Artic B
Artic B
Artic B
Treatment. J Material Sci Eng 5: 227. doi:10.4172/2169-0022.1000227
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also help to improve machining effect, and make them versatile. They Materials and Methods
are found in applications such as train railroads, beams for building
support structures, reinforcing rods in concrete, ship construction, Sample of ASTM A-36 mild steel was purchased from a local
tubes for boilers in power generating plants, oil and gas pipelines, car market located in Khulna, Bangladesh. All specimens of mild steel of
radiators, cutting tools etc. [3]. The mild steel or called low carbon steel dimensions 8 × 8 × 8 mm was cut using power hacksaw. The chemical
as the main component to through the process of the heat treatment composition of the mild steel sample was determined as given in Table
where it containing several characteristic. The general range of mild 1. Standard tensile and impact specimens were made from ASTM
steel is 0.05% to 0.35%. Mild steel is a very versatile and useful material. A-36 mild steel sample using lathe machine. Samples were subjected
It can be machined and worked into complex shapes has low cost to different heat treatment: annealing, normalizing, hardening, and
and good mechanical properties. It is forms the vast bulk of the steels tempering in accordance to ASM International Standards [7]. Heat
employed for general structural fabrication, sheet metal and so on. treated specimens were tested for mechanical properties. The heat
Bolts and studs are supposed to be made from mild steel (up to 0.25% treatment conditions are listed in Table 2. Four specimens were
carbon) with characteristic toughness and ductility. prepared for each heat treatment type.