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Test-42 Adv F1 QP

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Prakash Institute

Test-42 Advance F1 Batch 05/05/2024

Marking Scheme

Sec 1: 6 questions Single Answer correct 4, -1

Sec 2: 6 questions Multiple answer correct 4, 1, -2 ( 1 For Partial Marking)

Sec 3: 6 questions Numerical Type Questions 4, 0


Chemistry Maths Physics

Single Correct Type

Q1) Ferrous oxide has a cubic structure and each edge of the unit cell is 5 Å. Assuming density of
the oxide as 4 grams/cc, then the number of Fe2+ and O2- ions present in each unit cell will be:
(Fe : 56, O: 16)
(A) Four Fe2+ and four O2- (B) Two Fe2+ and four O2-
(C) Four Fe2+ and two O2- (D) Three Fe2+ and three O2-

Q2) During the conversion of SO3 into H2SO4 on commercial scale, the intermediate compound is
(A) H2S2O3 (B) H2S2O5
(C) H2S2O6 (D) H2S2O7

Q3) Which of the following statements is true for H2S2?

(A) (∠H-S-S)in solid state < (∠H-S-S)in gaseous state
(B) (∠H-S-S)in solid state > (∠H-S-S)in gaseous state
(C) (∠H-S-S)in solid state = (∠H-S-S)in gaseous state
(D) Dihedral (∠H-Hinge-H)in solid state > Dihedral (∠H-Hinge-H)in gaseous state

Q4) The crystal AB (rock salt structure) has molecular mass 6.023y amu, where y is an arbitrary
number in amu. If the minimum distance between cation and anion is y 1/3 nm and the observed
density is 20 kg /m3. What will be the nature of defect in the solid AB?
(A) Frenkel Defect (B) Metal Deficiency Defect
(C) Metal Excess Defect (D) No defect will be observed.

excess hypo solution

Q5) Na2S2O3 + X → white ppt Clear Solution
The ‘X’ can NOT be:

(A) Lead Acetate (B) Copper Sulphate

(C) Sodium Nitrate (D) Silver Nitrate

Q6) What is the formula of an oxide of cobalt that crystallises with cobalt atoms occupying one-
eighth of the tetrahedral holes and one-half of the octahedral holes in a closest packed array of
oxide ions?
(A) Co2O3 (B) Co5O8
(C) CoO (D) Co3O4
Multiple Correct Type

Q7) The weaker p-bond formation is responsible for the non-existence of which of the following
compounds as discrete molecule?
(A) CO2 (B) CS2 (C) CSe2 (D) CTe2

Q8) The correct information regarding a solid element (atomic radius = r ) having ABCABC…
type packing ( FCC unit cell edge length = a ) is
(A) the distance between nearest octahedral and tetrahedral void is .
(B) the distance between two nearest octahedral void is .
(C) the distance between two nearest tetrahedral void is .
(D) the distance between successive A and B layers is (2r . ).

Q9) Which of the following statements are wrong?

(A) The lattice positions left vacant by cations and occupied by neighbouring electrons from
surrounding anions are called F-centres.
(B) The presence of F-centres makes the lattice electrically neutral and diamagnetic.
(C) The presence of F-centres gives colour to the crystals.
(D) F-centres contain unpaired electrons.

Q10) Which of the following is/are correct statement(s) about Fe3O4 crystal?
(A) Fe2+ ions occupy octahedral voids.
(B) Fe3+ ions occupy tetrahedral voids.
(C) Fe3+ ions occupy octahedral as well as tetrahedral voids.
(D) O2- ions are present at the corner as well as the centre of alternate faces.

Q11) Potassium hexachloroplatinate (IV), K2[PtCl6] adopts anti-fluorite crystal structure. The
correct information/s about ideal K2[PtCl6] crystal is/are :
(A) K+ ions occupy all the octahedral voids.
(B) The unit cell is FCC with respect to [PtCl6]2- ions.
(C) The coordination number of [PtCl6]2- ions is 4.
(D) The coordination number of [PtCl6]2- ions is 12.
Q12) Which of the following curves assures that the metal obtained by carbon reduction is in the
vapour state?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Numerical Type

Useful Data: NA : 6 × 10 23
Atomic numbers:
H: 1, Li: 3, B: 5, C: 6, N: 7, 0: 8, Na: 11, Mg: 12, Al: 13, S: 16, Cl: 17, Ar: 18,
K: 19, Ca: 20, Cu: 29, Br: 35, I: 53
Atomic masses: H: 1, Li: 7, B: 11, C: 12, N: 14, O: 16, Na: 23, Mg: 24, Al: 27, S: 32, Cl: 35.5
Ar:40, K:39, Ca:40, Cr : 52, Fe: 56, Mn: 55, Cu: 63.5, Zn: 65, Br: 80, I: 127, Ba: 137

Q13) A metal ‘M’ having atomic mass 31.25 crystallises in cubic close packing and it shows
Schottky defects. If the edge length of the cubic lattice is 500 pm and density of the metal is 1.6075
gm/cc then calculate the number of mole of metal atom ‘M’ missing per litre of the crystal.

Q14) What is the total number of solids among the following which develop Frenkel defect in their
solid state?
NaCl, ZnS, AgCl, CsCl, AgBr, KCl, AgI, ZnO, FeO

Q15) BaTiO3 crystallises in the perovskite structure. This structure may be described as a cubic
lattice, with barium ions occupying the corners of the unit cell, oxide ions occupying the face
centres and titanium ions occupying the centres of the unit cells. What percentage of the holes of
this type does Ti ion occupy?
Q16) Enter code against the correct statement with reference to the following Ellingham diagram:

(11) Si cannot reduce MgO at all.

(22) Al can not reduce MgO at above 1500°C.
(33) Al can reduce Cr2O3 as well as TiO2.
(44) Al cannot reduce ZrO2 but Mg can reduce ZrO2.

Q17) A solid ‘AB’ crystallizes as CCP for ‘A’ atoms and ‘B’ atoms occupy half of the tetrahedral
voids. One litre of the crystal is doped with 1 mole atoms of ‘C’, some of which replace the ‘B’
atoms and remaining occupies new interstitial voids without affecting the dimensions of the crystal.
If the density of the crystal before doping is 4.8 g/cm3 and the density after doping is 4.795 g/cm3,
then what is the percentage of ‘C’ atoms which replace ' B ' atoms? (Atomic masses of A, B and C
are 40, 30 and 15 , respectively)

Q18) Find the number of wrongly represented curve in the following Ellingham diagram:
M. Prakash Institute XI F1 Advance
Indefinite Integration 5 May 2024
Section I - Single Option correct - 6 questions
x2 + 20
19. If I = dx, then I equals
(x sin x + 5 cos x)2
−x x2 + 20
(A) + tan x + C (B) dx
cos x(x sin x + 5 cos x) (x sin x + 5 cos x)2
(C) (x sin x − 5 cos x)−1 sin x + 7x + C (D) none of these
20. If I = ex (x cos x + sin x)dx, then I equals
1 x 1 x
(A) e (x sin x − cos x) + C (B) e (x sin x + cos x) + C
2 2
(C) ex (x cos x − sin x) + C. (D) None of these
Z √
21. If I = sec−1 xdx, then I equals
√ √ √
(A) x sec−1 √x − √ log(1 + x) + C (B) sec−1 x − tan−1 x + C
(C) x sec−1 x − x − 1 + C (D) None of these
22. If log x2 + x dx = x log x + (x + 1) log(x + 1) + K, then K is equal to
(A ) 2x + log(x + 1) + C (B) 2x − log(x + 1) + C
(C) constant (D) none of these

2 2

23. If I = log x + a dx then I equals
1 −1 x 1  2
−1 x
2 2 2 2
(A) − log x + a −2 tan +C (B) − log x + a + tan +C
x a x a a
1 2 x
(C) − log x2 + a2 + cot−1 +C (D) None of these
x a a
Z √
24. If I = tan−1 (1 + x)dx, then I equals
√ √ √
tan−1 (1 + x) − √x + log(x
(A) x2√ √ + 2 x + 2)√+ C
(B) (2 2 + 1)tan
√ (1 +√ x) + x − log(x √ + 2 x + 2) + C
(C) xtan (1 + x) − x + log(x + 2 x + 2) + C
(D) None of these

Section II -Multiple Option correct - 6 questions

 2 9

25. If In = cotn xdx and I0 +I1 +2 (I2 + . . . .. + I8 )+I9 +I10 −A u + u2 + . . . . + u9 +

constant wherc u = cot x then

(A) A is constant (B) A = −1 (C) A = 1 (D) A is dependent on x

√ √
26. If I = log( x − a + x − b)dx, then I equals
h √ √
(A) 2x − (a + b) log( x − a + x − b) + C
√ √  q
(B) 12 [2x − (a + b)](log(b − a) − log( x − a − x − b)) − 21 (x − a)(x − b) + C
√ √  q
(C) 12 [(x − a) + (x − b)](log( x − a + x − b)) − 21 (x − a)(x − b) + C
(D) None of these

x4 cos3 x − x sin x + cos x

Z !
x sin x+cos x
27. If I = e dx then I equals
x2 cos2 x
sec x cos x
x sin x+cos x x sin x+cos x
(A) e x− +C (B) e x sin x −
x x
sec x cos x − x sin x
x sin x+cos x x x sin x+cos x
R x sin x+cos x
(C) e tan x
− +C (D) xe − e 1 − dx
x x2 cos2 x
x √
28. If √ dx = f (x) 1 + ex − 2 log(g(x)) + C, then
1 + ex
(A) f (x) = √ x−1 (B) f (x) = √ 2(x − 2)
1+e −1 x 1 + ex + 1
(C) g(x) = √ (D) g(x) = √
1 + ex + 1 1 + ex − 1
x x+2
29. If I = e dx, then I equals
x x x−2 x x+1 x x−1 x
(A) e +C (B) e +C (C) e +C (D) e +C
x+4 x+4 x+4 x+4
30. If 1/3
= g(x) + c where g(0) = 12 ln 2 then 2g(−1) is a multiple of
x +2
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7

Section III -Numerical- 6 questions

dx A √ x2 + 2x + 2 − 1
31. If I = √ = log x + 1 + x 2 + 2x + 2 − +C,
1 + x2 + 2x + 2 7 x+1
then A is equal to
√ √
sin−1 x − cos−1 x A h  −1 √  √ √ i
32. If √ √ dx = − sin x (1 − 2x) + x 1 − x −x+C then
sin−1 x + cos−1 x π
A is equal to
1/3 m
2 2−x 2+x
33. Let I = dx = k + c then the value of |4km| is
(2 − x)2 2+x 2−x
equals to
Z  √  π√
34. If sin−1 x cos−1 xdx = sin−1 x Ax − x sin−1 x − 2 1 − x2 + 1 − x2 + 2x + C,
then Aπ =
35. If Im,n = cosm x sin nxdx, 7I4,3 − 4I3,2 = − cos Ax cosB x + C then A + B =
! !
cos θ + sin θ cos θ + sin θ
36. If cos 2θ log dθ = A sin 2θ log + B log cos 2θ + C,
cos θ − sin θ cos θ − sin θ
1 1
then A + B =

M. Prakash Institute

Std : XI(F2 and F3) Exam type : JEE - Advanced

Batch : F2 and F3 Date - 05/05/2024

Section I - Single Option correct : 6 questions

37. The capacitor is formed from two thin square conducting plates of surface area A ,
with air in betwen but the plates are not parallel , the distance between the plates
varies from d from one end to to 2d at the other end. The capacitance of the ca-
pacitor would be
A0 ln(2) A0 ln(2)
(a) 2d
(b) d
2A0 ln(3) 4A0 ln(2)
(c) d
(d) 3d

38. In the arrangement shown in figure, dielectric constant K1 = 2 and K2 = 3. If the

capacitance across P and Q are C1 and C2 respectively, then C1 /C2 will be (the
gaps shown are negligible)

(a) 1 : 1
(b) 2 : 3
(c) 9 : 5
(d) 25 : 24

39. Two identical conducting spheres of radius a are embeded inside uniform infinite
dielectric medium of dielectric sussecptibility 2 at separation much larger than their
radius. The capacitance of the system is
(a) 6πo a
(b) πo a
(c) 3πo a
(d) 4πo a

40. Two dielectric slabs of thickness d4 and 3d

having electric sussceptibilty 1 and 2
respectively are inserted between the plates of parallel plate capacitor having plate
separation d. If battery of EMF Eo is connected across this capacitor what would
be the bound charge suface density at the boundary plane between the two slabs?

−4o Eo −2o Eo +4o Eo −5o Eo

(a) 9d
(b) d
(c) 3d
(d) 2d

41. Two point charges of +Q each have been placed at the positions (−a/2, 0, 0) and
(a/2, 0, 0). The equation of the circle in YZ plane where −Q charge can be placed
such that total electrostatic potential energy of the system is zero is
a. z 2 + (y − a)2 = 2a b. z 2 + (y − a)2 = 27a2 /4
2 2 2
c. z + y = 15a /4 d. None

42. Find the charge that will flow through the wire A to B when the switch S is closed.
The capacitance of each capacitor shown in the figure is C.

a. CV b. CV /3 c. zero d. 2CV /3

6 Questions Multiple Answer Correct

43. Mark out the incorrect statement(s).

a. A proton tends to go from a region of low electric potential to a region of high
electric potential.
b. The electric potential of a negatively charged conductor must be negative.
~ = 0 at a point P , then V must be zero at P .
c. If E
d. If V = 0 at a point P , then E~ must be zero at P .

44. Parallel-plate capacitors with plate separation being x is connected to a constant

voltage source. Let U is the potential energy, q is the charge on the capacitor and
E is the field inside capacitors initially. Now the distance between the plates is
changed to x + dx without removing the voltage source.
a. change in electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor is −U dx/x
b. change in electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor is U dx/x
c. attraction force between the plates is qE/2
d. attraction force between the plates is qE

45. A parallel-plate capacitor has a dielectric slab inside it having thickness just small
than the plate separation. The capacitor is charged by a battery and then battery
is disconnected. If the slab pulled out slowly then which of the following graphs
is/are correct?

46. Three capacitors, each having capacitance C = 2µF, are connected with a battery
of e.m.f. 30 V as shown in the figure. When the switch S is closed,

a. the amount of charge flown through the battery is 20µC

b. the heat generated in the circuit is 0.6 mJ
c. the energy supplied by the battery is 0.6 mJ
d. the amount of charge flown through the switch S is 60µC

47. A charged particle having a positive charge q approaches radially towards the
grounded metallic spheres of radius R with a constant small speed v. In this situa-
tion, as the charge comes nearer to the surface of the sphere
a. current flows into the ground
b. current flows into the sphere
c. Magnitude of the current goes on decreasing.
d. Magnitude of the current goes on increasing.

6 Questions Numerical Answer Correct

48. Two identical capacitors with identical dielectric slabs in between them are con-
nected in series as shown. Now, the slab of one capacitor is pulled out slowly with
the help of an external force F . Mark out the correct statement(s).
a. During the process, positive charge flows from b to a.
b. During the process, charge of capacitor B is equal to charge on A at all instants.
c. Work done by F is positive.
d. During the process, the battery is being charged.

49. Uniform dielectric ball having relative permitivity 4 is placed in a uniform electric
field Eo due to wchich it gets polarised uniformally throughout its volume. The net
electric field inside the ball is xEo where x is ....

50. The percetage drop in potential difference when dielectric slab of half thickness, half
area with constant being 2 is introduced inside plates of capacitor after removing
the charging battery is .... ( rounded to two decimal places)

51. In the circuit shown the emf of each battery is equal to E = 60V , and the capacitor
capacitances are equal to C1 = 2.0µF and C2 = 3.0µF . Find the charge which will
flow through switch after the shorting the switch from right to left in µC

52. Two identical sized capacitors C1 and C2 are connected with a battery as shown in
figure. Capacitor plates are square plates. A dielectric slab of dielectric constant
K = 2, is filled in half the region of the two capacitors as shown in the figure below.
The ratio of capacitances of first to second is 9/x where x is ..

53. we have two spherical, thin co-centric shells of radii r and 3r with inner being
earthed. let the capacitance of this is C1. we have two spherical, thin co-centric
shells of radii r and 2r with outer being earthed. let the capacitance of this is C2.
The ratio C1 to C2 is ( correct to two decimal places)

54. The capacitance of three capacitors are in the ratio 1:2:3 and their parallel equiva-
lent is 120/11µF more than their series equivalent. The capacitance of the largest
capacitor in µF is ..

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