The New Rules of Engagement
The New Rules of Engagement
The New Rules of Engagement
The New
Rules of
Unconditionally meeting consumer responsibility
Published by frog,
frog part of Capgemini Invent
03 A Time of Unconditional
07 Interlocking Strategies
08 Impress: Lead with experience
14 Architect: Build on purpose
18 Extend: Elevate your loyalty story
24 The Consumer-First
Order of Business
Key Takeaways
Adopt radical consumer focus. Drive responsibility forward. Act quick, think long-term.
Rise above conventional notions Reinvent business for the eco- Move from transactions to carefully
of competition, working within an digital economy by creating curated experiences over time,
ecosystem of brands to achieve a meaningful and rewarding supported by AI and informed by
consumer-first approach. experiences that support data built to personalize, learn
consumers and planet. and evolve.
77% of
vulnerable to disruption. It may be time to broaden
focus toward a consumer-first mindset.
It’s not uncommon for brands to become
For marketeers and commerce Love Island. The online marketplace promoted pre-
loved clothing to an audience looking for affordable,
specialists, the latest waves of lower impact ways to find unique pieces.12 In addition,
change mean that encouraging and Patagonia Worn Wear is a good example of brands
bringing pre-loved to the forefront—shoppers trade
cultivating a responsible consumer in old clothing to get credits on new.13
Lead with experience to gain insight into the many complex (and often
competing) priorities and desires held by target
audiences. For example, a consumer may be
Social responsibility is a relatively new field of play. interested in making more conscious purchases
As such, it is less congested with competition than but must overcome barriers to actualizing it. To be
other areas. This gives forward-thinking brands a ‘conscious consumer’ puts an additional burden
the opportunities to stand out, build trust and set on the shopper since making informed decisions
an example for others to follow. Building trust is requires time, learnings and resources.
a three-part play. First, listen to your consumers.
Second, understand their needs. And third, act on it
by creating impactful, valuable experiences. A brand
There is no excuse for brands
that follows these steps is well on its way to creating to not take command of their
trust—and gaining repeat customers.
Brands must get to know their customers
data and fulfill their pledges
before they can meet their expectations. to customers.
Harnessing data is a key part of this. It’s important
5% F
22% H
36% U
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Build on purpose sustainable goals with the need to evolve and grow
market share?
Sometimes it’s not about selling products, it’s
As seamlessness becomes standard, we’re seeing about finding the consumer-first service angle. For
a shift in consumer expectations surrounding example, a fashion retailer may meet traditional
the very concept of convenience. In this time of business objectives by selling as much as possible. Yet,
conscious consumerism, tension between effortless introducing a new, consumer-first service, whether
transactions and meaningful purchases is emerging. that’s providing custom tailoring, design services or
To be successful, organizations must move from advice, may be a more responsibly minded approach to
promoting more offers and products to promoting unlocking growth. Or, imagine pivoting toward a repair
only relevant and appropriate offers while also or cleaning-led business model. An example of this is
helping consumers use less. To deliver on experience, how Lowa have invested in a service and care system
we must build in cause at a fundamental level across for their hiking boots, making it easy for consumers to
products, services and operations. access repairs and extend the life of their boots.16 The
Helping people consume less seems at odds brands who are helping consumers get more out of the
with business success. After all, encouraging product, and who are being creative about generating
consumers to buy and waste less is in opposition additional revenue streams, will encourage customers
with commercial KPIs. How can brands balance to make further purchases down the line.
Elevate your loyalty story mean locking them in to overwhelming and rigid
contracts. Instead, remaining adaptable enough to
evolve alongside the customer is a way to reflect the
Leaders seize the sales opportunity while curating values of consumer responsibility.
lasting connections that expand customer lifetime Of course, prioritizing loyalty means remaining
value (CLV). Brands must strive to bring customers laser-focused on cultivating a long-term relationship
to a point of brand advocacy—where consumers with customers over time, which requires strategic
believe in the brand so much, they will be vocal foresight. How willing an organization is to evolve
about it in some way. alongside technology can deeply influence a
Forming these connections does not happen customer’s preferences over the long run. In the
overnight. It requires a sustained dedication to context of VR/AR and GenAI, loyalty is set to get
serving a customer’s evolving needs, demonstrating more complicated. How will you protect your brand
a human-centered, purpose-driven approach. from losing that human connection necessary for
Remember, keeping customers around does not lasting relationships? How will you influence authentic
Elevating your loyalty story means delivering In a world where GenAI is increasingly ubiquitous,
across the board. Customers now expect support evidence is mounting that while consumers value the
across multiple sources. Tapping into human- benefits of AI, there are instances in which they expect
centric, automated, conversational interfaces human interactions. For example, a Forrester report
means brands can expand their footprint with on chatbots suggests that 63% of customers expect
each consumer. the option to talk to a human agent.19 In the immediate
It’s key to know: what’s the consumer’s intent future, brands will need to accurately assess the right
at each and every interaction? Take, for instance, moment to deploy GenAI. Along with providing human
a common touchpoint of the customer journey: interaction at key points along the customer journey,
websites. It varies by market and by industry, but brands can also look at how to make the GenAI more
for many ecommerce websites there is generally human. Going forward, brands will look to answer the
only a 2–3% conversion rate.18 What are the others question: do consumers want the ability to speak to a
looking for? Are they researching? Browsing? human agent, or do they simply want their experience
Recommending for a friend? If you had this data, of engaging with a chatbot to be indistinguishable from
how might you leverage it accordingly? What new engaging with a human agent? At frog, we’ve worked
products and services might it inspire? How might with clients to personify their brand via chatbots using
it change the way you offer recommendations that much more human-like responses that better fit brand
keep consumers on your site? attributes. Striking the right balance of human and
Websites are still just a small piece of the puzzle. machine interaction will make a difference in scaling
The picture becomes much clearer when looking for consumer intimacy, which 77% of consumers say
signals across multiple data sets at once. Brands will they’re seeking.20
need to have a holistic view of customer activity both Success here will depend on the ability to
on and offline to have a more accurate understanding promote responsible purchases and influencing
of behavior and preferences. consumers with new technologies. To that end,
Whereas loyalty was traditionally part of the brands will need to cut through the hype of the
marketing function—such as a membership club on endless ‘innovations’ and zero in on emerging
the side—it is now truly at the heart of the organization. technologies that can affect meaningful and lasting
To truly drive loyalty, initiatives that promote a lasting change. This means novel solutions that can bring
relationship with a customer must be woven into the brand and consumer closer. Fortunately, technology
very fabric of the experience, anchored in the brand’s is rapidly dissolving the boundaries between the two.
relationship with a customer must to find replacement parts. As many consumers will
be looking for green options, these options must be
be woven into the very fabric of delivered at the right time in the right way. Brands
centered around the shared goal of eighth largest in the world by population. Learn
how frog and IKEA worked together to transform an
deepening customer engagement. underutilized customer club into a core part of its
customer engagement strategy.
Innovate to reach new levels of performance and stand
apart from the competition
Capture and utilize new categories of data that can
supercharge your business
Envision, craft and manifest products and services
that people fall in love with
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Published by frog © 2024 frog design, Inc. All rights reserved.
All brand and product names are service marks, trademarks, or
registered marks of frog in the United States and other countries.