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The New Rules of Engagement

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The New
Rules of
Unconditionally meeting consumer responsibility

Published by frog,
frog part of Capgemini Invent

03 A Time of Unconditional

07 Interlocking Strategies
08 Impress: Lead with experience
14 Architect: Build on purpose
18 Extend: Elevate your loyalty story


24 The Consumer-First
Order of Business

Key Takeaways

Adopt radical consumer focus. Drive responsibility forward. Act quick, think long-term.
Rise above conventional notions Reinvent business for the eco- Move from transactions to carefully
of competition, working within an digital economy by creating curated experiences over time,
ecosystem of brands to achieve a meaningful and rewarding supported by AI and informed by
consumer-first approach. experiences that support data built to personalize, learn
consumers and planet. and evolve.


A Time of Unconditional
Today’s consumers expect organizations to direct competition becomes fierce and sustainable shoppers
innovation efforts towards meaningful, seamless increasingly find themselves in a buyer’s market.
and sustainable experiences. The domains of In addition, organizations are being tasked
marketing and commerce—with their integral with clearly backing up their claims with science
links to how we buy and sell, as well as how we and data, or risk losing out to the competition. More
conceptualize consumerism itself—are central to climate-focused regulations are coming into effect,
realizing this transformation. meaning that every year an increasing number of
At frog, part of Capgemini Invent, we see this companies are held to higher standards by law. In
as a time of unconditional responsibility both in how frog’s ‘Futurescape’ report, we explore how tolerance
consumers prefer to engage with brands, make for greenwashing and superficial virtue-signaling is
purchases and holistically experience their customer plummeting.3 Technological advances mean that
journey, as well as in how organizations are required adding proof-points behind green claims is easier
to shift to serve a more responsibly minded consumer. than ever. For example, the blockchain now enables
This mission of responsibility has completely rewritten brands to validate their supply chain.4
the rules of engagement between brand and consumer. For marketeers and commerce specialists, these
In a report by the Capgemini Research Institute, latest waves of change mean that encouraging and
77% of representatives from organizations surveyed cultivating a responsible consumer base is becoming
said they believe that we’re transitioning towards a a primary activity. Brands are pivoting to engage
digital and sustainable world.1 Another found that shoppers who have expressed an interest in more
most consumers still seek to buy from transparent, meaningful and rewarding transactions, sustainable
purpose-led organizations—especially those that choices and quality interactions. These changes are
are perceived to be sustainable—so that they might taking place under the broader umbrella of the need
satisfy their own ambitions of reducing the impact of to improve customer experience (CX)—something
their purchases.2 that, when surveyed, over 80% of business leaders
consider a high priority, yet only 6% have seen a
Differentiating on consumer responsibility significant increase in CX quality.5
The new rules of engagement between brand
An outcome of serving consumer needs first can be and consumer reflect a shift that has been ongoing for
seen in the positive feedback loop in which disruptive decades. But the difference today comes in the sense
startups emerge, incumbents find ways to adapt, of urgency around the climate crisis. From production


to packaging, this shift can be felt in different ways From customer-centric to consumer-first
across all aspects of the business, spanning all
industries. For example, frog’s article ‘Changing Lanes’ The concept of customer-centricity emerged in 1954
looks at some of the ways that today’s ethical luxury when the management consultant and educator Peter
consumer is influencing corporate strategy toward Drucker said, “It is the customer who determines
making more sustainable decisions in the automotive what a business is, what it produces, and whether it
sector.6 In addition to fast-evolving customer will prosper.”9 Especially in recent decades, customer-
expectations, rapid advancements in technologies centricity has become a persistent, all-encompassing
such as generative AI (GenAI) are supporting radical strategy. Back in 2017, Capgemini research found that
changes in ways of working.7 75% of organizations claimed to be customer centric.10
But, arguably, rigid customer-centricity may
limit the forward-looking organization. Without
looking for signals in consumer trends and behaviors
outside of your core customer base, it’s possible to
reinforce existing practices that can make a business

77% of
vulnerable to disruption. It may be time to broaden
focus toward a consumer-first mindset.
It’s not uncommon for brands to become

organizations so focused on their own portfolios that they

may inadvertently neglect consumers’ evolving
preferences. A familiar example is the way that
believe that we’re transitioning Uber emerged and disrupted traditional taxi
towards a more digital and services, and in the process raised the standard
sustainable world with a new approach to helping people get from A
to B. Indeed, the way disruptors find ways to fulfill
unmet consumer needs can wreak havoc on the
‘The Eco-Digital Era™,’ Capgemini Research Institute, 2024 incumbents. During the past decade, these brands
have upended industries and raised standards for CX.
Take, for example, Spotify or Netflix.
The question now is: where will disruption come
This all means products and services can no from next and in what way? To answer that question,
longer be sold in a vacuum. The best-loved offerings brands must truly become consumer-first.
of the future will form part of a holistic tapestry.
Human intuition and care will combine with cutting-
edge tools such as GenAI and connected products
The mission of responsibility
and services, to provide robust, high-quality has completely rewritten the rules
solutions to today’s challenges.8 To stand out in this
landscape, organizations must create structures that
of engagement between brand
enable people, planet and profit to thrive. and consumer.


Putting consumers first often means that brands are businesses. There is a fine line
reevaluating the customer journey around a between delivering responsibly and making decisions
renewed mission. For example, home retailers that render the business unprofitable and unfit to
no longer just have selling furniture to think deliver at all.
about. Instead, they have to sell furniture with The decisions made by organizations globally
the mission of helping a consumer live better have significant consequences for people’s lives and
at home. Similarly, OEMs no longer sell just the planet. Businesses of all shapes and sizes are
cars. Automotive manufacturers have to sell the coming under more scrutiny than at any other point
experience of the journey and the quality of the in history. The cost of living is on the rise, meaning
memories that the car will unlock. 11 In another more consumers feel the squeeze. Meanwhile, the
example, supermarkets don't just sell food, but costs to the planet of human activities are also
also the healthier lifestyles the food promises. It’s skyrocketing. With stakes this high, it’s key that
this mission-focused, consumer-first thinking that businesses find innovative approaches to taking
inspires new opportunities for strategic growth accountability and elevating experiences for all.
and improved experiences. As the world continues to experience social,
The modern brand must enable consumers political and environmental uncertainty, an
to make decisions that result in more satisfying increasing number of people are left with less
daily experiences. In short, brands need to make disposable income. And it’s not just individuals
a more significant and ongoing commitment to who suffer. Simultaneously, businesses must make
their customers. It’s not just a one-off. To maximize decisions about where to put energy with tighter
customer lifetime value, it must be part of a sales margins. With their fates inextricably linked,
relationship that is backed up by action. And it’s it is in everyone’s benefit if the two parties work
important to remember that if one brand won’t together and share the responsibility. One notable
commit, there’s always another that will. example of this collaboration in practice is eBay’s
recent sponsorship of the popular television show,

For marketeers and commerce Love Island. The online marketplace promoted pre-
loved clothing to an audience looking for affordable,
specialists, the latest waves of lower impact ways to find unique pieces.12 In addition,

change mean that encouraging and Patagonia Worn Wear is a good example of brands
bringing pre-loved to the forefront—shoppers trade
cultivating a responsible consumer in old clothing to get credits on new.13

base is becoming a primary activity. How brands enact a responsible, consumer-first

ethos very much depends on where they are in their
journey of consumer responsibility. Rates of maturity
A balancing act vary. But no matter where you are, you can begin to
take the steps that will enable you to future-proof
When a brand is in a position of authority and your business and move towards more responsible
power, it has a responsibility to pass on the benefits offerings and operations.
and know-how to consumers whenever it can in a
thoughtful way. However, it’s important to remember


Listen to the podcast to hear from
our experts on sharpening a
consumer-first mindset during a
time of unconditional responsibility.
Subscribe to the Design Mind frogcast on Apple
Podcasts, Spotify and anywhere you listen.

“Let's think about how we “We find brands are less

meet our consumer needs frequently able to articulate their
more holistically.” future consumer.”
Bhavesh Unadkat Kerry Lee
Vice President Brand and Marketing UK, frog Head of Commerce UK, frog

“Loyalty has an interesting part

to play in helping customers buy
more consciously.”
Christopher Baird
Global Head of Loyalty, frog


To thrive in a responsible landscape, success
lies in three interlocking strategies:

ess Impress Impr

ct Architect Arch
end Extend Exte

Lead with experience to gain insight into the many complex (and often
competing) priorities and desires held by target
audiences. For example, a consumer may be
Social responsibility is a relatively new field of play. interested in making more conscious purchases
As such, it is less congested with competition than but must overcome barriers to actualizing it. To be
other areas. This gives forward-thinking brands a ‘conscious consumer’ puts an additional burden
the opportunities to stand out, build trust and set on the shopper since making informed decisions
an example for others to follow. Building trust is requires time, learnings and resources.
a three-part play. First, listen to your consumers.
Second, understand their needs. And third, act on it
by creating impactful, valuable experiences. A brand
There is no excuse for brands
that follows these steps is well on its way to creating to not take command of their
trust—and gaining repeat customers.
Brands must get to know their customers
data and fulfill their pledges
before they can meet their expectations. to customers.
Harnessing data is a key part of this. It’s important


To support a consumer who is interested is AI-powered. For example, in 2022, around 39%
in more conscious buying habits, brands must percent were taking a “wait-and-watch” approach to
recognize the significant socioeconomic factors GenAI adoption (this number drops to just 12% in a
influencing consumer purchasing decisions. 2023 survey).14 15
Leveraging data can help brands determine customer The result can be frustration in several ways.
needs and priorities, including awareness of regional Here are some examples:
recessions, cost-of-living crises, rising energy
prices and restraints on their time and attention. • Irrelevant or offensive offers: “If you know I’m
With the right information, alongside mindful a vegetarian, why do you keep suggesting I buy
strategy, brands can support their customers to fish and meat products?”
make the decisions that serve them better. • Inadequate monitoring: “You know my mother
just passed and yet you still sent me a Mother’s
Experiencing change Day mailer.”
• Unfulfilled promises: “You gave me a delivery
Many organizations have the AI-powered tech and window, but I waited the whole day for an item
the data infrastructure in place but are still serving that never arrived.”
the wrong content. By not using the data effectively, • Disconnected services: “Why would you let
business priorities are failing to meet the needs of me order something if the item is no longer
the consumer. It’s time to fix the basics, use the data in stock?”
better and respect the value of audience attention.
On the other hand, there are many organizations We are all familiar with the notion of the tail
that haven’t updated their foundational data wagging the dog. But today, in some cases, we have
infrastructure, of which an increasingly key part the data wagging the brand. With all the tools at


their disposal, there is no excuse for brands to not Forward-thinking brands are
take command of their data and fulfill their pledges
to customers. This is the best way to remedy all
leveraging AI to develop ecosystems
issues in the customer journey map—get it right of education and inspiration.
and customers won’t tell their friends about these
bad experiences.
A word of caution

A little give and tech

However, it’s important to note that caution is needed
with AI adoption. We are still learning how to use these
There is nothing like quantitative data analysis
powerful new tools. Leaders must determine the right
to highlight where a brand can improve. Data is
level of human intervention needed to create a secure
the best way to both get to know customers and
path forward. GenAI has to be monitored, validated
pinpoint when their needs are and are not being
and trained correctly to avoid serious brand damage
met. As such, the most forward-thinking brands
or failing your customers.
are busy developing ecosystems of education and
inspiration across the customer journey, leveraging
tech such as AI and GenAI. AI can be deployed to KEY PROMPTS FOR LEADERS TODAY
do much of the heavy lifting around data and GenAI
· What datasets does your organization have access to?
can present insights in a more user-friendly way.
What do these datasets have the potential to shed light on?
The benefits of AI are now undeniable:
· What basic experience principles (e.g., relevant messaging,
fulfilled promises) might be currently overlooked in your
• Predictive analytics: AI can analyze customer
organization in favor of flashy innovation projects?
data to predict future trends and behaviors,
· Where are you in your journey of leveraging emerging tech
allowing businesses to anticipate customer
like GenAI to more meaningfully connect with consumers?
preferences and proactively tune their
marketing strategies.
• Content creation and curation: GenAI can
optimize content for specific channels and
ensure audiences receive customized messages
to maximize engagement.
• Personalized recommendations: AI
algorithms can analyze customer data and
preferences to generate personalized product
• Virtual assistants and chatbots: GenAI-
powered assistants provide more nuanced
answers to queries, detail product information
and assist with transactions.


Marketing and GenAI
AI adopters make the majority

Marketing executives from 1,800 organizations were

asked about the state of implementation of GenAI in
their organizations.
Capgemini Research Institute (2023)

5% F

22% H

36% U



We worked with Unilever to create the People

Data Centre (PDC), a state-of-the-art consumer
analytics solution. The PDC puts listening to
consumer behaviors at the heart of everything
Unilever does—creating elevated experiences
that build trust with each engagement.

Today, Unilever PDC has enabled one billion

consumer relationships, it sees 411 million reviews
every day, has processed 500 million social posts
and delivered more than 7,000 insights services to
date. This is all geared around the goal of elevating
Unilever’s understanding of consumers.

Read the Unilever story


Design Mind:
Studio Sessions

In this episode of Design Mind: Studio Sessions

hosted by frog’s Bhavesh Unadkat, our consumer
insight experts Matt Gratze and Sharon Jiggins share
their perspectives on some of the key ways that
brands can show up and take a renewed ownership
of their impact. Learn how leading with responsibility
can lead to fresh forms of creativity and open up new
avenues of business.

Watch video


2 Architect

Build on purpose sustainable goals with the need to evolve and grow
market share?
Sometimes it’s not about selling products, it’s
As seamlessness becomes standard, we’re seeing about finding the consumer-first service angle. For
a shift in consumer expectations surrounding example, a fashion retailer may meet traditional
the very concept of convenience. In this time of business objectives by selling as much as possible. Yet,
conscious consumerism, tension between effortless introducing a new, consumer-first service, whether
transactions and meaningful purchases is emerging. that’s providing custom tailoring, design services or
To be successful, organizations must move from advice, may be a more responsibly minded approach to
promoting more offers and products to promoting unlocking growth. Or, imagine pivoting toward a repair
only relevant and appropriate offers while also or cleaning-led business model. An example of this is
helping consumers use less. To deliver on experience, how Lowa have invested in a service and care system
we must build in cause at a fundamental level across for their hiking boots, making it easy for consumers to
products, services and operations. access repairs and extend the life of their boots.16 The
Helping people consume less seems at odds brands who are helping consumers get more out of the
with business success. After all, encouraging product, and who are being creative about generating
consumers to buy and waste less is in opposition additional revenue streams, will encourage customers
with commercial KPIs. How can brands balance to make further purchases down the line.


Find the yin to your yang that protect people and planet across production,
transportation and product afterlife.
What if to be truly consumer-first, brands must For too long, corporate culture has been that of
rethink notions of competition altogether? In a intellectual property and fierce competition. It would
profound shift from branded interactions to brand- seem absurd to expect one brand to recommend
agnostic personalization, could we see organizations another because the latter better meets the
recommending competitor products to best fulfill customer’s needs. But there was a time and place
consumer needs? when this was common. In the brick-and-mortar
It is possible that meeting customer realm, if a vendor is out of stock of an item, they
expectations requires an organization to provide a can point shoppers to a store down the street who
product or service beyond its capabilities. In such a might have it. What if this could happen in the digital
situation, business leaders can either invest in filling space? Can you imagine Nike’s online store linking
the gap with in-house talent or look for partners people to Columbia’s to browse their selection
with the missing expertise. Unsurprisingly, given the of mountaineering gear instead? Certainly, this
cost of the former, many leaders choose the latter. transparency would build trust, a quality on which
For example, 70% of B2B platforms collaborate consumers place a high premium. Now imagine if
with consulting partners for scalable integration Nike and Columbia were partners: shoppers could fill
and installation.17 In the spirit of radical customer- one basket with items from each. It could lead to both
centricity, brands work together to support the cost and emission cutting—why send two couriers
delivery of transparent and verified propositions if just one is enough? As such, this scenario—which


is currently limited to marketplace scenarios—could
soon be a regular occurrence. But if two brands
were inclined to make such recommendations, they
would need a technological bridge to bring them
together. How might roles and responsibilities within
and between brands shift in this multi-player world?
For a start, there would need to be a data-sharing
agreement. This is something many brands are
beginning to realize and implement.

To deliver on experience, we must

build in cause at a fundamental
level across products, services
and operations.


· Could you imagine telling a customer “Don’t buy this,

it’s not right for you” and instead suggesting a different
option? What knowledge would you need about the
individual to be able to confidently say that?
· How could your brand collaborate with another brand to
better serve and protect the customer? And what stops
you from doing that today?
· How far can you go to unconditionally meet consumer
needs while maintaining commercial gain?
· What’s right for your brand: strategizing for hyper-niche
or forging open collaborations across boundaries? Is it
possible to do both?



The physical retail environment can present

a challenge to a fast-paced and iterative
innovation process. CornerShop helps our
clients get concepts and prototypes in front
of real customers.

In collaboration with The Drum, we’ve created

CornerShop, an experimental retail environment
that enables retailers and brands to ideate and test
tomorrow’s shopping innovations. CornerShop
helps our clients to gain that all-important consumer
feedback, from real customers in the heart of London.

Read the CornerShop story



Elevate your loyalty story mean locking them in to overwhelming and rigid
contracts. Instead, remaining adaptable enough to
evolve alongside the customer is a way to reflect the
Leaders seize the sales opportunity while curating values of consumer responsibility.
lasting connections that expand customer lifetime Of course, prioritizing loyalty means remaining
value (CLV). Brands must strive to bring customers laser-focused on cultivating a long-term relationship
to a point of brand advocacy—where consumers with customers over time, which requires strategic
believe in the brand so much, they will be vocal foresight. How willing an organization is to evolve
about it in some way. alongside technology can deeply influence a
Forming these connections does not happen customer’s preferences over the long run. In the
overnight. It requires a sustained dedication to context of VR/AR and GenAI, loyalty is set to get
serving a customer’s evolving needs, demonstrating more complicated. How will you protect your brand
a human-centered, purpose-driven approach. from losing that human connection necessary for
Remember, keeping customers around does not lasting relationships? How will you influence authentic


engagements with your brand against an inherently purpose and values. Ultimately, brands must develop
inauthentic virtual backdrop? member-centric experiences that can act as a golden
thread for connected experiences, supporting more

How willing an organization is purpose-driven decision-making. With a backdrop of

converging sectors and competitors, brands must
to evolve alongside technology conceive, design and deliver ecosystems that keep

can deeply influence a customer’s customers engaged.

preferences over the long run. Deploying GenAI

Elevating your loyalty story means delivering In a world where GenAI is increasingly ubiquitous,
across the board. Customers now expect support evidence is mounting that while consumers value the
across multiple sources. Tapping into human- benefits of AI, there are instances in which they expect
centric, automated, conversational interfaces human interactions. For example, a Forrester report
means brands can expand their footprint with on chatbots suggests that 63% of customers expect
each consumer. the option to talk to a human agent.19 In the immediate
It’s key to know: what’s the consumer’s intent future, brands will need to accurately assess the right
at each and every interaction? Take, for instance, moment to deploy GenAI. Along with providing human
a common touchpoint of the customer journey: interaction at key points along the customer journey,
websites. It varies by market and by industry, but brands can also look at how to make the GenAI more
for many ecommerce websites there is generally human. Going forward, brands will look to answer the
only a 2–3% conversion rate.18 What are the others question: do consumers want the ability to speak to a
looking for? Are they researching? Browsing? human agent, or do they simply want their experience
Recommending for a friend? If you had this data, of engaging with a chatbot to be indistinguishable from
how might you leverage it accordingly? What new engaging with a human agent? At frog, we’ve worked
products and services might it inspire? How might with clients to personify their brand via chatbots using
it change the way you offer recommendations that much more human-like responses that better fit brand
keep consumers on your site? attributes. Striking the right balance of human and
Websites are still just a small piece of the puzzle. machine interaction will make a difference in scaling
The picture becomes much clearer when looking for consumer intimacy, which 77% of consumers say
signals across multiple data sets at once. Brands will they’re seeking.20
need to have a holistic view of customer activity both Success here will depend on the ability to
on and offline to have a more accurate understanding promote responsible purchases and influencing
of behavior and preferences. consumers with new technologies. To that end,
Whereas loyalty was traditionally part of the brands will need to cut through the hype of the
marketing function—such as a membership club on endless ‘innovations’ and zero in on emerging
the side—it is now truly at the heart of the organization. technologies that can affect meaningful and lasting
To truly drive loyalty, initiatives that promote a lasting change. This means novel solutions that can bring
relationship with a customer must be woven into the brand and consumer closer. Fortunately, technology
very fabric of the experience, anchored in the brand’s is rapidly dissolving the boundaries between the two.


In fact, it is even blurring the lines between brands. forward, brands must have a clear vision of the
However, it is important to learn from the mistakes of types of data they want to collect—and strategic
the past. partnerships will be key in this consumer-first
Of course, the backbone of all GenAI success is data ecosystem.
data. Too often, organizations collect an incredible What can you learn from observing customer
amount of customer data, including information for behaviors on your website? And how can you use
which they have no use. Additionally, they have no these learnings to modify your website so it better
idea how to leverage the data they can use. Moving serves your customers? Available analytics tools can
already reveal sources of website traffic, the number
of page views, the bounce rates of specific pages
and the number of conversions on individual pages.
Now imagine how GenAI can supercharge reach,
providing insights about consumer trends sooner and
predicting behaviors from enormous amounts of data
at a speed, cost and scale never before possible. The
same is true of click patterns, navigation paths and
interaction durations.
Another vital stream of data comes from
customer feedback. This type of qualitative
information has historically been difficult to leverage
without dedicated resources to comb through the
data. Yet the potential value in doing so is well known.
A Senior Analyst for Forrester points out that 53% of
customer feedback includes opportunities to improve
CX.21 Deploying GenAI to gather this feedback can
accelerate insight loops considerably.
Embracing customer feedback and
incorporating it into future iterations of products,
services, messaging, partnerships and even
business models will lead to greater customer
satisfaction, which can in turn drive sales. In an
example from the automotive sector, one Forrester
report suggests that automotive manufacturers
who improve their CX by just one point can expect
an additional $1 billion in revenue. 22

GenAI use cases for driving loyalty

By no means exhaustive, here are some examples

of possible GenAI use cases frog is exploring for


deepening and extending the relationship between platform, sales teams can better understand when
brand and consumer. a customer will be more receptive to engagement.
Another example comes in the form of integrated
• Content creation and adaptation: Deploying Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.
GenAI to help create and adapt creative content Giving marketing and sales teams access to live
at scale, safely customer information—which can include customer
• Personified brands: Training models on preferences, how customers interact with the brand,
data to create bespoke chatbots that can and significant leads—has long been the promise
generate messages on brand every time​as well of CRMs. Looking forward, we have the prospect
as personalize experiences 1:1 across the end- of better data, managed by teams that are better
to-end customer journey equipped to understand this data, that is better
• Design co-pilot: Creating GenAI tools to integrated with the rest of the marketing ecosystem
check whether brand experiences are aligned to push personalization. Together, these advances
to inclusive design principles, plus optimized in technology will help take CRM from a customer-
to automate brand compliance and ensure centered platform to a consumer-first movement
employee engagement designed to enhance loyalty. The future of CRM
• GenAI for system integration: Embedding will be about using data about consumer behavior
GenAI into existing systems, such as Salesforce, to understand customers better than they know
to optimize performance themselves, recommending offers before they know
• Insights trend prediction: Preparing for they need it. It will mean using CRM data to bring to
customer longevity by using GenAI to scrape life best-in-class experiences and customer service.
external data sources, like social media feeds, to
translate it into actionable insights​ Expanding capabilities
• Expert advisor: Creating AI-augmented
employee experiences that bring every As in every industry, AI is changing the role of the
staff member to a new standard of C-suite. Nowhere is this truer than in the evolution
operational excellence, freeing time to focus on of decision-making. Data-driven decision-making
keeping customers happy over time results in more optimal outcomes: the accuracy
of targeting, CX and holistic growth. One article
Is it marketing or sales? in the MIT Technology Review found that “data-
driven companies are 58% more likely to beat
Marketing and commerce are so interlinked that it revenue goals than non-data-driven companies”
can be difficult to determine where one ends and and that they are “162% more likely to significantly
the other begins. One example of this convergence outperform laggards.”23 As we witness AI enabling
is how retail media networks auto-populate ads in data-driven decision making at another level of
retailers with product info. speed and accuracy, leaders who incorporate AI
Marketing automation platforms can handle into their strategy and everyday operations will
tracking and monitoring–tasks that once required have a competitive advantage over those who do
a significant amount of the workforce’s time. By not. This means executives will need to upskill in
automating such tasks and storing the data on a the sphere of AI.


Initiatives that promote a lasting such as how to keep items out of a landfill or where

relationship with a customer must to find replacement parts. As many consumers will
be looking for green options, these options must be
be woven into the very fabric of delivered at the right time in the right way. Brands

the experience. must contextualize sustainability at various stages

of the journey. For consumers who want to purchase
from organizations with eco credentials, a simple
helping hand, such as giving clear care instructions
New responsible landscapes
(e.g., suggesting a cold wash or using a washing bag
to catch microfibers) will demonstrate a brand’s
How is the concept of loyalty changing, bearing in
commitment to more sustainable practices.
mind new consumer landscapes built on consumer
Generally speaking, it may be helpful for brands
responsibility? In some cases, it’s about asking how
to think of consumers saying, “I’ve done you the
you can help drive change for the better to inspire
honor of buying your product. Now, help me make
longevity. Looking forward, there are many human
sure it’s going to live on to justify the purchase.” This
components to ‘loyalty’ that no ordinary punch card
might unlock new ways to support customers in
promising discounts could fulfill. A customer may
getting more out of their purchases.
only remain loyal to your brand if it satisfies their own
personal loyalties to their health, their values and
One such example comes from purpose-led
· To support customers who want to make more responsible
brand partner, 23red, part of Capgemini Invent.
purchases, what are some of the key steps you can take?
The 23red team worked with the ‘This Girl Can’
· How can we break down this exciting yet daunting journey
campaign to explore the gender gap in exercise.
of becoming more responsible into first steps and interim
They uncovered hundreds of reasons why women
milestones? What might success look like at each stage?
and girls don’t exercise as much as they might like
· How can you create internal structures and ways of working
to, such as a lack of childcare, classes not offered
to support enabling people, planet and profit to thrive?
at convenient times, leisurewear price premiums,
concerns about street harassment or just a lack of
support. In partnership with Strava, the collaboration
resulted in the This Girl Can Club, which, in only
six weeks after launch, saw 18,500 new joiners,
encouraged 39,000 women across the UK to engage
in a fitness challenge and most importantly saw a
sustained behavior change—75% of those women
who completed the challenge reported doing more
exercise than they did prior to the campaign.24
Another aspect of consumer responsibility is
for brands to support the growing number of those
interested in extending the lives of their products,



IKEA Retail (Ingka Group)

IKEA wanted to revitalize its

membership experience. Together
we partnered with IKEA to
develop a proposition, shape core
operational components and With 170+ million members, if IKEA’s iconic customer
deliver the global strategy—all club, IKEA Family, was a country it would be the

centered around the shared goal of eighth largest in the world by population. Learn
how frog and IKEA worked together to transform an
deepening customer engagement. underutilized customer club into a core part of its
customer engagement strategy.

Read the IKEA story


The Consumer-First
Order of Business

Maximizing customer lifetime value in this era

of responsibility will take innovative outreach
imbued with deeper meaning, the ability to
support shoppers in their own evolution and more
incentive than ever to stick around. Achieving a
truly consumer-first approach requires different
aspects of the business speaking to each other.
Likewise, conscious consumption doesn’t happen
within a vacuum—it comes out of an informed and
impassioned community. It takes an awareness of
the interconnectedness of systems and a recognition
that their actions affect humans, non-humans and
ecosystems worldwide.


How frog can help

At frog, we guide our clients in turning a commitment

to consumer responsibility into lasting competitive
advantage. Our expertise spans the following:

Innovate to reach new levels of performance and stand
apart from the competition

Capture and utilize new categories of data that can
supercharge your business


Take customer engagement and operational efficiency
to the next level by acting on novel insights

Envision, craft and manifest products and services
that people fall in love with

Ready to make bolder choices, form stronger

teams and build better products and services?
Get in touch to learn more.


Informed by conversations with—

Bhavesh Unadkat Christopher Baird Kerry Lee

Vice President of Brand and Global Head of Loyalty, frog Head of Commerce UK, frog
Marketing UK, frog

Sharon Jiggins Matt Gratze

Managing Partner, 23red Former Director of Digital,
Signet Jewelers


1. The Eco-Digital Era, Capgemini Research Institute, 2024 13. What is Worn Wear? Patagonia (https://help.patagonia.
(https://www.capgemini.com/insights/research-library/ com/s/article/What-is-Worn-Wear).
the-new-digital-economy-research/). 14. Harnessing the Value of Generative AI: Top Use Cases
2. What Matters to Today’s Consumer: 2024 Consumer Across Industries, Capgemini Research Institute, 2023
Behavior Tracker for the Consumer Product and Retail (https://prod.ucwe.capgemini.com/wp-content/
Industries, Capgemini Research Institute, 2024 (https:// uploads/2023/07/GENERATIVE-AI_-Final-Web-1-1.pdf).
prod.ucwe.capgemini.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/ 15. Harnessing the Value of Generative AI: Top Use Cases
01/Final-Web-Version-Report-Consumer-Trends-2024.pdf). Across Industries, Capgemini Research Institute, 2023
3. Futurescape: Trajectories for Tomorrow, frog, 2024 (https:// (https://prod.ucwe.capgemini.com/wp-content/
www.frog.co/designmind/frog-futurescape-trajectories- uploads/2023/07/GENERATIVE-AI_-Final-Web-1-1.pdf).
for-tomorrow). 16. Service and Care, LOWA (https://lowa.com/service-and-
4. Supply Chain Transparency: The Importance Of Provenance For care).
Customer Trust, Forbes, 2022 (https://www.forbes.com/sites/ 17. The Future of B2B: Harnessing Platforms for AI,
forbesbusinesscouncil/2022/10/10/supply-chain-transparency- Sustainability, and Connected Value Creation, Capgemini
the-importance-of-provenance-for-customer-trust/). Research Institute, 2024 (https://www.capgemini.com/
5. Forrester’s US 2023 Customer Experience Index: Brands’ CX insights/research-library/the-future-of-b2b/).
Quality Falls For A Second Consecutive Year, Forrester, 2023 18. 30 Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization Steps to Help
(https://investor.forrester.com/news-releases/news- Boost Sales, Big Commerce (https://www.bigcommerce.
release-details/forresters-us-2023-customer-experience- co.uk/articles/ecommerce/conversion-rate-optimization/).
19. Customer Service Chatbots Fail Consumers Today,
6. Changing Lanes: Sustainable Luxury in Automotive, frog, Forrester, 2019 (https://www.forrester.com/report/
2023 (https://www.frog.co/designmind/changing-lanes- Forrester-Infographic-Customer-Service-Chatbots-Fail-
sustainable-luxury-in-automotive). Consumers-Today/RES144755).
7. Generative AI and the evolving role of Marketing: A CMO’s 20. Individualization Versus Personalization: A Forrester
Playbook, Capgemini Research Institute, 2023 (https:// Webinar, Forrester, 2017 (https://www.slideshare.net/
prod.ucwe.capgemini.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/ TrackIF/forrester-webinar-individualization-versus-
CRI_CMO_Playbook_Final-71223_WEB.pdf). personalization).
8. Making Connectivity Matter, frog, 2023 (https://www.frog. 21. You Are Missing Out on Customer Feedback, And It’s on You,
co/insights/chief-challenges/making-connectivity-matter). Forrester, 2022 (https://www.forrester.com/blogs/you-
9. Welcome to the Age of Customer Empowerment, Forbes, 2021 are-missing-out-on-customer-feedback-and-its-on-you/).
(https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/ 22. Improving CX By 1 Point Can Drive More Than 1 Billion
11/04/welcome-to-the-age-of-customer-empowerment/) Dollars In Revenue, Forrester, 2022 (https://www.
10. The Disconnected Customer: What digital customer forrester.com/blogs/improving-cx-by-one-point-can-
experience leaders teach us about reconnecting with drive-more-than-1-billion-dollars-in-revenue-2022/).
customers, Capgemini Research Institute, 2017 (https:// 23. Getting the most from your data-driven transformation: 10
www.capgemini.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/the_ key principles, MIT Technology Review, 2021 (https://www.
disconnected_customer-what_digital_customer_experience_ technologyreview.com/2021/10/14/1037054/getting-
leaders_teach_us_about_reconnecting_with_customers.pdf). the-most-from-your-data-driven-transformation-10-key-
11. Beyond the Vehicle, frog, 2023 (https://www.frog.co/ principles/).
designmind/beyond-the-vehicle). 24. Empowering Previously Active Women to Get Moving Again,
12. eBay Becomes Love Island’s First Ever Pre-Loved Fashion 23red (https://www.23red.com/this-girl-can-x-strava-
Partner, ITV, 2022 (https://www.itvmedia.co.uk/news- case-study).


Stay tuned.
Discover more episodes in
the Chief Challenges series.

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Capgemini Invent.

We challenge the status quo to craft and build transformative

human experiences that win hearts and move markets.

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