3rd WG1meeting 24052022 Issues For Consideration
3rd WG1meeting 24052022 Issues For Consideration
3rd WG1meeting 24052022 Issues For Consideration
to prepare a
background document
on the current ITU
practices regarding
fully virtual, physical
meetings with remote
participation, and
hybrid meetings
taking into account
the specificities of
each Sector, the legal Further details on most Important ITU Council 2022 outcomes
issues and the relevant to ATU WG1
logistics constraints
and present it to the
Conference 2022, REQUESTS TO SG FOR PP-22
Under WG1, ATU members are invited pay attention to the issues of CS Article 48 and to consider
effective coordination with ATU’s preparatory process of WRC-23, while developing PP-22 position
on that issue.
No relevant document
See the last WRC-19 Role of the Secretary-General of ITU as depositary for memoranda
Committee 5 chairman
report to the Plenary,
of understanding (MoU)
requesting PP-22 to
consider the issue of CS
Article 48 Under WG1, ATU members are invited to consider matters
related to MoUs, especially those who have strategic and financial
implications and to discuss further, the role of the Secretary
General in ensuring transparency and accountability in that
regard and further discuss the possibility of requesting the secretariat to prepare a detailed report
for Council 2023 providing clarity on the legal clauses, the status of the MOUs and an overview of
the financial implications, as agreed in Council 2022.
Memoranda of
having financial ITU electoral process
and/or strategic Under WG1, ATU members are invited to pay attention to the ITU
implications (Res. electoral process and propose any actions in that regard as
192) (oral
deemed appropriate.
MOUs with financial Relevant Council documents:
and/or strategic
implications, now
being available on
the Council
Four new MOUs
were added in 2022
ITU’s election
procedures are
governed by the rules
laid out in Chapter III of RESOLUTION 146 (REV. DUBAI, 2018)
the General Rules of Periodic review and revision of the International
Conferences, Assemblies Telecommunication Regulations
and Meetings of the
Union, and rules Under WG1, ATU members are invited to pay attention to the issue
governing internal of the ITRs, consider EG-ITRs report to the Plenipotentiary
candidates may be conference 2022, propose modifications to Resolution 146,
found in Regulation 12.2
including, a new ToR to the future EG-ITRs.
of the Staff Regulations
and Rules and in
Regulation XI.2 of the Relevant Council documents:
Staff Regulations and
Staff Rules for Elected
Officials (in Annexes). The reports of the
Council Working
The Secretary-General
provided a report on the Groups and Expert
The impact of the COVID-19
implementation of PP- Group on ITRs with the
18 recommendations on summary records pandemic on the functioning
ITU electoral processes and activities of ITU
to the June 2021 session
of Council (S21-CL-C- Under WG1, ATU members are
0004). According to the invited to pay attention to the
report, issues related to
the ITU electoral process
aspect of ITU’s activities and
include the status of functioning in the post-Covid
internal candidates and period. This can include development of procedures and working
special leaves of methods of the 3 sectors, rules and guidelines of virtual and hybrid
internal candidates;
deadline for meetings, governance of e-meetings, decision making regarding
candidatures; ethical virtual meetings, etc.
guidelines for
campaigning activities; Relevant Council documents:
candidates’ hearings,
date of elections; ways
to promote more
women becoming During the ITU Council
candidates; methods of 2022, the ITU secretariat
campaigning, including presented the
gifts and social events; document on the
issues related to impact of the COVID-19
mandates for elected pandemic on the
officials; elements to be functioning and The use of gender neutral
included in. activities of ITU
language in ITU texts
(Document CWG-FHR-
14/5), and the
Under WG1, ATU members are development of invited to discuss the issue of
gender neutral language in ITU procedures, rules and texts.
guidelines of Virtual and
Relevant Council documents: Hybrid Meetings
(Document CWG-FHR-
The use of gender 15/19) was discussed.
neutral language in Further discussion on
ITU texts (Document this topic was forwarded
CWG-FHR-15/17) to next Council meeting
Creation of a new TSAG
Adhoc group on
governance and
management of e-
meeting (AHG-GME)
(Document C22/INF/1)
The new ITU Accountability Model and Framework and internal controls matters
Under WG1, ATU members are invited to consider the new accountability framework and its
effective implementation, while considering matters related to internal controls in the view of
enhancing and strengthening
Documents CWG-FHR-
14/2, CWG-FHR-14/INF-
1 and CWG-FHR-15/5).
report(Document CWG-
FHR-15/14) was
presented by the
secretariat for 2021
which covered ethics,
Project Management
enhancement, ITU
Compliance Dashboard,
weighting exercise of
mitigation measures,
new e-recruitment
system, competitive
procedures for selection
of consultants and new
Recruitment and
Selection Guidelines