Solar Architecture Strategies Visions Concepts Detail
Solar Architecture Strategies Visions Concepts Detail
Solar Architecture Strategies Visions Concepts Detail
Solar Architecture
Edition Detail
in ∂ Solar Architecture
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Solar Architecture
Strategies · Visions · Concepts
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ISBN 3-7643-0747-1
Glossary 160
Bibliography 168
Architects 170
Projects 70 Authors 174
Passive-Energy Terraced Housing in Dornbirn Illustration credits 176
Johannes Kaufmann, Dornbirn 72
Housing Estate in Kolding
3xNielsen, ¹rhus
Lars Frank Nielsen, Kim Herforth Nielsen 78
Passive-Energy Terraced Housing in Ulm
Johannes Brucker, Stuttgart 82
Point Blocks in Innsbruck
Baumschlager & Eberle, Lochau 88
Lawyer‘s Practice in Röthis
Reinhard Drexel, Hohenems 94
Sports Hall in Wängi
Fent Solar Architecture, Wil 98
Secondary School in Klaus
Dietrich I Untertrifaller, Bregenz 102
Conference and Exhibition Building
in Osnabrück
Herzog + Partner, München 108
Office Building in Solihull
Arup Associates, London 112
Administration Building in Recanati
MCA Mario Cucinella Architects, Bologna 118
Administration Building in Landquart
Bearth & Deplazes, Chur 124
Toward Solar Architecture
Christian Schittich
The energy potential, which the sun places at our disposal on configuration – a total energy concept – that makes the best
a daily basis, seems inexhaustible. The incident radiation on possible use of locally available natural resources such as
the landmasses of the earth alone is 3000 times greater than solar energy, wind and geothermal energy for a variety of
the worldwide demands. Yet we continue to meet these requirements. Passive and active measures complement one
demands almost exclusively with non-renewable energies another in this approach, from the orientation and division of
generated primarily from fossil fuels. The resultant environ- the building to the integration of systems for the generation
mental problems – air pollution, acid rain, greenhouse effect of warm water or power. Flexible envelopes, regulated by
and climate change – are only too well known. As if this intelligent control systems and capable of reacting to varying
weren’t bad enough, annual consumption is climbing dramat- influences and weather conditions are making increasingly
ically. For affluence is on the rise and some of the most popu- important contributions. It goes without saying that such a
lous countries of the world, such as China and India, are complex configuration calls for comprehensive interdiscipli-
about to adopt the extravagant lifestyle of the West. This will nary concepts, integrated planning, in other words, where
lead to nearly immeasurable ecological and political conse- all participating experts are involved at an early stage.
quences in the near future since the conventional energy
resources are finite and will soon be exhausted. The fight for But energy-conserving architecture cannot be limited to the
access to and control over these energy resources, first and operation of the buildings. It begins with urban planning and
foremost oil, will intensify even more. Seen from this perspec- includes consideration of the energy content of the employed
tive, a solar agenda is not only a sensible environmental materials as well as the material cycles. Production tech-
policy it is also a contribution to peace. It is high time, there- niques, transportation routes, assembly and the recyclability
fore, to finally adopt a new philosophy and to embark on the of building components are all included in the approach.
road towards sustainable development based on renewable Renewable and local building materials such as timber or
energy resources. Energy resources, in other words, that are clay are preferable over those, which can only be manufac-
directly or indirectly linked to the sun such as solar radiation, tured by consuming large amounts of energy (generated
wind- and hydro power generation or biomass. from fossil fuels). The latter also cause high levels of pollut-
Architecture and building play a key role in this context. For ant emissions in production and must be transported across
nearly half of all the energy consumed in Central Europe is great distances. Yet what are the concrete criteria, which
expended in the operation of buildings, that is, for heating, an architect can apply to evaluate materials? There is still
cooling and lighting. The last two factors, especially, were a scarcity of available information and the primary energy
neglected for a long time. When solar architecture gained in demand of building materials is still insufficiently evaluated
importance in the early 1970s as a result of the two oil crises, even in the case of solar architecture, although great strides
attention was initially focused entirely on avoiding heat loss, have recently been made in this area.
on utilizing solar energy to heat buildings in winter and to
heat domestic water. However, in office buildings especially, The environmental declaration of building products in Vorarl-
cooling is generally a far greater problem and a major factor berg (Austria), where the allocation of government subsidies
in energy consumption. Office buildings are subject to heat for residential construction is based on ecological criteria, is
gains caused not only by climate, but also by the heat radiat- a model worth emulating. A point catalogue is used to take
ing from occupants, equipment such as computers and mon- not only the heating requirements into consideration, but
itors, and above all by the use of artificial lighting. One need also the environmental compatibility of each individual build-
only consider that roughly three times the amount of energy ing material as well as the employment of renewable energy
is required to cool a room by one degree in comparison to sources. In Germany, by comparison, subsidies for residen-
heating the same space by one degree, to grasp the signifi- tial housing are currently dispersed on the basis of the princi-
cance of cooling with renewable energy resources and the ple of ‘equal shares for all’ and, as if that weren’t enough,
importance of natural lighting. Moreover, the comparison new building projects are given preference over rehabilita-
illustrates the degree to which the various factors are interde- tion projects. Ecologically speaking, the opposite approach
pendent: solar architecture cannot be reduced to isolated would be required. For the primary principle of resource con-
measures such as collectors or photovoltaic installations on servation is to utilize the most important available resource,
the roof. Rather, a building must be understood as a complex that is, buildings that already exist.
Support should also favour dense housing development over
the construction of single-family houses. Since neither
detached single-family houses, nor high-rises for that matter,
are capable of being truly ecological, these two building
tasks are not included in the examples featured in this
volume. In the case of single-family houses, land consump-
tion and the traffic-related energy required to provide access
tip the balance towards the negative. The high percentage of
heat-emitting and material-consuming exterior surfaces is
another unfavourable factor. High-rises, on the other hand,
are associated with comparatively large access areas, but
above all with a considerable increase in material consump-
tion for the load-bearing structure and the facade in order
to satisfy the structural requirements resulting from the high
own weight and the extreme wind forces. High-rise facades
are moreover almost exclusively realized with materials char-
acterized by a very high primary energy demand, such as
glass, steel and aluminium.
any which way on top of conventional covered roofs. This is
not only unsatisfying from an aesthetic perspective, but also
with regard to costs and material consumption – if they were
designed as roof or facade panels, they could be part of the
building skin. Every now and then one cannot escape the
impression that some measures are merely employed to
salve someone’s conscience or to pocket subsidies. Espe-
cially when monstrous, energy- and resource-guzzling subur-
ban villas are topped by a collector. In the overall picture, the
use of renewable energy resources thus far fulfils little more
than the function of an alibi. Even if the Federal government
of Germany should achieve its ambitious goal of increasing
the percentage from 2.2 per cent to 4.2 per cent in 10 years,
this cannot negate the fact that the total energy demand con-
tinues to increase unabated and that solar energy resources
are essentially doing little more than covering surplus
demands. Bluntly put, this means that the total volume of
conventional energy consumption remains unchanged with
all the aforementioned consequences this entails.
From Passive Utilization to
Smart Solar Architecture
Manfred Hegger
Sustainability has become a dominant theme in the debate on mately also based on finite resources, are difficult to manage
architecture and building in recent years, although the mean- from a technological viewpoint and are linked to harmful side
ing of the term has been stretched to the extreme. Some effects. Perhaps the era of intensive fossil fuel use for our
interpretations embrace Berlin’s “stone architecture” as read- buildings will soon be seen as a phase. After all, why should
ily as experimental solar buildings. An EU commission is cur- we utilize solar energy stored in fossils to such an extent if we
rently at work to clarify this confusion.1 However, there is no can put it to use directly? It doesn’t interfere with the natural
disputing that the consideration of solar radiation and the global balance; on the contrary, it is the very foundation of
passive use of solar energy in buildings is a central charac- that balance. We are familiar with it as a source of light and
teristic of sustainable architecture. In other spheres of life, the energy. It would be short-sighted, however, to do no more
term sustainability always possessed a clear, unambiguous than revive old principles. “Back to nature” is a popular
meaning. slogan, but it isn’t very logical. We cannot build houses in the
same manner as before the start of the fossil age. The com-
Sustainable meant nourishing meals such as Grandma’s pea fortable and almost universally available supply of energy
soup, responsible forest management or solid buildings with has raised our expectations and demands considerably, and
a long lifespan. But a recent poll2 revealed much confusion: it is unlikely that we will give up this comfort in the future. No
only 10 per cent of citizens knew the meaning of the word – at doubt, architecture that makes use of the sun will be able to
least, somewhat. But nearly 90 per cent were in favour of a adopt some ancient principles of clever solar use in build-
concept, the meaning of which they cannot fully comprehend. ings. Conversely, in its role as intelligent architecture, it will
There seems to be a need for clarification. As a collective have to go beyond such principles in order to be accepted
term, the word sustainability, originally employed to describe and satisfy today’s demands. While passive use of solar
long-term forest management, is used to describe the correct energy was the only option available prior to the beginning
treatment of the environment. The UN commission, chaired by of the fossil age (if necessary, complemented by fire pits for
former Norwegian Prime Minister Brundtland, formulated a the combustion of renewable raw materials), fossil heating
succinct definition: “Sustainability is development, which sat- sources and the technologies derived from them allow for
isfies the needs of the current generations, without influencing active temperature control today, completely independent of
the opportunities of future generations.”3 This is relevant to conditions in the environment, and the form and materials of
building on many levels. On the one hand, in terms of its eco- our homes. The stages of first passive and then active energy
nomic importance – more than half of the entire investment supply in buildings are being overtaken by interactive or
capital in Germany is tied to the building sector –, and, on the smart building concepts, which adopt certain passive sys-
other hand, because it is the greatest factor in resource con- tems and complement them with intelligent components.
sumption. Even though the built environment is a long-term
asset in its own right, it produces more than half of all “waste,” Passive Use
recycling is still an underdeveloped aspect in construction. Passive use of solar radiation functions without the need for
technical systems. The building itself makes direct use of
Buildings account for roughly 40 per cent of the total energy solar energy by virtue of its placement, geometry, building
consumption in Germany, higher than transportation or indus- components and materials. This is the simplest and, at the
try.4 same time, the most effective form of solar architecture. The
Clearly, energy conservation and the intelligent utilization of building and its components are interpreted as a solar
incident solar radiation should play a role in a sustainable system. A carefully thought-out design can adapt a building
building. Fossil fuels, which are the foundation of our energy to the natural energy potential in order to utilize it efficiently.
supplies, particularly for heating our homes, are limited. The The clever selection of the site, placement, shape and orien-
annual discoveries of new deposits have been less than con- tation, deliberate window arrangement, considered selection
sumption for years, costs are rising, and the conflicts sur-
rounding access to the sources are unbearable. The
deleterious impact of fossil fuels on the environment is equally
2.1 Church Community Centre, Schwindkirchen (2001); arc Architects.
grave, since they are changing our global climate. Many An old stable is used as a climate buffer for the timber construction of
alternatives have proven deceptive because they are ulti- the vicarage.
of materials and wall structures – these are the factors that
make it possible to absorb and store solar heat, to maintain
comfortable temperatures in a climate-conscious envelope
and to utilize light to the best effect. In paying attention to a
few simple rules, solar architecture is thus the most effective
and progressive form of gaining and conserving energy in
buildings. Heating demand is reduced, while the heating
season and the periods for supplementary heating are con-
siderably shorter. Building thus makes a considerable contri-
bution to environmental protection by reducing CO2
2.2 emissions; CO2-neutral building materials also contribute to
the reduction. Building and living with the sun also means
more comfort. Bright interiors flooded with light have measur-
able positive physiological and psychological effects on
human beings. Solar architecture, therefore, achieves more
than environmental protection and energy conservation. It
also increases comfort; sunshine penetrating deep into the
house enhances one’s sense of well-being just as much as
the higher surface temperatures of well-insulated exterior
walls. This is accompanied by an increased use of daylight,
which, in turn, reduces the energy demand for artificial light
while also having a positive effect on the users of such a
A Brief History
Insolation has fundamentally influenced the location, orienta-
tion, shape, construction and material selection of buildings
since the beginning of architectural history. Together with
other climate characteristics, it determined the evolution of
house types and regional building styles. Socrates’ Megaron
House5 (470–399 BC) has archetypical characteristics of
solar architecture. The compact structure opens to the south.
The trapezoidal plan makes the most of this orientation and
simultaneously minimizes the northern surface turned away
from the sun. This is where the cool storage room is located,
functioning at the same time as a buffer zone to the living
area. Walls and ceilings/floors are massive and thus have a
high storage capacity. The roof overhang on the south side
provides shade when the sun is high in the sky in summer,
and allows the lower sun to penetrate into the building in
winter (Fig. 2.2). The house concept exemplifies essential,
timeless principles of solar architecture:
• minimizing of the surface (advantageous A/V-ratio),
• open towards to the sun,
• solar zoning – cool rooms on the north side, warm rooms on
the south side,
• selective shading, protection against high solar altitude in
• utilization of storage masses for temperature compensation
the industrial revolution. However, these ideas were only real-
ized in the Modern, although the glazed facades of that era
were often subject to considerable structural problems. At
the beginning of the 1930s – right in the middle of the misery
of the world economic crisis – an architecture evolved, which
anticipated the ideas of ecological building from the 1970s.
The Berlin competition for “Das wachsende Haus” inspired
house concepts that were large and autonomous in terms of
supply and passive-solar in design.6
2.2 Megaron House (circa 400 BC), Socrates. Opening towards the sun in
a cone shape and equipped with buffer rooms to the north, this is the
first design of a solar house.
2.3 Conservatory in Sefton Park, Liverpool (1896); Design and execution
by Mackenzie & Moncur.
The topography has a decisive influence on the temperature
conditions of the site. Elevated locations generally mean
lower average temperatures. Conversely, low-lying locations
may be subject to cold fronts or cold-air corridors as well as
to ground fog, which result in temperatures that are consider-
ably lower than those in adjacent sites.
Wind Protection
High average wind velocities lead to correspondingly high
transmission losses in the building. Sites that are sheltered
from the wind are preferable, therefore, or, if that isn’t possi-
ble, one should initiate wind protection measures. These may
take the form of plantings such as hedges and dense rows
of trees, planted facades or embankments. Hedges and tree
groupings block cold air streams and simultaneously redirect
them into desired channels. Sites that are naturally sheltered
2.4 from wind and active wind protection measures greatly
improve the site conditions for a building. Moreover, plants
near the building contribute to cooling the immediate sur-
roundings as a result of evaporation and transform carbon
dioxide into oxygen. When properly selected and located,
they also provide shade in summer. Evergreens shade the
building in winter because they reduce insolation in that
season. Deciduous trees, on the other hand, shed their
leaves in fall and allow the warming rays of the sun to pene-
trate into the building interior. Studies of identical buildings
at different sites demonstrate the impact of location on the
energy consumption of buildings. Based on a detached
single-family house in a standard location with 100 per cent
energy consumption, an identical building at different loca-
tions may have considerably higher or lower heating require-
Optimized, energy-conscious building forms take climate
concerns into consideration and respond to the microclimatic
particularities. Urban planning and other overarching factors
often make it impossible to achieve this ideal. However, in the
interest of getting as close to the ideal as possible, it is worth-
while to return to traditional local building forms and models
2.5 2.6
in nature in addition to scientific parameters. that offer good wind protection and insulation as well as
effective utilization of natural light and solar heat, are elabo-
Indigenous Building Forms as Models rate and expensive. In other words, economy and ecology
Traditional building types, which have been developed and are closely linked. One useful value in determining an opti-
improved over many centuries, are excellent indicators of mized building form is the so-called A/V-ratio, which
suitable building forms. Structurally, they are adapted to the expresses the relationship between the heat-radiating sur-
local economy and user requirements, and take the availabil- faces of a building (A) and its volume (V). A low A/V-ratio
ity of building materials and the regional climate conditions saves costs and energy. Following are some examples for
into consideration. Indigenous building forms have always clarification. A sphere has the best A/V-ratio. Since a sphere
responded to the last factor, and, upon closer examination, is not practical as a building form and poses problems for
usually in a very clever manner. Windy locations led to build- use (plan), the half-sphere comes closest to the ideal as a
ings lowered into the ground or with roofs that were pulled far building shape. An igloo, for example, utilizes an optimum
down toward the ground. In extremely cold regions, the heat- A/V-ratio and is particularly suitable for the climate conditions
radiating surfaces are kept to a minimum and the buildings in cold regions. As the volume of the compact forms
are correspondingly compact. Homes in moderate climate increases, the area decreases and the transmission heat loss
zones are oriented toward the sun and have, since early is diminished. Smaller volumes always have a less favourable
times, utilized the greenhouse effect of glazed areas via large A/V-ratio than larger volumes. Compact structures and den-
openings; trees and hedges are used to diminish heat loss sity, therefore, considerably reduce the cooling surfaces in
through wind and provide shade in summer (Figs. 2.4– 2.6). comparison to a detached, free-standing building. Large and
compact buildings are therefore preferable to small buildings
Bionics – Nature as a Model divided into compartments (Fig. 2.8). However, if the latter
Animals and plants in their many life forms adapt to the con- are necessary, the disadvantages of their geometry can be
ditions in the natural environment, in particular, to climate compensated with the help of improved insulation and aug-
conditions. What is a matter of survival for them can be an mented use of solar radiation. Once again, the aforemen-
important source of inspiration for architecture. Yet for a long tioned principle applies: there is little sense in adhering
time we simply did not have the structural and technological exclusively, and at all costs, to a climate-conscious building
expertise to apply such exemplary solutions to the discipline form as a criterion. A/V-optimized cubes alone do not create
of building. Today, we have gained the expertise: the formal truly habitable solar architecture.
repertory of architecture has expanded tremendously and the
resulting freedom can be usefully employed. Let’s look at an Embedding
example from an extreme climate zone: beneath their white, Embedding a building in the ground also diminishes heat
translucent fur, polar bears have black skin. The hair of the losses, since the ground is far less susceptible to tempera-
fur guides the solar rays to the black skin, which is warmed ture fluctuation and dampens the impact of the changing
by them. But the fur does not only transport sun to the body, external climate. Buildings that are earth-sheltered on the
it also acts as an insulating layer. north side and oriented toward the sun can offer a comforta-
ble indoor climate.
In buildings, too, the correct design of the surfaces can be
used to gain energy and to preserve heat. This is particularly 2.4 Traditional Faroe Island house. A tarred wood construction on a base
important in regions, where internal temperatures are higher of local basaltic rock and covered in a lush grass roof. In addition to
wind and storm protection, the south or south-west orientation, chosen
than external temperatures for most of the year, for example, to utilize the insolation, is a key characteristic.
in Central Europe. The logical solution is to minimize surfaces 2.5 Earth-sheltered housing in Shaanxi/China. The effect of balancing tem-
in order to keep undesired transmission heat losses as low as peratures in a region with extreme climate fluctuations is remarkable:
in winter, the indoor climate is 10 °C warmer, and in summer 10 °C
cooler, than on the outside.
2.6 Mountain village in Ticino, Switzerland. The stone houses are covered
However, minimizing losses is not the only issue: surfaces with stone shingles and built into the slope without mortar.
90 70 50 30 0° 30 50 70 90 Orientation and Insolation
90 90 In the early stages of solar architecture, orientation to the
90% sun was seen as an unalterable law. In moderate climate
95% zones, such as Central Europe, this naturally meant com-
70 75% 70
100% plete or partial southern orientation. In hot regions, on the
85% other hand, protection from the sun is an important factor.
However, this rule is too one-dimensional and limits the
50 50
possibilities of urban planning and spatial articulation. Tech-
nical advances in building today permit considerable solar
30 30
gains for other orientations as well. High insulation standards
10 0° 10
in combination with constantly high internal loads (artificial
lighting, equipment, number of occupants) may suggest
Recommended area orientation
Maximum annual insolation 1055 kWh/m2 the opposite choice; that is, turning away from the sun in
order to avoid additional solar gains. The decision must
be made for each individual case, in particular for building
types with high internal loads (e.g., offices with high occu-
pancy rates, laboratories). Orientation to the sun, daylight
penetration and shading should also always be evaluated
in advance for urban projects. Simple solar altitude dia-
grams are classic assessment tools, although CAD pro-
grammes and specialized CAD tools are more commonly
used to today to gather reliable data as well as static and
moving images.
uses. The classic zoning approach divides the spatial struc-
ture into concentric layers, like an onion.
Rooms that are constantly occupied and, therefore, warm are
located at the core, while cooler and less frequently used
rooms lie along the periphery. However, this concept does
not make allowances for the effect of solar radiation. Solar
zoning, by contrast, begins by orienting the building to the
south. Core rooms with the greatest heat requirements face in
that direction and utilize the solar radiation. They are sur-
rounded on the three remaining sides by rooms with lower
thermal requirements. This ideal spatial arrangement is gen-
erally not feasible, however. The solution lies in linear zoning,
where rooms are generally arranged in rows: the prime rooms
with higher heat requirements face south, the less important
rooms are located on the north side. A circulation and distri-
bution zone is frequently placed between these rows. Addi-
tions for temporary uses or buffer zones can complement this
structure to the south and to the north. Structured zoning
makes sense not only from the perspective of energy effi-
ciency: it introduces order into the various functions, clarifies
the building structure, and facilitates efficient building use
and operation. Zoning creates orders – an essential condition
for the evolution of architecture.
Building Skin
The building skin provides weather protection, creates com-
fort in the interior, allows daylight to fall into the building and
allows for visual contact with the outside. The utilization of
solar energy further expands the already complex functional
spectrum of the envelope. The interface between interior and
exterior must be understood as a dynamic system, which
responds to the permanent variability in external radiation, cli-
mate conditions and internal requirements. Simple rules such
as ensuring excellent quality in insulation are by no means
nullified as a result, they are, however, placed into a larger
and the architectural appearance into account. The extreme
thickness of insulating layers for passive houses, for exam-
ple, is a particular challenge for architects. Vacuum insula-
tion, originally developed for refrigerators and subsequently
employed for space travel, are an innovation in the field of
building. They can achieve an extraordinarily high quality of
insulation with only a few centimetres of insulating layer.
However, the installation problems, especially the treatment
of butt joints, are largely unresolved, particularly for vertical
installation. Insulation is ineffective without proper wind pro-
tection. To control unwanted ventilation heat losses, in addi-
tion to the transmission heat losses, the building skin must be
designed to be airtight according to code; the effectiveness
can only be tested empirically by means of blower-door-
2.10 tests. Recent studies and design, however, have demon-
strated that other means may be equally effective in creating
facades with high energy-efficient qualities. The prerequisite
is that the building skin is no longer interpreted as a static
system, but as a dynamic envelope that reads and computes
the conditions in the environment. This so-called cybernetic
interpretation leads to completely new solutions, which make
such efficient use of insolation either directly or through inter-
mediate storage in building components, that this kind of
truly interactive system is capable of largely replacing (tradi-
tional) insulation. The first buildings are already in operation
and the dynamic simulations are promising.10 To what extent
these solutions will succeed in the everyday environment is
still unanswered, however.
2.11 The openings of a house offer the greatest opportunities and,
at the same time, pose the greatest risks for passive solar
use. Given appropriate dimensions, arrangement, orientation
and execution, they can make a considerable contribution
today to the energy supply of a building and the comfort of its
users. Conversely, they are a source of considerable heat
loss, cooling or overheating – all factors in diminished indoor
comfort. The calculations of the EnEV suggest that the ratio of
window openings to wall area should not be too great when
glazing of average quality is used, and should not exceed 45
per cent of the total building surface when standard glazing
is employed. If this percentage is surpassed, a better quality
of glazing should be used to diminish heat loss in winter. To
gain energy through transparent openings, one needs to
select glazing with excellent insulating values and good light
and thermal transmission values. Glazing facing the sun,
where the radiation is captured in the interior through the
well-documented greenhouse effect – UV-radiation is trans-
formed into IR thermal radiation as it passes through the
glazing and falls onto surfaces – is more or less efficient,
depending on the type. Frames are a weak point in window
construction. The insulating qualities of frames are generally
lower than those of the glazing – despite profiles with thermal
separation and other specialized construction characteris-
tics. Window frames with good insulation values are elabo-
rate in design and can often appear cumbersome – much
work remains to be done in this area. One alternative is to do
without frames altogether, as long as this approach is com-
patible with the structural and ventilation concept and with
the use of the building: fairly large window formats combined
with few openable elements arranged in an optimal fashion
for ventilation. An often-overlooked option is the selection of
suitable doors, and for this reason, doors are often weak
points in terms of energy efficiency. Poorly insulated doors
opening to the outside or onto unheated rooms also warp as
a result of the contrast in temperatures to which the two sides
are exposed – they no longer close properly and mechanical
problems are the consequence. A windscreen can solve the
problem, provided it is possible and desirable in terms of the
available space. The requirements for openings are not
static. As the interface between indoor and outdoor climate
they should be able to take in or repel light, air and energy,
depending on exterior conditions and internal requirements.
The flexible building skin, capable of adapting to changing
conditions and requirements, is therefore the focus of archi-
tectural development.
shaded to avoid overheating. This increases the effort and
makes the entire system more prone to repairs. TIM can also
be employed in the form of light-scattering glass, particularly
in skylights. This ensures that light is evenly distributed in the
interior, which can be advantageous especially in workshops
or exhibition spaces with great room depths. It is important to
note that TIM embedded into glazing generally results in a far
greater installation depth and higher costs than with spec-
trally selective, or gas-filled windows. Fritted, sand-blasted or
printed glazing with comparable light-scattering effect are
more common.
Storage Masses
Storage masses stabilize the temperature inside the building
despite fluctuations in the outdoor climate, insolation and
internal heat sources. They maintain a constant indoor cli-
mate and can thus contribute toward the efficient use of
higher than concrete. A 3-cm-thick dry wall with paraffin
1 2 additive achieves the same storage capacity as a 40-cm-
thick concrete wall. When it is integrated into glazing, paraffin
can be very attractive. The interaction with the outside world
is experienced in the interior through the brightness of the
wall. In summer, it appears opaque in the interior. In winter,
it brightens on sunny days because the paraffin has melted.
When the weather turns cold, it is once again obscured
because the paraffin freezes as it releases energy to the
On the Road to Smart Solar Architecture
The last example is the first step on the road toward interac-
1 Exterior
2 Interior tive comprehensive systems. Additional approaches and
3 Prismatic glass technologies are currently in development and even in use
2.14 (cf. pp. 38ff, pp. 56ff).
• Adiabatic Cooling:
Adiabatic cooling functions according to the fountain princi-
ple that was used in antiquity. As water evaporates, it humidi-
fies the surrounding air and cools it by a few degrees.
Although this process has physical limitations, free adiabatic
cooling and its atmospheric qualities can greatly contribute
to the comfort of users. The disadvantage of the increase in
relative humidity combined with decreased temperature can
be regulated in mechanical ventilation systems with the help
of a heat exchanger.
• Light-directing elements:
Light-directing elements guide daylight deep into rooms and
reduce the need for artificial light. They come in the form of
reflecting louvres or light shelves, light-scattering panes,
light-deflecting prisms or holographic-optical elements. They
should be designed to optimize daylight supply by means of
minimized cross-sections, without greatly increasing heat
loads as a result of incident sun.
• Switchable Glass:
Glass technology is progressing at a rapid pace. Switchable
glass is of particular interest in the area of building. They are
charged with current or injected with gases and transformed
into various states, for example, from transparent to translu-
cent. Depending on the incident light or temperature, they
may even change automatically and thus, for example, pro-
vide shading. This type of glass is very complex; but it will no
doubt be introduced in practice in the coming years.
Notes on the initiative of the Club of Rome and is based on the model of
1 At the beginning of 2003, the European Union created the international “dynamic of complex systems” in a homogeneous world. The report
commission on “Sustainable Construction Methods and Technologies takes into consideration the interactions between population density,
(SCMT)” under the auspices of the Architects Council of Europe (ACE) food resources, energy, material and capital, environmental destruc-
with the goal of studying the theme of sustainability in building for tion, land use, etc.
future legislation. 8 Heating demand according to location: in cold-air pressure regions
2 Lotter, Wolf (Text); Kimmerle, Julia (Timeline); Kochs, Monika (Draw- 125 per cent; in shaded, densely wooded areas 110 per cent, in
ings). “Trägheit. Ein kompakter Überblick über unverstandene Worte exposed, elevated locations 110 per cent, in wind-sheltered flat loca-
wie Nachhaltigkeit, Grüne, Gentechnik und Inertia, übersetzt: tions 85 per cent, in exposed south-facing locations on a slope 85 per
Trägheit.” brand eins, 9/2002 cent, in wind-sheltered, sunny south orientations 60-70 per cent. From:
3 The UN-expert commission chaired by former Norwegian prime minis- Sabady, Biologischer Sonnenhausbau, 1980
ter Gro Harlem Brundtland formulated the principal thesis, the so- 9 The Energy Savings Regulation (EnEV) was enacted as law on Febru-
called Brundtland formula: “Sustainability is development that meets ary 1, 2002, in Germany. It amalgamates the previous heat protection
the needs of the current generation without influencing the opportuni- and heating system regulations and applies to all heated buildings,
ties of future generations.” brand eins, 9/2002 including existing buildings; the energy savings potential mentioned
4 Federal German Statistics Agency here is expressly noted in the new regulation.
5 Circa 400 AD, Socrates called for cone-shaped, south-facing solar 10 Pfeifer, Günter: “Vernetzte Systeme” and “Das kybernetische Prinzip.”
houses and designed the archetype of a passive house, the Megaron Der Architekt, 11/2002
House. 11 For example, the solar housing development in Hanover Kronsberg, or
6 Wagner, Martin. “Das wachsende Haus: Ein Beitrag zur Lösung der the urban district Wiggenhausen-South in Friedrichshafen.
städtischen Wohnungsfrage.” Leipzig, 1932 12 The melting temperature of paraffin is dependent on the number of its
7 The report “Limits to Growth” was published in 1972. It was compiled atoms; special paraffins can melt and freeze at room temperature.
Solar Technology – From Innovative Building Skin to
Energy-Efficient Renovation
Roland Krippner
The first solar collectors were installed on rooftops in the ion between experts and laypeople, and second, the view
mid-1970s, followed nearly a decade later by the first that architectural quality is simply a matter of aesthetics.
integrated photovoltaic system. Now that the initial prob- It is true that the rigour of a solution, including the appropri-
lems, such as system glitches and economic hurdles, ateness of the means and the logic of the expression, is
have been overcome, active solar technology has gained strongly defined by aesthetic criteria both in terms of its
a solid position in the construction market. Indeed, it is a integration into the urban context and the building concept
routine component of many building concepts, and not itself, but limiting quality in architecture to these criteria
only of those with innovative energy strategies. In the field is simply too restrictive. This is because architecture is
of solar architecture, the so-called indirect systems play closely linked to utility and stability, and is determined by
a special role. The collector installations and photovoltaic functional and structural characteristics of quality as well.
modules integrated into the building skin are far more Defining these characteristics is difficult enough owing to
present, visually speaking, than direct measures such as the wide range of requirements and poorly defined criteria.
compactness, high-performance glazing, intelligent insula- The question of aesthetic quality – of what makes a build-
tion or efficient building systems. In addition to the func- ing beautiful and conclusive in terms of spatiality, scale,
tional tasks – heating domestic water, complementary proportion, colour and surface treatment – poses an even
space heating and power generation – the introduction greater challenge because the criteria on which assess-
of these components also translates into a considerable ment is based in this instance are even less definitive due
semantic expansion of the technological repertory of to different depths of knowledge and personal preferences.
building. The use of solar technology places new demands on the
A key characteristic of integrated solar technology is the complex construct of the envelope – for example, to act
visible installation of the components on roofs or facades, as an information carrier between climate modulator and
which function as the required interfaces between solar media screen. This does not mean, however, that estab-
radiation and the building system. It is the building skin lished modes of evaluation have become superfluous. Ulti-
that allows us to experience architecture and architectural mately, architectural quality can only flourish through the
design in the public space – in the street, square or urban interplay and interaction of architectonic categories in the
quarter. The question arises, however, whether and to what Vitruvian sense.
extent, solar systems engender novel building solutions,
and what their contribution might be to the cultural quality Intelligent Building Skins
of architecture. In the context of re-defining the building skin, that is to say,
its transition from monofunctional protective roles to poly-
The Search for Quality in Architecture valent control functions, much ado is made of synergetic
The lack of quality in architecture has been noted for some effects, and the expression “intelligent building skin” is fre-
time, both professionally and politically. If German architec- quently mentioned. If “responding to new situations with
tural culture seems to suffer from neglect in general, what is problem-solving behaviour”2 constitutes a criterion of intel-
the status of so-called solar architecture in particular? Even ligence, then the technological advances and new facade
after nearly three decades of intensive focus in this field, elements can justifiably be referred to as exhibiting “intelli-
solar architecture – as pars pro toto of architecture in gen- gent behaviour.”
eral – continues to reflect a certain “randomness and lack In addition to a multitude of window systems for the direct
of style”1 and ‘solar’ buildings are criticized for their lack of utilization of solar energy, including natural ventilation,
architectural quality. On the one hand, many architects still so-called manipulators for shading and heat protection,
refuse to address the topic and leave the issue in the hands and daylight deflection, solar components play an impor-
of engineers and builders; on the other hand, it seems even
more difficult to define what constitutes quality given the
complexity of the requirements and the abundance of
system choices.
3.1 Archeological Museum, Herne (2003), by von Busse Klapp Brüning.
When we take a look at quality in architecture, two phenom- The rooftop photovoltaic system feeds 100 kW/h into the municipal
ena are immediately apparent: first, the difference in opin- power grid of Herne.
tant role in intelligent or innovative building skins. The
technology they introduce (and their link to an electronic
network system), enables the facade and the roof to
respond flexibly to changing external conditions. The
result is a lasting effect on essential room or building char-
acteristics, in other words, on user comfort.3 The product
spectrum is vast and the rate of innovation truly stunning;
photovoltaics are gaining in importance as power genera-
tors for the necessary control technologies and as manipu-
lators suitable for many applications. Technology is vital
for creating architecture that is both physically and aes-
thetically satisfying, and for establishing a more humane
and intelligent approach to building.4
But intelligent building is not necessarily just a matter of
technical systems. The tremendous variety in regional
approaches to building exemplifies what intelligent, that is,
efficient, use of material and energy can be, because they
combine rational thinking and craftsmanship with conclu-
sive forms of expression. More technology is, clearly, not
the only answer. Avoiding unnecessary technology, espe-
cially when it becomes an end in itself, can be just as
innovative and intelligent.
Solar Technology
and roof incline up to 45° yields optimum results with
only negligible deviations; conversely, insolation is drasti-
cally reduced on vertical facade surfaces.6
1 sufficient when evacuated tube collectors are employed –
and an installed storage volume ranging from 500 to
1000 litres. The solar installation can thus cover up to
4 one quarter of the total heating requirement.
A photovoltaic installation is composed of individual solar
cells, which are gathered into PV-modules. The individual
cells are connected in series or in parallel. When several
modules are added, we speak of a solar generator. The
output of PV-installations can be considerably diminished
as a result of shading (from neighbouring buildings, vege-
tation, roof additions or other elements in the built environ-
ment) and these should therefore be avoided at all cost.
However, there are certain connection modes that limit the
output losses. Solar power can be generated for off- and
on-grid systems. Off-grid systems (e.g., mountain cabin,
weekend cottage) have no connection to the mains supply
and the generated DC current is stored directly and without
transformation in batteries on-site or is utilized for appropri-
ate appliances (so-called low-voltage appliances). For sys-
tems that are connected to the grid, the generated DC
current must be transformed into AC current by means of
a DC/AC inverter before it can be fed into the public grid
or consumed in the household.
Photovoltaic modules are multi-layered and either embed-
ded into artificial resin between glass panes or laid between
glass and a plastic laminate. Depending on requirements,
the reverse side is opaque, translucent (obscured glass,
deflecting film) or transparent (clear glass, transparent film).
A fundamental differentiation is made between rigid and
flexible photovoltaic modules. Moveable, uni- or bi-axial
systems designed for retrofitting are an increasingly popular
alternative for modules that are fixed in place. Many manu-
facturers offer modules in a variety of standard sizes and
custom solutions, and the product palette ranges from com-
plete energy roofs and shading systems to photovoltaic
roofing tiles.
The area requirement is calculated according to generator
output, which is measured in kilowatt peak (kWp), a unit that
indicates the module performance in standardized test con-
ditions. In Germany a photovoltaic installation with optimum
orientation and a performance of 1 kWp delivers between
600 and 1000 kWh current annually depending on the site
conditions. Area requirements differ according to the cell
type: while 10 m2 is sufficient for crystalline cells, much
more is required for amorphous cells. Given an average
installation size (2 to 3 kWp), these solutions can cover up
to 50 per cent of the annual demand, although only roughly
20 to 25 per cent of the energy is directly utilized due to
the time lag between generation and demand.
Cell Technology
Solar cells generally consist of amorphous or crystalline
silicon. In addition to differences in surface structure and
3.6 colour, the individual cell types also differ in terms of effi-
ciency. Monocrystalline cells deliver the highest ratio with
up to 18 per cent. While polycrystalline cells achieve as
much as 16 per cent, the efficiency quotient of amorphous
silicon is roughly 10 per cent. These efficiency quotients are
being constantly optimized with the help of so-called hybrid
cells in which monocrystalline wafers are surrounded by two
layers containing amorphous silicon. Currently, intensive
research is being undertaken into new technologies, includ-
ing, microcrystalline and micromorphous solar cells and
colour cells.
“Transparent” polycrystalline cells, on the other hand, and
their fascinating optical effects, are a new technology with
implications for visual appearance. In a special process, the
top and bottom sides of the wafer are milled with parallel
cuts. While the resulting micro holes at the intersections of
the cuts diminish the area output, they create the impres-
sion of a transparent cell. Thin-film technology has tremen-
dous technical and aesthetic potential.9 These cell types
are economic in terms of material consumption – layers of
no more than a few micrometres (1-6 μm) are sufficient for
absorption – and are also energy efficient, because the
manufacturing temperatures of 200 to 700 °C are 25 per
cent less than those required for crystalline cells. A high
level of automation in the production is another source of
potential savings.
Thin-film solar cells offer many advantages in terms of
dependency on solar incidence and temperature; they
are also more tolerant to shading. Diffuse and weak light
is utilized to a greater degree and the output losses as a
result of temperature increases in the cell are diminished,
while the long strips ensure that single cells are never fully
3.7 shaded. Another advantage of thin-film technology is its
variability in shape. Since these modules are not tied to
standardized wafer dimensions, as is the case with crystal-
line cells, they can be shaped into a variety of geometrical
shapes and can also be mounted on curved and flexible
carrier materials such as sheet metal or plastic foils. This
cell type is especially suited for integration into building
sections where sufficient rear ventilation is not guaranteed
or where shading may occur. In the continued research
and development of thin-film cells in the 1990s, several
semiconductors were tested in addition to amorphous
silicon, among others copper-indium-diselenide (CIS)
and cadmium-telluride (CdTe). In the area of thin-film
technology, CIS-technology currently delivers the highest
efficiency (14 per cent). The overall efficiency has been
improved with the development of so-called stacked cells,
in which two or three layers are mounted on top of each
other (tandem or triple cell). To further optimize the output
of such stacked cells, each of the films in the triple cells,
for example, is designed to respond to a different spectral
range (short-, medium- or long-wave radiation). The
appearance of a thin-film PV module is characterized by
homogeneous surfaces structured by extremely narrow
and transparent separating cuts. These are the result of
the production process, that is, the electronic separation
and connection of the individual cell layers. Variations in
width or additional horizontal separating cuts can also be
employed as design elements. Whereas polycrystalline
cells are becoming available in an ever-increasing range
of colours, dark hues continue to dominate in the area of
thin-film technology, ranging from black to reddish brown
or dark green.
Manufacturers are constantly improving the parameters
for the structural integration of solar systems into roofs and
walls, especially with regard to fastening methods and
sealing along the sides. New frame sections facilitate the
assembly of the individual elements and installation; they
also minimize profile heights and projection widths. The
many options available today allow for a fairly flexible inte-
gration of solar systems in the building skin. There are a
growing number of fully integrated solutions that facilitate
combinations of thermal solar and photovoltaic systems
and the combination of these systems with other elements
in the envelope. The key is the integration of collectors and
PV modules with the building systems. Depending on the
system design, a variety of wiring arrangements and addi-
tional equipment technology is required to this end – a factor
that must be taken into consideration especially for external
wall and facade structures. Photovoltaic systems are ideally
suited for integration, owing to the slender dimensions of the
mounted components and flexible power cables with small
diameters. The diameter of pipes for water collectors is con-
siderably larger; provisions must also be made for these
installations to ensure that the pipes and connections are
sealed and frost resistant.
With regard to formal aesthetic criteria, solar systems offer
a wide range of design options. Manufacturers try to respond
to nearly all of the wishes expressed by architects. The
maximum range of colours is frequently cited as a special
advantage of photovoltaics. Naturally, the appearance of
the installations is influenced by the colour variation in the
absorber surfaces and the multitude of section designs10
as well as the lateral connecting elements at roof or facade
level. It is important, however, to carefully assess the intro-
duction of additional colours and shapes to the building
skin. Yet architectural integration of solar systems into the
building skin is more far reaching, because each element
that is included in the wall or the roof also assumes func-
tional and structural tasks as a component thereof. It is
important to establish an overall harmony between the
requirements and characteristics of the physical structure
and the aesthetic and functional criteria of the energy
sons for this choice may relate to construction sequence,
but also to utilization considerations, such as sufficient rear
ventilation, sheltered maintenance areas, etc. Structural and
energy considerations aside, the most important aspect of
architectural integration is to fit the elements harmoniously
into an overarching visual concept; the question of additive
versus integrated installation is secondary.
Existing Buildings
Many debates on solar architecture have raised the ques-
tion about whether it is sensible, ecologically speaking,
to create energy-efficient single-family houses on open
land. The argument that resource-conserving measures
are ultimately only feasible on existing buildings is often
emphasized.13 Moreover, there is little demand for new
3.9 construction, and forecasts indicate that the annual renewal
rate of existing buildings will be roughly 1 per cent in coming
years and is likely to decrease. A tremendous potential has
been identified, on the other hand, in converting, retrofitting
and architecturally upgrading existing housing as well as
industrial and commercial developments.
Given the fact that 40 per cent of the total energy con-
sumption in Europe continues to be expended for the con-
struction and operation of buildings, and that the major
developments dating from the 1950s, 60s and 70s are
particularly lacking in terms of insulation, the energy-
efficient optimization of existing buildings takes on a high
priority. For architects and engineers, the tasks of the
future will be the maintenance, conversion and adaptation
of existing buildings as well as new construction in the
form of additions.
The decision in favour of a solar thermal system is also
closely linked to the lifespan of existing heating systems:
In Germany, estimates anticipate that more than four
million old heating systems will be renewed or upgraded
in the coming five years. Based on 5 m2 of collector area
per renovation, this forecast would translate into roughly
1 million m2 of collector area for single- and duplex-homes
Area estimates reveal a tremendous potential for the appli-
cation of solar technology. A study of selected residential
buildings from different periods in Bavaria revealed that
there is an abundance of available area for solar use,
especially on the facades. Individualized studies, on the
other hand, showed that considerable limitations were fur-
ther exacerbated in some cases by heritage protection
orders.15 The facades of existing buildings are therefore
not as viable an option as one might think. Roofs, con-
versely, provide opportunities for architecturally harmoni-
ous and energy-efficient solutions; this is due to the
exposure and incline and also to the option of continuous
installations across a large area.
The principal criterion for assessing the structural integra- solar technology is often cloaked in a very “plain dress.”20
tion of solar systems into heritage-protected buildings is Considering the enormous potential of roof and facade
visibility. This means that installations on the facade and, areas, the consequence may well be that an important
in some cases, even on steep roofs, are deemed problem- opportunity – in the sense of a culture of sustainable build-
atic because they are visible from an elevated standpoint ing – is not being realized, particularly in single-family
or from the street. If installation on the facade or the roof is and duplex houses.21 The integration of solar systems in
limited or not allowed, there are still other alternative loca- the building skin requires consideration of structural
tions close to the buildings that are worth exploring, for and aesthetic aspects with the goal of developing an
example, balcony, garage, carport, pergola or greenhouse. optimized overall solution. This is primarily a task for an
Material(s) and construction methods are also very impor- architect, with the participation of experts in the field, that
tant issues because any change is always a kind of inter- is, manufacturers and contractors, engineers and conser-
vention into the existing substance and, hence, a potential vationists.
risk for subsequent damage.
In addition to building codes, the architect’s copyright, Conclusion
which is inherited and can, in general, apply to every build- Collectors and PV modules are important elements of solar
ing, must also be taken into consideration and this may architecture. In the future, they will be standard compo-
lead to further restrictions. The integration of solar systems nents of innovative building skins and building blocks of
into the roof and/or facade of monuments must always be energy-efficient renovations. Today, the active use of solar
analyzed in each individual case, although a solution can energy can already make an important contribution to a
usually be found through constructive dialogue. Although sustainable supply. However, efficiency and a high ratio
these problems are only relevant to a small percentage of of solar utilization remain linked to the sufficient use of
existing buildings, the outstanding architectural quality of fundamental passive strategies. Solar technology must
such buildings tends to heighten public awareness and to be integrated into a comprehensive concept that takes
invest them with symbolic value. the spatial organization, the formal appearance of a build-
The use of solar technology invariably translates into a new ing as well as the material and primary energy flows into
image for the building skin, a change that must be carefully consideration for new constructions and existing buildings.
planned in each instance. While more than 90 per cent of As numerous design awards demonstrate, the systems
all existing buildings do not fall into the category of heritage available on the market stand for both efficiency and ele-
protection, these ‘ordinary’ buildings also require individual gance. Today, clients and architects regard these systems
solutions that are in harmony with the conditions at the site as innovative products and to some degree they have
in order to achieve conclusive results in terms of energy become symbols of technological progress. Despite all
efficiency and architectural aesthetics. this, solar technology still seems to have an image problem
because performance and improved product design are
“Solar Scouts” arguments that are not powerful enough in their own right
A 2002 study16 on the solar heating market in Germany to lead to a breakthrough in the market. Without “additional
revealed that 71 per cent of homeowners have a positive emotional benefits such as freedom, flexibility and pres-
attitude towards solar energy. Five out of ten respondents tige”22 there seems to be no widespread acceptance
expressed a strong to very strong interest in solar thermal among the population.
installations.17 The new solar energy campaign launched by Solar systems must meet specific requirements and require
the German Energy Agency (dena) stresses that contrac- innovative solutions, especially for complex building tasks
tors play a “key role in implementing the initiative for thermal and demanding indoor climate concepts. Building with
use of solar power.” Today, master craftsmen run so-called systems is once again topical, if the different protective
solar checks or make the rounds in residential areas as vol- and control functions of the envelope – from insulation and
untary “solar scouts” to test which homes are suited for the daylight deflection to power generation – are integrated
installation of collectors or PV modules. Most homeowners into prefabricated and recyclable building components.
decide to purchase and install a solar system on the basis Whether facades and roofs are “more intelligent” as a
of the contractor’s sales pitch and negotiation skills, not result is another issue. What is clear, however, is that the
least of all because permits are rarely required for this type transformation of the building skin into a climate modulator
of work. This illustrates who the real decision makers are in and polyvalent membrane enables it to react to changing
single-family housing, since building service engineers and weather conditions with increasing flexibility.
architects – probably in this sequence – are only consulted Interesting and striking treatments of the topic are notably
for larger solar installations.18 However, there is one aspect found in a growing number of major building projects. It
of the clients’ attitude towards solar energy that comes as is important, however, that the popularity and expanded
a surprise. While the widespread, generally positive assess- semantic content of solar technology produce more than
ment is hardly surprising, the reason given for it is: The focus, merely symbolic monuments or spectacular office buildings.
it seems, is not on climate and environmental protection but The task now is to develop equally distinctive solutions for
on the desire for new, innovative technology, which often
even “supersedes” the cost argument. In other words, solar
installations have become status symbols. It is “chic” to
install collectors on the roof or the facade;19 the method and
manner of installation seem to be of secondary importance. 3.9 Renovated multi-storey factory in Berlin-Oberschöneweide (2000),
architect: Frank Augustin
This describes the current situation because one important 3.10 Multi-storey factory, Berlin-Oberschöneweide. Climate concept barrel
problem of solar design in everyday architecture is that the roof: shading, ventilation and thermal storage mass.
the energy-efficient modernization of existing buildings
in order to tap into the potential of solar technology in a
far more challenging field. Herein lies a true opportunity
to enhance the value of large and small housing develop-
ments and commercial agglomerations, in terms of energy
efficiency and architecture. This improvement, however,
must go beyond mere facade decoration. In view of the
manifold tasks, the goal must be to achieve the highest
possible level of architectural quality in the built environ-
ment. Thermal solar systems and photovoltaics have
opened up a multitude of options for application and offer
high-quality products. Indirect solar systems have consid-
erably broadened the technical repertory of building. This
must now be translated into architectural concepts. When
one considers the search for quality criteria and competent
3.11 decision makers, the need for architects, who can create
groundbreaking examples that bridge the gap between
technologically perfected systems and mediocrity in every-
day applications and act “multipliers” in the interest of solar
technology, is abundantly clear.
Notes: 12 Auer, Falk: “25 Jahre ‘Sonnenenergie’. Ein Rückblick auf die ersten
1 Rau, Johannes: “Die große Ratlosigkeit. Was ist Baukultur?” Süddeut- drei Ausgaben des DGS-Mitteilungsblatts.” Sonnenenergie, January
sche Zeitung, April 5/6, 2003, p.14 2001, p.16
2 Meyers Großes Taschenlexikon in 24 volumes, volume 10, Mannheim/ 13 Moewes, Günther: “Solar, defensiv oder beides?” Detail, 3/1997,
Vienna/Zurich 1987, pp. 264ff pp. 292–296
3 This must not lead to the use of technology in order to compensate, or 14 Kohler, Stephan: “Start der ‘Initiative Solarwärme plus’. Ohne Reue
completely nullify, dysfunctional patterns of behaviour. stundenlang Duschen.” (Interview) Sonnenenergie, May 2003, p. 24
Herzog, Thomas: “Wohltemperierte Bunker. Über ökologisches Bauen 15 Krippner, Roland: “Building Typology and Monumental Protection.
und intelligente Gebäude.” Deutsches Architektenblatt, 5/1998, pp. Studies on the Architectural Integration of PV-Systems as Part of the
592–594 Existing Building Skin.” PV in Europe. From PV Technology to Energy
4 Aicher, Otl: die welt als entwurf, Berlin 1991, p.141 and pp.150ff Solutions (Proceedings), Munich/Florence, 2002, pp. 962–966
5 In Germany the sum of annual global radiation ranged from 16 Sunrise 2002: “Die europäischen Märkte für Solarthermie und
913 kWh/m2 in Hamburg to 1183 kWh/m2 in Munich. Sonnenenergie, Photovoltaik;” market study.
May 2003, p. 64 17 Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard: “Gute Vorzeichen.” Sonnenenergie, May 2003
6 Krippner, Roland: “Die Gebäudehülle als Wärmeerzeuger und Strom- 18 Hackstock, Roger: “Austria aktuell. Was tut sich Neues in Österreich?”
generator.” Schittich, Christian (ed.): Building Skins, Basel/Boston/ Sonnenenergie, May 2003, p.10
Berlin 2001, pp. 51–55 19 Kohler, Stephan: “Start der ‘Initiative Solarwärme plus’. “Ohne Reue
7 Berner, Joachim: “Sommersonne für den Winter.Langzeit-Wärmes- stundenlang Duschen.” (Interview). Sonnenenergie, May 2003, pp.
peicher haben ihre Tauglichkeit bewiesen.” Sonnenenergie, Novem- 23ff
ber 2001, pp.16–19 20 Bauwelt, 33/1999, p.1818
8 Eicker, Ursula: “Entwicklungstendenzen solarthermischer Kühlver- 21 Helmut Gebhard already remarked upon the lack of architectural qual-
fahren.” Bauphysik, 5/2002, pp. 300–303 ity in the built environment in the early 1980s. At the time, Gebhard
9 Haselhuhn, Ralf: “Dickes Ende für die dünnen Zellen?” Sonnenener- deplored the fact that the plethora of new building materials and build-
gie, March 2003, pp.26–29; ibid.: “Warten auf den Marktdurchbruch. ing components – that is, the abundance of choices with all the con-
Schlanke Zellen, große Erträge, Teil 2.” Sonnenenergie, May 2003, pp. comitant risks of incompatible combinations for technical construction
35–37 and design, […] – was contrasted by a “lack of competent decision
10 The fact that 92 per cent of respondents to a survey of architects on makers.”
the topic in Austria mentioned the lack of visually attractive covering Gebhard, Helmut: “Architekturdiskussion und Alltagsarchitektur.”
strips for the facade area as the principal deficit seems to reveal a Willkür oder neuer Konsens? Zur Situation des Bauens. Six lectures.
strong reduction in quality requirements. Munich 1984, p. 84
Knackfuß, Günter: “Das gewisse Etwas.Vom Schutzdach zum Nut- 22 Hübner, Gundula: “Wir brauchen ein Image für die Solarenergie.”
zdach: Integration von Sonnenkollektoren.” Solares Bauen, special (Interview). Sonnenenergie, January 2002, p. 69
edition of the journal Sonnenenergie, October 2002, p. 40
11 Krippner, Roland: “Architektonische Aspekte solarer Energietechnik.
Studien zur baulichen Integration und architektonischen Einbindung
solartechnischer Systeme in die Gebäudehülle.” 9th Symposium on
Thermal Solar Energy (Proceedings), Regensburg 1999, p. 237
Solar Concepts for Building
Michael Kuehn, Dirk Mattner
Humans have influenced the climate ever since they first Solar Architecture
inhabited the Earth. First, through the clear cutting of for- Most people in developed countries live in latitudes where
ests, followed by the increasing growth of settlements and heating demands play a major role. Roughly 30 per cent of
cities and the sealing of the earth’s surface that went with annual total energy consumption is used to meet these
it. Accompanying the reduction of natural resources, popu- demands. As recently as 50 years ago, most buildings had
lation growth has led to an enormous rise in energy con- little insulation. Windows and facades were leaky and high
sumption. There are many theories on the effects and ventilation heat losses were the consequence. Thanks to
consequences, but these are not the subject of this work. tremendous improvements in this area, including facade
The fact remains, however, that people in industrial nations, constructions with thermal transmittance coefficients
in particular, are destroying their own foundations for life (U-value) of less than 1.2 W/m2K, consumption per area
and that of other species in a short-sighted and arrogant has been reduced by more than 80 per cent.
manner. The content of CO2 and other trace gases such as This has, however, led to a shift in some of the problems. In
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), in the ozone layer (Earth’s administrative buildings, in particular, the internal heat
atmosphere) is growing rapidly. Steadily increasing carbon loads caused by electricity and occupants, led to exces-
dioxide emissions and the anthropogenic transformation of sive room temperatures in summer. These internal loads
the earth’s atmosphere alter not only the chemical, but also must, in turn, be reduced with the help of mechanical venti-
the physical characteristics of the climate systems. Fossil lation systems in order to maintain comfortable working
fuels for power and heat generation are, unfortunately, the conditions inside the building. Energy demands are once
principal source of air pollution and they have a negative gain rising steeply. Electrical energy is required not only for
impact on the environment, our health and our quality of air circulation, but also for the generation of cold water for
life. Despite an awareness of the problem, the global politi- cooling. This is one starting point for conceptual
cal community is completely at a loss in the face of this approaches to solar architecture. The goal is to create opti-
catastrophic development, which is only too evident in mum comfort in the building, in summer and in winter, with
their compliance, or rather non-compliance, with the Kioto as little energy consumption as possible and, in considera-
Protocol.1 tion of environmental factors, through the use of natural
However, we can make a difference on a small scale.
Humans erect buildings to seek shelter from the elements Utilization Potential
and should utilize natural resources to do so in order to “Environmental building blocks”, which take climatic and
protect the environment. Adopting this alternative means energy-related influences into account, can be conceived
building solar architecture. This chapter serves as a guide- in reference to the demands of the environment. However,
line for conceptual approaches to integrating solar systems in order to optimize the utilization of the available options
with building systems. The solar building blocks, which for energy reduction, different technical systems should act
can act in concert with other systems, will be presented in unison. The most interesting building blocks at the cur-
and explained. The chosen examples illustrate approaches rent time are:
that usefully combine comfort and efficiency, as well as • heat recovery in housing construction
aesthetic options for designing with these technologies. • building core activation
Energy conservation, in combination with the improved effi- • seasonal energy storage
ciency of technical systems, can be advantage for clients, • sorption technology
hired consultants and executing firms. Architects and engi- • geothermal heating/cooling
neers are in an ideal position to offer advice in this area • power-heat coupling
and to influence the design and implementation of these • intelligent controls and regulation.
building systems. In doing so, they can play a more active
role in the preservation of our environment, as well as our
health and overall well-being.
The following technical solutions represent possibilities
that, with the help of natural resources, can provide a com-
fortable indoor environment that is fit for human occupa-
ings of roughly 80 per cent in comparison with
conventional apartment buildings. Heating is provided with
the help of a controlled mechanical supply air and ventila-
tion system. The residual required heat is generated by
means of wood pellet combustion. The resulting energy
consumption is both exemplary and cost-effective.
4.2 Row housing and office building, Rosenheim (2002), Hirner & Riehl,
Peter Kunze
4.3 Administration building in Creuzburg (2001), Seelinger and Vogels,
concrete component cooling
• Energy consumption can only be calculated on the basis
of area.
System advantages:
• Low initial investment.
• Primary energy consumption is drastically lower than for
conventional systems.
• Heating- and cooling output (peak loads) are reduced as
a result of the storage capacity of the concrete masses.
• Existing cooling supply systems can be utilized for over-
night storage operation.
• The pronounced differences in system temperatures
open up possibilities of harnessing energy resources in the
environment: for cooling (e.g., ground water utilization),
4.4 cool outside air can be utilized overnight via re-cooling
plants; for heating, solar collectors with heat pumps can be
Comfort limitations:
• Maximum room temperatures of 26–27 °C in summer can
only be achieved with an effective shading system.
• Individual temperature control per room during the heat-
ing period is not possible.
evant thermal and hygienic requirements for HVAC sys-
Heat requirement space heating and
tems must be taken into consideration. In Germany, these
requirements are outlined in DIN 1946 and in the VDI-
3 160
guideline 6022, in the case of air movement via double
floors without air ducts.
80 • sufficient “flushing” with air all the way to the core zones
• comfortable floor surface temperature
Seasonal Energy Storage/Long-term Storage
0 0 In addition to passive energy concepts, where a building is
J F M A M J J A S O N D supplied with the help of deliberate measures such as
1 Insolation window ventilation, thermal storage masses or heating and
2 Space heating water temperatures adjusted to a low-energy level, active
4.6 3 Seasonal asynchronicity solar measures, such as collector installations, can also be
integrated; the excess heat of which, in summer, is stored
for heating in winter (Fig. 4.6). The area of installed solar
thermal collectors has increased rapidly since the early
1990s. While there were roughly 450,000 m2 of collector
areas in 1990, the number had risen to roughly 3 million m2
for short-term storage collectors in 2000, which provide
warm water with temperatures below 100 °C for daily use.
Currently, they still play a greater role than long-term stor-
age (cf. pp 26ff). However, the development of district-
heating concepts for the supply of entire residential
districts and small industrial parks is accelerating. The goal
is to increase the percentage of requirements covered by
solar power and to make better use of the seasonal asyn-
chronicity between available solar energy and heating
demands. Constructed earth reservoirs, large storage
tanks and bore holes are suitable options (cf. p. 30),
although area requirements are high because of the
dimensions of the storage units.
Sorption Technology
The principle of cooling by evaporation offers an alternative
to cooling outside air in summer by means of conventional,
power-operated chillers. It is called “Desiccant and Evapo-
rative Cooling” or DEC (Fig.4.7). Dessicants, which extract
humidity from the air, are stored in a rotary heat exchanger.
50 °C
Cooling and dehumidification of fresh air supplies in
summer is regulated by adding heat to the exhaust air. The
dryer the exhaust air, the greater the percentage of humid-
40 ity the exchanger extracts from the outside air. If the
exhaust air is heated to about 80 °C, the extracted percent-
2 1 age of humidity is especially high. On overcast summer
days, the heat required for this process is generally pro-
Air temperature in °C
6 vided by district heat. On clear days with high solar radia-
5 tion, high-performance solar collectors can be used for this
4 purpose (Fig. 4.8). Once the outside air has been dried
with the help of the sorption generator and the connected
heat recovery plant, the air is cooled to the desired supply
10 temperature by means of evaporation humidifiers. In other
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Water vapour content x (g/kg dry air)
words, this is a cooling energy process based on air desic-
cation followed by evaporative cooling, in which water
1 2 replaces the CFC- or FC-containing refrigerants in conven-
tional chillers. Since the warm and humid outside air must
be cooled even on overcast days, or, conversely, the cold
outside air heated in winter, a conventional heating system
is essential for this system. The advantage of foregoing the
use of an electrically powered chiller lies in the savings,
5 that is, the reduction of electrical energy, which can be
replaced with district or solar heat. An approximate aver-
3 6 7 age of 300–400 full operating hours is required to cool the
outside air in summer. The heating requirement should be
4 largely met with solar heat at supply temperatures of 80 °C;
the remainder is covered with district heating. In summer,
1 Heat storage 5 Heat transfer
2 Sorption regenerator 6 Heating in particular, this heat is the product of rational energy use
3 District heat cycle in the form of heat waste from power stations. The advan-
4.8 4 Cooling cycle 7 Humidifier tage of DEC-systems, compared to systems with conven-
tional cooling energy production, lies in the low electrical
connect load (because there is no chiller), and the result-
ing low annual consumption of power and water (because
there is no need to re-cool a chiller).
Geothermal Heating/Cooling
The increased use heating/cooling ceilings, concrete core
activation and the simultaneous improvement of insulating
standards promote the use of geothermal energy2. In con-
trast to nearly all other regenerative energies, geothermal
energy is not dependent on incident solar radiation, except
in the surface layers. The topic of geothermal energy near
the ground surface is discussed in the section on heat
pumps. The majority of geothermal systems derive the
required heat from layers in the earth ranging in depth from
0–40 m. As a source of heat and cold energy for earth-cou-
pled heating and air-conditioning systems, permission is
easily obtainable in Germany for depths up to 99 m. Earth
or groundwater temperatures, which are more or less con-
stant year round, offer ideal prerequisites for generating
energy for heating or cooling buildings with the help of a
variety of systems. One of the most advantageous for office
and administration buildings is the combination of so-
called energy piles, change-over heat pumps, as well as
area heating and cooling systems such as radiant heating/
cooling ceilings and concrete core activation (Fig. 4.9). The
low operating temperatures of such systems in conjunction
with the relevant harmonization of the three individual
measures mentioned above and favourable geological
conditions, create an ideal scenario for energy- and cost-
saving building operation. In Germany, the amalgamation
18-19 °C 16 °C 30 °C 40 °C of regulations for heating systems and insulation into a
1 1 single energy savings regulation (EnEV) has further
improved the parameters for implementing integrated solu-
2 3
A B tions of this kind.
10-14 °C 10-14 °C Heat-Power Coupling
Conventional power generation in condensating power
plants and heat in boilers is inefficient because the majority
5 5 of energy required to generate power is lost in the form of
wasted heat. In a combined heat and power plant (CHP),
on the other hand, up to 34 per cent of the primary energy
is transformed into power and up to roughly 53 per cent is
transformed into heat (Fig. 4.10), which translates into an
A Cooling 1 to consumer 4 Liquefier
B Heating 2 Water-heat exchanger unit 5 Energy pile overall efficiency rate of 90 per cent. Conversely, the over-
3 Heat pump 6 Soil all efficiency of separate heat and power generation lies
below 60 per cent. CHPs therefore generate energy and
emission savings of roughly 30 per cent. Several parame-
ters should be taken into consideration for the efficient
1 application of CHPs because the initial investment costs
and the operating costs are higher. Since power fed into
the grid is still remunerated at a much lower rate than is
charged to consumers, the goal should be to achieve
5 direct consumption of as much of the generated power and
heat as possible. The efficient sizing of the plant is there-
fore based on a basic output demand; the remainder is
2 supplied by conventional means. Depending on the heat-
ing demand, the operating time of the CHP and the output
it delivers can be estimated as follows:
3 • For space heating only:
recommended CHP output 10–15 per cent of total required
Supply heating
output, operating time from 4.500 h/a
1 Exhaust gas heat exchanger
Return heating 2 Cooling water heat exchanger • For space and warm water heating:
Power 3 Oil heat exchanger recommended CHP output 10–15 per cent of total required
4 Air output, operating time from 5.500 h/a
5 Fuel
4.10 6 Exhaust gas
To assess the economic viability of a CHP, one must com-
pare the costs against the financial benefit gained through
energy savings. Boiler systems and CHPs must be com-
pared in consideration of investment, maintenance and fuel
costs. For smaller systems (approximately100 kW el), the
total costs for CHP and boiler are roughly twice as high as
those for a conventional boiler system. CHPs also require
high repair and maintenance costs. To avoid downtimes,
an additional module should always be included as a
backup system when maintenance is being carried out.
Considering the power savings and the national environ-
mental tax credit3 in Germany, for example, such systems
can be economically viable and efficient when power rates
are higher than 6 cents/kWh. However, owing to the wide
range of additional parameters, the economic viability of
employing a CHP must be analyzed for each individual
trols), lighting controls, shading systems and the primary
components of the HVC systems – both with each other
(component to component) and with the corresponding
operator. To this end, all automated, communication-capa-
ble system components provided by one manufacturer
must be connected as simply and cost-efficiently as possi-
ble with the system provided by another manufacturer.
Communication protocols for bus systems and BAS net-
works are becoming increasingly important. Open, fabrica-
tion-independent communication protocols have become
the dominant platform for the areas defined above (man-
agement, automation and field application). The market-
place also offers a wide variety of specific,
product-dependent bus systems. A detailed cost-benefit
analysis can, in individual cases, reveal that a product-spe-
cific system bus is more economical. In each instance, the
prerequisite for making the right choice is project-specific,
innovative planning, which also takes the future use of
innovative systems that are still beyond the scope of the
current technology, into account.
reduce draught on tall facades, are also advantageous.
Even the addition of a single pane can lead to an improve-
Occupant ment. Recent developments in thermopane glazing take
this phenomenon into account. In combination with the low
Activity thermal transmission values of the glass, surface tempera-
Length of stay tures do not fall below 18 °C even on cold winter days.
There are various options for arranging the so-called low-E
layer (cf. pp. 56ff). Indoor air quality is another comfort
Room requirement. Ventilation and air-conditioning systems
Thermal should create a physiologically favourable indoor climate
Temperature of Comfort
surrounding sur- of impeccable hygienic air quality. To fulfil this task, a
faces and other series of measures are required during the planning,
sources radiating Climate design, construction and operation of the building. In Ger-
many, 30–40 m3/h of fresh air is generally deemed suffi-
Air temperature
Air velocity
cient for every workstation. This corresponds to an air
Humidity change of 2 ac/h. If smoking is allowed, the fresh air rate
must be increased to 60 m3/h. However, in order to ade-
quately exhaust other loads, for example, exhalations and
odours – from humans, materials, carpeting – up to 80 m3/h
of fresh air should be supplied per person.7 In buildings
with natural ventilation (window ventilation), air change
cannot be defined with precision; it depends on wind pres-
sure and external temperatures. The type of window open-
ing – its design as tilt-and-turn window, sliding window with
synchronized horizontal openings at top and bottom, or
sliding window with vertical openings – is also important in
practice. The differing designs and concepts (simple or
cross-ventilation) result in very different air change rates
and perceived indoor air comfort.
The demand for flexible and innovative spatial organiza-
tions, and for savings in operating costs, has resulted in
planning and design concepts that are comprehensive.
Aside from the understandable demand for comfort, the
issue of efficiency is becoming more important. Ultimately,
decisions are based on the financing of a new construction
and the anticipated operating costs. Although the tasks of
building systems have become more complex in recent
years and can only be solved in an interdisciplinary
manner, only some 5 per cent of total budgets are dedi-
cated to planning and designing these systems. The pro-
duction costs are in the region of 25 per cent and 70 per
cent are dedicated to operation. These numbers should
illustrate the focus of clients and/or investors and the areas
in which they should invest. In the past, buildings were
often thoughtlessly equipped with technology; facades
were poorly insulated and left without shading systems or
with systems that were inefficient . Energy consumption
was, and continues to be, correspondingly high. Low effi-
ciency coefficients and oversized heat-generating systems
exacerbated the wasteful management. The annual energy
requirement of roughly 900 kWh/m2 in the mid-1960s was
reduced to 400 kWh/m2 by the early 1990s (Fig. 4.13).
Today, an administrative building with an energy coefficient
of roughly 150–170 kWh/m2 in terms of primary energy
requirements is classified as a low-energy building in Ger-
Consumption many. However, old buildings, in particular, are still being
1 operated with outdated building systems. In other words,
800 energy consumption continues to rise because the building
skin has deteriorated over time through exposure to the
600 3 elements and systems can no longer achieve acceptable
efficiency, despite regular maintenance. The lifespan of a
building, especially of the structure, is two to three times
400 longer than the lifespan of the technical equipment.
4 Changes in communications technology are further
decreasing the life cycles of technical building equipment.
The evolution of PCs and information technology has
5 brought about inevitable changes in building use. These
changes, along with new technical systems, translate into
1965 70 75 80 85 90 95 2000 necessary adaptations. The acceleration in changes to
building systems will increase, albeit not automatically or
Consumption in kWh/m2/a:
1 – 3 Air-conditioning system (1 fans/blowers, 2 cold air supply, 3 necessarily, with each innovation in the effectiveness and
warm air supply) functions of electronic data processing and information
4 Facade technology, which will, in turn, increase the energy effi-
5 Lighting
ciency of the building systems. Different potentials for solar
building can be harnessed depending on building type
and requirements. The topic has sparked many debates,
but it is only in recent times that new supply concepts have
been developed. The advantages of the new developments
are particularly evident when compared to the old systems.
To illustrate the potential of technical solutions, three reno-
vation projects have been chosen in which comfort was
increased and energy requirements were reduced (includ-
ing, CO2 emissions).
element. The facade design is particularly noticeable. Each
element consists of a trapezoid, a roughly 2 m2-large pane
of antisun glass, which is tilted outward by an angle
approximately 9° (Fig. 4.15, 4.17). This ensures that sound
is not reflected directly into the room through the facade,
but redirected via the ceiling. Another advantage, albeit not
deliberately planned, is the diminished angle of solar inci-
dence. Compared to the real altitude, the sun always
seems to be 9° higher in the sky. The insolated glass areas
– and hence the external cooling loads – are reduced. This
prefabricated facade is also called an alcast-facade
(alcast = aluminium-cast).8 The offices in the high-rise are
supplied via so-called two-duct, high-velocity air-condition-
ing systems, a concept that was popular and technically
excellent at the time. The VAC equipment was housed in
the basement and on the 15th and 23rd floors. Air was
transported vertically in the building core to the individual
floors. Horizontal floor distribution to the individual office
areas was effected via air ducts suspended from the ceil-
ing. Fire-protection registers in the shaft separated the fire
compartments. Cold and warm air were mixed in variable
air volume boxes according to the set values for room tem-
peratures and injected into the rooms at a constant volume
flow. The air was injected into the room from the variable air
system via air inlets and the suspended ceiling from above;
4.14 spent air was similarly suctioned off through outlets. Tre-
mendous air volumes were required to extract the heat
loads in the offices. Air change was ac = 7 h-1 in the outer
area of the cylinder, and ac = 10h-1 in the inner area. This
meant that an average of 24 m3/h of air had to be injected
for each square metre (Fig. 4.16). Requirements had
4.15 changed after more than 25 years of operation: computer
had replaced typewriters, the number of workstations had
increased and so had the cooling loads in summer. Prob-
lems also became evident on the facade: the sealant was
porous. Thermal bridges began to form between sections
and the facade was no longer airtight. In 1997, the com-
pany was inspired by these visible signs of wear and tear,
and by design/construction errors, to consider renovating
the high-rise. A competition was held and the first commis-
sion issued for an analysis of necessary renovations on
the administrative building. The results of the study led to
a proposal for executing a renewal of the facade in con-
junction with the implementation of a completely new air-
conditioning concept – taking current requirements for
workplace conditions and communications technology into
consideration. It was suggested that the air-only system
should be replaced by mechanical and natural fresh air
ventilation in combination with a water-cooled system in
the form of a cooling ceiling. The original fresh air rate of
24 m3/h per square metre was reduced to a mere 6 m3/h
per square metre with the proposed displacement ventila-
tion system, which ensures draught-free, flexible and effi-
cient ventilation. The radiant cooling from the cooling ceiling
creates a comfortable indoor climate. With the existing vari-
able air volume system, air was injected into the rooms in a
fairly turbulent manner and with relatively high velocity. The
resulting eddies flushed the rooms with air. The vertical air
jets reached nearly all utilized areas. In the proposed dis-
placement ventilation system, the pre-processed fresh air
is injected noiselessly into the room across a large area.
Due to the cooler temperature of this air, it sinks to the floor
and forms a kind of “sea” of cold air. It rises along warm
A bodies – occupants and computers – bringing fresh air
directly into the space and distributing it around the room.
Noiseless and draught-free, it absorbs heat and is
extracted at the top (Fig. 4.16). Up to 70 per cent of inter-
nal and external loads are utilized via heat recovery sys-
tems to pre-warm the fresh air in winter, or to pre-cool it in
summer. Another advantage of this system is the modest
installation height required in the ceiling area.
areas near the core, spent air flows from the offices into
the hallways and anterooms. This system no longer meets
current fire-safety standards. The goal of the study was
to adapt the building to current office building standards,
while preserving the external form. The proposed upgrade
for the climate concept is based on newly developed
induction technology.
The old units were to be replaced with new displacement
air induction units. This system reverses the airflow direc-
tion. Air is suctioned off above the window and fresh air is
injected into the room horizontally and with low velocity. A
water-cooled system (cooling convector/ceiling) covers the
remaining cooling demands, although the output was sized
exclusively for the offices. The areas near the core are sup-
plied from a separate central ventilation system. The dimin-
ished output of the latter means that the ducts can be
smaller, which adds 20 cm to the clear room height. The
main advantages of the proposed displacement ventilation
system are:
4.16 BMW high-rise, Munich, existing mixed ventilation system (A), pro-
posed system of air injection at floor level/displacement ventilation
system with cooling canvas (B)
4.17 BMW high-rise, Munich, facade section. The facade is joint-fastened
to the concrete slab, U-beams ensure lateral stability.
4.18 Chamber of Deputies high-rise, Bonn (1969), Egon Eiermann; stand-
ard floor plan with offices and conference halls
4.19 Chamber of Deputies high-rise, Bonn, facade image in 1969
Grove. It was the goal of the engineer to utilize the inertia of
the building mass to create evenly distributed room temper-
atures regardless of occupation, external air conditions or
other influences. Plenary halls, reading and refreshment
areas were supplied with fresh air. Numerous air inlets
beneath the seats and spent air vents in the ceiling were
used to ventilate the plenary hall. Grove employed the
A system of displacement ventilation that is common today. All
the important aspects of the concept and questions of sizing
were tested – without computer simulation – on 1:1 models.
Air was transported via huge ducts and air reservoirs to
reduce the conveyance effort: at the beginning the system
was to be steam-powered, but by the end of the ten-year
construction phase, electric fans blew the air through the
various ducts. The large ducts were necessary to keep the
pressure loss to a minimum, because of the low capacity of
the axial fans9 available at the time. The low air velocities
also helped to prevent intrusive noises. Heating pipes built
B into the supply air ducts made it possible to heat the air
more or less to the desired temperature. Adiabatic cooling10
by means of water spray ensured that the air was almost
fully saturated (8–8.5 g water /kg air). As the air continued to
warm, relative humidity reached the desirable level virtually
on its own. With means that appear simple today, Grove
achieved a comfortable, constant indoor climate, especially
in the plenary hall: the air was warmed to a temperature of
20 °C in a mixing process in chambers heated to different
temperatures. A century later, this concept served as the
basis for one of the most modern building systems, which
achieved efficient operation with minimal energy consump-
tion. The stipulations which the German Bundestag imposed
on the planners – minimize the consumption of fossil fuels
and the CO2 emissions – led to the implementation of the fol-
lowing measures:
• Natural ventilation
• Daylighting
• Utilization of solar energy
• Vegetable oil as regenerating fuel
4.21 4.22 • Power-heat-cooling co-generation
• Seasonal energy storage (aquifer)
tion, an effective contribution toward minimizing emissions,
especially of CO2, and utilizing a percentage of regenera-
tive energy sources (Fig. 4.24).
Natural Ventilation
The existing historic air ducts are used to ventilate the ple-
nary hall. Fresh air is drawn in on the west side of the build-
ing above the portico and warmed or cooled via large heat
exchangers with minimal pressure losses. Slowly-revolving
fans transport the air into a pressure floor beneath the hall.
The preconditioned fresh air is then fed into the hall. Warm,
spent air is drawn out through openings in the conical day-
lighting structure and escapes at the top, whereby thermal
energy is extracted by a heat exchanger (cf. pp 156 ff).
Openable windows (motor-driven or manual) and a second
external layer of glazing make it possible to naturally venti-
late many of the rooms for a large part of the year (cf.
pp. 152ff).
In contrast to the concept by Paul Wallot and David Grove
– the original Reichstag dome was purely symbolic in char-
acter – daylighting is an essential component in the con-
temporary energy concept and a visible characteristic of
the dome. A cone with 360 mirrors set into the glass dome
directs diffuse daylight into the plenary hall and reduces
power consumption for artificial lighting. At night, it sets the
dome aglow (cf. pp 158ff).
Solar Energy
One variation – one building block – of utilizing solar
energy is to employ vegetable oil. The use of this natural
and regenerative raw materials helps to drastically reduce
5 4 3 CO2 emissions. In the Reichstag, the goal was to achieve
economically efficient and ecologically sustainable autono-
mous supply. In addition to efficiency, the symbolic char-
acter of this building designed for reduced energy
consumption also played an important role. A photovoltaic
system was therefore installed on the roof as an additional
solar component, which enables nearly emission-free solar
power generation.
Energy Savings
The building is run in stand-by operation (large storage
mass and short-term occupation periods). Floor heating
1 2 covers most of the heating demand in winter, maintaining a
low temperature level and preserving a steady state in the
1 Reichstag
building through constant heat supply. This prevents a
2 Dorotheen blocks
3 Luisen block decrease in internal wall temperatures. The advantage of
4 Alsen block this operating method is that the peak heating loads are
5 Federal Chancellery reduced by roughly 30 per cent. While Grove was unable
to precisely determine the constant fluctuation in heating
Boring cold storage Heat transfer station demands in the Reichstag, dynamic building simulation
Boring heat storage Absorption chiller/heat programmes make it possible today to calculate hourly
To house distribution for pump (BAS)
heat/cooling/power Combined heat and power
heating loads. In summer, cooling ceilings continually
Transformer plant (CHP) extract heat from the building with little effort in terms of
4.24 energy consumption. A mechanical ventilation system is
activated only when internal loads rise rapidly because
there are more occupants (peak load). This system design
drastically reduces the power demand for the fans,
because their use is limited to very short periods of time.
Moreover, the varying demand for heating, cooling and
power in the parliamentary power grid ensures excellent
utilization of the CHPs. The utility supplier BEWAG supplies
peak load and stand-by power if the capacity limit is
exceeded. A dual and spatially independent 10-kV supply
ensures that the grid is supplied with power (Fig. 4.24). The
ducts and pipes (also for heating/cooling and the aquifers)
are laid in underground tunnels between the buildings. This
complex power generation and supply system requires an
overarching energy management, which uses prognoses
processes to ensure that energy supply is optimized at all
lation times and also provides a solid foundation for facility
management (roughly 75 per cent of the total cost required
to operate a building for 30 years). Planning and building
processes can only be optimized if architects and engineers
adopt a new way of thinking: they must approach tasks from
a systemic and not only a systematic perspective. What we
need are systems of measuring, databases, industrial pre-
fabrication as well as intelligent controls and comprehensive
electronic data management. New ideas, designs and build-
ing methods can raise the always anticipated, albeit rarely
delivered, quality in craftsmanship to industrial standards.
Complex building processes become manageable through
planning projections, and thus, efficient – a foundation for
solar, that is, sustainable building.
Utilizing Daylight
Helmut F.O.Müller and Heide G.Schuster
The first windows were conceived less for utilizing daylight Master architects have always worked with light and its
than for ventilating rooms. The house itself was intended to effects in interiors. Light is the prerequisite for architecture,
provide protection against extreme weather conditions and for architecture cannot be perceived without light. Light is
to offer safety. Historically, buildings have always been alive, varied and changes nearly every second. Intelligent
planned in an integrated manner based on necessity: the use of daylight can achieve a powerful intensity in the spa-
characteristics and effects of daylight were well-known tial effect and awaken emotions in the observer. The archi-
because no other medium could provide adequate illumi- tect can manipulate light in terms of colour and intensity,
nation. It was only after the invention of electrical light and utilize it directly or indirectly, or employ it in its natural state.
its widespread use that architects and planners began to Openings can blur the transition from the interior space to
lose their knowledge of daylight. This, and the division of the exterior or deliberately “frame” the exterior space.
planning into design, building physics, building systems
and load-bearing systems, obviated the integrated inter- It is important to distinguish between ambient lighting
pretation of space and light, which was superseded by a designed to achieve a specific effect – for example, a mys-
purely physical approach to technical solutions. Artificial tical spatial effect in churches – and the utility lighting that
light was seen as indisputable progress because it allowed is essential for the use of a building, for example, office
for the creation of windowless rooms and enormous room buildings. The rule of thumb for the latter is: the more day-
depths. But the industrial revolution also made it possible light is used, the more comfortable is the user.
to realize larger openings in the building skin with the help
of glass and iron. Load-bearing, solid walls were elimi- Changing priorities over time wrought the aforementioned
nated; entire roofs could be covered in glass. The evolution changes in architecture. In the past, the imperative was to
of the curtain wall allowed for the creation of glass-steel adapt to the regional climate, today, artificial lighting and
facades that were independent of the load-bearing struc- heating or cooling make it possible to design architecture
ture, and the invention of air-conditioning systems made it independent of climate conditions – with global rather than
possible to compensate for the overheating in buildings regional characteristics. Today, the language of architec-
resulting from the large glazed surfaces. ture is more or less the same worldwide, regardless of
The interior of a building could thus be cooled and illumi- where a building is located. But energy consumption – par-
nated independent of climate and weather conditions. After ticularly in lighting – is strongly dependent on the local cli-
several generations of architects were no longer compelled mate, cultural environment and building form. A German
to design with daylight in mind, there was a noticeable lack engineer recently made a memorable statement: “The best
of training and expertise in this area. and most effective form of energy efficiency is thinking.”3
Today, we have access to technological options, which
can minimize many of the problems associated with glass Visual Perception and Visual Tasks
facades in the past. Nevertheless, there is a growing inter- The sensitivity to light of the human eye ranges from
est in daylighting, inspired, on the one hand, by lower 380–760 nanometers (nm) and is optimally adapted to
costs for lighting and cooling and, on the other hand, by solar radiation: the greatest sensitivity lies in the range of
user comfort. The influence of daylight on humans and the
significance of daylight quality are generally underesti-
mated. For the lux value alone is a poor indicator of the
physiological and psychological effect of the surroundings. 5.1 Airport Munich, Terminal 2 (2003), Koch +Partners;
As the number of available types of glass and materials Check-in hall, direct and indirect utilization of daylight.
the maximum radiation intensity at 550 nm (yellow), dimin-
ishing as it reaches the short- and long-wave radiation
spectrum. The retina of the human eye has different types
of receptors: approximately 5–6 million cones for colour
perception in daylight and over 100 million rods, which are
sensitive to light and react to low light intensity (night
vision). A third type of receptors that influence the circa-
dian behaviour of humans (i.e., for the biological inner
clock) was only discovered in recent years.
of 10 000 lx under overcast sky, for example, the latter
would translate into a minimum illuminance of 500 lx for the
interior. However, it is often insufficient to limit brightness in
interior lighting to horizontal illuminance (at a working plane
of 85 cm above floor level), for vertical illuminance, in par-
ticular, is significant with regard to the biological effect of
light and for specific visual tasks, for example, looking at
exhibits in a museum setting. The user’s visual impression
of a room is, however, not influenced by illuminance, but by
Colour temperature in the short-wave range has a positive
influence on hormone production and seasonal changes in
1 2 light have a positive effect on mood. Given the same illumi-
nance, daylight has twice the influence on the circadian
50 system than an incandescent lamp.13 It is the only available
25 and, moreover, free source for a higher and more effective
level of illumination. A positive psychological effect of light
5.6 400 500 600 700 800 mm is achieved when a room appears bright and open. There
is a close correlation with the room-enclosing surfaces.
Thus, a room that is predominantly black has an entirely
different effect on people than a room with light surfaces
and identical illuminance. The guidelines for building plan-
2 3 2 ning include a statement that windows should offer an
unobstructed view. This is vital, because the information,
1 which the user in the interior gathers from looking through a
window, (e.g., pertaining to season and weather), is essen-
5 tial for his or her comfort. Daylight makes it possible to
create an environment, the brightness of which would be
6 perceived as uncomfortable if it were created with artificial
light. In other words: the reliability of visual performance,
which artificial light offers in theory, is outweighed by the
1 Daylight, exterior 4 Illuminance (nominal value)
2 Luminaire 5 Artificial light component increased readiness for greater performance in daylit
5.7 3 Light sensor 6 Daylight component rooms. Psychological glare is a subjective impediment,
which differs for daylight and artificial light under identical
objective conditions (contrast and luminance). The cause
for this differing evaluation has not been fully explained sci-
entifically. 14 Recently, experiments have been undertaken
with variations in artificial light in the workplace. But even in
this case, daylight is preferable over artificial light, because
the changes in daylight are unpredictable and hence more
interesting to people.
in addition to daylight can be quantified with the help of
calculating the daylight autonomy (percentage of annual
work hours with daylighting) or utility lighting (percentage
of annual lighting available through daylight).16 The term
lumination, introduced by Aydinli17, takes not only the day-
light-dependent use of artificial lighting into account, but
also a quantification of daylight use when the artificial light-
ing is dimmed. Various processes are used to calculate
annual power consumption (i.e., energy costs for artificial
lighting). A standardized analysis process is anticipated
when the German Institute for Standardization implements
the EU-guideline on the “total energy efficiency of build-
ings.” Monitoring of case studies of the IEA18 reveals clear
differences in energy consumption for artificial lighting in
dependence of daylight utilization.
Basics of Daylighting
Urban Planning
In addition to the climate conditions, the location of a build-
ing in its immediate environment plays an important role.
Shading from neighbouring buildings or trees as well as
orientation influence the incidence of daylight into the inte-
rior to a considerable degree. These parameters must be
taken into consideration from the very beginning in the ini-
tial sketches of a design, because they have the strongest
impact on the subsequent energy consumption in a build-
ing. A downtown district in the Chinese city of Shenzhen
(Fig. 5.8) is a negative example. The distance between the
apartment blocks is extremely small. As a result, there is no
more than a minimum of air movement and no light pene-
trates into the spaces. This is exacerbated by another
major problem arising from the large glass and metal sur-
faces on the facades: the reflection from these facades can
lead to pronounced reflected glare even in north-facing
rooms. This parameter must also be taken into considera-
tion in the building design. The shape of the building dic-
tates the orientation and depths of rooms, which play an
important role later on for the design of the building skin
and the need for artificial lighting. In high-rises, room depth
and height, planned courtyards, atria or light wells as well
as terracing or recesses, which are intended to allow day-
light to penetrate from the top down to the ground floor, are
important parameters.
Building Skin
The building skin creates the transition from interior to exte-
rior and vice versa. Designs may vary between perforated
facades (fenestration) or fully glazed facades. The building
5.9 skin forms a membrane, which regulates the quality of inte-
rior lighting in conjunction with use and ensures the
exchange of light, air and heat. At the same time, it pro-
vides weather protection, influences the appearance of a
building, creates a sphere of privacy and sometimes even
serves as an advertising platform.
The interior is only perceived as a result of light. Key plan-
ning and design parameters are the surface structure of
the space-enclosing surfaces, the position of the worksta-
tion in relation to the window and the arrangement of the
furnishings. Bright surfaces are generally preferable over
dark surfaces because they reflect more light, and matte
surfaces are preferable to glossy surfaces.
Such automated systems respond to the current incidence
of solar radiation and are usually coupled with the building
automation system. The clear advantage is that such sys-
tems prevent overheating in the interior as a result of errors
in manual operation or when users are absent. At the same
a time, they monitor the interactions between heating, cool-
ing, ventilation, shading and glare protection in a central-
ized fashion, ensuring optimum adjustment and
harmonization. The disadvantage is chiefly experienced by
the user, whose freedom of choice is limited and who may
5.10 a b c experience a constantly adjusting shading system as an
unwelcome distraction. Complementing automatic controls
with manual options is a good solution because it enables
the user to adjust lighting conditions on an individual basis.
When this option is not provided, experience has shown
1 that users try to manipulate the system or even switch off
the controls.
Basics of Calculation: Drawing Light – Calculating Light –
Simulating Light
“Shadows have always been the brushwork of the tradi-
tional architect.”22
D = Ds +Db +Di Architectural drawings have always used light and shadow
1 = Sky factor (Ds) to render facades, for example, in a more plastic fashion.
2 = Built-environment reflection (Db) Geometry is the basis according to which shadows are
3 = Interior reflection (Di)
5.11 drawn, making it possible to determine the precise per-
spective of shadows depending on the time of day and
the orientation and location of the building.
5.9 Pool, Bad Elster (1999), Behnisch and Partners. The screen-printed,
pivoting glass louvres provide shade and glare protection.
5.10 Comparison in interior illuminance according to window position.
5.11 Sky factor; external and internal reflection
5.12 Public library, Landau (1998), Lamott Architects. Rigid wooden louvers
mounted in front of the glass facade provide shading.
Today, the realistic rendition of architectural scenes is no
longer a problem thanks to advanced CAD technology.
Excellent visual renditions of this kind are usually created
for competitions or presentations to good effect. Things are
more complicated, however, if the aim is to “cast scenes in
the appropriate light,” that is, when the rendition is to be
accurate from the perspective of lighting engineering.
Lighting from above – through openings in the roof – is far
more efficient than lighting from the side – through open-
ings in the walls – because the entire hemisphere is avail-
able as a light source. Windows set into walls, on the other
hand, can only tap into half of the hemisphere as a light
source and thus achieve only one fifth of the illuminance
given with skylights of the same size. A second reason,
why windows are less effective, is the distribution of bright-
ness under an overcast sky, which diminishes by approxi-
mately one third from the zenith to the horizon. Another key
advantage of skylights is that they allow light to penetrate
into floors of any depth. As little as 20 per cent of skylight
area per floor area can achieve comfortable daylight fac-
tors of roughly 5 per cent. It is important, moreover, to con-
sider the solar heat gains in conjunction with daylighting.
The incline of skylights in relation to the sun is, therefore,
an important factor in the optimized use of solar energy for
lighting and heating/cooling. Passive solar heat gains are
desirable for heating applications; they are undesirable,
however, with regard to cooling applications, which are of
prime importance in work environments, where solutions,
which allow only diffuse light to penetrate and deflect direct
sunlight, are preferred. In the case of hall roofs, this is often
achieved by means of transparent north sheds with an
incline of 60°, which do not allow direct light to penetrate,
even though they create fewer advantageous lighting con-
ditions than horizontal windows. The large roof area of
shed roofs, moreover, often results in considerably higher
heating energy consumption than horizontal roofs without
raised inclines. Skylights with vertical glass areas are the
least effective solution from a lighting perspective.
outside and with shading as well as for daylight incidence
and light direction. The new office building for Deloitte &
Touche in Düsseldorf (Fig. 5.17) is a good example. The
following basic principle applies: the taller the window, the
better the resulting daylight utilization. Other factors, such
as shading projections, can have a negative influence
because they reduce not only direct radiation but also the
percentage of diffuse light under an overcast sky – an
effect, which is not as advantageous in Germany as it is in
other countries with more solar radiation. In terms of office
building interiors, a facade system can be said to be well-
designed if it allows diffuse light to penetrate into the room,
but deflects direct light in order to avoid excessive solar
gains and, above all, to provide a glare-free work environ-
5.17 ment. Reflected glare on monitors can occur even in north-
facing rooms or under overcast skies; the same is true for
direct glare when looking out of a window. Glare protection
is required in the last case; it should be adjustable inde-
pendent of the shading system and, ideally, still allow for
f : h = 1,5 : 1
1,6 : 1
1,9 : 1
2,4 : 1
Light-directing, Glare- and Sun-protection Systems
C The design of transparent building components and win-
D dows is, on the one hand, defined by the primary function
of light penetration and visual transparency. On the other
D C B A hand, these elements fulfil an important control function
with regard to strongly fluctuating radiation intensities and
are also relevant for aspects of lighting and heating/
cooling. The primary function is fulfilled in the arrangement
0,25 : 1 = d : h B and orientation of the building, the sizing and placement of
0,50 : 1 C windows, and the selection of the most transparent glazing
for the least favourable conditions, (e.g., an overcast sky).
0,75 : 1 D
To some degree, interior lighting can also be improved with
1,0 : 1 E the help of light-directing systems.26 These systems make it
d possible to light very deep rooms through windows or very
B tall and narrow rooms through skylights. Deflection of dif-
h fuse light from the bright zenith range of the overcast sky,
C frequently employed for window installations, has proven
D elaborate and inefficient because of the moderate availabil-
E ity of light. There is, however, no viable alternative for north-
facing rooms. A far more effective approach is to redirect
B direct sun radiation, especially in combination with shading
measures, for example, rigid, horizontal louvres in the
upper half of the window, frequently referred to as light
shelves. There is a risk of glare, however, when the sun is
low in the sky, unless a moveable shading system is pro-
vided. The House of Commons in London (Fig. 5.29) is a
successful example of integrating light-directing and venti-
lation functions in the facade. The rigid, internal and exter-
nal horizontal louvres serve to redirect diffuse light,
distribute artificial light and provide shading. Moveable
light-directing louvres in the top half of the window can
reflect direct sunlight into the depth of a room. So-called
light-deflecting glass has been available in the market-
place for some years. It allows for glare-free distribution of
sunlight in the depth of a room without the need for addi-
tional flexible components. The system effects vertical and
horizontal deflection of direct radiation, creating even and
glare-free lighting up to a room depth of 10 m. Glare pro-
tection, that is, protection against direct sun incidence in
the occupied area or high luminance near windows, should
Section be flexible and user-operated.
Relevant installations such as roller blinds or Venetian
5.20 blinds need not be identical with thermal sun protection;
they can also be mounted separately and on the inside of
the window. This also provides additional passive solar
heating in the cold season. The thermal sun protection
should not interfere with daylighting and visual contact with
the outside, a stipulation that is not so easy to fulfil if one
takes a look at standard blinds. Artificial light is frequently
required in interiors when the shading system is activated.
Many different solutions can be categorized according to
the following, simplified, criteria:
• constantly in effect (e.g., anti-sun glass)
• effective depending on solar altitude, rigid (e.g., roof
overhang, rigid louvre)
• flexible according to user manipulation (moveable instal-
lations such as blinds, Venetian blinds, awnings, horizontal
and vertical louvres, switchable glass27)
Reduction of radiation transmission:
• undifferentiated reduction of global radiation (direct and
diffuse, from all directions)
• selective spectral reduction of the infrared range of solar
radiation (not visible)
• selective directional reduction of direct solar radiation
(transparent for diffuse radiation)
• external, in front of glazing
• internal, behind glazing
5.23 • internal, on room side of glazing
transmission, (e.g., total energy transmittance g/light trans-
mission t = 0.25/0.50) whereas g and t are approximately
identical with standard anti-sun glass. Transparent shading
systems, which target direct solar radiation for deflection
and allow diffuse light to penetrate, provide daylighting,
visual contact and glare protection. Uni-axial tracking of
the sun is essential for these solutions, which operate with
transparent and directionally selective holograms incorpo-
rated into the glass.
minimum. Given the complexity of the field, the collaboration
of architects, experts and light engineers, on the one hand,
and clients as users and financial backers, on the other
hand, has gained in importance as well. This means, how-
ever, that the architect, who continues to act as a generalist
and relies on experts for individual areas, has to become
informed in all areas and must explore the most important
issues in order to optimize and harmonize this collaboration.
This effort is worthwhile, because designing with daylight is
appealing in ways that working with artificial light can never
1 Vitruvius. On Architecture, volume 2. Zurich/Munich 1987, 6.36
2 Frank Lloyd Wright cited in Baker, Nick; Stoemers, Koen: Daylight
Design of Buildings. London, 2002, p. 4
3 Jörg Probst from Gertec Engineers in a lecture for students at the Uni-
versity of Dortmund on June 4, 2003
4 Systéme international d‘unités
5 In Germany: German Institute for Standardization: DIN 5034. Daylight
in Interiors, Berlin 1985-1999
6 Schmitz, Hans Jürgen: “Tageslicht im Atrium. Akzeptanz von Arbeit-
splatzbedingungen in Büros an Atrien unter besonderer Berücksichti-
gung der Tageslichtverhältnisse.” (Dissertation),
Marburg, 2002, pp. 129ff 5.24 SUVA-building, Basel (1993), Herzog & de Meuron. The external glass
7 DIN 5035 Lighting with artificial light skin, added during the upgrade, is divided into horizontal bands,
8 Szokolay, Steven V.: Environmental Science Handbook. Lancaster/ which assume different functions.
London/New York 1980, p. 90 5.25 Functional principle of holographic-optical elements
9 Guide on Interior Lighting, CIE Publication, Paris, 1986 5.26 Office building, Düsseldorf (2003), Deilmann, Koch and Partners.
10 Kramer, Heinrich; von Lom, Walter: Licht. Cologne, 2002 Light-directing glass in upper half of window (cf. Fig. 5.17).
11 Cakir, Ahmet; Cakir, Gisela: Projekt Tageslicht. Berlin, 2001, p. E 53
12 Rea, Mark S.: “Light – more than just seeing.” (Dissertation), Lighting 5.26
Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York,
13 ibid. p. 7
14 Cakir, Ahmet; Cakir, Gisela: Projekt Tageslicht. Berlin 2001, p. E 44
15 International Energy Agency: Daylight in Buildings. A Source Book on
Daylighting and Systems and Components. A Report of IEA SHC Task
21/ECBCS Annex 29, July 2000, pp.1-1ff
16 Görres, Marcus: “Entwicklung eines Berechnungsverfahrens zur Opti-
mierung des Energieverbrauchs künstlicher Beleuchtung.” (Disserta-
tion), Dortmund, 2001, pp. 25ff
17 Aydinli, Sirri; Krochmann, J.: “Solarstrahlung – Wärmegewinn und
Kühlleistung.” Technik am Bau, 8/1984, pp. 563–567
18 International Energy Agency: Daylight in Buildings. A Source Book on
Daylighting and Systems and Components. A Report of IEA SHC Task
21/ECBCS Annex 29, July 2000, pp.1–1ff
19 VDI 6011 – VDI-Richtlinien zur Tageslichtnutzung, Düsseldorf, 2002
20 Le Corbusier. “Vers une architecture.” 1923
21 Peter C.von Seidlein cited by Compagno, Andrea: “Sonnenschutz-
maßnahmen an Fassaden.” Glas 2/2003, p. 42
22 Frank Lloyd Wright cited by Baker, Nick; Stoemers, Koen: Daylight
Design of Buildings. London, 2002, p. 4
23 In Germany: DIN 5034 Tageslicht in Innenräumen [Daylight in Interiors]
24 Suppliers of the relevant software are listed on the following Internet
25 Schmitz, Hans Jürgen: “Tageslicht im Atrium. Akzeptanz von Arbeit-
splatzbedingungen in Büros an Atrien unter besonderer Berücksichti-
gung der Tageslichtverhältnisse.” (Dissertation), Marburg, 2002,
26 Müller, Helmut F.O.: “Dynamische Raumbeleuchtung.” Danner, D.;
Dassler, F.H.; Krause, J.R. (ed.): Die klima-aktive Fassade. Leinfelden-
Echterdingen, 1999, pp. 40ff
27 Switchable glass can modify its transmission coefficient, electrochro-
matic glass (e.g., through a voltage feed).
28 International Energy Agency: Daylight in Buildings. A Source Book on
Daylighting and Systems and Components. A Report of IEA SHC Task
21/ECBCS Annex 29, July 2000, pp. 5–11ff
29 Brainard G.C. “Photoreception for regulation of melatonin and the cir-
cadian system in humans.” Fifth International LRO lighting research
symposium, Orlando, Florida 2002
78 Housing estate in Kolding 4885 m2, advantageous A/V-ratio; south orientation; facade ventilation; heat gain via
3xNielsen 59 residential units solar wall; thermal storage in party walls between apartment units
82 Passive-energy terraced housing approx. 157 m2, advantageous A/V-ratio; controlled heating/ventilation via heat- and geother-
Johannes Brucker 18 residential units mal heat exchanger
88 Point blocks in Innsbruck 21500 m2, 0.2 A/V-ratio; decentralized controlled ventilation and heating via heat
Baumschlager & Eberle 298 residential units exchanger; micro heat pump
94 Lawyer’s practice in Röthis 250 m2 advantageous A/V-ratio; south-west orientation; sunshade louvers;
Reinhard Drexel controlled heating/ventilation via earth collectors and heat exchanger; micro
heat pump
98 Sport hall in Wängi 4686 m2 hybrid facade system; active heat gain system and passive heat storage;
Fent Solare Architektur controlled ventilation via heat exchanger
102 Secondary school in Klaus approx. 6844 m2 natural lighting via windows and skylights; blinds for shading; controlled
Dietrich und Untertrifaller heating/ventilation via earth collectors and heat exchanger
108 Conference and exhibition building approx. 3000 m2 membrane roof: shading/dimming and daylight direction via rotating louvers
Herzog + Partner in ETFE-cushion; controlled heating/ventilation via heat exchanger and
groundwater cooling
112 Office building in Solihull 5800 m2 shading provided by rigid aluminum louvers in gable wall; blinds on north-
Arup Associates west side and moveable wooden shutters on south-east side; lighting/
ventilation via solar chimneys; building components as storage mass
118 Administration building in Recanati 3088 m2 sun-protection roof with fixed aluminum louvers; natural ventilation and light-
MCA Mario Cucinella Architects ing via facade; skylights above atrium; building components as massive
(thermal) storage
124 Administration building in Landquart 4541 m2 automated building system: heating/cooling; daylighting/artificial lighting;
Bearth & Deplazes shading provided by external awnings; building components as storage
130 Administration building in Würzburg approx. 2541 m2 automated building system: light-directing aluminum louvers in double
Webler und Geissler facade; double-skin facade as climate buffer; ventilation via atrium/facade;
chilled ceiling;
136 Solar factory in Braunschweig 8215 m2 0.36 A/V-ratio; natural lighting/ventilation via skylights; controlled heating/
Banz + Riecks ventilation via heat exchanger;
142 Academy of further education in Herne 13000 m2 microclimatic envelope; daylight direction via holographic optical elements;
Jourda Architectes for internal houses via light shelves; controlled heating/ventilation via heat
Hegger Hegger Schleiff Architekten exchanger and underground ducts
148 Reichstag in Berlin 11000 m2 dome: daylight direction/air exhaust for plenary chamber via daylight
Foster and Partners cone; controlled heating/ventilation; aquifer storage; heat exchanger;
dessicative and evaporative cooling and absorption-system
Active measures Supplementary heating Heating energy demand Primary structure
collectors for warm water Pellets-supplementary end house: 19 kWh/m a
2 prefabricated timber components
heating row house: 12 kWh/m2a
collectors for warm water district heating 29 kWh/ m2a brick walls
collectors for warm water district heating 12.5 kWh/m2a prefabricated timber components; sandlime
5 m2/house; blocks
photovoltaic connections
collectors for warm water electric heating 34.5 kWh/m2a timber skeleton construction
collectors for warm water exist. oil heating 4.11 kWh/m2a timber skeleton construction
– – – reinforced concrete
collectors for warm water heat and power plant 35 kWh/m2a steel skeleton construction
photovoltaics 9 300 m2/roof CHP gas < 50 kWh/m2a timber skeleton construction
800 m2/south-west facade detached houses
*integrated solar power plant
Passive-Energy Terraced Housing
in Dornbirn
Architect: Johannes Kaufmann, Dornbirn
Energy consultants: E-Plus, Ralf Lenninger, Egg
Site plan
scale 1:1000
1 1
Ground and a a
first floor plans 5 4
scale 1:200 4
1 Ventilation and
heating runs 6 6
2 Basement space
3 Kitchen/Living room
4 Room
5 Bathroom
6 WC
1 1
5 6
4 8
The ten terraced units were erected in a dry form of construc-
tion with prefabricated, multilayer timber elements. An amend-
ment of the state building laws in Vorarlberg allowed the party
walls to be built in timber. Executed in a two-leaf form of con-
struction for sound-insulating purposes, they provide a certi-
fied one-hour fire resistance. Only one cross-wall, between
houses 5 and 6, had to be built in reinforced concrete as an
additional means of fire protection. It acts as a rigid slab that
also serves to brace the row in the longitudinal direction. The
ground floor slab, consisting of softwood box elements filled
with insulation, is borne by the concrete basement units on the
north side of the houses and a strip foundation along the south
side. The upper floor construction consists of prefabricated,
five-ply, solid laminated-timber elements spanned between
the party walls of the houses. There are no further finishings on
top: the smooth softwood surface forms the actual flooring. It
was also possible to do without impact-sound insulation within
the individual dwellings. The soffit is finished with a sus-
pended layer of larch boarding, with electrical runs laid in the
intermediate cavity. A prefabricated, solid laminated-timber
construction was also used for the flat roof. The outer walls
consist of insulated timber box elements, complete with the
necessary door and window openings. Work executed on site
included the triple glazing, the external horizontal larch board-
ing, the roof insulation and finishings, and the gypsum fibre-
board linings to the internal walls.
Passive-energy standard Vitiated air is sucked out in the kitchens and Diagram of heating system
The passive-energy standard was achieved here bathrooms. The ventilation plant draws in fresh 1 Solar collectors on roof of houses 1–3
by using highly insulated external construction air via a heat-exchange unit, heats it further over 2 Pellet-fired boiler in basement of communal
elements, with triple insulated glazing and con- a heating grid if necessary, and then feeds it unit to supplement heating supply at times of
trolled air-supply and extract systems; and by into the rooms. The heat-exchange unit exploits peak demand
ensuring that the building skin is otherwise air- waste heat from the kitchens and bathrooms. 3 Solar combination tank (2,000 l) in basement
tight. The primary-energy needs are 60–80 per The heating grid is fed with hot water from a solar of communal unit
cent lower than for conventional buildings of this combination tank. 4 Heating supply connection to communal unit
kind. The compact volumetric form and the The towel-rail radiators in the bathrooms are 5 Heating and ventilation connection to
broad areas of glazing to the south faces of the supplied with hot water from a central source. individual houses
houses also contribute to energy savings. The communal hot-water supply, also using rain- 6 Radiators in bathrooms and in communal unit
The individual dwelling units have their own heat- water, is heated by solar collectors. 7 Ventilation plant in basements of houses with
ing and ventilation plant. Vertical and horizontal In the event of an energy shortfall, a pellet-fired water/air heating grid for additional heating
ducts for heating and ventilation and the water boiler is available as well. This supplementary supply at times of peak demand; and air/air
supply are located on the western side of the source of heating and the solar combination hot- heat exchange for normal demand
houses along the party walls. In the living rooms water tank are situated in the basement of the 8 Recirculated water draw-off points for
and bedrooms, fresh air is blown in from above. communal unit. individual houses
4 5
Section scale 1:20
vapour barrier 30 mm battens
280 mm thermal insulation between moisture-diffusing windproof layer
80/280 mm joists 21 mm laminated-softwood sheeting
20 mm sawn softwood boarding 280 mm mineral-wool insulation between
moisture-diffusing protective layer 60/280 mm softwood studding
11 60 mm layer of gravel; separating layer 12.5 mm gypsum fibreboard
two-layer bituminous membrane vapour barrier
20–120 mm rigid-foam insulation 12.5 mm gypsum fibreboard
finished to falls 15 124 mm laminated-softwood floor element
120 mm rigid-foam insulation with smoothed top surface 14
self-adhesive vapour barrier 30 mm softwood battens
136 mm wrot softwood roof element 20 mm larch boarding
12 62 mm extruded aluminium friction fixing 16 8/50 mm galvanized steel flat bracket,
strip to three edges fixed on rake
triple glazing: 3≈ 4 mm glass 100/180/8 mm head plate
+ 2≈ 12 mm cavities 100/50/8 mm fixing lugs
35/100 mm larch frame 17 8 mm coated fibre-cement sheeting
13 larch casement with triple glazing: plastic sealing layer, adhesive fixed
3≈ 4 mm glass + 2≈ 12 mm cavities 18 Ø 125 mm stainless-steel air-supply duct
14 external north wall element: 19 21 mm film-coated laminated-timber sheeting
20 mm larch boarding on 60/80 mm softwood bearers
Housing Estate in Kolding
Architects: 3XNielsen, ¹rhus
Lars Frank Nielsen, Kim Herforth Nielsen
a b
6 7
8 8
a b c
a glazed facade 1
b absorber sheet and cavity
c thermal insulation
11 13
d warm air 12
e cool air 2 14
f fan 3 4
g thermal storage mass
h heated fresh air 5
1 240/20 mm steel
channel section
2 sheet aluminium
ventilation element with 7
insect screen
3 30 mm thermal
4 22 mm plywood
5 95/50 mm wood frame
with Ø 40 mm ventilation 8
6 steel bracket
7 ventilation flap
8 solar wall construction: 15
double glazing in
aluminium frame:
2x 4 mm float glass +
12 mm cavity
3 mm black, perforated
sheet-steel absorber
125 mm mineral wool
100 mm lightweight 9
concrete wall
9 fan
10 Ø 180 mm ventilation
11 2 mm roof sealing layer
12 mm plywood 10
300 mm mineral wool
vapour-retarding layer
with capillary action
22 mm wood battens
13 mm plasterboard
12 70/300 mm timber purlin
13 2 mm sheet aluminium
14 3 mm sheet aluminium
windproof layer
9 mm composite wood
15 110 mm brick skin
130 mm mineral wool
100 mm lightweight
concrete skin bb
Thermal behaviour of solar walls and storage
120 120
100 The graphs show that the system functions well
in practice. Although the solar walls are not in
80 80 use in summer, they can be activated whenever
needed. The yield is approx. 114 kWh/m2 (air
60 ducts) and approx. 124 kWh/m2 (stone layer),
Yield in kWh/m2
Yield in kWh/m2
taking account of heat-transmission losses.
40 40 Measurements of solar radiation show that par-
tial shading caused by neighbouring buildings
20 20 and the growth of vegetation have reduced the
Passive-Energy Terraced Housing in Ulm
Architect: Johannes Brucker, Stuttgart
Mechanical services: ebök, Tübingen
3 2 1 2 1
Every house has a mechanical air-supply and
extract system with a heat-recovery facility. Fresh
air is sucked in via a filter and can be preheated
if required before being fed into the internal
spaces. Conversely, exhaust air is sucked out
and drawn over an air-to-air heat exchange unit
before being emitted from the building. The
volume of air and the air-change rate can be
regulated by the occupants in a series of steps.
Hot-water supply
Part of the hot-water supply is provided by a
thermal solar installation with a collector area of
roughly 5 m2 per house. The collectors are inte-
grated in the extensively planted roof.
The requisite electrical connections and a control
mechanism have been installed for a photo-
voltaic collector system to generate electricity.
Scope is thus provided for the generation of
additional power from solar energy.
Ground floor layout
scale 1:500
scale 1:250
Sectional details
scale 1:20 3
1 roof construction:
100 mm extensive planting (two layers)
3 mm roof sealing layer on
synthetic-fibre felt
25 mm laminated wood construction board
140/420 mm (av.) timber beams
420 mm (av.) mineral-wool thermal insulation
13 mm chipboard
aluminium-coated polythene vapour barrier
12.5 mm plasterboard, smoothed and painted
2 wall construction:
textured rendering with two coats of paint
4 mm reinforcing layer
300 mm rigid-foam thermal insulation
150 mm sandlime block walling (large blocks)
3 mm skim-coat of plaster
woodchip paper, painted
3 plastic casement with triple glazing
4 floor construction:
20 mm oak parquet
45 mm screed on separating layer
20 mm impact-sound insulation
5 wood front door with rigid-foam core
6 terrace construction:
400/400/50 mm concrete paving slabs
40 mm layer of gravel
6 mm granular-rubber mat
roof sealing layer
30 – 80 mm rigid-foam insulation finished to falls
200 mm rigid-foam thermal insulation
vapour barrier
200 mm reinforced concrete floor slab,
smoothed and painted on underside
7 aluminium external sunblind
Point Blocks in Innsbruck
Architects: Baumschlager & Eberle, Lochau
Mechanical services: GMI Grasser & Messner, Dornbirn
1 1 1
Site plan
scale 1:5000
First basement
garage level beneath 1 1
block C with solar
storage tanks (1)
scale 1:1500
a a
The compact form of the blocks, with a good ratio between the
Exhaust air External air
kitchens, footprint area and the volume (0.2), provides a sound basis for
bathrooms, WCs
minimizing energy losses. The entrance halls act as buffer
Exhaust-air External-air zones and reduce the problem posed by the front doors of the
filter filter
dwellings – normally the weakest point of the outer skin in
Heat recovery terms of energy losses. The flats are heated largely via the
ventilation system, with the use of minimally dimensioned heat
pumps. In this system, fresh air has to be preheated to at least
Heat pump
5 °C, since the heat pump would no longer function efficiently
at lower temperatures, and there would also be a danger of
condensation freezing on the outgoing side of the heat-
Air-supply fan Air-extract fan
exchange unit. The large number of dwellings inevitably
necessitates a greater volume of fresh air. Cost constraints
Air supply living rooms Vitiated air
A and bedrooms and lack of space led to a decision to provide heating via
water-filled solar storage elements rather than by means of an
earth grid. On the roofs of the blocks, a mixture of glycol and
A Diagram of compact ventilation appliance water in the solar collectors is heated and pumped to the heat-
with minimum-sized heat pump exchange units in the solar storage elements. The heat from
B Part floor plan showing ventilation runs in
diagrammatic form this medium fluid is transferred to the water in the storage
C Section showing energy concept (without tanks, and the cooled medium is then returned to the collec-
radiators) tors. The tanks are situated in those corners of the basement
scale 1:200
garages that cannot be used as parking spaces. Solar storage
elements have a further advantage over earth grids in that they
allow temperatures to be controlled. They can also be used in
summer to help heat the hot-water supply.
Decentralized compact ventilation appliances with flat heat-
exchange elements and minimum-sized heat pumps have
been installed in the bathroom of every dwelling behind room-
height glass sliding doors. Regulated by pressing a simple set
of buttons, the appliances can be operated at three different
levels to meet individual heating and ventilating needs. The
pretreated, filtered air supply is blown into the living spaces
by rotary fans. Exhaust air is sucked out via disc valves in the
sanitary and ancillary spaces. A special video film was pro-
duced and distributed to every household to instruct residents
in the operation of the system. When the external temperature
falls below 10 °C, a gas heater is automatically activated
and supplies a conventional radiator installed in every flat.
The radiator provides residents with an additional source of
heating or a place to dry wet clothing. The outer skin of the
building is so highly insulated that the internal temperature
generated by secondary heat sources (people, appliances
and lighting) would not fall below about 15 °C, even if both
heating systems were out of action.
7 9
10 4
Section scale 1:50
1 glass roof over entrance hall (U = 1.1 W/m2K)
2 roof construction (U = 0.13 W/m2K): 5
80 mm extensive planting layer
filter mat; drainage layer
root-resistant layer 6
two-layer bituminous membrane 9
300 mm thermal insulation; vapour barrier 3
200 –280 mm reinf. conc. roof slab to falls
3 precast concrete element 6 m long
4 four-part sliding-folding shutter:
0.6 mm preoxidized sheet copper, 10
adhesive fixed and riveted to frame
30/20/2 mm stainless-steel RHS frame
5 friction clamp for locking shutters
6 12 mm laminated safety glass balustrade 7
matt finished with PVB film
7 window element with triple glazing
(U = 0.60 W/m2K) 11
8 external wall construction (U = 0.16 W/m2K):
18 mm pine boarding 8
80 mm rock-wool thermal insulation
200 mm rock-wool thermal insulation
vapour barrier; 180 mm reinf. conc. wall
15 mm plaster 12
9 floor construction in dwelling:
15 mm oak composite parquet panels
granular-cork mat on 50 mm screed
35–30 mm impact-sound insulation
25 mm levelling layer of sand
220 mm reinf. conc. floor slab filled and
10 lightweight wall to hall (U = 0.23 W/m2K)
11 solid oak front door
12 door mat integrated in frame
13 plasterboard-lined balustrade with stainless-
steel handrail
14 floor construction in entrance hall:
20 mm Solnhofen stone
20 mm bed of mortar; 60 mm screed
30 mm impact-sound insulation
90 mm filling; 200 mm reinforced concrete
175 mm thermal insulation 15 14
15 roof light to bear foot traffic:
laminated safety glass (2≈ 10 mm)
16 floor construction in basement garage:
stone paving on mortar
400 – 600 mm waterproof concrete
Lawyer’s Practice in Röthis
Architect: Reinhard Drexel, Hohenems
Mechanical Services: Christof Drexel, Reinhard Weiss, Bregenz
Section aa
scale 1:250
a a
Floor plans
scale 1:250 4 3
1 Lobby
2 Archive
3 Discussion room
4 Office
Temperature graphs
°C 30° °C 35°
2 3 4
1 Ambient temperature 25° 30°
2 Ground floor temperature 20° 5 6
3 First floor temperature 15°
4 Second floor temperature 10° 20°
5 First floor office temperature 1
5° 15°
6 First floor discussion room temperature
A Max. floor-by-floor and overall heating loads -5° 1
on two cold days in February 5°
B Max. first floor temperature on a hot day at -15° 0°
the beginning of July A 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24h B 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24h
1. Goals
A Winter:
• to determine maximum heating loads zonally
and on each floor in order to test the scope for
heating with compact heat pumps;
• to determine the monthly and yearly thermal
requirements for heating, and the resultant
energy factor;
• to draw up a heating-energy balance to clarify
the potential savings through the use of a
comfortable system of ventilation and a geo-
thermal heat-exchange unit, as well as the pro-
portion of internal solar gains that could be
exploited to heat the building.
B Summer:
• to determine maximum temperatures and
annual duration of peak temperatures in
excess of maximum tolerable level (28 °C) in
order to ensure comfortable conditions.
2. Results
The building is divided into six zones (offices and
ancillary spaces on each floor). The diagram for
summer (B) shows that the maximum tolerable
temperature (28 °C) is exceeded for 40 h/a – an
acceptably low figure. The peak temperatures
occur largely as a result of the orientation of the
glazing – especially in the upper-floor offices –
when external temperatures are > 30 °C.
The diagram for winter (A ) shows the floor-by-
floor heating loads on two cold days in February.
On the second day, when there was a high level
of insolation, the increase in temperature on the
ground floor is already clearly recognizable in
the morning. Because of their south-west aspect,
the upper floors heat up in the early afternoon.
On a cold day with a lot of solar radiation, the
total heating load for the building is around zero.
This can be attributed to internal heat gains. The
maximum heating loads in the building occur in
the early morning, so that the additional electrical
heating needed under extreme conditions
becomes largely superfluous in the course of the
day in view of the thermal gains that occur.
3. Experience in use
Experience of the system after one year in opera-
tion confirmed the accuracy of the simulation
results. After the addition of a draught-excluding
lobby at the entrance, it proved possible to do
without the additional source of heating alto-
gether. The operating costs for heating and
ventilating the office building, with an overall floor
area of 250 m2, are approx. ™ 350 per annum
(figures for 2003).
5 6
1 50 mm layer of gravel
7 8 two-layer bituminous membrane
2≈ 120 mm mineral-wool thermal insulation,
adhesive fixed with bitumen
vapour barrier
240 mm reinforced concrete roof slab
15 mm perforated birch plywood suspended
soffit with protective matting and
mineral-wool insulation between
30/50 mm battens
2 box gutter
3 8 mm larch shingles 210 mm long
9 27 mm wood boarding
windproof layer, adhesive fixed
3≈ 120 mm mineral-wool thermal insulation
60/120 mm timber studs
4 threaded fixing rod welded to steel fin
5 60/110 mm laminated timber bearer
6 110/90 mm Douglas fir window frame
7 10 mm laser-cut aluminium pivoting side arm
8 28/120 mm wood louvres
9 30 mm mastic asphalt with smoothed surface
10 mm granular cork matting
240 mm reinforced concrete floor slab
b b
15 mm perforated birch plywood suspended
11 soffit with protective matting and
mineral-wool insulation between
30/50 mm battens
12 10 Ø 40 mm aluminium tube
with integrated cylindical motor
13 11 triple glazing (U = 0.6 W/m2K)
12 80/40/4 mm aluminium RHS
13 Ø 60 mm aluminium tube
14 18 mm birch-veneered chipboard
15 200/400 mm reinforced concrete column
14 15 3
13 8 7 bb
Sports Hall in Wängi
Architects: Fent Solar Architecture, Wil
scale 1:500
b a
1 summer
4 (-)
5 (4)
6 (5)
7 (6)
Function of Lucido facade element In summer, the rays of the sun fall on the facade Valuation after measurements made
Fixed close behind a single pane of toughened at a steep angle and are largely reflected by the when hall in use:
glass, a wood louvre structure absorbs thermal glass. Since the louvres provide mutual shading, Good energy efficiency in terms of
energy. The prismatized single glazing facilitates high temperatures occur only at their tips. Con- heat storage and the reduction of heat
the absorption of oblique rays of morning and vection currents in the cavity increase, and losses in winter; good insulating prop-
evening light. Behind the louvres is a daytime excess heat is borne off. erties in summer.
thermal storage layer, consisting of plasterboard In winter, the sun‘s rays fall at a much lower angle
and softwood. of incidence. They penetrate the glass and warm C Section through wall construction
The wall system is a hybrid form of construction, the angled louvres. At lower temperatures, the with heat-absorbent wood louvres
in which solar energy is actively absorbed and convection process decreases. The cavity and a external
stored. The conventional wall serves as a pas- the spaces between the louvres then function as b internal
sive thermal storage element. The ventilated a thermally insulating layer. The stored solar Measurement in summer
cavity between the glass and the louvres serves energy and the actual thermal insulation reduce (in brackets)
to control the heat balance. The absorption pro- heat losses to a minimum. In the sports hall,
cess is regulated in summer and winter in which has a volume of roughly 10,000 m3, there
accordance with the angle of incidence of the are virtually no fluctuations in temperature, and
sun and the cavity ventilation. users enjoy an agreeable indoor climate.
3 2
Sections through facade
scale 1:20
1 roof construction:
80 mm substrate layer on roof sealing layer
18 mm oriented-strand board
80 mm cavity
5 18 mm oriented-strand board
400 mm cellulose thermal insulation
vapour-retarding layer
with black absorbent felt
32 mm three-ply laminated softwood sheeting
2 insulated duct
3 wall construction:
4 mm prismatic toughened solar glass
30 mm cavity
40 mm wood louvres
windproof layer
15 mm cellulose-bonded gypsum board
160–200 mm cellulose thermal insulation
sealing layer
32 mm three-ply laminated softwood sheeting
4 triple glazing (U = 0.6 W/m2K)
6 5 flat roof construction:
20 mm mastic asphalt
250 mm reinforced concrete roof slab
7 finished to falls
50 mm cement-bonded lightweight
wood-wool slabs
6 up-and-over door:
composite wood board with insulation
7 floor construction in sports hall:
15 mm poured polyurethane surface layer
100 mm screed on separating layer
160 mm polyurethane thermal insulation
damp-proof membrane
250 mm reinforced concrete floor slab
50–100 mm lean concrete
400 mm layer of broken glass
Secondary School in Klaus
Architects: Dietrich and Untertrifaller, Bregenz
Mechanical services: IGT Consulting & Engineering, Hohenems
4 5
scale 1:500
4 Air intake
5 Vitiated air
aa 6 Air intake via
earth grid
Section • Floor plans 1 Assembly/ Ancillary spaces
scale 1:1000 Recreation hall 5 Teachers’ room
2 Classrooms 6 Special classrooms
3 Corridor zone 7 Library
4 WCs/Services/ 8 Services
8 bb
2 2
b b
3 1 3
4 4
5 6
°C 35°
A 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 31
0 kWh
Statistical calculation of cost effectiveness (costs in euros)
Alternative A – supply for new school building and sports hall
Boiler capacity: 367 kW
Gas boiler Wood chips Pellets Chips 257 kW Pellets 257 kW
367 kW 367 kW 367 kW Nat. gas 110 kW Nat. gas 110 kW
Investment costs incl. subsidies 33,800.– 70,635.– 50,498.– 87,729.– 71,302.– -40,000
At the beginning of the planning phase, alterna- Building management also underwent simulation tests. The heating and
tive concepts were investigated to obtain a com- To avoid problems which might arise at the inter- ventilation plant is controlled by a bus system.
parison between different types of plant (diagram faces between the individual mechanical ser- The operation of all mechanical services in the
B). When the sports hall is refurbished, thermal
. vices and to minimize the cost of repairs and school is subject to constant supervision by
energy will be supplied by a central boiler fired maintenance, products from a single manufac- means of a digital spatial schedule. To test the
by wood chips. The appropriate connections turer were installed as far as possible. The plant effectiveness of the concept and to make any
have been foreseen in the new building. is situated in a services room in the basement. necessary adjustments, measurements will be
Elements requiring intensive maintenance are taken over a period of five years.
Active exploitation of solar energy easily accessible in the metal coffered ceilings
The central hot-water supply is from an electric of the circulation zones on the various floors. A Temperature graph in classroom (January);
boiler. Connections for solar collectors have also Service runs within the wall or floor construction comparison of room air, external air, and target
been provided. Photovoltaic modules have been were avoided as far as possible. temperature with heating
installed on the flat roof of the assembly hall and In addition to carrying out a thermal-dynamic B Comparison of different types of plant in
the library. The power they generate is fed into simulation of the building at the beginning of the respect of energy and cost savings
the public grid. planning, the operation of the ventilation plant C Energy needs in classroom tract in one year
Cross-section through classroom tract
scale 1:20
7 8 9 10
Conference and Exhibition Building
in Osnabrück
Architects: Prof. Thomas Herzog +
Hanns Jörg Schrade, Munich
Mechanical services: NEK Ingenieurgruppe, Brunswick
Consultants for energy technology: ZAE Bayern e. V., Garching
4 5 4 5
3 1 5 7 5
2 7 6 7
26 °C
16 °C
4 6
Ventilation Warm, vitiated air rises to the ceiling, where it is Heating and cooling
In addition to the scope provided for individual sucked out. In other words, only the lower part of The new and existing structures are heated by a
ventilation via the windows, a mechanical ventila- these large spaces has to be air conditioned. cogenerating plant. Direct insolation via the
tion system was installed that serves the offices, The installation also serves as a smoke-extract facades, and especially via the roof, also yields
and the conference and exhibition spaces. On system in the event of fire. considerable thermal gains. As a result of effi-
hot days, the intake of external air is cooled to The air supply rate is based on the volume of cient sunshading and the groundwater cooling
about 23 °C by a heat-exchange unit coupled fresh air necessary to maintain hygienic condi- system, only minimal energy is needed for cool-
with a groundwater cooling system. Over the tions. The air intake is centrally filtered. There is ing in summer. Water is pumped through tubes
year, the combined air-intake and extract duct no recirculation of air and no humidification or beneath the foundation slab and cooled by
achieves a heat-recovery rate of more than dehumidification. This means that the relative groundwater before being circulated through the
80 per cent. humidity internally is roughly the same as that of building via the underfloor heating system. With a
In the conference and exhibition spaces, the air the extenal air: in winter, it is very low; in summer, temperature of approx. 20 °C, the water cools the
supply is blown in at low speed from the bottom, relatively high. On the other hand, the technical internal spaces to about 26 °C. A far smaller air-
so that there is always a layer of fresh air above resources are on a modest scale, and energy flow volume is required for the night-time removal
floor level, and in summer it is relatively cool. consumption is low. of excess heat than for air cooling.
Office Building in Solihull
Architects: Arup Associates, London
4 scale 1:750
1 Air supply
2 Mechanical night-time/winter
2 3
3 Thermal storage mass
3 2 4 Air extract
1 3 1 2
1 3 1 Upper floor plan
Ground floor plan
aa scale 1:1000
5 Open-plan office
6 Cellular office
7 Auditorium
8 Café
9 Entrance hall
10 Conference room
11 Computer centre
a 12 Fitness room
13 Testing workshop
6 6
6 5
Section through south-east facade
scale 1:20
14 13 mm plywood surround with
sheet-aluminium cladding
15 45 mm red cedar window shutter
16 mechanical operating gear
17 automatically operated insulated flap
for night-time/winter ventilation
18 wall construction:
20 mm red cedar boarding
50 mm cavity
5 breather membrane
18 mm plywood
120 mm mineral-wool insulation
6 vapour barrier
7 6 12 mm medium-density fibreboard
2 1
4 4
Administration Building in Recanati
Architects: MCA, Mario Cucinella Architects, Bologna
Mechanical services: Ove Arup & Partners, London
Daylight studies: École Polytechnique, Lausanne
A Axonometric
B Section
scale 1:500
C System diagrams:
ventilation • sunlighting
• thermal mass
Third floor plan
First and
second floor plan
Ground floor plan
scale 1:500
A Daylight studies
Taking into account various factors, such as the
construction of the roof lights, the sunshading
roof, the facades and the atrium, measurements
showed a daylight factor of between 10.3 and
6.1 per cent with an overcast sky where there is
no sunshading roof. With a sunshading roof, the
daylight factor was between 10 and 5.7 per cent.
With a clear sky, the corresponding figures were
between 13 and 7.4 per cent and between 12.7
and 7.4 per cent respectively. The 300 – 500 lux
illumination required for workplaces in buildings
is therewith guaranteed in all areas. The highest
values were calculated for the office zones
around the atrium. Individually adjustable sun-
shade blinds were installed here to avoid glare.
A Vertical section through edge of roof
and roof light
B Vertical section through office space
scale 1:20
C Horizontal section
Facade details 1
scale 1:5
5 4
7 6
8 7
11 12
14 13
22 21
19 19
13 13
Administration Building in Landquart
Architects: Bearth & Deplazes, Chur
Mechanical services: Andrea Rüedi, Chur
8 8
10 9 7
Roof storey
3 4
5 6
Upper floor Floor plans
scale 1:500
a 1 Lobby
2 Reception
3 Single office
3 4 Combination office
2 5 Open-plan office
6 Sitting area
7 Training room
1 5 8 Conference room
9 Cafeteria
Ground floor 10 Roof terrace
5. Ventilation in roof storey: At Ti > 25 °C: cooling activated Ti < 23.5 °C Switched on when required;
turned off by automatic time switch
Heating and ventilation components, although the control system can In summer, excess heat from electrical appli-
In winter, the building is largely heated by solar be programmed to provide shading or ventilation ances, people in the building and diffuse solar
radiation, which enters through the large areas of by means of air circulation. The solid structural radiation is also absorbed by the solid construc-
double glazing on the south side (U = 0.8 W/m2K; elements along the south side form an energy tion members. The internal air temperature then
g = 0.46%). Protection against glare is provided reservoir and are able to react with fluctuations rises a little above that of the enclosing ele-
by internal fabric curtains. The solar energy is in temperature. The greatest changes occur on ments. Although the structure undergoes an
absorbed by the structure itself, which acts as sunny days (temperature increase of about 2 °C) increase in temperature during the day, it can
a storage mass. The primary storage elements and on days with an overcast sky (temperature be cooled at night by ventilation through open
(i.e. floors, walls, furniture and fittings exposed decrease of about 2 °C). With external tempera- window flaps. With high external night-time tem-
to the direct rays of the sun) are heated first. tures around 0 °C, the heated storage mass peratures, ventilation fans are automatically
After one to two hours, the increase in the sur- can keep the building warm for one and half switched on to remove internal heat. Excess
face temperature of the primary elements causes days without further supplies of thermal energy. cooling of the storage mass is avoided by pro-
the internal air temperature to rise. These thermal To cope with longer periods of cold weather, gramming the central control system to close the
gains are, in turn, absorbed by secondary stor- the building should be kept at a temperature of ventilation flaps. For most of the time in summer,
age elements such as the walls and ceilings that 2–4 °C above the average target room tempera- one can reckon with internal temperatures below
are not exposed to direct sunlight. In sunny con- ture of 19 °C. A supplementary gas-fired heating 25 °C. During heatwaves, however, these may
ditions, insolation causes the internal air temper- system with convectors serves to maintain the rise to external levels. Air-extract fans in the roof
ature to rise in the course of the day by 4 °C solid mass of the building at a basic temperature storey are then automatically turned on to cool
above the morning temperature of the building of 20 °C. the building.
Section • Elevation
scale 1:500
Control system
Ti = internal
Te = external
Vertical section through facade
scale 1:20 1
5 9
Horizontal section
though ventilation flap
scale 1:10
8 7 17
Administration Building in Würzburg
Architects: Webler and Geissler, Stuttgart
Mechanical services:
Ingenieurgesellschaft Püttmer IGP, Ludwigsburg
Ground floor plan
scale 1:500
1 Entrance
2 Reception
5 3 Waiting area
4 Conference room
5 Kitchenette
6 Planted area
7 Water pool
1 2
4 3
Energy behaviour
Various series of measurements were made to
determine the energy concept for the building.
Evaluations of the system show that in the course
of a year, the energy needs for the present
development are only about a quarter of those
for conventional buildings.
In the summer months in particular, there is great
scope for savings, since the energy consumption
for cooling is minimal. The outer face of the sun-
shading in the facade intermediate space is
highly reflective. This allows most of the solar
radiation to be screened off before it can heat up
the building. The coefficient of thermal transmis-
sion for the entire facade is less than 0.1 W/m2K.
The ventilation flaps in the secondary facade in
the plinth zone and the roof upstand are gener-
ally left open. The efficient ventilation this
ensures in the facade intermediate space pre- 1 2
vents any build-up of heat.
On hot, sunny days, solar energy is also used
Lighting workplace is not occupied or when daylight con-
to cool the building. A thermal solar collector that
Since roughly 40 per cent of the energy used in ditions are adequate, the artificial lighting is auto-
follows the course of the sun supplies hot water
conventional office buildings is required for artifi- matically turned off. In the case of the lighting
for the adsorption cooling plant, which can gen-
cial lighting, a further important aspect of the unit that was analysed, this means an energy
erate temperatures of 15–18 °C from this source.
energy concept for the present structure was the consumption of 270 Wh compared to 1,008 Wh if
When the cooling load is smaller, an adiabatic
optimization of lighting conditions. The wholly the lighting were to be switched on for the entire
recooling plant supplies cold water for the
transparent facades allow a maximum exploita- working day. That represents an energy-saving
cooling soffits. These are designed as aluminium
tion of natural light. The aluminium louvre ele- potential of about 73 per cent. The control
grid elements with a standard grid dimension
ments in the facade intermediate space deflect system used in this building guarantees con-
of 80 mm along all three axes. This form of
daylight on to the cotton fabric stretched over the stant, optimum lighting conditions for the work-
construction means that the energy-exchange
soffits, from where it is reflected down to the places with a minimum use of electrical energy.
area is roughly four times greater than in the
office workplaces. Artificial light fittings are also
case of ceilings with a smooth, closed surface.
integrated in the ceiling elements. The energy- 1 2.30 ≈ 2.30 m grid cooling-soffit element,
The specific cooling capacity of the grid soffits
saving lamps are subject to individual controls consisting of an aluminium grating 80 mm
is 163.9 W/m2.
for each workplace by means of light and move- deep and endless copper tubing
Other elements of the summer cooling concept
ment sensors. When members of the staff are at 2 2.30 ≈ 2.30 m spring-stretched cotton-fabric
include the exploitation of thermal storage
their desks, the artificial lighting is increased or soffit element in aluminium frame
mass, and night-time cooling of the building.
reduced in intensity in a series of steps in
By using materials such as stone for the floors,
accordance with daylight conditions. When a All ceiling elements can be folded down.
and constructional solutions such as the grid
cooling soffits and the ceiling linings in airy,
stretched cotton fabric, it was possible to make
full use of the thermal storage capacity of the
structure. The lowest temperature is attained
around 7 a.m. when work begins. The building
then heats up very slowly with an amplitude of
3 °C and reaches its highest temperature around
3.30 p.m.
During the winter months, the double-skin facade
reduces thermal losses from heat transmission;
under sunny conditions, they can be further
reduced by exploiting solar radiation. On a sunny
winter day when the external temperature is
-2 °C, a temperature of 38 °C is reached in the
south facade when the air-intake and extract
flaps are closed and the absorption property of
the sunshading louvres is effectively used. In the
facade intermediate space on the north side of
the building (i.e. the face turned away from the
sun), a temperature of 8 °C was reached after
activating the circulation fans. This additional
thermal buffer reduces the heating-energy needs
of the building even further.
Natural ventilation
The openable glass roof over the atrium is the
most important element of the natural ventilation
system. Four times a day, it is automatically
raised to allow an intermittent air change: in the
early morning before work commences, during
the breakfast and lunchtime breaks, and in the
afternoon. The roof is 12 ≈ 12 m on plan and has
an opening height of 20 cm, so that the ventilat-
ing cross-section is 9 m2. Under certain weather
conditions – precipitation, wind speeds greater
than 70 km/h, and extremely low external temper-
atures – the roof is kept shut, or the opening time
is reduced. When weather conditions permit, the
roof can also be opened independently of the
automatic system.
5 8 4
6 6
Solar Factory in Brunswick
Architects: Banz + Riecks, Bochum
Mechanical services: Solares Bauen, Freiburg
1 1
2 4 4
5 6
1 Deliveries
3 4 4 3 2 Store 4 4
3 Production
4 Administration
1 1 5 Recreation
Ground floor 6 Development Upper floor
Natural and artificial lighting Heating and ventilation
The offices in the administration zone receive To reduce the thermal needs for heating, all con-
daylight through the courtyard facades. Com- struction elements are highly insulated. The con-
bined lighting and indoor-climate simulations trolled air change takes place via four ventilation
were carried out to determine the optimum trans- units with heat-exchange facilities. To prevent an
parent area of the skin (av. daylight factor = uncontrolled air change via the numerous joints
4.5 per cent). In summer, the ingress of heat is between the prefabricated timber elements, the
restricted by areas of obscured glass and open- units were designed with rebated abutments and
ing lights with vacuum insulation panels. The hall an inlaid sealing-strip to ensure a tight fit. The dif-
areas receive daylight via roof lights (av. daylight ferential pressure test carried out after comple-
factor = 3 per cent). The optimization of natural tion showed that the volume of uncontrolled air
lighting reduces the need for artificial lighting. A emission was very low (n50 = 0.22 h-1, compared
central control system coupled to daylight condi- with a passive-energy standard of n50 ≤ 0.6 h-1).
tions regulates the use of artificial lighting, which The outer skin is so effectively sealed that it was
is provided by economical TL5 lamps. These can possible to achieve a heat recovery level of up
be dimmed by electronic control gear. In spite of to 80 per cent through the ventilation system.
all the energy-saving measures, 40 per cent of Separate ventilation systems for the offices and
the electrical consumption is still accounted for the hall allow the heating and air supply to be
by lighting. matched to the respective needs.
approx. 340 m3
approx. 160 m3
(heating and/or rooms, wash-
and sinks
electricity) rooms, kitchens
group radiators
group radiators
air-extract heat axes D–H
axes A–B
pump 9 kW th (offices and
social spaces)
R & D (use of
waste heat from
test equipment)
Each of the three hall areas is served by a sepa- centre is used to supplement the heating for the offices are heated to 20 °C by means of radiators
rate ventilation plant. The spaces are heated to storage hall in winter. fixed in front of the fascia elements beneath the
at least 17 °C exclusively via the air supply. In windows. The incoming fresh air is mixed with
the lower part of the hall (up to a height of 2 m) In the office areas, heating and ventilation as well the air heated by the radiators.
an air-change rate of 2 h-1 is necessary to main- as night-time cooling are provided by a simple
tain the air quality during production and when air-extract system with heat-recovery facilities. Energy balance
lorry deliveries are made. The overall air-change Exhaust air from the offices is sucked out via The goal of a zero-emission balance over the
rate is low (0.35 h-1). By optimizing the cross- three roof fans. Heat pumps in the services cen- whole year was achieved through the exclusive
sections of the ducts, it was possible to reduce tres remove the thermal energy from the vitiated use of regenerative sources of energy for the
the specific energy needs of the ventilation plant air and store it in the reservoirs. In its place, fresh services. Heating energy is provided by a
to only 0.45 Wh/m2. In summer, ventilation is pro- air enters via nozzles in the balustrade walls of monovalent cogenerating plant powered by rape
vided by opening the roof lights and the gates, the facade. These air-supply elements are cen- oil (180 MWh/a), by thermal solar collectors
which are operated by a central control system. trally controlled and can be turned off if required. (20 MWh/a) and by excess heat from the devel-
To prevent loss of heat through cross-currents, To avoid any sensation of draughts, the fresh-air opment department (20 MWh/a). Electrical
only one gate at a time can be opened in winter. supply is distributed via a fascia element needs are covered by a photovoltaic installation
Non-insulated sprinkler tanks in the halls act as beneath the windows. Night-time ventilation is (45 MWh/a) and the cogenerating plant
thermal reservoirs for energy generated by the effected by increasing the rotational speed of the (115 MWh/a).
collectors and also provide low-temperature fans. In summer, the greater airstream volume
radiant heating. Excess heat from the computer cools the solid mass of the building. In winter, the
Mechanical services
scale 1:750
7 7 7 5
4 3
9 8
5 6
Sections scale 1:20
Abutment between elements scale 1:5
Academy in Herne
Architects: Jourda Architects, Paris
Hegger Hegger Schleiff Architects, Kassel
Longitudinal section • Internal elevation
scale 1:1000
Solar-power installation a means of ventilation. This not only improves the indoor cli-
This development contains the world’s first solar mate; it also increases the effectiveness of the solar installa-
installation in which the individual photovoltaic
elements were not simply assembled on top of tion, which would not work efficiently if the internal space were
the roof, but form the actual roof surface itself. overheated. Along the edge of the roof are decentralized
The modules, which were specially developed for modular inverters that convert solar energy into 220-volt alter-
this purpose, consist of mono- and polycrystalline
nating current. In order to achieve an overall capacity of 1 MW
photovoltaic cells from various manufacturers.
Each unit is embedded in a 2 mm layer of high- and at the same time to create the desired amorphous cloud-
transparency cast resin between two layers of like effect in the roof area, solar cells from different manufac-
toughened glass with a low-iron content: a 4 mm turers and of varying size and capacity were installed. At
outer layer facing the sun and an 8 mm inner
layer. The glass has a particularly high light- selected points, holographic-optical elements were also incor-
transmission quality in the spectral range of sili- porated in the roof. They deflect light into the conically shaped
con cells. library and reception spaces, resolving it into the colours of
Roughly 600 decentralized modular pulse
the spectrum.
inverters with a low saturation voltage and a
short switchover time transform the direct current From the commencement of construction planning, the con-
generated by the photovoltaic plant into alternat- cept of a “micro-climatic skin” was investigated and optimized
ing current and also condense it. by means of calculations and computer simulations. Simula-
Total roof area 12,600 m2 tions were also used to determine the distribution of the photo-
Area of PV roof modules 9,300 m2 voltaic modules and to ensure the requisite daylight quality in
Area of PV facade modules 780 m2 all zones. Light-deflecting flaps were fixed to the windows of
Standard PV roof module 1.16 ≈ 2.78 m
the structures within the outer enclosure to improve the natural
Standard PV facade module 1.16 ≈ 2.40 m
No. of PV roof modules 2,905 lighting in internal areas. To avoid overheating, the roof and
No. of PV facade modules 280 facade lights can be opened in summer, so that the enclosed
No. of modular inverters approx. 600 spaces are ventilated by cross-currents. Fresh air is supplied
Efficiency of monocrystalline solar cells 12.8 %
Efficiency of polycrystalline solar cells 16.0 %
to the internal structures by natural and mechanical means via
Inclination of roof modules 5° underground ducts. In winter, heating-energy requirements
Angle of facade modules 90° are reduced by the warm air that collects beneath the glazed
Output per module 250 – 416 Wpeak roof as well as by a heat-recovery facility in the ventilation
Total output 1 MWpeak
Reduction of CO2 plant. The heat given off from the internal structures is used
emissions approx. 450 tonnes/a to preheat the fresh-air intake. In the present scheme, there
Mean insolation 975 kWh/m2a is an energy saving of roughly 23 per cent compared with
Energy supply 750,000 kWh/a
conventional buildings that have the same degree of thermal
insulation, but that are not located within a climatic skin; and
compared with a comparable air-conditioned building, there is
a roughly 18 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.
The annual thermal heating needs are less than 50 kWh.
Given optimum operating conditions, the overall energy
requirements are around 32 kWh/m2a.
The load-bearing structure and facade construction are in
timber – a regenerable raw material. Looking out at right
angles to the facades, the hall space seems to extend into the
park-like landscape beyond, whereas from an oblique angle,
one becomes aware of the principle of volumes and spaces
within a larger enveloping space.
Gas from a former mine is burned in a cogenerating plant to
produce electricity. On dull days with low atmospheric pres-
sure, the mine gas is more plentiful and compensates for the
small solar-energy yield under these conditions.
Summer Transitional period Winter
A Sequence of sections •
B Cross-section
a hot, windless summer day
b cold winter day; wind
speed 3.5 m /s
Conversion of Reichstag Building into
German Bundestag in Berlin
Architects: Foster and Partners, London
Energy concept and mechanical services:
Kuehn Bauer Partner, Munich
Solar energy and energy reservoirs
The energy supply for the Reichstag building
forms part of a network operated in conjunction
with other parliamentary buildings in the Spree-
bogen area. The supply concept is based on a
system of decentralized motor-operated plants
that function parallel to the public grid. These
electrical generators work on a cogenerating prin-
ciple, producing heat and power. The generators
are fuelled with vegetable oil methylester (also
known as bio-diesel). Through the use of this
regenerable source of energy, it was possible to
reduce CO2 emissions by more than 50 per cent
in comparison with fossil fuels. With an electrical
capacity of roughly 3.2 MVA, the cogenerating
plants cover approximately 80 per cent of the
electrical needs of the Reichstag; while the sur-
plus heat produced in this process covers roughly
90 per cent of the heating needs of the building.
a a
methanol from
If neither heating nor cooling, but only electricity reversed. The water then yields its heat to the of flow in this case is approx. 300,000 l/h. The
is required, surplus heat from the generating building via heat-exchange units, after which it is cold water, with a temperature of 5–10 °C,
process is fed in the form of hot water into a pumped back below ground at a temperature of absorbs heat from the building and excess heat
300-metre-deep aquifer reservoir. Salt water at approx. 20 °C. from the cooling plant. The temperature of the
a natural temperature of 20 °C is pumped to In order to store water at a mean temperature of water is increased via a heat-exchange unit to a
the surface via one of two bore holes about approx. 50 °C, salt-water-bearing layers 300 m maximum of 28–30 °C. Cooling for the combined
800 metres apart. The water is heated to approxi- beneath the earth‘s surface are used. A layer district energy system is thus generated with a
mately 70 °C with the excess thermal energy of Rupelean clay ensures a natural separation minimum of additional primary energy: 55 per
from the cogenerating plant and pumped down of the heated lower layer and the cool, water- cent direct cooling from the aquifer cooling reser-
the other bore hole. The maximum capacity of bearing layers above. Exploiting the temperature voir, 40 per cent from surplus heat (dessicative
this system is 100,000 litres per hour. A strata of of the warm water drawn from the reservoir, it is and evaporative cooling and absorption) and
boulder clay above the zone of warm ground- possible to operate air-heating grids, underfloor 5 per cent from electrically operated compres-
water acts as an insulation layer and prevents heating systems, etc. If the temperature is not sors. The energy balance near the surface
heat rising to the surface. A lateral dissipation of high enough, a CFC-free heat pump can be remains unaffected. Since a constant supply of
the thermal energy is not possible either, since switched on. heat to the groundwater would be environmentally
there are no groundwater currents. In winter, the As a means of cooling the building and the air unacceptable, the heated water is cooled again in
energy in the aquifer reservoir can be used for in summer, groundwater can be drawn via a winter by means of absorption heat pumps. The
the low-temperature heating system (approx. number of bore holes from a second aquifer res- use of the aquifer reservoir allows the cogenerat-
65 °C), in which case, the direction of flow is ervoir at a depth of 30–60 m. The maximum rate ing plant to be operated at an optimum capacity.
O2 CO2
Storage temperature in
Absorption 6.0
70.0 20,000
warm-water bore hole
Mean temperature:
0.0 0
Natural ventilation
The use of double-skin facades with motor-
operated and/or manually openable windows 5
facilitates the natural ventilation of the internal 6
spaces. The two skins of glazing in elliptical alu- 1 7
minium sections consist of an inner, thermally 8
divided glazing layer, a cavity containing mova- 2 3 4
ble sunshading elements, and a fixed outer pane
of glass with a peripheral ventilation joint. 9
Depending on the external temperature and wind
conditions, between half and five times the air 10
volume of the rooms can be changed every hour.
Sensors also allow the windows to be opened by
a central control system. As a result, natural ven-
tilation is possible for a large part of the year.
Since the outer skin of glazing protects the inner
skin, the latter can be left open as a means of
night-time cooling. 11
Ventilation of debating chamber daylighting cone at the centre of the cupola.
Large-scale ventilation shafts created in the Within this structure is a large ventilation plant.
building 100 years ago are today used for the Heat is recovered from the vitiated air by means
fresh-air supply to the debating chamber. Air is of heat-exchange units. The waste air is finally
drawn in over the western portico and flows emitted at the top of the cone – at the level of the
through large shafts and collector spaces. Low viewing platform – and escapes through the
airstream speeds and the small degree of resist- 9-metre-diameter central opening in the cupola.
ance in the ducts mean that pressure losses The floor-level air-input system, intuitively devel-
within the system are reduced to a minimum. oped in 1883 for this building, formed the basis
The fresh air is heated or cooled by large heat- of the present ventilation concept. Elaborate
exchange units. Slowly rotating fans propel the numerical simulations of the airstream patterns
conditioned air over a large area into a plenum within the debating chamber in relation to the
beneath the debating chamber, from where it is level of occupation were carried out to tune the
fed through perforated mesh in the floor and ventilation system to an optimum level.
through the loose-weave carpet into the parlia-
mentary space. The air is slowly distributed
throughout this space, rising to the top as it
increases in temperature. The warm, vitiated air
is extracted via openings in the funnel-shaped
Part section through cupola
scale 1:100
3 2
Vertical section through cone
scale 1:20
2 3
6 5
9 10
19 18 11
In contrast to the historical dome by Paul Wallot,
the new glazed cupola is used for daylighting the
interior and forms an integral part of the energy
concept. A concave conical steel construction
with a maximum diameter of 15 m and lined with
360 mirror units was inserted within the cupola
and reflects daylight into the debating chamber
below. A 12-metre-high shading element that
rotates about the cone protects against glare and
reduces the amount of energy required for cool-
ing. The exact position of this element is compu-
ter controlled on the basis of data provided of 24
measurement points. The deflection of daylight
into the chamber helps to reduce the energy con-
sumption for electric lighting. A daylight-related
dimming system reduces the power needs even
further. At night, in contrast, the cupola is a radi-
ant beacon on the skyline, reflecting out the inter-
nal illumination via the mirrors.
Environmental factors
The sun is the centre of our solar system and contains nearly 98 per cent of Thermal flow (thermal convection) occurs when surfaces of differing compo-
its mass. sition warm to different degrees. While light surfaces reflect most of the
sun’s radiation, dark surfaces absorb it. The latter warm up more quickly in
Mass (kg) 1.989 x 1030 the morning, warm air pockets detach from the ground as it warms up and
Mass (earth = 1) 332 830 warm air rises. Cooler surrounding air flows in from below to fill these pock-
Equatorial radius (km) 695 000 ets, resulting in a low-pressure area. In a high-pressure area, air coming
Equatorial radius (earth = 1) 108.97 from above flows into the low-pressure area from the side. The air is warmed
Mean surface temperature (photosphere) 6000 °C and simultaneously increases in density and decreases in humidity. During
Mean core temperature 15000000 °C this process the air contracts. New air masses stream into the area and pre-
vent the formation of clouds.
The radiation of the sun reaches the earth’s atmosphere with an intensity
of roughly 1 340 W/m2. It is reduced to approximately 100 W/m2 by the A mean surface temperature is measurable on the earth during all these
atmospheric influence of a cloudless sky, and drops to 50 W/m2 on overcast processes. It does not fully correspond to the real temperature near the sur-
winter days. In southern regions with predominantly clear skies, such face of the earth, because incident electromagnetic waves cause the
as the Sahara, insolation is 2 200 kWh/m2 per year, in Germany approxi- atmospheric particles to oscillate. This process is referred to as greenhouse
mately 900–1 200 kWh/m2 depending on location. effect and threatens to compromise the temperature balance of the earth.
This is nevertheless a considerable energy potential: 1 000 kWh is the
numeric equivalent of the calorific value of 100 l heating oil. Global radiation
is the measurable solar radiation on the earth’s surface. It is composed of
diffuse sky radiation and direct solar radiation.
Mass (kg) 5.976 x 1024 71 per cent of the earth’s surface is covered in water. The thermal storage
Equatorial radius (km) 6 378.14 capacity of the oceans is essential for the stabilization of the earth’s temper-
Rotation duration (days) 0.99727 ature. Liquid water is the cause of erosion and weather formations above
Rotation duration (hours) 23.9345 continents.
Period of revolution (days) 365.256 The earth’s atmosphere contains 7 per cent nitrogen and 21 per cent
Mean revolution speed (km/s) 29.79 oxygen with traces of argon, carbon dioxide and water. The minute portion
Equatorial surface gravitation (m/s2) 9.78 of 0.03 per cent trace gases in the atmosphere plays a key role in maintain-
Average surface temperature 15 °C ing the surface temperature since the trace gases absorb the long-wave
Atmospheric pressure (bar) 1.013 heat radiation from the earth. This natural greenhouse effect raises the
mean global temperature to 15 °C. Without this effect, the temperature of
The earth’s diameter is 12 756.3 km. The earth consists of different layers the earth would by roughly 33 °C colder.
with varying chemical and seismic characteristics (depth in km):
The release of gases that impact the climate and accumulate in the
0–40 crust atmosphere triggers a man-made greenhouse effect in addition to the
40–400 solid outer mantle natural greenhouse effect. The former causes a dramatic rise in global
400–650 transition zone temperatures. These effects result in a wide range of climate changes.
650–2 700 plastic inner mantle
2 700–2 890 D-layer
2 890–5 150 liquid outer core
5 150–6 378 solid inner core
Absorber Air change [h-1] Biogas
The most important component of the solar col- Indicates the frequency with which the air volume Combustible gas generated from the bacterial
lector (∫ p.166), which collects incident solar in a room is exchanged per hour. An air change decomposition of animal and vegetable wastes
radiation, transforms it into heat and transfers it of 1 h-1 means that the entire volume of air is with a calorific value of approximately 5 kWh/m3.
to a carrier medium. The absorber is usually exchanged each hour. (∫ biomass)
composed of metal plates with good thermal
conductivity, dark coating and integrated heat- Air collector Biomass
transfer tubes. Solar collector with air as carrier medium. For Reproductive fuels of organic or animal origin
applications where the warmed air is used regenerate within a given period by comparison
Absorptance α directly in the subsequent or connected process to fossil fuels. Biomass is generated by biochem-
Ratio of absorbed radiant energy Hα to the total (warm air heating, industrial dryers). ical transformation of sunlight (photosynthesis)
incident radiant energy Ho (Hα = Ho · α). (∫ p. 166) and is, therefore, stored solar energy. The use
of biomass as an energy source means that the
Absorption chiller Air distribution/-duct CO2 cycle remains largely unchanged. This
Device for generating cold energy in a thermo- Air ducts constructed from aluminium sheet, gal- differentiates biomass from other renewable
dynamic process by means of absorption. vanized sheet steel, masonry and concrete, etc., resources such as solar energy, wind- and water
Absorption is the dissolving of gases by liquids. are used to transport air from the outside to the power.
It is limited and decreases with rising tempera- conditioning and ventilation devices, into the
tures. A refrigerant, which reaches the boiling rooms and then again to the outside. Air distribu- Blower-door-test
point at a very low temperature, is warmed in tion in the rooms should be even and draught- Standardized test procedure employed to deter-
the device. The refrigerant evaporates and free. The ducts must conform to fire-safety and mine the air tightness of buildings. A fan set into
extracts heat from the surrounding field. The sound-protection standards. the external wall (e.g. door opening) is used to
vapour condenses and releases the previously blow air into the building. The positive pressure
absorbed heat in the liquefier. This system is a Air mass (AM) resulting in the interior forces air to escape to the
viable application when cooling cycles result Equivalent relative air mass used to describe the outside through leaks in the building compo-
in the availability of excess heat at sufficiently length travelled by light passing through the nents. The volume of escaping air is measured.
high temperatures, because cooling energy is atmosphere. AM0 corresponds to the solar spec-
principally generated with thermal energy. trum in space, AM1 is the average spectrum at Boreholes
the equator. AM1.5 is the reference spectrum for Depending on the type of ground, boreholes are
Adiabatic cooling/evaporative cooling all standard test conditions for solar installations rammed, injected or drilled, to a depth ranging
The cooling that occurs when a liquid evaporates and corresponds to the mean spectrum at 45 ° from 8 to 30 m, even deeper in rock (deeper
as a result of extraction of the “evaporation heat” latitude. boreholes can also be operated without anti-
required for evaporation is referred to as evapo- freezing agents). Different borehole lengths are
rative or adiabatic cooling. The evaporation proc- Air-only system used to create heat or cold sumps, e.g., for air-
ess is accelerated when the resulting vapour is In air-only systems, the transport and distribution conditioning or free cooling in summer. If the
rapidly flushed out by a dry stream of air, allow- of all required thermal energies is effected exclu- ground has a good storage capacity, excess
ing a constant influx of fresh, unsaturated air. sively via air volume flow, which are conditioned solar- and ∫ CHP waste heat can be stored for
(warmed/cooled) in a centralized or decentral- later use. Consistent performance is achieved by
Adsorption ized system arrangement. combining boreholes and heat pumps.
Surface retention of water molecules from the air
on a porous solid substance. Air velocity Building component heating / -cooling
Comfort parameter in a room. Air velocity over System employed to activate the thermal mass of
Adsorption chiller 10 cm/s is perceived, and velocities over 20cm/s building components for the purpose of heating
Conditioning device in which humidity is extracted are experienced as uncomfortable. and cooling. Building component heating/cooling
from the air by means of ∫ adsorption. Humid air is usually effected via floors, ceilings or walls into
flows through large heat wheels (drying rotors) Amorphous cells/silicon (∫ p. 164) which water-filled coiled pipes are integrated.
with many small channels, which increases their The temperatures of the carrier medium are simi-
surface ratio. The surface of the channels is Annual heating requirement Qh [kWh/a ] lar to the room temperature. Up to approximately
covered in an adsorptive coating. For dehumidi- Heating requirement of a building over the 28 °C are required for heating and up to approxi-
fication, humid air is drawn in and transported course of a year. mately 18 °C for cooling.
through the rotor. The strongly hygroscopic
(water-absorbing) adsorptive coating extracts Annual primary energy requirement Bus / bus system
humidity from the air and binds it to the rotor. Qp [kWh/m2a] The bus system represents a link for data
As the water vapour condenses, latent (humid) Energy required to cover the total energy require- exchange between several communicating build-
heat is transformed into sensible heat and trans- ment in consideration of the energy required for ing system devices, sensors and control termi-
ferred to the air. The dry air is therefore warmed processes outside of the building for harnessing, nals and the building automation system.
as it exits from the device. A second blower transforming and distributing the relevant fuel. Sensors record current state data, actors trans-
heats the air to over 100 °C. This second stream mit all registered changes to the recipients in the
of hot air is also transported through the rotor in Aquifer form of specially coded switching signals. LON
a cycle that is separated from the humid air. ∫ Seasonal energy storage (Local Operating Network) or EIB (European
The water retained in the pipe (channel) is Installation Bus) systems are commonly used to
expelled and absorbed by the warm air. This Auxiliary energy control building functions.
air from the regenerating cycle is expelled to Energy required to operate system components
the outside. The two air streams – process air such as circulating pumps, controls, etc. Bypass diode
and regeneration air – are separated by special Protects the cells of a PV modules against ther-
sealing barriers, with the constant revolution of Available daylighting mal damage when individual cells are partially
the rotor perpetuating the alternation of the Percentage of annual lighting provided by day- shaded while other cells are fully exposed to
adsorptive and regenerative cycles and thus light. radiation.
allowing for continuous operation.
A/V-ratio [m-1] CIS semi-conductor
Aerogel Unit of measure expressing the compactness of Copper-indium-diselenide semi-conductor for
Highly porous, homogenous silicate glass a building form through the ratio of the heat- photocells in thin-film technology.
structure, the conductivity of which lies below transmitting surrounding area (A) to the heated
that of the value for static air. Solar radiation building volume (V). Collector (∫ S. 166)
is not reflected from the inner pore surface;
aerogels are therefore suitable as transparent Azimuth angle φ Combined heat and power plant (CHP)
thermal insulation between two glass panes. Deviation of angle of collector or photovoltaic A generator produces electrical power and heat
surface from geographical south orientation. in a coupled heat-and-power process by means
φ = 0° means that the surface orientation is true of the combustion of fossil fuels, biogas, rape-
south (west φ = +90°; east φ = –90°). methyl ester or wood. High efficiency is ensured
through the utilization of the waste heat and low Earth collectors Fossil fuels
transfer losses in decentralized systems. An exchange cycle filled with brine collects earth Raw materials extracted from the earth’s crust
heat in a system of pipes installed at a depth of such as coal, natural oil, natural gas and
Condensing gas boiler roughly 2 m below ground. In a modified version, blended products such as oil sand or oil shale.
Optimized gas boiler, which utilizes the fuel effi- the foundation slab itself is designed as an The former can be directly transformed into heat-
ciently and also harnesses the latent condensing energy absorber for cooling purposes. ing energy by combustion. The latter require
heat through cooling of the fuel gas. additional energy to separate the mineral materi-
Efficiency η (Eta) als. All fossil fuels release a high CO2-content
Conditioning systems Ratio of effective energy to supplied energy. during combustion.
Conditioning systems regulate air temperature
and humidity throughout the year, maintaining Energy Conservation Regulation (EnEV) Fuel cell
desired values. They unify all four air-handling On the Federal Republic of Germany the EnEV System for the generation of power and heat
functions in one system and feature: humidifier, replaces the Insulation Regulation from 1995 where chemically stored energy is directly trans-
cooler (simultaneous dehumidifier) and heater. (WSchV 95), which prescribes the maximum formed into electrical power and heat at a very
Return air and outside air are mixed in a mixing annual heating requirement, and the Heating high rate of efficiency. This is achieved, for
chamber and filtered. Installation Regulation (HeizAnlV). For the first example, within the context of a controlled reac-
time, the building in its entirety is taken into con- tion of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) to deliver
Conductivity λ (Lambda) [W/mK] sidering, rather than each individual building the end product water (H2O). The required
Value of heat [W], which is conducted in 1 h component. The EnEV regulates the primary hydrogen is produced beforehand in an electro-
through 1 m2 of a 1-m-thick material layer, at a energy requirement for building heating, ventila- lytic process by means of photovoltaic current.
constant temperature difference of 1 K between tion and domestic water heating; this require- High-temperature fuel cells transform natural gas
the surfaces. Low conductivity means that the ment incorporates all insulating and system into electrical power with a high degree of effi-
material has excellent insulating characteristics. technological measures. The EnEv was drafted ciency and generate waste gases in the process,
to achieve a considerable reduction of CO2 in which can be utilized for heating purposes.
Crystalline cells / silicon cells (∫ p. 164) accordance with the Kioto Protocol.
Geothermal energy
Daylight autonomy Energy factor Energy stored in the form of heat below the sur-
Annual percentage of work hours illuminated by Defines the energy consumed in the building. face of the earth. The principal source of geo-
means of daylighting. Power and heat consumption are “added” to thermal energy is the heat released upon the
arrive at this factor. disintegration of radioactive isotopes in the
Daylight deflection earth’s interior.
Technology employed to direct diffuse daylight Energy piles
deep into a room with the help of mirrors or light- The foundation piles are designed with inte- Geothermal heat exchanger
directing systems. grated pipes as heat exchanger units. They are Outside air is conducted through underground
(∫ Light direction) in direct contact with the soil or the groundwater. pipelines to condition the supply air for a build-
Daylight factor Energy roof (∫ Solar roof)
Ratio of illuminance at a point in the interior to the Global radiation
external illuminance under an overcast sky. The Envelope area Energy composed of direct solar and diffuse sky
daylight factor diminishes the greater the dis- The sum of all areas that enclose a building from radiation on the surface of the earth.
tance between the point and the window. the exterior, soil and unheated rooms.
Gravitational ventilation
DEC installation Environmental factors Free ventilation as a result of the suction caused
(Desiccant and Evaporative Cooling) (∫ p. 160) when windows, doors or eaves/ridge elements
Installation for the cooling and dehumidification are opened.
of outside air for building ventilation. It extracts ETFE film
humidity from the fresh supply air by warming the Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene film with low own Gross density [kg/m3]
exhaust air. The warmer the exhaust air, the more weight (350 g/m2 for 200 μm) and high light- Mass of a material in relation to volume. The
humidity is extracted from the outside air in the and UV-permeability. It is employed as a multi- greater the gross density, the greater the capac-
exchanger unit. Air is cooled with the help of layered, mechanically or pneumatically pre- ity of a material for thermal storage and for con-
evaporative humidifiers. High-performance col- stressed structure. ductivity.
lectors can be used to generate the required
process heat. Evacuated tube collectors (∫ p. 166) Groundwater utilization
(∫ Sorption technology) Groundwater is extracted for the purpose of pro-
Flat plate collectors (∫ p. 166) ducing energy. This is a laborious process,
Dew point temperature θ (Theta) [°C] because groundwater regulations must be con-
Temperature at which the vapour content of air is Fluorescent lamp sidered and suction and sump wells require con-
saturated. When the temperature falls below the In the discharge lamp, the supplied energy stant maintenance. Utilizing groundwater
dew point, the excess vapour is expelled as con- is transformed into UV-radiation by means of becomes a viable economic option in areas with
densation. mercury vapour discharge; the UV-radiation a natural ∫ aquifer in which underground ∫
causes the materials coating the inner side of seasonal heat and cold storage units are created
Diffusion equivalent strength of air layer sd [m] the glass tube to emit light in the desired colour. by installing suction and sump wells at the rele-
Indicates the diffusion behaviour of a material The high ∫ luminous efficacy diminishes the vant location.
layer of the strength (thickness) s across the energy requirement in comparison with an incan-
required distance of static air layer in order to descent lamp by 75 per cent. g-value
achieve the vapour diffusion resistance μ of the a ∫ Total solar energy transmission
building component. sd = μ · s [m] Forced air heating
Forced air heating generally operates with circu- Heat Q [J] or [Ws]
Displacement ventilation (∫ Ventilation by con- lating air systems. The air is usually directly Form of energy. 1Joule [J] = 1 Watt second [Ws].
vection) heated with an oil or gas boiler. A system of 3.6 · 106 Ws = 1 Kilowatt hour [kWh]
ducts distributes the heat across all rooms that
District-heating/district-heating grid are equipped with a supply and exhaust air Heating degree-days
(∫ Solar district-heating) outlet. By comparison to warm water heating, Value for heating energy demand within a heat-
forced air heating warms up quickly, is less ing period, defined as the sum of daily differ-
Drinking water heating demand expensive and cannot freeze. On the other hand, ences between the mean room temperature
Heat required to warm the desired volume of the movement of air through the ducts generates of 20 °C and the mean outside air temperature
drinking water. noise and the circulation of large volumes of air during the days of the heating period. The mean
increases dust levels. It is difficult to regulate daily temperature on a degree-day is below
temperatures individually per room. 15 °C. Values have been defined for many
locations based on meteorological records.
Heating energy requirement Internal heat gains Qi [kWh/a ] Luminous flux ϕ in lumen [lm]
Energy required to heat a building taking into Heat gains from heat radiating from equipment, Luminous flux, given in lumen, quantifies the
account the heating demand and the losses lighting and building occupants. luminous output of a light source in all directions.
incurred in heat transfer, distribution and produc-
tion. Joint transmission coefficient a Luminous intensity I in candela [cd]
Unit of measure for air exchange via window The unit of measurement of the luminous
Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems sashes and frames during a given time and for a intensity I, called candela [cd], describes
(HVAC-Anlagen) specific air pressure difference (∫ Blower-door- the luminous flux emitted by a light source
The systems are classified according to the test). Uncontrolled air exchange is a key factor in in a given direction and solid angle.
number of air-treatment functions they fulfil, that the heat losses of a building.
is, none, one, two, three or four functions (cool- Massive storage
ing, heating, humidifying and dehumidifying). Air Kilowatt hour [kWh] Massive components of a building, or compo-
circulation is carefully controlled with the help of Unit of measurement for energy: output of 1000 nents with good storage capacity, for example,
fans (controlled air condition, flow direction and Watt [W] over one hour [h]. 1kWh =3600 kJ exposed concrete ceilings and walls.
velocity, etc.) to adapt to user needs.
Kilowatt peak [kWp] Microcrystalline/micromorphous cells
Heat output requirement Qn [kWh/a ] Normal output of solar modules under standard- (∫ p. 164)
Amount of heat, which must be supplied by the ized test conditions.
heating system to maintain the nominal tempera- Minimum illuminance
ture in heated rooms. The heat output require- Latent heat storage The minimum illuminance is defined in DIN 5035
ment is determined by drawing up a balance Latent heat storage utilizes melting heat and is for a wide variety of room uses, (e.g., 500 lx at an
sheet of heat losses and heat gains. Indicator of tied to a fixed temperature – the melting temper- office workstation).
the heating efficiency of a building. ature. When heat is stored, the material begins (∫ Illuminance)
to melt and does not increase in temperature
Heat protection glass until it is fully melted. Since there is no notable Monocrystalline cells/silicon (∫ p. 164)
Insulating glazing with a very low ∫ U-value and rise in temperature despite the addition to heat,
at least one coated surface facing the interstitial the heat stored during this phase transition is MPP (Maximum Power Point)
space between panes to reduce heat dissipa- also called “hidden” or latent heat. Latent heat Power point on the variable current-voltage curve
tion. The cavity is frequently gas-filled (e.g., storage systems possess tremendous storage at which the PV-cell generates maximum output
argon, krypton or xenon). capacity. (silicon cell roughly 0.45 V).
Photovoltaics Solar cell material Cell efficiency Cell efficiency Module efficiency
(laboratory) (production) (mass production)
Source: Fraunhofer ISE, 26th IEEE PVSC, NREL, spec sheets from various manufacturers
Photovoltaics is the direct transformation of light intensity increases proportionate to the radiation Antireflex coating
into electrical energy by means of the photo- intensity, while the voltage is hardly affected by
electric effect in semiconductors. Solar cells are the incidence of light. Higher cell temperatures n-semiconductor layer
usually constructed with silicon. We differentiate cause a drop in electrical output (current x volt-
Grid fingers
three different cell types: monocrystalline, poly- age) and diminish efficiency. Solar cells are most
crystalline and amorphous, according to surface efficient when radiation and cell temperature are
structure, colouring and efficiency. stable. To achieve a desired voltage or output,
The semiconductor material is doped to create a the individual cells are connected in series
solar cell. Chemical elements are introduced to (higher current) or in parallel (higher voltage).
create a positive charge surplus (p-junction sem- Photovoltaic modules achieve a nominal output
iconductor layer) or a negative charge surplus of 10 Wp–100 Wp. The generated power can be
(n-junction semiconductor layer). When two dis- fed into a self-sufficient system with battery stor-
tinct and differently doped regions adjoin, the age or into a network integrated with the public p-n junction
resulting boundary is known as an n-p junction. power grid.
At this transition, two thin layers of positively and Consumer Metal contact p-semiconductor layer
negatively charged region form and create an
electrically charged field. The electrical current,
approximately 0.5 V for silicon, can be tapped off
via contacts printed onto the surface. The current A Diagram of a crystalline solar cell
PV-module with monocrystalline cells PV-module with polycrystalline cells PV-module with thin-film cells with copper-
In the production of monocrystalline cells, a sili- Polycrystalline cells are manufactured by pouring indium-diselenide (CIS)
con rod (diameter 10–20 cm) with a completely melted silicon into a mould. As the silicon cools, For the manufacture of amorphous thin-film cells,
regular crystalline structure is formed from many small crystals are formed, whereby the gaseous silicon is bonded to a carrier medium
melted silicon. The monocrystalline rod is cut into position of each individual crystal to the other is (e.g. glass) resulting in a thin layer (strength <1
thin disks (wafers). Structural etching ensures random. Within each crystal, however, the atoms μm) of non-directional silicon. A solar module is
improved light absorption. In the next step, sev- are arranged in a regular formation. The cooled then produced in one piece; a laser divides the
eral silicon atoms in each wafer are replaced by block is cut into rectangular wafers. The separa- coated surface in narrow strips and, as a result,
foreign atoms through gaseous diffusion to tion of the individual crystals in the cells compro- individual areas are connected in series. The
enable the photoelectric effect. Contacts are mises the photovoltaic effect and is responsible production costs for this manufacturing process
then printed onto the front and bottom sides. An for the diminished efficiency of this type of cell. are less than those for crystalline cells since only
antireflex coating is added to minimize light The production method, on the other hand, is 1 to 2 per cent of the amount of silicon is
losses by reflection; the coating changes the both energy- and cost-efficient. required. The low efficiency of these modules
appearance of the cells from the original silver- translates into a larger area requirement.
grey to a darker hue ranging from dark-blue to
The terms used to describe the direct transfor- Semiconductor Specific transmission heat loss coefficient HT
mation of light into electrical energy. (∫ p. 164) Basic material for the manufacture of solar cells [W/m2K]
whose electrical conductivity is intermediate Heat flux through external building components
Photovoltaic generator between that of a conductor and an isolator. It is per 1 degree Kelvin temperature difference.
Totality of connected photovoltaic modules in a strongly temperature-dependent: in contrast to
solar power plant. metals, the resistance of the semiconductor Stacked cells
decreases with increasing temperature or inci- Photovoltaic cells with two or three layers
Photovoltaic module dent light, and its conductivity increases. stacked one above the other (tandem- or triple-
Unit of connected ∫ solar cells. cells). To improve the efficiency, each layer is
(∫ p. 164) Silicon designed for a different spectral range (short-,
Silicon is the second most common element in medium- and long-wave radiation).
Photovoltaic system (self-sufficient, hybrid, on- the earth’s crust and is used as a semiconductor
grid) material in the production of solar cells. Standard test conditions
(∫ p. 164) Test conditions employed to determine the nomi-
Solar cells nal output of solar modules. Insolation:
Plate heat exchanger Semiconductor building component, in which 1000 W/m2; cell temperature: 25 °C; spectrum
Plate heat exchangers usually consist of thin solar radiation is transformed into electrical volt- AM1.5
plastic or aluminium plates, which are arranged age through relevant structure of layers.
in closely-spaced layers. Media (e.g. air) flow Switchable glass
past each other in the interstitial space between Solar collector (∫ p. 166) To control solar gains, types of glass with con-
plates without mixing. The difference in tempera- trollable (switchable) transmission characteristics
tures causes heat to be transferred from one Solar district heat have been developed. The prototypes now avail-
medium to the other. Semi-central, solar thermal supply for closed able have not yet gone into mass production.
housing developments with warm water and The types of glass modify their radiation trans-
Plus-energy houses space heating. The heating energy gained in col- mission coefficient either in response to a
Buildings that generate more energy in a year lector installations is centrally stored to compen- change in temperature or an applied voltage. We
than they consume. sate for diurnal and seasonal differences in solar differentiate thermotropic and thermochromic,
radiation. The heating demand is generally also electrochromic and gasochromic systems as well
Polycrystalline cells/silicon (∫ p. 164) covered with the support of other, auxiliary as those operating with liquid crystals.
energy carriers. However, complete coverage of
Power point the demand with solar energy is also possible, Surface heat flux, heat flux density q [W/m2]
Point at which a PV-module or –generator pro- albeit only with the provision of very large stor- Indicates heat volume [J], which flows through
duces power defined by the electric potential age volumes (up to 20 000 m3). 1m2 of a material cross-section in 1 second.
and the strength or intensity of current. The
power point at which the highest performance is Solar factor fa Surface temperature θ (theta) [°C]
achieved is called the (∫ MPP). Percentage of energy requirement to be covered The θ symbol is used for surface temperatures to
by solar energy: a solar installation for domestic differentiate them from air temperatures.
Receptors water heating, for example, can achieve an
In the human eye, light stimuli are transformed annual solar coverage rate of roughly 55 per System components
into neuronal impulses by two receptor systems. cent. In summer, the coverage may be as high Components of the PV network aside from the
The evenly distributed and light-sensitive rod as 90 per cent, falling to below 30 per cent in generator, such as installation structure,
receptors enable wide-angle vision at low illumi- winter. switches, controls, meters and storage.
nance and the cone receptors provide focus and
colour vision. Solar generator System requirement coefficient eP
Photovoltaic installation comprising solar mod- Describes the energy efficiency of a total installa-
Reflected glare ules that are switched in series or parallel. tion system as an expression of the ratio of the
Glare can be caused directly by a light source or total primary energy absorbed by the system
as reflected glare from the reflection of a light Solar heat gains QS [kWh/a] technology to the released thermal energy. The
source. Heat gains from diffuse sky and direct solar radi- small the requirement coefficient, the greater the
ation on the building components of a building. efficiency of the system.
Relative humidity
Ratio of absolute water vapour W contained in Solar roof Tandem-/triple cells (∫ Stacked cells)
the air to the water vapour saturation volume WS. Large, segmented collector installation, which
The capacity of air to absorb water vapour simultaneously serves as roof covering. Thermal bridges
increases with rising temperatures. Relative Area of the building skin with increased heat
humidity diminishes when the moisture content is Solar thermal cooling processes loss. There is a risk of falling below the dew point
constant and the air temperature increases. (∫ Adsorption chillers, ∫ Sorption technology) temperature and resulting moisture damage.
Resistance to thermal transmittance Rt [m2K/W] Sorption-assisted cooling (SAC) Thermal flux Φ (Phi)[W]
The sum of the resistance to thermal transmis- (∫ Sorption technology) Heat volume per unit of time.
sion R and the resistance factors Rsi and Rse to
surface heat transfer serves as an intermediate Sorption technology Thermal or heat absorption factor a
value in determining the thermal transmission Alternative to conventional, power-driven chillers [Ws0.5/m2K]
coefficient U. with a process to generate cooling energy on the Factor of thermal absorption capacity of a mate-
basis of desiccation with subsequent evaporative rial. The higher the factor, the faster a building
Roof-integrated installation cooling. Water replaces CFC- or FC-containing component will absorb heat.
Collectors or solar models are structurally inte- refrigerants in other chillers. The advantage of ∫
grated into the roof skin. DEC installations with sorption technology in Thermal transmittance, U-value [W/m2K]
comparison with conventional chiller systems is The constant expresses the transmission heat
Seasonal energy storage the diminished connect load because the need lost in Watt per m2 of heat transmitting area at a
Long-term storage in large tanks (≥ 10,000 m3 for a chiller is obviated; other advantages are the temperature difference of 1 K.
water) to compensate for the seasonal differ- resulting reduction in power consumption and
ences in solar radiation. the low annual water consumption; moreover, Thermal transmission coefficient Λλ [W/m2K]
(∫ Groundwater utilization) there is no need to recool the chillers. Thermal flux, which flows through the material
layer of a strength s at a constant temperature
Self-regulating facades Specific heat or calorific capacity c difference of 1 K between the surfaces.
Facades, which automatically change their per- [kWh/kgK] or [kJ/kgK]
meability by means of ∫ switchable glass Heat, which generates a temperature increase Thermal solar energy
according to daylight and solar radiation. by 1 K per mass or volume unit of a material. The transformation of the radiation energy of the
sun into usable heat.
Solar Collectors Collector type Conversion factor Thermal loss Temperature range
Factor [W/m2] [°C]
absorber absorber absorber
glass tube
Efficiency in %
Thermal storage Ventilation heat loss QL [kWh/a]
A material stores thermal energy in accordance Heat loss resulting from the air exchange with
with its mass. cold outside air through ventilation and leaks in
the joints (∫ Joint transmission coefficient).
Thermal storage factor S [Wh/m3K]
Volume-specific thermal storage capacity of a Ventilation system with supply and exhaust air
building component. system
The identical transportation capacity (identical
Thermal transmission resistance R [m2K/W] sizing of supply and exhaust air fans) prevents
Inverse value of thermal transmission coefficient; pressure changes from occurring in the room. In
indicates the insulating effect of a material layer order to avoid unwelcome odour in adjacent
in the form of resistance. A high resistance value rooms, the exhaust air flow, e.g. in kitchens, is
represents a good insulating effect. sized to be greater than the supply air flow (slight
negative pressure).
Thermo-active ceiling (∫ Building component
cooling) Ventilation systems with supply air fans
Supply air injected into the room with the help of
a fan. A positive pressure is created, which
Thin-film technology results in excess air escaping, usually in an
Production of thin photovoltaic cells by deposit- uncontrolled fashion, through windows, doors,
ing gaseous silicon on glass, metal or plastics. etc.
This technology is used in the production of cells
with amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium-telluride Wafer
(CdTe), copper-indium-diselenide (CIS) and gal- Thin silicon disks with diameters of up to 300 nm,
lium-arsenide (GaAs). which are used as carrier material in the manu-
(∫ p. 164) facture of computer chips and photocells.
Usable area
Area in buildings not used for living purposes.
The usable area is divided into principal and
ancillary usable areas.
Ventilation by convection
Cool air flows into the area to be ventilated and
forms a “sea of air” at floor level. Thermal con-
vection causes the air to rise along warm bodies,
draws fresh, unmixed air into the space and pro-
vides complete air flow through the room. Sound-
less and draught-free, it absorbs heat and is
extracted at the ceiling.
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Passive row house Housing ensemble
in Dornbirn, Austria in Kolding, Denmark
School building in Klaus,
Administration building in
Landquart, Switzerland
Dietmar Riecks Client: Client: Norman Foster
since 1994 freelance work in Herrmann Püttmer, Kirchberg an Land Nordrhein-Westfalen Born 1935 in Manchester;
Bochum; 1995–2000 lecturer at der Murr Energy concept: 1961 foundation of Team 4 with
University of Dortmund. Building systems and BAS: HL Technik, Stuttgart Richard Rogers; since 1967 Foster
Ingenieurgesellschaft Püttmer IGP, Photovoltaics: Associates.
Client: Ludwigsburg Pilkington Solar International,
Solvis Energiesysteme Tel: +49 7141 9915125 Cologne Building services:
GmbH &Co. KG, Fax: +49 7141 99151296 Tel.: +49 221 92597062 Kuehn Bauer Partner, Beratende
Braunschweig Structural engineer: Fax: +49 221 2581117 Ingenieure GmbH, Hallbergmoos
Energy- and daylighting concept: Ingenieurbüro für Bauwesen Wolff, Flabeg Solar Int. GmbH, Colonge
Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Stuttgart Tel.: +49 221 925970-0
Energiesysteme ISE, Freiburg Tel: +49 711 712263 Fax: +49 221 2581117 Client:
Physics: Fax: +49 711 7189410 Structural engineering: Bundesbaugesellschaft Berlin im
Robert Borsch-Laaks, Electrical engineer: Schleich Bergermann und Partner, Auftrag der Bundesrepublik
Büro für Bauphysik, Aachen Ingenieurbüro Klausch & Partner, Stuttgart Deutschland
Building systems: Erfurt inverter: Energy concept/technology
Solares Bauen GmbH, Construction contractor: E.U.S.Gesellschaft für innovative engineering:
Freiburg Götz GmbH, Fellbach Energieumwandlung und Kaiser Bautechnik, Duisburg
Blower-Door testing: Shading: -speicherung mbH, Fischer Haustechnik, Wehrheim
Ingenieurgesellschaft WAREM, Marktheidenfeld/Main Gelsenkirchen Amstein und Walthert, Zurich
Bauen + Energie + Umwelt, System wall, system ceiling: Tel.: +49 209 162210 Planungsgruppe Karnasch-
Springe/Eldagsen Webler + Geissler, Architects BDA, Fax: +49 209 1672201 Hackstein
Structural engineer: Stuttgart Glass skin: Structural engineering:
Burkhard Walter, Ingenieurbüro Ingenieurgesellschaft Püttmer, Schneider, Stimpfach Ove Arup Partnership, London
für Bauwesen, Aachen Ludwigsburg Tel.: +43 5574 804140 Schleich Bergermann und Partner,
Factory coordination and produc- Götz GmbH, Würzburg Fax: +43 5574 804100 Stuttgart
tion logistics: Energy/cooling systems/CHP: Construction and foundation work: Leonhard und Andrä, Stuttgart
Vollmer und Scheffczyk GmbH, Gesellschaft für Bodenanalytik, Echterhoff-Holland Acoustics/sound protections:
Hannover Mannheim Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH, Müller BBM GmbH, Planegg
Test engineers: Gesellschaft für Energietechnik, Bochum Georg Plenge, Egling-Thanning
Ingenieurbüro kgs, Hildesheim Bremen Tel.: +49 234 92211-0 Lighting engineer:
Soil analysis: Solar collectors: Ingenieurges- Fax: +49 234 287345 Claude Engle
Suckow & Zarske GbR, ellschaft Püttmer, Züblin AG, Duisburg Facade engineer:
Braunschweig Ludwigsburg Tel.: +49 203 2820-0 Emmer und Pfenniger,
Fire protection: Götz GmbH, Würzburg Fax: +49 203 27283 Münchenstein
Neumann Kex & Partner, Steel construction: steel structure Gutehoffnungshütte Physics:
Schmallenberg hall, hall facade: Baugesellschaft mbH, Bobran Ingenieure,
Completion: 2002 Götz GmbH, Würzburg Oberhausen Stuttgart
Glazing: SANCO,Nördlingen Tel.: +49 208 6788-0 Heritage conservation consultants:
Completion: 1995 Fax: +49 208 6788-299 Acantus, Bristol
Ground recovery/recycling: Fire protection:
BSR GmbH, Bochum Wolfram Klingsch,
Tel.: +49 234 68789-0 Wuppertal
Fax: +49 234 9129633 Built in: 1894
Timber construction: Conversion: 1999
Kaufmann Holz AG, Reuthe
Tel.: +43 5574 804-0 ARGE Reichtag dome
Fax: +43 5574 804-201 Waagner-Biro AG,
Building climate: Vienna/Munich
GfA-Gesellschaft für Tel.: +43 1 28844544
Aerophysik mbH, Munich Fax: +43 1 288447842
Tel.: +49 89 7233081 Götz GmbH, Dillingen
Fax: +49 89 7233082 Tel.: +49 9071 70 00
Completion: 1994 Fax: +49 9071 6343
Administration building in
Würzburg, Germany
Webler + Geissler, Academy in Herne,
Architekten BDA, Germany
Stuttgart; Architects:
Jourda Architectes, Paris
Garnet Geissler
Hegger Hegger Schleiff, Kassel;
Born 1958 in Würzburg;
Team members:
1985–1989 associate at Norman
Andreas Wiege, Gerhard Greiner
Foster, London; since 1990 joint
office with Martin Webler;
1992–1993 lecturer at Stuttgart
University. Françoise-Hélène Jourda
Born 1955; 1979–1983 lecturer;
Martin Webler professor at TU Vienna.
Born 1957 in Hanover;
1984–1987 associate at Manfred Hegger, Bundstag in Berlin, Germany
Norman Foster, London; since 1980 partnership
since 1990 joint office with HHS Planer + Architekten; Architects:
Garnet Geissler; since 1973 lecturer at various Foster and Partners,
1988–1989 lecturer at Stuttgart universities; since 2001 professor London
University. at the TU Darmstadt.
Born 1956
Studied architecture at the Technical University, Munich, followed by seven years
of practical experience in the field; publicist; since 1991 member of the editorial
team at DETAIL, since 1992 co-editor; since 1998 editor in chief;
author and editor of numerous books and journal articles.
Manfred Hegger
Born 1946
Studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart, the Hochschule
für Gestaltung in Ulm, the Technical University of Berlin and the London School of
Economics and Political Science;
1969–1970 Partnership Arbeitsgruppe Nutzungsforschung,
1979–1982 OECD consultant, Paris;
since 1980 partnership HHS Planer + Architekten GbR, Kassel;
1973–1990 Lecturer at the Institute for School Architecture at Stuttgart University,
1977–1979 Visiting professor for architecture at Kassel University;
since 1979 at the Institute for Design and Architecture at Hanover University
(lecturer, assoc. professor); since 2001 professor at the Faculty of Design and
Energy-efficient Building at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Faculty of
Roland Krippner
Born 1960
Trained machinist;
Studies in architecture at the Polytechnic Kassel;
1993–1995 independent practice;
since 1995 staff member/assistant in the faculty of building systems,
Prof. Thomas Herzog, Technical University, Munich;
Publications since 1994.
Michael Kuehn
Born 1941
Since 1960 studies in electronics at the Technical University Hanover; since 1970
director of energy technology, Kraftanlagen Heidelberg AG;
1980 foundation of engineering firm Kuehn Bauer Partner,
concepts, studies, research and development, integrated planning,
implementation of urban plans and high-rise projects.
Dirk Mattner
Born 1965
Studies in machine engineering at the Technical University in Braunschweig and
at the Technical University in Stuttgart, focus energy systems; since 1994 partner
at Kuehn Bauer Partner, Munich, project manager TGA,
studies, research, concept development, planning and implementation.
Helmut F.O.Müller
Born 1943
Studies in architecture at the University of Hanover, Stuttgart University and the
London University College, certificate in 1972;
1972–1982 Planning and research in construction at various engineering firms
and Stuttgart University, PhD. in 1979;
1982–1993 Professor of architecture at the Polytechnic of Cologne;
1991–1997 Founder and director of the Institute for Lighting and Building Engi-
neering at the Polytechnic Cologne (ILB);
since 1993 professor at the Faculty for climate-conscious architecture at the
University of Dortmund;
since 1997 managing partner of the GLB, Gesellschaft für Licht und Bautechnik
mbH, Dortmund;
publications since 1979.
Heide Schuster
Born 1969
Studies in architecture at the Polytechnic Darmstadt, certificate 1997;
1997–1998 Postgraduate scholarship,
Master of Arts at the Architectural Association, London 1998;
freelance architect since 1997; since 2000 associate at the Faculty for climate-
conscious architecture at the University of Dortmund;
publications since 1999.
Illustration credits
The authors and editor wish to • Müller, Helmut F.O., Dortmund: Articles and introductory b/w
extend their sincere thanks to all 5.26 photos:
those who helped to realize this • Müller-Naumann, Stefan,
book by making illustrations avail- München: pp. 56, 132 p. 8; The Sun, Source of Solar
able. All drawings contained in • Nikolic, Monika/artur, Köln: p. 143 Energy
this volume have been specially • Ott, Thomas, Mühltal: 5.23 p. 12; Parish Centre in Schwind-
prepared in-house. Photos without • Richters, Christian, Münster: pp. kirchen; arc Architekten, Munich
credits are form the architects’ own 136–138, 139 right and left, p. 26; Museum of Archaeology,
archives or the archives of “DETAIL, 140–141, 146–147 Herne; von Busse Klapp Brüning,
Review of Architecture”. Despite • Rosenberg, Simone, Berlin: 4.3 Essen
intense efforts, it was not possible • Roth, Lukas, Köln: p. 26 p. 38; Swiss Re Headquarters,
to identify the copyright owners • Schittich, Christian, München: 1.1, London; Foster and Partners,
of certain photos and illustrations. 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.6, 4.23, 5.5, pp. 8, London
Their rights remain unaffected, how- 104, 149, 152, 157 p. 56; Munich Airport, Terminal 2;
ever, and we request them to con- • Schodder, Martin, Stuttgart: 5.9 Koch + Partner, Munich
tact us. • Schuster, Heide, Dortmund: 5.2,
• Soratroi, Ernst, Innsbruck: p. 90
• Spiluttini, Margherita, Wien: 2.12, Dust-jacket photo:
• All Air Charter, Berlin: p. 150 3.12
• BASF Schweiz, Zürich: 2.11 • Südwestdeutsches Archiv für Steel Dome of the Reichstag, Berlin
• Bonfig, Peter, München: 2.15, p. Architektur und Ingenieurbau Architects: Foster and Partners
12 Karlsruhe, Photo: Horstheinz Neu- Photo: Christian Schittich
• Bryant, Richard/Arcaid, Kingston- endorf, Baden-Baden: 4.19, 4.21
upon-Thames: pp. 153, 159 • Tollerian, Dietmar, Linz: 3.7
• Cook, Peter/View, London: • Walti, Ruedi, Basel: 5.24
pp.112–113, 115, 117 • Weber, Jens, München: 4.2
• de Calan, Jean, Paris: pp. • Young, Nigel, London: pp. 154,
118–123 164 left and middle
• Feiner, Ralph, Malans: pp. • Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und
125–127, 129 Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-
• Fischer, Hans-Dieter, Herne: p. Württemberg: p. 164 right
142 • Zwickert, Gerhard, Berlin: 3.9
• Fraunhofer Institut Solare Energie-
systeme, Freiburg: 2.10
• Gesellschaft für Licht und Bau- from books and journals:
technik mbH, Dortmund: 5.16,
5.25 • Bode, Peter, M. et al., Entschei-
• Gilbert, Dennis, London: 1.2 dung zur Form, Wien-München,
• Halbe, Roland/artur, Köln: 5.14, 1973: 4.14, 4.15, 4.17
pp. 130–131, 132 top, 134–135 • Daniels, Klaus; Technologie des
• Hand&Errico, Tricase: pp. 98–101 ökologischen Bauens. Grundla-
• Hegger, Manfred, Darmstadt: 2.2 gen und Maßnahmen, Beispiele
• Heinrich, Michael, München: 4.25 und Ideen, Basel, 1995: 2.8, 2.9
• Helbling, Bruno, Zürich: 3.8 • Danner, Dietmar; Dassler, Frie-
• Hempel, Jörg, Aachen: 1.3 drich H.; Hajek, Kristina, Die
• Holzherr, Florian, München: pp. klima-aktive Fassade, Leinfelden-
94–97 Echterdingen, 1999: 5.10
• Hueber, Eduard, New York: pp. • DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift,
88–89 8/2001: 3.10
• Huthmacher, Werner, Berlin: 5.12 • DIN 5034: 5.11
• Kaltenbach, Frank, München: pp. • Koppelkamm, Stefan, Künstliche
38, 91, 92, 144 Paradiese, Berlin, 1988: 2.3
• Kämpfen, Beat, Zürich: 2.4 • Lange, Horst, Handbuch für
• Keller, Andreas/artur, Köln: 5.13 Beleuchtung, Landsberg am
• Klomfar & Partner, Wien: pp. 103, Lech, 1992: 5.4
105, 107 • Produktinformation Firma Sie-
• Kober, Bertram/Punctum, Leipzig: mens: 5.7
pp. 108–111 • Schirmer, Wulf (Ed.), Egon Eier-
• Krase, Waltraud, Frankfurt: 4.11 mann 1904–1970 Bauten und Pro-
• Lehrstuhl für klimagerechte jekte, Stuttgart, 2002: 4.18, 4.22
Architektur, Universität Dortmund:
5.17, 5.21, p. 145
• Martínez, Ignacio, Lustenau: pp.
72–73, 76–77,
• Mjell, Ivar, Århus: pp. 79, 81