related entities under the same parent If the due date falls on a weekend or holiday,
company FEIN is being submitted. You must also enter the due date will be the following business day.
the parent company’s FEIN in the correct field.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 5

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Holder Reporting

Five Steps to Preparing Your Report

F Are the funds dormant?

1 F
Are you unable to locate the owner?
What is the last date of contact?
F What is the property type?


F Are the funds valued at more than $250?


3 F
Do all records have the last contact date?
Do all records have a relationship code?
F Does your report include all available information?


4 F
Have you submitted your report electronically by the due date?
Have you submitted your payment by the due date?

F Have you saved your records and reports for 10 years?

6 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Filing Your Report CHAPTER 2


Filing Your Report

Determining Dormancy For your July 1 report, use the following test to
determine if a property is reportable:
The first step in the unclaimed property reporting
process is to identify dormant accounts. For each
customer account or outstanding amount owed to a 1. T he property has remained unclaimed for at least three years
(one year for wages) and
person, you will need to determine the date of last
contact or owner-generated activity. To do so: 2. T here has been no contact with the owner during the
abandonment period.
• Locate the last documented communication with
the owner or activity generated by the owner.
Notifying Property Owners
• Determine if the property is abandoned.
The second step in the reporting process is to notify
Then identify accounts where the date of last contact falls the property owner of each dormant account. Holders
outside the abandonment period for that property type. are required to mail or email a notice to all owners of
property due to be included in their annual report and
For July 1 Report valued at more than $250. The notice must include
the following language:
REPORT YEAR LAST CONTACT DATE DUE DATE (1) You (the holder) are holding the property; and
1 Year 2024 3/2/2022 – 3/1/2023 7/1/2024 (2) Y
 ou (the holder) may be required to deliver the
3 Year 2024 3/2/2020 – 3/1/2021 7/1/2024 property to the Comptroller’s office on or before
5 Year 2024 3/2/2018 – 3/1/2019 7/1/2024
July 1 if the property is not claimed.
15 Year 2024 3/2/2008 – 3/1/2009 7/1/2024 Effective May 18, 2021, you now have the option to
email the written notice to property owners. The notice
When reviewing your records for abandoned property, must be mailed or emailed not later than the 60th day
look for the last documented communication or the last before the due date.
activity generated by the owner on any property, not
merely the property that is inactive.
Additional Information
Contact with the owner may be established by mail,
• If owners claim their property before you file
email, accessing an online account, in person or by
your report, remember to delete those records
phone. Phone contact must be documented in writing
from your list of reportable property before filing
with the date and time of the conversation. The fact
your annual report.
that mail is not returned to you by the post office does
not, by itself, qualify as contact with that owner or • The notice requirement does not apply to a holder
activity on the account. that has already mailed a letter to the missing
owner earlier in the abandonment period.
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 72.101(a) and
Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Section 13.3
• If mail has been returned by the post office as a
result of a previous mailing, a second notice to the
last known address is not required.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 7

CHAPTER 2 Filing Your Report

• You are not required to provide written notice to Internal credits (e.g., for certificates of deposit interest)
property owners entitled to $250 or less. or debits (e.g., for safe deposit box rent) generated by
• The notice must be sent 60 days prior to submitting your institution are not sufficient for verification of
your annual report. owner activity.
• No notice is required if you do not have record of a
mailing or email address. REMEMBER: If you have had contact with the owners,
do not include them on your report.
• For properties valued at more than $250, postage
costs may be deducted from the cash amount owed
to the missing owner. Preparing Your Report
• Postage deductions must be made from each owner’s
The third step in the reporting process is to prepare
property balance, a single deduction from the report
a report. All property not previously reported to the
total is not permitted.
Comptroller’s office and unclaimed for the applicable
• Holders using commercial software products to create period of abandonment or longer should be included in
their report in the NAUPA format should enter your report. Holders are required to report all available
deduction code MC for mailing cost in the deduction owner information. The last contact date, relationship
type field and the actual postage cost in the amount code, Social Security numbers, last known addresses
deducted field. The net amount due the owner should and property descriptions are important for verifying
be entered in the amount remitted field. ownership during the claims process. If you do not
Source: Texas Property Code, Sections 74 .1011 and 77.052 include the last contact date and relationship code,
your report will be rejected. Submitting as much
information as possible with your report reduces the
Other Methods of Verifying need for us to contact you for additional information.
Whereabouts of Owners
Holders are allowed to report individual owner records
Before sending confirmation letters, remember there of less than $25 value in aggregate. You may combine
are other methods to document the whereabouts of amounts under $25 by property type and provide a
owners even though there has been no owner-generated single total for each property type. Do not combine
activity, such as letters or phone calls initiated by the different property types into one aggregate record.
The property type code used on an aggregate record
Other methods the Comptroller’s office recognizes are: should always end in “99” (e.g., AC99 or IN99).
• Cross referencing your records to show that the Do not use aggregate property types for amounts
individuals have other active accounts with your under $25 when providing owner detail.
institution if customer profiles are not available.
If an owner files a claim for an amount less than $25
• Signed W-9 Forms, change-of-address notices or
that you reported in the aggregate, our office will
other correspondence.
contact you for verification that the owner’s property
• A telephone log that states the dates and times you was included in your aggregate total.
spoke directly with the account owners.
Source: Texas Property Code, Sections 74.101(d), 74.501
• ACH debits or credits generated by the owner. and 77.201
• Contact with the owner established by mail, email,
accessing an online account or by phone. Phone
contact should be documented in writing and
include the date and time of the conversation.

8 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Filing Your Report CHAPTER 2

Payment and Delivery

NOTE: Though allowed by statute, aggregated property
omits individual owner names. Without owner names, Texas law allows holders of unclaimed property to remit
it is very difficult for Comptroller staff and owners to payments by check or electronically with an automated
locate their property. For this reason, aggregating clearinghouse (ACH) debit or credit through the State
property is discouraged. of Texas Financial Network, TEXNET.
If you submit aggregate properties, upload the list of
owner detail at ClaimItTexas.gov/app/report-doc-upload. Enrollment in the TEXNET Program, specific for
unclaimed property, is required prior to sending ACH
payments. Texas enrollment information can be found
Submitting Your Report and Payment at comptroller.texas.gov/programs/systems/docs/
96-1141.pdf. The last day to enroll is before 6 p.m.
The fourth step in the reporting process is to submit
(CST) on the last business day prior to the due date to
the report and payment. Property reports must be
meet the deadline. Once you are enrolled for unclaimed
submitted to the Comptroller’s office via the secure
property, go to https://texnet.cpa.texas.gov, to initiate
file transfer portal available at ClaimItTexas.gov by
your payment. Your remittance can be scheduled up to
the due date. Use any commercially available reporting
30 days before your payment is due. The information
software that produces a NAUPA2 formatted file.
will be given in a pending status, and your funds are
Reports will be subject to rejection if the data does not not transferred until the date you designate.
comply with these standards. If rejected, holders have
Checks should be made payable to:
up to 30 days to resubmit corrected reports. Holders
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
failing to resubmit corrected reports within 30 days
Unclaimed Property
may be subject to a daily penalty.
Remittances should be mailed to:
You will receive an email containing your confirmation/
report ID number and payment form within 24-48 hours. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Unclaimed Property Division
The confirmation number must be included with P.O. Box 12019
your payment. If paying electronically, the six-digit Austin, Texas 78711-2019
confirmation/report ID number is required.
Physical address for courier delivery of remittance:
Negative reports will not receive a confirmation email. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Unclaimed Property Division
If the transmission fails, a message displays indicating
111 E. 17th St.
there was a problem. If your transmission continues to
Austin, Texas 78774-0100
fail, contact Holder Education and Reporting staff at
800-321-2274, Option 2, for assistance. Deliver tangible property to:
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Source: Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Section 13.21
Unclaimed Property
111 E. 17th St., Room 812
NOTE: The maximum size for the report is 250 MB. Austin, Texas 78774-0100

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 9

CHAPTER 2 Filing Your Report

Holder Refund and Reimbursement Request

Exception — M
 issed Your TEXNET Holders may request a refund of property amounts
Payment Deadline? reported in error, e.g. prior to the end of the abandonment
If your payment is $1,000,000 or less, you period. Holders may also be reimbursed for returning
may submit a same day ACH Debit payment erroneously reported properties directly to an owner.
before 10:00 a.m. (CT) on the due date. If The Holder Refund and Reimbursement Request form can
your payment is more than $1,000,000, you be found at ClaimItTexas.gov/app/holder-forms.
must use the following procedure to ensure
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 74.502
a timely payment.

IMPORTANT: This procedure is to be used Interest and Penalty on Late Remittances

ONLY in case of a missed TEXNET payment Holders who fail to pay property on time will be
deadline. You must be enrolled in the TEXNET assessed interest and penalty from the date the property
Electronic Payment Network to be eligible to should have been paid until the date it is received in
send a wire transfer. our office. Interest and penalty for late filing is based
1. Report payment information as early as on the date the property is paid to our office. We
possible on the payment due date by calling recommend that you file a report immediately if you
the TEXNET hotline at 800-531-5441, determine you are holding property that should have
ext. 3-3010 been paid in previous years. The Comptroller’s office
will calculate the interest and penalty and forward a
NOTE: This call is very important – without it, we bill for any amount owed.
will not have the necessary information to apply
the payment to your unclaimed property account. Source: Texas Property Code, Sections 74.705 and 74.706

2. Instruct your financial institution to wire

transfer your payment to: Archiving Data
The last step in the reporting process is to archive
Bank name: Texas Comptroller of
the information included in the report. All holders
Public Accounts
are required to retain unclaimed property records for
Routing #: 114900164 10 years after the property was reportable. You may
be contacted by Comptroller staff to verify previously
Account name: Texas Comptroller of reported information.
Public Accounts
It is important that you keep records of owners’ last
Account #: 883083001 known addresses, even though the post office may have
returned their mail. This information is required to
OBI: Report ID#
assist claimants in verifying ownership of their property.
The Comptroller of Public Accounts is the
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 74.103
receiving bank, located in Austin, Texas. You
must include your holder name and taxpayer
identification number in the wire, as well as the For questions or assistance, contact Holder Education and
name of a contact person and phone number. Reporting staff at: up.holder@cpa.texas.gov or
800-321-2274, Option 2
For tangible property questions or assistance, contact Safe
Deposit Box staff at: unclaimed.auction@cpa.texas.gov
or 800-321-2274, Option 2, then Option 3

10 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3


Property-Specific Reporting
• In the description field, place the cause number of
Crime Victims the case in which the judge ordered the restitution
Restitution Reporting payment, the amount of restitution ordered, and
the balance owed to the victim.
Counties and probation departments have two reports
to file electronically by July 1. One for crime victims In addition, departments are required to mail a notice
restitution payments and another for uncashed payroll, to all owners of property that is due to be included
accounts payable checks, vendors and credit balances, etc. in their annual report. The written notice must be
mailed not later than the 60th day before the due date.
If the due date falls on the weekend or holiday, the due If owners claim their property prior to remitting your
date will be the next business day. report, delete their records from your list of reportable
property before filing your annual report.
Annual Report Source: Texas Property Code, Section 77.
Restitution payments are presumed abandoned in the
following instances: ABANDONMENT
• If an owner does not make a claim for payment
before the fifth anniversary of the date the CT05 Any other types of 5
deposits made with a
department received the initial restitution payment. court or public authority
• The department is unable to locate the owner for a
period of five years after the date the department
last made a payment to the owner. Five Year Property
Once restitution payments meet these requirements,
departments are required to file a report with the 2024 3/2/2018 – 3/1/2019 7/1/2024

Comptroller’s office by July 1 of each year.

All unclaimed restitution payments reaching the end of NOTE: Information relating to unclaimed restitution
the five year abandonment period as of March 1 must payments will be kept confidential.
be reported electronically by July 1. If known by the Report only amount due to owner in the Remittance
department, reports should include: Amount field.

• The name, Social Security number, driver’s license Please note that property that should have been paid in
or state identification number, email address and previous years should be included.

last known address of the owner entitled to the If there is no property to report, a negative report
restitution payment; is required.

• The date of the department’s last contact with

the owner;

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 11

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

Five Steps Checklist: Restitution-CVC

F Are these CT05, Crime Victim Restitution funds?

1 F
Have the funds been dormant five years?
Are you unable to locate the owner?
F What is the last date of contact?


2 F Did you mail your notice to all owners due to be included in
your report?


F Does your report only include CT05 Crime Victim Restitution funds?

3 F
Do all records have the last contact date?
Do all records have a relationship code?
F Does your report include all available information?


F Did you include CVC in the holder name?
F Did you enter your holder ID?

4 F
Did you select your report type as: Restitution-CVC?
Have you submitted your report electronically by July 1?
F Have you submitted your payment by July 1?
F Have you submitted a negative report if there are zero properties
to report?

F Did you save your records and report for 10 years?

12 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

Electric Cooperatives
Texas nonprofit electric cooperatives have the option
to redirect a portion of their reportable unclaimed
property to one or more of the following three specific
funds created to assist their communities.
• Rural scholarship
• Economic development
• Energy efficiency assistance
In April of each year, information regarding the
transfer requests is emailed to each electric cooperative.
The completed requests from the cooperatives are due
by June 1. codes, be sure to use all three digits (i.e. 001, 055, 507).
Refunds (UT03) do not require a county code.
In addition to your remittance report, on or before
NOTE: Use the FIPS codes on page 46.
July 1, a separate non-remittance report must be
submitted for each fund the cooperative chooses to
If you have the FIPS county code information available
redirect funds. Each report will be titled for the fund
for the aggregated capital credits, create a separate
the proceeds were deposited.
aggregate record for each county and enter the county
• SCHL Co-Op Name name in the description field.
• ELED Co-Op Name Source: Texas Property Code, Section 74.3013
• EEA Co-Op Name
In each report, include the reported property owners’ Telephone Cooperatives
names, property information and amounts. The report Texas telephone cooperatives are allowed to redirect
amount should match the amount of funds approved a portion of reportable unclaimed property to
for deposit into your fund. With each non-remittance scholarship funds.
report, include a separate deposit verification for money
delivered to the scholarship, economic development and Telephone exchange companies are categorized by
energy efficiency funds. Each deposit verification slip the number of access lines they have in service. Rural
should include the co-op name, fund name, approved telephone exchange companies have fewer than 50,000
amount, and transaction date. access lines and urban telephone exchange companies
have 50,000 or more.
NOTE: Please do not mail a voided check. A separate
bank account is required for each specific fund. These In April of each year, the Comptroller’s office will
funds are not to be comingled. send information to telephone cooperatives on how to
participate in diverting a portion of their reportable
Capital credits are property type (UT04). Electric unclaimed property to scholarship funds. The requests
cooperatives reporting capital credits should enter the to participate are due to the Comptroller’s office
numeric Federal Information Processing Standard by June 1.
(FIPS) county code of service in the country field
so that redirected funds can be properly allocated to Once the cooperative is approved and notified of the
each owner’s county of service (see page 46 for codes). amount they may redirect to their scholarship fund,
County codes should not be included on scholarship they will prepare and submit two reports. Both reports
reports, energy efficiency assistance reports or economic must be submitted on or before July 1.
development reports. When entering FIPS county
Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 13
CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

In both reports, include the reported property owners’ Earnest Money

names, property information and amounts. The
remittance report amount should match the amount of The Texas Department of Insurance advises that
funds approved for deposit into your scholarship fund. disputed earnest money should be interpleaded into the
With the scholarship non-remittance report, include a appropriate court registry. Even in a situation where
deposit verification including the coop name, scholarship one of the claimants cannot be located, the court may
account, approved amount, and transaction date. be able to enter a default judgment disposing of the
earnest money.
The non-remittance report should be titled as SCHL
Co-Op Name, designating it as the scholarship fund In transactions involving earnest money, both the buyer
report. A separate bank account is required for the and the seller have an undivided interest in the entire
scholarship fund. These funds are not to be comingled amount. Therefore, both the buyer and the seller are
with the cooperative’s general fund. considered the owner under the statute, and both parties’
names should be listed on your report. The person who

Escrow Funds Reported

paid the earnest money (usually the buyer) should be
reported as the primary owner. The other parties should
by Title Companies be listed as additional owners. If you have communicated
with both the buyer and the seller within the last three
In addition to wages and uncashed checks, title years, and they cannot agree on the disposition of the
companies should report escrow accounts, which have funds, the account would not be considered unclaimed
not been claimed and have had no activity or current property and should not be remitted.
contact with the owner for three years. Funds in active
litigation should not be reported. The three-year If the contract stipulates that the seller may claim the
abandonment period commences on the date of last funds under specific conditions, and documenting
contact with the owner or on the date of the last owner- evidence in your file indicates that those conditions
generated activity. exist, the seller’s name would be listed as the owner
in your report. The buyer would not be listed as an
additional owner.
Escrow Funds
Escrow balances include accounts where you hold If you have contact with one party but a release cannot
money because of the nonperformance of the conditions be secured from the missing party, the funds should be
of the escrow agreement. Generally, amounts placed reported three years from the date of last contact with
in escrow at closing should be reported in the name the missing party or date of scheduled closing. If one
of the party who provided the funds. A portion of the party believes he or she is entitled to the funds, the
seller’s payoff held to ensure all taxes were paid and claim is not diminished when the funds are remitted. If
repairs were completed is one example. Once the taxes you have contact with both the buyer and the seller, the
are paid, repairs are made or other conditions of the funds should not be reported.
escrow agreement are met and funds remain unclaimed,
Earnest money should be reported using property
the seller’s name would be reported as the owner of the
type code TR07. Any other escrow funds should be
unclaimed amount. The buyer would not be entitled to
reported using property type code TR04. For other
the funds.
types of property you report, select the property type
NOTE: Service or maintenance fees may not be deducted
code that best describes the original property of the
from funds that are subsequently reported as unclaimed missing owner. The miscellaneous outstanding check
property unless stipulated in the contract and acknowledged code (MS16) should be used only as a last resort when
by the signatures on the contract. the nature of the uncashed check is truly unknown.

14 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

Financial Institutions Five Year Property (Safe Deposit Boxes)

Financial institutions include banks, savings and REPORT YEAR LAST CONTACT DATE DUE DATE
loans, state credit unions and federal credit unions. 2024 3/2/2018 – 3/1/2019 7/1/2024
Organizations such as federal land banks or personal
2025 3/2/2019 – 3/1/2020 7/1/2025
finance companies are not included in this group for
the purposes of this chapter. 2026 3/2/2020 – 3/1/2021 7/1/2026

REMEMBER: If owners of property that may be eligible Financial Institution Accounts

for escheatment have other active accounts with your PROPERTY TYPE: AC
institution, or you have other contact with them, do NOT
AC01 Checking accounts (3)
report or remit their property.
AC02 Savings accounts (3)
AC03 Matured certificates of deposit (3)
Abandonment Periods AC07 Unidentified deposits (3)

Property reportable by financial institutions has AC09 Other deposit accounts (Stored value cards issued by
financial institutions (5)
abandonment periods ranging from one to five years.
AC99 Aggregate account balances less than $25
Checks - Financial Institutions Only
One-Year Property: Wages
Three-Year Property: Includes, but is not limited to: CK01 Cashier’s checks (3)
• a ll types of checking and savings accounts,
CK02 Certified checks (3)
• matured certificates of deposit,
• m
 oney orders and most types of CK03 Registered checks (3)
uncashed checks, CK05 Drafts (3)
• t rust-related properties, investment and
CK06 Warrants (3)
escrow accounts,
• all types of securities-related properties, CK07 Money orders (3)
• sums payable under pension and CK08 Traveler’s checks (15)
profit-sharing plans,
CK09 Foreign exchange checks (3)
• safekeeping properties,
• loan collateral, and CK10 Expense checks (3)
• m
 iscellaneous types of unclaimed property CK11 Pension checks (3)
such as accounts payable checks and CK12 Credit checks or memos (3)
unidentified deposits.
CK13 Vendor checks (3)
Five-Year Property: Abandoned safe deposit box contents.
CK15 Any other outstanding official checks or exchange items (3)
CK16 CD Interest checks (3)
Three Year Property CK99 Aggregate uncashed checks less than $25
2024 3/2/2020 – 3/1/2021 7/1/2024
2025 3/2/2021 – 3/1/2022 7/1/2025
2026 3/2/2022 – 3/1/2023 7/1/2026

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 15

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

Preservation of Inactive Account NOTE: Automatically renewable certificates of

or Safe Deposit Box deposit have the same reporting criteria as other
certificates of deposit.
A depository is responsible for preserving safe deposit
box contents and accounts that are inactive. The If you have had no contact with the owner for three years
depository may not reduce the value of the account or from the day following the first maturity, the certificates
the contents of the box. Value is determined as of the should be remitted. Depositing the CD interest in another
account that has no activity or the non-return of interest
date the account or safe deposit box becomes inactive.
checks by the post office does not constitute contact.
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 73.003
If a check is deposited into another bank, do not report.

Safe Deposit Boxes And Safekeeping Source: Texas Property Code, Section 73.101
SD01 Contents of safe deposit boxes held by depositories (5)
Three Year Property


The abandonment period for matured certificates 2024 3/2/2020 – 3/1/2021 7/1/2024
of deposit is three years. The abandonment period 2025 3/2/2021 – 3/1/2022 7/1/2025
begins on the day following the first maturity of the
2026 3/2/2022 – 3/1/2023 7/1/2026
certificates that is, the day following the end of the first
term. Thus, abandoned certificates of deposit must be
reported three years from the dates the owners were Individual Retirement Accounts
first able to recover the funds without penalties. Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) have an
For certificates of deposit to be considered abandoned, abandonment period of three years, which begins
on the mandatory distribution date of the required
there must not be any customer contact for three
minimum distribution (RMD). Under federal law, the
years. If owners of certificates of deposit have other
mandatory distribution date is April 1 of the calendar
active accounts with your institution, or you have
year following the calendar year in which the owner
other contact with them, do not report or remit
of the IRA reaches age 73.
their certificates.
Any traditional IRAs unclaimed for more than three
To facilitate your review of certificates of deposit for
years from the mandatory distribution date, as of
possible abandonment, a report should be generated
March 1, should be included on the July 1 report. If an
listing all certificates with a first maturity date three
event, such as death of an owner, occurs prior to the
years prior to the cutoff date of March 1 of that year.
owner reaching age 73, commence the abandonment
Various resources can be used to verify the last contact
period from the date of the owner’s death, if the
date with the customer. See Other Methods of Verifying
existence or whereabouts of any beneficiaries is
Whereabouts of Owners on page 8 for suggestions.
unknown to you.
When reporting automatically renewable certificates of
Roth IRAs are usually not reportable because the owners
deposit, you may hold the funds until the next maturity.
are never required to take mandatory distributions
during their lifetime. However, if an owner fails to cash
a distribution, the three-year abandonment period would
begin on the date the amount was payable.

16 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

If the owner of a Roth IRA is deceased, federal tax All other requirements for reporting securities-related
laws generally require that the funds be distributed to property should be followed. See the Securities or
the beneficiaries no later than the end of the fifth year Securities-Related Cash section, page 32, for complete
following the owner’s death. If the whereabouts of any instructions.
beneficiaries is unknown, commence the abandonment
period from the date of the owner’s death. Unclaimed Loan Collateral
NOTE: Effective January 1, 2020, IRS guidelines changed the Unclaimed loan collateral has an abandonment period
required minimum distribution age. The required minimum of three years. This period begins on the date the loan
distribution age (73 years) should be used for calculating the was paid in full.
start of any dormancy period beginning report year 2020.

There are two criteria for collateral

to be reported as abandoned:
Effective Jan. 1, 2020, IRA holders must withhold 10 percent federal
income tax when reporting unclaimed IRAs to the states. Holders The loan has been paid in full or charged off and
should deduct any income tax and report only the net amount due There has been no customer contact for three years.
to the owner. Withheld stock should not be reported.
Each time collateral in the vault is physically
inventoried and matched to the collateral file receipts,
Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account items that cannot be matched to an unpaid loan
Attorneys who handle money for their clients must should be identified. These items should be audited
participate in the Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts for the time span from payoff date. Letters should
(IOLTA) Program, by depositing these funds into an be mailed or emailed to the customers, reminding
IOLTA bank account at an eligible institution. An them to collect their collateral.
IOLTA account can become abandoned if an attorney
cannot locate a client. Attorneys are required to turn Any items not retrieved are reportable as unclaimed
over abandoned IOLTA accounts to the Comptroller as property after the three-year abandonment period has
unclaimed property, using Property Type Code TR08. passed. If a customer has other active accounts at your
The three-year abandonment period commences on the institution or responds to the notification letter, their
date of last contact with the client. property should not be reported. Refer to Other Methods
of Verifying Whereabouts of Owners on page 8 for other
Financial Institutions who hold funds in abandoned acceptable methods you may use to document your
interest bearing IOLTA accounts must report these knowledge of the whereabouts of owners.
funds after the three-year dormancy period. Abandoned
IOLTA accounts should be reported in the name and When reporting unclaimed loan collateral, one of two
address of the attorney or law firm. The account must property type codes should be used. Select property
include the tax identification number of the Texas code SD04 for tangible property set aside for a loan.
Access to Justice Foundation, 74-2354575. Examples of tangible collateral are jewelry, stock
certificates, deeds, etc. All requirements for reporting
and remitting safe deposit or safekeeping property
Corporate Trust Property and must be followed.
Paying Agent Accounts
Loan collateral that will be remitted as cash should
Separate reports must be filed for each issue of stock, be coded with property code MS13. Examples of
and each issuing company’s FEIN must be provided. cash loan collateral are savings accounts, certificates
This requirement does not apply to bearer bonds, of deposit, etc.
which may be combined on one report using your
institution’s tax ID.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 17

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

The following information is required in the • Identifies whether the property is contaminated
description field when reporting MS13 loan collateral: by biohazardous or other medical waste.
• Collateral receipt number The Comptroller may determine that property reported
• Loan number under this section has insubstantial commercial value
• Description of collateral (e.g., issuing bank and and may require that a holder dispose of any such
certificate number for certificate of deposit; bank property before sending the remaining contents.
name and account number for bank account).
Remember, if the owners have other active accounts
The person or entity that pledged the loan collateral at your institution or there is other evidence of
should be listed as the owner of the property. If the contact, do not report their property, even though the
loan was in the name of a person or entity other than abandonment criteria are met.
the owner of the collateral, enter the loan name in the
All boxes should be drilled and inventoried prior to
description field of the report.
preparing your report.
NOTE: For charged-off or defaulted loans, any amount of Do not submit safe deposit box contents, safekeeping properties,
money received for the collateral that exceeded the amount of
the unpaid loan must be remitted to the Comptroller’s office. tangible loan collateral or inventory sheets with your July 1 report.

An email notification, with your scheduled delivery

Reporting Safe Deposit Boxes and date, will be sent to the report contact listed on your
report, approximately 30 days before your scheduled
Safekeeping Property date. An email address must be included with your
Safe deposit box contents held by depositories that report so a delivery notice can be emailed.
have remained unclaimed by the owners for five years
should be reported on July 1 of every year. Safekeeping Preparing Your Report
properties, loan collateral and any other tangible A separate electronic report must be filed for your Safe
properties not held in safe deposit boxes should be Deposit Box contents and safekeeping tangible property.
reported after remaining unclaimed for three years. The report must include the names and addresses of the
missing owners, the total face value of all U.S. cash and
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 73.101
the box number or safekeeping receipt number.

The three or five-year abandonment periods commence

NOTE: Do not send checks in lieu of the actual cash. Do not
on the date of last contact with the property owners.
run coins through a counting machine.
Calculate five years from the date the last rental payments expired
For Safekeeping Property, remember to include an inventory of the
(i.e., the rental payment then due went unpaid).
property that describes the property being reported and identifies
UNCLAIMED LOAN COLLATERAL whether the property is contaminated by biohazardous or other
Calculate three years from the date the loans were paid in full and the
medical waste.
collateral was returnable to the borrowers.

See Chapter 1: General Information for additional
Calculate three years from the date of last contact with the owners. information on electronic reporting or visit
Safekeeping Property NOTE: If box contents from multiple branches are being
For tangible, personal property other than the contents reported by a central location, all of the contents must be
of a safety deposit box, holders should provide the shipped together from that central location. The shipment
Comptroller’s office an inventory of the property that: may include multiple packages.

• Clearly describes the property being reported, and

Source: Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Section 13.1 and 13.4

18 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

Inventories and Delivery of Property

The property of each owner must be packaged in a separate envelope. The safe deposit box inventory sheet must be
attached to the outside of the envelope. The outside of each envelope should have the property owner’s name and the
box number (or safekeeping receipt number). Please use forms 53-127: Unclaimed Property Standard Inventory Sheet and
53-129: Unclaimed Property Safe Deposit Box Remittance when sending in your contents.

Complete an inventory sheet for each owner by entering the quantity in the applicable categories listed below. Please
follow the specified guidelines for each category.

Guidelines for Inventory Categories

Papers Do not itemize papers of no value.

Military Discharge Papers and Wills Both should be originals. Wills should be signed.

Include the face value of all U.S. coins and currency in the box or safekeeping envelope. Do not send checks in
U.S. Cash
lieu of actual cash. Do not run coins through a counting machine.

Foreign Coins Country of origin or face value is not required.

Foreign Currency Country of origin or face value is not required.

Rings The description of each item is not required.

Bracelets The description of each item is not required.

Necklaces/Pendants The description of each item is not required.

Earrings The description of each item is not required.

Pins The description of each item is not required.

Wrist Watches/Pocket Watches The description of each item is not required.

Savings Bonds Include the face value and the quantity of all bonds in the box.

Securities category includes stock certificates, interest coupons, etc. When describing securities-related
properties, include the registered owners’ names and names of the security issuers.

Include a brief description of any items that do not fall into the above categories. This could include firearms
and/or controlled substances that will require special handling. You must contact your local law enforcement
agency if firearms or controlled substances are found in safe deposit boxes. Firearms must NOT be sent to
Miscellaneous Items the Comptroller’s office until police have unloaded the weapons. Your local law enforcement agency should
confiscate any controlled substances and any live ammunition. DO NOT send these items to the Comptroller’s
office. Include a letter with the inventory sheets, explaining that these items were found but turned over to
your local law enforcement agency.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 19

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

Shipping Instructions
Please account for all properties reported in July. Include the Uninventoried Boxes Holder report, which is included
with the schedule notice, when shipping by courier service. If an owner is reported and customer contact is made
before the delivery date, update the Uninventoried Boxes Holder report to reflect the change.

Do not deliver your contents until your assigned delivery date.

Do not use the U.S. Postal Service to ship contents; all contents must be sent by a courier service. If you do not use a courier
service, your delivery will not be indemnified. Please ship all packages signature-required upon delivery. If you are using a
courier service like Brinks or Loomis, please provide delivery details such as, delivery date, estimated time and type of truck.
When shipped, please send an email confirmation with tracking information to unclaimed.auction@cpa.texas.gov.


Mail or deliver tangible property to: For questions or assistance,

Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts contact Safe Deposit Box staff at:
Unclaimed Property unclaimed.auction@cpa.texas.gov
111 E. 17th St., Room 812 or 800-321-2274,
Austin, Texas 78774 Option 2, then Option 3

20 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

Box number



Bank name



____________ Miscellaneous papers (deeds, insurance, marriage licenses, etc.)

____________ Original signed wills or original military discharge papers

____________ U.S. Cash (face value of coins and currency)

____________ Foreign coins

____________ Foreign currency

____________ Rings

____________ Bracelets

____________ Necklaces / pendants

____________ Earrings (pair = 1, single = 1)

____________ Pins

____________ Wrist watches / pocket watches

____________ Savings bonds $ _________________ Face value of all bonds

____________ Securities – Include issue names below:




____________ Miscellaneous items – Include description below:




Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 21

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting



Unclaimed Property
Safe Deposit Box Remittance
Holder Federal Employer Identification Number Holder phone number (Area code and number)

Holder name

Holder address line 1

Holder address line 2

City State ZIP code

Number of shipping containers Number of properties reported

Number of properties remitted Number of properties with $1,000 or more in U.S. Cash

I declare that the property delivered is a complete and correct remittance of all reported tangible property.
Signature of holder representative Name and title of holder representative Date

How To Ship Reported Tangible Property

• Complete top of form with remittance information.
• Print the Safebox System Inventory received with the shipping notification. This is your packing slip.
• If property is reported from a central location, it must be sent as a single shipment. The shipment may include multiple containers.
When packaging items for shipment:
• Initial each property on the Safebox System Inventory as it is packed in the shipping container.
• Pack the properties in same order as listed on the inventory list.
• Do not include property that is not on the Safebox System Inventory.
• If any property on the inventory list is not included in the shipment, note the reason.
• If any property includes $1,000.00 or more in U.S. cash, highlight the property on the inventory list.
• Fragile or delicate items must be packaged carefully.
• Number each container and include the total number of containers in the label. (e.g. 1 of 5)
• Place the Safe Deposit Box Remittance and the Safebox System Inventory inside the top of shipping container number one.

All containers must be shipped using a courier service. Do not use the United States Postal Service.

All shipments must require a signature upon delivery.

Ship packages to Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Unclaimed Property
111 E. 17th Street, Room 812
Austin, TX 78774

Send an email with the tracking information to unclaimed.auction@cpa.texas.gov.

For Assistance
Additional information can be found in the publication "Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions," available at ClaimItTexas.gov.
Contact us by email at unclaimed.auction@cpa.texas.gov. or phone at 800-321-2274, Option 2, then Option 3.

22 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

Insurance-Related Property CODE PROPERTY TYPE

House Bill (HB) 1514, enacted on May 18, 2021, IN07 All other insurance-related property not described above.
Provide a complete description of the property.
changed the annual reporting due date for unclaimed
life insurance proceeds from Nov. 1 to July 1. IN08 Agent credit balances. Provide dates of employment.

Source: Texas Insurance Code, Chapter 1109 IN99 Aggregate properties less than $25. Number of records and
property type. Property type code used on aggregate record
should always end in 99. Do not combine different property
Three Year Property types into one aggregate record.

REPORT YEAR LAST CONTACT DATE DUE DATE CK10 Expense checks or drafts. Provide check number, description
2024 3/2/2020 – 3/1/2021 7/1/2024 of expense if available.
2025 3/2/2021 – 3/1/2022 7/1/2025 CK13 Vendor checks or drafts. Provide invoice number and
2026 3/2/2022 – 3/1/2023 7/1/2026 check number.

MS01 Employee wages. Provide dates of employment.

Property Type Codes and MS02 Agent commission checks. Provide dates of employment and
Property Descriptions agent’s Social Security number.

All properties listed on your report must be assigned SC85 Demutualization cash. Provide policy number and name
of insured.
property type codes. Your choice of codes is important
because it determines what type of information is SC86 Demutualization shares. Provide policy number and name
required of claimants. The list that follows describes of insured. Include issue name of security in the description
field and the CUSIP number in the appropriate field. For
which code to use for a particular property type. It also
detail on delivery of shares, see the Securities Delivery
indicates what information you must provide in the section on page 32.
property description field when remitting those types.
NOTE: In the description field, first specify the type of
insurance you are reporting. Use the abbreviations AH
IN01 Individual policy benefits and claim payments. Provide the for accident and health, PC for property and casualty and
policy numbers and names of the insured; claim numbers L for life insurance.
if applicable.

IN02 All group policy benefits and claim payments, excluding

death benefits. Provide employer names and policy
numbers, names of insured and claim numbers if applicable.

IN03 Death benefits on individual or group policies. Provide

policy numbers and names of insured and claim numbers
if applicable. When reporting death benefits, beneficiaries
should be listed as the owners of the property.

IN04 Matured policies, endowments and annuities. Provide the

policy number, name of insured and beneficiaries.

IN05 Premium refunds on individual policies. Provide the policy

number and name of insured.

IN06 Unidentified premium payments or remittances. Provide any

information available; owner name will be reported
as unknown.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 23

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

Life Insurance Death Master The comparisons are to account for:

File Comparisons 1. common nicknames, initials used in lieu of a first
or middle name, use of a middle name, compound
Effective Sept. 1, 2017, Senate Bill 561 amended
first and middle names, and interchanged first and
the Insurance Code to establish requirements and
middle names;
procedures for an insurer to compare its in-force life
insurance policies, annuity contracts and retained 2. compound last names, maiden or married names, and
asset accounts against the U.S. Social Security hyphens, blank spaces or apostrophes in last names;
Administration Death Master File (DMF). Any other 3. transposition of the month and date portions of the
database or service that is at least as comprehensive as date of birth; and
the DMF may also be used for the comparison. The 4. an incomplete Social Security number.
DMF comparison applies only to an insurance policy
or annuity contract delivered, issued for delivery or Finding a DMF Match
renewed on or after Jan. 1, 2018, or a retained asset For each match, no later than the 90th day after the
account established in connection with the insurance date the insurer identifies the match, insurers are to:
policy or annuity contract.
1. complete a documented good faith effort to
Insurance policies or annuity contracts delivered, confirm the death of the insured or retained
issued for delivery or renewed prior to Jan. 1, 2018 are asset account holder against other available
governed by the law as it existed prior to the effective records and information;
date of Sept. 1, 2017. 2. review the insurer’s records to determine whether
the deceased individual had purchased or
How Often is a Comparison Required? was otherwise covered by any of the insurer’s
To identify potential matches, an insurer is to compare other products; and
its in-force life insurance policies, annuity contracts
3. determine whether proceeds may be due in
and retained asset accounts against the DMF at least
accordance with the applicable policy, contract
semiannually. The first comparison is to be performed
or terms governing the applicable account.
against a full DMF; then subsequent comparisons
should be made against DMF update files.
Group Life Insurance or Annuity Contracts
For group life insurance or a group annuity contract,
How Should the Comparison be Conducted?
an insurer is required to confirm the possible death of
The required comparisons are to be conducted
an insured or retained asset account holder only if the
electronically to the extent the insurer’s records are
insurer provides record keeping services for the group
available in electronic format. For any records that are
policy or group annuity contract.
not available electronically, the insurer should use the
most easily accessible insurer records. The comparisons
should include all in-force life insurance policies,
annuity contracts and retained asset accounts and any
policies, contracts, or accounts that have lapsed since
the previous comparison.

24 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

Duties Regarding the Death Master File If a DMF match is confirmed, the proceeds of the
If the insurer determines that proceeds may be due and relevant policy, contract or account are considered
a beneficiary or other authorized representative has not unclaimed proceeds on the third anniversary of the date
communicated with the insurer on or before the 90th on which, according to the insurer’s records, the insurer
day after the date the insurer identifies a DMF match, completed a good faith effort to locate a beneficiary
the insurer is to: or authorized representative if the proceeds remain
unpaid, and no beneficiary or authorized representative
1. complete a documented good faith effort to locate has submitted a claim for the proceeds to the insurer
and contact each beneficiary or other authorized before that date.
representative on the relevant policy, contract,
or account; and The unclaimed property report must be signed and sworn
to by an officer of the company and state the following:
2. provide to the beneficiary or authorized
representative the appropriate claim forms, 1. the full name of the insured or annuitant, in
instruction, or information to make a claim, alphabetical order, the last known address of the
including information about any need to provide insured or annuitant according to the company’s
an official death certificate or show proof of death records, and the policy or contract number;
under the applicable policy or contract or terms 2. the amount due on the policy or contract according
governing the applicable account. to the company’s records;
If an insurer is unable to confirm the death of an 3. the date the proceeds became payable;
insured or retained asset account holder after the 4. the name and last known address of each
insurer identifies a DMF match, the insurer may beneficiary or other person who, according to
consider the relevant policy, contract, or account to the company’s records, may have an interest in
remain in force according to its terms. the proceeds; and
5. any other identifying information the
To the extent permitted by law, the insurer may disclose
Comptroller requires.
minimum necessary personal information about the
insured, retained asset account holder, or beneficiary A life insurance company may not report individual
to a person the insurer reasonably believes may be able accounts of less than $25 in the aggregate without
to assist the insurer in locating a person entitled to providing the above information.
payment of the claim proceeds.
Delivery of Proceeds to Comptroller
An insurer or the insurer’s service provider may not
A life insurance company required to file a report
charge an insured, retained asset account holder,
under Chapter 74.101 shall deliver to the Comptroller
beneficiary, or authorized representative any fees or
with the report all unclaimed proceeds described by the
costs associated with conducting a DMF match.
report in accordance with the requirements of Chapter
The proceeds of a life insurance policy, annuity contract, 74, Property Code.
or retained asset account and any accrued contractual
interest, are first payable to each designated beneficiary
or owner as provided by the applicable policy or contract
or terms governing the applicable account.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 25

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

Retention of Records by Insurance Companies

(a) A life insurance company required to file a report
Mineral Proceeds
under Chapter 74.101 shall maintain a record of: The abandonment period for unclaimed mineral
proceeds is three years and commences on the date
(1) the name and last known address, if any, of the you were first unable to make payment to the owner
insured, annuitant, or beneficiary; because you lost contact. This could be the date of an
(2) the policy or contract number; and uncashed check, the date of a returned check or the
(3) the amount of the proceeds due on the policy or date the owner’s funds are put into suspense.
contract according to the company’s records.
Texas is considered a Current Pay State for unclaimed
(b) The company shall maintain the record until at property reporting. This means the first time you report
least the 10th anniversary of the date the proceeds a missing owner, you remit the total net amount you are
are required to be reported, regardless of whether holding for that owner, as of the date of your remittance,
the amount was reported in the aggregate. The even though the three-year abandonment period may not
Comptroller by rule may provide for a shorter have run on the entire balance they are owed.
retention period for the record.
Source: Insurance Code, Chapter 1109 Property that must be remitted is not limited to
royalties held in suspense. You must also review
Local Government your records for abandoned working interests, delay
rentals, overriding royalties, etc. Refer to Chapter 4:
Chapter 76 of the Property Code requires Texas counties, Reference Tables, Property Type Codes and Abandonment
municipalities, school districts and junior colleges to remit
Periods for a complete list of property types. Your
only amounts greater than $100 to the Comptroller’s office.
revenue accounting department may have information
Individual amounts of $100 or less must be reported to the
on returned or uncashed checks for owners not yet
county treasurer (for county offices) or designated officer
in suspense.
for municipalities, school districts and junior colleges.
Oil and gas companies are also required to report other
The statute also requires each entity to develop types of property besides mineral proceeds. Examples of
an unclaimed property program for the reporting, other property types are securities and securities-related
delivery, public notification, claims tracking and cash, expense checks, accounts payable, employee wages
processing, enforcement, and accounting of this
and miscellaneous outstanding checks.
locally reported abandoned property.
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 75.101 (a)-(b)
The treasurer, designated officer or representative must
publish the missing owners’ names and process all Reporting Mineral Proceeds
claims submitted by prospective owners of amounts of
When reporting mineral proceeds derived from a Texas
$100 or less.
lease or well, you are required to include the following:
Local Governments must mail or email a written notice • The name of the lease, property or well
to the owner on property valued at more than $250.
• Any identification number used to identify the
Refer to Chapter 2: Filing Your Report for requirements
lease, property or well
regarding due diligence, and refer to Chapter 4: Reference
Tables, Property Type Codes, and Abandonment Periods • The county in which the lease, property or well
for more information on the disposition of unclaimed is located
funds held by local governments. Source: Texas Property Code, Section 74.101

Contact us at 800-321-2274, Option 2, or by email at

up.holder@cpa.texas.gov for more information.
Source: Texas Property Code, Chapter 74 and 76

26 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

Continuing Payments Due Owners Mutual Fund Shares,

Distributions and Checks
After you have remitted money on behalf of an owner,
any additional amounts that accrue in subsequent years
must also be reported. You must hold monthly checks Investment companies generally hold the following
and include them on your annual report. Continuing types of unclaimed property:
production payments should be reported with property
type code MI10. PROPERTY
Due diligence letters are not required for ongoing SC19 Dividend reinvestment plans
production paid to owners after their names have been
SC16 Shares/Mutual Funds
reported to the state.
SC01 Income distribution checks
Separate current production reports are no longer
SC01 Capital gains distribution checks
accepted. Please do not send monthly checks.
SC40 Nontransferable certificated shares
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 75.101
SC41 Book entry shares
Three Year Property SC42 Nontransferable securities held by
2024 3/2/2020 – 3/1/2021 7/1/2024 MS02 Commission checks

2025 3/2/2021 – 3/1/2022 7/1/2025 MS04 Expense or vendor checks

2026 3/2/2022 – 3/1/2023 7/1/2026 MS01 Payroll checks

CS01 Education savings accounts mutual funds
Reminders for Current Production Reporting IR02 Traditional IRAs
Please submit one check for the total due all owners. IR06 ROTH IRA mutual funds

Do not continue to send current production payments to HS02 Health savings investments
our office for any owner that has contacted you.

Use the standard NAUPA property type codes MI01 through MI09 the first Identifying Unclaimed Shares
time you report a missing owner on your annual report. In subsequent
years, when remitting proceeds for that same owner, use Property Type Begin the abandonment period when either a sum
Code MI10. payable is unclaimed or the first piece of mail is
returned by the post office (RPO). Check your system
Properties reported under the name and address of the Comptroller may
be rejected. Enter unknown if the owner address and name is unknown. to determine if the recorded RPO date reflects the
first RPO event.
Source: Texas Property Code, Section 72.101(b)
Please email up.holder@cpa.texas.gov with any
questions about these requirements or call us at 800- Criteria for shares to determine if the account is
321-2274, Option 2. unclaimed as of the immediate past March 1:
1. All distributions have remained unclaimed for at least three years, or

2. The account has had RPO mail beginning at least three years ago.

Continue to hold the account until these conditions

are met. At the time the shares become unclaimed, the

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 27

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

Securities or Securities-Related
entire account and any cash proceeds due the owner
are also considered unclaimed. The shares should be
reported using the appropriate property type code, using
the table above for reference. The cash proceeds should
be reported as dividends with property type code SC01. General Rules for Reporting
Identifying Unclaimed Distributions and The following rules must be observed for reporting
your securities-related property:
All Other Checks
1. File separate reports for each issue of stock, providing each issuing
Mutual fund companies may also hold unclaimed company’s FEIN.
income or capital gains distributions for various 2. O wners who are owed more than one amount of the same property
reasons. Distribution proceeds may not have been type should be listed on your report only once (e.g., four quarterly
reduced to check form. Checks for closed accounts dividend payments). Combine all the amounts due the owner
may be outstanding or returned by the post office and during the applicable reporting period into one total. Provide the
beginning and ending dates on which the amounts were payable.
should be reported as credit balances using property
type code SC20. 3. If you are reporting bearer bonds or unclaimed interest on the
bonds, the owners of the properties should be listed as unknown.
Complete descriptions of the bonds must be provided in the
Criteria to determine if checks are unclaimed: description fields or boxes. Descriptions must include the issue
name, series, bond number and all outstanding coupon numbers.
1. A ll distributions have remained unclaimed for at least three years, or
the account has had RPO mail beginning at least three years ago. 4. The delivery method for your securities must be indicated on your
report using the securities delivery codes listed in Chapter 4.
2. T he owner has not communicated, in writing or otherwise, regarding
the account within the past three years. 5. W
 hen reporting underlying, unexchanged, unredeemed or
unsurrendered shares, indicate the amounts and issue names of any
outstanding shares (i.e., still in the possession of the shareholders).
If the liability was not reduced to a check, it is still
reportable, and the criteria still applies. If the mutual 6. If you are remitting underlying shares, shares returned by the post
office (RPO shares) or both, please combine all shares of the same
fund is Depository Trust Corp. (DTC) eligible,
issue and class into one certificate. Your report, however, must
please remit the shares to our DTC account. See Page reflect the number of underlying shares and the number that are
32 for detailed instructions. RPO for each of the owners.

REMEMBER: 7. Please begin the registration process early, so that securities are
delivered no later than the July 1 remittance deadline. Extensions
• Do not make a physical delivery of shares to the cannot be granted for delays in registration.
Comptroller’s office.
8. Include valid CUSIP, otherwise your report will be rejected.
• Do not reinvest subsequent cash distributions after shares
have been transferred to the state’s master account.

• Do not redeem shareholders’ accounts and remit proceeds

unless otherwise notified by our custodian.

Stocks Claimed by Owner

When a claimant proves ownership, our custodian
will provide you with the owner’s updated address and
instructions to debit our account and credit the owner’s
account. We will disburse any cash we may hold
directly to the owner.

28 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3

Determining What Property to Report All types of securities and securities-related cash have
three year abandonment periods. Review your records
All property not previously reported that is unclaimed as of March 1 of the current year and determine all
for the applicable abandonment period or longer property that was payable or distributable to the owner
should be included in your report. When examining on or before March 1 three years ago.
your records, use the last entry or activity generated
by the owner to commence the abandonment period,
OR the date the first piece of mail was returned by For underlying shares, use the following test to
determine if the property is unclaimed:
the post office, OR the date the first distribution went
unclaimed by the owner. 1. All distributions have remained unclaimed for at least three years,
or the account has had RPO mail, beginning at least three years ago.
In all cases, the amount you report will be the total 2. The owner has not communicated, in writing or otherwise,
due the owner as of the date of your remittance, even regarding the property within the past three years.
though some may be recent payments.

Three Year Property

2024 3/2/2020 – 3/1/2021 7/1/2024
2025 3/2/2021 – 3/1/2022 7/1/2025
2026 3/2/2022 – 3/1/2023 7/1/2026

Property Type Codes

Each property listed on your report must be assigned a
property type code. Your choice of codes is important
because it determines what kind of information
we require of a claimant. Definitions of the more
frequently used codes follow. See Chapter 4: Reference
Tables, Property Description Field Requirements section
for a complete list.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 29

Property-Specific Reporting CHAPTER 3


SC01 Cash dividends. Include the issue name of the security.
SC02 Registered bond interest due an owner of a registered security. Do not use this code to report interest paid on a bearer bond.
SC07 Bearer bond interest and matured principal should be reported with this code. The owner should be listed as “unknown.” A complete
description, including issue name, series, bond number and all outstanding coupon numbers must be provided. The total cash amount of
unclaimed interest and principal should be provided in the cash amount remitted field.
SC08 Use this code to report undelivered certificated shares – that is, stock returned by the post office (RPO shares). These shares are most
often the result of a stock split or stock dividend. The issue name of the security must be included in the description field and the CUSIP
number in the appropriate field.
SC09 Use this code to report cash for fractional shares. Provide the issue name of the security. Do not report liquidation proceeds under this
code. Use the SC13 code for liquidation proceeds.
SC10 Unexchanged shares arising from a merger or buy-out should be reported with this code. Provide the number of shares of the successor
corporation in the shares remitted field. These are the shares you will remit to the Comptroller’s office. Provide the issue name of the
successor corporation’s stock and the issue name of unexchanged stock.
SC12 Underlying physical shares must be reported under this code. These certificated shares are presumed to be in the possession of the
shareholder. The certificates must be canceled on the books of the issuer and reissued to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Besides
providing the issue name and number of underlying shares held by the owner, please provide the CUSIP number if one is assigned. You must
also report all cash and stock dividends payable on the underlying shares as of the date of your remittance.
SC13 Report liquidation or redemption proceeds (cash only) under this property type code. The issue name of the liquidated security and
number of shares presumed to be in the possession of the shareholder should also be included in the description field. The total cash amount
due each shareholder should be provided in the cash amount remitted field.
SC18 Matured principal on a registered bond should be reported using this code. Do not use this code to report matured principal on a bearer
bond (see SC07).
SC19 Dividend reinvestment plan shares must be remitted to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts in whole shares. Fractional shares
existing at the time of the report must be liquidated and reported separately (see SC13). Reinvestment must be stopped, and all future
dividends or other distributions remitted as cash.
SC20 Brokers should report credit balances due missing owners under this code. This is a cash only property type code. Shares should not be
reported using this code.
SC41 Book entry shares. Use this code to report shares that have not been issued as physical securities for the reported owner. Shares reported
using this code will have been in book entry or electronic form since original purchase. Any shares that have, at any time, been issued as a
physical certificate to the owner will be reported using SC12, Underlying Shares.

30 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

CHAPTER 3 Property-Specific Reporting

Delivering Shares
Remittance Instructions for
Securities and Investments Remittance (Electronic Delivery) of Mutual Funds
When possible, mutual funds should be transferred
Preparing Your Remittance via ACATS (Automated Customer Account Transfer
Services) as stated below:
1. Prepare a report for securities. For those reporting
mutual funds, prepare a separate remittance report Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC
for each fund and one for the operating company. ACAT/DTC Participant #0141
2. Two days prior to delivery of securities, we request Reference: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts,
you email your intent to deliver to Texas’ custodian Unclaimed Property Division
via an Excel document containing the issue name, Account #: 8516-7296
CUSIP, ticker symbol, number of shares, and the
Mutual Fund Direct Transfer:
delivering party’s DTC/ACAT participant number
and/or delivering party’s information. Please email For mutual fund shares that cannot be transferred via
the list to TexasCustody@kelmarassoc.com and ACATS, please contact TexasCustody@kelmarassoc.com
up.holder@cpa.texas.gov as account information to obtain fund account number.
may have been changed since your last report.
If an “omnibus Account” is provided as a fund account,
please reference Bin# 8516-7296 during the delivery.
The body of the list
Headings for the stock
should be in CUSIP order CASH option must be selected for all dividend and capital
listed should include the
and list the following
following information: gains registration.
• Delivery date • Issue name
Closed-End Funds:
• Delivering DTC broker I.D. • Issue CUSIP
• Remit year • Share quantity per Closed-end mutual funds must be transferred using the
• Remitter’s name settlement transaction above instructions for Remittance (Electronic Delivery)
• Remitter’s tax of Mutual Funds.
identification number
Account Maintenance Duties
3. After settlement instructions are provided in Step Once accounts have been registered in the state’s name,
2, close all unclaimed accounts. Remit or credit the send statements for each account to the Comptroller’s
share balance in each unclaimed account using the office. Shares should not be liquidated, and cash/
instructions provided. capital gains distributions should not be reinvested.
Send all income distributions and capital gains to the
4. By July 1:
Comptroller’s office by check. Remember that any cash
• Submit your report for each fund generated from shares in the state’s name should not
• Remit the total amount of cash listed on the be reinvested.
Remittance (Electronic Delivery) of Securities
• Deliver Shares
The state of Texas Unclaimed Property division
prefers that all DTC eligible securities are transferred
via ACATS to our custodian. When possible, stock,
including foreign stock, should be transferred via

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 31

Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC For certificates not in the name of Texas Comptroller
ACATS/DTC Participant #0141 of Public Accounts Unclaimed Property Division
Reference: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts they must be negotiable with all required documents
Unclaimed Property Division for reregistration into the name of “Texas” including
Account #: 8516-7296 signed stock power, letter of authorization allowing
re-registration to Texas, and corporate resolution.
If stock cannot be delivered via ACATS, alternate
electronic methods such as DTC Free Delivery, DRS Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRP)
or DWAC (Deposit/Withdrawal at Custodian) may
DRP accounts should be closed prior to reporting
be used. If stock cannot be delivered electronically,
to CPA. Fractional shares must be liquidated, and
stock may be registered in Book Entry Shares/Direct
the proceeds should be included with your annual
Registration Shares (DRS).
report and remittance. Liquidate fractional shares at
If stock cannot be delivered by one of the above methods, the property level; do not total fractions for all owners
please contact TexasCustody@kelmarassoc.com for prior to sale. When reporting proceeds from fractional
alternate delivery methods, including foreign delivery shares, the cash value should be reported as cash for
instructions. fractional shares for each individual owner using
NAUPA code SC09. Whole shares should be remitted
Federal Reserve Bank Delivery Instructions via ACATS to our custodian following the Remittance
ABA#: 114900164 (Electronic Delivery) of Securities instructions above.
Bank Name: Tx Comp Austin
SubAccount: Dealer Non-Freely Transferable and Worthless Securities
Reference: Attn: Unclaimed Property Non-freely transferable and worthless securities are not
required to be reported or remitted and are defined as
Remittance (Physical Delivery) of Securities follows:
Physical certificates should only be sent for stock Non-Freely Transferable Security - As defined in
that cannot be sent via ACATS, DTC Free Delivery, 34 TAC Section 13.5.a.1., a security that cannot be
DWAC or DRS, and are not considered worthless. delivered to the Comptroller’s office by a custodian of
Please use the following registration and mailing securities providing post-trade clearing and settlement
instructions: services to financial markets, a security that cannot
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts be delivered to the Comptroller’s office because there
Unclaimed Property Division is no agent to effect transfer, or a security that the
74-6000089 Comptroller’s office may not purchase or hold as an
111 East 17th Street, LBJ Building investment under any applicable law. The term includes
PO Box 12019 a worthless security.
Austin, TX 78711-2019 Worthless Security - As defined in 34 TAC Section
Physical certificate MUST be delivered via courier (ex: 13.5.a.2., a security with a market value of zero
FedEx, UPS): or whose cost of liquidation and delivery to the
comptroller would exceed the value of the security on
Kelmar Associates, LLC the date a report is due under Property Code, Chapter
ATTN: Kelmar Custody 74. A worthless security includes a warrant, right or
500 Edgewater Drive other option whose expiration dates have passed.
Suite 525
Wakefield, MA 01880

32 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Reference Tables CHAPTER 4


Reference Tables
Property Type Codes and Abandonment Periods
AC01 Checking accounts 3 SD01 Contents of safe 5 IR01 Cash (IRA, SEP, 3
AC02 Savings accounts 3 deposit boxes held SARSEP, SIMPLE)
by depositories IR02 Mutual funds (IRA, SEP, 3
AC03 Matured certificates 3
of deposit SD02 Safekeeping property 3 SARSEP, SIMPLE)
AC04 Code deleted — SD03 Other tangible property 3 IR03 Securities (IRA, SEP, SARSEP, 3
SD04 Tangible unclaimed 3 SIMPLE)
AC05 Code deleted —
loan collateral IR04 Reserved for future use
AC06 Code deleted —
IR05 Reserved for future use
AC07 Unidentified deposits 3
IR06 ROTH IRA Mutual Funds
AC09 Other deposit accounts 5
(Stored value cards issued by CODE PROPERTY YEAR
IR99 Aggregate account balances
Financial Institutions) less than $25
HS01 Health Savings Accounts 3
AC99 Aggregate account balances HS02 Health Savings 3
less than $25 Accounts Investments
HS99 Aggregate account balances PROPERTY TYPE: CK
less than $25 CODE PROPERTY YEAR
PROPERTY TYPE: CS CK01 Cashier’s checks 3
CS01 Cash 3 PROPERTY TYPE: IN CK03 Registered checks 3
CODE PROPERTY YEAR CK04 Code deleted —
CS02 Mutual fund 3
IN01 Individual policy benefits 3 CK05 Drafts 3
CS03 Securities 3
or claim payments CK06 Warrants 3
CS99 Aggregate account balances
IN02 Group policy benefits 3 CK07 Money orders 3
less than $25
or claim payments
CK08 Traveler’s checks 15
IN03 Death benefits 3
CK09 Foreign exchange checks 3
TRUST, INVESTMENTS due beneficiaries
CK10 Expense checks 3
AND ESCROW ACCOUNTS IN04 Proceeds from matured 3
PROPERTY TYPE: TR policies, endowments CK11 Pension checks 3
CODE PROPERTY YEAR or annuities CK12 Credit checks or memos 3
TR01 Paying agent accounts 3 IN05 Premium refunds on 3 CK13 Vendor checks (For non- 3
TR02 Undelivered dividends or 3 individual policies financial institution, please
uncashed dividends IN06 Unidentified remittances 3 use MS04)
TR03 Funds held in a 3 IN07 Other amounts due under 3 CK14 Code deleted —
fiduciary capacity policy terms CK15 Any other outstanding official 3
TR04 Escrow accounts 3 IN08 Agent credit balances 3 checks or exchange items
TR05 Trust vouchers 3 IN99 Aggregate insurance CK16 CD Interest checks 3
TR06 Pre-need funeral plans 3 property less than $25 CK99 Aggregate uncashed checks
TR07 Earnest money 3 less than $25
TR08 IOLTA Accounts 3 (continues on page 34)
TR99 Aggregate trust property
less than $25

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 33

CHAPTER 4 Reference Tables

Property Type Codes and Abandonment Periods (continued)

UT01 Utility deposits 1 SC01 Dividends 3
UT02 Membership fees 3 SC02 Interest payable on 3
MS01 Wages, payroll or salary 1 registered bonds
UT03 Refunds or rebates 3
MS02 Commissions 3 SC03 Code deleted —
UT04 Capital credit distributions 3
MS03 Worker’s compensation 3 SC04 Code deleted —
UT99 Aggregate utility property
less than $25 SC05 Code deleted —
MS04 Payment for goods 3
SC06 Funds paid toward the 3
and services
COURTS/LEGAL purchase of shares or
MS05 Customer overpayments 3 interest in a financial or
MS06 Unidentified remittances 3 business organization
CT01 Escrow funds 3 MS07 Unrefunded overcharges 3 SC07 Bearer bond interest and 3
CT02 Condemnation awards 3 MS08 Accounts payable 3 matured principal
CT03 Missing heirs’ funds 3 MS09 Accounts receivable credit 3 SC08 Undelivered physical 3
balances (RPO) shares
CT04 Suspense accounts 3
MS10 Discounts due 3 SC09 Cash for 3
CT05 Any other types of deposits 3
MS11 Refunds/rebates due 3 fractional shares
made with a court or public
authority MS12 Stored value cards/ 1-3 SC10 Unexchanged stock of 3
gift certificates successor corporation
CT99 Aggregate court deposits
less than $25 MS13 Cash loan collateral 3 SC11 Any other certificates 3
MS14 Sums payable under 3 of ownership
pension and profit sharing SC12 Underlying shares 3
PROPERTY TYPE: MI plans (KEOGH) SC13 Funds for liquidation/ 3
CODE PROPERTY YEAR MS15 Property distributable in 3 redemption of
the course of involuntary unsurrendered
MI01 Net revenue interests 3
dissolution or liquidation stocks or bond
MI02 Royalties 3
MS16 Any other miscellaneous 3 SC14 Debenture 3
MI03 Overriding royalties 3 outstanding checks SC15 U.S. Government securities 3
MI04 Production payments 3 MS17 Any other miscellaneous 3 SC16 Book-entry mutual 3
MI05 Working interests 3 intangible personal fund shares
MI06 Bonuses 3 property SC17 Warrants or rights 3
MI07 Delay rentals 3 MS18 Code deleted — SC18 Matured principal on 3
MI08 Shut-in royalties 3 MS99 Aggregate miscellaneous registered bonds
MI09 Minimum royalties 3 property less than $25 SC19 Dividend reinvestment 3
MI10 Current production 0 plans
payments SC20 Credit balances 3
SC41 Book Entry Shares 3
SC85 Demutualization cash 1
SC86 Demutualization shares 1
SC99 Aggregate securities-
related cash less
than $25

34 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

CHAPTER 4 Reference Tables

Relationship Codes
The person appointed by the court to handle the estate of someone who died without a will, with a will with no nominated
AD Administrator
executor, or the executor named in the will has died, has been removed from the case, or does not desire to serve.
A person who is authorized to act for another (the agent’s principal) through employment, by contract or
AG Agent For
apparent authority.
A person who has been qualified by a state or federal court to provide legal services, including appearing in court, and is
AF Attorney For
authorized to act for another.
AN And (Unspecified Joint Relationship) Unspecified joint relationship including ‘AND’.
Any person or entity (like a charity) who is to receive assets or profits from an estate, a trust, an insurance policy or any
BF Beneficiary
instrument in which there is distribution.
Property or earnings received by a husband and wife during marriage, other than by gift, devise, or descent. Separate
property is property owned by a spouse before marriage or received during the marriage by gift, devise or descent. In
CP some jurisdictions, earnings from separate property are also separate property and in some jurisdictions, such earnings
are community property. Recognized by California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, Idaho, Washington, Wisconsin,
Louisiana and Puerto Rico.
A guardian and protector appointed by a judge to protect and manage the financial affairs and/or the person’s daily life
CN Conservator
due to physical or mental limitations or age.
A person with whom some article is left, usually pursuant to a contract (called a “contract of bailment”), who is
CF Custodian
responsible for the safe return of the article to the owner when the contract is fulfilled.
DF Defendant The party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution.
All the possessions of one who has died and are subject to probate (administration supervised by the court) and
distribution to heirs and beneficiaries, all the possessions which a guardian manages for a ward (young person requiring
ES Estate
protection and administration of affairs), or assets a conservator manages for a conservatee (a person whose physical or
mental lack of competence requires administration of his/her affairs).
Executor or
EX The person appointed to administer the estate of a person who has died leaving a will which nominates that person.
A person who is entitled to property that is held by another person (typically a custodian or trustee). FB is typically used
FB For Benefit of
in trustee, self-directed, inherited, education and transferred accounts.
A person who has been appointed by a judge to take care of a minor child (called a “ward”) or incompetent adult
GR Guardian
personally and/or manage that person’s affairs.
Anyone who receives property of a deceased person either by will or under the laws of descent and distribution.
HE Heir
Explanation: a devisee under a will is also an “heir”, even though unrelated to the decedent.
The person or entity who will be compensated for loss by an insurer under the terms of a contract called an
IN Insured
insurance policy.
An account held in joint tenancy presumes a right of survivorship, but this presumption can be overcome by evidence
JT Joint Tenants that the account was really the property of only one, and the joint tenancy was for convenience. Right of Survivorship is
not specifically stated.
A type of account which is owned by at least two people, where all tenants have an equal right to the account’s assets and
Joint Tenants
are afforded survivorship rights in the event of the death of another account holder. In this type of account, a surviving
JS with Rights of
member will inherit the total value of the other member’s share of account assets upon the death of that other member. All
members of the account are afforded the power to conduct investment transactions within the account as well.
(continues on page 36)

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 35

Reference Tables CHAPTER 4

Relationship Codes (continued)

A type of account which is owned by at least two people with no rights of survivorship afforded to any of the account
holders. In this type of account, a surviving tenant of the account does not necessarily acquire the rights (and account
TC Tenants in Common assets) of the deceased person. Rather, each tenant in the account can stipulate in a written will how his/her assets will
be distributed upon his/her death. Generally, the member ownership in the account is determined on a pro rata basis,
meaning that if there are two tenants in the account, each will have a 50% claim on the accounts value.

Tenants in Joint ownership of property or securities by a husband and wife where, upon the death of one, the property goes to
Entireties the survivor.

(Or) Unspecified
Joint Relationship
OR Unspecified joint relationship including ‘OR.’
OT Other

OT Other Relationship Relationship other than specified in this list. Additional details should be submitted with the property.

Account is payable on Death to an alternate owner. Upon the original owner’s death, the beneficiary must supply
PD Payable On Death
identification and a copy of the original owner’s death certificate.

PA Payee The one named on a check or promissory note to receive payment.

A written document signed by a person giving another person the power to act for the signer in designated
PO Power of Attorney circumstances and with respect to designated property. Explanation: there are both general powers of attorney which
give the authorized party broad discretion and special powers of attorney that are limited in scope.

Used primarily on official checks. The Remitter is the person who purchased the official check. This relationship is
RE Remitter
separate from the holder who turns the property over to the state.

Sole Owner is used when there is only a single owner for the property, and that person has all rights to the ownership
SO Sole Owner
of the property.

A person or entity who holds the assets (corpus) of a trustee for the benefit of the beneficiaries and manages the trust
TE Trustee
and its assets under the terms of the trust stated in the Declaration of Trust which created it.

Property that is gifted to a Minor under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act – (UGMA). This act allows minors to own property
such as securities. Under the UGMA, the ownership of the funds works like it does with any other trust except that the
Uniform Gifts
UG donor must appoint a custodian (the trustee) to look after the account. Regardless of whether the minor
to Minor
has reached the age of majority, they should be coded with the UG relation. The custodian on the account should be
coded as CF.

Property that is gifted to a minor under the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act – (UTMA). This act allows a minor to receive
Uniform Transfer
UT gifts such as money, patents, royalties, real estate and fine art, without the aid of a guardian or trustee. The gift giver or
to Minor
an appointed custodian manages the minor’s account until the minor is of age (usually 18 or 21).

UN Unknown The owner’s relationship to the property is not known.

Usufruct is a real right in a property owned by another, normally for a limited time or until death. Simply stated, it is the
right to use the property, to enjoy the fruits and income of the property, to rent the property out and to collect the rents,
UF Usufruct
all to the exclusion of the underlying real or naked owner. The usufructuary has the full right to use the property but
cannot dispose of the property nor can it be destroyed.

36 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Reference Tables CHAPTER 4

Ownership Codes
AG Aggregate Property This property represents a group of properties that have been aggregated together, usually because of small values.
UN Unknown This property represents individual property records in which the original owner’s name is unknown.
All Owners Except
This property represents individual property records that are not reported as aggregate or unknown, and is used when
OT Aggregate or
an owner’s name is known and included in the report.

Property Type Description Codes

AC01 Checking Accounts Account Number
AC02 Savings Accounts Account Number
AC03 Matured Certificates Of Deposit Certificate Number – 1st Maturity Date
AC07 Unidentified Deposits Any available description
AC99 Aggregate Account Balances < $25 Number of Accounts and Property Type – Property Type
CK01 Cashier’s Checks Purchaser – Check Number
CK02 Certified Checks Purchaser – Check Number
CK03 Registered Checks Purchaser – Check Number
CK05 Drafts Draft Number
CK06 Warrants Warrant Number
CK07 Money Orders Money Order Number
CK08 Traveler’s Checks Check Number
CK09 Foreign Exchange Checks Purchaser – Check Number – Original Currency Amount
CK10 Expense Checks Vendor Number – Check Number
CK11 Pension Checks Account Number – Check Number – Employee Number
CK12 Credit Checks Or Memos Vendor Number – Check Number
CK13 Vendor Checks Vendor Number – Check Number
CK15 Any Other Outstanding Official Checks Check Number
CK16 Cd Interest Checks Certificate Number – Check Number
CK99 Aggregate Uncashed Checks < $25 Number of Checks and Property Type – Type of Checks
CS01 Educational Savings Accounts Cash Account Number
CS02 Educational Savings Accounts Mutual Funds Account Number
CS03 Educational Savings Accounts Securities Issue Name of Security
CS99 Aggregate Educational Savings Account Balances < $25 Number of Items and Property Type
CT01 Court Deposit Escrow Funds Case Number – Case Name – Date of Order
CT02 Condemnation Awards Case Number – Case Name – Date of Order
CT03 Missing Heirs’ Funds Case Number – Case Name – Date of Order
CT04 Suspense Accounts Case Number – Case Name – Date of Order
CT05 Other Deposits With Court Or Public Authority Case Number – Case Name – Date of Order
CT99 Aggregate Court Deposits < $25 Number of Items and Property Type – Property Type
HS01 Health Savings Accounts Account Number
HS02 Health Savings Accounts Investments Account Number
(continues on page 38)
Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 37
CHAPTER 4 Reference Tables

Property Type Description Codes (continued)

HS99 HS99 Aggregate Health Savings Account Balances < $25 Number of Items and Property Type
IN01 Individual Policy Benefits Or Claim Payments Policy Number – Insured Name
IN02 Group Policy Benefits Or Claim Payments Policy Number – Insured Name – Employer
IN03 Death Benefits Due Beneficiaries Policy Number – Insured Name – Claim Number
IN04 Matured Policy Proceeds Or Endowments/Annuities Policy Number – Insured Name
IN05 Premium Refunds On Individual Policies Policy Number – Insured Name
IN06 Unidentified Remittances Description of Remittance
IN07 Other Amounts Due Under Policy Terms Policy Number – Insured Name – Claim Number
IN08 Agent Credit Balances Agent Number
IN99 Aggregate Insurance Property < $25 Number of Items and Type – Property Type
IP99 Interest For Overdue Remittances
MI01 Net Revenue Interests Owner Number
MI02 Royalties Owner Number
MI03 Overriding Royalties Owner Number
MI04 Production Payments Owner Number
MI05 Working Interests Owner Number
MI06 Bonuses Owner Number
MI07 Delay Rentals Owner Number
MI08 Shut-In Royalties Owner Number
MI09 Minimum Royalties Owner Number
MI10 Current Production Payments Owner Number
MS01 Wages, Payroll Or Salary Check Number
MS02 Commissions Check Number
MS03 Worker’s Compensation Benefits Employee Number – Check Number
MS04 Payments Of Goods And Services Vendor Account Number – Check Number
MS05 Customer Overpayments Account Number
MS06 Unidentified Remittances Any available description
MS07 Unrefunded Overcharges Any available description
MS08 Accounts Payable Account Number
MS09 Credit Balances On Accounts Receivable Account Number
MS10 Discounts Due Account Number
MS11 Refunds Or Rebates Due Account Number – Check Number
MS12 Stored Value Cards/Gift Certificates Certificate/Card Number
MS13 Unclaimed Loan Collateral (Cash) Loan Number – Payoff Date
MS14 Sums Payable-Pension Or Prft Shr Plan (Keogh) Employer Name/Account – Check Number
MS15 Prop Distributable During Dissolution/Liquidation Dissolved Company Name – Check Number
MS16 Any Other Misc Outstanding Checks Check Number
MS17 Any Other Misc Intangible Property Account Number
MS99 Aggregate Misc Property < $25 Number of Items and Property Type – Property Type
SC01 Dividends Issue Name of Security – Check Number – Account Number
SC02 Interest Payable On Registered Bonds Issue Name of Security – Bond Number – Call Date
(continues on page 39)
38 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions
Reference Tables CHAPTER 4

Property Type Description Codes (continued)

SC06 Funds Paid Toward Purchase Of Shares Issue Name of Security – Account Number
SC07 Bearer Bond Interest and Matured Principal Issue Name of Security – Call Date/Price – Bond/Coupon Number
SC08 Shares Of Stock (Returned By Post Office) Issue Name of Security
SC09 Cash For Frac Shares Issue Name of Security – Price Per Share
SC10 Unexchanged Stock Issue Name of Successor – Unexchanged Issue Name
SC11 Other Certificates Of Ownership Issue Name of Security – Certificate Number
SC12 Underlying Shares Issue Name of Security
SC13 Liquidation/Redemption Of Unsurrendered Stocks/Bonds Issue Name of Security or Bond – Number of Shares – Price Per Share
SC14 Debentures Description of Debenture
SC15 U S Government Securities Description of Security
SC16 Book Entry Mutual Fund Shares Account Number
SC17 Warrants Or Rights Warrant Number – Expiration Date – Issue Name of Bond – Bond Number – Call Date/Price
SC18 Matured Principal On Registered Bonds
SC19 Dividend Reinvestment Plans Account Number
SC20 Credit Balances Account Number
SC41 Book Entry Shares Issue Name of Security
SC85 Demutualization Cash Proceeds Policy Number – Insured Name
SC86 Demutualization Shares Policy Number – Insured Name
SD01 Contents Of Safe Deposit Boxes Box Number
SD02 Contents Of Other Safekeeping Repository Receipt Number
SD03 Other Tangible Property Receipt Number
SD04 Tangible Unclaimed Loan Collateral Loan Number – Receipt Number – Payoff Date
IR01 Traditional Ira Cash Account Number
IR02 Traditional Ira Mutual Funds Account Number
IR03 Traditional Ira Securities Account Number
IR05 Roth Ira Cash Account Number
IR06 Roth Ira Mutual Funds Account Number
IR07 Roth Ira Securities Account Number
IR99 Aggregate Ira Balances < $25 Number of Items – Original Property Type
TR01 Paying Agent Accounts Issue Name of Security – Bond Number – Coupon Number
TR02 Undelivered Or Uncashed Dividends Issue Name of Security – Check Number
TR03 Funds Held In A Fiduciary Capacity Account Number
TR04 Escrow Accounts GF Number – Property Address
TR05 Trust Vouchers Voucher Number – Security Issue Name if Dividend
TR06 Preneed Funeral Plans Contract Number – Purchaser
TR08 IOLTA Accounts Account Number
TR99 Aggregate Trust Property < $25 Number of Items and Property Type – Property Type
UT01 Utility Deposits Account Number – Account Number
UT02 Membership Fees
UT03 Refunds Or Rebates Account Number
UT04 Capital Credit Distributions Account Number – Declaration Date
UT99 Aggregate Utility Property < $25 Number of Items and Property Type – Property Type

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 39

CHAPTER 4 Reference Tables

Security Delivery Codes

ACCOUNT Book Entry Registration (used only for non DTC eligible securities)
DTC Direct Transfer to Depository Trust
PHYSICAL Physical Delivery of Certificate to Comptroller’s office
FED Direct Transfer to Federal Reserve Bank

Deduction Codes
MC Mail deduction
TW Income tax withholding (IRA accounts)

Country Codes
Afghanistan AFG Bhutan BTN Christmas Island CXR
Aland Islands ALA Bolivia BOL Cocos (Keeling) Islands CCK
Albania ALB Bonaire, St. Eustatius of Saba BES Colombia COL
Algeria DZA Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH Comoros COM
American Samoa ASM Botswana BWA Congo/Democratic Republic of Congo COG
Andorra AND Bouvet Island BVT Cook Islands COK
Anegada VGB Brazil BRA Corsica/France FRA
Angola AGO British Indian Ocean Territory IOT Costa Rica CRI
Anguilla AIA British Virgin Islands* VGB Cote D’Ivoire CIV
Antigua and Barbuda ATG British West Indies** Crete/Greece GRC
Argentina ARG Brunei Darussalam BRN Croatia HRV
Armenia ARM Bulgaria BGR Cuba CUB
Aruba ABW Burkina Faso BFA Curacao CUW
Australia AUS Burundi BDI Cyprus CYP
Austria AUT Caicos Islands TCA Czech Republic CZE
Azerbaijan AZE Cambodia KHM Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
Bahamas BHS Cameroon CMR (North Korea)

Bahrain BHR Canada CAN Democratic Republic of the Congo COD

Bangladesh BGD Canary Islands/Spain ESP Denmark DNK

Barbados BRB Cape Verde CPV Djibouti DJI

Barbuda/Antigua ATG Cayman Islands CYM Dominica DMA

Belarus BLR Central African Republic CAF Dominican Republic DOM

Belgium BEL Chad TCD East Timor/Timor-Leste TLS

Belize BLZ Channel Islands/United Kingdom GBR Ecuador ECU

Benin BEN Chile CHL Egypt EGY

Bermuda BMU China CHN El Salvador SLV

(continues on page 41)

40 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Reference Tables CHAPTER 4

Country Codes (continued)

England/United Kingdom GBR Hong Kong (Special Administrative Malaysia MYS
Equatorial Guinea GNQ Region of China) Maldives MDV
Eritrea ERI Hungary HUN Mali MLI
Estonia EST Iceland ISL Malta MLT
Ethiopia ETH India IND Malvinas/Falkland Islands FLK
Faroe Islands FRO Indonesia IDN Mariana Islands/Northern Mariana
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FLK Iran (Islamic Republic of) IRN Islands

Fiji FJI Iraq IRQ Marshall Islands MHL

Finland FIN Ireland IRL Martinique & Les Saintes MTQ

France FRA Isle of Man IMN Mauritania MRT

French Guiana GUF Isle of Wright/United Kingdom GBR Mauritius MUS

French Polynesia PYF Israel ISR Mayotte MYT

French Southern Territories ATF Italy ITA Mexico MEX

French West Indies*** Jamaica JAM Micronesia (Federated States of) FSM

Futuna Island/Wallis WLF Jan Mayen Islands/Svalbard VGB Miquelon/Saint Pierre SPM

Gabon GAB Japan JPN Moldova/Republic of Moldovo MDA

Gambia GMB Jersey JEY Monaco MCO

Georgia GEO Jordan JOR Mongolia MNG

Germany DEU Jost Van Dyke/ Montenegro MNE

British Virgin Islands Montserrat MSR
Ghana GHA
Kazakhstan KAZ Morocco MAR
Gibraltar GIB
Kenya KEN Mozambique MOZ
Grand Cayman/Cayman Islands CYM
Kiribati KIR Myanmar MMR
Great Britain/United Kingdom GBR
Korea/Republic of South Korea KOR Namibia NAM
Greece GRC
Kuwait KWT Nauru NRU
Greenland GRL
Kyrgyzstan KGZ Nepal NPL
Grenada GRD
Laos (Lao Peoples Netherlands NLD
Grenadines (The)/Saint Vincent VCT LAO
Democratic Republic)
Guadeloupe GLP Netherlands Antilles ANT
Latvia LVA
Guam GUM Nevis/Saint Kitts & Nevis KNA
Lebanon LBN
Guatemala GTM New Caledonia NCL
Lesotho LSO
Guernsey GGY New Zealand NZL
Liberia LBR
Guinea GIN Nicaragua NIC
Libya (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) LBY
Guinea-Bissau GNB Niger NER
Liechtenstein LIE
Guyana GUY Nigeria NGA
Lithuania LTU
Haiti HTI Niue NIU
Luxembourg LUX
Heard Island & McDonald Islands HMD Norfolk Island NFK
Macao MAC
Herzegovina/Bosnia BIH North Korea/Democratic
Macedonia (The Former Yugoslav PRK
MKD People’s Republic
Holy See (Vatican City State) VAT Republic of Macedonia)
Northern Ireland/United Kingdom GBR
Honduras HND Madagascar MDG
Northern Mariana Islands MNP
Malawi MWI
(continues on page 42)

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 41

CHAPTER 4 Reference Tables

Country Codes (continued)

Norway NOR Samoa WSM Tobago/Trinidad & Tobago TTD
Oman OMN San Marino SMR Togo TGO
Pakistan PAK Sao Tome and Principe STP Tokelau TKL
Palau PLW Sardinia/Italy ITA Tonga TON
Palestinian Territory, Occupied PSE Saudi Arabia SAU Tortola/British Virgin Islands VGB
Panama PAN Scotland/United Kingdom GBR Trinidad and Tobago TTO
Papua New Guinea PNG Senegal SEN Tunisia TUN
Paraguay PRY Serbia SRB Turkey TUR
Peru PER Seychelles SYC Turkmenistan TKM
Philippines PHL Sierra Leone SLE Turks and Caicos Islands TCA
Pitcairn PCN Singapore SGP Tuvalu TUV
Poland POL Sint Maarten (Dutch Part) SXM Uganda UGA
Portugal PRT Slovakia SVK Ukraine UKR
Principe/Sao Tome STP Slovenia SVN United Arab Emirates (UAE) ARE
Puerto Rico PRI Solomon Islands SLB United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Qatar QAT Somalia SOM Northern Ireland

Republic of Moldova MDA South Africa ZAF United Republic of Tanzania TZA

Reunion REU South Georgia & South Sandwich United States USA
Romania ROU Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands UMI

Russian Federation RUS South Korea/Republic of Korea KOR United States Virgin Islands**** VIR

Rwanda RWA Spain ESP Uruguay URY

Saint Barthélemy BLM Sri Lanka LKA Uzbekistan UZB

Saint Croix/United States Sudan SDN Vanuatu VUT

Virgin Islands Suriname SUR Venezuela VEN
Saint Helena, Ascension & Tristan Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJM Viet Nam VNM
da Cunha Swaziland SWZ Virgin Gorda/British Virgin Islands VGB
Saint John/ United States Sweden SWE Wales/United Kingdom GBR
Virgin Islands
Switzerland CHE Wallis and Futuna Islands WLF
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA
Syrian Arab Republic SYR West Germany/Germany DEU
Saint Lucia LCA
Taiwan Province of China TWN Western Sahara ESH
Saint Martin (French Part) MAF
Tajikistan TJK Yemen YEM
Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM
Tanzania/United Republic Zambia ZMB
Saint Thomas/United States Virgin TZA
VIR of Tanzania Zimbabwe ZWE
Thailand THA
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT
Timor-Leste TLS

* British Virgin Islands (VGB) include Anegada, Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke and Tortola.
** British West Indies include Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, Turks/Caicos. Each island has its own code.
*** French West Indies includes St. Barthélemy (BLM), Guadeloupe (GLP), Martinique and Les Saintes (MTQ).
**** US Virgin Islands (VIR) include St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas.

42 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Reference Tables CHAPTER 4

Summary of Property Types and Dormancy Periods

Financial Institutions
Demand deposit accounts 3 years 73.003, 73.101 March 1 July 1
Savings accounts 3 years 73.003, 73.101 March 1 July 1
Matured CD principal 3 years 73.003, 73.101 March 1 July 1
Safe deposit boxes 5 years 73.003, 73.101 March 1 July 1
Official checks 3 years 73.102 March 1 July 1
Wages 1 year 72.1015 March 1 July 1

Wages 1 year 72.1015 March 1 July 1
Misc. uncashed checks 3 years 72.101(a) March 1 July 1
Refunds, rebates and deposits 3 years 72.101(a) March 1 July 1
Stored value cards 1 - 3 years 72.1016 March 1 July 1
Mineral proceeds 3 years 72.001(a), 75.001 March 1 July 1
Travelers checks 15 years 72.102(a)-(b) March 1 July 1
Money orders 3 years 72.102(a) and (c) March 1 July 1

Life Insurance
Wages 1 year 72.1015 March 1 July 1
Uncashed checks and drafts 3 years 72.101(a) March 1 July 1
Policy proceeds 3 years Chapter 1109 March 1 July 1
Annuities 3 years (Tx Insurance Code) March 1 July 1
Demutualization proceeds 1 year 72.101(c) March 1 July 1

Stock and cash dividends 3 years 72.101(a) March 1 July 1
Dividend reinvestment plans 3 years 72.101(b) March 1 July 1
Underlying shares 3 years 72.101(b) March 1 July 1
Liquidation proceeds 3 years 72.101(a) March 1 July 1
Bonds and bond interest 3 years 72.101(a) March 1 July 1

Legal references may be found in:

Chapter 72 Abandonment of Personal Property Chapter 1109 Unclaimed Life Insurance and Annuity Contract Proceeds
Chapter 73 Inactive Accounts Held by Banking Organizations
Chapter 74 Report, Delivery and Claims Process 74.705, Attorney’s Fees
and Penalties
Chapter 75 Texas Minerals
Chapter 76 Report, Delivery and Claims Process for Certain Property
Chapter 77 Unclaimed Restitution Payments

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 43

CHAPTER 4 Reference Tables

Abandoned or Unclaimed Property Held by Local Governments

Undeliverable or uncashed checks Sent to local treasurer
Property Code
Inmate Trust Funds for balance of inmate trust funds Sheriff &/or Comptroller after
Chapters 72-76
while in jail. 3 year dormancy.
Uncashed checks written by Sent to local treasurer
Any official with Property Code
“Stale” Checks any local official except the &/or Comptroller after
a checking account Chapters 72-76
county treasurer 3 year dormancy.
Property Code Sent to local treasurer
Funds of minors, or persons County or
Trust funds Chapters 72-76 &/or Comptroller after
determined to be incompetent. District Clerk
& LGC 117 3 year dormancy.
County or District
Until a case is resolved, the court Clerk. County courts Property Code Sent to local treasurer
Interpleaded (civil)
may require rent or other payments at law have civil Chapters 72-76 &/or Comptroller after
to be made to the registry. jurisdiction up & LGC 117 3 year dormancy.
to $100,000
Includes payments into registry
Funds paid in by court order and payments by Property Code Sent to local treasurer
County or
satisfaction of a judgment debtor to satisfy a claim Chapters 72-76 &/or Comptroller after
District Clerk
judgment when the judgment creditor & LGC 117 3 year dormancy.
cannot be found.
Property Code Sent to local treasurer
Funds in an Eminent Proceeds from condemnation County or
Chapters 21, &/or Comptroller after
Domain proceeding proceedings District Clerk
72-76 & LGC 117 3 year dormancy.
County or District
Property and funds from divorce Property Code Sent to local treasurer
Clerk, depending on
Divorce Cases cases required to be paid into the Chapters 72-76 &/or Comptroller after
which is clerk for the
registry of the court & LGC 117 3 year dormancy.
family courts
Funds held more than 3 days. District Clerk.
If checks are made payable to The county clerk is Property Code Sent to local treasurer
Child support funds the clerk, holding checks to other the clerk for family Chapters 72-76 &/or Comptroller after
payees that will become stale courts in 12 to 15 & LGC 117 3 year dormancy.*
dated can be avoided. Texas counties.
No waiting period. As soon as
Property due to unidentified heirs Property Code the court renders its judgment
Escheat Funds County Clerk
when a person dies without a will Chapter 71 the state may begin proceedings
to acquire the property
Property due to identified but 6 months after final accounting;
Probate Funds unlocated heirs when a person County Clerk Probate Code requires a court order to
dies with a will pay Comptroller
Supreme Court of Texas Opinion
Unclaimed cash bail bonds are Code of Criminal No. 98-0784 993 S.W.2d 95:
County or
Cash bail bonds registry funds but CCP Art. 17.02 Procedure Article 1999 Requires reporting but
District Clerk
requires court order to release. 17.02 and LGC 117 not release to state or local
treasurer without court order.
(continues on page 45)

44 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Reference Tables CHAPTER 4

Abandoned or Unclaimed Property Held by Local Governments (continued)

LGC 116.116 Becomes Supreme Court of Texas Opinion
Uncashed checks issued by County
County Treasurer’s county revenue. No. 98-0784 993 S.W.2d 95:
Treasurer become non-negotiable County Treasurer
Checks Claim may be reasserted 1999 affirms that these are never
after 1 year.
and paid by county. reported to the Comptroller.
Claims expire after 90 days.
Uncashed juror checks become TX Government Code
Juror Checks Clerk of the Court Becomes county revenue. Never
non-negotiable after 90 days Section 61.001(f)
becomes unclaimed property.
Claims expire after 3 years.
Property Tax Refunds Erroneous and overpayments Tax Assessor-Collector Tax Code Chapter 31
Become county revenue.
Tax Code Chapter 26 Claims don’t expire. Must be
Unclaimed refunds due to a change
Property Tax Refunds Tax Assessor-Collector and Property Code refunded automatically or sent
in the tax roll
Chapters 72-76 to Comptroller after 3 years.
After 2 years; distributed to
Excess of tax liability Unclaimed excess of tax liability County or
Tax Code Chapter 34 each taxing unit in proportion
from forced sales due to original property owner District Clerk
to original claim

* Unclaimed child support payments should be reported to the Texas Comptroller’s Office three years from the date of payment.
That’s the quick answer; however, some counties accept child support checks which are payable to the mother, father, guardian,
etc. (someone other than the county). These checks cannot be negotiated by anyone other than the payee and cannot be reported
to the Texas Comptroller’s Office since the actual funds cannot be transferred with the report. Counties must continue to hold these
child support checks indefinitely. All checks that the counties can deposit in one of their accounts should be held for the three-year
abandonment period and be reported and remitted to the local treasurer &/or Texas Comptroller’s Office each July.

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 45

CHAPTER 4 Reference Tables

FIPS County Codes - To be used for reporting Capital Credits only

Anderson 001 Collingsworth 087 Glasscock 173
Andrews 003 Colorado 089 Goliad 175
Angelina 005 Comal 091 Gonzales 177
Aransas 007 Comanche 093 Gray 179
Archer 009 Concho 095 Grayson 181
Armstrong 011 Cooke 097 Gregg 183
Atascosa 013 Coryell 099 Grimes 185
Austin 015 Cottle 101 Guadalupe 187
Bailey 017 Crane 103 Hale 189
Bandera 019 Crockett 105 Hall 191
Bastrop 021 Crosby 107 Hamilton 193
Baylor 023 Culberson 109 Hansford 195
Bee 025 Dallam 111 Hardeman 197
Bell 027 Dallas 113 Hardin 199
Bexar 029 Dawson 115 Harris 201
Blanco 031 Deaf Smith 117 Harrison 203
Borden 033 Delta 119 Hartley 205
Bosque 035 Denton 121 Haskell 207
Bowie 037 DeWitt 123 Hays 209
Brazoria 039 Dickens 125 Hemphill 211
Brazos 041 Dimmit 127 Henderson 213
Brewster 043 Donley 129 Hidalgo 215
Briscoe 045 Duval 131 Hill 217
Brooks 047 Eastland 133 Hockley 219
Brown 049 Ector 135 Hood 221
Burleson 051 Edwards 137 Hopkins 223
Burnet 053 Ellis 139 Houston 225
Caldwell 055 El Paso 141 Howard 227
Calhoun 057 Erath 143 Hudspeth 229
Callahan 059 Falls 145 Hunt 231
Cameron 061 Fannin 147 Hutchinson 233
Camp 063 Fayette 149 Irion 235
Carson 065 Fisher 151 Jack 237
Cass 067 Floyd 153 Jackson 239
Castro 069 Foard 155 Jasper 241
Chambers 071 Fort Bend 157 Jeff Davis 243
Cherokee 073 Franklin 159 Jefferson 245
Childress 075 Freestone 161 Jim Hogg 247
Clay 077 Frio 163 Jim Wells 249
Cochran 079 Gaines 165 Johnson 251
Coke 081 Galveston 167 Jones 253
Coleman 083 Garza 169 Karnes 255
Collin 085 Gillespie 171 Kaufman 257
(continues on page 47)

46 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Reference Tables CHAPTER 4

FIPS County Codes - To be used for reporting Capital Credits only (continued)
Kendall 259 Motley 345 Sterling 431
Kenedy 261 Nacogdoches 347 Stonewall 433
Kent 263 Navarro 349 Sutton 435
Kerr 265 Newton 351 Swisher 437
Kimble 267 Nolan 353 Tarrant 439
King 269 Nueces 355 Taylor 441
Kinney 271 Ochiltree 357 Terrell 443
Kleberg 273 Oldham 359 Terry 445
Knox 275 Orange 361 Throckmorton 447
Lamar 277 Palo Pinto 363 Titus 449
Lamb 279 Panola 365 Tom Green 451
Lampasas 281 Parker 367 Travis 453
La Salle 283 Parmer 369 Trinity 455
Lavaca 285 Pecos 371 Tyler 457
Lee 287 Polk 373 Upshur 459
Leon 289 Potter 375 Upton 461
Liberty 291 Presidio 377 Uvalde 463
Limestone 293 Rains 379 Val Verde 465
Lipscomb 295 Randall 381 Van Zandt 467
Live Oak 297 Reagan 383 Victoria 469
Llano 299 Real 385 Walker 471
Loving 301 Red River 387 Waller 473
Lubbock 303 Reeves 389 Ward 475
Lynn 305 Refugio 391 Washington 477
McCulloch 307 Roberts 393 Webb 479
McLennan 309 Robertson 395 Wharton 481
McMullen 311 Rockwall 397 Wheeler 483
Madison 313 Runnels 399 Wichita 485
Marion 315 Rusk 401 Wilbarger 487
Martin 317 Sabine 403 Willacy 489
Mason 319 San Augustine 405 Williamson 491
Matagorda 321 San Jacinto 407 Wilson 493
Maverick 323 San Patricio 409 Winkler 495
Medina 325 San Saba 411 Wise 497
Menard 327 Schleicher 413 Wood 499
Midland 329 Scurry 415 Yoakum 501
Milam 331 Shackelford 417 Young 503
Mills 333 Shelby 419 Zapata 505
Mitchell 335 Sherman 421 Zavala 507
Montague 337 Smith 423
Montgomery 339 Somervell 425
Moore 341 Starr 427
Morris 343 Stephens 429

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 47

CHAPTER 4 Reference Tables

County Codes - To be used for reporting Mineral Proceeds only

Anderson 001 Collingsworth 044 Glasscock 087
Andrews 002 Colorado 045 Goliad 088
Angelina 003 Comal 046 Gonzales 089
Aransas 004 Comanche 047 Gray 090
Archer 005 Concho 048 Grayson 091
Armstrong 006 Cooke 049 Gregg 092
Atascosa 007 Coryell 050 Grimes 093
Austin 008 Cottle 051 Guadalupe 094
Bailey 009 Crane 052 Hale 095
Bandera 010 Crockett 053 Hall 096
Bastrop 011 Crosby 054 Hamilton 097
Baylor 012 Culberson 055 Hansford 098
Bee 013 Dallam 056 Hardeman 099
Bell 014 Dallas 057 Hardin 100
Bexar 015 Dawson 058 Harris 101
Blanco 016 Deaf Smith 059 Harrison 102
Borden 017 Delta 060 Hartley 103
Bosque 018 Denton 061 Haskell 104
Bowie 019 DeWitt 062 Hays 105
Brazoria 020 Dickens 063 Hemphill 106
Brazos 021 Dimmit 064 Henderson 107
Brewster 022 Donley 065 Hidalgo 108
Briscoe 023 Duval 066 Hill 109
Brooks 024 Eastland 067 Hockley 110
Brown 025 Ector 068 Hood 111
Burleson 026 Edwards 069 Hopkins 112
Burnet 027 Ellis 070 Houston 113
Caldwell 028 El Paso 071 Howard 114
Calhoun 029 Erath 072 Hudspeth 115
Callahan 030 Falls 073 Hunt 116
Cameron 031 Fannin 074 Hutchinson 117
Camp 032 Fayette 075 Irion 118
Carson 033 Fisher 076 Jack 119
Cass 034 Floyd 077 Jackson 120
Castro 035 Foard 078 Jasper 121
Chambers 036 Fort Bend 079 Jeff Davis 122
Cherokee 037 Franklin 080 Jefferson 123
Childress 038 Freestone 081 Jim Hogg 124
Clay 039 Frio 082 Jim Wells 125
Cochran 040 Gaines 083 Johnson 126
Coke 041 Galveston 084 Jones 127
Coleman 042 Garza 085 Karnes 128
Collin 043 Gillespie 086 Kaufman 129
(continues on page 49)

48 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Reference Tables CHAPTER 4

County Codes - To be used for reporting Mineral Proceeds only (continued)

Kendall 130 Motley 173 Sterling 216
Kenedy 131 Nacogdoches 174 Stonewall 217
Kent 132 Navarro 175 Sutton 218
Kerr 133 Newton 176 Swisher 219
Kimble 134 Nolan 177 Tarrant 220
King 135 Nueces 178 Taylor 221
Kinney 136 Ochiltree 179 Terrell 222
Kleberg 137 Oldham 180 Terry 223
Knox 138 Orange 181 Throckmorton 224
Lamar 139 Palo Pinto 182 Titus 225
Lamb 140 Panola 183 Tom Green 226
Lampasas 141 Parker 184 Travis 227
LaSalle 142 Parmer 185 Trinity 228
Lavaca 143 Pecos 186 Tyler 229
Lee 144 Polk 187 Upshur 230
Leon 145 Potter 188 Upton 231
Liberty 146 Presidio 189 Uvalde 232
Limestone 147 Rains 190 Val Verde 233
Lipscomb 148 Randall 191 Van Zandt 234
Live Oak 149 Reagan 192 Victoria 235
Llano 150 Real 193 Walker 236
Loving 151 Red River 194 Waller 237
Lubbock 152 Reeves 195 Ward 238
Lynn 153 Refugio 196 Washington 239
Madison 154 Roberts 197 Webb 240
Marion 155 Robertson 198 Wharton 241
Martin 156 Rockwall 199 Wheeler 242
Mason 157 Runnels 200 Wichita 243
Matagorda 158 Rusk 201 Wilbarger 244
Maverick 159 Sabine 202 Willacy 245
McCulloch 160 San Augustine 203 Williamson 246
McLennan 161 San Jacinto 204 Wilson 247
McMullen 162 San Patricio 205 Winkler 248
Medina 163 San Saba 206 Wise 249
Menard 164 Schleicher 207 Wood 250
Midland 165 Scurry 208 Yoakum 251
Milam 166 Shackelford 209 Young 252
Mills 167 Shelby 210 Zapata 253
Mitchell 168 Sherman 211 Zavala 254
Montague 169 Smith 212
Montgomery 170 Somervell 213
Moore 171 Starr 214
Morris 172 Stephens 215

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 49

Helpful Links

Secure File Transfer Portal

ClaimItTexas.gov/app/holder-info Initiate ACH Debit or Credit (TEXNET)
Reporting Guidelines
https://ClaimItTexas.gov/app/what-is-ucp Unclaimed Property Statutes
Unclaimed Property Forms
https://ClaimItTexas.gov/app/holder-forms Search for Property and File a Claim
TEXNET Enrollment Select “Get Started”

2024 Deadlines

All Property Types


1 Year 3/2/2022 – 3/1/2023 7/1/2024

3 Year 3/2/2020 – 3/1/2021 7/1/2024

5 Year 3/2/2018 – 3/1/2019 7/1/2024

15 Year 3/2/2008 – 3/1/2009 7/1/2024

50 Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions

Unclaimed Property Reporting Instructions 51
Publication #96-478 • Revised January 2024

To request additional copies, call Toll Free at 800-321-2274, option 2 or

write to:
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Unclaimed Property Division
P. O. Box 12019
Austin, Texas 78711-2019

Visit our website at: ClaimItTexas.gov

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