Community Development
Community Development
Community Development
Its about people and mobilisation of people to pull their resources to...View more
by enriching them with the skills and techniques that are needed for developing their community.
Power is the ability to make others act according to ones wishes to work for the ability to meet
certain interest. Power has to do with influencing other behavior to meet ones needs or standards.
It is therefore a political process that seeks to distinguish in various for poor and the
disadvantaged. It initiates the relinquishing of power from personalized destinations into the
hands of the people. Empowerment is the process where efforts by the grass root people are
consolidated to solve people problems, it includes appropriation and adoption technology in
extension services so that it serves the people to respond to their development priorities
Empowerment can also be defined as the process of gaining the strength and visions to work for
positive changes individually or to work with others. People become empowered by their own
efforts and not by what others do for them. Capacity building enhances people’s ability
through training in appropriate skills and it entails issues on human development such as
scientific, technological, institutional etc.
It enriches people with ideas, skills and knowledge in tackling their day to day problems
It’s the promotion and degree to which individuals are ready to sacrifice to themselves for the
benefit of the community as a whole (reflected in the decrease or generosity, individual humility,
communal pride, mutual supportiveness, law , concern, commutative, sister/brotherhood)as a
community development worker move altruism in developing more capacity.
Common value
This is the degree to which members of a community shares value especially the idea they
belong to common entity that supersedes the interest of members within it.
Communal services
The more the members of a community have access to the needed communal facilities the
greater the empowerment i roads, market portable water, access to education etc.
While expressed individual how much confidence is shared amongst the community as a whole
as understanding that the community can achieve whatever it takes to do.
The strength of a community depends on upon ability process and analyze. Information that is
level of awareness, knowledge and wisdom found among key individual and community as a
Political – Including values and attitude for national leader law and administration
Administrative – Attitude of servants and technicians as well as government regulation and
procedures. Intervention – The extent and effectiveness of mobilizing management, training
awareness rising and stimulation and strengthening the community. It is the intervention
sustainable or does depend upon by outsiders, donors who have different goals and the agenda
than the community itself
The more wealth the community has, the stronger it is. To what extend a community is able to
control actual and potential resources, production and distribution of scarce and useful goods and
Players in community capacity building and empowerment process are the participants involved
in decision making and planning of its faster/ sustainable community programs.
Include people who are funding the entire programme of the community e. donor agencies i.
World Bank. IMF etc.
Change agents
Are community development workers who work alongside the facilitators to boost the lives of
the people and are like community development workers, government officials, business and
social workers amongst others.
Client system
It is crucial for organization change agents to undergo change towards strengthening its own
position by building the position capacities of partners this involves looking at search areas.
Does the organization have the board committees that oversees its operations that can hire and
fire Does it have legal entity?
Are there policies, terms and working guidelines to all those people in the organization
Does it have qualified staff trained to do the job? Are procedures for a bill cleared and
accessible? Is staff welfare spelt /entrenched Does the organization deal effectively with the
contradiction? Challenges in capacity building and empowerment
Some of the communities cited challenges that tend to negatively affect the effectiveness of
development workers change agents within a frozen community include the following;
Towards new innovations and new ideas people realize that they have lived with their problems
long enough to know how to cope. Any new possibilities tend to appear threatening as they will
change the existing traditions and disturb the comfort of stable queue.
Outsiders are accepted but often with suspicion over their purpose. Are the outsiders genuine
about their concern about your fate? What is their interest? What do they gain out of helping us?
These are genuine questions which should be addressed through open dialogue. Creation of good
rapport and trust now becomes a critical challenge.
Presence of corrupt leaders who are out for personal gain Make community entry for external
development agents a nightmare. The best is to develop diplomacy until such a time the
community develops enough awareness and confidence to tell such leaders off or replace them
altogether. Leaders are not acceptable to their deeds.
Empirical observations hold that rural communities often have limited organization an
managerial skills. This statue exposes rural community initiative not only to the vulnerability
against intentional management and theft but also the causes projects to fall due to inadequate
planning. The state of limited resources goes beyond skilled manpower to include financial and
material resources; this slows down the pace of community development process.
While it is true that the customs and traditions will always work against new and innovative
ideas from without experience tends to indicate that many times people are obliged to follow
customs and traditions even if they work against development.
Customs and traditions are valuable as a source of peoples sense of identity and self-confidence
however people tend to regard externally initiated ideas/ innovation on development programs
with suspension and contempt disabling the capacity and empowerment programs.
In most cases change agents working among the poor are often quite well educated, their social
economic status qualify them for the middle class bracket beyond they are often stationed in the
remote villages semi desert and slums where amenities of urban environment are not available.
On the contrary their peers stationed in the urban areas enjoy all their amenities.
Those working under hardship are working under constant temptation to give up this hardship
and cross the floor Central control reinforced by the absence of effective methods of
The prospect of community autonomy is to date perceived a threat to central authority and
natural unity is both valid and noble sometimes the agenda has been overstretched to muscle
community identity this become obstacle to authentic community participation and
Beside other challenges community mobilization are also themselves the source of further
contradictions. They often manifest biases in their community mobilization errands bases which
may not be conscious about. These biases include; age bias, ideological bias, professional bias,
spatial bias, dry season
Bias and diplomacy bias.
Gather facts as the basis for sharing information to as many people as possible. Indicate the
views of the opponents to be able to counter effectively with facts.
To build on a positive attitude towards change among the people, the change agents should
use peers to win over their friends. Youth to youth, elders to elders, women to women or
professional to professional. Be friendly to whole in order to win the trust and confidence hence
be open.
Try to understand and emphasize with people understand reality as well as their fears and
limitation to be able to see through their eyes and speak in their
The concept of indicator comes from the Latin word indicate which means to print out or
proclaim. It is a way of knowing or telling or communicating something without telling or
knowing all the aspects of the subject. Indicators are derived from one or more quantity set of
data depending on how the community workers define their variables.
By capacity indicator it means the measurements that are used to detect the degree of
performance of development project and programme in the community.
Economic indicator
Political indicator
Social indicator
Cultural indicator
Economic indicator
A community is economically empowered when it is able to meet its day to day cost of living
effectively without problems. Economic indicators looks at facts like employment /
unemployment rate of men and women changes in the time used in selected activities e. great
sharing by household neighbors e. salary
Percentage of the available credit, financial and technical support going to men and women from
government to NGO resources.
Health and Sanitation Indicator
A community is empowered in terms of health and sanitation if is is able to meet its day to day
cost in health and sanitation issues effectively.
Is the environment clean to avoid easy outbreak of diseases like cholera and diarrhea etc.
Through the community accessibility the affordable health facilities one can be able to state
whether the community empowered
Health care is very essential need for humanity. People should be able to lead healthy lives
and protect their families from some illness e. malaria, typhoid, dysentery, cholera etc.
development and those who habitat tidy environment are said to be empowered.
Health care and sanitation is a measure to indicate how accessible the people are to drugs and
their potentiality to escape some illness which accrues as a result of poor sanitation.
Political indicator
It looks at issues like the percentage of people participating in political affairs of the country
(community )
Percentage of the people involved in decision making i. how many men and women
Percentage of people (sex) registered as voters how many men and women are working)
Percentage of people (sex) in local and regional position (how many men and women are
Social indicator
Some scholars argue that culture first then development, cultural indicators include;
a) The major cultural practices that tend to influence people’s attitude towards work e. initiation
d) Distribution of resources in terms of inheritance of land e. if the child is allowed to access the
e) The squatter problem and the landlessness e. how many people are legitimately owing land.
of peace, democracy, and development ideas that promote self-reliance, security and provision of
basic needs therefore culture is an indispensable recipe for development.
Technology involves the use of machinery and knowledge to facilitate the production of goods
and services for sustainance. In Africa the low level of technology is associated with the
economic backwardness of the continent and the spread of poverty.
The technology adopted by the community acts as the development and empowerment indicator
because it influences people’s activities. This can be seen in;
Whether a community uses traditional technology in the production. In community traditional
techniques they use a lot of time and power reaps very little.
Raw materials for instance do farmers produce their products or sell them raw when farmers
sell raw materials their earnings are extremely low so the community should be advised tom
produce their commodity and get more from it.
The quality of agricultural commodity e. seeds and animals breed whether or not farmers are
certified seeds or hybrid e. artificial insemination of animals.
These include love affection and procreation, dignity and respect Productive self- actualization
through use of improved technologies. The attainance of psycho spiritual needs is made possible.
Training programmes
Networking skills
Formulation of linkages and collaboration assist in sharing of ideas and resources therefore
capacity building can be attained through this integration of others mutual co existent Promotion
of an enabling environment
It is a kind of participation which is extremely induced and therefore outside peoples control. It
is divided into three levels;
a)Extractonist Participation
This type of participation is reminiscent with central government development planning where
blue prints are drawn and handed down for execution though government extension networks. In
this frame work planning bureaucrats see participation as the process of drawn people into the
implementation of pre- determined development goals hence people are seen as a resource
potential that need to be mobilized. This approach emphasizes the indispensability of central
government planning, bureaus in the identification, planning and implementation of development
activities and projects. It also involves people often involuntary financial and material
contribution towards public projects.
b)Vertical Participation
It has been accrued that this kind of participation manifest itself in the circumstances where
community power brokers develops mutually beneficial relations with individual elites or
government officials as the basis for peoples mobilization for participation. E. patrol client’s
networks and political alliances. In both cases people are not concerned with influencing
government policies as much as developing paternistic relationship that will assure them of
immediate and long term benefits.
This form of participation is perpetuated by local power brokers within the communities who
form linkage between the people and the patrons. Power broken usually has alliances with the
government officials or, the political. They benefit individually from such relationships of
vertical linage usually with such
peanut reaching the people they represent. People are kept under illusionary expectations of
security in time of hardships in addition to occasional and significant trickles of material benefit
from the top. These vertical approach usually happens when people represents like the members
of a particular turnout to be compromised or brought by powers.
Participation has also been understood in terms of the handouts receivable from a development
activity. This perception is associated with economist and technocrats who even through
conceding the widespread failure of conventional development approaches in poverty alleviation
yet still maintained the supremacy of development expertise and technical know-how over the
potential for ordinary people to assume such responsibilities. The expert’s agreement is that since
the poverty basically is caused by mal distribution of benefits of development, designs to experts
hence peoples participation is ensured through handouts to people and to leave development
designs to the experts hence peoples participation is ensured through fair share in the benefits
acquiring from development endeavors handout induced approach to participation tends to
maintain the supremacy of professional knowledge and expertise which leads to beuracraziation
of professional services`.
Participation as a Fundamental Bottom up Development Approach
It is the ideal method of participation that seeks to empower the powerless by making an attempt
to understand the poor and learn from them.
It makes the poor assume full responsibility over their own destiny within the frame work of
their cultural and socio economic realities. Poverty is believed to be structural product whose
blame could not in any way be attributed to the poor people’s but to the structural forces of local
and global society hence it becomes everybody’s responsibility to make the world a better place
and more hospitable for every single human person .
People take control of their own lives through making their own choices and priorities, planning,
implementation and making judgments on the project’s success or failure. Authentic
participation is incomplete without the
In this frame work planning bureaucrats seeparticipation as the process of drawn people
into the implementation of pre-determined development goals hence people are seen as a
resource potentialthat need to be mobilized.
patrol client’s networks and political alliances.In both cases people are not concerned with
influencing government policies asmuch as developing paternistic relationship that will assure
them of immediateand long term benefits.This form of participation is perpetuated by
local power brokers within thecommunities who form linkage between the people
and the patrons. Powerbroken usually has alliances with the government officials or, the
political. Theybenefit individually from such relationships of vertical linage usually with
peanut reaching the people they represent. People are kept under illusionaryexpectations of
security in time of hardships in addition to occasional andsignificant trickles of
material benefit from the top. These vertical approachusually happens when people
represents like the members of a particularturnout to be compromised or brought by
powers.c) Hand out induced participation Participation has also been understood in terms of the
handouts receivable froma development activity. This perception is associated with
economist andtechnocrats who even through conceding the widespread failure of
conventionaldevelopment approaches in poverty alleviation yet still maintained the supremacyof
development expertise and technical know-how over the potential for ordinarypeople to assume
such responsibilities. The expert’s agreement is that since thepoverty basically is caused by
mal distribution of benefits of development,designs to experts hence peoples participation
is ensured through handouts topeople and to leave development designs to the experts
hence peoplesparticipation is ensured through fair share in the benefits acquiring
fromdevelopment endeavors.The handout induced approach to participation tends tomaintain the
supremacy of professional knowledge and expertise which leads tobeuracraziation of
professional services`.Participation as a Fundamental Bottom up Development Approach
(Participatory Rural Appraisal) approach modelIt is the ideal method of participation that seeks
to empower the powerless bymaking an attempt to understand the poor and learn from them. It
makes thepoor assume full responsibility over their own destiny within the frame work oftheir
cultural and socio economic realities. Poverty is believed to be structuralproduct whose blame
could not in any way be attributed to the poor people’s butto the structural forces of local and
global society hence it becomes everybody’sresponsibility to make the world a better place and
more hospitable for everysingle human person .People take control of their own lives through
making theirown choices and priorities, planning, implementation and making judgments onthe
project’s success or failure. Authentic participation is incomplete without
h) Enforcement of leaders When leaders are chosen or appointed without consultation of the
target group orcommunity in question interest of all is denied which implies the capacity
buildingand empowerment programmes too will be denied.i) Marginalization of important
stakeholders or minorityThe empowerment programme postulates that all relevant
participants to beconsulted may lead to the formation of negative attitude towards
the wholeprogramme which possess a threat to the process.j) The problem of implementing
officers being based away from the groundk) Poor coordination between the community and
change agent.
problems through attendance of appropriate training. Education Through formal and non-
formal e.g. extension work, sensitization, holdingseminars, and other advisable services
the people get to have abroad. Spectrumof community and its problems and formulate policies.
Identification of opportunities.
Empowerment involves helping the community not only to realize the available opportunities for
success but also to utilize them in realizing their full potential Exposure to choices Community
people need to be educated on the available choices and chances of survival for instance better
jobs, educational facilities, accessibility to services i.e.
water, access to ones rights and freedoms etc. Promotion of space Empowerment dictates that
community enjoys all inclusive decisions making process without marginalization of
A democratic community is strengthens in the sense that the policies and programmes are as
result of a participatory on decision making.
This dimension encourages that the community forges in closer relationship withal stakeholders
in the process of changing the community.
Mobilization techniques
b) The role of politicians, religious workers and facilitators in the empowerment process
c) The united status of the community should be considered before embarking on particular
technique as a capacity building strategy.
d) The literacy level of the members in the community thus how many people are educate,
illiterate and what means or techniques can be used to empower them.
g) The resources available thus for a change agent to consider using a particular technique e.g.
training there should be enough resources to help in financing the entire process of training.
5. plan for the training6. Implement the training7. Monitor and evaluate the training
their attitudes, values and practices. The process involves efforts to strengthen each
partner’s decision to make effective on what to do on their lives and assume a full
responsibility over the consequences of those decisions.
trainers facilitators and planning for the training. The process of capacity building
Encourage a participatory rural approach and should not exhibit the top down
Mulwa (1999) acquired that capacity building and empowerment is continuous process of
enhancing stakeholders’ knowledge and skills as well as adjusting their attitudes, values and
practices. The process involves efforts to strengthen each partner’s decision to make
effective on what to do on their lives and assume a full responsibility over the consequences of
those decisions.
Training needs assessment the advantage of applying technique in working is that it involves
working with the people and not for the people thus involving the people, consulting the people
and having rapport on the people, this in turn facilitates: A people cantered development
Sustainable development
Encourage the use of indigenous process. Boost identification and utilization of locally
available human and other resources
It encourages empathy. The bottom up progressive approach is better than unpopular trickle
down approach which has the following aspects;
Produces differences
Appropriate technology
Monitoring and evaluation of training Monitoring is a systematic routine that aims at confirming
the training success, it seeks to establish as early as possible any anomaly and correct them as
soon as possible. It will seek to confirm whether the process of successful building has failed of
succeeded. Why is monitoring and evaluation done?
- to establish if the empowerment process should be stopped or terminated- to confirm the cost
of training process, whether it went as planned during social cost and benefit analysis
1) Explain six factors which are considered when sourcing or preparing training materials in
capacity building?
3) Highlight and explain five factors that should be considered when selecting a model for
community empowerment?
Meaning of leadership
A leader is people who influence the direction and group members to achieve
Group goals and objectives. Leadership is the state of one person being able to influence the
direction and group members to achieve group goals and objectives. Leadership is
defined as the act of ruling. It is the provision of direction and guidance to given members or
groups within a community. Leaderships form the base capacity building in the community
especially when it is participatory
Classical leadership These are those of the olden days. They were not concern with output or
groupachievement. Some were authoritarian and not democratic in nature. These include
kingdoms, chieftaincy and government by council of elders Participatory leadership
A participatory leader is one that allows the group to take part in the process ofdecision making.
Acceptability- acceptable behavior/ good rapport meets community norms ofconduct, good
interpersonal human relations, command respect and self-discipline- a good leader has
wisdom or knowledge to handle situations , independent,courageous, trustworthy, eloquent,
intelligent.- Job- competence- track record of performance in a particular skill- Ability to listen
and understand others- Tolerance- ability to accommodate dissenting views– -
d. Emphasis on code of conduct and ethics – leaders should be guided by standsprinciples and
values pertaining the defined areas of influence e.g. should not becorrupt, should be transparent.
i. Democratic space enhancement – leaders deliver their full potentially whenthey have the
freedom of speech, expression, association and to air their viewswithout dictatorship
in the process of leadership strengthening and development some obstacles areencountered for
g. Enforcement of leaders When leaders are chosen or appointed without consultation of the
target group or community in question the interest to all is denied.
h. Nepotism and tribalism When a community is affected by the problem of ethno centrism
rather than nationalism choosing or getting appropriate leaders becomes a problem In them
multilingual society communication barriers is almost inevitable getting a leader who will be
able to communicate and be understood by the entire community becomes a problem.
j. Negative attitude When people have a negative attitude towards a particular chosen leaders
they will not get involved with the leader thus participation in development
Capacity building is all about encouraging and promoting people by enrichingthem with skills
and techniques that are needed for developing their community. Empowerment .it is the
act that influencing other behaviors to meet onesneeds or standard. Therefore
empowerment is essentially a political process thatseeks to redistribute power in favor of the
poor and the disadvantaged. It initiatesthe relinquishing of power from personalized destinations
into the hands of the people.
Since a leader is someone influential especially politicians capacity building ofa particular
people or community can be enhanced through leadership. Capacitybuilding is enhanced
when participation of people is reminiscent with centralgovernment, development
planning where blue plans are drawn and handed overfor execution through government
extension networks. Planning bureaucratic seeparticipation as the process of drawing
people into the implementation ofpredetermined development goals. In this case
people are seen as resourcepotential that need to be mobilized This approach emphasize
the indispensabiliyof the central governmentplanning and implementation of development
activities and projects Leadership and capacity building goes hand in hand that is for the
people tohave their own independent base of authority. Whereby local leaders
withorganized power and base are elected to the board of public organs or serviceorganization.
This wild genuine bargaining power over the outcome of the deliberations withthe ability to
engage effectively in the give and take negotiations. People shouldsend their in organization for
the community Leaders govern and help as in distribution of resources Leaders facilitate
decision making in a community Leaders act at the role mentors Leaders facilitate training of
people on various issues and policies Leaders integrate various plans within the organization
Leaders undertake the mobilization of people Leaders facilitate linkages and networking
Leaders stimulate inventions and innovations in organization Leaders develop a sense of
irresponsibility into the people they govern Leaders implement coordinate issues within the
organization Leaders motivate people by developing morale spirit within the
organization.Leadership techniques.
There are three types of leadership techniquesAuthoritarian leadershipThis is where the leader
determines the policies and the community by him orhimself. The leader induces dependency by
the people on himself.Authorization is negative in the sense that it thrives by unleashing terror
andinstilling fear on the subject. This is done through of law enforcement instrumentssuch as the
police. While authoritative is different in the sense that leadership isfashioned from its positive
attributes. Authoritative leadership is earned wherebya leader commands respect from
his/her subjects derived from ones skillsabilities and talents. Democratic leadershipLeaders
encourage participation of members in decision making. The leader isfriendly and helpful to
members and gives technical assistance of suggestion onalternative choices. There is higher
frequency of making suggestions by thepeople. There is freedom of choice and
expression for members. There areelectronics of members of choosing leaders.Laissez faire
leadershipThis is free style leadership where the leaders allow complete freedom
ondecision making and action and keeps his suggestion and initiative to a minimumdependency
on the leader. Members suggest how things should be within theorganization.REVISION
QUESTIONS1. Explain the types of leadership styles?2. Effective leadership leads to
positive growth of capacity building and Empowerment?
By the end of this topic, the trainee should be able to:1. Discuss the roles of organizational
development.2. Discuss the strategies to foster organizational development and capacity
building.3. Discuss the relationship between organizational development and
capacitybuilding.Meaning of organization development Community base organization
in theirpursuit of goals has to not only organize them but also undertake retracting of
theorganization framework. Community organization helps in the strengthening ofthe overall
management structure of the organization. Development entails thetransformation and
reconstructing of an organization in accordance to its currenttrends/demands. Role of
Organization DevelopmentOrganization development is an essential mechanism within various
departmentsbecause of the following; Improved management for example in leadership
management, trainedleaders delivers more articles and quality effective work compared to
untrainedleader. Organization development also helps in the reviewing of the current trends
inorganization structure and design Organization development encourages the provision
for understanding ofguidance and leadership within the organization. It helps in raising
awareness about an influencing practice in effectiveorganization restructuring among
senior executives. Organization development also strengthens the capability of the
organizationrequired for the provision of the improved objectives or goals. It fosters skills on
networking between one organization and the other. Through development of the organization
it is possible to build an organizationfor further expansion especially in terms of increasing
output of the organization.- Organization development helps to deal with change in the
whole organizationor in its major units Organization development brings about more dispersed
overall improvement inthe organization e.g. it creates high job satisfaction of workers It
improves team work and cooperation by members of the organization Through gaining
(group exercise in decision making) – people gain muchexperience in a short time.
Organizational development also promotes the learning of different approachestowards problem
solving In addition to increased production organization development also enhanceimproved
resolution of conflict in an organization. Organizational development reinforces the
institution capacity of theorganization e.g. in coping with its environment Through action
research organization improvement on existing job and otherwork can be improved Immediate
feedback – organization development supports feedback toparticipants so that they
may be able to collect solid original data on whichdecisions are based on. Strategies
to Foster Organizational Development and Capacity buildingOrganizational development
is a training programme to develop the organizationculture among the people in order to effect
change in a planned way, also it is anintervention strategy thus focus in the whole culture of
organization to bring outthe planned change. Organization development seeks to change the
organizationbelief, attitude, values and structures and practice to adopt the technology withfast
pace of change.The following steps are required for developing the organization
developmentprogrammes;Initial consultation with the consultants
It is the finding out of the deficiencies within the organization by the consultant. Italso involves
improvement of some points where some plans are not workableand finally monitoring the
whole process of organizational development.Relationship between Organizational Development
and Capacity BuildingRelationship between organizational development and capacity building is
thatboth; Are focused on the whole proceeds of change and not part of the organizationor
community. Are systems oriented since they are concerned with the process structure
andattitudes of various people of the organization or community? Are problem solving
oriented Are using group process to solve issues thus with capacity building there
iscategorization of people depending on the problem facing them. Are contingency oriented
since people learn through experience whileadopting new suitable patterns or skills.
Both use change agents e.g. experts or consultants who guide theorganization or
community development process Both possess a strategy of initiating change within
the organization orcommunity in question.I. Explain five strategies which could be
used to foster organizationaldevelopment and capacity building.2. Explain the roles played
by the following agents in capacity building.i) Management consultant.ii) Government