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[03/07/2023 18:52:46.815] Started new log on 03/07/2023 18:52:46.

[03/07/2023 18:52:46.816]
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.252] Log path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft
Auto V\RagePluginHook.log
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.816] Log verbosity: Trivial
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.818] Initializing input system
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.820] Initializing game console
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.829] Console key has been set to F4 (key code: 115)
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.922] Initializing console variable "ConsoleScrollAmount".
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.922] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous",
key: ConsoleScrollAmount
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.926] Read value: <null>
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.926] Initializing console variable "ConsoleKey".
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.926] Type: System.Windows.Forms.Keys, Reading section:
"Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleKey
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.928] Read value: F5
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.928] Setting value of console variable "ConsoleKey" to stored
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.928] Console key has been set to F5 (key code: 116)
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.928] Initializing console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold".
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.928] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous",
key: PluginTimeoutThreshold
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.932] Read value: 60000
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.932] Setting value of console variable
"PluginTimeoutThreshold" to stored value.
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.932] Initializing console variable "AlwaysShowConsoleOutput".
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.932] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous",
key: AlwaysShowConsoleOutput
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.932] Read value: <null>
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.932] Initializing console variable
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.932] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous",
key: ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.933] Read value: False
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.933] Setting value of console variable
"ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad" to stored value.
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.933] Initializing console variable "ShowOnScreenWarnings".
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.933] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous",
key: ShowOnScreenWarnings
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.934] Read value: <null>
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.934] Console initialized
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.934] Initializing forms manager
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.936] Cleaning temp folder
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.937] Version: RAGE Plugin Hook v1.105.1329.16507 for Grand
Theft Auto V
[03/07/2023 18:52:46.948] ================ RAGE Plugin Hook ================
[7/3/2023 6:52:46 PM.952] Command line option "disableCustomLoadingScreen" is
specified twice. Please remove one.
[7/3/2023 6:52:46 PM.952] Command line option "enableCustomLoadingBackgrounds" is
specified twice. Please remove one.
[7/3/2023 6:52:46 PM.952] Command line option "windowed" is specified twice. Please
remove one.
[7/3/2023 6:52:46 PM.952] Command line option "borderless" is specified twice.
Please remove one.
[7/3/2023 6:52:46 PM.952] Command line option -disableCustomLoadingScreen is
specified; disabling custom loading screen rendering.
[7/3/2023 6:52:46 PM.952] Command line option -enableCustomLoadingBackgrounds is
specified; enabling custom loading screen backgrounds.
[7/3/2023 6:52:46 PM.957] Detected Windows 10 Home (64-bit) (10.0.19045.0)!
[7/3/2023 6:52:46 PM.958] Checking game support
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.152] Product name: Grand Theft Auto V
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.152] Product version: 1.0.2944.0
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.152] Is steam version: True
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.154] Initializing DirectX
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.156] Initializing Direct3D
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.156] Getting game swap chain
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] Swap Chain created: 0x7FF7B26CA350
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] Swap Chain VTable: 0x1CF3AE89020
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] 0x748948FFF9EC25E9;0x8D48564157552024;0x170EC814890246C
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] D3D11Present: 0x7FFBE7B615E0
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] D3D11ResizeBuffers: 0x7FFBE7B82F40
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] D3D11ResizeTarget: 0x7FFBE7BCA790
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] D3D11SetFullscreenState: 0x7FFBE7B82480
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] Getting device
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] Retrieved device
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.190] Creating wrapper
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.191] Direct3D initialized
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.191] Initialized DirectX
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.191] Direct3D watcher thread spawned
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.276] Wrapper created
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.282] Effect created
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.282] Creating buffer
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.282] Created buffer
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.282] Creating blend state
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.282] Created blend state
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.282] Done with creation
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.345] Initializing texture system.
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.345] Initializing texture system; phase 1
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.345] Initializing texture system; phase 2
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.353] Initializing texture system; phase 3
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.353] Initializing texture system; phase 4
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.366] Initializing texture system; phase 5
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.367] Initializing texture system; phase 6
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.369] Initializing texture system; phase 7
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.371] Initializing texture system; phase 8
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.373] Initializing texture system; phase 9
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.374] Initializing texture system; phase 10
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.377] Initializing texture system; phase 11
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.378] Initializing texture system; phase 12
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.380] Initializing texture system; phase 13
[7/3/2023 6:52:47 PM.380] Initializing texture system; phase 14
[7/3/2023 6:52:52 PM.193] Direct3D watcher thread ended
[7/3/2023 6:53:17 PM.821] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing game support
[7/3/2023 6:53:18 PM.073] Initializing game support
[7/3/2023 6:53:23 PM.744] LoadingScreenMsg: Velocity limit removed
[7/3/2023 6:53:24 PM.065] Compatibility level: 0
[7/3/2023 6:53:24 PM.065] Supported version detected
[7/3/2023 6:53:24 PM.065] ==================================================
[7/3/2023 6:53:24 PM.065] LoadingScreenMsg: Patching code
[7/3/2023 6:53:24 PM.316] LoadingScreenMsg: Waiting for game initialization
[7/3/2023 6:53:24 PM.566] Waiting for game initialization
[7/3/2023 6:53:24 PM.667] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing core
[7/3/2023 6:53:24 PM.917] Initializing hook
[7/3/2023 6:53:29 PM.946] LoadingScreenMsg: Completing interoperability
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.197] Completing interoperability
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.197] Initialization code 1.
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.197] Initialization code 2.
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.197] Initialization code 3.
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.205] 1 Address: 0x00007FF7B0466950
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.205] Calling func 1
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.220] 2 Address: 0x00007FF7B1037B7E
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.220] 3 Address: 0x00007FF7AFA25FF6
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.247] Address: 0x00007FF7B1037B28
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Unknown var: 0x00007FF7B208FE30
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Initialization code 4.
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Initialization code 5.
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Completing interoperability, phase 1
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Completing interoperability, phase 2
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Completing interoperability, phase 3
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Completing interoperability, phase 4
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Completing interoperability, phase 5
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Completing interoperability, phase 6
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] Completing interoperability, phase 7
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.248] LoadingScreenMsg:
[7/3/2023 6:53:30 PM.498] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading Story Mode
[7/3/2023 6:54:10 PM.788] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading and Populating Game World
[7/3/2023 6:54:11 PM.038] LoadingScreenMsg:
[7/3/2023 6:56:27 PM.525] Initializing console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled".
[7/3/2023 6:56:27 PM.525] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous",
key: IsDeveloperModeEnabled
[7/3/2023 6:56:27 PM.526] Read value: <null>
[7/3/2023 6:56:27 PM.526] Initializing console variable "TimeScale".
[7/3/2023 6:56:27 PM.550] Type: System.Single, Reading section: "Miscellaneous",
key: TimeScale
[7/3/2023 6:56:27 PM.550] Read value: <null>

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