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CWP N0. 17828 OF 2023


Manwant Singh & Ors

.. Petitioners

Union of India & Others

.. Respondents

S.No Particulars Dated Page No.

Short reply by way ofAffidavit by Dr. Avnish 26-9-23 1-8

Kumar Director Medical Education and

Research SAS Nagar Mohali, on behalf of

Respondent No.3 & 4

2 Annexure R-1 Letter to NMC 24-03-23

3 Annexure R-2 Show Cause Notice 26-04-23 10

4 Annexure R-3 withdrawal of affiliation 31-05-23 11-12

5 Annexure R-4 Screen Shot of NMC 13

6 Annexure R-5 copy of Essentialty Certificate 07-12-10 14-15

Place: Chandigarh Dr. Avnish Kunmar

Dated: 26-4-2623 Director Research and Medical Education, Punjab



CWP NO. 17828 OF 2023


1) Manwant Singh Slo Kulwant Singh, aged about 22

years, R/o 11/7,
Hargobind Nagar, Kulam Road, Nawanshahar,SBS Nagar,Punjab, Aadhar
card no. 524101112677,Mobile no. 9815532670
2) Harsimran Kaur, aged about 20 years, d.o
Sukbhwinder Singh, R/o B
472,Street No 3, Basti Hazoor Singh,Fazilka,Punjab, Aadhar Card No.
233115636161,Mb No. 7814607493.
3) Prince Suhailjeet Singh Sandhu,aged about 20 years, S/o Vijay, R/o Basti
Gurbachan Singh Saini, Chandwala,Canal Colony,Ferozpur, Punjab.Aadhar
Card No.949423967871 Mb No. 9781345680.


1) Union of India through Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family
Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road,New Delhi.
2) National Medical Commission (NMC), Pocket No.14,Sector
8,Dwarka, Phase-1,New Delhi, through its Secretary.
3) The State of Punjab, Department of Medical Education and Research,

Punjab Civil Secretariat, Sector-1, Chandigarh through its Secretary.

4) The Director, Desartment of Medical Education and Research, Medical

Education Bhawan,Sector-69,SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab

5) The White Medical College & Hospital(formally) known as
Medical College & Hospital, Village Bungal, Dalhousei Road, Pathankot
145001 through its Director/Principal.
6) Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Sadiq
Road, Society Nagar,
Faridkot Punjab through its Registrar.


Reply by way of short affidavit by Dr. Avnish Kumar

Director Research and Medical Education Punjab,
SAS Nagar Mohali for and on behalf of Respondent

No.3 & 4.

I, the above named deponent, do hereby solemnly affim and declare as


1 That in the present writ petition the petitioners have prayed to direct the

respondents to take corrective measures as regards shifting the

petitioners of academic session 2022-23 undergoing MBBS course with
the respondent no. 5 college, to any other recognized, affiliated and

approved medical college within the state of Punjab with the respondent
no. 6 university in view of the fact that the respondent no. 2 (NMC) has

declined to renew the recognition conferred upon the respondent no. 5

2. That in pursuance to the complaints received from the students and

parents of Chintpurni Medical College, Pathankot inspection was

conducted by the university in feburary as mentioned in annexer P-10.
That as per inspection report annexure P-10 submitted by the committee,
the committee has given detailed report explaining gross serious

irregularities and vilolation of norms which are specifically mentioned in

the said report. The report specifically states that doctors who are playing

vital role in builidng up strong and healthy nation,how in this scenario,we

expect mentally harrased student who is facing such ugly situation during
study in a college can built himself for in the betterment of a healt nation.
3 That on receipt of inspection report P-10, State Government vide its D.0.
dated 24-03-2023 wrote to Director, National Medical Commission, New

Delhi to take prompt action against the said college. Copy of the D.O. is
Annexed as Annexure R-1.
4 That vide order dated 26-04-2023. show cause notice was isSued to said

college in regard to the deficiencies found during the inspections dated 31

01-2023 and 17-02-2023. Copy of the show cause notice is attached as
Annexure R-2.
5 That the said college failed to respond to the show cause notice. In view of

the above University withdrew the permission to admission to MBBS

Course for the session 2023-24. vide letter dated 31-05-2023, the. Copy of

the letter is annexed as Annexure as R-3. Further as per spirit of

annexure R-3 the respondent no.6 has ordered for withdrawl of affiliation

temperarily of the respondet no.5 college for session 2023-24,the copy of

intimation in this regard was sent to respondent no.1,2,4 & 5 of the

present petit.on.
6 That National Medical Commission has not permitted for

Renewal/Recognition of 150 seats for the academic year 2022-23.

Dosapproved for (2 renewal) and 3 batch for the academis year 2023
2024. this information is derived from the website of National Medical

Commission. (screen shot attached) annexed as Annexure R-4.

7 That it is further submitted that state Govt. vide memo n0. 2/88/2010

2HB3/8368 dated 7.12.2010 issued Essentiality Certificate to establish

Medical college (MBBS course) with an intake of 150 seats. The para 3 of
the Essentiality Certificate gives the conditions to establish a medical

college is given below: -

3. Conditions:

The Essentiality Certificate for 150 seats Medical College is granted

with the following conditions:
i. All the documents as asked for vide government letter
referred to
above would be supplied by the Society well before making the
ii. The institution will obtain recognition from the Baba
University of Health Sciences, Faridkot/ Medical Council of India,
New Delhi before making admissions.
iii. No admission shall be made without the prior
approval of
Government for which the institute will request the Punjab State
Gcvernment after putting up the requisite Infrastructure.

Iv. The admission shall be done as per criteria fixed by

Govt. from time to time. Punjab

V. The reservation of seats shall be as per Punjab Government

instructions issued from time to time.
vi. The pay scales and emoluments of their staff shall be as per
stipulated norms.
vi. The inspection of the institute shall be carried out on yearly
basis upto the completion of the study of first batch of the students.
Thereafter, the inspection shall be periodical after three years.
viii. The project is to be implemented as per the approved project
report within the prescribed time and institute will obtain the
required permissions from the respective local authorities, at its
own level.

ix. The applicant will deposit the earnest money of Rs. 10.00 lacs
(Rs. Ten Lacs Only) in the form of Bank Guarantee in the name of
Punjab Govt. This amount will be forfeited in case the institute fails
to comply with conditions of Essentiality Certificate.
x. The institute willalso take necessary steps to make the approach
road more proper.

xi. The Punjab Government will have the right to withdraw the
Essentiality Certificate/ No Objection Certificate if the Trust/
Society/ applicant fail to meet any of the conditions of the contained

xi. The construction work shall be completed within two years and
admission shall be made within 2 years of the issue of Essentiality
Certificate/ No Objection

The copyof Essentiality Certificate is annexed as Annexure R-5.

8 That the respondetn no.5 is taking wrongly the shelter of the judgement
passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in its order dated 03.07.2018 in
Writ Petition (Civil) No. 89 of 2018. The relevant Para No. 7 & 16 of the
Judgement a reproduced bellow:

7. Shri Mukul Rohtagi. learned senior counsel for the

petitioner, however contended that the State does not have

the power to withdraw the Essentiality Certificate once

granted. According to the learned senior counsel, the

Essentiality Certificate is issued for the specilic purpose of

certifying the need for opening a new medical college in a

State. Once such a need is certified and the college is

established, there is no power conferred by the lMC Act or

the Regulations to withdraw such a certificate except on the
ground of fraud.

16. It would be impermissible to allow any authority including

a State Government which merely issues an Essentiality

Certificate, to exercise any power which could have the

effect of terminating the existence of a Medical College
permitted to be established by the Central Government. This
the State Government may not do either directly or indirectly.

Moreover, the purpose of the Essentiality Certificate is

limited to certifying to the Central Government that it is
essential to establish a Medical College. It does not go
beyond this. In other words, once the State Government has
certified that the establishment of a Medical College is
justified, it cannot at a later stage say that there was no
justification for the establishment of the College. Surely, a
person who establishes a Medical College upon an
assurance of a State GOvernment that such establishment is
justified cannot be told at a later stage that there was no
for allowing him to do so. Moreover, it
that the power to issue an Essentiality Certificate is a
that must be treated as exhausted once it is
except of course in cases of fraud. The rules of equity and
fairness and promissory estoppels do not permit this Court to
take a contrary view.
33.In view of the above, we find that the condition no 11 is

ultravires the previsions of the IMC act and regulations. In

the result, the order dated i.11.2017, issued by
no.1- state of Punjab, withdrawing the Essentiality

is quashed and set aside and condition no.(7&11) are

declared illegal.

34. Accordingly, the Writ Petition is allowed.

35. We may not be understood to be laying down tlhat under

no circumstances can an Essentiality Certificate be

withdrawn. The state government would be entitled to

withdraw such certificate where it is obtained by playing

fraud on it or any circumstances where the very substratum

on which the Essentiality certificate was granted disappears

or any other reason of like nature.

The Hon'ble lordship were pleased to state that the State Government

would be entitled to withdraw such Essentiality Certificate where it is

obtained by fraud on it and circumstances where the very substratum on
which the Essentiality Certificate was granted,disappears or any other
reason of like nature. Thus in view of the judgement, the State
GovernmentVanswering respondent is competent to withdraw such
Essentiality Certificate on account of submission of report to National

Medical Commission as there are gross violations and serious

irregularities as well as total faliure to provide infrastructure as per norms,

and conditions stipulated in Essentiality Certificate since from date of

running of college.
9. That college js doing injustice and fraud with students/parents as college
is deficient in medical faculty to the tune of 86% and deficiency in resident

doctors is 96%. There is no OPD or IPD in the hospital. Bed occupancy is

nil. The college management is playing fraud with the students as well as
with the society. The management has failed in each and every inspection
done by the state govt. since 2011 onwards. This college was given
permission to admission fot MBBS students in 2011,2014 &2016 batch
only. It was denied in the year 2013,2015 and 2017. The college was
closed in year 2017 and Essentiality Certificate was withdrawn and

student were shifted to recognised medical colleges of the state. Bank

guarantee of 9.5 crore was forfeited and encashed by Govt. of India and
was transferred to Govt. of Puniab. It is important to mention here that the

respondent no. 5 college has not questioned/raised any finger about the
forfeiture/encashment of bank gurantee of Rs. 9.5 Crore,which amounts to
admissiTn of the respondent college for failure to adhere to the statutory
permission of Act, regulations and norms of Medical Council of India now
called National Medical commission.

10. That it is settled by Hon:;ble Supreme Court in a judgement titled as "VN

Public Health and Educational Trust etc VS State of Kerela and Ors"

reported in 2021 AIR(Supreme Court) 2673 where it has been held that
grant of Essentialty Certificate by State Government &consent ot afilation
by University is not simply ministrial act. These are cruisial for avoiding
cases where colleges despite grant of intial permission could not provide
infrastructure, teaching and other facilties as resert whereoff students who

had already been admitted sufferred serious prejudice.

It has been held in para no. 23 of judgment that the law there stand settled
that the State Government has the power to withdraw Essentialty
Certificate where it is obtained by playing fraud on it or where the very
substratum in which Essentialty Certificate was granted vanishes or any
other reason of like nature. Even the Hon;ble Supreme Cout is held that
allowing deficient college to continue to function jeopardizes the future of
student community and leading to incompitent doctors to graduate from
such colleges and ultimatelty poses a bigger risk to the society at large
defeting the very purpose of Essentialty Certificate issued by the State.
The Hon'ble court has held that the State would be defering from its duty
if it did rnot conduct an inspection from time to time to insure that the
requisite standards as set by the Medical Council Of India are met before
issuing/renewinf the Essentialty Certificate.
Applying the retio of the judgement, in the Essentialty Certificate issued
deserves to be withdrawn, as the respondent no. 5 college is playing with
the future and carrier of the students.

11. That regarding the prayer of the petitioners for shifting to other recognised
Medical Colleges it is submitted that the students can only be shifted with

the approval of Respondent no.1 &2 and Respondent no.1 &2 are party
in the present writ petition, as it is the prerogative of the respondent no. 1

& 2only to take decsion in this regard to give permission for creating
supernumery seats so that the students could be shifted to other
recognised Medical Colleges of the State.
12. That in view of above it is submitted that a detailed report citing history of
this institution and its inability to remove the deficiencies despite repeated
reminders is under active consideration which will be sent to National
Medical Commission to take final call in this matter. It is for the National

Medical Commission to take decsion on the ame. Any direction issued by

the National Medical Commission will be followed/implemented.

13. That at this stage the short reply is being filed but answering respondent
undertakes to file a para wise reply if need arises or ordered by this
Hon'ble Court.

In view of the above it is respectfully prayed that the present petition may
be disposed of in the light of averment made above qua the respondents no. 3 &4.


Dr. Avnish Kumar

Place:Chandigarh Director Research and Medical Education, Punjab
Dated: 26-9-2023
Verified that the contents of Para No. 1to 13 of the above affidavit are true
and correct to my knowledge as derived from the official record. No part of it is false and
nothing material has been concealed therein.

Dr Avnish Kumar
Place Chandigarh Director Research and Medical Education, Punjab
Dates- 26-4-23
Annexure R-1

on letter pad of Special Chief Secretary. Government of
Department of Medicaleducation and Research Punjab.

(Chintpurni Medical College) Bungal. Pathankot.

Subject: Inspection of White Medical College

Dear Sh. Pankaj

to our notice that one

bring to our kind notice a matter of grave concern. It has come
College Pathankot (previously Chintpuri
1. This is to
White Medical
of the medical colleges in our state the National Medical Commission.
Medical College) which has been ranted permission by
and guidelines.
not complying with the statutory regulations
prescribed fees.
said medical college has been found to be charging students beyond the
2. The
providing adequate facilities and infrastructure for the students to pursue their
and is also not University of Health
government as well as the Baba Farid
studies. Inspections by the state respectively enclosed)
31.01.2023 and 17.02.2023
Sciences (copy of inspection reports dated
well as required faculty and infrastructure.
have foundglaring deficiencies in patient load as
college. as
of the students who are studying in this
3. We are deeply concerned about the future action against the
you to take immediate
well as those who may enrol in the future. We urge regulations set by the
with the rules and
management of the college and ensure that they comply
National Medical Commission.
matter and take appropriate action
We also request you to conduct a thorough inquiry into the only
that such action will not
against the college if found guilty of any wrongdoing. We believe
send a strong message to
help in improving the quality of education in the college but will also
guidelines will not be tolerated.
other institutions that non-compliance with regulations and
action to resolve the issue
5. We hope that you will take our concerns seriously and take prompt
at the earliest.

Best wishes.


Anurag Agarwal

Sh. Pankaj Agarwal, 1OFS,

Director. National Medical Commission,
Pocket 14.Sector-8.Dwarka.
Phasc-l.New Delhi-110077
Ameuhe-R 2

Directorate of Medical Education & Research,
Medical Sikhia Bhawan, Sector 69, SAS Nagar {^ohali)
(e-mail- dir.mer@punjab.gov.in )

The Principal
White Medical College, Bungal,

Dated the:

Show Cause Notice.

Subject: carried out on 31.01.2023
inspection of your College
This is in reference to
the instructic!1 of this office.

Inspectior team has reported tnat: find

Orthopedics OPD. Team could not
in Surgery, Gynecology, Pediatrics and were locked and there no
1 There were no doctors X-Ray room and CT room
the OPD compiex. The
any patients anywhere in
patient or employee around. biometric machine was not
not provided on pretext that
Biomietric alle:dance of the facuity was
specifically asked for biometric
days due to some electrical mishap. The team
functional for last two by the college.
same was also not provided, access
attendance of the previous week, head-count of faculty, access to hos,pital records and
physical verification,
3 The team asked for Principai had refused for the
statements/balance sheets. Director lecture was being held for
to account lecture theatre on third floor, where a
visit to the way to Lecture
Female Orthopedics wards on the
The team was allowed a
Pediatrics, OBG and
iviBBS students of fresh batch.
locked. College
Theatre were observed to be on website under the head
omplained that mary of the services mentioned or are not up
Many students being provided
27,300 per month) being charged frorn them are either not
Charges (Rs.
outside. The
to the mark are not aliowed to stay
stucents also told that hesteis are compulsory and they
compieie class.
COnpiainis were verified by almost
of financials were notprovided by ihe mar.agement.
Certified rocorús
ir OPD or the wards.
Tearn could rot see any patient authorities, the tearn couid assess
compiance to NMC end
co-Tperation by college
9. Due i) non
BFUHS norns.
BFUHS on 17.02.2023 and
Further deficiencies were found during inspection conducted by
no.06-BFUHS(Colleges-C4)/2023/3334 Dated 23.02.2023.
issued Show Cause Notice vide letter
hereby required to
committee formed by this office; you are
In view of above observations of Government should rot withdraw the
within two weeks as to why
reçly to this show Cause Notice 2/35/2022-2HB3/1498 Dated 25.04.2022) to adric stugents to
Permission (issued by vide letter no.
150 seats).
MBBS Course (w:th an intake of laccepted.
except principal shall not be entertained
The repiy from any other authority

Medical Education & Reseach Punjas

No 1N3-0 22 6?2-79 Dated

for iníormaticn and necessary actionMedical
AcO:y Gí the ab:ve is forwarded (o tne folfowIng
Goversnen! of Punjab, Depariment oí Educatior: &
Acitional Cihief Secretary tc
Psearch, Punjab, Chandigarli New Delni
Pocke! 14, Sector: 8, D:varike Phase-1
C:ctor National Medica' Cornmission,
Health Sciences, Faridkot
3. Rag1stra: Baba Farid University uf

Muical Educ.i &Resech Punjab
Annexure R-3

On the letter head of Registrar

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences

Subject: - Withdrawal of Affiliation Temporarily for the session 2023.24.

withdrawal of
Authority of the University has ordered for
This is to inform you that the Competent
the following grounds
Affiliation Temporarily of your college for the session 2023-24,on
check the facilities
inspection of the college on 17.02.2023 to
1The University conducted surprise hospital as per
deficiencies were found in the college as well as
available for MBBS-150 students. Gross
inspection report.
Colleges-C4/2023/3334 dated
Cause Notice bearing no. 06-BFUHS
2. The University issued a Show why the
deficiencies found in inspection report, as
23.02.2023 upon the colege intimating gross with an intake of 150 seats. The
provisional affiliation of MBBS course
University may not withdraw the
ShowCause Notice through the Principal.
college was required to sent reply to the
11.03 2023 sent reply to Show
management of the college vide letter no. WMCH/2023/198 dated
3. The no. 06(BFUHS
satisfactory and the college vide letter
Cause Notice which was not found Notice properly.
send reply to Show Cause
Colleges)/2023/3986 dated 13.03.2023 was requested to
management of the college
dated 14.03.2023 received from the
4. Another letter no. WMCH/2023/202
was again not satisfactory.
Regulations for
No.18 of 1998 and Clause no. 10 of Rules and
As per Clause no. 48(2) of University Act
may be withdrawn dated 10.04.2007, the rights
affiliation of Colleges and those under which affiliation
whole or in part or may be modified, if the
conferred on acollage by affiliation may be withdrawn in
statutes or Ordinances governing the
college has failed to comply with any of the provisions of the
manner which is prejudicial to the interests of
affiliation or if the affairs of the college are conducted in a
students to MBBS course running
In extension of the above, the college is not allowed to admit any
under the University for the session 2023-24.
This letter is being issued with the approval of the Competent Authority of the University.


Endst. No.06(BFUHS-Colleges) 2023/327-37 Dated 31-05-2023

Acopy is forwarded to the following for information:

1. The Principal Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Health &Family Welfare (ME-1 Section), New

2. The Principal Secretary to Govt. of Punjab, Department of Medical Education & Research, Civil
Secretariat-ll, Sector-9,Chandigarh.
3.Director, Research &Medical Education, Punjab, Medical Education Bhawan. Sector 69, Mohali.
4. The Secretary, National Medical Commission, Pocket-14, Dwarka, Phase-1, New Delhi.

5. The Principal, Chintpurni MedicalCollege & Hospital, Village Bungal, Distt. Pathankot.
6. PA to Vice Chancellor for the information of the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor.
7PA to Registrar for the information of the worthy Registrar.

8. Controller of Examinations.

9. Finance Officer.

10. Prof-In-charge Admission/Registration.

11. In-charge Meetings.

12. Master copy.


Annexure R-4


SINO. Course Select Name and University Name Management Year of Annual Status of MCI/NMC Date of
Name Address of College Inception Intake Recognition
State of of (Seats)
Medical College

2011 150 Recognized Recognition is 30/06 2011

1 M.B.8.S. Punjab Chintpurni Baba Farid Trust
University of conditional. College
Debarred from admission
Colege. Health
for two academic years i.e.
Pathankot. Sciences.Faridkot
2017-18 and 2018-19.
Shifted students of 2014
15 and 2016-17 batches in
different medical colleges
in the state of Punjab.
Permission granted for 150
M.B.B.S sests during
academic year 2021-22.
Next batch of students in
M.B.B.S cOurse will be
admitted only sfter
permission of MARB of
NMC for
is conditional. College
Debarred from admission
for two academic years i.e.
2017-18 and 2016-19.
Shifted students of 2014
15 and 2016-17 batches in
different medical colleges
in the state of Punjab.
Permission granted for 150
M.B.B.S seats during
academic year 2021-22.
Next batch of students in
M.B.B.S coUrse will be
admitted only after
permission of MARB of
NMC for
Permitted for renewal of
150 seats for the academic
yesr 2022-23. Disapproved
for (2nd renewal) and 3rd
batch for the Academic
Year 2023 - 2024.
Ammezuke -Rs


The Sccretary,
ChintpurniSchool of Fducational Socicty.
P.0. Bungal, Dallhousie Road,
Pathankot, Distt Gurdaspur, Pb.
Menmo No.2/S8/2010-21BU/ &36
Datcd, Chandigarh the7DjDoo
College (M.B.B.S.) Course
Certificote tu establish a Medical
No Objcction/ Essentiality Fifty) seats in Chintpurni Medical College &
Subjcct : Hundred
with an take of 150 ( One
Hospital, Pathankot, Distt. Gurdaspur.

Refercnce on the subject noted above

favour of the Chairman,
No Objection/
Essentiality Certificate is issued in
Medical College (M.8.B.S. Course)
Pathankot, Distt. Gurdaspur for starting
Medical College & Hospital, subject to the following
conditions i
an take of 150(One Hundred Fifty) seats in their institution
follows :
1 The desired certificate is as
already existing in the
1) No. of Institutions

College, Patiala. 150

i. Govt. Medical
College, Amritsar-150
ii. Govt. Medical
Singh Medical College,
iii. Shri Guru Gobind
Medical College,
iv. Sri Guru Ram Das
College, Ludhiana-70
V. Dayanand Medical
College, Ludhiana-100
vi. Christian Medical
Medical Sciences & Research,
vi. Adesh Institute of
Nagar, Tehsil Rajpura, Distt
and Research Centre, At Ram
vii. Gian Sagar Medical College
Bassi Distt. Mohali-100
Medical Sciences & Research, Dera
ix. Sri Sukhmani lnstitute of Certificate issued).
Charitable Society, Jalandhar-(Essentlality
X. PIMS, Medical & Education
doctors being produced annually-1070
2 No. of seats available 1120 or No. of
with State Medical Council
3 No. of doctors registered
Government Service - 4125
No. of doctors in
difficult areas -4125
vacant and those in rural/
5) No. of Govern1ment posts
area-500, in Urban Area-73
-3552= 573 vacant in the rural
Employment Exchange-Nil
6) No. of doctors registered with
State - 1:1458 (2,42,89,296 :
7) Doctors population ration in the of qualified
ollepe would resolve the problem of deficiencies
How the establishment of the the Stle
such Medical nanpower in
improve tthe avallablity of
doctors in the State and the fa
Punjab Medical Councll on
Medical registered with the
The ratI0 as per the No. of of doctors i>
ratio ls much less I.e. the No.
right but the real existing
o1 it appears to be all
lot of demand for this
doctors have gone abroad. Thero Is a
much less. A large number of
course in the State.
who are not
If any, on students
by the State Government,
The restrictions imposed State
obtainlng admissions in tlhe
State, be spccifled fhe
domiciled in the State from prcfcrential rights
students fron Punjab have
CBSE students. The
permits 15% quota for the only if students from
from otlher states are allowcd admission
of admission and
Punjab are not available. for allowing
strong reasons
opening of the proposcd college. There are 3
10) Fulljustification for
opening a Medical College. Medical Council as
to the applicant for compared to the figures of
doctors is much less an
a The nunber of
explaincd above. professional and medical
State and students prefer
unemployment in the
enhanced. kesultantly
b. There is other countries are
thcir chances of emigration to
course so that
the State.
for this course in
there is huge demand
proposed to be 1:1000 the State
11) Doctors patient ration Inspection carried out by
Report in connection with the
12) Copy of the Inspection Medical College is to be
grant of permissiontor setting a new
Government for Medical College under the
School has applied for establishment of a
Enclosed herewith. The Road, Pathankot,
P.O. Bungal, Dalhousie
name of Chintpurani
School of Educational Society, Government of
On careful consideration of the proposal the
Distt. Gurdaspur, Punjab. establishment
applicant for the
Certificate to the
an Essentiality
Punjab has decided to issue
of a Medical
College with 150 seats.

2. It is certified
that :
public interest.
a medical college in the
It is desirable to establish College & Hospital.
College at Chintpurani Medical
b. Establishment of a Medical
Pathankot, Distt. Gurdaspur is
norms is available it is
per the Medical Council of india
C. Adequate clinical material as
create infrastructure for the Medical College
further that in case the applicant fails to
admissions are stopped by the Medical
per Meical Council of India norms an fresh
over the responsibility of the students
Council of India, the State Government shall take
Central Government.
already admitted in the college with the permission of the
3. Conditions:
The Essentiality Certificate for 150 seats Medical College is granted with the

i. All the documents as asked for ide government letter referred to above would
be supplied by the Soclety well belore making the admissions

ii. The institution will obtain recognition from the Baba Farid University of Health
Sciences, Faridkot/ Medical Council of Indla, New Delhi before making

ii, No admisslon shall be made without the prlor approval of Punjab Government
for whlch the Institute will request the State Government after putting up the
requlsite infrastructure
by Punlab Govt. froin time to
0v. The admission shall be done as per criteria fixed

Punjab Government instructions issued

V. The reservation of seats shall be as per
from time to time.

shall be as per stipulated norns.

vi. The pay scales and emolunnents of their staff

vii. The inspection of the institute shall be

carried out on yearly basis upto the
completion of the study of first batch of the students. Thereafter, the inspection
shall be periodical after three years.

the approved project report within the

viii. The project is to be implemented as per
prescribed time and institute will obtain the required permissions from the
respective local authorities, at its own level.

money of Rs. 10.00 lacs (Rs. Ten Lacs

iX. The applicant will deposit the earnest
Only) in the form of Bank Guarantee in the name of Punjab Govt. This armount
to comply with conditions of
will be forfeited in case the institute fails
Essentiality Certificate

make the approach road more

X. The institute will also take necessary steps to

the essentiality
Xi. The Punjab Government will have the right to withdraw
certificate/ No Objection Certificate if the Trust/ Society/ applicant fail to meet
any of the conditions of the contained therein.

xil. The construction work shall be completed within two years and admission
be made within 2 years of the issue of Essentiality Certificate/ No Objection

for Secretary Medical Education & Research

v8364-74 Dated, Chandigarh the:7

Endst. No.2/88/2010-2HBII/
copy is forwarded to the folowing for information and necessary action :

1) Secretary, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

2) SeCretary, Medical Council of India, Pocket-14, Sector 8, Dwarka, New Delhi.
The Director, Research & Medical Education, Punjab, Chandigarh.
4) Registrar, Baba Farid Universityof Health Sciences, Faridkot.

for Secretary Medical Education&Research

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