Rohini 45758040124
Rohini 45758040124
Rohini 45758040124
Gradient is the rate of rise or fall along the length of the road with respect to the horizontal. It
is expressed as a ratio of 1 in x (1 vertical unit to x horizontal units). The gradientis also expressed as
percentages such as n%, the slope being n vertical units to 100 horizontal units
Types of gradient
a) Ruling Gradient
b) Limiting Gradient
c) Exceptional Gradient
d) Minimum Gradient
Ruling gradient
The ruling gradient or the design gradient is the maximum gradient with which the designer
attempts to design the vertical profile of the road. This depends on the terrain, lengthof the grade, speed,
pulling power of the vehicle and the presence of the horizontal curve. In plain terrain, it may be possible
to provide at gradients, but in hilly terrain it is not economicaland sometimes not possible also.
Limiting gradient
Where topography of a place compels adopting steeper gradient than the ruling gradient,
'limiting gradient' is used in view of enormous increase in cost in constructing roads with gentler
gradients. However, the length of continuous grade line steeper than ruling gradient should be limited.
On rolling terrain and on hill roads, it may be frequently necessaryto exceed ruling gradient and adopt
limiting gradient, but care should be taken to separate suchstretches of steep gradients by providing
either a level road or a road with easier grade.
Exceptional gradient
In some extra ordinary situations, it may be unavoidable to provide still steeper gradients than
limiting gradient at least for short stretches and in such cases the steeper gradient up to 'exceptional
gradient' may be provided. However, the exceptional gradient should be strictly limited only for short
stretches not exceeding about 100 m at a stretch.
Minimum gradient
This is important only at locations where surface drainage is important. Camber will take care
of the lateral drainage. But the longitudinal drainage along the side drains requires some slope for
smooth flow of water.
The road with zero gradient passing through level land and open side drains are providedwith a
gradient of 1 in 400.A minimum of 1 in 500 may be sufficient to drain water in concretedrains or gutter,
on inferior surface of drains 1 in 200 or 0.5%, on kutcha open drains steeper slope up to 1 in 100 or 1
% may be provided
Vertical Curves
Due to changes in grade in the vertical alignment of highway, it is necessary to introduce vertical
curve at the intersections of different grades to smoothen out the vertical profile and thus ease off the
changes in gradients for the fast moving vehicles.
The vertical curves used in highway may be classified into two categories:
(a) Summit curves or crest curves with convexity upwards
(b) Valley curves or sag curves with concavity upwards
Summit curves
Summit curves with convexity upwards are formed in any one of the cases as given below
a) When a positive gradient meets another positive gradient
The deviation angle, N between the two intersecting gradients is equal to the algebraic difference
between them. Among all the cases, the deviation angle will be maximum when an ascending gradient,
(+ n1) meets with a descending gradient, (- n2).
Therefore, deviation angle, N= n1 - (- n2) = (n1 + n2)
When a fast moving vehicle travels along a summit curve, the centrifugal force will actupwards, against gravity and
hence a part of the self-weight of the vehicle is relieved resultingin reduction in pressure on the tyres and on the
suspension springs of the vehicle suspensions.So there is no problem of discomfort to passengers on summit curves,
particularly because the deviation angles on roads are quite small. Also if the summit curve is designed to have
adequate sight distance, the length of the summit curve would be long enough to ease the shock due to
change in gradients.
Many curve forms can be used with satisfactory results; the common practice has been to use
parabolic curves in summit curves. This is primarily because of the ease with it can be laid out as well
as allowing a comfortable transition from one gradient to another.
The important design aspect of the summit curve is the determination of the length of the curve
which is parabolic. As noted earlier, the length of the curve is guided by the sight distance
As per IRC
Valley curve
Valley curve or sag curves are vertical curves with convexity downwards. The deviationangle, N
between the two intersecting gradients is equal to the algebraic difference between them. Among all
the cases, the deviation angle will be maximum when a descending gradient, (- n1) meets with an
ascending gradient, (+ n2).
Therefore, deviation angle, N= - n1 - (+ n2) = - (n1 + n2)
They are formed when two gradients meet as illustrated in figure below in any of the following
four ways:
1) When a descending gradient meets another descending gradient
2) When a descending gradient meets a at gradient
3) When a descending gradient meets an ascendinggradient
4) When an ascending gradient meets another ascending gradient
The length of the valley transition curve is designed to fulfil two criteria
a) Allowable rate change of centrifugal acceleration
b) The required HSD for night driving
Length of transition curve for Comfort condition
The equation for length L of the parabolic curve is given by