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F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
Fig. 2. Absorption spectra 1(a), 2(a) and graph 1(b), 2(b) between A0 /A-A0 vs 1/DNA showing binding constant by interaction between SS-DNA and compound 1 and 2.
Fig. 3. Docking results reflecting 3D interactions of compounds 1 and 2 with B-DNA dodecamer.
4.11. Pharmacokinetic properties non-inhibitors of renal organic cation transporter which reflects no
accumulation of compounds 1 and 2 in renal tubules. Moreover,
The pharmacokinetic properties of 1 and 2 were predicted CYP 450 values showed that both compounds were substrate for
by using database of admetSAR i.e., ( CYP isoenzymes, but inhibit CYP 2C9 and CYP 1A2 that may cause
The calculated data predict that title compounds are sufficient slight adverse drug-drug interactions. The toxicity data showed
lipophilic for penetration through blood brain barrier and have ca- that 1 and 2 are non carcinogenous but compound 2 showed AMES
pacity to diffuse human intestinal Caco-2 cells. Furthermore, the toxicity as presented in Table 3.
entitled compounds are considered as promising candidates of
future drugs due to absorption in human intestine. The behav-
ior of aforementioned compounds toward P-glycoprotein substrate 4.12. Computational procedure for DFT studies
showed that they possess descent level of bioavailability. Addition-
ally, it has been noted that 2 plays pivotal role in resistance of The entire computational findings for (1) and (2) were ob-
multidrugs which reflects that it has excellent inhibition toward P- tained through Gaussian 09 package [31] using B3LYP level and
glycoprotein. The Table 2, it is obvious that compounds 1 and 2 are 6–311 G (d,p) basis set of DFT [32]. The frequency analysis was
performed at same level for confirmation of nature of station-
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
Fig. 4. 2D Images of 1 and 2 showing Vander waals, H-bonding, conventional hydrogen bonding interactions with different base pairs of DNA.
ary point on potential energy surface. Furthermore, NBOs, FMOs Generally, four kinds of interactions like σ → σ ∗ , n→σ ∗ , π →π ∗
and NLO were worked out at B3LYP/6–311 G(d,p) level. Never- and n→π ∗ have been found but in our studied compounds
theless, UV–Vis study was furnished at TDDFT/B3LYP/6–311G(d,p) only three types of interactions were observed. In 1, significant
level for photophysical properties of 1 and 2. Moreover, softwares π →π ∗ transitions have observed as π (C3-C4) → π ∗ (C1-C2) and
like Chemcraft [33], Avogadro [34], Gauss Sum [35] and Gauss view π (C19-C23) → π ∗ (C16-C17) with highest stabilization energies
5.0 [36] were used to interpret data. of 22.71 and 23.6 kcal/mol, respectively. Whereas, the transition
like π (C11-O34) → π ∗ (C1-C2) were characterized with least sta-
bilization energy of 0.78 kcal/mol. Likewise, some other impor-
4.13. Natural bonding orbital (NBO) and UV/Visible analysis
tant π →π ∗ transitions were observed indicating the existence
of conjugation as π (C1-C2)→π ∗ (C5-C6), π (C5-C6) →π ∗ (C3-C4),
NBO analysis is helpful to investigate atomic charge, hybridiza-
π (C16-C17)→π ∗ (C18-C21), π (C18-C21)→π ∗ (C19-C23) and π (C12-
tion, intra and intermolecular charge interactions, bond type like
H14)→π ∗ (C11-O34) affording the stabilization energies as 21.13,
covalent vs. co-ordinate covalent; covalent vs. ionic; σ vs. π , etc.
20.25, 20.33, 21.81, and 22.48 kcal/mol, respectively. Furthermore,
[37]. The stabilization energy of compounds in relation with sec-
interaction like π (C1-C2) → σ ∗ (C35-F36) was observed with sta-
ond order perturbation is shown in Eq. (1) [38–41].
bilization energy of 6.86 k kcal/mol as presented Table S1. In
2 2, the most prominent π →π ∗ transitions were found i.e., π (C3-
E (2 ) = qi (1) C4) → π ∗ (C1-C2) and π (C12-C14) → π ∗ (C11-O33) which lead to
εj − εi highest energies of stabilization of 22.71 and 21.56 kcal/mol, re-
spectively. Whereas, interaction from π (C11-O33) →π ∗ (C12-C14)
Here; E(2) denotes stabilization energy wheras, qi = occupancy of
yields smallest value of energy as 6.18 kcal/mol. Additionally,
donor, εj and εi = diagonal elements and NBO Fock matrix ele-
some important transitions were seen as π (C1-C2) →π ∗ (C5-C6),
ments F(i.j) = off- diagonal respectively [42,43]. The representative
hyper conjugative interactions of 1 and 2 are shown in (Tables S1
π (C5-C6) →π ∗ (C3-C4), π (C5-C6)→π ∗ (C1-C2), π (C3-C4)→π ∗ (C5-
C6), π (C19-C24)→π ∗ (C16-C17) and π (C1–C2)→π ∗ (C3–C4) afford-
and S2).
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
Fig. 7. 2D Images of 1 and 2 showing Vander waals, H-bonding, conventional hydrogen bonding, pi-donor H-bond, pi-alkyl interactions with Urease.
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
Table 1 Table 2
Experimental crystallographic data target compound 1. Description of RO5 parameters in 1
and 2.
Properties Compound 1
Ligand 1 2
Molecular Formula C18 H15 F3 O2
Formula weight 320.30 Mol.wt 320.31 326.31
Temperature 285 (2) K logP 4.76 4.9
Wavelength 1.54178 A H-donor 0 0
Crystal system Monoclinic H-acceptor 5 4
Space group C 2/c Violation No logp > 5
Unit cell dimensions a = 24.5916(7) α =90°
b = 9.6499(3) β = 115.3920° (10)
c = 14.5968(4) γ = 90°
Volume 3129.28(16) Å3
Z 8 as 4.8, 4.85, 4.97, 5.13, 5.36 and 6.08 kcal/mol, respectively. More-
Density (calculated) 1.360 g/cm3 over, some other σ →σ ∗ were also seen σ (C21-H25)→σ ∗ (C16-C18),
0.954 mm−1
Absorption coefficient
σ (C19-C23) →σ ∗ (C21-C23), σ (C17-H20)→σ ∗ (C16-C18), σ (C17-
F(000) 1328
Crystal size 0.430 × 0.210 × 0.120 mm
C19)→σ ∗ (C23-O26) and σ (C2-C3) →σ ∗ (C1-C2) with energies of
Theta range for data collection 3.980 to 68.183° stabilization as 4.3, 4.37, 4.45, 4.68 and 4.73 kcal/mol respectively.
Index ranges −29<=h<=29 Herein, σ →σ ∗ hyper-conjugative interactions in 2 were
−11<=k<=11 seen as σ (C1-C6)→σ ∗ (C1-C2), σ (C1-C2)→σ ∗ (C1-C6), σ (C14-
H15)→σ ∗ (C12-H13), σ (C6-H10)→σ ∗ (C1-C2), σ (C3-H7)→σ ∗ (C1-
Reflections collected 20,150
Independent reflections 2858 C2) and σ (C12-H13)→ σ ∗ (C14-H15) with stabilization energies
Completeness to theta = 67.679° 99.8% of 6.07, 5.34, 5.13, 4.98, 4.88 and 4.81 kcal/mol respectively.
Refinement method Full-matrix least-squares on F2 In addition to these, other σ →σ ∗ transitions were also noted
Data / restraints / parameters 2858 / 0 / 234
as σ (C14-H15)→σ ∗ (C16-C18), σ (C2-C3)→σ ∗ (C1-C2), σ (C17-
Goodness-of-fit on F2 1.039
Final R indices [I>2sigma(I)] R1 = 0.0526
H20)→σ ∗ (C16-C18), σ (C28-H31)→σ ∗ (C19-C24) and σ (C23-
wR2 = 0.1403 H27)→σ ∗ (C19-C24) with energies of stabilization as 4.79,4.77,
R indices (all data) R1 = 0.0624 4.76, 4.73 and 4.66 kcal/mol, respectively.
wR2 = 0.1500 The most important interactions in 1 have been deter-
Extinction coefficient 0.0044 (4)
mined as n2(O26) →π ∗ (C19-C23) with highest stabilization en-
Largest diff. peak, and hole 0.500 and −0.263 e.Å-3
CCDC 2,124,551 ergy of 32.45 kcal/mol. On contrary the conjugative interac-
tions like n1(F36) →σ ∗ (C1-C35) yielded least stabilization en-
ergies of 0.51 kcal/mol. In addition to these, some prominent
n→σ ∗ transitions were found such as n2(O34) →σ ∗ (C11-C12),
ing the stabilization energies as 20.97, 20.24, 20.08, 19.84, 18.01, n3(F37) →σ ∗ (C35-F38), n3(F38)→σ ∗ (C35-F37), n3(F36)→σ ∗ (C35-
and 17.89 kcal/mol respectively. Hence π →π ∗ interaction in 1 F38) n3(F36)→ σ ∗ (C35-F37) and n3(F37)→ σ ∗ (C35-F37) with
(23.6 kcal/mol) affords higher stabilization energy as compared to stabilization energies of 16.62, 12.24, 10.61, 10.34, 9.69 and
2 (22.71 kcal/mol) as shown (Tables S1 and S2). 8.65 kcal/mol, respectively as shown in Table S1.
In compound 1 the σ →σ ∗ transitions arise from weak donor- In compound 2 some interactions like n(O33)→σ ∗ (C2-C11),
acceptor interactions yielding small amount of stabilization energy n(O33)→σ ∗ (C11-C12), n(F36)→σ ∗ (C34-F37), n(F37)→σ ∗ (C34-F36),
as compared to π →π ∗ hyper-conjugative interactions. The com- n(F35)→σ ∗ (C34-F37), n(F35)→σ ∗ (C34-F36) and n(F37)→σ ∗ (C34-
paratively smaller amount of stabilization energy (0.53 kcal/mol) F37) were seen with stabilization energies of 20.96, 16.82, 12.25,
was observed due to σ (C21–H25) →σ ∗ (C21–C23) conjugative in- 10.73, 10.29, 9.78 and 9.73 kcal/mol, respectively (Table S2). Here
teraction. Considering the σ →σ ∗ transitions have been observed it can be observed that 1 has greater stabilization energy than 2.
as σ (C12-H13)→σ ∗ (C14-H15), σ (C14-H15)→σ ∗ (C16-C18), σ (C6- The entire discussion leads to the conclusion that the entitled com-
H10)→ σ ∗ (C1-C2), σ (C14-H15)→σ ∗ (C12-H13), σ (C1-C2)→ σ ∗ (C1- pounds exhibit charge transfer, hyper-conjugative interaction and
C6) and σ (C1-C6)→ σ ∗ (C1-C2) affording energies of stabilization extended conjugations.
Table 3
Some Representative values of ADMET properties of 1 and 2.
CYP450 3A4 CYP450 2C9 CYP450 1A2 CYP450 2C9 CYP450 3A4 CYP450 2D6
Substrate Substrate Inhibitor Inhibitor Inhibitor Substrate
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
The experimental UV–VIS spectral analysis of synthesized com- (࢞E = ELUMO -EHOMO ) clearly explained the chemical stability. The
pounds was performed in various organic solvents i.e., chloroform, FMO diagram was used to evaluate energies of HOMO and LUMO
DMSO, ethanol and methanol. While, the spectrum obtained from orbitals along with HOMO-LUMO energy gap, 1 and 2 as shown
TD-DFT (time dependent-DFT) calculations in gas phase and sol- (Table 4 & Fig. 12). The HOMO-LUMO energy gaps in 1 and 2 were
vent phase (ethanol, methanol, chloroform and DMSO). The exper- computed as 4.082 and 3.945 eV, respectively.
imentally determined wave lengths in methanol, ethanol, DMSO The maximum electronic density in HOMO of compound 1
and chloroform were found as 333, 333, 336, 335 nm (1) and 319, was concentrated on whole molecule and little bit on trifluoro
320, 323, 322 nm (2) while computed values were observed as methyl phenyl group. Contrarily, in LUMO the electronic den-
334, 335, 333, 334 nm (1) and 319, 318, 319, 320 nm (2) hence, sity was maximum whole molecule except trfluoro methyl phenyl
both simulated and experimental data showed good agreement as group. Similarly, in compound 2 the electronic density in HOMO
shown in (Fig. 9). and LUMO was found maximum on whole molecule except triflu-
oro methyl phenyl ring. Hence, the lower E revealed that the
4.14. Natural population analysis (NPA) 1 have somewhat greater potential for transferring electrons as
shown in (Fig. 12).
In 1 and 2 net atomic charges were obtained by Natural popu-
lation analysis and shown in (Fig. 10).
4.16. Global reactivity parameters
4.15. Frontier molecular orbitals analysis (FMOs)
The energy of HOMO-LUMO and Egap (࢞E) were effectively ap-
plied to envisage global reactivity descriptors [44,45,46,47] which
The calculation of HOMO-LUMO energies and energy gaps
are in turn related to ICT, stability and reactivity of 1 and 2. The
(Egap) of 1 and 2 were conducted at B3LYP level of DFT using
calculation of electron affinity (A) as well as ionization energy (I)
6–311G(d,p) basis set . The EHOMO -ELUMO and Egap are considered
is shown in Eqs. (2) and 3.
very useful parameters in the field of quantum chemistry. FMOs
information was used to evaluate different parameters like elec- I = −EHOMO (2)
tronegativity, chemical reactivity, chemical hardness, and softness.
The HOMO is designated as electron donor while LUMO was
nominated as electron acceptor. The HOMO-LUMO energy gap A = −ELUMO (3)
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
Table 4
Energies (E) calculation of 1 and 2 by FMOs.
1 2
Table 5
Computed values of Global reactivity parameters of 1 and 2.
1 2
I 6.12 6.28
A 2.04 2.34
X 4.08 4.31
H 2.04 1.97
μ −4.08 −4.31
4.08 4.71
0.24 0.25
Global hardness (η) as well as electronegativity (X) was deter- 4.19. C–H bands
mined with the help of Eqs. (4) and 5.
I−A The computed C–H (symmetric frequencies) in benzene for
η= Equation (4) compound 1 was found as 3208, 3205, 3198 and 3193 cm−1 re-
spectively. Whereas, simulated C–H symmetric vibrations for 2
I+A were located at 3205, 3195, 3194 and 3185 cm−1 respectively. Sim-
X= (5)
2 ilarly, C–H vibrations (asymmetric) in 1 were found at 3193, 3184
The chemical potential (μ) was calculated by using equation 6. and 3171 cm−1 whereas the same for compound 2 were observed
at 3194, 3185, 3178, 3172 and 3166 cm−1 respectively. In addition
μ= (6) to that, the calculated C–H asymmetric stretching vibrations (2) in
2 ethoxy group were observed at 3116, 3109, 3041, 3039 and 3002
The electrophilicity can be calculated with the help of Eq. (7) cm−1 respectively. Additionally, some bending vibrations (C–H) in
μ2 1 and 2 were also calculated as 1546 cm− (rocking), 1522 cm−
ω= (7) (scissoring), 1430 cm− (wagging), 975 cm− (twisting) and 1518
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
Fig. 14. MEPs and color scheme of the studied compounds 1 and 2.
4.21. C = O vibrations
Fig. 12. FMO analysis of 1 and 2.
Fig. 13. The Taucs plots of 1 and 2 as (α hυ )2 vs E (in methanol) showing variation in energy band gap.
F. Rasool, A. Hussain, K. Ayub et al. Journal of Molecular Structure 1253 (2022) 132194
Table 6
Computed and experimental vibrational frequencies of 1. Table 7
Computed and experimental vibrational frequencies of 2.
assignments Vibrational
Exp.Frequency Frequency Intensity v(cm−1 ) Scaled Intensity assignments
Exp. Frequency Frequency (km/mol) v(cm−1 )
3208 12 υ s (C–HBen )
3205 6 υ s (C–HBen ) 3205 5 υ s (C–HBen )
3198 7 υ s (C–HBen ) 3195 10 υ s (C–HBen ), υ
3193 12 υ s, υ as (C–H)
(C–HBen ) 3194 11 υ s, υ as
3184 7 υ as (C–HBen ) (C–HBen ),
3183 3 υ as (C–HBen ), 3185 7 υ s, υ as
(C = C) (C–HBen )
3171 2 υ as (C–HBen ) 3178 26 υ s, υ as
3171 12 υ as (C–HBen ) (C–HBen )
3166 9 υ as (C–HBen ), 3176 6 υ s (C–HBen ),
υ s (C–HC=C ) υ as (C–HC=C )
3152 3 υ s (C–HC=C ), 3172 2 υ as (C–HBen )
υ as (C–HBen ) 3166 2 υ as (C–HBen ), υ
3116 24 υ as (C–HCH3 ) (C–H)
3109 24 υ s , υ as (C–HCH3 ) 3164 9 υ s, υ as
3041 23 υ s (C–HCH3 ) (C–HBen ), υ as
3039 28 υ as (C–HCH2 ) (C–H)
3002 31 υ s (C–HCH2 ) 3161 11 υ s, υ as
1699 1718 315 υ (C = O) (C–HBen ), υ s
1673 78 υ (C = C), (C–HC=C )
(C=CBen ) 3160 2 υ as (C–HBen ),
1686 1646 393 υ (C = C, υ s (C–HC=C )
C–CBen ) 3155 1 υ as (C–HBen ),
1643 1643 66 υ (C = C, υ s (C–HC=C )
C–CBen ) 1686 1723 363 υ s (C = O)
1615 6 υ (C = C), 1667 1673 140 υ s (C=CBen )
(C–CBen ) (C = C)
1587 1600 84 υ as (C = C, 1663 134 υ s (C=CBen )
C–CBen ) (C = C)
1549 1546 95 ρ (C–HBen ) 1643 1643 10 υ (C–C)
1524 1522 64 δ (C–HCH2 ) 1640 7 υ (C–C)
1517 3 υ (C = C)
(C = C,C–CBen ) 1607 3 υ (C–C)
1503 5 δ s (C–HCH2, CH3 ) (C = C)
1484 8 δ (C–HCH3 ) 1524 1518 3 υ (C–C)
1462 1459 46 υ st (C = C, (C = C), ρ
C–CBen ) (C–HBen )
1426 1430 51 δ s (C–H CH2,CH3 ) 1549 1502 6 ρ (C–HBen )
982 975 4 δ as (C–H) 1462 1471 4 δ (C–HBen )
789 21 δ s (C–H) 1426 1414 1 ρ (C–HBen ), υ
772 736 5 υ s (C-F) (C–C) (C = C)
644 664 15 δ s (C-F) 1167 1181 172 δ (C–HBen )
1125 1120 164 ρ (C–HBen )
773 794 7 υ (C-F)
599 2 δ (C-F)
this context, the linear and hyperpolarizabilities of the compounds δ = Scissoring, υ s= symmetric, ρ rocking, δ s = wagging, Frequency =v(cm−1 ),
are the key indicator for the compound’s capability to behave as δ as= twisting, υ = stretching vibration, υ as = asymmetric, (Ben) = benzene and
NLO material. NLO properties of 1 and 2 compounds were studied Intensity = (km/mol).
at B3LYP/6–311G(d,p) level of DFT. The linear and hyper polariz-
ability results of 1 and 2 are shown in (Tables 8 and 10) whereas,
Table 8
dipole moment data is shown in Table 9.
The computed 1st order polarizability of 1 and 2.
Considering 1st order polarizability in 1 along three axis (x, y
and z) were computed as 332.6, 180.5, and 163.7 a.u. respectively 1st order
Polarizability 1 2
leading to α total as 225.6 a.u. The linear polarizability for 2 along
x, y and z axis was 361.3, 227.9 and 142.7 a.u. respectively leading α xx 332.6 361.3
to α total as 243.9 a.u. (Table 8). Similarly β total values of 1 and 2 α yy 180.5 227.9
α zz 163.7 142.8
were calculated as 3920.9 and 3018.6 a.u. respectively as shown in α total(a.u) 225.6 a.u. 243.9 a.u.
(Table 10). The commonly applied as standard molecule for com-
paring the NLO behavior of compounds is Urea [51]. The resultant
β tot value for 1 (3920.9 a.u.) were found greater than 2 (3018.6 Table 9
a.u.) and also greater in magnitude than the Urea molecule (β tot The calculated dipole moment of 1 and 2.
=43) [52]. The dipole moment of 1 (6.3) was found larger in value
than 2 (4.7) as shown (Table 9).
(Debye) 1 2
μx 3.7 −2.6
4.24. Molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) calculation μy −2.5 −3.1
μz 4.4 −2.4
The physical and chemical features i.e., electronic density, elec- μtotal 6.3 4.7
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