Gi Study Guide
Gi Study Guide
Gi Study Guide
Gallstone ileus classically presents with Rigler's triad of pneumobilia (air in the biliary
tree due to fistula), small bowel obstruction, and visualized gallstone in the bowels
on imaging.
Enterocolitis due to Campylobacter causes loose, watery, or bloody stools; fever; and
abdominal pain.
Enterocolitis due to Yersinia may cause bloody diarrhea, typically in children aged 1 to
4 years in daycare settings.
Salmonellosis due to Salmonella can cause bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Dysentery due to Shigella can cause abrupt-onset diarrhea containing blood
and mucus with tenesmus.
Enterocolitis due to Necator americanus causes abdominal pain, diarrhea (sometimes
bloody), and iron-deficiency anemia.
In an individual with colorectal carcinoma, barium enema x-ray will often show a
sharply defined circumferential "apple-core" constriction of the colon.
Whipple disease → fat malabsorption → vitamin D deficiency → increased PTH →
increased MSH → skin hyperpigmentation.
Psyllium, a bulk-forming laxative, soaks up water, swells, and forms a bulky stool in the
intestine. This can help both constipation and mild diarrhea by producing stool that's
easier to pass and reducing free water in the lumen.
[Choices A and B]: Famotidine (an H2 receptor blocker) and omeprazole (a proton
pump inhibitor) are both used to treat GERD.
Lubiprostone, a chloride channel activator, helps bring water into the lumen of the
intestine. This softens the stool and makes it easier to pass, relieving constipation.