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Environment Conservation Journal

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Environment Conservation Journal 25 (1):10-15, 2024

Journal homepage:https://www.environcj.in/

Environment Conservation Journal

ISSN 0972-3099 (Print) 2278-5124 (Online)

Effect of weed management practices on growth dynamics and

productivity of rainfed pearl millet under conservation agriculture
Munny Chinyo
Department of Agronomy, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand
Raj Singh
Division of Agronomy, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Suraj Gond
Department of Agronomy, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand


Received : 28 May 2023 An experiment was conducted on rainfed pearl millet at ICAR- IARI, New Delhi,
Revised : 29 September 2023 during the kharif season of 2019, in a split-plot design with three replications. Three
Accepted : 20 October 2023 tillage practices, viz. Conventional tillage (CT), Zero tillage and Zero tillage +
Residue@ 3t/ha (ZT+R) were evaluated in the main plot and seven weed management
Available online: 05 February 2024 treatments, viz. weedy check, hand weeding (HW) at 30 and 50 days after sowing
(DAS), atrazine @ 0.75 kg/ha(PE) fb 2,4-D @0.75kg/ha (PoE), atrazine @ 0.75 kg/ha
Key Words: PE, atrazine @ 0.75 kg/ha PE fb tembotrione @ 0.05kg/ha PoE, atrazine @ 0.75kg/ha
Conservation agriculture PE fb tembotrione @ 0.075kg/ha PoE, atrazine @0.75 kg/ha PE fb tembotrione @
Grain yield 0.10 kg/ha PoE. ZT+R 3t/ha resulted in enhanced growth attributes, and higher NPK
Growth attributes uptake which led to increased grain yield. Among weed control treatments, hand
NPK uptake weeding (HW) twice at 30 and 50 DAS along with the integration of pre-emergence
Pearl millet application of atrazine 0.75kg/ha fb 2,4-D 0.75kg/ha PoE and tembotrione, 0.075
Weed-management kg/ha or 0.1 kg/ha PoE resulted in better growth attributes which significantly
resulted in higher grain yield under rainfed conditions of semi-arid tropics.

Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. emend have played a crucial role to meet the growing
Stuntz] is an important crop of the arid and semi- demand for food grains for the burgeoning global
arid climate of the world with a greater ability to population. But extreme tillage practices have many
withstand harsh environments. It is the sixth most objectionable effects on soil and water such as the
important global cereal crop grown in the rainfed formation of hardpan due to soil compaction,
areas of India. In India, it forms a staple diet of the advancing soil erosion, degradation of soil
majority of poor farmers and is a multipurpose structure, reduction of soil organic matter, depleting
cereal crop for grain and green fodder for livestock. soil properties and water holding capacity etc.,
India is the largest producer of pearl millet covering resulting in low and unstable crop production
marginal and sub-marginal land of rainfed areas. It (Bronick and Lal, 2005; Ramos et al., 2011; López-
is grown in an area of 7.41 million hectares with Garrido et al., 2012). Conservation agriculture
productivity of 1391kg/ha while a production offers an encouraging alternative to conventional
estimate of 9.35 million tonnes (Directorates of agriculture and outperforms traditional tillage
millets development, 2021-22). However, the problems such as soil fertility decline, moisture
productivity of pearl millet is far less (1t/ha) than its stress, low and unstable crop yields and high cost of
potential (3t/ha) due to several constraints such as production. Weed stress increased in the early years
low and erratic availability of soil moisture, of conservation agriculture implementation, by
depleted soil fertility, and severe weed infestation. cause of eliminating tillage as a weed control
Tillage systems intensified with mechanization mechanism. Being a warm rainy season crop, pearl

Corresponding author E-mail: munnychinyo57@gmail.com

This work is licensed under Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Effect of weed management practices on growth dynamics

millet encounters severe weed competition leading The full dose of P2O5 (40 kg/ha), K2O (40 kg/ha)
to a heavy reduction in grain yield. They emerge and and half dose of N (30 kg/ha) was applied as basal
compete with the crop for nutrients, moisture, light, at the time of sowing. The remaining N (30 kg/ha)
and space, which can reduce yield by as much as 16- was applied in two equal splits at 25 and 50 DAS
94% (Balyan et al., 1993), 41% (Girase et al., prior to rainfall as N might subject to leaching. Pre-
2017), and 35% (Nibhoria et al., 2021). The nutrient emergence application of atrazine was done one day
depletion by weeds in pearl millet is up to 61.8 kg after sowing. The post-emergence herbicides, 2,4-D
N, 5.6 kg P and 57.6 kg K/ha (Ram et al.,2005). and tembotrione were applied at 30 DAS. First hand
Under such occurrences, effective and economic weeding was done manually at 30 DAS in the
weed management practices are of foremost respective plots of the treatments and the second
importance to attain efficacious control of weeds in HW was done at 50 DAS. Nitrogen (N) content was
pearl millet crops and achieve their productive estimated by the modified Kjeldahl method
potential with better soil and crop management. (Prasad et al. 2006), while P and K concentrations
Therefore, a study was carried out to assess the were determined using a sulfuric–nitric–perchloric
effect of weed management on growth dynamics acid digest (Prasad et al.2006). By multiplying the
and productivity of rainfed pearl millet under nitrogen content of grain by the factor 6.25, the
conservation agriculture. protein content of grain was calculated (A.O.A.C.,
1970). The growth attributes of the crop were
Materials and Methods recorded at 30 and 60 DAS, and yield at harvest
A field experiment was conducted at ICAR-IARI, using standard procedures.
New Delhi, India during the kharif season of 2019
under a sandy loam texture with 7.5 pH. During the Results and Discussion
crop duration (July-October), the mean minimum, Growth attributes
maximum temperature, relative humidity and total The most common grassy weed species identified in
rainfall ranged from 31-36.5oC, 21.8-28oC, 33-98%, the experimental field were Cynodon dactylon,
and 780 mm. The NPK status of soil were 0.03 Echinochloa colona, Dactyloctenium aegyptium,
kg/ha,12 kg/ha,175 kg/ha and OC content 0.34%. Digitaria sanguinalis, Bracharia ramose, and
The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design Bracharia eruciformis. Only two species, Cyperus
having 21 treatment combinations with 3 rotundus and Cyperus iria, were classified as sedges,
replications. Three tillage practices: conventional whereas Commelina benghalensis, Trianthema
tillage (CT), zero tillage (ZT), zero tillage with portulacastrum, Digeria arvensis, Amaranthus
residue 3t/ha (ZT + R) were assigned to the main viridis, and Parthenium hysterophorus were found
plot and sub-plots received seven weed to be dominant broadleaved weed species.The
management practices: weedy check (WC), hand observation showed that zero tillage + residue 3t/ha
weeding (HW) twice at 30 and 50 days after sowing (ZT+R) had a promising effect on growth
(DAS), pre-emergence application (PE) of atrazine parameters at 30 DAS and 60 DAS compared to zero
0.75 kg/ha followed by (fb) post-emergence tillage (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT) (Table
application (PoE) of 2,4-D 0.75 kg/ha at 30 DAS, 1).Plant height (66.1 and 252.1 cm), number of
atrazine 0.75 kg/ha PE, atrazine 0.75 kg/ha tillers (1.9 and 2.7cm), leaf area index (2.3 and 5.4),
PE fb tembotrione 0.05 kg/ha PoE at 30 DAS, dry matter accumulation (186.8 and 696.1 cm) were
atrazine 0.75 kg/ha PE fb tembotrione 0.075 kg/ha all significantly higher in zero tillage + residue 3t/ha
PoE at 30 DAS, atrazine 0.75 kg/ha (ZT+R) followed by zero tillage (ZT) treatment with
PE fb tembotrione 0.10 kg/ha PoE at 30 DAS. In the plant height (62.4 and 239.9cm), number of tillers
previous rabi season, the barley crop was sown as a (1.7 and 2.4 cm), leaf area index (2.2 and 4.8), dry
uniform crop and the residue@ 3t/ha was retained matter accumulation (174.4 and 638.6 g/m2) at 30
on the soil surface after sowing in the respective and 60 DAS respectively (Table 1).ZT + R 3t/ha
treatments of the experiments. Pearl millet (Pusa enabled the crop plant to withstand minimal
composite-443) was sown at the seed rate of 5 kg/ha competition, resulting in improved crop growth and
at a spacing of 50 cm × 10 cm on 16th July 2019. growth parameters. This can be attributed to the
Environment Conservation Journal
Chinyo et al.

allelopathic effect of barley residues by exuding utilization of applied and endemic nutrients
gramine, hordenine, and phenolic compounds in (Singh et al.,2018). Among the weed management
ZT+R, which suppressed the weeds by forming a practices, growth parameters like plant height,
physical barrier and overall weed suppressive number of tillers/m2, leaf area index and dry matter
effects. There is an increase in the microporosity in accumulation at 30 DAS were registered as
zero tillage soils by increasing the storage pores (0.5- significantly higher than those of the treatments
50mm) and the number of elongated pores (50- receiving the pre-emergence application of atrazine
500mm) which consequently increased the available 0.75 kg/ha over rest of the treatments (Table 1). Plant
water for plants (Pagliai et al.,2006). Furthermore, height was recorded highest (66.4 cm) in atrazine@
the retention of crop residue raised the soil moisture 0.75kg/ha (PE) fb tembotrione @ 0.075 kg/ha (PoE)
which ultimately enhanced the growth and biomass at 30 DAS, and at 60 DAS it recorded highest
production of crops both directly and indirectly by (251.8cm) in hand weeding (HW) at 30 and 50 DAS
augmenting the bio-availability, and efficient (Table 1).

Table 1: Effect of weed management on growth attributes of CA based pearl millet

Treatments Plant height (cm) Number of tillers/m2 LAI DMA (g/m2)

30 DAS 60 DAS 30 DAS 60 DAS 30 DAS 60 DAS 30 DAS 60 DAS
Main plot: Tillage

CT 60.0 229.7 1.7 2.2 2.1 4.7 167.3 617.6

ZT 62.4 239.9 1.7 2.4 2.2 4.8 174.7 638.6
ZT + R 3t/ha 66.1 252.1 1.9 2.7 2.3 5.4 186.8 696.1
SEm± 0.8 4.2 0.03 0.05 0.17 0.08 3.5 15.3
LSD (P≤0.05) 3.2 17.1 0.13 0.71 0.04 0.30 14.1 62.0
Sub-plot: Weed management

W1 53.1 205.3 1.5 1.8 1.9 4.6 138.0 559.5

W2 57.8 251.8 1.5 2.7 2.03 5.2 141.4 701.1
W3 66.0 248.0 1.9 2.6 2.19 5.1 191.7 667.2
W4 64.6 236.9 1.8 2.4 2.21 4.8 188.8 635.6
W5 65.6 246.0 1.8 2.6 2.14 5.0 192.2 663.0
W6 66.4 251.0 1.8 2.6 2.14 5.0 190.7 669.0
W7 64.3 245.1 1.8 2.6 2.18 5.0 190.8 661.5
SEm ± 1.2 5.4 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.1 4.3 14.5
LSD (P≤0.05) 3.4 15.6 0.11 0.24 0.18 0.4 12.6 41.6

LAI: Leaf area index DMA: Dry matter accumulation DAS: Days after sowing
CT: Conventional tillage ZT: Zero tillage ZT+R: Zero tillage + Residue
W1: Weedy check W2: Hand weeding at 30 and 50 DAS W3:Pre-emergence(PE) application of Atrazine@ 0.75kg/ha fb
post emergence (PoE) application of 2,4-D 0.75kg/ha W4:PE application of Atrazine@ 0.75kg/ha W5:PE application of
atrazine@ 0.75kg/ha fb PoE application of tembotrione @ 0.05 kg/ha W6: PE application of atrazine @ 0.75kg/ha fb PoE
application of tembotrione @ 0.075 kg/ha W7: PE application of atrazine @ 0.75kg/ha fb PoE application of tembotrione
@ 0.10 kg/ha

Environment Conservation Journal
Effect of weed management practices on growth dynamics

Similarly, number of tillers were recorded highest closely accompanied by hand weeding at 30 and 50
(1.9/m2) in atrazine@ 0.75kg/ha (PE) fb application DAS and atrazine 0.75 kg/ha (PE) fb tembotrione
of 2,4-D 0.75kg/ha (PoE) and at 60 DAS recorded 0.075 kg/ha (PoE) treatments. Reduction in N, P and
highest number of tillers (2.7) in HW at 30 and 50 K depletion under corresponding treatments could
DAS. Atrazine@0.75kg/ha (PE) had a greater LAI at be ascribed to effective control of broad-spectrum
30 DAS (2.2), and HW at 30 and 50 DAS had the weeds by manual weeding and integration with
greatest LAI (5.2) at 60 DAS. Dry matter herbicidal treatments, which increased the nutrient
accumulation (DMA) recorded higher (192.2 g/m2) and water availability for crop plants. On the other
in atrazine@ 0.75kg/ha (PE) fb tembotrione @ 0.05 hand, greater biomass of weeds accumulated under
kg/ha (PoE) at 30 DAS, and HW at 30 and 60 DAS weedy checks interfere with crop growth
reported higher DMA (701.1) at 60 DAS. Pre- development might be the only reason for higher
emergence application of atrazine 0.75 kg/ha nutrient depletion. The treatment with zero tillage +
effectively controlled early emerging broad- residue 3t/ha (ZT+R) was notably superior in total
spectrum weed flora by inhibiting photosynthesis. uptake of NPK by pearl millet when compared to
Growth parameters were markedly influenced by both the tillage treatments (Table 2). The lowest N,
different weed management practices. The P and K uptake was recorded under conventional
maximum growth parameters were noted under two tillage (CT). This may be due to more weed
hand weeding at 60 DAS, which was significantly suppression under ZT + R 3t/ha, leading to much
higher over the rest of the treatments. This could be better weed control, ensuing higher nutrient content
attributed to a lower dry weight of weeds which led and total nutrient uptake by the crop due to
to less weed competition during the critical crop- increased yield of the crop. Ali et al.(2006) reported
weed competition period (30 and 45 DAS) and that the lowest values of soil organic matter, N, P
thereby better growth of pearl millet crop by and K were recorded in conventional till plots due
sufficient availability of resources. The next best to the inversion of topsoil during ploughing which
treatments were atrazine 0.75 kg/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D shifts less fertile subsoil to the surface in addition to
0.75 kg/ha (PoE), atrazine at 0.75 kg/ha possible leaching. Among weed management
(PE) fb tembotrione 0.05 kg/ ha (PoE), atrazine 0.75 practices, two hand weeding at 30 and 50 DAS
kg/ha (PE) fb tembotrione 0.075 kg/ha (PoE) and reported the maximum uptake, which was found at
atrazine 0.75 kg/ha (PE) fb tembotrione 0.10 kg/ha par with atrazine 0.75 kg/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D 0.075
(PoE) and recorded on a par with each other. kg/ha (PoE). Increased N, P and K uptake might be
ascribed to better weed control and higher yield
Nutrient uptake and protein content production (Ramesh et al., 2019; Ram et al., 2005).
Nutrient depletion by weeds revealed that ZT+R 3t/ha with hand weeding at 30 and 50 DAS
maximum N, P and K depletion was under CT, recorded the highest protein yield followed by that
whereas lowest N, P and K depletion was observed under atrazine 0.75 kg/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D 0.075 kg/ha
in ZT+R 3t/ha (Table 2). This could be attributed to (PoE) (Table 2). As the protein in grain is a function
residues on the soil surface which acted as a of its N concentration, hence the higher
physical barrier to resources for weeds growth and concentration of N in grain under superior
indirectly increased their predation in zero tillage by treatments seems to be the only reason for attaining
providing foraging and nesting habitat for predators, higher protein content. The favourable effect of
resulting in less weed infestation due to restricted weed control using two hand weeding at 20 and 40
germination, growth and development (Chauhan et DAS and atrazine at 0.5 kg/ha + one hand weeding
al., 2012; Den Hollander et al.,2007), ultimately at 20 DAS on protein in pearl millet has also been
low nutrient depletion by weeds. The exponential reported by (Singh et al., 2006; Das et al.,2013).
growth of weed in weedy check treatment resulted
in higher uptake of N, P and K nutrients. On the Grain yield
contrary, the minimum depletion of N, P and K/ha Grain yield was significantly more under ZT+R
was observed with atrazine 0.75 kg/ha (2.40 t/ha) as compared to CT (2.08) and ZT-R (2.18
(PE) fb tembotrione 0.10 kg/ha (PoE) that was t/ha) (Table 2). Retention of barley residues had a
Environment Conservation Journal
Chinyo et al.

Table 2: Effect of weed management on protein content, NPK uptake and grain yield of CA based Pearl millet
Protein Weeds(kg/ha) Crop(kg/ha)
Treatments content (%) Grain yield (t/ha)
Main plot: Tillage
CT 11.3 12.3 1.4 10.7 37.6 13.7 21.3 2.08
ZT 11.5 10.7 1.2 9.3 40.0 14.7 22.8 2.18
ZT + R 3t/ha 11.8 7.7 0.9 6.7 45.5 17.1 24.8 2.40
SEm± 0.02 0.2 0.03 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.04
LSD (P≤0.05) - 0.7 0.1 0.7 2.1 0.9 2.0 0.18
Sub-plot: Weed management
W1 11.2 28.2 3.2 24.8 29.5 10.9 18.0 1.65
W2 11.8 5.9 0.6 5.1 46.7 17.4 24.0 2.53
W3 11.6 6.1 0.7 5.3 44.5 16.8 23.3 2.42
W4 11.2 13.4 1.5 11.6 37.8 13.6 20.7 2.09
W5 11.5 6.2 0.7 5.4 42.2 15.1 22.2 2.27
W6 11.6 6.0 0.7 5.3 43.4 16.0 23.0 2.33
W7 11.7 5.7 0.6 5.0 42.9 16.2 23.8 2.29
SEm ± 0.02 0.15 0.02 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.07
LSD (P ≤0.05) - 0.4 0.05 0.4 2.1 0.8 1.7 0.22
CT: Conventional tillage ZT: Zero tillage ZT+R: Zero tillage + Residue
W1: Weedy check W2: Hand weeding at 30 and 50 DAS W3: Pre-emergence(PE) application of Atrazine@ 0.75kg/ha fb post emergence (PoE)
application of 2,4-D 0.75kg/ha W4:PE application of Atrazine@ 0.75kg/ha W5:PE application of atrazine@ 0.75kg/ha fb PoE application of
tembotrione @ 0.05 kg/ha W6: PE application of atrazine @ 0.75kg/ha fb PoE application of tembotrione @ 0.075 kg/ha W7: PE application
of atrazine @ 0.75kg/ha fb PoE application of tembotrione @ 0.10 kg/ha

synergistic effect on crop growth by improving the superiority of the integration of herbicides on yield-
soil's physical, chemical and biological attributing parameters was attributed to better weed
environment. Residue retention amends aggregate suppression at all the growth stages of the crop by
stability, reduces soil erosion, and increases soil pre-emergence and post-emergence application of
macrofauna, which augments soil aeration and herbicides. Girase et al. (2017) noted that the
water infiltration, thus enhancing soil productivity. highest grain yield of pearl millet was obtained with
Furthermore, it directly increases the input of pre-emergence application of atrazine 0.5 kg/ha + 1
organic matter and nutrients into the soil, in turn HW at 35 DAS. Sharma et al. (2018) reported that
improving soil nutrient availability for crop the combined application of tembotrione with
growth (Zheng et al.,2014). Hand weeding (HW) at atrazine was significantly superior to its sole
30 and 50 DAS was the best weed management application, which considerably reduced weed
practice in regards to grain yield followed by density, dry weight, weed index, higher weed
atrazine @ 0.75 kg/ha (PE) fb 2,4-D @ 0.75 kg/ha control efficiency, and increased values of growth,
(PoE) at 30 DAS and atrazine 0.75kg/ha and yield attributes and yield of the crop.
PE fb tembotrione 0.075 kg/ha PoE. Pre-emergence
application of atrazine @ 750 g/ha fb HW at 30 Conclusion
DAS resulted in higher growth parameters which Zero tillage + residue (ZT+R) 3t/ha with the use of
could be ascribed to weed-free conditions for a two hand weeding (HW) at 30 and 50 DAS and a
longer period during the crop ontogeny combination of pre and post-emergence application
increasingthe availability of growth resources to the of herbicides proved their superiority in increasing
crop (Mishra et al.,2017). Additionally, the all crop growth, lowest nutrient removal by weeds,
Environment Conservation Journal
Effect of weed management practices on growth dynamics

highest nutrient uptake by crop which resulted in Conflict of interest

maximum productivity, which is of prime The authors declare that they have no conflict of
importance to achieve a higher yield of pearl millet interest.
under rainfed conditions of semi-arid tropics.

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Publisher's Note: ASEA remains neutral with regard to
Nibhoria, A., Singh, B., Kumar, J., Soni, J.K., Dehinwal, A.K., jurisdictional claims in published maps and figures.
& Kaushik, N. (2021). Enhancing Productivity and
Environment Conservation Journal

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