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Formulation and Evaluation of Polyherbal Hair Oil

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IJRPC 2023, 13(1), 46-49 Manikanta et al ISSN: 22312781


Available online at www.ijrpc.com Research Article

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.33289/IJRPC.17.1.2023.13(10)


G. Manikanta*, M. Mohan Varma, KT. Sunil Kumar,
Md. Shaheena and K. Heelima
Department of Pharmaceutics, Shri Vishnu College of Pharmacy,
Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.

The current research aimed to formulate polyherbal hair oil utilizing fresh and dried herbs like amla,
aloe vera, Tulasi, hibiscus, shikakai, curry leaves, jasmine, neem, fenugreek and other ingredients such
as almond oil, coconut oil. The polyherbal hair oil formulated can satisfy all the required conditions to
keep the hair moisturized, strengthen the hair and prevent dandruff caused by bacteria. The prepared
polyherbal hair oil was evaluated for pH, specific gravity, viscosity, irritation, grittiness, acid value, and
saponification value. All the parameters were found to be good and within the limits.

Keywords: Polyherbal, Coconut oil and Almond oil.

INTRODUCTION barriers varies depending on the type of oil.

The hair on our bodies has a particular Hair oils have huge benefits due to the effect
structure and is divided into thin and thick hair. that it has on the scalp. When oil is first
Thin hair, also called lanugo or vellus, is applied, the oil forms a protective hydrophobic
located on all skin surfaces except for the film that decreases trans-epidermal water
palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. loss as it reduces evaporation from water from
Thick hair, also called terminal hair, is dark the skin. The reduction of water loss is
and located only in some areas such as the important to the scalp because it helps reduce
scalp, the armpits, the pubic area, and the fatigue such as swelling and dryness. Further
beard area in the case of men. so, hair oils fill up any gaps between the
Hair is located in the hair follicle, a particular cuticle cells which prevents the penetration of
skin structure with a sac-like form, tilted by any damaging substances in the hair follicle.
approximately 75° concerning the skin's Mineral and vegetable oils are used to make a
surface. The lower part of the hair follicle is variety of commercial and traditional hair
located in the deeper part of the dermis but its oils. Coconut oil is a common ingredient and
depth level varies from hair to hair (in the case brands which use this include Parachute.
of hair on the head, the average depth is Natural hair oils of Almond, Sesame, Olive,
around 0.6 -1 cm). Hair oil is oil applied to Grape seed, Jojoba, Coconut, and Argan
the hair as a cosmetic, conditioner, styling aid, are considered supreme oils, best suitable
restorative, or tonic. Hair oils have been used for healthy hair growth. They can be applied
for many different purposes such as hair directly on the hair as well as the skin. Even
growth, health, dryness, scalp, or fixing essential oils consisting of Lavender and
damaged hair. Various forms of hair oils can Lemongrass have numerous qualities that
be applied such as natural hair oils which help nourish and strengthen the hair. These
include traditional hair oils like coconut, castor, are the best hair oils that not only bestow
or almond oil Humans produce natural hair oil an amazing fragrance but also contain
called sebum from glands around each follicle. enriching properties that benefit your hair to
Other mammals produce similar oils such a great extent. Coconut oil is a commonly
as lanolin. When hair oils are first applied onto used oil in hair products and just by itself.
the scalp, the effect of the oil on the lipid Coconut oil was found to have properties that

IJRPC 2023, 13(1), 46-49 Manikanta et al ISSN: 22312781

reduce protein loss in hair when used before Preparation

and after washing. Coconut oil is known to The preparation of polyherbal hair oil is as
have lauric acid, which is a type of fatty follows: Initially, all the dried and fresh herbs
acid that allows it to penetrate within the hair such as amla, aloe vera, Tulasi, hibiscus,
follicles and therefore heal and repair hair that shikakai, curry leaves, jasmine, neem, and
is damaged. Aside from this, coconut oil is also fenugreek are weighed. In the mortar, all the
widely known for moisturizing hair to avoid weighed materials were taken and triturate
breakage. There are many varieties of with the pestle and the mixture was mixed in
coconut oil that include refined, unrefined, 60 gm of oil. The above content was boiled for
and extra-virgin. It works by repairing brittle 15 minutes and filtered through a muslin cloth.
hair, and prevents split ends those with To the filtrate 25 gm of oil was added to make
slower hair growth can use it to enhance up the volume (100ml). Finally, a small amount
the rate of hair growth. of flavoring agent was added to the oil and it
was placed in the container. In the mortar, all
MATERIALS AND METHODS the weighed materials were taken and triturate
Collection of Plant Material with the pestle and the mixture was mixed in
All the fresh and dried herbs such as amla, 60 gm of oil. The above content was boiled for
aloe vera, hibiscus, Tulasi, shikakai, curry 15 min and the mixture was filtered through a
leaves, jasmine, neem, fenugreek, coconut oil, muslin cloth. To the filtrate 25 gm of oil was
and almond oil were collected and weighed. added to make up the volume (100ml). Finally,
a small amount of flavoring agent was added
to the oil and it was placed in the container.

Table 1: Materials

Table 2: Formulation Table

(F1) (F2) (F3) (F4)
1 Amla 1.5 gm - 2 gm -
2 Alovera - - 4 gm 4gm
3 Tulasi 2 gm 2 gm 2 gm 2gm
4 Hibiscus 1 gm 2 gm 1 gm 1gm
5 Shikakai 2.5 gm 3 gm 2 gm 2gm
6 Curry leaves 1 gm 1 gm - -
7 Jasmine 1 gm 1 gm 1 gm 1gm
8 Neem 2 gm 3 gm - -
9 Fenugreek 4 gm 3 gm 5 gm 5gm
10 Coconut oil 60 gm 60 gm 85 gm 60gm
11 Almond oil 25 gm 25 gm - 25gm

IJRPC 2023, 13(1), 46-49 Manikanta et al ISSN: 22312781

EVALUATION TESTS weighed (b). The weight of the sample per

Physio-chemical evaluation milliliter was determined by subtracting the
To assess the hair oil formulations, the weights (b-a).
Density of oil
physicochemical properties of the oil were
estimated. Specific gravity =
Acid value

Physical examination Preparation of 0.1 molar solution

Colour Weighed 0.56 g KOH pellets and dissolved in
Odour 100 mL of distilled water and stirred
Irritation test continuously. The prepared 0.1 molar KOH
Grittiness test solution was filled in the burette.

Skin Irritation test Preparation of sample

The prepared herbal hair oil was applied on 1 10 mL oil was measured and dissolved in 50
cm of the skin of the hand and exposed to mL of 1:1 ethanol and ether mixture and
sunlight for 4-5 min. shaken vigorously. 1 mL of phenolphthalein
solution was then added and titrated with 0.1
pH molar KOH solution.
The pH of herbal hair oil was determined using
a pH meter. Saponification value
To accurately weighed 1 mL of oil in 250 mL of
Viscosity the conical flask, 10 mL of ethanol: ether
The viscosity was determined using Ostwald’s mixture (2: 1) was added. To this, 25 mL of 0.5
viscometer. The viscometer was mounted in a N alcoholic KOH was added and was kept
vertical position on a suitable stand. Oil was undisturbed for 30 min. and the flask was
filled into the viscometer up to mark A. The cooled. This solution was titrated against 0.5 N
was counted for water to flow from mark A to HCl using phenolphthalein indicator. Similarly,
mark B. the same procedure was repeated for the blank titration was performed without
the test liquid by using the above formula and taking oil (sample). The amount of KOH in mg
the viscosity of the test liquid can be used was calculated using the formula.
Saponification Value = 56.1(B-S) N/W
Specific gravity
The specific gravity bottle was rinsed with Where B= Volume in mL of standard
distilled water, dried in a hot air oven for 15 Hydrochloric acid required for the blank.
minutes, cooled, capped, weighed, and noted S= Volume in mL of standard Hydrochloric
as (a). Now the same specific gravity bottle acid
was filled with the sample, capped and again


Table 3: Results
S.no Parameters F1 F2 F3 F4
Greenish Greenish
1 Colour Greenish Greenish
yellow yellow
2 Odour Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
3 Irritation test No No No No
4 Grittiness test Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth
5 pH 6.5 6.8 6.7 6.4
6 Viscosity 0.921 0.902 0.949 0.918
7 Specific gravity 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.94
8 Acid value 4.3 4.5 3.5 4.6
9 Saponification value 197.01 198.01 202.1 195.02

IJRPC 2023, 13(1), 46-49 Manikanta et al ISSN: 22312781

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