School Diary
School Diary
School Diary
I certify that the particulars given above are true & correct.
I have also gone through the Almanac and duly understand the regulation of the Signature of Father Signature of Mother
Note:- The duly filled proforma should be handed over to the concerned Class
Teacher with in a week of receipt of this Almanac.
Signature of Father/Mother
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
O God, help me to be
A good child all the day;
Help me to do my lessons well
May we ever unswervingly follow the path of duty And be kind and gay.
as do the sun and the moon!
May we always serve humanity without demanding Oh God, let me love all men as my brothers,
the price of our serving! Allow the never to lead them astray;
May we ever be benevolent, kind, self-sacrificing But by good thought, word, and example,
detached and adjustable. Help me, Lord to light their way.
May we surrender all and serve humanity
like the sun and the moon.
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
Thank you for the world so sweet. We are not afraid, We are not afraid,
We are not afraid today,
Thank you for the food we eat. O! Deep in my heart,
Thank you for the birds that sing. I do believe that we shall overcome someday.
Thank you God for everything.
We shall live in peace; We shall live in peace,
Thank you for each happy day. We shall live in peace someday,
For fun, for friends and work and play. O! Deep in my heart,
I do believe that we shall overcome someday.
Thank you for your loving care, We shall integrate, We shall integrate,
At home, at school and everywhere. We shall integrate someday.
O! Deep in my heart,
I do believe that we shall overcome someday.
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
There's ............................ in We shall me Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
........................................ In this ............ Would care to know my name
And I know, ............................. We cannot feel
Would care to feel my hurt
Adn the place could Fear or ..............
Be much We stop ................. and Who am I that the bright and morning star
Brighter than tomorrow Start living Would choose the light the way
And if you really try Then it feel's that always For my ever wandering heart
You'll find there's no need Love's enough for
To cry Us growing
In this place you'll feel So make a better world Not because of who I am
There's no hurt or sorrow. Make a better world... But because of what you've done
Not because of what I've done
There are ways Heal the world But because of who You're
To get there Make it a better place
If you care enough For you and for me I am a flower quickly fading
For the living And the entire human race Here today and gone tomorrow
Make a little space There are people dying A wave tossed in the ocean
Make a better place... If you care enough A vapour in the wind
Heal the world For the living
Make it a better place Make a better place Still you hear me when I'm calling
For you and for me. Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
For you and for me And You're told me who I am
And the entire human race There are people dying I am yours, I am yours
There are people dying If you care enough
If you care enough For the living
For the living Make a better place Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Make a better place For you and for me Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
For you and for me Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
There are people dying
If you want to know why If you care enough Would call out through the rain
There's a love that For the living And calm the storm in me
Cannot lie make a better place I am yours
Love is strong For you and for me Whom shall I fear
It only cares for
Joyful giving You and for me Whom shall I fear
If we try You and for me 'cause I am yours
I am yours
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
E{ _mobH$ V{a{ ]ßX{ h_ h_ g] ^maVr` h¢
h_ g] ^maVr` h¢-4
E{ _mobH$ V{a{ ]ßX{ h_, E{g{ hm{ h_ma{ H$a_ A[Zr _ßoOb EH$ h¢, hm± hm± hm±, EH$ h° hm{
Z{H$s [a Mb{ Am°a ]Xr g{ Q>b{, VmoH$ h±gV{ h˛E oZH$b{ X_$&& EH$ h°$& h_ g]....
E{ _mobH$ V{a{ ]ßX{ h_$&& H$Ì_ra H$s YaVr amZr h°, gaVmO oh_mb` h°
]∂S>m H$_Om{a h° AmX_r, A^r bmIm| h¢ Bg_| H$_r-2$& goX`m| g{ h_Z{ BgH$m{ A[Z{, IyZ g{ [mbm h°$&
[a Vy Om{ I∂S>m h° X`mbw ]∂S>m, V{ar H•$[m g{ YaVr W_r X{e H$s ajm H$s ImoVa (h_ e_era CR>m b|J{-2)
oX`m VyZ{ h_| O] OZ_, Vyhr P{b{Jm h_ g]H{$ J_ o]Ia{-o]Ia{ Vma| h¢ h_-2 b{oH$Z oPbo_b-oPbo_b EH$ h°
_ßoXa JwÍ$¤ma{ h¢ `hm±, Am°a _pÒOX ^r h¢ `hm±,
Z{H$s [a ............. E{ _mobH$ ..............$& oJaOm H$m h° Ko∂S>`mb H$ht, _wÎbm H$m h° AmOmZ$&
`{ AßY{am KZm N>m ahm, V{am BßgmZ K]am ahm - 2 EH$ hr A[Zm am_ h°, (EH$ hr AÎbm Vmbm h°-2)
hm{ ahm ]{I]a, Hw$N> Zm AmVm ZOa, gwI H$m gyaO Nw>[m Om ahm aßJ o]aßJ{ Xr[H$ h¢ h_-2 b{oH$Z _{ho\$b EH$ h°$&
h° V{ar am{eZr _| dm{ X_, Om{ A_mdg H$m{ H$a X{ [yZ_ h_ g] ^maVr` ..............$&
Z{H$s [a ............. E{ _mobH$ ..............$& A] gmar XwoZ`mß _| H$m{B©, h_ OßJ Zm hm{Z{ X|J{$&
O] OwÎ_m| H$m hm{ gm_Zm, V] Vyhr h_| Wm_Zm-2 A] h_ _mZd H$m{ E{gr _m°V H$s ZtX Z gm{Z{ X|J{$&
dm{ ]wamB© H$a{, ha ^bmB© H$a|, Zm hm{ ]Xb{ H$s `{ ^mdZm A_Z hr A[Zr [yßOr h° (A_Z hr A[Zm Zmam h°-2)
CR>{ fl`ma H$m ha H$X_, Am°a o_Q>{ ]°a H$m `{ ^a_ D ±Mr ZrMr bha| h¢ h_, b{oH$Z gmohb EH$ h°-2
h_ g] ^maVr`......$&
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
`{ d∑V Z R>ham h° `{ d∑V Z R>ha{Jm ^maV h_mar _m± h°
^maV h_mar _m± h°, _mVm H$m Í$[ fl`mam
`{ d∑V Z R>ham h° `{ d∑V Z R>ha{Jm H$aZm Bgr H$s ajm, H$Œm©Ï` h° h_mam$&&
`y± hr JwOa OmEJm K]amZm H°$gm ? OZZr g_mZ YaVr, oOg [a OZ_ ob`m h°-2
ohÂ_V g{ H$m_ b|J{ K]amZm H°$gm ? oZO A›Z dm`w Ob g{, oOgZ{ ]∂S>m oH$`m h°$&
gmJa H{$ grZ{ g{, [mE h¢ Om{ _m{Vr, OrdZ dm{ H°$gm OrdZ, oOg [a AJa Zm dmam &&
bha| H$^r ]b ImE± K]amZm H°$gm ^maV h_mar ............$&
ohÂ_V g{ H$m_ b|J{, K]amZm H°$gm ? ÒdoU©_ ‡^mV oOgH$s A_•V bwQ>mZ{ AmE - 2$&
`{ _hH$ Jwbm]m| H$s, _hH$mVr h° JwbeZ Ohm± gm±P _wÒHw$amH$a oXZ H$s WH$mZ o_Q>mE$&
H$mßQ>m H$^r bJ OmE, K]amZm H°$gm$& oXZ-amV H$m MbZ ^r, `hm± e{f OJ g{ ›`mam$&&
`{ gwI-XwI OrdZ _| AmV h¢ OmV{ h¢ ^maV h_mar..............$&
XwI [hb{ Am OmE K]amZm H°$gm [mdZ [wZrV _m¢ H$m, _ßoXa ghO gwhmZm-2
o\$a g{ bwQ>{ Zm ]{Q>m{, Vw_ ZtX _| Zm gm{Zm$&
ohÂ_V g{ H$m_ b|J{ K]amZm H°$gm ?
OmJ•V gßVm| H$m ]b hr, _mVm H$m hm{ ghmam$&&
O] H$X_ ]∂T>mE h¢ _ßoOb o_b OmEJr ^maV h_mar..........$&
Ja amh Oam _wpÌH$b K]amZm H°$gm$& V{ar AmdmO .............$&
ohÂ_V g{ H$m_ b|J{ K]amZm H°$gm$&
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
Mb AH{$bm a{ gma{ Ohm± g{ A¿N>m.....
gma{ Ohm± g{ A¿N>m qhXm{ÒVmß h_mam-2
V{ar Amdm [{ Ja H$m{B© Z AmE h_ ]wb]wb{ h°ß BgH{$ `w JwobÒVmß h_mam-2
Vm{ o\$a Mb AH{$bm a{,
[d©V dm{ g]g{ D ±Mm h_gm`m Amg_m| H$m-2
Vm{ o\$a Mb AH{$bm, Mb AH{$bm, Mb AH{$bm, dm{ gßVar h_mam dm{ [mg]m± h_mam - 2
Mb AH{$bm a{,
V{ar Amdmg ....................$& Jm{Xr _| I{bVr h° oOgH$s hOmam| ZoX`m±-2
JwbeZ h¢ oOgH{$ X_ g{ aÌH{$ Ohm± h_mam - 2
`oX H$m{B© ^r Z ]m{b{, Am{ a{ Am{ a{ Am{ A^mJ{
_Oh] Zht ogImVm Am[g _| ]°a aIZm-2
H$m{B© ^r Z ]m{b{ oh›Xr h° h_-3 dVZ h° oh›Xm{ÒVmß h_mam h_mam
`oX g^r _wI _m{∂S>{ ah|, g] S>am H$a| - 2
V] S>a{ o]Zm gma{ Ohm± g{ A¿N>m.....
V{a{ _Z H$s ]mV, _w∑V-H$ R>, H$h AH{$bm a{
V{ar AmdmO ............
`oX bm°Q> OmE± g^r, Am{ a{ Am{ a{ Am{ A^mJ{ ^b{ OwXm oXI| h_
bm°Q> Om`| g^r gma{J_[, J_Y, _YoZ, YoZgm$& Am@@@ Am @@@
`noX JhZ S>Ja Mb{, X{I{ _w∂S>H{$ Z H$m{B© - 2
V] amhm| H{$ H$m±Q>{, ^b{ OwXm oXI{, h_ aßJm| g{, EH$ JwbeZ H{$ _wb h° _Ja
Am{ Vy a∑V aßJ{, MaU-Vb{, Xb AH{$bm a{ EH$ Bß–YZwf H$s e∑bm| _|, h_ AmV{ h¢ g]H$m{ ZOa-2
V{ar AmdmO ................
H$^r oH$gr g{ S>a{ Zht, BamX{ h_ma{ AQ>b
`oX Xr[ Z Ya|, Am{a{ Am{a{ Am{ A^mJ{ ]∂S>r _wgr]V H$m{ ^r H$a X{, MwQ>H$r _| h_ hb - 2
Xr[ Z Ya{ OmZ b{ a H$m{B©-2 Am°a [mb{ Zm H$m{B© ^a_$& ^b{ IwXm -
`nX P∂S>r-Am±Yr amV _|, Ya ]ßX g] H$a|
V] dO´ - oeIm g{ fl`ma _wh„]V H$s H$o∂S>`m| g{ E{g{ Ow∂S>{ h¢ h_
Vy A[Zr ApÒW`m± Obm Am°a Ob AH{$bm a{$& Am°am| H{$ J_ g{ hm{Vr h°, A[Zr Am±I{ Z_$&
o_bV{ h¢ Jb{-2 [mg XwÌ_Z ^r AmE _Ja$&
^b{ OwXm oXI|, h_ aßJm| g{, EH$ JwbeZ H{$ Jwb h¢ _Ja
EH$ B›–YZwf H{$ e∑bm| H{$$&&
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
‡mW©Zm JrV X{e^p∑V JrV
V{ar h° O_t, V{am Amg_mß, Vy ]∂S>m _{ha]m± Vy ]ªerg H$a$& N>m{∂S>m{ H$b H$s ]mV|, H$b H$s ]mV [wamZr
ZE Xm°a g{ obI|J{ h_, o_bH$a ZB© H$hmZr$&
g^r H$m h° Vy, g^r V{a{ IwXm V{a{ Vy ]ªerg H$a$& .......2 h_ oh›XwÒVmZr-4
hm{-2 V{ar _Ou g{ E{ _mobH$ h_ Bg XwoZ`m _| AmE h¢$&
V{ar ah_V g{ h_ g]Z{ `{ oOÒ_m{OmZ [mE h¢$& AmO [wamZr, OßOram| H$m{ Vm{∂S> MwH{$ h¢$&
Vy A[Zr ZOa h_ [a aIZm, oH$g hmb _| h° `{ I]a aIZm$& ∑`m X{I| Cg _ßoOb H$m{ Om{ N>m{∂S> MwH{$ h¢
V{ar h°ß O_t.............. Mm±X H{$ Xa [{ Am [h˛±Mm h° AmO O_mZm$&
ZE OJV g{, h_ ^r ZmVm, Om{∂S> MwH{$ h¢$&
hm{-2 Vy Mmh{ Vm{ h_| aI|, Vy Mmh{ Vm{ h_| _ma{$& Z`m IwZ h°, ZB© C_|J{, A] h° ZB© OdmZr$&
V{a{ AmJ{ PwH$mH{$ ga, I∂S>{ h¢, AmO h_ gma{$& h_ oh›XwÒVmZr$&
Am{ g]g{ ]∂S>r VmH$V dmb{, Vy Mmh{ ha Am\$V Q>mb{$&
V{ar h° O_t............... AmAm{ _{hZV H$m{ A[Zm B©_mZ ]ZmE$&
A[Z{ hmWm| H$m{ A[Zm, ^JdmZ ]ZmE$&
am_ H$s Bg YaVr H$m{, Jm°V_ H$s ^yo_ H$m$&
g[Zm| g{ ^r fl`mam, oh›XwÒVmZ ]ZmE$&
‡mW©Zm JrV Z`m IyZ h°, ZB© C_ßJ{ A] h° ZB© OdmZr
h_ oh›XwÒVmZr-4
BH$ Vy hr ^am{gm BH$ Vy hr ghmam
Bg V{a{ Ohm± _|, Zht H$m{B© h_mam$&
h{ B©Ìda `m AÎbmh, `{ [wH$ma gwZ b{$& ‡mW©Zm JrV
h{ B©Ìda `m AÎbmh h{ XmVm$& Vy fl`ma H$m gmJa h°, (V{ar BH$ ]yßX H{$ fl`mg{ h_)-2
h_g{ Zm X{Im OmE, ]]m©oX`m| H$m Ohm±$& bm°Q>m Om{ oX`m VyZ{-2 Mb{ OmE±J{ Ohm± g{ h_$&
Vy fl`ma ......................... $&
CO∂S>r h˛B© ]ÒVr _|, ∑`±y V∂S>[ ah{ Bßgmß-2
Z›h| oOÒ_m| H{$ Qw>H$∂S>{, obE I∂S>r h° BH$ _m±$& Km`b _Z H$m, [mJb [ßN>r (C∂S>Z{ H$m{ ]{H$ama)-2
]mÍ$X H{$ YwE± _|, Vw_ ]m{bm{ OmE± H$hm±$& [ßI h° H$m{_b, Am±I h° Yw±Ybr, (OmZm h° gmJa [ma)-2
BH$ Vy hr ^am{gm............$& A] Vy hr Bg{ g_Pm-2 (amh ^yb{ W{ H$hm± [{ h_)
ZmXm¢ h°ß h_ Vm{ _mobH$, ∑`yy± Xr h_| `{ gOm Vy fl`ma ..........................$&
∑`m h° g^r H{$ oXb _|, Z\$aV H$m Oha ^am-2$&
B›h| o\$a g{ `mX o_bm X{, g]H$ dhr fl`ma H$m$& BYa Py_H{$ JmE oO›XJr, (CYa h° _m°V I∂S>r)-2
]Z OmE JwbeZ o\$a g{, H$m±Q>m| ^ar XwoZ`m$& H$m{B© ∑`m OmZ{ H$hm± h° gr_m, (CbPZ AmZ [∂S>r) -2
H$mZm| _| Oam H$h X{ -2 H{$ AmE± H$m°Z oXem _| h_$&
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
Ohm± H$m±Q>{ hm| [J [a dhr _{am amÒVm h° h_ g] ghr EH$ g\$a
Ohm± H$m±Q>{ hm{ [J-[J [a dht _{am amÒVm h°$& h_ g] ghr EH$ g\$a H{$, EH$ h_mar _ßoOb-2
gmohb-gmohb, gmJa-gmJa, h±gV{ JmV{ OmE±J{$& Am@@@@@
Ohm± _wpÌH$b hm{ H$X_ [a dhr _{am amÒVm h°$& JrV o_bZ H{$ JmE±J{-4 $& h_ g] amhr................
Today, schools have an amazing role to play in the lives of the students. It is not
narrowed down only to the pursuit of academic excellence but also to motivate
and empower its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive
members of an ever-changing global society.At we provide an atmosphere to our
students for multifaceted development, where children are encouraged to
OUR VISION AND MISSION channelize their potential in the pursuit of excellence. This can only be possible
in a holistic, student-centic environment. The talents, skills, and abilities of each
student need to be identified, nurtured, and encouraged so that he/she is able to
We are committed towards the cause of education - an endeavour to ignite the reach greater height. We rear students who are creatively curious and strive to
experiment & innovate new things on both academic and non-academic fronts.
young mind and satiate it. We look at facilitation of optimal learning for all
students to empower them to lead fulfilling and productive lives in a rapidly We strongly believe in the importance of teachers, parents, and administrators
collaborating and communicating openly and frequently. We continually
changing and increasingly complex society. Our mission is for every child to improve the quality of tools of communication, including giving our parents
aspire, to find and know himself, work towards accomplishing his goal in life access to an interactive website where they can retrieve pertinent information
and reach greater heights. about their children's academic achievement. You are encouraged to regularly
check our website and read about our exciting academic and co-curricular
activities. We look forward to serving you and your children over the coming
We also aim at providing a stimulating and challenging educational environment years. Interested parents are encouraged to contact our school and to ask any
questions they may have regarding our school and the programmes we offer.
that encourages quality work with a constant monitoring of student progress and
overall well being. I welcome you all once again to this great institution of higher leaning and assure
you a nurturing and caring environment that will see all of you blossom into
empowered nnd sensitive human beings.
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
1. Every student should bring his/herAlmanac to school everyday. 12. Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments to school.
2. Parents are requested to avail school bus facility for the convenience of their 13. Lending or borrowing or other articles is not permitted.
ward(s). Non-bus commuters should arrive at school 5 minutes before the 14. The school is not responsible for nay article lost. Valuable articles like
start of the Morning Assembly. Kindly note that once bus facility is availed expensive watches, fountain pens, mobiles, cameras, calculators, etc. are
by a student; he/she will not be allowed to discontinue the same during the not allowed in the school. Gold ornaments, flash drives and CDs are strictly
whole academic year. prohibited.
3. It is mandatory for all to speak in English, in the school premises and in the 15. Students who come to school along with their escorts should never leave
school bus. before the escort arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the School
4. Changing of class rooms between periods should be done in silence and in Office. Those who go home on their own should not loiter about on the way
an orderly manner. but promptly return back home.
5. School uniform must be ironed, shoes well polished, finger nails pared and 16. Students may distribute only toffees or candies on their birthdays,
hair trimmed and well combed. Students who are not in proper uniform will Chocolate bars like 5 Star, Dairy Milk, Munch, etc are strictly not allowed.
not be allowed to enter their classrooms. 17. The conduct of every Dipsite should be polite and courteous not matter
6. After three Notes to Parents through Almanac for late coming/ slackness in wherever they are. They should greet their teachers when they pass by/meet
general turn out, a recurrence of the same will result in child being sent them. Bullying and use of abusive language are punishable offences.
home. 18. Exploding crackers or splashing colour during Diwali / Holi in school
7. No books (other than text books or library books), magazines or money premises is strictly forbidden.
should be brought to school without the Principal's permission. 19. School appointees should wear their respective badges daily.
8. No. shouting or whistling is allowed in or around the school building. 20. Students are required to attend the festivals and functions celebrated in the
Running in corridors is strictly prohibited. Students are advised not to school.
linger about in corridors after period/break. 21. Students coming by scooters/motorcycles are required to take prior
9. All school property must be taken care of and no student should scratch or permission from the Principal.
spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture or write or draw 22. Observance of disciplinary rules of the school and good behaviour are
anything on the walls or damage things belonging to others in anyway. essential conditions for a student's continuance at the school.
Damage caused even by accident should be reported at once to the Principal
through class teachers and also to theAdmin. Officer.
11. Any damage caused by the students will be made good by the concerned Non-compliance of these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
student/students along with a fine imposed on him/her/ them for the same.
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
17. To receive their wards, In case there is no one to receive the child at the bus NORMS FOR PAYMENT OF SCHOOL DUES
stop, he/she will be brought back to school & parents will have to collet the
18. It is compulsory for the students to complete 75% of attendance during the Quarterly basis, by 10th of every first month of Quarterly. No letter or
session to make him/her eligible to appear for the Final Examination. remainder will be issued by the school in this respect, unless there is some
19. Regularity at school is imperative for good results. Hence parents are specific reason or change in the schedule.
requested not to apply for their wards leave if avoidable.
20. If information or application of the absentee does not reach in the morning, 2. If fee for a month in respect or any student is not paid in fully by 10th of
the child will be marked absent. every first month of Quarter, a fine of Rs. 25/- per day will be charged up to
21. Leave for half day should not be sought. the end of second month. After the end of the second month for which the
22. Children, when sick, should not be sent to school to attend Tests/classes. fee is not paid, the students name will be struck off from school rolls and on
23. Students will be allowed to go home only with the written permission of the payment of all arrears as fresh admission the student may be-admitted only
Principal. at the discretion of the Principal.
24. If you ward is absent from school, he/she should make up for all work that
has been missed by him/her. 3. Fees can be deposited in advance for any number of months or for the full
25. Check the hair cut, uniform and punctuality of your ward(s) in the morning. session if so desired.
26. See that you ward(s) carries books according to the Time Table of that day.
No extra books are allowed. 4. The date of presentation of the cheque will be treated as date of payment,
provided the cheque is not dishonoured.
Parents are expected to check the Almanac of their ward(s) everyday to note
Homework and other instructions given. They are advised to check the bags 5. Any cheque returned by the bank will be treated under the category of non-
of their ward(s) to find whether any Circular/ Notice etc has been issued. payment of fees.
(ERPAccount of the ward can be checked for the same) 6. In case of doubts regarding the payments of any dues, parents/guardians are
advised to make the payment first and then clarify the matter.
7. Parents are requested to keep the cash receipts in safe custody and produce
these at the school as proof of their payment or else they may quote the cash
Receipt No. in theAlmanac of the student for ready reference.
8. In case of any refund of extra charges levied by the school, parents are
requested to contact the office directly.
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
lieu of notice, should be given a pupil can be withdrawn from school.
However in case of transfer or other contingencies of service, Principal may 1. One clear month's notice in writing or a month's fee in lieu of notice, should
waive the notice period as a special case at his/her discretion. FEE be given before a pupil can be withdrawn.
PRIOR NOTICE. EVEN IF STUDENTS TAKE ADMISSION LATER IN 2. Transfer Certificate will be issued after the settlement of all school dues.
3. The Caution Money, if not claimed in the same calender year, shall be
treated as donation to the school for its development and any right to the
refund of this amount stands relinquished.
5. Any student who fails twice int he same class will not be permitted to
continue his/her studies at school.
6. When a withdrawal takes place due to the above reasons, the question of
charging a month's fee in lieu of notice does not arise.
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
5. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six
consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off
the rolls and the student will be re-admitted only on payment of all arrears as
fresh admission at the discretion of the Principal.
01 01
Towards Excellence and Beyond Towards Excellence and Beyond
2. In CCA, a student can take part in open competitions and screening round of 2. Parents should consult the School Transport & In-charge for necessary
individual and group competitions. details.
3. Students and Parents are requested to submit names for participation by 3. ALL PAYMENTS BY ACCOUNT PAYEE CHEQUE TO BE DRAWN IN
scheduled dates. Please note that no last minute entries will be entertained. FAVOUR OF DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL BISALPUR.
4. Students are required to bring their own drawing / colouring / painting kits Bus Rules
for On-the-Spot Painting Competitions.
1. All students using the school bus are expected to be at their respective bus
5. Others rules and regulations will be circulated to students through House stops at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus.
Wardens from time to time as per the competitions.
2. Buses will not wait for the late comers.
6. If students are found not obeying the rules or participation the respective
House will be disqualified. 3. Children should always stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
5. The students must occupy vacant seats after boarding their buses.
6. Students to school by Bus should return by Bus only, and in case of failure
the Bus/Transport Incharge must be informed.
7. The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless
otherwise directed by the Transport In-charge / Teacher In-charge. The list
of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience of all and is subject to
8. When the bus is in motion, students must not move in the bus. They should
not expose any part of their body out of the bus.
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