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PR Agency

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5.1 Learning Objectives

5.2 Introduction

5.3 Public Relations Officer — Qualities, Duties and

5.4 Public Relations Setup in an Organizations

5.5 Public Relations Society of India (PRSI)

5.6 Let us sum up
5.7 Further Readings
5.8 Answers to Check Your Progress
5.9 Possible Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to :
• discuss the role of Public Relations Officer in an organization
• outline the duties and responsibilities of a PRO
• explain the qualities which are important to be a good PRO
• discuss the role of PRSI in the PR profession in India


In the previous unit, we have already explained the basic concept of

public relations and why it is important in the present day life. We have
also discussed the growth and development of modem PR. In this unit
we would try to explain to you the PR setup in an organization, duties
and responsibilities of a Public Relations Officer, followed by suggestions
as to how you have to prepare yourself to be a good PRO.

Public relations is an essential tool of modern management. The

effectiveness and success of the Public Relations programme of an
organization largely depends on the calibre of the personnel entrusted
with the job. The PRO may be pertinently compared to a driver of the
organization. Basically a PRO should be a very good communicator. He
has to communicate with the intemal as well as external publics of the

Advertising & Pubiic Relations(Course - II)

PR and Organization Units

This unit wiii concentrate on the activities, functions and responsibilities

of a Public Relations Officer, who deals with multifarious activities to
build a good image of the organization and to make good public relations
with the publics of the organization. In the last unit of this course, that is
Unit - 6, we will introduce to you the various tools and methods of PR.


The Public Relations Officer, popularly known as PRO, is primarily
a communicator. He has to communicate the ideals and policies of the
organization to the public through various media such as the press,
radio, film, oral communication, exhibition etc. The PRO must have a
thorough knowledge and experience in mass media operations so that
he can handle them effectively.

The PRO may be highly experienced in writing for the newspapers,

magazines and other printed media,But it may be too much to expect
the PRO to have a complete mastery over all media. He should know
how to make use of them for effective results.A PRO must have the
ability to plan and execute the combined use of all those PR tools best
suited to his purpose.

Public Relations Officer - Qualities, Duties and Responsibilities

Public Relations is an essential tool of modern management. The

success of a Public Relations programme can be the calibre of the
personnel entrusted with the job. The PRO is like a driver. A good driver
has a master skill on driving, but he may not be an expert on the complex
mechanism of the working parts of his vehicle. Similarly, a good Public
Relations Officer may not necessarily understand the ultimate workings
and mechanics of all the mass media. But like the good driver he should
know how to handle his vehicle as a whole to get the maximum benefit
from it.

The Public Relations Officer is mainly a communicator. He has to

communicate the ideas and policies of the organisation to the public
through various media such as the press, TV, radio, film, oral
communication exhibition etc. The Public Relations Officer, therefore,

Advertising & Public Reiatlons(Course - H) ~ ^

Units PR and Organization

must have a thorough knowledge of and experience in mass media

operation so that he can handle them effectively. He should present to
the different media of communication the whole story in a manner that
covers both the positive and negative aspects of an issue. The skill of
persuasive writing is the most important pre requisite for a successful
PR. The Public Relations Officer must be sufficiently experienced in
writing for the newspapers, magazines and other print media, but he
may not be so well versed in designing exhibition, producing films or
presenting a radio programme. It should be possible for the Public
Relations Officer to organize and manage different programmes.

As mentioned earlier, the PRO acts not only as the source of

information at his organization, but also as the interpreter of its official
policy to the public. To carry out these responsibilities effectively, he
should always be associated with the decision-making of the organization
and its top management. The PRO must ensure that the top management
always considers the public's interests. The PRO, therefore, can be
Called the publics* 'eyes' and 'ears'.

it is, therefore, desirable that the PRO should be under the immediate,
and direct control of the Chief Executive and not under any intermediary
officer of the organization. This gives the PRO ample scope to be in
intimate liaison with the top management and to deal with matters at the
highest level, besides enabling him to be in close touch with the heads
of other departments.

The PRO must strive to gain the confidence of the management. At

the same time, the management must take the PRO into confidence.
Such an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence is necessary to
carry out the functions successfully and to safeguard the interests of the
management effectively.

One of the prime functions of the PRO is the building of the right
image for his organization, based on its good performance. The image
of an organization depends on the functioning of its various departments
and on the kind of relations they keep with the public at large. In order
to succeed as an image-builder, the PRO should first enhance his own

88 Advertising & Public Relations(Course - II)

PR and Organization UriHS

image and the image of his profession, within and outside the organization.
. The PRO has to establish and maintain close liaison with the various
mass media on the one hand and the organization which he represents,
on the other. In fact, he is the immediate link between the organization
and the media. It is the PRO who receives queries and reactions from
the media and it is he who communicates to them the first information
of public interest. In dealing with the media and their personnel, the PRO
often has to face irritating and controversial questions. Such situations
have to be tackled carefully and with tact, and the PRO should not lose
his cool over such controversial or delicate issues. The capacity to
maintain a pleasant and equable disposition and never to lose temper is
the greatest asset for a PRO. What is equally important, he should
diligently avoid the last vestiges of red-tapism and evasiveness.

ResDonsibilities of a Public Relation Officer:


1. Relation with the publics.

2. Relation with the press.
3. Handle publications.
4. Relation with the local community.
5. Handle the financial relation.

6. Relation with the Govt.

7. Take the responsibility of the annual report of the cohcem.

8. Arranging the press conferences.
9. Handling the crisis situations.
10. Reception of the guests.
11. Taking every possible step for building and boosting the image
of the organization.
12. Coordinating the organization and the public and bridging the
communication gap, if any.


While appointing PRCs most of the organizations prefer graduates

with a Diploma in Journalism or Public Relations. Firms belonging to the
finarK:ial sector and chemical industry want graduates in commerce and
science respectively.

Advertising & Public Relations(Course - II) ^

Unit d PR and Organization
Some organizations insist on certain special requirements for the
PR practitioner, such as the following: He should be /should have —
A) Intellectually sharp.
B) A man of many tastes.
C) A generallst in terms of capabilities and a specialist in so far
as P.R. responsibilities are concerned.
D) Essentially be a 'go-getter'
E) Flair for writing.
F) Pleasing personality, initiative and drive.
G) Proficient in oral and written communication.
H) Equally at ease whether writing or talking.
I) Ability to communicate effectively.

The Committee on Public Relations and Publicity in public

undertakings recommend the following as the minimum qualifications for
P.R.Os in public sector enterprises :

(a) A,good university degree, preferably in Humanities,

(b) Personality to communicate effectively with a variety of people inside
and outside the organizations at various levels,

(c) Capacity for sustained hard work and ability to handle different
human and organizational problems,

(d) Writing and editing of news items,features and articles; experience

of working in an advertising agency; ability to write scripts and
commentaries for films and broadcasts; understanding of arid ability
to utilize various media of mass communication, press, printed
material(house magazines, pamphlets, leaflets and other company
publications), radio, films, audio-visual programmes, etc.

(e) Institutional training in public relations would be a very desirable


(f) Persons who head a PR.set-up should have the quality of leadership
and skill to handle creative writers, visualisers and artists to get the
best out of them.

90 ' Advertising & Public Relations(Course - II)

PR and Organization Units

1. To acquire flair for wpting and public speaking, with an ability to

communicate ideas effectively.
2. To inculcate a wide reading habit and curiosity for forceful words.
It is only through wide reading that one can acquire knowledge on
a variety of subjects and gain ability to handle problems with

3. To gain adequate knowledge of all mass media.

4. To develop good organizing ability and make friends at all levels.
5. To be cheerful and courteous.

6. To have an infinite capacity for taking pains and doing hard work.
7. To develop ability to persuade people by cogent reasoning.
8. To instill in oneself a sense of curiosity about people, things and
places, together with an ability to conceptualize a situation and to
understand public moods.
9. To have a good imagination, a lively inquisitive mind and sense of

10. To be honest and sincere.

11. To offer counseling based on an understanding of human behaviour

and to analyze future trends and predict their consequences.
12. To research into public opinion, attitudes and expectations and
advise on necessary action
13. To establish and maintain two-way communication based on truth
and full information

14. To prevent Conflict, misunderstanding and promote mutual respect

and social responsibility
15. To harmonize the private and the public interest by promoting good
will with staff, suppliers & customers
16. To improve industrial relations
17. To promote products or services.
18. To maximize profitability by projecting a corporate identity.

Advertising & Public Relations(Course -II) 91

PR and Organization


1. Who is a PR officer?.

2. What are the basic qualities required by a good PR person?


1. Go to a nearby branch,of State Bank of India and

meet the Grahak Meetra and ask him/ her about
their PR strategies.

5.4 PR set up in an organization ■

Public relations or PR has a very important role in an organization.
The PR function is not exclusive concern of only few PR experts, but
the responsibility and concern of every one in the organization, from the
top brass to the lower cadre. One of the most important factors that
determines and influences an organizations status and reputation is
what its own employees think and say about it. The rolo of public relations
in an organization is to develop commitment, motivation and morale
among the people to enable them to function well in different
circumstances. The purpose is also to develop an appropriate work
culture and the necessary attitudes and cornpetence with the ultimate
goals of establishing and maintaining a bridge of mutual understanding
and good will between the organization and its various publics.

The status of a Public Relations department In an Organization Is

very crucial. As far as the intemal communication in an organi^tlon Is
concerned, the PR department plays a role of an intermediary between
the employee and the employer or, we can say, between the top brass
92 Advertlsihg & Rublid Relations(Course - II)
PR and Organization Units

and the other employees including the lower cadre. The PR department
disseminates the various policies and programmes initiated by the
management to the other employees and the department collects and
conveys the reaction or the feedbacks of the employees and conveys
them to the management regarding a specific issue.

The primary function of the Public Relations department in an

organization is to establish and maintain good relation with its internal
as well as external publics. To maintain this relation with its publics a PR
department must take some initiative of publishing printed materials,
producing audio visual materials and filling the communication gap, if
any, among the various groups of the organization and finally disseminating
information to the publics. In order to initiate a steady flow of information
covering all major aspects of the organization's operations, it is necessary
to create official channel of communication between the public relations
department and the senior person in charge of the various activities.
Again, to provide information from the divisions, a pattem of procedures
should be formulated. No two organizations are similar and, therefore,
public relations procedures must also vary in detail.
Besides, the PR department also plays the role of bridging the
communication gap between the external publics or the target audiences
and the organization. The department also tries to build a good image of
the organization before the publics.







Advertising & Pubiic Relations(Course - if) 93

Units ^ . PR and Organization
As we have seen in the above picture, in a large organization, Public
Relations Officer or the PR Manager is directly under the Chief Executive
Officer or the Managing Director of the organization. He is assisted and
supported by a few assistant Public Relations officers, who are assigned
different PR tasks, such as media relations, research and planning,
information, advertising etc.

The basic public relations functions of a social welfare organization

are similar to those of any other organization. Typically the administrative
functions are handled by a Professional Public Relations practitioner and
staff who prepare materials and provide services for different chapters
and committees, supervise staff services and personnel, establish and
control Public Relations budget, coordinate organization activities involving
the public, plan Public Relations programmes,establish policy and evaluate
the effectiveness of their public relations. The list of functions performed
by Public Relations departments varies from company to company,
organization to organization.

The Public Relations Officer has to be appointed within the Chief

Executive's Department. The PRO is directly responsible to the CEO for
advising and implementing the public relations programme in all its varied
aspects. The PR department is responsible for. the following-
1. Controlling the public relations activities through the presentation
and implementation of agreed policies and stratagies;
2. Conveying and interpreting to management information on public
attitudes and views about the company and/or the industry it sen/es;
3. F'reparing all policy and financial statements and on company affairs
to the Press, TV and radio. Handling day-to-day inquiries form the
Press, and the initiation of Press interest in the affairs, services
and production of the company, regularly issuing news material on
all company activities;

4. Advising on the preparation of prestige publications, institutional

advertising, films, exhibitions, shareholder relations, house style,
community relations, and other relevant activities;

94 Advertising & Public Relations(Course'li)

PR and Organization Units

Instructing the compan/s financial advertising agents on all matters

relating to financial and annual report, advertising and publicity;
6. Liaison with the company's department on all matters relating to
the dissemination of internal information and the company's
employee publications.


1. What is the essential necessity of a Public

Relations department in an organization?

2. Why is the PR department is important for internal PR?

QIB Observe the functions of a Public Relations
Department carried out by a govt., public sector
organization or a private organization situated in your district.


The Public Relations Society of India (PRSI) was established in
1958 to promote the recognition of Public Relations as a profession and
to formulate and interpret the objectives and the potentialities of public
relations as a strategic management function to the public.

The society functioned as an informal body till 1966 when It was

registered under the Indian Societies Act XXVI of 1961, with headquarters
in Mumbai. Leter on, registration clasped because of certain technical

Advertising & Public Relations(Course - II) 95

Units PR and Organization

reasons and a few years back It was registered afreash with its head
quarter at New Delhi. Currently, Dr. Ajit Pathak Is the national president
and Mr. S. Tewarl is the secretary general.
Presently,,the society has as many as 33 chapters In various parts
of the country.

To.,enlist as member of PRSi, one has to apply to the Chairperson

of the chapter of the region. Each application ifor membership is forwarded
by the Regional Chapter to the National Council for consideration with
their recommendations regarding acceptance and classification, and
forward the same to the Secretary-General for consideration of the
National Council.

There are following classes of members :

1. General Members;
2. Life Members;
3. Associate Members;
4. Honorary Members; and
5. Student Members

The society Is recognized as the national PR organization by the

International Public Relations Association, and Is one of the founder
members of the Global Alliance of Public Relations and Communications
Management. The Regional Chapters of the society regularly organize
seminars, lectures on various aspects of public relations. PRSI today
has 3000 members In the country.
April 21, Is a red-letter day In the history of Indian public relations. It
Is because the National public Relations Day has been celebrated on
this day all over the country since 1986. The First All India Public Relations
Conference was organised in Delhi on April 21, 1968.


PRC): In addition to PRSI, another Important

organization of PR professionals christened as Public
Relations Council of India (PRCI) has come Into existence with Its
head quarter at Bangalore. Mr. M. B.Jalram Is the national president
of this newly formed body. A majority of Its members are drawn from
the south.

96 Advertising & Public Relations(Course - II)

PR and Organization Units


1. When was the Public Relations Society of India

(PRSI) established?

2. Why is 21®* April is a red letter day for PRSI?


The Public Relations Officer, populariy known as PRO, is primarily

a communicator. A PRO should have strong communication skills, both
written and spoken, be able to plan, organize and manage different tasks,
have the ability to organize and manage others, be able to work well '
under pressure and to tight deadiines, have an interest in maintaining
good working contacts with the media.

The primary function of the Public Relations department in an

organization is to establish and maintain a good relation with its intemal
as well as external publics. As the oldest PR organization, the Public
Reiations Society of India (PRSI)was established in 1958 to promote the
recognition of public relations as a profession and to formulate and interpret
the objectives and the potentialities of public relations as a strategic
management function to the pubiic.


1. Aplplied Pubiic Relations and Communication by K R Balan,

Sultan hard & Sons, New Delhi
2. Handbook ofPR in India by DS Mehta, Allied Pub., New

Advertising & Public Relations(Course - II) 97

Units PR and Organization



1, Public relations officer(PRO)is a PR practitioner or professional,

who looks after an organisation's reputation, by helping buiid and
maintain good relationships with the media and with the
organisation's 'publics', which Include customers, suppliers,
shareholders and staff.

2. The following are the main qualities required to be possessed by

a good PRO :
a. He shoud be:

1. a good communicator.
^2. Smart.

3. punctual
4. Good Interpreter.
5. Cool and calm
6. Hard working

b. He must have-

. 1. Command on various language

2. Presence of mind.

3. Good knowledge on the background of the organization

4. Knowledge on the national & state policies.
5. Media awareness.

6. Good personality.
7. Tactfulness.

8. Farsightedness
9. Organizing capacity.

■ • ■ B.
1. The primary function of the Public Relations department In an
organization is to establish and maintain a good relation with its
internal as weli as external publics. To maintain this relation with Its
publics a PR department must take some Initiatives of publlshlhg

98 Advertising & Pubiic Relations(Course - U)

PR and Organization Units

printed materials, producing audio visual materials and filling the

communication gap if any among the various groups of the
organization and finayy disseminating information to the publics.

As per as the internal communication in an organization is

concerned, the PR department plays a role of an intermediary
between the employee and the employer or, we can say, between
the top brass and the other employees including the lower cadre.
The PR department disseminates the various policies and
programmes initiated by the management to the other employees
and the department collects and conveys the reaction or the
feedbacks of the employees and conveys them to the management
regarding a specific issue.


1. The Public Relations Society of India (PRSI) was established in


The First All India Public Relations Conference was organized in

Delhi on April 21,1968. April 21, is a red-letter day in the history of
Indian public relations. It is because the National Public Relations
Day is celebrated on this day all over the country since 1986.


1. Elucidate the role, duties and responsibilities of a PRO.

2. What qualities are required to be a good PRO?
3. Write an essay on the importance of a PR department in an
4. Discuses the role of PRSI to establish PR as a profession in

Advertising & Pubiic Reiations(Course - II) 99

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