Khowar 4
Khowar 4
Khowar 4
Khowar is an Indo-European language spoken by approximately 250,000 native speakers in Chitral, which is in
the far North West corner of Pakistan.
Khowar has 42 phonemes, including 5 vowels. Several of the phonemes are not found in any other language of
the region. The letters /t/, /th/, /d/, /l/, /sh/, /ch/, /chh/, and /j/ all have two different forms, one retroflexed and the
other dential-veolar non-retroflexed. Every Chitrali who learned the language on his mother's knee can readily
distinguish these forms, whereas others can never learn them, regardless of how long they have lived in Chitral.
There are four different kinds of CH sounds, plus a similar TS sound and two different SH sounds.
Among these, the most interesting are the /chh/ aspirated and /ch/ non-aspirated sounds, of which the word
Chitral itself is an example. This word is never pronounced correctly by outsiders. The word "chuchi" meaning
"tomorrow morning" has two completely different 'ch' sounds. The first is aspirated palato-alveolar and the
second is unaspirated palato-alveolar. "Chuy" meaning "night" is palato-alveolar whereas "chuy" meaning
"hungry" is retroflex. "Char" meaning "a cliff" is unaspirated palato-alveolar whereas "char" meaning "a dry
leaf" is unaspirated retroflex.
Because there are 42 phonemes, it would be difficult to write Khowar in the Roman alphabet, which has only 26
letters. The Roman alphabet is still more suitable that the Urdu alphabet, but, nevertheless, for religious reasons,
most efforts have been made to write Khowar in the Urdu alphabet, by adding dots to the bottoms of several
Urdu letters. These efforts have not met with much success, however, and Khowar remains primarily an
unwritten language. No major book has been translated into Khowar.
Due to the winding nature of the valleys in Chitral, there is no word for "north" or "south" in Khowar. There is
also no distinction between "he" and "she" in Khowar.
Here is a short sample list of more than 500 Khowar words, which gives examples of the difficult phonemes. 10/11
5/26/24, 10:50 AM Khowar English Dictionary
For the History of Chitral, see: My wife's family in Damik . For a Pashtu Language radio broadcast see: BBC
Broadcast Regarding the Situation in Chitral .
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