Silvennoinen Et Al 2022 Effects of Gehl S Urban Design Guidelines On Walkability A Virtual Reality Experiment in
Silvennoinen Et Al 2022 Effects of Gehl S Urban Design Guidelines On Walkability A Virtual Reality Experiment in
Silvennoinen Et Al 2022 Effects of Gehl S Urban Design Guidelines On Walkability A Virtual Reality Experiment in
Heidi Silvennoinen
Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore
Aalto University, Finland
Saskia Kuliga
Future Cities Laboratory of the Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore
University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany
Pieter Herthogs
Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore
Future Cities Laboratory of the Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore
Bige Tunçer
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Future Cities Laboratory of the Singapore-ETH Centre, Singapore
Walkability has become an important theme of urban design research and practice. Evidence
suggests that environmental attractiveness can have a significant impact on the amount of walking
activities that take place, but relatively little research exists on which environmental features linked
to attractiveness increase walkability. Using a virtual reality experiment, the present study examined
the effects on walkability of three key features, as defined by Jan Gehl, an influential urban planning
practitioner and theorist: liveliness, high-quality façades and low buildings. A virtual reality sim-
ulation allowed isolating the effects of these features, while avoiding confounding factors, such as the
presence of shops, which has been difficult to do in past field studies. Our study confirmed that the
Corresponding author:
Heidi Silvennoinen, Deparatment of CREATE, Singapore-ETH Centre, 1 Create Way, CREATE Tower, #06-01, Singapore
138602, Singapore.
2410 EPB: Urban Analytics and City Science 49(9)
combination of features recommended by Gehl promoted walking activity in the study’s context.
Further exploratory analyses suggested that improved façade quality was positively linked to walking
activity, and that building height and liveliness had negligible effects. Our findings contribute to the
existing understanding of walkability, which may benefit urban planning practice and models of
walkability. Further research is necessary to confirm our results regarding the effects of specific
features on walking activity in different contexts.
Walkability, virtual reality, urban design, urban simulation, south east asia
In recent years, walkability has become a major theme of urban research, and also a key goal of
many urban design practitioners (Forsyth, 2015; Winters et al., 2017). Although various definitions
of walkable environments exist, all agree that in such environments, more walking activity takes
place (Forsyth, 2015). Walkability is considered important because increased walking benefits
society in the realms of public health, social well-being and environmental sustainability (Carmona,
2019; Forsyth, 2015; Gehl, 2010). It follows that there is increasing interest in creating quantitative
models of walkability, to both inform policy interventions and improve understanding of urban
dynamics in the aforementioned fields (Hasan, 2020; Visvizi et al., 2021).
Yet despite the existence of a wide range of walkability models and indexes, what constitutes a
walkable environment is not fully understood. Walkability researchers have commonly identified
four needs that must be fulfilled for walking to take place: convenience, safety, comfort and at-
tractiveness (Nakamura, 2020; Talavera-Garcia and Soria-Lara, 2015). According to, for example,
Nakamura (2020), much research has focused on the first two needs, including topics such as
accessibility of destinations and pedestrians’ safety. The higher-level needs of comfort and at-
tractiveness are also significantly associated with walking activities (see e.g. Ewing and Clemente,
2013; Nakamura, 2020). In one study on the environmental factors contributing to walking activity,
people’s self-reported pedestrian experience (including, e.g. the perceived presence of attractive
buildings) had the third strongest association with actual walking activity, of the eight features
studied (Zuniga-Teran et al., 2017). However, the physical features contributing to human comfort
and attractiveness are not well-understood or quantified (Carmona, 2019), and hence are often
deprioritised in walkability models, resulting in reduced accuracy (Nakamura, 2020; Hasan 2020).
In this study, we implemented a virtual reality (VR) simulation to investigate urban design
features that contribute to the attractiveness of walking environments. Specifically, we refer to Jan
Gehl’s guideline that lively environments, high-quality façades and low buildings encourage
walking activities. We chose to rely on Gehl’s guidelines for two reasons.
Firstly, the features described by Gehl are often the focus of urban planning practice. Many
projects seek to improve walkability through the exact liveliness, building height and façade quality
recommendations examined in our study (e.g. City of Calgary, 2015: 6, 26–7, 49; City of
Melbourne, 2015; City of Copenhagen, 2021). In addition, Gehl’s ideas have been incorporated
in more general planning guidelines of several cities and can affect practice (City of Melbourne,
2011: 93, 97; City of New York, 2013; City of Helsinki, 2016; for Australia-wide recommendations,
see Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council, 2015; McNeill, 2011).
In addition, setting aside Gehl’s direct influence, the features themselves have been the focus of
urban planning practice and research. As such, they are worth studying – especially given the
general lack of validation in the urban planning field (Marshall, 2012). Numerous cities have
Silvennoinen et al. 2411
implemented similar urban design guidelines as Gehl’s, without citing Gehl specifically (City of
Melbourne, 2015; City of Stockholm, 2021; for Singapore, see Urban Redevelopment Authority,
2020). In the academic world, a good example is the most-cited series of studies on the relationship
between urban design variables and walkability by Reid Ewing (see e.g. Ameli et al., 2015; Ewing
and Clemente, 2013). Ewing and his team asked a group of urban design experts to determine
metrics for assessing urban design quality, and then to rank street scenes according to these metrics.
In studies that followed, the team then correlated the urban design ratings with pedestrian counts to
see which urban design features most contribute to walkability. In many ways, the experts’ urban
design quality metrics are similar to those of Gehl, including liveliness, façade transparency,
complexity and human scale (Ewing and Clemente, 2013).
What distinguishes Gehl’s guidelines for improving walkability through urban design from these
and others is that Gehl’s are more specific, which is the second reason why we chose to focus on
them. For example, Gehl specifies façade dimensions that encourage walkability. Such specific
guidelines regarding the shape and properties of objects that form the built environment are
straightforward to implement unambiguously in a 3D modelled VR environment – and are hence
more suitable for our study than similar but broader and less specific guidelines, for example, those
by Ewing and Clemente (2013), described above.
described in the two sections above (‘Gehl’s Urban Design Guidelines to Promote Walking Ac-
tivities’ and ‘Empirical Studies on Gehl’s Guidelines’). Although the question of validity is im-
portant in VR research, recent studies using head-mounted displays have indicated that people
behave in and perceive virtual environments in similar ways as real ones (see e.g. Higuera-Trujillo
et al., 2017; Kisker et al., 2019; Kuliga et al., 2020). Another benefit of VR for our experiment was
that it enabled automatic measurement of the speed at which participants moved through the
environments. Thus, we could test their behavioural responses to the environment in addition to
questionnaire responses (according to Gehl (2010: 79), people move more slowly in attractive and
walkable environments).
Singapore – a high-density, high-rise urban environment – was deemed a relevant context for the
study. First, research in the Singapore context might be especially relevant for rapidly-growing
Asian cities (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division,
2019), as these tend to be particularly car-oriented, and may benefit from evidence on measures that
promote walkability (Nakamura, 2020). Second, Singapore is simply a novel context for walkability
research, which has mostly focused on North America and Europe (e.g. Ameli et al., 2015; Ewing
and Clemente, 2013; Mehta, 2008). As Singaporeans are accustomed to higher population density
and taller buildings, and familiarity is known to affect environmental preferences (Pedersen, 1978),
it is interesting to study how liveliness and building height affect walkability in Singapore. Within
Singapore, our experiment focused on residential neighbourhoods, specifically publicly-owned
Housing Development Board (HDB) estates, which housed 80% of Singaporeans in 2020
(Government of Singapore, 2021). A residential context allowed studying the effect of façade
quality on walkability without the confounding factor of active ground floor functions which had
been present in previous research (see above, section ’Empirical Studies on Gehl’s Guidelines).
(1) People are willing to engage in more walking activities, and walk more slowly, in envi-
ronments containing the following features: (a) a high degree of liveliness, (b) high façade
quality and (c) low buildings, compared to environments that are not lively, have low façade
quality, and tall buildings.
In addition, the study aimed to tentatively examine which of these features is most strongly
linked to walking activities. Thus, we also explored two secondary hypotheses (H2 and H3):
(2) Each feature (liveliness, façade quality and building height) by itself is positively linked to
walking activities.
(3) Liveliness has the largest effect on walking activities.
Figure 1. Screenshots of the study’s 14 virtual environments. Despite the differing angle of the images of
environments in the two locations, the yellow line was placed in a comparable way in both locations.
Environments 1, 7, 8 and 14 were experienced by all participants and included in the primary analysis.
their descriptions. In total, the experiment contained 14 distinct virtual environments, of which each
participant experienced nine. Each environment contained a yellow line which participants were
instructed to follow, to ensure that everyone experienced the environments similarly.
The real-life bases for the virtual environments were chosen based on their façade quality, out of a
selection of Singaporean public housing estate façades which were reviewed according to Gehl’s
criteria: transparency/relief, articulation and detail (Gehl, 2010: 78). For more details on the se-
lection of base environments and the façade ratings, see Supplementary Material, Section 1. Basing
Silvennoinen et al. 2415
Table 1. All levels of the independent variables. Except in location, numbers (0–2) represent the hypothesised
contribution of each level to environment quality. Zero represents the hypothesised low-quality version of a
feature and one (or, in the case of building height, two), represents the highest-quality version.
Liveliness (L) 0 – Low Few virtually simulated agents present. Agents only engaged in walking (not
staying) activities
1 – High Many virtually simulated agents engaging in both walking and staying activities
(sitting on benches, or standing in groups and gesticulating as if in a
Facade (F) 0 – Low Little
• Transparency
• Articulation
• Separation between units
• Variability of shape or colour
1 – High More of each façade feature above
Building height 0 – Tall 10/16 floors
(H) 1 – L-shaped 10/16 floors at the back, 3 floors at the front
2 – Low 3 floors
Location Bedok High facade quality version has more variability in colour and less articulation
and variability in shapes
Simei High facade quality version has less variability in colour and more articulation
and variability in shapes
the study’s high-quality facades on real-life façades improved the validity and realism of the
experiment (helping to ensure that the high-quality façades exemplified a realistic level of Gehl’s
guidelines, such as level of detail). More specifically, the two chosen real-life environments (based
on estates in the Singaporean districts Simei and Bedok) were selected because they exemplified
Gehl’s conception of high-quality façades in different ways. The Bedok façade used colour as a
predominant way of bringing about detail and façade articulation, while the façade in Simei had less
dramatic changes in colour, but more variety in shapes. Using two different case studies helped test
the concept of stimulation more broadly, reducing the risk of merely testing whether one particular
type of façade (e.g. a colourful one) was more attractive than another.
Next, we created virtual models of the chosen estates using Rhinoceros 6, a 3D modelling
software (McNeel and Other, 2018) and Unity (version 2019.1), a game development platform.
These virtual models were manipulated to represent variations of the independent variables: façade
quality, building height and liveliness.
When deciding the number of and differences between the levels of each variable, we relied as far
as possible on Gehl’s guidelines for walkable environments, summarised in above in the section
’Gehl’s Urban Design Guidelines to Promote Walking Activities’. Two levels were considered
appropriate for liveliness, since Gehl does not specify detailed categories of different amounts of
liveliness. Three levels were chosen for building height because in this case, Gehl identifies three
clear categories (low, tall and L-shaped buildings). From a practical point of view, it is interesting to
include all three building height levels in the experiment. Density requirements in urban areas often
mean that replacing tall buildings with low ones to improve walkability is unfeasible. Thus, it is
interesting to know whether L-shaped buildings can bring similar benefits as low ones, yet without
compromising density.
While Gehl provides a more nuanced classification of façades, we only chose two levels in the
façade variable for two main reasons. First, since existing research had not established the effect of
façade quality on walking activity, it seemed appropriate to first study whether a clear difference in
façade quality has an effect on walking activity. Second, limiting the number of levels in the
2416 EPB: Urban Analytics and City Science 49(9)
experiment reduced the number of environments that each participant needed to experience,
therefore reducing participants’ fatigue, which in turn might negatively influence the
questionnaire or speed measurement results (Bradley and Daly, 1994; Cherchi and Hensher,
2015; see also Supplements S2 for a discussion of how our pilot study results informed our
Our pilot study furthermore helped to ensure that the contrasts between each level of each
variable were noticeable to participants on the one hand, and not too extreme on the other (for
details, see Supplementary Material, Section 2).
As creating all possible combinations of two locations and three features would have required 2 *
2 * 2 * 3 = 24 environments, some combinations were excluded. Figure 2 shows the combinations
included in the experiment. Participants were semi-randomly placed in one of two groups (A or B),
experiencing distinct, but partly overlapping sets of environments. As our goal was to reduce fatigue
(as explained above), each participant experienced only nine of the 14 environments, presented in a
randomised order. The specific number of environments was based on the pilot study findings on
fatigue, discussed in Supplements, S2.
All participants experienced the hypothesised highest and lowest-quality versions of the Bedok
and Simei environments (see Figure 2). The hypothesised highest-quality environments were lively
and contained low buildings and high-quality façades, while the hypothesised lowest-quality
environments were not lively and contained tall buildings and low-quality façades.
A pilot study confirmed the validity of the environments (for details, see Supplementary
Material, Section 2).
Figure 2. All possible combinations of features. The experimental design was fractional, as only coloured (not
white) combinations were included. Colours represent the groups which experienced an environment. The
letters refer to features, while the numbers refer to levels (see Table 1).
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Measured variables
The dependent variable ‘walking activities’ was measured, firstly, by recording the speed of
participants as they moved through the virtual environments, and secondly, through a customised,
environmental evaluation questionnaire (referred to as ‘activity questionnaire’) with a seven-point
scale. Besides pure walking activities, the questionnaire measured staying activities because ac-
cording to Gehl (2010: 65), they are related to optional walking activities and contribute to the
liveliness of an environment, potentially making it more walkable for others (see Introduction).
Section 4 in the Supplementary Material contains the full questionnaire, alongside additional
details on the scale and choice of items.
Lastly, we issued a custom-made post-experiment questionnaire to understand participants’
characteristics and perceptions of the experiment, including perceptions of realism and experiences
of cybersickness (motion sickness in VR). For details, see Supplementary Material, Section 5.
Experimental procedure
After signing informed consent, participants experienced the VR environments through a head-
mounted display (HTC Vive). To reduce the risk of tripping and cybersickness, participants were
seated on a chair that could be rotated, as shown in the Supplementary Material, Section 6.
Participants could virtually walk backwards and forwards using the HTC Vive remote controller.
The direction of movement was determined by the direction the headset was facing. Participants
could move forward by touching the touchpad; to move faster, they could simultaneously pull the
trigger at the back of the controller. Three different speeds were available: 0 km/h, 3.9 km/h and
7.9 km/h. Throughout the experiment, a custom-made script recorded the speed of each participant
at 0.25 s intervals.
After a practice scene teaching the participant how to steer their movement, the environments
were presented to each participant in a random order. After experiencing a virtual environment,
participants removed the head-mounted display and filled in the activity questionnaire. Finally, at
the end of the experiment, participants filled in the post-experiment questionnaire.
Dimensionality reduction
Dimensionality reduction of the questionnaire data was necessary before hypothesis testing (see
Supplementary Material, section 7 for details). The analysis suggested that resting and walking
activities were not separate constructs, and that activity questionnaire items could be combined into
2418 EPB: Urban Analytics and City Science 49(9)
a single composite activity score. This score was calculated as a weighted average of activity
questionnaire responses.
Analyses of variance
Primary analysis. As described in Statistical Analyses and Sample Sizes section, we tested H1
through 2x2 ANOVAs on speed and activity questionnaire data.
In the analysis of questionnaire data, environment quality (low, high) was statistically signif-
icantly associated with composite activity scores, F (1, 47) = 9.56, p = 0.003, ηp2 = 169. In other
words, environment quality explained 16.9% of variation in composite activity scores after leaving
out the variation explained by location and the interaction between location and quality (for a
discussion on how to interpret partial eta squared, see Pierce et al., 2004: 918). Location was not
significantly associated with the activity scores, F (1,47) = 1.43, p = 0.238, ηp2 = 0.030. Moreover,
there was no statistically significant interaction between location and environmental quality, F
(1,47) = 0.393, p = 0.534, ηp2 = 0.008 (cf. Figure 3).
In the speed analysis, high environment quality was statistically significantly associated with
lower mean speeds, F (1, 33) = 18.74, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.362. Again, the effect of location was
insignificant, F (1,33) = 1.01, p = 0.321, ηp2 = 0.030. There was no significant interaction between
location and environmental quality, F (1,33) = 1.51, p = 0.228, ηp2 = 0.044 (cf. Figure 3).
Silvennoinen et al. 2419
Table 2. One-way ANOVA planned contrasts to compare dependent variables for pairs of environments that
differed with respect to one feature at once (shown in the left-most column). The environment IDs (numbers
1–14) are the same as in Figure 1.
Figure 3. Two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) results on questionnaire data (left) and speed data (right).
High-quality environments received statistically significantly higher mean composite activity scores and
significantly lower mean speeds in both locations. Secondary exploratory analysis: effects of individual features
on walking activity.
Figure 4. Analyses of variance results for Group A (top) and B (bottom) questionnaire data.
In Group A questionnaire data, Mauchly’s test showed that the assumption of sphericity was
violated, χ2 (35) = 82.47, p < 0.05; thus, degrees of freedom were corrected using Greenhouse-
Geisser estimates of sphericity (ε = 0.58). Activity scores were statistically significantly associated
with the environment, F (4.67, 116.77) = 6.00, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.194. This means that at least one
environment was significantly different from others, with environmental differences accounting for
19.4% of variation in the data.
The pairwise comparisons for Group A showed a statistically significant increase in activity
scores from environments with low-quality façades to those with high-quality façades (see
Silvennoinen et al. 2421
Supplementary Material, Table S6). Façade quality was studied through two contrasts, both of
which had large effect sizes, ηp2. The first contrast was between environments 8 and 10. The
environment with high façade quality showed an increase in walking activity of 1.23 points out of
seven, F (1, 25) = 18.46, p = 0.001; ηp2 = 0.425. The second contrast, between environments 11 and
12, showed a mean increase of 1.10 points F (1, 25) = 16.72, p = 0.007; ηp2 = 0.401. Façade quality
had an almost equal effect size in each contrast (ηp2 difference of 0.024), despite one contrast
containing a lively context and another containing a non-lively context. This suggests there was no
statistically significant interaction between façade quality and liveliness based on our data.
Liveliness and the height of buildings were not significant in Group A data, contrary to our
hypotheses H2 and H3 (cf. Table S6 in Supplements Material).
In Group B questionnaire data, Mauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of sphericity had
been violated, χ2 (35) = 76.15, p = 0.015; therefore, degrees of freedom were corrected using
Greenhouse-Geisser estimates of sphericity (ε = 0.46). The results show that the activity scores were
statistically significantly linked to the environment, F (3.71, 77.80) = 2.97, p = 0.028, ηp2 = 0.124.
This means that at least one environment was significantly different from others, with environment
accounting for 12.4% of variation in the data.
Hypotheses H2–H3 were again tested using planned contrasts for Group B data (cf. Table S7 in
Supplementary Material). Contrary to H2, there were no statistically significant differences between
pairs of environments at the Bonferroni-corrected significance level. The planned contrast between
Simei environments 1 and 3 (with high buildings, a high degree of liveliness and low and high-
quality façades, respectively) was nominally statistically significant, F (1,21) = 6.96, p = 0.015, ηp2
0.249. The other contrast involving façade quality, between environments 4 and 5, was insig-
nificant, F (1,21) = 2.95, p = 0.101, ηp2 = 0.123. Contrasts involving high-quality façades had more
significant and larger effects compared to contrasts involving liveliness and building height. This
again suggests that façade quality had a greater effect on composite activity scores than liveliness,
contrary to H3.
Speed analyses did not show statistically significant differences between environments in either
Group A or Group B data due to reduced sample sizes (see Supplementary Material, Section 10 for
Post-experiment questionnaire
The post-experiment questionnaire results can be summarised as follows (for details, see section 5 in
Supplementary Materials). First, participants found the VR environments ‘fairly realistic’. Second,
participants generally felt little cybersickness, nor did nausea significantly affect their speed of
movement in VR (for details, see Table S5 in Supplementary Materials). Thirdly, participants felt
that the number of virtual agents in the environments had the biggest impact on their activity
questionnaire ratings, while building height had the fourth largest impact (of nine features). This
implies that participants noticed the manipulations, but raises questions about their lack of im-
portance in the ANOVA analyses.
Although the post-experiment questionnaire is of lesser importance than the activity ques-
tionnaire, it is worth elaborating on the participants’ own perception that the number of agents
influenced them most, as this is in tension with the secondary analyses’ results, based on activity
questionnaire data. Importantly, in the post-experiment questionnaire, participants often misun-
derstood the term ‘façade,’ and therefore could not reliably evaluate the relative importance of the
number of agents vs. façade quality on their own activity questionnaire ratings (which did not share
this problem, as the activity questionnaire did not contain the word ‘façade’). More generally, the
post-experiment questionnaire relied more on participants’ memory of the different environments
and the features that changed. It is plausible that participants – almost all of whom had no
2422 EPB: Urban Analytics and City Science 49(9)
This VR experiment tested how three urban design variables recommended by Gehl (building
height, façade quality and liveliness) encourage walking activity. The virtually simulated en-
vironments were based on two existing HDB estates in Singapore, located in the Bedok and Simei
neighbourhoods. These estates exemplified two different ways of achieving Gehl’s conception of
high-quality façades, with Bedok scoring higher on narrowness of units and Simei on the level of
detail. Walking activity was measured through walking speeds and a questionnaire-based
composite activity score. We tested three hypotheses: that higher façade quality, higher liveli-
ness and lower buildings together increase the measured walking activities (H1); that each of
these features individually increases walking activities (H2); with liveliness having the largest
positive effect (H3).
Our analyses confirmed H1: environments with all three features (low buildings, high-quality
façades and a high degree of liveliness) encouraged walking-related activities compared to en-
vironments with none of these features. Increasing the hypothesised environmental quality from
lowest (none of these features present) to highest (all features present) significantly increased both
composite activity scores and lowered mean speeds in both Bedok and Simei. Thus, four com-
parisons (lowest versus highest-quality combinations in Bedok and Simei measured through
questionnaire and speed data) showed consistent results, suggesting that the result is not an artefact.
Furthermore, neither location nor the interaction between location and overall environment quality
were significant in either analysis, indicating that location did not confound the results. These
findings are also in line with past field studies suggesting that urban design features can increase
walkability (Ameli et al., 2015; Ewing and Clemente, 2013; Gehl, 2010; Isaacs, 2000; Mehta,
2008). The unique contribution of our analysis was its ability to control for confounding factors,
such as active functions, which is difficult to do in the real-world studies cited above.
The additional, exploratory results suggested that façade quality was the biggest determinant of
high composite activity scores, contradicting H3. In all four contrasts involving high-quality and
low-quality façades, environments with high-quality façades gained higher composite activity
scores. Two contrasts were statistically significant when accounting for the multiple-testing burden,
and a third reached the set level for statistical significance. Despite the lack of significance, based on
the medium to large effect sizes and literature, we might speculate that the effect of façade quality is
relevant. However, improving façade quality had a greater effect on walkability in Bedok than in
Simei, as discussed below in the next paragraph. Future studies might consider examining these
effects further.
One possible explanation for the difference in mean activity scores for high-quality Bedok and
Simei facades is that some of Gehl’s recommendations for creating high-quality façades are more
important than others. The Bedok environment had both narrower units and more variation in colour
than the Simei environment. However, given that the Bedok and Simei façades differed in multiple
ways, which indeed was a reason to include them in the study, we cannot discern which exact
feature(s) caused the difference. Nevertheless, our study strongly indicates that façade quality itself,
even without a lively or commercial context, increased intended walking activity within our study
context. This has not been conclusively shown by past studies, which have defined high-quality
façades as ones that provide views of other people, and had difficulty controlling for the presence of
active or commercial functions (Ameli et al., 2015; Gehl, 2010).
Silvennoinen et al. 2423
Our study provides mixed support for the idea that low (and L-shaped) buildings are preferable to
tall ones (H2). In all four contrasts involving low and high buildings, environments with low
buildings received higher scores, with effect sizes ranging from small to medium. On the other hand,
contrasts comparing low buildings to L-shaped buildings were inconclusive, with low buildings
gaining higher scores in Simei and lower scores in Bedok. These effects were both statistically
insignificant. The effect of building height on walking activity is, therefore, still left open: it seems
likely that effects are small, and detecting them would have required a larger sample size. However,
the result is perhaps strengthened when viewed alongside research by Ewing and Clemente (2013)
and Ameli et al. (2015), who did not find a relationship between enclosure and walking activity in
New York City and Salt Lake City. Similarly, Frölich et al. (2015) found that people find tall
buildings unpleasant mainly when they are combined with very narrow spaces.
The link between liveliness and walking activity was not conclusively settled in the current study.
However, our study suggests that, if anything, this effect was negative (contrary to H2). In all four
contrasts involving liveliness, lively environments received lower activity scores than non-lively
ones, with effect sizes ranging from small to medium while not reaching statistical significance.
There are at least two possible explanations for the finding that liveliness did not encourage
walking activities. First, participants could not interact with the virtually simulated agents, and
therefore the agents may not have represented the ‘promise of social interaction’ that Gehl argued
encourages walking (Gehl, 2010: 63). However, participants in the post-experiment questionnaire
reported being influenced by the number of virtual agents more than by their realism or style,
suggesting that the lack of interaction did not have a major impact on results. Another possible
explanation could be the specificity to the context of Singapore or HDB estates. Perhaps the
Singaporean participants preferred less lively places during their leisure time, given Singapore’s
high population density, or preferred less lively residential environments. It is likely that partic-
ipants recognised the residential HDB setting, as most had themselves lived in an HDB estate, and
due to the presence of distinctive features such as void decks (common areas on the building’s
ground floor, visible to the outside), uniform stories above the void deck, and the absence of gates
surrounding the estates. Nevertheless, the link between liveliness and the residential settings is a
suggestive result that would benefit from further study.
The main limitation in our study was the small sample sizes of the exploratory analyses analysing
H2 and H3 (not the primary analysis), examining the effects of individual features on walking
activity. Nonetheless, we argue that a larger study would have yielded similar results. This is
because we observed consistent trends: improving façade quality was consistently associated with
higher activity scores, while the association was both weaker and less consistent in the case of
building height and liveliness. Regardless, we argue that the smaller sample size in the exploratory
analyses was justified as we expected fatigue to worsen the quality of the data collected (see section
’The Virtual Environments’). We faced a trade-off of having possibly worse data for the entire study,
and having a sub-study with a smaller sample size. Since existing literature has not established the
effect of any of our features on walking activity, we considered it justified to conduct a stronger,
main study on the combined effects of our three features, and the secondary, exploratory studies on
the individual effects.
A second limitation of the study is that it took place in virtual environments that had no sound,
where walking happened through a remote controller. Although moving by actual walking would
have been more realistic, arguably it was most important that participants could move in an intuitive
way that allowed them to focus on observing the environment. The remote controller was deemed an
intuitive way to move that fulfilled this condition.
2424 EPB: Urban Analytics and City Science 49(9)
In sum, this study contributes to knowledge about urban design features encouraging walkability,
specifically adding quantitative evidence from the context of a highly dense Asian city (Singapore).
Our two aims were to validate existing walkability guidelines, and to contribute to walkability
indexes and models, which are used in a variety of fields from real estate development to transport
planning and public health.
The study contributes two main conclusions. Firstly, it suggests that urban design features are
important for encouraging walking activity, even when commercial functions are not included
among them. Secondly, our results tentatively suggest that façade quality has a significantly greater
positive impact on walkability than tall buildings and liveliness.
The conclusion that non-commercial urban design features can improve walkability contributes
to existing literature on walkability. This is something that past field studies have had difficulty
doing, as it is hard to distinguish the effect of urban design variables from the effect of commercial
Accordingly, urban design features are generally underweighted or disregarded in walkability
models such as WalkScore (2020) and even the more holistic Q-PLOS (Quality of Pedestrian Level
of Service index, see Talavera-Garcia and Soria-Lara, 2015). WalkScore focuses exclusively on the
contribution of convenience (i.e. the proximity to attractive destinations) to walkability. Q-Plos also
takes into account the ability to meet the other major walking needs (safety, comfort and attrac-
tiveness); however, it assumes that the presence of commercial functions is the only environmental
feature that increases attractiveness. Hence, our findings (and the findings of future studies on the
impact of non-commercial urban design features) may motivate walkability analysts and researchers
to incorporate urban design variables in walkability metrics.
This research may also benefit from our other main (though tentative) conclusions that façade
quality had the largest impact on walkability, of the features studied. In this regard, the benefit of our
study is that it tested the effect of concrete, measurable façade features and estimated effect sizes.
Both of these are needed in efforts to improve walkability metrics through, for example, street image
data (Hasan, 2020; Miranda et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2018).
Our findings on the individual effects of the three features studied may also have practical
implications. Firstly, they suggest that Gehl’s façade guidelines are broadly valid, and that cities are
justified in using them in building codes. Secondly, visual considerations do not seem to be a good
reason to limit building height (although other aspects, which were not the subject of this VR study,
such as microclimate conditions, may naturally still justify limiting building heights). Thirdly, and
more tentatively, even if previous research in non-residential areas correctly demonstrated that
people prefer lively public spaces, this may not always be the case. We speculate that our study’s
context of a residential area in a high-density city may have influenced the finding that liveliness was
negatively correlated with walking activity, though further research on this would be needed.
Future work
As implied above, an interesting line of future work may be incorporating our findings into models
of walkability, and using such models to analyse large urban areas.
Alternatively, future research may have a narrower scope than our study, by focussing on how the
individual features, or even subfeatures, included in our study affect walkability. This could mean
examining which subfeatures of façade quality affect walkability, or whether context (such as that of
a dense city) affects the link between liveliness and walkability. Future studies could also examine
whether building height has more substantial effects on walkability when accounting for factors that
our study did not focus on, such as the microclimate or other ambient factors like soundscapes.
Silvennoinen et al. 2425
At least some of this further research would benefit from VR, a promising approach to gathering
empirical knowledge about the effects of design features on behaviour. Virtual reality is of particular
benefit for urban researchers seeking to avoid confounding factors found in field studies.
The authors would especially like to thank Michael Joos for allowing us to use his script for measuring
participants’ speed as they moved through the virtual environments. We are also grateful to the Cognition,
Perception and Behaviour in Urban Environments team for sharing their people animator software with us, and
to Rohit Dubey for helping us with technical issues related to its use.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or pub-
lication of this article: The first author work was supported by Rakennustietosäätiö, Aalto University and the
Alli Paasikivi scholarship fund. The second author was supported by a scholarship of the German Academic
Exchange Service DAAD. Part of this research was conducted at the Future Cities Laboratory at the Singapore-
ETH Centre, which was established collaboratively between ETH Zü rich and Singapore’s National Research
Foundation (FI370074016) under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise program.
Pieter Herthogs
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Author Biographies
Heidi Silvennoinen is a researcher for the Cities Knowledge Graph project at the Singapore-ETH
Centre’s Future Cities Laboratory. Her research interests focus on the use of data in urban planning
and design to answer questions such as what is good design and how can it be measured. Her current
work relates to the development of a knowledge management platform that combines diverse urban
data. Heidi is trained as an architect, with an M. Arch and a B. Arch from Aalto University, Finland.
In addition, she has a BA in History from Oxford University.
Saskia Kuliga is a post-doctoral researcher at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
(DZNE) and the University of Witten/Herdecke, Faculty of Health. She obtained her PhD at the
University of Freiburg, in the trans-regional research centre ‘Spatial Cognition’ (SFB/TR8) at the
Center for Cognitive Science, with a focus on building usability. In her Bauhaus Postdoc Fel-
lowship, Saskia examined virtual reality as a research tool for evaluating user-centred architecture;
and in her DAAD Postdoc Fellowship, she explored wayfinding behaviour in healthy older adults.
Saskia’s research focuses on human-environment interactions, and, recently, dementia-sensitive
Pieter Herthogs is a senior researcher and investigator at the Singapore-ETH Centre’s Future Cities
Laboratory, and a member of ETH Zürich’s Department of Architecture. His main research interests
are design evaluation, design computation, and design-related knowledge management. He applies
these in three areas: integrating linked data and big data in city planning processes, evaluating public
space qualities, and designing for change (enabling building adaptation and circular economies in
construction). He holds a Doctorate in Engineering Sciences and a Master in Architectural En-
gineering from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Daniela Rodrigues Recchia is a post-doctoral researcher and Statistician at the German Center for
Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the University of Witten/Herdecke, Department of
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. She has an academic background in Statistics, with
a Master in statistical finances from the University of Dortmund, and a PhD in statistical methods on
evaluating subjective evidences in theoretical and individualized medicine from University of
Witten/Herdecke, Germany. Her interests lie in the field of psychometrics, structural equation
modelling, moderation and mediation modelling for evaluating subjective feelings and perceptions,
and identifying their effects on outcomes related to health and well-being.
Bige Tunçer is an Associate Head of Pillar for Architecture and Sustainable Design, and the Director
of the Informed Design Lab at Singapore University of Technology and Design. Her research
interests include design computation, sustainable design and architectural information management.
Her current research at the Informed Design Lab focuses on data collection, information and
knowledge modelling and visualization, for informed architectural and urban design. Bige holds a
PhD in Architecture (Design Informatics) from the Delft University of Technology. She also has an
MSc in Computational Design from Carnegie Mellon University.