06 Chapter 1
06 Chapter 1
06 Chapter 1
for food has hence been the starting point for evaluation of human culture.
animals took place in the past, are the areas which are struggling today to find an
the use of renewable resources but current productivity is very low. As the
population has grown, the average farm size has fallen from 2.3 to 1.7 hectares
per rural person between 1971 to 1986 and by late 1980s over three quarters of all
land holdings became less than 2 hectares in size, and almost three fifths less than
rather than from the expansion of arable land. But increase in production per
unit area is not without problems. The total area of cultivable land is limited due
irrigation with inadequate drainage has rendered more and more areas alkaline
and saline. The quality of cropland has become increasingly stressed with
extensive use and improper water management (Robert, 1994). Salinity and
alkalinity affect two fifth of India's irrigated soil. 40,000 square miles of the
reducing its average productivity by about one fifth (Ehrlich and Ehrlich,
interfere with the growth of plants. Excess salts, cause physical and chemical
changes in soil structure which drastically change the environment of the plant
evaporates in the root zone or on soil surface, whether drawn up from a high
quantities (Shainberg, 1975). The U.S. Salinity Laboratory defines a saline soil as
toxin, but it occurs commonly in the environment, and thus is one of the most
troublesome salts to agriculture. Gujarat state alone has about 3,04,582 hectares
of uncultivable land due to salinity (Sharma and Gupta, 1986) and sodium
chloride is the most predominant salt present in the soil of Gujarat. Hence it is
growth of plant species (Levitt, 1972; Flowers et al, 1977; Greenway and
Munns, 1980; Salim and Pitman, 1983; Khan and Unger, 1985; Hampson and
Simpson, 1990; Aslam et aL, 1993; Khatun and Flowers, 1995; Lutts et a|.,
Plant species differ in their tolerance to total salts and to specific ions. Also
crops that are highly tolerant at one growth stage may be sensitive during another
stage. A decrease in shoot and root growth and dry matter production due to
sodium chloride and sodium bisulphate was reported in crop plants by Roth
Cereals are the major component of the diet of man. At world level, cereal
grains contribute about 50 percent of the per capita energy intake (Duffus and
Slaughter, 1980). The effect of NaCl salinity on germination and seedling growth
have long been investigated especially on cereals. Francois et al. (1986) reported
low grain yield and quality, reduced vegetative growth and germination in wheat
(1985). According to Prakash et al. (1988), growth, dry matter accumulation and
grain yield were considerably reduced when the rice plants were subjected to
salt stress. Mass (1984) published a detailed list of information about relative
tolerance among crop plants and percentage yield reduction as influenced by soil
salinity. Salinity also affects the growth of reproductive structures (Dhingra and
Varghese, 1985a; 1990). Khatun and Flowers (1995) studied the effect of
salinity on pollen viability and seed set. A decrease in grain yield, seed weight
and spikelet differentiation due to sodium chloride stress was observed in wheat
Generally plants are more sensitive to salinity during germination and early
under saline condition has been observed in wheat (Hampson and Simpson,
1990; Petruzzelli et al-, 1992; Begum et al, 1992), barley (Bliss et al, 1986;
Bozcuk, 1991; Durusoy et al-, 1995), maize (Lin, 1985) and rice (Babu and
Rice is one of the oldest and most important cereal and it is the staple food of
cultivable crops, for although possessing the roots of a dryland crop, it flourishes
in swamps or under irrigation. The crop has been grown over a very wide range
of climatic and soil conditions and it is difficult to define those most suitable
conditions for its development. But certain factors such as sulphides, acidity and
salinity of the soil do affect the growth and development of paddy. Compared to
other crops, rice is more tolerant to salinity and it can be grown in the marginal
lands afflicted by the problem of salinity. Hence in the present study, rice has
Gill and Singh (1985), Campos and Assuncao (1990), Basu and Ghosh (1991)
mechanism of germination and growth by NaCl salinization is still not very clear,
impairing the normal physiological activities of rice plant. According to Gill and
reported that NaCl creates water potential gradient which causes a great stress
in rice during its germination. NaCl markedly reduces the oc-amylase activity
and mobilisation of starch in endosperm of rice (Acharya et af., 1990; Lin and
proline and protein contents in the endosperm of rice under NaCl stress during
metabolism was reported by Hatata and Farah (1982), Weselake et al (1985) and
Acharya et al. (1990), Nitrogen metabolism with respect to the activity of
Ramagopal (1988) and Dell' Aquila and Spada (1993) showed that some 'salt
and Reddy (1994) observed the changes in protein profiles induced by salt stress
during germination of rice. According to Dubey and Rani (1990) salt treatment
studies reveal that the level of total polyamines sharply increases or decreases in
rice under the influence of NaCl (Prakash and Pralhapscnan, 1988b; Sadhana and
Dubey, 1990; Basu and Ghosh, 1991). According to Reggiani et al. (1994) the
presence of NaCl decreases the putrescine level in the roots, while that of
Many attempts have been made to understand the effect of salinity on nucleic
acid metabolism and activity of associated enzymes. Mittal and Dubey (1990)
studied the effect of NaCl salinity on RNA level and activity of ribonuclease.
Salinity decreases RNA and DNA contents (Roy et a}., 1992). The inhibitory
There have been many studies on key enzymes of plant metabolism under
germinating cereals with increasing salinity. The different behaviour of
salt tolerance was observed by Dhingra and Varghesc (1990) and Mittal and
salinity (Dubey and Sharma, 1990; Mittal and Dubey, 1992b). NaCl adversely
effects the activity of ATPase (Dubey et al, 1987), alcohol dehydrogenase and
(Hsu and Sung, 1981), malate, isocitrate and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenases
(Sadhana and Dubey 1994). According to Sheoran and Garg (1978) the effect of
salinity on enzyme activity varies with the stage of plant growth, plant organ,
decrease in the level of auxin due to salt stress was observed by Naqvi and Ansari
(1974). Boucaud and Unger (1976) reported similar decrease in cytokinin level
al, 1988) and abscisic acid content (Lachno and Baker, 1986) have been found in
response to salinity.
enhance the germination and nutrient uptake in salt treated seeds (Balki and
Padole, 1982). The role of gibberellic acid (GA3) in alleviating the adverse effects
of salt on plant growth has been studied by number of workers (Levitt, 1980;
Khan and Unger, 1985; Acharya et aL, 1990; Lin and Kao, 1995). Kinetin is
stress on the NaCl treated plants (Roy et aL, 1993; El Sayed and El Haak,
mitigated also by calcium application (Zhang and Liu, 1992; Hamada, 1994).
NaCl stress and its amelioration by plant growth regulators. However, it is not
clear whether this sensitivity is exclusively due to osmotic effects or any other
factors. Some attempts have been made to study the effect of NaCl on the
translocation of other solutes (Gomes Filho et aL, 1983; Munns, 1985; Wolf et
aL, 1991). The structural changes and permeability of the plasma membrane in
response to salinity was studied by Bliss et aL (1984) and Cramer et al. (1985).
was observed by Smith et al. (1982). Petruzzelli et al. (1992) compared the
in the presence of NaCl. However, structural and histochemical changes in the
aleurone cells and endosperm of the germinating seeds under the influence of
NaCl and growth hormones received less attention. Keeping this in view, the
present work was taken up to get some insight into the cytochemistry of
germinating rice as affected by NaCl, GA3 and putrescine. The following aspects
aleurone layers.
and endosperm.
Results of these studies are discussed in the light of relevant literature and are