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Corrigendum Estcost

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Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
R&B Office Complex, Errum Manzil, Hyderabad-500082
Telefax: 040-23393206, 040-23378549; E-mail: rohyd-morth@gov.in

Date: 01st December, 2023

Subject: Bid for work “Construction of Iconic Hybrid Cable Stayed and Suspension Bridge
Across Krishna River on NH 167K Design Chainage km 87.360 to km 88.437 in the States
of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh on EPC Basis”- Reg

Corrigendum No. 4

The bid for the subject work is invited vide NIT No. RW/HYD/Misc-28/NIT/2023-24/007
dt 07.10.2023 (Tender ID- 2023_MoRTH_775191_1) with bid due date 28.11.2023 and bid
opening date as 29.11.2023. The bid due date was extended to 18.12.2023 vide Corrigendum No.
2 dt. 03.11.2023.

2. The following modifications are made:-

Sr. May be
Item In RFP
No. read as

1 Estimated In NIT date

Rs. 963.00 crore (Including GST)
Project Cost 07.10.2023
Rs. 816.10
BOQ Item Rate Rs. 963.00 crore (Including GST) crore
In RFP Rs. 816.10 crore (Excluding GST)
document (Refer clause 1.1.1 and 1.1.3)

3. It is clarified that the Estimated Project Cost may be read as Rs. 816.10 crore (Rupees
Eight Hundred Sixteen Crore and Ten Lakhs only) excluding GST at everywhere in the bid

4. It is also clarified that prospective bidder shall put his price excluding of GST against
the estimated price of Rs. 816.10 crore.

5. The prospective bidder may also furnish an Appendix-IX (attached to this Corrigendum
No. 4) in this regard with the bid documents.
(Subodh Kumar)
Executive Engineer
For Regional Officer, Hyderabad

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Additional letter regarding the Financial BID

(Refer Corrigendum No. 4 dated 01.12.2023)

The Chief Engineer (South-I),
Room No. 225, Second Floor,
Transport Bhawan, 1 Parliament Street,
New Delhi – 110 001.

Sub: BID for “Construction of Iconic Hybrid Cable Stayed and Suspension Bridge Across
Krishna River on NH -167K (Design Chainage km 87+360 to km 88+437) in the States of
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)

Dear Sir,

1. In above bid I acknowledge that

1.1. that the NIT dated 07.10.2023 shown with its BOQ Approximate Estimated
amount of Rs. 963.00 crore (Rs. Nine Hundred Sixty Three Crore only) including
Utility shifting charges, GST and all taxes.

1.2. that BOQ in para 7 provided “7. I/ We hereby submit our BID and offer a BID Price
(including Utility shifting charges, GST and all Taxes) Rs. ______ for undertaking the
aforesaid Project in accordance with the Bidding Documents and the Agreement.”

1.3. that the RFP uploaded in CPP Portal [Refer para 1.1.1 and 1.1.3, etc. of section 1 of
RFP with document titled 1-RFP Iconic Bridge 03-11-2023.pdf] provides for
estimated project cost (In Rs. crore) excluding of GST as Rs. 816.10 crore.

2. Now, I/ We acknowledge that the Corrigendum No. 4 dated 01.12.2023 clarified that the
bidder has to put its bid price excluding of GST against the estimated project cost (In
Rs. crore) excluding of GST as Rs. 816.10 crore, provided in the RFP.

Accordingly, I/we submit our Price bid against estimated project cost Rs. 816.10 crore
excluding GST.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature, name and designation of

the Authorised Signatory
Name & seal of Bidder/Lead Member

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