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Nat FSLG-01

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Inertial Measuring System for Navigation and Surveying Applications

with Gyro Compassing Capability
iNAT-FSLG-01/T is part of the IMS product family inside of the iNAT-FSLG, and also data transmis-
of systems with gyro compassing capability for in- sion and storage of pure or corrected raw data is
ertial navigation, surveying, guidance, stabiliza- available.
tion and dynamically motion analysis with fiber The iNAT-FSLG-01 allows free inertial navigation
optical gyros, that covers applications, which re- and autonomous gyro compassing within less
quire high accuracy, reliability, a flexible interface than 4 minutes. The optional dual-antenna capa-
and easy integration and usage.
• High performance inertial navigation and
surveying system for airborne, naval, under-
water, surface and railway applications; self
gyro compassing.
• FOG technology with low angular random
walk and very high angular resolution.
• Integrated time synchronization module and
GPS / RTK-GNSS engine with single or
dual antenna. Maintenance free Real Time
Clock (RTC) as option.
• Internal 32 GByte data storage for black-
box operation capability (option: 128 GByte) bility (iNAT-FSLG-01/T-DA) allows the system
• High data rate, open interfaces: Ethernet additionally to determine true heading within
TCP/IP - UDP, CAN, UART RS422/RS232, shortest time where required.
ARINC429, ARINC825, NMEA 183.
For ground vehicle applications the most sophis-
• Integrated VMS / odometer interface. ticated, wheel sensor supported data fusion pro-
• Small size, low weight, low power; integra- vides also highest position accuracy even when
ted surveying markers and aiding support the system suffers significant GNSS outages (ad-
points on the enclosure (to support also ad- vanced dead-reckoning).
vanced surveying applications).
The iNAT-FSLG contains a leading INS/GNSS
based data fusion, using iMAR’s highly sophisti-
The iNAT-FSLG consists of three high precision cated 42+ state Kalman filtering incl. gyro com-
fiber optical gyroscopes, three servo accelerom- passing, free inertial or dead-reckoning naviga-
eters, a powerful strapdown processor and an tion etc.
open and modular architecture, which allows also The user software iXCOM allows the user full
adaptations to customer’s demands. control of the system as well as data storing and
The system contains an all-frequency / all-con- to perform maintenance activities also via net-
stellation RTK capable GNSS receiver (GPS, work (e.g., download of stored data). Further-
GLONASS, GALILEO, Beidou, etc.) with optional more, a powerful post-processing tool is available
SAASM capability, several Dig-I/Os (e.g. for odo- for advanced surveying applications.
meter, laser altimeter, DVL, LiDAR). Communi- The measurement results as attitude, heading,
cation I/Os are RS422/232 UART, Ethernet position, velocity, rates and acceleration as well
(TCP/IP, UDP), ARINC429, CAN, ARINC825 as as the INS and GNSS raw data are available incl.
well as internal data storage on non-volatile me- time stamp with up to 500 Hz.
The system is only covered by standard dual-use
Data processing (strapdown navigation, gyro export control and not by any ITAR regulations.
compassing, motion monitoring) is performed The EU001 procedure even allows a simplified
export and hence fast delivery from iMAR to end-
user inside the EU and 10 further countries.
Technical Data of iNAT-FSLG-01/T and iNAT-FSLG-01/T-DA (rms values)
Data Output: Heading, Roll, Pitch, Angular Velocity, Velocity (Body and World), Position,
Raw Data of INS / GNSS / VMS incl. time-stamp, internal status information
Performance: True Heading 2: 0.02° [RMS] with at least single antenna GNSS (data fusion) and under
sufficient motion dynamics (no dual antenna required)
0.01° [RMS] post-proc with RTK corrections
0.3° sec lat [RMS] gyro compassing (no GNSS support required)
0.1° [RMS] 1 with 2 m baseline between the two GNSS antennas (-DA)
0.05° [RMS] 1 with 4 m baseline between the two GNSS antennas (-DA)
Position accuracy: 1…2 m [RMS] with GPS, S/A off
0.6 m [RMS] with SBAS
0.02 m [RMS] with RTK corrections online or with RTK post-proc
5 nm/hr [CEP] free inertial navigation (w/o any GNSS or other aiding)
3 nm/hr [CEP] free inertial navigation after sufficient GNSS aiding
Dead-Reckoning: < 0.1 % [CEP] of distance travelled in lon/lat/altduring short GNSS outages (with VMS)
Velocity: 0.02 m/s [RMS] with GNSS; < 0.005 m/s with RTK post-proc
Altitude: 1…4 m RMS with GPS, S/A off
0.06 m RMS with RTK corrections online or with RTK post-proc
Roll/Pitch Accuracy: 0.01° RMS with GPS, S/A off; < 0.005° with RTK post-proc
Heave accuracy: < 5 cm or 5 % (RMS) whichever is highest
Alignment Time: < 2 min. GNSS cold start, < 1 min. GNSS warm start; < 30 sec with stored heading
< 6 min. to achieve 0.25° sec lat, < 2 min. to achieve 0.5° sec lat (rms) with Gyro Compassing
Inertial Sensor Performance: Gyroscopes Accelerometers
Range:  600 °/s (no angle limitation)  20 g
Gyro ARW, Accel. Noise: < 0.0045 deg/ h < 40 µg/ Hz
Linearity / Scalefactor: 0.01 % / 0.015 % 50 µg/g² / 0.03 %
Drift (unaided), Accel. Offset: < 0.05 °/hr < 300 µg
Bias Stability (AV): < 0.01 °/hr < 15 µg
Resolution of Raw Data: < 0.05 µrad / LSB < 0.1 µg / LSB
Axis Misalignment: < 0.15 mrad < 0.25 mrad
GNSS Receiver (integrated): up to all-frequency / all constellation GPS+GLONASS+GALILEO+BEIDOU, RTK/PPP;
high speed range version (< 515 m/s) available as option (iNAT-FSLG-01/T-HRS, requires export license)
Input Interfaces (options): external GNSS receiver (standard: integrated GNSS receiver); event trigger (PPS / SYNC, RS422 level),
odometer (opto-coupler input up to 32 V, A/B quadrature or counts & direction, RS422 level compliant)
Output Interfaces (options): UART RS232/422, Ethernet TCP/IP / UDP, CAN, ARINC429, ARINC825, HDLC/SDLC, PPT (Pulse Per
Time), PPS, SYNC; NTP Server; NTRIP caster; PPD (Pulse-per Distance)
Data Output Rate: integer divisor of 500 Hz, internal data rate 1’000 Hz
Data Latency and Jitter: 1.2 ms (sampling accuracy better 1 µs, time-stamped according to PPS; jitter < 1 ms)
Data storage: 32 GByte on internal non-volatile memory (option: 128 GByte)
Atomic Clock TimeRef. (opt.): external high precision clock, drift < 100 ps/s (= 90 µs / 10 days) for -15…+55 °C ambient temperature
Connectors: MIL-C-38999 Series III for signals and power, TNC for antenna
Temperature, rel. Humidity: -40...+65°C operating (case), -55...+85°C storage; 8...100%; IP67
Magnetic. insensitivity: < 200 µTesla (2 Gauss) for operation within spec.
MTBF / MTTR: > 35,000 hrs (estimated for surveying applications) / < 30 minutes
Shock, Vibration, Altitude: 6 g / 20 ms operational and 40 g / 15 ms non-operational; 60’000 ft
4 g rms (operating) and 6 g rms (endurance) [10…2’000 Hz]
Qualification: MIL-STD-810G, MIL-STD-461G, MIL-STD-704F; designed partially to meet DO160G
Power: 10...35 V DC, < 25 W (incl. GNSS); 50 ms hold up time according to DO160;
continuous overvoltage protection up to 60 V
Weight / Size: approx. 5.46 kg / approx. 187 x 130 x 261 mm³ (WxHxL), w/o connectors;
Installation: Installation in all arbitrary orientationss allowed
Part-Number: 00190-00103-0Y0Z (Y = GNSS engine, Z = single/dual-antenna GNSS)
Software: iXCOM communication protocol; iXCOM-CMD GUI software under MS Windows and
Linux available; INS/GNSS post-proc iPosCAL-SURV; integrated real-time Kalman filter
(42+ states); on request customized applications can be integrated

iMAR Navigation manufactures and designs inertial navigation, surveying, guidance, control and stabilization sys-
tems for defence, airborne, industrial, automotive, agriculture, mining, drilling, surveying and many other applica-
tions. All systems are manufactured and maintained by iMAR Navigation in Europe / Germany.
iMAR Navigation GmbH • Im Reihersbruch 3 • D-66386 St. Ingbert / Germany
Phone: +49-(0)-6894-9657-0 • Fax: +49-(0)-6894-9657-22
www.imar-navigation.de • sales@imar-navigation.de
initial heading accuracy obtained from dual-antenna setup only; will be automatically improved
as soon as certain motion is observed; accuracy rule of thumb: 0.2 °/[m baseline]
2 values with GNSS or RTK aiding are given under the condition of sufficient GNSS availability and sufficient motion

 iMAR 16.02.2024 rev. 2.29 DocNo.: DOC141221005 technical modifications reserved w/o notice

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