Agma Iso 6336-6-A08 Spur Helical Gears
Agma Iso 6336-6-A08 Spur Helical Gears
Agma Iso 6336-6-A08 Spur Helical Gears
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Normative references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
4 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
5 Calculation according to ISO 6336 of service strength on basis of
single--stage strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A Determination of application factor, KA, from given load spectrum using
equivalent torque, Teq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
B Guide values for application factor, KA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
C Example calculation of safety factor from given load spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1 Example for a cumulative stress spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Torque spectrum and associated stress spectrum with S--N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Accumulation of damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Flow chart for determination of calculated safety factor for given load
spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1 Torque classes/numbers of cycles -- Example: classes 38 and 39 . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Example of torque spectrum (with unequal bin size for reducing number
of bins) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Torque classes/numbers of cycles -- Example: classes 38 and 39 . . . . . . . . . . 6
[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided for
informational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA ISO
6336--6--A08, Calculation of Load Capacity of Spur and Helical Gears -- Part 6: Calculation
of Service Life Under Variable Load.]
It is recommended that the cumulative fatigue damage criteria proposed by Miner (Miner’s
Rule) be employed to evaluate the effects of variable loading on the life of gearing. Miner’s
Rule was developed in 1945 by M. A. Miner to assess the effects of cumulative fatigue
damage under repeated and variable intensity loads. The method was developed for
aircraft part design and tested for aluminum alloys by Miner, but was subsequently verified
for steel by others. It was commonly used in vehicle gearing design. An explanation of
Miner’s Rule was included in AGMA 170.01 (1976), Design Manual for Vehicle Spur and
Helical Gears, and the calculation method was later included as annex D in AGMA 218.01
(1982), AGMA Standard for Rating and Pitting Resistance and Bending Strength of Spur
and Helical Involute Gear Teeth.
In the 1990’s, AGMA proposed a project to ISO Technical Committee 60 (TC 60) as an
international standard. However, agreement could not be reached on the total content.
Therefore, an ISO Technical Report of type 2 was prepared by lSO/TC 60, Subcommittee 2
for gear capacity calculation. The resulting document, ISO/TR 10495, Cylindrical gears --
Calculation of service life under variable load -- Conditions for cylindrical gears in
accordance with ISO 6336, was published in 1997.
In 2002, a revision of ISO/TR 10495 was begun, agreement was obtained and the work
resulted in the new ISO standard, ISO 6336--6 Calculation of load capacity of spur and
helical gears -- Part 6: Calculation of service life under variable load, which was published in
August 2006.
ANSI/AGMA ISO 6336--A08 represents an identical adoption of ISO 6336--6:2006, and
includes Technical Corrigendum 1 (August 1, 2007).
The first draft of ANSI/AGMA ISO 6336--6--A08 was made in February, 2007. It was
approved by the AGMA membership in March, 2008. It was approved as an American
National Standard on May 20, 2008.
Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the
American Gear Manufacturers Association, 500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria,
Virginia 22314.
Calculation of Load For the purposes of this part of ISO 6336, the terms,
definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms given in
Capacity of Spur and ISO 6336--1 and ISO 1122--1 apply.
this way, the most damaging loads are limited to incremented at every load repetition. Table 1 shows
fewer calculated stress cycles and the resulting as an example of how the torque classes defined in
gears can be smaller. It is recommended that a zero Table 2 can be applied to specific torque levels and
load bin be included so that the total time used to rate correlated numbers of cycles.
the gears matches the design operating life. For
consistency, the usual presentation method is to Table 1 -- Torque classes/numbers of cycles --
have the highest torque associated with the lowest Example: classes 38 and 39 (see Table 2)
numbered bins, such that the most damaging
conditions appear towards the top of any table. Torque class, Ti Number of cycles, ni
The cycle count for the load class corresponding to 11 620 $ T38 $ 12 619 n38 = 237
the load value for the highest loaded tooth is 10 565 $ T39 $ 11 619 n39 = 252
Table 2 -- Example of torque spectrum (with unequal bin size for reducing number of bins)
(see Annex C)
Data Time1)
Torque, N m Load %
Bin no. min. max. cycles1) s h
1 25 502 25 578 0 0.00 0 0
2 25 424 25 501 0 0.00 0 0
3 25 347 25 423 14 0.37 24 0.0067
4 25 269 25 346 8 0.21 14 0.0039
5 25 192 25 268 5 0.13 9 0.0025
6 25 114 25 191 8 0.21 14 0.0039
7 25 029 25 113 16 0.42 28 0.0078
8 24 936 25 028 8 0.21 14 0.0039
9 24 835 24 935 5 0.13 9 0.0025
10 24 727 24 834 11 0.29 19 0.0053
11 24 610 24 726 16 0.42 28 0.0078
12 24 479 24 609 19 0.50 33 0.0092
13 24 331 24 478 14 0.37 24 0.0067
14 24 168 24 330 14 0.37 24 0.0067
15 23 990 24 168 11 0.29 19 0.0053
16 23 796 23 989 15 0.39 26 0.0072
17 23 579 23 796 31 0.81 52 0.0144
18 23 339 23 579 28 0.73 47 0.0131
19 23 076 23 338 36 0.94 62 0.0172
20 22 789 23 075 52 1.36 88 0.0244
21 22 479 22 788 39 1.02 66 0.0183
22 22 138 22 478 96 2.51 163 0.0453
23 21 766 22 137 106 2.77 180 0.0500
24 21 363 21 765 49 1.28 83 0.0231
25 20 929 21 362 117 3.05 200 0.0556
26 20 463 20 928 124 3.24 212 0.0589
27 19 960 20 463 61 1.59 104 0.0289
Table 2 (concluded)
Data Time1)
Torque, N m Load %
Bin no. min. max. cycles1) s h
28 19 417 19 959 140 3.65 238 0.0661
29 18 836 19 416 148 3.86 253 0.0703
30 18 216 18 835 117 3.05 200 0.0556
31 17 557 18 215 121 3.16 206 0.0572
32 16 851 17 556 174 4.46 297 0.0825
33 16 100 16 851 185 4.83 316 0.0878
34 15 301 16 099 196 5.11 334 0.0928
35 14 456 15 301 207 5.40 352 0.0978
36 13 565 14 456 161 4.20 274 0.0761
37 12 620 13 564 168 4.38 286 0.0794
38 11 620 12 619 237 6.18 404 0.1122
39 10 565 11 619 252 6.58 429 0.1192
40 9457 10 565 263 6.86 449 0.1247
41 8294 9456 275 7.18 468 0.1300
42 7070 8294 178 4.65 303 0.0842
43 5783 7069 103 2.69 176 0.0489
44 4434 5782 7 0.18 12 0.0033
45 3024 4434 0 0.00 0 0
46 1551 3023 0 0.00 0 0
47 1 1550 0 0.00 0 0
48 0 0 0 0.00 6 041 469 1678.2
Total 3832 100.0 6 048 000 1680
1) --10,raises and lowers; pinion at 35.2r/min assumes 1 raise and lower per week.
The torques used to evaluate tooth loading should Tooth root stress can also be measured by means of
include the dynamic effects at different rotational strain gauges in the fillet. In this case, the derating
speeds. factors should be taken into account using the
results of the measurements. The relevant contact
This spectrum is only valid for the measured or stress can be calculated from the measurements.
evaluated time period. If the spectrum is extrapo-
lated to represent the required lifetime, the possibility 4.3 General calculation of service life
that there might be torque peaks not frequent The calculated service life is based on the theory that
enough to be evaluated in that measured spectrum every load cycle (every revolution) is damaging to
must be considered. These transient peaks can the gear. The amount of damage depends on the
have an effect on the gear life. Therefore, the stress level and can be considered as zero for lower
evaluated time period could have to be extended to stress levels.
capture extreme load peaks.
The calculated bending or pitting fatigue life of a gear
Stress spectra concerning bending and pitting can is a measure of its ability to accumulate discrete
be obtained from the load (torque). damage until failure occurs.
The fatigue life calculation requires
Scuffing resistance must be calculated from the
worst combination of speed and load. -- the stress spectrum,
-- material fatigue properties, and
Wear is a continuous deterioration of the tooth flank
and must be considered separately. -- a damage accumulation method.
The stress spectrum is discussed in 5.1. number of repeated stress cycles at a particular
stress is equal to the ratio of the total number of
Strength values based on material fatigue properties
cycles during the fatigue life at a particular stress
are chosen from applicable S--N curves. Many
level according to the S--N curve established for the
specimens must be tested by stressing them repeat-
material. For example, if a part is stressed for 3000
edly at one stress level until failure occurs. This
cycles at a stress level which would cause failure in
gives, after a statistical interpretation for a specific
100 000 cycles, 3% of the fatigue life would be
probability, a failure cycle number characteristic of
expended. Repeated stress at another stress level
this stress level. Repeating the procedure at
would consume another similarly calculated portion
different stress levels leads to an S--N curve.
of the total fatigue life.
An example of a cumulative stress spectrum is given
The used material fatigue characteristics and endur-
in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows a cumulative contact
ance data should be related to a specific and
stress spectrum with an S--N curve for specific
required failure probability, e.g., 1%, 5% or 10%.
material fatigue properties.
When 100% of the fatigue life is expended in this
Linear, non--linear and relative methods are used.
manner, the part could be expected to fail. The order
Further information can be found in the literature. in which each of these individual stress cycles is
applied is not considered significant in Palmgren--
4.4 Palmgren--Miner rule
Miner analysis.
The Palmgren--Miner rule -- in addition to other rules
or modifications -- is a widely used linear damage Failure could be expected when
accumulation method. It is assumed that the
damaging effect of each stress repetition at a given
ƹ Nni 1.0 (1)
i i
stress level is equal, which means the first stress
cycle at a given stress level is as damaging as the where
last. ni is the number of load cycles for bin i;
The Palmgren--Miner rule operates on the hypothe- Ni is the number of load cycles to failure for bin i
sis that the portion of useful fatigue life used by a (taken from the appropriate S--N curve).
X cumulative number of applied cycles
Y stress
a Load spectrum, ni, total cycles.
Log , log T
1 G (N)
Log N
1. The representation of the cumulative stress spectrum entirely below the S--N curve does
not imply that the part will survive the total accumulative number of stress cycles. This
information can be gained from a presentation as shown in figure 3.
2. The value G is either HG or FG.
Figure 2 -- Torque spectrum and associated stress spectrum with S--N
c 2
If there is an endurance limit (upper, horizontal line For all values of i, individual damage parts are
beyond the knee in figure 2), the calculation is only defined as follows:
done for stresses above this endurance limit. ni
Ui (2)
If the appropriate S--N curve shows no endurance Ni
limit (lower line beyond the knee in Figure 2), the The sum of the individual damage parts, Ui, results in
calculation must be done for all stress levels. For the damage condition U, which must be less than or
each stress level, i, the number of cycles to failure, equal to unity.
Ni, have to be taken from the corresponding part of
the S--N curve. U ƹ Ui ƹ Nni $ 1.0 (3)
i i i
NOTE: The calculation of speed--dependent parame-
ters is based, for each load level, on a mean rotational
5 Calculation according to ISO 6336 of service speed. This also refers to the determination of the S--N
strength on basis of single--stage strength curve.
This calculation process shall be applied to each
5.1 Basic principles pinion and wheel for both bending and contact
This method is only valid for recalculation. It
In addition, safety factors applied to static load
describes the application of linear cumulative dam-
strength should be calculated for the highest stress
age calculations according to the Palmgren--Miner
of the design life. ISO 6336 does not extend to
rule (see 4.4) and has been chosen because it is
stress levels greater than those permissible at 103
widely known and easy to apply; the choice does not
cycles or less, since stresses in this range can
imply that the method is superior to others described
exceed the elastic limit of the gear tooth in bending or
in the literature.
in surface compression. In addition, safety factors
From the individual torque classes, the torques at the applied to the static load strength should be calcu-
upper limit of each torque class and the associated lated for the highest stress of the design life. The
numbers of cycles shall be listed (see table 3 for an highest stress could be either the maximum stress in
example). the load spectrum or an extreme transient load that is
not considered in the fatigue analysis. Depending on
Table 3 -- Torque classes/numbers of cycles -- the material and the load imposed, a single stress
Example: classes 38 and 39 cycle greater than the limit level at 103 cycles could
result in plastic yielding of the gear tooth.
Upper limit of torque
class1), Ti, Number of cycles, ni 5.2 Calculation of stress spectra
For each level i of the torque spectrum, the actual
T38 < 12 620 N38 = 237 stress, i, is to be determined separately for contact
T39 < 11 620 N39 = 252 and bending stress in accordance with the following
NOTE equations.
1) For conservative calculation, sufficiently accurate
-- For contact stress (ISO 6336--2:2006, Method
for a high number of torque classes.
The stress spectra for tooth root and tooth flank (Fi,
Hi) with all relative factors are formed on the basis of
this torque spectrum. The load--dependent K--fac-
¯ 2000 T i u 1
d 21 b u K vi K Hi K Hi (4)
tors are calculated for each new torque class (for the -- For bending stress (ISO 6336--3:2006, Method
procedure, see 5.2). B):
account by stress levels included in the calculation Reverse torques affect the contact stress spectrum
method. of the rear flank. Damage accumulation has to be
considered separately for each flank side.
5.3 Determination of pitting and bending 5.4 Determination of safety factors
strength values
In the general case, safety factors cannot directly be
deduced from the Miner sum, U. They are to be
S--N curves for pitting and bending strength can be determined by way of iteration. The procedure is
determined by experiment or by the rules of shown in figure 4.
ISO 6336--2 and ISO 6336--3.
The safety factor, S, has to be calculated separately
for the pinion and the wheel, each for both bending
Where teeth are loaded in both directions (e.g., idler and pitting. The safety factor is only valid for the
gear), the values determined for tooth root strength required life used for each calculation. Annex C
must be reduced according to ISO 6336--3. shows an example for calculating S.
Load spectrum
Stress spectrum
Modify the
stress levels by S
Calculation according
to 5.1 to 5.3
Reduce S Increase S
Output S
Figure 4 -- Flow chart for determination of calculated safety factor for given load spectrum
Annex A
Determination of application factor, KA, from given load spectrum
using equivalent torque, Teq
A.1 Purpose A.3 Determination of the equivalent torque, Teq
A calculation of application factor KA for a given load For this procedure, the load spectrum, the slopes of
spectrum is allowed if agreed between purchaser the Woehler--damage lines, p, and the number of
and gear box manufacturer. This calculation method load cycles, NL ref, at the reference point must be
is useful for a first estimation during the gear design known.
stage, where the geometry data of a gear drive is not
A.3.1 Basis
The following method applies for a design case
A.2 Application factor, KA where the Woehler--damage line is simplified by
ignoring all damage which occurs at stresses below
The application factor KA is defined as the ratio
some limit stress. It is based upon the fact that while
between the equivalent torque of the spectrum and
the position of the endurance limit in terms of stress
the nominal torque:
is not known in relation to the gear until the design is
T eq available, the position of that endurance limit in
KA (A.1) terms of cycles does not change as the gear design
Furthermore, a torque Ti in the bin i can be replaced
Tn is the nominal torque; by a torque Tj in a new bin, j, so that the damage
caused by the torque Ti is the same as that caused by
Teq is the equivalent torque. the torque Tj. This is shown in figure A.1 and can be
expressed by equation A.3.
Application factor KA has to be determined for tooth
root breakage and pitting resistance, both for pinion Tp ni Tp nj (A.3)
i j
and wheel. The highest of these four values has to
be used for a gear rating in conformance with A.3.2 Calculation procedure
ISO 6336.
The load bins have to be denoted as (Ti, ni) and
The equivalent torque is defined by equation A.2: numbered in descending order of torque, where T1 is
the highest torque. Then the cycles n1 at torque T1
1 are equivalent in terms of damage to a larger number
n 1 T p n 2 T p ööö of cycles n1a, at lower torque T2, where, according to
1 2 (A.2)
T eq n 1 n 2 ööö equation A.3:
where n 1a n1 1 (A.4)
ni is the number of cycles for bin i;
If n2e n2 + n1a, then bins 1 and 2 can be replaced by
Ti is the torque for bin i; a single bin (T2, n2e), see figure A.2.
p is the slope of the Woehler--damage line, Similarly, the cycles n2e at torque T2 are equivalent to
see table A.1. n2a at T3, where
The slope of the damage lines used by ISO 6336 p
2 (A.5)
means that the number of bins to be used in n 2a n 2e
equation A.2 cannot be predetermined. Therefore,
the procedure described in A.3 shall be used in place Writing n3e n3 + n2a, then bins 1, 2 and 3 can be
of equation A.2. replaced by a single bin (T3, n3e).
ni nj
X number of load cycles, nL
Y torque, T
Figure A.1 -- Load bins with equal damage behavior according to Equation (A.3)
n1 n2
n1a n2
X number of load cycles, nL
Y torque, T
Figure A.2 -- Bins (T1, n1) and (T2, n2) replaced by (T2e, n2e)
1400 2
1300 6
1200 10
1100 T
14 eq
1000 18
20 n
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010
5 107
X number of load cycles, NL
Y torque, T, kNm
Annex B
Guide values for application factor, KA
[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be
construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA ISO 6336--6--A08, Calculation of Load Capacity of Spur and Helical Gears --
Part 6: Calculation of Service Life Under Variable Load.]
The application factor, KA, is used to modify the EXAMPLE 3. Heavy plate and billet rolling mills:
value of Ft to take into account loads, additional to initial pass--shock--torque up to 6 times the
nominal loads, which are imposed on the gears from rolling torque can occur.
external sources. The empirical guidance values EXAMPLE 4. Drives with synchronous motors:
given in table B.1 can be used (for industry gears alternating torque up to 5 times the nominal
and high speed gears). torque can occur briefly (approximately 10
The value of KA is applied to the nominal torque of amplitudes) on starting; however, hazardous
the machine under consideration. Alternatively, it alternating torque can often be completely
may be applied to the nominal torque of the driving avoided by the appropriate detuning measures.
motor as long as this corresponds to the torque Information and numerical values provided here
demand of the driving machine. cannot be generally applied. The magnitude of the
The values only apply to transmissions which peak torque depends on the mass spring system, the
operate outside the resonance speed range under forcing term, safety precautions (safety coupling,
relatively steady loading. If operating conditions protection for unsynchronized switching of electrical
involve unusually heavy loading, motors with high machines), etc.
starting torques, intermittent service or heavy re- Thus, in critical cases, careful analysis should be
peated shock loading, or service brakes with a demanded. It is then recommended that agreement
torque greater than the driving motor, the safety of be reached on suitable actions.
the static and limited life gear load capacity shall be
verified (see ISO 6336--1, ISO 6336--2 and If special application factors are required for specific
ISO 6336--3). purposes, these shall be applied (e.g. because of a
variable duty list specified in the purchase order, for
EXAMPLE 1. Turbine/generator: in this system,
marine gears according to the rules of a classifica-
short--circuit torque of up to 6 times the nominal
tion authority).
torque can occur. Such overloads can be shed
by means of safety couplings. Where there are additional inertial masses, torques
EXAMPLE 2. Electric motor/compressor: if resulting from the flywheel effect are to be taken into
pump frequency and torsional natural frequency consideration. Occasionally, braking torque pro-
coincide, considerable alternating stresses can vides the maximum loading and thus influences
occur. calculation of load capacity.
It is assumed the gear materials used will have can be changed by using hydraulic couplings or
adequate overload capacity. When materials used torque matched elastic couplings, and especially
have only marginal overload capacity, designs vibration attenuating couplings when the character-
should be laid out for endurance at peak loading. istics of the couplings permit.
The KA value for light, moderate and heavy shocks
Table B.2 -- Examples for driving machines with various working characteristics
Table B.4 -- High speed gears and gears of similar requirement -- Examples of working
characteristics of driven machines
Working characteristic Driven machine
Uniform Centrifugal compressors for air conditioning installation, for process
gas; dynamometer -- test rig; base or steady load generator and ex-
citer; paper machinery main drives.
Moderate shocks Centrifugal compressors for air or pipelines; axial compressors; cen-
trifugal fans; peak load generators and exciters; centrifugal pumps
(all types other than those listed below); axial--flow rotary pumps;
paper industry; Jordan or refining machine, machines, machine aux-
iliary drives, stamper.
Medium shocks Rotary--cam blower; rotary--cam compressor with radial flow; piston
compressor (3 or more cylinders); ventilator suction--fans, mining
and industrial (large, frequent start--up cycles); centrifugal boiler--
feed pumps; rotary cam pumps, piston pumps (3 or more cylinders).
Heavy shocks Piston compressor (2 cylinders); centrifugal pump (with water tank);
sludge pump; piston pump (2 cylinders).
Annex C
Example calculation of safety factor from given load spectrum
[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, are provided for informational purposes only and should not be
construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA ISO 6336--6--A08, Calculation of Load Capacity of Spur and Helical Gears --
Part 6: Calculation of Service Life Under Variable Load.]
The last load bin (No. 48) is purposely set to zero C.6 Calculate damage parts of spectra
load and cycles, but with a specific time interval. This For each load bin in the spectrum (bin Nos. 3 to 44),
bin is meant to account for the time when there is no calculate the damage part, Ui. The method is the
load on the mesh. This bin is used to clarify the same for both bending and contact stress. Refer-
elapse time period of the sample load spectrum, i.e., ence: equation 2 of this part of ISO 6336;
6 048 000 seconds = 100 800 minutes ISO 6336--2:2006, figure 6, and ISO 6336--3:2006,
= 1680 hours = 70 days = 0.1918 years, figure 9). Exponents are determined from method
given in ISO 6336--2:2006,, and
since the gears are unloaded for a significant amount
ISO 6336--3:2006, The number of cycles, ni,
of time. (99.8919% of the time).
must be for the complete operating life, not just for
The desired useful life (30 years) is longer than the the 70 days worth of load cycles measured, as
spectrum (70 days). So each bin’s load cycles will described in C.2. The values are given in tables C.2
need to be scaled up by a factor of and C.3.
156.53 = (30 365.25/70). -- For contact stress:
C.3 Check for plastic yielding Hi
Using the highest load bin in the spectrum (bin
No. 3), calculate the safety factor for 103 cycles, Z NTi
using ISO 6336--2:2006, equation 14, and Ni Æ105É Æif Z NTi 1É,
ISO 6336--3:2006, equation 7. This must be done to
ensure the gears will not fail by plastic yielding (see 32.60122926
Ni ÆZNTiÉ (5)Æ10 5É Æif Z NTi $ 1É
HP 2400 Nmm 2 Ui
SH 1.374 N ii
H 1747 Nmm 2
-- For bending stress:
FP 2356 Nmm 2 Fi
SF F 2.852 Y NTi
826 Nmm 2 FPi
ÆY2.5 É
C.4 Calculate the stress spectra 8.73724908
Ni NTi Æ103É Æif Y NTi 1É,
For each load bin in the spectrum (Nos. 3 to 44),
calculate the bending and contact stress in accor-
dance with equations 4 and 5 of this part of 49.91250338
ISO 6336. The values are given in tables C.2 and Ni ÆYNTiÉ (3)Æ10 6É Æif Y NTi 1É
C.3. ni
N ii
C.5 Calculate strength values
C.7 Calculate the Miner sum
Using the nominal load conditions, calculate the
permissible bending and contact stresses for unity Sum up each damage part of the spectra according
values of life factors in accordance with to equation 3. The values are given at the foot of
ISO 6336--2:2006, equation 6, and ISO 6336--3: tables C.2 and C.3.
2006, equation 5. C.8 Iterate the safety factor
Hlim Z L Z v Z R Z W Z X Following figure 7, by iterating, change the safety
S Hmin factor up or down as needed and recalculate
1500 Nmm 2 (1.02)(0.943)(1.01)(1)(1) according to C.4 to C.7 until the sum of damage
1.0 parts, Ui, is between 0.99 and 1.00. For this
1457 Nmm 2 example, the spreadsheet program function was
used to do the iterations. For 30 years of operation,
Flim Y ST Y rel T Y R rel t Y X this pinion has a safety factor of 1.428 in pitting and a
S Fmin safety factor of 1.324 in bending.
461 Nmm 2 (2.0)(1.0)(1.054)(0.967) The values are given in tables C.2 and C.3.
1.0 The Woehler--damage curves are shown in
940 Nmm 2 figure C.1.
Table C.2 -- Example for calculation of pitting safety factor from load spectrum safety factor 1.428
Pinion Time over Pinion Face load Contact Cycles to Damage
Bin No. cycles in Life factor
torque 70 days speed factor stress failure parts
30 years
T1 n1 N KHC TH ¯ SH ZNT Nf Ui
kN m s r/min N/mm2 (N/Nf)
1 25.6 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
2 25.5 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
3 25.4 2.40E+01 35.2 2.203E+03 1.305 2350 1.613 8.990E+04 2.450E--02
4 25.3 1.40E+01 35.2 1.285E+03 1.305 2347 1.610 9.172E+04 1.401E--02
5 25.3 9.00E+00 35.2 8.259E+02 1.305 2343 1.608 9.361E+04 8.824E--03
6 25.2 1.40E+01 35.2 1.285E+03 1.305 2340 1.606 9.551E+04 1.345E--02
7 25.1 2.80E+01 35.2 2.570E+03 1.305 2336 1.603 9.749E+04 2.636E--02
8 25.0 1.40E+01 35.2 1.285E+03 1.305 2332 1.600 9.970E+04 1.289E--02
9 24.9 9.00E+00 35.2 8.259E+02 1.305 2328 1.597 1.022E+05 8.083E--03
10 24.8 1.90E+01 35.2 1.744E+03 1.305 2323 1.594 1.050E+05 1.661E--02
11 24.7 2.80E+01 35.2 2.570E+03 1.305 2318 1.591 1.080E+05 2.378E--02
12 24.6 3.30E+01 35.2 3.028E+03 1.305 2312 1.587 1.115E+05 2.717E--02
13 24.5 2.40E+01 35.2 2.203E+03 1.305 2306 1.583 1.155E+05 1.907E--02
14 24.3 2.40E+01 35.2 2.203E+03 1.305 2299 1.578 1.202E+05 1.832E--02
15 24.2 1.90E+01 35.2 1.744E+03 1.305 2292 1.573 1.256E+05 1.388E--02
16 24.0 2.60E+01 35.2 2.386E+03 1.305 2283 1.567 1.320E+05 1.808E--02
17 23.8 5.20E+01 35.2 4.772E+03 1.305 2274 1.560 1.392E+05 3.428E--02
18 23.6 4.70E+01 35.2 4.313E+03 1.305 2264 1.553 1.479E+05 2.916E--02
19 23.3 6.20E+01 35.2 5.690E+03 1.305 2252 1.545 1.583E+05 3.595E--02
20 23.1 8.80E+01 35.2 8.076E+03 1.305 2239 1.537 1.706E+05 4.734E--02
21 22.8 6.60E+01 35.2 6.057E+03 1.305 2225 1.527 1.853E+05 3.268E--02
22 22.5 1.63E+02 35.2 1.496E+04 1.305 2210 1.517 2.029E+05 7.373E--02
23 22.1 1.80E+02 35.2 1.652E+04 1.305 2193 1.505 2.245E+05 7.359E--02
24 21.8 8.30E+01 35.2 7.617E+03 1.305 2174 1.492 2.511E+05 3.034E--02
25 21.4 2.00E+02 35.2 1.835E+04 1.305 2155 1.479 2.841E+05 6.461E--02
26 20.9 2.12E+02 35.2 1.946E+04 1.305 2133 1.463 3.254E+05 5.979E--02
27 20.5 1.04E+02 35.2 9.544E+03 1.305 2109 1.447 3.775E+05 2.528E--02
28 20.0 2.38E+02 35.2 2.184E+04 1.305 2083 1.429 4.452E+05 4.907E--02
29 19.4 2.53E+02 35.2 2.322E+04 1.305 2054 1.410 5.342E+05 4.346E--02
30 18.8 2.00E+02 35.2 1.835E+04 1.305 2023 1.388 6.530E+05 2.811E--02
31 18.2 2.06E+02 35.2 1.890E+04 1.305 1989 1.365 8.148E+05 2.320E--02
32 17.6 2.97E+02 35.2 2.726E+04 1.305 1953 1.340 1.040E+06 2.622E--02
33 16.9 3.16E+02 35.2 2.900E+04 1.305 1914 1.313 1.363E+06 2.128E--02
34 16.1 3.34E+02 35.2 3.065E+04 1.305 1870 1.284 1.843E+06 1.663E--02
35 15.3 3.52E+02 35.2 3.230E+04 1.305 1823 1.251 2.580E+06 1.252E--02
36 14.5 2.74E+02 35.2 2.515E+04 1.320 1783 1.223 3.480E+06 7.225E--03
37 13.6 2.86E+02 35.2 2.625E+04 1.341 1740 1.194 4.776E+06 5.496E--03
38 12.6 4.04E+02 35.2 3.708E+04 1.367 1695 1.163 6.796E+06 5.456E--03
39 11.6 4.29E+02 35.2 3.937E+04 1.398 1645 1.129 1.009E+07 3.903E--03
40 10.6 4.49E+02 35.2 4.121E+04 1.438 1591 1.091 1.572E+07 2.622E--03
41 9.5 4.68E+02 35.2 4.295E+04 1.489 1531 1.051 2.594E+07 1.656E--03
42 8.3 3.03E+02 35.2 2.781E+04 1.558 1467 1.007 4.583E+07 6.067E--04
43 7.1 1.76E+02 35.2 1.615E+04 1.655 1396 0.958 2.046E+08 7.894E--05
44 5.8 1.20E+01 35.2 1.101E+03 1.800 1317 0.903 1.368E+09 8.049E--07
45 4.4 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
46 3.0 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
47 1.6 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
48 0.0 6.04E+06 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
Total 6.001E+05 Miner sum 9.993E--01
Table C.3 -- Example for calculation of bending safety factor from load spectrum safety
factor 1,324
Pinion Time over Pinion Face load Bending Cycles to Damage
Bin No. cycles in Life factor
torque 70 days speed factor stress failure parts
30 years
T1 n1 N KFC TF ¯ SF YNT Nf Ui
kN m s r/min N/mm2 (N/Nf)
1 25.6 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
2 25.5 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
3 25.4 2.40E+01 35.2 2.203E+03 1.261 1458 1.551 6.470E+04 3,404E--02
4 25.3 1.40E+01 35.2 1.285E+03 1.261 1453 1.547 6.644E+04 1,934E--02
5 25.3 9.00E+00 35.2 8.259E+02 1.261 1449 1.542 6.825E+04 1,210E--02
6 25.2 1.40E+01 35.2 1.285E+03 1.261 1444 1.537 7.010E+04 1,833E--02
7 25.1 2.80E+01 35.2 2.570E+03 1.261 1440 1.532 7.202E+04 3.568E--02
8 25.0 1.40E+01 35.2 1.285E+03 1.261 1435 1.527 7.419E+04 1.732E--02
9 24.9 9.00E+00 35.2 8.259E+02 1.261 1430 1.521 7.664E+04 1.078E--02
10 24.8 1.90E+01 35.2 1.744E+03 1.261 1424 1.515 7.941E+04 2.196E--02
11 24.7 2.80E+01 35.2 2.570E+03 1.261 1418 1.509 8.249E+04 3.115E--02
12 24.6 3.30E+01 35.2 3.028E+03 1.261 1411 1.502 8.598E+04 3.522E--02
13 24.5 2.40E+01 35.2 2.203E+03 1.261 1404 1.494 9.009E+04 2.445E--02
14 24.3 2.40E+01 35.2 2.203E+03 1.261 1395 1.485 9.499E+04 2.319E--02
15 24.2 1.90E+01 35.2 1.744E+03 1.261 1386 1.475 1.007E+05 1.732E--02
16 24.0 2.60E+01 35.2 2.386E+03 1.261 1375 1.464 1.075E+05 2.220E--02
17 23.8 5.20E+01 35.2 4.772E+03 1.261 1364 1.452 1.153E+05 4.138E--02
18 23.6 4.70E+01 35.2 4.313E+03 1.261 1352 1.439 1.249E+05 3.453E--02
19 23.3 6.20E+01 35.2 5.690E+03 1.261 1338 1.424 1.367E+05 4.164E--02
20 23.1 8.80E+01 35.2 8.076E+03 1.261 1323 1.408 1.509E+05 5.352E--02
21 22.8 6.60E+01 35.2 6.057E+03 1.261 1307 1.390 1.683E+05 3.599E--02
22 22.5 1.63E+02 35.2 1.496E+04 1.261 1289 1.372 1.897E+05 7.885E--02
23 22.1 1.80E+02 35.2 1.652E+04 1.261 1269 1.351 2.168E+05 7.619E--02
24 21.8 8.30E+01 35.2 7.617E+03 1.261 1248 1.328 2.514E+05 3.030E--02
25 21.4 2.00E+02 35.2 1.835E+04 1.261 1225 1.303 2.960E+05 6.200E--02
26 20.9 2.12E+02 35.2 1.946E+04 1.261 1200 1.277 3.542E+05 5.493E--02
27 20.5 1.04E+02 35.2 9.544E+03 1.261 1173 1.249 4.310E+05 2.214E--02
28 20.0 2.38E+02 35.2 2.184E+04 1.261 1144 1.218 5.359E+05 4.075E--02
29 19.4 2.53E+02 35.2 2.322E+04 1.261 1113 1.185 6.820E+05 3.405E--02
30 18.8 2.00E+02 35.2 1.835E+04 1.261 1080 1.149 8.893E+05 2.064E--02
31 18.2 2.06E+02 35.2 1.890E+04 1.261 1044 1.111 1.191E+06 1.587E--02
32 17.6 2.97E+02 35.2 2.726E+04 1.261 1007 1.071 1.644E+06 1.658E--02
33 16.9 3.16E+02 35.2 2.900E+04 1.261 966 1.028 2.352E+06 1.233E--02
34 16.1 3.34E+02 35.2 3.065E+04 1.261 923 0.982 7.313E+06 4.191E--03
35 15.3 3.52E+02 35.2 3.230E+04 1.261 877 0.934 9.249E+07 3.493E--04
36 14.5 2.74E+02 35.2 2.515E+04 1,274 837 0.891 9.470E+08 2.655E--05
37 13.6 2.86E+02 35.2 2.625E+04 1,292 797 0.848 1.129E+10 2.326E--06
38 12.6 4.04E+02 35.2 3.708E+04 1,314 754 0.802 1.796E+11 2.065E--07
39 11.6 4.29E+02 35.2 3.937E+04 1,341 708 0.754 4.006E+12 9.827E--09
40 10.6 4.49E+02 35.2 4.121E+04 1,375 660 0.703 1.322E+14 3.117E--10
41 9.5 4.68E+02 35.2 4.295E+04 1,419 610 0.649 6.965E+15 6.167E--12
42 8.3 3.03E+02 35.2 2.781E+04 1,477 557 0.593 6.408E+17 4.339E--14
43 7.1 1.76E+02 35.2 1.615E+04 1,560 501 0.534 1.230E+20 1.313E--16
44 5.8 1.20E+01 35.2 1.101E+03 1,685 443 0.471 6.019E+22 1.830E--20
45 4.4 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
46 3.0 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
47 1.6 0.00E+00 35.2 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
48 0.0 6.04E+06 0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
Total 6.001E+05 Miner sum 9.993E--01
X number of load cycles, NL
Y1 contact stress, H, HG, N/mm2
Y2 root stress, F, FG, N/mm2
Figure C.1 -- Woehler damage curves
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additional information.
1. ISO 701:1998, International gear notation -- 10. Palmgren, A. Durability of Ball Bearings,
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Nr. 168 (1984)
7. Krause, J.K. Predicting the Life of Mechanical 14. Wetzler, R.M., Editor, Fatigue Under Complex
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8. Miner, M.A. Cumulative Damage in Fatigue,
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15. Zenner, H., Griese, F.--W, Raecker, R.
A159-- 164.
Steigerung der Zuverlässigkeit von Großgetrieben
9. Nelson, D. Cumulative Fatigue Damage in durch gezielte Auswertung vorhandener
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