Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
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This book and all corresponding materials (such as source code) are provided on an
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claim, damages or other liability, whether in action of contract, tort or otherwise,
arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use of other dealing in
the software.
All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this book are the property of
their own respective owners. 2
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials 3
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Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials 12
L Book License
By purchasing Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials, you have the following license:
• You are allowed to use and/or modify the source code in Apple Augmented Reality
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• You are allowed to use and/or modify all art, images and designs that are included
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Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials without prior authorization.
• This book is for your personal use only. You are NOT allowed to sell this book
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All materials provided with this book are provided on an “as is” basis, without
warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties
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shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other
liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in
connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this guide are the properties
of their respective owners. 13
Before You Begin
This section tells you a few things you need to know before you get started, such as
what you’ll need for hardware and software, where to find the project files for this
book, and more. 14
i What You Need
• A Mac running macOS Monterey (12.2) or later. Earlier versions might work, but
they’re untested.
• Xcode 13 or later. Xcode is the main development tool for iOS. You’ll need Xcode
13 or later to complete the projects in this book. You can download the latest
version of Xcode from Apple’s developer site here:
• An AR-capable iOS device with iOS 13 or later installed. Any iOS device with an
A9 chip or newer that has iOS 11 or newer installed will support AR. However, the
latest features, such as motion capture and people occlusion, will only run on a
device with an A12 Bionic processor or newer and iOS 13 or newer.
If you haven’t installed the latest version of macOS and Xcode, be sure to do so
before continuing with the book. 15
ii Book Source Code &
We’ve also set up an official forum for the book at https:// This is a
great place to ask questions about the book or to submit any errors you may find. 16
“To my wife Corné and my daughter Marizé. Thank you for
your patience, support, belief, and most of all, your love.
Everything I do, I do for you.”
— Chris Language 17
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials About the Team 18
v Introduction
Welcome to your first step into Apple’s wonderful world of augmented reality (AR).
This book is the easiest and fastest way to get hands-on experience using Apple
frameworks and technologies like Reality Composer, RealityKit, and ARKit — all the
available rendering technologies Apple has to offer, as well as a collection of fun
projects for creating various real-world AR experiences.
After reading this book, you’ll have a deep understanding of the technologies and
frameworks used to create powerful, immersive AR experiences for the Apple
platform. 19
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Introduction 20
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Introduction 21
Section I: Reality Composer
Welcome to the first section of the book. In this section, you’ll dip your toes into the
shallow end of augmented reality as you learn about AR Quick Look, Reality
Composer, Reality Converter and USDZ files. You’ll create an interactive virtual drum
kit that you’ll be able to share with your friends on iMessage. 22
1 Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Welcome to your first step into Apple’s wonderful world of augmented reality (AR)!
This chapter has been designed from the ground up to satisfy the need to create an
Augmented Reality App with Xcode as quickly — and impatiently — as possible. Who
wants to read pages upon pages of information before getting to the fun part? Well,
you’re in luck, because the fun begins right now!
In this chapter, you’ll create a fun little augmented reality app using Xcode. By the
end of this chapter, you’ll have a fully remote-controllable Tiny Toy Tank. You’ll be
able to drive it around and make it aim and shoot at stuff. Sound good? Great! It’s
time to get to it. 23
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Start Xcode, then create a new project by selecting File ▸ New ▸ Project…. When
asked to choose a new template for your project, select iOS ▸ Application ▸
Augmented Reality App, then click Next to continue.
Enter TinyToyTank for the Product Name and choose RealityKit as your Content
Technology of choice.
Make sure to set the Interface to Storyboard before clicking Next to continue. 24
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Select a secure location to save your project. To keep things simple, the Desktop is
always a good place. Once that’s done, click Create to finalize the project creation
Excellent, you’ve just created an augmented reality app with Xcode. Congratulations,
chapter done! :]
Wait, didn’t someone mention something about a Tiny Toy Tank? Oh, of course, yes,
continue on, then.
Note: Feel free to do a quick build and run at this point. You’ll see a glorious
cube sitting on the nearest flat surface in front of you. How boring! Now, if
that was a pretty-looking tank, it would be much more interesting. 25
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
• Assets.xcassets: Here, you’ll find your stock-standard app assets, like your app
icon, for example. You’ll add some images for the buttons here.
• Main.storyboard: Contains all of the UI for your app. You’ll add some basic
control buttons for the Tiny Toy Tank here. 26
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
• Project Target Info: This one is important when dealing with AR apps. It’s where
your app requests access to various hardware components, like the camera, for
example, to deliver the AR experience.
Great, a lot of stuff is ready for you out of the box. Now that you’re aware of what’s
contained within the default project template, you can start adding some custom
With Info open, set the value of Privacy — Camera Usage Description to AR
experience requires access to Camera.
Now, when your app launches, it’ll request access to the camera, explaining to the
user that it needs that access to deliver the AR experience. 27
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
When prompted to choose an option for adding the file, select Copy items if needed
to add a copy of the file, not a reference, to your project. Select Finish to complete
the process. 28
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Select TinyToyTank.rcproject in the project hierarchy and meet the hero of your
AR app — the glorious Tiny Toy Tank.
In the top bar, select Scenes to view the Scenes panel and select Properties to see
the current scene’s properties.
Note that this project only contains one scene named TinyToyTank and that it uses
a Horizontal anchor type. 29
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Select the Behaviors option to reveal the Behaviors panel at the bottom.
Here, you’ll find a collection of Behaviors, which animate the tank and play sound
effects. Select the TurretLeft behavior, then select the little Play button next to the
Action Sequence.
The turret on top of the tank will turn left while making a ratchet sound. When it’s
done, the turret resets to its original position. You’ll use all of these behaviors to
move and turn the tank.
Enough about that for now, you’ll learn more about Reality Composer and its
features in another chapter. For now, close Reality Composer and jump back into
Xcode. 30
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
// 1
// 2
tankAnchor = try! TinyToyTank.load_TinyToyTank()
// 3
To keep your project nicely organized and clean, now would be a great time to
remove Experience.rcproject from your project. Right-click it then select Delete.
When asked, select Move to Trash to completely remove it. 31
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Now that you’ve removed the file, your project is once again clean and organized. It’s
time to test things out. Connect your device, then build and run.
Your app starts and requests permission to access the camera. Once you grant that
permission, point the camera toward a flat surface. A tiny tank will spawn out of thin
air, placing itself right on top of that surface. Amazing!
It’s a pretty little tank indeed, but it ain’t moving? That’s no fun! You’ll take care of
that next.
Setting Up the UI
You’ll need to add some on-screen controls for the user to let them control the tank.
There are a several button images for you to use under starter/resources/Buttons.
Select Assets.scnassets then drag and drop all of the images into it. 32
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Setting Up ARView
Now that you’ve added the images, you need to configure the UI. Keep in mind, this
chapter is not about building UIs, it’s about creating the AR experience. With that in
mind, and to keep things as simple as possible, you’re going to take some shortcuts
when creating the UI.
Press Backspace to delete it. You can’t use the current ARView alone as a container
for other UI elements; you have to use an UIView instead.
Open Object Library by selecting the + sign at the top, then search for the UIView.
Drag and drop it onto the ARView view controller. 33
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Open the Object Library again, then search for ARView. Drag and drop a RealityKit
AR View into the design view.
Manually adjust the control points so that it fits over the entire screen. Then, under
the Size Inspector, turn on both horizontal and vertical Autoresizing. This will
keep the ARView full screen at all times.
Because you recreated the ARView from scratch, you need to reconnect it to the
arView outlet in ViewController.swift.
Create a side-by-side view so that you can see Main.storyboard on one side and
ViewController.swift on the other. 34
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
From the view controller side, click, drag and connect the arView outlet to
RealityKit ARView.
Adding Buttons
Open the Object Library and search for Button. Drag and drop a Button into the
design view. 35
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Rename the button TankRight, then under the Attributes Inspector, select the
TankRight image for it.
Under the Size inspector, set the Width and Height to 80. Under Autoresizing,
anchor the button to the Bottom-Right. 36
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Now, when the user presses the TankRight button, it will trigger
tankRightPressed() within the ViewController.
Follow the same steps as above and add the remaining buttons. Here’s a list of the
remaining buttons. 37
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Start with the tank movement. Add the following line to tankRightPressed(_:):
You can access any of the available behaviors through notifications. You invoke
them by calling post() on the behavior.
tankAnchor! 38
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Great, the tank moves when you press forward, left and right. But hang on,
something is horribly wrong. The turret on top of the tank isn’t moving with it.
What’s going on here?
Parenting Entities
The problem you’re experiencing is the fact that the turret is currently a separate
entity — it’s not connected to the tank. To connect the turret to the tank, you need to
set the tank as the turret’s parent. That way, when the tank entity moves and rotates,
its child entities will move and rotate with it.
Add the following line of code to viewDidLoad(), right after tankAnchor has been
tankAnchor!.tank, preservingWorldTransform: true)
This sets the tank entity as the turret entity’s parent. Preserving the World
Transform while parenting the tank to the turret keeps the current position of the
turret relative to the tank’s current position, as you see it in the scene.
Build and run again, and you’ll see you’ve attached the turret nicely to the tank. 39
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
And to make the cannon fire, add the following line of code to
That’s it, you now have full control over your tank. Build and run again to test it.
The tank moves on command, the turret stays connected to the tank and moves with
it. The turret moves independently from the tank and fires off its cannon like a
champ. But hang on, there’s yet another issue. 40
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Final Touches
When the user’s a bit trigger happy and presses the button too enthusiastically, the
animation goes pear-shaped. When pressing a button while an animation is playing,
the next animation is compounded on top of the currently-playing animation, which
has some undesired side effects. This could lead to the turret being stuck in mid-air,
for example.
The best way to solve this issue is to prevent any other animations from playing
while an animation is currently active.
When an animation triggers, you’ll set isActionPlaying to true. Then, while it’s
true, you can prevent any other animations from triggering.
To do this, add the following code to the top of all of the “button pressed event”
if self.isActionPlaying { return }
else { self.isActionPlaying = true }
Now, when the user presses a button to kick off an animation, it will first check to
see if there’s an animation already in progress. If there is, it will ignore the button
press. If not, it will set the flag to indicate that there is now an animation in
progress, right before kicking of the actual animation.
You still need to reset isActionPlaying once the animation completes. To solve
that, the behaviors have already been configured to send back a notification once the
animation sequence completes. You just need to react to it.
Add the following code to viewDidLoad(), right after setting the tank as the turret’s
tankAnchor?.actions.actionComplete.onAction = { _ in
self.isActionPlaying = false
} 41
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
That’s it, you’re done. Build and run one last time and test out the glorious Tiny Toy
Now would be a good time to look away, because the little bear is about to get it! :]
Note: For completeness’ sake, there are a bunch of app icons you can use
under starter/resources/AppIcons. Just drag and drop them into the
AppIcon component of Assets.xcassets.
You can find a copy of the final project under the final/TinyToyTank folder. 42
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 1: AR Quick Start
Key Points
Congratulations on finishing this chapter. You now know how quick and easy it is to
create an AR experience with Xcode.
Take a look at some of the key points you picked up along the way:
• User Interface: You learned how to create a very basic user interface allowing the
user to interact with the AR content. You can easily extend this with touch-based
gestures or even voice activation for more intuitive interaction. Later, you’ll also
learn how to create a SwiftUI-based UI.
• RealityKit: You got a real quick introduction to RealityKit. Now, you shouldn’t be
intimidated by the coding component of creating AR experiences. In the coming
chapters, you’ll learn more about it with a few more project examples.
• 3D Virtual Content: In this chapter, you used ready-made 3D virtual content, but
that won’t be the case when you’re working on your own projects from scratch. In
the coming chapters, you’ll learn much more about content creation, which is an
extremely important part of creating AR experiences.
Go take your Tiny Toy Tank for a spin and shoot at a few things. See you soon in the
next chapter. 43
2 Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
The message from Apple is crystal clear: Augmented reality (AR) is here to stay, and
it’s going to play a big part in the future of the iPhone. Ever since the release of
ARKit 2.0 and iOS 12 at WWDC 2018, Apple has deeply integrated AR into the core of
all its operating systems.
Even apps like iMessage, Mail, Notes, News, Safari and Files now have support for
This is thanks to AR Quick Look, which is the simplest way to present AR content
on mobile devices. In this chapter, you’ll learn about AR Quick Look. You’ll see how
easy it is to integrate it into your own apps to give them some cool AR superpowers. 44
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
Here’s the best part: Quick Look now offers support for USDZ and Reality file
formats via its AR Quick Look feature.
AR Quick Look lets you showcase a virtual 3D model of a physical product within
your local space. The model appears grounded in your environment, giving you a
good sense of how the physical product looks.
Imagine you want to buy a new sofa. A shopping app with this technology lets you
check out how various sofas actually look in your living room.
Using AR Quick Look is as simple as providing it with the path to your USDZ or
Reality content and letting it do its magic. And there are lots of nifty things you can
do with it, too.
• Occlusion: Occlusion allows the physical world to obscure virtual content based
on its depth relative to the real world. AR Quick Look currently offers occlusion for
people and faces. This feature works only on certain devices. 45
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
• Physics, Forces and Collisions: Virtual content responds to the laws of physics.
Objects can fall due to gravity and bounce and collide with one another.
• Triggers and Behaviors: Users can reach into AR and interact with objects to
trigger events, animations and sounds.
• High Dynamic Range, Tone Mapping and Color Correction: AR Quick Look
samples the local environment in real time and uses the results to control the
virtual content’s brightness, color and tone. This makes objects seem to blend
naturally with their surroundings.
• Camera Grain, Motion Blur and Depth of Field: Post-processing camera effects
push the visual fidelity to the next level. Fast-moving objects blur, distant objects
appear out of focus and adding a grain effect to crisp-looking virtual content
makes it blend in with a typical grainy camera feed.
• Ambient and Spatial Audio: Ambient sounds add another level of realism to
virtual content. Objects produce spatially-accurate sound effects based on their
location in physical space and their position relative to the camera.
• Integration and Customization: You can easily integrate AR Quick Look into
Web, iOS, macOS and tvOS apps.
• Apple Pay: Apple Pay is fully integrated into AR Quick Look. Users can impulse
buy your products without leaving the AR experience.
As you can see, AR Quick Look gives you the flexibility to make your products shine
in AR. However, there are a few limitations to keep in mind while you work with it. 46
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
This might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning that AR Quick Look is only
available in the Apple ecosystem. You can’t view AR Quick Look content on devices
that run Android, Windows or any other non-Apple operating system.
AR Quick Look experiences are also somewhat limited due to the lack of any kind of
scriptable or codable pipeline. More intelligent AR experiences require you to create
apps for them.
These models use the USDZ format, and thanks to AR Quick Look, Safari now has
built-in support for that format.
Did you notice that tiny cube on each of the model images? 47
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
That’s Apple’s signature icon to indicate that the model is viewable in AR.
So, what are you waiting for? Pick an option and try it for yourself.
AR Mode
When you pick a model, Safari launches AR Quick Look, which loads the referenced
USDZ file from a URL and presents it to you.
It launches directly into AR mode to get the user into AR as quickly as possible.
As soon as AR Quick Look detects the desired surface, it automatically places the 3D
model on top of that surface. The experience is seamless and, with quality virtual
content, you can easily believe you’re seeing the real thing.
• Positioning: You can easily position the 3D model with a tap, hold and drag
gesture to place the model wherever you want. AR Quick Look understands both
horizontal and vertical surfaces. So if there’s a wall behind the model, you can
simply drag the model onto the wall, and it’ll stick.
• Scaling: Scale the 3D model larger or smaller with a pinch-in or -out gesture.
Reset the scale to 100% by double-tapping the 3D model.
• Rotating: Rotate the 3D model by placing two fingers on the screen and moving
them in a circular motion. Again, a double-tap gesture will reset the rotation.
• Levitating: Defy gravity and levitate the 3D model with a two-finger upwards-
drag gesture.
• Videos: You can even make a video recording of your AR experience by holding
down the camera shutter button for a short time. As soon as you let go, AR Quick
Look will automatically save the video clip to your photos. Excellent!
• Sharing: Select the share button at the top-right and you’ll get a list of apps that
let you share the current model. How about AirDropping it to a nearby friend? 48
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
Once you’re done playing, you can close AR Quick Look with the X button at the top-
left corner. You’ll return to the webpage, where you can explore some of the other
cool 3D models.
Object Mode
Switch into Object mode by selecting the Object tab in AR mode. Here, you can
inspect the 3D model with the same basic gestures to manipulate it, like pinch to
scale and swipe to rotate.
With Object mode, you’re able to see the object’s details without the distractions of
the real world around it.
Once you’ve finished looking at the models, you’re ready to move on to learning how
to add augmented reality to your websites. 49
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
Open the starter_web folder and double-click index.html. This launches Safari and
loads the following web page:
This is an example web page with two USDZ models. When you inspect the files in
the folder, you’ll observe three images along with three USDZ files.
Your next step is to go through the process of adding another USDZ model to your
AR gallery.
Note: To edit HTML files, you need to use a plain text editor; TextEdit tends to
render the file rather than give you access to the underlying HTML code. If you
do not have a plain text editor, you can use Xcode to edit the file.
Add the following HTML markup to the bottom of the file, just above the </body>
tag: 50
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
This adds a standard <a> tag, which creates references to URLs. Look at the provided
• href: This is set to pig.usdz. It points to the USDZ file that you’re referencing,
which is in the same location as index.html.
• rel: This attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and
the linked document. In this case, you’re setting the relationship to ar, indicating
that the referenced document is an AR model.
Now, add the following line of code just before the previously-added </a> tag:
Up to this point, the reference to the USDZ file was invisible on the webpage. This
line of code adds an image to the reference, giving the user something to tap.
Finally, open .htaccess with a text editor and add the following line:
This adds the required MIME type so Safari knows what to do with the USDZ file
Save your changes and test. Once again, open index.html in Safari.
That’s it; you just added another USDZ file to your webpage. Fantastic! 51
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
Note: You can only experience AR Quick Look on an actual device running iOS
12 or newer. You also need to deploy your webpage to an actual web server to
browse to it from your device. Setting up a local web server falls outside the
scope of this book.
If you’re wondering how to add AR Quick View support to existing apps, you’ve
come to the right place. You’re going to do that next.
When you select a row, nothing happens yet. All you’re doing at this point is storing
the selected row index in a variable named modelIndex. You’ll use this variable later. 52
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
Next, you’ll load the images using an array of strings named modelNames, which
links directly to the images stored in Assets.xcassets.
Import the USDZ files into the project by dragging and dropping the Models folder,
found inside resources, into the project. 53
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
Make sure you’ve checked Add to targets, then click Finish to complete the process.
You’ll now see a new Models group inside the project; you can preview the USDZ
files within Xcode.
Open ViewController.swift and add the following to the top of the file:
import QuickLook
QLPreviewControllerDelegate, QLPreviewControllerDataSource 54
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
When previewing AR content, you’re always going to preview only one object at a
time. So when the data source queries the number of preview items, you tell it that
there’s only one item available for preview.
func previewController(
_ controller: QLPreviewController,
previewItemAt index: Int) -> QLPreviewItem {
let url = Bundle.main.url(
forResource: modelNames[modelIndex],
withExtension: "usdz")!
return url as QLPreviewItem
So what’s going on in the code above? When the preview controller requests the
resourceURL, you construct the URL for the selected resource name at modelIndex
in the modelNames array. You also specify the resource extension as usdz. Finally, the
code passes the URL back to the controller as a QLPreviewItem.
You’ve now implemented all the Quick Look protocols. The only thing left to do is
present the preview.
// 1
let previewController = QLPreviewController()
// 2
previewController.dataSource = self 55
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
previewController.delegate = self
// 3
present(previewController, animated: false)
Finally, you’re ready to present the AR Quick Look preview to the user. With this
2. Next, you nominate the ViewController class as dataSource and delegate for
the preview controller.
That’s it, you’re done! Your app can use AR Quick Look now. Build and run to test it.
Note: Make sure your device is running iOS 12 or newer, or you won’t be able
to see it. 56
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 2: AR Quick Look
Key Points
Well done, you’ve reached the end of the first chapter.
• Apple has deeply integrated AR into iOS, macOS and tvOS. Many commonly-used
apps provide AR support with AR Quick Look.
• You can use USDZ and Reality content on the web. Upload your file and create a
stock-standard reference to it. Thanks to its built-in support, Safari’s smart
enough to know it can view the content with AR Quick Look. It automatically gives
the user that mind-blowing AR experience.
• Need to add AR support to some of your existing apps? AR Quick Look has your
back. Simply add your USDZ and Reality files to your existing project along with
some sampled images. Then use QLPreviewController to do the heavy lifting for
Now that you know all there is to know about AR Quick Look, you might wonder how
you create your own USDZ and Reality files. Well, continue to the next chapter to
find out! 57
3 Chapter 3: Reality
Composer & Reality Files
Now that you know all about AR Quick Look, it’s time to dip your toes a little deeper
into the shallow end of Augmented Reality (AR). In this chapter, you’ll learn about
Reality Composer and Reality Files. 58
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Any AR Quick Look-compatible app, including iMessage, Safari, Files and even apps
you build yourself, can then view the AR experiences you create.
Reality Composer is fully integrated into Xcode, which allows you to easily extend
and customize your app’s AR experiences with the power of Xcode and Swift.
If you’re using an iPhone or iPad, you can download and install Reality Composer
directly from the App Store using this link: 59
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Although the interface is extremely compact, the app itself is fully functional,
keeping you productive while you’re on the go. The best part of using an iPhone is
that it allows you to edit your 3D scenes directly in AR space. You experience the end
result first hand – no more playing in the dark!
The iPad’s interface is similar to the iPhone’s interface, but with a little more
breathing room.
There’s also a macOS version that installs automatically with the latest versions of
Xcode. 60
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
You’ll notice subtle interface differences between the iPhone, iPad and macOS
versions, but rest assured that the underlying functionality is exactly the same.
However, the macOS version doesn’t allow editing in AR space, mainly due to the
lack of a rear-facing camera on most Macs.
Note: At the time of writing, you can only install Reality Composer for macOS
through Xcode. There’s no App Store version available for download yet.
• Basic Transform Editing: With the built-in scene editor, you can easily drag,
drop, rotate and scale virtual objects to construct AR scenes.
• Edit in Augmented Space: You can transfer scenes between macOS and iOS. This
allows you to test and edit virtual scenes either on-screen or directly in augmented
space. 61
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
• Built-in Content Library: Reality Composer comes with its own content library of
virtual objects that should cover most of your AR prototyping needs. There’s even
a collection of primitive objects, like cubes, spheres, springs and spirals, that you
can use to build your own creations.
• USDZ File Support: If you want a form that’s not available in the built-in content
library, you can create your own content and import it via a USDZ file.
• Animations: Bring your virtual content to life with animations that can make
them wiggle and spin or put emphasis on them to attract the user’s attention.
• Spatial Audio: You can easily add ambient sounds or special effects to your scene
and virtual content. Spatial audio accurately simulates sounds emitted from
objects based on their position in space.
• Exporting: You can either export directly to AR Quick Look or create an integrated
project with Xcode where you can use code to control your virtual content.
• iOS Support: The latest features of AR Quick Look are only available on iOS 13 or
newer. You might run into serious constraints when using a device with an older
iOS version on it. 62
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Note: Before you continue, make sure you’ve installed the latest version of
Xcode. This will ensure that Reality Composer is ready to go on your Mac.
You should also install Reality Composer on your iPhone or iPad, so you can
test on a device later.
Also, ensure that all of your devices are on the same network, which will make
them discoverable.
Use Spotlight Search to find and start the Reality Composer app that Xcode installed
for you.
On start-up, Reality Composer creates a default scene for your project. Each scene
has a default anchor, which forms the root position of the scene in AR space. You can
anchor your AR content onto a floor, a table, a wall, an image or even a face. You’ll
learn more about anchors a little later. 63
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
For now, select Horizontal and make sure you’ve checked Use template content
content. Click Choose to continue.
This creates the project and adds some default content. But at this point, you still
haven’t saved the project.
Press Command-S to open the Save Project dialog. You can also use the File ▸
Save… menu option to accomplish the same result.
Note: It’s good practice to save your project periodically, so you don’t lose any
progress. 64
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Set the project name to HelloRealityKit, then select a more suitable destination of
your choice. Select Save to finish.
Excellent, you’ve successfully created and saved your first Reality Composer project.
Note: The project is available for you as a starter project under the starter
folder. Just double-click HelloRealityKit.rcproject to open it in Reality
Exploring the UI
With the HelloRealityKit project open, you’re ready to explore the User Interface
(UI). 65
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
The UI consists of a few main components. Here’s what each component does:
1. Main menu: Here, you’ll find a typical menu with access to all available options.
2. Toolbar: The toolbar at the top of the screen contains the most commonly-used
options. The shortcuts are accessible through the Main menu, but the toolbar
makes them more convenient. You can customize the toolbar, so it matches your
liking. Toggle its visibility by pressing Option-Command-T.
3. Scenes: The Scenes panel is on the left and provides quick access to the available
scenes in the project. Simply click on the desired scene to switch to it. You can
toggle its visibility by pressing Option-Command-S.
4. Properties: The Properties panel on the right shows the available attributes of
the selected object. It’s context-sensitive, so the properties apply to only the
active selected object. Toggle its visibility by pressing Option-Command-P.
5. Scene view: The Scene view forms the center point of the UI. It’s the main 3D
view, where you add and manipulate virtual content and can see a live preview of
your changes. You can also use the visual guides to directly transform and
manipulate selected elements, changing their position, scale and rotation.
Adding Scenes
Your project can contain more than one scene. Adding a new scene is as easy as
clicking the + button in the top-right corner of the Scenes panel on the left. You
could also use the Main menu by going to Scene ▸ Add Scene…. 66
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Remember that a scene is associated with an Anchor, so you need to choose the
anchor type of the new scene.
Choose Horizontal again and uncheck Use template content. Click Choose to
Now that you’ve created a new empty scene, the project contains two scenes: Scene
and Scene 1. You can easily switch between the two by clicking on the scene that you
want active in the Scenes panel on the right. 67
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Navigating Scenes
To navigate around the scene, you can manipulate the view in three ways: Zoom, Pan
and Rotate.
1. Zoom: To zoom in and out, hold down the Option key, then slide your finger
backward and forward.
2. Pan: To pan around, slide your finger in any direction; the scene view will follow.
3. Rotate: To rotate the scene, press and hold the left mouse button while moving
the mouse around. 68
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Adding Objects
An empty scene isn’t that exciting, so your next step is to spruce things up a bit by
adding some objects to it.
Open the Content Library by clicking the Objects button with a + sign in it from the
toolbar at the top of the screen.
The Content Library contains a library of various shapes and 3D objects that you can
use to prototype your AR scenes.
The basic shapes section is special. These are all parametric shapes, meaning that
you can alter them by adjusting their parameters — more on that a little later.
Double-click the Cube from Basic ▸ Shapes to add it to the active scene. 69
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
You’ll notice a circle appears around the box with three colored arrows.
• Red: This is the X-axis, which moves from left to right in 3D space.
• Green: This is the Y-axis, which goes from bottom to top in 3D space.
You can easily replace, modify, cut, copy, paste, duplicate and delete objects from
here. You can also use shortcut keys like backspace to delete, Command-Z to undo,
Command-C to copy and Command-P to paste objects work. 70
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Clicking and dragging any of the arrows will move the object’s position in that
direction, restricting it to that selected axis.
When you rotate around the scene view, the circle color will change depending on
the direction you’re viewing it from.
Click and drag the circle to rotate the object around the specified axis.
For more precise control over the object transform, you can adjust the settings from
the Properties panel. 71
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
This area shows all of the available properties associated with the cube.
Expand the Transform section on the Properties panel, then adjust the properties to
match the following settings:
Using these properties, you can adjust where and how the object appears within the
Reality Composer offers quite a few parametric shapes that you can use to create
weird and wonderful AR experiences. 72
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
For example:
With the Properties panel still visible, expand the Look section to see what the cube
shape has to offer.
Here, you can change the material and shape of the cube. Adjust the cube, like so:
Your next step is to add some physics to your scene to bring it to life with some quick
and dirty animation. 73
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Enabling Physics
Reality Composer comes with an easy-to-use but powerful built-in physics simulator.
Adding basic animation to your virtual objects elevates the believability of any AR
With the cube still selected, expand the Physics section on the Properties panel.
Check the Participates option to enable physics for the selected object. When the
scene plays, the object will come to life and fall to the ground, just like a real object
in the real world would due to gravity.
Motion Type
There are two options for Motion Type, which determines how the object will
participate in the physics simulation:
• Static: When set to Static, the object will participate in the physics simulation, but
the physics engine won’t dynamically move it. You can animate the object by other
means, and it will collide with other physics-enabled objects – like a baseball bat,
for example.
• Dynamic: When set to Dynamic, the object will participate in the physics
simulation, and the physics engine will dynamically move it. This could be a
baseball, for example. 74
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Physics Material
Your next step is to set up the Physics Material of the object. Reality Composer
provides a few pre-configured material types.
These options control the object mass, material density, surface drag coefficient and
restitution, or bounciness, of the object. So setting the material to concrete would
make the object heavier and less bouncy than setting it to rubber, for example.
• Box: Sets the collision mesh to a box shape. Useful for boxes, walls and flat
objects, for example.
• Capsule: Setting the collision shape to capsule is useful for character bodies, for
• Sphere: Spheres are useful for round objects like balls. This is also the most
performant collision shape. 75
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Your basic AR scene is done now. Yay! Now wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to
test it? Well, actually, there is… and you’ll do that next.
Playing Scenes
Reality Composer has the ability to play the AR scene so that you can test it to find
and debug any possible issues.
Click the Play button in the toolbar — but keep a watchful eye, because what you’re
about to see happens quickly.
Did you see it? The cube comes alive, falls to the floor and bounces. Excellent!
Now wouldn’t it be nice to experience the scene in augmented reality? That brings us
to Reality files. 76
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Make sure you still have Scene 1 selected and select File ▸ Export ▸ Export Current
Scene… to export the scene as a Reality file.
That’s it; you’re done. You’ve successfully created your first AR experience with
Reality Composer.
To test it out on your device, find the file in Finder, then right-click it and select
Share ▸ AirDrop. Finally, select your device from the list. 77
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
On your device, accept and save the file using Files, then open it.
A shiny metal cube magically drops on your desk. How cool is that?
Note: You can find the final project and the exported Reality file inside the
final folder. 78
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 3: Reality Composer & Reality Files
Key Points
Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of this chapter. Consider yourself now one
full toe deep into the fantastic world of augmented reality. :]
• Features and Limitations: You have a good understanding of the feature set
Reality Composer has to offer, along with its limitations.
• Projects: You know how to create your own Reality Composer projects.
• Creating Multiple Scenes: It’s super easy to give your project multiple scenes.
• Content Library: It’s also easy to add virtual content to the scenes, especially
with the wide range of objects to choose from the built-in content library.
• Parametric Shapes: You learned about parametric shapes and how to manipulate
the parameters under the Properties panel.
• Physics: You got a quick introduction to basic physics and how easy it is to set up
in Reality Composer.
• Play and Debug: You learned how to playtest your AR scenes with the Play
• Export and Share: Finally, you saw that once you’ve finished creating your
experience, exporting it and sharing it is a breeze!
That’s it for now. See you in the next chapter, where you’ll learn about USDZ files
and how they operate. 79
4 Chapter 4: USDZ Files &
USD Python Tools
In the previous chapters, you explored the power of AR Quick Look. You also learned
how to create your own AR experiences with Reality Composer using models from
the built-in content library. But what about creating AR experiences with your own
custom content?
The key technology behind AR Quick Look and Reality Composer is a file format
known as USDZ.
In this chapter, you’ll learn about USD and the USDZ file format. You’ll also learn
how to convert your own virtual content into this universal format using Python-
based command-line tools. This knowledge will empower you to create your own
USDZ content for both AR Quick Look and Reality Composer.
What is USD?
Before getting to USDZ, you need to understand the technology behind it: Universal
Scene Description (USD). This is a universal format to exchange 3D content. Pixar
developed it to improve the graphics and animation workflow pipeline of large-scale
animation productions.
USD has been under development since 2016. It’s one of the core technologies
behind stunning animation blockbusters like “Finding Dory” and “Cars”. 80
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Since Pixar open-sourced the technology, it’s become an industry standard. Many of
the big players within the 3D graphics and animation industry now back it.
USD Features
USD comes with an onslaught of great features. Here’s a shortened list of just some
of its key features:
USD is essentially a universal 3D file format. It’s a C++ library that can read and write
USD files with Python bindings.
Note: You can easily convert USDA into USDC and vice-versa. 81
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
What is USDZ?
At WWDC 2018, Apple introduced AR Quick Look along with the new USDZ file
format. As you know by now, USD stands for Universal Scene Description; the
added Z merely indicates that it’s a ZIP archive.
USDZ Features
A number of critical features make USDZ an excellent choice for 3D content delivery:
• USDZ contains all of the related files for a specific USD scene, packaged nicely in a
single ZIP archive.
• USDZ is optimized specifically for sharing. It forms the basis behind AR Quick
Look, which is supported on iOS, macOS and tvOS.
• Scene Description Files: These can be USD, USDA, USDC or even USDZ files.
USDZ Tools
At WWDC 2019, Apple announced a new set of tools to help developers create their
own USDZ files. These tools are known as USDZ Tools or the USD Python Tools.
In the next section, you’ll learn how to convert a 3D model into the USDZ file format. 82
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Note: To download these tools, you need to log into the Apple Developer site
using your Apple Developer login credentials.
When you open the above link, you’ll see the following download page:
Expand the latest available version, then select the download link on the right: 83
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Note: At the time of writing, the latest available version is USDPython 0.64,
released on April 24th, 2020.
Once the ZIP file downloads, extract it. After it’s extracted you should see the
USDPython-0.64.pkg installer. Double-click the installer and follow the installation
instructions to get the tools installed.
Once done, find and open Applications/usdpython in Finder. You’ll see the
following contents.
• A detailed description of all the files contained in the archive. It’s a
good idea to read it.
• samples: A set of sample Python scripts that demonstrate how to use the USD
Python library.
• USD: The precompiled Python library plus a suite of command-line tools from
Pixar. You can use these tools to validate, check and inspect your USDZ files.
• usdconvert: Contains the USDZ Converter tool and another special tool for fixing
opacity issues. 84
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Right-click the USD.command file and select Open. If you see the following security
message, click Open.
Hey, wait a minute! There’s a crucial piece missing: The kick drum is missing, which
brings you to your next section. 85
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Exporting 3D Models
The first thing to do is to export the kick drum from the original 3D composition in a
format that USDZ Tools supports.
Note: For this example, you’ll use Blender 2.8x to demonstrate a few
important steps required to export your 3D models. You can apply this
knowledge to any of the other modern 3D authoring tools. If you don’t have
Blender installed, feel free to skip this section.
Select the kick drum by left-clicking it. Press the Backslash key to isolate the drum
from the rest of the composition. 86
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Look at the object transform information. Note that the drum has both a rotation
and a scale applied to it.
It’s a good idea to export your 3D objects with a zero rotation and scale of 1
transform because they are generally easier to work with at this size and with no
To fix this, make sure you’ve selected the drum, apply the current rotation and scale
by pressing Control-A, then select Apply ▸ Rotation & Scale.
Perfect! You now need to fix the origin point of the object. You’ll use the 3D Cursor
to set it, so first make sure you’ve positioned the 3D Cursor at the World Origin
point. 87
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Press Shift-S to bring up the Snap pie menu, then select Snap ▸ Cursor to World
Press G to grab the object, then hold Control while moving the drum to the right
until it centers with the World Origin. 88
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Nicely done! Right-click the object to display the Object Context Menu. Select Set
Origin ▸ Origin to 3D Cursor to move the object origin to the same location as the
3D Cursor. 89
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
With the drum still selected, go to File ▸ Export ▸ glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf) to bring up
the export options. 90
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Set the export location to Desktop. Then go through the export options and check
the following settings:
• Include ▸ Selected Objects. Now, only the selected model will export.
Set the file name to Kick, then select Export glTF 2.0 to finalize the export.
You’ve just exported the kick drum. You now have a file named Kick.glb on your
Desktop. You can preview the file in Finder.
Fantastic! 91
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Note: Find the resulting exported file under starter/Kick.glb. For the sake of
simplicity, this book assumes you’ve copied the Kick.glb file to your Desktop.
Please make sure to adjust the paths accordingly if you’re using a different
cd /
cd Users/<YourUserName>/Desktop
This sets your active working directory to the same location as the Kick.glb file on
your Desktop. Now, you don’t have to worry about dealing with paths when
providing parameters. You’ll simply work out of the currently-active directory.
Using usdzconvert
For your next step, you’ll use the usdzconvert tool. To find out more about the
available options, execute the following command-line instructions to request
detailed help information:
usdzconvert -h 92
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
This gives you a detailed list of options you can provide as input for usdzconvert.
This tells the converter that you’re providing Kick.glb as input and to produce
Kick.usdz as output. -v instructs the converter to show verbose output.
The converter tool receives an input file named Kick.glb containing a single mesh
called Kick. It then produces an output file named Kick.usdz. It finally checks the
output file for any issues with usdARKitChecker. It found no issues, so the output
file passed with flying colors.
That’s it, you’re done! You just created your first USDZ file.
Using usdcat
To do this, you’ll use usdcat. This tool converts USDZ into USDA files.
To find out more about it, execute the following command-line instruction to
request detailed help information:
usdcat -h 93
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
This gives you a detailed list of options that you can provide as input for the usdcat
The first parameter specifies the input file name as Kick.usdz. The -o specifies the
output file as Kick.usda.
That’s it, you’ve converted Kick.usdz to Kick.usda. You can now open the USDZ file
with a normal text editor to see what the code looks like.
Using usdtree
To get a high-level overview of the model hierarchy, you’ll use the usdtree tool.
To find out more about this tool, execute the following command-line instruction to
request detailed help information:
usdtree -h
This gives you a detailed list of options that you can provide as input for the usdtree
usdtree Kick.usdz 94
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Using usdchecker
Finally, to validate the generated USDZ and to make sure the file is compliant, you’ll
use the usdchecker tool.
To find out more about this tool, execute the following command-line instructions to
request detailed help information:
usdchecker -h
This gives you a detailed list of options that you can provide as input for the
usdchecker tool.
usdchecker Kick.usdz -v
The Kick.usdz parameter specifies the input file name. Finally, the -v parameter
specifies verbose output. 95
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
The file is validated and checked. Excellent, your USDZ file passed the check with
flying colors!
Yes, you’ve already established that the kick drum is missing. You’re about to fix
that! :]
To import a new USDZ asset, select the Add (+) button to access the built-in asset
library. Then select the Import button at the top-right to add custom assets. 96
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Find and select Kick.usdz on your Desktop, then select Import to complete the
This imports the kick drum into the active scene, but to the right of the other drums.
To position it properly, make sure you still have the kick drum selected, then open
the Properties panel. Set the Position to (X: 0cm, Y: 0,24cm, Z: 0cm) and set
the Rotations to (X: 180°, Y: 0, Z: 180°).
Your next step is to make it play like all the other drums. Select Behaviors at the
top-right to open the Behaviors panel. 97
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
This is where you add interactions, animations and sound effects to all the virtual
content in the scene.
The alerts tell you that there’s something wrong with the behavior. In this case, it’s
because you haven’t connected the behavior to the kick drum yet.
To connect the Trigger Tap event, select Choose, then select the kick drum. The
Choose button will change into a Done button. Select it to complete the connection.
Now that you’ve connected the event to the kick drum, the alert indicator
disappears. Follow the same process for all the other alerts to connect them all to the
kick drum.
There’s one final step: You need to reset all of the Position Actions so they don’t
move the kick drum when the user taps it. Select the Reset Position button – the
curly back arrow – to clear any positional information.
Now, when the user triggers the action sequence, it won’t affect the kick drum’s
Excellent, you’re all done! You can now Play the scene to test your awesome AR
Drum Set. Feel free to export the scene as a Reality file, then send it to your iPhone
to test it in augmented reality. 98
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 4: USDZ Files & USD Python Tools
Key Points
Well done, you’ve just reached the end of this chapter.
• That it’s easy to get started with the new USDZ Tools, also known as the USD
Python Tools, created by Pixar.
• How to prepare your 3D content for export by setting the model’s origin point,
rotation and scale.
• All about converting 3D content into the USDZ format with the usdzconvert tool.
• How to inspect USDZ files with usdtree and test them with usdchecker.
• WWDC 2018 - 2021 Videos about USD: WWDC USD Content (
It’s super-easy to convert your own content into USDZ. The only thing left to do is to
go forth and augment your world with your very own content! 99
5 Chapter 5: Reality
Converter & PBR Materials
In the previous chapter, you learned how to convert virtual content into a usable
USDZ file format with USD Python Tools. However, the conversion process is tedious
and not user-friendly.
In early 2020, Apple introduced a new app specifically designed to make USDZ
conversion as simple and user-friendly as possible: Reality Converter. 100
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
It allows you to customize material properties with your own textures and edit the
USDZ metadata. With its WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) design, you can
easily preview your virtual content under various lighting conditions. Once you’re
happy with the end result, it’s simple to export your model as a USDZ file.
Note: At the time of writing, Reality Converter is still in Beta and access to it
requires an Apple Developer account. Future versions might install along with
Xcode, just as Reality Composer does.
Adding a 3D Model
Download Reality Converter from this link: Reality Converter (
3ESpln4). Then install and start it.
The interface is quite simple, with a toolbar at the top and a preview of your 3D
content below. If you haven’t loaded any content yet, you’ll see a prompt to drag and
drop 3D content onto the app. 101
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Bring the model into your project by going to Finder, then dragging and dropping
Ball.glb on the app where it says Drop files here.
Reality Converter instantly recognizes the .glb file and imports the low-poly ball, a
basic gray sphere, into the scene.
At the top-left of the toolbar, select the Models button to see which models you can
use. Currently, only a Ball is available. For simplicity’s sake, you’ll work with this one
The ball isn’t very impressive at this point, but with the magic of Physically Based
Rendering (PBR) materials, you’ll turn this gray sphere into a glorious-looking
soccer ball. 102
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
PBR Materials
Reality Composer and the USDZ file format use the PBR lighting model, which offers
diffuse lighting with a realistic abstraction of physical lights and materials.
The material defines the basic lighting model along with various other properties
like its color, specularity, reflectivity, shininess, roughness and even its opacity.
Materials define properties of the material itself by using a solid color or a texture.
Textures are flat, 2D images that wrap around the 3D model geometry using special
texture coordinates, known as UV-coordinates.
The sphere in your project has already been UV-mapped. You just need to apply some
textures to it.
In the top toolbar, select the Materials panel. The ball has no materials assigned to
it, so Reality Converter has created a defaultConverterMaterial for you.
If your 3D model had more than one material assigned to it, you’d be able to select it
Note: Follow each of the following steps to add textures to the model. This
will let you see the impact each individual texture has on the final model in
detail. 103
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
In Finder inside starter/Materials, find ball_Diffuse.png. Drag and drop it into the
Base Color channel.
The full-color map noticeably defines the gray sphere as a basic ball. Also, note that
the rest of the ball’s surface is flat and not very shiny.
Normal Map
The Normal map is a special kind of map that controls how light reflects off the
surface. Technically, it defines how the surface combines with detailed surface
normal data that bends reflected light off the surface. It ultimately makes the surface
appear to have more detail in its geometry without needing a higher poly count.
Now, find ball_Normal.png in Finder inside starter/Textures. Drag and drop it into
the Normal channel.
The ball no longer has a flat surface. You can now make a clear distinction between
the black pentagon patches and the white hexagon patches. It also appears as if the
geometry of the ball increased, which isn’t the case. That’s just the beauty of a
Normal map at work. 104
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Occlusion Map
The Occlusion, or Ambient Occlusion, map defines the amount of ambient light
that reaches certain parts of the geometry. When looking at real-world objects, you’ll
notice that light typically struggles to reach tight spaces, like the lines of stitching
between the ball’s patches.
Use the grayscale image to darken the creases between the patches of the ball,
making it look like they’re blocking out the ambient light. This makes the ball look
much more realistic.
Metallic Map
One of the key trademarks of PBR materials is the use of Metallic maps that define
how metallic or dielectric — that is, non-metallic or plastic — a surface is.
In Finder inside starter/Textures, find ball_Metallic.png. Drag and drop it into the
Metallic channel.
The grayscale image defines the fully-metallic parts as white, the fully-dielectric
parts as black and everything else as in between. The white patches on the ball
instantly turn metallic and the black patches turn somewhat dielectric. 105
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Roughness Map
PBR materials use Roughness maps to define how smooth or rough a surface is.
They approximate the microscopic detail of real-world surfaces to produce a shiny or
matte appearance.
The grayscale image defines the fully-matte parts as white, the fully-smooth parts as
black and everything else as in between. The previously-white patches turned into
somewhat reflective silver patches and the black patches turned matte with a super
shiny edge.
Emissive Map
The Emissive map overrides all lighting and shading information to create a light-
emitting effect.
The full-color image defines white areas of the surface that will ignore all light and
shadow information. The black areas define the non-lit areas of the surface. 106
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Clearcoat Map
The Clearcoat map simulates a thin reflective layer on top of a surface, like the
transparent coating of a car’s paint job. It can also represent varnish, water or
anything else that benefits from multiple layers.
The grayscale image controls the clearcoat’s intensity. In this case, you give the
entire ball a glossy coat.
The grayscale image defines the rough-coated parts as white and the smooth-coated
parts as black. In this case, the ball alternates between rough-coated stripes and
smooth-coated stripes. 107
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Opacity Map
The Opacity map makes certain parts of the geometric surface appear either opaque
or transparent.
In Finder inside starter/Textures, find ball_Opacity.png, then drag and drop it into
the Opacity channel.
The grayscale image defines the completely-opaque parts as white and the
completely-transparent parts as black. In this case, the top half of the ball fades from
completely opaque to completely transparent.
Reality Converter has another cool feature that allows you to preview your virtual
content under various lighting conditions.
To try it, select the Environment panel in the toolbar at the top. Enable the Show
Environment checkbox. 108
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Test a few now. Here’s what the ball looks like with each of the available
environment maps:
The environment has a drastic effect on the look and feel of the ball. Overall, the ball
performs well under all of the above lighting conditions. Great! 109
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Exposure controls the amount of light to which the virtual content is exposed.
Reality Converter allows you to test that, too.
With the Environment panel still open, grab the Exposure dial and drag it to the
left, then slowly drag it to the right.
This will simulate going from an extremely dark exposure to an extremely light
Again, the ball holds up under these extreme lighting conditions. This is a good way
to test the emissive behavior of your virtual content. In this case, note how the star
emblem doesn’t fade from dark to bright. Excellent! 110
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Your model is almost done, but there’s one step left to do: You need to set the
metadata for your virtual content before you share it with the world.
Fill in the Copyright information. You can also set the Base Unit scale of your
You’ve finished your model. It’s time to test it on your iPhone or iPad.
Select the Share button at the top of the toolbar, then select Airdrop. 111
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Exporting USDZ
Now that you’ve added all of the textures and tested your 3D model under various
lighting and real-life conditions, it’s time to export the USDZ file.
Select File ▸ Export, then provide a filename and destination for your USDZ file.
Select Save to export the USDZ file.
Fantastic! You’ve just converted your first 3D model using Reality Converter.
Note: Find the final exported version of the ball under final/Ball.usdz. 112
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 5: Reality Converter & PBR Materials
Key Points
You’ve reached the end of the chapter and you now know how to convert your
content using Reality Converter.
• Reality Converter: You now have a good idea of what Reality Converter is and
what it can do.
• Exposure: Testing your virtual content with different lighting exposures is just as
• Sharing and Exporting: There’s a dedicated Share button if you want to quickly
test your content on a device. Exporting the USDZ file is as simple as saving your
project. 113
Section II: Reality Composer &
Image Tracking
In this section, you’ll dive a little deeper into augmented reality and learn about
image anchors and tracking. You’ll also create an interactive AR Business Card that
you can show off to your friends, making them green with envy. 114
6 Chapter 6: Image Anchors
In this section, you’ll dive a little deeper into augmented reality and learn about
image anchors and tracking. You’ll also create an interactive AR Business Card that
you can show off to your friends, making them green with envy.
While this image might look real, only the card lying on the table exists in the
physical world; the buttons, photo and contact information are all virtual. Boom,
mind blown! :] 115
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
A great example of this technology is Om Nom: Candy Flick, a surprisingly fun little
augmented reality game. The goal of that game is to flick candy toward Om Nom and
hope he catches it.
Unfortunately, you lose the tracking the moment the image goes outside of the
camera’s view, spoiling the entire AR experience. 116
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Reality Composer gives you the opportunity to choose the type of anchor you need
for your AR experience. Select Image and make sure to uncheck Use template
content. Complete the process by clicking Choose. 117
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Reality Composer creates an empty image-based anchor project with a single scene.
Because you disabled the option to use template content, no other content exists.
With the scene selected and the Properties panel open, rename the scene to Main.
This is the main scene for the AR experience. Note that the Anchor type is set to
Image. You can leave the rest of the settings at their default values.
There’s one little issue, though: you’ve created the project, but you haven’t saved it
yet. To save your project, select File ▸ Save from the main menu. 118
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Excellent, you now have a new project saved to your local device. The next time you
want to open your project, double-click ARBusinessCard.rcproject in Finder, and it
will open in Reality Composer.
The entire AR experience will spawn out of this card — that is, once you bring the
card into view of the camera.
Note: You’re welcome to print a copy of the card for testing purposes. You can
find the image at starter/resources/RWTeamCard.png. The physical size of
the card is 9cm in length and 5cm in width. 119
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
When creating or choosing an image to use as an image anchor, there are three basic
factors to consider:
• Quality: Make sure you’re using a crisp, clear image. A blurry or dirty image might
be difficult to recognize.
• Scale: Always think of the environment surrounding the image. A big, poster-sized
image is recognizable from a greater distance than a small business card. If your
AR experience requires more space, consider using images with a larger scale.
With the Main scene still selected and the Properties panel open, click the Choose
button next to Image Asset.
A pop-up with available images appears, but you’ll notice that it shows no available
images yet. That’s because you still need to import the image that you’ll use for the
anchor. 120
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Reality Composer imports the selected image. During this step, Reality Composer
analyzes the image to ensure it’s suitable for recognition.
Now, you could adjust the physical width and height of your anchor image; however,
in this case, it’s not necessary because you’ve already scaled the image correctly to
represent its physical counterpart.
You’ve set your image anchor, and it’s visible within the main scene. You’re ready for
the next step.
Adding an Image
Your business card is very basic at the moment. A good starting point to make it
more exciting is to add your photo.
Reality Composer refers to images as Frames. You can choose between a bordered
frame and a borderless frame. The great part about frames is that they support
transparent images, allowing you to create stunning experiences. 121
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Click the Objects button at the top menu bar to open the content library, and then
search for Frame. You’ll find two frames within the Arts section. Double-click the
borderless frame to add it to the scene.
Next, rename the frame object to PhotoA. Then, set the Position to (X: 2cm, Y:
1.5cm, Z: 0cm) and the Scale to 30% in the Transform section. 122
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
In the Configure section, click Choose for the Image, then Import a new image.
Instead of importing a single image, this time, you’ll import all of the images that
you’ll use for this AR experience. 123
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Within the Configure section, for the Image, click Replace, then choose
PhotoA.png from the imported images.
With the imaged added, you’re ready for the next step. 124
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Adding 3D Text
To make things pop a bit more, your next step is to add some 3D text to the AR
Add another Object to the scene, but this time do a search for Text. Double-click the
Text object to add it to the scene.
The new text object is way too big. You’ll fix that by taking a closer look at the
available properties. 125
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
In the Properties panel, rename the text object to AuthorName. Inside the
Transform section, set the Position to (X: 2cm, Y: 1.7cm, Z: 1.7cm) and the
Rotation to (X: -90°, Y: 0°, Z: 0°). Leave the Scale at 100%.
Within the Look section, set the Thickness to 20% and the Font Size to 0.5cm.
Select Glossy Paint for Text Material and keep the Text Color as White. 126
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Within the Text section, change the text contents to Chris Language. Set the Font
to American Typewriter and the Style to Bold aligned Vertically and
Now that you know how to add and configure images, add the rest using the
following properties: 127
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Once you’re done, the final result will look like this:
Editing on iOS
Reality Composer has a neat feature that allows you to stay productive while on the
go. You can easily transfer a project to Reality Composer on your iPad or iPhone. No
more excuses for you, you can now continue working even while commuting to and
from work. 128
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Start Reality Composer on your iPhone or iPad. Leave the app running and the
device unlocked.
If this is the first time you do this, you won’t see any recent available projects, but
that’ll change soon.
Back in Reality Composer on macOS, click Send to… in the top menu bar.
You’ll now see a list of all available devices with Reality Composer running.
Select the device you want to transfer the project to, such as your iPad. 129
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
A connection request will appear on the device. Click Accept to allow the project to
transfer to the device.
Wait for a second while the project synchronizes with the device.
Once done, Reality Composer on macOS will indicate that the project is currently on
your device. 130
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Now, you can continue editing the project on your iPad or iPhone.
Once you’ve made all of your changes, click Done in the top-left corner to transfer
all of your changes back to Reality Composer on macOS.
Note: While editing this particular project on your iPhone or iPad, you may
have noticed some flickering on the images. This phenomenon is known Z-
Fighting, and it happens because you’ve positioned the images on top of one
another. This won’t be a problem for this particular project, so ignore it for
now. 131
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 6: Image Anchors
Key Points
You’ve reached the end of this chapter, well done. You’ve now added all of the
required objects to the scene. You can grab a copy of the final project here: final/
• Image Anchor Project: You created an Image Anchor Project in Reality Composer
and learned that linking and configuring a particular image to the anchor is also
quite simple.
• Image Anchor Considerations: There are a few things to consider when creating
or choosing an image to use as an image anchor. Quality, scale and uniqueness
play a massive role.
• Frame Objects: You added and configured a few Frame objects, better known as
images, to the scene.
• 3D Text Objects: You also added and configured a 3D Text object to the scene.
• Editing on iOS: Need to continue working while on the go? No problem, you
learned how to transfer the project to your iPhone to get the job done.
With all of the overlapping images, you probably guessed that the AR experience
isn’t quite done yet. In the next chapter, you’ll bring all of the objects to life with
clever animation and basic interaction. 132
7 Chapter 7: Behaviors,
Triggers & Actions
This chapter continues where the previous one left off. The AR Business Card scene
already contains all of the required objects, but the AR experience is rather dull.
To spice things up, you’ll add animations and sound effects to the objects within the
scene. You’ll implement these features using behaviors, triggers and actions.
Note: You can use your final project from the previous chapter or load starter/
ARBusinessCard/ARBusinessCard.rcproject in Reality Composer. The rest
of this chapter continues building from this point onwards. 133
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Behaviors consist of two components: a trigger, which defines how and when a
behavior activates, and an action sequence, which defines what happens to the
object when the trigger event occurs.
Available Behaviors
Reality Composer comes loaded with some behavior presets that cover the most
common interactions for AR scenes. These behavior presets are also a good starting
point when you want to build custom behaviors.
• Tap & Flip: When the user taps a predefined object, that object bounces and flips
over via a jump and flip action.
• Tap & Play Sound: When the user taps a predefined object, the object uses a play
a sound effect action to emit a sound effect from its position.
• Tap & Add Force: When the user taps a predefined object with physics enabled,
the object uses an add force action to move in a certain direction.
• Start Hidden: When the AR scene starts, a predefined object performs a hide
action and becomes invisible. 134
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
• Wait & Show: When the AR scene starts, a predefined object performs a wait
action and then a show action. This makes an object appear after a set period of
• Proximity & Jiggle: When the user comes within a certain proximity of a
predefined object, the object performs a jiggle action.
• Custom: This behavior is empty, allowing you to define your own trigger and
sequence of actions.
You can assign a trigger to one or more objects within the scene. When the assigned
object fulfills the event requirements, the behavior triggers and its action sequence
component plays out.
Available Triggers
Here’s the current list of available triggers:
• Tap: Triggers the behavior when the user taps the predefined object.
• Proximity To Camera: Triggers the behavior when the predefined object is within
a certain proximity of the camera. 135
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Actions let you make objects in the scene perform various functions. For example,
moving from one position to another, playing sound effects and music, applying
physics impulses and performing animations.
Actions are part of a behavior. Once the user triggers the behavior, the actions
component plays out in a sequence or in parallel, depending on how you have things
You can assign an action to one or more objects within the scene. When the action
plays, it will only affect those objects.
Available Actions
Here’s the current list of available actions: 136
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
• Move, Rotate, Scale To: Transforms the object’s position, rotation and scale to a
specified transform.
• Move, Rotate, Scale By: Transforms an object’s position, rotation and scale by a
specified transform.
• Play Sound: Plays a sound that emits from a predefined object within the scene in
the 3D environment.
• Play Ambience: Plays audio that emits from the scene’s anchor point in the 3D
• Play Music: Plays music or sound effects over the entire scene, disregarding any
3D positional information.
• Look At Camera: Tells an object to adjust its own rotation to face the camera’s
current position. 137
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
The Behaviors panel will now appear at the bottom of the scene view.
Select all of the objects within the scene by pressing Command-A. By selecting all of
the objects, you can assign a single behavior preset to your selection, which saves a
lot of time.
Click the + button next to Behaviors to add a behavior preset, and select Start
Hidden. 138
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Reality Composer creates a new behavior from the selected preset and assigns it to
all of the selected objects within the scene.
This behavior preset consists of two components: a Scene Start trigger, which will
activate the behavior when the AR scene starts, and an action sequence that contains
a Hide action assigned to 10 objects. Starting the scene will trigger the action
sequence, which will hide all of the objects within the scene.
Next, test the action sequence by playing it. Click the Play button next to the Action
Sequence label to see what happens. 139
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Notice the Play button turns into a Stop button, and all of the objects in the scene
disappear as the action sequence plays.
Note: Each defined action has its own Play button. This allows you to trigger
only that individual action to see what it does on its own.
Select PhotoA and AuthorName by holding down the Command key while clicking
each object.
With the behavior panel still open, select the Start behavior, and add a Show action
by clicking the + button next to the Action Sequence label.
Reality Composer adds a new Show action to the action sequence, assigning the
action to the previously-selected objects. 140
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Set Move from Above for the Motion Type so that the objects float down onto the
card. Set the Ease Type to Ease In to let the movement decelerate as it gets closer to
the card. Set the Style to Basic and the Distance to 30 cm. This moves the objects
starting from 30 cm above the card.
Playtest the action sequence. You’ll see the photo with the author’s name appear and
fall onto the card.
Select the PhotoA and AuthorName objects by holding down the Command key
while clicking each object. 141
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Next, click the + button next to the Action Sequence label to add a new action, then
select the Emphasize action.
Finally, set the Motion Type to Flip and the Style to Basic, which will make the
objects perform a basic flip animation after they fall.
Play the scene to test the state of the action sequence. The photo and name fall from
above then do a cool little bounce flip.
This time, select PhotoA, then add a Play Sound action to the action sequence. 142
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
When you add a Play Sound action to an action sequence, you don’t want to play the
same sound effect from multiple objects. Instead, you assign the effect to a single
object in the scene.
Reality Composer comes with a library of commonly-used sounds; you’ll use these
sounds in this scene.
Set the Audio Clip to Cork Pop FX 01.caf and leave Triggered while Running as
Play the scene and you’ll see the author’s photo and name fall onto the card, do a
quick bounce flip animation, then finish with a nice pop sound effect. Each action
completes before the next action starts — hence the name “action sequence”.
Grouping Actions
Although everything is working properly, something feels a bit off. The last Play
Sound action that makes the pop sound feels out of sync with the animation
sequence. It would be much better if that effect plays when the objects perform the
bounce and flip animation.
Reality Composer has a solution to this problem known as Grouped Actions, which
let multiple actions play at the same time. 143
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Click and drag the last Play Sound action on top of the Emphasize action. The
Emphasize action window will turn blue, indicating the action on top will be grouped
with it.
When you play the scene now, each action waits for the previous action to complete
before it plays. The grouped actions play in sync, but the next action in the sequence
waits for the longest action in the group to complete first.
With the Start behavior selected, select BioButton and then add another Show
action to the entire sequence. Change the Duration to 0.25 sec to keep the
animation short and sweet. Set the Motion Type to Move from Right so the button
appears from the right side of the card. 144
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Set the Ease Type to Ease InOut for smooth acceleration and deceleration. Set the
Style to Basic and the Distance to 10 cm.
You want that animation to make a pop sound, too, but only once the button has slid
into place. To make that happen, select BioButton, add a Play Sound action, then
set the Audio Clip to Cork Pop FX 02.caf. 145
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Select the second-to-last Show action in the Start behavior action sequence, which
will turn blue to indicate that you’ve selected it. Now, press Command-C to copy the
selected action to the clipboard.
Select the last Play Sound action then press Command-V to paste the action from
the clipboard.
The action will paste after the currently-selected action. In this case, it’ll be the last
action in the sequence.
Click Choose on the Show action, then click the BioButton object to unselect it.
Now, click the AuthorButton object to select that object instead. 146
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
After you’ve made your selection, click Done to finalize the assignment.
Excellent! The AuthorButton now performs the same action as the BioButton. 147
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Phew! The Start behavior is finally done. It now includes the following actions: 148
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
2. The author’s photo and name fall onto the card, then do a bounce and flip while
playing a pop sound.
3. The Bio button slides in from the right then plays a pop sound.
4. The Author button slides in from the right and plays another pop sound.
5. The Contact button slides in from the right then plays a final pop sound.
Now that you have a new, empty behavior, you need to add a trigger and an action
sequence. 149
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Adding a Trigger
To add a trigger to the custom behavior, first select BioButton, then click Add a
Trigger to this Behavior on the behavior. Finally, select the Tap trigger.
You’ve now added a Tap trigger to the behavior and assigned it to BioButton. Now,
when the user taps on BioButton, it triggers BioButton_Tap’s action sequence. 150
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Next, you want to emphasize the button to show that the user tapped it. With
BioButton still selected, add an Emphasize action and a Play Sound action, and
group them together. Set the Duration to 1 sec and the Motion Type to Flip. Set
the Audio Clip to Lighter Click FX.caf.
Next, it’s time to reveal the Bio page. Select BioPage, and add Show and Play Sound
actions. Then, group these actions so that they play in sync. Set the Duration to 0.1
secs, the Motion Type to Scale and the Ease Type to None. Finally, pick Cork Pop
FX 03.caf for the Audio Clip. 151
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
When you playtest the scene now, you’ll be able to tap the Bio button,. It will do a
cool flip before revealing the Bio page on top of the card.
Duplicating Behaviors
You’ve done most of the difficult work, but there are a few loose ends left to tie up.
The other two buttons still need some action!
Instead of building all of the other behaviors from scratch, you’ll use a shortcut.
You’ll duplicate the behaviors you’ve already created for the remaining buttons.
Right-click the BioButton_Tap behavior to open the context menu, then select
Duplicate. 152
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Great, now this action sequence triggers when the user clicks the Author button.
The Author button will now do a flip when the user triggers it.
Finally, re-assign the next Show and Play Sound actions to AuthorPage1. 153
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
That’s it, you’ve finished the Author button. Now, when you tap that button, it does a
quick flip and AuthorPage1 appears.
Follow the same process as before and create a duplicate behavior from
BioButton_Tap, then re-assign all of the actions to link to the ContactButton and
the ContactPage.
Challenge Yourself
The AR experience is done, but you can add so much more. Challenge yourself to
enhance the scene with more fun sounds and animations. What else can you add to
make the scene more interesting? Practice the concepts you’ve learned and explore
the other available triggers and actions. 154
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 7: Behaviors, Triggers & Actions
Key Points
That’s it! You’ve finished the chapter and created a cool AR Business Card
experience to show your friends.
• Behaviors: You now know what a behavior is and that it consists of a trigger and
an action sequence.
• Triggers: You learned what a trigger is and how it defines the event requirements
for a behavior to activate. You also learned about the available triggers and how to
use the Tap trigger.
• Action Sequence: You know what an action sequence is and how to create
multiple sequenced and grouped actions to make things happen exactly when you
want them to. You also learned about the available actions and played with Show,
Emphasize and Play Sound.
• Assigning Triggers and Actions: Now, you know that you assign triggers and
actions to objects within the scene.
• Copy, Paste and Duplicate: Don’t forget that you can copy, paste and duplicate
actions and behaviors to reduce your workload. The only thing you need to do is
re-assign the actions.
Enjoy making your very own AR Business Card experiences. See you in the next
chapter, where you’ll go from 2D Image anchors to 3D Object anchors! 155
Section III: Reality Composer
& Object Tracking
In this section, you’ll add another dimension with Object tracking. Using object
anchors, you’ll augment a physical toy truck with interactive buttons that will reveal
some fun facts about its real-world counterpart. 156
8 Chapter 8: Object Anchors
In this chapter, you’ll learn about object anchors. Object anchors are like 2D image
anchors with an added third dimension. To understand how to use object anchors,
you’ll augment a physical toy truck with interactive buttons that will reveal some fun
facts about its real-world counterpart.
As it turns out, physically attaching a toy truck to this book wasn’t possible. But
don’t worry, we found a solution.
FoldUpToys offers a massive collection of foldable paper toys, and you’ll use one of
them for this tutorial. Follow this link and see for yourself: Tesla Cybertruck (https:// 157
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
With your printout in hand, grab your scissors and glue — it’s time to build yourself a
paper truck!
Depending on the level of your crafting skills, your paper truck will look something
like this: 158
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
First, you need to create a 3D scan of the real-world object. You then store that
scanned data within an .arobject file, which you use as the input for the Reality
Composer project.
Unfortunately, ARKit Scanner isn’t available on the App Store, so you’ll need to
download the source code, compile it, and then install it onto your iPhone.
Start by downloading the source code from Scanning & Detecting 3D Objects
In addition to the source code, you’ll find information about Scanning and Detecting
3D Objects with ARKit. For now, you’re only interested in the download.
Click the Download button to download the source code for ARKit Scanner. 159
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
In the Project navigator, select the root ScanningApp, then update the Signing &
Capabilities with your team’s information. Connect your iPhone to your Mac and
build the app to your iPhone.
You now have ARKit Scanner installed on your device, and you’re ready to scan. 160
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
• Lighting Intensity: You should light the object with an illuminance of 250 to 400
• Lighting Direction: Light the object from all directions, casting as few shadows as
• Background: For the best results, place the object in front of a textureless, matte,
middle-gray background.
To prepare your environment, put four large pieces of white paper on a table, then
place the toy truck in the middle. This forms a neutral, textureless background for
your target object from all viewable angles. Make sure the room is brightly lit and
that the target object is lit from multiple directions. 161
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
Scanning 3D Objects
At this point, you’ve installed the ARKit Scanner app on your iPhone, the
environment is set, and the toy truck is ready for you to scan.
Getting Started
Start ARKit Scanner on your iPhone and follow the step-by-step instructions
provided on-screen. 162
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
• The app shows a Ready to scan status at the top. This means that tracking is
good, and the app is ready to scan the object.
• Move the camera to the left side of the toy truck. Yellow dots, known as feature
points, will appear as you move. This means the scanner’s starting to detect the
object and collect trackable feature points. When the Next button turns blue,
ignore it for now. You want to collect as many initial feature points as possible.
• Move the camera to the right side of the toy truck. The scanner will continue to
collect feature points.
• The scanner is now ready to create an approximate bounding box around the
scanned object based on the feature points it collected. 163
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
• The app shows a Define bounding box status at the top. It created an estimated
bounding box around the toy truck based on the initial feature points.
• Rotate and align the bounding box with the toy truck. You can use basic gestures.
For example, you can rotate the bounding box by twisting two fingers, and you can
move it using one finger.
• With one finger, long-press on the front of the bounding box. Four rays will appear
to indicate that you can now adjust the front side.
• Still holding your finger on the front side, slide it forward or backward to refine the
bounding box so that it covers the entire toy truck.
• Follow the same process as before and adjust all sides of the bounding box. Make
sure the toy truck is fully covered by the bounding box — from back to front, from
top to bottom, and from side to side. Also, make sure it’s nicely centered.
Note: While adjusting the sides of the bounding box, you’ll see a pop-up at the
top showing its exact width, height and length. 164
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
• The app shows a Scan (%) status at the top. This indicates the current completed
scanned percentage, which will increase as you scan all sides.
• Start with the top and move the camera over it until that part of the box turns
yellow. This indicates you’ve completed that area of the scan. Notice that the scan
percentage increases after each completed area.
• Continue to scan the entire top side. The whole side will turn light yellow when
you’ve completed the side.
• Move to the right side and follow the same process, making sure you move the
camera until the side turns yellow.
• Continue to scan the entire right side. It will turn light yellow once done. 165
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
• Move to the front side and follow the process again until the side turns yellow.
• Continue to scan the left and back sides until you’ve completed 100% of the scan.
You now need to adjust the origin point until it’s grounded and in the center of the
scanned object. Again, you’ll start with the left image and move right.
• Move to the left side of the toy truck, then move the origin point until it looks like
it’s in the center of the object. You can push and pull each axis by pulling on the
ball-points. Green is the Y-Axis, Red is the X-Axis and Blue is the Z-Axis.
• Move over the front side and continue to adjust the origin point until it’s
positioned in the middle. 166
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
• Move over the right side and continue to adjust origin until it feels perfect.
• Repeat this process while moving around the toy truck from all possible viewing
Once you’re happy with the origin point, tap Test to continue.
Note: If you have a virtual model of the object you’re scanning in USDZ
format, you can load the model and preview it by tapping Load Model. You
won’t do that in this tutorial, however.
You should test the detection from different angles. Move the truck to different
environments and see if ARKit Scanner detects it there, too. 167
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
• First, do a basic test from one angle. A notification will appear once ARKit Scanner
successfully detects the object. Detected after indicates how long it took to
recognize the object. Anything less than one second is acceptable.
• Now, move to a different angle. You should see another notification that ARKit
Scanner detected the object successfully. Great!
• Turn the light on with the toggle button at the bottom-left. Continue testing from
various angles to make sure shadows didn’t cause any issues with the scan.
Ok, great, you’ve scanned the object and tested the results. If the detection took too
long, or the recognition wasn’t consistent, you should re-scan the object.
When you’re done, store the scanned data by tapping Merge Scans… at the top-left. 168
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
When asked to Merge another scan, select Merge New Scan…. This will store your
current scanned data and start a new scanning process. Simply follow the previous
instructions to create another scan.
Once you complete the new scan, it will automatically merge with the previous one.
You’ll see an on-screen notification that the merge was successful. Multiple scans
improve the overall quality of the object model. When testing, you’ll see an
improved detection time. 169
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
Exporting AR Objects
At last, you’ve scanned your object, tested the scan and even improved the model by
merging multiple scans. Your next step is to save the scanned data as an ARObject.
Tap the Share button at the bottom, then AirDrop the .arobject file to your Mac.
You now have an ARObject reference file ready to go. The only thing left to do now is
to create the AR experience. 170
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
It’s a very basic AR experience with four interactive spheres that show some
interesting facts about the toy truck. Spend a few minutes playtesting the experience
within RealityComposer.
Once that’s done, click Choose next to the AR Object Asset label and import the AR
object file from starter/resources/TeslaCybertruck.arobject. 171
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
You’ve now imported and set your scanned AR object file. You’ll see a yellow cube
with an image of the scanned object on it. 172
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
The scene recognizes the toy truck and displays four spheres around it. Tapping a
sphere reveals some interesting facts about the toy truck. 173
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 8: Object Anchors
Key Points
Congratulations, you’ve finished this chapter, and you’ve successfully created an
Object Anchor AR Experience.
Here are some of the key things you achieved in this chapter:
• Object Anchors: You learned about Object Anchors, which allow you to anchor AR
content to physical objects in the real world.
• ARKit Scanner: You compiled and installed ARKit Scanner onto your iPhone so
you can scan your own physical objects.
• Scanning Preparation: You learned how to prepare your environment so that you
can scan physical objects. You now know the importance of lighting intensity,
direction and temperature.
• Scanning Objects: You went through the process of scanning a 3D object. First,
you defined a basic bounding box, then you scanned the object, and finally, you
adjusted the origin point.
• AR Object files: You exported an AR object file from ARKit Scanner, then
imported it as reference for an Object Anchor AR experience.
Take a well deserved breather. See you in the next chapter where you get to learn
more about creating your own AR apps with RealityKit. 174
Section IV: RealityKit & Face
In this section, you’ll learn about RealityKit and face tracking. You’ll create a
SnapChat-like face filter app with SwiftUI that lets you mockup your face with funny
props. You’ll also create an animated mask that you can control with your eyes,
brows and mouth. 175
9 Chapter 9: RealityKit
AR stands out as a focus area for Apple, as they continue to build their AR platform
of the future. Thanks to AR Quick Look, AR has become extremely accessible and is
now deeply integrated into iOS, macOS and tvOS.
With RealityKit in your toolbox, creating AR experiences has never been easier.
In this section, you’ll learn all about RealityKit and face tracking. You’ll create a
SnapChat-like face filter app with SwiftUI called AR Funny Face, where you get to
mock up your face with funny props. You’ll also create an animated mask that you
can control with your eyes, brows and mouth. 176
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
What is RealityKit?
RealityKit is a new Swift framework that Apple introduced at WWDC 2019. Apple
designed it from the ground up with AR development in mind. Its main purpose is to
help you build AR apps and experiences more easily. Thanks to the awesome power
of Swift, RealityKit delivers a high-quality framework with a super simple API.
Are you ready to give it a try? Open RealityKit and take a look at what’s inside. 177
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
At its core, you’ll find many of Apple’s other frameworks, but the ones doing most of
the work are ARKit and Metal.
• Physics: With a powerful physics engine, RealityKit lets you throw anything at it
— pun intended! You can adjust real-world physics properties like mass, drag and
restitution, allowing you to fine-tune collisions.
• Audio: Spacial audio understanding and automatic listener configuration let you
attach sound effects to 3D objects. You can then track those sounds, making them
sound realistic based on their position in the real world.
• ECS: From a coding perspective, RealityKit enforces the Entity Component System
design pattern to build objects within the world.
Note: If you’d rather skip creating the project from scratch and use the starter
project instead — which also includes the app icons — you can load it from
starter/ARFunnyFace.xcodeproj. Feel free to skip to the next section. 178
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
Click Next to continue. Set the Product Name to ARFunnyFace and fill in the rest
of the information. 179
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
Click Next and save the project somewhere safe. Xcode will continue to generate the
project for you, with the end result looking like this:
Before doing anything else, build and run the project to give it a quick try before
taking a look at what Xcode generated.
Wow, out of the box your app is already doing quite a bit. It’s requesting access to the
camera, it’s detecting horizontal surfaces and it has proper environmental lighting
and reflections. And where did that smooth-looking cube come from? You didn’t
have to write one single line of code to achieve all that. Nice!
Well, you’ll be even more impressed when you look at what’s inside the project. 180
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit 181
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
• Assets.xcassets: This contains all of your project assets, like images and app
icons. 182
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
• LaunchScreen.storyboard: Here, you’ll find the UI the user sees while your app is
• Info.plist: Contains the app’s basic configuration settings. Note that there’s
already a Camera Usage Description property, you just need to change it to
something more appropriate for your app. This allows the app to request access to
the camera from the user, which you need to deliver the AR experience through
the camera view. 183
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
• ARView: The ARView sits at the core of any RealityKit experience, taking
responsibility for all of the heavy lifting. It comes with full gesture support,
allowing you to attach gestures to entities. It also handles the post-processing
camera effects, which is very similar to the effects you saw in AR Quick Look.
• Anchor: RealityKit exposes ARKit’s available anchors — plane, face, body, image
and object — as first-class citizens. Anchors form the local root for entity
structures. Note that content attached to an anchor will stay hidden until you
successfully identify it and connect it to the real world.
• Entity: You can picture each element of the virtual content in a scene as an entity
— the basic building block of your experience. You can establish a tree-like
hierarchical structure by parenting entities to other entities. 184
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
The UI is very simple, and it requires only three basic buttons: Next, Previous and
You’ll use the Next and Previous buttons to switch between various AR scenes, while
the Shutter button will take the all-important selfie. But your first order of business
is to learn how to track the active prop by implementing the Next and Previous
Open ContentView.swift and define a variable to keep track of the active prop by
adding the following line of code at the top of ContentView:
@State indicates that SwiftUI will manage propId’s storage. When the state value
changes, the view invalidates its appearance, which will recompute the body. State
variables are the single source of truth for the view.
@Binding creates a two-way connection between the property that stores the data
and the view that changes and displays the data. 185
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
return ARViewContainer().edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)
// 1
ZStack(alignment: .bottom) {
// 2
ARViewContainer(propId: $propId).edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)
// 3
HStack {
1. To overlay the UI buttons on the AR view, you place the elements into a ZStack.
Great! You’ve now created a variable to keep track of the active prop. You’ll update
this variable when the user presses the Next and Previous buttons to swap between
the various scenes within the Reality Composer experience.
Note: This will momentarily cause a compiler error. Ignore this for now, you’ll
fix the problem in the next section. 186
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
Adding Buttons
The buttons all use images. So next, you’ll add the required images to the project by
dragging and dropping all the image files from starter/resources/images into
Under the Properties panel, be sure to set Image Set ▸ Render As to Original
Image. Otherwise, the images will display with a blue highlight.
Starting with the Previous button, add the following line of code inside the HStack:
Button(action: {
self.propId = self.propId <= 0 ? 0 : self.propId - 1
}) {
This creates a Button view with a defined action (and clears the error). When the
user presses the button, the value of propId decreases by 1, but the value will never
decrease below 0.
You also place an Image view within the Button view, using the image reference
named PreviousButton, which you clip into a circular shape.
As you did with the Previous button, add the following line of code for the Shutter
Button(action: {
}) {
This code works nearly the same in the Previous button. The only difference is that
the action makes a call to a function named self.TakeSnapShot(), which you’ll
define at a later stage. Leave it commented out for now. 187
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
Button(action: {
self.propId = self.propId >= 2 ? 2 : self.propId + 1
}) {
This also operates like the Previous button. The difference is that the action will
increase the value of the propId by 1, but the value can’t exceed 2.
The end result should look like the preview on the right:
To space the buttons more evenly, add a Spacer() before, between and after each
There should be a total of four spacers when you’re done. This spreads the UI
elements evenly across the HStack. 188
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
Excellent, you’ve now defined all of the UI elements. Now it’s time to add some
functionality to the Shutter button.
Taking Selfies
What good is an AR face mockup app if you can’t use it to take selfies?
For quick access to the ARView, add the following declaration to the top of
func TakeSnapshot() { 189
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
// 1
arView.snapshot(saveToHDR: false) { (image) in
// 2
let compressedImage = UIImage(
data: (image?.pngData())!)
// 3
compressedImage!, nil, nil, nil)
2. Here, you create a compressed version of the image to reduce the image size.
3. Finally, you save the compressed image into the photo’s album.
Don’t forget to uncomment the call to TakeSnapshot() in the action for the Shutter
Fantastic! When the user chooses the Shutter button now, the app takes a snapshot
of ARView and stores the image in the photo’s album.
Open Info.plist and find Privacy — Camera Usage Description. Set the value to
Access required for AR experience.
When the user starts the app for the first time, the app now requests access to the
Add a new key by clicking the Plus Sign button next to the current key.
For the new key, select Privacy — Photo Library Additions Usage Description. Set
the value to Access required to save selfies.
This will request access to the photo library when the user takes a selfie. 190
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
Finally, reap the fruits of your labor and do a quick build and run to test the app.
The app starts and requests access to the camera. The scene loads and presents the
cube. The glorious UI displays on top of the ARView. When you select the Shutter
button, it requests access to the photo library, then it takes and stores a snapshot.
For now, the Previous and Next buttons don’t do much, but you’ll deal with that in
the next chapter. 191
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 9: RealityKit
Key Points
You’ve reached the end of this chapter. To recap some of the key takeaways:
• You now know about Apple’s latest and greatest RealityKit framework, designed
for AR. It helps reduce the complexities AR developers face.
• Creating a UI with SwiftUI for RealityKit apps is super easy, now that you know
See you in the next chapter, where you’ll continue building your AR Funny Face app
and learn more about face anchors. 192
10 Chapter 10: Face Anchors
This chapter continues from the point where the previous one left off. Thanks to
SwiftUI, the AR Funny Face app now sports a very basic UI. In this chapter, you’ll
continue to focus on that facial recognition component by using face anchors in
You’ll also get to build some funny scenes with these crazy props:
A humongous pair of sunglasses, a glass eyeball and one epic mustache. With these
cool props at one’s disposal, the AR Funny Face app is off to a great start.
Note: Feel free to continue with your own final project from the previous
chapter. If you skipped a few things, load the starter project from starter/
ARFunnyFace/ARFunnyFace.xcodeproj before you continue. 193
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
By using the TrueDepth front-facing camera, face anchors provide information about
the user’s facial position, orientation, topology and facial expression.
Unfortunately, you can only use face tracking if you have a device equipped with a
TrueDepth front-facing camera. If the device is Face-Id capable, you’re good to go.
When the camera detects a face, an anchor gets added slightly behind the nose in the
middle of the head.
Here, the cute monkey head demonstrates how a face anchor is created after a face is
It’s also important to know that the anchor uses a right-handed coordinate system
measured in meters. 194
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
With the AR Funny Face app project open, select Experience.rcproject then select
Open in Reality Composer.
The project opens in Reality Composer with the default scene selected. The scene
contains a cube object.
Select the default scene and open the Properties panel. Rename the Scene to Eyes.
Change the Scene Anchor Type to Face and disable the Scene Physics by setting
Objects collide with to Nothing. Finally, select the default Cube within the scene
and delete it.
Because you set the Anchor Type to Face, you’ll now see a white face mask in the
center of the scene. The mask represents a detected face in scale. The mask serves as
a visual guide to know where you can place objects in relation to the detected face. 195
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
Add an object to the scene, but select the Import option to select a custom object.
Find and select starter/resources/Eyeball.usdz then select Import to complete the
This imports a beautiful, shiny glass eyeball into the scene, hiding behind the white
mask. Rotate until you can see the eyeball behind the mask. Select it, then open the
Properties panel.
Rename the object to Eye_R, which represents the right eye. Under the Transform
section, set the Position to (X:-3.5cm, Y:4cm, Z:-3cm) and set the Scale to 170%.
Now, you have a good idea of how the end product will look when you view the
scene. You need at least one more eye, though.
With the right eyeball still selected, press Command-C then Command-V to create
a quick copy. 196
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
Rename the object to Eye_L, which represents the left eye. Under the Transform
section, set the Position to (X:3.5cm, Y:4cm, Z:-3cm) and set the Scale to 170%.
Now that the eyes are done, it’s time to add the other props.
With the Scenes panel open, add a new scene to the project by selecting the + button
at the top-left of the panel. 197
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
Each scene has its own anchor, so when you create a new scene, you’ll need to select
an anchor type for it. When asked, choose Face as the anchor type and make sure to
uncheck Use template content to create the scene with no content.
Rename the Scene to Glasses and set Objects collide with to Nothing. 198
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
Rotate the scene until you can see the glasses behind the face mask, then select them
and open the Properties panel. Under the Transform section, set the Position to
(X:0cm, Y:6cm, Z:-3cm:). To make the glasses nice and big, set the Scale to 140%.
All right Willy Wonka, you’re almost done. There’s one more prop left to add to the
Following the same process as before, make sure the Scenes panel is open, then add
another scene to the project by clicking the + button at the top-left of the panel. 199
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
When asked, set the Anchor Type to Face. Don’t forget to make sure you’ve
unchecked Use template content.
Rename the scene to Mustache and add an object to the scene, then import starter/
To wrap things up, rename the object to Mustache, set the Position to (X:0cm,
Y:6.5cm, Z:3cm) and set the Scale to 130%.
That’s it, you’re all done. Your Reality Composer project now contains three different
face anchor scenes, one for each prop. 200
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
Code Generation
Reality Composer is tightly integrated into Xcode. When you build the project, Xcode
will inspect all the associated Reality files within the project and generate Swift
The generated code provides strongly-typed access to all the content within the
Reality file. It also provides direct access to invoke triggers for custom actions within
your code. 201
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
That’s because you removed the default box scene. The generated Experience.swift
code no longer has any reference to Experience.loadBox().
Find makeUIView(context:) and replace its contents with the following block of
This initializes arView. As an added bonus, you just got rid of the code that was
causing a compiler error.
ARKit is the technology behind RealityKit; you’ll learn more about it later in the
import ARKit
AR Session
Before moving on, you need to learn about the AR session, which you can access via
The AR session object is the key technology responsible for motion tracking and
image processing. It’s session-based, so you have to create an AR session instance,
then you have to run that session to start the AR tracking process. 202
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
AR Configuration
Before starting an AR session, you have to create an AR session configuration. You
use this configuration to establish the connection between the real world, where
your device is, and the virtual 3D world, where your virtual content is.
The one you’ll use now is ARFaceTrackingConfiguration. When you run this
configuration, your app will switch to the front-facing camera.
// 1
let arConfiguration = ARFaceTrackingConfiguration()
// 2,
options:[.resetTracking, .removeExistingAnchors]) 203
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
2. This starts the AR session with the newly-created AR configuration along with a
few additional options. resetTracking indicates that you want to restart the AR
tracking process. removeExistingAnchors removes all existing anchors, if there
are any.
switch(propId) {
case 0: // Eyes
let arAnchor = try! Experience.loadEyes()
case 1: // Glasses
let arAnchor = try! Experience.loadGlasses()
case 2: // Mustache
let arAnchor = try! Experience.loadMustache()
} 204
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
Every time the user presses Next or Previous, the value of propId increases or
decreases by 1, which invalidates the scene and makes a call to
updateView(:context:). The switch statement then inspects the value of propId to
switch to the appropriate scene.
First, you initialize arAnchor by loading the corresponding anchor scene from
Experience. Once loaded, you append the anchor to arView.scene.anchors, which
presents that particular scene in the view.
Note: You will experience compiler issues if you don’t connect your physical
device to Xcode and select it as the build destination.
Excellent, the app started and you can use the Next and Previous buttons to select
the different props.
Although it looks kind of cool, there’s a small problem — the props get stuck and
never go away. 205
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
Remember that every time the user selects the Next or Previous button, it invalidates
the scene and makes a call to updateView(_:context:). So every time the user
switches to a new prop, the app removes the previous prop (face anchor) before
appending the new one.
Excellent, you can now swap between props without any issues. 206
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 10: Face Anchors
Key Points
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of this chapter and your AR Funny Face app
looks great. Take some selfies of yourself and some friends and try the funny props.
Here are some of the key points you covered in this chapter:
• Face Anchors: You now have a good idea of what face anchors are and how to use
them within your scenes.
• Creating Face Anchors: Thanks to Reality Creator, creating face anchors is really
• AR Session & Configuration: You learned about AR session and how to create
your own AR configurations.
• Switching Between Scenes: Finally, you learned how easy it is to switch between
multiple scenes within a RealityKit app.
In the next chapter, you’ll extend the AR Funny Face app with one more scene,
where you get to control a giant robot head with your own facial expressions! 207
11 Chapter 11: Facial Blend
You’ve reached the final chapter in this section, where you’ll complete the
ARFunnyFace app by adding another prop — and not just any prop, but one of
legendary proportions. Prepare to come face-to-face with the mighty Green Robot
What sets this epic prop apart from the previous ones is that you’ll be able to control
its eyes, its expressions and even its massive metal jaw.
Like a true puppeteer, you’ll be able to animate this robot head using your own facial
movements and expressions, thanks to facial blend shapes. Awesome! 208
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
You can easily use these blend shapes to animate 2D or 3D characters to mimic the
user’s facial expressions.
Here’s an example of a 2D smiley character that animates by tracking the user’s eyes
and mouth.
Each key tracking feature is represented by a floating point number that indicates
the current position of the corresponding facial feature.
These blend shape values range from 0.0, indicating a neutral position to 1.0,
indicating the maximum position. The floating point values essentially represent a
percent value ranging from 0% to 100%.
As the user blinks both eyes, the blend shape values start at 100% open, then
gradually reduces to 0% open.
The mouth works the same way, starting at 100% open then reducing to 0% open.
You use the percentage values to animate the corresponding facial features from a
100% open position to a 0% open position — aka, closed.
You can even prerecord the blend shape data, which you can play back at a later time
to animate your game characters, for example. Sweet! 209
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Open the Scenes panel and create a new scene that uses a Face Anchor. With the
Properties panel open, rename the scene to Robot. 210
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Under the Transform section, set Position to (X:0, Y:0, Z:0), Rotation to
(X:90°, Y:0°, Z:0°) and leave Scale at 100%.
Finally, go to the Look section, choose Matte Paint for the Material and set the
Material Color to Black. Set the Capsule Diameter to 18 cm and the Height to 22
cm. 211
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Both the face mask in the scene and the user’s face should now be fully obscured.
Now you’ll create the rest of the robot head, which consists of four basic parts: a
RobotEye, a RobotEyelid, a RobotJaw and a RobotSkull.
Import all of these assets into the Robot scene from starter/resources.
As always, the parts are stacked next to each other when you import them. You’ll
need to put them in their rightful places.
The robot needs two eyes and two eyelids, so create a copy of the RobotEye and the
RobotEyeLid. 212
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Apply the following settings to each element using the data from the table below:
The Mighty Green Robot Head is done! Save all of your changes and close Reality
Composer, then jump back to Xcode. 213
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
This gives you quick access to the robot anchor, once you initialize it.
robot = nil
This makes sure that, if you haven’t loaded the anchor, robot is nil. When you
inspect the value of robot and it’s nil, you know the robot head hasn’t been
Next, you need to modify the Next button so, when the user selects it, the app
increases the propId count to handle four props instead of just three.
Within the body variable, modify the Next button action code block to look like this:
Great, now the app can select the additional prop, giving it a total of four available
props. Now, you just need to cater for this new case in the update.
case 3: // Robot
// 1
let arAnchor = try! Experience.loadRobot()
// 2
// 3
robot = arAnchor
1. This loads the Robot scene from Experience.rcproject and stores it in arAnchor.
3. Finally, it stores arAnchor in robot so other parts of the code can use it to get
notifications when the robot prop is active. It also provides quick access to all the
elements of the robot head. 214
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Now would be a great time to do a quick check to make sure everything still works as
intended. Do a quick build and run.
Fantastic! You can select the new prop and, goodness, the Mighty Green Robot head
looks so shiny.
With this protocol, the delegate gains access to the following information:
• Added Anchors: Informs the delegate that one or more anchors have been added
to the session.
• Removed Anchors: Informs the delegate that one or more anchors have been
removed from the session.
• Updated Anchors: Informs the delegate that the session has adjusted the
properties of one or more anchors. This is where you can monitor any changes in
the blend shapes you’re tracking. Modifying a blend shape will trigger a session
update. 215
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Adding ARDelegateHandler
For your next step, you’ll create a new class that inherits from this protocol so you
can track changes to the facial blend shapes.
// 1
class ARDelegateHandler: NSObject, ARSessionDelegate {
// 2
var arViewContainer: ARViewContainer
// 3
init(_ control: ARViewContainer) {
arViewContainer = control
3. This is the class initializer, which simply stores the provided ARViewController
then initializes the super class. 216
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Now that everything’s in place, you can set the session delegate for the view. Add the
following line of code to makeUIView(context:), just after initializing arView:
arView.session.delegate = context.coordinator
Here, you set the view’s session delegate to the context coordinator, which now
starts updating the session when it detects any changes.
// 1
func session(_ session: ARSession,
didUpdate anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
// 2
guard robot != nil else { return }
// 3
var faceAnchor: ARFaceAnchor?
for anchor in anchors {
if let a = anchor as? ARFaceAnchor {
faceAnchor = a
2. You’re only interested in anchor updates while the robot scene is active. When
robot is nil, you simply skip any updates.
3. This extracts the first available anchor from the received anchors that conforms
to an ARFaceAnchor, then stores it in arFaceAnchor. You’ll extract all the
updated blend shape information from here. 217
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
You’ll use the eyeBlinkLeft and eyeBlinkRight blend shapes to track the user’s
Here, you access the blendShapes through the updated faceAnchor. You then
inspect the specific blend shape key eyeBlinkLeft to get its current value, which is
provided as a floatValue.
Then you use the same approach to get the current value for eyeBlinkRight.
Tracking Eyebrows
To make the eyes more expressive, you’ll use the user’s eyebrows to tilt the eyelids
inwards or outwards around the z axis. This makes the robot look angry or sad,
depending on the user’s expression.
This time, you’ll use three blend shapes to track the user’s eyebrow movements: 218
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
To put them into place, add the following to the bottom of session(_:didUpdate:):
Great, now you’re tracking the eyebrows. The only thing left to do is to align the
orientation of the eyelids with these blend shape values. To do it, though, you’ll also
need to track what the user is doing with their jaw.
Now, you’re ready to use special vectors to align both the eyelids and the jaw.
Quaternions are difficult to use. Luckily, there are a few handy functions that make
working with them a breeze. 219
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Here are two important quaternion functions you’ll use in this chapter:
• simd_mul(p:, q:): Lets you multiply two quaternions together to form a single
quaternion. Use this function when you want to apply more than one rotation to
an entity.
You have to specify angles in radians. To make life a little easier, you’ll use a little
helper function that converts degrees into radians.
Here’s how to use the captured blink blend shape data to update the eyelid
1. Import the eyelid with a rotation around the x-axis of 0°. This is a fully shut eye.
2. To open the eye, set the eyelid’s natural resting orientation to -120° around the
x-axis. Then rotate the eyelid through a 90° ranged angle based on the value of
the blink blend shape. When the user’s eye is open, the blend shape will be 0%,
adding 0° to the current resting orientation. 220
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
3. As the user closes their eyes, the blink blend shape’s value will increase. At a 50%
position, you’ll add 45° to the current resting -120° orientation, setting the
orientation to about -75°. The eyes will appear partially shut now.
4. When the user fully closes their eyes, the blink blend shape increases toward
100%, adding the full 90° angle range to the current resting orientation. This
makes the eyes appear completely closed.
At the same time, you’ll apply a rotation around the z-axis to make the eye appear
angry or sad. You’ll use the same approach with the captured brow blend shapes.
Here’s what all that looks like in code. Add the following block of code to the bottom
of session(_:didUpdate:):
// 1
robot.eyeLidL?.orientation = simd_mul(
// 2
angle: Deg2Rad(-120 + (90 * eyeBlinkLeft!)),
axis: [1, 0, 0]),
// 3
angle: Deg2Rad((90 * browLeft!) - (30 * browInnerUp!)),
axis: [0, 0, 1]))
// 4
robot.eyeLidR?.orientation = simd_mul(
angle: Deg2Rad(-120 + (90 * eyeBlinkRight!)),
axis: [1, 0, 0]),
angle: Deg2Rad((-90 * browRight!) - (-30 * browInnerUp!)),
axis: [0, 0, 1]))
1. To start, you check the robot is currently the active prop, so you can gain access
to elements like the left eyelid via robot. You’ll apply two rotations to the
orientation of the left eyelid, using quaternion multiplication to combine two
2. This is the first rotation around the x-axis. The left eyelid is currently resting at a
-120° rotation, so you want to use that as the base rotation. You then multiply
the left blink blend shape by 90°, which is the amount of influence the blend
shape will have over the eyelid rotation. 221
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
3. This is the second rotation around the z-axis. The left brow blend shape has a 90°
influence over the eyelid orientation, while the inner brow movement only has a
30° influence.
4. You use the same approach to update the right eyelid orientation. The only
difference you’ll notice is that the eyelid tilts in the opposite direction around
the z-axis for the brow movement.
robot.jaw?.orientation = simd_quatf(
angle: Deg2Rad(-100 + (60 * jawOpen!)),
axis: [1, 0, 0])
Similar to how the eyelids work, the jaw sits at a natural -100° with a 60° range of
motion linked to the jaw open blend shape.
And that’s it, you’re all done! Time for another build and run test.
You can now blink, frown and control that huge metal jaw. Careful, this robot looks a
bit on the angry side! :] 222
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Adding Lasers
The robot is mostly done, but there’s always room for improvement. Wouldn’t it be
cool if it could shoot lasers from its eyes when it gets extra angry?
Well, that’s your next task! When the user opens their mouth past a certain point,
dangerous lasers will shoot from the robot’s eyes.
Here’s how you add the lasers. Open Experience.rcproject in Reality Composer,
then select the Robot scene.
Select the newly-added cylinder and rename it Laser_L. Under the Transform
section, set the Position to (X:4cm, Y:60cm, Z:-4.5cm). 223
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Under the Look section, leave the Material as Glossy Paint, but change the
Material Color to Yellow. Set the Diameter to 1 cm, set the Height to 1 m and set
the Bevel Radius to 0 cm.
Now, duplicate the cylinder and rename it Laser_R. Then under the Transform
section, set the Position to (X:-4 cm, Y:60 cm, Z:-4.5 cm). 224
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
While the lasers are firing, you have to wait for them to finish before you can fire
another laser. To achieve that, you’ll send a notification to your code to indicate that
the laser has finished.
The first thing you need to do is to hide the lasers when the scene starts. Open the
Behaviors panel, then add a Start Hidden behavior.
Rename the behavior to Start and add the two lasers as the affected objects for the
Hide action.
Now, when the robot scene starts, both lasers will be hidden. 225
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
With the two lasers selected in the scene, you’ll add a Custom behavior next.
You can now trigger this behavior from code by using the identifier.
Next, you want the lasers to become visible and make a noise, then disappear again. 226
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
To make them appear, add a grouped Show action with a Play Sound action
sequence. For the Show action, set the Duration to 3 sec. For the Play Sound
action, set the Audio Clip to DJ Scratching and Effect 23.caf.
Now, to make them disappear, add a grouped Hide action with a Play Sound action
sequence. For the Hide action, set the Duration to 3 sec. For the Play Sound action,
set the Audio Clip to DJ Scratching and Effect 22.caf.
Now, the lasers will appear then disappear over six seconds while making a strange
The last thing you need to do is to create a notification that lets the code know when
the action sequence finishes.
With both lasers still selected, under the Lasers behavior, add a Notify action to the
Action Sequence. 227
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Now, the Action Sequence can notify the code once the sequence completes.
Your changes are now visible in the project. You’ll take a look at the coding side of
handling notifications next.
Start by adding the following property to the top of the ARDelegateHandler class:
You’ll use this variable to block additional triggers. When this value is false, the
lasers are currently active and you have to wait for the action sequence to complete
before triggering the lasers again. 228
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
// 1
if (self.isLasersDone == true && jawOpen! > 0.9) {
// 2
self.isLasersDone = false
// 3
// 4
robot.actions.lasersDone.onAction = { _ in
self.isLasersDone = true
1. If the user’s jaw is about 90% open and the lasers aren’t currently active, you can
trigger the lasers.
2. Once you trigger the lasers, you need to keep isLasersDone set to false. That
indicates the action sequence is currently active, preventing the user from
triggering multiple sequences at the same time.
4. Here, you create an action notification handler that triggers once the action
sequence completes. You’ll find it under the available actions using the
identifier name you defined within the notify action. It sets isLasersDone back
to true, letting the user trigger new lasers again.
The robot can blink, look sad and angry, and open and close his jaw. But, best of all, it
can shoot lasers from its eyes when the user opens their mouth wide. Awesome! 229
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 11: Facial Blend Shapes
Key Points
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of this chapter and section. Before grabbing
a delicious cup of coffee, quickly take a look at some key points you’ve learned in
this chapter.
To recap:
• Facial blend shapes: You’ve learned about facial blend shapes and how they’re
used to track a face’s key points.
• Using blend shapes: You’ve learned how to track blend shapes and use the data
to update entity orientations.
• Quaternions: You know what quaternions are and how to use helper functions to
demystify them, making rotations a breeze to work with.
Enjoy that cup of coffee. See you in the next section, where you’ll learn more about
ARKit and SpriteKit. 230
Section V: ARKit & SpriteKit
In this section, you’ll get a full introduction to ARKit and find out what makes it so
powerful. In doing so, you’ll create a fun 2D SpriteKit game where you get to save
tiny Emoji’s before they fall to their death. 231
12 Chapter 12: ARKit
Now that you’ve learned about AR Quick Look, RealityKit and RealityComposer, it’s
time to peek under the hood and take a look at the key technology that’s powering
all these fantastic apps and tools: ARKit.
In this section, you’ll combine the power of ARKit with the power of SpriteKit.
You’ll create a fun 2D SpriteKit game where you get to pop little emojis before they
explode in your face! 232
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Note: This chapter is theory based only. Feel free to jump ahead to the next
chapter if you want to get your hands dirty with an ARKit based project.
What is ARKit?
ARKit is Apple’s mobile AR development framework. With it, you can create an
immersive, engaging experience that allows you to augment virtual 2D and 3D
content with the live camera feed of the world around you.
Augmented reality frameworks aren’t new. Vuforia, for example, has been around for
many years. What sets ARKit apart from other AR frameworks is that ARKit performs
markerless tracking.
Being markerless means that ARKit doesn’t need tracking cards. It understands the
world around it and quickly identifies surfaces that it can place virtual content on.
Interestingly enough, older frameworks quickly incorporated ARKit into their APIs,
instantly giving them ARKit’s awesome markerless tracking capabilities.
ARKit transforms any Apple device with an A9 or higher processor into an AR-
capable device. Just think about that for a second: At this very moment, millions of
Apple users already have a sophisticated AR-capable device right in their pockets.
Note: As Apple continues to develop new AR-capable hardware for its most
recent devices, they improve ARKit, too, to provide support for the newer
hardware. It’s important to note that some of the more modern ARKit features
will only work on devices with specific hardware. 233
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Using Animojis, you can become a mystical unicorn or a fearless lion. You can record
yourself while you puppeteer one of these highly-detailed creatures using your own
facial expressions.
Apple’s engineers didn’t stop there; they simply had to take it even further with
On the surface, Memojis look like the human counterpart of Animojis, but under the
hood lies a very sophisticated character creator engine.
With the power of Memojis, you can re-create and transform yourself into a fun
animated character. You can then turn on the selfie camera and allow the magic of
ARKit to bring yourself to life.
Even apps like FaceTime have started incorporating Memojis. You now have even
more freedom of choice to express yourself while meeting with friends, family and
I personally love to use it, especially on those bad hair days… which is every day,
nowadays. 234
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
• AVFoundation: ARKit uses this framework to gain full control over audio and
video input and output.
• CoreMotion: ARKit uses Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) to track the motion of
the device and the world around it. VIO fuses the AVFoundation-based input from
the camera sensor with the device motion data captured via CoreMotion.
• CoreML: ARKit uses machine learning to speed up surface detection and surface
classification. It’s also the key technology behind ARKit’s object and image
recognition and processing, as well as face and body detection.
If you’ve used any of these frameworks before, it’s easy to recognize how they work
together to support ARKit’s advanced recognition and tracking capabilities. 235
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Fortunately, ARKit provides easy integration for familiar graphics frameworks and
popular game engines, including:
• Metal: Apple’s lowest-level graphics API, providing developers the fastest and
most direct access to the Graphics Processing Unit.
• Unity & Unreal: Apple’s relationships with the gaming development community
have resulted in some excellent plug-ins for popular game engines like Unity and
Unreal. 236
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
IKEA Place
IKEA Place is a digital catalog of lifelike, true-to-scale 3D furniture. Thanks to the
power of ARKit, customers can preview IKEA’s furniture in their own homes, giving
them a real sense of the furniture’s scale and ascetics.
Warby Parker
Warby Parker is a digital eyewear catalog allowing customers to browse through a
vast collection of eyeglasses, sunglasses and contact lenses. With ARKit’s face
detection and tracking capabilities, customers can virtually try out and preview
frames. 237
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Minecraft Earth
Get to experience Minecraft in a whole new way with Minecraft Earth. With ARKit’s
help, players can now enjoy this classic game in augmented reality. They can build
amazing creations in tabletop mode or in life-size mode, and even collaborate and
build together. 238
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
ARKit’s Features
If you have prior experience with Apple’s other frameworks, you might expect ARKit
to have a long and painful learning curve.
Fear not, because ARKit’s actually quite simple — it only takes a few lines of code to
get things working. ARKit does most of the heavy lifting for you so you can focus on
what’s important: Creating an immersive and engaging AR experience.
So what can ARKit do for you? Take a look and prepare to be blown away.
It uses sampled motion data from the device to automatically update the virtual
content transforms. It then uses the captured motion data to move a virtual camera
through a virtual scene.
This mimics the actual real-world position and orientation of the device in the
virtual scene.
This gives you incredible control over your scene, including how your content
interacts with these surfaces.
ARKit can also load and save world maps for quick recognition of previously-scanned
spaces. With the same world map loaded on multiple devices, you can easily create a
shared experience with a basic network.
You can also keep virtual content persistent across multiple ARKit sessions. How
about playing hide and seek with yourself, trying to find where you left your virtual
coffee mug?! :] 239
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Light Estimation
ARKit can provide accurate real-world lighting conditions. It analyzes the active
video feed frame data to calculate the estimated environmental lighting conditions,
and then provides a light source to light your virtual scene.
If your virtual content uses physically-based materials, your content will blend into
the real-world environment more realistically. This feature means that when you
turn the lights off in your room, your virtual 3D content will dim, too.
For example, when you place a shiny virtual bowl next to a juicy real-world apple
lying on a table, you’ll see the apple’s reflection on the bowl.
Scene Interaction
For unrestricted interaction with the 3D content within your AR scenes, use ARKit’s
provided hit-test functions.
You can also couple interaction with traditional touch-based gestures, which Apple
recommends in its Human Interface Guidelines, specifically for AR-based apps.
However, because you’re inside Apple’s ecosystem, nothing’s stopping you from
using any of Apple’s other great frameworks like CoreML or Vision. You can even use
SiriKit and command the AR experience with your voice.
This allows you to create 3D models that appear accurately scaled when you place
them into the real-world.
Now, you can test if that big couch you always wanted will fit into the living room. 240
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Bringing static images and paintings to life has never been easier. How about giving
the Mona Lisa a grin?
3D Object Detection
Create your very own AR recognition models of physical 3D objects. Once you give it
an AR model, ARKit can detect that physical 3D object, even in fairly complex
environments. How about blowing some smoke out of a toy car exhaust?
With this, you can create your own Animoji characters and have some fun with
friends and family.
Multi-Camera Tracking
You can simultaneously use face and world tracking on the front and back cameras,
opening up new possibilities.
Now you can puppeteer a virtual dancing character while controlling its facial
movements with your own facial expressions.
Motion Capture
Real-time motion capture allows you to track a person’s body position, movement
and pose and produces a 3D skeleton consisting of joints and bones.
You can use this information as input into your own AR experiences, or you can store
the captured information to animate your own game characters. 241
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
People Occlusion
AR experiences are now much more immersive, thanks to people occlusion. This is a
green-screen-style effect made possible by machine learning.
ARKit can let your AR content pass in front and behind of real-world human figures
by using depth-based occlusion. This effect is vastly better on newer devices
equipped with a LiDAR scanner.
Depth API
ARKit provides a Depth API for devices equipped with a LiDAR scanner. The LiDAR
scanner allows the API to use per-pixel depth information about your surrounding
Scene Geometry
With devices equipped with a LiDAR scanner, ARKit is able to create a topological
map of your space. Thanks to machine learning, ARKit has a deep understanding of
your environment, too. It can place labels next to identified content like floors, walls,
ceilings, windows, doors and even seats. It can then use all this information to
provide object occlusion and real-world physics for your virtual content.
Now, you can place AR content anywhere in the world for users to experience.
Anybody up for catching some Pokémon?
Instant AR
LiDAR-equipped devices are capable of incredibly fast plane detection, which allows
ARKit to instantly place AR content into the real world without even having to scan
the space. 242
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Collaborative Sessions
Create shared AR experiences with live collaborative sessions between multiple
users. ARKit builds a collaborative world map between multiple users, allowing them
to get into a shared AR experience much faster — and, ultimately, making the
development of shared AR experiences easier and faster, too.
ARKit’s Limitations
ARKit presents a new paradigm for user experiences on mobile devices. It does,
however, have some limiting qualities that impact the user’s AR experience. As a
developer, you should be aware of these limitations.
Sure, surface detection has come a long way since it was initially introduced.
However, it’s still important to manage user expectations and guide them through
the surface detection stage of your app.
To help with this, ARKit offers a standardized AR onboarding process that you can
It’s important to notify the user of these issues. ARKit does provide you with various
events that you can use to detect these issues and handle them proactively. 243
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Low-Light Conditions
Low-light conditions are problematic. The on-device camera cannot discern low-
light scenes as well as the human eye can, which means ARKit has trouble with scene
detection when the lights are dim. It may even fail to recognize any surfaces at all.
As a rule of thumb, if it’s night bright enough for you to see clearly, ARKit is
struggling even more.
As a developer, your job is to make sure your users understand these kinds of
limitations before using your AR-enabled app. Otherwise, they’ll get frustrated when
they can’t place virtual furniture onto shiny, polished, jet-black marble floors.
Ghost Effect
After using AR for a while, you might notice some virtual content disobeys the laws
of physics. For example, the virtual content might pass through real-world objects,
much like a ghost would pass through a closed door.
Since situations like this can break the AR experience, it’s a good idea to encourage
users to use your app in wide-open spaces or on top of a nice, clean table.
Apple is hard at work to improve the overall experience with the introduction of
people and object occlusion. Who knows, perhaps Apple is already working on how
to occlude those pesky pets that are always getting in the way? :] 244
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Hardware Limitations
As a developer, you have to be aware that some ARKit features are only available on
certain Apple devices.
ARKit provides ways to check for feature availability. Make sure your app uses these
methods to ensure that your app is stable and that the user has the optimum
immersive AR experience.
ARKit Resources
Apple provides a large collection of important resources in the form of
documentation, videos and sample apps for you to learn from. Finding these
resources can be challenging, so here’s a curated list for you: 245
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Follow the link and look for the Download Sample Code button. Once you find it,
download the .zip file, extract the contents and build the project using the latest
version of Xcode.
You’ll need to run it on a physical device with an A9 processor or better (iPhone SE,
iPhone 6s and later models). At this time, you can’t test AR apps on the simulator).
In this demo, you’ll get to meet Elon the chameleon, but be careful — he’s always
watching! 246
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 12: ARKit
Key Points
You’ve reached the end of the chapter, but your journey of creating AR-enabled
games and apps with ARKit has just begun.
Here’s a quick recap of some of the most important things you’ve learned about
ARKit in this chapter:
• ARKit: You now know what ARKit is and the power it can add to your games and
• Surface detection & tracking: ARKit makes it easy to detect viable real-world
surfaces where you can place your AR content.
• Scene Understanding: Not only can ARKit track various types of surfaces, but
with the power of machine learning, it’s also capable of understanding what it’s
seeing and can even tell you what the types of surfaces are.
• Image detection & tracking: Detecting and tracking posters, paintings or even
business cards is a breeze with ARKit.
• Face detection & tracking: ARKit’s the key technology behind features like
Animojis and Memojis. You can harness the power of ARKit to create your own
augmented face experiences.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to create your first ARKit app powered by
SpriteKit using Xcode. See you soon! 247
13 Chapter 13: ARKit &
In the previous chapter, you learned all about ARKit’s great features and some of its
limitations. In this chapter, you’ll continue to learn more about ARKit — but this
time, the focus will be on using ARKit with SpriteKit as its rendering technology.
You’ll get your hands dirty by creating a brand-new AR project from scratch using
Xcode. You’ll create a fun AR experience that uses 2D-based emoji graphics. Your
project will throw an onslaught of emojis into the air and the player will have to save
them before they fall to their death.
Keen on seeing emojis fall to their death? Then what are you waiting for? Jump in
and get those hands dirty! 248
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
What is SpriteKit?
SpriteKit is Apple’s general-purpose 2D graphics framework. You can use it to draw
shapes, particles, text, sprites and video.
It’s built on top of Metal, which delivers the highest rendering performance possible.
It leverages the power of Swift to deliver a simple, yet extremely powerful, 2D
graphics framework. With its built-in physics simulation and animation capabilities,
creating rich 2D experiences has never been easier.
Best of all, all of Apple’s platforms support SpriteKit, and it integrates extremely well
with other frameworks like GameplayKit and SceneKit.
Change the Product Name to EmojiPop and choose SpriteKit for the Content
Technology. You’ll use a Storyboard UI, so leave the Interface as-is and leave the
Language as Swift. 249
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
Choose a secure location to save your project. The Desktop is a great location for
quick projects. You don’t need to create a Git repository, so turn that off for now and
click Create to complete the process.
Xcode will now generate a bare-bones SpriteKit-based Augmented Reality project for
you. Once it’s done, you’ll have a fully-functional project that looks like this: 250
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
Before doing anything else, take the project for a quick spin. Connect your device
and do a quick build and run to deploy it.
Take the project for a walk in your garden. Tap the screen to spawn lots of little
Space Invaders all over. Nice!
• Position: When you tap the screen, a critter spawns into existence based on the
position of your device in real-world space.
• Orientation: Did you notice how the little critter keeps looking at you, even when
you move? Don’t freak out, this is just a cool feature known as billboarding,
which makes 2D sprites always face the camera in 3D space. That way, you’ll never
see the flat side of the image.
• Anchors: Once they spawn into the world, the little critters maintain their
position in real-world space, no matter where you move. This is due to anchoring,
which connects the virtual object to the real world, keeping the anchor at a
constant position.
• Debug Info: At the bottom-right of the screen, you’ll see some debug information.
In this instance, you see how many critters have spawned in the form of nodes.
You can also see the current frame rate, running at a smooth 60 frames per second.
OK, enough fresh air, go back to your workspace and take a look at what’s inside the
project. 251
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
This is the standard starting point of your app.
The launch screen is another standard part of every app. It’s the first thing the user
sees when they launch your app.
This is where you’ll place a beautiful splash image that represents your app. 252
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
The main storyboard is the view component of your AR app, containing the app’s UI.
This is a good place to put buttons and heads-up displays, for example.
Take particular note of the ARSKView scene view class, which lets you overlay an AR
scene over a live background image feed from the camera. It provides seamless
integration between ARKit and SpriteKit. Also, note that the view is connected to an
@IBOutlet defined in ViewController.swift.
The view controller contains the code behind the entire AR experience, specifically
for the main storyboard.
• UIKit: This framework provides the required infrastructure for iOS and tvOS apps
including the window and view architecture to implement the UI, event handling
and input. It also provides support for animation, document, drawing, printing,
device information, text and display, search, accessibility, app extension and
resource management. 253
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
It also adopts the ARSKViewDelegate protocol from ARKit, which contains methods
you can implement to synchronize your SpriteKit content with your AR session.
Look at viewDidLoad() and you’ll see that it enables the showFPS and
showNodeCount debug information for the scene view. This is also where the app
loads and presents the default SKScene scene named Scene.
This defines an empty SpriteKit scene.
This is the scene that’s loaded and presented in the view controller.
This contains the code behind the SpriteKit scene. 254
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
It defines a Scene class that inherits from SKScene. It provides overrides like
didMove(to:), which is called when the scene is presented, and update(_:), which
is called once every frame. As always, this is where you can handle touch input too.
Here, you’ll find your stock-standard app assets like your app icon, for example.
When your app runs for the first time, it has to ask for permission to access the
camera. ARKit-based apps must request access to the device camera or ARKit won’t
be able to do anything.
Privacy - Camera Usage Description is the message the user will see when your
app requests access to the camera upon start. Feel free to change the description to
something more human-readable, like: AR experience requires access to camera. 255
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
The view includes an ARSession object, which is responsible for ARKit’s motion
tracking and image processing. It’s session-based, which means you have to create
an AR session instance then run it to start the AR tracking process.
Note: To save time building the UI, you’ll take a few shortcuts to keep things
short and simple, but still functional.
Open Main.storyboard and get ready to add a HUD to it. In this instance, the HUD
will just be a Label.
Open the Object Library and search for a UILabel. Drag and drop it onto the ARView
in the design space, snapping it nicely at the center of the top of the screen. 256
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
Adjust the label size so it fits across the width of the screen and set the height to 40
Add some Constraints to keep the label at the top and stretched across the screen.
Constrain the label to the top, left, right and height. Finally, select Add 4
Constraints to apply the constraints so the label is fully responsive.
Under the Attributes Inspector, clear the Text value. Change the Color to White
and set the Font to System Bold 21.0. Lastly, set the Alignment to Centered. 257
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
Hold down the Control key then, from the storyboard side, click and drag a
connection from the HUD label into ViewController.swift to insert an outlet.
Name the outlet hudLabel and select Connect to create the @IBOutlet..
Great, now you can access the label that you’ll use as the HUD.
Open Scene.swift and add the following helper function to bottom of Scene:
With this function in place, you’ll be able to update the message displayed in the
HUD. Now, you can provide valuable instructions to the player. 258
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
Open Scene.swift and add the following enum to the top of it, just after the imports
• Init: While in this state, the key components of the game are still being initialized.
Once everything is ready to go, the game moves into a TapToStart state.
• TapToStart: While in this state, the HUD will display the message TAP TO
START, which is an instruction to the player to tap the screen to start the game.
Once the player taps the screen, the app creates an AR anchor and places a little
box in view of the player. The box acts as a visual indicator that shows the emojis’
spawn point to the player. The game starts and moves into the Playing state.
• Playing: While in this state, emojis will spawn into existence from the box at the
spawn point. The player has to catch each emoji before it falls to its death. During
this time, the HUD displays the player’s current score and total lives left. Once all
lives are lost, the game moves into a GameOver state.
• GameOver: While in the this state, the HUD displays Game Over along with the
player’s final score. The player can tap again to continue, which will move the
game back into the TapToStart state. 259
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
• gameSate: This maintains the current game state. You’ll use it to control the
• anchor: This contains the only AR anchor for the game. When the player starts
the game, it creates a single anchor. This acts as the location in the real world
where the emojis will spawn.
• emojis: This is a string filled with a bunch of fun emojis. The game will randomly
spawn any one of these emojis while the user is playing.
• spawnTime: This timed interval controls the rate of spawn. The app uses this to
spawn an emoji every 0.5 seconds.
• score: This stores the player’s current score, incrementing every time the player
saves an emoji.
• lives: When the player misses an emoji, the emoji falls to its death and the player
loses a life. This variable keeps track of the player’s available lives. Once this
number reaches 0, the game ends.
Add the following game state management functions to the bottom of Scene: 260
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
spawnTime = 0
Now you can control the current state of the game by calling these different
functions. Take a look at them in detail:
• startGame(): Places the game into the TapToStart state and displays the
message: TAP TO START.
• playGame(): Places the game into the Play state and resets the score, lives and
• stopGame(): Places the game into the GameOver state and displays the message:
GAME OVER! SCORE: followed by the actual score for the last game played.
switch (gameState)
case .Init:
case .TapToStart:
case .Playing:
case .GameOver:
} 261
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
The way you track touches in your game will vary depending on the game’s current
state. The switch controls the flow of touch events based on the current game state.
• Init: While in this state, the app ignores all touch input.
• TapToStart: Here, the app is waiting for touch input. When the player touches the
screen, the app starts the game.
• Playing: In this state, the app checks if the player touched a spawned emoji. If
they did, the app will remove that emoji.
• GameOver: Once in this mode, the game is over. When the player taps the screen,
the app restarts the game.
The game is placed in TapToStart state and the player receives the instruction to
tap the screen to start the game.
Now, when the player does tap the screen, the app has to create an anchor along with
a spawn point.
func addAnchor() {
// 1
guard let sceneView = self.view as? ARSKView else {
// 2
if let currentFrame = sceneView.session.currentFrame {
// 3 262
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
1. This casts the view as an SKSView so you can access the current AR session.
2. This gets the current active frame from the AR session, which contains the
camera. You’ll use the cameras transform information to create an AR anchor in
front of the camera view.
3. This calculates a new transform located 50cm in front of the camera’s view.
4. Finally, this creates an AR anchor with the new transform information and adds
it to the AR session.
Now, to call to this function, add the following to the bottom of playGame():
When the player taps the screen, the game will change state and add an AR anchor
50cm in front of the player.
Now, for the reverse. When the game restarts, you need to remove the previously-
added anchor.
func removeAnchor() {
guard let sceneView = self.view as? ARSKView else {
if anchor != nil {
sceneView.session.remove(anchor: anchor!)
This checks whether there’s already an active anchor. If there is, it removes the
anchor from the AR session. 263
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
Excellent! When the game restarts now, the app removes any existing anchors along
with all the SpriteKit nodes associated with it.
If you recall, the ViewController adopted the ARSKViewDelegate protocol. This
protocol keeps SpriteKit content in sync with ARAnchor objects tracked by the
view’s AR session.
• func view(_:nodeFor:) -> SKNode: Call this when the app adds a new AR anchor.
Note that it returns a SKNode, so this is a good place to create and link a SpriteKit
node to the newly-added AR anchor.
• func view(_:didUpdate:for:): Informs the delegate that a SpriteKit node has been
updated to match changes on the related AR anchor.
• func view(_:didRemove:for:): Informs the delegate that the SpriteKit node has
been removed from the scene on the related AR anchor.
// 1
let spawnNode = SKNode() = "SpawnPoint" 264
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
// 2
let boxNode = SKLabelNode(text: ". ")
boxNode.verticalAlignmentMode = .center
boxNode.horizontalAlignmentMode = .center
boxNode.zPosition = 100
// 3
return spawnNode
1. This creates an empty SpriteKit node and sets its name to SpawnPoint.
2. To give the player a visual indicator of where the spawn point is in the real world,
this creates a little SOS box and adds it as a child of the spawn point node.
3. Finally, the spawnNode is provided as the SKNode for the newly-added AR anchor.
This also links the spawn node to the AR anchor. Any changes to the AR anchor
will be synced to the spawn node.
The game starts and the HUD shows TAP TO START. When the player taps the
screen, a small SOS box spawns into view, anchored to that location.
This might not look like much, but you’re making great progress. You’ve gotten all
the ground work out of the way. 265
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
• AR Session Failures: Typically occur when the AR session has stopped due to
some kind of failure.
• AR Camera Tracking Issues: These occur when the quality of ARKit’s position
tracking has degraded for some reason.
• AR Session Interruptions: This issue happens when the session has temporarily
stopped processing frames and device position tracking — typically because the
player took a phone call or switched to a different app.
With ViewControll.swift open, add the following helper function to the bottom of
This defines a function named showAlert(_:_:), which creates and presents a basic
alert with the provided title and message. You also add an OK action button so the
player can dismiss the alert. 266
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
When the session fails, the player will see an alert message with the detailed
information from the provided error message in error.localizedDescription.
When the camera changes tracking state, the app notifies this delegate function. You
then need to interrogate the provided tracking state for more information.
1. You can access the current tracking state through the provided camera. Th
switch statement then handles all possible cases. If there’s a problem, you then
notify the player with an alert message.
2. When tracking is limited, you can dig deeper to find out exactly why. Again, you
have a few cases to deal with. You’ll then send the player an alert message with
the result. 267
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
When the player returns to the game, this simply notifies the player that there was
an interruption to the game so it stopped.
This makes sure your game restarts properly, by moving the game into a TAP TO
START state. It also removes all the SpriteKit nodes and the spawn point anchor.
Do a final build and run to test all the changes. You can test a few things now:
• Session Interruption: Start the game, switch over to another app, then return to
the game. You’ll get an alert message stating Session was Interrupted and the
game will return to the TAP TO START state.
• Limited Camera Tracking: Stick your finger over the camera lens so the scene
goes dark. This forces a limited tracking issue, and you’ll receive an alert message
with the exact reason why. 268
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 13: ARKit & SpriteKit
Key Points
Fantastic, you’ve reached the end of this chapter. You can find a copy of the project
in its current state under final/EmojiPop.
• ARKit & SpriteKit: You’ve learned how easy it is to create an ARKit-based project
that uses SpriteKit as the key content technology. You also got an in-depth
overview of the project content that the AR project template generated for you.
• ARSKView & ARSession: You now know about the AR view that’s responsible for
rendering augmented SpriteKit content. You also know about the AR session that’s
responsible for ARKit’s motion tracking and image processing.
• HUD: You learned how to create a basic heads-up display using the standard
storyboard with a label. This is a simple way to give the player important alerts
and updates.
Go grab yourself a well deserved break, but don’t stay away too long. In the next
chapter, you’ll finally get to spawn those emojis — and you’ll get to move them with
physics! 269
14 Chapter 14: Raycasting &
In this chapter, you’ll pick up from where you left off in the previous one. Your AR-
based SpriteKit game is coming along well, and you’ve laid a lot of the groundwork
already. Your goal now is to add all the missing pieces and finishing touches.
Take a moment to take stock of what you’ve done and what’s up next.
What’s Done?
• Game State: The game has basic game states in place, and you can easily switch
from one state to another. This lets you control your code based on the current
state of the game.
• Spawn Point: When the player taps the screen, the game adds an AR anchor in
the camera’s view. A tiny box that acts as the spawning point for the emojis also
• Error Handling: Your game is robust enough to handle whatever the real world
can throw at it. It informs the player of any tracking issues and, most importantly,
it can recover from an interruption. 270
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
What’s Next?
• Spawning Emojis: With the spawn point in place, you’ll spawn multiple emojis at
this location.
• Running Actions: To add some polish, you’ll run some custom actions on the
emojis to play sound effects, scale and run additional code.
• Enabling Physics: You’ll enable physics so the emojis participate in the physics
simulation. This gives each emoji a physical shape and applies forces like gravity
to it.
• 2D Raycasting: You’ll use 2D raycasting to check if the player touches any of the
spawned emojis to save them from certain death.
Now that you know what’s next, it’s time to get cracking!
Note: There’s a copy of the final project from the previous chapter available in
Spawning Emojis
Your first step is to get the emojis to spawn. You’ll use the spawn point as the parent
node to spawn the new emojis. This ensures the emojis spawn in the player’s view.
Start by creating a helper function that spawns a single emoji. While the game is
running, you’ll call this function every half a second to spawn a new emoji into
func spawnEmoji() {
// 1
let emojiNode = SKLabelNode(
text:String(emojis.randomElement()!)) = "Emoji"
emojiNode.horizontalAlignmentMode = .center
emojiNode.verticalAlignmentMode = .center
// 2 271
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
1. Creates a new SKLabelNode using a random emoji character from the string of
emojis available in emojis. The node is named Emoji and it’s centered vertically
and horizontally.
2. Interrogates the available node in scene, looking for the node named
SpawnPoint. It then adds the newly-created emoji as a child of spawnNode. This
places the emoji into the scene.
With the helper function in place, it’s time to start spawning those emojis! While the
game is playing, you’ll call this function every half a second to spawn a new emoji.
The best place for this would be in the scene update, which is called 60 times per
// 1
if gameState != .Playing { return }
// 2
if spawnTime == 0 { spawnTime = currentTime + 3 }
// 3
if spawnTime < currentTime {
spawnTime = currentTime + 0.5;
updateHUD("SCORE: " + String(score) +
" | LIVES: " + String(lives)) 272
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
1. You only want to update the game while it’s in the Playing state.
2. If spawnTime is 0, the game just started so you give the player a few seconds to
prepare for the onslaught of emojis that are about to spawn. This creates a slight
delay of 3 seconds before the first emoji spawns.
3. Once spawnTime is less than currentTime, it’s time to spawn a new emoji. Once
spawned, you reset spawnTime to wait for another half a second before spawning
the next emoji.
4. Finally, you update the HUD with the current score and available lives.
Great, you’re finally spawning emojis! You’re welcome to do a quick build and run to
test things out, but prepare to be underwhelmed.
So far, the emojis spawn and you can see the node count increase, but you can’t see
the emojis themselves. That’s because they’re hiding behind the spawn point.
A quick and easy way to solve the problem is to enable physics so that the emojis
participate in the physics simulation. Once spawned, gravity will pull the emojis
toward the ground. 273
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
Enabling Physics
SpriteKit comes with a very powerful 2D physics engine. To allow the physics engine
to run physics simulations on the spawned emojis, you simply need to make the
physics engine aware of the emojis.
To enable physics, you need to attach a physics body to the SpriteKit node. The
physics body describes all the physical properties of the node, including their shape,
mass, friction, damping and restitution.
The physics engine will take all this information into account when it simulates 2D
physics interactions on the nodes. Those interactions include things like gravity,
friction and collisions with other nodes in the physical world.
• Dynamic: The physics engine automatically moves this type of body in response
to forces and collisions.
• Static: This type of body is similar to a dynamic body, except that the physics
engine ignores its velocity and forces and collisions don’t affect it. You can still
move and rotate these types of bodies, and other dynamic bodies will interact with
• Edge: This type of body is very similar to a static body, but it has no volume. Use
edges to represent negative space within a scene, such as an invisible boundary. 274
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
Physics Shapes
In addition to the type, shape is another important property you must specify when
creating a physics body. This defines the 2D shape the physics engine uses to detect
When choosing a shape to use, there’s usually a tradeoff between performance and
the accuracy of the collisions.
Take careful note of the following spaceship, with various examples of physics body
shapes indicated in gray.
When creating a physics body, SpriteKit allows you to use the following shapes:
• None: This allows you to demonstrate a node with no physics body attached.
• Circular: This is the most performant physics shape to use. It defines a circular
volume around the spaceship, which the physics engine uses for collisions.
Although you’ll get the best possible performance, the collisions won’t be very
• Rectangular: This is the second most performant physics shape to use. It defines
a rectangular volume around the spaceship. Although this shape produces better
results during collisions, it’s still not very accurate when considering the shape of
the spaceship.
• Polygonal: There’s a significant performance hit when using this type of physics
shape. It does, however, allow you to define a polygonal volume around the
spaceship that matches the shape more accurately. You’ll get more accurate
collisions, but at a cost.
• Alpha Channel: This is the most expensive shape type to use. It uses the image
alpha channel to calculate a volume around the spaceship. You’ll get pixel-perfect
collisions, producing highly accurate results, but at a very high performance cost.
Now that you’ve covered the basics, it’s time to enable physics on the spawned
emojis. 275
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
Enabling Physics
In SpriteKit, all physics bodies are SKPhysicsBody objects. Once you create a physics
body, you assign it to the physicsBody property of the SKNode.
// Enable Physics
emojiNode.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: 15)
emojiNode.physicsBody?.mass = 0.01
This creates a new, circular-shaped physics body that you’ll attach to the emoji
node’s physicsBody. The physical mass of the body is set to 10 grams.
Build and run. Now, you’ll notice something different from before.
When the emojis spawn, they start to fall towards the ground. You’ve applied a
gravitational force to them by having them participate in the physics simulation.
This is a good step forward, but you still want to make the game more exciting. 276
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
In real life, when you want to make a ball move, you have to apply a force to it — by
kicking it, for example. Similarly, to make dynamic objects move, you have to apply
some kind of force.
A force has both a magnitude and direction. You define these as a 2D vector
containing an X- and Y-axis:
These examples show various forces applied to the ball and the resulting reaction:
• Horizontal: Applying a 2D force vector of (x: 10, y: 0) will push the ball to the
right horizontally.
• Vertical: Applying a 2D force vector of (x: 0, y: 10) will push the ball upwards
• Diagonal: Applying a 2D force vector of (x: 10, y: 10) will push the ball
diagonally, moving upwards and right at the same time. 277
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
This function will generate a random value between 0.0 and 1.0. Now, you can
easily bring in some randomness when applying force to the emojis.
Applying an Impulse
Instead of applying a constant force, you’ll apply the force as an impulse. Gravity, for
example, is a constant force, whereas a kick is an impulse.
// Add Impulse
dx: -5 + 10 * randomCGFloat(), dy: 10))
This applies an impulse on the emoji’s physics body, kicking it upwards with a
random sidewards direction.
Torque is another type of force that you can apply to physics bodies — a rotational
force. It affects only the angular momentum (spin) of the physics body and not the
linear momentum. 278
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
Applying torque will make the node spin around its center of mass.
To make the node spin to the right, apply a positive torque to the physics body.
When you apply a negative torque, the node will spin to the left.
Applying Torque
You can use applyTorque(), which is available on the physicsBody, to apply torque
to a SKNode.
// Add Torque
emojiNode.physicsBody?.applyTorque(-0.2 + 0.4 * randomCGFloat())
This applies a torque to the emoji’s physics body, making it in a random direction.
Another build and run will show you the current state of affairs.
The emojis no longer just fall. They’re shot up into the air at random trajectories,
then they fall to their doom. Awesome! But hang on, there’s more you can do to spice
up the game, but you need to know a little bit about actions and how to run them
first. 279
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
Actions allow you to perform basic animations to manipulate a node’s position,
scale, rotation and opacity within a scene. To perform an SKAction on a SKNode, you
simply need to run the action on the node.
• Scale: If you want to grow tiny Coolio into big Coolio when he collects a power-up,
use the scale action.
• Move: If you want to jump over an enemy when the player performs a certain
action, there’s a move action to do it.
• Fade: You just drank a magic potion that turns you into a translucent ghost,
thanks to the fade action. 280
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
• Rotate: If you want to roll forward and squish a bug when the player performs an
action, use the rotate action.
Note: Be aware that if the node has a dynamic physics body attached, you
should not run transformative actions on it. If the node is declared as a static
physics body, then you’re good to go. Fading a node in and out should be fine,
• Wait: If you want to pause for a moment before performing another action, use
the wait action.
• Remove from Parent: If you want to destroy a squished bug and make it
disappear from the scene, there’s a handy remove from parent action you can use.
• Play Sound: If you want the squished bug to scream while it’s being crushed, use
play sound to give it its last words.
• Run Code Block: If you want to execute custom code after running some actions,
there’s a run code block action you can use. This is super useful for injecting
conditional code into action sequences. 281
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
• Actions 1 - 5: There are five basic actions. For demonstration purposes, say each
action will take one second to complete, except action 4, which will take two
• Group 1: A group action allows you to group actions together so they can run in
parallel. Because group 1 consists of two sequence actions, the resulting group
action will run as follows: Sequences 1 and 2 trigger at the same time. Actions 1
and 2 run in sequence, and action 4 runs at the same time. Finally, after actions 1,
2 and 4 complete, actions 3 and 5 run at the same time.
Drag and drop the entire SoundEffects folder, located under starter/resources, into
your project. 282
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
Be sure to enable Copy Items If Needed with the target set to EmojiPop, then
select Finish to complete the process.
This adds the audio resources to your project. You’ll reference them when you play
sound effects.
Running Actions
Now that you know all about actions, you’ll bring the game to life by adding some
actions to it.
// 1
let spawnSoundAction = SKAction.playSoundFileNamed(
"SoundEffects/Spawn.wav", waitForCompletion: false)
let dieSoundAction = SKAction.playSoundFileNamed(
"SoundEffects/Die.wav", waitForCompletion: false)
let waitAction = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 3)
let removeAction = SKAction.removeFromParent()
// 2
let runAction ={
self.lives -= 1
if self.lives <= 0 {
}) 283
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
// 3
let sequenceAction = SKAction.sequence(
[spawnSoundAction, waitAction, dieSoundAction, runAction,
1. Creates a few basic actions that you’ll use in just a moment. They’re fairly self-
explanatory based on their names and action types.
2. Creates a custom code block action that decreases the lives by one. When all the
lives are depleted, the game stops.
This will automatically manage the spawned emojis. If the player fails to save them
in time, the game automatically removes them and considers them dead. So sad. :[
The emojis spawn with a nice squeaky sound, then fall to their deaths. You can even
hear them hit the ground with a thud, causing you to lose a life and, eventually, lose
the game. 284
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
Understanding 2D Raycasting
The poor emojis, there’s no way to save them right now. That’s just so sadistically…
satisfying! :]
Bring out the hero in yourself and let 2D raycasting come to the rescue, saving the
day and, of course, millions of emojis. 285
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
When the player touches the screen, which is a two-dimensional surface, the game
has to convert that touch point into three-dimensional space to determine if the
player touched a node.
To do that, a ray is cast from the phone’s physical position into augmented space to
that touched location on the screen. When the ray hits a node, that node is reported
as a touched node. If the ray doesn’t hit anything, the player missed.
Handling Touches
Next, you’ll add touch functionality to the game so the player can save those poor
This defines a function called checkTouches(_:) that checks if the player touched
an emoji. 286
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
1. This takes the first available touch from a provided list of touches. It then uses
the touched screen location to do a quick raycast into the scene, determining
whether the player hit any of the available SKNodes.
2. If the player touched a node, and it’s indeed an emoji node, the score increases by
3. Finally, you create and run an action sequence consisting of a sound effect and an
action that will remove the emoji node from its parent node — ultimately
destroying the touched emoji by removing it from the scene.
While the game is running, you’ll check if the player touched any emojis, then
remove them from the scene.
Fantastic, you can now save those emojis! You’re almost done, there’s just one tiny
thing left to do.
Now, when the game creates the box, it’s so small that it’s invisible. 287
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
This creates and runs an action sequence consisting of a sound effect and a scale
effect on the created box node. It slowly scales the box to 1.5 while playing a nice
sound effect.
Great! See how easy it is to add polish using just basic actions?
You’re all done! Build and run your game and reap the rewards of all your effort. 288
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 14: Raycasting & Physics
Key Points
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of the chapter and section.
While you soak in this proud moment, here’s a quick recap of all the things you
learned in this chapter:
• Physics: You now know how to enable physics on nodes. This is an easy way to
breathe life into your AR content. You can make objects interact with one another
using collisions, manipulate them with linear-based forces and even make them
spin by applying torque.
• Actions: Actions are incredibly powerful, enabling you to do all sorts of things like
move, scale and rotate nodes. You can play sounds, remove nodes from scenes and
run custom code blocks. You can run them in a sequence or in a group.
• 2D Raycasting: Finding touched nodes is as easy as taking the screen touch point
and doing a raycast into the scene to see if it hits any nodes.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn about using SceneKit with ARKit. Now, go challenge
your friends and family to see who can save the most emojis. See you soon! 289
Section VI: ARKit & SceneKit
In this section, you’ll continue learning about ARKit. You’ll also learn about
SceneKit, Apple’s framework for creating 3D content, as you build a miniature
interactive virtual airport that allows customers to access basic departure and
arrivals information. 290
15 Chapter 15: ARKit &
Now that you’ve seen ARKit in action alongside Apple’s general-purpose 2D graphics
framework, SpriteKit, it’s time to unlock the third dimension with SceneKit. In this
chapter, you’ll continue to learn more about ARKit, but with the focus of using it
with SceneKit as its rendering technology.
You’ll start by creating a new SceneKit-based AR project with Xcode. The project will
grow into an interactive 3D augmented reality experience: a small AR Airport with
basic animations.
Don’t worry, the data component for this project is non-existent. Your main focus is
to create an awesome AR experience that will serve as a fun little frontend. 291
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
What is SceneKit?
SceneKit is a high-performance rendering engine and 3D graphics framework. It’s
built on top of Metal, which delivers the highest performance possible. It leverages
the power of Swift to deliver a simple, yet extremely powerful and descriptive, 3D
graphics framework. With it, you can easily import, manipulate and render 3D
content. With its built-in physics simulation and animation capabilities, creating
rich 3D experiences has never been easier.
Best of all, Apple’s platforms all support SceneKit and it integrates extremely well
with other frameworks, like GameplayKit and SpriteKit.
Create a new project in Xcode and, when asked to select your template, choose iOS ▸
Application ▸ Augmented Reality App, then click Next to continue.
Change the Product Name to ARPort and choose SceneKit for the Content
Technology. You’ll use a Storyboard UI, so leave the Interface as-is and leave the
Language as Swift. 292
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
Let it finish and, before doing anything else, take the app for a quick spin. Build and
run the project to see what the bare-bones app does out of the box.
When the app starts, it uses the phone’s current position in real-world space as the
world origin point. It then spawns a big spaceship at that exact position. You’ll need
to take a step back to see it fully. My oh my, so shiny! :] 293
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
This is the standard starting point of your app.
The launch screen is a standard part of every app. It’s the first thing the user sees
when the app launches. Here, you’ll represent your app with a beautiful splash
The main storyboard is the view component of your AR app, containing the app’s UI.
This is a good place to put buttons and heads-up displays, for example.
Take particular note of the ARSCNView scene view class, which lets you overlay an AR
scene over a live background image feed from the camera. It provides seamless
integration between ARKit and SceneKit. Also, note that the view is connected to an
@IBOutlet defined in ViewController.swift. 294
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
The view controller contains the code behind the entire AR experience, specifically
the main storyboard.
• UIKit: Contains the required infrastructure for iOS and tvOS apps, including the
window and view architecture to implement the UI, event handling and input. It
also provides support for animation, document, drawing, printing, device
information, text and display, search, accessibility, app extension and resource
It also adopts the ARSCNViewDelegate protocol from ARKit, which contains methods
you can implement to synchronize your SceneKit content with your AR session.
Look at viewDidLoad(), where the app loads and presents the default SCNScene
scene named scene. 295
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
art.scnassets is a standard folder that was simply renamed by adding the .scnassets
extension to it. This type of folder is known as a SceneKit Asset Catalog. Its
purpose is to help you manage your game assets separately from the code.
Xcode will copy the contents of this folder to your app bundle at build time. Xcode
will also preserve the folder hierarchy, giving you full control over the folder
Within the SceneKit Asset Catalog, you’ll find a b file. This defines the SceneKit
Scene containing a model of the ship that you see when the AR experience starts.
Here, you find your standard app assets like your app icon, for example. 296
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
When your app runs for the first time, it needs to ask for permission to access the
camera. ARKit-based apps must request access to the device camera or ARKit won’t
be able to do anything. It does this by setting the value of Privacy — Camera Usage
To speed things up a bit, you’ll use a specially prepared project instead, which
already has a few basic housekeeping things done for you. This way, you can focus on
the important ARKit- and SceneKit-related tasks.
Get started by opening ARPort.xcodeproj in the Starter folder and checking out a
few important components you need to know.
You’ll find that the view controller has been reduced to its bare bones. Don’t worry,
you’ll fill in all the missing code later.
You’ll also find a few important stubs within the code. These act as sections,
separating the code into clear, manageable blocks that deal with specific parts of
your app. They’ll also make it easier to locate the correct places to enter code as you
work through the tutorial.
• App State Management: Plays a key part in managing your app through various
• IB Outlets: Gives you quick access to some key UI elements because they’re
already connected to Main.storyboard. 297
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
• App Management: Dedicated to methods related to managing the app through its
entire lifecycle.
• Focus Node Management: Manages the Focus Node. More on what that is in the
next chapter.
Next, you’ll look at Main.storyboard.
• StatusLabel: At the top of the screen, located within a Visual Effect view that
blurs the background, you’ll find the status label that you’ll use to keep the user
informed at all times. This UI element connects to the statusLabel variable
within the view controller.
• ResetButton: Located at the bottom left of the screen, this button will reset the
AR experience. This UI element connects to resetButtonPressed() within the
view controller. 298
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
Open ViewController.swift and add the following enum to the App State
Management section:
The enum will manage the app through the following states:
• DetectSurface: During this state, the AR session will actively detect viable
horizontal surfaces, known as planes.
• TapToStart: The user is pointing towards a viable surface and the focus node is
visible. The focus node acts as a visual indicator, showing the user where the 3D
content will appear when the AR experience starts.
• Started: The user placed the 3D content and the AR experience has started. The
user is now interacting with the 3D content in AR.
With the enum in place, add the following variables under the Properties section of
the view controller class:
You’ll use appState to keep track of the current active state. Both trackingStatus
and statusMessage will help keep the user informed. You’ll use them to show the
current AR tracking status along with an instructional message so the user knows
what to do at all times. 299
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
With the basic app state in place, it’s time to add the following helper functions
under the App Management section:
// 1
func startApp() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.appState = .DetectSurface
func resetApp() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.appState = .DetectSurface
2. Resets the AR session, which is currently commented out. You’ll uncomment its
code after you create that function. It also sets the appState to DetectSurface. 300
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
func initScene() {
// 1
let scene = SCNScene()
sceneView.scene = scene
// 2
sceneView.delegate = self
1. You create a new SCNScene instance, which you then set to the scene view’s
2. You then set the view controller as the scene view’s delegate, which now
conforms to ARSCNViewDelegate.
Excellent! Now that you’ve created the scene, you’ll provide the user with some
helpful information.
Providing Feedback
Feedback helps the user know what the app is doing and what steps they need to
take next. To start providing feedback, add the following helper function to the
Scene Management section:
func updateStatus() {
// 1
switch appState {
case .DetectSurface:
statusMessage = "Scan available flat surfaces..."
case .PointAtSurface:
statusMessage = "Point at designated surface first!"
case .TapToStart:
statusMessage = "Tap to start."
case .Started:
statusMessage = "Tap objects for more info."
// 2
self.statusLabel.text = trackingStatus != "" ?
"\(trackingStatus)" : "\(statusMessage)"
} 301
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
2. Constructing the final status label’s message for the user by combining
trackingStatus and statusMessage.
To put this helper function to good use, add the following function to the Scene
Management section:
Now, to ensure the scene actually initializes when the app starts, add a call to it at
the bottom of viewDidLoad():
Great, now the scene will initialize when the app starts. This is a great time to test
everything out. Build and run to deploy the app to your device. 302
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
Fantastic, the app started and the scene initialized… but it’s totally dark! That’s
because you haven’t started ARKit yet. You’ll look at that component next.
AR Session Management
Now that you’ve created the scene and ensured that the user will be kept informed of
what the app’s doing, move on to the AR component.
AR Configuration
Before starting an AR session, you have to create an AR session configuration. You
use this configuration to establish the connection between the real world, where
your device is, and the virtual 3D world, where your virtual content is. 303
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
func initARSession() {
// 1
guard ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.isSupported else {
print("*** ARConfig: AR World Tracking Not Supported")
// 2
let config = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
// 3
config.worldAlignment = .gravity
config.providesAudioData = false
config.planeDetection = .horizontal
config.isLightEstimationEnabled = true
config.environmentTexturing = .automatic
// 4
} 304
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
func resetARSession() {
// 1
let config = sceneView.session.configuration as!
// 2
config.planeDetection = .horizontal
// 3,
options: [.resetTracking, .removeExistingAnchors])
1. You can gain access to the existing AR configuration through the AR session
configuration. This casts the existing AR configuration back into an
2. This ensures that planeDection is still set to horizontal so the AR session will
continue to automatically detect horizontal flat surfaces once it resets.
a) resetTracking: Simply resets the device’s position from the previous session
run. 305
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
This interrogates the camera’s current tracking state and populates trackingState
with an appropriate message to show the user. 306
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
Now, to make sure the AR session actually initializes when the app starts, add a call
to it at the bottom of viewDidLoad():
Also, connect the Reset button by adding the following line of code to
Now, do another quick test. Build and run to see what the app looks like this time
The black screen has been replaced by the camera feed. That’s because the AR
session has been initialized and is now actively scanning for horizontal surfaces.
Pressing the Reset button will also work, restarting the tracking when you press it. 307
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
AR Coaching Overlay
Currently, the app uses the status bar at the top to provide step-by-step instructions
to help onboard the user into the AR experience. However, your approach to this
onboarding process might differ entirely from another developer’s. This causes
massive fragmentation in AR experiences as the user switches from one experience
to another.
• Starting State: When the app starts, the Coaching Overlay facilitates ARKit by
taking the user through a standardized onboarding process.
• Goal-based State: Use this to provide the overlay with a specific goal. For
example, you can instruct the user to find horizontal or vertical surfaces.
• Relocating State: When the app loses tracking, the overlay takes over again,
guiding the user back into a stable tracking state.
And that’s all it took to make the view controller conform to the new protocol. 308
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
// 1
func coachingOverlayViewWillActivate(_
coachingOverlayView: ARCoachingOverlayView) {
// 2
func coachingOverlayViewDidDeactivate(_
coachingOverlayView: ARCoachingOverlayView) {
// 3
func coachingOverlayViewDidRequestSessionReset(_
coachingOverlayView: ARCoachingOverlayView) {
} 309
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
You’ll do this with the following handy helper function. Add it to the AR Coaching
Overlay Management section:
func initCoachingOverlayView() {
// 1
let coachingOverlay = ARCoachingOverlayView()
// 2
coachingOverlay.session = self.sceneView.session
// 3
coachingOverlay.delegate = self
// 4
coachingOverlay.activatesAutomatically = true
// 5
coachingOverlay.goal = .horizontalPlane
// 6
2. Sets the overlay’s session to the same session as the scene view.
5. Tells the overlay that you’re only interested in horizontal surfaces. So the overlay
will help guide the user to find horizontal surfaces during the onboarding
6. Finally, adds the overlay as a subview of the sceneView so it knows which view it
needs to overlay its content. 310
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
// 1
coachingOverlay.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints =
// 3
NSLayoutConstraint(item: coachingOverlay,
attribute: .top, relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: self.view, attribute: .top,
multiplier: 1, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: coachingOverlay,
attribute: .bottom, relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: self.view, attribute: .bottom,
multiplier: 1, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: coachingOverlay,
attribute: .leading, relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: self.view, attribute: .leading,
multiplier: 1, constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: coachingOverlay,
attribute: .trailing, relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: self.view, attribute: .trailing,
multiplier: 1, constant: 0)])
1. Disables the view’s auto-resizing mask so it’s not translated into auto layout
2. Provides the overlay with manual constraints that conform to the current view’s
Great, you’ve now added the overlay. It will be visible when the app starts, to help
guide the user through the AR onboarding process.
Finally, to ensure the AR Coaching Overlay initializes when the app starts, add a call
to it at the bottom of viewDidLoad():
self.initCoachingOverlayView() 311
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
Time for a final build and run. Take a look at the new AR Coaching Overlay View:
If you blink, you might have missed the AR Coaching Overlay View. Don’t worry, you
can make it come back. Just block the camera with your finger and the AR Coaching
Overlay View should kick back into place. How cool is that? :]
Note: You can find the final version of the project in final/ARPort. 312
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 15: ARKit & SceneKit
Key Points
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of this chapter — and your app is shaping
up nicely.
• Key App Components: You peeked under the hood and learned how key
components play their parts in the Xcode project.
• App State Management: You learned how to implement basic app state
management for a typical AR experience.
Now, you’ve gotten all the groundwork out of the way. In the next chapter, you’ll
focus on creating the actual AR experience. See you there! 313
16 Chapter 16: Focus Nodes &
In the previous chapter, you built a generic, re-usable foundation for all your future
SceneKit-based AR experiences. The app operates in a few basic states and, as an
added bonus, it also conforms to a standard onboarding process thanks to Apple’s AR
Coaching Overlay view. This will make your users feel right at home when they pick
up your app and play with the AR experiences you create.
In this chapter, you’ll continue to add more components to the reusable foundation.
You’ll learn how to create and manage a focus node that helps the user know where
content will be placed. You’ll also get to build the entire AR experience with some
basic interaction.
Without further ado, stretch out those fingers, crack them knuckles and let’s get into
Note: To get started, you can either continue with your own project from the
previous chapter or you can load the starter project from starter/ARPort.
Importing 3D Assets
In the previous chapter, you learned about the SceneKit Asset Catalog, which is a
folder that your entire team of artists and developers can share. It keeps the graphics
component of your app completely separate from the code. This allows you and your
team to merge any graphical changes and additions into the app with minimal
disruption. 314
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Your first step to get started is to add the ready-made asset catalog to the project.
With your project open in Xcode on one side and Finder open on the other side, find
art.scnassets inside starter/resources.
Drag and drop the art.scnassets folder into Xcode, placing it just above
Make sure that the Destination has Copy Items if needed checked and Add to
targets is set to ARPort. Select Finish to complete the process.
Excellent, you’ve successfully imported all of the 3D assets you’ll need to complete
the AR experience. 315
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Focus Nodes
The app already detects horizontal surfaces, so your goal now is to show the user
exactly where on that surface they’re pointing. This is where a focus node comes in
To determine where to place the focus node, you use ray casting. A ray shoots from a
focus point at the center position of the screen into augmented space. The app will
place the focus node wherever the ray intersects with a previously detected surface.
You’ll need to create a property to hold this center position so start by adding the
following to the Properties section:
var focusPoint:CGPoint! 316
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Then add the following function to the Focus Node Management section:
func initFocusNode() {
focusPoint = CGPoint(x:,
y: + * 0.1)
This is where you’ll initialize the focus node along with everything required to help
manage it. You initialize the focus point at the center of the screen, with a slight 10%
offset on the y-axis for a more natural feel. The ray will shoot from this screen
That’s simple enough, but what if the user changes the screen orientation? You’ll
handle that issue next.
Add the following helper function under the Focus Node Management section:
func orientationChanged() {
focusPoint = CGPoint(x:,
y: + * 0.1)
This essentially just readjusts the focus point. Note that the function has an @objc
attribute. This makes the function available to the NotificationCenter, which is
part of the Objective-C runtime.
Now, you need to call the helper function when the orientation changes.
selector: #selector(ViewController.orientationChanged),
name: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification,
object: nil)
This notifies the app every time the orientation changes. It also calls the helper
function, which updates the focus point to the correct position on the screen. 317
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
With FocusScene.scn still open, select and delete the camera node under Scene
Graph. 318
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Select the + symbol at the bottom-left to add an empty node, then name it Focus.
Add a new object from the Object Library, then search for Plane. Drag and drop a
new Plane from the Object Library into the Scene Graph as a child of the Focus
Follow the same process as before and add another Plane called Shadow, also as a
child of the Focus node. 319
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
With the Shadow node selected, open the Attributes inspector and set the Plane
Size to (width: 0.15, height: 0.15).
Open the Node inspector and set the Transform Position to (x:0, y:0.001, z:0) so
the shadow is slightly above the Footprint, preventing z-fighting. Then drag and
drop the Shadow_DIFFUSE.png texture onto it.
To lighten up the shadow a bit, open the Material inspector and set the Settings
Transparency Value to 0.75.
Again, follow the same process as before and drag yet another Plane as a child node
of the Focus node, this time naming it Icon.
Set the Plane Size to (width:0.1, height: 0.1) and the Transform Position to (x:0,
y:0.05, z:0). 320
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Finish it off by assigning the Focus_DIFFUSE.png texture to it. Under the Materials
inspector, set its Material Properties Shading to Constant, which prevents it from
reacting to light.
With FocusNode.scn still open, select the Focus node, then open the Node
inspector. Find the Constraints section, then select the + button to add a
constraint. Select Billboard from the list.
Finally, you don’t want the billboard constraint to affect all of the axes, only the y-
axis. 321
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Under Constraints Settings Axes, uncheck both the x-axis and the z-axis.
Excellent, now the focus node will always face the same direction as the user.
Start by creating a variable to hold the focus node. Add the following variable to the
Properties section:
// 1
let focusScene = SCNScene(
named: "art.scnassets/Scenes/FocusScene.scn")!
// 2
focusNode = focusScene.rootNode.childNode(
withName: "Focus", recursively: false)!
// 3
focusNode.isHidden = true
2. Now that you have a freshly loaded scene, you’re only interested in the focus
node. This code searches all the child nodes within the Focus scene for a node
named Focus. Once found, it stores the node in focusNode.
3. Finally, you set the focus node’s default state to hidden before adding it to the
main scene. 322
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
With the function in place, don’t forget to initialize the focus node when the app
starts. To do this, add the following function call to the bottom of viewDidLoad():
func updateFocusNode() {
// 1
guard appState != .Started else {
focusNode.isHidden = true
// 2
if let query = self.sceneView.raycastQuery(
from: self.focusPoint,
allowing: .estimatedPlane,
alignment: .horizontal) {
// 3
let results = self.sceneView.session.raycast(query)
if results.count == 1 {
if let match = results.first {
// 4
let t = match.worldTransform
// 5
self.focusNode.position = SCNVector3(
x: t.columns.3.x, y: t.columns.3.y, z: t.columns.3.z)
self.appState = .TapToStart
focusNode.isHidden = false
} else {
// 6
self.appState = .PointAtSurface
focusNode.isHidden = true
} 323
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
1. For starters, the app should only update the focus node while the app’s in a
Started state. If not, the focus node state should be invisible at all times.
2. This performs a ray-cast test that shoots a virtual ray from the focus point
outward into augmented space. It’s also important to note that the ray-cast test
will only consider intersections with estimated planes that have been identified
as horizontal surfaces.
3. Once the test finishes, you’re only interested in the first hit result.
4. You use the hit result’s worldTransform, a transform that contains position,
orientation and scale information.
5. Here, you update the focus node’s position based on the hit result transform. You
can find the positional information in the third column of the transform matrix.
At this point, you can make the focus node visible and change the app state to
6. Ultimately, if the ray-cast test had no hit results, the app should continue to
instruct the user to point at a valid surface and the focus node should be kept in a
hidden state.
Now, to keep the focus node updated at all times, add the following function call in
This ensures that the focus node updates once every frame. 324
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
After the onboarding process, pointing toward a horizontal surface makes the focus
node appear and the app switches to TapToStart. When you point away from the
surface, the focus node will hide and the app will switch to PointToSurface.
The ARPort node will act as the root node for the entire scene. You’ll add all the
elements as children of this node. 325
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Drag and drop art.scnassets/Models/Base.scn into the empty space of the Scene
This adds the Base.scn scene as a reference node to the ARPort scene in a default
Finally, drag the Base reference node on top of the ARPort node, making it a child
With the Base node selected, open the Node inspector and set the Transform
Position to (x: 0, y: 0.49, z:0) to place the Base node on top of the ground plane.
Now, follow the same process as you just did for the Base node and drag and drop the
remaining nodes from art.scnassets/Prefabs into the ARPortScene.scn as children
of the ARPort node. 326
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Now, you see the main airport terminal and the control tower with its big radar.
This adds four airplanes, one parked at each of the available terminals.
Do the same for SolarFarm.scn, FuelDepots.scn and Trees.scn, all positioned at (x:
0, y: 0.1, z:0).
Fantastic, your airport is coming along great. But hang on, isn’t something crucial
still missing? Oh, of course, the runway, whoops! :] 327
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Just like before, add Runway.scn and position it at (x: 0, y: 0.1, z:0).
Nicely done, what a slick-looking runway; there’s even a plane ready to take off.
But… you might notice the trees look a bit flat. That’s because the scene still needs
Position the light at (x: 0, y: 1, z:0) and set the Euler Rotation to (x: -75, y: 0,
The trees should no longer appear flat. Instead, they’re nicely lit from above, making
them bright at the top and dark at the bottom. However, there’s no shadow drop yet.
You’ll fix that next. 328
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
With DirectionalLight still selected, open the Attributes inspector. Find the
Shadow section and check Enable shadows to set the directional light to cast
shadows. Also, set the Shadow Color to a 75% Transparency so the shadow isn’t a
hard black color.
You can achieve this effect with something known as a shadow catcher. You’ll add
one to the scene next.
From the Object Library, name a Plane ShadowCatcher and drag and drop it into
the scene as a child of Lights & Shadows. Under the Attributes inspector, set the
Plane Size to (width: 5, height: 5).
This creates a nice big, white plane that catches all of the shadows in the scene. One
problem though: The plane is white, which will spoil the entire experience.
You’re only interested in the shadows — the rest of the plane should be transparent.
SceneKit has a special shader for just such an occasion. 329
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
With ShadowCatcher still selected, open the Material inspector and change
Properties Shading to Shadow Only.
The big white plane is now transparent, but it’s catching the all-important shadows.
This creates a variable that will hold the loaded ARPort node.
// 1
let arPortScene = SCNScene(
named: "art.scnassets/Scenes/ARPortScene.scn")! 330
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
// 2
arPortNode = arPortScene.rootNode.childNode(
withName: "ARPort", recursively: false)!
// 3
arPortNode.isHidden = true
Well, that was simple and should look familiar. It’s pretty much the same process you
used to load the focus node.
2. Then, search for the child node named ARPort within the scene.
3. Set its default state to hidden, then add the node as a child to the main scene.
// 1
guard appState == .TapToStart else { return }
// 2
self.arPortNode.isHidden = false
self.focusNode.isHidden = true
// 3
self.arPortNode.position = self.focusNode.position
// 4
appState = .Started
2. You then set the focus node to a hidden state and the Airport node to a visible
3. Next, you set the Airport node’s position to be the same as the focus node’s. 331
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
What time is it? It’s time to build and run that project!
Find a space big enough, then point at the floor and let the focus node guide you.
Tap to start the AR experience and stand back and be amazed. Surprise, did someone
forget to mention that the scene is animated? :]
Just look at that shiny plane coming in for a landing. Don’t neglect to notice its
pretty shadow falling on the floor tile. Awesome!
Adding Interaction
Your app is shaping up nicely, and you’re almost done. But first, you’ll make it a little
more useful by giving the user some elements to interact with.
When the user taps on certain elements, like the runway, for example, a billboard
will pop up showing the user some fake departure and arrival information.
As you learned earlier in this chapter, a billboard is a Plane node with a texture on it
that will always face the camera. The effect is achieved simply by adding a billboard
constraint to the node, similar to what you did for the focus node earlier. 332
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
You might wonder why you’re not seeing anything. That’s because everything is
invisible. To see what the node and its elements look like, open art.scnassets/
In the Scene graph, under the Interaction node, you’ll see a whole bunch of Touch
nodes. Select the first one and open the Material inspector. Then change
Properties Diffuse to 50% transparency.
This will reveal primitive boxes and spheres that act as the interaction points. When
the user touches any of these Touch nodes, you’ll unhide the child Billboard node.
Note: Don’t forget to go back and set Material Properties Diffuse back to 0%
transparency when you finish testing. 333
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
1. This takes the first onscreen touch location, then performs a hit test to
determine if any node has been touched in AR space. You’re only interested in
the first node.
3. This locates the child node named Billboard and sets its state to visible.
4. If the node wasn’t a Touch node but it was a Billboard node, it means the user
touched a visible Billboard and wants to dismiss it. You then simply set the
Billboard node back to a hidden state. 334
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Note: This step is an optional step you can use to debug ARKit and SceneKit
scenes. Don’t forget to turn it off again when you’re done testing.
// 1
sceneView.showsStatistics = true
// 2
sceneView.debugOptions = [
2. To debug a particular scene, just provide the list of debugging options as an array.
Do a quick build and run to test it out. You should notice a bar at the bottom of the
screen with a little + symbol. Press it to open the SceneKit statistics panel. 335
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
• At the top-left, a display of the current rendering technology shows Mt, short for
Metal. Remember SceneKit was built on top of Metal, so that’s perfect.
• Next to that, you see the current frame rate. A frame rate of 60fps means that
SceneKit is currently rendering the scene 60 times in a single second. If this
number drops below 30fps, you should probably optimize the elements in your
• The big circle at the bottom-left shows the current frame time with a color legend
of each component and their total time.
self.arPortNode.isHidden = true
self.focusNode.isHidden = true
This will ensure that both the focus node and the airport node start in a hidden state.
self.arPortNode.isHidden = true
This checks that the airport node returns to a hidden state when the AR experience
There’s one final issue you need to resolve: The AR experience is simply way too big.
You need to scale it down a bit so it will fit into the predicted footprint, as indicated
by the focus node. 336
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
This scales the entire AR experience down to 75% of its previous size. Now, it should
fit on your dining room table!
Bam! Just like that, you’re all done. Do one final build and run to reap the rewards of
your hard work.
You’ll notice that the AR experience is slightly smaller than before. Now, tapping the
runway will show a pop-up with departure and arrival information. Tap the pop-up
to dismiss it. Fantastic! 337
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 16: Focus Nodes & Billboards
Key Points
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of this chapter and section, and you’ve
created a super cool AR experience using SceneKit with ARKit.
• SceneKit Asset Catalogs: It’s super easy to import 3D content into your SceneKit-
based projects with an Asset Catalog. Best of all, the Asset Catalog is just a folder
that can be shared, which keeps the code separate from the graphics.
• Focus Node: With basic ray casting, you can easily add a focus node to your AR
experience, showing the user exactly what they’re interacting with.
• Billboards: Adding billboard constraints to nodes is child’s play. Now those nodes
always face the camera.
• SceneKit Scenes: Scenes are simple to create and build. You can drag and drop
primitive shapes from the Object Library, or you can reference other scenes with
custom objects in them.
• Lights & Shadows: Adding lights to a scene brings that scene to life. Lights are
especially important if you want the objects to cast shadows.
• Shadow Catchers: You can catch an object’s shadow with a basic Plane node that
uses a special Shadows Only shader as a material.
• Presenting Scenes: SceneKit makes it easy to load a scene from the Asset Catalog.
Displaying that scene is a simple as adding it to the main scene as a child node.
• Interaction: With the power of hit testing, you can quickly add scene interaction
to any AR experience.
• Statistics & Debugging: When things don’t make sense, adding statistics and
debugging information makes all the difference in finding weird bugs.
Go show your friends your awesome AR airport, but don’t forget to come back for the
next and final project. This time around you’ll get to learn all about how to create
collaborative AR experiences. See you there! 338
Section VII: ECS & Collaborative
Experiences (Bonus Section) 339
17 Chapter 17: ECS &
Collaborative Experiences
In the early days of ARKit, it quickly became apparent that something important was
missing: the ability to share augmented reality experiences among multiple users.
Later versions of ARKit addressed the issue by introducing ARWorldMap. The map
contains a space-mapping state along with a set of anchors from a world-tracking AR
session. This map can be shared, allowing multiple users to experience persistent AR
anchors within the same space.
Apple created a fantastic ARKit example project that you can explore. Find the
project here: Creating a Multiuser AR Experience (
However, since iOS 13, you’ve been able to pair RealityKit with ARKit to automate
most of the manual effort that ARKit-based apps typically require.
In this chapter, you’ll create a modern take on the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game and
deliver a RealityKit-based collaborative experience. The new project will borrow
from Apple’s ARKit example project, but will mainly focus on the RealityKit side of
things. 340
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
Load the project in Xcode so you can take a quick tour of the important components
Open ViewController.swift. By now, you’re very familiar with the inner workings of
the ViewController.
This is where you’ll place most of your code. You’ll also find pre-allocated stubs
within the code which not only keep things organized, but also make placing code
Open MultipeerController.swift. 341
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
This is an exact copy of the file from Apple’s ARKit-based example project. It’s a nice
little class that handles all the network management for you. Why reinvent the
wheel, right?
Open Main.storyboard and flip the orientation to landscape.
It contains an ARView with an area at the top that you’ll use to send messages to the
user. You’ll also see three buttons at the bottom of the view. These will let the user
choose to be Player1 or Player2 or to clear the game board with the Clear button.
Also, note that these components are already connected to their @IBActions and
@IBOutlets, which are located within the ViewController.
Open Info.plist. 342
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
This is where you’ll ask for network permissions. Note that Camera Usage
Description is already set, so your app will ask for permission to use the camera
when it starts.
This property will indicate the player’s color. Player1 will be blue and Player2 will
be red.
playerColor =
This sets the player’s color to blue when the player chooses Player1.
playerColor =
This sets the player’s color to red when they choose Player2.
Sending Messages
Add the following helper function to Helper Functions:
With this function in place, you’ll be able to send messages to keep the user
informed of all crucial events and states. 343
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
This generates an error because the function doesn’t exist yet. Fear not, you’ll fix
that next.
func initARView() {
arView.session.delegate = self
arView.automaticallyConfigureSession = false
let arConfiguration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
arConfiguration.planeDetection = [.horizontal]
arConfiguration.environmentTexturing = .automatic
This ensures that ViewController is the session delegate. It then creates and runs
an AR session with a standard ARWorldTrackingConfiguration that detects
horizontal planes.
For good measure, do a build and run test, just to make sure everything’s in working
The AR session is active and scanning for horizontal surfaces, but nothing much else
is happening. There are a few buttons to press, but no feedback yet. For your next
step, you’ll actually put something in the scene. 344
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
What is ECS?
When using the RealityKit framework to create content for your AR experiences, it’s
important to note that the framework runs a CPU-based entity-component system
(ECS) to manage physics, animations, audio processing and network
synchronization. The framework then relies on Metal for GPU-based multithreaded
There are four main elements you need when dealing with an AR experience based
on RealityKit:
• ARView: This is your window into the world of AR, serving as RealityKit’s entry
point. It’s essentially just a view that goes into your app’s view hierarchy.
• Scene: The scene, which is owned by ARView, holds all the virtual content of your
AR experience.
• ARAnchor: Anchors describe how your AR content relates to the real world. You
assign a target to an anchor, and when the app finds an appropriate target, it
creates the anchor and attaches it to the real world. 345
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
Predefined Entities
With RealityKit, you can easily create your own custom entities with custom
behaviors based on the various components you add to them.
• TriggerVolume: Defines a 3D shape that detects when other objects enter or exit
the defined space. 346
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
You’ll construct the game board from scratch using primitive shapes. It will contain:
• Nine tiles
The tiles allow the players to interact with the game board. When the player touches
a tile, that tile changes into the player’s chosen color.
var gridModelEntityX:ModelEntity?
var gridModelEntityY:ModelEntity?
var tileModelEntity:ModelEntity?
These are the core entities that will construct the entire game board.
This generates an error, which you’ll fix by adding the following function to Model
Entity Functions:
func initModelEntities() {
// 1
gridModelEntityX = ModelEntity(
mesh: .generateBox(size: SIMD3(x: 0.3, y: 0.01, z: 0.01)),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .white, isMetallic:
// 2
gridModelEntityY = ModelEntity(
mesh: .generateBox(size: SIMD3(x: 0.01, y: 0.01, z: 0.3)),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .white, isMetallic:
// 3
tileModelEntity = ModelEntity(
mesh: .generateBox(size: SIMD3(x: 0.07, y: 0.01, z: 0.07)), 347
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
Now, take a closer look at the three model entities you’re constructing here:
1. The Tic-Tac-Toe grid consists of two types of grid bars. Here, you define the
vertical grid bar with a mesh component generated from a box that measures
(X:30cm, Y:1cm, Z:1cm). It assigns a single white plastic material to the bar.
2. This defines the horizontal grid bar with a mesh component generated from a
box that measures (X:1cm, Y:1cm, Z:30cm). It also assigns a single white
plastic material to the bar.
3. This defines the tile with a mesh component generated from a box that measures
(X:7cm, Y:1cm, Z:7cm). It assigns a single gray metallic material to the tile.
This nifty helper function lets you clone an existing ModelEntity with the option to
give it a new position. 348
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
1. The entire game board is connected to an AnchorEntity that forms the root
entity of the game board. Here, you create an AnchorEntity with an ARAnchor
using the provided transform value for the anchor’s position.
2. Here, the nifty new cloning function creates two vertical bars and two horizontal
bars to form the grid for the Tic-Tac-Toe experience. All the entities become
children of the root anchorEntity.
position: SIMD3(x: -0.1, y: 0, z: -0.1)))
position: SIMD3(x: 0, y: 0, z: -0.1)))
position: SIMD3(x: 0.1, y: 0, z: -0.1)))
position: SIMD3(x: -0.1, y: 0, z: 0)))
position: SIMD3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0))) 349
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
position: SIMD3(x: 0.1, y: 0, z: 0)))
position: SIMD3(x: -0.1, y: 0, z: 0.1)))
position: SIMD3(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0.1)))
position: SIMD3(x: 0.1, y: 0, z: 0.1)))
This follows the same process as before, making cloned copies of the original tile. It
places each clone at a different position to fill the 9×9 grid. Also, note that each tile
becomes a child of the root anchorEntity.
// 1
anchorEntity.anchoring = AnchoringComponent(arAnchor)
// 2
// 3
arView.session.add(anchor: arAnchor)
This creates a new game board and places it in the scene. It also anchors the game
board to the surface at the provided position.
Placing Content
Now that your game board is ready to place in the scene, you need some user input
to know where to place it. All the user needs to do is tap the horizontal surface and
the game board should appear in that position. Your next step is to ensure the app
recognizes the user’s tap. 350
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
This generates an error, but you can easily fix it by adding the following function to
Gesture Functions:
func initGestures() {
// 1
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(
target: self,
action: #selector(handleTap))
// 2
Excellent, now you just need to add the code to handle the actual tap. 351
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
This gets the onscreen touch location from the gesture recognizer.
Tapping a Surface
Now, to perform the actual ray-cast into the AR scene.
This casts a ray into the scene, looking for the closest horizontal surface. When the
ray finds a target, it adds the game board to the scene at the exact location where the
ray hits the surface.
Tapping a Tile
OK, now that the game board is visible in the scene, what’s next? Well, when the user
touches a tile, that tile should change to the player’s color.
To check if the user tapped a tile, you’ll piggyback on the tap gesture handler. 352
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
Add the following code to the top of handleTap(recognizer:), just after the guard
Instead of using another ray cast, this uses arView.entity(at:) to locate a touched
entity in the scene. If it finds a hit, it simply updates the material color to the user’s
Okay, enough coding for now, do a build and run to test out the current state of
When you tap the surface, the cool board game gets placed right where you tapped.
When you choose Player 1 and then tap a tile, that tile turns blue. When you tap a
tile after choosing Player 2, that tile turns red. You’ve essentially built a pass-and-
play version of the old classic Tic-Tac-Toe game with a modern twist. Fantastic!
But playing with just one device is no fun. Next, you’ll let each player play on their
own device. 353
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
Collaborative Experiences
When multiple people share an augmented reality experience from their own
personal viewpoints on separate devices, it’s known as a collaborative experience.
To achieve such an experience, all the devices should be connected to one another
via a local network or Bluetooth. The devices share an AR world map, which localizes
each device within the same space. During an active collaborative session, entities in
the augmented space synchronize across all the other devices.
The network session can browse for available hosts, and it can also advertise itself
as an available host. The browser will search for advertisers. When it finds one, the
browser then sends an invitation to join the network advertiser’s network session.
The advertiser then handles the invitation and connects the devices to the same
network session. Once it establishes a connection, the network session will manage
communication between the connected devices.
Note: MultipeerSession offers various event handlers that you can tap into
to control the flow of network session events. 354
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
• peerSessionIDs: A list of peer IDs (Strings) that will keep track of the connected
peers. You’ll maintain this list of IDs manually.
This will generate an error, which you’ll resolve by adding the following code under
Multipeer Session Functions:
func initMultipeerSession()
multipeerSession = MultipeerSession(
receivedDataHandler: receivedData,
peerJoinedHandler: peerJoined,
peerLeftHandler: peerLeft,
peerDiscoveredHandler: peerDiscovered)
} 355
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
This nifty helper function lets you send your own session ID to the other connected
peers, making sure you keep them up-to-date.
sessionIDObservation = observe(\.arView.session.identifier,
options: [.new]) { object, change in
print("Current SessionID: \(change.newValue!)")
guard let multipeerSession = self.multipeerSession else
{ return }
This uses the observer pattern to monitor your current session ID. Should it change,
this will ensure the other connected peers are informed of your latest session ID. 356
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
sendMessage("Peer discovered!")
if multipeerSession.connectedPeers.count > 2 {
sendMessage("[WARNING] Max connections reached!")
return false
} else {
return true
Here, you build in a restriction on the number of active connected peers allowed at
once time. The code above simply checks that the total number of connected peers is
under the allowed amount. If so, the peer is allowed to connect; otherwise, it’s
rejected and the user gets a message that there are too many connections.
As soon as a peer joins, it’s good time to inform the users to hold their phones close
together. It’s also the perfect time to send your own session id to the peer who just
joined so that they can also keep track of you in their list of peers. 357
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
sendMessage("Peer left!")
peerSessionIDs.removeValue(forKey: peer)
This removes the peer from peerSessionIDs, maintaining the list at all times.
Enabling Collaboration
To use collaboration, you need to enable it when you create the AR configuration. Do
this by adding the following line of code to initARView(), just before running the
AR session:
arConfiguration.isCollaborationEnabled = true
Enabling collaboration will start sharing collaboration data with connected peers.
Collaboration data contains information about detected surfaces, device positions
and added anchors.
Open MultipeerSession.swift and add the following extension to the bottom of the
extension MultipeerSession {
public var multipeerConnectivityService:
MultipeerConnectivityService? {
return try? MultipeerConnectivityService(
session: self.session)
} 358
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
Look at MultipeerSession and you’ll notice that that actual session instance,
MCSession, is kept private. This extension allows you to create a multi-peer
connectivity session, while still keeping the session private.
// 1
guard let multipeerConnectivityService =
multipeerSession!.multipeerConnectivityService else {
fatalError("[FATAL ERROR] Unable to create Sync Service!")
// 2
arView.scene.synchronizationService =
self.message.text = "Waiting for peers..."
1. With the extension function in place, this makes sure that you get a valid multi-
peer session service from MultipeerSession.
2. This registers the synchronization service. Now, RealityKit will keep all the
Codable objects in sync. This includes entities along with all their components. 359
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
• Bonjour services: Add two sub-items to it. Set item 0 to _ar-collab._tcp and set
item 1 to _ar-collab._udp.
Bonjour services gives permission to use that specific service type name.
Note: Your app will crash if you’ve failed to request network permission.
Continue with caution! 360
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
The app starts and now asks for network permission. Nothing else has changed,
except for the message at the top stating that it’s Waiting for peers…. Oh, of course
— this is supposed to be a collaborative experience! :]
Before grabbing a friend, there’s one final thing you have to set up for the entire
experience to function as intended.
Managing Ownership
During a collaborative experience, when you create an entity, you become the owner
of that entity. Should another peer attempt to modify an entity that belongs to you,
they’ll be blocked.
This is a great locking mechanism to control who’s allowed to modify entities within
the AR scene. Without these controls, you’d have utter chaos.
However, this means you need to add ownership management to your app.
= .autoAccept 361
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
Requesting Ownership
Now, you need to make sure you request ownership when you tap on a tile.
Previously, you simply modified the tile color. This time around, you first check to
see if you’re the owner of the tile. If you are, no worries, you can change the tile
color. If not, you first have to request ownership. Once granted, ownership of the tile
now belongs to you and you can change the tile color.
Removing Anchors
As a final touch, when you’ve played a few games with a friend, it would be nice to
clear out the playing field so that you can play some more.
func removeAnchors() {
guard let frame = arView.session.currentFrame else { return }
for anchor in frame.anchors {
arView.session.remove(anchor: anchor)
sendMessage("All anchors removed!")
} 362
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
And now do one final build and run. This time around, make sure that the app’s
installed on more than one device.
2. Device B starts and also states that it’s Waiting for peers….
3. When the two devices come into close proximity to one another, both will
indicate that they’ve Discovered a peer. At this point, hold the two devices close
together to establish a collaborative session.
4. If all goes well, the collaborative session begins and both devices indicate that a
Peer connected! 363
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials Chapter 17: ECS & Collaborative Experiences
6. Either device can now add a game board to the scene by tapping a flat surface.
The players can now take turns and play the ultimate game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
7. When the game board gets messy, simply Clear the space and place a new game
board into the scene.
Key Points
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of this chapter and section. You can find a
copy of the project in its final state under final/XOXO.
• ECS: You learned about entity-component systems and how to create your very
own entities, each with their own set of components that define the behavior of
the entity.
• Predefined Entities: You learned that RealityKit comes with a whole collection of
predefined entities that are commonly used within RealityKit-based AR
• Custom Entities: You also created your own custom entities and controlled which
components you added to them.
Well done, grasshopper, you’ve earned a well-deserved break. Share your app with all
your friends and enjoy some competitive Tic-Tac-Toe. See you on the flip side! :] 364
Section VIII: Creating 3D Models With
Object Capture (Bonus Section))
In this section, you’ll learn how to create realistic 3D models from real-life objects
using RealityKit and Object Capture. 365
18 Chapter 18: Creating 3D
Models With Object
What is Photogrammetry?
Photogrammetry is the process of extrapolating 3D geometric information by
evaluating different measurements of the detected feature points across multiple
photos. Wow, that’s a lot to process! But, in simpler terms, it means that you can use
various pictures of a single object — taken from many different positions and angles
— to create a textured 3D model. 366
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
Next, you’ll need a way to capture the object in 360° degrees; you’ll also need a way
to stabilize the camera — in this case, your phone. One option is to get yourself an
inexpensive lazy susan and a small tripod for your phone. 367
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
For best results, place the lazy susan on top of the Photographics Sweep Stand.
You’ll also need some kind of lighting — and of course, something to photograph. 368
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Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
Now that you have everything you need, it’s time to put it together.
Let’s take a closer look at how you can set up your new DYI photo booth:
• Light Source. Place the light source in front of the object, slightly above the
camera. If the light is too bright, you can use a white piece of paper to diffuse it.
The goal is to eliminate all of the shadows cast by the object.
• Camera. Place the camera on the tripod in front of the object. Remember, a tripod
helps stabilize the camera while you’re taking photos.
• Lazy Susan. Place the lazy susan on top of the sweep stand, and place the object
on top of that. For the best results, find the center of the lazy susan so that the
object will remain in one location as you rotate the lazy susan.
• Cup of Coffee. Coffee is the most crucial part of your little DYI project, so always
keep a cup of coffee at hand. 369
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
Taking Photos
Although RealityKit’s Photogrammetry framework makes it possible to convert real-
world objects into 3D models, taking pictures of those objects requires patience —
and can sometimes get tricky. Here are a few things you can do to help:
• Make sure that there’s at least a 70% overlap from one photo to the next.
• Your object requires some texture for the photogrammetry process to track its
• Light your object from the front to eliminate shadows as far as possible.
The image capturing process isn’t always easy — and, despite all of your hard work,
things can still go wrong — as was the case with this series of images: 370
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
Although this collection of images does capture Mr. Pig from multiple 45° angles,
there wasn’t enough overlap from one photo to another, causing the
photogrammetry process to fail. For better results, you need to have at least a 70%
overlap from one image to the next.
Before running the app, let’s explore the key components that make
photogrammetry possible. With the project open, select main.swift. 371
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Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
Here, supportsRayTracing() iterates through all the available Metal devices until
one is found that supports Raytracing. Excellent, it looks like you’ve got the
hardware, so let’s move on.
PhotogrammetrySession Configuration
The magic component that does all the work is the PhotogrammetrySession. Before
you can start a request, you first need to configure the session:
This code defines an alias named Configuration for the session configuration. The
command-line parameters are then parsed and processed to set the following:
• SampleOrdering. Defines the order of the images. Are they out of order or
sequenced? 372
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Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
PhotogrammetrySession Request
With the configuration in place, you can now create the photogrammetry request:
This code defines an alias named Request for the session request. Additional
command-line parameters provide the request settings:
• Detail. Defines the level of detail for the created geometry of the created object,
ranging from preview, reduced, medium, full to raw.
• ModelFile. Defines the path for the created object as a .USDZ file.
This code provides the input path to the source images along with the session
configuration. Finally, the session is created and kicked off. 373
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Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
• inputComplete. Indicates the input data has been processed and that the
processing will continue.
If you’ve got a collection of photos ready, copy them into a folder on your desktop.
Alternatively, you can use one of the examples that Apple provides. For instance, this
slice of Fruit Cake (
Download the example from Apple, and extract the files into a folder on your
desktop. Then, take a moment to explore the photos. 374
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
"--detail", "preview",
"--feature-sensitivity", "normal",
"--sample-ordering", "sequential"
This code provides a few command line parameters directly to the app from within
• Path to Images. This is where the input images are located. Be sure to set the
path correctly for your machine.
• Path to USDZ. This is where the output USDZ will be generated. Be sure to set the
path correctly for your machine.
• Detail. This sets the required detail to preview. This is great for quick tests. Feel
free to change this value to a higher detail once you’re happy with the results.
• Feature Sensitivity. This sets the sensitivity to normal, but you can intensify it by
changing it to high.
• Sample Ordering. This indicates that the images are provided sequentially; if this
is not the case, you can change it to unordered.
To start the process — which might take a while — build and run the project.
If all went well, you’ll see the following message in the output: 375
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Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
You’ll also see a FruitCakeSlice.usdz file on your desktop. Double-click the file to
preview it with Xcode.
Introducing PhotoCatch
Not a fan of command-line apps? No problem! The team at EOS Innovations created
a user-friendly version of Apple’s Photogrammetry command-line app, which you
can download from here: PhotoCatch ( PhotoCatch is really
cool because you can use it to process videos instead of separate images. Let’s try it
out. 376
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Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
Locate and select the Rock.m4v file under the provided materials, then choose
There’s a total of 900 images in the video file; you’re only going to process every
third frame, so change the amount from 4 to 3. Then, select and set the first frame.
Scroll all the way to the right, and set the last frame. Then, select Done at the top
Review the conversion settings. Set the File Format to USDZ, and set Model
Quality to Preview. Leave the Sample Ordering as Unordered, and the Feature
Sensitivity as Normal. 377
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Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
Sit back and sip your coffee while you wait for the photogrammetry process to
complete. (See, I told you that coffee was an essential part of this process!)
Once done, you’ll see a cute little rock with a bee carved into it. Open the Crop
section on the left and drag the Bottom slider slightly to the right to clip the un-
even bottom of the rock.
Fantastic, it’s looking real pretty now. Select the Save option and export it as
Rock.usdz on your Desktop. 378
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Chapter 18: Creating 3D Models With Object Capture
Key Points
Congratulations, you just became a master artist capable of creating hyper-realistic
3D models in just a few basic steps.
Let’s take a quick look at some of the key take-aways from this chapter:
• Building a DYI photo booth. It’s super easy to build your own little photo booth
that will simplify the photo capture process.
• Taking Photos. There are a few gotchas to avoid when taking photos of objects.
The most important part is good lighting and properly overlapping images.
• Photogrammetry command line. You’ve reviewed Apple’s example app, and now
you know all the basic requirements for when you want to create your
photogrammetry app.
• PhotoCatch. You also tried out a super cool variant that takes user-friendly to the
next level. To top things off, you can now take a little video clip and quickly
process that through PhotoCatch. Amazing!
Now, finish off that cup of coffee so that you can quickly capture it into digital
format. Enjoy! 379
19 Conclusion
What a fantastic journey it’s been! From exploring what AR is and why it matters to
diving deep into the technology and frameworks that you can use to bring your AR
experiences to life.
By putting the book concepts to practice, creating beautiful, immersive AR worlds for
your users to explore will become second nature. Not only that, but you’ll also be
able to respond quickly to changing requirements as the technology expands and
We hope the ideas you saw in this book inspire you to explore and enjoy AR like
never before!
If you have any questions or comments as you work through this book, please stop by
our forums at and look for the particular forum
category for this book.
Thank you again for purchasing this book. Your continued support is what makes the
books, tutorials, videos and other things we do at possible. We
truly appreciate it! 380