AREA 1 Pre - History, Theory
AREA 1 Pre - History, Theory
AREA 1 Pre - History, Theory
SCORE : _____________________
a. Earthquake Baroque
b. Jugendstijl Style
c. Renaissance Style
d. Neoclassical Style
4.It is the third phase on the manner of payment which the owner shall pay
the architect a sum equal to ____ of the professional fee or a sum
sufficient to increase the total payments on the fee to ____ of the
professional fee which will be deducted to from the total amount of
the construction cost.
a. Schematic Design Phase; 15%; 20%
b. Signing of the Service Agreement; 5%; 5%
c. Construction Phase; 10%; 100%
d. Design Development Phase; 20%; 40%
5.The remaining space in a lot after deducting the required minimum open
7.This shall issued by the owner to the contractor following the execution
of the contract agreement,
a. Urban plan
b. Zoning Map Plan
c. Comperehensive development plan
d. Site plan
e. All of the above
13. It is the largest city in terms of population and land area in Metro
Manila, where does the figure 7 located?
14. Which of the following best describe the theory of the relationship of
Downtown Davao?
16. Which of the following best describe the setback from a water line?
18. One the following is the approving government unit for subdivision
project development permit. Which would that be?
d. Combination
c.Provision of a porte-cochere
23. Which of the following would result to the best site circulation?
24. It is the last phase on the manner of payment which the owner shall
pay the architect a sum equal to ____ of the professional fee or a
sum sufficient to increase the total payments on the fee to ____ of
the professional fee which will be deducted to from the total amount
of the construction cost.
25. If land is limited, which of the following is the best way to plan
parking lots?
a. Rococo
b. Classicism
c. Renaissance
27. Listing of the different parts of the work indicating in each part the
corresponding value in materials and labor, including an allowance
for profit and overhead.
a. Change Order
c. Punchlist Items
29. A key house agency that assist private developers to undertake low
and middle income mass housing production
a. Guarantee bond
b. Payment bond
c. Performance bond
d. Acceptance bond
31. It is valid up to one year from date of acceptance, how many percent
does the question #30 refers to?
32. Under what section of RA 9266 and its IRR is the Intellectual
Property Rights for Professional Architectural Consulting services?
33. It is the guarantee to pay all the obligations. What kind of bond is
a. Guarantee bond
b. Payment bond
c. Performance bond
d. Acceptance bond
35. The Grandest Temple of all Egyptian temples, it was not built by upon
one complete plan but owes its size, disposition and magnificence to the
work of many Kings. Built from the 12 Dynasty to the Ptolemaic period.
a. Partywall; block
c. Firewall; fireblock
37. Given a Php 5M Residential Building Project, how much will be the
RPF base on DAEDS?
b. Actual direct cost plus 10 percent for profit, overhead and tax
39. It is a specific period of neither time within which legal action must
be brought for alleged damaged nor injury.
42. Refers to the most reasonable price of land and shelter based on the
needs and financial capability of “program beneficiaries and
appropriate financial schemes” (RA 7279).
a. Financial range
b. Affordable cost
a. Technology transfer
b. Transfer of Record
c. Contract Documents
d. Technical Transfer
47. Given a Php5M Residential Building Project, how much will be the
RPF base on DADS?
48. “The man of learning... can fearlessly look down upon the
troublesome accidents of fortune. But he who thinks himself
entrenched in defense not of learning but of luck, moves one
slippery path, struggling though life unsteadily and insecurely.”
a. a New Architecture
49. It was the first law passed by the national assembly in 1921 where
the maestros de obra or the master builders are required to register
as architects?
50. Tomb of Atreus, a noted example of the tholos type of tomb is also
known as:
a. Mausoleum, Helicarnassos
b. Tomb of Clytemnestra
c. Tomb of Agamemnon
d. Thersilion, Megapolis
51. The memorial column built in the form of tall Doric order and made
entirely marble is;
d. Column of Dioelectian
52. Early type of settlement in America taken after the “baug” (military
town) and “fauborg” (citizen’s town) of the medieval ages.
b. Medieval Bastide
53. It is the eclectic style of domestic architecture of the 1870’s and the
1880’s in England and the USA and actually based on country
house and cottage Elizabeth architecture which was characterized
by a blending of Tudor Gothic, English Renaissance and colonial
elements in the USA:
a. Mannerist Phase
c.Jacobean Architecture
d. Stuart Architecture
a. Unite d’ Habitation
b. Brasilia
d. Ecumenopolis
55. When the owner hires an Architect of a firm to coordinate the whole
range of Comprehensive Architectural Services, it shall constitute?
c. Cost Records
d. Payments
a. Architect-of-record
b. Consulting Architect
c. Architect
a. Project Representative
b. Engineer
c. Contractor
d. Architect
a. UAP Doc 201 b. UAP Doc 202 c. UAP Doc 203 d. UAP Doc 204
62. The Contractor shall submit the following before Final Payment is to
be released except for:
63. Within how many months shall be the release of Retention from date
of Final Payment?
66. He is remembered for his “Ideal Cities” – star shaped plans with
street radiating from central point, usually proposed for a church,
palace or castle.
a. Leonardo Da Vinci
a. Pre-Design Services
c. Post-Construction Services
72. An English Architect who prepared plan for London i.e., St. Peter ‘s
and St. Paul Cathedral; Proposed a Network of Avenues connecting
the main features of London.
a. Leonardo Da Vinci
73. The sacred enclosure fond in the highest part of a Greek city is
74. The architect who claimed that: “The ultimate goal of the new
architecture was the composite but inseparable work of an art, in
which the old diving line between monumental and decorative
elements will have disappeared forever.”
a. Frank Lloyd Wright
b. Le Corbusier
c. Walter Gropius
75. The architect who said that the exterior of the building is the result of
the interior.
76. This means, an entities, agencies, organization & the like that have
been accredited/registered with the Board of Architecture of the
Professional Regulation Commission to deliver seminars, lectures, &
other continuing Professional Education Modules for Architects,
other than the IAPOA which is automatically accredited by the Board
of Architecture?
b. CPD Provider
d. PIA
a. 1 slot/family dwelling
c. 2 slot/family dwelling
78. The building that serve as a senate house for the chief dignitaries of
the city and as a palace where distinguished visitors and citizens
might be entertained.
a. Bouleuterion b. Thersihonc. Prytaneion d. Diathyros
80. Often enclosed and secluded the street, whose high density and
variety of planning conveys a garden image. It sometimes includes
flower planters and a water feature and usually supplies a variety of
seating possibilities.
81. The emergency hideout found directly behind the headboard of the
Sultan’s bed.
82. The tower atop the torogan where the princess and the ladies in
waiting hide during the occasions.
a. Menhir
b. Cromlech
c. Dolmen
d. Tumulus
85. PD 957: In Design Standards for Residential Condominium Projects,
offsite parking is allowed but must NOT be more how may meters
away from the building it serves?
87. Which of the following situation would trigger the owner to suspend
a. Bankruptcy-Declared by BIR
b. Insubordination
91. The _________ shall submit ________ copies of shop drawings for
the architect’s approval
a. Engineer/ 5
b. Sub-contractor/4
c. Project representative/5
d. Contractor/2
92. A style in the architecture Italy I the second half of the 16 It uses
classical elements in an unconventional manner.
a. Illusionism
b. Mannerism
d. Abstract
93. A habitable room for 1 family with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking
& eating
c.Organizing the cooking and servicing area distinct from the dining area
and entrance
a. A group of houses
b. A freeway
c. A neighborhood bar
d. A rice paddies
a. Nodes
b. Landmark
c. Path
d. Edge
99. The rough equivalent of the present tenement cities that existed in
ancient Rome
a. Insula
b. Domus
c. Bahay-Kubo
d. Bouleterion
100. A land development decision is also what kind of decision the orderly
arrangement of urban streets & public places.
a.City Planning
b.Urban Renewal
c.Urban Design
d.Agricultural Surplus
a. City Planning
b. Urban Renewal
c. Urban Design
d. Agricultural Surplus
102. The container of man which consist of both the natural & man made
or artificial
a. Physical Settlement
b. Buildable area
c. Dwelling unit
d. Restriction
103. What is the longest day in a year? Also called the summer solstice.
a. December 21
b. September 22
c. March 20
d. June 21
104. What is the shortest day in a year? Also called the winter solstice
a. June 21
b. December 21
c. September 22
d.March 20
a. 22° 50’
b. 23° 47’
c. 24° 45’
d. 25° 47’
106. In 1573, King Philip II proclaimed this law that established uniform
standards and planning procedures for colonial settlements. This law
provides guidelines for site selection, layout and dimensioning of streets
and squares, the location of civic and religious buildings, open space,
cultivation and pasturing lands, and even the main procedural phases of
planning and construction. The plaza complex is a result of this
a. Laws of Indies
b. Laws of Loss
c. BP 344
d. PD 1096
107. Who was the first person to suggest the possible kingship between
Gothic and Muslim Architecture?
a. James Hobain
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. Benjamin Latrobe
d. Sir Christopher Wren
a. Monochromatic
b. Achromatic
c. Polychromatic
d. Brightness
111. Having only one color, as red, yellow and blue regarded as
generating all other colors.
a. Monochromatic
b. Achromatic
c. Polychromatic
d. Brightness
a. Red
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Blue
114. Which is the most sacred part of a church or temple, which is a holy
or consecrated place?
a. transept
b. scene
c. sanctuary
d. shrine
a. Antonio de Sanggallo
b. Jacopo Sansovino
c. Rapahel Santi
d. Giacomo da Vignola
a. Eugene Freyssinet
c. Buckminster Fuller
a. contrast
b. balance
c. volume
d. scale
b. all listed
119. Who created the Dymaxion House, the first “machine for living” –
which is a portable home made from metal alloys and plastics and where
all necessary mechanical systems and devices are placed in the center of
the building, with the living spaces around it—open to the arrangement
tastes of the owner?
a. Moshe Safdie
c. Buckminster Fuller
d. Louis Kahn
120. What was the first modern architecture school in the world?
b. Bauhaus
121. It is the illustrado territory, the enclave of the rich and powerful in the
Arrabales. It is also the manifestation of folk religiousity.
a. Quaipo
b. Binondo
c. Santa Cruz
d. Sampaloc
a. functions of room
c. lighting arrangements
d. location
123. What will be the result if two complementary colors are mixed in
proper amounts in the pigment pot?
c. protection/evolution of species
d. prevention of parasites
125. What is another term for human engineering which is applied science
concerned with characteristics of people that need to be considered
designing and arranging things that they use in order that people and
things will interact most effectively and safely?
a. ergonomics
b. ertogenics
c. ecology
d. proxemics
127. Which sensual type affects placement of rooms which could limit
unpleasant odors?
a. kinesthetic
b. visual
c. olfactory
d. auditory
a. paths
b. edges
c. nodes
d. districts
129. What type of urban form is the most frequently found in many cities,
which is a large circle with radial corridors of intense development
emanating from the center?
a. radio centric
b. ring
c. rectilinear
d. star
b. district
c. nodes
d. edge
131. In the early years of city planning, who advocated the principles of
neighborhood planning?
a. Howard
b. Clarence Perry
c. Charles Abrams
d. Doxiadis
a. housing
c. man-made features
b. socio-cultural data
c. man-made features
138. What type of urban form is usually the result of natural topography
which restricts growth of the result of a transportation spine?
a. attractiveness of landscape
b. usability of space
b. over-crowding
c. migration
b. billboards
c. elevated highways
142. What type of urban ecological process in city land use patterning is
described as the result of a complete invasion and where the majority of
the population and/or facilities of an area are replaced by a new type?
a. succession
b. renewal
c. decentralization
d. invasion
b. housing backlog
c. housing to be replaced
a. consumer product
c. biological institution
d. social/economic process
146. What do you call the system which coordinates the dimensions of all
buildings themselves, as well as with the dimensions of the buildings to be
erected in order to reduce the cost of construction?
a. prefabricated system
147. Located in Ermita district of the city east of Intramuros, was part of the
plan of Daniel Burnham for the city which placed the building on the
frontage of the Pasig River for easy water transportation or mails. Name
this structure shown on figure 6.
b. Metropolitan Theater
c. Malacang Palace
d. SM City Manila
b. Neoclassical Style
a. Kenzo Tange
b. Eero Saarinen
d. Robert Maillart
a. Kenzo Tange b. Eero Saarinen c. Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe d. Robert
a. Kenzo Tange b. Eero Saarinen c. Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe d. Robert
a. Kenzo Tange
b. Eero Saarinen
d. Robert Maillart
154. Emerged during the medieval times as the first “university town”.
a. Versailles
b. Vienna
c. Venice
d. Venezuela
a. Local Soul
b. Genius Loci
c. Urban Landscape
d. Landscape Elements
a. Modernism
b. Moorish
c. Arabesque
d. Churrigueresque
a. Jugendstil
b. Stile Liberty
d. Modernismo
158. First Architect under the American Period with academic title MO-A
a. Carlos Barreto
c. Diego Hervas
d. Tomas Mapua
160. The circulation of fresh air through windows, doors, or other openings
on opposite sides of a room.
a. Natural Ventilation
b. Whole-house Ventilator
c. Cross Ventilation
d. Chimney Effect
d. Manila Cathedral
162. A philosophy of architectural design that emerged in the 20 century.
Asserting that building should have a structure and plan that fulfill its
functional requirements, harmonize with its natural environment, and form
an intellectual lucid, integrated whole. The shapes or forms in such work
are often irregular contour and seem to resemble or suggest forms found
in nature.
163. The point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given position or
a. Equator
b. Zenith
c. Azimuth
d. Ground Light
a. Brutalism
b. Deconstructivism
c. Cubism
d. Art Nouveau
165. The first all iron building in the world shown on figure 2.
c. Malolos Church
d. Lipa Cathedral
166. The largest and oldest cave dwelling found in the southwest of
Palawan is
a. Calaio cave
b. Tabon Cave
c. Bathaia Cave
d. Libmanan cave
167. It is the principal decoration for walls & ceilings for renaissance
palaces as well as churches
168. It is the Eclectic Style of the domestic architecture of the 1870’s and
1880’s in England and the USA & actually based on the country house and
cottage Elizabethan architecture which was characterized by a blending of
Tudor Gothic, English Renaissance & Colonial elements in the USA.
a. Mannerist Phase
c. Jacobean Architecture
d. Stuart Architecture
169. It means “silversmith like” the richly decorative style of the Spanish
renaissance in the 16 century and its early phase is also referred to as
Isabelline Architecture
a. Plateresque
b. Rococo
c. Churrigueresque
d. Baroque
a. Sgrafitto
b. Applique façade
c. Rustication
d. Fresco
171. What is the oldest inhabited city in the world?
a. Urban space
b. Open space
c. Architectural space
d. Internal space
a. Neo-Baroque
b. Neo-Gothic
c. Neo-Classicalism
d. Neo-Renaissance
175. A style that includes all branches of medieval art, first identified
around 1140, and originating in the France. Its identifying features are the
soaring group pillars and the pointed arch.
a. Renaissance
b. Gothic
c. Byzantine
d. Romanesque
176. The Linear City design was first developed by ___________ in Spain
during the 19th century.
a. Hippodamus
c. Leonardo Da Vinci
d. Antonio Sant’elia
177. It is the second phase on the manner of payment which the owner
shall pay the architect a sum equal to ____ of the professional fee or a
sum sufficient to increase the total payments on the fee to ____ of the
professional fee which will be deducted to from the total amount of the
construction cost.
b. Ernest W. Bugress
c. Le Corbusier
c. Barry Parker
d. Ernest W. Bugress
180. The icon of middle class suburbanization, its master plan was
designed by architect and planner Carlos P. Arguelles, based on suburban
developments in California with modifications.
a. Philamlife Homes
a. Philamlife Homes
182. It is the first phase on the manner of payment which the owner shall
pay the architect a sum equal to ____ of the professional fee or a sum
sufficient to increase the total payments on the fee to ____ of the
professional fee which will be deducted to from the total amount of the
construction cost.
183. Not a function of the construction supervision group.
a. Prepares PERT-CPM
a. Mixes
b. Fabrication
c. Installation
185. Within how many days from the date the change is ordered shall
claim for adjustment involving questions of fact o be asserted?
a. 10 days
b. 15 days
c. 30 days
d. 60 days
d. Turnkey
187. It is known as the “No Nail House” found in Ifugao and it is the first
prefabricated house in the world. Its architectural ingenuity still comes out
despite its simplistic appearance. Found in figure 8, what structure is this?
a.Fale House
b.Fayu House
c.Binuron House
d.Binangiyan House
a. Mundulig
b. Halipan
c. Kuling
d. Gaob
a. French Gothic
b. Italian Gothic
c. German Gothic
d. Spanish Gothic
190. It is one of the first buildings in the world to use flying buttresses; it is
among the largest and the best-known church building in the Catholic
Churches in the world. What building is on figure 11?
a. Notre-Dame de Paris
b. Chartres Cathedral
c. Sagrada Familia
a. 135 years
b. 182 years
c. 135 years
d. 111 years
192. When the owner fails to implement the plans and documents for
construction, how much percentage will be the Architect’s fee?
a. 100%
b. 90%
c. 80%
d. 75%
196. It is a permanent house made of stone for ground floor & wood for 2
constructed, huge antillan house”. It is an improved version of bahay kubo
in terms of materials & space allocation. Please see the floor plan on figure
a. Nipa Hut
b. Bahay-na-Bato
d. Datu House
a. Comedor
b. Despensa
c. Caida
d. Azotea
198. It is an exposed porch where child-size jars are kept and washing,
drinking and bathing took place.
a. Muslim Architecture
b. Indonesian Architecture
c. Philippine Architecture
d. Chinese Architecture
a. Architect
b. Architecture
c. Architect of Record