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Lesson 10

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Lesson 10: Managing Growth We monitor

How do we manage Growth?  Revenue

 Work orders
Small business owners must be ready to adapt
 Marketing campaigns
to various situations, particularly when business  Production
is growing at a steady rate. Owners may
Prioritizing company experience
struggle to keep up with the demand of
managing growth, but that’s not the only  Companies with a customer
challenge during a growth period. experience mindset drive revenue
4-8% higher than the rest of their
Challenges we may encounter during the
growing period  Companies that lead in customer
experience outperform laggards by
a. Demands of a growing workforce;
nearly 80%.
b. More diverse customer needs;  84% of companies that work to
improve their customer experience
c. Business intelligence requirements; report an increase in their revenue.
d. Keeping the supply chain running;  96% of customers say customer
service is important in their choice
e. New competitors; of loyalty to a brand.
f. New compliance responsibility; How do we measure customer
g. Keeping the business culture intact. experience?

The growth stage of a business can differ a. Open communication;

greatly from starting a small business. Instead b. Using a voice-of-the-customer
of focusing on customers and outside sources, system;
you may need to start looking inward at
processes to streamline production. It’s c. Surveys;
important to understand how to handle growth d. Interpreting customer actions.
management in business because upgrading
your small business can be overwhelming. Hire great employees

Know the cause of growth  Productive

 Innovative
-So we can implement reporting and analytics
 Dependable
software solutions to address your business’s
 Trustworthy
unique needs.
How to attract great employees?
-The data provided by analytics can help you
find trends that lead to more informed  Demonstrate a pleasant
decisions and improved day-to-day operations. work culture
 Offer appealing benefits
and perks
 Use modern technology
Retain great employees Lesson 11: financial instrument and
 Provide career market efficiency
 Increase compensation What is a financial instrument?
 Improve company culture 1. Financial instruments are assets that
can be traded, or they can also be seen
Automate recurring task as packages of capital that may be
 Responding to emails or sending traded.
updates; 2. A financial instrument is a real or virtual
 Scheduling; document representing a legal
 Shipping and inventory management; agreement involving any kind of
 Analytics and website tracking; monetary value.
 Posting to social media. 3. Financial instruments are contracts for
 Use business review software that can assets that have a monetary value.
enable you to be more conscious of and Examples of financial instruments
responsive to your customer’s needs
and expectation 1. Stocks
 Scheduling software 2. Mutual funds
 Social media management 3. Real Estate Investment Funds (REITs)
4. Bonds
Find a mentor 5. Derivative contracts
6. Check certificates of deposits
 Someone who has experienced the
7. Bank deposits
growing business situation.
8. Loans
 Gaining practical advice,
Types of financial instruments
encouragement, and support;
 Learning from others’ previous
1. Cash instruments- – the values of cash
instruments are directly influenced and
 Becoming more empowered to
determined by the markets.
make decisions;
 Cash instruments may also be
 Seeing things from another point of
deposits and loans agreed upon
by borrowers and lenders.
 Achieving career goals.
Ex. Checks –they transmit payment from one
Prepare to adapt bank to another.
For instance, assume you receive
2. Derivative instruments- the value and
customer feedback that you
characteristics of these financial
shipments are taking too long.
instruments are based on the vehicle’s
 use inventory management
underlying components, such as assets,
software to better understand
interest rates, or indices.
which products you have in stock.
Types of financial Derivatives.
 change your shipping methods to
meet customer needs.
-There can be over-the-counter
(OTC) derivatives or exchange-traded Commodities derivatives
-They include futures, forwards, and options
Advantages of derivatives
contracts that use a commodity as the
1. Lock in prices
underlying asset and, therefore are considered
2. Hedge against unfavorable movement
as financial instruments.
on rates
3. Mitigate risks Are insurance policies financial instruments?

Yes. They confer a claim and certain rights to

the policyholder and obligation to the insurer.
3. Foreign exchange instruments-are
transactions that are concluded on the
currency market.
Lesson 12: Risk analysis and investment
a. spot transactions-is a currency exchange decisions
that takes place no later than the second
business day after the transaction is

b. Outright forwards- currencies are

exchanged at a predetermined exchange
rate and a point in time after the spot date.

c. Currency swaps-the money is

simultaneously lent in one currency and
money of the same value in another

Debt-based financial instruments

- Are essentially loans made by an investor

to the owner of the assets.

Short term debt-based financial instruments

last for one year or less.

Ex. Treasury bills, bank deposits certificates of


Equity-based financial instruments

- this represent ownership of an asset.

Example = stocks, mutual funds , EFTs

Are commodities financial instruments?

Commodities themselves are not financial

instruments because they do not typically meet
ths definition of financial instruments.

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