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PSO1: Gain knowledge about a range of core disciplines like, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Research
methodology, Quantitative techniques, Behavioral sciences in Management, Information technology etc. and develop an insight into the practical
application of the knowledge in real life business situations.
PSO2: Understand fundamentals of disciplines related to Human Resource Management, including industrial relations, Human resource
Development, research in HRM, Organization Development and Change management, Labor legislations etc.
PSO3: Learn to apply knowledge of HR Management & Development theories and practices to solve business problems, specifically HR
PSO4: Recognize and grasp opportunities to develop and practice professional HR skills essential at the workplace, which will enable them to
think critically, research and analyze information for data-based decision making and apply the same in modern business contexts.
PSO5: Well-equipped with the fundamental knowledge, skills, and professional qualification required to meet, administer, and manage the
needs of small and medium enterprises as well as large corporations.
PSO6: Develop the ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team
PSO7: Use appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques to solve business problems.
PSO8: Understand the value and importance of human resources in an organization.
PSO9: Understand the specific topics covered under the functional area of Human Resource Management, learn the basics of research and
thereby gain practical insights of the topic selected within marketing as a broader domain, experience the actual work environment in an
organization, report preparation and presentation, and exploring the opportunities of getting on roll of the organization
PSO10: Post-Graduates with a flair of self-employment will be able to initiate and build upon entrepreneurial venture or demonstrate
intrapreneurship for their employer organizations.

Page 1 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs / Week
CBM2101: Strategic Management
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2101
CO1: Give exposure to various perspectives and concepts of strategic management, its importance acquainted with the strategies at levels and get familiarized with
aspects related to the analysis of the firm’s external environment, the resources and thus carry out SWOT analysis for strategy formulation.
CO2: Understand the fundamentals of corporate and business level strategy formulation and application of the same.
CO3: Understand the management of various resources like people, information, processes, technology etc. with regard to strategy formulation and
CO4: Gain an understanding the process and challenges involved in implementing and managing strategic changes and monitoring the strategy implementation
process through strategic control systems.
CO5: Able to master the analytical tools of strategic management and develop skills for applying these concepts to the solution of business problems.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustaina
(Ent)/ bal (G) bility
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)and

Page 2 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

UNIT - I Introduction to Strategy:
Nature of Strategy and Strategic Decisions-Strategic
Management-Strategy Development Process-The Environment-
Competitive Forces (Five Forces Model) - SWOT Analysis- 12 25 1,2.4 CO1
Strategic Capabilities- Organization Resources; Core
Competencies; Value Chain, System and Network, Feedback
and Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - II Corporate & Business Level Strategy:
Business Portfolio Management-BCG-GE Approach-
Integration- Diversification- Alliance- Merger and Acquisition. 11 25 1,2,4 CO2
Market Development & Product Development-Feedback and L,N,R,G
Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - III Business Strategy and Organizational Structure and
Managing People-Competitive Advantage through People- 11 25 1,2,4
Managing Information- Managing Finance- Managing
Technology Feedback and Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - IV Managing Strategic Change:
Transformational Leadership Processes- Business Strategy and CO4, PSO1
11 25 1,2,4
Organizational Culture-Strategic Control Processes-Feedback CO5 PSO5
and Review / Case Analysis
Reference Books
1. Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Ricard Whittington; “Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases”; Pearson Education
2. Glueck, W.F. &Jauch, L.R.; Business Policy & Strategic Management.
3. Koontz &Wherich; Essentials of Management.
4. Chuck Williams; Management.
Arthur A. Thompson, A. J. Strickland, John E. Gamble and Arun K. Jain (2010) 16th Edition; “Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for
Competitive Advantage – Concept and Cases”; Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
6. Michael Hitt, Robert E. Hoskisson, and R. Duane Ireland (2007); “Management of Strategy: Concepts and Cases”; Cengage Learning; 1st Indian Reprint.
7. Robert Grant (2009) 6th Edition; “Contemporary Strategic Management”; Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
8. AzharKazmi (2009) 3rd Edition; “Strategic Management and Business Policy”; Tata McGraw- Hill.
9. Michael Porter (1985); “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance”; Free Press.
10. P. Subba Rao (2007); “Business Policy and Strategic Management”; Himalaya Publishing House;’ Himalaya Publishing House; 1st Edition.
11. UpendraKachru (2006); “Strategic Management- Concept and Case”; Excel Books.
12. Charles W. L. Hill & Gareth R. Jones (2008); “An Integrated approach to Strategic Management”; Cengage Learning.
13 Vipin Gupta, K. Gollakota and R. Srinivasan (2009); “Business Policy & Strategic Management- Concepts and Applications”; PHI; Revised Second

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14. Cherunilam, Francis (2010); Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
15. Gupta, N.S. (2010); Business Policy and Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
16. Jeyarathanam, M. (2007); Business Policy and Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
17. Jeyarathanam, M. (2010); Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
18. Reddy Sudarsana, G. (2008); Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
19. Srivastava, R.M. (2011); International Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
20. Subba Rao, P. (2010); Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
21. S. Chandrasekaran, P.S. Ananthanarayan (2011); Strategic Management; Oxford University Press.
22. Adrian Haberberg and Alison Rieple (2008); Strategic Management, Theory and Application; Oxford University Press.
23. KamelMellahi, Jedrzej George Frynas and Paul Finlay (2006); Global Strategic Management; Oxford University Press.
24. Anthony Henry (2008); Understanding Strategic Management; Oxford University Press

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2106: MARKETING Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2018
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2106
CO1: Get familiar with the fundamentals of marketing concepts and practices and develop their analytical skills, conceptual abilities and substantive knowledge in
the field of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour and also apply the principles of Business Ethics
CO2: Understand, build, and capture customer value, and develop skills related to the formulation and implementation of related strategies by learning the two of
the four basic Ps of marketing mix - Product and Price.
CO3: Able to communicate and deliver customer value and develop skills related to the formulation and implementation of related strategies by learning the other
two of the four basic Ps of marketing mix – Promotion and Distribution.
CO4: Learn the new and upcoming areas in Marketing like – Holistic Marketing, Green Marketing, Digital Marketing etc. and application of the same in the new
era of marketing.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustaina
(Ent)/ bal (G) bility
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)and

Page 5 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

Definition of Marketing & Marketing Management – Core
Marketing Concepts – Marketing Philosophies – Scanning the PSO1
Marketing Environment – Marketing Process – Market 12 25 1,2 CO1 PSO5
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning - Marketing Mix - PSO6
Consumer Behavior (Factors affecting C.B. and Buying
Decision Making Process) – Ethics in Marketing
Product Decisions:
Concept of Product – Classification of Products – Product
Decisions (Branding, Packaging, and Labelling) – New Product
11 25 1,2 CO2 PSO5
Development and Consumer Adoption Process – Product Life
Cycle Stages & Strategies
Pricing Decisions:
Factors influencing Pricing Decisions – Steps in Pricing HV
EMP, L,N, R,
Procedure – Price Adjustment Strategies PE
Promotion Decisions:
Integrated Marketing Communication – Promotion Mix
Elements – Factors Determining Promotion Mix – Advertising
Decision (Objective and Campaign, Ad Effectiveness) – Sales
11 25 1,2 CO3 PSO5
Promotion and Publicity – Personal Selling and Public
Relations – Digital Communications
Distribution Decisions:
Importance & Functions of Distribution Channels – Channel
Levels – Channel Management Decisions – Retailing and
Holistic Marketing – Green Marketing – Neuro Marketing –
11 25 1, 2 CO4 PSO5
Guerilla Marketing – E-Marketing – Rural Marketing – Digital
Reference Books
1. Chandershekhar, K.S (2012)., Product Management – Text, Application, and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Karunakaran, K., (2017). Marketing Management – Text and Cases in Indian Context, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai

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3. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi
4. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management: Planning, , Analysis and Control, Pearson Education, New Delhi
5. Kotler, P., Keller, K., Koshy, L., &Jha, M. (2009). Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective, (13th Edition.), Pearson Education, New Delhi
6. Nair, Paul, George & John (2010); Modern Marketing Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Ramaswamy, V.S., &Namakumari, S. (2014). Marketing Management: Global Perspective – Indian Context (5th Edition), MacMillan India Ltd.
8. Saxena, R., (2009). Marketing Management (4th Edition), Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
9. Stanton, Etzel, Walker, Fundamentals of Marketing, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi
10. Sherlekar, S.A., (2009). Marketing Management, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2103: HUMAN RESOURCE Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2103
CO1: Gain the understanding of the basic concepts of HRM like ASTD Model, knowledge management, talent management etc.
CO2: Develop managerial skills for decision making on various aspects like HR Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Job
Analysis, Job Description, Job Specification etc.
CO3: Enable students to understand and deal with the challenges related to the maintaining and retaining of employees with reference to their needs and
expectations from the organization, specifically HRM aspects and to provide the students an understanding on situational analysis, thereby framing of
appropriate HRM Strategies
CO4: Create an awareness regarding the contemporary issues in HRM especially competency building and performance building
CO5: Understand potentials of HRM in the Globalized Business Environment and to analyze its implications on current HRM practices in the organizations.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weigh BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours tage Level ts of ce to to
(%) Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustaina
(Ent)/ bal (G) bility
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)and

Page 8 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

UNIT - I An Introduction To Human Resource Management:
ASTD Model of HRM – Research in HRM – HRM PSO1
Environment – Knowledge Management – Virtual 12 25 1,2 PSO2
Organisation and HRM – Right sizing of Workforce – Talent PSO4
UNIT - II HR Planning And Developing Employees:
Recruitment – Selection – Training – Management
11 25 1,2 CO2 PSO2 EMP, L,N, R, HV
Development – HR Planning – Job Description – Job
UNIT - III Retaining & Maintaining Employees: PSO1
Fringe Benefits – Employee Empowerment – Performance 11 25 1,2 CO3 PSO2
Appraisal – Rewards PSO4
UNIT - IV Contemporary Issues in HRM: PSO1
HRM & Competency Building - HRM and Performance 11 25 1, 2 CO4 PSO2
Building PSO4
Reference Books
1. Decenzo& Robbins (2009) 6thEdition; Essentials of Human Resource Management-Prentice Hall India.
2. Prasad L.M. (2009); Managing Human Resources- Sultan Chand Publication, Reprint 2009.
3. Aswathappa K.; Human Resource Management; Text&Cases-5thEdition-Tata McGraw Hill.
4. P. Subba Rao (2010); 4th Revised Edition; Personnel and Human Resource Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
5. C.B. Mamoria, S.V. Gankar (2010); 7th Edition; A Text Book of Human Resource Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
6. C.B. Mamoria, S.V. Gankar (2010); 23rd Edition; Personal Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2104: RESEARCH Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2104
CO1: Grasp the basics related to the planning for research – Types of research, data collection, sampling decisions etc. and also help them in developing
insights about basic concepts of research designs and methodology aimed at solving business problems.
CO2: Learn the analysis and interpretation of primary data along with hypothesis testing
CO3: Acquire an understanding related to the preparation of Research report and its presentation.
CO4: Learn the basics of preparing a research proposal and will practice the same by preparing one as a classroom exercise.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

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UNIT - I Planning for Research:
Meaning of Research-Characteristics-Types- Nature of PSO1
Data &Information-Methods of Data Collection- 12 25 1,4 CO1 PSO5
Drafting the Questionnaire- Sampling Decisions-Feed PSO6
Back And Review/ Case Analysis
UNIT - II Analysis & Interpretation of Data and Hypothesis
Testing: PSO1
Editing- Coding-Tabulation- Testing of Hypotheses; 11 25 1,4 CO2 PSO5
Type I and II Errors, Feedback and Review / Case PSO6
Analysis EMP L,N,R,G HV
UNIT - III Report Preparation & Presentation: SD L PE
Report Preparation & Presentation- Role of Computer PSO1
in Research- Research Report Writing; Role of 11 25 2, 3, 4 CO3 PSO5
Computers in Research; Feedback and Review/ Case PSO6
UNIT - IV Preparing A Research Proposal:
Meaning-Contents and Process of Preparing A PSO1
1, 2, 3
Research Proposal- Practical Exercise for Preparation 11 25 CO4 PSO5
and 4
of Research ProposalFeedback and Review / Case PSO6
Reference Books
1. C.R. Kothari (2003) 2nd Edition; Research Methodology: New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers.
2. Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler; Business Research Methods; 9th Edition.
3. D. K. Bhattacharyya (2006) 2nd Edition; Research Methodology; Excel Books.
4. Zikmund William (2003) 8th Edition; Business Research Methods; Thompson Learning.
5. Bryman Alan (2006); Business Research Methods’ Oxford University Press; 8th Edition.
6. Panneerselvam R (2003) 4th Edition; Research Methods for Business; John Wiley & Sons.
7. G. C. Beri (2000) 3rd Edition; Marketing Research; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
8. Naresh Malhotra (2007) 5th Edition; Marketing Research; Pearson Education.
9. J. K. Sachdeva (2009); Business Research Methodology; Himalaya Publications.
10. Alan Bryman, Emma Bell (2007) 2nd Edition; Research methodology; Oxford Press.

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2201: NEW ENTERPRISE AND Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2201
CO1: Learn about the basics of entrepreneurship and planning a new venture, preparing a business plan, sources of finance, feasibility studies etc.; assess
their entrepreneurial potential and develop the confidence to venture into Challenging career of entrepreneurship.
CO2: Learn about the technicalities of managing and growing a business venture.
CO3: Develop an understanding about managing research & development, innovations, strategic alliances and implementation of various mechanisms for
successful innovations.
CO4: Learn about the role of finance decisions on innovations and globalizing the same with government playing an important role in the process.
CO5: Create an urge among students to become entrepreneurial manager should they decide to take up job as a manager in an organization.
CO6: Understand and appreciate challenges of starting and managing new ventures.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment and
eneursh Regiona Sustaina
ip l(R)/Glo bility
(Ent)/ bal (G) (ES),
Skill develop Human
Develop mental Values
ment needs (HV)and
(SD) Professio

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UNIT - I Entrepreneurship & Planning for Business
Entrepreneurship & Enterprise- Concept, Role in
Economic Development-Emerging Business
Opportunities Business Plan- Concept-Methods-
Analysis and Interpretation-Source of External Finance
12 25 1,2,3,4 CO5 PSO5
[Short Term As Well As Long Term] - Informal Risk
Capital and Venture Capital. Financial Statements-
BEP, Ratios and Project Appraisal Criteria’s-
Feasibility Studies – Financial, Technical,
Environmental, Marketing-Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis
UNIT - II Managing, & Growing of Business Venture:
Growth Strategies for Business Ventures-Institutional
Support and Statutory Obligation for SMEs- Key 11 25 1,4 CO2 EMP,
Marketing Issues- Managing Growth- Objective and SD
Strategy- Feedback and Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - III Innovation Management:
Concept and Types of Innovation- Organizational setup
that facilitate innovations-Management of Research PSO1
and Development- PSO5
11 25 1,2, 3,4 CO3
Strategic Alliances and Networks-Developing Effective PSO6
Implementation Mechanisms-Presentation of PSO10
Innovations Assignment- Feedback and Review / Case
UNIT - IV Implementation & Globalization Of Innovation:
Implementing Financing Decision and Its’ Suitability
as Innovation Tool-Globalization for Innovations-Role 11 25 1, 2, 3 CO4
of National Government in Innovation- Feedback and
Review / Case Analysis
Reference Books
1. Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P Peters and Dean A Shepherd; Entrepreneurship The McGraw- Hill; Companies 6th Edition or Latest Edition.
2. P. C. Jain; Hand book for New Entrepreneurs; Oxford University Press; Latest Edition.
3. Paul Trot; Innovation Management and New Product Development; Pearson Education; 4th Edition.
4. S. Nagendra and V. S. Manjunath (2008); Entrepreneurship and Management; Pearson.
5. P. Narayana Reddy (2010); Entrepreneurship; Text and Cases; Cengage.
6. T. W. Zimmerer and N.M. Scarborough (2002); Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management;Prentice Hall.

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7. W. A. Sahlman, H.H. Stevenson, M. J. Roberts and Amar Bhinde (1999); Entrepreneurial Venture; Harvard Business School Press.
8. B.M. Patel (2000); Project Management Strategic Financial Planning Evaluation and Control; Vikas.
9. Jack M. Kaplan; Patterns of Entrepreneurship; Wiley Latest Edition.
10. Bruce R. Barringer and R. Duane Ireland (2006); Entrepreneurship Successfully Launching New; Pearson Education.
Joe Tidd, John Bessant, and Keith Pavitt; Managing Innovation; Wiley; Latest Edition. Peter F. Drucker; Affiliated Innovation and
Entrepreneurship; East –West News papers; Latest Edition.
12. Timmons, Spinelli; New Venture Creation Entrepreneurship for 21st Century; TATA McGraw Hill; 7th Edition.
13 Nandanp; Fundamental of Entrepreneurship; PHI; Latest Edition.
14. R. Gopal, PradipManjrekar; Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management; Excel; Latest Edition
15. Poonam Charantimath; Entrepreneurship Development; Pearson; Latest Edition.
16. Bholanath Dutta; Entrepreneurship Management; Excel; Latest Edition.

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2202: QUANTITATIVE Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2202
CO1: Introduce students to statistics, and statistical techniques like Measures of central tendency, Skewness, Correlation, Regression etc.
CO2: Gain an understanding about basics of statistic areas like sampling, sample size, hypothesis testing etc.
CO3: Learn about Probability, Linear Programming, Forecasting, Decision Making etc.
CO4: Learn about quantitative techniques like transportation, game theory, queuing etc. and apply the same in organizational practices.
CO5: Learn the fundamental skills in Quantitative Analysis; ability to analyze business activities necessary for making sound decisions.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to Gender
Employ Local (G),
ability (L)/ Environm
(Emp)/ Nationa ent and
Entrepr l (N)/ Sustainabi
eneursh Regiona lity (ES),
ip l(R)/Glo Human
(Ent)/ bal (G) Values
Skill develop (HV)and
Develop mental Profession
ment needs al Ethics
(SD) (PE)
UNIT - I Statistical Techniques-I:
Quantitative Techniques/ Statistics Applicable to
Research-Measures of Central Tendency- Dispersion- 12 25 1 CO1
Skewness- Correlation and Regression-Feedback and
Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - II Statistical Techniques -II: 11 25 1 CO2 PSO1

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Sampling Size Decisions-Testing of Hypothesis- PSO3
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis. PSO7

UNIT - III Quantitative Techniques-III: PSO1 SD L,N,R,G PE

Probability-Linear Programming-Forecasting-Decision CO3 PSO3
11 25 2, 3, 4
Making-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis. CO5 PSO7

UNIT - IV Quantitative Techniques -IV:

Transportation and Assignment – Sequencing –
Queuing – Replacement – Game Theory – Network 11 25 1, 2, 3
Analysis – Inventory Management – Simulation,
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. S.P. Gupta (2002) 13th Revised Edition; Statistical Methods; Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. V.K. Kapoor (2003) 7th Edition; Operations Research: Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3. C.R. Kothari (2003) 2nd Edition; Research Methodology: New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers.
4. Kanti, Swaroop and Gupta (2001) 9th Edition; Operations Research; Sultan Chand and Sons.
5. Ken Black (2009) 6th Edition; Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making; Wiley Student.
6. Bryman Alan (2006) 8th Edition; Business Research Methods; Oxford University Press.
7. Panneerselvam R. (2003) 4th Edition; Research Methods for Business; John Wiley & Sons.
8. Naresh Malhotra (2007) 5th Edition; Marketing Research; Pearson Education.
9. T. N. Srivastava and ShailajaRego (2008) 2ndReprint Edition; Statistics for Management; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
10. S. Shajahan (2010) 4th Revised Edition; Research Methods for Management; Jaico Publishing House.
11. D. P. Apte; Statistics for Managers; Excel Books.
12. Churchill; Research in Management.
13 Bhat, S.K. (2007); Operation Research & Quantitative Techniques; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
14. Bhardwaj Chetiya&Majmudar (2009); Quantitative Techniques for Business Managers; Himalaya Publishing HousePvt. Ltd.
15. Chakravarty, P. (2009); Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
16. Chansarkar&Michaeloudis (2002); Introduction to Quantitative Methods (Questions and Answers) - I; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
17. Chansarkar&Michaeloudis (2003); Introduction to Quantitative Methods (Questions and Answers) - II; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
18. Krishna swami &Satyaprasad (2006); Business Research Methods; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Ramnath&Shringi (2009); Quantitative Techniques for Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Reddy, Chikkodi&Satyaprasad (2003);
Quantitative Techniques — I; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
20. Reddy, Chikkodi&Satyaprasad (2003); Quantitative Techniques — II; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2203: BEHAVIOURIAL Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2203
CO1: Get the conceptual understanding of various behavioral sciences; their contribution to various functional areas of Management and its application in
management of various types of organisations.
CO2: Gain an understanding about the various topics like motivation, perception, attitudes, personality etc. which act as the foundations of individual
behavior and the impact of these areas on the behavior of individuals in different capacities.
CO3: Learn and understand the foundations of social behavior by developing a basic understanding about social stratification, ethics, culture and social
CO4: Get appraised with the contemporary issues of the society; various systems and structures existing in the society; their impact of society processes;
governance and it’s far reaching implications for the stakeholders.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to Gender
Employ Local (G),
ability (L)/ Environm
(Emp)/ Nationa ent and
Entrepr l (N)/ Sustainabi
eneursh Regiona lity (ES),
ip l(R)/Glo Human
(Ent)/ bal (G) Values
Skill develop (HV)and
Develop mental Profession
ment needs al Ethics
(SD) (PE)
UNIT - I Introduction to Behavioral Sciences: PSO1
Basic Behavioral Sciences [Psychology-Sociology- 12 25 1,2 CO1 PSO2
Social Psychology-Anthropology and Political Science- PSO5

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Nature and Scope of Each Science]. Contributions of PSO6
Behavioral Sciences towards Functional Areas of
Management [Towards Functional Areas Like;
Productions, Marketing, Finance and Human Resources]
- Behavioral Sciences and Management of Business
Corporation, Government, Public Sector and NGOS-
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - II Foundations of Individual Behavior: Indian Society:
Determinants of Individual Behavior: [Motivation- PSO1
Perception- Learning-Attitudes and Personality etc. in PSO2
the context of Consumption and Disposal Behavior]- 11 25 1,2 CO2 PSO5
Employee Behavior and Productivity- Savings and PSO6
Investment Behavior- Behavior as a Citizen and Public
Administration-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - III Foundation of Social Group Behavior: EMP L,N HV
Social Stratification-[Social Classes and Status-Indian SD PE
Demography-Gender Roles] Family Systems [Migration
and Urbanization and its Implications for Management
of Organizations]
Ethics [Ethical Standards, Values, Social and
11 25 2, 3, 4 CO3 PSO5
Managerial Values]
Culture [Sub-Culture and Cross Cultural Influences and
Its Implications on Management of Organizations]
Corporate Social Responsibility [Corporate
Citizenship- Corporate Governance- Feedback and
Review / Case Analysis]
UNIT - IV MACRO Structures, Systems and Management:
Political Systems and Philosophies- Governments and
Governance Issues-Media and Judiciary.
Public Private Partnerships [PPP Model] [Problems and
11 25 1, 2, 3 CO4 PSO5
Geo-Political Relations- Immergence of Multinational
Corporations- Human Development Index- Social
Securities and Inclusiveness. Technology-Environmental
Issues and Management of Natural Resources -Feedback
and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books

Page 18 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

1. Dev Prakas: Themes and Perspective in Indian Sociology; Global Publication.
2. Memanbelbau; Society and India; Popular Prakashan.
3. Eriksen; What is Anthropology; Rawat Publication.
4. Havilanv; Introduction to; Cengage Publication.
5. Misra; Psychology in India; Pearson Publication.
6. Howitt; Social Psychology – ICSSR; Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Kupuswammi; Introduction to Social Psychology; Asia Publication.
8. Stephan Robbins; Organizational Behaviour; Prentice Hall of India.
9. R.S.Dwivedi; Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour; McMillan Publisher.
10. Schiff man and Kanuk; Consumer Behaviour; Prentice Hall of India (Pvt.) Ltd.
11. L.M. Prasad; Organizational Behavior.
12. Organizational Behavior – Fred LuthansSubba Rao, P. (2010); Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
13 K. Ashwathappa (2010); 9th Edition; Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
14. Kaila, Pai& Others (2005); Stress Management (Western and Indian Techniques); Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
15. Nair, Suja R. (2008); Organizational Behaviour — Text and Cases; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
16. Niraj Kumar (2009); Organizational Behaviour: A New Look; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
17. Mishra, M.N. (2010); Organizational Behaviour and Corporate Development; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
18. Reddy, J.P. (2008); Management and Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
19. Subba Rao, P. (2008); Management and Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
20. UdaiPareek (2007); Understanding Organizational Behaviour; Oxford University Press.
21. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya (2009); Organizational Behaviour; Oxford University Press.
22. Robin Fincham and Peter Rhodes (2006); Principles of Organizational Behaviour; Oxford University Press.
23. Marry Jo Hatch and AnnlCunliffe (2006); Organization Theory; Oxford University Press.
24. Fiona Wilson (2009); Organizational Behaviour and Work; Oxford University Press.

Page 19 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2204
CO1: Gain basic understanding of information technology and Information systems; its relevance and importance in today’s business organizations with a focus
on use of IT in different Business Processes to increase the enterprise efficiency.
CO2: Understand and recognize the significant role played by Information Technology in Marketing and its related decision areas.
CO3: Learn about e-marketing, e-customers, e-customer relationship management, and social networks in digital era.
CO4: Know the basics of e-advertising, online marketing, social media marketing, blogging etc. as various tools of digital media
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 20 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

UNIT - I Information Technology and Information System:
Relevance and Importance of IT, Information System
and Information Technology, IT Developments and
Trends, Information Systems: Concept and Definitions, 12 25 1,2 CO1
Types, Decision Making and IT, Data Security and
Cyber Crime, Electronic Fund Transfer and Tele-
UNIT - II IT and E-Marketing:
IT and E-Marketing, Issues, Challenges and PSO1
Opportunities for E-marketing; Reasons for growth of e- PSO5
11 25 1,2 CO2
marketing; Tools and Techniques of E-marketing– PSO7
Advantages and Disadvantages; STP and E-marketing
Mix. EMP L,N,G
UNIT - III E-Customers and CRM:
E-marketing and Customer Relationship Management –
Concept and Scope; E-customers and their buying 11 25 1,2 CO3
process; E-marketing and Customer Loyalty and
Satisfaction; Communities and Social networks.
UNIT - IV E-Advertising:
E-advertising – Types and Tracking ROI; Online PR,
News and Reputation Management; Direct Marketing –
Scope and Growth; E-mail marketing; Social Media 11 25 1 CO4
Marketing: Concept and Tools; Blogging – Benefits,
Types; Video-marketing for business purpose – Tools
and Techniques
Reference Books
1. Efraim Turban, Dorothy Leidner et al; Information Technology for Management, Wiley India.
2. Strauss, Judy, and Raymond Frost, E-Marketing, Prentice Hall.
3. Hanson, Ward A., Principles of Internet Marketing, South Western College Pub., Division of Thomson Learning.
4. Chaffey, D. F., Chadwick, Ellis, Mayer, R. and K. Johnston, Internet marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Prentice Hall.
5. Hanson, W.A. and K. Kalyanam, Internet marketing & e-commerce, South-Western College Pub.
Scott, David Meerman, New Rules of Marketing and PR, John Wiley & Sons. Ryan, Damian, and Calvin Jones, Understanding Digital
Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation, Koganpage Publishers.

Page 21 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2305: MANAGEMENT OF Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2305
CO1: Basic, conceptual and practical foundations of Industrial Relations; an overview of Indian labor force, and International Labor Organization
CO2: Gain understanding of trade unions in India, functioning of trade unions, legal frameworks of trade unions and collective bargaining.
CO3: Knowledge about various dispute settlement machineries like adjudication, conciliation, Labor court, arbitration, etc.
CO4: Basic knowledge about various alternatives like joint consultation, grievance settlement, domestic inquiry etc. to prevent industrial disputes
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an
UNIT - I An Overview of Labour Force in India & Industrial PSO2
12 25 1,2 CO1
Relations: PSO4

Page 22 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

Key Issues & Critical Challenges of Indian labour PSO5
force-Meaning & Scope of Industrial Relations-
Various Factors Influencing Industrial Relations-
Approaches of Industrial Relations-The System
Framework of Industrial Relations; ILO, Feedback and
Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II Management of Trade Unions & Collective
Trade Unions in India-Power of Trade Unions-Legal EMP L,N,R,G HV
Framework-Trade Union Constitution & Functions- PSO2 ENT PE
Internal & External Challenges-Meaning & Process of 11 25 1,2,4 CO2 PSO3
Collective Bargaining-Prerequisites for Success of PSO4
Collective Bargaining- Nature & Legal Framework of
Collective Bargaining-Feedback and Review / Case
UNIT – III Dispute Settlement Machinery:
Adjudication Machinery-Conciliation-Duties-Roles-
Qualities of Conciliator-Evaluation-Industrial Tribunal
&Labour Court Arbitration-Concept-Argument & PSO2
11 25 1,2,4 CO3
Types of Arbitration- Qualities of Arbitrator- Unfair PSO4
Labour Practices- Strike & Lock out- Meaning,
Justified and Illegal Strikes-Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV Preventions of Industrial Disputes:
Joint Consultation-Grievance Settlement-Discipline- PSO2
11 25 2 CO4
Domestic Inquiry-Creating Healthy Culture & Climate- PSO3
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. C S VenkataRatnam (2010) 13th Impression; Industrial Relations; Oxford University Press.
2. Memoria. C.B. (2003); Dynamics of Industrial Relations; Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Monnappa. A. &Sayudin M. (2000); Industrial Relations. Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Davar. R.S. (1997); Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
P. Subba Rao (2010); 3rd Edition; Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations (Text, Cases, and Games); Himalaya
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
6. C.B. Mamoria, Satish Mamoria and S.V. Gankar (2010); 13th Edition; Dynamics of Industrial Relations; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Michael, V.P. (2009); Human Resources Management and Human Relations; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
8. Punekar, Deodhar&Sankaran (2008); Labour Welfare, Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Page 23 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

9. Sharma, A.M. (2009); Aspects of Labour Welfare and Social Security; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
10. Sharma, A.M. (2009); Industrial Relations — Conceptual and Legal Framework; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
11. C.S. Venkata (2006); Industrial Relations; Oxford University Press.
12. Subba Rao, P. (2009); Essentials of HRM and Industrial Relation — (Text and Cases); Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
13 S.C.Srivastava; Industrial Relations & Labor Laws; Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. Delhi; 4th Edition.

Page 24 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2306: STRATEGIC HUMAN Credits / Hours per week 03
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2306
CO1: Understand the basic and conceptual foundations of HRM; to relate HRM in context of organizational environment etc.
CO2: Learn about aligning HRM systems with business strategies of an organization.
CO3: Gain an overall understanding about strategy formulation, strategies for utilization of workforce, training and development, performance management.
CO4: Learn about competency mapping, critical issues raised while designing systems, Knowledge about Human Resource Information System, and its
integration with organizations’ systems.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 25 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

UNIT - I An Overview Of Strategic HRM:
Understanding HRM in Context with Organizational 12 25 1 CO1
Environment- Feedback and Review /Case Analysis.
UNIT – II Aligning Systems With Business Strategy:
HRAs a Sustained Competitive Advantage-Balance
Scorecard-Linking HRM Practices with Organizational 11 25 1 CO2
Outcomes-Auditing Practices- Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis.
UNIT – III Strategies and Planning for Workforce:
Strategy Formulation-Strategic Planning-Strategies for PSO3 L,N,R,G
Workforce Utilization- Training & Development - 11 25 2 and 3 CO3 PSO5
Performance Management-Feedback and Review / PSO8
Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV Designing & Managing Systems:
Concept-Competency Mapping-Issues in Designing PSO3
System-Technology Applications in HRM- Uses PSO4
11 25 1, 2, 3 CO4
Applications of HRIS- Integrating the HRIS with PSO6
Organizational Systems- Feedback and Review / Case PSO8
Reference Books
1. Dreher, George &Thomas (2009); Human Resource Strategy: A Behavioral Perspective for the General Manager-McGrew Hill.
2. Schuler Randall S. & Jackson Susan E. - Strategic HRM-Wiley India.
3. PareekUdai& Rao T.V. (2009); Designing &Managing System; OXFORD & IBH.
4. Beardwell&Holden (2009); HRM - A Contemporary Perspective- Cengage.
5. Aswathappa K. (2009) 5th Edition; HRM \Text &Cases Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Viswanathan, Rajesh (2009); Strategic Human Resource Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Tanuja Agarwal (2007); Strategic Human Resource Management; Oxford University Press.

Page 26 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2308: RESEARCH IN HUMAN Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2308
CO1: Learn about the conceptual foundations of Research in Human Resource Management
CO2: Learn about the needs, methods and sources of data collection; questionnaire design etc.
CO3: Know various aspects related to sampling, sampling procedures, sampling methods, etc.
CO4: Learn how to analyze the collected data; write a report; and make an effective report presentation.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an
UNIT - I An Introduction to Research in HRM: PSO2
12 25 1 CO1
Meaning, Role, Application, and Organization for PSO3

Page 27 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

Research in HRM; Research Process and Problem PSO4
Formulation; Research Design and Major Types of PSO7
Research Design, Feedback and Review / Case
UNIT – II Data Collection:
Data Collection: Needs, Methods and Sources of Data; PSO3
Scaling Techniques; Questionnaire Design [Principles PSO5
11 25 1, 2 CO2
and Procedures, Observation Method, Interviews and PSO7 EMP L,N,R,G G
Projective Techniques], Feedback and Review / Case PSO9 SD HV
Analysis. PE
UNIT – III Sampling Procedures: PSO3
Sampling [Meaning, Objectives, Process and Methods, PSO5
11 25 2 and 4 CO3
Sample Size decision, Population Parameters], PSO7
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis. PSO9
UNIT - IV Data Analysis And Report Writing:
Processing and analyzing Data: Data preparing and
Processing; Data Analysis and Interpretation; Nature
1, 2, 3 PSO5
and Functions of Statistical Analysis; Nature of 11 25 CO4
and 4 PSO7
Interpretation, Presentation of Research Findings and
Follow-up, Report Writing and Presentation, Feedback
and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. Beheruz N. Sethna and Leonard Greeneveld; Research Methods in Marketing and Management.
2. Richard I. Leven; Statistics for Management.
3. C.R. Kothari (2003) 2ndEdition; Research Methodology: New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers.
4. Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler; Business Research Methods; 9th Edition.
5. D. K. Bhattacharyya (2006) 2nd Edition; Research Methodology; Excel Books.
6. Zikmund William (2003) 8th Edition; Business Research Methods; Thompson Learning.
7. Bryman Alan (2006) 8th Edition; Business Research Methods’ Oxford University Press.
8. Panneerselvam R (2003) 4th Edition; Research Methods for Business; John Wiley & Sons.
9. G. C. Beri (2000) 3rd Edition; Marketing Research; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
10. Naresh Malhotra (2007) 5th Edition; Marketing Research; Pearson Education.
11. J. K. Sachdeva (2009); Business Research Methodology; Himalaya Publications.
12. Alan Bryman, Emma Bell (2007) 2nd Edition; Research methodology; Oxford Press.
13 Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya (2007); Human Resource Management; Oxford University Press.

Page 28 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2309: HUMAN RESOURCE Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2309
CO1: Know the conceptual and practical foundations of Human Resource Development
CO2: Basic knowledge about developing HRD Strategy; implications of practicing strategic approach to HRD ETC.
CO3: Identify HRD Needs and designing, delivering and evaluating learning and development interventions etc.
CO4: Understand the critical issues in HRD.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to Gender
Employ Local (G),
ability (L)/ Environ
(Emp)/ Nationa ment
Entrepr l (N)/ and
eneursh Regiona Sustain
ip l(R)/Glo ability
(Ent)/ bal (G) (ES),
Skill develop Human
Develop mental Values
ment needs (HV)an
(SD) Professi
UNIT - I The Fundamentals of HRD:
Meaning- Process, & Scope of HRD- Organizational
12 25 2 CO1 PSO6
Strategy & HRD Intervention- Identifying Training
Needs- Developing Training Modules- Training at

Page 29 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

Different level & Evaluating Training- Development
Initiative; Developing Leadership, Motivation, &
Collaboration- Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II Developing an HRD Strategy:
Developing a Strategy; Factors Influencing Strategic PSO3
Human Resource Development; Implication for 11 25 1, 2 CO2 PSO4
Practice of a Strategic Approach to HRD, Feedback
and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – III The Operational Role of HRD: EMP L,N,R,G HV
Identifying HRD Needs-Designing, Delivery & PSO2 SD G
11 25 2 and 4 CO3 PE
Evaluation of Learning & Development Intervention- PSO3
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV The Key Issues in HRD:
Managing & Nurturing Knowledge- HRD in Small &
Medium Sized Enterprises-Managing the HRD 1, 2 and
11 25 CO4 PSO3
Function- The Ethical Practitioner-Continuing 4
Professional Development and Reflective Practices-
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. David Mankin (2009); Human Resource Development; Oxford University Press.
2. John Werner and Randy Desimone; Human Resources Development; Cengage.
3. UdaiPareekh&T.V.Rao; Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems; Oxford.
4. Noe; Human Resources Development; Tata McGraw-Hill.
5. Biswanath Ghosh; Human Resource Development & Management; Vikas.
6. Mankin; Human Resource Development; Oxford.
7. Richard A. Swanson and Elwood F. Holton; Foundations of Human Resource Development; Berrett-Koehler.
8. Juani Swart, Clare Mann, Steve Brown, and Alan Price; Human Resource Development: Strategy and Tactics; Elsevier.
9. Michael J. Marquardt and Dean W. Engel; Global Human Resource Development; Prentice Hall.
10. Kalyani, Iyer&Paranjpe (2005); Management and Human Resource Development; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
11. Bhattacharyya, D.K. (2009); Human Resource Development; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
12. LalithaSrividya (2007); Human Resource Development; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
13. Rashmi, T.K. (2010); Recruitment Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
14. Ratan Reddy, B. (2010); Effective Human Resource Training and Development Strategy; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
15. Uday Kumar Haldar (2009); Human Resource Development; Oxford University Press.

Page 30 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2405
CO1: Get acquainted with the need for change and development of organizations for achieving excellence.
CO2: Sensitize towards the Change; its types; process of change; resistance to change etc.
CO3: Gain an understanding about the nature and management of organization development, OD Intervention strategies etc.
CO4: Know the contemporary issues in the field of organization development.

Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio

Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 31 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

UNIT - I Understanding Organizational Process & Change:
Organizational Systems-Structure & Design (An PSO2
Overview)-Meaning & Process of Change- 12 25 2 CO1 PSO3
Organizational Effectiveness & Excellence-Feedback PSO5
and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II Managing Organizational Change:
Nature & Types of Change- Process and Resistance to
Change-Strategies to overcome Resistance to Change-
Attitude Measurement for Change-Organizational 11 25 1 CO2
Culture & Change-Change Through Performance
Management-TQM Practices & Change-Feedback and
Review / Case Analysis. ENT
UNIT – III Nature & Management of Organizational EMP
Definitions, Concepts, Features, & Characteristics of PSO2
Organizational Development-Organizational Diagnosis 11 25 1 and 2 CO3 PSO3
& Development- Organizational Development PSO4
Interventions & Strategies-Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV Contemporary Issues in Organizational
Development: PSO2
OD & Diversity Management- Organizational 11 25 1 and 2 CO4 PSO3
Transformation Through Teamwork- Role of OD PSO6
Consultant-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. Deepak Kumar Bhattacharya (2011); Organizational Change and Development; Oxford University Press.
2. Thornhill, A, Lewis, P.Millmore, M., & Saunders, M. (2000), Managing change: A Human Resource Strategy Approach.
3. Colenson, M. Successful organizational Change: Evolution and Revolution in the Organization.
4. Nilakant, &Remanarayan, S. (1998). Change Management; Response Book.
5. French, W.L. & Bell, C.H. (1995); Organization Development.
6. Bennis, W.G.; Organizational Development: Its Nature, Origin and Prospects.
7. McGill, M.E.; Organization Development for Operating Managers.
8. Bhattacharya, B.K. (2009); Organizational Systems, Design, Structure and Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
9. Pattanayak&Ravishankar (2000); Organizational Development Skills for Competitive Edge; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
10. Kaila, Ravishankar, Mishra & Nair (2009); Behavioural Dynamics (Research Insight); Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
11. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya (2011); Organizational Change and Development; Oxford University Press.
12. Jim Grieves (2010); Organizational Change; Oxford University Press.

Page 32 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2406
CO1: Learn the basic foundations of Indian labor laws and their classification; International Labor Organization; Indian Constitution etc.
CO2: Get an overview about various laws related to working conditions in business organizations.
CO3: Gives an overview about Industrial Relations Laws like Trade Union Act, Industrial Dispute Act, Industrial Employment Act etc.
CO4: Gives an overview of Industrial Relations Act like Equal Remuneration Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act, Maternity Benefit Act etc.

Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio

Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an
UNIT - I Introduction To Labour Legislations: PSO2
12 25 2 CO1
Labour Laws: Concept, Origin, Objectives and PSO3

Page 33 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

Classification- International Labour Organization:
International Labour Organization and Indian Labour
Legislations-Indian Constitution and Labour
Legislations-Labour Policy-Emerging Issues and
Future Trends- Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II Laws On Working Conditions: An Overview: PSO3
The Factories Act, 1948-Shops and Establishment PSO4
11 25 1 and 2 CO2
Law-Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation Act, PSO5
1986)-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis. ENT L,N,R,G G
UNIT – III Industrial Relations Laws-I: An Overview: EMP HV
Trade Union Act, 1926-Industrial Disputes Act, I 1947 PSO3 PE
- Industrial Disputes Act, 1947-II - Industrial PSO4
11 25 2 and 4 CO3
Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946-Industrial PSO5
Discipline and Misconduct-Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV Industrial Relations Laws-II: An Overview:
Act, 1936-Payment of Bonus Act, 1965- Equal
Remuneration Act, 1976- The Workmen’s
Compensation Act, 1923- The Employees’ State
Insurance Act, 1948-The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961- 11 25 1, 2, 3 CO4
The Employee’s Provident Fund & Miscellaneous
Provision Act, 1952-The Payment of Gratuity Act,
1972- Social Security Legislation: An Overview-
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. P. L. Malik; Industrial Law.
2. J. K. Bareja; Industrial Law.
3. B. D. Singh Labour Laws for managers.
4. S. P. Jain; Industrial &Labour Laws.

Page 34 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2407
CO1: Learn the basic fundamentals and Cross-cultural differences and perspectives of International Human Resource Management.
CO2: Gain understanding about international assignments, multi-national employment practices adopted etc.
CO3: Know the HRM Practices adopted by business organizations at global level.
CO4: Learn about the various issues arising in International HRM Practice due to the diversity of human resources; Changing Global Work Life etc.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an
UNIT - I Strategic, Comparative and Organizational 12 25 2 CO1 PSO2 EMP N,G G

Page 35 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

Perspectives on IHRM: PSO3 SD HV
Strategic Management and IHRM-Comparative Human PSO PE
Resource Management-Culture in IHRM-HRM in
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions-Approaches to
IHRM- Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II International Assignments And Employment
International Assignments-Multinational and
11 25 1 and 3 CO2 PSO6
Employment Practices-The Transfer of Employment
Practices Across Borders in Multinational Companies-
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – III IHRM Practices:
Managing Knowledge in Multinational Firms-The PSO3
Development of Global Leaders and Expatriates- PSO4
11 25 2 and 4 CO3
Global and Local Resourcing-Global Performance PSO7
Management- Total Rewards in the International PSO8
Context-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV Development in IHRM Policy and Practice and
IHRM Challenges:
Women Leading and Managing Worldwide-Global
1, 2 and PSO7
Work Life Management in Multinational- Social 11 25 CO4
4 PSO8
Responsibility Sustainability and Diversity of Human
Resources-IHRM Challenges-Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis.
Reference Books
Anne-Will Harzing and Ashly H. Pinninggton (2011) 1st Edition; International Human Resource Management; Sage Publication India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Luis Gomez Mejiia, David B. Balkin and Robert L. Kardy (2010) 5th Edition; PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Peter Dowling and Denice Welch; International Human Resource Management; Cengage Learning.
4. Tony Edwards; International Human Resource Management; Pearson Education.
5. P. L. Rao; International Human Resource Management – Text and Cases; Excel Books.
6. M.N Rudrabasavaraj; Global Human Growth Model; Himalaya Publishing House.
7. Terence Jackson; International Human Resource Management a Cross-Cultural Approach; Sage Publication India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
8. Betty Jane Punnett; International Perspectives on Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management; PHI.
9. MonirTayeb; International Human Resource Management; Oxford.
10. Brewster, Chris & Sparrow, Paul; International Human Resource Management; University Press.
11. Paul Evans, Vladimir Pucik, Paul Evans, and Vladimir Pucik; The Global Challenge: Frameworks for International Human Resource

Page 36 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

Management; McGraw Hill.
12. MonirTayeb (2007); International Human Resource Management; Oxford University Press.
13. Subba Rao, P. (2010); International Human Resource Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Page 37 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2408: Internship Project & Viva Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO) CBM2408
CO1: Identification and Preparation of topic for the project and submission of project proposal.
CO2: Use of various pedagogical tools like case studies, role play, quizzes etc. to orient students before taking up the project.
CO3: Orientation about project structure, data collection, report writing based on presentations.
CO4: Data analysis, Project report preparation, submission of report, and presenting the report.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an
UNIT - I Planning for Preparation of Identification & PSO2
12 25 2 CO1
Preparation & Submission of Project Proposal: PSO3

Page 38 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.

Theoretical Framework of Business Management PSO7
Practices for Identification of the topic and preparation PSO9
and submission of the Proposal for the preparation and PSO10
submission of the Project for Approval.
UNIT – II Orientation for Project Preparation using Various
Pedagogical Tools: PSO2
Case Studies- Exercises-Role Play-Games-Quizzes- 11 25 1, 2 CO2 PSO3
Industrial Visits & Training with Reference to HRM PSO7
Practices. ENT L,N,R,G HV
UNIT – III Orientation for Project Structure, Writing Report EMP PE
& its Layout & Submission: 1, 2, and
11 25 CO3 PSO3
Orientation about Report Writing-Presentation Based 4
on Industrial Visits & Industrial Training.
UNIT - IV Project Report Preparation, Submission
Presentation & Evaluation:
The Project Report is to be submitted by the student on
a given theme selected by him/her based on either 1, 2, 4,
11 25 CO4 PSO7
Secondary Data or both that is Secondary Data & and 6
Primary Data supported through field studies, field
survey, library work , Industrial Visits &or Industrial
Training as the case may be .

Page 39 - M.COM (Final) Human Resource Mgnt.


PSO1: Introduce and enhance the horizon of knowledge to a range of core disciplines of commerce like, Strategic Management, Human
Resource Management, Marketing, Research methodology, New Enterprise and Innovation Management, Quantitative techniques, Behavioral
sciences in Management, Information technology etc.
PSO2: Learn the basics of designing and using strategies and skills in management of time, resources and organization.
PSO3: Inculcate the knowledge of several disciplines related to business and manage and the skills and techniques of managing business with
special focus on various aspects related to Marketing Communications, Retailing, Product and Brand Management, Sales and Distribution
Management, International Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Services Marketing, and Project Formulation and Implementation.
PSO4: Learn the use and application of various qualitative and quantitative tools to master data-based decision making to sole the organizational
PSO5: Apply the knowledge of various behavioral sciences by recognizing its relevance and impact on behavior of people within organizations
thereby affecting the overall productivity of the organizations.
PSO6: Apply the knowledge of information technology on the productivity of people, processes, and systems within business organizations and
thereby the overall management of business organizations.
PSO7: Foster analytical and critical thinking abilities which lead to value-creation for all the stakeholders of a business organization.
PSO8: Gain knowledge of planning and execution of various strategies, and develop skills to manage national as well as global organizations.
PSO9: Understand the specific topics covered under the functional area of Marketing, learn the basics of research and thereby gain practical
insights of the topic selected within marketing as a broader domain, experience the actual work environment in an organization, report
preparation and presentation, and exploring the opportunities of getting on roll of the organization.
PSO10: Post-Graduates with a flair of self-employment will be able to initiate and build upon entrepreneurial venture or demonstrate
intrapreneurship for their employer organizations.

Page 1 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs / Week
CBM2101: Strategic Management
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012

Mode of Transaction Lectures

Course Outcome (CO): CBM2101
CO1: Students will be exposed to various perspectives and concepts of strategic management, its importance acquainted with the strategies at levels and get
familiarized with aspects related to the analysis of the firm’s external environment, the resources and thus carry out SWOT analysis for strategy formulation.
CO2: Students will understand the fundamentals of corporate and business level strategy formulation and application of the same.
CO3: Understand the management of various resources like people, information, processes, technology etc. with regard to strategy formulation and
CO4: Students will gain an understanding the process and challenges involved in implementing and managing strategic changes and monitoring the strategy
implementation process through strategic control systems.
CO5: Students will be able to master the analytical tools of strategic management and develop skills for applying these concepts to the solution of business
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustaina
(Ent)/ bal (G) bility
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)and

Page 2 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I Introduction to Strategy:
Nature of Strategy and Strategic Decisions-Strategic
Management-Strategy Development Process-The Environment-
Competitive Forces (Five Forces Model) - SWOT Analysis- 12 25 1,2.4 CO1
Strategic Capabilities- Organization Resources; Core
Competencies; Value Chain, System and Network, Feedback
and Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - II Corporate & Business Level Strategy: PSO1
Business Portfolio Management-BCG-GE Approach- PSO2
Integration- Diversification- Alliance- Merger and Acquisition. 11 25 1,2,4 CO2 PSO4
Market Development & Product Development-Feedback and L,N,R,G
Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - III Business Strategy and Organizational Structure and PSO1
Processes: PSO2
Managing People-Competitive Advantage through People- 11 25 1,2,4 PSO4
Managing Information- Managing Finance- Managing PSO7
Technology Feedback and Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - IV Managing Strategic Change: PSO1
Transformational Leadership Processes- Business Strategy and CO4, PSO2
11 25 1,2,4
Organizational Culture-Strategic Control Processes-Feedback CO5 PSO9
and Review / Case Analysis
Reference Books
1. Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Ricard Whittington; “Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases”; Pearson Education
2. Glueck, W.F. &Jauch, L.R.; Business Policy & Strategic Management.
3. Koontz &Wherich; Essentials of Management.
4. Chuck Williams; Management.
Arthur A. Thompson, A. J. Strickland, John E. Gamble and Arun K. Jain (2010) 16th Edition; “Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive
Advantage – Concept and Cases”; Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
6. Michael Hitt, Robert E. Hoskisson, and R. Duane Ireland (2007); “Management of Strategy: Concepts and Cases”; Cengage Learning; 1st Indian Reprint.
7. Robert Grant (2009) 6th Edition; “Contemporary Strategic Management”; Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
8. AzharKazmi (2009) 3rd Edition; “Strategic Management and Business Policy”; Tata McGraw- Hill.
9. Michael Porter (1985); “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance”; Free Press.
10. P. Subba Rao (2007); “Business Policy and Strategic Management”; Himalaya Publishing House;’ Himalaya Publishing House; 1st Edition.
11. UpendraKachru (2006); “Strategic Management- Concept and Case”; Excel Books.
12. Charles W. L. Hill & Gareth R. Jones (2008); “An Integrated approach to Strategic Management”; Cengage Learning.

Page 3 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

Vipin Gupta, K. Gollakota and R. Srinivasan (2009); “Business Policy & Strategic Management- Concepts and Applications”; PHI; Revised Second
14. Cherunilam, Francis (2010); Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
15. Gupta, N.S. (2010); Business Policy and Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
16. Jeyarathanam, M. (2007); Business Policy and Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
17. Jeyarathanam, M. (2010); Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
18. Reddy Sudarsana, G. (2008); Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
19. Srivastava, R.M. (2011); International Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
20. Subba Rao, P. (2010); Strategic Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
21. S. Chandrasekaran, P.S. Ananthanarayan (2011); Strategic Management; Oxford University Press.
22. Adrian Haberberg and Alison Rieple (2008); Strategic Management, Theory and Application; Oxford University Press.
23. KamelMellahi, Jedrzej George Frynas and Paul Finlay (2006); Global Strategic Management; Oxford University Press.
24. Anthony Henry (2008); Understanding Strategic Management; Oxford University Press

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2106: MARKETING Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2018
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2106
CO1: Get familiarized with the fundamentals of marketing concepts and practices and develop their analytical skills, conceptual abilities and substantive knowledge
in the field of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour and also apply the principles of Business Ethics
CO2: Able to understand, build, and capture customer value, and develop skills related to the formulation and implementation of related strategies by learning the
two of the four basic Ps of marketing mix - Product and Price.
CO3: Able to communicate and deliver customer value and develop skills related to the formulation and implementation of related strategies by learning the other
two of the four basic Ps of marketing mix – Promotion and Distribution.
CO4: Learn the new and upcoming areas in Marketing like – Holistic Marketing, Green Marketing, Digital Marketing etc. and application of the same in the new
era of marketing.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustaina
(Ent)/ bal (G) bility
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)and

Page 5 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

Definition of Marketing & Marketing Management – Core
Marketing Concepts – Marketing Philosophies – Scanning the
Marketing Environment – Marketing Process – Market 12 25 1,2 CO1
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning - Marketing Mix -
Consumer Behavior (Factors affecting C.B. and Buying
Decision Making Process) – Ethics in Marketing
Product Decisions:
Concept of Product – Classification of Products – Product PSO1
Decisions (Branding, Packaging, and Labelling) – New Product PSO2
11 25 1,2 CO2
Development and Consumer Adoption Process – Product Life PSO5
Cycle Stages & Strategies
Pricing Decisions:
Factors influencing Pricing Decisions – Steps in Pricing
Procedure – Price Adjustment Strategies EMP, L,N, R,
Promotion Decisions:
Integrated Marketing Communication – Promotion Mix
Elements – Factors Determining Promotion Mix – Advertising
Decision (Objective and Campaign, Ad Effectiveness) – Sales
11 25 1,2 CO3 PSO5
Promotion and Publicity – Personal Selling and Public
Relations – Digital Communications
Distribution Decisions:
Importance & Functions of Distribution Channels – Channel
Levels – Channel Management Decisions – Retailing and
Holistic Marketing – Green Marketing – Neuro Marketing – PSO2
Guerilla Marketing – E-Marketing – Rural Marketing – Digital 11 25 1, 2 CO4 PSO7
Marketing PSO9

Reference Books

Page 6 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

1. Chandershekhar, K.S (2012)., Product Management – Text, Application, and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Karunakaran, K., (2017). Marketing Management – Text and Cases in Indian Context, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
3. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi
4. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management: Planning, , Analysis and Control, Pearson Education, New Delhi
5. Kotler, P., Keller, K., Koshy, L., &Jha, M. (2009). Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective, (13th Edition.), Pearson Education, New Delhi
6. Nair, Paul, George & John (2010); Modern Marketing Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Ramaswamy, V.S., &Namakumari, S. (2014). Marketing Management: Global Perspective – Indian Context (5th Edition), MacMillan India Ltd.
8. Saxena, R., (2009). Marketing Management (4th Edition), Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
9. Stanton, Etzel, Walker, Fundamentals of Marketing, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi
10. Sherlekar, S.A., (2009). Marketing Management, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2103: HUMAN RESOURCE Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2103
CO1: Gain the understanding of the basic concepts of HRM like ASTD Model, knowledge management, talent management etc.
CO2: Develop managerial skills for decision making on various aspects like HR Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Job
Analysis, Job Description, Job Specification etc.
CO3: Enable students to understand and deal with the challenges related to the maintaining and retaining of employees with reference to their needs and
expectations from the organization, specifically HRM aspects and to provide the students an understanding on situational analysis, thereby framing of
appropriate HRM Strategies
CO4: Become aware regarding the contemporary issues in HRM especially competency building and performance building
CO5: Understand potentials of HRM in the Globalized Business Environment and to analyze its implications on current HRM practices in the organizations.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weigh BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours tage Level ts of ce to to
(%) Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustaina
(Ent)/ bal (G) bility
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)and

Page 8 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I An Introduction To Human Resource Management:
ASTD Model of HRM – Research in HRM – HRM
Environment – Knowledge Management – Virtual 12 25 1,2
Organisation and HRM – Right sizing of Workforce – Talent
UNIT - II HR Planning And Developing Employees: PSO1
Recruitment – Selection – Training – Management PSO2
11 25 1,2 CO2
Development – HR Planning – Job Description – Job PSO5
UNIT - III Retaining & Maintaining Employees: PSO1 EMP, L,N, R, HV
Fringe Benefits – Employee Empowerment – Performance PSO2 SD G PE
Appraisal – Rewards 11 25 1,2 CO3 PSO5

UNIT - IV Contemporary Issues in HRM: PSO1

HRM & Competency Building - HRM and Performance PSO2
Building PSO5
11 25 1, 2 CO4

Reference Books
1. Decenzo& Robbins (2009) 6thEdition; Essentials of Human Resource Management-Prentice Hall India.
2. Prasad L.M. (2009); Managing Human Resources- Sultan Chand Publication, Reprint 2009.
3. Aswathappa K.; Human Resource Management; Text&Cases-5thEdition-Tata McGraw Hill.
4. P. Subba Rao (2010); 4th Revised Edition; Personnel and Human Resource Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
5. C.B. Mamoria, S.V. Gankar (2010); 7th Edition; A Text Book of Human Resource Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
6. C.B. Mamoria, S.V. Gankar (2010); 23rd Edition; Personal Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2104: RESEARCH Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2104
CO1: Grasp the basics related to the planning for research – Types of research, data collection, sampling decisions etc. and also help them in developing
insights about basic concepts of research designs and methodology aimed at solving business problems.
CO2: Learn the analysis and interpretation of primary data along with hypothesis testing
CO3: Gain an understanding related to the preparation of Research report and its presentation.
CO4: Learn the basics of preparing a research proposal and will practice the same by preparing one as a classroom exercise.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 10 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I Planning for Research:
Meaning of Research-Characteristics-Types- Nature of
Data &Information-Methods of Data Collection- 12 25 1,4 CO1
Drafting the Questionnaire- Sampling Decisions-Feed
Back And Review/ Case Analysis
UNIT - II Analysis & Interpretation of Data and Hypothesis PSO1
Testing: PSO2
Editing- Coding-Tabulation- Testing of Hypotheses; 11 25 1,4 CO2 PSO4
Type I and II Errors, Feedback and Review / Case
Analysis EMP L,N,R,G HV
UNIT - III Report Preparation & Presentation: PSO1 SD L PE
Report Preparation & Presentation- Role of Computer PSO2
in Research- Research Report Writing; Role of 11 25 2, 3, 4 CO3 PSO4
Computers in Research; Feedback and Review/ Case PSO9
UNIT - IV Preparing A Research Proposal: PSO1
Meaning-Contents and Process of Preparing A PSO2
1, 2, 3
Research Proposal- Practical Exercise for Preparation 11 25 CO4 PSO4
and 4
of Research ProposalFeedback and Review / Case PSO9
Reference Books
1. C.R. Kothari (2003) 2nd Edition; Research Methodology: New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers.
2. Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler; Business Research Methods; 9th Edition.
3. D. K. Bhattacharyya (2006) 2nd Edition; Research Methodology; Excel Books.
4. Zikmund William (2003) 8th Edition; Business Research Methods; Thompson Learning.
5. Bryman Alan (2006); Business Research Methods’ Oxford University Press; 8th Edition.
6. Panneerselvam R (2003) 4th Edition; Research Methods for Business; John Wiley & Sons.
7. G. C. Beri (2000) 3rd Edition; Marketing Research; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
8. Naresh Malhotra (2007) 5th Edition; Marketing Research; Pearson Education.
9. J. K. Sachdeva (2009); Business Research Methodology; Himalaya Publications.
10. Alan Bryman, Emma Bell (2007) 2nd Edition; Research methodology; Oxford Press.

Page 11 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2201: NEW ENTERPRISE AND Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2201
CO1: Learn about the basics of entrepreneurship and planning a new venture, preparing a business plan, sources of finance, feasibility studies etc.; assess
their entrepreneurial potential and develop the confidence to venture into Challenging career of entrepreneurship.
CO2: Learn about the technicalities of managing and growing a business venture.
CO3: Develop an understanding about managing research & development, innovations, strategic alliances and implementation of various mechanisms for
successful innovations.
CO4: Learn about the role of finance decisions on innovations and globalizing the same with government playing an important role in the process.
CO5: Create an urge among students to become entrepreneurial manager should they decide to take up job as a manager in an organization.
CO6: Understand and appreciate challenges of starting and managing new ventures.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment and
eneursh Regiona Sustaina
ip l(R)/Glo bility
(Ent)/ bal (G) (ES),
Skill develop Human
Develop mental Values
ment needs (HV)and
(SD) Professio

Page 12 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I Entrepreneurship & Planning for Business
Entrepreneurship & Enterprise- Concept, Role in
Economic Development-Emerging Business
Opportunities Business Plan- Concept-Methods- PSO1
Analysis and Interpretation-Source of External Finance PSO2
12 25 1,2,3,4 CO5
[Short Term As Well As Long Term] - Informal Risk PSO6
Capital and Venture Capital. Financial Statements-
BEP, Ratios and Project Appraisal Criteria’s-
Feasibility Studies – Financial, Technical,
Environmental, Marketing-Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis
UNIT - II Managing, & Growing of Business Venture: PSO1
Growth Strategies for Business Ventures-Institutional PSO2
Support and Statutory Obligation for SMEs- Key 11 25 1,4 CO2 PSO6 EMP,
Marketing Issues- Managing Growth- Objective and PSO7 SD
Strategy- Feedback and Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - III Innovation Management:
Concept and Types of Innovation- Organizational setup PSO1
that facilitate innovations-Management of Research PSO2
and Development- PSO6
11 25 1,2, 3,4 CO3
Strategic Alliances and Networks-Developing Effective PSO7
Implementation Mechanisms-Presentation of PSO9
Innovations Assignment- Feedback and Review / Case
UNIT - IV Implementation & Globalization Of Innovation: PSO2
Implementing Financing Decision and Its’ Suitability PSO6
as Innovation Tool-Globalization for Innovations-Role 11 25 1, 2, 3 CO4 PSO7
of National Government in Innovation- Feedback and PSO9
Review / Case Analysis
Reference Books
1. Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P Peters and Dean A Shepherd; Entrepreneurship The McGraw- Hill; Companies 6th Edition or Latest Edition.
2. P. C. Jain; Hand book for New Entrepreneurs; Oxford University Press; Latest Edition.
3. Paul Trot; Innovation Management and New Product Development; Pearson Education; 4th Edition.
4. S. Nagendra and V. S. Manjunath (2008); Entrepreneurship and Management; Pearson.
5. P. Narayana Reddy (2010); Entrepreneurship; Text and Cases; Cengage.
6. T. W. Zimmerer and N.M. Scarborough (2002); Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management;Prentice Hall.

Page 13 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

7. W. A. Sahlman, H.H. Stevenson, M. J. Roberts and Amar Bhinde (1999); Entrepreneurial Venture; Harvard Business School Press.
8. B.M. Patel (2000); Project Management Strategic Financial Planning Evaluation and Control; Vikas.
9. Jack M. Kaplan; Patterns of Entrepreneurship; Wiley Latest Edition.
10. Bruce R. Barringer and R. Duane Ireland (2006); Entrepreneurship Successfully Launching New; Pearson Education.
Joe Tidd, John Bessant, and Keith Pavitt; Managing Innovation; Wiley; Latest Edition. Peter F. Drucker; Affiliated Innovation and
Entrepreneurship; East –West News papers; Latest Edition.
12. Timmons, Spinelli; New Venture Creation Entrepreneurship for 21st Century; TATA McGraw Hill; 7th Edition.
13 Nandanp; Fundamental of Entrepreneurship; PHI; Latest Edition.
14. R. Gopal, PradipManjrekar; Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management; Excel; Latest Edition
15. Poonam Charantimath; Entrepreneurship Development; Pearson; Latest Edition.
16. Bholanath Dutta; Entrepreneurship Management; Excel; Latest Edition.

Page 14 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2202: QUANTITATIVE Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2202
CO1: Introduce students to statistics, and statistical techniques like Measures of central tendency, Skewness, Correlation, Regression etc.
CO2: Gain an understanding about basics of statistic areas like sampling, sample size, hypothesis testing etc.
CO3: Learn about Probability, Linear Programming, Forecasting, Decision Making etc.
CO4: Learn about quantitative techniques like transportation, game theory, queuing etc. and apply the same in organizational practices.
CO5: Learn the fundamental skills in Quantitative Analysis; ability to analyze business activities necessary for making sound decisions.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to Gender
Employ Local (G),
ability (L)/ Environm
(Emp)/ Nationa ent and
Entrepr l (N)/ Sustainabi
eneursh Regiona lity (ES),
ip l(R)/Glo Human
(Ent)/ bal (G) Values
Skill develop (HV)and
Develop mental Profession
ment needs al Ethics
(SD) (PE)
UNIT - I Statistical Techniques-I: PSO1
Quantitative Techniques/ Statistics Applicable to PSO2
Research-Measures of Central Tendency- Dispersion- 12 25 1 CO1 PSO4
Skewness- Correlation and Regression-Feedback and
Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - II Statistical Techniques -II: 11 25 1 CO2 PSO2

Page 15 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

Sampling Size Decisions-Testing of Hypothesis- PSO7 SD L,N,R,G PE
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis. PSO8

UNIT - III Quantitative Techniques-III: PSO1

Probability-Linear Programming-Forecasting-Decision PSO2
Making-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis. 11 25 2, 3, 4 PSO7

UNIT - IV Quantitative Techniques -IV: PSO1

Transportation and Assignment – Sequencing – PSO2
Queuing – Replacement – Game Theory – Network CO4 PSO7
11 25 1, 2, 3
Analysis – Inventory Management – Simulation, CO5 PSO8
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis. PSO9

Reference Books
1. S.P. Gupta (2002) 13th Revised Edition; Statistical Methods; Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. V.K. Kapoor (2003) 7th Edition; Operations Research: Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3. C.R. Kothari (2003) 2nd Edition; Research Methodology: New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers.
4. Kanti, Swaroop and Gupta (2001) 9th Edition; Operations Research; Sultan Chand and Sons.
5. Ken Black (2009) 6th Edition; Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making; Wiley Student.
6. Bryman Alan (2006) 8th Edition; Business Research Methods; Oxford University Press.
7. Panneerselvam R. (2003) 4th Edition; Research Methods for Business; John Wiley & Sons.
8. Naresh Malhotra (2007) 5th Edition; Marketing Research; Pearson Education.
9. T. N. Srivastava and ShailajaRego (2008) 2ndReprint Edition; Statistics for Management; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
10. S. Shajahan (2010) 4th Revised Edition; Research Methods for Management; Jaico Publishing House.
11. D. P. Apte; Statistics for Managers; Excel Books.
12. Churchill; Research in Management.
13 Bhat, S.K. (2007); Operation Research & Quantitative Techniques; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
14. Bhardwaj Chetiya&Majmudar (2009); Quantitative Techniques for Business Managers; Himalaya Publishing HousePvt. Ltd.
15. Chakravarty, P. (2009); Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
16. Chansarkar&Michaeloudis (2002); Introduction to Quantitative Methods (Questions and Answers) - I; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
17. Chansarkar&Michaeloudis (2003); Introduction to Quantitative Methods (Questions and Answers) - II; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
18. Krishna swami &Satyaprasad (2006); Business Research Methods; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Ramnath&Shringi (2009); Quantitative Techniques for Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Reddy, Chikkodi&Satyaprasad (2003);
Quantitative Techniques — I; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
20. Reddy, Chikkodi&Satyaprasad (2003); Quantitative Techniques — II; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Page 16 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I CBM2203: BEHAVIOURIAL Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2203
CO1: Get the conceptual understanding of various behavioral sciences; their contribution to various functional areas of Management and its application in
management of various types of organisations.
CO2: Gain an understanding about the various topics like motivation, perception, attitudes, personality etc. which act as the foundations of individual
behavior and the impact of these areas on the behavior of individuals in different capacities.
CO3: Learn and understand the foundations of social behavior by developing a basic understanding about social stratification, ethics, culture and social
CO4: Get appraised with the contemporary issues of the society; various systems and structures existing in the society; their impact of society processes;
governance and it’s far reaching implications for the stakeholders.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to Gender
Employ Local (G),
ability (L)/ Environm
(Emp)/ Nationa ent and
Entrepr l (N)/ Sustainabi
eneursh Regiona lity (ES),
ip l(R)/Glo Human
(Ent)/ bal (G) Values
Skill develop (HV)and
Develop mental Profession
ment needs al Ethics
(SD) (PE)
UNIT - I Introduction to Behavioral Sciences: PSO1
Basic Behavioral Sciences [Psychology-Sociology- 12 25 1,2 CO1 PSO2
Social Psychology-Anthropology and Political Science- PSO5

Page 17 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

Nature and Scope of Each Science]. Contributions of
Behavioral Sciences towards Functional Areas of
Management [Towards Functional Areas Like;
Productions, Marketing, Finance and Human Resources]
- Behavioral Sciences and Management of Business
Corporation, Government, Public Sector and NGOS-
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - II Foundations of Individual Behavior: Indian Society:
Determinants of Individual Behavior: [Motivation-
Perception- Learning-Attitudes and Personality etc. in
the context of Consumption and Disposal Behavior]- 11 25 1,2 CO2
Employee Behavior and Productivity- Savings and
Investment Behavior- Behavior as a Citizen and Public
Administration-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis
UNIT - III Foundation of Social Group Behavior: EMP L,N HV
Social Stratification-[Social Classes and Status-Indian SD PE
Demography-Gender Roles] Family Systems [Migration
and Urbanization and its Implications for Management PSO1
of Organizations] PSO2
Ethics [Ethical Standards, Values, Social and PSO5
11 25 2, 3, 4 CO3
Managerial Values] PSO7
Culture [Sub-Culture and Cross Cultural Influences and
Its Implications on Management of Organizations]
Corporate Social Responsibility [Corporate
Citizenship- Corporate Governance- Feedback and
Review / Case Analysis]
UNIT - IV MACRO Structures, Systems and Management:
Political Systems and Philosophies- Governments and
Governance Issues-Media and Judiciary.
Public Private Partnerships [PPP Model] [Problems and
11 25 1, 2, 3 CO4 PSO7
Geo-Political Relations- Immergence of Multinational
Corporations- Human Development Index- Social
Securities and Inclusiveness. Technology-Environmental
Issues and Management of Natural Resources -Feedback
and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books

Page 18 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

1. Dev Prakas: Themes and Perspective in Indian Sociology; Global Publication.
2. Memanbelbau; Society and India; Popular Prakashan.
3. Eriksen; What is Anthropology; Rawat Publication.
4. Havilanv; Introduction to; Cengage Publication.
5. Misra; Psychology in India; Pearson Publication.
6. Howitt; Social Psychology – ICSSR; Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Kupuswammi; Introduction to Social Psychology; Asia Publication.
8. Stephan Robbins; Organizational Behaviour; Prentice Hall of India.
9. R.S.Dwivedi; Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour; McMillan Publisher.
10. Schiff man and Kanuk; Consumer Behaviour; Prentice Hall of India (Pvt.) Ltd.
11. L.M. Prasad; Organizational Behavior.
12. Organizational Behavior – Fred LuthansSubba Rao, P. (2010); Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
13 K. Ashwathappa (2010); 9th Edition; Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
14. Kaila, Pai& Others (2005); Stress Management (Western and Indian Techniques); Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
15. Nair, Suja R. (2008); Organizational Behaviour — Text and Cases; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
16. Niraj Kumar (2009); Organizational Behaviour: A New Look; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
17. Mishra, M.N. (2010); Organizational Behaviour and Corporate Development; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
18. Reddy, J.P. (2008); Management and Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
19. Subba Rao, P. (2008); Management and Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
20. UdaiPareek (2007); Understanding Organizational Behaviour; Oxford University Press.
21. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya (2009); Organizational Behaviour; Oxford University Press.
22. Robin Fincham and Peter Rhodes (2006); Principles of Organizational Behaviour; Oxford University Press.
23. Marry Jo Hatch and AnnlCunliffe (2006); Organization Theory; Oxford University Press.
24. Fiona Wilson (2009); Organizational Behaviour and Work; Oxford University Press.

Page 19 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 03Hrs / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2204
CO1: Basic understanding of information technology and Information systems; its relevance and importance in today’s business organizations with a focus on
use of IT in different Business Processes to increase the enterprise efficiency.
CO2: Understand and recognize the significant role played by Information Technology in Marketing and its related decision areas.
CO3: Learn about e-marketing, e-customers, e-customer relationship management, and social networks in digital era.
CO4: Know the basics of e-advertising, online marketing, social media marketing, blogging etc. as various tools of digital media
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 20 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I Information Technology and Information System:
Relevance and Importance of IT, Information System
and Information Technology, IT Developments and
Trends, Information Systems: Concept and Definitions, 12 25 1,2 CO1
Types, Decision Making and IT, Data Security and
Cyber Crime, Electronic Fund Transfer and Tele-
UNIT - II IT and E-Marketing: PSO1
IT and E-Marketing, Issues, Challenges and PSO2
Opportunities for E-marketing; Reasons for growth of e- PSO6
marketing; Tools and Techniques of E-marketing– 11 25 1,2 CO2 PSO8
Advantages and Disadvantages; STP and E-marketing
UNIT - III E-Customers and CRM: PSO1
E-marketing and Customer Relationship Management – PSO2
Concept and Scope; E-customers and their buying 11 25 1,2 CO3 PSO6
process; E-marketing and Customer Loyalty and PSO8
Satisfaction; Communities and Social networks. PSO9
UNIT - IV E-Advertising: PSO1
E-advertising – Types and Tracking ROI; Online PR, PSO2
News and Reputation Management; Direct Marketing – PSO6
Scope and Growth; E-mail marketing; Social Media PSO8
11 25 1 CO4
Marketing: Concept and Tools; Blogging – Benefits, PSO9
Types; Video-marketing for business purpose – Tools
and Techniques

Reference Books
1. Efraim Turban, Dorothy Leidner et al; Information Technology for Management, Wiley India.
2. Strauss, Judy, and Raymond Frost, E-Marketing, Prentice Hall.
3. Hanson, Ward A., Principles of Internet Marketing, South Western College Pub., Division of Thomson Learning.
4. Chaffey, D. F., Chadwick, Ellis, Mayer, R. and K. Johnston, Internet marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Prentice Hall.
5. Hanson, W.A. and K. Kalyanam, Internet marketing & e-commerce, South-Western College Pub.
Scott, David Meerman, New Rules of Marketing and PR, John Wiley & Sons. Ryan, Damian, and Calvin Jones, Understanding Digital Marketing:
Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation, Koganpage Publishers.

Page 21 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce
Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2301: INTEGRATED Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2301
CO1: Learn the conceptual and practical foundations of Integrated Marketing Communication; Promotional mix, Marketing planning programme.
CO2: Learn the basics of budgeting and developing communications for IMC; and analyzing the communication process.
CO3: Learn about Media planning, strategy development, developing, monitoring, and measuring the effectiveness of promotional programme.
CO4: Develop future insights about the perspectives of IMC, and evaluate the social, ethical, and economic aspects of IMC

Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio

Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 22 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I An Introduction to Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC):
The Role of IMC in Marketing-Evolution and Reasons
for Growing Importance of IMC- The Communication
or Promotional Mix- The Role of IMC in the 12 25 1,2 CO1
Marketing Process [Marketing Strategy and Analysis-
The Target Marketing Process-Developing Marketing
Planning Programme], Feedback and Review / Case
UNIT – II Objectives and Strategies:
Objectives-Budgeting and Developing PSO2
Communications for the IMC- Analyzing the PSO3
11 25 1,2 CO2
Communication Process- DAGMAR Approach in PSO5
Setting Objectives- Feedback and Review / Case PSO8 L,N,R,G
UNIT – III Media Planning and Strategy:
Creative Strategy Planning and Development- Media PSO2
Planning and Strategy- Developing, Monitoring and PSO3
11 25 1,2 CO3
Evaluating the IMC Programme-Measuring the PSO5
Effectiveness of Promotional Programme- Feedback PSO8
and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV Future Perspectives of IMC:
Future Perspectives of IMC- Direct Marketing- Sales PSO2
Promotion- The Internet and Interactive Media- PSO3
11 25 1,2 CO4
Personal SellingEvaluating the Social, Ethical, and PSO5
Economic Aspects of IMC-Feedback and Review / PSO8
Case Analysis
Reference Books
1. George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch (2009); Advertising and Promotion; 5th Edition; Tata McGraw-Hill Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack (2003); Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communications; PHI Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Boree, Thill, Dovee and Wood (1995); Advertising Excellence; International Edition; McGraw-Hill Ltd.
4. Batra, John G. Mayers and David A.; AAaker (2003); Advertising Management; 12th Edition; PHI Ltd., New Delhi.

Page 23 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2302: RETAILING Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2302
CO1: Gain basic conceptual and practical foundations of Retailing; role and recent trends in Retailing Management
CO2: Brief overview on the Indian and global retail industry along with their challenges and future perspectives.
CO3: Develop managerial skills for decision making on various Retailing plans, programs &strategies.
CO4: Summarizes an overview of managing retailing – Retail location strategy, store layout and design etc.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an
UNIT - I Retailing Role, Relevance and Trends: PSO2
12 25 1,2 CO1

Page 24 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

Meaning- Characteristics- Functions and Activities- PSO6
Categorizing Retailers- Trends in Retail Formats- PSO8
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II Indian and Global Retail Industry:
Structure of Indian and Global Retail Industry- Drivers
of Growth of Retail Industry- Challenges and Future
Perspectives of Retailing in India- Global Scenario of 11 25 1,2 CO2
Retailing Industry-Key Global Trends in Retailing-
Retailing in Selected Countries of the World-Feedback EMP L,N,R,G HV
and Review / Case Analysis. ENT PE
UNIT – III Retailing and Marketing Management: An
Overview: PSO2
Retail Product and Brand Management- Retail Pricing- PSO3
11 25 1,2,4 CO3
Managing Retail Chains and Franchising-Retail PSO6
Promotion StrategyFeedback and Review / Case PSO8
UNIT - IV Managing Retailing: An Overview:
Retail Location Strategy- Store Layout and Design in
Retailing-Understanding Shoppers and Shopping in 11 25 1,2,4 CO4
Retailing-Technology in Retailing-Feedback and
Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. Chetan Bajaj, RajnishTuli and Nidhi Verma Srivastava (2010); 2nd Edition; Retail Management; Oxford University Press; New Delhi.
2. Piyushkumar Sinha and Dwarika Prasad Uniyal (2008) 4th Edition; Managing Retailing; Oxford University Press; New Delhi.
3. Arif Sheikh and Fatima (2008); Retail Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
4. Arif Sheikh (2008); Retail Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
5. Chunawalla, S.A. (2009); Contours of Retailing Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
6. Nair, Suja R. (2008); Retail Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Sharma, D.P. (2009); e-Retailing — Principles and Practice; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
8. Sheikh & Fatima (2008); Mall Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
9. Tiwari, R.S. (2009); Retail Management Retail Concepts and Practices; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
10. Tripathi& Agrawal (2009); Fundamentals of Retailing; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
11. Chetan Bajaj, RajnishTuli and Nidhi Verma Srivastava (2010); Retail Management; Oxford University Press.
12. Nicholas Alexander and Anne Marie Doherty (2009); International Retailing; Oxford University Press.
13. Piyush Kumar and Dwarika Prasad (2007); Managing Retailing; Oxford University Press.

Page 25 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2303: PRODUCT AND BRAND Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. /Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcomes (COs): CBM2303
CO1: Basic understanding of the introductory topics of product management
CO2: Learn about the product market analysis for various product categories, challenges faced by Indian marketers etc.
CO3: Develop an understanding of the basic branding principles and their exposure to classic and contemporary branding applications; launching brands,
building brands, brand extensions and brand loyalty.
CO4: Designing, growing and sustaining brand equity - Role of brands, the concept of brand equity, and the advantages of creating strong brands.
CO5: Become well equipped with the appropriate concepts, theories, models and other tools to make better brand decisions.
CO6: Understand the latest developments and cultivate an understanding of the adjustments to be made in branding strategies over time and geographic
boundaries to maximize brand equity.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to Gender
Employ Local (G),
ability (L)/ Environ
(Emp)/ Nationa ment
Entrepr l (N)/ and
eneursh Regiona Sustain
ip l(R)/Glo ability
(Ent)/ bal (G) (ES),
Skill develop Human
Develop mental Values
ment needs (HV)an
(SD) Professi

Page 26 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I Introduction to Product Management: PSO2
Category Attractiveness,-Market Competition and PSO3
12 25 1 CO1
Competitor Analysis,-Product Strategy and New PSO7
Product Development- Feedback and Review / Case .
UNIT – II Customer and Market Potential Analysis: PSO2
Product Market Analysis for Different Product PSO3
Categories- Emerging Trends of the Indian Market, 11 25 1 CO2 PSO7
New Challenges for Marketers in India (Practical PSO8
Studies) - Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – III Brand Management: PSO2 EMP HV
Launching Brand-Brand Building Process; Creating PSO3 ENT PE
Brands in a Competitive Market Brand on Positioning 11 25 2, 4 CO3 PSO7
and Brand Associations-Brand Extensions and Brand PSO8
Loyalty-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV Designing, Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity:
Concept of Brand Equity-Measuring Sources of PSO2
Brand Equity and Brand Equity Measurement PSO3
11 25 1, 2 CO5
Approaches-Managing Brands over Time and PSO8
Geographic Boundaries- Revitalization of Brands,
Feedback and Review / Case Analysis..
Reference Books
1. Lehman and Winer; Product Management; T ata McGraw-Hill; Fourth edition.
2. S. Ramesh Kumar; Managing Indian Brands, Marketing Concepts & Strategies; Vikas; Latest Edition.
3. RamanujMajmudar; Product Management in India; PHI EEE; Latest Edition.
4. Elliott Richard and Percy Larry; Strategic Brand Management; Oxford University Press (Indian Edition); Latest Edition.
5. Tybout and Calkins (Editors); Kellogg on Branding; Wiley; Latest Edition.
6. VanAuken; Brad Branding; Jaico; Latest Edition.
7. Baker Michael and Hart Susan; Product Strategy and Management; Pearson; Latest Edition.
8. Jean Noel Kapferer; Strategic Brand Management; Kogan Page; Latest Edition.
9. Dholkia, Anwar and Hasan; Marketing Practices in Developing Economy: Cases from South Asia; PHI; Latest Edition.
10. YLR Moorthi; Brand Management, The Indian Context; Vikas; Latest Edition.
11. S. Ramesh Kumar; Consumer Behaviour and Branding; Pearson; Latest Edition.
12. Harsh Verma; Brand Management; Excel; Latest Edition.
13. RamanujMajmudar; Product Management in India; PHI; Latest Edition.
14. Chandrasekhar, K.S. (2006); Product Management — Text and Cases; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
15. Chunawalla, S.A. (2008); Compendium of Brand Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Page 27 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
03 Hrs. / Week
Year II CBM2304: SALES AND Credits / Hours per week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2303
CO1: Understand the basic and introductory topics of Sales & Distribution management
CO2: Learn about the intricacies of acquisition, development, motivation, and compensation of sales force.
CO3: Gain an understanding of distribution and logistics management.
CO4: Learn managing channels at local and global level.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to Gender
Employ Local (G),
ability (L)/ Environ
(Emp)/ Nationa ment
Entrepr l (N)/ and
eneursh Regiona Sustain
ip l(R)/Glo ability
(Ent)/ bal (G) (ES),
Skill develop Human
Develop mental Values
ment needs (HV)an
(SD) Professi
UNIT – I An Introduction To Sales Management: PSO2
The Selling Skills and Selling Strategies-The Selling PSO3
12 25 1 CO1
Process; Management of Sales Territories and Sales PSO4
Quota-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.

Page 28 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT – II Acquisition, Development, Motivation & PSO2
Compensation of Sales Force: PSO3
Sales Force [Recruitment, Selection, Training, 11 25 1 CO2 PSO4
Motivation, Compensation and Evaluation]- PSO6
Feedback and Review/ Case Analysis.
UNIT – III Distribution Channel Management: An PSO2
Introduction: PSO3 EMP L,N,R,G HV
1, 2, and
Designing Customer-oriented Marketing Channels- 11 25 CO3 PSO4 SD PE
Customer-oriented Logistics Management -Feedback PSO7
and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – IV Channel Management: PSO2
Managing Channel Members Behaviour-Managing PSO3
11 25 1 and 2 CO4
the International Channels of Distribution Feedback PSO6
and Review / Case Analysis. PSO8
Reference Books
1. Tapan K. Panda and Sunil Sahadev (2009); 15th impression; Sales and Distribution Management; Oxford University Press.
2. Krishna K. Havaldar, Vasant M. Cavale; Sales & Distribution Management; Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundiff, Norman A.P. Govoni; Sales Management: Decisions, Strategies & Cases; Pearson.
4. Johnson F.M., Kurtz D.L., Scheuing E.E.; Sales Management: Concepts, Practice, and Cases; Tata McGraw-Hill.
5. David Jobber, Geoffrey Lancaster; Selling & Sales Management; Pearson.
6. Tanner, Honeycutt, Erffmeyer; Sales Management; Pearson.
7. Mark W. Johnston, Greg W. Marshall; Sales Force Management; Tata McGraw- Hill.
8. William L. Cron, Thomas E. DeCarlo; Sales Management; Wiley.
9. Dr. S. L. Gupta; Sales & Distribution Management; Excel.
10. Jackson, D.W. (Jr.); Cunningham, W. H. Cunninham, I.C.M.; Selling The Personal Force in Marketing; John Willey & Sons.
11. Anne T. Coughlan, Erin Anderson, Louis W. Stern, Adel I El Ansary, R. C. Natarajan; Marketing Channels; Pearson.
12. John L. Gattorna; Handbook of Logistics & Distribution Management; Jaico.
13. Appannaiah& Others (2007); Sales and Distribution Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
14. S. A. Chunawala (2008); 8th Edition; Sales Management with Personal Selling – Salesmanship; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
15. Chunawalla, S.A. (2009); Sales Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
16. Chunawalla, S.A. (2009); Sales and Distribution Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
17. Dhotre, Meenal (2007); Channel Management and Retail Marketing; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
18. Gupta, S.L. (2008); Cases in Sales Distribution Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
19. Gupta, S.L. (2007); Products and Sales Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
20. Nair & Nair Latha (2008); Sales and Distribution Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
21. Tapan K. Panda and SunliSahadev (2005); Sales and Distribution Management; Oxford University Press.

Page 29 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management


Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2401
CO1: Basic conceptual and practical foundations of Services Marketing; growth of services sector, etc.
CO2: Fundamental understanding of 7Ps of Marketing Mix.
CO3: Strategic issues related to services marketing – Service quality, measuring service quality, role of people and technology in services marketing etc.
CO4: Practical application of service marketing in various services like healthcare, education, hospitality, public utilities etc.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an
UNIT - I An Introduction of Marketing of Services: 12 25 1 and 2 CO1 PSO2

Page 30 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

Concept & Salient Features of Services Marketing; PSO3
Emerging service sector in India; Growth of Service PSO5
Sector; Organizing Marketing of Services, Feedback
and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II Marketing Mix Strategies (7ps): PSO2
Designing Service Package (Product Mix)- Pricing of PSO3
Services- Distribution Issues- Promotion Mix 11 25 1 and 2 CO2 PSO5
Process- Physical Evidence & People- Feedback and PSO6
Review / Case Analysis. EMP L,N,R,G HV
UNIT – III Strategic Issues in Service Marketing: SD PE
Service Quality-Dimensions of Service Quality-
Measurement of Service Quality-Role of Technology 1,2, and
11 25 CO3 PSO5
and People in Service Quality-Customer Relationship 4
& Retention Strategies-Feedback and Review / Case
UNIT - IV Applications of Service Marketing: PSO2
Marketing of Financial Services- Marketing of PSO3
Hospitality Services-Marketing of Health-Care 1, 2 and PSO5
11 25 CO4
Services-Marketing of Educational Services and 4 PSO6
Public Utilities-Feedback and Review / Case PSO9
Reference Books
1. Subbarao. P., (2007); Principles& Practices of Bank Management; Himalaya Publishing.
2. The Indian Institute of Bankers (2000); Marketing of Bank Services; MacMillan.
3. Bedi. H. L., (1998); Practical Banking Advances; UBS.
4. Bhole. L. M., (2001); Financial Banking Advances; Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Sethi. R.B., (2008; The Banking Regulation Act.
6. Avadhani. V. A., (20060; Marketing of Financial Services; Himalaya Publishing.
7. Shekhar. K. C., (2001); Banking Theory & Practice.
8. S.M. Jha Services Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House.
9. Lovelock Christopher Services Marketing, Prentice Hall.
10. Cowell Donald: The Marketing of Services (London: Heinemann).
11. Venugopal& Raghu (2010); 5th edition; Services Marketing; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
12. Venugopal& Raghu (2007); Services Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
13. Appannaiah, Reddy & Desai (2003); Management and Behavioural Process; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
14. Appannaiah, Reddy &Kavitha (2008); Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Page 31 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

15. Aswathappa, K. (2008); Management and Organizational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
16. Shajahan, S. (2008); Services Marketing — Concepts, Application and Cases; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
17. Jha, S.M. (2008); Services Marketing Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
18. Reddy &Appannaiah (2008); Services Marketing; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
19. Sahoo& Sinha (2008); Services Marketing: Text and Readings; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
20. Venugopal& Raghu (2008); Services Marketing; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
21. Venugopal& Raghu (2007); Services Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
22. Vinnie Jauhari, Kirti Dutta (2009); Services, Marketing, Operations and Management; Oxford University Press.

Page 32 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2402: INTERNATIONAL Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012 Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks

Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials

Course Outcome (CO): CBM2402
CO1: Basic conceptual and practical foundations of International Marketing, Global Marketing, International Marketing Environment.
CO2: Various modes of entering international markets and strategies adopted for successful entry.
CO3: Marketing Mix Decisions related the entry of international markets.
CO4: Brief understanding of policy framework existing in international markets; procedure and documentation for exports; and various issues faced by
international marketer.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 33 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I An Introduction to International Marketing: PSO2
Concept, Nature and Process on International Marketing- PSO3
Differences between International Marketing Versus 12 25 2 CO1 PSO7
Global Marketing- Scanning International Marketing
Environment-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II Entering International Markets (Modes and
Identification, Segmentation and Selection of 11 25 1, 2 CO2
International Markets [In Brief]-Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis.
UNIT – Marketing Mix Decisions: PSO3 L,N,R,G
III Product Strategies in International Markets- Pricing and PSO7
International Logistic and Distribution in International 11 25 2 and 4 CO3 PSO8
Markets Communication Decisions in International PSO9
Markets-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT - IV Policy Framework and Documentation in
International Marketing: PSO3
Reviewing of EXIM Policy-Export Procedure and 1, 2, and PSO8
11 25 CO4
Documentation [An Overview-WTO and International 4 PSO9
Marketing Implications-Emerging Issues in International
Marketing-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. Rakesh Mohan Joshi (2010); 14thEdition; International Marketing; Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Francis Cherunilam (2000); 3rd Revised Edition; International Marketing; Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham and Prashant Salwani (2008); 13th Edition; The McGraw-Hill Companies, New Delhi.
4. T.A.S. Balagopal (2003); 3rd Edition; Export Marketing; Himalaya Publishing House.
5. Subhash C. Jain (2001) 6th Edition; International Marketing; Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., South-Western, Thomas Learning.
Paul, Justine (2008) 2nd Edition; Business Environment: Text & Cases; Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company. Cherunilam, Francis; Business
Environment: Text & Cases; Himalaya Publishing House.
7. Cherunilam Francis (2006); International Business Environment; Himalaya Publishing House.
8. Rakesh Mohan Joshi; International Marketing Management; Oxford.
9. Warren J. Keegan, Naval K. Bhargava; Global Marketing Management; Pearson.
10. P K Vasudeva; International Marketing; Excel.
11. R. Srinivasan; International Marketing; PHI Learning.
12. Mithani D.M. (2005); International Economics; Tata McGraw Hill
13. Sheikh Saleem (2009); Business Environment; Pearson.

Page 34 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

14. Vivek Mittal (2008); Business Environment; Excel Books.
15. Bedi Suresh (2005); Business Environment; Excel Books.
16. K Ashwathappa (2009), Business Environment; Himalaya Publishing House.
17. Rabindra N. Bhattacharya (2008); Environmental Economics; Oxford.
18. Ian Worthington, Chris Britton (2006); The business Environment; Financial Times Prentice Hall.
19. Warren J. Keegan, Naval K. Bhargava; Global Marketing Management; Pearson.
20. Terpstra Vern; International Marketing; Dryden Press.
21. Richard D. Irwin. Carson, David; International Marketing: A Cooperative System Approach; John Wilily.
22. Warren J. Keegan; Multinational Marketing Management; Prentice Hall.
23. Simon Majare; International Marketing; A Strategic Approach to World Markets; George Allen & Unwin.
24. Fayerweather John; International Marketing; Prentice Hall.
25. Kiefer Lee (2009); Global Marketing Management; Oxford University Press.
26. Rakesh Mohan (2005); International Marketing; Oxford University Press.
27. Justin Paul and Rajiv Aserkar (2008); Export Import Management; Oxford University Press.

Page 35 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2403: : CONSUMER Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. /Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2403
CO1: Basic conceptual and practical foundations of Consumer Behavior in context of Indian Markets.
CO2: Gain fundamental understanding of consumer as individual.
CO3: Understand consumer behavior in context of socio-cultural settings.
CO4:understand consumer decision making process and various models of the same.
CO5: Develop managerial skills for decision making on various Plans, Programs & Strategies based on Consumer Behaviour.

Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio

Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 36 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I An Introduction To Consumer Behaviour: PSO2
Understanding Consumer behavior [An Overview] - PSO3
12 25 1 CO1
Diversity of Indian Market-Changing Indian Consumer
Behaviour-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.
UNIT – II The Consumer as an Individual: PSO2
Consumer Motivation-Consumer Perception-Consumer PSO3
Learning and Experience-Consumer Personality-Self- 11 25 1 CO2 PSO7
Image-Attitudes and Beliefs- Feedback and Review /
Case Analysis. G
UNIT – The Consumer in the Socio-Cultural Setting: PSO2 L,N,R,G HV
III Cultural and Western Influence on Consumer Behaviour- PSO3 PE
Influence of Family and Reference Groups on Consumer PSO7
11 25 1 and 2 CO3
Behaviour Life Style Marketing and Consumer PSO8
Behaviour-Feedback and Review / Case Analysis.

UNIT - IV The Consumer Decision-Making Process: PSO2

Consumer’s Decision Making- Comprehensive Models CO4 PSO3
11 25 1 and 2
of Consumer Decision-Making- Feedback and Review / CO5 PSO8
Case Analysis. PSO9
Reference Books
1. RamanuajMajmudar (2010); Consumer Behaviour; PHI Ltd., New Delhi.
2. J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson (2009) 7th Edition; Consumer behavior and Marketing Strategy; Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
3. Leon G. Schiff man and Leslie Lazar Kaunak (2002) 7th Edition; Consumer Behaviour; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. David L. Loudon and Albert J. Della Bitta (2002) 2nd Edition; Consumer Behaviour; Tata McGraw-Hill.
5. Roger D. Blackwell, Paul W. Miniard and James F. Engel (2007) 10th Edition; Consumer Behaviour; Thomson SouthWestern.
6. Rajeev Kumar (2010); 1st Edition; Consumer Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Pattanayak&Chunawalla, S.A. (2005); Commentary on Consumer Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
8. Kumar, R. (2009); Consumer Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
9. Nair, Suja R. (2008); Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
10. Sontakki, C.N. (2006); Consumer Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Page 37 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2020-21
Department of Commerce and Business Management

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II CBM2404: Internship Project & Viva Credits / Hours per week 03 Hrs. / Week
Year of Introduction: 2007
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Lectures
Course Outcome (CO): CBM2403
CO1: Identification and Preparation of topic for the project and submission of project proposal.
CO2: Use of various pedagogical tools like case studies, role play, quizzes etc. to orient students before taking up the project.
CO3: Orientation about project structure, data collection, report writing based on presentations.
CO4: Data analysis, Project report preparation, submission of report, and presenting the report.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an

Page 38 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

UNIT - I Planning For Preparation of Identification & PSO3
Preparation & Submission of Project Proposal: PSO8
Theoretical Framework of Business Management 12 25 2 CO1
Practices for Identification of the topic and preparation
and submission of the Proposal
UNIT – II Orientation for Project Preparation using Various PSO3
Pedagogical Tools: PSO9
Case Studies- Exercises- Role Play-Games Quizzes- 11 25 1, 2 CO2
Industrial Visits & Training With Reference Marketing
Management Practices.
UNIT – III Orientation for Project Structure, Writing Report & PSO2
its Layout & Submission: PSO3 G
Orientation about Report Writing-Presentation Based on 1, 2, and PSO8 PE
11 25 CO3 SD
Industrial Visits & Industrial Training. 4

UNIT - IV Project Report Preparation, Submission Presentation

& Evaluation: PSO2
The Project Report is to be submitted by the student on a PSO3
given theme selected by him/her based on either 1, 2, 4, PSO8
11 25 CO4
Secondary Data or both that is Secondary Data & and 6 PSO10
Primary Data supported through field studies, field
survey, library work , Industrial Visits &or Industrial
Training as the case may be.

Page 39 - M.COM ( FINAL) – Marketing Management

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2021-22
Department of Commerce and Business Management


Interdisciplinary Elective
Year I Credits / Hours per week 04 Hrs / Week
Strategic Management
Semester I Year of Introduction: 2021-22 Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks

Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials

Course Outcome (CO):
CO1: Students will be exposed to various perspectives and concepts of strategic management, its importance acquainted with the strategies at levels and get
familiarized with aspects related to the analysis of the firm’s external environment, the resources and thus carry out SWOT analysis for strategy formulation.
CO2: Students will understand the fundamentals of corporate and business level strategy formulation and application of the same.
CO3: Understand the management of various resources like people, information, processes, technology etc. with regard to strategy formulation and
CO4: Students will gain an understanding the process and challenges involved in implementing and managing strategic changes and monitoring the strategy
implementation process through strategic control systems.
CO5: Students will be able to master the analytical tools of strategic management and develop skills for applying these concepts to the solution of business
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relation
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustaina
(Ent)/ bal (G) bility
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)and
UNIT - I Introduction to Strategy:
• Nature of Strategy and Strategic Decisions, Strategic
Management, The External Environment (PESTEL
Framework), Competitive Forces (Five Forces Model), 12 25 1,2.4 CO1
SWOT Analysis, Strategic Capabilities.
• Organizational Resources; Core Competencies; Value
Chain, System and Network, Cost Efficiencies,
Feedback and Review/ Case Analysis
UNIT - II Corporate & Business Level Strategy:
• Business Portfolio Management, BCG-GE Approach, SD HV
Integration, Diversification, Alliance, Merger and 12 25 1,2,4 CO2 L,N,R,G
• Market Development & Product Development, The Mc
Kinsey 7S Framework, Feedback and Review/Case
UNIT - III Business Strategy and Enabling Resources:
• Managing People, Competitive Advantage through 12 25 1,2,4
People, Managing Information, Managing Finance,
• Managing Technology, Feedback and Review/Case
UNIT - IV Managing Strategic Change:
• Transformational Leadership Processes, Business 12 25 1,2,4
Strategy and Organizational Culture, Strategic Control CO5
Processes, Feedback and Review/Case Analysis.
Reference Books
1. Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Ricard Whittington; “Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases”; Pearson Education
2. Glueck, W.F. &Jauch, L.R.; Business Policy & Strategic Management.
3. Koontz &Wherich; Essentials of Management.
4. Chuck Williams; Management.
Arthur A. Thompson, A. J. Strickland, John E. Gamble and Arun K. Jain (2010) 16th Edition; “Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive
Advantage – Concept and Cases”; Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
6. Michael Hitt, Robert E. Hoskisson, and R. Duane Ireland (2007); “Management of Strategy: Concepts and Cases”; Cengage Learning; 1st Indian Reprint.
7. Robert Grant (2009) 6th Edition; “Contemporary Strategic Management”; Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
8. AzharKazmi (2009) 3rd Edition; “Strategic Management and Business Policy”; Tata McGraw- Hill.
9. Michael Porter (1985); “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance”; Free Press.
10. P. Subba Rao (2007); “Business Policy and Strategic Management”; Himalaya Publishing House;’ Himalaya Publishing House; 1st Edition.
11. UpendraKachru (2006); “Strategic Management- Concept and Case”; Excel Books.
12. Charles W. L. Hill & Gareth R. Jones (2008); “An Integrated approach to Strategic Management”; Cengage Learning.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Commerce
Academic Year 2021-22
Department of Commerce and Business


Interdisciplinary Elective
Year I Credits / Hours per week 04 Hrs / Week

Semester II Year of Introduction: 2021 Maximum Marks / Grade 100

Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials

Course Outcome (CO):
CO1: To impart conceptual understanding to students regarding Fundamental aspects related with Entrepreneurship (Conceptual
CO2: To appraise learning and establishing relevance of Entrepreneurship with Creativity and Innovation.
CO3: To appraise behavioral aspects of entrepreneurship for starting new venture.
CO4: To provide guidance on core processes for Business Decision Making.
CO5: To brief students on essential business related issues: Marketing, HR, Financial
CO6: To Provide practical guidance through live interaction with Business entrepreneurs
CO7: To spread awareness for future contemporary challenges

Unit Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elements of Relevance to Relation to

No. Hours (%) Level Employabili Local (L)/ Gender (G),
ty (Emp)/ National (N)/ Environment
Entrepreneu Regional(R)/ and
rship (Ent)/ Global (G) Sustainabilit
Skill development y (ES),
Developmen al needs Human
t (SD) Values
Ethics (PE)
1 Elements of Entrepreneurship:
• Theoretical background on entrepreneurship
(Brief discussion on ‘Risk Bearing Theory’,
‘Innovation Theory’, ‘X-Efficiency theory’)
• Entrepreneur V/s Intrapreneur
12 25 1,2 CO3
• Types of entrepreneurs
• Qualities and skills of entrepreneurs
• Barriers to entrepreneurs
(live interaction/case study with entrepreneurs
for practical guidance)
2 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
• Sources of business idea
• Idea generation techniques
• Creativity v/s innovation CO2
12 25 2,4,5
• Creativity process CO6
• Design thinking
(live interaction/case study with entrepreneurs Emp, Ent,
(L) & (R) G, ES, HV
for practical guidance) SD
3 Business Decision making for New Venture:
• Preparation and appraisal of business plan
• Feasibility Study – Market, financial,
organizational, project
12 25 3,4,6 CO5
• Institutional support and legal framework for CO6
• Venture Capital
(visit to the incubation Centre)
4 Future Challenges for Contemporary Enterprises:
• Women Entrepreneurship
• Rural Entrepreneurship
• Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development CO6
12 25
• Social Entrepreneurship CO7
• Value & Ethics for Entrepreneurs 1,2,3
(learning to be imparted through case studies,
live interaction, visits, etc.)
Reference Books
1. Alapana Trehan (2016), Entrepreneurship, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi
2. Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, Tata McGraw- Hill
3. Madhurima Lall, Shikha Sahai (2008), 2nd Edition Entrepreneurship, Excel Books.
4. David H Holt (2008) Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited
Thomas W. Zimmerer, Norman M. Scarborough (2013), 5th Edition, Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, PHI learning Private
6. P. Narayana Reddy, Entrepreneurship – Text and Cases, Cengage learning
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce Academic Year 2021-22
Department of Commerce and Business Management


Elective Group -HR

Year II HUMAN RESOURCE Credits / Hours per week 04 Hrs / Week


Semester III Year of Introduction: 2021 Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks

Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials

Course Outcome (CO):
CO1: To introduce students to HR functions, HR acquisition and Development
CO2: To equip the students with an advanced understanding of HRM in current scenario.
CO3: To familiarize the students with Performance, Talent and Career Management.
CO4: To acquaint the students with the concept of Employee Relations & Retention.
CO5: To sensitize students with challenges of Contemporary HR function.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio
Hours (%) Level ts of ce to n to
Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Environ
Entrepr l (N)/ ment
eneursh Regiona and
ip l(R)/Glo Sustain
(Ent)/ bal (G) ability
Skill develop (ES),
Develop mental Human
ment needs Values
(SD) (HV)an
UNIT - I Introduction to HRM, HR Acquisition &
• Overview of HRM- Objectives-
Responsibilities of HRM. 12 25 2, 4
• HR acquisition Function- Recruitment &
• Training & Development- Techniques.
UNIT – II Performance, Talent & Career Management
• Talent -Meaning & objectives, Role of Talent
management in building sustainable
Competitive advantage in a firm.
• Developing employee competency-
Competency mapping- Components, traits and 12 25 2, 4, 5 CO3
types of competencies- Competency
development model. L, N, R,
Emp G, ES
• Performance management-Goal Setting, G
Measurement and Evaluation.
• Career Development & Management.
UNIT – III Employee Relations & Retention
• Employee engagement.
• Employee Attrition & Loyalty. 12 25 2, 3 CO4
• Compensation & Reward Management.
• Welfare & Social Security.
UNIT - IV Challenges for Contemporary HR Function
• Human Rights & Non- discriminatory policies.
• Digitalization of HR Processes & Virtual
12 25 2, 3, 4 CO5
• Cultural and Work Force Diversity in Global
Reference Books
1. Human Resource Management by VSP Rao.
2. Human Rights and New World Order by J.C. Johari.
3. Performance Management by Prem Chadha.
4. Performance Management by Julie Freeman.
5. Organizational Behaviour by Fred Luthans.
6. Competency Management- The conceptual framework by Sudhir Warier.
7. The handbook of competency mapping by Seema Sanghi.
8. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman.
9. Performance Management towards organizational excellence by T.V. Rao
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce
Academic Year 2021-22
Department of Commerce and Business
Elective Group – HR
Year II Credits / Hours per week 04 Hrs / Week

Semester III Year of Introduction: 2021 Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks

Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials

Course Outcome (CO):
CO1:To aid the students in enhancing their self-awareness, personality dimension at work place
CO2: To develop emotional intelligence and assertive behaviour at work place in students
CO3:To help in building interpersonal relation, communication and effective listening in students
CO4:To acquaint the students with managing stress, conflict and working in teams
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contac Weightag BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t e Level ts of nce to n to
Hours (%) Emplo Local Gende
yability (L)/ r (G),
(Emp)/ Nation Enviro
Entrep al (N)/ nment
reneur Region and
ship al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo develo Huma
pment pmenta n
(SD) l needs Values
• Ascertaining dynamics of Individual
Biological dynamics, Psychological
dynamics and Socio Cultural dynamics. CO1
12 25 2, 4
• Enhancing Self-Awareness in work context
• Self-Esteem, Self Image and Self-
• Self Management: Clarifying Values,
Setting Goals and Planning.
• Personality Dimensions at work place.
• Individual analysis using JOHARI’S
• Emotional Intelligence and development.
12 25 2, 4, 5 CO2
• Developing Assertive Behaviour at work
• Impression Management at work place.
• Developing Creative, Critical thinking and
Problem Solving abilities.
• Building Interpersonal relations through
Transactional Analysis.
• Leadership Styles, Persuasion.
• Effective Listening and Reading Non-
Verbal messages at work place,
Constructive feedback.
• Communicating across cultures.
• Team Building- Working with teams. CO4
• Conflict and Negotiations. 12 25 2, 3, 4
• Managing Culture& Change.
• Time and Stress Mgt. for organizational
Reference Books
1. Human Behaviour at Work – Keith Davis
2. Organizational Behaviour- Fred Luthans
Behavioural Dynamics at Work place: A guide to Introspect, Practice and Transform- Umasekhar K, Charitra H.G. (Routledge-
Taylor and Francis)
4. Training in Interpersonal skills- Stephen Robbins and Philip.L. Hunsaker
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce
Academic Year 2021-22
Department of Commerce and Business
Elective Group –Mkt.
Year II Credits / Hours per week 04 Hrs / Week
Essentials of Marketing Management

Semester IV Year of Introduction: 2021-22 Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks

Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials

Course Outcome (CO):
CO1: Get familiarized with the fundamentals of marketing concepts and practices and develop their analytical skills, conceptual abilities and
substantive knowledgein the field of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour and also apply the principles of Business Ethics
CO2: Develop managerial skills for decision making on various aspects like Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Strategies adopted by Market
Leader, Challenger, Follower and Nicher, Building strategies for organizations in downturn.
CO3: Able to understand, build, and capture customer value, and develop skills related to the formulation and implementation of related
strategies by learning the two of the four basic Ps of marketing mix - Product and Price.
CO4: Able to communicate and deliver customer value and develop skills related to the formulation and implementation of related strategies by
learning the othertwo of the four basic Ps of marketing mix – Promotion and Distribution, learn the new and upcoming areas in Marketing.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contac Weightag BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t e Level ts of nce to n to
Hours (%) Emplo Local Gende
yability (L)/ r (G),
(Emp)/ Nation Enviro
Entrep al (N)/ nment
reneur Region and
ship al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo develo Huma
pment pmenta n
(SD) l needs Values
• Definition of Marketing & Marketing
Management, Core Marketing Concepts,
Marketing Philosophies & New Realities,
Company Orientations towards Market CO1
Place, Marketing Mix Strategies. 12 25 2, 4
• Developing Marketing Strategies and
Marketing Plans.
• Marketing Information System,
Forecasting and Demand Measurement.
• Bases for Market Segmentation, Market
Targeting, Competitive Strategies, Market
Expansion, Protecting and Enhancing 12 25 2, 4, 5 CO2
Market Share.
• Strategies adopted by Market Leader,
Challenger, Follower and Nicher.
• Marketing in Economic Downturn.
12 25 2, 3 CO3
• Product and Brand Decisions – Product
Types, Levels, Product Lines Analysis,
Product and Service differentiations.
• Branding Strategies – Brand Positioning &
Repositioning Strategy, Creating Brand
• Pricing Decisions- Consumer Psychology
and Pricing, Process of Setting the price,
Price discounts and allowances,
Differentiated and promotional Pricing.
• Managing Integrated Marketing
Communication – Meaning of IMC, IMC
tools, Advertising, Sale Promotions,
Personal Selling, Public Relations,
Publicity, Direct Marketing.
• Social Media Communication, Message
Decisions, Media Decisions, Budget
Decisions. CO4
2, 3, 4,
• Sales Promotions Tools – Customer Sales 12 25
Promotion & Trade Orientated Sales
Promotion, Selling as a Career,
Misconceptions about Selling, Selling
• Distribution Decisions - Importance &
Functions of Distribution Channels –
Channel Levels – Channel Management
Decisions – Retailing and Wholesaling
• New Horizons in Marketing
Reference Books
1. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi
2. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management: Planning, , Analysis and Control, Pearson Education, New Delhi
Kotler, P., Keller, K., Koshy, L., &Jha, M. (2009). Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective, (13th Edition.), Pearson Education,
3. New Delhi
4. Nair, Paul, George & John (2010); Modern Marketing Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Ramaswamy, V.S., &Namakumari, S. (2014). Marketing Management: Global Perspective – Indian Context (5th Edition), MacMillan India
5. Ltd.
6. Saxena, R., (2009). Marketing Management (4th Edition), Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
7. Stanton, Etzel, Walker, Fundamentals of Marketing, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi
8. Karunakaran, K., (2017). Marketing Management – Text and Cases in Indian Context, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Commerce
Academic Year 2021-22
Department of Commerce and Business
Elective Group –Mkt.
Year II Credits / Hours per week 04 Hrs / Week

Semester IV Year of Introduction: 2021-22 Maximum Marks / Grade 100 Marks

Mode of Transaction Lectures and Tutorials

Course Outcome (CO):
CO1: Get the conceptual understanding of various behavioral sciences; their contribution to consumer behaviour and emerging trends in
consumer behaviour and applications of this concepts for formulating marketing strategies.
CO2: Gain an understanding about the various Internal and External Influencers to consumers like Learning, motivation, perception, attitudes,
emotions, personality etc. which act as the foundations of individual behavior and the impact of these areas on the behavior of individuals in
different capacities. External Influencers of social behavior by developing a basic understanding about group, social class, social
stratification, culture, cross culture and Cross Cultural influences.
CO3: Learn and understand the foundations of consumer decision makings, innovations, adoptions and diffusion process.
CO4: Get appraised with the contemporary issues of the consumers’ relationship management and organizational buying behaviour and emerging
trend in organizational buying behviour.
Unit No. Topic/Unit Contac Weightag BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t e Level ts of nce to n to
Hours (%) Emplo Local Gende
yability (L)/ r (G),
(Emp)/ Nation Enviro
Entrep al (N)/ nment
reneur Region and
ship al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo develo Huma
pment pmenta n
(SD) l needs Values
• What is Consumer Behaviour ?
Consumption and Consumer Behaviour.
• Tri Component Model of CB.
• CB & Marketing Strategies, CB & Society. 12 25 2, 4
• Changing Marketing Environment &
Emerging trends in Consumer Behaviour
and in India.
• Consumer Value Frame Work and Value
types and value equation. SD L, N, R
• Consumers Internal Influences
(Psychographic) – Consumer Perception,
Learning, Motivation & Emotions,
12 25 2, 4, 5 CO2
Attitudes, Personality-Lifestyle and Self
• Consumers External Influences (Social
Influences) – Group and Interpersonal
Influences – Reference Group, Social
Structure, Social Class and Social Status,
Family, Social Media’s role and influences.
• Culture and Consumer Behaviour –
Culture, Sub-culture and Cross Culture
• Consumer Involvement and Types of
Buying Behaviour.
• Consumers Buying Decision Making 12 25 2, 3 CO3
• Innovation, Adoption and Diffusion
• Consumption Outcome, Satisfaction &
Dissatisfaction, Consumer Delight-
consumer complains word of mouth,
consumer loyalty and switching behavior.
• Customer Relationship Management CO4
(CRM) –Internal, Interactive & External 12 25 2, 4, 5
Customers, CRM programes elements.
• Organizational Buying Behaviours – B2B
Buying Process, Influencers, New Trends
in corporate buying’s behaviour, e-
procurements, Just – in – time , Centralized
purchasing, System Purchasing, Reverser
Marketing, Leasing etc.
Reference Books
1. Schiff man and Kanuk; Consumer Behaviour; Prentice Hall of India (Pvt.) Ltd.
2. Stephan Robbins; Organizational Behaviour; Prentice Hall of India.
3. R.S.Dwivedi; Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour; McMillan Publisher.
4. Nair, Paul, George & John (2010); Modern Marketing Management; Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
5. AzharKazmi (2009) 3rd Edition; “Strategic Management and Business Policy”; Tata McGraw- Hill.
6. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi
7. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management: Planning, , Analysis and Control, Pearson Education, New Delhi
Kotler, P., Keller, K., Koshy, L., &Jha, M. (2009). Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective, (13th Edition.), Pearson Education,
8. New Delhi

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