Jamxss SRS
Jamxss SRS
Jamxss SRS
(Just A Monster XSS Scanner)
Version 0.1.0
Prepared by
Suriya Prakash N
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Product Features
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
2.4 Operating Environment
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
2.6 User Documentation
3. System Features
5. Nonfunctional Requirements
5.1 Performance Requirements
5.2 Security Requirements
5.3 Reliability Requirements
5.4 Availability Requirements
6. Other Requirements
6.1 Legal Requirements
6.2 Ethical Requirements
6.3 Implementation Schedule
7. Appendices
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define the requirements for the development of JAMXSS, a
comprehensive tool designed for detecting and exploiting cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
in PHP web applications. This document provides a detailed overview of the features,
functionalities, and constraints of JAMXSS, guiding its development and implementation.
1.2 Scope
JAMXSS (Just A Monster XSS Scanner) is a Python-based XSS scanner specifically tailored to
identify XSS vulnerabilities in PHP web applications. It offers advanced capabilities for analyzing
web application requests, inspecting responses, and crafting attack payloads to assess the security
posture of web applications. By leveraging dynamic content analysis, WAF evasion techniques, and
customizable scanning options, JAMXSS aims to provide security professionals, penetration testers,
and developers with a powerful tool for identifying and mitigating XSS vulnerabilities effectively.
1.4 References
No external references are required for this document.
2.Overall Description
1. Analysis of Web Application Requests: JAMXSS parses incoming HTTP requests to identify
parameters such as URL parameters, form parameters, and headers.
2. Inspection of Response for Reflection: The tool sends requests to the web application server
and analyzes responses to identify reflections of input parameters, a common indicator of XSS
3. Verification of Reflection: JAMXSS verifies that reflections found in responses are not
coincidental, ensuring that they are part of the application's functionality and not due to other
4. Derivation of Context of Reflection: The tool determines the context in which input is reflected,
such as within HTML tags, attributes, or JavaScript code, to tailor attack payloads effectively.
5. Crafting of Attack Payload: Based on the context of reflection, JAMXSS crafts attack payloads
designed to exploit XSS vulnerabilities efficiently.
6. Test Payload: JAMXSS injects crafted attack payloads into input parameters and resends
requests to the server to assess the success of the XSS attack.
7. Testing on Different Input Sources: The tool tests various input sources, including GET
parameters, POST parameters, and cookies, for XSS vulnerabilities.
10. Customizable Scanning Options: JAMXSS provides basic customization options, allowing
users to specify scan depth and exclude certain URLs to tailor scanning parameters to their
11. Crawling Functionality: JAMXSS crawls web pages to discover input sources such as forms,
links, and parameters, enabling comprehensive testing coverage.
12. Confidence Scoring: The tool includes a confidence scoring system that assigns scores to
detected vulnerabilities based on various factors, such as payload execution, context, and validation.
13. Stealth Mode: JAMXSS offers a stealth mode where it suggests payloads for injection points
without executing them, allowing users to assess potential vulnerabilities without triggering actions
on the server.
14. Attack Mode: In attack mode, JAMXSS executes payloads to test for XSS vulnerabilities
actively, providing users with real-time feedback on the success of the attacks.
3.System Features
(Features detailed in section 2.2)
5.Nonfunctional Requirements
6.Other Requirements