CC Unit 3 Notes by DK?
CC Unit 3 Notes by DK?
CC Unit 3 Notes by DK?
Vixtualiaation in Cloud Compting
* Vistaalizatian
’ .Vntualizaion is broad tem that zefas to
abstrachon of xesourceSi acz0SSmany aspects.
ot computing
Yiatualizafion is" creating o ritua ather than
actual) version of Samthing Such as
desktap storage deice osttc
In other woxds Yirtualgahon is fechnique
which allows us to share snqleinstance
xesoutce application among multple
CUstomers& otgnigation.
Diagiam i-Latiat
Aduantaqes af Mntualization n
i Moxe flexible_and efficientallo cathon of
* Types ot Vitaaligotion
- a
) Platfo1m Vistaalizati on
The ceation o vitual machine Uaing_ Combination.
f harduate and softuwae is knouun as
Platfaumvirtualigatian ispetfomedon qien
haduwae plattoum by "host" softuane
which Cxeates simulatedComputer enrironment
tor its "Guest"Sottu°are
T Seuer Viatualigatian -
Senser Nhtualigationnis a softuwae axchiteckune
dbnthat allows maxethan on.
oneSRver OSto un as
guest.on qren physicalseiuer host.
alhen thei yistual machin e Sottluaie r Vmm is
installed an Seveeiverr System it is known
as Sauer Vtualigation.
" Sener vistualigatian is done because a single
cal seyer Can be divided into multiple
tor balandng the load.
* Compaaisan -
Full Niatualigatian Paa Vactaaliaatian
t selies upan binals tianslahon t setes to communication.
to taqp Ato vistualiae betuueenquest 0s an
Centain sensitive instiuctions. hypavisor to imp1ore
Eq Vmwaxe
peata1mance aetfciency
ani Eq, Xen architectue
a Tt
T+ doesn't need to nodify
modits i T inYolves modifcahian
host 0s
*Staaqe Viatualigathan
Stasage Vistualigatian is the pracess a
physical stoage fom multiple qiouping
netuoxk stauaqe
desices so that it looks ike single staage derice
Storagevìistualigatian is asa implemented by
sofnaie applicahons.
Stouage viatualig afion is mainly done ta back un
and Secovey puposes
1 Data is stoted io Convenient ocations
tom host
t Netuuohk Vistualiaahon
Netwgk yistualiation facilitates unnin o
multiple nenet uwoiks multiple Consumers Qver shated
Campantnts af vitualnetwouk
netwoik Consistaf
i YLANs and vms.
) Netwonk staagt deices
H) Netuw ok elements eq
in) Netuwok mobile elements ea tablets mabiles
media eq, Ebe channels
t CPU Vitualigation
4 . Ceitain psocesSors Such as Tatel vT
haxdware assistance far CPu Vintualigation
Vitual Clastexing -
clustexsefeis to set o
that confiquned ta ointeAConnected
wozk togethex
ohesive Computing enuzonment
Physical Physical Physical Vitual machins
Clusta 4 Cluster 9 Lcluste 2
Cluske 2
Vital Vitual
Cluster 3 ClusteL
iatualigathon in Gaid
t Campasison
LGaid Computing
1It tollous a_dsttbuted
Claud Campafiaq
i It tollouws cient-seiver
Computingachitectune n Computing ach~ectue
i Scalability is. nomot
) Scalabilty is high.
im Gaid.campuhing is less i) Claud Computing
camputinq isis mone
Aexible tthan
h CC Due texible than GC
i) Grid apeates iCloud apenates
decentialiged managmtnt Centaaliged manaqument.
Systtm Systm
) Gaid Computing is v) Claud computing is
applicahon ariented Sevicegsented.
Type-4 hypeuuisa
They also called as. bae-metd hypeauisas
Theu xun dhectly top ofhost
of host sustem
Typt - 2 hupeluison
They ae also knauwn as Hosted hypeiuisoL