Cloud - Computing QueBank
Cloud - Computing QueBank
Cloud - Computing QueBank
1) Define Virtualization? Explain different types of Virtualizations?
2) Differentiate between Virtualization in Grid and Virtualization in Cloud
3) Draw and Explain the Virtualization Architecture in detail?
4) Explain the importance of hypervisor in cloud computing? Compare Type 1 and Type 2
5) Explain virtual clustering in cloud computing
6) Define virtualizations? Explain the advantagesand disadvantages of Virtualization?
1) What are the components of Microsoft Azure? Explain briefly?
2) Enlist the different services offered by Amazon web Service? Explain it
3) How cloud computing can be used for business and consumer applications like ERP or CRM
4) Explain Google Cloud Applications in detail?
5) How the Amazon simple storage service (S3) works? Explain with suitable diagram
6) Enlist the steps for configuring Amazon EC2 VM instance?
7) Enlist an applications of cloud computing in different Area? Describe any two applications?
8) Discuss Amazon Dynamo Database Service in detail?
1) What are different risks in cloud computing and how to mange them?
2) Explain security authorization challenges in cloud computing?
3) What are the security issues of cloud computing identified by cloud security alliance (CSA)?
Explain any three in detail?
4) What are the different types of testing in cloud computing? Explain briefly?
5) Describe the different Cloud Security Services in detail?
6) State the use of Content Level Security (CLS)?
7) Analyze the different types of security risk involved in cloud computing?
8) Discuss the various Cloud Security Services with its necessity?
1) Differentiate Distributed Cloud Computing Vs Edge Computing?
2) What do you mean by IoT Cloud?And how IoT cloud can be used in home automation?
3) Explain with example, working of Docker?
4) What are the future trends in cloud computing? Explain in brief?
5) Explain architecture and working of Kubernetes.
6) Explain the concept of DevOps in detail?
7) Explain Mobile Cloud in detail?
8) Explain Multimedia Cloud in detail?
9) Explain architecture and working of Kubernetes.
10) Discuss Energy Aware Cloud Computing with suitable example?